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type Encoder[A] = A => Json
type Decoder[A] = Json => Either[Error, A]
sealed trait SchemaF[A]
sealed trait Employee
final case class Subordinate(
boss: Employee
) extends Employee
final case class Boss(
) extends Employee
def toEncoder[A](schema:SchemaF[A]):Encoder[A] = ???
SchemaF ~> Encoder
sealed trait MyPrim[A]
final case object IntP extends MyPrim[Int]
final case object StringP extends MyPrim[String]
final case object BooleanP extends MyPrim[Boolean]
sealed trait SchemaF[A]
final case class PrimF[A](prim:MyPrim[A]) extends SchemaF[A]
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A]
final case class PrimS[Prim[_], A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
//MyPrim[A] => Encoder[A] ---- Prim ~> Encoder
def toPrimEnc[A](prim:MyPrim[A]):Encoder[A] = prim match {
case IntP => (i:Int) => i.toString
case StringP => (s:String) => s""""$s""""
case BooleanP => (b:Boolean) => if (b) "true" else "false"
def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match
case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p)
val intSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, Int] = PrimS(IntP)
val strSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, String] = PrimS(StringP)
val booleanSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, Boolean] = PrimS(BooleanP)
val nt: MyPrim ~> Encoder = new NaturalTransformation[MyPrim, Encoder]{
override def apply[A](prim:MyPrim[A]):Encoder[A] = toPrimEnc(prim)
val encoder: Encoder[Int] = toEnc(intSchema, nt)
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A]
final case class PrimS[Prim[_],A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
final case class ProdS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, (A,B)]
final case class SumS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A/B]
val productSumSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, (Int, (String, (Boolean / Int)))] =
ProdS(intSchema, ProdS(strSchema, SumS(booleanSchema, intSchema)))
def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p)
case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) =>
toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2)
def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p)
case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) =>
toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2)
case sum:SumS[Prim, x, y] => (e:x / y) => e.fold(
lx => toEnc(sum.l, toPrimEnc)(lx),
ry => toEnc(sum.r, toPrimEnc)(ry)
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A]
final case class PrimS[Prim[_],A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
final case class ProdS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, (A,B)]
final case class SumS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A/B]
final case class UnionS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
final case class RecordS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
final case class IsoS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p)
case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) =>
toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2)
case sum:SumS[Prim, x, y] => (e:x / y) => e.fold(
lx => toEnc(sum.l, toPrimEnc)(lx),
ry => toEnc(sum.r, toPrimEnc)(ry)
case isoS:IsoS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) =>
toEnc(isoS.base, toPrimEnc)(isoS.iso.reverseGet(a))
case union:UnionS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) =>
toEnc(union.base, toPrimEnc)(union.iso.reverseGet(a))
case record:RecordS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) =>
toEnc(record.base, toPrimEnc)(record.iso.reverseGet(a))
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
final case class FieldS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
base:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
final case class BranchS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
base:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
//Schema[A] => Encoder[A]
def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A],
toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: SumTermId => String,
pidToString: ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case field:FieldS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) =>
s""""${pidToString(}":${toEnc(field.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}"""
case branch:BranchS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) =>
s"""{"${sidToString(}":{${toEnc(branch.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}}}"""
//Schema[A] => Encoder[A]
def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A],
toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: SumTermId => String,
pidToString: ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case field:FieldS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) =>
s""""${pidToString(}":${toEnc(field.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}"""
case branch:BranchS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) =>
s"""{"${sidToString(}":{${toEnc(branch.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}}}"""
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
final case class SeqS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A(
element:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, List[A]]
//Schema[A] => Encoder[A]
def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A],
toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: SumTermId => String,
pidToString: ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case seq:SeqS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] =>
(as:List[A]) =>, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)).mkString("[",",","]")
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
final case class RecursiveS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
base: () => SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A],
toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: SumTermId => String,
pidToString: ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case self:RecursiveS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] =>
(a:A) => toEnc(self.base(), toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)
final case class One[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId]()
extends Schema[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, Unit]
def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:Schema[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A],
toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: SumTermId => String,
pidToString: ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {
case _:One[Prim,SumTermId,ProductTermId] => _ => "null"
def optional[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A](
schema:SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
):SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, Option[A]] =
Iso[Unit / A, Option[A]](
_.fold(_ => Option.empty[A],Option(_))
_.fold(().left[A])(a => a.right[Unit])
trait Realisation {
type Prim[A]
type SumTermId
type ProductTermId
trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] {
val R: R
type Schema[A] = SchemaF[R.Prim, R.SumTermId, R.ProductTermId, A]
type Sum[A, B] = SumS[R.Prim, R.SumTermId, R.ProductTermId, A, B]
// and all the other needed aliases
trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] {
val R: R
final def unit: Schema[Unit]
final def prim[A](prim: R.Prim[A]): Schema[A]
final def union[A, AE](choices: Schema[AE], iso: Iso[AE, A]): Schema[A]
final def optional[A](aSchema: Schema[A]): Schema[Option[A]]
final def record[A, An](terms: Schema[An], isoA: Iso[An, A]): Schema[A]
final def seq[A](element: Schema[A]): Schema[List[A]]
final def iso[A0, A](base: Schema[A0],iso: Iso[A0, A]): Schema[A]
final def self[A](root: => Schema[A]): Schema[A]
trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] {
val R: R
implicit final class SchemaSyntax[A](schema: Schema[A]) {
def :*: [B](left: Schema[B]): Schema[(B, A)]
def :+: [B](left: Schema[B]): Schema[B / A]
def -*>: (id: R.ProductTermId): Schema[A]
def -+>: (id: R.SumTermId): Schema[A]
def imap[B](_iso: Iso[A, B]): Schema[B]
object JsonSchema extends Realisation {
type Prim[A] = JsonPrim[A]
type ProductTermId = String
type SumTermId = String
sealed trait JsonPrim[A]
final case object JsonString extends JsonPrim[String]
final case object JsonNumber extends JsonPrim[BigDecimal]
final case object JsonBool extends JsonPrim[Boolean]
final case object JsonNull extends JsonPrim[Unit]
trait JsonModule[R <: Realisation] extends SchemaModule[R] {
def toEnc[A](
toPrimEnc: R.Prim ~> Encoder,
sidToString: R.SumTermId => String,
pidToString: R.ProductTermId => String
):Encoder[A] = schema match {...}
object module extends JsonModule[JsonSchema.type] {
val R = JsonSchema
import R._
sealed trait Employee
final case class Subordinate(
boss: Employee
) extends Employee
final case class Boss(
) extends Employee
def subordinateSchema = record(
"name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*:
"age" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonNumber) :*:
"boss" -*>: self(employeeSchema),
Iso[(String, (BigDecimal, Employee)), Subordinate](
tpl => Subordinate(tpl._1, tpl._2._1, tpl._2._2)
)(s => (, (s.age, s.boss)))
def bossSchema = record(
"name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*:
"isActive" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonBool),
Iso[(String, Boolean), Boss]((Boss.apply _).tupled)(b => (, b.isActive))
def employeeSchema = union(
"subordinate" -+>: subordinateSchema :+:
"boss" -+>: bossSchema,
Iso[Subordinate / Boss, Employee] {
case -/(s) => s
case /-(b) => b
} {
case s: Subordinate => -/(s)
case b: Boss => /-(b)
object Representation {
type RSum[RA, A, RB, B]
type RProd[RA, A, RB, B]
type RIso[RA, A, B]
type RSelf[A]
type RSeq[R, A]
type -*>[K, V]
type -+>[K, V]
type RRecord[RA, An, A]
type RUnion[RA, An, A]
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, R, A]
final case class One[...]() extends SchemaF[... Unit, Unit]
final case class SumF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B]
final case class ProdF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RProd[RA, A, RB, B], (A, B)]
final case class BranchF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -+>[SumTermId, RA], A]
final case class UnionF[... RA: IsUnion ...](...) extends SchemaF[... RUnion[RA, AE, A], A]
final case class FieldF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -*>[ProductTermId, RA], A]
