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O you who believe, respond to the call of Allah and His Messenger when He calls you to that which would give you life...

      RAJAB   1432 -   SHA'BAN   1432   A.H.   ···   JULY   2011 ···   ISSUE:   17

     Global Call for
                  UNDER THE KHILAFAH
                                                operation by special forces, it must have
                                                taken months to plan, and the level of
                                                                                             held for 6 years merely to be
                                                                                             interrogated about the news network.
                                                intelligence gathered is far too             With 172 still in custody despite
                                                sophisticated for it to have been a raid     Obama’s promise to close the prison,
                                                by al-Qaeda or the Taliban… The              Guantanomo continues to be a severe
                                                reconnaissance and the surveillance to       blot on the US’s ambitions to carry its
                                                target three or four planes is far too       values globally.
                                                advanced”. Adding later that “instability
                                                in Pakistan is the price for American
                                                friendship. There have been betrayals by
                                                Americans in the past, and there will be
UK TRAINING SAUDI FORCES USED TO                betrayals by Americans in the future.
CRUSH ARAB SPRING                               Absolutely they want to destabilise
The Observer newspaper in the UK has            Pakistan because they want joint
revealed that Britain is training the Saudi     custody of nukes, to consolidate their
national guard that has been deployed to        position in the region, so a Karachi naval
crush opposition protests in Bahrain            blockade is a natural move”.
despite the Foreign office accepting the
Saudi human rights record as a “major
concern”. Britain sends approx. 20
training teams annually for “weapons,
fieldcraft, military skills, public order and
sniper training”.                                                                            REPORT CONFIRMS THE TARGETING OF
                                                                                             US MUSLIMS IN TERROR CASES
The revelations came in the same week                                                        US government use of surveillance, paid
that the G8 approved funding for                                                             informants and invented terrorism plots
countries embracing representative rule,                                                     prompts human rights concerns,
highlighting the hyprocrisy of British                                                       according to a report by NYU's Center
foreign policy as Jonathan Edwards MP                                                        for Human Rights and Global Justice.
called in the UK House of Commons:                                                           After examining three high-profile cases
                                                                                             in the New York area they highlighted
“I find it difficult to understand why          GUANTANAMO LEAKED DOCS REVEAL                the role of the FBI and New York Police
Britain was training troops for repressive      THE AWFUL TRUTH                              Department in creating the perception
undemocratic regimes. This is the               Innocents held and interrogated for          of a homegrown terrorism threat
shocking face of our democracy to many          years. Children, elderly and the mentally    (reports the LA Times on 19th of May).
people in the world, as we prop up              ill wrongfully held. The UK Guardian
regimes of this sort”, Edwards said. “It is     newspaper reported in late April on over     The American Civil Liberties Union and
intensely hypocritical of our leadership        700 leaked secret files which expose the     the Council on American-Islamic
in the UK – Labour or Conservative – to         innermost workings of the camp. The          Relations have filed suits against the FBI,
talk of supporting freedoms in the              files reveal a system focused more on        alleging that it used a paid informant to
Middle East and elsewhere while at the          gathering intelligence rather than           infiltrate several Southern California
same time training crack troops of              containing accused terrorists. Among         mosques and “indiscriminately collect”
dictatorships”.                                 inmates were an 89-year-old Afghan           personal information on thousands of
                                                villager, suffering from senile dementia,    Muslims. This operation, which began in
A ministry of Defence spokesman                 and a 14-year-old innocent kidnap            2006, resulted in perjury and
described the Gulf states as “key               victim.                                      naturalization fraud charges against one
partners” in the fight against terrorism.                                                    member that were later dismissed.
                                                Other revelations included that nearly
FORMER PAKISTAN INTELLIGENCE                    100 inmates were recognized as having        “It's clear the FBI is targeting people
CHIEF ACCUSES THE US                            mental illnesses, many attempted suicide.    with no basis to believe they are
Hamid Gul formerly head of the ISI told         Many were held with no evidence of           involved in criminal activity,” said Peter
the UK Channel 4 news that he is “100           connection to terrorism – one being          Bibring, lead ACLU attorney for the
percent sure” that a recent attack on the       held solely because he had intelligence      Irvine lawsuit. “It’s both a poor use of
headquarters of a naval base in Karachi         of Taliban interrogations. Reliance upon     limited law enforcement resources and
where 13 were killed was an “American           information obtained under torture was       an invitation for ethnic and religious
operation”. Gul who was the head of the         widespread and in many cases despite         profiling.”
ISI from 1987 to 1989 said:                     definitive proof that detainees had no
                                                links to the Taliban or al-Qaida they were
“The Karachi incident was clearly an            still held. An Al-Jazeera journalist was
2 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                             

