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Know how
First Edition
Know how to predict bidder
outcomes and automate deal
processes with AiDA
Know how to protect your deal,
your data and your reputation
with the most advanced
security controls
Know how to get full visibility
over your business without any
gaps, double ups or time wasting
Know how to set up simple
collaborative workflows and
notifications to keep your team
running efficiently
There are hundreds of unique features in
Ansarada, all designed to make your life easier
- whether it’s during a transaction or other
process, during preparation or execution, or
maintaining a business in its optimal shape.
We want to show you how to benefit from all our
features, and not just a single application. We’ll
spotlight recent features, show you exactly how
to use them, and ensure you’re getting the most
out of the platform.
There’s always more potential.
AI and
AI and predictive
Know how to predict bidder
outcomes and automate deal
processes with AiDA: the smartest
member of your deal team
Our predictive AI technology is as close as you’ll
come to omniscience in the deal room. Because
those who can see the future, can own it.
The Bidder Engagement Score* and other AI
tech in the platform is powered by the Ansarada
Intelligent Deal Assistant (AiDA).
As well as giving you real-time insights into
bidder status and engagement, AiDA can cut
days – even weeks – off your deal time through
•	 AI-powered deal reporting means immediate
answers about your active deal
•	 Relevant questions are suggested based on
similar deals, so you can be confident you’re
covering all the bases
•	 Self-sorting documents save you the
admin of putting together an organizational
structure and manually categorizing
AiDA eliminates manual tasks and low value
work generating reports and seeking answers,
so that clients, managing directors and analysts
are always in control.
We’ve all been there. 5pm hits and you’re
watching your colleagues heading out to happy
hour, but the boss has asked for a last-minute
progress update on the client’s M&A deal. Good
night out? Out of the question.
But what if you could predict – with unmatched
accuracy – how the deal was progressing, in
a matter of minutes? If you had the foresight
to direct your clients with certainty toward
a successful transaction? Or better still, the
question was never asked because they had
automated reporting at their fingertips.
Our AI tech was born out of a need to make life
easier for those in a deal. After learning from
tens of thousands of deals, we knew there had
to be a correlation between data room activity
and the likelihood of an offer during an M&A
transaction – so we put it to the test. The result?
The Bidder Engagement Score.
Get to know our AI:
Bidder Engagement Score
The Bidder Engagement Score is a machine
learning algorithm trained and tested on
30,000+ deals. It uses artificial intelligence to
tell you who is engaged, who’s not and why, by
aligning your bidders’ behaviour to patterns
of successful and engaged bidders across 57
separate attributes. (To learn more about the
attributes and logic behind the score, download
the tech brief here.)
To use it is simple. Once in the transaction
room, go to your Settings and ensure your
transaction type is merger, acquisition,
divestment or insolvency. Add in your guests
separately, and they can automatically be
grouped into individual bidding teams.
At the beginning of every week, an email
is automatically sent with your Bidder
Engagement Score. As it’s directed to your
inbox, it’s accessible on mobile, tablet –
anywhere on the go. Uncover insights that
support your gut instinct with objective data,
so you can base your next move on real
information – whether it’s challenging their
interest or removing them from the deal entirely.
*The Bidder Engagement Score is only applicable to certain types and sizes of transactions. Get in touch to find out if it can be used for your deal.
Here’s how it will transform your
deal strategy
•	 See who is interested. Get a pre-warning
as to those who are likely to drop out of
the process. Kick out the time wasters and
respond rapidly to falls in interest.
•	 Maintain competitive tension. The best
outcomes occur when there is competitive
tension at the end of the due diligence
process. With the Bidder Engagement score,
you’ll have a clear indication of when you will
need to pull other parties into a transaction to
maintain competitive tension.
•	 Make earlier, more accurate predictions. Make
informed decisions during your transaction
based on real data. You’ll be able to accurately
predict bidder outcomes, with 97% accuracy
by day 7. That’s better than a human analyst –
and much, much faster.
•	 Get to the ‘why’ behind the data faster.
The score eliminates the need for manual
collection and reporting of isolated or
subjective statistics, saving you time
and expense.
Less gambling, more fact
AI-driven insights are as close as you’ll get to
seeing the future. They allow you to accurately
forecast future trends ahead of time, leading to
better decision making and strategies that can’t
help but be successful. And that’s just the tip of
what AI technology can do for dealmakers.
How to use
the Bidder
Here’s a simple step-by-step
for room admins to set up their
Bidder Engagement Score
before the deal kicks off.
Each week, you’ll receive a notification
email with your score direct to your inbox,
so it’s accessible
on the go
Within your transaction room,
visit the Settings page
For the score to
be effective, your
type will need to be a
merger, acquisition,
divestment or
Add in your guests separately, and they
will automatically be grouped into individual
bidding teams
TEAM 89%
TEAM 75%
TEAM 68%
TEAM 53%
TEAM 35%
5 quick facts
We asked David Chalmers, our
Chief Product Officer, for the top
5 things you should know about
the Bidder Engagement Score.
It backs up your gut instinct with data,
which is what makes it invaluable
The score is built off 57 different attributes,
including daily login average, document
views, advisor activity and bidder group
It’s based off the gamma burst
radiation algorithm
It reaches accuracy of up to 97%
within 7 days
It’s used in competitive bids with
multiple bidders
TEAM 89%
TEAM 75%
TEAM 68%
TEAM 53%
TEAM 35%
TEAM 89%
TEAM 75%
TEAM 68%
TEAM 53%
TEAM 35%
Know how to protect your deal,
your data and your reputation
with the most advanced
security controls.
Stay protected through every
critical click
What would happen to your deal if your data
or sensitive IP got into the wrong hands? What
about your business? Your reputation? It doesn’t
warrant thinking about – so don’t.
Learn how to mitigate risk and data breaches
with advanced deal security tools including file
self-destruct and built-in Q&A functionality.
The past decade has brought about a boom
in regulatory changes and compliance. Data
fragmentation and duplication continues to
cause problems for companies that can’t
account for their information – or that of their
With Ansarada, share your most sensitive
information confidently knowing you’ve got the
ability to remotely self-destruct documents at
any point in the transaction. Learn how you can
keep collaboration contained, managed and
tracked with our sophisticated Q&A features.
Technological innovations have drastically
changed the landscape, necessitating a whole
new set of standards and guidelines to regulate
and control data privacy worldwide.
The European Union’s GDPR is a shining
example of tough new legislation coming
into play to regulate and control data privacy,
bringing numerous data breaches to light and
leading to hefty fines for non-compliance
“Organizations must ensure that they
continually evaluate their current readiness
by knowing where all of their data resides,
processing it in compliance with regulations and
laws, controlling access to it and making sure
it’s protected against both internal and external
threats,” said Raj Rajamani of Cohesity.
Take no chances with remote
file self-destruct
Ansarada’s platform gives you the ability to
expire rights outside of the data room, so you
can give access to third parties but maintain
the right to hold on to and take back your most
important documentation – even if the files have
been saved externally.
What makes our file security different is that we
have built it from the ground up. It’s designed
specifically for the highest level of protection
in a transaction, and doesn’t rely on third party
tools or services as other providers do.
Let bidders temporarily save documents
and take them back whenever you like. How?
Security controls travel with documents and
are verified in real-time every time they are
accessed, even from a desktop.
It’s the only way to protect what
matters most
Regardless of how carefully you check and
double check who you are granting access to,
mistakes happen. Our platform is powered by
an advanced security engine at the back end,
leaving only the simplest controls at the front.
front for the safest, most efficient and
intuitive experience.
