SlideShare a Scribd company logo
var buffer = document.createElement('canvas');
var bufferCtx = buffer.getContext('2d');
var bIsIPhone = false;
var bIsIPad = false;
var bWildBattleIsReady = false;
var bIsLoadingWildDialog = false;
var inventory = [];
var eggs = [];
if( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ) {
bIsIPhone = true;
} else if( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ) {
bIsIPad = true;
var bMagnify = false;
//User Variables
var userID = '';
var userName = '';
var userSprite = '';
var userMoney = 0;
var userEvent = null;
var serverToken = '';
var userX = 0;
var userY = 0;
var userDirection = 0;
var userStepPart = 0;
var userStepX = 0;
var userStepY = 0;
//Rendering Variables
var bLoading = true;
var loadAction = "";
var tick = 0;
var ctx = null;
var cvsWidth = 0;
var cvsHeight = 0;
var tagAlong = "";
var tagAlongName = "";
var follower = null;
var captchaKeypress = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false);
//Drawing Resources
var screenResources = new Array();
var ImageResourceLoadedCount = 0;
var ImageResourceTotalCount = 0;
function ResourceImage(src,key) {
this.img = new Image();
this.img.src = src;
this.url = src;
this.img.onload = loadedResource;
this.key = key;
return this;
//Audio Resources
var musicResources = new Array();
var MusicResourceLoadedCount = 0;
var MusicResourceTotalCount = 0;
function ResourceMusic(src,key) { = null;
this.key = key;
this.src = src;
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1)
{ = new Audio(); = src;;
return this;
var prevPlaying = "";
var prevPlayingSong = null;
var playOnceSong = null;
var soundEnabled = 0;
var musicEnabled = 0;
var effectResources = new Array();
var EffectResourceLoadedCount = 0;
var EffectResourceTotalCount = 0;
function ResourceEffect(src,key) { = new Audio(); = src;
// = loadedEffectResource; = loadedEffectResource;
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1)
//; = 0.5;
this.key = key;
return this;
//Map Variables
var currentMap = null;
var mapName = '';
var mapCode = '';
var mapID = '';
var mapWidth = 0;
var mapHeight = 0;
var mapData = null;
var mapEvents = null;
var bMapDataLoaded = false;
var bMapEventsLoaded = false;
var mapLoadedCount = 0;
var rawMapData = null;
var mapAbove = new Image();
var mapBase = new Image();
mapAbove.onload = loadedMapImage;
mapBase.onload = loadedMapImage;
var stepsInGrass = 0;
var mapEventObjects = new Array();
//Map - runtime draw,centerMap functions
var mapLeft = 0;
var mapTop = 0;
//Charset Variables
var charsets = new Array();
var charsetLoadedCount = 0;
//Scripting Variables
var events = new Array();
var lastTriggeredEventName = "";
//User Interaction
var keyState = new Object;
keyState.up = false;
keyState.down = false;
keyState.left = false;
keyState.right = false;
keyState.btn1 = false;
keyState.btn2 = false;
keyState.btn3 = false;
var bMouseDown = false;
//### SOCKET FUNCTIONS ############## Chat, Support Dialog
//Sockets Variables
var foregnusers = new Array();
var ws = null;
var bConnected = false;
var updateTick = 0;
var messages = new Array();
function ChatMessage(isadmin,userid,username,message) {
this.isadmin = isadmin;
this.userid = userid;
this.username = username;
this.message = message;
return this;
function chatKeyPress(e){
e = e || event;
var unicode=e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.charCode
if( unicode == 13 ) {
if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value != "" ) {
ws.send("/msg^" + document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value +
document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "";
return true;
return false;
function chatBoxIsActive() {
var curElement = document.activeElement;
if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate") == curElement ) {
return true;
return false;
function selectChatBox() {
if( bConnected ) {
var curElement = document.activeElement;
if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate") != curElement ) {
} /* else {
return true;
function showChatBox() {
if( bConnected ) {
document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "";
autoOpen: false,
title: "Chat Window",
modal: true,
width: "480",
buttons: []
$("#mws-jui-dialog-post").dialog("option", {modal:
function showUnsupportedMessage() {
var html = "<p>Some of the functionality needed to dsplay this page correctly
is missing from the browser you are using. You can continue to play but you will not
be able to see or chat to other players of the game.</p>";
document.getElementById("mws-jui-dialog-data").innerHTML = html;
autoOpen: false,
title: "Partial Functionality Support Notification",
modal: true,
width: "480",
buttons: []
$("#mws-jui-dialog-data").dialog("option", {modal: true}).dialog("open");
function rebindClicks(){
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isIphone = (userAgent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) ? true : false;
if (isIphone) {
// For each event with an inline onclick
$('[onclick]').each(function() {
var onclick = $(this).attr('onclick');
$(this).removeAttr('onclick'); // Remove the onclick attribute
$(this).bind("click", preventClickEvent); // See to it that clicks never
$(this).bind('tap', onclick); // Point taps to the onclick
function preventClickEvent(event) {
//### GAME FUNCTIONS ############## update, draw, centerMap
function update() {
if( bLoading ) {
if( ImageResourceLoadedCount == screenResources.length )
if( charsetLoadedCount == charsets.length )
if( mapLoadedCount == 2 )
if( bMapEventsLoaded && bMapDataLoaded ) {
bLoading = false;
mapWidth = mapAbove.width;
mapHeight = mapAbove.height;
gameInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 50);
} else {
if( bConnected ) {
if( updateTick > 10 ) {
var sendStr = "";
var running = "0";
if( keyState.btn2 )
running = "1";
if( tagAlong != "" && follower != null ) {
sendStr = "/update^" + mapID +"^" +
userEvent.mapPosition.X +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.Y +"^" +
userEvent.direction +"^" + userEvent.stepAnimation + "^" + running + "^" +
(bInBattle ? "1" : "0") + "^" + tagAlong +"^" + follower.mapPosition.X +"^" +
(follower.mapPosition.Y-2) +"^" + follower.direction +"^" + follower.stepAnimation
+ "^" + running +"^rnrn";
} else {
sendStr = "/update^" + mapID +"^" +
userEvent.mapPosition.X +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.Y +"^" +
userEvent.direction +"^" + userEvent.stepAnimation + "^" + running + "^" +
(bInBattle ? "1" : "0") + "rnrn";
updateTick = 0;
if( activeScript.length > 0 ) {
} else if( bInBattle ) {
} else {
//Process input and movement.
if( activeScript.length == 0 ) {
if( userEvent.moveQueue.length == 0 ) {
if( keyState.up ) {
} else if( keyState.down ) {
} else if( keyState.left ) {
} else if( keyState.right ) {
if( keyState.btn1 ) {
for(var k=0;k<;k++)
var evnt =[k];
if (evnt.bEventEnabled && (evnt.type == "Action Button" ||
evnt.type == "X1" || evnt.type == "X2" || evnt.type == "X3" || evnt.type == "X10" ||
evnt.type == "X15") && activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0)
var checkX = 0;
var checkY = 0;
if (userEvent.direction == 0)
checkY = -1;
if (userEvent.direction == 1)
checkY = 1;
if (userEvent.direction == 2)
checkX = -1;
if (userEvent.direction == 3)
checkX = 1;
if (evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X +
checkX && evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + checkY + 2 )
if (triggerEvent(evnt, false))
keyState.btn1 = false;
//Evaluate our hero
if( bWildBattleIsReady ) {
if( keyState.btn1 == true ) {
keyState.btn1 = false;
function draw() {
if( bLoading ) {
var status = "Loading";
if( tick > 2 )
status = status + ".";
if( tick > 5 )
status = status + ".";
if( tick > 7 )
status = status + ".";
if( tick > 10 )
tick = 0;
ctx.font = "bold 14px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 40);
if( ImageResourceLoadedCount > ImageResourceTotalCount)
ImageResourceLoadedCount = ImageResourceTotalCount;
if( EffectResourceLoadedCount > EffectResourceTotalCount)
EffectResourceLoadedCount = EffectResourceTotalCount;
status = ImageResourceLoadedCount + " of " +
ImageResourceTotalCount + " images loaded";
drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 65);
status = EffectResourceLoadedCount + " of " +
EffectResourceTotalCount + " sound effects loaded";
drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 85);
} else {
var drawWidth = mapWidth > cvsWidth ? cvsWidth : mapWidth;
var drawHeight = mapHeight > cvsHeight ? cvsHeight : mapHeight;
if( drawHeight > mapHeight +(-mapTop-cvsHeight)-130 )
drawHeight = mapHeight +(-mapTop-cvsHeight)-130;
if( drawWidth > mapWidth + mapLeft )
drawWidth = mapWidth + mapLeft;
//Draw Base Layer
ctx.drawImage(mapBase, -mapLeft, -(-mapTop-cvsHeight)+130,
drawWidth, drawHeight, 0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight );
//Draw Above Layer
ctx.drawImage(mapAbove, -mapLeft, -(-mapTop-cvsHeight)+130,
drawWidth, drawHeight,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight);
if( bMagnify ) {
ctx.canvas.width/4+userEvent.offsetX, ctx.canvas.height/4+userEvent.offsetY,
ctx.canvas.width/2, ctx.canvas.height/2,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight);
ctx.drawImage(bufferCtx.canvas,0,0,drawWidth, drawHeight);
//ctx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, ctx.canvas.width/4, ctx.canvas.height/4,
ctx.canvas.width/4*3, ctx.canvas.height/4*3,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight);
ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
drawShadowText(ctx,mapName,10, cvsHeight-15);
//ctx.textAlign = "left";
//drawShadowText(ctx,"Use Arrow Keys to move and Battle. Confirm
with X, Cancel with Z.",10, cvsHeight-25);
ctx.textAlign = "right";
drawShadowText(ctx,"Username: " + userName,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight-
ctx.textAlign = "right";
if( bConnected )
drawShadowText(ctx,"Connected: True" ,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight-
drawShadowText(ctx,"Connected: False" ,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight-
drawShadowText(ctx,userCount + " Trainers Online" ,cvsWidth-27,
ctx.textAlign = "right";
drawShadowText(ctx,"Currency: " + userMoney + "¢",cvsWidth-27, 20);
if( bInBattle ) {
if( activeScript.length > 0 ) {
if( eggs.length > 0 ) {
var egg = resourceByKey("pokemonegg");
for(var i=0;i<eggs.length;i++) {
ctx.drawImage(egg, -25 + (i*30), cvsHeight-100);
function centerMap()
var MyX = userEvent.mapPosition.X * 16;
var MyY = userEvent.mapPosition.Y * 16;
var winSize = new Object;
winSize.Width = cvsWidth;
winSize.Height = cvsHeight;
var xTmp = Math.max(MyX, cvsWidth / 2);
var yTmp = Math.max(MyY, cvsHeight / 2);
xTmp = Math.min(xTmp, mapWidth - winSize.Width / 2);
yTmp = Math.min(yTmp, mapHeight - winSize.Height / 2);
var actualPosition = new Object;
actualPosition.X = xTmp;
actualPosition.Y = yTmp;
var centerOfView = new Object;
centerOfView.X = cvsWidth / 2;
centerOfView.Y = cvsHeight / 2;
var viewPoint = new Object;
viewPoint.X = centerOfView.X - actualPosition.X;
viewPoint.Y = centerOfView.Y - actualPosition.Y;
if( userEvent.direction == 0 ) {
userStepY = userEvent.stepPart;
} else if( userEvent.direction == 1 ) {
userStepY = -userEvent.stepPart;
} else if( userEvent.direction == 2 ) {
userStepX = userEvent.stepPart;
} else if( userEvent.direction == 3 ) {
userStepX = -userEvent.stepPart;
//TODO: Check mapSize Worked
if( MyX-userStepX > mapWidth - cvsWidth/2) {
userStepX = 0;
if( MyX-userStepX < cvsWidth/2 ) {
userStepX = 0;
if( MyY-userStepY > mapHeight - cvsHeight/2 ) {
userStepY = 0;
if( MyY-userStepY < cvsHeight/2 ) {
userStepY = 0;
var additionalDown = -cvsHeight-mapHeight/8;
mapLeft = viewPoint.X + userStepX;
mapTop = (viewPoint.Y + userStepY) * -1 + additionalDown;
//User position should update as if it was an event, theirfore it should not be
done in this function but rather in the gameEvent Class.
//### RENDERING FUNCTIONS ##############
function drawShadowText(ctx,text,posX,posY,color) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillText(text, posX+1, posY-1);
ctx.fillText(text, posX-1, posY-1);
ctx.fillText(text, posX+1, posY+1);
ctx.fillText(text, posX-1, posY+1);
color = 'white';
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillText(text, posX, posY);
//### AJAX FUNCTIONS ##############
function requestObject() {
var xmlHttpReq = false;
// Mozilla/Safari
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
// IE
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttpReq;
function loadMapData() {
var xmlHttpReq = requestObject();"GET", "/maps/" + mapCode + ".xml", true);
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = loadMapDataCallback;
function loadMapDataCallback() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML) {
var resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[1];
if (!resultsNode) {
resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[0];
if (resultsNode == null) {
mapData = resultsNode;
bMapDataLoaded = true;
if( loadAction != "" ) {
if( loadAction.substr(0,4) == "wrap" ) {
var direction = loadAction.substr(5,1);
if( direction == 0 ) {
userEvent.mapPosition.Y = Math.floor(mapHeight/16)-
} else if( direction == 1 ) {
userEvent.mapPosition.Y = 0;
} else if( direction == 2 ) {
userEvent.mapPosition.X = Math.floor(mapWidth/16)-
} else if( direction == 3 ) {
userEvent.mapPosition.X = 0;
function loadMapEvents() {
var xmlHttpReq = requestObject();
var finalPostString = "mapid="+encodeURIComponent(mapCode)
+"&x="+userEvent.mapPosition.X+"&y="+userEvent.mapPosition.Y;"POST", "/xml/explore.xml.php?rand=" +
(Math.random() * 1000000), true);
self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = loadMapEventsCallback;
function loadMapEventsCallback() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML) {
var resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[1];
if (!resultsNode) {
resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[0];
if (resultsNode == null) {
mapEvents = resultsNode;
mapName = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", mapEvents));
mapID = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", mapEvents));
//Load the map's events
currentMap.mapMusic = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("music",
if( currentMap.mapMusic != "" && currentMap.mapMusic !=
prevPlaying ) {
if( currentMap.mapMusic != "" ) {
bMapEventsLoaded = true;
} else {
alert("Error loading events.");
bMapEventsLoaded = true;
function firstChildNodeNamed(name, node) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName == name)
return node.childNodes[i];
return null;
function nodeValue(node) {
var str = node.nodeValue;
if (str == null)
if (node.childNodes.length > 0)
str = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
return str;
function getDataOfImmediateChild(parentNode)
var val = "";
for (n=0; n < parentNode.childNodes.length; n++)
val = val + nodeValue(parentNode.childNodes[n]);
return val;
//### LOADING & SETUP ##############
$(document).ready(function() {
curMonImage = document.getElementById("curMonImage");
curOppImage = document.getElementById("curOppImage");
var c=document.getElementById("cvsGame");
ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.canvas.width = $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth();
ctx.canvas.height = $("#mws-explore-area").innerHeight();
cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16;
cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16;
if( cvsWidth > 1024 ) {
cvsWidth = 1024;
loadUserData(); //Instant / Async
loadCharacterSets(); //Async
loadMapData(); //Async
//CALLS: loadMapEvents(); UPON COMPLETION. //Async
userEvent = new gameEvent();
currentMap = gameMap();
$(document).bind('keydown', 'up', function (evt){ keyState.up = true; return
false; } );
$(document).bind('keydown', 'down', function (evt){ keyState.down = true;
return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'left', function (evt){ keyState.left = true; return
false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'right', function (evt){ keyState.right = true;
return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'x', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn1 = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'z', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn2 = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'c', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn3 = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'esc', function (evt){ menuOpen(); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'w', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.up = true;} return true; } );
$(document).bind('keydown', 's', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.down = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'a', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.left = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'd', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.right = true;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '1', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[0] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '2', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[1] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '3', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[2] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '4', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[3] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '5', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[4] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', '6', function (evt){ captchaKeypress[5] = false;
return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '1', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("1"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '2', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("2"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '3', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("3"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '4', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("4"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '5', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("5"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '6', function (evt){ addToCaptcha("6"); return
true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'up', function (evt){ keyState.up = false; return
false; } );
$(document).bind('keyup', 'down', function (evt){ keyState.down = false;
return false; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'left', function (evt){ keyState.left = false; return
false; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'right', function (evt){ keyState.right = false; return
false; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'x', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn1 = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'z', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn2 = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'c', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.btn3 = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'w', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.up = false;} return true; } );
$(document).bind('keyup', 's', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.down = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'a', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.left = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'd', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
{keyState.right = false;} return true; });
$(document).bind('keyup', 'return', function (evt){ selectChatBox(); return
false; });
$(document).bind('keyup', '/', function (evt){ selectChatBox(); return true; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'm', function (evt){
if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate") == document.activeElement )
return true;
return false;
$("#cvsGame").mousedown(function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
$("#cvsGame").mouseup(function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
$("#cvsGame").mousemove(function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if( bIsIPhone || bIsIPad ) {
c.addEventListener('touchstart', canvasMouseDown, true);
c.addEventListener('touchend', canvasMouseUp, true);
c.addEventListener('touchmove', canvasMouseMove, true);
c.addEventListener("mousedown", canvasMouseDown, true);
c.addEventListener("mouseup", canvasMouseUp, true);
c.addEventListener("mousemove", canvasMouseMove, true);
// test if the browser supports web sockets
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
} else {
if( bIsIPhone || bIsIPad ) {
timeoutInterval = setInterval(keepSession, 120000);
gameInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 500);
var timeoutInterval = null;
var gameInterval = null;
// connect to the specified host
function connect(host) {
$.jGrowl("Note: Connecting to Pokemon Legends Server.", {life: 5000,
header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"});
try {
ws = new WebSocket(host); // create the web socket
} catch (err) {
$.jGrowl("Note: Connection Error"+err, {life: 5000, header:
"Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"});
ws.onopen = function () {
ws.send("/auth^" + serverToken + "rnrn");
$.jGrowl("Note: Connection Established.", {life: 5000, header:
"Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"});
bConnected = true;
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
if (typeof == "string") {
if("/update") > -1 ) {
} else if("/msg") > -1 ) {
} else if("/pvprequest") > -1 ) {
} else if("/pvpaccepted") > -1 ) {
} else if("/ping") > -1 ) {
ws.onclose = function () {
$.jGrowl("Note: Connection Closed. Will retry in 2 minutes.", {life:
5000, header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"});
bConnected = false;
mmoUsers = new Array();
function rebindClicks(){
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isIphone = (userAgent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) ? true : false;
if (isIphone) {
// For each event with an inline onclick
$('[onclick]').each(function() {
var onclick = $(this).attr('onclick');
$(this).removeAttr('onclick'); // Remove the onclick attribute
$(this).bind("click", preventClickEvent); // See to it that clicks never
$(this).bind('tap', onclick); // Point taps to the onclick
function preventClickEvent(event) {
function keepSession() {
if( bConnected == false ) {
function loadMap(newMapCode, arrivalMethod, arrivalDirection) {
mapLoadedCount = 0;
bMapEventsLoaded = false;
bMapDataLoaded = false;
bLoading = true;
gameInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 500);
mapCode = newMapCode;
currentMap = gameMap();
mapWidth = mapAbove.width;
mapHeight = mapAbove.height;
mapAbove = new Image();
mapBase = new Image();
mapAbove.onload = loadedMapImage;
mapBase.onload = loadedMapImage;
mapAbove.src='' +mapCode+ '
mapBase.src='' +mapCode+ '
if( arrivalDirection != null ) {
loadAction = "wrap:" + arrivalDirection;
} else {
loadAction = "";
mmoUsers = new Array();
$(window).resize(function() {
if( ctx == null )
function reszeWindow() {
var heightPotential = $( window ).height();
var usableHeight = heightPotential-175;
if( $(".adDiv").length > 0 ) {
if( $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth() > 502 ) {
ctx.canvas.width = $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth();
ctx.canvas.height = $("#mws-explore-area").innerHeight();
cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16;
cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16;
buffer.width = ctx.canvas.width;
buffer.height = ctx.canvas.height;
if( cvsWidth > 1024 ) {
cvsWidth = 1024;
function repositionMonsters() {
cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16;
cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16;
var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left;
var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top;
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
//if( top > 158 ) {
//centerY += top-158;
//} = (centerX-120-curMonImage.width/2) + 'px'; = (centerY-curMonImage.height/2+70) + 'px'; = (centerX+120-curOppImage.width/2) + 'px'; = (centerY-curOppImage.height/2) + 'px';
function loadedMapImage() {
function resourceByKey(key) {
for(var i=0;i<screenResources.length;i++) {
if( screenResources[i].key == key)
return screenResources[i].img;
return null;
function musicResourceByKey(key) {
for(var i=0;i<musicResources.length;i++) {
if( musicResources[i].key == key)
return musicResources[i];
return null;
function effectResourceByKey(key) {
for(var i=0;i<effectResources.length;i++) {
if( effectResources[i].key == key)
return effectResources[i].audio;
return null;
function loadedMusicResource() {
function loadedEffectResource() {
function loadedResource() {
for(var k=0;k<screenResources.length;k++) {
if( this.src.indexOf(screenResources[k].url) > -1 ) {
screenResources[k].width = this.width;
screenResources[k].height = this.height;
function loadImages() {
var elements = new Array("ani-air","ani-ancient","ani-basic","ani-
psychic","ani-steel","ani-water", "ani-berserk","ani-confusion","ani-heal","ani-
for(var k=0;k<elements.length;k++)
ResourceMusic(" 8.mp3","route8"));
ResourceMusic(" House.mp3","cave"));
ResourceMusic(" Forest.mp3","Magic
ResourceMusic(" Intentions.mp3","Dark
//Loads all NPC and main character sprites into an array
function loadCharacterSets() {
//no longer used. All are loaded from explore.php.
