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LAW 531 Apply Week 1 Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis and
Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements (Solar Co Inc) (2
Apply: Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis And Enforceability of Arbitration
Agreements INSTRUCTIONS Resources: Ch.3 and Ch. 4 of Legal
Environment of Business: Online Commerce Business Ethics, and Global
Issues; Law Libraries and databases from the internet. Scenario: Solar
Co. Inc., a solar panel manufacturing and installation company, has
recently encountered a series of scandals and bad publicity relating to
detective solar panels, poor workmanship, and employee allegations of
harassment by executives within the company. one claim resulted in a
two-year trial which Solar Co. lost: all other claims were settled out of
court. Solar Co, enters into a contract with XYZ Media to prepare a 6-
month national advertising and public relations campaign to help
restore its tarnished reputation at a cost of $600,000.XYZ Media
launches the campaign, and it is successful for the first two months
until XYZ’s computer servers are hacked and all client information is lost
because XYZ failed to.
LAW 531 Apply Week 2 Business Forms and Governance (2
PPT) (Solar Co Inc)
Apply: Business Forms and Governance Resources: Legal Environment
of Business: online commerce,Business Ethics , and global
issues.Ch.14,15, and 16; Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings; Business
Entities Assignment Scenario: You are a sole proprietor presenting to a
group of investors, seeking 20 million dollar to raise capital for your
solar panel manufacturing and installation company, Solar Co. Prepare
a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Sway, or Prezi
presentation with speaker notes for your potential investors, and
address the following items: • Choose one type of business entity
that you plan to use for solar Co., and explain why you would choose
this type of entity rather than the others. what risks and issues specific
to this industry and solar Co’s business influenced your decision? •
Assume that at least one investor will question whether Solar Co.
should be organized as a corporation. Summarize, for the investors,
what legal liabilities could aside for the direction or officers of that
corporation. How could those liabilities for the directors and officers be
minimized? Click the Assignment files tab to submit your assignment.
LAW 531 Apply Week 3 Tort and Criminal Law Case Brief
(New Syllabus) (2 Papers)
Apply: Tort and Criminal Law IRAC Case Brief Review the "IRAC
Method" section of Ch. 1. Research one legal case or recent event
involving a tort and one legal case or recent event related to criminal
law. Each case or event should have taken place within the past two
years. Write in-depth briefs explaining your selected cases using the
IRAC method. Each case brief should be 350 to 525 words and include
an explanation of how the legal concepts in the selected case can be
applied within a managerial business setting including considerations
such as but not limited to: • Insurance • Internal auditing and
reporting procedures • Explaining what could have been done
differently in each case to avoid or reduce harm/risk Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LAW 531 Apply Week 4 The Use of Contracts to Protect
Property Rights (Wrench LLC v Taco Bell) (2 Papers)
Apply The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights Read the
summary of the Wrench LLC v. Taco Bell Corporation case in the
"Ethics: Implied-in- Fact Contract Prevents Unjust Result" section of Ch.
9. It is suggested that you also research and read the full court opinion,
using the summary in the textbook to aid your understanding of the
legal issues presented. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using
Microsoft Word to address the following questions: • What type of
intellectual property was at issue in this case? Were these ideas
entitled to protection under the law? • Explain the difference
between an implied-in-law (quasi contract) and an implied-in-fact
contract. What type of contract was at issue in this case? • Explain
what the parties could have done differently to protect their rights and
avoid this dispute. • Explain how a properly written contract could have
been utilized for the licensing and use of the intellectual property to
prevent the issue, and provide terms you would recommend be
included in such a contract. • Identify and explain each of the
elements that would have been necessary to form a valid contract. Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LAW 531 Apply Week 5 Drafting Employee Handbook Policies
(Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers)
Apply Drafting Employee Handbook Policies Resource: Developing
Effective Social Media Policies Solar Co. Inc., a solar panel
manufacturing and installation company, has recently encountered
several legal issues related to harassment allegations by employees,
mistakenly classifying workers as independent contractors rather than
employees, and internal disputes related to employees posting
sensitive company information on their personal social media accounts
outside of work. To prevent these issues from happening in the future,
Solar Co. is in the process of updating its employee handbook, and the
CEO has asked you to draft several pieces of material for inclusion in
the handbook with each piece containing at least 175 words. The
information needed in the request is identified below: • A policy
related to the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination
including specific action items that will be required of employees and
management. • A section explaining the difference between an
employee and an independent contractor. •A policy that helps ensure
workers are properly classified by including specific action items that
will be required of employees and management. • A policy related
to employee use of social media such as guidelines related to
appropriate content and identification of Solar Co. in any posts
including specific action items that will be required of employees and
management. Be sure to include explanations and justifications for
each of your policies to help the CEO understand why each one is
necessary. Click the Assignment Files tab and submit your assignment
as a Microsoft Word document.
LAW 531 Apply Week 6 Regulatory Compliance and Protection
of Investors and Consumers (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers)
Apply Regulatory Compliance and Protection of Investors and
Consumers Resources: Four agencies: U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA),OccupationalSafety and Health Administration (OSHA), and
U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Scenario: Your solar
panel manufacturing and installation company,Solar Co. Inc.,is in the
process of "going public," has underwritten its Initial Public Offering
(IPO), and filed its registration statement with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission. Your current executive team has asked you to
create a plan ensuring compliance with a variety of regulations that will
apply to Solar Co. as the company goes public and continues to expand.
Write a discussion in no more than 175 words about each of the four
federal agencies provided above including the following: • Explain the
role and function of the agency. • Identify at least two significant
regulations enforced by each agency relevant to Solar Co.'s business
(totaling eight regulations). • Provide recommendations for Solar
Co. to ensure compliance with each of the regulations including specific
action items to be taken by employees and management. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LAW 531 Assignment Alternative Dispute Resolution in both
domestic and international disputes (New)
Purpose of Assignment Law impacts how business operations perform.
With globalization, the law's impact and corresponding business risks
have grown. The student will learn to consider how and when a
business risk should be pursued under traditional litigation (lawsuit,
answer, and discovery) and where alternative dispute resolution
methods are appropriate in both domestic and international disputes.
Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online
Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (pp. 23-32),
Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library
of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database Select a business or
industry with which you are familiar and, in a minimum of 700 words,
excluding title and reference pages, develop an analysis including the
following: • Identify at least two ways the U.S. legal system affects
that business or industry. • Examine the risks that business or industry
encounters when dealing with traditional litigation, (suit, answer,
discovery, trial) and what measures business managers can take to
reduce exposure to those risks. •Choose a global/international business
dispute from your business or industry, then compare and contrast one
form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with traditional litigation
with regard to that dispute, and recommend which method is preferred
and why. Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly
reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit
your assignment.
LAW 531 Assignment Law of Torts (New Syllabus)
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis methodology and other
postings I have made on the IRAC methodology including the example
of its real life application in the first 3 weerks' course materials
Background: Eves-Drop Inc is a company based in the USA which
designs, manufactures, and sells electronic recording devices. These
devices are used by law enforcement agencies-police, FBI, and so forth-
to intercept and record sounds and voices. The equipment taps into
telephone wires and cell phone transmission, and picks up sounds and
voices through the walls of a house or in open-air locations using a
remote microphone. Part of the equipment is driven by software
written by its employees. Consider the following scenarios and analyze
in IRAC format: Determine what torts offenses may have been
committed, by whom, and who may Eves-Drop Inc pursue for remedy?
