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Kronos Server Action Paper
Kronos Server Action Login to WDM and check all servers under set–up and if you see Not
Connected. Steps: 1. When logging into the WDM and one of the servers from KCKV005AVHT150
to KCKV005AVHT164, this excludes servers KCKV005AVHT154 and KCKV005AVHT155,
displays "Not Connected". Check the affected server to see if you are able to log onto the server
through Xceedium. If the server you are not able to access the affected server, then the affected
server needs rebooting by Wintel. 2. Create ticket using the ticket examples for server reboots. 3.
Send an email to CIC and copy Kronos Group using the e–mail examples. 4. Call CIC if you do not
receive a reply within 10 minutes. 5. Once approved a group chat is initiated by CIC, with a Wintel
tech (Note: It may or may not be Scotty Lambert who assist with the server ... Show more content
on ...
After the CMD window disappears, count to 5 and then right click on the Green GO button, right
click and enter your username and password. Another CMD window will appear and when it
disappears, it means Jboss has started. NOTE: Jboss is not up until the following email appears in
your inbox: kronos_tsa_ then proceed to follow Steps 7 and 8. 14. If WFCStartUp / WFCInit(): ***
WFC Server has been started in Online Mode *** is in the startupinfo.log, notify everyone in the
group chat that Jboss has started successfully. ***SIDE NOTE*** When working on a build
(NOTE: Kim will notify you if it is your time) with a DBA or another group that needs to have a
service to go offline for that group to perform a build or patch. The following servers
KCKV005AVHT154 and KCKV005AVHT155 do not have Jboss STOP/GO buttons on the server.
In order to stop and start services, follow the steps below. ***Server KCKV005AVHT154 – WFC
Interface Server*** 1. Click on the Start and then Services 2. Stop service on ETAInterface–Jboss,
right clock on the service select Stop. 3. Start service, right click on ETAInterface–Jboss, select Start
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Server Virtualization Essay
You are a Windows 7 administrator at Contoso, a very large and international pharmaceutical
company. You have 25 servers in your network running a combination of Windows Server 2000,
Server 2003, SuSe Linux. As your Chief Information Officer is brainstorming with you and his/her
staff, you mention that you have heard about Virtualization and it may be a very cost effective and
efficient way to upgrade everything to Windows Server 2008. Your boss tells you to research the
concepts and to get back to him in two weeks with a recommendation.
My solution is to use server virtualization, which would allow multiple servers to be installed on one
or more existing servers. This saves floor space and money since you don't have to purchase new ...
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Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into
what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console. Storage
virtualization is commonly used in storage area networks (SANs). Server virtualization is the
masking of server resources (including the number and identity of individual physical servers,
processors, and operating systems) from server users. The intention is to spare the user from having
to understand and manage complicated details of server resources while increasing resource sharing
and utilization and maintaining the capacity to expand later. (Search server virtualization, 2013)
The Similarities and Differences: between Hyper V and VMware:
The similarities are: Maximum number of Logical Processors per host are 320, the Maximum
physical RAM per Host is 4TB`s. The Maximum Virtual CPU`s per VM is 64. The Maximum
Virtual RAM per VM is 1TB, also the Hot–Add Virtual RAM is equivalentt to VM. The Dynamic
Memory Management, guest NUMA Support, and boot from SAN are all similar. (Mayer, 2013)
The differences are: Minimum Disk Footprint, while still providing management of multiple
virtualization hosts and guest VM`s. Bare metal deployment of new Storage hosts and clusters,
Integrated Application Load Balancing for
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Implementing A Web Server On Windows Operating System
Implementation Notes
The project has been successfully implemented. IIS web server on Windows Operating system is
installed and configured to run company's website.
 This section provides a high level overview of the implementation steps.
 Installed IIS (Internet Information Services) Web Server.
 Installed PHP and MySQL Database.
 Downloaded WordPress (Content Management System) to create website.
 Added the website in IIS Web Server and bound it to HTTP port 80.
 Installed WordPress and added content to website using WordPress admin panel.
 Configured firewall to secure the website from malicious attacks.
 Installed SSL certificate (issued to to secure the WordPress admin and login
pages, and bound it to HTTPS on port 443.
Now, user can access the website on If user accesses the admin panel on–admin this request would be redirected to https protocol as–admin and will ensure the secure connection.
 Concerns: This section provides a high level overview of the features other than design document.
 IIS server and Windows are used instead of Apache and Linux because of resource constraint.
 Operating System: Windows is used instead of Linux as, company doesn't want to purchase a new
machine to setup a web server, instead wants to use existing system with windows 7 already
 Web Server: IIS (Internet Information Services) Web server is used instead of Apache web server.
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The Advantages And Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of The...
Lighttpd Web Server
Lighttpd web server is a free, open–source web server software that distributed with the Free BSD
operating system. It is easy to set up and it runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris
operating system. It is fast, reliable, secure and flexible and it consume lesser CPU power. Lighttpd
is also an asynchronous server that runs as single process with a single thread and non–blocking
input or output (I/O). Asynchronous server give the advantage of web applications that written in
any programming language to run on the Lighttpd server.
Lighttpd is also an ideal server for embedded system. As an example, Raspberry Pi, one of the
popular embedded system on the market is a good candidate for Lighttpd web server. ... Show more
content on ...
In other system, it will be expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load if starting a new
process or threads. In Lighttpd, expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load will not happen
since Lighttpd does not need to start a new process or thread on per–user or per–connection basis.
Therefore, it is really light in RAM usage and CPU load. Lighttpd also normally use the I/O bound
rather than the CPU–bound. This means that Lighttpd always serve static files by speed of disk
device or network interface instead of CPU speed.
There also some disadvantages of Lighttpd web server. Lighttpd web server's design has faced some
problem when it comes to the hardware with large number of CPU cores (CPUs). This is because
Lighttpd only uses several threads and it will not gain too much from increasing more CPUs.
However, Lighttpd is really light and never bound by lack of CPU power. There is also one
weakness of the Lighttpd server which is Lighttpd buffer output from CGI server process in internal
buffers. This will leads to less RAM memory consumption. It is a weak design that using Lighttpd to
send iso–sized files which obtained as data stream from the CGI process. This issue may limit the
use of Lighttpd web server. However, this issue not really cause any big problem in the real
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The Server : Denial Of Service
The Server Denial of Service Threat: Denial of Service is the interruption of service on a device that
prevents legitimate users from accessing it. A common source of this type of attack is from
malicious agents. This is a threat because of the importance of the server to this small investigation
business. Since this is where clients upload their evidence, it must always perform at its optimal
capability. With this in mind denial of service attacks becomes a great threat, as the opposing party
in a case will benefit from evidence not being not being uploaded to the attorneys (OWASP Top 10,
2015). The likelihood is high also before of the lacking in fundamental security and information
safeguards, which is vulnerable to denial of service attacks. This will have high impact on the
outcome of cases, as evidence is needed to be victorious in a court case (OWASP Top 10, 2015). The
level of controllability is about medium, since the threat can be lessened by applying fundamental
security and information safeguards. Also no less important is the implementation of industry
recommend controls. One very important control is using inoculation training to educate the
employees on ways securely preform their daily duties. These will be carried out anonymously to
get employees real world experience. Another control to prevent this type of attack would be to
assign the task for someone to test, patch and install updates. This would will harden the server
against denial of service
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Top Five Security Threats And The Ami Server
Top five security threats to the AMI server
Threat 1 – The server is on same subnetwork as the workstations. Essentially, the users and the web
server share the same resources; therefore, all AMI users are immediately at risk if an attacker
exploits the web service. Basically, having the a public facing server on the internal network adds
additional risk to AMI systems.
Likelihood of Threat 1 – Forbes magazine estimates that around 30,000 new websites per day are
exploited because of weak security and known vulnerabilities (Forbes article). Thus, the likelihood
of an unpatched web server being hacked is high.
Security Controls for Threat 1 – According to SP 800–44, it is best–current–practice to put servers
on a separate subnetwork to logically separate it from the LAN to have a more defensible network
architecture. This design provides a logical layer of security between the workstations and the
server; further, access control rules can provide additional security between the server and the
internal network.
Threat 2 – The server is using an unpatched operating system and web server. Securing a server
begins with hardening the operating system by turning off or removing unused services/programs, as
well as patching any known holes in the software. This helps to reduce the attack surface of the
Likelihood of Threat 2 – The chances of this threat are high since the source of all attacks against a
system are to unpatched vulnerabilities in software.
Security Controls
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Server Downtime Case 2.1
Case 2.1 Server Downtime
As part of the first assignment, research and analysis of the downtime on a client's primary network
servers during the month of April must be done in order to further prepare a presentation to the
company's management.
Downtime refers to a period of time that a system fails to provide or perform its primary function.
The term is commonly applied to networks and servers. Server downtime, a period of time when the
server is unusable, is prevented by close monitoring and management of key server metrics. Server
downtime can result from several problems such as overloaded processors, rapidly expanding
memory usage, disk errors and many more. Through the study of this client's server downtime,
management and ... Show more content on ...
The problem that arises most is memory errors, which happens 10 times out of the total 22. The
second utmost problem that arises is lockups, which occurred 6 times. Since the month of April has
4 weeks, Weekly virus scans occurred 4 times. Slow startup and manual restart occurred only once
per cause. The frequency distribution table can be used to construct a simple bar graph that
represents the data. The horizontal axis of the bar chart corresponds to the 5 problem experienced in
the frequency distribution table while the vertical axis corresponds to the frequency.
Following the frequency distribution and bar graph, further analysis must be done by using the last
set of data which is the downtime data. Downtime data is collected in minutes that vary from 10 to
60 minutes. Each occurrence out of the 22 has a certain number of downtime minutes. To make the
representations, explanations, calculations and analysis straightforward, the data is taken from the
April–Server Downtime table then separated into the 5 cause categories and calculate each
categories total downtime before creating representational graphs and charts.
Date Problem Experienced Downtime Minutes
01/04/06 Lockups 25
02/04/06 Lockups 35
05/04/06 Memory Errors 10
07/04/06 Lockups
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tower Server
This type of server is often mistaken for the very similar–looking central processing unit of a
desktop computer. It is designed to be positioned on or underneath a desk and offers a basic level of
performance. It also costs roughly the same as a desktop computer. The advantages of a tower server
lie not only in the fact that it is relatively compact but also in its ability to be used in work areas
which are not specifically designed to accommodate servers, meaning that you do not need a special
data room or any special bays in which to install the server. Furthermore, this type of server does not
require a great deal of maintenance. It is easily identifiable both physically and on the company's
network, since the data is stored in a single ... Show more content on ...
The bay is, in a way, the 'data Centre' of the SME. It also provides great flexibility since it enables
you to install several servers in the same bay, one for each application or function (email,
professional software, storage, etc.), for example. In practical terms, rack servers, which are
generally more expensive than tower servers, have a much greater storage capacity, meaning that
they are better suited to medium–sized businesses or micro–businesses, and small businesses for
which information technology is a strategic priority. Advantages of rack server Cable management –
Rack servers require a lot of cables, but they are relatively easy to organize due to management tools
built into the rack. Failure containment – Identifying, removing, and replacing a malfunctioning rack
server is generally simple and has little effect on other servers. Cost – Rack servers offer a
substantial amount of computing power at a relatively low cost. Disadvantages of rack server Power
usage – Rack servers often require attendant equipment like a cooling system to function properly,
driving up the power consumption of a single
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Server Hardware And Software Capabilities
Server Hardware
The advances being made in enhancing the existing server technologies is aimed to further improve
workload performance and efficient use of resources. These developments have seen a phenomenal
rise in aspects such as server memory, power management and processing power. Some of the server
processors designed to drive networking power into the next level include S2Q, Tilera Processor and
Tile 64–Processor. The S2Q with Quanta server comes with a 10,000 cores organized on a rack
server. The setup of this processor means only less power is used up. Developers can take advantage
of the power provided by the Tile 64 Processor to maximize existing software capabilities. This
processor is programmable in both C++ and ANSI C. Advanced programmers will find the new the
new Tilera processor especially resourceful when it comes to advanced programming and utilizing
high–end data applications. Numerous server technologies are also being developed to take
advantage of virtualization.
Server Virtualization
The Server virtualization process involves physical partitioning of the server into more subdivided
and smaller manageable server units to maximize the resources available in the server. Server
virtualization helps conserve space through consolidation by recreating a single server to operate as
a server running multiple virtual environments. This enhances full resource utilization thus saving
operation cost by reducing the hardware maintenance because of the diminished
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Daytime Server Case Study
# _*_Makefile_*_
# target: dependencies
all: udp_client
UDPdaytime client: gcc –o udp_daytime udp_daytime.c
clean: rm udp_daytime
to execute the program.
1: use cd (–– removed HTML ––) to go the directory where the file is stored.
2: Run make –f MakeFile.
3: Run./udp_daytime ip.
4: Output of the daytime service will be displayed.
5: To clear the executable file run make –f MakeFile clean
In this program, we created a udp socket and we connect it to a daytime server specified by user on
port 13(default) We sent to the server an arbitrary message to trigger a response.
The server then responds with a message containing the date and time in an unspecified format ...