function loadedSprite() {
//Adds a sprite to the charsets array
function addCharset(imgURL) {
var newImage = new Image();
newImage.src = imgURL;
newImage.onload = loadedSprite;
//### SCRIPTING FUNCTIONS ##############
function triggerEvent( Event, fromCollision)
if( Event.bEventEnabled ) {
lastTriggeredEventName =;
//face the user
if( Event.mapPosition.X > userEvent.mapPosition.X ) {
scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Left^1");
} else if( Event.mapPosition.X < userEvent.mapPosition.X ) {
scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Right^1");
} else if( Event.mapPosition.Y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) {
scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Up^1");
} else if( Event.mapPosition.Y < userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) {
scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Down^1");
for(var i=0;i<Event.eventData.length;i++) {
if( activeScript.length > 0 ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
//### KEY PRESS / MOUSE FUNCTIONS ##############
function getPosition(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var cursor = {x:0, y:0};
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
cursor.x = e.pageX;
cursor.y = e.pageY;
else {
var de = document.documentElement;
var b = document.body;
cursor.x = e.clientX +
(de.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) - (de.clientLeft || 0);
cursor.y = e.clientY +
(de.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) - (de.clientTop || 0);
return cursor;
function hitTest(x,y,boxX1,boxY1,boxX2,boxY2) {
if( x >= boxX1 && x <= boxX2 ) {
if( y >= boxY1 && y <= boxY2 ) {
return true;
return false;
function checkMousePosition(posX,posY) {
var boxWidth = 160;
var boxHeight = 40;
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
var boxX = centerX+46;
var boxY = centerY+110-50;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "atk1";
boxX = centerX+174;
boxY = centerY+110-50;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "atk2";
boxX = centerX+46;
boxY = centerY+145-50;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "atk3";
boxX = centerX+174;
boxY = centerY+145-50;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "atk4";
boxWidth = 100;
boxX = centerX-232+45;
boxY = centerY+125-40;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "run";
boxX = centerX-138+45;
boxY = centerY+125-40;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "item";
boxWidth = 50;
boxHeight = 50;
boxX = centerX-220;
boxY = centerY-111-80;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "swap";
if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
for(var k=0;k< teamMonsters.length;k++) {
var pos = k+1;
var x = centerX;
var y = centerY-75-60;
if( pos < 4 ) {
x = x - 110;
y = y + pos * 30;
} else {
x = x + 110;
y = y + (pos-3) * 30;
boxWidth = 200;
boxHeight = 40;
boxX = x;
boxY = y;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "swap" + pos;
} if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
for(var k=0;k< battleItems.length;k++) {
var pos = k+1;
var x = centerX;
var y = centerY-75-60;
if( pos < 5 ) {
x = x - 110;
y = y + pos * 30;
} else {
x = x + 110;
y = y + (pos-4) * 30;
boxWidth = 200;
boxHeight = 40;
boxX = x;
boxY = y;
if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY-
boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) {
return "item" + pos;
return "";
function canvasMouseDown(e) {
var pos = getPosition(e);
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
bMouseDown = true;
var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left;
var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top;
var posX = pos.x-left;
var posY = pos.y-top;
var pos = getPosition(e);
if( pos.x - left < 64 ) {
keyState.left = true;
} else if( pos.x - left > cvsWidth - 64 ) {
keyState.right = true;
} else if( pos.y - top < 64 ) {
keyState.up = true;
} else if( pos.y - top > cvsHeight - 64 ) {
keyState.down = true;
} else {
keyState.btn1 = true;
if( bInBattle ) {
if( battleScript.length > 0 ) {
keyState.btn1 = true;
} else {
var activeMenu = checkMousePosition(posX,posY);
if( activeMenu != "") {
if( activeMenu != "item" && activeMenu != "swap" ) {
keyState.btn1 = true;
} else {
document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle').innerHTML =
for(var i=0;i< mmoUsers.length;i++) {
var user = mmoUsers[i];
if( pos.x-left > user.drawPosX && pos.x-left < user.drawPosX +32 )
if( pos.y-top < user.drawPosY && pos.y-top > user.drawPosY
-48 ) {
if("'s Pet") == -1 ) {
return false;
function canvasMouseUp(e) {
var pos = getPosition(e);
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
bMouseDown = false;
//var pos = getPosition(e);
keyState.up = false;
keyState.down = false;
keyState.left = false;
keyState.right = false;
keyState.btn1 = false;
keyState.btn2 = false;
keyState.btn3 = false;
return false;
function canvasMouseMove(e) {
var pos = getPosition(e);
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left;
var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top;
var posX = pos.x-left;
var posY = pos.y-top;
if( bInBattle ) {
if( battleScript.length == 0 ) {
var activeMenu = checkMousePosition(posX,posY);
if( activeMenu == "atk1" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 2;
} else if( activeMenu == "atk2" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 3;
} else if( activeMenu == "atk3" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 4;
} else if( activeMenu == "atk4" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 5;
} else if( activeMenu == "run" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 0;
} else if( activeMenu == "item" && battleSelectedMenu != 13 &&
parseInt(battleStage) != 1) {
battleSelectedMenu = 13;
} else if( activeMenu == "swap" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 7;
} else if( activeMenu.indexOf('swap') > -1 && activeMenu !=
"swap" ) {
var pos = parseInt(activeMenu.replace(/swap/gi,''));
battleSelectedMenu = pos+6;
} else if( activeMenu.indexOf('item') > -1 && battleSelectedMenu
== 13 && parseInt(battleStage) != 1 ) {
var pos = parseInt(activeMenu.replace(/item/gi,''));
battleItemSelectedMenu = pos-1;
if( activeMenu != "" )
keyState.up = false;
keyState.down = false;
keyState.left = false;
keyState.right = false;
keyState.btn1 = false;
keyState.btn2 = false;
keyState.btn3 = false;
var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left;
var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top;
if( pos.x - left < 64 ) {
keyState.left = true;
} else if( pos.x - left > cvsWidth - 64 ) {
keyState.right = true;
} else if( pos.y - top < 64 ) {
keyState.up = true;
} else if( pos.y - top > cvsHeight - 64 ) {
keyState.down = true;
//### MMO FUNCTIONS ###############
function displayMMOUser(user) {
var div = document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle');
var html = "<center><b>" + + "</b><br/>";
//html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s
mws-button blue" value="Trade" title="Offer to Trade with this Player."><br/>';
html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s
mws-button red" value="Battle" onclick="pvpRequest('' + + '');"
title="Request a Battle with this Player."><br/>';
html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s
mws-button green" value="PM" onclick="pmUser('' + + '')" title="Send a
Private Message to this Player."><br/>';
html += "</center>";
div.innerHTML = html;
function pmUser(name) {
document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "/pm " + name + " ";
function pvpRequest(name) {
ws.send("/msg^/pvprequest " + name + "rnrn");
document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle').innerHTML = "";
function pvpAccept(name) {
ws.send("/msg^/pvpaccept " + name + "rnrn");
document.getElementById("mws-explore-requests").innerHTML = "";
function pvpRequested(data) {
var dataRow = data.split("^");
document.getElementById("mws-explore-requests").innerHTML = '<div
style="padding:8px;"><b>'+dataRow[1]+'</b> wants to battle: <br/><center><input
type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s mws-button green"
value="Accept PvP" onclick="pvpAccept('' +dataRow[1]+ '')"
var userCount = "?";
function serverPing(data) {
var dataRow = data.split("^");
userCount = parseInt(dataRow[1]);
function pvpLoadBattle(data) {
var dataRow = data.split("^");
battleRoundTacker = 0;
curOpp = null;
nextOpp = null;
curMon = null;
nextMon = null;
curMonImage.src = '';
curOppImage.src = '';
battleLoading = false;
//battle_id needs to be provided.
curOpp = null;
//bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton
battleSelectedMenu = 2;
if( prevPlayingSong )
prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0;
bWildBattle = false;
function updateChat(data) {
var dataRow = data.split("^");
var dataMsg = dataRow[1].split("|");
var isadmin = dataMsg[0];
var userids = dataMsg[1];
var user = dataMsg[2];
var msg = dataMsg[3];
var isPM = dataMsg[4];
var changeColor = true;
var title = "A Legend";
messages.push(new ChatMessage(isadmin,userids,user,msg));
var sender = mmoUserByName(user);
if( sender != null ) {
sender.msg = msg;
sender.msgTick = 0;
} else {
if( userids == userID ) {
userEvent.msg = msg;
userEvent.msgTick = 0;
if (msg.toLowerCase().indexOf(userName.toLowerCase()) > -1)
color = "#CE93D8";
changeColor = false;
if (changeColor) //if name is mentioned on a word, do not change unless it's
PM. PM is always in the special color.
var color = "#fff";
if( isadmin > 1 ) {
color = "#99FF99";
title = "Game Moderators";
else if ( isadmin == 1)
color = "#72C065";
title = "Chat Moderators";
if (isadmin > 2)
title = "Administrators";
if( userids == 0 ) {
color = "#FF9999";
if ( msg.toLowerCase().indexOf("pm to") > -1 &&
user.toLowerCase().indexOf("you") > -1) //pm sent msg
color = "#FFCC99";
if (isPM == 1)
color = "#FFCC99";
//sharks remove html tags from user input
msg = msg.replace(/<(?:.|n)*?>/gm, '');
var html = "<p data-username='"+user+"' onclick=quickPM(this)
if (userids > 0)
html = html + "<a href='user?id="+userids+"' style='color:"+color+"'
target='_blank' title = '"+title+"'>";
html = html + user;
if (userids > 0)
html = html + "</a>";
html = html + ":</b> " + msg + "</p>";
$('#chat')[0].scrollTop = $('#chat')[0].scrollHeight;
function quickPM(msg)
if (msg.getAttribute("data-username") != "You" )
document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "/pm
"+msg.getAttribute("data-username")+" ";
//### AUDIO FUNCTIONS ###############
function restoreLastSong() {
if( musicEnabled == false )
if( prevPlayingSong );
function playMusicOnce(key) {
if( musicEnabled == false )
var audio = musicResourceByKey(key);
if( audio ) {
if( prevPlayingSong )
if( playOnceSong )
if( == null ) { = new Audio(); = audio.src; = 0.5;
} = false;'ended', restoreLastSong); = 0;;
playOnceSong =;
function playMusic(key) {
if( musicEnabled == false )
var audio = musicResourceByKey(key);
if( audio ) {
if( prevPlayingSong )
if( playOnceSong )
if( == null ) { = new Audio(); = audio.src; = 0.35;
} = true;;
prevPlayingSong =;
prevPlaying = key;
function playSFX(key) {
if( soundEnabled == false )
var audio = effectResourceByKey(key);
if( audio ) {;
//### SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ###############
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
// ################################################
// ### MMO USER CLASS ###########################
// ################################################
function MMOUser(id,name,trainerimg) { = id; = name;
this.trainerimg = trainerimg;
this.mapid = 0;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.NewX = 0;
this.NewY = 0;
this.direction = 0;
this.step = 0;
this.inbattle = 0;
this.drawPosX = 0;
this.drawPosY = 0;
this.drawStartX = 0;
this.drawStartY = 0;
this.isRunning = 0;
this.stepPart = 0;
this.stepAnimation = 0;
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.stepX = 0;
this.stepY = 0;
this.moveQueue = new Array();
this.msg = "";
this.msgTick = 0;
this.frameCount = 2;
this.ImageRef = null;
this.updated = false;
this.evaluate = function() {
this.stepX = 0;
this.stepY = 0;
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
this.stepY = -this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
this.stepY = this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
this.stepX = -this.stepPart;
} else {
this.stepX = this.stepPart;
this.drawPosX = mapLeft + (this.x * 16)+ this.stepX +13;
this.drawPosY = -mapTop-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + ((this.y+2) * 16)+
this.stepY +2-130+32;
var additionalDown = currentMap.mapHeight/2-cvsHeight/2;
this.drawPosY = -mapTop-cvsHeight/2-currentMap.mapHeight/2 +
((this.y+2) * 16) + this.stepY +2+28 + (additionalDown-192);
//process move queue - in between movequeue syncs check for position
if( this.msg != "" ) {
if( this.msgTick > 250 ) {
this.msg = "";
this.updatesWithoutMove = 0;
this.processMoveQueue = function() // Define Method
if( currentMap == null ) {
return false;
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "up" ) {
this.direction = 0;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "down" ) {
this.direction = 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "left" ) {
this.direction = 2;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "right" ) {
this.direction = 3;
if( this.stepPart == 8 || this.stepPart == 0 ) {
if( this.stepAnimation > this.frameCount )
this.stepAnimation = 0;
this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4;
if( this.isRunning == 1 && this.moveQueue.length == 1 )
this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4;
if( this.stepPart >= 16 ) {
this.stepPart = 0;
//update the coordanates at the end of the step.