final case class RecordF[...RA: IsRecord...](...) extends SchemaF[... RRecord[RA, AP, A], A]
final case class SeqF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSeq[RA, A], List[A]]
final case class IsoSchemaF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RIso[RA, A0, A], A]
final case class SelfReference[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSelf[A], A]
final case class Boss(name:String, isActive:Boolean) extends Employee
def bossSchema = record(
"name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*:
"isActive" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonBool),
Iso[(String, Boolean), Boss]((Boss.apply _).tupled)(b => (, b.isActive))
String -*> String,
String -*> Boolean,
(String, Boolean),
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, R, A]
final case class One[...]() extends SchemaF[... Unit, Unit]
final case class SumF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B]
final case class ProdF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RProd[RA, A, RB, B], (A, B)]
final case class BranchF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -+>[SumTermId, RA], A]
final case class UnionF[... RA: IsUnion ...](...) extends SchemaF[... RUnion[RA, AE, A], A]
final case class FieldF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -*>[ProductTermId, RA], A]
final case class RecordF[...RA: IsRecord...](...) extends SchemaF[... RRecord[RA, AP, A], A]
final case class SeqF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSeq[RA, A], List[A]]
final case class IsoSchemaF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RIso[RA, A0, A], A]
final case class SelfReference[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSelf[A], A]
msg = "It seems like the following representation type isn't isomorphic to a product of named
fields: ${A}"
trait IsRecord[A]
object IsRecord {
implicit def singleFieldIsRecord[K, V]: IsRecord[K -*> V] = new IsRecord[K -*> V] {}
implicit def productIsRecord[L: IsRecord, R: IsRecord, X, Y]: IsRecord[RProd[L, X, R, Y]] =
new IsRecord[RProd[L, X, R, Y]] {}
implicit def isoIsRecord[R: IsRecord, A0, A]: IsRecord[RIso[R, A0, A]] =
new IsRecord[RIso[R, A0, A]] {}
SchemaF ~> Encoder
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, F[_, _], R, A] {
def hmap[G[_, _]](nt: F ~~> G): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, R, A]
final case class SumF[F[_, _], RA, RB, A, B, Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId](
left: F[RA, A],
right: F[RB, B]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, F, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] {
def hmap[G[_, _]](
nt: F ~~> G
): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] =
sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, F[_, _], R, A] {
def hmap[G[_, _]](nt: F ~~> G): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, R, A]
final case class SumF[F[_, _], RA, RB, A, B, Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId](
left: F[RA, A],
right: F[RB, B]
) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, F, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] {
def hmap[G[_, _]](
nt: F ~~> G
): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] =
trait Interpreter[F[_, _], F[_, _]] { self =>
def interpret: F ~~> G
def compose[H[_, _]](nt: H ~~> F) = self match {
case i: ComposedInterpreter[h, G, F] => ComposedInterpreter(i.underlying, i.nt.compose(nt))
case x => ComposedInterpreter(x, nt)
implicit final def encoderInterpreter(
implicit primNT: R.Prim ~> EncoderA,
fieldLabel: R.ProductTermId <~< String,
branchLabel: R.SumTermId <~< String
): RInterpreter[Encoder] =
Interpreter.cata[RSchema, Encoder](new (RSchema[Encoder, ?, ?] ~~> Encoder) {
//Implementation of Schema to Encoder here
case p: RPrim[Encoder, a] => primNT(p.prim)
case ProdF(left, right) => (a => left(a._1) + "," + right(a._2))
case SumF(left, right) => (a => a.fold(left, right))
case i: IsoSchema[Encoder, r, _, a] =>
case r: Record[Encoder, r, _, a] =>
case SeqF(element) => (a =>"[", ",", "]"))
case FieldF(id, base) => makeField(fieldLabel(id)).compose(base)
case u: Union[Encoder, r, _, a] =>
case BranchF(id, base) => makeField(branchLabel(id)).compose(base)
case One() => (_ => "null")
case ref @ SelfReference(_, _) => (a => ref.unroll(a.asInstanceOf[A with Repr]))
trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] {
val R: R
implicit final class SchemaSyntax[A](schema: Schema[A]) {
def to[F[_, _]](implicit interpreter: RInterpreter[F]): F[_, A]
val employeeEncoder:Encoder[Employee] =[Encoder]
@jdegoes @ValentinKasas @GrafBlutwurst
Lambdaconf2019 talk

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. type Encoder[A] = A => Json type Decoder[A] = Json => Either[Error, A]
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 15. sealed trait Employee final case class Subordinate( name:String, age:Int, boss: Employee ) extends Employee final case class Boss( name:String, isActive:Boolean ) extends Employee
  • 18.
  • 19. sealed trait MyPrim[A] final case object IntP extends MyPrim[Int] final case object StringP extends MyPrim[String] final case object BooleanP extends MyPrim[Boolean]
  • 20. sealed trait SchemaF[A] final case class PrimF[A](prim:MyPrim[A]) extends SchemaF[A]
  • 21.