Here’s how it works:
•	 Start by creating a team,
then set up how you want
the documents to act. For
example: do you want to
allow saving outside of
the room, or not? Printing
outside of the room?
•	 Add people into that
team, and the document
permissions are
automatically linked to
the person who initially
downloaded it.
•	 Every time they click on a
file, it pings the data room
and checks whether they
are still allowed to access
that information.
•	 Ifyouhavetenpeoplethat
•	 If, however, you want to
expire the document, you
can expire it for all ten of
those people.
•	 Get extremely granular,
down to individual folders
and documents per person,
with security following that
document and any copies
of it wherever it goes, or
wherever it has been saved.
•	 Use it in alignment with the
Bidder Engagement Score –
if you can see that someone
isn’t really engaged
but has downloaded
documentation, you can put
restrictions on their access
as a precaution.
Data breaches and heavy fines
aren’t worth the risk
Share your most sensitive information
confidently knowing you’ve got the ability to
remotely self-destruct documents at any point
in the transaction. Outside parties can run the
financial models they want for proper analysis,
while you retain your most important data later
on. It’s the only way to keep them happy –
without compromising on your security.
“File security is real-time to the second – I
demo it to clients live. You can download a
document to your computer as a fake bidder,
disable it in the room so it doesn’t work,
then enable and watch it come back to life
Jesse Read
Customer Success
How to get the
most out of due
diligence Q&A
Jesse from our Customer Success
team shares his top Q&A features
to mitigate risk and keep your deal
running as securely and efficiently
as possible.
Maintain anonymity with subject security
Once you set up your Q&A roles correctly –
according to user type and Q&A role –subject
security is amazing; Q&A basically runs itself.
Bidders can ask any question; then subject
security rules ensure they can only be
forwarded to people who have the authority to
answer them.
From there, the whole Q&A process will run on
track; this eliminates the risk of accidentally
forwarding the question or disclosing the
answers to the wrong people. It’s almost
impossible once you set it up. That eliminates
risk and protects your reputation as well as that
of your company.
Q&A runs securely by itself
User types and Q&A roles also play a role in how
they work, so if you need someone to answer
your questions, but they shouldn’t know who
asked those questions, you can make them a
limited viewer. Names are removed, so they can
still administrate Q&A but not see who is asking
the questions. It’s an incredibly helpful feature.
Set question submission limits
You can choose how many high-priority
questions people can ask per day/per week/per
month, or over the lifetime of the deal, and that
can give you unmatched flexibility in how often
people can ask questions.
For instance, you could say bidders can ask
as many low to medium-priority questions as
they like, but only one high-priority question a
day – high-priority being the ones you promise
to respond to within a day, for example. As soon
as they ask their one high-priority question, it
disappears, and they can’t ask another until
the following day. This stops one bidder taking
up more time than anyone else and maintains
fairness within the transaction. It also gives you
immense insight into what is important to the
Export to Excel for clear visibility
Q&A export to Excel report is a great function.
Ansarada will automatically set up all the
questions as rows, and all of the columns as
important information about the questions.
You’ll have the date a question was asked, who
it’s sitting with, what the subject is, what the
question is, what the answer is, and so forth.
It’s really good for Excel filtering so you can get
granular views on Q&A activity, but it’s also really
good for printing.
There’s an analyzing mode and a printing mode.
The printing mode fits the data perfectly to a US
letter / A4 piece of paper and colour codes it,
which makes it ideal for sharing information and
taking to meetings, etc.
Top 5 mistakes
seen in the
data room
We asked Fadim in our Customer
Success team for the top 5
mistakes people often make in the
data room. Most of them pertain to
not using a specific feature, which
is why it’s so important that you’re
aware of them.
Wasting time and money with manual
repetitive tasks that AI, machine learning and
other smart features can automagically do
for you
We often see people who have spent hours
manually numbering and indexing their own
folders and docs when they really didn’t need to.
We can index thousands of docs in seconds. We
also use machine learning to recognize hundreds
of date patterns in file names and auto order
them correctly for you.
Taking unnecessary risks with Excel
and Word docs
Keep your critical information protected by
turning on secure office documents, found at the
bottom of your data room settings menu.
Not utilizing features that apply things in bulk,
which saves time and eliminates mistakes
For example, you can set access and security
settings by clicking on edit security in team
settings. It ensuresthateveryperson’s
Missing out on valuable insights that help
you make smart decisions very quickly
We’ve got great reports to give you extra peace
of mind when making critical changes in the
room. Run an export to Excel of all documents
under the document management section and
save yourself manually checking and collating
this information.
Not setting up other people for success
in their role and causing delays and
frustration downstream
Make sure you give users in your team the
appropriate roles based on what you want them
to be able to do (and not do!). This way they’ll be
able to access and use the right features to get
to their outcome.
Get in touch to
ask us more
about remote
file self-
destruct, due
diligence Q&A
functionality, or
the technology
behind our
Get in touch
Cloud software
& integrations
Cloud software
& integrations
Know how to get full visibility over
your business without any gaps,
double ups or time wasting.
Data-driven decisions drive
Our software integrations bring disparate
systems and information together seamlessly.
Whether it’s during collaboration on a deal or
simply keeping files up-to-date to maintain
regulatory compliance, integrations with
popular apps ensure your team isn’t wasting
time on unnecessary manual or duplicate work.
The average mid-market business wastes
thousands of hours in time and even more
in advisory administrative fees every year
because information between systems
is mismanaged and unknown – a natural
byproduct of different departments each
collaborating with their own set of tools
and programs.
It’s time to bring all your systems together in one
place, automatically. Get the confidence you’re
getting a clear picture of the state of play -
without the extra work. How? With integrations.
Step one in any type of transaction is getting a
full understanding of your company’s current
state by gathering, assessing and analyzing
its material information (ideally, with a digital
outcome-based scorecard).
There’s a wealth of insights hidden within your
company’s critical information, but getting
visibility over it has always been a challenge.
Different departments collaborate using their
own set of tools, resulting in information being
housed across a number of different sources
and systems, siloed. Gathering it is an incredibly
manual process, and that’s if you even know
where to look to find it all. It’s far too easy for
things to slip through the cracks.
Unlock the value of your data
The data hidden within your critical info is only
valuable to your business if you can see all of it. You
can’t use it to predict trends, evaluate behavior or
drive decision-making when interactions are all
happening in different places. It must occur in a
single location.
Organizations struggle to corral data into usable
and actionable intelligence, and the main reason
for their frustration is ‘lack of analytical talent’,
followed closely by ‘data siloing’ and ‘poor data
reliability’. Without clean, relevant, and labeled data,
organisations are stymied in their efforts to move
aggressively on AI, which CEOs overwhelmingly
‘agree’ will have a significant impact on their
business within the next five years according to
PwC’s 22nd global CEO outlook survey.
One place to rule them all
In our quest for successful outcomes, we realized
we had to improve the way business organized
their critical information, and how they prepared
for transactions and other business outcomes. An
inclusive real-time view of your company’s critical
data is essential for decision-making, especially
when situations can change in the blink of an eye.
The consequences of not realizing a contract
has expired or a signature has been missed can
cost companies thousands. However, it’s hard
to establish and maintain processes around
new technology because people are resistant to
change. Learning a new behavior and incorporating
it into your routine requires significant energy and
commitment – but what if your team didn’t have to
change a thing?