1. Recently a new company, Listening Corp., a competitor of Eves-Drop
Inc., has placed an ad in a well-known industry magazine that contains
statements against Eves-Drop Inc and its products. The article makes
claims that the recording devices that Eves-Drop Inc., produces are low
quality and not reliable. 2. Eves-Drop was recently faced with the
situation of one of their employee's breaching their contract by quitting
and going to work for the competitor Listening Corp. The employee was
Mary who was head of research and development. Mary still had two
years left in her contract with Eves-Drop, and the contract also stated
that she could not work for a competitor during the two year period
that remained regardless of whether she was fired or chose to leave.
Ultimately Mary decided to leave prior to the completion of her
contract and accepted the offer Listening Corp., made her with a 10%
increase in salary and $5,000.00 signing bonus.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 1 The Role and Function of Law in
Global Business (New Syllabus) (2 Papers)
Purpose of Assignment Law impacts how business operations perform.
With globalization, the law's impact and corresponding business risks
have grown. The student will learn to consider how and when a
business risk should be pursued under traditional litigation (lawsuit,
answer, and discovery) and where alternative dispute resolution
methods are appropriate in both domestic and international disputes.
Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online
Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (pp. 23-32),
Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library
of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database Select a business or
industry with which you are familiar and, in a minimum of 700 words,
excluding title and reference pages, develop an analysis including the
following: • Identify at least two ways the U.S. legal system affects
that business or industry. • Examine the risks that business or industry
encounters when dealing with traditional litigation, (suit, answer,
discovery, trial) and what measures business managers can take to
reduce exposure to those risks. •Choose a global/international business
dispute from your business or industry, then compare and contrast one
form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with traditional litigation
with regard to that dispute, and recommend which method is preferred
and why. Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly
reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit
your assignment.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 2 Business Forms and Governance
Presentation (New Syllabus ) (2 PPT)
Purpose of Assignment The legal form an entity or individual takes is a
decision that must be considered from a risk and liability perspective,
not simply one of ease of formation or cost. Form can impact the
entities ability to grow and, in some circumstances, its ability to survive.
As you consider this reality and approach this assignment, consider not
only the form the business takes but also the way it will be governed.
Remember the law requires business leaders conduct their business
ethically and within the boundaries of the law. Assignment Steps
Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business
Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 14, 15, 16 and 17; Week 2 Electronic
Reserve Readings; Legal Source database located in the Week 2
Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: You are sole proprietor
presenting to a group of investors where you are seeking 20 million
dollars to raise capital for your manufacturing company. Prepare a 10-
to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for your potential
investors including both parts: Part I: Choose the one form of
organization best suited for your manufacturing company and explain
why: • Partnership • Limited Liability Partnership • Limited
Liability Company (including single member LLC) • S Corporation •
Franchise • Corporation Outline for the investors which form
of organization (from the list of six under the first bullet) would be the
least suited and why? Part II: Address the following for the investors
regarding the corporate form of organization only (from the list of six
under the first bullet): • Summarize for investors what legal
liabilities could arise for the Director or officer of that board? •
Explain how you could minimize those liabilities for the Director or
officer of that board? Cite a minimum of three scholarly references.
One scholarly reference must be from the University Library. Format
your paper consistent with APA Guidelines.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Tort and Criminal
Liability Presentation (2 PPT)
Purpose of Assignment Why do businesses enter into agency
relationships and hire independent contractors instead of employees. Is
it simply cost? Is it a question of liability, or is it a combination of the
two? As you approach this week's assignment, consider these questions
and think about how they impact risk and what factors in that business
create the most risk for the employees and executives. Is it always the
same? Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business:
Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and
Ch. 7 Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation,
including detailed speaker notes (speaker notes not required for
introduction, conclusion, and reference slides). The speaker notes for
each slide should serve as the text for your presentation. Address the
following: • Learning Team Requirements: o Differentiate
between the following Agency types: Express, Implied, Apparent and
Ratification. o Discuss what classifies a worker as an independent
contractor. o Collaborate and discuss at least 2 business torts and 2
criminal activities that businesses deal with. o Defend the collective
finding of the Learning Team and its conclusions. Cite a minimum of five
scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the
University Library and one must be the textbook. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit
your assignment. Submit one Learning Team Log to the Assignment tab.
Each team member must submit their individual portion of the paper,
identified as such, to the Assignment tab.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Torts and Liability
(New Syllabus)
Purpose of Assignment You may be familiar with personal torts such as
negligence; however, business torts are different as they are being
committed not against the person but rather against its intangible
assets. Think about what this means and how each aspect of your work
might result in a business tort being committed. Assignment Steps
Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business
Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7; Legal Source database
located in the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: In the
midst of the ongoing rhetoric and movement to achieve Tort Reform,
business tort liability must be acknowledged and planned for as a
reality. As the manager of legal risk and corporate governance for a
major multi-national pharmaceutical corporation, the board of
directors has commissioned you to work alongside your CEO and
General Counsel to prepare a report regarding this liability and the
exposure it creates for the organization. Create a maximum 1,050-word
report, excluding title and reference pages. Address the following in the
report: • Evaluate the impact of business tort liability on the
pharmaceutical industry in general. • Determine the growth of
business tort liability in the pharmaceutical industry and discuss where
and why tort reform is needed. •Assess the impact of business tort
liability on corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute. • Explain
how business tort liability can be reduced through the implementation
of the risk management process. • Analyze how business tort
liability can escalate to criminal liability. Cite a minimum of two
references for the five content areas taken from a business or legal
resource. One reference must be from the University Library. Format
your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 4 Property Rights, Cybercrime,
and Cyber piracys Impact on Domestic and Foreign Business
(New Syllabus) (2 PPT, 2 Papers)
Purpose of Assignment Business managers are confronted on a daily
basis with decisions regarding the use of real, personal, and intellectual
property, and the rights and duties existing with relation to these
property rights while at work. Add cybercrime, cyber piracy, and
international business operations to this equation, and the manager is
left with much to consider when evaluating the legal risks associated
with the use of these properties as they engage in their business
activities. It is the purpose of this assignment to promote the
evaluation of all risks when using company and personal property,
particularly intellectual property, both domestically and internationally.
About Your Signature Assignment This signature assignment is designed
to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your
program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements
that describe what students should know and be able to do upon
completion of their degree. The signature assignments may be graded
with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that
can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for
program improvements. Assignment Steps Resources: sites such as:
Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase
law database Scenario: Your company's board of directors is exploring
expansion of your business and is looking to you to prepare an analysis
(Part 1) and presentation (Part II) regarding whether that expansion
should be domestic or international. Part 1 (Word Document) Prepare
an analysis of the property rights, risks, and benefits of each in a
minimum of 1,050 words, excluding the title and reference page,
including the following: • Introduction • Decide what actions a
manager in your business should take to identify and protect the
tangible property rights of your domestic and international business. •
Summarize the actions a manager in your business should take to
identify and protect the intellectual property rights of your domestic
and international business. • Explain what actions a manager in
your business should take to identify and protect the organization from
violating the intellectual property (IP) rights of others. • Analyze
what special problems arise regarding property rights when your
business decides to do business outside the United States. • Evaluate
the legal risks associated with all property rights, domestically and
internationally, for your business. • Apply the risk management
process to mitigate the legal risks for your business. • Evaluate
contract formation in your business as it relates to its Intellectual
Property and recommend one contract method of contract dispute
resolution for use in your business. • Conclusion Cite a minimum of
three scholarly references. (Include web links of where references cited
from) Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines including APA
citations. Part 2 (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with detailed
speaker notes included and short-worded bullet point topics on slides).