  • 22. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A] final case class PrimS[Prim[_], A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
  • 23. //MyPrim[A] => Encoder[A] ---- Prim ~> Encoder def toPrimEnc[A](prim:MyPrim[A]):Encoder[A] = prim match { case IntP => (i:Int) => i.toString case StringP => (s:String) => s""""$s"""" case BooleanP => (b:Boolean) => if (b) "true" else "false" }
  • 24. def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match { case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p) }
  • 25. val intSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, Int] = PrimS(IntP) val strSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, String] = PrimS(StringP) val booleanSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, Boolean] = PrimS(BooleanP)
  • 26. val nt: MyPrim ~> Encoder = new NaturalTransformation[MyPrim, Encoder]{ override def apply[A](prim:MyPrim[A]):Encoder[A] = toPrimEnc(prim) } val encoder: Encoder[Int] = toEnc(intSchema, nt)
  • 27.
  • 28. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A] final case class PrimS[Prim[_],A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A] final case class ProdS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, (A,B)] final case class SumS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A/B]
  • 29. val productSumSchema:SchemaF[MyPrim, (Int, (String, (Boolean / Int)))] = ProdS(intSchema, ProdS(strSchema, SumS(booleanSchema, intSchema)))
  • 30.
  • 31. def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match { case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p) case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) => toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2) }
  • 32. def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match { case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p) case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) => toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2) case sum:SumS[Prim, x, y] => (e:x / y) => e.fold( lx => toEnc(sum.l, toPrimEnc)(lx), ry => toEnc(sum.r, toPrimEnc)(ry) ) }
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], A] final case class PrimS[Prim[_],A](prim:Prim[A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A] final case class ProdS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, (A,B)] final case class SumS[Prim[_],A,B](l:SchemaF[Prim, A], r:SchemaF[Prim, B]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A/B] final case class UnionS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A] final case class RecordS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A] final case class IsoS[Prim[_],B,A](base:SchemaF[Prim, B], iso:Iso[B,A]) extends SchemaF[Prim, A]
  • 36.
  • 37. def toEnc[Prim[_], A](schema:SchemaF[Prim, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder):Encoder[A] = schema match { case PrimS(p) => toPrimEnc(p) case prod:ProdS[Prim, x, y] => (tpl:(x,y)) => toEnc(prod.l, toPrimEnc)(tpl._1) + "," + toEnc(prod.r, toPrimEnc)(tpl._2) case sum:SumS[Prim, x, y] => (e:x / y) => e.fold( lx => toEnc(sum.l, toPrimEnc)(lx), ry => toEnc(sum.r, toPrimEnc)(ry) ) case isoS:IsoS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) => toEnc(isoS.base, toPrimEnc)(isoS.iso.reverseGet(a)) case union:UnionS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) => toEnc(union.base, toPrimEnc)(union.iso.reverseGet(a)) case record:RecordS[Prim, b, A] => (a:A) => toEnc(record.base, toPrimEnc)(record.iso.reverseGet(a)) }
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ... final case class FieldS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( id:ProductTermId, base:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] final case class BranchS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( id:SumTermId, base:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
  • 41.
  • 42. //Schema[A] => Encoder[A] def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: SumTermId => String, pidToString: ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match { ... case field:FieldS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) => s""""${pidToString(}":${toEnc(field.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}""" case branch:BranchS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) => s"""{"${sidToString(}":{${toEnc(branch.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}}}""" }
  • 43. //Schema[A] => Encoder[A] def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: SumTermId => String, pidToString: ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match { ... case field:FieldS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) => s""""${pidToString(}":${toEnc(field.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}""" case branch:BranchS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) => s"""{"${sidToString(}":{${toEnc(branch.base, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a)}}}""" }
  • 44.
  • 45. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ... final case class SeqS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A( element:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, List[A]]
  • 46. //Schema[A] => Encoder[A] def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: SumTermId => String, pidToString: ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match { ... case seq:SeqS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (as:List[A]) =>, toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)).mkString("[",",","]") }
  • 47.