Get connected with
the apps you already use
You can now connect Ansarada with the software
and apps your team already love to use, whether
it’s your finance reporting system, HR software, or
collaborative documents. They collaborate on the
tools they are familiar with – whether it’s Google
Drive, DropBox or OneDrive – and the information
is pulled in from all the disparate sources
automatically, giving you a visible score on your
scorecard and a clear path forward. Information
from every department, fully synced, up-to-date,
and in one place – with zero change in
behavior necessary.
Take control, drive confidence
in outcomes
With all the consolidation and tracking covered,
you’ll get full visibility, unique insights and
a complete understanding of where your
business stands – and that’s when you’ll be
able to discover levels of potential you never
thought possible. As with our AI-powered tools,
these features don’t just give you the data, but
they help you tap into what humans are doing
with that data. It’s within those interactions that
immense value lies.
Let us help you see the bigger picture.
How to integrate
your software
with the platform
Get the confidence you’re getting
a clear picture of the state of
play, across all your systems and
software, and without the extra
Current integrations available on
the platform include Box, Dropbox,
Google Drive and OneDrive, with
more on the way.
To integrate any of these with the
platform, follow these steps:
Go to your documents folder. Alternatively, you
can access via ‘topics’.
Click on ‘add documents’.
Click on the system you want to integrate with;
options are listed on the left.
Press ‘connect’ and type in your password
to the system. You’re in!
Note: For OneDrive, you can only use your personal account and not a business one.
Top 10 benefits
of integrating all
your software
Information from every department is fully
synced in a matter of seconds; maintained in
one place and kept up-to-date.
You get a clear, real-time picture of where you
stand at all times.
All the team’s efforts are brought together and
housed in one location, significantly reducing
the risk of gaps or duplicate work.
Suddenly your documentation is not just about
storage, but can be actively and practically used
and accessed to add value.
C-level engagement
Housed in once place, it’s much easier for the
CEO or the board to get an instant progress
update without having to go and search for it.
Zero change in behaviour
Your teams don’t need to learn a new tool or log
in to a different system; especially helpful for
senior stakeholders.
A clear view across all systems within the
business enables ownership and speeds up
collaboration, with less falling through the
Data-driven decision making
With all the consolidation and tracking covered,
you’ll uncover unique insights that will give you a
clear picture of what your next move should be.
Pulled from systems across your business,
the score on your scorecard becomes an
accurate representation of your readiness for
a transaction, and you have a set path to move
forward with confidence toward your outcome.
Unlock more value
The moment all your tools come together in
a single place is when one and one can truly
connect to three, opening you up to all kinds of
new wins and increased potential.
If you want
to find out
more about
and how they
can help you
unlock more
value, book
a demo with
our Sales team
Book a demo
Know how to set up simple
collaborative workflows and
notifications to keep your team
running efficiently.
When it comes to major deals
and projects, nailing collaborative
processes is critical.
You want to maximize efficiency by pulling in
plenty of people and resources, but you can’t
risk compromising security or confidentiality.
How can you manage a group of collaborators
small enough to guarantee the quality, but large
enough to get the work done as quickly
as possible?
In this chapter, we look at the tools driving the
most effective means of collaboration. This
includes Ansarada’s top five collaboration
features according to our longest standing
Business Development Director, who has
overseen thousands of deals personally.
We also look at why collaboration with third
parties is only risk-free when Q&A is safely
contained, managed and tracked. And, we run
you through how to set up simple collaborative
workflows and notifications.
With up to 70% of the total deal time spent
running Q&A, companies have long endured
unnecessary risks and inefficiencies associated
with back-and-forth using legacy systems like
email and spreadsheets.
1. Inefficiencies across systems
Using emails to facilitate complex Q&A has
always been a messy process, fraught with
admin burden. 38% of all actions in the Q&A
process involve getting answers reviewed and
approved before disclosure, and 90% of all
questions take up to six interactions to
answer – that’s a lot of individual emails
across multiple guests.
With Ansarada’s platform, you can approve and
answer questions directly through the Q&A
system via email. The assigned participants
receive an email notification when a new
question or answer has been allocated; they
can then answer or approve the question from
their own inbox, without needing to log into
the deal room. It’s a game-changer for senior
Bulk Q&A actions streamline the process
further by enabling the right people to answer
the right questions. Select multiple questions,
assign the right disclosure levels, and request
input from the subject matter experts using a
range of bulk question editing actions.
2. Lack of visibility
Without a single source of truth, the full
picture of how the deal is progressing will
always be unclear. Departments operate
and communicate in silos, creating multiple
conversation threads and leading to critical
details getting missed. Taking the time to check
and review different systems to ensure answers
align eats up significant resources.
With all Q&A occurring inside the platform, this
isn’t necessary. Questions and answers are
clearly viewable and accessible - in one place
and synced in real-time - to those who have the
relevant permissions.
3. Duplicated work
It’s these silos and multiple conversation
threads that can result in the same or similar
questions being asked repeatedly, and
immense frustration for the person doing the
answering - especially when it’s the 10th time.
This is a huge waste of resources and energy at
a time when they’re already scarce.
With all questions and answers tracked in a
single place, you never run the risk of double up.
Q&A workflows run seamlessly, with everything
tracked at the back end for a clear audit trail that
can be exported to Excel in an instant to bring to
the board meeting.
4. Human error
It’s not humanly possible for anyone to stay
on top of version control across thousands
of email chains and spreadsheets in various
drives. The information needs to be integrated
and synced from all the systems it’s being
conducted in or it simply won’t be accurate.
Managing due diligence using our data room
Q&A automates the process to eliminate the
potential for human error that arises out of
multiple conversation threads, duplicated
work, or breaches of security or confidentiality,
keeping you confident.
5. Issues of security and
The biggest risk of Q&A outside the data room?
Putting your deal and your reputation at stake
with the risk of accidental disclosure.
Without clear tracking of who has asked/
answered what, using systems that allow anyone
and everyone to send and receive answers, there
are bound to be unwanted discoveries.
After you’ve set up Q&A roles within the data
room, subject security rules ensure that
questions can only be forwarded to those with
the permission to answer them. Once set up,
the entire Q&A process runs automatically,
eliminating the risk of accidentally forwarding
a question or disclosing answers to the wrong
Control who can see the answers to protect your
reputation, your company and the deal at hand,
and reduce stress for all those involved.
There are a lot of incredible due
diligence Q&A features within
Ansarada’s platform, but one
unique functionality that makes
the Q&A process easier than
ever is the ability to respond to
questions via email. Q&A via email
merges the best of both worlds:
an organized diligence tracking
process combined with the
convenience of email.
While it will feel like using email,
as usual, your analysts will be
able to clearly track everything at
the back end, making Q&A much
simpler – especially for senior
stakeholders who can participate
in Q&A directly via email,
without having to learn or access
a new platform.
How to automate
Jesse outlines how collaborative
workflows and notifications can be
automated to make your deal run as
efficiently as possible.
Firstly, everyone can work on a scorecard
You can use a template in Ansarada, or create
your own template. One client, an M&A advisor,
told me creating the template alone saved
them days on the transaction. That’s because
you don’t need to waste time sending an Excel
spreadsheet around. Your Ansarada template
for the transaction becomes the source of truth.
It’s always current, always up to date, and in one
Scorecards can be shared, edited and
reported on at scale
Team members get notified when documents
are uploaded and weekly scorecard insights
are produced automatically. Clearly see which
departments are ahead, and which ones still have
work to do.