The Global Call
for Change
During this past month the momentum         200,000. At the same time, responding       causes.
for change across the Middle East has       to the call for change, Sisters and
not slowed. Opposition to the Assad         Brothers led demonstrations in Jordan,      As we go to press, Muslims can see the
regime in Syria has escalated; Ali          Denmark, Holland, Australia and London      upper ranks of the Pakistani army have
Abdullah Saleh was forced to leave          - opposing the Russian state's              been infiltrated by people who wish to
Yemen; opponents of Gaddafi continue        oppression of Muslims - highlighting        execute America's agenda in the region
to resist him; and the harsh sentence       the case of Sister Sidikova.                - and wish to purge the army's ranks of
meted out by the regime in Bahrain                                                      any principled opposition or Islamic
were met by more protests.                  In this month's magazine, we profile        sentiment. They demonise a party that
                                            some of these demonstrations as well as     stands for non-violent change, Muslim
But added to this has been Hizb ut-         looking at the volatile geopolitical        unity, Islamic government, justice and
Tahrir's sustained called for change. For   situation of the Arab uprisings and the     accountability; an educated population
almost sixty years this Islamic party has   decline of America in the world.            and a technologically advanced state;
led the way in non-violent political                                                    that supports the masses and not
struggle, following the Prophetic           But just as the masses and good people      Western interests.
example. Whilst, others praised the         move for change, there are those who
army in Egypt for not slaughtering the      work to oppose change and the Islamic       Those who oppose will plan and plot
people as they do in Syria, Hizb ut-        revival in this Ummah.                      to stop it. But they cannot and will not.
Tahrir has made winning the armed                                                       For Allah plots and plans - and He
forces part of its method, just as the      We expose and refute the Saudi              (SWT) is the Best of Planners.
Prophet (alayhi salatu wassalam) tried      regime's attempts to label the Arab
to win over the most powerful factions      uprisings as illegitimate from an Islamic
in society as well as the general public.   perspective. Also, we expose the British
                                            government's "Prevent" strategy (to
This past month, Hizb ut-Tahrir held        prevent the Islamic revival not to
huge conferences in Indonesia filling       prevent violent extremism as they
dozens of sports stadia, with the total     pretend), as well as the rise of
number of delegates attending close to      Islamophobia in the West - and its                                                                                Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 3

 The Arab Spring
 - A Principled Stance

It has been an incredible year so far. We   a young market seller named                 the regime refused to hear his
have witnessed seismic events take          Mohammed Bouazizi who was                   complaints, he went to the office of the
place in the Muslim world. Events           humiliated when an official confiscated     provincial government, starting a chain
which we hoped to see, but which we         his market stall. This though is not a      of events which would cause him to be
thought would not happen in our             one off incident. It is the kind of         burnt alive.
lifetimes. Despot by despot; town by        humiliation that takes place every day
town; country by country; people have       in the Muslim world – the persistent        The determined actions of individuals
risen up against tyranny in their tens of   tyranny of governments that deny their      today are not unique. In the course of
thousands.                                  citizens dignity, opportunity and the       history, the actions of the Anbiyah have
                                            tools they need for prosperity. Only this   sparked movements for political change
The story began in 2010 in Tunisia with     time, Mohammed had other ideas. After       rooted in the just message of Allah