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buffer which will hold the response from the daytime server struct hostent* host; //our struct which
will hold the resolved hostname information
//creating a UDP socket daytime_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if(daytime_socket < 0){ printf("Unable to create a socketn"); return –1; }
//performing a gethostbyname to resolve a domain name if the user does not supply and ip address
host = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if(host == NULL){ printf("Host %s could not be resolvedn",
argv[1]); return –1; }
//zero out the sockaddr_in struct in preparation of storing connection info
daytime_server.sin_family = AF_INET; //specify internet family (IPV4) bcopy((char *)host–
>h_addr, (char *)&daytime_server.sin_addr.s_addr, host–>h_length); //copy the resolved ip address
into the struct daytime_server.sin_port = htons(PORT); //copy the port into the struct
//send our trigger message if(sendto(daytime_socket, message, strlen(message), 0, (struct sockaddr
*)&daytime_server, size_daytime_server) < 0){ printf("Could not send message %sn", message);
return –1; }
//zero out our recieving buffer and wait for a response from the daytime server bzero(buffer,
BUFFSIZE); if(recvfrom(daytime_socket, buffer,
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Designing A Client Server Application
Abstract–Distributed multiprocessor operating systems is a course that involves exploring new
concepts in the field of operating systems and its internals. This course clearly elaborates the
concepts of operating systems, distributed systems and internals and how are they utilized. It clearly
explains how multiprocessors in operating systems are used in today's world. The course also
involves a four phase project to create a client server application that demonstrates the usage and
application of various concepts like reentrancy, synchronization, etc. operating systems. The project
clearly introduces us to the concepts of distributed memories, remote procedure calls, shared
memory, concurrency, etc. thereby leveraging our knowledge and ... Show more content on ...
and how can they be applied. As we all know, semaphores can be defined as the variables whose
access are completely dependent on the wait and signal operations that are performed and are also
termed as P and V [1]. It clearly explained the concepts of producer–consumer problems, reader–
writers problems and also helped realizing the potential situations where the problem could actually
arise and also taught the ways in which we could solve these problems. Reentrancy is another key
concept that plays a key role in multiprocessor operating systems. It is under normal cases that
multiple interrupts do occur in a system sometimes. At this point of time, we face certain situations
where some of the functions need to be called back after the interrupt is handled, on the other hand
similarly few of the other functions can be left unhandled [2]. This however depends on the
particular situation that we need during the execution. Hence, calling a function back after the
sudden interruption of its execution is called reentrancy [2]. Similarly, if the function is said to have
an undefined behavior when it is called after an interrupt occurred, then it is said to be non–reentrant
function [2]. This project helped us to implement functions which can be reentrant.
The project has been implemented in four different phases, where each phase acts as an input to the
This indicates, the
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Questions On Client And Server Architecture
2.2) Architectural Styles Software architectural styles are frameworks that have been developed as
general solution for the common problems which are arise in the software development process. It is
basically defined components, connectors which compose a solution and their relations in a
structured program. (Sean Boyd, 2013)
( 2.2.1)
Client/ Server Architecture The design is made up of two components, Client and Server the server
provides some services which the client can access by using a reply/request protocol. This is a kind
prevailing model for networking being peer – to– pear. Servers are more powerful dedicated
computers or processes which are ideally
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Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer And Windows Server 2012
1. Goal The main idea behind this lab was to relocate the DHCP server and master DNS server to a
fresh install of Windows Server 2012. This would allow control over most of the network with
Windows Server 2012 while maintaining a slave DNS server on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
box. A basic install of Active Directory was also implemented, allowing a single client to connect to
the bestnet.local domain. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer was also implemented to determine
any outlying security risks associated with the Windows Server 2012. This lab took the knowledge
that I gained from in–class lectures and previous experiences, and allowed me to implement Active
Directory, DHCP, and DNS flawlessly on Windows Server 2012. It helped me to understand how
Active Directory and DNS are linked together to tie a domain together and populate that domain. By
playing around in Active Directory, I was able to gain valuable knowledge of how to implement
many features and roles directly related to an Active Directory installation.
2. Procedural and Informational Documentation All information pertaining to my virtual network
can be found at the address or http://wiki.bestnet.local/wiki/ when inside my
infrastructure. It contains all the information needed to understand how I built and configured my
virtual machines, and how I installed and configured each of my servers. It is broken up by specific
Operating System installs, so there is are sections for
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Difference Between Peer Server Vs Client Server Network
Client–Server network Vs. Peer–Peer network.
Key differences between Client Server network and Peer–Peer network:
1. Data path: The prominent difference between client to server network and peer to peer network is
that in a client to server network, the designated clients request for services and the servers provide
them (data flows from server to client), but in peer to peer network, peers act as service providers
and service consumers and service providers at the same time (data flows within peers).
2. Configuration: The Client–server network requires a central security database which stores blocks
of shared data as a backup, but the peer–peer network does not contain the central security database
as each peer contains its own data.
3. Purpose: The purpose of Client–server network is to share ... Show more content on ...
If any user crashes a computer and if some shared residue file is deleted, it poses serious threat to
the stability of the entire network.
9. Hardware and software requirements:
Client–Server network: Let us consider a client–server network, with up to 25 users as an example.
Hardware requirements:
 Dual processor: Each processor must be a Quad core with 2.6GhHz or more.
 16GB RAM.
 RAID–5 (Redundant array of independent drives) configuration with 3 disks of 250GB storage.
 Ethernet cables.
 This network has a dedicated server which has more computing speed, more memory and more
storage space. Software requirements:
 Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2 64 bit with SQL server 2008 R2 64 bit.
 CALs*, as much needed. *CAL– It is not a software product but it is a license that gives user the
rights to access the services of the server. In a Client–server network, the software needs to be
installed only in the server and not in the client
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Windows Server
Windows Server Deployment Proposal
Each student will create a detailed, organized, unified technical solution given the scenario
described below. The submission will be in a written format, with at least one diagram, and may
include additional diagrams, charts or tables. The assignment is meant for students to enhance their
mastery of the material and to provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge
from this course.
Worldwide Advertising, Inc. (referred to as "WAI") has hired you as an IT consultant for
implementing their Windows network infrastructure. WAI is a new advertising firm, and they are
currently hiring staff, establishing two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT ... Show
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* DNS namespace design (e.g., domain name(s) chosen, split DNS for Internet/intranet, zones) *
How will DNS be handled for the second site?
Application Services * How will applications be deployed? If using Group Policy, what are the
details on how Group Policy will be used to deploy the software? Which software applications will
likely be needed?
File and Printer Sharing * What shares might be needed? * DFS Needed? * How will quotas/FSRM
be configures?
Assignment Requirements
There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 6
pages' worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or
quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 10 pages' worth of student–supplied
text. (With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up
being more than 10 pages in length.) It must be double–spaced, have 1–inch margins, and use 12–
point Times New Roman or 10–point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required; APA format for
the title page is optional. * At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the
minimum length described above); this could be a diagram describing Active Directory components,
DHCP/DNS design, file share hierarchy, or anything else that is worth displaying graphically to
enhance the reader's understanding of the proposal. Additional diagrams, images, or tables are
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Network Policy Server and Remote Access
The nature of our business requires us to have a flexible sales force. Because of that detail we need
to be receptive to the needs of our mobile workforce. The most critical tool involved in their success
is the ability to reliably connect and access our company networks. These connections can be from
employees using company issued laptops or personal computers used from home or on the road.
For the most part we have addresses the needs of our sales force on a case by case basis but going
forward we really need to ensure we have a defined policy to streamline remote access. To
accomplish this there are a few benchmarks we need to achieve. First of all the network has to be
reliable or in more technical terms it needs to have high ... Show more content on ...
SHV's use that information contained by the SHA's to define what health requirements are needed in
order to be compliant and gain access to the network. Working together the SHA and SHV agents
monitor and validate the health of incoming network transmissions.
Statement of Health, System Statement of Health, and System Statement of Health Response
The Statement of Health or SoH is generated by each SHA and is communicated to the NAP to
determine compliance. Every time there is an update of change with a SHA possibly through
remediation the update is then also applied to the SoH. The NAP service will combine all of the
various SoH's that a client generated during a remote connection and combine them into the System
Statement of Health or SSoH which essentially defines the system health characteristics of the client
computer. Lastly the System Statement of Health Response is generated by the NAP after compiling
all of the remote user's system health characteristics. This information or SSoHR is sent to the
enforcement point for access validation.
NAP Enforcement
The NAP system health characteristics give the server all of the essential health information to grant
or deny access but we need a function to physically make that access decision. NAP uses
enforcement point to carry out that function. There are a few different methods of NAP enforcement
all of which have
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Why Are Web Servers Useful?
What are they?
Web servers are computers that deliver web pages. Every web server has an IP address and
sometimes a domain name.
What are the key functions and features of web servers
Some features include creating websites. Not literally creating websites but setting up a website and
being able to view the web page.
The primary function of a web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to clients
Creating an FTP site (This allows the user to transfer files to and from the site).
To organise website security. What user accounts aren't allowed to view the website and what user
accounts are allowed to view the website. What IP addresses aren't and are allowed the visit the
How to use it
You open up the internet then you would type in the URL for the website you wish to see.
Why are web servers useful?
Web servers are useful because they allow easy flow for things like transferring files from computer
to computer. They are useful for communicating from all around the world. If we didn't have web
servers then we couldn't send files from for e.g. Australia to England. They are useful for storing,
processing and delivering web pages to clients. This relates to e–commerce because web servers are
delivering web pages which have a IP address or domain names so it will make it easier for people
to find your e–commerce site.
What are browsers?
Web Browsers are software applications for retrieving and presenting information resources on the
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Windows Server
CMIT 369 7981 Installing and Configuring Windows Server
Windows Server Proposal Worldwide Advertising Inc.
Wordwide Advertising Inc. is a newly established advertising firm will require a server environment
to manage a starting staff of 90 employees and various roles required to manage their network.
Windows Server 2012 will be installed to manage the following server roles. Exchange to manage
company email, Active Directory to manage the domain to include users, computers, groups, sub
domains, DHCP and DNS, file and print sharing, cloud storage, as well as backup solutions. There
will be two locations which will require inter–site connectivity through a secure tunnel. The site in
Los Angeles will ... Show more content on ...
Deployment and Server Edition
The following are some of the benefits of deploying Windows Server 2012 Datacenter as a solution
to the needs and requirements of Worldwide Advertising Inc.
Run multiple server roles and different operating systems on a single server
Reduce the amount of hardware needed to run server workloads
Minimize the time it takes to set up hardware and software and reproduce test
Server virtualization Hyper–V provides tools for creating and managing a virtualized server
computing environment. Hyper–V Replica can replicate a virtual machine from one location to
another, without shared storage, storage arrays, or other replication technologies. Server
management: The Server Core provides a minimal environment for running specific server roles.
Those roles are then easier to maintain and manage and less exposed to attack. Administrators can
manage groups of servers collectively from within a single, integrated console.
Integrated services: Windows Server delivers a unified platform for web publishing that integrates
IIS, ASP.NET, and Windows Communication Foundation and also supports SharePoint Services.
Failover clustering: Administrators can minimize disruptions of services and applications by
creating a redundant server environment with
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Application Of A Server Hardening Essay
Server Hardening
In our network technology Server Hardening is one of the most important things to be handled on
our servers, becomes more understandable when you realize all the risks involved. The default
configuration of most operating systems are not designed with security as the primary focus. Now a
days default setups are focus more on communications, usability and functionality. To protect our
servers we must establish solid and sophisticated server hardening policies for all servers in our
organization. Developing a server hardening checklist would likely be a great first step in increasing
our server and network security. Make sure that our checklist includes minimum security practices
that we expect of our staff.
Server Hardening Tips & Tricks:
Server Hardening is the process of enhancing server security through a variety of means which
results in a much more secure server operating environment. This is due to the advanced security
measures that are put in place during the server hardening process. There are several key
requirements you must meet to ensure that the server hardening processes described in this section
achieve their security goals:
Step 1: Be rigid on passwords
Main points: Enforce stronger authentication by encouraging the use of passphrases and requiring a
15–character minimum.
Step 2: Use Windows XP software restriction policies through Group Policy
Main points: Use Group Policy to block all extensions related to scripts and disallow especially
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Information Retrieval And Its Effects On The Server
Data is distributed to minimize the response time and request drop rates across all over the servers.
A request for a particular data from the server (vendor or set of mirrors) is sent by client and server
responds back with the data that client requested. In this case server comes to know what data is
requested or needed by the client. Generally mirrors are the third party sites that may or may not be
trustworthy. If in case if a client wants to update a security patch for its system and the mirror that
was chosen for the update is not trustworthy, then in this case it's a threat to the system as its
vulnerability is exposed to third party. Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is basically a protocol
that allows client to retrieve the ... Show more content on ...