Create a 5-to-7 slide (excluding title and reference page) Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentation summary to the company's board of
directors addressing the following: • Introduction • List two reasons
for domestic expansion. • List two reasons for international
expansion. • Compare and contrast both domestic and international
expansion. • Make your recommendation to the board of directors.
• Conclusion • References Cite a minimum of two scholarly
references. (Include web links of where references cited from) Format
your presentation consistent with APA guidelines & APA citations in
speaker notes.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Agency and Employment Law
(New Syllabus) (2 PPT)
Purpose of Assignment Employment costs are arguably a business's
biggest expense. Consider how employment law regulates concepts
such as discrimination, injuries on the job, employee vs. independent
contractor, wrongful discharge, and unionization, to name a few. As
you research for this assignment, consider the decisions made in this
area are more than business decisions - they can impact lives. How do
we reconcile between negatively impacting employees while favorably
impacting the bottom line? Assignment Steps Resources: Legal
Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and
Global Issues: Ch. 18, 19, 20, and 21. Scenario: As employment costs
continue to escalate, it is incumbent upon organizations to continually
monitor its internal operations to ensure best practices are being
followed. To that end, your CEO has asked you to prepare a SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Prepare a
SWOT analysis in one of the following formats: Consider how a principal
and agent relationship impacts a business and its employees. Compare
how express, implied, and apparent authority created by the principal
and agent impacts equal opportunities for employees. Identify the laws
protecting workers against discriminatory practices. Evaluate how the
legal protections present in the workplace differ for employee and
independent contractors. Cite a minimum of two references for the
four content areas taken from a business or legal resource. At least one
reference must be from the University Library.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Team Title VII, ADA, FMLA,
Immigration and Discrimination Presentation (New Syllabus) (2
Purpose of Assignment Discrimination, Workers' Rights, Americans with
Disabilities Act, and Family Medical Leave all flow from Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964. As you work through this assignment consider
how the law continues to be updated to represent the will of the
people, and consider the role the government has in this process.
Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online
Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 19, 20, and 21;
Government websites dedicated to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family Medical
Leave Act (FMLA). Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®
presentation, including detailed speaker notes (speaker notes not
required for introduction, conclusion, and reference slides). The
speaker notes for each slide should serve as the text for your
presentation. Address the following: • Describe the scope of coverage
of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. • Summarize the role of Title
VII on businesses and describe how race, color, and national origin are
protected. • Explain what businesses must do to protect employees
against gender discrimination and sexual harassment. • Analyze
what protections are afforded by the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and the liability issues it may cause for employers. • Assess the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and how it protects workers. •
Evaluate the elements of the current immigration law. Cite a
minimum of five scholarly references. One peer-reviewed reference
must be from the University Library. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment. Reference: Cheeseman, H (2016). Legal
Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and
Global Issues (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
LAW 531 Assignment Week 6 Regulatory Compliance and
Governance (New Syllabus)
Purpose of Assignment Corporate fraud has cost businesses and its
shareholders millions of dollars and has been the source of legislation
and regulations attempting to provide oversight and guidance to
corporate boards, executives, and practitioners. Think about how these
laws have changed the practices of corporate executives and, in light of
the Enron scandal et al., has it been enough? Assignment Steps
Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business
Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 16 (pp. 364 -368), 22, and 23. Scenario:
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has been in effect since 2002 and has
cost businesses millions of dollars in personnel and administrative
costs. Your company is in the process of "going public," has
underwritten its Initial Public Offering (IPO), and filed its registration
statement with the Securities Exchange Commission. Your current
executive team has asked you to create a plan ensuring SOX compliance
is followed once you become a publicly traded company. Review the
pertinent sections of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Act. For purposes of
this proposal to the board, only concern yourself with the compliance
provisions of SOX (Sections 302, 401, 404, 409, and 802). Create a
maximum 1,050-word proposal to the board outling the compliance
project necessary to implement SOX. Cite a minimum of one reference
for the five content areas taken from a business or legal resource. One
resource must be from the University Library. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit
your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document
LAW 531 Entire Course (2 Set)
LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018) LAW 531 Apply Week 1
Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis and Enforceability of Arbitration
Agreements (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 2 Business
Forms and Governance (2 PPT) (Solar Co Inc) LAW 531 Apply Week 3
Tort and Criminal Law Case Brief (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) LAW 531
Apply Week 4 The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights (Wrench
LLC v Taco Bell) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 5 Drafting Employee
Handbook Policies (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 6
Regulatory Compliance and Protection of Investors and Consumers
(Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018) LAW
531 Assignment Week 1 The Role and Function of Law in Global
Business (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Assignment Week 2
Business Forms and Governance Presentation (New Syllabus ) (2 PPT)
LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Torts and Liability (New
Syllabus) LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Tort and Criminal
Liability Presentation (2 PPT) LAW 531 Assignment Week 4 Property
Rights, Cybercrime, and Cyber piracys Impact on Domestic and Foreign
Business (New Syllabus) (2 PPT, 2 Papers) LAW 531 Assignment Week 5
Team Title VII, ADA, FMLA, Immigration and Discrimination
Presentation (New Syllabus) (2 PPT) LAW 531 Assignment Week 6
Regulatory Compliance and Governance (New Syllabus) LAW 531
Assignment Alternative Dispute Resolution in both domestic and
international disputes (New) LAW 531 Assignment Law of Torts (New
Syllabus) LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Agency and Employment Law
(New Syllabus) (2 PPT) LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New, 2017)
LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018)
1. The obligation owed by individuals to one another not to cause any
unreasonable harm or any risk of harm is called: duty of care duty of
restoration. duty of loyalty. duty of restitution. 2. Which of the
following best describes the term warranty? It refers to the terms in a
sales contract stipulating the party that will bear the risk of loss of
goods during shipment. It is a purchaser’s title to goods obtained by the
impersonation of another person. It is the seller’s assurance to a buyer
that the goods sold meet certain standards of quality. It refers to the
transfer of possession of stolen property to a person who had bought
the property without the knowledge that it has been stolen. 3 The
manifestation of the substance of a contract by two or more individuals
is called __________. acceptance an agreement an offer consideration
4 Workers’compensation is defined as the: set of programs mandated
by the government to ensure safety in places of work. remuneration
awarded to employees and their families when the employees are
injured on the job. insurance obtained by employees from private
insurance companies and government-sponsored programs. system
that provides retirement and death benefits to covered employees and
their dependents. 5. Which of the following applies to trade restraints
that are inherently anticompetitive? The per se rule The pro rata rule
The rule of four The rule of reason 6. A group boycott occurs when:
competitors at one level of distribution collectively refuse to deal with
others at a different level of distribution. parties enter into a trade
agreement that has greater anticompetitive effects than
procompetitive effects. competitors agree that they will distribute their
goods to only a particular portion of the market. parties at different
levels of distribution enter into an agreement to adhere to a schedule
that will stabilize prices. 7. Which of the following scenarios is an
example of law and ethics contradicting each other? the trademarked
garment designs of a well-known fashion designer. A restaurateur,
whose restaurant is violating labor laws, bribes a federal official to
prevent him from reporting the violations. A florist in the United States
employs an illegal immigrant to help the immigrant and her family
overcome their financial difficulties. An iron-ore manufacturing
company provides its employees with high-quality safety equipment. 8.