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
this.y = this.y - 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
this.y = this.y + 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
this.x = this.x - 1;
} else {
this.x = this.x + 1;
if( Math.abs(this.NewX - this.x) > 6 || Math.abs(this.NewY - this.y) >
6 ) {
this.x = this.NewX;
this.y = this.NewY;
this.moveQueue.length = 0;
if( this.moveQueue.length == 0 ) {
//add to moveQueue based on position
if( this.y > this.NewY ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x,this.y-2-1)) ) {
} else if( this.y < this.NewY ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x,this.y-2+1)) ) {
} else if( this.x > this.NewX ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x-1,this.y-2)) ) {
} else if( this.x < this.NewX ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x+1,this.y-2)) ) {
if( this.updatesWithoutMove > 10 ) {
this.updatesWithoutMove = 0;
} else {
this.updatesWithoutMove = 0;
this.addMoveQueue = function(moveDirection) // Define Method
this.drawNames = function(ctx) // Define Method
if("'s Pet") > -1 ) {
ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
drawShadowText(ctx,, this.drawPosX+12, this.drawPosY-1);
if( this.msg != "" ) {
drawShadowText(ctx,this.msg, this.drawPosX+12, this.drawPosY-
this.drawImage = function(ctx) // Define Method
if( this.ImageRef == null ) {
for(var i=0;i< charsets.length;i++) {
var img = charsets[i];
if( img.src ) {
if( img.src.indexOf("/" + this.trainerimg) > 0 ) {
this.ImageRef = img;
if( img.width == 64 ) {
this.frameCount = 1;
if( img.width == 32 ) {
this.frameCount = 0;
if( this.ImageRef != null ) {
ctx.drawImage(this.ImageRef, this.drawStartX, this.drawStartY, 32, 32,
this.drawPosX-5, this.drawPosY, 32, 32 );
if( parseInt(this.inbattle) == 1 ) {
ctx.drawImage(resourceByKey("pokeballicon"), this.drawPosX+4,
this.updateTextureCoords = function() // Define Method
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0;
if( this.direction == 0 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 0;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 0;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 0;
} else if( this.direction == 1 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 1;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 1;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 1;
} else if( this.direction == 2 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 2;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 2;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 2;
} else {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 3;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 3;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 3;
this.drawStartX = startX*32;
this.drawStartY = startY*32;
return this;
var mmoUsers = new Array();
function updateMMOEvents(updateData) {
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
mmoUsers[k].updated = false;
var dataRaw = updateData.split("^");
for(var k=1;k<dataRaw.length;k++) {
if( dataRaw[k] != "" ) {
var dataUser = dataRaw[k].split("|");
var user = mmoUserByName(dataUser[1]);
if( user == null ) {
//add id,name,trainerimg
user = new MMOUser(dataUser[0],dataUser[1],dataUser[2]);
//update mapid,x,y,direction,step,inbattle
user.mapid = dataUser[3];
user.NewX = parseInt(dataUser[4]);
user.NewY = parseInt(dataUser[5]);
if( user.x == 0 ) {
user.x = user.NewX;
user.y = user.NewY;
user.direction = parseInt(dataUser[6]);
user.step = parseInt(dataUser[7]);
user.isRunning = parseInt(dataUser[8]);
user.inbattle = dataUser[9];
user.updated = true;
//remove old connections
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
if( k < mmoUsers.length ) {
if( mmoUsers[k].updated == false ) {
function mmoUserByName(name) {
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
if( name == mmoUsers[k].name ) {
return mmoUsers[k];
return null;
function Point(x,y) {
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
return this;
// ################################################
// ### GAME EVENT CLASS ###########################
// ################################################
function ScriptLine(line,func,args) {
this.func = func;
this.args = args;
this.line = line;
return this;
function GameEgg(node) {
if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node));
this.steps = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("steps", node));
return this;
function GameItem(node) {
if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node)); = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", node));
this.file = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("file", node));
this.qty = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("qty", node));
return this;
function gameEvent(node)
this.moveQueue = new Array();
this.mapPosition = new Object;
this.bEventEnabled = false;
this.bHidden = false;
this.bIsUser = true; = 0; = "";
this.mapPosition.X = 0;
this.mapPosition.Y = 0;
this.spriteName = "";
this.type = "";
this.direction = 0;
this.moveType = ""; = 0;
this.frameCount = 2;
//Event Properties
this.eventData = new Array();
this.mapPosition.X = 0;
this.mapPosition.Y = 0;
//Core Variables
if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node)); = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", node));
this.mapPosition.X = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("x",
this.mapPosition.Y = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("y",
this.type = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("type", node));
this.spriteName = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("style", node));
this.direction = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("direction",
this.moveType = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("movement", node));
this.bIsUser = false;
this.bEventEnabled = true; = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("quest", node)));
var script = firstChildNodeNamed("script", node);
for(var i=0;i<script.childNodes.length;i++) {
line = script.childNodes[i];
ScriptLine( nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("line", line)) ,
nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("function", line)) ,
nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("arguments", line)) ));
this.stepPart = 0;
this.stepAnimation = 0;
this.bJumping = false;;
this.jumpYAdd = 0;
this.jumpYAcc = 0;
this.drawStartX = 0;
this.drawStartY = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.stepX = 0;
this.stepY = 0;
this.msg = "";
this.msgTick = 0;
this.bHasAppearance = false;
if( this.spriteName != "" ) {
this.bHasAppearance = true;
this.ImageRef = null;
this.drawImage = function(ctx) // Define Method
if( this.ImageRef == null ) {
for(var i=0;i< charsets.length;i++) {
var img = charsets[i];
if( img.src ) {
if( img.src.indexOf("/" + this.spriteName) > 0 ) {
this.ImageRef = img;
if( img.width == 64 ) {
this.frameCount = 1;
if( img.width == 32 ) {
this.frameCount = 0;
if( this.ImageRef != null ) {
if( this.bHidden == false ) {
ctx.drawImage(this.ImageRef, this.drawStartX, this.drawStartY, 32,
32, this.X-5, this.Y, 32, 32 );
if( parseInt( > 0 ) {
ctx.drawImage(resourceByKey("battleicon"), this.X+2,
this.initWithData = function(data) // Define Method
this.initAsPlayer = function(position) // Define Method
this.bIsUser = true;
this.bEventEnabled = true;
this.spriteName = userSprite;
this.direction = 1;
this.mapPosition.X = position.X;
this.mapPosition.Y = position.Y;
this.processConditions = function() // Define Method
this.bEventEnabled = true;
this.addMoveQueue = function(moveDirection) // Define Method
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "jump" ) {
bJumping = true;
jumpYAcc = -8;
bAllow = true;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face up" ) {
direction = 0;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face down" ) {
direction = 1;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face left" ) {
direction = 2;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face right" ) {
direction = 3;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "hide" ) {
sprite.Alpha = 0;
bHidden = true;
} else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "show" ) {
sprite.Alpha = 1;
bHidden = false;
this.evaluate = function() // Define Method
if( this.bEventEnabled == false ) {
if( currentMap == null ) {
if( this.bIsUser == false && this.bHidden == false ) {
if( this.msg != "" ) {
if( this.msgTick > 250 ) {
this.msg = "";
this.processNPCMovement = function() // Define Method
if( this.moveQueue.length == 0 && activeScript.length == 0 &&
bInBattle == false) {
if( this.moveType == "Slow Random" || this.moveType == "Fast
Random" ) {
//Random Movement
if( Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 1 ) {
var randDirection = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if( randDirection == 0 ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-2-
1)) ) {
} else if( randDirection == 1 ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-2+1))
) {
} else if( randDirection == 2 ) {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X-1,this.mapPosition.Y-
2)) ) {
} else {
if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X+1,this.mapPosition.Y-2))
) {
} else if( this.moveType == "Follow User" ) {
var xDif = userEvent.mapPosition.X - this.mapPosition.X;
var yDif = userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 - this.mapPosition.Y;
steps = 0;
var dir = "";
if( userEvent.moveQueue.length != 0 ) {
if( xDif != 0 ) {
if( xDif < 0 ) {
dir = "left";
steps = -xDif-2;
} else {
dir = "right";
steps = xDif+2;
if( yDif != 0 ) {
if( yDif < 0 ) {
dir = "up";
steps = -yDif;
} else {
dir = "down";
steps = yDif;
if( dir != "" ) {
this.processMoveQueue = function() // Define Method
if( currentMap == null ) {
return false;
var bPassedCheck = false;
if( !this.bIsUser ) {
bPassedCheck = true;
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face up" ) {
this.direction = 0;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face down" ) {
this.direction = 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face left" ) {
this.direction = 2;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face right" ) {
this.direction = 3;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "hide" ) {
this.bHidden = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "show" ) {
this.bHidden = false;
} else {
while( bPassedCheck == false ) {
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
if( !
currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-1)) ) {
this.direction = 0;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
if( !
currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y+1)) ) {
this.direction = 1;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
if( !
currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X-1,this.mapPosition.Y)) ) {
this.direction = 2;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) {
if( !
currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X+1,this.mapPosition.Y)) ) {
this.direction = 3;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "jump" ) {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face up" ) {
this.direction = 0;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face down"
) {
this.direction = 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face left" )
this.direction = 2;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face
right" ) {
this.direction = 3;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "hide" ) {
this.bHidden = true;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "show" ) {
this.bHidden = false;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
} else {
bPassedCheck = true;
if( bPassedCheck == false ) {
//this.moveQueue.splice(0, 1);
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "up" ) {
this.direction = 0;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "down" ) {
this.direction = 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "left" ) {
this.direction = 2;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "right" ) {
this.direction = 3;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "jump" ) {
this.jumpYAcc = this.jumpYAcc + 2;
this.jumpYAdd = this.jumpYAdd + this.jumpYAcc;
if( this.jumpYAcc == 4 ) {
this.jumpYAcc = 0;
this.jumpYAdd = 0;
this.bJumping = false;
if( this.stepPart == 8 || this.stepPart == 0 ) {
if( this.stepAnimation > this.frameCount )
this.stepAnimation = 0;
this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4;
if( this.moveType == "Slow Random" )
this.stepPart = this.stepPart - 2;
if( keyState.btn2 && this.moveQueue.length == 1 && (this.bIsUser
this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4;
if( this.stepPart >= 16 ) {
this.stepPart = 0;
//update the coordanates at the end of the step.
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
this.mapPosition.Y = this.mapPosition.Y - 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
this.mapPosition.Y = this.mapPosition.Y + 1;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
this.mapPosition.X = this.mapPosition.X - 1;
} else {
this.mapPosition.X = this.mapPosition.X + 1;
if( this.bIsUser ) {
if( activeScript.length == 0 ) {
if( this.eventCheck() == true ) {
this.eventCheck = function() // Define Method
for(var i=0;i<;i++) {
var evnt =[i];
if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X &&
evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 ) {
if (evnt.type == "On Walk" && evnt.bEventEnabled &&
activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0)
if( triggerEvent( evnt , false) ) {
return false;
if( evnt.bEventEnabled && (evnt.type == "X1" || evnt.type == "X2" ||
evnt.type == "X3" || evnt.type == "X10" || evnt.type == "X15") &&
activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0 ) {
var stepsCheck = 1;
if( evnt.type == "X2" )
stepsCheck = 2;
if( evnt.type == "X3" )
stepsCheck = 3;
if( evnt.type == "X10" )
stepsCheck = 10;
if( evnt.type == "X15" )
stepsCheck = 15;
for(var check = 1;check <= stepsCheck;check++) {
if( evnt.mapPosition.X+check == userEvent.mapPosition.X &&
evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 3 ) {
if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) {
return false;
if( evnt.mapPosition.X-check == userEvent.mapPosition.X &&
evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 2 ) {
if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) {
return false;
if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X &&
evnt.mapPosition.Y+check == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 1 )
if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) {
return false;
if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X &&
evnt.mapPosition.Y-check == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 0 )
if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) {
return false;
return true;
this.arrivedOnTile = function() // Define Method
if( this.mapPosition.X == -1 ) {
if( firstChildNodeNamed("west", mapEvents) != null ) {
mapEvents)), "wrap", 2)
if( this.mapPosition.X+2 == Math.floor(mapWidth/16) ) {
if( firstChildNodeNamed("east", mapEvents) != null ) {
loadMap(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("east", mapEvents)),
"wrap", 3)
if( this.mapPosition.Y+2 == Math.floor(mapHeight/16) ) {
if( firstChildNodeNamed("south", mapEvents) != null ) {
mapEvents)), "wrap", 1)
if( this.mapPosition.Y == -1 ) {
if( firstChildNodeNamed("north", mapEvents) != null ) {
mapEvents)), "wrap", 0)
if( this.isInGrass() ) {
} else {
if( stepsInGrass > 8 ) {
if( parseInt(Math.random()*4) == 2 ) {
if( activeScript.length == 0 ) {
if( parseInt(Math.random()*15) == 2 ) {
if( eggs.length > 0 ) {
for(var i=0;i<eggs.length;i++) {
if( eggs[i].steps > 45 ) {
hatchingEgg = true;
this.isInGrass = function() // Define Method
for(var i=0;i<currentMap.grassPatches.length;i++) {
var patch = currentMap.grassPatches[i];
if( this.mapPosition.X >= patch.X1 && this.mapPosition.X <=
patch.X2-2 ) {
if( this.mapPosition.Y+2 >= patch.Y1 && this.mapPosition.Y+2
<= patch.Y2 ) {
return true;
return false;
this.updatePosition = function() // Define Method
var ySink = 0;
this.stepX = 0;
this.stepY = 0;
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
var MyX = this.mapPosition.X * 16;
var MyY = this.mapPosition.Y * 16;
if( currentMap == null ) {
if( this.bIsUser == false ) {
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
this.stepY = -this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
this.stepY = this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
this.stepX = -this.stepPart;
} else {
this.stepX = this.stepPart;
var additionalDown = currentMap.mapHeight/2-cvsHeight/2;
this.X = mapLeft + MyX + this.stepX+13;
//this.Y = -mapTop-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + MyY + this.stepY -
this.Y = -mapTop-cvsHeight/2-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + MyY +
this.stepY - Math.floor(this.jumpYAdd)+2+28 + (additionalDown-192);
} else {
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
if( MyX <= cvsWidth/2 || MyX > currentMap.mapWidth -
cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.stepX = -this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) {
if( MyX < cvsWidth/2 || MyX >= currentMap.mapWidth -
cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.stepX = this.stepPart;
if( MyY <= cvsHeight/2 || MyY >= currentMap.mapHeight -
cvsHeight/2 ) {
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) {
this.stepY = -this.stepPart;
} else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) {
this.stepY = this.stepPart;
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) {
if( MyX+this.stepX >= currentMap.mapWidth -
cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth -
MyX-this.stepX ) * -1;
} else {
if( MyX-this.stepX > currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 )
this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth -
MyX-this.stepX ) * -1;
} else {
if( MyX-this.stepX > currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth - MyX-
this.stepX ) * -1;
if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) {
if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) {
if( MyX+this.stepX <= cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1;
} else {
if( MyX-this.stepX < cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1;
} else {
if( MyX-this.stepX < cvsWidth/2 ) {
this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1;
if( MyY+this.stepY > currentMap.mapHeight - cvsHeight/2 ) {
this.offsetY = cvsHeight/2 + (currentMap.mapHeight - MyY-
this.stepY ) * -1;
if( MyY+this.stepY < cvsHeight/2 ) {
this.offsetY = (cvsHeight/2-MyY-this.stepY)*-1;
var half = (cvsWidth - currentMap.mapWidth);
if( half < 0 )
half = 0;
this.X = half+cvsWidth/2 + this.offsetX+13;
this.Y = cvsHeight/2 + this.offsetY - ySink -
this.updateTextureCoords = function() // Define Method
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0;
if( this.direction == 0 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 0;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 0;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 0;
} else if( this.direction == 1 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 1;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 1;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 1;
} else if( this.direction == 2 ) {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 2;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 2;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 2;
} else {
switch(this.stepAnimation) {
case 0 :
startX = 0;
startY = 3;
case 1 :
startX = 1;
startY = 3;
case 2 :
startX = 2;
startY = 3;
this.drawStartX = startX*32;
this.drawStartY = startY*32;
return this;
// ################################################
// ### MAP CLASS ###########################
// ################################################
function Region(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
this.X1 = x1;
this.Y1 = y1;
this.X2 = x2;
this.Y2 = y2;
return this;
// ################################################
// ### GAME MAP CLASS #############################
// ################################################
function gameMap()
this.mapCollisionData = null;
this.mapWidth = 0;
this.mapHeight = 0;
this.mapMusic = '';
this.tileSize = 16;
this.grassPatches = new Array(); = new Array();
this.loadEvents = function(mapEvents) // Define Method
events = new Array();
var npcs = firstChildNodeNamed("npcs", mapEvents);
for(var k=0;k<npcs.childNodes.length;k++) {
var npc = npcs.childNodes[k];
events.push(new gameEvent(npc));
eggs = [];
var eggsNode = firstChildNodeNamed("eggs", mapEvents);
for(var k=0;k<eggsNode.childNodes.length;k++) {
var egg = eggsNode.childNodes[k];
eggs.push(new GameEgg(egg));
inventory = [];
var inv = firstChildNodeNamed("inventory", mapEvents);
for(var k=0;k<inv.childNodes.length;k++) {
var item = inv.childNodes[k];
inventory.push(new GameItem(item));
if( tagAlong != "" ) {
follower = new gameEvent();
events.push(follower); = -1; = tagAlong;
follower.mapPosition.X = userEvent.mapPosition.X;
follower.mapPosition.Y = userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2;