With manifest provided by server, client can determine which block to retrieve from mirrors and to
validate their correctness. Vendor removes the malicious mirror reported by the client. It also polls
and removes the unresponsive mirror. Mirror: It basically uses 'rsync' to obtain files for a release
from vendor. Mirror stores all of the software update to be released in a contiguous memory. It uses
manifest for the validation of each block. Once the mirror is ready to serve the blocks to the clients,
then it notifies the server for its readiness. Client: The first thing client will do is will request vendor
for manifest and list of mirrors. With the help of manifest, client will be able to determine which
block of the release it will need to retrieve in order to receive updates. The client has the value N
that represents the number of mirrors that it would have to interact in order to keep its privacy. To
retrieve a single block for an instance, it generates cryptographically suitable N–1 and it derives the
'Nth' string by XORing the other N–1 random string together to get the desired updates. As the
mirror receives random bit string, it won't be able to identify which updates client is looking for to
retrieve. In order to protect against those who can monitor traffic, client can securely communicate
with the mirror using encrypted tunnel. The release provided by a vendor
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Windows Sql Server Database Design Essay
Tasman International Academies Diploma in Information Technology (Level 7) ASSESSMENT:
Windows SQL Server Database Design and Optimization STUDENT NAME:: RANJIT SINGH
20/07/2015 SUBJECT:: ASSESSMENT (THEORY) Assessment: Task One Theoretical Questions
Outcome 1 (1.1) Q1. Briefly explain following designing requirements that are required when
designing the Hardware and Software infrastructure: a) Storage requirements A lot of considerations
go into analyzing the storage requirements of a database server. In addition to the physical size of
the database, you need to consider the transaction growth rate and data–distribution requirements.
Some industries, particularly financial and healthcare institutions, are subject to requirements
regarding data retention, storage, and security that must be taken into account in determining storage
capacity. You'll now learn how to determine the current storage capacity of a database server and
identify factors that affect its growth. We'll also look at how to forecast future disk–storage
requirements, taking into account any relevant regulatory requirements that may apply to your
business or enterprise. b) Network requirements All database
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Systems for Ensuring Secure Client/Server Transactions...
Securing Client/Server Transactions
The three basic ways that security is implemented in the area of client/server transaction. The first
area is firewalls. The basic idea of a firewall to monitor traffic from a trusted network ( a company's
internal network) to an untrusted network (such as the Internet). Firewalls fall into two categories,
"proxies" and "packet–filtering" firewalls. Packet–filtering determines whether a packet is allowed
or disallowed depending on the source of the packet and the contents of it. Packet–filtering also
looks at the source and destination ports, and to determine if a packet is part of an ongoing
An application–level firewall, better known as a proxy acts as an intermediary between ... Show
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Authentication can be performed with a user name and password, or with a piece of information
known as a "digital certificate". A digital certificate contains encryption parameters, which can be
used to uniquely identify a user or a host system. Verifying that an external party has not modified
data is known as "integrity checking". Integrity checking is done by applying a mathematical
algorithm, known as a "hash", to data before it's sent and computing the same hash when the data is
received. If the two hashes map to the same result, then the data hasn't been modified.
How do these areas affect client/server transaction? Client/server transaction deals with the
everyday transactions that people engage in on the Internet. With each transaction, personal
information is sent from client to vendor. The information has a tendency to be sensitive in nature
and not something shared with anyone except the vendor. Such information may include social
security numbers, credit card numbers, and possibly information for monthly bills (account numbers
and balances specifically). Businesses have to save–guard their customers in order for their
customers to feel secure in buying products and services from them. Businesses understand this
importance. Some businesses and development groups have evolved from the need to make business
transactions more secure on the Internet. In doing so, business presence has grown exponentially
over the last decade. Commercials on TV tell
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Difference Between Virtualization And Client Server...
Virtualization vs Client Server Architecture
1. Virtualization
The term virtualization is the separation of a resource or request for a service from the underlying
physical delivery of that service.
a. Virtualization Overview
Virtualization allows converting one physical server into multiple virtual machines (VM) where
each of the virtual machines (VM) will operate as a unique physical device. The VMs are capable of
running their own Operating System (OS) and working independently. This allows the administrator
to create enough virtual servers to use all of the physical machines processing power. Figure 1
Before and After Virtualization (Ref: Virtualization Overview, VMWare)
To sum it up, Virtualization means to create a virtual version of a device or resource, such as a
server, storage ... Show more content on ...
Virtualization Advantages and Drawbacks
Let us now check the advantages and disadvantages of Virtualization.
a. Advantages
i. Hardware Abstraction: The service vendors create clusters of hardware consisting of storage,
compute resources like CPU and Memory, networks etc., at a preferred location or at different
locations, and then use virtualization techniques to provide access to these clusters. The customer
can ask for the required capacity which can provided immediately. ii. Scalability: Hardware can be
added to the existing setup anytime. Ina client server setup, whenever hardware was added, there
was always downtime associated to it. This is a major benefit that virtualization brings, because if
the requirements is increasing at a rapid rate, then adding the required hardware can actually keep
up without downtime. iii. Consolidation of Workloads: In a client server setup, most physical boxes
are incredibly under–used because of software limitations or usage capacity. But with Virtualization,
resource utilization can be increased by performing load balancing algorithms as the workloads can
be placed on a single piece of hardware reducing the number of physical
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Web Server Application Attacks Essay
Running Head: Web Server Application Attacks
Web Server Application Attacks
Assignment # 1
Mariz Cebron
Common web application vulnerabilities and attacks, and recommend mitigation strategies The
World Wide Web has evolved into a critical delivery pipeline for institutions to interact with
customers, partners and employees. Via browsers, people use web sites to send and receive
information via Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) messages to web applications housed on web
servers. This information, expected as legitimate messages, can be used illegitimately in
unauthorized ways to compromise security vulnerabilities a.) Authentication – one of the biggest ...
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These attacks usually put a heavy load on the target by making regular requests very rapidly. It is
hard to distinguish if a web server is stormed by thousands of clients, or if there is a DoS attack in
progress. A simple way to force the problem of heavy load is to use a server farm together with a
load balancer. This will help against small attacks, but not against a DDoS started from several
hundred hosts. Furthermore, increasing the number of servers is rather expensive.
Attack on the Justice Department's Web site
An apparent denial of service attack, which overloads a site's servers with requests for access,
crippled portions of[–>0]. Its site was experiencing "a significant increase in
activity, resulting in degradation in service," and officials said they would treat the situation "as a
malicious act until we can fully identify the root cause of the disruption." A loosely affiliated group
of hackers known as Anonymous said the attack was in response to DOJ's decision to shut down[–>1] on charges that the popular Web site illegally shared movies, television
shows and e–books. Members of the Anonymous faction release the following video regarding the
attack, along with a brief statement, neither of which details the motivation for this latest attack on
the DoJ or the contents of the data the attack exposed. Anonymous members launched a
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Computers Field, Desktop And Server
The technology keeps growing and advancing on every single aspect on the computers field,
desktop and server cannot be the exception, a very specific case is the system virtualization. The
creating of a virtual version of a device or resource makes virtualization a great tool for network
engineers and system administrators on the daily managing configuration, testing and creating of
systems. As a first look is inarguable the advantages that can come with the virtualization of system
environments, but has virtualization overcome regular computer using? Is it reliable? It is cost
effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
The idea of virtualizing all the system on a network environment sound like a good alternative, in
fact there is more systems administrator that prefer a virtual environment that to a normal
multicomputer. The advantages of virtualization are for example, cost savings because the
organization don't have to buy as much software, and software test before implementation. In
contrast there are disadvantages like well qualified IT personnel and reliability due to "have all your
eggs in one basket"
From my perspective, comparison between multicomputers and virtualized systems can change
according the skills of the system administrator, although multicomputers is still a validate practice
in many environments there is no doubt virtualization is the best way to administrate an organization
from rehabilitee to cost effective.
The new era of systems
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Windows Sql Server Database Design And Optimization Essay
Tasman International Academies
Diploma in information Technology
Level 7
Assignment: – Windows SQL server Database Design and Optimization
Subject code: WD 602
Name: Anurag
ID: 15052231
Submitted to: Mr. Imran Siddique
Outcome 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Q 1 Briefly explains following designing requirements that are required when designing the
hardware and software infrastructure: –
Ans: – Infrastructure in everything that helps in the flow and the processing of data. Infrastructure
provides a platform for all necessary IT applications and functions for the individual or any
organisation. Every infrastructure that is designed or worked on will need to meet unique
requirements. Storage requirements: – It is influenced by transaction growth rate and data
distribution requirements. Disk space capacity: – Storage requirement depends like how much space
is already being used by the database data files and how much more should be added for transaction
log files, portion of tempdb that helps in database activities and full text index or reorganisation of
index. Disk throughput capacity: – Storage requirement can be known by the access of I/O rate
according to the database requirement. The IOPS and space capacity is inversely proportional to
each other. Hence the disk capacity isn't going to go up if the I/O operation per second goes up.
Location and roles of database servers: – Also according to the roles and location of the database
servers the storage requirements
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What Are Web Servers? Why Are They Necessary?
General FAQs:
1. What are web servers? Why are they necessary?
Ans: A web server is definitely an information technology that processes requests via HTTP, the
standard network protocol employed to share out necessary information about the (WWW) i.e world
wide web. The particular expression can refer heads to a full mainframe PC, a machine, otherwise in
particular to your software that purpose is to accept and administer the HTTP requests.
A web server's most important function is to store website files in addition to broadcast them above
through the web for your guest's visitors. In real meaning, an internet server is only a powerful
computer that hoards data and transmits them online. When someone visits an online page on the
site their browser communicates with the web server, sending and receiving information that
ultimately dictates what appears for the visitor's monitor. Therefore, chief principle of a web site
server is always to store and transfer site data upon the request of your visitor's browser.
2. What is Web Hosting?
Ans: Before trying for making your own web site and launch it on the Internet, you should actually
know how a website works particularly. Here are the essential terms.
The server obtains and searches a page sent through your browser.
The browser connects on the server using an IP Address; the IP address is obtained by translating the
url of your website.
In return, the server summons up the request page.
Web pages are made in HTML, called
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Application For Asynchronous Server Model
Parameters considered: 1. Preference for asynchronous server model over synchronous server
model. 2. Reduce server load, Load balancing (Splits servers for specific requests) 3. Decrease
bandwidth between client and server. 4. Compression techniques. 5. Render static assets through
reverse proxy (No need to create another process in system memory for static assets access). 6.
Better to use content delivery network for libraries that may be need for frontend interface. 7. Non–
blocking and event threads 8. Reduce database query time by applying indexing/clustering/stored
procedure/optimized queries 9. Use of caching server to cache the static page requests. 10. Common
Techniques. The above parameters mentioned are the generic one which ... Show more content on ...
Which blocks the customers' requests and may lead to crash of server or sometime requests of
customer are not entertained properly. So the better option is to choose an asynchronous server
paradigm here to avoid this type of condition. An asynchronous server handles all the request
through one process/thread through a concept like event loop. This is nothing but a mechanism to
handle http incoming request in event driven nature. For Ex: Suppose you are a student and have
access to a portal which provides the functionality for reading massive journals content through API
, That API is a http request which request for required data and render the relevant info to end user.
Now if you are performing same operation with synchronous server and if the targeted journal if is 5
GB in terms of size, then synchronous server will halt further execution of the code block and
further statements/expressions will not executed until the server do not read all the 5 GB data Now
consider a scenario a typical request of above http call takes 1hr (For example) then further
statement will have to wait needlessly to get executed until you don 't read the 5 GB data. This
condition called as "Blocking", which blocks overall execution for some time for that specific
process. The better approach to overcome this scenario is to
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Sql Vs. Oracle Server
SQL vs. Oracle Server
Dheeraj Balamoori
Wilmington University Abstract
Databases are most paramount part in today 's organizations. In the event that the servers are down
for quite a while and data is not accessible there would be enormous misfortune to the organization
regarding income and good will. Thus, databases play an essential part in today 's business. There
are various relational database management systems (RDBMS) like Microsoft Access, Sybase,
MySQL and oracle but out of all databases Oracle and MS SQL are the widely used applications
throughout the globe. Oracle databases are unique for having large and abnormal state abilities to
handle the circumstances like data inaccessibility, support issues, information and system failures
and so forth. Microsoft SQL Server database has the usefulness of high information accessibility and
security however is not viable as of Oracle 's because it has good depth in high data availability. As
Oracle is having more enterprise applications the databse is used widely for most of the top financial
companies like bank of America, HDFC Bank, National Australia Bank
Since their presentation in the 1980s, relational database administration frameworks (RDBMS) have
turned into the standard database sort for an assortment of commercial ventures. As their name
suggests, these systems are focused around the social model that sorts out information into
gatherings of tables alluded to as relations.
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Cost Benefit Analysis : 6 And Client Server Architecture
Contents Cost–benefit analysis: 6 Client server architecture 7 Advantages of client server
architecture: 7 Disadvantages: 8 References 10 Willowbrook School has been providing elementary
education to children for many years and now the school has updated its services to aftercare
program in which the school will be providing after care to small kids after the school hours. The
school has a good reputation among the elementary schools of this area and is known for its
services. All the requirements of the children are taken care of by the school premises. The increase
in the enrolments of kids in the school program has made it mandatory for the school to upgrade its
system to information system for providing the best services. As the employees of the school are
limited, so the work load will now be shared with the help of a new information system in order to
make progress and provide best services. To: Victoria, Director (Willowbrook School) From:
Michael Blatt (Chief Consultant) Date: 13th Jan, 2015 Subject: Description of strategic planning and
steps of preliminary investigation. Miss Victoria As we have inculcated the program of developing a
new information for the Willowbrook School owing to the increase in the work load of the school
due to increase in the enrolments of students in the school. Also, the program of after– care program
of the school has led to the requirement of IT in the school so that all the aspects of school
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Server Controlled Multicast Chat System
An assumption that is intrinsic to a basic communication involves two parties, the server and the
client. Here, our design is based on a chat application which involves one–to–many communication
(i.e., with one server and multiple clients, in which the server acts as the central system
administrator and has got control over all other clients who wish to join the network.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE DESIGN: The Multicasting in java can be achieved by using the
sockets and thread concepts in the Java networking programming. We consider two sockets, one in
the server side that waits for the client messages on a particular port and the other in the client side
to receive messages from each ... Show more content on ...