  • 48. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ... final case class RecursiveS[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( base: () => SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]
  • 49. def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:SchemaF[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: SumTermId => String, pidToString: ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match { ... case self:RecursiveS[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] => (a:A) => toEnc(self.base(), toPrimEnc, sidToString, pidToString)(a) }
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. final case class One[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId]() extends Schema[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, Unit]
  • 54. def toEnc[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:Schema[Prim,SumTermId, ProductTermId, A], toPrimEnc: Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: SumTermId => String, pidToString: ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match { ... case _:One[Prim,SumTermId,ProductTermId] => _ => "null" }
  • 55. def optional[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, A]( schema:SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, A] ):SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, Option[A]] = IsoS( SumS( One[Prim,SumTermId,ProductTermId](), schema ), Iso[Unit / A, Option[A]]( _.fold(_ => Option.empty[A],Option(_)) )( _.fold(().left[A])(a => a.right[Unit]) ) )
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. trait Realisation { type Prim[A] type SumTermId type ProductTermId }
  • 59. trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] { val R: R type Schema[A] = SchemaF[R.Prim, R.SumTermId, R.ProductTermId, A] type Sum[A, B] = SumS[R.Prim, R.SumTermId, R.ProductTermId, A, B] // and all the other needed aliases }
  • 60. trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] { val R: R final def unit: Schema[Unit] final def prim[A](prim: R.Prim[A]): Schema[A] final def union[A, AE](choices: Schema[AE], iso: Iso[AE, A]): Schema[A] final def optional[A](aSchema: Schema[A]): Schema[Option[A]] final def record[A, An](terms: Schema[An], isoA: Iso[An, A]): Schema[A] final def seq[A](element: Schema[A]): Schema[List[A]] final def iso[A0, A](base: Schema[A0],iso: Iso[A0, A]): Schema[A] final def self[A](root: => Schema[A]): Schema[A] }
  • 61. trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] { val R: R implicit final class SchemaSyntax[A](schema: Schema[A]) { def :*: [B](left: Schema[B]): Schema[(B, A)] def :+: [B](left: Schema[B]): Schema[B / A] def -*>: (id: R.ProductTermId): Schema[A] def -+>: (id: R.SumTermId): Schema[A] def imap[B](_iso: Iso[A, B]): Schema[B] } }
  • 62. object JsonSchema extends Realisation { type Prim[A] = JsonPrim[A] type ProductTermId = String type SumTermId = String sealed trait JsonPrim[A] final case object JsonString extends JsonPrim[String] final case object JsonNumber extends JsonPrim[BigDecimal] final case object JsonBool extends JsonPrim[Boolean] final case object JsonNull extends JsonPrim[Unit] }
  • 63. trait JsonModule[R <: Realisation] extends SchemaModule[R] { def toEnc[A]( schema:Schema[A], toPrimEnc: R.Prim ~> Encoder, sidToString: R.SumTermId => String, pidToString: R.ProductTermId => String ):Encoder[A] = schema match {...} }
  • 64. object module extends JsonModule[JsonSchema.type] { val R = JsonSchema import R._ }
  • 65. sealed trait Employee final case class Subordinate( name:String, age:Int, boss: Employee ) extends Employee final case class Boss( name:String, isActive:Boolean ) extends Employee
  • 66. def subordinateSchema = record( "name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*: "age" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonNumber) :*: "boss" -*>: self(employeeSchema), Iso[(String, (BigDecimal, Employee)), Subordinate]( tpl => Subordinate(tpl._1, tpl._2._1, tpl._2._2) )(s => (, (s.age, s.boss))) ) def bossSchema = record( "name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*: "isActive" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonBool), Iso[(String, Boolean), Boss]((Boss.apply _).tupled)(b => (, b.isActive)) ) def employeeSchema = union( "subordinate" -+>: subordinateSchema :+: "boss" -+>: bossSchema, Iso[Subordinate / Boss, Employee] { case -/(s) => s case /-(b) => b } { case s: Subordinate => -/(s) case b: Boss => /-(b) } )
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. object Representation { type RSum[RA, A, RB, B] type RProd[RA, A, RB, B] type RIso[RA, A, B] type RSelf[A] type RSeq[R, A] type -*>[K, V] type -+>[K, V] type RRecord[RA, An, A] type RUnion[RA, An, A] }