Corporate officers are elected by a corporation’s __________. board of
directors preferred stockholders owners common stockholders 9.
Which of the following is a category of torts? Personal liability
Nonintent crime Professional malpractice Strict liability 10. Corporate
officers are best described as: owners of a corporation with limited
liability for its debts and obligations. directors elected by a
corporation’s shareholders. employees appointed to manage the daily
operations of a corporation. partners pursuing a joint venture
transaction 11. 11 Which of the following is a remedy that requires the
breaching party to perform the acts promised in a contract? Binding
arbitration Special damages Specific performance Punitive damages 12.
Helen buys a toy railway set for her 3-year-old son, Ben. The product’s
cover mentions that the toy is suitable for children only aged between
3 and 12. While playing with the toy one evening, without Helen’s
supervision, Ben chokes on an inch-long engine driver figure that forms
part of the train. Although he survives, he is traumatized by the
incident. For which type of defect can Helen sue the toy manufacturer?
Failure to tamperproof Defect in product packaging Failure to warn
Defect in manufacture 13. An agency that appears to be created by a
principal but does not exist in reality is called a(n) __________. fully
disclosed agency implied agency apparent agency agency by ratification
14. 14 Robert orders coffee while having breakfast in a diner. He suffers
third-degree burn injuries when the coffee accidently spills on him. He
presses charges against the diner for failing to notify him that the
coffee was exceptionally hot. In this scenario, the diner is guilty of a(n)
__________. intentional tort unintentional tort nonintent crime intent
crime 15. When an employer does not discriminate against women in
general but treats women above the age of 40 differently, the employer
is practicing __________. color discrimination religious discrimination
sex-plus discrimination racial discrimination 16. Insider trading is
considered illegal because: it results in excessive losses for the
company. it makes use of nonmaterial public information. it fails to
account for the short-swing profits brought into a company. it limits
investment opportunities for the investing public. 17. When can an
arbitrator’s decision and award be appealed to the courts? When an
arbitration is binding While entering a negotiation While drafting a
submission agreement When an arbitration is nonbinding 18. When
one party acquires a license to use another party’s business model and
intellectual property in the distribution of goods and services, the
arrangement is a __________. limited liability partnership franchise
joint venture kickback 19. Which of the following is a difference
between embezzlement and larceny? Embezzlement is an unintentional
tort, whereas larceny is a nonintent crime. Embezzlement is usually
punishable by the payment of monetary damages, whereas larceny is
usually punishable by the death penalty. Embezzlement is the stealing
of property by a person to whom the property was entrusted, whereas
larceny is the stealing of property by a person not entrusted with it.
Embezzlement is the snatching of personal property from a person’s
home, whereas larceny is the snatching of personal property from a
person on the street. 20. Which of the following is a criticism of the
ethical fundamentalism theory? It does not allow people to decide for
themselves what is right and what is wrong. It is impossible in the real
world to expect that everyone in society will obey moral rules. It does
not reach an agreement on what the universal rules should be. It is
impossible to measure the “good” that may result from different
actions. 21. Which of the following is a characteristic of torts? They are
usually not tried by the jury. They are brought to court by a plaintiff.
They are punishable by the death penalty. They are tried by criminal
procedure. 22. 2 A goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is to: control
and closely monitor the financial accounts of all corporations in the
United States. allow directors and executive officers of public
companies to be given personal loans from the companies. end
conflicts of interest, establishing better corporate governance. enable
smooth settlement of alleged fraud among major corporations. 23.
Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, or religion in
the workplace primarily serve the function of: minimizing the freedom
of employees. providing a basis for compromise. advocating social
justice. creating a new status quo. 24. Which of the following is a
requirement for obtaining a patent for an invention? The invention
must be in the form of a service. The invention must be original. The
invention needs to be made of highly valuable components. The
invention needs to be recognizable to the general public. 25. The power
and authority to exclude competition or control prices is known as
__________. enumerated power implied power monopoly power
reserved power 26. Which of the following is an advantage of
franchising? It allows businesses to reach profitable new markets. It
enables two businesses to pool their resources to pursue a common
goal. It allows a business to consist of only general partnRoberers. It
grants free access to the intellectual property of a business to anyone in
the same market. 27. Laws that protect governments from being
overthrown primarily serve the function of: minimizing individual
freedom. advocating social justice providing bases for compromise.
maintaining the status quo. 28. Which of the following is prohibited by
the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) with regard to food? The sale
of non-organic food products Labeling of raw seafood products Labeling
of genetically engineered food products The sale of adulterated food
29. Which of the following is a difference between arbitration and
mediation? The decision of an arbitrator is nonbinding, whereas the
decision of a mediator is binding. The role of an arbitrator is merely to
assist parties in reaching a settlement, whereas the role of a mediator is
similar to the role of a trial judge. An arbitrator is authorized to issue an
award, whereas a mediator can only assist in reaching a settlement.
Arbitration is an informal method of dispute resolution, whereas
mediation is a formal method of dispute resolution. 30. Ken owns a
small convenience store in a street corner in California. One afternoon,
a teenage boy enters his store, looks around, and prepares to walk out
without buying anything. Ken is wary of the boy because of the boy’s
shabby clothing. He stops and asks the boy to empty his pockets and
then questions him for about five minutes. After finding that the boy
does not have anything from the store on him, Ken reluctantly lets him
go. Which of the following is a merchant protection statute that Ken
has violated? Reasonable grounds for suspicion Adequate assurance of
performance Reasonable duration of detention Adverse possession
LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 1
Describe a dispute that may arise in a business where it is appropriate
to use an ADR process to resolve the dispute. What ADR
processes work best to resolve the dispute? Explain your answer.
What ADR processes are not suitable for resolving the dispute you have
referenced? Explain your response. Try to avoid selecting a dispute
mentioned by other students
LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 2
Select a product with which you are familiar, or a product that captures
your attention. Describe some product liability issues that may arise
with that product? What measures can management take to prevent
the product liability problems from arising? How can management
minimize legal risk involving the product?
LAW 531 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Role and
Function of Law in Business (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Write a summary in a minimum of 1,400
words in which you discuss the roles of law and courts in today's
business environment. Include the following: Explain the origins of the
U.S. judicial system and how the judicial system impacts and affects
businesses. Discuss the concept of judicial review. Describe the
different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how they
can be used in business. Identify and explain how laws impact and play
a role in global businesses. Explain how foreign and local laws or
regulations affect your current job or industry. Cite a minimum of 3
scholarly references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment in a
Microsoft® Word document.
LAW 531 Week 2 Assignment Report on Business Forms (1100
Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business
Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 14, 15, 16 and 17; Week 2 Electronic
Reserve Readings; Legal Source database located in the Week 2
Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: You are sole proprietor
presenting to a group of investors where you are seeking 20 million
dollars to raise capital for your manufacturing company. Prepare a
memo discussing the following to investors: Choose the one form of
organization best suited for your manufacturing company and explain
why: • Partnership • Limited Liability Partnership • Limited
Liability Company (including single member LLC) • S Corporation •
Franchise • Corporation Explain for the investors which form
of organization (from the list above) would be the least suited and
why? (The legal form an entity or individual takes is a decision that
must be considered from a risk and liability perspective, not simply one
of ease of formation or cost. Form can impact the entities ability to
grow and, in some circumstances, its ability to survive. As you consider
this reality and approach this assignment, consider not only the form
the business takes but also the way it will be governed. Remember the
law requires business leaders conduct their business ethically and
within the boundaries of the law.) Summarize for investors what legal
liabilities could arise for the Director or officer of that board? Explain
how you could minimize those liabilities for the Director or officer of
that board.
LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 1
What risks do organizations encounter when they are forced to engage
in litigation? What measures should managers take to reduce
exposure to those risks?
LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 2
Watch the Bullies on the Job video posted in the student materials. As
indicated in the video, incivility on the job is becoming prevalent. As a
manager, what preventative measures might you take to avoid
potential torts within a business context, such as the ones identified in
the video?
LAW 531 Week 2 Individual Assignment Business
Organizations and Governance (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers There are seven forms of business: sole
proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability
company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, franchise,
and corporation. Part 1: Write an 525-word response to the following:
Select one of the forms of business identified above. Research and
provide three advantages and three disadvantages for this business
form. Part 2: Write six 175-word summaries, a total of 1,050 words, in
which you provide the following: Choose an example business for each
of the remaining forms of business listed above. Discuss at least one of
the advantages, one of the disadvantages, and the potential legal forms
that might be required for each of the remaining forms of business
listed above. Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Format your
paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment in a Microsoft® Word document.

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LAW 531 MART Education

  • 1. LAW 531 Apply Week 1 Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis and Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply: Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis And Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements INSTRUCTIONS Resources: Ch.3 and Ch. 4 of Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce Business Ethics, and Global Issues; Law Libraries and databases from the internet. Scenario: Solar Co. Inc., a solar panel manufacturing and installation company, has recently encountered a series of scandals and bad publicity relating to detective solar panels, poor workmanship, and employee allegations of harassment by executives within the company. one claim resulted in a two-year trial which Solar Co. lost: all other claims were settled out of court. Solar Co, enters into a contract with XYZ Media to prepare a 6- month national advertising and public relations campaign to help restore its tarnished reputation at a cost of $600,000.XYZ Media launches the campaign, and it is successful for the first two months until XYZ’s computer servers are hacked and all client information is lost because XYZ failed to. ==============================================
  • 2. LAW 531 Apply Week 2 Business Forms and Governance (2 PPT) (Solar Co Inc) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply: Business Forms and Governance Resources: Legal Environment of Business: online commerce,Business Ethics , and global issues.Ch.14,15, and 16; Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings; Business Entities Assignment Scenario: You are a sole proprietor presenting to a group of investors, seeking 20 million dollar to raise capital for your solar panel manufacturing and installation company, Solar Co. Prepare a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Sway, or Prezi presentation with speaker notes for your potential investors, and address the following items: • Choose one type of business entity that you plan to use for solar Co., and explain why you would choose this type of entity rather than the others. what risks and issues specific to this industry and solar Co’s business influenced your decision? • Assume that at least one investor will question whether Solar Co. should be organized as a corporation. Summarize, for the investors, what legal liabilities could aside for the direction or officers of that corporation. How could those liabilities for the directors and officers be minimized? Click the Assignment files tab to submit your assignment. ==============================================
  • 3. LAW 531 Apply Week 3 Tort and Criminal Law Case Brief (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply: Tort and Criminal Law IRAC Case Brief Review the "IRAC Method" section of Ch. 1. Research one legal case or recent event involving a tort and one legal case or recent event related to criminal law. Each case or event should have taken place within the past two years. Write in-depth briefs explaining your selected cases using the IRAC method. Each case brief should be 350 to 525 words and include an explanation of how the legal concepts in the selected case can be applied within a managerial business setting including considerations such as but not limited to: • Insurance • Internal auditing and reporting procedures • Explaining what could have been done differently in each case to avoid or reduce harm/risk Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== LAW 531 Apply Week 4 The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights (Wrench LLC v Taco Bell) (2 Papers)
  • 4. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights Read the summary of the Wrench LLC v. Taco Bell Corporation case in the "Ethics: Implied-in- Fact Contract Prevents Unjust Result" section of Ch. 9. It is suggested that you also research and read the full court opinion, using the summary in the textbook to aid your understanding of the legal issues presented. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using Microsoft Word to address the following questions: • What type of intellectual property was at issue in this case? Were these ideas entitled to protection under the law? • Explain the difference between an implied-in-law (quasi contract) and an implied-in-fact contract. What type of contract was at issue in this case? • Explain what the parties could have done differently to protect their rights and avoid this dispute. • Explain how a properly written contract could have been utilized for the licensing and use of the intellectual property to prevent the issue, and provide terms you would recommend be included in such a contract. • Identify and explain each of the elements that would have been necessary to form a valid contract. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ==============================================
  • 5. LAW 531 Apply Week 5 Drafting Employee Handbook Policies (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply Drafting Employee Handbook Policies Resource: Developing Effective Social Media Policies Solar Co. Inc., a solar panel manufacturing and installation company, has recently encountered several legal issues related to harassment allegations by employees, mistakenly classifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees, and internal disputes related to employees posting sensitive company information on their personal social media accounts outside of work. To prevent these issues from happening in the future, Solar Co. is in the process of updating its employee handbook, and the CEO has asked you to draft several pieces of material for inclusion in the handbook with each piece containing at least 175 words. The information needed in the request is identified below: • A policy related to the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination including specific action items that will be required of employees and management. • A section explaining the difference between an employee and an independent contractor. •A policy that helps ensure workers are properly classified by including specific action items that will be required of employees and management. • A policy related to employee use of social media such as guidelines related to
  • 6. appropriate content and identification of Solar Co. in any posts including specific action items that will be required of employees and management. Be sure to include explanations and justifications for each of your policies to help the CEO understand why each one is necessary. Click the Assignment Files tab and submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. ============================================== LAW 531 Apply Week 6 Regulatory Compliance and Protection of Investors and Consumers (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Apply Regulatory Compliance and Protection of Investors and Consumers Resources: Four agencies: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA),OccupationalSafety and Health Administration (OSHA), and U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Scenario: Your solar panel manufacturing and installation company,Solar Co. Inc.,is in the process of "going public," has underwritten its Initial Public Offering (IPO), and filed its registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Your current executive team has asked you to create a plan ensuring compliance with a variety of regulations that will
  • 7. apply to Solar Co. as the company goes public and continues to expand. Write a discussion in no more than 175 words about each of the four federal agencies provided above including the following: • Explain the role and function of the agency. • Identify at least two significant regulations enforced by each agency relevant to Solar Co.'s business (totaling eight regulations). • Provide recommendations for Solar Co. to ensure compliance with each of the regulations including specific action items to be taken by employees and management. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Alternative Dispute Resolution in both domestic and international disputes (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Law impacts how business operations perform. With globalization, the law's impact and corresponding business risks have grown. The student will learn to consider how and when a business risk should be pursued under traditional litigation (lawsuit, answer, and discovery) and where alternative dispute resolution methods are appropriate in both domestic and international disputes. Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online