Once the user logs into the system with his/her credentials provided the server is started intitially
and is waiting for the clients, it starts storing all the actions performed in a log called the "Event log"
for the corresponding user session. It requires the user to run the Client login program every time of
a new user wants to connect. The message sent by user hits the server first and the user makes it
display on all the screen of all other users who are online. This is the main focus of our design and is
implemented using the threading. Also, if a user logs off, all other users of the group will be notified
of it and the logged off users loses access over the application. He has to login again to achieve a
connection with the system once again.
SPECIAL ASSUMPTIONS: 1) A user who wishes to login can successfully login with any name,
provided the password is '12345'. The system is designed in such a way for simplicity as this is not
the main focus of our design.
2) Any multiple number of the users can login with the same username, because the system treats
them as different individuals as each and every client is referenced by a unique id.
3) Once a user wishes to log off, he sends a "Goodbye" message and the server disconnects him
from the application and notifies to all other users currently connected.
1) Our system works fine at both the circumstances, when the server
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Annotated Bibliography On Sql Server
Q5.Describe the following features available in sql server
Ans ;– a) database mirroring: – Database reflecting is an answer for expanding the accessibility of a
SQL Server database. Reflecting is actualized on a for each database premise and works just with
databases that utilization the full recuperation model. Database reflecting was presented with
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 innovation that can be utilized to outline high–accessibility and elite
answers for database repetition. It is intended to keep up a hot standby server with a transitionally
reliable duplicate of the database. Reflecting is practical, fast, obliges no extraordinary equipment,
and guarantees value–based consistency. This article will portray the distinctive methods of database
reflecting and how it is not the same as different advancements. Here won 't get into the specifics of
the SQL Server 2008 upgrades however will take database reflecting is a basically programming
answer for expanding database accessibility. Reflecting is actualized on a for every database premise
and works just with databases that utilization the full recuperation model. The straightforward and
mass logged recuperation models don 't bolster database reflecting. Database reflecting is bolstered
in SQL Server Standard and Enterprise. Database reflecting offers considerable accessibility and
gives a simple to–oversee option or supplement to failover grouping or log shipping. At the point
when a database reflecting session is
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Installing Windows Server 2012 Machine
The main purpose of this lab is to install and configure services such as Active Directory, DNS and
DHCP on the Windows Server 2012 machine. Also the DNS and DHCP services were monitored
with the help of a monitoring system like OpsviewAtom and Windows Performance Monitor. The
role of DHCP is to make sure that clients (Windows 7) can obtain an IP address whereas that of
DNS is to make sure that they can access websites within the domain.
The steps regarding AD, DNS and DHCP were a refresher as it was covered in a previous class. The
installation and configuration of Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and Performance monitor
was new which needed some research and understanding.
The first activity of the lab is to install Windows Server 2012 Datacenter. The steps involve using
VMWare's Vsphere and the .iso image of windows server that is already been installed. The steps for
setting up the OS on the VM are pretty straightforward. After the CD/DVD has been inserted the
installation process is followed and then Server can now be used.
The second activity involved the installation of DHCP on the Windows Server machine. This is done
by Add the DHCP Server feature Option from within the Server Manager, Add Roles and Features.
After the installation is completed, the scope of the subnet is to be defined. Within the scope, the
allocated range of IP addresses is entered along with certain reservations (Windows 7 client)
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Scp Server Essay
1 – 1st step we need to install Web Server in SCCM member server.
On the SCCM VM server, open Server Manager, and click Ad Roles & Features. 2 – On the Before
you begin interface, click Next. 3 – On the Select installation type interface, proceed with Next. 4 –
On the Select destination server interface, verify your server and then click Next.
5 – On the Select server roles interface, click Web Server (IIS) and then click Next. 6 – On the
Select features interface, click .Net Framework 3.5 & 4,5, and then scroll down and click Remote
Differential Compression, then click Next.
7 – On the Web Server Role (IIS) interface, proceed with Next. 8 – On the Select role services
interface, under Security and select Request ... Show more content on ...
18 – In the Connection Settings box, verify that Default naming context is selected and then click
OK. 19 – browse to CN=System container, right CN=System, click New and choose Object. 20 – In
the Create Object box, click container and then click Next. 21 – in the Value, type System
Management and then click Next. 22 – Click Finish to complete the process. 23 – Next, open Active
Directory Users & Computers, click View and then click Advanced Features. 24 – Click System,
right click System Management folder and then click Properties. 25 – On the System Management
Properties box, click Add and then click Object Types.
*** What are we going to do here is to configure permissions on the System Management
container.*** 26 – On the Object Types interface, just click Computers and then click OK. 27 – On
the Select Users, Computer, Service Accounts, or Group interface, type SCCM (this is our SCCM
member server) and then click OK. 28 – On the System Management Properties interface, click
SCCM (OSISCCM$) and click Full Control under Permissions of SCCM and then click Advanced.
29 – On the Advanced Security Settings for System Management interface, under Permission
Entries:, click Allow SCCM (OSISCCM$) and then click Edit. 30 – On the Permissions Entry for
System Management interface, verify that you choose Applies to: This object and all descendant
objects and then click OK. 31 – Now switch
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Designing A Surrogate Server And Its Numerical Ip Address
In this approach, the DNS performs the mapping between a surrogate server's symbolic name and its
numerical IP address.
It is used for full–site content selection and delivery.
In DNS–based request–routing, a domain name has multiple IP addresses associated to it. When an
end–user's content request comes, the DNS server of the service provider returns the IP addresses of
servers holding the replica of the requested object. The client's DNS resolver chooses a server
among these. To decide, the resolver may issue probes to the servers and choose based on response
times to these probes. It may also collect historical information from the clients based on previous
access to these servers.
 DNS–based approach is extremely popular ... Show more content on ...
URL rewriting
Though most CDN systems use a DNS based routing scheme, some systems use the URL rewriting.
It is mainly used for partial–site content selection and delivery where embedded objects are sent as a
response to client requests.
In this approach, the origin server redirects the clients to different surrogate servers by rewriting the
dynamically generated pages' URL links. For example, with a Web page containing an HTML file
and some embedded objects, the Web server would modify references to embedded objects so that
the client could fetch them from the best surrogate server.
To automate this process, CDNs provide special scripts that transparently parse Web page content
and replace embedded URLs
URL rewriting can be pro–active or reactive.
 In the pro–active URL rewriting, the URLs for embedded objects of the main HTML page are
formulated before the content is loaded in the origin server.
 In reactive approach involves rewriting the embedded URLs of a HTML page when the client
request reaches the origin server.
The main advantage of URL rewriting is that the clients are not bound to a single surrogate server,
because the rewritten URLs contain DNS names that point to a group of surrogate servers. Also
finer level of granularity can be achieved through this approach since embedded objects can be
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Comparing Client Server Architectural Style
Compare Client–Server architectural style to 3–Tier architectural style. What are the similarities and
differences ? Use bullet points or a short paragraph.
Client–Server architectural style to 3–Tier architectural style:
The client–server model refers to the Network Architecture where one or more computers are
connected a server.Client–server architecture divides the system into two applications, In this model
client sends request to the server. Server implementation is transparent but can be centralized or
distributed, single–threaded or multi–threaded single interface point with physically distributed
implementation Dynamic, transparent selection from among multiple interface points. The purpose
of networks is to allow communication ... Show more content on ...
The BL is running on a separate server, called the business logic tier, middle tier, or service tier.
Finally the DB is running on its own database server. Differences: Client–Server: cost (servers and
software can be expensive) server operating systems (a server and software work together; server
software is expensive; servers also add to the costs) implementation (sharing resources; network
cabling; servers kept in a secure room; central file management, central security administration; user
management and permissions, backup management) security and safety techniques to protect the
network from virus attacks, new products, and the use of new technologies (i.e., wireless
Client–server networks work best for larger setups, such as a full–scale office or school network ––
especially if the networks are likely to grow in size.
3–Tier Architecture: A 3–Tier usually puts something between the presentation and data store tire
such as a business logic tier.
3–Tier has a Middle part of stage to communicate with client to server, Where as in 2–Tier client
directly get communication to server. you can put this into 3 tiers depending on how much amount
of money you have for hardware and how amount load you expect.
3–Tier is straight means in that demand stream on Client Middle Layer Database server and
3–Tier is similar to a MVC But having contrast sorts in topologies.
Question 2
Marked out of 5.00 Not flaggedFlag
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Cis 502 Web Server Application Attack
Running head: Web Server Application Attacks 1
Web Server Application Attacks
Deep Ajabani
CIS 502
Dr. Nelson Stewart
July 12, 2015
Running head: Web Server Application Attacks 2 In this era of globalization and cut–throat world of
competition, it is virtually impossible to do business without using the internet and web applications.
Internet gets used for processing the credit card or debit card sale and even for using to save the data
of customers to the merchant's database for future reference and to send promotional offers to the
previous and patron customers. And on the other hand, hackers are trying their best to get the data
stored on the merchant's server by spoofing ... Show more content on ...
In this case hackers especially don't just breach and get the access into the crypto but they breach
something else, like they gets the access to the data through that automatically decrypts, they
acquires the clear text replication of data and in some cases they find the keys. Though it is not that
much easy to get access through this way to the data and get the information. But once the hacker
gets the access it is not that easy to detect the vulnerability. For hackers it is not easy to get through
this way, first they need to put some effort to breach something else to get the required access. The
result of this attack can be severe, and sometimes enterprise have to face lawsuits. To stay safe from
this vulnerability that the company encrypts all the data in the manner, no one can access that, not
the insider and not even the outsider. When engineer takes the backup of the data, they need to make
sure that the data is encrypted. Keys need to be handled and saved individually. To assure that login
credential are made using the appropriate and standard algorithms. And last but not the least all the
keys and passwords need to be protected from the unauthorized access. Insecure direct object
reference is another type of vulnerability which makes the hackers or outsiders to access the data
and other objects which are not entitled to access that. This vulnerability is the result of malpractice
by one of the employee. The authoritative system user who can make the changes to the system,
alters the parameter value that directly refers the link to the system object that user is not allowed to
access and makes the data and information
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Computer Architecture : The Terminal Server Architecture
The first famous business applications architecture that was used in the 1950s until 1990 was the
terminal server architecture.
Mainframe architecture:
At the beginning of the application architecture world, we had mainframes that executed all the
applications logic in a centralized manner and the mini computers as terminals that just displayed
the applications screens to the users and captured user's inputs. The main advantage of this
architecture was that deployment was easy to perform. The main disadvantage was that user
interface was very limited, the display was characters based and the user's inputs was limited to a
The terminal server architecture was replaced in the 1990 with the client server architecture. In this
era most of the application logic was moved to the clients and the server was mostly limited to a
database server to exchange data between client and server. One on the main disadvantage of this
architecture was that, you needed to deploy the application on each client and there could be
potential compatibility issues between different clients.
Web App model:
In the early 2000, web application architecture started replacing client/server architecture. Most of
the application logic went back to the server like in the mainframes era. This model solved the
deployment problem that existed with the client server architecture, but brought back the problems
that were in the mainframe era of having to go to the server every time
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Essay Web Server and Intranet Website
Lab 12
Configuring and Maintaining Network Security
This lab contains the following exercises and activities:
Exercise 12.1
Installing Internet Information Server
Exercise 12.2
Testing IIS Connectivity
Exercise 12.3
Allowing a Program Through the Firewall
Lab Challenge
Creating Windows Firewall Rules
Exercise 12.1
Installing Internet Information Server
Because this is only a test deployment, you will be using a Windows 8 computer to function as the
web server. In this exercise, you will install Internet Information Services on your workstation and
then configure it to host two websites.
Internet Information Services enables you to configure websites to use specific port numbers. This
makes it ... Show more content on ...
or DNS issue? NOT SURE
Lab Challenge
Creating Windows Firewall Rules
The port you opened in Exercise 12.3 enables clients to access the default website hosted by your
web server, but not the Intranet website. In this challenge, you must configure your web server to
allow traffic to the Intranet website.
Windows 8 often provides more than one way to complete a given task. The Windows Firewall
control panel provides a relatively simple interface to the firewall, but it is not a comprehensive one,
as we saw in the previous Exercise.
Completion time
20 minutes
To complete this challenge, you must use the Windows Firewall With Advanced Security console to
configure WKSTN–MBR–B to allow traffic to both the default website and the Intranet website you
created in Exercise 12.1.
To complete the challenge, perform the following tasks:
List the steps you took to complete the task.