follower.type = "Action Button";
follower.spriteName = tagAlong + ".png";
follower.direction = userEvent.direction;
follower.moveType = "Follow User";
follower.bIsUser = false;
follower.bEventEnabled = true;
follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 1, "Display Message"
,tagAlongName + "!"));
follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 2, "MOVE EVENT" , "-
1^move to user^1"));
follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 3, "SYNC ALL" , ""));
follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 4, "MOVE EVENT" ,
this.getEvent = function(id)
for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) {
if( events[k].id == id ) {
return events[k];
return null;
this.evaluateEvents = function() // Define Method
for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) {
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
this.drawEvents = function(ctx,positionToDraw) // Define Method
for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) {
if( positionToDraw == "above" ) {
if( events[k].mapPosition.Y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) {
} else {
if( events[k].mapPosition.Y <= userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) {
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
if( positionToDraw == "above" ) {
if( mmoUsers[k].y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y ) {
} else {
if( mmoUsers[k].y <= userEvent.mapPosition.Y ) {
this.drawNames = function(ctx) // Define Method
for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) {
if( userEvent.msg != "" ) {
ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
drawShadowText(ctx,userEvent.msg, userEvent.X+12, userEvent.Y-
} else {
ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
drawShadowText(ctx,"You", userEvent.X+12, userEvent.Y-1);
this.load = function(mapData) // Define Method
this.tileSize = mapData.getAttribute("tilewidth");
this.mapWidth = mapData.getAttribute("width") * this.tileSize;
this.mapHeight = mapData.getAttribute("height") * this.tileSize;
var tileCount = (this.mapWidth / this.tileSize) * (this.mapHeight /
this.mapCollisionData = new Array(tileCount);
for(var i=0;i<mapData.childNodes.length;i++) {
var node = mapData.childNodes[i];
if( node.nodeName == "layer") {
if( node.getAttribute("name") == "Collision" ) {
var dataNode = firstChildNodeNamed("data",node);
var data = getDataOfImmediateChild(dataNode);
data = data.replace(/rn/i, '').trim();
rawMapData = stringToBytes(base64_decode(data));
//for (var k = 0; k < tileCount; k++)
// mapCollisionData[k] = getIntAt(rawData,k*4);
} else if( node.nodeName == "objectgroup") {
if( node.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() == "grass" ) {
this.grassPatches = new Array();
for (var k = 0; k < node.childNodes.length; k++) {
var object = node.childNodes[k];
if( object.nodeName != "#text" ) {
var x1 =
var y1 =
var width =
var height =
var x2 = x1 + (width+1);
var y2 = y1 + (height+1);
this.grassPatches.push(new Region(x1,y1,x2,y2));
this.getTile = function( x, y)
var tilesWide = mapWidth / tileSize;
var pos = 0;
if( y * tilesWide + x >= 0 && y * tilesWide + x < mapCollisionData.length )
if( rawMapData ) {
pos = (y * tilesWide + x)*4;
if( rawMapData[pos] == 0 && rawMapData[pos+1] == 0 &&
rawMapData[pos+2] == 0 && rawMapData[pos+3] == 0 ) {
return 0;
return 1;
//return mapCollisionData[y * tilesWide + x];
return -1;
this.tileIsWalkable = function(position) // Define Method
if( position.X < -1 )
return false;
if( position.Y < -1 )
return false;
if( position.X > this.mapWidth/16 )
return false;
if( position.Y > this.mapHeight/16 )
return false;
if( this.tileIsFreeFromEvents(position) == false ) {
return false;
if( this.getTile(position.X,position.Y) == 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
this.tileIsFreeFromEvents = function(position) // Define Method
for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) {
if( events[k].spriteName != "" && events[k].spriteName != null &&
events[k].bHidden == false && events[k].bEventEnabled == true ) {
if( events[k].mapPosition.X == position.X ) {
if( events[k].mapPosition.Y == position.Y+2 ) {
return false;
//TODO: Complete Event Collision Detection
return true;
return this;
function base64_decode (data) {
// Decodes string using MIME base64 algorithm
var b64 =
var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0,
ac = 0,
dec = "",
tmp_arr = [];
if (!data) {
return data;
data += '';
do { // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64
h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4;
o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff;
o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff;
o3 = bits & 0xff;
if (h3 == 64) {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1);
} else if (h4 == 64) {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2);
} else {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3);
} while (i < data.length);
dec = tmp_arr.join('');
//dec = this.utf8_decode(dec);
return dec;
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,"");
function stringToBytes ( str ) {
var ch, st, re = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
ch = str.charCodeAt(i); // get char
st = []; // set up "stack"
do {
st.push( ch & 0xFF ); // push byte to stack
ch = ch >> 8; // shift value down by 1 byte
while ( ch );
// add stack contents to result
// done because chars have "wrong" endianness
re = re.concat( st.reverse() );
// return an array of bytes
return re;
function getIntAt ( arr, offs ) {
if( arr[offs+0] == 0 && arr[offs+1] == 0 && arr[offs+2] == 0 && arr[offs+3] ==
0 ) {
return 0;
return 1;
return (arr[offs+0] << 24) +
(arr[offs+1] << 16) +
(arr[offs+2] << 8) +
// ################################################
// ### BATTLE CLASS ###########################
// ################################################
//Battle Variables
var bInBattle = false;
var battleStage = 0;
var battleTaskQueue = new Array();
var teamMonsters = new Array();
var opponentMonsters = new Array();
var monSkills = new Array();
var battleItems = new Array();
var doingCaptcha = false;
var captchaImages = new Array();
var captchaKeys = new Array();
var curMon = null;
var curOpp = null;
var nextMon = null;
var nextOpp = null;
var battleScript = new Array();
var battleSelectedMenu = 0;
var battleItemSelectedMenu = 0;
var battleSwappedMonsters = false;
var battleTick1 = 0;
var battleTick2 = 0;
var battleTick3 = 0;
var battleLoading = false;
var loadExplore = false;
var drawMons = true;
var drawMyHp = true;
var drawOpHp = true;
var bWildBattle = false;
function addToCaptcha(letter) {
if( doingCaptcha ) {
if( captchaKeypress[parseInt(letter)-1]== false ) {
if( captchaKeys.length == 3 ) {
$str = captchaKeys[0] + captchaKeys[1] + captchaKeys[2];
loadBattle("captcha=" + $str);
captchaKeypress[parseInt(letter)-1] = true;
function MonsterSkill(id,name) { = id; = name;
function BattleItem(id,name,file,qty) { = id; = name;
this.file = file;
this.qty = qty;
,type2,reborn) { = id; = name;
this.level = level;
this.special = special;
this.specialName = specialName;
this.gender = gender;
this.hpleft = parseInt(hpleft);
this.hp = parseInt(hp);
this.image = image;
this.type1 = type1;
this.type2 = type2;
this.reborn = reborn;
return this;
function showMonsterAtCoord() {
if( !battleLoading ) {
bIsLoadingWildDialog = true;
var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter');
form.innerHTML = "<center><img
function showMonsterAtCoordCallback() {
var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter');
if( curOpp != null ) {
var gender = " Male ";
if( curOpp.gender != "M" )
gender = " Female ";
var level = curOpp.level;
var specialName = curOpp.specialName;
if( specialName != "" )
specialName = specialName + " ";
bWildBattleIsReady = true;
form.innerHTML = "<center><img src='"+curOpp.image+"' style='padding-
top:10px;'/><div style='padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;'>You have encountered
a level "". </div><input type='button'
id='btnBattle' onclick='battleWildSelected();' class='mws-button red' value='Battle'
} else {
form.innerHTML = "";
bIsLoadingWildDialog = false;
function battleMonsterAtCoord() {
battleScript = new Array();
showMonsterAtCoord() ;
//bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton
function battleWildSelected() {
battleSelectedMenu = 2;
if( prevPlayingSong ) {
prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0;
battleLoading = false;
bWildBattle = true;
bInBattle = true;
function battleWithTrainer() {
curOpp = null;
//bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton
battleSelectedMenu = 2;
curOpp = null;
nextOpp = null;
curMon = null;
nextMon = null;
curMonImage.src = '';
curOppImage.src = '';
if( prevPlayingSong )
prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0;
bWildBattle = false;
function wipeWildMonsterBox() {
bWildBattleIsReady = false;
var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter');
if( form ) {
form.innerHTML = "";
function battleScriptEndLine() {
battleScript.splice(0, 1);
drawMons = true;
drawOpHp = true;
drawMyHp = true;
function battleScriptStartLine() {
battleTick1 = 0;
battleTick2 = 0;
battleTick3 = 0;
if( !bInBattle )
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
if( battleScript.length > 0 ) {
var data = battleScript[0].split("|");
//battleSelectedMenu = 2;
if( data[0] == "MSG" ) {
drawMons = true;
drawOpHp = true;
drawMyHp = true;
repositionMonsters(); = 'block'; = 'block';
} else if( data[0] == "ATTACK" ) {
drawMons = true;
drawOpHp = true;
drawMyHp = true;
} else if( data[0] == "MUTATE" ) {
drawMons = false;
drawOpHp = false;
drawMyHp = false;
var args = data[1].split("-");
//load required images: Monster Image
var img = resourceByKey(args[1]);
if( img == null )
screenResources.push(new ResourceImage(args[1],args[1]));
//load required images: Arrow Image
img = resourceByKey("resultset_next.png");
if( img == null )
} else if( data[0] == "HPCHANGE" ) {
battleTick3 = parseInt(data[2]) / 10;
} else if( data[0] == "DEFEAT" ) {
if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 7;
curMon.hpleft = 0;
curMonImage.src =
} else {
curOpp.hpleft = 0;
curOpp = nextOpp;
curOppImage.src =
} else if( data[0] == "SWAP" ) {
var monImage = null;
if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
if( nextMon != null ) {
curMon = nextMon;
if (data[2] == null)
data[2] = 0;
if( curMon != null ) {
curMon.hpleft = parseInt(data[2]);
curMonImage.src = curMon.image; = 'block';
} else if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
if( nextOpp != null ) {
curOpp = nextOpp;
curOpp.hpleft = parseInt(data[2]);
curOppImage.src = curOpp.image; = 'block';
} else if( data[0] == "SFX" ) {
} else if( data[0] == "LEVELUP" ) {
} else if( data[0] == "CLIENT SCRIPT" ) {
} else if( data[0] == "SCRIPT" ) {
if( data[1] != "" ) {
scriptAddLine("server side",data[1]);
} else { //
if( !battleLoading ) {
if( parseInt(battleStage) == 3 || parseInt(battleStage) == 4 ) {
if( parseInt(battleStage) == 4 ) {
} else {
//if( !bWildBattle ) {
} else if( parseInt(battleStage) == 5 || parseInt(battleStage) == 6 ) {
if( battlePlayerAwayTeam ) {
if( parseInt(battleStage) == 6 ) {
} else {
} else {
if( parseInt(battleStage) == 5 ) {
} else {
function battleEnd() {
battleSelectedMenu = 0;
battleScript = new Array();
teamMonsters = new Array();
opponentMonsters = new Array();
curMon = null;
curOpp = null; = 'none'; = 'none';
function battleScriptDraw() {
var centerX = cvsWidth/2;
var centerY = cvsHeight/2;
if( battleScript.length > 0 ) {
var data = battleScript[0].split("|");
if( data[0] == "MSG" ) {
if( battleTick1 > 1 ) {
if( (keyState.btn1 || keyState.btn2) && battleTick2 > data[1].length ) {
keyState.btn1 = false;
keyState.btn2 = false;
} else if( keyState.btn1 || keyState.btn2 ) {
battleTick2 = data[1].length;
keyState.btn1 = false;
keyState.btn2 = false;
//ctx.textAlign = "left";
//ctx.font = "bold 9px sans-serif";
//drawShadowText(ctx,data[1].substr(0,battleTick2), centerX-
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif";
var line1 = data[1];
var line2 = "";
if( line1.length > 32 ) {
var lastSpace = line1.lastIndexOf(" ", 32);
line2 = line1.substr(lastSpace+1,line1.length-lastSpace-1);
line1 = line1.substr(0,lastSpace);
if( battleTick2 <= line1.length ) {
drawShadowText(ctx,line1.substr(0,battleTick2), centerX-
} else {
drawShadowText(ctx,line1, centerX-234,centerY+100);
centerX-234,centerY+ 116);
} else if( data[0] == "MUTATE" ) {
drawMons = false;
drawOpHp = false;
drawMyHp = false;
var args = data[1].split("-");
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif";
drawShadowText(ctx,"Let the Pokemon Evolve?", centerX-
drawShadowText(ctx,"Press 'X' to confirm, 'Z' to cancel.", centerX-
234,centerY+ 116);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.font = "bold 14px sans-serif";
//Draw Monster
var mon = resourceByKey(curMon.image);
ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-80-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2);
drawShadowText(ctx,, centerX-80,centerY+60);
//Draw Monster Evolution
mon = resourceByKey(args[1]);
ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX+80-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2);
drawShadowText(ctx,"???", centerX+80,centerY+60);
//Draw Arrow
mon = resourceByKey("resultset_next.png");
ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2-mon.width,centerY-
ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2);
ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2+mon.width,centerY-
if( keyState.btn1 ) {
keyState.btn1 = false;
} else if( keyState.btn2 ) {
keyState.btn2 = false;
} else if( data[0] == "ATTACK" ) {
var img = resourceByKey("ani-"+data[4]);
if( img == null ) {
} else {
if( (parseInt(data[2]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[2]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
ctx.drawImage(img, battleTick2 ,0,80,80,centerX-120-
} else {
ctx.drawImage(img, battleTick2 ,0,80,80,centerX+120-
80/2,centerY-img.height/2-40 ,80,80);
if( battleTick2 > img.width ) {
} else if( data[0] == "DEFEAT" ) {
} else if( data[0] == "HPCHANGE" ) {
if( battleTick1 < 10 ) {
if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
curMon.hpleft = curMon.hpleft - battleTick3;
} else {
curOpp.hpleft = curOpp.hpleft - battleTick3;
} else {
if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ||
(parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
curMon.hpleft = parseInt(data[3]);
} else {
curOpp.hpleft = parseInt(data[3]);
} else if( data[0] == "BATTLEEND" ) {
function battleUpdate() {
//If nothings happening and everything has loaded check for input.
if( battleScript.length == 0 && ImageResourceLoadedCount ==
screenResources.length && !battleLoading ) {
//0 == Run
//1 == Item
//2-5 == Attacks
//6 == Swap
if( doingCaptcha )
var bChangedSomething = false;
//Collect Keyboard Input.
if( keyState.up ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu < 4 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 6;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 4 || battleSelectedMenu == 5 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu - 2;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu - 1;
if( battleItemSelectedMenu < 0 )
} else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu < 7 )
battleSelectedMenu = 7;
keyState.up = false;
} else if( keyState.right ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu < 10 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu+3;
if( battleSelectedMenu-7 > teamMonsters.length )
battleSelectedMenu = teamMonsters.length + 6;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu + 4;
if( battleItemSelectedMenu >= battleItems.length )
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItems.length-1;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu != 3 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu > 5 )
battleSelectedMenu = 5;
keyState.right = false;
} else if( keyState.left ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu == 4 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 1;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu >= 10 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu-3;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu - 4;
if( battleItemSelectedMenu < 0 )
} else {
if( battleSelectedMenu < 0 )
battleSelectedMenu = 0;
keyState.left = false;
} else if( keyState.down ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu == 6 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 0;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 2 || battleSelectedMenu == 3 ) {
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu + 1;
if( battleItemSelectedMenu >= battleItems.length )
battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItems.length-1;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu-6 > teamMonsters.length )
battleSelectedMenu = teamMonsters.length + 6;
keyState.down = false;
} else if( keyState.btn1 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu == 0 ) {
if( bWildBattle ) {
battleScript.push("MSG|You ran away from the battle.");
} else {
battleScript.push("MSG|You can not run from a trainer battle.");
} else if( battleSelectedMenu > 1 && battleSelectedMenu < 6 ) {
var skill = monSkills[battleSelectedMenu-2];
loadBattle("selatk=" +;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 6 ) { //Swap
battleSelectedMenu = 7;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
battleSwappedMonsters = true;
if( teamMonsters.length > battleSelectedMenu-7 ) {
if( teamMonsters[battleSelectedMenu-7].hpleft > 0 ) {
loadBattle("selmon=" + teamMonsters[battleSelectedMenu-
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13) {
loadBattle("selitem=" + battleItems[battleItemSelectedMenu].id);
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 1 ) {
//Enter the Item Menu
battleSelectedMenu = 13;
keyState.btn1 = false;
} else if( keyState.btn2 ) {
if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) {
if( battleStage != 1 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 6;
} else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) {
battleSelectedMenu = 1;
keyState.btn2 = false;
if( bChangedSomething ) {
} else {

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  • 1. var buffer = document.createElement('canvas'); var bufferCtx = buffer.getContext('2d'); var bIsIPhone = false; var bIsIPad = false; var bWildBattleIsReady = false; var bIsLoadingWildDialog = false; var inventory = []; var eggs = []; if( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ) { bIsIPhone = true; rebindClicks(); } else if( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ) { bIsIPad = true; rebindClicks(); } var bMagnify = false; //User Variables var userID = ''; var userName = ''; var userSprite = ''; var userMoney = 0; var userEvent = null; var serverToken = ''; var userX = 0; var userY = 0; var userDirection = 0; var userStepPart = 0; var userStepX = 0; var userStepY = 0; //Rendering Variables var bLoading = true; var loadAction = ""; var tick = 0; var ctx = null; var cvsWidth = 0; var cvsHeight = 0; var tagAlong = ""; var tagAlongName = ""; var follower = null; var captchaKeypress = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false); //Drawing Resources
  • 2. var screenResources = new Array(); var ImageResourceLoadedCount = 0; var ImageResourceTotalCount = 0; function ResourceImage(src,key) { this.img = new Image(); this.img.src = src; this.url = src; this.img.onload = loadedResource; this.key = key; ImageResourceTotalCount++; return this; } //Audio Resources var musicResources = new Array(); var MusicResourceLoadedCount = 0; var MusicResourceTotalCount = 0; function ResourceMusic(src,key) { = null; MusicResourceTotalCount++; this.key = key; this.src = src; if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { = new Audio(); = src;; } return this; } var prevPlaying = ""; var prevPlayingSong = null; var playOnceSong = null; var soundEnabled = 0; var musicEnabled = 0; var effectResources = new Array(); var EffectResourceLoadedCount = 0; var EffectResourceTotalCount = 0; function ResourceEffect(src,key) { = new Audio(); = src; // = loadedEffectResource; = loadedEffectResource; //; if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) {; } //; //; = 0.5;
  • 3. this.key = key; EffectResourceTotalCount++; return this; } //Map Variables var currentMap = null; var mapName = ''; var mapCode = ''; var mapID = ''; var mapWidth = 0; var mapHeight = 0; var mapData = null; var mapEvents = null; var bMapDataLoaded = false; var bMapEventsLoaded = false; var mapLoadedCount = 0; var rawMapData = null; var mapAbove = new Image(); var mapBase = new Image(); mapAbove.onload = loadedMapImage; mapBase.onload = loadedMapImage; var stepsInGrass = 0; var mapEventObjects = new Array(); //Map - runtime draw,centerMap functions var mapLeft = 0; var mapTop = 0; //Charset Variables var charsets = new Array(); var charsetLoadedCount = 0; //Scripting Variables var events = new Array(); var lastTriggeredEventName = ""; //User Interaction var keyState = new Object; keyState.up = false; keyState.down = false; keyState.left = false; keyState.right = false; keyState.btn1 = false; keyState.btn2 = false; keyState.btn3 = false; var bMouseDown = false; //########################################################### //### SOCKET FUNCTIONS ############## Chat, Support Dialog //###########################################################