  • 8. Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (pp. 23-32), Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database Select a business or industry with which you are familiar and, in a minimum of 700 words, excluding title and reference pages, develop an analysis including the following: • Identify at least two ways the U.S. legal system affects that business or industry. • Examine the risks that business or industry encounters when dealing with traditional litigation, (suit, answer, discovery, trial) and what measures business managers can take to reduce exposure to those risks. •Choose a global/international business dispute from your business or industry, then compare and contrast one form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with traditional litigation with regard to that dispute, and recommend which method is preferred and why. Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Law of Torts (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 9. Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis methodology and other postings I have made on the IRAC methodology including the example of its real life application in the first 3 weerks' course materials Background: Eves-Drop Inc is a company based in the USA which designs, manufactures, and sells electronic recording devices. These devices are used by law enforcement agencies-police, FBI, and so forth- to intercept and record sounds and voices. The equipment taps into telephone wires and cell phone transmission, and picks up sounds and voices through the walls of a house or in open-air locations using a remote microphone. Part of the equipment is driven by software written by its employees. Consider the following scenarios and analyze in IRAC format: Determine what torts offenses may have been committed, by whom, and who may Eves-Drop Inc pursue for remedy? 1. Recently a new company, Listening Corp., a competitor of Eves-Drop Inc., has placed an ad in a well-known industry magazine that contains statements against Eves-Drop Inc and its products. The article makes claims that the recording devices that Eves-Drop Inc., produces are low quality and not reliable. 2. Eves-Drop was recently faced with the situation of one of their employee's breaching their contract by quitting and going to work for the competitor Listening Corp. The employee was Mary who was head of research and development. Mary still had two years left in her contract with Eves-Drop, and the contract also stated that she could not work for a competitor during the two year period that remained regardless of whether she was fired or chose to leave. Ultimately Mary decided to leave prior to the completion of her contract and accepted the offer Listening Corp., made her with a 10% increase in salary and $5,000.00 signing bonus. ==============================================
  • 10. LAW 531 Assignment Week 1 The Role and Function of Law in Global Business (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Law impacts how business operations perform. With globalization, the law's impact and corresponding business risks have grown. The student will learn to consider how and when a business risk should be pursued under traditional litigation (lawsuit, answer, and discovery) and where alternative dispute resolution methods are appropriate in both domestic and international disputes. Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (pp. 23-32), Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database Select a business or industry with which you are familiar and, in a minimum of 700 words, excluding title and reference pages, develop an analysis including the following: • Identify at least two ways the U.S. legal system affects that business or industry. • Examine the risks that business or industry encounters when dealing with traditional litigation, (suit, answer, discovery, trial) and what measures business managers can take to reduce exposure to those risks. •Choose a global/international business
  • 11. dispute from your business or industry, then compare and contrast one form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with traditional litigation with regard to that dispute, and recommend which method is preferred and why. Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 2 Business Forms and Governance Presentation (New Syllabus ) (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment The legal form an entity or individual takes is a decision that must be considered from a risk and liability perspective, not simply one of ease of formation or cost. Form can impact the entities ability to grow and, in some circumstances, its ability to survive. As you consider this reality and approach this assignment, consider not only the form the business takes but also the way it will be governed. Remember the law requires business leaders conduct their business ethically and within the boundaries of the law. Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business
  • 12. Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 14, 15, 16 and 17; Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings; Legal Source database located in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: You are sole proprietor presenting to a group of investors where you are seeking 20 million dollars to raise capital for your manufacturing company. Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for your potential investors including both parts: Part I: Choose the one form of organization best suited for your manufacturing company and explain why: • Partnership • Limited Liability Partnership • Limited Liability Company (including single member LLC) • S Corporation • Franchise • Corporation Outline for the investors which form of organization (from the list of six under the first bullet) would be the least suited and why? Part II: Address the following for the investors regarding the corporate form of organization only (from the list of six under the first bullet): • Summarize for investors what legal liabilities could arise for the Director or officer of that board? • Explain how you could minimize those liabilities for the Director or officer of that board? Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA Guidelines. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Tort and Criminal Liability Presentation (2 PPT)
  • 13. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Why do businesses enter into agency relationships and hire independent contractors instead of employees. Is it simply cost? Is it a question of liability, or is it a combination of the two? As you approach this week's assignment, consider these questions and think about how they impact risk and what factors in that business create the most risk for the employees and executives. Is it always the same? Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7 Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes (speaker notes not required for introduction, conclusion, and reference slides). The speaker notes for each slide should serve as the text for your presentation. Address the following: • Learning Team Requirements: o Differentiate between the following Agency types: Express, Implied, Apparent and Ratification. o Discuss what classifies a worker as an independent contractor. o Collaborate and discuss at least 2 business torts and 2 criminal activities that businesses deal with. o Defend the collective finding of the Learning Team and its conclusions. Cite a minimum of five scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library and one must be the textbook. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Submit one Learning Team Log to the Assignment tab. Each team member must submit their individual portion of the paper, identified as such, to the Assignment tab.
  • 14. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Torts and Liability (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment You may be familiar with personal torts such as negligence; however, business torts are different as they are being committed not against the person but rather against its intangible assets. Think about what this means and how each aspect of your work might result in a business tort being committed. Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7; Legal Source database located in the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: In the midst of the ongoing rhetoric and movement to achieve Tort Reform, business tort liability must be acknowledged and planned for as a reality. As the manager of legal risk and corporate governance for a major multi-national pharmaceutical corporation, the board of directors has commissioned you to work alongside your CEO and General Counsel to prepare a report regarding this liability and the exposure it creates for the organization. Create a maximum 1,050-word report, excluding title and reference pages. Address the following in the
  • 15. report: • Evaluate the impact of business tort liability on the pharmaceutical industry in general. • Determine the growth of business tort liability in the pharmaceutical industry and discuss where and why tort reform is needed. •Assess the impact of business tort liability on corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute. • Explain how business tort liability can be reduced through the implementation of the risk management process. • Analyze how business tort liability can escalate to criminal liability. Cite a minimum of two references for the five content areas taken from a business or legal resource. One reference must be from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 4 Property Rights, Cybercrime, and Cyber piracys Impact on Domestic and Foreign Business (New Syllabus) (2 PPT, 2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Business managers are confronted on a daily basis with decisions regarding the use of real, personal, and intellectual property, and the rights and duties existing with relation to these
  • 16. property rights while at work. Add cybercrime, cyber piracy, and international business operations to this equation, and the manager is left with much to consider when evaluating the legal risks associated with the use of these properties as they engage in their business activities. It is the purpose of this assignment to promote the evaluation of all risks when using company and personal property, particularly intellectual property, both domestically and internationally. About Your Signature Assignment This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments may be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements. Assignment Steps Resources: sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database Scenario: Your company's board of directors is exploring expansion of your business and is looking to you to prepare an analysis (Part 1) and presentation (Part II) regarding whether that expansion should be domestic or international. Part 1 (Word Document) Prepare an analysis of the property rights, risks, and benefits of each in a minimum of 1,050 words, excluding the title and reference page, including the following: • Introduction • Decide what actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the tangible property rights of your domestic and international business. • Summarize the actions a manager in your business should take to identify and protect the intellectual property rights of your domestic and international business. • Explain what actions a manager in