Take a screen shot of the interface you used to create the firewall rules by pressing Alt+Prt Scr and
then paste it into your Lab 12 worksheet file in the page provided by pressing Ctrl+V.
[copy screen shot over this text]
Answer the following questions.
Question 13
Why are there two separate rules for the World Wide Web Services in the Inbound Rules container?
1. Every service require its own rule.2. One rule aplies for Domain network type and Another rule
aplies forPrivate, Public
Question 14
How would the opening of the port you
... Get more on ...

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Kronos Server Action Paper

  • 1. Kronos Server Action Paper Kronos Server Action Login to WDM and check all servers under set–up and if you see Not Connected. Steps: 1. When logging into the WDM and one of the servers from KCKV005AVHT150 to KCKV005AVHT164, this excludes servers KCKV005AVHT154 and KCKV005AVHT155, displays "Not Connected". Check the affected server to see if you are able to log onto the server through Xceedium. If the server you are not able to access the affected server, then the affected server needs rebooting by Wintel. 2. Create ticket using the ticket examples for server reboots. 3. Send an email to CIC and copy Kronos Group using the e–mail examples. 4. Call CIC if you do not receive a reply within 10 minutes. 5. Once approved a group chat is initiated by CIC, with a Wintel tech (Note: It may or may not be Scotty Lambert who assist with the server ... Show more content on ... After the CMD window disappears, count to 5 and then right click on the Green GO button, right click and enter your username and password. Another CMD window will appear and when it disappears, it means Jboss has started. NOTE: Jboss is not up until the following email appears in your inbox: kronos_tsa_ then proceed to follow Steps 7 and 8. 14. If WFCStartUp / WFCInit(): *** WFC Server has been started in Online Mode *** is in the startupinfo.log, notify everyone in the group chat that Jboss has started successfully. ***SIDE NOTE*** When working on a build (NOTE: Kim will notify you if it is your time) with a DBA or another group that needs to have a service to go offline for that group to perform a build or patch. The following servers KCKV005AVHT154 and KCKV005AVHT155 do not have Jboss STOP/GO buttons on the server. In order to stop and start services, follow the steps below. ***Server KCKV005AVHT154 – WFC Interface Server*** 1. Click on the Start and then Services 2. Stop service on ETAInterface–Jboss, right clock on the service select Stop. 3. Start service, right click on ETAInterface–Jboss, select Start ***Server ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Server Virtualization Essay You are a Windows 7 administrator at Contoso, a very large and international pharmaceutical company. You have 25 servers in your network running a combination of Windows Server 2000, Server 2003, SuSe Linux. As your Chief Information Officer is brainstorming with you and his/her staff, you mention that you have heard about Virtualization and it may be a very cost effective and efficient way to upgrade everything to Windows Server 2008. Your boss tells you to research the concepts and to get back to him in two weeks with a recommendation. My solution is to use server virtualization, which would allow multiple servers to be installed on one or more existing servers. This saves floor space and money since you don't have to purchase new ... Show more content on ... Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console. Storage virtualization is commonly used in storage area networks (SANs). Server virtualization is the masking of server resources (including the number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating systems) from server users. The intention is to spare the user from having to understand and manage complicated details of server resources while increasing resource sharing and utilization and maintaining the capacity to expand later. (Search server virtualization, 2013) The Similarities and Differences: between Hyper V and VMware: The similarities are: Maximum number of Logical Processors per host are 320, the Maximum physical RAM per Host is 4TB`s. The Maximum Virtual CPU`s per VM is 64. The Maximum Virtual RAM per VM is 1TB, also the Hot–Add Virtual RAM is equivalentt to VM. The Dynamic Memory Management, guest NUMA Support, and boot from SAN are all similar. (Mayer, 2013) The differences are: Minimum Disk Footprint, while still providing management of multiple virtualization hosts and guest VM`s. Bare metal deployment of new Storage hosts and clusters, Integrated Application Load Balancing for ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Implementing A Web Server On Windows Operating System Implementation Notes The project has been successfully implemented. IIS web server on Windows Operating system is installed and configured to run company's website.  This section provides a high level overview of the implementation steps.  Installed IIS (Internet Information Services) Web Server.  Installed PHP and MySQL Database.  Downloaded WordPress (Content Management System) to create website.  Added the website in IIS Web Server and bound it to HTTP port 80.  Installed WordPress and added content to website using WordPress admin panel.  Configured firewall to secure the website from malicious attacks.  Installed SSL certificate (issued to to secure the WordPress admin and login pages, and bound it to HTTPS on port 443. Now, user can access the website on If user accesses the admin panel on–admin this request would be redirected to https protocol as–admin and will ensure the secure connection.  Concerns: This section provides a high level overview of the features other than design document.  IIS server and Windows are used instead of Apache and Linux because of resource constraint.  Operating System: Windows is used instead of Linux as, company doesn't want to purchase a new machine to setup a web server, instead wants to use existing system with windows 7 already installed.  Web Server: IIS (Internet Information Services) Web server is used instead of Apache web server. ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Advantages And Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of The... Lighttpd Web Server Introduction Lighttpd web server is a free, open–source web server software that distributed with the Free BSD operating system. It is easy to set up and it runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris operating system. It is fast, reliable, secure and flexible and it consume lesser CPU power. Lighttpd is also an asynchronous server that runs as single process with a single thread and non–blocking input or output (I/O). Asynchronous server give the advantage of web applications that written in any programming language to run on the Lighttpd server. Lighttpd is also an ideal server for embedded system. As an example, Raspberry Pi, one of the popular embedded system on the market is a good candidate for Lighttpd web server. ... Show more content on ... In other system, it will be expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load if starting a new process or threads. In Lighttpd, expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load will not happen since Lighttpd does not need to start a new process or thread on per–user or per–connection basis. Therefore, it is really light in RAM usage and CPU load. Lighttpd also normally use the I/O bound rather than the CPU–bound. This means that Lighttpd always serve static files by speed of disk device or network interface instead of CPU speed. Disadvantages There also some disadvantages of Lighttpd web server. Lighttpd web server's design has faced some problem when it comes to the hardware with large number of CPU cores (CPUs). This is because Lighttpd only uses several threads and it will not gain too much from increasing more CPUs. However, Lighttpd is really light and never bound by lack of CPU power. There is also one weakness of the Lighttpd server which is Lighttpd buffer output from CGI server process in internal buffers. This will leads to less RAM memory consumption. It is a weak design that using Lighttpd to send iso–sized files which obtained as data stream from the CGI process. This issue may limit the use of Lighttpd web server. However, this issue not really cause any big problem in the real ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Server : Denial Of Service The Server Denial of Service Threat: Denial of Service is the interruption of service on a device that prevents legitimate users from accessing it. A common source of this type of attack is from malicious agents. This is a threat because of the importance of the server to this small investigation business. Since this is where clients upload their evidence, it must always perform at its optimal capability. With this in mind denial of service attacks becomes a great threat, as the opposing party in a case will benefit from evidence not being not being uploaded to the attorneys (OWASP Top 10, 2015). The likelihood is high also before of the lacking in fundamental security and information safeguards, which is vulnerable to denial of service attacks. This will have high impact on the outcome of cases, as evidence is needed to be victorious in a court case (OWASP Top 10, 2015). The level of controllability is about medium, since the threat can be lessened by applying fundamental security and information safeguards. Also no less important is the implementation of industry recommend controls. One very important control is using inoculation training to educate the employees on ways securely preform their daily duties. These will be carried out anonymously to get employees real world experience. Another control to prevent this type of attack would be to assign the task for someone to test, patch and install updates. This would will harden the server against denial of service ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Top Five Security Threats And The Ami Server Top five security threats to the AMI server Threat 1 – The server is on same subnetwork as the workstations. Essentially, the users and the web server share the same resources; therefore, all AMI users are immediately at risk if an attacker exploits the web service. Basically, having the a public facing server on the internal network adds additional risk to AMI systems. Likelihood of Threat 1 – Forbes magazine estimates that around 30,000 new websites per day are exploited because of weak security and known vulnerabilities (Forbes article). Thus, the likelihood of an unpatched web server being hacked is high. Security Controls for Threat 1 – According to SP 800–44, it is best–current–practice to put servers on a separate subnetwork to logically separate it from the LAN to have a more defensible network architecture. This design provides a logical layer of security between the workstations and the server; further, access control rules can provide additional security between the server and the internal network. Threat 2 – The server is using an unpatched operating system and web server. Securing a server begins with hardening the operating system by turning off or removing unused services/programs, as well as patching any known holes in the software. This helps to reduce the attack surface of the system. Likelihood of Threat 2 – The chances of this threat are high since the source of all attacks against a system are to unpatched vulnerabilities in software. Security Controls ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Server Downtime Case 2.1 Case 2.1 Server Downtime As part of the first assignment, research and analysis of the downtime on a client's primary network servers during the month of April must be done in order to further prepare a presentation to the company's management. Downtime refers to a period of time that a system fails to provide or perform its primary function. The term is commonly applied to networks and servers. Server downtime, a period of time when the server is unusable, is prevented by close monitoring and management of key server metrics. Server downtime can result from several problems such as overloaded processors, rapidly expanding memory usage, disk errors and many more. Through the study of this client's server downtime, management and ... Show more content on ... The problem that arises most is memory errors, which happens 10 times out of the total 22. The second utmost problem that arises is lockups, which occurred 6 times. Since the month of April has 4 weeks, Weekly virus scans occurred 4 times. Slow startup and manual restart occurred only once per cause. The frequency distribution table can be used to construct a simple bar graph that represents the data. The horizontal axis of the bar chart corresponds to the 5 problem experienced in the frequency distribution table while the vertical axis corresponds to the frequency. Following the frequency distribution and bar graph, further analysis must be done by using the last set of data which is the downtime data. Downtime data is collected in minutes that vary from 10 to 60 minutes. Each occurrence out of the 22 has a certain number of downtime minutes. To make the representations, explanations, calculations and analysis straightforward, the data is taken from the April–Server Downtime table then separated into the 5 cause categories and calculate each categories total downtime before creating representational graphs and charts. Date Problem Experienced Downtime Minutes 01/04/06 Lockups 25 02/04/06 Lockups 35 05/04/06 Memory Errors 10 07/04/06 Lockups ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tower Server This type of server is often mistaken for the very similar–looking central processing unit of a desktop computer. It is designed to be positioned on or underneath a desk and offers a basic level of performance. It also costs roughly the same as a desktop computer. The advantages of a tower server lie not only in the fact that it is relatively compact but also in its ability to be used in work areas which are not specifically designed to accommodate servers, meaning that you do not need a special data room or any special bays in which to install the server. Furthermore, this type of server does not require a great deal of maintenance. It is easily identifiable both physically and on the company's network, since the data is stored in a single ... Show more content on ... The bay is, in a way, the 'data Centre' of the SME. It also provides great flexibility since it enables you to install several servers in the same bay, one for each application or function (email, professional software, storage, etc.), for example. In practical terms, rack servers, which are generally more expensive than tower servers, have a much greater storage capacity, meaning that they are better suited to medium–sized businesses or micro–businesses, and small businesses for which information technology is a strategic priority. Advantages of rack server Cable management – Rack servers require a lot of cables, but they are relatively easy to organize due to management tools built into the rack. Failure containment – Identifying, removing, and replacing a malfunctioning rack server is generally simple and has little effect on other servers. Cost – Rack servers offer a substantial amount of computing power at a relatively low cost. Disadvantages of rack server Power usage – Rack servers often require attendant equipment like a cooling system to function properly, driving up the power consumption of a single ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Server Hardware And Software Capabilities Server Hardware The advances being made in enhancing the existing server technologies is aimed to further improve workload performance and efficient use of resources. These developments have seen a phenomenal rise in aspects such as server memory, power management and processing power. Some of the server processors designed to drive networking power into the next level include S2Q, Tilera Processor and Tile 64–Processor. The S2Q with Quanta server comes with a 10,000 cores organized on a rack server. The setup of this processor means only less power is used up. Developers can take advantage of the power provided by the Tile 64 Processor to maximize existing software capabilities. This processor is programmable in both C++ and ANSI C. Advanced programmers will find the new the new Tilera processor especially resourceful when it comes to advanced programming and utilizing high–end data applications. Numerous server technologies are also being developed to take advantage of virtualization. Server Virtualization The Server virtualization process involves physical partitioning of the server into more subdivided and smaller manageable server units to maximize the resources available in the server. Server virtualization helps conserve space through consolidation by recreating a single server to operate as a server running multiple virtual environments. This enhances full resource utilization thus saving operation cost by reducing the hardware maintenance because of the diminished ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Daytime Server Case Study Ans1: MAKEME # _*_Makefile_*_ # target: dependencies # action all: udp_client UDPdaytime client: gcc –o udp_daytime udp_daytime.c clean: rm udp_daytime README to execute the program. 1: use cd (–– removed HTML ––) to go the directory where the file is stored. 2: Run make –f MakeFile. 3: Run./udp_daytime ip. 4: Output of the daytime service will be displayed. 5: To clear the executable file run make –f MakeFile clean Explanation: In this program, we created a udp socket and we connect it to a daytime server specified by user on port 13(default) We sent to the server an arbitrary message to trigger a response. The server then responds with a message containing the date and time in an unspecified format ... Show more content on ... buffer which will hold the response from the daytime server struct hostent* host; //our struct which