4 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                     

(swt). Think of the young Ibrahim (as),
who stood in defiance against those
who blindly supported the power of
the idols in the temple, or the bravery
of Musa (as) as he stood and challenged
the powerful and arrogant Firaun in his
own court. Or the events that started in
Tunisia, as Mohammed’s act of
desperation tapped into the frustration
felt by all throughout the Muslim world.
Hundreds of protesters took to the
streets, then thousands, then tens of
thousands. And in the face of tear gas,
batons and bullets, they refused to go
home – day after day, week after week,
until dictators who ruled for decades
were forced from power.

The story of frustration should not have
come as a surprise. The nations of the
Muslim world won their so called
independence a long time ago, but they
became corrupt dictatorships,
neglected their peoples and became
ruthless political tools of western
governments. In too many countries, a
citizen like Mohammed had nowhere to         standing up for Israel's security at the   the USSR supported the discredited
turn – no honest government to hear          expense of the Palestinians.               regimes in Berlin, Prague and Budapest.
his case; no independent judiciary to        Yet now, after decades of despotic rule    Today the West does the same with the
give him a voice; no transparent             and western interference, the political    despotic regimes in Riyadh, Amman and
election where he could choose his           situation is in flux and we now have an    Sanaa.
leader.                                      unprecedented opportunity to finally
                                             shape the path to substantive change.      Indeed the West who supported the
This is despite the fact that parts of the   But as we do, we must expose some          despotic governments of the region
Muslim world are abundantly blessed          myths that have gained currency over       should not receive a free pass. They
with wealth in oil, gas and other            recent months.                             supported these regimes for clear
resources, which has led to prosperity                                                  strategic reasons. These strategic
for the ruling elites. But in a global       It is clear that though there have been    reasons survive today. It is for those
economy based on knowledge,                  changes of leadership in the region,       same strategic reasons that the West
telecommunication and innovation, the        there have been no changes of regime.      supported Mubarak, and why today
wealth of a nation is not found in           In Tunisia and Egypt we have seen the      they support the leaders of Saudi
resources in the ground but in the skills    regime of Ben Ali and Mubarak remain       Arabia, Bahrain and call Assad a
and talents of its people. Yet people can    in place, even though the leaders          reformer. It is for these strategic reasons
never reach their potential when             themselves are now out of power.           they support the apartheid regime in
wealth, opportunity and education only       It is also incorrect to argue that the     Tel Aviv and allow it to be a nuclear
circulate amongst the chosen few.            West put people on to the streets of       monopoly while lecturing others in the
The question before us is, what do we        Tunis, Cairo or Benghazi, nor was it the   region. It is those reasons why they
make of what has happened in recent          power of social networking sites such      bomb Libya yet do nothing while
months? Is what we have seen, the            as Facebook or Twitter – it was the        civilians are killed in Zimbabwe, North
permanent change that people want?           people themselves who launched these       Korea and Burma.
And what role should we now play to          movements, who braved the bullets and
shape future events? For decades, the        it is they who are responsible for the     It is also clear that the apartheid regime
despots of the Muslim world have             change.                                    in Tel Aviv has no better friends than
pursued a set of narrow interests which                                                 the tyrants in Cairo, Damascus and
have sidelined its own people: securing      Attempts to claim the Arab Spring is       Amman. The Israelis realise that though
the free flow of commerce for the west,      akin to the fall of the Berlin Wall are    they can make peace with despots in
fighting against the Islamic revival and     correct in one sense. In the Cold War      palaces, they cannot make peace with                                                                                 Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 5