  • 4. //Sockets Variables var foregnusers = new Array(); var ws = null; var bConnected = false; var updateTick = 0; var messages = new Array(); function ChatMessage(isadmin,userid,username,message) { this.isadmin = isadmin; this.userid = userid; this.username = username; this.message = message; return this; } function chatKeyPress(e){ e = e || event; var unicode=e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.charCode if( unicode == 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value != "" ) { ws.send("/msg^" + document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value + "rnrn"); document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = ""; return true; } } return false; } function chatBoxIsActive() { var curElement = document.activeElement; if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate") == curElement ) { return true; } return false; } function selectChatBox() { if( bConnected ) { var curElement = document.activeElement; if( document.getElementById("txtUpdate") != curElement ) { document.getElementById("txtUpdate").focus(); } /* else { document.getElementById("txtUpdate").blur(); return true; }*/ } } function showChatBox() { if( bConnected ) {
  • 5. document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = ""; $("#mws-jui-dialog-post").dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: "Chat Window", modal: true, width: "480", buttons: [] }); $("#mws-jui-dialog-post").dialog("option", {modal: false}).dialog("open"); document.getElementById("txtUpdate").focus(); } } function showUnsupportedMessage() { var html = "<p>Some of the functionality needed to dsplay this page correctly is missing from the browser you are using. You can continue to play but you will not be able to see or chat to other players of the game.</p>"; document.getElementById("mws-jui-dialog-data").innerHTML = html; $("#mws-jui-dialog-data").dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: "Partial Functionality Support Notification", modal: true, width: "480", buttons: [] }); $("#mws-jui-dialog-data").dialog("option", {modal: true}).dialog("open"); } function rebindClicks(){ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isIphone = (userAgent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) ? true : false; if (isIphone) { // For each event with an inline onclick $('[onclick]').each(function() { var onclick = $(this).attr('onclick'); $(this).removeAttr('onclick'); // Remove the onclick attribute $(this).bind("click", preventClickEvent); // See to it that clicks never happen $(this).bind('tap', onclick); // Point taps to the onclick }); } } function preventClickEvent(event) { event.preventDefault(); }
  • 6. //########################################################### //### GAME FUNCTIONS ############## update, draw, centerMap //########################################################### function update() { if( bLoading ) { if( ImageResourceLoadedCount == screenResources.length ) if( charsetLoadedCount == charsets.length ) if( mapLoadedCount == 2 ) if( bMapEventsLoaded && bMapDataLoaded ) { bLoading = false; mapWidth = mapAbove.width; mapHeight = mapAbove.height; clearInterval(gameInterval); gameInterval = setInterval(function() { update(); draw(); }, 50); } } else { if( bConnected ) { updateTick++; if( updateTick > 10 ) { var sendStr = ""; var running = "0"; if( keyState.btn2 ) running = "1"; if( tagAlong != "" && follower != null ) { sendStr = "/update^" + mapID +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.X +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.Y +"^" + userEvent.direction +"^" + userEvent.stepAnimation + "^" + running + "^" + (bInBattle ? "1" : "0") + "^" + tagAlong +"^" + follower.mapPosition.X +"^" + (follower.mapPosition.Y-2) +"^" + follower.direction +"^" + follower.stepAnimation + "^" + running +"^rnrn"; } else { sendStr = "/update^" + mapID +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.X +"^" + userEvent.mapPosition.Y +"^" + userEvent.direction +"^" + userEvent.stepAnimation + "^" + running + "^" + (bInBattle ? "1" : "0") + "rnrn"; } ws.send(sendStr); updateTick = 0; } }
  • 7. if( activeScript.length > 0 ) { scriptUpdate(); } else if( bInBattle ) { battleUpdate(); } else { //Process input and movement. if( activeScript.length == 0 ) { if( userEvent.moveQueue.length == 0 ) { if( keyState.up ) { userEvent.addMoveQueue("Up"); } else if( keyState.down ) { userEvent.addMoveQueue("Down"); } else if( keyState.left ) { userEvent.addMoveQueue("Left"); } else if( keyState.right ) { userEvent.addMoveQueue("Right"); } } } if( keyState.btn1 ) { for(var k=0;k<;k++) { var evnt =[k]; if (evnt.bEventEnabled && (evnt.type == "Action Button" || evnt.type == "X1" || evnt.type == "X2" || evnt.type == "X3" || evnt.type == "X10" || evnt.type == "X15") && activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0) { var checkX = 0; var checkY = 0; if (userEvent.direction == 0) checkY = -1; if (userEvent.direction == 1) checkY = 1; if (userEvent.direction == 2) checkX = -1; if (userEvent.direction == 3) checkX = 1; if (evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X + checkX && evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + checkY + 2 ) { //sfx(SOUND_CONFIRM); if (triggerEvent(evnt, false)) { keyState.btn1 = false; return; } } } } } }
  • 8. //Evaluate our hero userEvent.evaluate(); centerMap(); currentMap.evaluateEvents(ctx); if( bWildBattleIsReady ) { if( keyState.btn1 == true ) { wipeWildMonsterBox(); battleWildSelected(); keyState.btn1 = false; } } } } function draw() { ctx.fillStyle="#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,cvsWidth,cvsHeight); if( bLoading ) { var status = "Loading"; if( tick > 2 ) status = status + "."; if( tick > 5 ) status = status + "."; if( tick > 7 ) status = status + "."; if( tick > 10 ) tick = 0; ctx.font = "bold 14px sans-serif"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 40); if( ImageResourceLoadedCount > ImageResourceTotalCount) ImageResourceLoadedCount = ImageResourceTotalCount; if( EffectResourceLoadedCount > EffectResourceTotalCount) EffectResourceLoadedCount = EffectResourceTotalCount; status = ImageResourceLoadedCount + " of " + ImageResourceTotalCount + " images loaded"; drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 65); status = EffectResourceLoadedCount + " of " + EffectResourceTotalCount + " sound effects loaded"; drawShadowText(ctx,status, cvsWidth/2, 85);
  • 9. } else { //context.drawImage(img,sx,sy,swidth,sheight,dx,dy,dwidth,dheight); var drawWidth = mapWidth > cvsWidth ? cvsWidth : mapWidth; var drawHeight = mapHeight > cvsHeight ? cvsHeight : mapHeight; if( drawHeight > mapHeight +(-mapTop-cvsHeight)-130 ) drawHeight = mapHeight +(-mapTop-cvsHeight)-130; if( drawWidth > mapWidth + mapLeft ) drawWidth = mapWidth + mapLeft; //Draw Base Layer ctx.drawImage(mapBase, -mapLeft, -(-mapTop-cvsHeight)+130, drawWidth, drawHeight, 0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight ); currentMap.drawEvents(ctx,"below"); userEvent.drawImage(ctx); currentMap.drawEvents(ctx,"above"); //Draw Above Layer ctx.drawImage(mapAbove, -mapLeft, -(-mapTop-cvsHeight)+130, drawWidth, drawHeight,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight); currentMap.drawNames(ctx); if( bMagnify ) { bufferCtx.fillStyle="#000000"; bufferCtx.fillRect(0,0,cvsWidth,cvsHeight); bufferCtx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, ctx.canvas.width/4+userEvent.offsetX, ctx.canvas.height/4+userEvent.offsetY, ctx.canvas.width/2, ctx.canvas.height/2,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight); ctx.fillStyle="#000000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,cvsWidth,cvsHeight); ctx.drawImage(bufferCtx.canvas,0,0,drawWidth, drawHeight); //ctx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, ctx.canvas.width/4, ctx.canvas.height/4, ctx.canvas.width/4*3, ctx.canvas.height/4*3,0, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight); } ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif"; ctx.textAlign = "left"; drawShadowText(ctx,mapName,10, cvsHeight-15); //ctx.textAlign = "left"; //drawShadowText(ctx,"Use Arrow Keys to move and Battle. Confirm with X, Cancel with Z.",10, cvsHeight-25); ctx.textAlign = "right"; drawShadowText(ctx,"Username: " + userName,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight- 45); ctx.textAlign = "right"; if( bConnected ) drawShadowText(ctx,"Connected: True" ,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight-
  • 10. 30); else drawShadowText(ctx,"Connected: False" ,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight- 30); drawShadowText(ctx,userCount + " Trainers Online" ,cvsWidth-27, cvsHeight-15); ctx.textAlign = "right"; drawShadowText(ctx,"Currency: " + userMoney + "¢",cvsWidth-27, 20); if( bInBattle ) { battleDraw(); } if( activeScript.length > 0 ) { scriptDraw(); } if( eggs.length > 0 ) { var egg = resourceByKey("pokemonegg"); for(var i=0;i<eggs.length;i++) { ctx.drawImage(egg, -25 + (i*30), cvsHeight-100); } } } tick++; } function centerMap() { var MyX = userEvent.mapPosition.X * 16; var MyY = userEvent.mapPosition.Y * 16; var winSize = new Object; winSize.Width = cvsWidth; winSize.Height = cvsHeight; var xTmp = Math.max(MyX, cvsWidth / 2); var yTmp = Math.max(MyY, cvsHeight / 2); xTmp = Math.min(xTmp, mapWidth - winSize.Width / 2); yTmp = Math.min(yTmp, mapHeight - winSize.Height / 2); var actualPosition = new Object; actualPosition.X = xTmp; actualPosition.Y = yTmp; var centerOfView = new Object; centerOfView.X = cvsWidth / 2; centerOfView.Y = cvsHeight / 2;
  • 11. var viewPoint = new Object; viewPoint.X = centerOfView.X - actualPosition.X; viewPoint.Y = centerOfView.Y - actualPosition.Y; if( userEvent.direction == 0 ) { userStepY = userEvent.stepPart; } else if( userEvent.direction == 1 ) { userStepY = -userEvent.stepPart; } else if( userEvent.direction == 2 ) { userStepX = userEvent.stepPart; } else if( userEvent.direction == 3 ) { userStepX = -userEvent.stepPart; } //TODO: Check mapSize Worked if( MyX-userStepX > mapWidth - cvsWidth/2) { userStepX = 0; } if( MyX-userStepX < cvsWidth/2 ) { userStepX = 0; } if( MyY-userStepY > mapHeight - cvsHeight/2 ) { userStepY = 0; } if( MyY-userStepY < cvsHeight/2 ) { userStepY = 0; } var additionalDown = -cvsHeight-mapHeight/8; mapLeft = viewPoint.X + userStepX; mapTop = (viewPoint.Y + userStepY) * -1 + additionalDown; //User position should update as if it was an event, theirfore it should not be done in this function but rather in the gameEvent Class. } //########################################################### //### RENDERING FUNCTIONS ############## //########################################################### //drawShadowText(context,text,postionX,positionY) function drawShadowText(ctx,text,posX,posY,color) { ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillText(text, posX+1, posY-1); ctx.fillText(text, posX-1, posY-1); ctx.fillText(text, posX+1, posY+1); ctx.fillText(text, posX-1, posY+1); if(!color) color = 'white';
  • 12. ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillText(text, posX, posY); } //########################################################### //### AJAX FUNCTIONS ############## //########################################################### function requestObject() { var xmlHttpReq = false; // Mozilla/Safari if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE else if (window.ActiveXObject) { self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } return xmlHttpReq; } function loadMapData() { wipeWildMonsterBox(); var xmlHttpReq = requestObject();"GET", "/maps/" + mapCode + ".xml", true); self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = loadMapDataCallback; self.xmlHttpReq.send(); } function loadMapDataCallback() { if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { if (self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML) { var resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[1]; if (!resultsNode) { resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[0]; } if (resultsNode == null) { loadMapData(); return; } mapData = resultsNode; bMapDataLoaded = true; currentMap.load(mapData); if( loadAction != "" ) { if( loadAction.substr(0,4) == "wrap" ) { var direction = loadAction.substr(5,1);
  • 13. if( direction == 0 ) { userEvent.mapPosition.Y = Math.floor(mapHeight/16)- 3; } else if( direction == 1 ) { userEvent.mapPosition.Y = 0; } else if( direction == 2 ) { userEvent.mapPosition.X = Math.floor(mapWidth/16)- 3; } else if( direction == 3 ) { userEvent.mapPosition.X = 0; } } } loadMapEvents(); } } } function loadMapEvents() { var xmlHttpReq = requestObject(); var finalPostString = "mapid="+encodeURIComponent(mapCode) +"&x="+userEvent.mapPosition.X+"&y="+userEvent.mapPosition.Y;"POST", "/xml/explore.xml.php?rand=" + (Math.random() * 1000000), true); self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www- form-urlencoded"); self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = loadMapEventsCallback; self.xmlHttpReq.send(finalPostString); } function loadMapEventsCallback() { if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) { if (self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML) { var resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[1]; if (!resultsNode) { resultsNode = self.xmlHttpReq.responseXML.childNodes[0]; } if (resultsNode == null) { loadMapEvents(); return; } mapEvents = resultsNode; mapName = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", mapEvents)); mapID = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", mapEvents)); //Load the map's events currentMap.loadEvents(mapEvents); currentMap.mapMusic = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("music",
  • 14. mapEvents)); if( currentMap.mapMusic != "" && currentMap.mapMusic != prevPlaying ) { playMusic(currentMap.mapMusic); } if( currentMap.mapMusic != "" ) { playMusic(currentMap.mapMusic); } bMapEventsLoaded = true; } else { alert("Error loading events."); bMapEventsLoaded = true; } } } function firstChildNodeNamed(name, node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName == name) return node.childNodes[i]; } return null; } function nodeValue(node) { var str = node.nodeValue; if (str == null) if (node.childNodes.length > 0) str = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; return str; } function getDataOfImmediateChild(parentNode) { var val = ""; for (n=0; n < parentNode.childNodes.length; n++) { val = val + nodeValue(parentNode.childNodes[n]); } return val; } //########################################################### //### LOADING & SETUP ############## //########################################################### $(document).ready(function() {
  • 15. curMonImage = document.getElementById("curMonImage"); curOppImage = document.getElementById("curOppImage"); var c=document.getElementById("cvsGame"); ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.canvas.width = $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth(); ctx.canvas.height = $("#mws-explore-area").innerHeight(); cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16; cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16; if( cvsWidth > 1024 ) { cvsWidth = 1024; } loadUserData(); //Instant / Async loadCharacterSets(); //Async loadImages(); loadMapData(); //Async //CALLS: loadMapEvents(); UPON COMPLETION. //Async userEvent = new gameEvent(); userEvent.initAsPlayer(Point(userX,userY)); currentMap = gameMap(); //KEY DOWN $(document).bind('keydown', 'up', function (evt){ keyState.up = true; return false; } ); $(document).bind('keydown', 'down', function (evt){ keyState.down = true; return false; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'left', function (evt){ keyState.left = true; return false; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'right', function (evt){ keyState.right = true; return false; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'x', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.btn1 = true;} return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'z', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.btn2 = true;} return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'c', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.btn3 = true;} return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'esc', function (evt){ menuOpen(); return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'w', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.up = true;} return true; } ); $(document).bind('keydown', 's', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.down = true;} return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'a', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() ) {keyState.left = true;} return true; }); $(document).bind('keydown', 'd', function (evt){ if( !chatBoxIsActive() )
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  • 18. update(); draw(); }, 500); reszeWindow(); }); var timeoutInterval = null; var gameInterval = null; // connect to the specified host function connect(host) { $.jGrowl("Note: Connecting to Pokemon Legends Server.", {life: 5000, header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"}); try { ws = new WebSocket(host); // create the web socket } catch (err) { $.jGrowl("Note: Connection Error"+err, {life: 5000, header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"}); } ws.onopen = function () { ws.send("/auth^" + serverToken + "rnrn"); $.jGrowl("Note: Connection Established.", {life: 5000, header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"}); bConnected = true; }; ws.onmessage = function (evt) { if (typeof == "string") { if("/update") > -1 ) { updateMMOEvents(; } else if("/msg") > -1 ) { updateChat(; } else if("/pvprequest") > -1 ) { pvpRequested(; } else if("/pvpaccepted") > -1 ) { pvpLoadBattle(; } else if("/ping") > -1 ) { serverPing(; } } }; ws.onclose = function () { $.jGrowl("Note: Connection Closed. Will retry in 2 minutes.", {life: 5000, header: "Connectivity Notification.", position: "bottom-right"}); bConnected = false; mmoUsers = new Array(); }; };
  • 19. function rebindClicks(){ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isIphone = (userAgent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) ? true : false; if (isIphone) { // For each event with an inline onclick $('[onclick]').each(function() { var onclick = $(this).attr('onclick'); $(this).removeAttr('onclick'); // Remove the onclick attribute $(this).bind("click", preventClickEvent); // See to it that clicks never happen $(this).bind('tap', onclick); // Point taps to the onclick }); } } function preventClickEvent(event) { event.preventDefault(); } function keepSession() { if( bConnected == false ) { connect("ws://"); } loadUtility("keepAlive=true"); } function loadMap(newMapCode, arrivalMethod, arrivalDirection) { mapLoadedCount = 0; bMapEventsLoaded = false; bMapDataLoaded = false; bLoading = true; clearInterval(gameInterval); gameInterval = setInterval(function() { update(); draw(); }, 500); mapCode = newMapCode; loadMapData(); currentMap = gameMap(); mapWidth = mapAbove.width; mapHeight = mapAbove.height; mapAbove = new Image(); mapBase = new Image(); mapAbove.onload = loadedMapImage; mapBase.onload = loadedMapImage;
  • 20. mapAbove.src='' +mapCode+ ' above.png'; mapBase.src='' +mapCode+ ' base.png'; if( arrivalDirection != null ) { loadAction = "wrap:" + arrivalDirection; } else { loadAction = ""; } mmoUsers = new Array(); } $(window).resize(function() { if( ctx == null ) return; reszeWindow(); }); function reszeWindow() { var heightPotential = $( window ).height(); var usableHeight = heightPotential-175; if( $(".adDiv").length > 0 ) { usableHeight-=$(".adDiv").innerHeight(); } $("#mws-explore-area").css("height",usableHeight+"px"); $("#cvsGame").css("height",usableHeight+"px"); $(".mws-panel-content").css("height",(usableHeight-33)+"px"); if( $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth() > 502 ) { usableHeight-=19; } $("#mws-explore-encounter").css("top",-(usableHeight+30)+"px"); $("#mws-explore-trade-or-battle").css("top",-(usableHeight+30)+"px"); $("#mws-explore-requests").css("top",-(usableHeight+30)+"px"); ctx.canvas.width = $("#mws-explore-area").innerWidth(); ctx.canvas.height = $("#mws-explore-area").innerHeight(); cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16; cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16; buffer.width = ctx.canvas.width;