  • 17. your business should take to identify and protect the organization from violating the intellectual property (IP) rights of others. • Analyze what special problems arise regarding property rights when your business decides to do business outside the United States. • Evaluate the legal risks associated with all property rights, domestically and internationally, for your business. • Apply the risk management process to mitigate the legal risks for your business. • Evaluate contract formation in your business as it relates to its Intellectual Property and recommend one contract method of contract dispute resolution for use in your business. • Conclusion Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. (Include web links of where references cited from) Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines including APA citations. Part 2 (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation with detailed speaker notes included and short-worded bullet point topics on slides). Create a 5-to-7 slide (excluding title and reference page) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation summary to the company's board of directors addressing the following: • Introduction • List two reasons for domestic expansion. • List two reasons for international expansion. • Compare and contrast both domestic and international expansion. • Make your recommendation to the board of directors. • Conclusion • References Cite a minimum of two scholarly references. (Include web links of where references cited from) Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines & APA citations in speaker notes. ==============================================
  • 18. LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Agency and Employment Law (New Syllabus) (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Employment costs are arguably a business's biggest expense. Consider how employment law regulates concepts such as discrimination, injuries on the job, employee vs. independent contractor, wrongful discharge, and unionization, to name a few. As you research for this assignment, consider the decisions made in this area are more than business decisions - they can impact lives. How do we reconcile between negatively impacting employees while favorably impacting the bottom line? Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 18, 19, 20, and 21. Scenario: As employment costs continue to escalate, it is incumbent upon organizations to continually monitor its internal operations to ensure best practices are being followed. To that end, your CEO has asked you to prepare a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Prepare a SWOT analysis in one of the following formats: Consider how a principal and agent relationship impacts a business and its employees. Compare how express, implied, and apparent authority created by the principal and agent impacts equal opportunities for employees. Identify the laws protecting workers against discriminatory practices. Evaluate how the
  • 19. legal protections present in the workplace differ for employee and independent contractors. Cite a minimum of two references for the four content areas taken from a business or legal resource. At least one reference must be from the University Library. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Team Title VII, ADA, FMLA, Immigration and Discrimination Presentation (New Syllabus) (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Purpose of Assignment Discrimination, Workers' Rights, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Family Medical Leave all flow from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As you work through this assignment consider how the law continues to be updated to represent the will of the people, and consider the role the government has in this process. Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 19, 20, and 21; Government websites dedicated to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®
  • 20. presentation, including detailed speaker notes (speaker notes not required for introduction, conclusion, and reference slides). The speaker notes for each slide should serve as the text for your presentation. Address the following: • Describe the scope of coverage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. • Summarize the role of Title VII on businesses and describe how race, color, and national origin are protected. • Explain what businesses must do to protect employees against gender discrimination and sexual harassment. • Analyze what protections are afforded by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the liability issues it may cause for employers. • Assess the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and how it protects workers. • Evaluate the elements of the current immigration law. Cite a minimum of five scholarly references. One peer-reviewed reference must be from the University Library. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Reference: Cheeseman, H (2016). Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. ============================================== LAW 531 Assignment Week 6 Regulatory Compliance and Governance (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 21. Purpose of Assignment Corporate fraud has cost businesses and its shareholders millions of dollars and has been the source of legislation and regulations attempting to provide oversight and guidance to corporate boards, executives, and practitioners. Think about how these laws have changed the practices of corporate executives and, in light of the Enron scandal et al., has it been enough? Assignment Steps Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 16 (pp. 364 -368), 22, and 23. Scenario: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has been in effect since 2002 and has cost businesses millions of dollars in personnel and administrative costs. Your company is in the process of "going public," has underwritten its Initial Public Offering (IPO), and filed its registration statement with the Securities Exchange Commission. Your current executive team has asked you to create a plan ensuring SOX compliance is followed once you become a publicly traded company. Review the pertinent sections of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Act. For purposes of this proposal to the board, only concern yourself with the compliance provisions of SOX (Sections 302, 401, 404, 409, and 802). Create a maximum 1,050-word proposal to the board outling the compliance project necessary to implement SOX. Cite a minimum of one reference for the five content areas taken from a business or legal resource. One resource must be from the University Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document ==============================================
  • 22. LAW 531 Entire Course (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018) LAW 531 Apply Week 1 Litigation Cost-Benefit Analysis and Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 2 Business Forms and Governance (2 PPT) (Solar Co Inc) LAW 531 Apply Week 3 Tort and Criminal Law Case Brief (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 4 The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights (Wrench LLC v Taco Bell) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 5 Drafting Employee Handbook Policies (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Apply Week 6 Regulatory Compliance and Protection of Investors and Consumers (Solar Co Inc) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018) LAW 531 Assignment Week 1 The Role and Function of Law in Global Business (New Syllabus) (2 Papers) LAW 531 Assignment Week 2 Business Forms and Governance Presentation (New Syllabus ) (2 PPT) LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Torts and Liability (New Syllabus) LAW 531 Assignment Week 3 Business Tort and Criminal Liability Presentation (2 PPT) LAW 531 Assignment Week 4 Property Rights, Cybercrime, and Cyber piracys Impact on Domestic and Foreign Business (New Syllabus) (2 PPT, 2 Papers) LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Team Title VII, ADA, FMLA, Immigration and Discrimination Presentation (New Syllabus) (2 PPT) LAW 531 Assignment Week 6
  • 23. Regulatory Compliance and Governance (New Syllabus) LAW 531 Assignment Alternative Dispute Resolution in both domestic and international disputes (New) LAW 531 Assignment Law of Torts (New Syllabus) LAW 531 Assignment Week 5 Agency and Employment Law (New Syllabus) (2 PPT) LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New, 2017) ============================================== LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (New 2018) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. The obligation owed by individuals to one another not to cause any unreasonable harm or any risk of harm is called: duty of care duty of restoration. duty of loyalty. duty of restitution. 2. Which of the following best describes the term warranty? It refers to the terms in a sales contract stipulating the party that will bear the risk of loss of goods during shipment. It is a purchaser’s title to goods obtained by the impersonation of another person. It is the seller’s assurance to a buyer that the goods sold meet certain standards of quality. It refers to the transfer of possession of stolen property to a person who had bought the property without the knowledge that it has been stolen. 3 The manifestation of the substance of a contract by two or more individuals is called __________. acceptance an agreement an offer consideration 4 Workers’compensation is defined as the: set of programs mandated
  • 24. by the government to ensure safety in places of work. remuneration awarded to employees and their families when the employees are injured on the job. insurance obtained by employees from private insurance companies and government-sponsored programs. system that provides retirement and death benefits to covered employees and their dependents. 5. Which of the following applies to trade restraints that are inherently anticompetitive? The per se rule The pro rata rule The rule of four The rule of reason 6. A group boycott occurs when: competitors at one level of distribution collectively refuse to deal with others at a different level of distribution. parties enter into a trade agreement that has greater anticompetitive effects than procompetitive effects. competitors agree that they will distribute their goods to only a particular portion of the market. parties at different levels of distribution enter into an agreement to adhere to a schedule that will stabilize prices. 7. Which of the following scenarios is an example of law and ethics contradicting each other? the trademarked garment designs of a well-known fashion designer. A restaurateur, whose restaurant is violating labor laws, bribes a federal official to prevent him from reporting the violations. A florist in the United States employs an illegal immigrant to help the immigrant and her family overcome their financial difficulties. An iron-ore manufacturing company provides its employees with high-quality safety equipment. 8. Corporate officers are elected by a corporation’s __________. board of directors preferred stockholders owners common stockholders 9. Which of the following is a category of torts? Personal liability Nonintent crime Professional malpractice Strict liability 10. Corporate officers are best described as: owners of a corporation with limited liability for its debts and obligations. directors elected by a