To help people understand what it is they
need to do, you can assign people certain
They’ll receive an email so they know they are
responsible. Even more powerful – the people
uploading the information into the room and
doing the work will have visibility over who owns
information and tasks and be able to reach out
to them from Ansarada with questions.
You can assign people to review the info on a
Once that’s ready for review (all the requirements
are ticked and documents are uploaded), it is
ready for verification.
Those accountable for reviewing information
can either verify it or request changes
If they request an update or changes, an email
notification will be sent to the person who
uploaded that document, explaining why it was
rejected and how they can fix it. This automates a
lot of the process and drives momentum.
You can click on ‘comment’ at the bottom of
the screen and put any comment that you
have into a topic
You can also tag people with @ - that person will
receive an email notification immediately telling
them the comment, within the context of the
topic. This feature gets everyone together and
focused on one thing. You can tag a whole team
if you want to, ‘please read this information’ or
‘there’s been a change here’.
The commenting system works a bit like
Facebook where you can comment directly
on the topic to start another thread
You can also reply to it and have a trail and track
the entire conversation from end-to-end.
“Collaboration in the
Pathways is the best
it’s ever been. People
have been having a
lot of success with
it. Pathways just
encourage people to
be collaborative.”
Jesse Read
Customer Success
Top 5 ways to
within the
Collaboration on a project or
transaction is a balancing act.
Internal processes, external
collaborators, and different tools
all increase risk while reducing
efficiency and productivity.
To achieve your outcome, you
need clear objectives, alignment in
strategy, and a clear understanding
of the way forward, at both the team
and individual level. How can you
manage a group of collaborators
small enough to guarantee the
quality, but large enough to get
the work done quickly?
Here are our top five internal
collaboration tools, according to
Joel White, a 10-year-plus Ansarada
Business Development Director
who has seen thousands of deals
run through the platform firsthand.
Pathways instrument your key workflows
and processes to get you started quickly and
gathering higher-quality information faster.
What if you could assign tasks to a broader pool
of people across departments to complete the
work faster? And yet, maintain the confidence
that everyone is on the same page and
making progress?
Ansarada’s platform strikes that balance and
halves the time it takes to reach an outcome.
Along each templatized Pathway, your
team benefits from preloaded scorecards,
educational topic guides, descriptions and
requirements. All clearly explain what is needed,
what it is, and why it’s crucial to your outcome.
Pathways increase the likelihood of getting the
right information, the first time. It eliminates
significant back-and-forth between teams and
produces a system of record that can be used
over and over.
What if Greg is married to Dropbox (or Box, or
Google Drive or OneDrive) and has failed to
move the required documents into Ansarada?
With integrations, information is pulled in from
disparate sources automatically and housed
within the platform. It’s visible to the broader
team, synced and up-to-date, so you always
see the latest version of the data.
Greg can link his documents to the places
they need to be, without any extra steps. He
continues working in his preferred method, but
you always have the documentation you need.
Greg’s happy, you’re happy.
Ansarada’s Pathways automate
the tracking by area, the person
responsible, verification,
reviewers and overall progress
towards the outcome. Each
person’s unique view contains
their live to-do list, so you can
see at a glance where you are,
and what’s left to do.
Automated tracking
How much time do you waste trying to track
where progress is up to? At every stage of every
collaborative project, there will be questions
around progress.
•	 What are we missing from the Finance
•	 Has the Board pack been verified yet?
•	 Sarah is off sick today – what did she have
left to complete that can be reassigned?
Ansarada’s Pathways automate the tracking
by area, the person responsible, verification,
reviewers and overall progress towards the
outcome. Each person’s unique view contains
their active to-do list, so you can see at a glance
where you are, and what’s left to do.
Ansarada’s platform gamifies collaboration to
maintain momentum.
With a scorecard, you don’t just have a clear
picture of who is responsible for what, but you
get unprecedented visibility into progress. Your
score is a measure of the completeness and
quality of information; a perfect score = total
readiness for your outcome.
View your overall score as well as the
breakdown of scores for individual topic areas
to get a little friendly competition happening
between departments.
Scores and progress bars tap into our
natural human instincts for competition and
achievement. In due diligence, this incentivizes
teams to take action, creates urgency for them
to improve their score, and keeps them coming
back for more.
Threaded commenting
Cut down on repeated conversations and
preserve institutional knowledge.
Ansarada’s scorecard platform is broken down
by area, topic and requirements. Each topic
houses relevant documents and a threaded
comment section.
Threaded commenting differs from
collaborating inside a document – say, in a
Google sheet. With threaded commenting,
discussion survives the final version of the
document and serves as a record for the next
time the document is updated or produced
This preserves learnings within an organization
and future-proofs institutional knowledge
against personnel changes – particularly if the
process is repeated regularly. Plus, it saves time
and repeated querying of resolved discussions
when multiple stakeholders are involved
in the approval.
This is so effective many clients now use
scorecards to collaborate even when producing
a single large document that requires many
contributors. The separate sections are broken
out into topics and then rolled up into one
document at process end. Each new team
member coming into the project draws on the
guides & comments of the past to aid learning
and speed collaboration.
To find out how
you can set up
your Pathway
to automate
workflow and
on your next
or business
outcome, ask us
for a demo today
Book a demo
Be the first to know about all
of Ansarada’s latest features.
Subscribe to our Know-How
newsletter below.
Subscribe today
Be the smartest
in the room
© 2019 Ansarada Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 24 of 10
Who we are
We are big thinkers, with a big vision for a world
where every business, during every critical
decision, is always ready to act. It’s born out of an
absolute belief in companies and the people who
found, run and advise them. We are on a mission
to achieve this with our SaaS platform and world
class team who are based in five main hubs:
Sydney, Ho Chi Minh, Chicago, New York
and London.
Through supporting companies to execute
more than 30,000 critical business transactions
since 2005, we’ve learned what good looks like.
Ansarada has leveraged this data and experience
to enable companies to get to great sooner
and identify ways to improve their operational
excellence, and prepare for their most important
business transactions. We give companies
confidence for those big moments, including
capital raises, IPOs, M&A deals and more. We like
to remain on the forefront and constantly seek
ways to make our clients lives easier which has
led to the development of AI and machine learning
tools that automate tasks, identify opportunities,
and remove unnecessary risk.
Our team is really the core of who we are though
and we are proud to have made the list of
Australia’s Best Places to Work for the last seven
years and Australian Financial Review’s Top 100
most innovative companies.