  • 21. buffer.height = ctx.canvas.height; if( cvsWidth > 1024 ) { cvsWidth = 1024; } repositionMonsters(); } function repositionMonsters() { cvsWidth = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.width/16+1)*16; cvsHeight = Math.floor(ctx.canvas.height/16+1)*16; var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left; var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top; var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; //if( top > 158 ) { //centerY += top-158; //} = (centerX-120-curMonImage.width/2) + 'px'; = (centerY-curMonImage.height/2+70) + 'px'; = (centerX+120-curOppImage.width/2) + 'px'; = (centerY-curOppImage.height/2) + 'px'; } function loadedMapImage() { mapLoadedCount++; } function resourceByKey(key) { for(var i=0;i<screenResources.length;i++) { if( screenResources[i].key == key) return screenResources[i].img; } return null; } function musicResourceByKey(key) { for(var i=0;i<musicResources.length;i++) { if( musicResources[i].key == key) return musicResources[i]; } return null; } function effectResourceByKey(key) { for(var i=0;i<effectResources.length;i++) { if( effectResources[i].key == key) return effectResources[i].audio;
  • 22. } return null; } function loadedMusicResource() { MusicResourceLoadedCount++; } function loadedEffectResource() { EffectResourceLoadedCount++; } function loadedResource() { ImageResourceLoadedCount++; for(var k=0;k<screenResources.length;k++) { if( this.src.indexOf(screenResources[k].url) > -1 ) { screenResources[k].width = this.width; screenResources[k].height = this.height; } } } function loadImages() { //Images screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","battlesc reen")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","battleico n")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","po keballicon")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","poke monegg")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage(""," btnHighlightAttack")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage(""," btnHighlightOption")); screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","b tnHighlightSwap")); var elements = new Array("ani-air","ani-ancient","ani-basic","ani- demonic","ani-divine","ani-earth","ani-electric","ani-fire","ani-ghost","ani- psychic","ani-steel","ani-water", "ani-berserk","ani-confusion","ani-heal","ani- paralyze","ani-poison","ani-seed","ani-sleep"); for(var k=0;k<elements.length;k++) screenResources.push(new
  • 23. ResourceImage(""+element s[k]+".png",elements[k])); //sfx effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","MonApp ear")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","beep")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","door")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","hit")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","intro")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","levelup")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","coinchan ge")); effectResources.push(new ResourceEffect("","battle")); //music musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" Town.mp3","vanivilletown")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" 8.mp3","route8")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","victory")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" House.mp3","cave")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","fail")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","healing")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" Center.mp3","pokecenter")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","overworl d1")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","overworl d2")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" Forest.mp3","Magic Forest")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","battle1")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","tourname nt"));
  • 24. musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic("","Sharks")); musicResources.push(new ResourceMusic(" Intentions.mp3","Dark Intentions")); } //Loads all NPC and main character sprites into an array function loadCharacterSets() { //no longer used. All are loaded from explore.php. } function loadedSprite() { charsetLoadedCount++; } //Adds a sprite to the charsets array function addCharset(imgURL) { var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = imgURL; newImage.onload = loadedSprite; charsets.push(newImage); } //### SCRIPTING FUNCTIONS ############## function triggerEvent( Event, fromCollision) { if( Event.bEventEnabled ) { lastTriggeredEventName =; //face the user if( Event.mapPosition.X > userEvent.mapPosition.X ) { scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Left^1"); } else if( Event.mapPosition.X < userEvent.mapPosition.X ) { scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Right^1"); } else if( Event.mapPosition.Y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) { scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Up^1"); } else if( Event.mapPosition.Y < userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) { scriptAddLine("move event", + "^Face Down^1"); } for(var i=0;i<Event.eventData.length;i++) { activeScript.push(Event.eventData[i]); } if( activeScript.length > 0 ) { scriptProgress(); return true; } else {
  • 25. return false; } } return false; } //### KEY PRESS / MOUSE FUNCTIONS ############## function getPosition(e) { e = e || window.event; var cursor = {x:0, y:0}; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { cursor.x = e.pageX; cursor.y = e.pageY; } else { var de = document.documentElement; var b = document.body; cursor.x = e.clientX + (de.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) - (de.clientLeft || 0); cursor.y = e.clientY + (de.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) - (de.clientTop || 0); } return cursor; } function hitTest(x,y,boxX1,boxY1,boxX2,boxY2) { if( x >= boxX1 && x <= boxX2 ) { if( y >= boxY1 && y <= boxY2 ) { return true; } } return false; } function checkMousePosition(posX,posY) { var boxWidth = 160; var boxHeight = 40; var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; var boxX = centerX+46; var boxY = centerY+110-50; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "atk1"; } boxX = centerX+174; boxY = centerY+110-50; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "atk2"; }
  • 26. boxX = centerX+46; boxY = centerY+145-50; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "atk3"; } boxX = centerX+174; boxY = centerY+145-50; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "atk4"; } boxWidth = 100; boxX = centerX-232+45; boxY = centerY+125-40; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "run"; } boxX = centerX-138+45; boxY = centerY+125-40; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "item"; } boxWidth = 50; boxHeight = 50; boxX = centerX-220; boxY = centerY-111-80; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "swap"; } if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { for(var k=0;k< teamMonsters.length;k++) { var pos = k+1; var x = centerX; var y = centerY-75-60; if( pos < 4 ) { x = x - 110; y = y + pos * 30; } else { x = x + 110; y = y + (pos-3) * 30; } boxWidth = 200;
  • 27. boxHeight = 40; boxX = x; boxY = y; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "swap" + pos; } } } if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { for(var k=0;k< battleItems.length;k++) { var pos = k+1; var x = centerX; var y = centerY-75-60; if( pos < 5 ) { x = x - 110; y = y + pos * 30; } else { x = x + 110; y = y + (pos-4) * 30; } boxWidth = 200; boxHeight = 40; boxX = x; boxY = y; if( hitTest(posX,posY,boxX-boxWidth/2,boxY- boxHeight/2,boxX+boxWidth/2,boxY+boxHeight/2) ) { return "item" + pos; } } } return ""; } function canvasMouseDown(e) { var pos = getPosition(e); var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; bMouseDown = true; var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left; var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top; var posX = pos.x-left; var posY = pos.y-top; /* var pos = getPosition(e); if( pos.x - left < 64 ) {
  • 28. keyState.left = true; } else if( pos.x - left > cvsWidth - 64 ) { keyState.right = true; } else if( pos.y - top < 64 ) { keyState.up = true; } else if( pos.y - top > cvsHeight - 64 ) { keyState.down = true; } else { keyState.btn1 = true; } */ if( bInBattle ) { if( battleScript.length > 0 ) { keyState.btn1 = true; } else { var activeMenu = checkMousePosition(posX,posY); if( activeMenu != "") { if( activeMenu != "item" && activeMenu != "swap" ) { keyState.btn1 = true; } } } } else { document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle').innerHTML = ""; for(var i=0;i< mmoUsers.length;i++) { var user = mmoUsers[i]; if( pos.x-left > user.drawPosX && pos.x-left < user.drawPosX +32 ) { if( pos.y-top < user.drawPosY && pos.y-top > user.drawPosY -48 ) { if("'s Pet") == -1 ) { displayMMOUser(user); } } } } } return false; } function canvasMouseUp(e) { var pos = getPosition(e); var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; bMouseDown = false; //var pos = getPosition(e); /*
  • 29. keyState.up = false; keyState.down = false; keyState.left = false; keyState.right = false; keyState.btn1 = false; keyState.btn2 = false; keyState.btn3 = false; */ return false; } function canvasMouseMove(e) { var pos = getPosition(e); var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left; var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top; var posX = pos.x-left; var posY = pos.y-top; if( bInBattle ) { if( battleScript.length == 0 ) { var activeMenu = checkMousePosition(posX,posY); if( activeMenu == "atk1" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 2; } else if( activeMenu == "atk2" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 3; } else if( activeMenu == "atk3" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 4; } else if( activeMenu == "atk4" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 5; } else if( activeMenu == "run" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 0; } else if( activeMenu == "item" && battleSelectedMenu != 13 && parseInt(battleStage) != 1) { battleSelectedMenu = 13; } else if( activeMenu == "swap" && parseInt(battleStage) != 1 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 7; } else if( activeMenu.indexOf('swap') > -1 && activeMenu != "swap" ) { var pos = parseInt(activeMenu.replace(/swap/gi,'')); battleSelectedMenu = pos+6; } else if( activeMenu.indexOf('item') > -1 && battleSelectedMenu == 13 && parseInt(battleStage) != 1 ) { var pos = parseInt(activeMenu.replace(/item/gi,'')); battleItemSelectedMenu = pos-1; } if( activeMenu != "" )
  • 30. battleUpdatedMenu(); } } /* keyState.up = false; keyState.down = false; keyState.left = false; keyState.right = false; keyState.btn1 = false; keyState.btn2 = false; keyState.btn3 = false; var left = $("#cvsGame").offset().left + $("#cvsGame").position().left; var top = $("#cvsGame").offset().top + $("#cvsGame").position().top; if( pos.x - left < 64 ) { keyState.left = true; } else if( pos.x - left > cvsWidth - 64 ) { keyState.right = true; } else if( pos.y - top < 64 ) { keyState.up = true; } else if( pos.y - top > cvsHeight - 64 ) { keyState.down = true; } */ } //### MMO FUNCTIONS ############### function displayMMOUser(user) { var div = document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle'); var html = "<center><b>" + + "</b><br/>"; //html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s mws-button blue" value="Trade" title="Offer to Trade with this Player."><br/>'; html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s mws-button red" value="Battle" onclick="pvpRequest('' + + '');" title="Request a Battle with this Player."><br/>'; html += '<input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s mws-button green" value="PM" onclick="pmUser('' + + '')" title="Send a Private Message to this Player."><br/>'; html += "</center>"; div.innerHTML = html; } function pmUser(name) { document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "/pm " + name + " "; document.getElementById("txtUpdate").focus(); } function pvpRequest(name) {
  • 31. ws.send("/msg^/pvprequest " + name + "rnrn"); document.getElementById('mws-explore-trade-or-battle').innerHTML = ""; } function pvpAccept(name) { ws.send("/msg^/pvpaccept " + name + "rnrn"); document.getElementById("mws-explore-requests").innerHTML = ""; } function pvpRequested(data) { var dataRow = data.split("^"); document.getElementById("mws-explore-requests").innerHTML = '<div style="padding:8px;"><b>'+dataRow[1]+'</b> wants to battle: <br/><center><input type="button" style="width:120px;" class="mws-tooltip-s mws-button green" value="Accept PvP" onclick="pvpAccept('' +dataRow[1]+ '')" title="Accept"></center></div>'; } var userCount = "?"; function serverPing(data) { var dataRow = data.split("^"); userCount = parseInt(dataRow[1]); } function pvpLoadBattle(data) { var dataRow = data.split("^"); battleRoundTacker = 0; curOpp = null; nextOpp = null; curMon = null; nextMon = null; curMonImage.src = ''; curOppImage.src = ''; battleLoading = false; //battle_id needs to be provided. curOpp = null; scriptAddLine("battlescreen","PVP"); //bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton battleSelectedMenu = 2; playSFX("battle"); playMusic("battle1"); if( prevPlayingSong ) prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0; bWildBattle = false; wipeWildMonsterBox(); } function updateChat(data) { var dataRow = data.split("^"); var dataMsg = dataRow[1].split("|"); var isadmin = dataMsg[0]; var userids = dataMsg[1];
  • 32. var user = dataMsg[2]; var msg = dataMsg[3]; var isPM = dataMsg[4]; var changeColor = true; var title = "A Legend"; messages.push(new ChatMessage(isadmin,userids,user,msg)); var sender = mmoUserByName(user); if( sender != null ) { sender.msg = msg; sender.msgTick = 0; } else { if( userids == userID ) { userEvent.msg = msg; userEvent.msgTick = 0; } } if (msg.toLowerCase().indexOf(userName.toLowerCase()) > -1) { color = "#CE93D8"; changeColor = false; } if (changeColor) //if name is mentioned on a word, do not change unless it's PM. PM is always in the special color. { var color = "#fff"; if( isadmin > 1 ) { color = "#99FF99"; title = "Game Moderators"; } else if ( isadmin == 1) { color = "#72C065"; title = "Chat Moderators"; } if (isadmin > 2) { title = "Administrators"; } if( userids == 0 ) { color = "#FF9999"; } if ( msg.toLowerCase().indexOf("pm to") > -1 && user.toLowerCase().indexOf("you") > -1) //pm sent msg { color = "#FFCC99"; } } if (isPM == 1) {
  • 33. color = "#FFCC99"; } //sharks remove html tags from user input msg = msg.replace(/<(?:.|n)*?>/gm, ''); var html = "<p data-username='"+user+"' onclick=quickPM(this) style='color:"+color+";margin-bottom:2px;'><b>"; if (userids > 0) { html = html + "<a href='user?id="+userids+"' style='color:"+color+"' target='_blank' title = '"+title+"'>"; } html = html + user; if (userids > 0) { html = html + "</a>"; } html = html + ":</b> " + msg + "</p>"; $('#chat').append(html); $('#chat')[0].scrollTop = $('#chat')[0].scrollHeight; } function quickPM(msg) { if (msg.getAttribute("data-username") != "You" ) document.getElementById("txtUpdate").value = "/pm "+msg.getAttribute("data-username")+" "; } //### AUDIO FUNCTIONS ############### function restoreLastSong() { if( musicEnabled == false ) return; if( prevPlayingSong ); } function playMusicOnce(key) { if( musicEnabled == false ) return; var audio = musicResourceByKey(key); if( audio ) { if( prevPlayingSong ) prevPlayingSong.pause();
  • 34. if( playOnceSong ) playOnceSong.pause(); if( == null ) { = new Audio(); = audio.src; = 0.5; //; //; } = false;'ended', restoreLastSong); = 0;; playOnceSong =; } } function playMusic(key) { if( musicEnabled == false ) return; var audio = musicResourceByKey(key); if( audio ) { if( prevPlayingSong ) prevPlayingSong.pause(); if( playOnceSong ) playOnceSong.pause(); if( == null ) { = new Audio(); = audio.src; = 0.35; //; //; } = true;; prevPlayingSong =; prevPlaying = key; } } function playSFX(key) { if( soundEnabled == false ) return; var audio = effectResourceByKey(key); if( audio ) {; }
  • 35. } //### SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ############### function isNumber(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } // ################################################ // ### MMO USER CLASS ########################### // ################################################ function MMOUser(id,name,trainerimg) { = id; = name; this.trainerimg = trainerimg; this.mapid = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.NewX = 0; this.NewY = 0; this.direction = 0; this.step = 0; this.inbattle = 0; this.drawPosX = 0; this.drawPosY = 0; this.drawStartX = 0; this.drawStartY = 0; this.isRunning = 0; this.stepPart = 0; this.stepAnimation = 0; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; this.stepX = 0; this.stepY = 0; this.moveQueue = new Array(); this.msg = ""; this.msgTick = 0; this.frameCount = 2; this.ImageRef = null; this.updated = false; this.evaluate = function() { this.stepX = 0;
  • 36. this.stepY = 0; if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { this.stepY = -this.stepPart; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { this.stepY = this.stepPart; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { this.stepX = -this.stepPart; } else { this.stepX = this.stepPart; } } this.drawPosX = mapLeft + (this.x * 16)+ this.stepX +13; this.drawPosY = -mapTop-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + ((this.y+2) * 16)+ this.stepY +2-130+32; var additionalDown = currentMap.mapHeight/2-cvsHeight/2; this.drawPosY = -mapTop-cvsHeight/2-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + ((this.y+2) * 16) + this.stepY +2+28 + (additionalDown-192); this.updateTextureCoords(); //process move queue - in between movequeue syncs check for position reevaluate this.processMoveQueue(); if( this.msg != "" ) { this.msgTick++; if( this.msgTick > 250 ) { this.msg = ""; } } } this.updatesWithoutMove = 0; this.processMoveQueue = function() // Define Method { if( currentMap == null ) { return false; } if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "up" ) { this.direction = 0; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "down" ) { this.direction = 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "left" ) { this.direction = 2; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "right" ) { this.direction = 3; }
  • 37. if( this.stepPart == 8 || this.stepPart == 0 ) { this.stepAnimation++; if( this.stepAnimation > this.frameCount ) this.stepAnimation = 0; } this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4; if( this.isRunning == 1 && this.moveQueue.length == 1 ) this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4; if( this.stepPart >= 16 ) { this.stepPart = 0; //update the coordanates at the end of the step. if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { this.y = this.y - 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { this.y = this.y + 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { this.x = this.x - 1; } else { this.x = this.x + 1; } this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); if( Math.abs(this.NewX - this.x) > 6 || Math.abs(this.NewY - this.y) > 6 ) { this.x = this.NewX; this.y = this.NewY; this.moveQueue.length = 0; } } } if( this.moveQueue.length == 0 ) { //add to moveQueue based on position if( this.y > this.NewY ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x,this.y-2-1)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("up"); } } else if( this.y < this.NewY ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x,this.y-2+1)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("down"); } } else if( this.x > this.NewX ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x-1,this.y-2)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("left"); } } else if( this.x < this.NewX ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.x+1,this.y-2)) ) {
  • 38. this.addMoveQueue("right"); } } this.updatesWithoutMove++; if( this.updatesWithoutMove > 10 ) { this.x=this.NewX; this.y=this.NewY; this.updatesWithoutMove = 0; } } else { this.updatesWithoutMove = 0; } } this.addMoveQueue = function(moveDirection) // Define Method { this.moveQueue.push(moveDirection.toLowerCase()); } this.drawNames = function(ctx) // Define Method { if("'s Pet") > -1 ) { return; } ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; drawShadowText(ctx,, this.drawPosX+12, this.drawPosY-1); if( this.msg != "" ) { drawShadowText(ctx,this.msg, this.drawPosX+12, this.drawPosY- 14,"#c4d52b"); } } this.drawImage = function(ctx) // Define Method { //context.drawImage(img,sx,sy,swidth,sheight,dx,dy,dwidth,dheight); if( this.ImageRef == null ) { for(var i=0;i< charsets.length;i++) { var img = charsets[i]; if( img.src ) { if( img.src.indexOf("/" + this.trainerimg) > 0 ) { this.ImageRef = img; if( img.width == 64 ) { this.frameCount = 1; } if( img.width == 32 ) { this.frameCount = 0;
  • 39. } } } } } if( this.ImageRef != null ) { ctx.drawImage(this.ImageRef, this.drawStartX, this.drawStartY, 32, 32, this.drawPosX-5, this.drawPosY, 32, 32 ); } if( parseInt(this.inbattle) == 1 ) { ctx.drawImage(resourceByKey("pokeballicon"), this.drawPosX+4, this.drawPosY-26); } } this.updateTextureCoords = function() // Define Method { var startX = 0; var startY = 0; if( this.direction == 0 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 0; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 0; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 0; break; } } else if( this.direction == 1 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 1; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 1; break; case 2 : startX = 2;