                                            substantive economic change will             Muslim lands from foreign occupation
                                            occur. Unless corruption ends,               to ensure justice is given to those who
                                            innovation cannot start. Unless western      have seen their properties stolen, their
                                            institutions stop interfering, domestic      lands annexed and their dearest killed.
                                            institutions can never mature.               Our support for these principles should
                                                                                         not oscillate with the political winds–
                                            It is also not for the West to force their   nor should they be sacrificed at the
                                            particular values of secular democracy.      alter of political expediency, or in some
                                            The principle of detaching religion          vain attempt to appease the west. The
                                            from state is deep rooted in London,         west never compromises on their core
                                            Washington and Paris but is foreign to       principles, nor should we.
                                            Cairo, Damascus and Istanbul. Liberal
                                            values rooted in individual freedom that     Those principles must guide our
                                            spawn corporate capitalism, sexual           response to the change that is
                                            freedom and pure individualism               transforming the Muslim world – words
                                            emanate from the west’s peculiar             which tell us that dictatorship will fail,
                                            ideology and are alien to the people of      that western interference will fall, and
                                            the region.                                  that every man and woman regardless
                                                                                         of their creed, colour or race will be
                                            Accountable governments under the            treated with justice. As the life of our
                                            Khilafah system are rooted in Islam’s        Prophet Muhammad (saw) showed us,
                                            eternal values and have led to               the journey will not be easy, real
                                            prosperity, justice and respect for          political change never is. There is no
                                            minorities and women over the ages.          easy path to progress, no shortcuts to
                                            Science, architecture and trade              real change and hardship always
                                            blossomed under the Khilafah and can         accompanies the task.
                                            do so once again. It is therefore
                                            incumbent on Muslims to speak out for        But this Ummah is founded on the
                                            Islam’s core principles – principles that    belief that implementing a system
                                            should guide our response to the             anchored in divine revelation does not
                                            continuing events:                           have to contradict with the modern
                                                                                         world. That our vision of leadership, is
                                            For instance Muslims should oppose           one that is elected by the people, not
                                            the use of violence and repression           appointed by the clergy. Where those
                                            against any individual whether done by       that are weakest in society, are those
                                            non state actors, the despots in the         that require most looking after.

 Indeed the West who supported the despotic governments of                               This is why we cannot remain silent
                                                                                         today, this is why we cannot look away,
 the region should not receive a free pass. They supported                               this is why we will not stand aside
 these regimes for clear strategic reasons.                                              while women are raped, while towns
                                                                                         are oppressed and while children are
the masses on the street. The Muslim                                                     orphaned.
world is not interested in appeasing or     Muslim world or carried out by Western
accepting Israel’s illegal occupation and   military forces.                             As Allah (swt) commanded:
will not rest until this is reversed.                                                    “And if you rule, rule with justice
In addition one of the key reasons for      We should support a clear set of values.     between them. Verily, Allah loves those
people’s discontent is the lack of          These values include the right to elect      who act justly” [Translated Meaning of
economic opportunity. Yet the same          one’s ruler; the right to protest without    the Qur’an - al-Ma’ida:42]
crony capitalism that was practiced         fear of reprisal; that minorities should
before, is being now advocated again.       be protected; that no one is above the
                                            law and that wealth should not be
The use of the IMF, World Bank and aid      concentrated amongst a privileged elite
programs are also designed to keep the      – whether you live in Tunis, Cairo or
states weak and dependent on the West.      Damascus.
Unless the resources of the region are
used for the people of the region, no       And finally, we support the liberation of

6 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                        

  The Three Faces
  of Islamophobia
                                                                                       But, as many critics of Islam point out,
                                                                                       Islam is not a race. It is a set of beliefs
                                                                                       and values that cross the boundaries of
                                                                                       race. So, it is argued, it cannot be racism
                                                                                       that drives a dislike of Islam.