  • 71. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, R, A] final case class One[...]() extends SchemaF[... Unit, Unit] final case class SumF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] final case class ProdF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RProd[RA, A, RB, B], (A, B)] final case class BranchF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -+>[SumTermId, RA], A] final case class UnionF[... RA: IsUnion ...](...) extends SchemaF[... RUnion[RA, AE, A], A] final case class FieldF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -*>[ProductTermId, RA], A] final case class RecordF[...RA: IsRecord...](...) extends SchemaF[... RRecord[RA, AP, A], A] final case class SeqF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSeq[RA, A], List[A]] final case class IsoSchemaF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RIso[RA, A0, A], A] final case class SelfReference[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSelf[A], A]
  • 72. final case class Boss(name:String, isActive:Boolean) extends Employee def bossSchema = record( "name" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonString) :*: "isActive" -*>: prim(JsonSchema.JsonBool), Iso[(String, Boolean), Boss]((Boss.apply _).tupled)(b => (, b.isActive)) )
  • 73. RRecord[ RProd[ String -*> String, String, String -*> Boolean, Boolean ], (String, Boolean), Boss ]
  • 74. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, R, A] final case class One[...]() extends SchemaF[... Unit, Unit] final case class SumF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] final case class ProdF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RProd[RA, A, RB, B], (A, B)] final case class BranchF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -+>[SumTermId, RA], A] final case class UnionF[... RA: IsUnion ...](...) extends SchemaF[... RUnion[RA, AE, A], A] final case class FieldF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... -*>[ProductTermId, RA], A] final case class RecordF[...RA: IsRecord...](...) extends SchemaF[... RRecord[RA, AP, A], A] final case class SeqF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSeq[RA, A], List[A]] final case class IsoSchemaF[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RIso[RA, A0, A], A] final case class SelfReference[...](...) extends SchemaF[... RSelf[A], A]
  • 75. @implicitNotFound( msg = "It seems like the following representation type isn't isomorphic to a product of named fields: ${A}" ) trait IsRecord[A] object IsRecord { implicit def singleFieldIsRecord[K, V]: IsRecord[K -*> V] = new IsRecord[K -*> V] {} implicit def productIsRecord[L: IsRecord, R: IsRecord, X, Y]: IsRecord[RProd[L, X, R, Y]] = new IsRecord[RProd[L, X, R, Y]] {} implicit def isoIsRecord[R: IsRecord, A0, A]: IsRecord[RIso[R, A0, A]] = new IsRecord[RIso[R, A0, A]] {} }
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 81.
  • 82. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, F[_, _], R, A] { def hmap[G[_, _]](nt: F ~~> G): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, R, A] } … final case class SumF[F[_, _], RA, RB, A, B, Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId]( left: F[RA, A], right: F[RB, B] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, F, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] { def hmap[G[_, _]]( nt: F ~~> G ): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] = } ...
  • 83. sealed trait SchemaF[Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId, F[_, _], R, A] { def hmap[G[_, _]](nt: F ~~> G): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, R, A] } … final case class SumF[F[_, _], RA, RB, A, B, Prim[_], SumTermId, ProductTermId]( left: F[RA, A], right: F[RB, B] ) extends SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, F, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] { def hmap[G[_, _]]( nt: F ~~> G ): SchemaF[Prim, SumTermId, ProductTermId, G, RSum[RA, A, RB, B], A / B] = } ...
  • 84. trait Interpreter[F[_, _], F[_, _]] { self => def interpret: F ~~> G def compose[H[_, _]](nt: H ~~> F) = self match { case i: ComposedInterpreter[h, G, F] => ComposedInterpreter(i.underlying, i.nt.compose(nt)) case x => ComposedInterpreter(x, nt) } }
  • 85. implicit final def encoderInterpreter( implicit primNT: R.Prim ~> EncoderA, fieldLabel: R.ProductTermId <~< String, branchLabel: R.SumTermId <~< String ): RInterpreter[Encoder] = Interpreter.cata[RSchema, Encoder](new (RSchema[Encoder, ?, ?] ~~> Encoder) { //Implementation of Schema to Encoder here })
  • 86. case p: RPrim[Encoder, a] => primNT(p.prim) case ProdF(left, right) => (a => left(a._1) + "," + right(a._2)) case SumF(left, right) => (a => a.fold(left, right)) case i: IsoSchema[Encoder, r, _, a] => i.base.compose(i.iso.reverseGet) case r: Record[Encoder, r, _, a] => encloseInBraces.compose(r.fields).compose(r.iso.reverseGet) case SeqF(element) => (a =>"[", ",", "]")) case FieldF(id, base) => makeField(fieldLabel(id)).compose(base) case u: Union[Encoder, r, _, a] => encloseInBraces.compose(u.choices).compose(u.iso.reverseGet) case BranchF(id, base) => makeField(branchLabel(id)).compose(base) case One() => (_ => "null") case ref @ SelfReference(_, _) => (a => ref.unroll(a.asInstanceOf[A with Repr]))
  • 87. trait SchemaModule[R <: Realisation] { val R: R implicit final class SchemaSyntax[A](schema: Schema[A]) { def to[F[_, _]](implicit interpreter: RInterpreter[F]): F[_, A] } }
  • 88. val employeeEncoder:Encoder[Employee] =[Encoder]
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 91.