Level 2
80 George Street
The Rocks, NSW 2000
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Chicago, IL 60654
United States
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London , IL EC2M 4QP
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3058 1060
450 Lexington Ave. 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States
+1 347 708 1617
WeWork Strawinskylaan
t.n.v Ansarada
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Knowhow Book - Edition 1

  • 1. Know how First Edition 1 AI AND PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS Know how to predict bidder outcomes and automate deal processes with AiDA 2 SECURITY Know how to protect your deal, your data and your reputation with the most advanced security controls 3 CLOUD SOFTWARE INTEGRATION Know how to get full visibility over your business without any gaps, double ups or time wasting 4 COLLABORATION TOOLS Know how to set up simple collaborative workflows and notifications to keep your team running efficiently
  • 2. Why? There are hundreds of unique features in Ansarada, all designed to make your life easier - whether it’s during a transaction or other process, during preparation or execution, or maintaining a business in its optimal shape. We want to show you how to benefit from all our features, and not just a single application. We’ll spotlight recent features, show you exactly how to use them, and ensure you’re getting the most out of the platform. There’s always more potential. INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence Collaboration tools Security Preparation Cloud software integration Predictive analytics
  • 4. AI and predictive analytics Know how to predict bidder outcomes and automate deal processes with AiDA: the smartest member of your deal team Our predictive AI technology is as close as you’ll come to omniscience in the deal room. Because those who can see the future, can own it. The Bidder Engagement Score* and other AI tech in the platform is powered by the Ansarada Intelligent Deal Assistant (AiDA). As well as giving you real-time insights into bidder status and engagement, AiDA can cut days – even weeks – off your deal time through automation. • AI-powered deal reporting means immediate answers about your active deal • Relevant questions are suggested based on similar deals, so you can be confident you’re covering all the bases • Self-sorting documents save you the admin of putting together an organizational structure and manually categorizing AiDA eliminates manual tasks and low value work generating reports and seeking answers, so that clients, managing directors and analysts are always in control. We’ve all been there. 5pm hits and you’re watching your colleagues heading out to happy hour, but the boss has asked for a last-minute progress update on the client’s M&A deal. Good night out? Out of the question. CHAPTER 1 AIANDPREDICTIVEANALYTICS But what if you could predict – with unmatched accuracy – how the deal was progressing, in a matter of minutes? If you had the foresight to direct your clients with certainty toward a successful transaction? Or better still, the question was never asked because they had automated reporting at their fingertips. Our AI tech was born out of a need to make life easier for those in a deal. After learning from tens of thousands of deals, we knew there had to be a correlation between data room activity and the likelihood of an offer during an M&A transaction – so we put it to the test. The result? The Bidder Engagement Score. Get to know our AI: Bidder Engagement Score The Bidder Engagement Score is a machine learning algorithm trained and tested on 30,000+ deals. It uses artificial intelligence to tell you who is engaged, who’s not and why, by aligning your bidders’ behaviour to patterns of successful and engaged bidders across 57 separate attributes. (To learn more about the attributes and logic behind the score, download the tech brief here.) To use it is simple. Once in the transaction room, go to your Settings and ensure your transaction type is merger, acquisition, divestment or insolvency. Add in your guests separately, and they can automatically be grouped into individual bidding teams. At the beginning of every week, an email is automatically sent with your Bidder Engagement Score. As it’s directed to your inbox, it’s accessible on mobile, tablet – anywhere on the go. Uncover insights that support your gut instinct with objective data, so you can base your next move on real information – whether it’s challenging their interest or removing them from the deal entirely. DID YOU KNOW… AiDA’sBidderEngagement Scorecangiveyouinsights intoyourbidders’motivations anduncovertheirlikelihood ofcompletingthedeal? *The Bidder Engagement Score is only applicable to certain types and sizes of transactions. Get in touch to find out if it can be used for your deal.
  • 5. AIANDPREDICTIVEANALYTICS Here’s how it will transform your deal strategy • See who is interested. Get a pre-warning as to those who are likely to drop out of the process. Kick out the time wasters and respond rapidly to falls in interest. • Maintain competitive tension. The best outcomes occur when there is competitive tension at the end of the due diligence process. With the Bidder Engagement score, you’ll have a clear indication of when you will need to pull other parties into a transaction to maintain competitive tension. • Make earlier, more accurate predictions. Make informed decisions during your transaction based on real data. You’ll be able to accurately predict bidder outcomes, with 97% accuracy by day 7. That’s better than a human analyst – and much, much faster. • Get to the ‘why’ behind the data faster. The score eliminates the need for manual collection and reporting of isolated or subjective statistics, saving you time and expense. Less gambling, more fact AI-driven insights are as close as you’ll get to seeing the future. They allow you to accurately forecast future trends ahead of time, leading to better decision making and strategies that can’t help but be successful. And that’s just the tip of what AI technology can do for dealmakers. CHAPTER 1
  • 6. How to use the Bidder Engagement Score Here’s a simple step-by-step for room admins to set up their Bidder Engagement Score before the deal kicks off. 4. Each week, you’ll receive a notification email with your score direct to your inbox, so it’s accessible on the go AIANDPREDICTIVEANALYTICS CHAPTER 1 1. Within your transaction room, visit the Settings page 2. For the score to be effective, your transaction type will need to be a merger, acquisition, divestment or insolvency 3. Add in your guests separately, and they will automatically be grouped into individual bidding teams Merger, Acquisition, Divestment Insolvency 5. Supportyourgutinstinctwithreal,objective dataandbaseyournextmoveonfact,not guesswork BIDDER TEAM ALPHA BIDDER TEAM BETA BIDDER TEAM GAMMA BIDDER TEAM EPSILON BIDDER TEAM DELTA BIDDER ENGAGEMENT SCORE DELTA TEAM 89% ALPHA TEAM 75% BETA TEAM 68% GAMMA TEAM 53% ZERO TEAM 35%
  • 7. 5 quick facts We asked David Chalmers, our Chief Product Officer, for the top 5 things you should know about the Bidder Engagement Score. AIANDPREDICTIVEANALYTICS CHAPTER 1 5. It backs up your gut instinct with data, which is what makes it invaluable 1. The score is built off 57 different attributes, including daily login average, document views, advisor activity and bidder group size 3. It’s based off the gamma burst radiation algorithm 4. It reaches accuracy of up to 97% within 7 days 2. It’s used in competitive bids with multiple bidders DELTA TEAM 89% ALPHA TEAM 75% BETA TEAM 68% GAMMA TEAM 53% ZERO TEAM 35% DELTA TEAM 89% ALPHA TEAM 75% BETA TEAM 68% GAMMA TEAM 53% ZERO TEAM 35%
  • 9. Security Know how to protect your deal, your data and your reputation with the most advanced security controls. Stay protected through every critical click What would happen to your deal if your data or sensitive IP got into the wrong hands? What about your business? Your reputation? It doesn’t warrant thinking about – so don’t. Learn how to mitigate risk and data breaches with advanced deal security tools including file self-destruct and built-in Q&A functionality. The past decade has brought about a boom in regulatory changes and compliance. Data fragmentation and duplication continues to cause problems for companies that can’t account for their information – or that of their clients. With Ansarada, share your most sensitive information confidently knowing you’ve got the ability to remotely self-destruct documents at any point in the transaction. Learn how you can keep collaboration contained, managed and tracked with our sophisticated Q&A features. Technological innovations have drastically changed the landscape, necessitating a whole new set of standards and guidelines to regulate and control data privacy worldwide. The European Union’s GDPR is a shining example of tough new legislation coming into play to regulate and control data privacy, bringing numerous data breaches to light and leading to hefty fines for non-compliance worldwide. “Organizations must ensure that they continually evaluate their current readiness by knowing where all of their data resides, processing it in compliance with regulations and laws, controlling access to it and making sure it’s protected against both internal and external threats,” said Raj Rajamani of Cohesity. CHAPTER 2 SECURITY Take no chances with remote file self-destruct Ansarada’s platform gives you the ability to expire rights outside of the data room, so you can give access to third parties but maintain the right to hold on to and take back your most important documentation – even if the files have been saved externally. What makes our file security different is that we have built it from the ground up. It’s designed specifically for the highest level of protection in a transaction, and doesn’t rely on third party tools or services as other providers do. Let bidders temporarily save documents and take them back whenever you like. How? Security controls travel with documents and are verified in real-time every time they are accessed, even from a desktop. It’s the only way to protect what matters most Regardless of how carefully you check and double check who you are granting access to, mistakes happen. Our platform is powered by an advanced security engine at the