                                                                                       This is not wholly true. Islam is, indeed,
                                                                                       not a race. But whilst Islamophobia is
                                                                                       not a monolithic phenomenon, a
                                                                                       significant part is without doubt nothing
                                                                                       less than the base tribalism of the kind
                                                                                       we see most commonly amongst racists.
                                                                                       Islamophobia needs to be understood if
                                                                                       concerned individuals hope to formulate
                                                                                       an appropriate response. In my view
                                                                                       there are three distinct faces of
                                                                                       Islamophobia. I define Islamophobia as
                                                                                       those who are critical of orthodox
                                                                                       Islamic laws and values, rather than
                                                                                       those who simply look at it all as a kind
                                                                                       of “racism”, which I believe is not
A version of this article was               within Germany. Critics pointed out that
                                            Cameron failed to criticise the English    With that definition, the first form of
originally published on the                 Defence League, a militant anti-Muslim     Islamophobia is what might be labelled
website New Civilisation in                 group, who held a huge rally the same      as old-fashioned European xenophobia,
June 2011                                   weekend as his Munich speech.              which is what the term Islamophobia
                                            Multiculturalism was a policy adopted in   has come to commonly represent. The
                                            Britain in response to rising racial       second is the Islamophobia of liberals
When British Prime Minister David
                                            tensions in the 1960s and 1970s. Many      who, who wish to express (as they see
Cameron addressed a security
                                            informed commentators fear that,           it) the superiority of liberal values and
conference in Munich in February 2011,
                                            whatever the motivation, abandoning        their criticism of Islam through
he criticised multiculturalism and called
                                            this policy – which was supposed to        comment, dialogue and debate. The third
for a more ‘muscular liberalism’.
                                            lead to greater social cohesion – will     type uses policy tools to establish the
Cameron has not been alone in attacking
                                            open the door to more racism; a concern    superiority of liberal values over Islam;
multiculturalism. German Chancellor
                                            reinforced with the approval by Marine     and this last group includes the
Angela Merkel was forced to make
                                            Le Pen, the leader of France’s National    ‘muscular liberals’ like Cameron and
negative comments on the policy by
                                            Front party, for Cameron’s comments.       Blair. This is the most destructive face of
rising tensions and political debate    7 :: Khilafah Magazine :: September 2010                                    Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 7