  • 40. startY = 1; break; } } else if( this.direction == 2 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 2; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 2; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 2; break; } } else { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 3; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 3; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 3; break; } } this.drawStartX = startX*32; this.drawStartY = startY*32; } return this; } var mmoUsers = new Array(); function updateMMOEvents(updateData) { for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { mmoUsers[k].updated = false; } var dataRaw = updateData.split("^"); for(var k=1;k<dataRaw.length;k++) { if( dataRaw[k] != "" ) { var dataUser = dataRaw[k].split("|"); var user = mmoUserByName(dataUser[1]);
  • 41. if( user == null ) { //add id,name,trainerimg user = new MMOUser(dataUser[0],dataUser[1],dataUser[2]); mmoUsers.push(user); } //update mapid,x,y,direction,step,inbattle user.mapid = dataUser[3]; user.NewX = parseInt(dataUser[4]); user.NewY = parseInt(dataUser[5]); if( user.x == 0 ) { user.x = user.NewX; user.y = user.NewY; } user.direction = parseInt(dataUser[6]); user.step = parseInt(dataUser[7]); user.isRunning = parseInt(dataUser[8]); user.inbattle = dataUser[9]; user.updated = true; } } //remove old connections for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { if( k < mmoUsers.length ) { if( mmoUsers[k].updated == false ) { mmoUsers.splice(k,1); k--; } } } } function mmoUserByName(name) { for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { if( name == mmoUsers[k].name ) { return mmoUsers[k]; } } return null; } function Point(x,y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; return this; }
  • 42. // ################################################ // ### GAME EVENT CLASS ########################### // ################################################ function ScriptLine(line,func,args) { this.func = func; this.args = args; this.line = line; return this; } function GameEgg(node) { if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node)); this.steps = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("steps", node)); } return this; } function GameItem(node) { if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node)); = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", node)); this.file = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("file", node)); this.qty = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("qty", node)); } return this; } function gameEvent(node) { this.moveQueue = new Array(); this.mapPosition = new Object; this.bEventEnabled = false; this.bHidden = false; this.bIsUser = true; = 0; = ""; this.mapPosition.X = 0; this.mapPosition.Y = 0; this.spriteName = ""; this.type = ""; this.direction = 0; this.moveType = ""; = 0; this.frameCount = 2;
  • 43. //Event Properties this.eventData = new Array(); this.mapPosition.X = 0; this.mapPosition.Y = 0; //Core Variables if( node ) { = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("id", node)); = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("name", node)); this.mapPosition.X = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("x", node)))-1; this.mapPosition.Y = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("y", node)))+1; this.type = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("type", node)); this.spriteName = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("style", node)); this.direction = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("direction", node))); this.moveType = nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("movement", node)); this.bIsUser = false; this.bEventEnabled = true; = parseInt(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("quest", node))); var script = firstChildNodeNamed("script", node); for(var i=0;i<script.childNodes.length;i++) { line = script.childNodes[i]; this.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("line", line)) , nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("function", line)) , nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("arguments", line)) )); } } //Movement this.stepPart = 0; this.stepAnimation = 0; this.bJumping = false;; this.jumpYAdd = 0; this.jumpYAcc = 0; this.drawStartX = 0; this.drawStartY = 0; this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; this.stepX = 0; this.stepY = 0;
  • 44. this.msg = ""; this.msgTick = 0; this.bHasAppearance = false; if( this.spriteName != "" ) { this.bHasAppearance = true; } this.ImageRef = null; this.drawImage = function(ctx) // Define Method { //context.drawImage(img,sx,sy,swidth,sheight,dx,dy,dwidth,dheight); if( this.ImageRef == null ) { for(var i=0;i< charsets.length;i++) { var img = charsets[i]; if( img.src ) { if( img.src.indexOf("/" + this.spriteName) > 0 ) { this.ImageRef = img; if( img.width == 64 ) { this.frameCount = 1; } if( img.width == 32 ) { this.frameCount = 0; } } } } } if( this.ImageRef != null ) { if( this.bHidden == false ) { ctx.drawImage(this.ImageRef, this.drawStartX, this.drawStartY, 32, 32, this.X-5, this.Y, 32, 32 ); if( parseInt( > 0 ) { ctx.drawImage(resourceByKey("battleicon"), this.X+2, this.Y-14); } } } } this.initWithData = function(data) // Define Method { this.processConditions(); this.evaluate(); } this.initAsPlayer = function(position) // Define Method
  • 45. { this.bIsUser = true; this.bEventEnabled = true; this.spriteName = userSprite; this.direction = 1; this.mapPosition.X = position.X; this.mapPosition.Y = position.Y; this.evaluate(); } this.processConditions = function() // Define Method { this.bEventEnabled = true; } this.addMoveQueue = function(moveDirection) // Define Method { this.moveQueue.push(moveDirection.toLowerCase()); } /* THESE NEED TO BE CODED TO HAPPEN WHEN THEY HIT THE TOP OF THE QUEUE ##### } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "jump" ) { bJumping = true; jumpYAcc = -8; bAllow = true; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face up" ) { direction = 0; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face down" ) { direction = 1; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face left" ) { direction = 2; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "face right" ) { direction = 3; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "hide" ) { sprite.Alpha = 0; bHidden = true; } else if( moveDirection.ToLower() == "show" ) { sprite.Alpha = 1; bHidden = false; } */ this.evaluate = function() // Define Method { if( this.bEventEnabled == false ) { return; }
  • 46. if( currentMap == null ) { return; } if( this.bIsUser == false && this.bHidden == false ) { this.processNPCMovement(); } this.processMoveQueue(); this.updatePosition(); if( this.msg != "" ) { this.msgTick++; if( this.msgTick > 250 ) { this.msg = ""; } } } this.processNPCMovement = function() // Define Method { if( this.moveQueue.length == 0 && activeScript.length == 0 && bInBattle == false) { if( this.moveType == "Slow Random" || this.moveType == "Fast Random" ) { //Random Movement if( Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 1 ) { var randDirection = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if( randDirection == 0 ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-2- 1)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("up"); } } else if( randDirection == 1 ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-2+1)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("down"); } } else if( randDirection == 2 ) { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X-1,this.mapPosition.Y- 2)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("left"); } } else { if( currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X+1,this.mapPosition.Y-2)) ) { this.addMoveQueue("right"); } } } } else if( this.moveType == "Follow User" ) { var xDif = userEvent.mapPosition.X - this.mapPosition.X;
  • 47. var yDif = userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 - this.mapPosition.Y; steps = 0; var dir = ""; if( userEvent.moveQueue.length != 0 ) { if( xDif != 0 ) { if( xDif < 0 ) { dir = "left"; steps = -xDif-2; } else { dir = "right"; steps = xDif+2; } } if( yDif != 0 ) { if( yDif < 0 ) { dir = "up"; steps = -yDif; } else { dir = "down"; steps = yDif; } } if( dir != "" ) { this.addMoveQueue(dir); } } } } } this.processMoveQueue = function() // Define Method { if( currentMap == null ) { return false; } var bPassedCheck = false; if( !this.bIsUser ) { bPassedCheck = true; if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face up" ) { this.direction = 0; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face down" ) { this.direction = 1; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face left" ) { this.direction = 2; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face right" ) {
  • 48. this.direction = 3; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "hide" ) { this.bHidden = true; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "show" ) { this.bHidden = false; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } } } else { while( bPassedCheck == false ) { if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { if( ! currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y-1)) ) { this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); this.direction = 0; } else { bPassedCheck = true; } } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { if( ! currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X,this.mapPosition.Y+1)) ) { this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); this.direction = 1; } else { bPassedCheck = true; } } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { if( ! currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X-1,this.mapPosition.Y)) ) { this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); this.direction = 2; } else { bPassedCheck = true; } } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) { if( ! currentMap.tileIsWalkable( Point(this.mapPosition.X+1,this.mapPosition.Y)) ) { this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); this.direction = 3; } else { bPassedCheck = true; } } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "jump" ) { bPassedCheck = true; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face up" ) { this.direction = 0; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face down" ) { this.direction = 1; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1);
  • 49. } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face left" ) { this.direction = 2; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "face right" ) { this.direction = 3; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "hide" ) { this.bHidden = true; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "show" ) { this.bHidden = false; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } else { bPassedCheck = true; } } else { bPassedCheck = true; } if( bPassedCheck == false ) { //this.moveQueue.splice(0, 1); } } } if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "up" ) { this.direction = 0; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "down" ) { this.direction = 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "left" ) { this.direction = 2; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "right" ) { this.direction = 3; } else if( this.moveQueue[0].toLowerCase() == "jump" ) { this.jumpYAcc = this.jumpYAcc + 2; this.jumpYAdd = this.jumpYAdd + this.jumpYAcc; if( this.jumpYAcc == 4 ) { this.jumpYAcc = 0; this.jumpYAdd = 0; this.bJumping = false; this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } return; } if( this.stepPart == 8 || this.stepPart == 0 ) { this.stepAnimation++; if( this.stepAnimation > this.frameCount )
  • 50. this.stepAnimation = 0; } this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4; if( this.moveType == "Slow Random" ) this.stepPart = this.stepPart - 2; if( keyState.btn2 && this.moveQueue.length == 1 && (this.bIsUser || this.stepPart = this.stepPart + 4; if( this.stepPart >= 16 ) { this.stepPart = 0; //update the coordanates at the end of the step. if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { this.mapPosition.Y = this.mapPosition.Y - 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { this.mapPosition.Y = this.mapPosition.Y + 1; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { this.mapPosition.X = this.mapPosition.X - 1; } else { this.mapPosition.X = this.mapPosition.X + 1; } if( this.bIsUser ) { if( activeScript.length == 0 ) { if( this.eventCheck() == true ) { this.arrivedOnTile(); } } } this.moveQueue.splice(0,1); } } } this.eventCheck = function() // Define Method { for(var i=0;i<;i++) { var evnt =[i]; if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X && evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 ) { if (evnt.type == "On Walk" && evnt.bEventEnabled && activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0) { if( triggerEvent( evnt , false) ) { return false; }
  • 51. } } //type if( evnt.bEventEnabled && (evnt.type == "X1" || evnt.type == "X2" || evnt.type == "X3" || evnt.type == "X10" || evnt.type == "X15") && activeScript.length == 0 && evnt.eventData.length > 0 ) { var stepsCheck = 1; if( evnt.type == "X2" ) stepsCheck = 2; if( evnt.type == "X3" ) stepsCheck = 3; if( evnt.type == "X10" ) stepsCheck = 10; if( evnt.type == "X15" ) stepsCheck = 15; for(var check = 1;check <= stepsCheck;check++) { if( evnt.mapPosition.X+check == userEvent.mapPosition.X && evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 3 ) { if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) { return false; } } if( evnt.mapPosition.X-check == userEvent.mapPosition.X && evnt.mapPosition.Y == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 2 ) { if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) { return false; } } if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X && evnt.mapPosition.Y+check == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 1 ) { if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) { return false; } } if( evnt.mapPosition.X == userEvent.mapPosition.X && evnt.mapPosition.Y-check == userEvent.mapPosition.Y + 2 && evnt.direction == 0 ) { if( triggerEvent( evnt , true) ) { return false; } } } } } return true; } this.arrivedOnTile = function() // Define Method { if( this.mapPosition.X == -1 ) { if( firstChildNodeNamed("west", mapEvents) != null ) {
  • 52. loadMap(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("west", mapEvents)), "wrap", 2) return; } } if( this.mapPosition.X+2 == Math.floor(mapWidth/16) ) { if( firstChildNodeNamed("east", mapEvents) != null ) { loadMap(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("east", mapEvents)), "wrap", 3) return; } } if( this.mapPosition.Y+2 == Math.floor(mapHeight/16) ) { if( firstChildNodeNamed("south", mapEvents) != null ) { loadMap(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("south", mapEvents)), "wrap", 1) return; } } if( this.mapPosition.Y == -1 ) { if( firstChildNodeNamed("north", mapEvents) != null ) { loadMap(nodeValue(firstChildNodeNamed("north", mapEvents)), "wrap", 0) return; } } if( this.isInGrass() ) { stepsInGrass++; } else { } if( stepsInGrass > 8 ) { if( parseInt(Math.random()*4) == 2 ) { //TODO: START A BATTLE!!! battleMonsterAtCoord(); stepsInGrass=0; } } if( activeScript.length == 0 ) { if( parseInt(Math.random()*15) == 2 ) { if( eggs.length > 0 ) { for(var i=0;i<eggs.length;i++) { if( eggs[i].steps > 45 ) { hatchingEgg = true; loadUtility("action=hatch"); break; } } }
  • 53. } } } this.isInGrass = function() // Define Method { for(var i=0;i<currentMap.grassPatches.length;i++) { var patch = currentMap.grassPatches[i]; if( this.mapPosition.X >= patch.X1 && this.mapPosition.X <= patch.X2-2 ) { if( this.mapPosition.Y+2 >= patch.Y1 && this.mapPosition.Y+2 <= patch.Y2 ) { return true; } } } return false; } this.updatePosition = function() // Define Method { var ySink = 0; this.stepX = 0; this.stepY = 0; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; var MyX = this.mapPosition.X * 16; var MyY = this.mapPosition.Y * 16; if( currentMap == null ) { return; } if( this.bIsUser == false ) { //NPC EVENT POSITIONING if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { this.stepY = -this.stepPart; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { this.stepY = this.stepPart; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { this.stepX = -this.stepPart; } else { this.stepX = this.stepPart; } }
  • 54. var additionalDown = currentMap.mapHeight/2-cvsHeight/2; this.X = mapLeft + MyX + this.stepX+13; //this.Y = -mapTop-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + MyY + this.stepY - Math.floor(this.jumpYAdd)+2-130+32; this.Y = -mapTop-cvsHeight/2-currentMap.mapHeight/2 + MyY + this.stepY - Math.floor(this.jumpYAdd)+2+28 + (additionalDown-192); } else { //USER EVENT POSITIONING if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { if( MyX <= cvsWidth/2 || MyX > currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) { this.stepX = -this.stepPart; } } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) { if( MyX < cvsWidth/2 || MyX >= currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) { this.stepX = this.stepPart; } } } if( MyY <= cvsHeight/2 || MyY >= currentMap.mapHeight - cvsHeight/2 ) { if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "up" ) { this.stepY = -this.stepPart; } else if( this.moveQueue[0] == "down" ) { this.stepY = this.stepPart; } } } if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "right" ) { if( MyX+this.stepX >= currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth - MyX-this.stepX ) * -1; } } else { if( MyX-this.stepX > currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth - MyX-this.stepX ) * -1; } } } else { if( MyX-this.stepX > currentMap.mapWidth - cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = cvsWidth/2 + ( currentMap.mapWidth - MyX- this.stepX ) * -1; } }
  • 55. if( this.moveQueue.length > 0 ) { if( this.moveQueue[0] == "left" ) { if( MyX+this.stepX <= cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1; } } else { if( MyX-this.stepX < cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1; } } } else { if( MyX-this.stepX < cvsWidth/2 ) { this.offsetX = (cvsWidth/2-MyX-this.stepX)*-1; } } if( MyY+this.stepY > currentMap.mapHeight - cvsHeight/2 ) { this.offsetY = cvsHeight/2 + (currentMap.mapHeight - MyY- this.stepY ) * -1; } if( MyY+this.stepY < cvsHeight/2 ) { this.offsetY = (cvsHeight/2-MyY-this.stepY)*-1; } var half = (cvsWidth - currentMap.mapWidth); if( half < 0 ) half = 0; this.X = half+cvsWidth/2 + this.offsetX+13; this.Y = cvsHeight/2 + this.offsetY - ySink - Math.floor(this.jumpYAdd); } this.updateTextureCoords(); } this.updateTextureCoords = function() // Define Method { var startX = 0; var startY = 0; if( this.direction == 0 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 0; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 0; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 0;
  • 56. break; } } else if( this.direction == 1 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 1; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 1; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 1; break; } } else if( this.direction == 2 ) { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 2; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 2; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 2; break; } } else { switch(this.stepAnimation) { case 0 : startX = 0; startY = 3; break; case 1 : startX = 1; startY = 3; break; case 2 : startX = 2; startY = 3; break; } } this.drawStartX = startX*32; this.drawStartY = startY*32; } return this;
  • 57. } // ################################################ // ### MAP CLASS ########################### // ################################################ function Region(x1,y1,x2,y2) { this.X1 = x1; this.Y1 = y1; this.X2 = x2; this.Y2 = y2; return this; } // ################################################ // ### GAME MAP CLASS ############################# // ################################################ function gameMap() { this.mapCollisionData = null; this.mapWidth = 0; this.mapHeight = 0; this.mapMusic = ''; this.tileSize = 16; this.grassPatches = new Array(); = new Array(); this.loadEvents = function(mapEvents) // Define Method { events = new Array(); var npcs = firstChildNodeNamed("npcs", mapEvents); for(var k=0;k<npcs.childNodes.length;k++) { var npc = npcs.childNodes[k]; events.push(new gameEvent(npc)); } eggs = []; var eggsNode = firstChildNodeNamed("eggs", mapEvents); for(var k=0;k<eggsNode.childNodes.length;k++) { var egg = eggsNode.childNodes[k]; eggs.push(new GameEgg(egg)); } inventory = [];