back end, leaving only the simplest controls at the front. front for the safest, most efficient and intuitive experience. Here’s how it works: • Start by creating a team, then set up how you want the documents to act. For example: do you want to allow saving outside of the room, or not? Printing outside of the room? Editing? • Add people into that team, and the document permissions are automatically linked to the person who initially downloaded it. • Every time they click on a file, it pings the data room and checks whether they are still allowed to access that information. • Ifyouhavetenpeoplethat downloadedadocument, andoneneedstobe excluded,thatoneperson canloseaccesswhileitstays activefortheothernine. • If, however, you want to expire the document, you can expire it for all ten of those people. • Get extremely granular, down to individual folders and documents per person, with security following that document and any copies of it wherever it goes, or wherever it has been saved. • Use it in alignment with the Bidder Engagement Score – if you can see that someone isn’t really engaged but has downloaded documentation, you can put restrictions on their access as a precaution. Data breaches and heavy fines aren’t worth the risk Share your most sensitive information confidently knowing you’ve got the ability to remotely self-destruct documents at any point in the transaction. Outside parties can run the financial models they want for proper analysis, while you retain your most important data later on. It’s the only way to keep them happy – without compromising on your security. “File security is real-time to the second – I demo it to clients live. You can download a document to your computer as a fake bidder, disable it in the room so it doesn’t work, then enable and watch it come back to life immediately.” Jesse Read Customer Success
  • 10. SECURITY How to get the most out of due diligence Q&A Jesse from our Customer Success team shares his top Q&A features to mitigate risk and keep your deal running as securely and efficiently as possible. 1. Maintain anonymity with subject security Once you set up your Q&A roles correctly – according to user type and Q&A role –subject security is amazing; Q&A basically runs itself. Bidders can ask any question; then subject security rules ensure they can only be forwarded to people who have the authority to answer them. From there, the whole Q&A process will run on track; this eliminates the risk of accidentally forwarding the question or disclosing the answers to the wrong people. It’s almost impossible once you set it up. That eliminates risk and protects your reputation as well as that of your company. 2. Q&A runs securely by itself User types and Q&A roles also play a role in how they work, so if you need someone to answer your questions, but they shouldn’t know who asked those questions, you can make them a limited viewer. Names are removed, so they can still administrate Q&A but not see who is asking the questions. It’s an incredibly helpful feature. 3. Set question submission limits You can choose how many high-priority questions people can ask per day/per week/per month, or over the lifetime of the deal, and that can give you unmatched flexibility in how often people can ask questions. For instance, you could say bidders can ask as many low to medium-priority questions as they like, but only one high-priority question a day – high-priority being the ones you promise to respond to within a day, for example. As soon as they ask their one high-priority question, it disappears, and they can’t ask another until the following day. This stops one bidder taking up more time than anyone else and maintains fairness within the transaction. It also gives you immense insight into what is important to the bidder. 4. Export to Excel for clear visibility Q&A export to Excel report is a great function. Ansarada will automatically set up all the questions as rows, and all of the columns as important information about the questions. You’ll have the date a question was asked, who it’s sitting with, what the subject is, what the question is, what the answer is, and so forth. It’s really good for Excel filtering so you can get granular views on Q&A activity, but it’s also really good for printing. There’s an analyzing mode and a printing mode. The printing mode fits the data perfectly to a US letter / A4 piece of paper and colour codes it, which makes it ideal for sharing information and taking to meetings, etc. CHAPTER 2
  • 11. SECURITY Top 5 mistakes seen in the data room We asked Fadim in our Customer Success team for the top 5 mistakes people often make in the data room. Most of them pertain to not using a specific feature, which is why it’s so important that you’re aware of them. 1. Wasting time and money with manual repetitive tasks that AI, machine learning and other smart features can automagically do for you We often see people who have spent hours manually numbering and indexing their own folders and docs when they really didn’t need to. We can index thousands of docs in seconds. We also use machine learning to recognize hundreds of date patterns in file names and auto order them correctly for you. 2. Taking unnecessary risks with Excel and Word docs Keep your critical information protected by turning on secure office documents, found at the bottom of your data room settings menu. 3. Not utilizing features that apply things in bulk, which saves time and eliminates mistakes For example, you can set access and security settings by clicking on edit security in team settings. It ensuresthateveryperson’s permissionsareinherited.It’sfasterandfuture proofsfurtheradditionsofpeopleandinformation toyourdataroom. 4. Missing out on valuable insights that help you make smart decisions very quickly We’ve got great reports to give you extra peace of mind when making critical changes in the room. Run an export to Excel of all documents under the document management section and save yourself manually checking and collating this information. 5. Not setting up other people for success in their role and causing delays and frustration downstream Make sure you give users in your team the appropriate roles based on what you want them to be able to do (and not do!). This way they’ll be able to access and use the right features to get to their outcome. CHAPTER 2 Get in touch to ask us more about remote file self- destruct, due diligence Q&A functionality, or the technology behind our Security360 Get in touch
  • 13. Cloud software & integrations Know how to get full visibility over your business without any gaps, double ups or time wasting. Data-driven decisions drive outcomes Our software integrations bring disparate systems and information together seamlessly. Whether it’s during collaboration on a deal or simply keeping files up-to-date to maintain regulatory compliance, integrations with popular apps ensure your team isn’t wasting time on unnecessary manual or duplicate work. The average mid-market business wastes thousands of hours in time and even more in advisory administrative fees every year because information between systems is mismanaged and unknown – a natural byproduct of different departments each collaborating with their own set of tools and programs. It’s time to bring all your systems together in one place, automatically. Get the confidence you’re getting a clear picture of the state of play - without the extra work. How? With integrations. Step one in any type of transaction is getting a full understanding of your company’s current state by gathering, assessing and analyzing its material information (ideally, with a digital outcome-based scorecard). There’s a wealth of insights hidden within your company’s critical information, but getting visibility over it has always been a challenge. Different departments collaborate using their own set of tools, resulting in information being housed across a number of different sources and systems, siloed. Gathering it is an incredibly manual process, and that’s if you even know where to look to find it all. It’s far too easy for things to slip through the cracks. CLOUDSOFTWARE&INTEGRATIONS Unlock the value of your data The data hidden within your critical info is only valuable to your business if you can see all of it. You can’t use it to predict trends, evaluate behavior or drive decision-making when interactions are all happening in different places. It must occur in a single location. Organizations struggle to corral data into usable and actionable intelligence, and the main reason for their frustration is ‘lack of analytical talent’, followed closely by ‘data siloing’ and ‘poor data reliability’. Without clean, relevant, and labeled data, organisations are stymied in their efforts to move aggressively on AI, which CEOs overwhelmingly ‘agree’ will have a significant impact on their business within the next five years according to PwC’s 22nd global CEO outlook survey. One place to rule them all In our quest for successful outcomes, we realized we had to improve the way business organized their critical information, and how they prepared for transactions and other business outcomes. An inclusive real-time view of your company’s critical data is essential for decision-making, especially when situations can change in the blink of an eye. The consequences of not realizing a contract has expired or a signature has been missed can cost companies thousands. However, it’s hard to establish and maintain processes around new technology because people are resistant to change. Learning a new behavior and incorporating it into your routine requires significant energy and commitment – but what if your team didn’t have to change a thing? Get connected with the apps you already use You can now connect Ansarada with the software and apps your team already love to use, whether it’s your finance reporting system, HR software, or collaborative documents. They collaborate on the tools they are familiar with – whether it’s Google Drive, DropBox or OneDrive – and the information is pulled in from all the disparate sources automatically, giving you a visible score on your scorecard and a clear path forward. Information from every department, fully synced, up-to-date, and in one place – with zero change in behavior necessary. CHAPTER 3 DID YOU KNOW… YoucansyncAnsaradawith systemsyoualreadyuse,like DropboxandGoogleDrive?