  • 38. will hold the resolved hostname information //creating a UDP socket daytime_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(daytime_socket < 0){ printf("Unable to create a socketn"); return –1; } //performing a gethostbyname to resolve a domain name if the user does not supply and ip address host = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if(host == NULL){ printf("Host %s could not be resolvedn", argv[1]); return –1; } //zero out the sockaddr_in struct in preparation of storing connection info bzero(&daytime_server,sizeof(daytime_server)); daytime_server.sin_family = AF_INET; //specify internet family (IPV4) bcopy((char *)host– >h_addr, (char *)&daytime_server.sin_addr.s_addr, host–>h_length); //copy the resolved ip address into the struct daytime_server.sin_port = htons(PORT); //copy the port into the struct //send our trigger message if(sendto(daytime_socket, message, strlen(message), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&daytime_server, size_daytime_server) < 0){ printf("Could not send message %sn", message); return –1; } //zero out our recieving buffer and wait for a response from the daytime server bzero(buffer, BUFFSIZE); if(recvfrom(daytime_socket, buffer, ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Designing A Client Server Application Abstract–Distributed multiprocessor operating systems is a course that involves exploring new concepts in the field of operating systems and its internals. This course clearly elaborates the concepts of operating systems, distributed systems and internals and how are they utilized. It clearly explains how multiprocessors in operating systems are used in today's world. The course also involves a four phase project to create a client server application that demonstrates the usage and application of various concepts like reentrancy, synchronization, etc. operating systems. The project clearly introduces us to the concepts of distributed memories, remote procedure calls, shared memory, concurrency, etc. thereby leveraging our knowledge and ... Show more content on ... and how can they be applied. As we all know, semaphores can be defined as the variables whose access are completely dependent on the wait and signal operations that are performed and are also termed as P and V [1]. It clearly explained the concepts of producer–consumer problems, reader– writers problems and also helped realizing the potential situations where the problem could actually arise and also taught the ways in which we could solve these problems. Reentrancy is another key concept that plays a key role in multiprocessor operating systems. It is under normal cases that multiple interrupts do occur in a system sometimes. At this point of time, we face certain situations where some of the functions need to be called back after the interrupt is handled, on the other hand similarly few of the other functions can be left unhandled [2]. This however depends on the particular situation that we need during the execution. Hence, calling a function back after the sudden interruption of its execution is called reentrancy [2]. Similarly, if the function is said to have an undefined behavior when it is called after an interrupt occurred, then it is said to be non–reentrant function [2]. This project helped us to implement functions which can be reentrant. The project has been implemented in four different phases, where each phase acts as an input to the others. This indicates, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Questions On Client And Server Architecture 2.2) Architectural Styles Software architectural styles are frameworks that have been developed as general solution for the common problems which are arise in the software development process. It is basically defined components, connectors which compose a solution and their relations in a structured program. (Sean Boyd, 2013) ( 2.2.1) Client/ Server Architecture The design is made up of two components, Client and Server the server provides some services which the client can access by using a reply/request protocol. This is a kind prevailing model for networking being peer – to– pear. Servers are more powerful dedicated computers or processes which are ideally ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer And Windows Server 2012 1. Goal The main idea behind this lab was to relocate the DHCP server and master DNS server to a fresh install of Windows Server 2012. This would allow control over most of the network with Windows Server 2012 while maintaining a slave DNS server on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 box. A basic install of Active Directory was also implemented, allowing a single client to connect to the bestnet.local domain. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer was also implemented to determine any outlying security risks associated with the Windows Server 2012. This lab took the knowledge that I gained from in–class lectures and previous experiences, and allowed me to implement Active Directory, DHCP, and DNS flawlessly on Windows Server 2012. It helped me to understand how Active Directory and DNS are linked together to tie a domain together and populate that domain. By playing around in Active Directory, I was able to gain valuable knowledge of how to implement many features and roles directly related to an Active Directory installation. 2. Procedural and Informational Documentation All information pertaining to my virtual network can be found at the address or http://wiki.bestnet.local/wiki/ when inside my infrastructure. It contains all the information needed to understand how I built and configured my virtual machines, and how I installed and configured each of my servers. It is broken up by specific Operating System installs, so there is are sections for ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Difference Between Peer Server Vs Client Server Network Client–Server network Vs. Peer–Peer network. Key differences between Client Server network and Peer–Peer network: 1. Data path: The prominent difference between client to server network and peer to peer network is that in a client to server network, the designated clients request for services and the servers provide them (data flows from server to client), but in peer to peer network, peers act as service providers and service consumers and service providers at the same time (data flows within peers). 2. Configuration: The Client–server network requires a central security database which stores blocks of shared data as a backup, but the peer–peer network does not contain the central security database as each peer contains its own data. 3. Purpose: The purpose of Client–server network is to share ... Show more content on ... If any user crashes a computer and if some shared residue file is deleted, it poses serious threat to the stability of the entire network. 9. Hardware and software requirements: Client–Server network: Let us consider a client–server network, with up to 25 users as an example. Hardware requirements:  Dual processor: Each processor must be a Quad core with 2.6GhHz or more.  16GB RAM.  RAID–5 (Redundant array of independent drives) configuration with 3 disks of 250GB storage.  Ethernet cables.  This network has a dedicated server which has more computing speed, more memory and more storage space. Software requirements:  Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2 64 bit with SQL server 2008 R2 64 bit.  CALs*, as much needed. *CAL– It is not a software product but it is a license that gives user the rights to access the services of the server. In a Client–server network, the software needs to be installed only in the server and not in the client ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Windows Server Windows Server Deployment Proposal Overview Each student will create a detailed, organized, unified technical solution given the scenario described below. The submission will be in a written format, with at least one diagram, and may include additional diagrams, charts or tables. The assignment is meant for students to enhance their mastery of the material and to provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge from this course. Scenario Worldwide Advertising, Inc. (referred to as "WAI") has hired you as an IT consultant for implementing their Windows network infrastructure. WAI is a new advertising firm, and they are currently hiring staff, establishing two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT ... Show more content on ... * DNS namespace design (e.g., domain name(s) chosen, split DNS for Internet/intranet, zones) * How will DNS be handled for the second site? Application Services * How will applications be deployed? If using Group Policy, what are the details on how Group Policy will be used to deploy the software? Which software applications will likely be needed? File and Printer Sharing * What shares might be needed? * DFS Needed? * How will quotas/FSRM be configures? Assignment Requirements There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 6 pages' worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 10 pages' worth of student–supplied text. (With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up being more than 10 pages in length.) It must be double–spaced, have 1–inch margins, and use 12– point Times New Roman or 10–point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required; APA format for the title page is optional. * At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the minimum length described above); this could be a diagram describing Active Directory components, DHCP/DNS design, file share hierarchy, or anything else that is worth displaying graphically to enhance the reader's understanding of the proposal. Additional diagrams, images, or tables are
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  • 63. Network Policy Server and Remote Access The nature of our business requires us to have a flexible sales force. Because of that detail we need to be receptive to the needs of our mobile workforce. The most critical tool involved in their success is the ability to reliably connect and access our company networks. These connections can be from employees using company issued laptops or personal computers used from home or on the road. For the most part we have addresses the needs of our sales force on a case by case basis but going forward we really need to ensure we have a defined policy to streamline remote access. To accomplish this there are a few benchmarks we need to achieve. First of all the network has to be reliable or in more technical terms it needs to have high ... Show more content on ... SHV's use that information contained by the SHA's to define what health requirements are needed in order to be compliant and gain access to the network. Working together the SHA and SHV agents monitor and validate the health of incoming network transmissions. Statement of Health, System Statement of Health, and System Statement of Health Response The Statement of Health or SoH is generated by each SHA and is communicated to the NAP to determine compliance. Every time there is an update of change with a SHA possibly through remediation the update is then also applied to the SoH. The NAP service will combine all of the various SoH's that a client generated during a remote connection and combine them into the System Statement of Health or SSoH which essentially defines the system health characteristics of the client computer. Lastly the System Statement of Health Response is generated by the NAP after compiling all of the remote user's system health characteristics. This information or SSoHR is sent to the enforcement point for access validation. NAP Enforcement The NAP system health characteristics give the server all of the essential health information to grant or deny access but we need a function to physically make that access decision. NAP uses enforcement point to carry out that function. There are a few different methods of NAP enforcement all of which have ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Why Are Web Servers Useful? What are they? Web servers are computers that deliver web pages. Every web server has an IP address and sometimes a domain name. What are the key functions and features of web servers Some features include creating websites. Not literally creating websites but setting up a website and being able to view the web page. The primary function of a web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to clients Creating an FTP site (This allows the user to transfer files to and from the site). To organise website security. What user accounts aren't allowed to view the website and what user accounts are allowed to view the website. What IP addresses aren't and are allowed the visit the website. How to use it You open up the internet then you would type in the URL for the website you wish to see. Why are web servers useful? Web servers are useful because they allow easy flow for things like transferring files from computer to computer. They are useful for communicating from all around the world. If we didn't have web servers then we couldn't send files from for e.g. Australia to England. They are useful for storing, processing and delivering web pages to clients. This relates to e–commerce because web servers are delivering web pages which have a IP address or domain names so it will make it easier for people to find your e–commerce site. Browsers What are browsers? Web Browsers are software applications for retrieving and presenting information resources on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Windows Server CMIT 369 7981 Installing and Configuring Windows Server Windows Server Proposal Worldwide Advertising Inc. Summary Wordwide Advertising Inc. is a newly established advertising firm will require a server environment to manage a starting staff of 90 employees and various roles required to manage their network. Windows Server 2012 will be installed to manage the following server roles. Exchange to manage company email, Active Directory to manage the domain to include users, computers, groups, sub domains, DHCP and DNS, file and print sharing, cloud storage, as well as backup solutions. There will be two locations which will require inter–site connectivity through a secure tunnel. The site in Los Angeles will ... Show more content on ... Deployment and Server Edition Benefits The following are some of the benefits of deploying Windows Server 2012 Datacenter as a solution to the needs and requirements of Worldwide Advertising Inc. Run multiple server roles and different operating systems on a single server Reduce the amount of hardware needed to run server workloads Minimize the time it takes to set up hardware and software and reproduce test Environments. Server virtualization Hyper–V provides tools for creating and managing a virtualized server computing environment. Hyper–V Replica can replicate a virtual machine from one location to another, without shared storage, storage arrays, or other replication technologies. Server management: The Server Core provides a minimal environment for running specific server roles. Those roles are then easier to maintain and manage and less exposed to attack. Administrators can manage groups of servers collectively from within a single, integrated console. Integrated services: Windows Server delivers a unified platform for web publishing that integrates IIS, ASP.NET, and Windows Communication Foundation and also supports SharePoint Services. Failover clustering: Administrators can minimize disruptions of services and applications by creating a redundant server environment with
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  • 76. Application Of A Server Hardening Essay Server Hardening In our network technology Server Hardening is one of the most important things to be handled on our servers, becomes more understandable when you realize all the risks involved. The default configuration of most operating systems are not designed with security as the primary focus. Now a days default setups are focus more on communications, usability and functionality. To protect our servers we must establish solid and sophisticated server hardening policies for all servers in our organization. Developing a server hardening checklist would likely be a great first step in increasing our server and network security. Make sure that our checklist includes minimum security practices that we expect of our staff. Server Hardening Tips & Tricks: Server Hardening is the process of enhancing server security through a variety of means which results in a much more secure server operating environment. This is due to the advanced security measures that are put in place during the server hardening process. There are several key requirements you must meet to ensure that the server hardening processes described in this section achieve their security goals: Step 1: Be rigid on passwords Main points: Enforce stronger authentication by encouraging the use of passphrases and requiring a 15–character minimum. Step 2: Use Windows XP software restriction policies through Group Policy Main points: Use Group Policy to block all extensions related to scripts and disallow especially ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Information Retrieval And Its Effects On The Server Data is distributed to minimize the response time and request drop rates across all over the servers. A request for a particular data from the server (vendor or set of mirrors) is sent by client and server responds back with the data that client requested. In this case server comes to know what data is requested or needed by the client. Generally mirrors are the third party sites that may or may not be trustworthy. If in case if a client wants to update a security patch for its system and the mirror that was chosen for the update is not trustworthy, then in this case it's a threat to the system as its vulnerability is exposed to third party. Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is basically a protocol that allows client to retrieve the ... Show more content on ... With manifest provided by server, client can determine which block to retrieve from mirrors and to validate their correctness. Vendor removes the malicious mirror reported by the client. It also polls and removes the unresponsive mirror. Mirror: It basically uses 'rsync' to obtain files for a release from vendor. Mirror stores all of the software update to be released in a contiguous memory. It uses manifest for the validation of each block. Once the mirror is ready to serve the blocks to the clients, then it notifies the server for its readiness. Client: The first thing client will do is will request vendor for manifest and list of mirrors. With the help of manifest, client will be able to determine which block of the release it will need to retrieve in order to receive updates. The client has the value N that represents the number of mirrors that it would have to interact in order to keep its privacy. To retrieve a single block for an instance, it generates cryptographically suitable N–1 and it derives the 'Nth' string by XORing the other N–1 random string together to get the desired updates. As the mirror receives random bit string, it won't be able to identify which updates client is looking for to retrieve. In order to protect against those who can monitor traffic, client can securely communicate with the mirror using encrypted tunnel. The release provided by a vendor ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Windows Sql Server Database Design Essay Tasman International Academies Diploma in Information Technology (Level 7) ASSESSMENT: Windows SQL Server Database Design and Optimization STUDENT NAME:: RANJIT SINGH STUDENT ID :: 14112532 ASSESSOR NAME:: IMRAN SIDDIQUE DATE SUBMITTED:: 20/07/2015 SUBJECT:: ASSESSMENT (THEORY) Assessment: Task One Theoretical Questions Outcome 1 (1.1) Q1. Briefly explain following designing requirements that are required when designing the Hardware and Software infrastructure: a) Storage requirements A lot of considerations go into analyzing the storage requirements of a database server. In addition to the physical size of the database, you need to consider the transaction growth rate and data–distribution requirements. Some industries, particularly financial and healthcare institutions, are subject to requirements regarding data retention, storage, and security that must be taken into account in determining storage capacity. You'll now learn how to determine the current storage capacity of a database server and identify factors that affect its growth. We'll also look at how to forecast future disk–storage requirements, taking into account any relevant regulatory requirements that may apply to your business or enterprise. b) Network requirements All database ... Get more on ...