  • 58. var inv = firstChildNodeNamed("inventory", mapEvents); for(var k=0;k<inv.childNodes.length;k++) { var item = inv.childNodes[k]; inventory.push(new GameItem(item)); } if( tagAlong != "" ) { follower = new gameEvent(); events.push(follower); = -1; = tagAlong; follower.mapPosition.X = userEvent.mapPosition.X; follower.mapPosition.Y = userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2; follower.type = "Action Button"; follower.spriteName = tagAlong + ".png"; follower.direction = userEvent.direction; follower.moveType = "Follow User"; follower.bIsUser = false; follower.bEventEnabled = true; follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 1, "Display Message" ,tagAlongName + "!")); follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 2, "MOVE EVENT" , "- 1^move to user^1")); follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 3, "SYNC ALL" , "")); follower.eventData.push(new ScriptLine( 4, "MOVE EVENT" , "0^forward^1")); } } this.getEvent = function(id) { for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) { if( events[k].id == id ) { return events[k]; } } return null; } this.evaluateEvents = function() // Define Method { for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) { events[k].evaluate(); } for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { mmoUsers[k].evaluate(); } } this.drawEvents = function(ctx,positionToDraw) // Define Method
  • 59. { for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) { if( positionToDraw == "above" ) { if( events[k].mapPosition.Y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) { events[k].drawImage(ctx); } } else { if( events[k].mapPosition.Y <= userEvent.mapPosition.Y+2 ) { events[k].drawImage(ctx); } } } for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { if( positionToDraw == "above" ) { if( mmoUsers[k].y > userEvent.mapPosition.Y ) { mmoUsers[k].drawImage(ctx); } } else { if( mmoUsers[k].y <= userEvent.mapPosition.Y ) { mmoUsers[k].drawImage(ctx); } } } } this.drawNames = function(ctx) // Define Method { for(var k=0;k<mmoUsers.length;k++) { mmoUsers[k].drawNames(ctx); } if( userEvent.msg != "" ) { ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; drawShadowText(ctx,userEvent.msg, userEvent.X+12, userEvent.Y- 1,"#c4d52b"); } else { ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; drawShadowText(ctx,"You", userEvent.X+12, userEvent.Y-1); } } this.load = function(mapData) // Define Method { this.tileSize = mapData.getAttribute("tilewidth"); this.mapWidth = mapData.getAttribute("width") * this.tileSize; this.mapHeight = mapData.getAttribute("height") * this.tileSize; var tileCount = (this.mapWidth / this.tileSize) * (this.mapHeight /
  • 60. this.tileSize); this.mapCollisionData = new Array(tileCount); for(var i=0;i<mapData.childNodes.length;i++) { var node = mapData.childNodes[i]; if( node.nodeName == "layer") { if( node.getAttribute("name") == "Collision" ) { var dataNode = firstChildNodeNamed("data",node); var data = getDataOfImmediateChild(dataNode); data = data.replace(/rn/i, '').trim(); rawMapData = stringToBytes(base64_decode(data)); //for (var k = 0; k < tileCount; k++) // mapCollisionData[k] = getIntAt(rawData,k*4); } } else if( node.nodeName == "objectgroup") { if( node.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() == "grass" ) { this.grassPatches = new Array(); for (var k = 0; k < node.childNodes.length; k++) { var object = node.childNodes[k]; if( object.nodeName != "#text" ) { var x1 = parseInt(object.getAttribute("x"))/this.tileSize; var y1 = parseInt(object.getAttribute("y"))/this.tileSize; var width = parseInt(object.getAttribute("width"))/this.tileSize; var height = parseInt(object.getAttribute("height"))/this.tileSize; var x2 = x1 + (width+1); var y2 = y1 + (height+1); this.grassPatches.push(new Region(x1,y1,x2,y2)); } } } } } } this.getTile = function( x, y) { var tilesWide = mapWidth / tileSize; var pos = 0; x++;
  • 61. y++; if( y * tilesWide + x >= 0 && y * tilesWide + x < mapCollisionData.length ) { if( rawMapData ) { pos = (y * tilesWide + x)*4; if( rawMapData[pos] == 0 && rawMapData[pos+1] == 0 && rawMapData[pos+2] == 0 && rawMapData[pos+3] == 0 ) { return 0; } return 1; } //return mapCollisionData[y * tilesWide + x]; } return -1; } this.tileIsWalkable = function(position) // Define Method { if( position.X < -1 ) return false; if( position.Y < -1 ) return false; if( position.X > this.mapWidth/16 ) return false; if( position.Y > this.mapHeight/16 ) return false; if( this.tileIsFreeFromEvents(position) == false ) { return false; } if( this.getTile(position.X,position.Y) == 0 ) { return true; } return false; } this.tileIsFreeFromEvents = function(position) // Define Method { for(var k=0;k<events.length;k++) { if( events[k].spriteName != "" && events[k].spriteName != null && events[k].bHidden == false && events[k].bEventEnabled == true ) { if( events[k].mapPosition.X == position.X ) { if( events[k].mapPosition.Y == position.Y+2 ) { return false; } } } }
  • 62. //TODO: Complete Event Collision Detection return true; } return this; } function base64_decode (data) { // Decodes string using MIME base64 algorithm var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 +/="; var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, dec = "", tmp_arr = []; if (!data) { return data; } data += ''; do { // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64 h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4; o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff; o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff; o3 = bits & 0xff; if (h3 == 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1); } else if (h4 == 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2); } else { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3); } } while (i < data.length); dec = tmp_arr.join(''); //dec = this.utf8_decode(dec); return dec; } String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,""); }
  • 63. function stringToBytes ( str ) { var ch, st, re = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) { ch = str.charCodeAt(i); // get char st = []; // set up "stack" do { st.push( ch & 0xFF ); // push byte to stack ch = ch >> 8; // shift value down by 1 byte } while ( ch ); // add stack contents to result // done because chars have "wrong" endianness re = re.concat( st.reverse() ); } // return an array of bytes return re; } function getIntAt ( arr, offs ) { if( arr[offs+0] == 0 && arr[offs+1] == 0 && arr[offs+2] == 0 && arr[offs+3] == 0 ) { return 0; } return 1; return (arr[offs+0] << 24) + (arr[offs+1] << 16) + (arr[offs+2] << 8) + arr[offs+3]; } // ################################################ // ### BATTLE CLASS ########################### // ################################################ //Battle Variables var bInBattle = false; var battleStage = 0; var battleTaskQueue = new Array(); var teamMonsters = new Array(); var opponentMonsters = new Array(); var monSkills = new Array(); var battleItems = new Array(); var doingCaptcha = false; var captchaImages = new Array(); var captchaKeys = new Array(); var curMon = null; var curOpp = null;
  • 64. var nextMon = null; var nextOpp = null; var battleScript = new Array(); var battleSelectedMenu = 0; var battleItemSelectedMenu = 0; var battleSwappedMonsters = false; var battleTick1 = 0; var battleTick2 = 0; var battleTick3 = 0; var battleLoading = false; var loadExplore = false; var drawMons = true; var drawMyHp = true; var drawOpHp = true; var bWildBattle = false; function addToCaptcha(letter) { if( doingCaptcha ) { if( captchaKeypress[parseInt(letter)-1]== false ) { captchaKeys.push(letter); if( captchaKeys.length == 3 ) { $str = captchaKeys[0] + captchaKeys[1] + captchaKeys[2]; loadBattle("captcha=" + $str); } captchaKeypress[parseInt(letter)-1] = true; } } } function MonsterSkill(id,name) { = id; = name; } function BattleItem(id,name,file,qty) { = id; = name; this.file = file; this.qty = qty; } function BattleMonsterLineup(id,name,level,special,specialName,gender,hpleft,hp,image,type1 ,type2,reborn) { = id; = name; this.level = level; this.special = special;
  • 65. this.specialName = specialName; this.gender = gender; this.hpleft = parseInt(hpleft); this.hp = parseInt(hp); this.image = image; this.type1 = type1; this.type2 = type2; this.reborn = reborn; return this; } function showMonsterAtCoord() { if( !battleLoading ) { bIsLoadingWildDialog = true; var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter'); form.innerHTML = "<center><img src='' tag='loading'/><br/>Loading</center>"; loadBattle("x="+userEvent.mapPosition.X+"&y="+userEvent.mapPosition.Y+"&actio n=encounter"); } } function showMonsterAtCoordCallback() { var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter'); if( curOpp != null ) { //mws-jui-dialog-monster var gender = " Male "; if( curOpp.gender != "M" ) gender = " Female "; var level = curOpp.level; var specialName = curOpp.specialName; if( specialName != "" ) specialName = specialName + " "; bWildBattleIsReady = true; form.innerHTML = "<center><img src='"+curOpp.image+"' style='padding- top:10px;'/><div style='padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;'>You have encountered a level "". </div><input type='button' id='btnBattle' onclick='battleWildSelected();' class='mws-button red' value='Battle' style='margin-bottom:5px;'/></center>"; } else { form.innerHTML = ""; } bIsLoadingWildDialog = false; }
  • 66. function battleMonsterAtCoord() { battleScript = new Array(); playSFX("MonAppear"); showMonsterAtCoord() ; return; //bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton } function battleWildSelected() { battleSelectedMenu = 2; playSFX("battle"); playMusic("battle1"); if( prevPlayingSong ) { try { prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0; } catch(err) { } } battleLoading = false; bWildBattle = true; bInBattle = true; wipeWildMonsterBox(); } function battleWithTrainer() { curOpp = null; scriptAddLine("battlescreen","TRAINER"); //bInBattle = true; - this is set in the above script funciton battleSelectedMenu = 2; playSFX("battle"); playMusic("battle1"); curOpp = null; nextOpp = null; curMon = null; nextMon = null; curMonImage.src = ''; curOppImage.src = ''; if( prevPlayingSong ) prevPlayingSong.currentTime = 0; bWildBattle = false; wipeWildMonsterBox(); } function wipeWildMonsterBox() { bWildBattleIsReady = false; var form = document.getElementById('mws-explore-encounter');
  • 67. if( form ) { form.innerHTML = ""; } } function battleScriptEndLine() { battleScript.splice(0, 1); battleScriptStartLine(); drawMons = true; drawOpHp = true; drawMyHp = true; } function battleScriptStartLine() { battleTick1 = 0; battleTick2 = 0; battleTick3 = 0; if( !bInBattle ) return; var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; if( battleScript.length > 0 ) { var data = battleScript[0].split("|"); //battleSelectedMenu = 2; if( data[0] == "MSG" ) { drawMons = true; drawOpHp = true; drawMyHp = true; repositionMonsters(); = 'block'; = 'block'; } else if( data[0] == "ATTACK" ) { drawMons = true; drawOpHp = true; drawMyHp = true; playSFX("hit"); } else if( data[0] == "MUTATE" ) { drawMons = false; drawOpHp = false; drawMyHp = false; var args = data[1].split("-"); //load required images: Monster Image var img = resourceByKey(args[1]);
  • 68. if( img == null ) screenResources.push(new ResourceImage(args[1],args[1])); //load required images: Arrow Image img = resourceByKey("resultset_next.png"); if( img == null ) screenResources.push(new ResourceImage("","r esultset_next.png")); } else if( data[0] == "HPCHANGE" ) { battleTick3 = parseInt(data[2]) / 10; } else if( data[0] == "DEFEAT" ) { if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) { battleSelectedMenu = 7; curMon.hpleft = 0; curMonImage.src = ''; } else { curOpp.hpleft = 0; curOpp = nextOpp; curOppImage.src = ''; } } else if( data[0] == "SWAP" ) { var monImage = null; if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) { if( nextMon != null ) { curMon = nextMon; } //sharks if (data[2] == null) data[2] = 0; //end if( curMon != null ) { curMon.hpleft = parseInt(data[2]); curMonImage.src = curMon.image; = 'block'; } repositionMonsters(); } else if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) { if( nextOpp != null ) { curOpp = nextOpp; } curOpp.hpleft = parseInt(data[2]); curOppImage.src = curOpp.image;
  • 69. = 'block'; repositionMonsters(); } battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( data[0] == "SFX" ) { playSFX(data[1]); battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( data[0] == "LEVELUP" ) { playSFX("levelup"); battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( data[0] == "CLIENT SCRIPT" ) { scriptAddLine(data[1],data[2]); battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( data[0] == "SCRIPT" ) { if( data[1] != "" ) { scriptAddLine("server side",data[1]); } battleScriptEndLine(); battleEnd(); } } else { // if( !battleLoading ) { if( parseInt(battleStage) == 3 || parseInt(battleStage) == 4 ) { battleEnd(); if( parseInt(battleStage) == 4 ) { userFaint(); } else { //if( !bWildBattle ) { playMusicOnce("victory"); //} } } else if( parseInt(battleStage) == 5 || parseInt(battleStage) == 6 ) { battleEnd(); if( battlePlayerAwayTeam ) { if( parseInt(battleStage) == 6 ) { playMusicOnce("victory"); } else { userFaint(); } } else { if( parseInt(battleStage) == 5 ) { playMusicOnce("victory"); } else { userFaint(); } } } } } }
  • 70. function battleEnd() { bInBattle=false; battleSelectedMenu = 0; battleScript = new Array(); teamMonsters = new Array(); opponentMonsters = new Array(); curMon = null; curOpp = null; = 'none'; = 'none'; playMusic(currentMap.mapMusic); } function battleScriptDraw() { var centerX = cvsWidth/2; var centerY = cvsHeight/2; if( battleScript.length > 0 ) { var data = battleScript[0].split("|"); if( data[0] == "MSG" ) { battleTick1++; if( battleTick1 > 1 ) { battleTick2++; battleTick1=0; } if( (keyState.btn1 || keyState.btn2) && battleTick2 > data[1].length ) { battleScriptEndLine(); keyState.btn1 = false; keyState.btn2 = false; playSFX("beep"); } else if( keyState.btn1 || keyState.btn2 ) { battleTick2 = data[1].length; keyState.btn1 = false; keyState.btn2 = false; playSFX("beep"); } //ctx.textAlign = "left"; //ctx.font = "bold 9px sans-serif"; //drawShadowText(ctx,data[1].substr(0,battleTick2), centerX- 230,centerY+103); ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif";
  • 71. var line1 = data[1]; var line2 = ""; if( line1.length > 32 ) { var lastSpace = line1.lastIndexOf(" ", 32); line2 = line1.substr(lastSpace+1,line1.length-lastSpace-1); line1 = line1.substr(0,lastSpace); } if( battleTick2 <= line1.length ) { drawShadowText(ctx,line1.substr(0,battleTick2), centerX- 234,centerY+100); } else { drawShadowText(ctx,line1, centerX-234,centerY+100); drawShadowText(ctx,line2.substr(0,battleTick2-line2.length), centerX-234,centerY+ 116); } } else if( data[0] == "MUTATE" ) { drawMons = false; drawOpHp = false; drawMyHp = false; var args = data[1].split("-"); ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.font = "bold 12px sans-serif"; drawShadowText(ctx,"Let the Pokemon Evolve?", centerX- 234,centerY+100); drawShadowText(ctx,"Press 'X' to confirm, 'Z' to cancel.", centerX- 234,centerY+ 116); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.font = "bold 14px sans-serif"; //Draw Monster var mon = resourceByKey(curMon.image); ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-80-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2); drawShadowText(ctx,, centerX-80,centerY+60); //Draw Monster Evolution mon = resourceByKey(args[1]); ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX+80-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2); drawShadowText(ctx,"???", centerX+80,centerY+60); //Draw Arrow mon = resourceByKey("resultset_next.png"); ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2-mon.width,centerY- mon.height/2); ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2,centerY-mon.height/2);
  • 72. ctx.drawImage(mon, centerX-mon.width/2+mon.width,centerY- mon.height/2); if( keyState.btn1 ) { loadBattle("mutate=true"); keyState.btn1 = false; battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( keyState.btn2 ) { keyState.btn2 = false; battleScriptEndLine(); } // //curMon } else if( data[0] == "ATTACK" ) { var img = resourceByKey("ani-"+data[4]); battleTick1++; if( img == null ) { battleScriptEndLine(); } else { if( (parseInt(data[2]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[2]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) { ctx.drawImage(img, battleTick2 ,0,80,80,centerX-120- 80/2,centerY-img.height/2+40,80,80); } else { ctx.drawImage(img, battleTick2 ,0,80,80,centerX+120- 80/2,centerY-img.height/2-40 ,80,80); } if( battleTick2 > img.width ) { battleScriptEndLine(); } } battleTick2=battleTick2+80; } else if( data[0] == "DEFEAT" ) { battleScriptEndLine(); } else if( data[0] == "HPCHANGE" ) { battleTick1++; if( battleTick1 < 10 ) { if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) { curMon.hpleft = curMon.hpleft - battleTick3; } else { curOpp.hpleft = curOpp.hpleft - battleTick3; } } else { if( (parseInt(data[1]) < 6 && !battlePlayerAwayTeam) || (parseInt(data[1]) >= 6 && battlePlayerAwayTeam) ) {
  • 73. curMon.hpleft = parseInt(data[3]); } else { curOpp.hpleft = parseInt(data[3]); } battleScriptEndLine(); } } else if( data[0] == "BATTLEEND" ) { battleEnd(); } } } function battleUpdate() { //If nothings happening and everything has loaded check for input. if( battleScript.length == 0 && ImageResourceLoadedCount == screenResources.length && !battleLoading ) { //0 == Run //1 == Item //2-5 == Attacks //6 == Swap if( doingCaptcha ) return; var bChangedSomething = false; //Collect Keyboard Input. if( keyState.up ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu < 4 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 6; } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 4 || battleSelectedMenu == 5 ) { battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu - 2; } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu - 1; if( battleItemSelectedMenu < 0 ) battleItemSelectedMenu=0; } else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { battleSelectedMenu--; if( battleSelectedMenu < 7 ) battleSelectedMenu = 7; } keyState.up = false; bChangedSomething=true; } else if( keyState.right ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { if( battleSelectedMenu < 10 ) { battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu+3; if( battleSelectedMenu-7 > teamMonsters.length ) battleSelectedMenu = teamMonsters.length + 6;
  • 74. } } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu + 4; if( battleItemSelectedMenu >= battleItems.length ) battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItems.length-1; } else if( battleSelectedMenu != 3 ) { battleSelectedMenu++; if( battleSelectedMenu > 5 ) battleSelectedMenu = 5; } keyState.right = false; bChangedSomething=true; } else if( keyState.left ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu == 4 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 1; } else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { if( battleSelectedMenu >= 10 ) { battleSelectedMenu = battleSelectedMenu-3; } } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu - 4; if( battleItemSelectedMenu < 0 ) battleItemSelectedMenu=0; } else { battleSelectedMenu--; if( battleSelectedMenu < 0 ) battleSelectedMenu = 0; } keyState.left = false; bChangedSomething=true; } else if( keyState.down ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu == 6 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 0; } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 2 || battleSelectedMenu == 3 ) { battleSelectedMenu=battleSelectedMenu+2; } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItemSelectedMenu + 1; if( battleItemSelectedMenu >= battleItems.length ) battleItemSelectedMenu = battleItems.length-1; } else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { battleSelectedMenu++; if( battleSelectedMenu-6 > teamMonsters.length ) battleSelectedMenu = teamMonsters.length + 6; } keyState.down = false; bChangedSomething=true; } else if( keyState.btn1 ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu == 0 ) { //bInBattle if( bWildBattle ) { battleScript.push("MSG|You ran away from the battle.");
  • 75. battleScript.push("BATTLEEND|"); } else { battleScript.push("MSG|You can not run from a trainer battle."); } } else if( battleSelectedMenu > 1 && battleSelectedMenu < 6 ) { //Attacks var skill = monSkills[battleSelectedMenu-2]; loadBattle("selatk=" +; } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 6 ) { //Swap battleSelectedMenu = 7; } else if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { battleSwappedMonsters = true; if( teamMonsters.length > battleSelectedMenu-7 ) { if( teamMonsters[battleSelectedMenu-7].hpleft > 0 ) { loadBattle("selmon=" + teamMonsters[battleSelectedMenu- 7].id); } } } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13) { loadBattle("selitem=" + battleItems[battleItemSelectedMenu].id); } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 1 ) { //Enter the Item Menu battleSelectedMenu = 13; } keyState.btn1 = false; bChangedSomething=true; } else if( keyState.btn2 ) { playSFX("beep"); if( battleSelectedMenu > 6 && battleSelectedMenu <= 12 ) { if( battleStage != 1 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 6; } } else if( battleSelectedMenu == 13 ) { battleSelectedMenu = 1; } keyState.btn2 = false; bChangedSomething=true; } if( bChangedSomething ) { battleUpdatedMenu(); } } else { } }