  • 14. CLOUDSOFTWARE&INTEGRATIONS CHAPTER 3 Take control, drive confidence in outcomes With all the consolidation and tracking covered, you’ll get full visibility, unique insights and a complete understanding of where your business stands – and that’s when you’ll be able to discover levels of potential you never thought possible. As with our AI-powered tools, these features don’t just give you the data, but they help you tap into what humans are doing with that data. It’s within those interactions that immense value lies. Let us help you see the bigger picture.
  • 15. CLOUDSOFTWARE&INTEGRATIONS How to integrate your software with the platform Get the confidence you’re getting a clear picture of the state of play, across all your systems and software, and without the extra work. Current integrations available on the platform include Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive, with more on the way. To integrate any of these with the platform, follow these steps: 1. Go to your documents folder. Alternatively, you can access via ‘topics’. 2. Click on ‘add documents’. 3. Click on the system you want to integrate with; options are listed on the left. 4. Press ‘connect’ and type in your password to the system. You’re in! Note: For OneDrive, you can only use your personal account and not a business one. CHAPTER 3
  • 16. CLOUDSOFTWARE&INTEGRATIONS CHAPTER 3 Top 10 benefits of integrating all your software 1. Efficiency Information from every department is fully synced in a matter of seconds; maintained in one place and kept up-to-date. 2. Visibility You get a clear, real-time picture of where you stand at all times. 3. Consolidation All the team’s efforts are brought together and housed in one location, significantly reducing the risk of gaps or duplicate work. 4. Collaboration Suddenly your documentation is not just about storage, but can be actively and practically used and accessed to add value. 5. C-level engagement Housed in once place, it’s much easier for the CEO or the board to get an instant progress update without having to go and search for it. 6. Zero change in behaviour Your teams don’t need to learn a new tool or log in to a different system; especially helpful for senior stakeholders. 7. Accountability A clear view across all systems within the business enables ownership and speeds up collaboration, with less falling through the cracks. 8. Data-driven decision making With all the consolidation and tracking covered, you’ll uncover unique insights that will give you a clear picture of what your next move should be. 9. Readiness Pulled from systems across your business, the score on your scorecard becomes an accurate representation of your readiness for a transaction, and you have a set path to move forward with confidence toward your outcome. 10. Unlock more value The moment all your tools come together in a single place is when one and one can truly connect to three, opening you up to all kinds of new wins and increased potential. If you want to find out more about Ansarada’s integrations and how they can help you unlock more value, book a demo with our Sales team Book a demo
  • 18. COLLABORATIONTOOLS CHAPTER 4 Collaboration tools Know how to set up simple collaborative workflows and notifications to keep your team running efficiently. When it comes to major deals and projects, nailing collaborative processes is critical. You want to maximize efficiency by pulling in plenty of people and resources, but you can’t risk compromising security or confidentiality. How can you manage a group of collaborators small enough to guarantee the quality, but large enough to get the work done as quickly as possible? In this chapter, we look at the tools driving the most effective means of collaboration. This includes Ansarada’s top five collaboration features according to our longest standing Business Development Director, who has overseen thousands of deals personally. We also look at why collaboration with third parties is only risk-free when Q&A is safely contained, managed and tracked. And, we run you through how to set up simple collaborative workflows and notifications. With up to 70% of the total deal time spent running Q&A, companies have long endured unnecessary risks and inefficiencies associated with back-and-forth using legacy systems like email and spreadsheets. 1. Inefficiencies across systems Using emails to facilitate complex Q&A has always been a messy process, fraught with admin burden. 38% of all actions in the Q&A process involve getting answers reviewed and approved before disclosure, and 90% of all questions take up to six interactions to answer – that’s a lot of individual emails across multiple guests. With Ansarada’s platform, you can approve and answer questions directly through the Q&A system via email. The assigned participants receive an email notification when a new question or answer has been allocated; they can then answer or approve the question from their own inbox, without needing to log into the deal room. It’s a game-changer for senior dealmakers. Bulk Q&A actions streamline the process further by enabling the right people to answer the right questions. Select multiple questions, assign the right disclosure levels, and request input from the subject matter experts using a range of bulk question editing actions. 2. Lack of visibility Without a single source of truth, the full picture of how the deal is progressing will always be unclear. Departments operate and communicate in silos, creating multiple conversation threads and leading to critical details getting missed. Taking the time to check and review different systems to ensure answers align eats up significant resources. With all Q&A occurring inside the platform, this isn’t necessary. Questions and answers are clearly viewable and accessible - in one place and synced in real-time - to those who have the relevant permissions. DID YOU KNOW… ConductingQ&Aoutsidethe dataroomputsyourdealat unnecessaryrisk?
  • 19. COLLABORATIONTOOLS CHAPTER 4 3. Duplicated work It’s these silos and multiple conversation threads that can result in the same or similar questions being asked repeatedly, and immense frustration for the person doing the answering - especially when it’s the 10th time. This is a huge waste of resources and energy at a time when they’re already scarce. With all questions and answers tracked in a single place, you never run the risk of double up. Q&A workflows run seamlessly, with everything tracked at the back end for a clear audit trail that can be exported to Excel in an instant to bring to the board meeting. 4. Human error It’s not humanly possible for anyone to stay on top of version control across thousands of email chains and spreadsheets in various drives. The information needs to be integrated and synced from all the systems it’s being conducted in or it simply won’t be accurate. Managing due diligence using our data room Q&A automates the process to eliminate the potential for human error that arises out of multiple conversation threads, duplicated work, or breaches of security or confidentiality, keeping you confident. 5. Issues of security and confidentiality The biggest risk of Q&A outside the data room? Putting your deal and your reputation at stake with the risk of accidental disclosure. Without clear tracking of who has asked/ answered what, using systems that allow anyone and everyone to send and receive answers, there are bound to be unwanted discoveries. After you’ve set up Q&A roles within the data room, subject security rules ensure that questions can only be forwarded to those with the permission to answer them. Once set up, the entire Q&A process runs automatically, eliminating the risk of accidentally forwarding a question or disclosing answers to the wrong people. Control who can see the answers to protect your reputation, your company and the deal at hand, and reduce stress for all those involved. EMAIL GETS A NEW LEASE ON LIFE There are a lot of incredible due diligence Q&A features within Ansarada’s platform, but one unique functionality that makes the Q&A process easier than ever is the ability to respond to questions via email. Q&A via email merges the best of both worlds: an organized diligence tracking process combined with the convenience of email. While it will feel like using email, as usual, your analysts will be able to clearly track everything at the back end, making Q&A much simpler – especially for senior stakeholders who can participate in Q&A directly via email, without having to learn or access a new platform. Pathway