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  • 88. Systems for Ensuring Secure Client/Server Transactions... Securing Client/Server Transactions The three basic ways that security is implemented in the area of client/server transaction. The first area is firewalls. The basic idea of a firewall to monitor traffic from a trusted network ( a company's internal network) to an untrusted network (such as the Internet). Firewalls fall into two categories, "proxies" and "packet–filtering" firewalls. Packet–filtering determines whether a packet is allowed or disallowed depending on the source of the packet and the contents of it. Packet–filtering also looks at the source and destination ports, and to determine if a packet is part of an ongoing conversation. An application–level firewall, better known as a proxy acts as an intermediary between ... Show more content on ... Authentication can be performed with a user name and password, or with a piece of information known as a "digital certificate". A digital certificate contains encryption parameters, which can be used to uniquely identify a user or a host system. Verifying that an external party has not modified data is known as "integrity checking". Integrity checking is done by applying a mathematical algorithm, known as a "hash", to data before it's sent and computing the same hash when the data is received. If the two hashes map to the same result, then the data hasn't been modified. How do these areas affect client/server transaction? Client/server transaction deals with the everyday transactions that people engage in on the Internet. With each transaction, personal information is sent from client to vendor. The information has a tendency to be sensitive in nature and not something shared with anyone except the vendor. Such information may include social security numbers, credit card numbers, and possibly information for monthly bills (account numbers and balances specifically). Businesses have to save–guard their customers in order for their customers to feel secure in buying products and services from them. Businesses understand this importance. Some businesses and development groups have evolved from the need to make business transactions more secure on the Internet. In doing so, business presence has grown exponentially over the last decade. Commercials on TV tell ... Get more on ...
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  • 92. Difference Between Virtualization And Client Server... Virtualization vs Client Server Architecture 1. Virtualization The term virtualization is the separation of a resource or request for a service from the underlying physical delivery of that service. a. Virtualization Overview Virtualization allows converting one physical server into multiple virtual machines (VM) where each of the virtual machines (VM) will operate as a unique physical device. The VMs are capable of running their own Operating System (OS) and working independently. This allows the administrator to create enough virtual servers to use all of the physical machines processing power. Figure 1 Before and After Virtualization (Ref: Virtualization Overview, VMWare) To sum it up, Virtualization means to create a virtual version of a device or resource, such as a server, storage ... Show more content on ... Virtualization Advantages and Drawbacks Let us now check the advantages and disadvantages of Virtualization. a. Advantages i. Hardware Abstraction: The service vendors create clusters of hardware consisting of storage, compute resources like CPU and Memory, networks etc., at a preferred location or at different locations, and then use virtualization techniques to provide access to these clusters. The customer can ask for the required capacity which can provided immediately. ii. Scalability: Hardware can be added to the existing setup anytime. Ina client server setup, whenever hardware was added, there was always downtime associated to it. This is a major benefit that virtualization brings, because if the requirements is increasing at a rapid rate, then adding the required hardware can actually keep up without downtime. iii. Consolidation of Workloads: In a client server setup, most physical boxes are incredibly under–used because of software limitations or usage capacity. But with Virtualization, resource utilization can be increased by performing load balancing algorithms as the workloads can be placed on a single piece of hardware reducing the number of physical ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Web Server Application Attacks Essay Running Head: Web Server Application Attacks Web Server Application Attacks Assignment # 1 Mariz Cebron Common web application vulnerabilities and attacks, and recommend mitigation strategies The World Wide Web has evolved into a critical delivery pipeline for institutions to interact with customers, partners and employees. Via browsers, people use web sites to send and receive information via Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) messages to web applications housed on web servers. This information, expected as legitimate messages, can be used illegitimately in unauthorized ways to compromise security vulnerabilities a.) Authentication – one of the biggest ... Show more content on ... These attacks usually put a heavy load on the target by making regular requests very rapidly. It is hard to distinguish if a web server is stormed by thousands of clients, or if there is a DoS attack in progress. A simple way to force the problem of heavy load is to use a server farm together with a load balancer. This will help against small attacks, but not against a DDoS started from several hundred hosts. Furthermore, increasing the number of servers is rather expensive. Attack on the Justice Department's Web site An apparent denial of service attack, which overloads a site's servers with requests for access, crippled portions of[–>0]. Its site was experiencing "a significant increase in activity, resulting in degradation in service," and officials said they would treat the situation "as a malicious act until we can fully identify the root cause of the disruption." A loosely affiliated group of hackers known as Anonymous said the attack was in response to DOJ's decision to shut down[–>1] on charges that the popular Web site illegally shared movies, television shows and e–books. Members of the Anonymous faction release the following video regarding the attack, along with a brief statement, neither of which details the motivation for this latest attack on the DoJ or the contents of the data the attack exposed. Anonymous members launched a ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. Computers Field, Desktop And Server The technology keeps growing and advancing on every single aspect on the computers field, desktop and server cannot be the exception, a very specific case is the system virtualization. The creating of a virtual version of a device or resource makes virtualization a great tool for network engineers and system administrators on the daily managing configuration, testing and creating of systems. As a first look is inarguable the advantages that can come with the virtualization of system environments, but has virtualization overcome regular computer using? Is it reliable? It is cost effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages? The idea of virtualizing all the system on a network environment sound like a good alternative, in fact there is more systems administrator that prefer a virtual environment that to a normal multicomputer. The advantages of virtualization are for example, cost savings because the organization don't have to buy as much software, and software test before implementation. In contrast there are disadvantages like well qualified IT personnel and reliability due to "have all your eggs in one basket" From my perspective, comparison between multicomputers and virtualized systems can change according the skills of the system administrator, although multicomputers is still a validate practice in many environments there is no doubt virtualization is the best way to administrate an organization from rehabilitee to cost effective. The new era of systems ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. Windows Sql Server Database Design And Optimization Essay Tasman International Academies Diploma in information Technology Level 7 Assignment: – Windows SQL server Database Design and Optimization Subject code: WD 602 Name: Anurag ID: 15052231 Submitted to: Mr. Imran Siddique Outcome 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Q 1 Briefly explains following designing requirements that are required when designing the hardware and software infrastructure: – Ans: – Infrastructure in everything that helps in the flow and the processing of data. Infrastructure provides a platform for all necessary IT applications and functions for the individual or any organisation. Every infrastructure that is designed or worked on will need to meet unique requirements. Storage requirements: – It is influenced by transaction growth rate and data distribution requirements. Disk space capacity: – Storage requirement depends like how much space is already being used by the database data files and how much more should be added for transaction log files, portion of tempdb that helps in database activities and full text index or reorganisation of index. Disk throughput capacity: – Storage requirement can be known by the access of I/O rate according to the database requirement. The IOPS and space capacity is inversely proportional to each other. Hence the disk capacity isn't going to go up if the I/O operation per second goes up. Location and roles of database servers: – Also according to the roles and location of the database servers the storage requirements ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. What Are Web Servers? Why Are They Necessary? General FAQs: 1. What are web servers? Why are they necessary? Ans: A web server is definitely an information technology that processes requests via HTTP, the standard network protocol employed to share out necessary information about the (WWW) i.e world wide web. The particular expression can refer heads to a full mainframe PC, a machine, otherwise in particular to your software that purpose is to accept and administer the HTTP requests. A web server's most important function is to store website files in addition to broadcast them above through the web for your guest's visitors. In real meaning, an internet server is only a powerful computer that hoards data and transmits them online. When someone visits an online page on the site their browser communicates with the web server, sending and receiving information that ultimately dictates what appears for the visitor's monitor. Therefore, chief principle of a web site server is always to store and transfer site data upon the request of your visitor's browser. 2. What is Web Hosting? Ans: Before trying for making your own web site and launch it on the Internet, you should actually know how a website works particularly. Here are the essential terms. The server obtains and searches a page sent through your browser. The browser connects on the server using an IP Address; the IP address is obtained by translating the url of your website. In return, the server summons up the request page. Web pages are made in HTML, called ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Application For Asynchronous Server Model Parameters considered: 1. Preference for asynchronous server model over synchronous server model. 2. Reduce server load, Load balancing (Splits servers for specific requests) 3. Decrease bandwidth between client and server. 4. Compression techniques. 5. Render static assets through reverse proxy (No need to create another process in system memory for static assets access). 6. Better to use content delivery network for libraries that may be need for frontend interface. 7. Non– blocking and event threads 8. Reduce database query time by applying indexing/clustering/stored procedure/optimized queries 9. Use of caching server to cache the static page requests. 10. Common Techniques. The above parameters mentioned are the generic one which ... Show more content on ... Which blocks the customers' requests and may lead to crash of server or sometime requests of customer are not entertained properly. So the better option is to choose an asynchronous server paradigm here to avoid this type of condition. An asynchronous server handles all the request through one process/thread through a concept like event loop. This is nothing but a mechanism to handle http incoming request in event driven nature. For Ex: Suppose you are a student and have access to a portal which provides the functionality for reading massive journals content through API , That API is a http request which request for required data and render the relevant info to end user. Now if you are performing same operation with synchronous server and if the targeted journal if is 5 GB in terms of size, then synchronous server will halt further execution of the code block and further statements/expressions will not executed until the server do not read all the 5 GB data Now consider a scenario a typical request of above http call takes 1hr (For example) then further statement will have to wait needlessly to get executed until you don 't read the 5 GB data. This condition called as "Blocking", which blocks overall execution for some time for that specific process. The better approach to overcome this scenario is to ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Sql Vs. Oracle Server SQL vs. Oracle Server Dheeraj Balamoori Wilmington University Abstract Databases are most paramount part in today 's organizations. In the event that the servers are down for quite a while and data is not accessible there would be enormous misfortune to the organization regarding income and good will. Thus, databases play an essential part in today 's business. There are various relational database management systems (RDBMS) like Microsoft Access, Sybase, MySQL and oracle but out of all databases Oracle and MS SQL are the widely used applications throughout the globe. Oracle databases are unique for having large and abnormal state abilities to handle the circumstances like data inaccessibility, support issues, information and system failures and so forth. Microsoft SQL Server database has the usefulness of high information accessibility and security however is not viable as of Oracle 's because it has good depth in high data availability. As Oracle is having more enterprise applications the databse is used widely for most of the top financial companies like bank of America, HDFC Bank, National Australia Bank Introduction Since their presentation in the 1980s, relational database administration frameworks (RDBMS) have turned into the standard database sort for an assortment of commercial ventures. As their name suggests, these systems are focused around the social model that sorts out information into gatherings of tables alluded to as relations. ... Get more on ...
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  • 120. Cost Benefit Analysis : 6 And Client Server Architecture Contents Cost–benefit analysis: 6 Client server architecture 7 Advantages of client server architecture: 7 Disadvantages: 8 References 10 Willowbrook School has been providing elementary education to children for many years and now the school has updated its services to aftercare program in which the school will be providing after care to small kids after the school hours. The school has a good reputation among the elementary schools of this area and is known for its services. All the requirements of the children are taken care of by the school premises. The increase in the enrolments of kids in the school program has made it mandatory for the school to upgrade its system to information system for providing the best services. As the employees of the school are limited, so the work load will now be shared with the help of a new information system in order to make progress and provide best services. To: Victoria, Director (Willowbrook School) From: Michael Blatt (Chief Consultant) Date: 13th Jan, 2015 Subject: Description of strategic planning and steps of preliminary investigation. Miss Victoria As we have inculcated the program of developing a new information for the Willowbrook School owing to the increase in the work load of the school due to increase in the enrolments of students in the school. Also, the program of after– care program of the school has led to the requirement of IT in the school so that all the aspects of school operations ... Get more on ...