  • 25. corporation’s shareholders. employees appointed to manage the daily operations of a corporation. partners pursuing a joint venture transaction 11. 11 Which of the following is a remedy that requires the breaching party to perform the acts promised in a contract? Binding arbitration Special damages Specific performance Punitive damages 12. Helen buys a toy railway set for her 3-year-old son, Ben. The product’s cover mentions that the toy is suitable for children only aged between 3 and 12. While playing with the toy one evening, without Helen’s supervision, Ben chokes on an inch-long engine driver figure that forms part of the train. Although he survives, he is traumatized by the incident. For which type of defect can Helen sue the toy manufacturer? Failure to tamperproof Defect in product packaging Failure to warn Defect in manufacture 13. An agency that appears to be created by a principal but does not exist in reality is called a(n) __________. fully disclosed agency implied agency apparent agency agency by ratification 14. 14 Robert orders coffee while having breakfast in a diner. He suffers third-degree burn injuries when the coffee accidently spills on him. He presses charges against the diner for failing to notify him that the coffee was exceptionally hot. In this scenario, the diner is guilty of a(n) __________. intentional tort unintentional tort nonintent crime intent crime 15. When an employer does not discriminate against women in general but treats women above the age of 40 differently, the employer is practicing __________. color discrimination religious discrimination sex-plus discrimination racial discrimination 16. Insider trading is considered illegal because: it results in excessive losses for the company. it makes use of nonmaterial public information. it fails to account for the short-swing profits brought into a company. it limits investment opportunities for the investing public. 17. When can an
  • 26. arbitrator’s decision and award be appealed to the courts? When an arbitration is binding While entering a negotiation While drafting a submission agreement When an arbitration is nonbinding 18. When one party acquires a license to use another party’s business model and intellectual property in the distribution of goods and services, the arrangement is a __________. limited liability partnership franchise joint venture kickback 19. Which of the following is a difference between embezzlement and larceny? Embezzlement is an unintentional tort, whereas larceny is a nonintent crime. Embezzlement is usually punishable by the payment of monetary damages, whereas larceny is usually punishable by the death penalty. Embezzlement is the stealing of property by a person to whom the property was entrusted, whereas larceny is the stealing of property by a person not entrusted with it. Embezzlement is the snatching of personal property from a person’s home, whereas larceny is the snatching of personal property from a person on the street. 20. Which of the following is a criticism of the ethical fundamentalism theory? It does not allow people to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. It is impossible in the real world to expect that everyone in society will obey moral rules. It does not reach an agreement on what the universal rules should be. It is impossible to measure the “good” that may result from different actions. 21. Which of the following is a characteristic of torts? They are usually not tried by the jury. They are brought to court by a plaintiff. They are punishable by the death penalty. They are tried by criminal procedure. 22. 2 A goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is to: control and closely monitor the financial accounts of all corporations in the United States. allow directors and executive officers of public companies to be given personal loans from the companies. end
  • 27. conflicts of interest, establishing better corporate governance. enable smooth settlement of alleged fraud among major corporations. 23. Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, or religion in the workplace primarily serve the function of: minimizing the freedom of employees. providing a basis for compromise. advocating social justice. creating a new status quo. 24. Which of the following is a requirement for obtaining a patent for an invention? The invention must be in the form of a service. The invention must be original. The invention needs to be made of highly valuable components. The invention needs to be recognizable to the general public. 25. The power and authority to exclude competition or control prices is known as __________. enumerated power implied power monopoly power reserved power 26. Which of the following is an advantage of franchising? It allows businesses to reach profitable new markets. It enables two businesses to pool their resources to pursue a common goal. It allows a business to consist of only general partnRoberers. It grants free access to the intellectual property of a business to anyone in the same market. 27. Laws that protect governments from being overthrown primarily serve the function of: minimizing individual freedom. advocating social justice providing bases for compromise. maintaining the status quo. 28. Which of the following is prohibited by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) with regard to food? The sale of non-organic food products Labeling of raw seafood products Labeling of genetically engineered food products The sale of adulterated food 29. Which of the following is a difference between arbitration and mediation? The decision of an arbitrator is nonbinding, whereas the decision of a mediator is binding. The role of an arbitrator is merely to assist parties in reaching a settlement, whereas the role of a mediator is
  • 28. similar to the role of a trial judge. An arbitrator is authorized to issue an award, whereas a mediator can only assist in reaching a settlement. Arbitration is an informal method of dispute resolution, whereas mediation is a formal method of dispute resolution. 30. Ken owns a small convenience store in a street corner in California. One afternoon, a teenage boy enters his store, looks around, and prepares to walk out without buying anything. Ken is wary of the boy because of the boy’s shabby clothing. He stops and asks the boy to empty his pockets and then questions him for about five minutes. After finding that the boy does not have anything from the store on him, Ken reluctantly lets him go. Which of the following is a merchant protection statute that Ken has violated? Reasonable grounds for suspicion Adequate assurance of performance Reasonable duration of detention Adverse possession ============================================== LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Describe a dispute that may arise in a business where it is appropriate to use an ADR process to resolve the dispute. What ADR processes work best to resolve the dispute? Explain your answer. What ADR processes are not suitable for resolving the dispute you have
  • 29. referenced? Explain your response. Try to avoid selecting a dispute mentioned by other students ============================================== LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Select a product with which you are familiar, or a product that captures your attention. Describe some product liability issues that may arise with that product? What measures can management take to prevent the product liability problems from arising? How can management minimize legal risk involving the product? ============================================== LAW 531 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Role and Function of Law in Business (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 30. This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Write a summary in a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the roles of law and courts in today's business environment. Include the following: Explain the origins of the U.S. judicial system and how the judicial system impacts and affects businesses. Discuss the concept of judicial review. Describe the different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how they can be used in business. Identify and explain how laws impact and play a role in global businesses. Explain how foreign and local laws or regulations affect your current job or industry. Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment in a Microsoft® Word document. ============================================== LAW 531 Week 2 Assignment Report on Business Forms (1100 Words) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 14, 15, 16 and 17; Week 2 Electronic
  • 31. Reserve Readings; Legal Source database located in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings Scenario: You are sole proprietor presenting to a group of investors where you are seeking 20 million dollars to raise capital for your manufacturing company. Prepare a memo discussing the following to investors: Choose the one form of organization best suited for your manufacturing company and explain why: • Partnership • Limited Liability Partnership • Limited Liability Company (including single member LLC) • S Corporation • Franchise • Corporation Explain for the investors which form of organization (from the list above) would be the least suited and why? (The legal form an entity or individual takes is a decision that must be considered from a risk and liability perspective, not simply one of ease of formation or cost. Form can impact the entities ability to grow and, in some circumstances, its ability to survive. As you consider this reality and approach this assignment, consider not only the form the business takes but also the way it will be governed. Remember the law requires business leaders conduct their business ethically and within the boundaries of the law.) Summarize for investors what legal liabilities could arise for the Director or officer of that board? Explain how you could minimize those liabilities for the Director or officer of that board. ============================================== LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 1
  • 32. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What risks do organizations encounter when they are forced to engage in litigation? What measures should managers take to reduce exposure to those risks? ============================================== LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Watch the Bullies on the Job video posted in the student materials. As indicated in the video, incivility on the job is becoming prevalent. As a manager, what preventative measures might you take to avoid potential torts within a business context, such as the ones identified in the video? ============================================== LAW 531 Week 2 Individual Assignment Business Organizations and Governance (2 Papers)
  • 33. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, franchise, and corporation. Part 1: Write an 525-word response to the following: Select one of the forms of business identified above. Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for this business form. Part 2: Write six 175-word summaries, a total of 1,050 words, in which you provide the following: Choose an example business for each of the remaining forms of business listed above. Discuss at least one of the advantages, one of the disadvantages, and the potential legal forms that might be required for each of the remaining forms of business listed above. Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment in a Microsoft® Word document. ==============================================