  • 20. COLLABORATIONTOOLS CHAPTER 4 How to automate collaborative workflows Jesse outlines how collaborative workflows and notifications can be automated to make your deal run as efficiently as possible. 1. Firstly, everyone can work on a scorecard together You can use a template in Ansarada, or create your own template. One client, an M&A advisor, told me creating the template alone saved them days on the transaction. That’s because you don’t need to waste time sending an Excel spreadsheet around. Your Ansarada template for the transaction becomes the source of truth. It’s always current, always up to date, and in one place. 2. Scorecards can be shared, edited and reported on at scale Team members get notified when documents are uploaded and weekly scorecard insights are produced automatically. Clearly see which departments are ahead, and which ones still have work to do. 3. To help people understand what it is they need to do, you can assign people certain areas. They’ll receive an email so they know they are responsible. Even more powerful – the people uploading the information into the room and doing the work will have visibility over who owns information and tasks and be able to reach out to them from Ansarada with questions. 4. You can assign people to review the info on a topic Once that’s ready for review (all the requirements are ticked and documents are uploaded), it is ready for verification. 5. Those accountable for reviewing information can either verify it or request changes If they request an update or changes, an email notification will be sent to the person who uploaded that document, explaining why it was rejected and how they can fix it. This automates a lot of the process and drives momentum. 6. You can click on ‘comment’ at the bottom of the screen and put any comment that you have into a topic You can also tag people with @ - that person will receive an email notification immediately telling them the comment, within the context of the topic. This feature gets everyone together and focused on one thing. You can tag a whole team if you want to, ‘please read this information’ or ‘there’s been a change here’. 7. The commenting system works a bit like Facebook where you can comment directly on the topic to start another thread You can also reply to it and have a trail and track the entire conversation from end-to-end. “Collaboration in the Pathways is the best it’s ever been. People have been having a lot of success with it. Pathways just encourage people to be collaborative.” Jesse Read Customer Success
  • 21. COLLABORATIONTOOLS CHAPTER 4 Top 5 ways to collaborate within the platform Collaboration on a project or transaction is a balancing act. Internal processes, external collaborators, and different tools all increase risk while reducing efficiency and productivity. To achieve your outcome, you need clear objectives, alignment in strategy, and a clear understanding of the way forward, at both the team and individual level. How can you manage a group of collaborators small enough to guarantee the quality, but large enough to get the work done quickly? Here are our top five internal collaboration tools, according to Joel White, a 10-year-plus Ansarada Business Development Director who has seen thousands of deals run through the platform firsthand. 1. Pathways Pathways instrument your key workflows and processes to get you started quickly and gathering higher-quality information faster. What if you could assign tasks to a broader pool of people across departments to complete the work faster? And yet, maintain the confidence that everyone is on the same page and making progress? Ansarada’s platform strikes that balance and halves the time it takes to reach an outcome. Along each templatized Pathway, your team benefits from preloaded scorecards, educational topic guides, descriptions and requirements. All clearly explain what is needed, what it is, and why it’s crucial to your outcome. Pathways increase the likelihood of getting the right information, the first time. It eliminates significant back-and-forth between teams and produces a system of record that can be used over and over. 2. Integrations What if Greg is married to Dropbox (or Box, or Google Drive or OneDrive) and has failed to move the required documents into Ansarada? With integrations, information is pulled in from disparate sources automatically and housed within the platform. It’s visible to the broader team, synced and up-to-date, so you always see the latest version of the data. Greg can link his documents to the places they need to be, without any extra steps. He continues working in his preferred method, but you always have the documentation you need. Greg’s happy, you’re happy.
  • 22. DID YOU KNOW… Ansarada’s Pathways automate the tracking by area, the person responsible, verification, reviewers and overall progress towards the outcome. Each person’s unique view contains their live to-do list, so you can see at a glance where you are, and what’s left to do. COLLABORATIONTOOLS CHAPTER 4 3. Automated tracking How much time do you waste trying to track where progress is up to? At every stage of every collaborative project, there will be questions around progress. • What are we missing from the Finance team? • Has the Board pack been verified yet? • Sarah is off sick today – what did she have left to complete that can be reassigned? Ansarada’s Pathways automate the tracking by area, the person responsible, verification, reviewers and overall progress towards the outcome. Each person’s unique view contains their active to-do list, so you can see at a glance where you are, and what’s left to do. 4. Scorecards Ansarada’s platform gamifies collaboration to maintain momentum. With a scorecard, you don’t just have a clear picture of who is responsible for what, but you get unprecedented visibility into progress. Your score is a measure of the completeness and quality of information; a perfect score = total readiness for your outcome. View your overall score as well as the breakdown of scores for individual topic areas to get a little friendly competition happening between departments. Scores and progress bars tap into our natural human instincts for competition and achievement. In due diligence, this incentivizes teams to take action, creates urgency for them to improve their score, and keeps them coming back for more. 5. Threaded commenting Cut down on repeated conversations and preserve institutional knowledge. Ansarada’s scorecard platform is broken down by area, topic and requirements. Each topic houses relevant documents and a threaded comment section. Threaded commenting differs from collaborating inside a document – say, in a Google sheet. With threaded commenting, discussion survives the final version of the document and serves as a record for the next time the document is updated or produced anew. This preserves learnings within an organization and future-proofs institutional knowledge against personnel changes – particularly if the process is repeated regularly. Plus, it saves time and repeated querying of resolved discussions when multiple stakeholders are involved in the approval. This is so effective many clients now use scorecards to collaborate even when producing a single large document that requires many contributors. The separate sections are broken out into topics and then rolled up into one document at process end. Each new team member coming into the project draws on the guides & comments of the past to aid learning and speed collaboration. To find out how you can set up your Pathway to automate processes, workflow and collaboration on your next transaction or business outcome, ask us for a demo today Book a demo
  • 23. Be the first to know about all of Ansarada’s latest features. Subscribe to our Know-How newsletter below. Subscribe today Be the smartest in the room GET STARTED
  • 24. © 2019 Ansarada Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 24 of 10 Who we are We are big thinkers, with a big vision for a world where every business, during every critical decision, is always ready to act. It’s born out of an absolute belief in companies and the people who found, run and advise them. We are on a mission to achieve this with our SaaS platform and world class team who are based in five main hubs: Sydney, Ho Chi Minh, Chicago, New York and London. Through supporting companies to execute more than 30,000 critical business transactions since 2005, we’ve learned what good looks like. Ansarada has leveraged this data and experience to enable companies to get to great sooner and identify ways to improve their operational excellence, and prepare for their most important business transactions. We give companies confidence for those big moments, including capital raises, IPOs, M&A deals and more. We like to remain on the forefront and constantly seek ways to make our clients lives easier which has led to the development of AI and machine learning tools that automate tasks, identify opportunities, and remove unnecessary risk. Our team is really the core of who we are though and we are proud to have made the list of Australia’s Best Places to Work for the last seven years and Australian Financial Review’s Top 100 most innovative companies. Sydney Level 2 80 George Street The Rocks, NSW 2000 Australia +61 2 8241 0888 Chicago 215 W. Ohio 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60654 United States +1 312 638 2200 London 288 Bishopgate London , IL EC2M 4QP United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 3058 1060 NYC 450 Lexington Ave. 4th Floor New York, NY 10017 United States +1 347 708 1617 Amsterdam WeWork Strawinskylaan t.n.v Ansarada Strawinskylaan 4117 - 4th floor Amsterdam , 1077 ZX Netherlands +31 (0) 6 5797 5921 Frankfurt Goetheplatz Neue Rothofstr. 13-19 Frankfurt , 60313 Germany +49 69 80883 080 Ho Chi Minh City Etown 1, 3rd Floor 364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District Vietnam +84 28 38106005