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  • 124. Server Controlled Multicast Chat System SERVER CONTROLLED MULTICAST CHAT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION An assumption that is intrinsic to a basic communication involves two parties, the server and the client. Here, our design is based on a chat application which involves one–to–many communication (i.e., with one server and multiple clients, in which the server acts as the central system administrator and has got control over all other clients who wish to join the network. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE DESIGN: The Multicasting in java can be achieved by using the sockets and thread concepts in the Java networking programming. We consider two sockets, one in the server side that waits for the client messages on a particular port and the other in the client side to receive messages from each ... Show more content on ... Once the user logs into the system with his/her credentials provided the server is started intitially and is waiting for the clients, it starts storing all the actions performed in a log called the "Event log" for the corresponding user session. It requires the user to run the Client login program every time of a new user wants to connect. The message sent by user hits the server first and the user makes it display on all the screen of all other users who are online. This is the main focus of our design and is implemented using the threading. Also, if a user logs off, all other users of the group will be notified of it and the logged off users loses access over the application. He has to login again to achieve a connection with the system once again. SPECIAL ASSUMPTIONS: 1) A user who wishes to login can successfully login with any name, provided the password is '12345'. The system is designed in such a way for simplicity as this is not the main focus of our design. 2) Any multiple number of the users can login with the same username, because the system treats them as different individuals as each and every client is referenced by a unique id. 3) Once a user wishes to log off, he sends a "Goodbye" message and the server disconnects him from the application and notifies to all other users currently connected. TESTING: 1) Our system works fine at both the circumstances, when the server ... Get more on ...
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  • 128. Annotated Bibliography On Sql Server Q5.Describe the following features available in sql server Ans ;– a) database mirroring: – Database reflecting is an answer for expanding the accessibility of a SQL Server database. Reflecting is actualized on a for each database premise and works just with databases that utilization the full recuperation model. Database reflecting was presented with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 innovation that can be utilized to outline high–accessibility and elite answers for database repetition. It is intended to keep up a hot standby server with a transitionally reliable duplicate of the database. Reflecting is practical, fast, obliges no extraordinary equipment, and guarantees value–based consistency. This article will portray the distinctive methods of database reflecting and how it is not the same as different advancements. Here won 't get into the specifics of the SQL Server 2008 upgrades however will take database reflecting is a basically programming answer for expanding database accessibility. Reflecting is actualized on a for every database premise and works just with databases that utilization the full recuperation model. The straightforward and mass logged recuperation models don 't bolster database reflecting. Database reflecting is bolstered in SQL Server Standard and Enterprise. Database reflecting offers considerable accessibility and gives a simple to–oversee option or supplement to failover grouping or log shipping. At the point when a database reflecting session is ... Get more on ...
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  • 132. Installing Windows Server 2012 Machine GOAL The main purpose of this lab is to install and configure services such as Active Directory, DNS and DHCP on the Windows Server 2012 machine. Also the DNS and DHCP services were monitored with the help of a monitoring system like OpsviewAtom and Windows Performance Monitor. The role of DHCP is to make sure that clients (Windows 7) can obtain an IP address whereas that of DNS is to make sure that they can access websites within the domain. The steps regarding AD, DNS and DHCP were a refresher as it was covered in a previous class. The installation and configuration of Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and Performance monitor was new which needed some research and understanding. PROCEDURAL AND INFORMATIONAL DOCUMENTATION The first activity of the lab is to install Windows Server 2012 Datacenter. The steps involve using VMWare's Vsphere and the .iso image of windows server that is already been installed. The steps for setting up the OS on the VM are pretty straightforward. After the CD/DVD has been inserted the installation process is followed and then Server can now be used. The second activity involved the installation of DHCP on the Windows Server machine. This is done by Add the DHCP Server feature Option from within the Server Manager, Add Roles and Features. After the installation is completed, the scope of the subnet is to be defined. Within the scope, the allocated range of IP addresses is entered along with certain reservations (Windows 7 client) exceptions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Scp Server Essay 1 – 1st step we need to install Web Server in SCCM member server. On the SCCM VM server, open Server Manager, and click Ad Roles & Features. 2 – On the Before you begin interface, click Next. 3 – On the Select installation type interface, proceed with Next. 4 – On the Select destination server interface, verify your server and then click Next. 5 – On the Select server roles interface, click Web Server (IIS) and then click Next. 6 – On the Select features interface, click .Net Framework 3.5 & 4,5, and then scroll down and click Remote Differential Compression, then click Next. 7 – On the Web Server Role (IIS) interface, proceed with Next. 8 – On the Select role services interface, under Security and select Request ... Show more content on ... 18 – In the Connection Settings box, verify that Default naming context is selected and then click OK. 19 – browse to CN=System container, right CN=System, click New and choose Object. 20 – In the Create Object box, click container and then click Next. 21 – in the Value, type System Management and then click Next. 22 – Click Finish to complete the process. 23 – Next, open Active Directory Users & Computers, click View and then click Advanced Features. 24 – Click System, right click System Management folder and then click Properties. 25 – On the System Management Properties box, click Add and then click Object Types. *** What are we going to do here is to configure permissions on the System Management container.*** 26 – On the Object Types interface, just click Computers and then click OK. 27 – On the Select Users, Computer, Service Accounts, or Group interface, type SCCM (this is our SCCM member server) and then click OK. 28 – On the System Management Properties interface, click SCCM (OSISCCM$) and click Full Control under Permissions of SCCM and then click Advanced. 29 – On the Advanced Security Settings for System Management interface, under Permission Entries:, click Allow SCCM (OSISCCM$) and then click Edit. 30 – On the Permissions Entry for System Management interface, verify that you choose Applies to: This object and all descendant objects and then click OK. 31 – Now switch ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Designing A Surrogate Server And Its Numerical Ip Address In this approach, the DNS performs the mapping between a surrogate server's symbolic name and its numerical IP address. It is used for full–site content selection and delivery. In DNS–based request–routing, a domain name has multiple IP addresses associated to it. When an end–user's content request comes, the DNS server of the service provider returns the IP addresses of servers holding the replica of the requested object. The client's DNS resolver chooses a server among these. To decide, the resolver may issue probes to the servers and choose based on response times to these probes. It may also collect historical information from the clients based on previous access to these servers. Advantage:  DNS–based approach is extremely popular ... Show more content on ... URL rewriting Though most CDN systems use a DNS based routing scheme, some systems use the URL rewriting. It is mainly used for partial–site content selection and delivery where embedded objects are sent as a response to client requests. In this approach, the origin server redirects the clients to different surrogate servers by rewriting the dynamically generated pages' URL links. For example, with a Web page containing an HTML file and some embedded objects, the Web server would modify references to embedded objects so that the client could fetch them from the best surrogate server. To automate this process, CDNs provide special scripts that transparently parse Web page content and replace embedded URLs URL rewriting can be pro–active or reactive.  In the pro–active URL rewriting, the URLs for embedded objects of the main HTML page are formulated before the content is loaded in the origin server.  In reactive approach involves rewriting the embedded URLs of a HTML page when the client request reaches the origin server. Advantage: The main advantage of URL rewriting is that the clients are not bound to a single surrogate server, because the rewritten URLs contain DNS names that point to a group of surrogate servers. Also
  • 141. finer level of granularity can be achieved through this approach since embedded objects can be considered ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Comparing Client Server Architectural Style Compare Client–Server architectural style to 3–Tier architectural style. What are the similarities and differences ? Use bullet points or a short paragraph. Client–Server architectural style to 3–Tier architectural style: The client–server model refers to the Network Architecture where one or more computers are connected a server.Client–server architecture divides the system into two applications, In this model client sends request to the server. Server implementation is transparent but can be centralized or distributed, single–threaded or multi–threaded single interface point with physically distributed implementation Dynamic, transparent selection from among multiple interface points. The purpose of networks is to allow communication ... Show more content on ... The BL is running on a separate server, called the business logic tier, middle tier, or service tier. Finally the DB is running on its own database server. Differences: Client–Server: cost (servers and software can be expensive) server operating systems (a server and software work together; server software is expensive; servers also add to the costs) implementation (sharing resources; network cabling; servers kept in a secure room; central file management, central security administration; user management and permissions, backup management) security and safety techniques to protect the network from virus attacks, new products, and the use of new technologies (i.e., wireless connections). Client–server networks work best for larger setups, such as a full–scale office or school network –– especially if the networks are likely to grow in size. 3–Tier Architecture: A 3–Tier usually puts something between the presentation and data store tire such as a business logic tier. 3–Tier has a Middle part of stage to communicate with client to server, Where as in 2–Tier client directly get communication to server. you can put this into 3 tiers depending on how much amount of money you have for hardware and how amount load you expect. 3–Tier is straight means in that demand stream on Client Middle Layer Database server and Response. 3–Tier is similar to a MVC But having contrast sorts in topologies. Question 2 Complete Marked out of 5.00 Not flaggedFlag ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Cis 502 Web Server Application Attack Running head: Web Server Application Attacks 1 Web Server Application Attacks Deep Ajabani CIS 502 Dr. Nelson Stewart July 12, 2015 Running head: Web Server Application Attacks 2 In this era of globalization and cut–throat world of competition, it is virtually impossible to do business without using the internet and web applications. Internet gets used for processing the credit card or debit card sale and even for using to save the data of customers to the merchant's database for future reference and to send promotional offers to the previous and patron customers. And on the other hand, hackers are trying their best to get the data stored on the merchant's server by spoofing ... Show more content on ... In this case hackers especially don't just breach and get the access into the crypto but they breach something else, like they gets the access to the data through that automatically decrypts, they acquires the clear text replication of data and in some cases they find the keys. Though it is not that much easy to get access through this way to the data and get the information. But once the hacker gets the access it is not that easy to detect the vulnerability. For hackers it is not easy to get through this way, first they need to put some effort to breach something else to get the required access. The result of this attack can be severe, and sometimes enterprise have to face lawsuits. To stay safe from this vulnerability that the company encrypts all the data in the manner, no one can access that, not the insider and not even the outsider. When engineer takes the backup of the data, they need to make sure that the data is encrypted. Keys need to be handled and saved individually. To assure that login credential are made using the appropriate and standard algorithms. And last but not the least all the keys and passwords need to be protected from the unauthorized access. Insecure direct object reference is another type of vulnerability which makes the hackers or outsiders to access the data and other objects which are not entitled to access that. This vulnerability is the result of malpractice by one of the employee. The authoritative system user who can make the changes to the system, alters the parameter value that directly refers the link to the system object that user is not allowed to access and makes the data and information ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Computer Architecture : The Terminal Server Architecture The first famous business applications architecture that was used in the 1950s until 1990 was the terminal server architecture. Mainframe architecture: At the beginning of the application architecture world, we had mainframes that executed all the applications logic in a centralized manner and the mini computers as terminals that just displayed the applications screens to the users and captured user's inputs. The main advantage of this architecture was that deployment was easy to perform. The main disadvantage was that user interface was very limited, the display was characters based and the user's inputs was limited to a keyboard. Client/Server The terminal server architecture was replaced in the 1990 with the client server architecture. In this era most of the application logic was moved to the clients and the server was mostly limited to a database server to exchange data between client and server. One on the main disadvantage of this architecture was that, you needed to deploy the application on each client and there could be potential compatibility issues between different clients. Web App model: In the early 2000, web application architecture started replacing client/server architecture. Most of the application logic went back to the server like in the mainframes era. This model solved the deployment problem that existed with the client server architecture, but brought back the problems that were in the mainframe era of having to go to the server every time ... Get more on ...
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  • 157. Essay Web Server and Intranet Website Lab 12 Configuring and Maintaining Network Security This lab contains the following exercises and activities: Exercise 12.1 Installing Internet Information Server Exercise 12.2 Testing IIS Connectivity Exercise 12.3 Allowing a Program Through the Firewall Lab Challenge Creating Windows Firewall Rules Exercise 12.1 Installing Internet Information Server Overview Because this is only a test deployment, you will be using a Windows 8 computer to function as the web server. In this exercise, you will install Internet Information Services on your workstation and then configure it to host two websites. Mindset Internet Information Services enables you to configure websites to use specific port numbers. This makes it ... Show more content on ... or DNS issue? NOT SURE Lab Challenge Creating Windows Firewall Rules Overview The port you opened in Exercise 12.3 enables clients to access the default website hosted by your web server, but not the Intranet website. In this challenge, you must configure your web server to allow traffic to the Intranet website. Mindset Windows 8 often provides more than one way to complete a given task. The Windows Firewall control panel provides a relatively simple interface to the firewall, but it is not a comprehensive one, as we saw in the previous Exercise.
  • 158. Completion time 20 minutes To complete this challenge, you must use the Windows Firewall With Advanced Security console to configure WKSTN–MBR–B to allow traffic to both the default website and the Intranet website you created in Exercise 12.1. To complete the challenge, perform the following tasks: List the steps you took to complete the task. Take a screen shot of the interface you used to create the firewall rules by pressing Alt+Prt Scr and then paste it into your Lab 12 worksheet file in the page provided by pressing Ctrl+V. [copy screen shot over this text] Answer the following questions. Question 13 Why are there two separate rules for the World Wide Web Services in the Inbound Rules container? 1. Every service require its own rule.2. One rule aplies for Domain network type and Another rule aplies forPrivate, Public Question 14 How would the opening of the port you ... Get more on ...