Islamophobia, because it is built on false   Whilst there is a legitimate need to          mission.
arguments and can cause huge damage          protect our families, our masajid etc –
in terms of community relations, the         there is a clear lesson in this ayah of the   This group warrant’s argument and
stability of the Muslim world, and           Quran not to respond unnecessarily to         debate in the best manner, as mentioned
damage in terms of loss of life and          ignorant abuse.                               in the ayah of Quran.
liberty.                                                                                   “Invite to the Way of your Lord with
                                             LIBERAL EVANGELICALS                          wisdom and beautiful preaching; and
Old-fashion European Xenophobia              Evangelism is asserting the superiority of    argue with them in ways that are best
Europe has a poor history on its             one’s beliefs. But it is not restricted to    and most gracious: for your Lord
treatment of minorities. Much of the         religion.                                     knows best, who have strayed from His
current commentary about Muslims is                                                        Path, and who receive guidance.”
reminiscent of the way Black people,         There are critics of Islam who are not        [Translated meaning of Quran16:125]
Jews, Gypsies or the Irish were treated      ignorant racists. They want to criticise
in generations gone by – and in some         the ideas of Islam that they disagree         Liberal evangelical Islamophobia
cases even today.                            with from their own liberal worldview.        requires engaging in a debate of ideas –
                                             Their aim is not usually to demonise          and for the best idea to win. But this
The themes of the criticism about            Muslims, who carry these ideas.               requires the Muslim community to
Muslims usually centre on changing the       Their commentary can be perceived as          adhere to the values that are under
character of Britain, imposing non-British   Islamophobic because it is set against a      attack in a public manner, and to defend
values, refusing to integrate, taking        backdrop of politically driven                them intellectually.
resources from the state etc. This is the    propaganda. Yet their criticisms are part
language of the BNP or EDL who               of a debate of ideas rather than ignorant     The ‘Cold War’ Warriors of the State
camouflage their attacks on Islam with       xenophobia or part of a wider political       The third group of people are those
the language of defending the English or     agenda.                                       who wish to see the dominance of
British people.                                                                            secular liberal ideas over Islam – within
                                             Liberal evangelicals, who dominate the        Britain and across the world but what
This narrative is reinforced by the          columns of the liberal broadsheets and        distinguishes them from the liberals
tabloid media who have, in some cases,       the corridors of the BBC, can be              mentioned before is that they do not
actually manufactured negative stories
about Muslims; or at other times report       This group of Islamophobes believes in an ideological attack using the
upon every negative facet of the              full force of the State – including the use of military force if it means
behaviour of Muslims in a manner that
                                              containing the rise of Islam as a political force in the Muslim world –
links to their Islamic identity, which
reinforces popular prejudice.
                                              and some elements of civil society as well, in order to secure victory.
This form of Islamophobia generates the
most rigorous opposition. There is, in       extremely consistent in challenging           trust liberalism to win the debate on
part, protection in law from                 illiberal ideas from any source – whether     intellectual grounds.
discrimination and incitement to hatred.     Christian or socially conservative.
Moreover, anti-racist groups, the left and                                                 Instead, they use the power of the State,
those with a strong moral conscience         This small group will uphold their creed      and their influence in the media, to
dislike the rise in xenophobic hatred. So,   to defend the right of people to say          pursue policies that secure the
many Muslims think it is important to        what they want to say, even though they       dominance of liberalism and the
build alliances and address this kind of     might disagree with them.                     suppression of Islam. They are willing to
Islamophobia.                                                                              play dirty, and pursue policies that
                                             But this means that this group of people      fundamentally contradict the values they
However, the danger in concentrating on      would also be the first to champion the       purport to uphold, which are founded
this face of Islamophobia alone is to        rights of Salman Rushdie, Theo van Gogh       upon deeply flawed – even false –
miss the altogether more sinister state-     and others who use free expression to         premises. They have played to the basest
led and policy driven Islamophobia.          insult the sanctities of Islam.               instincts of the common man to create
Moreover, most of the people that fall                                                     an environment that is hostile to Islam.
into this camp are ignorant (jahil)          These people deal in ideas; and the           They have mimicked the McCarthyist
people, and Allah SWT tells us:              response to them should be in terms of        policies of the Cold War era in order to
“And the servants of Al-Rahman are           ideas. That is how Allah and His              create fear, and so hope to keep the
those who walk on the earth in               Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)        Muslim community in check through
humility, and when the ignorant (jahil       dealt with the criticisms in terms of         this climate of fear.
people) address them, they say, "Peace!"     ideas in the Makkan era of the blessed
[Translated meaning of Quran 25:63]          Prophet’s (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)        In a recent column in the Evening

8 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                          

Standard newspaper following the                  ‘EXTREMIST’ BELIEFS
publication of the Prevent review, the            Mr d’Ancona identifies these. Some were
right-wing columnist Matthew d’Ancona             mentioned in the Prevent review
wrote that “this struggle more closely            document and some were leaked from
resembles the Cold War than the Troubles          confidential sources under the previous
in Northern Ireland. The most important           administration. They include “the
argument advanced by the rebooted                 restoration of the Islamic Caliphate, the
Prevent strategy is that the struggle against     destruction of Israel and the global
terrorism is, at root, a battle of ideologies”.   imposition of Sharia law”. These are
                                                  caricatures of the beliefs of many Muslims,
This view is widespread amongst                   exaggerated for full fear effect.
politicians, and pushed by right wing think       The restoration of the Khilafah is a widely
tanks. This group of Islamophobes believes        held general aspiration amongst huge             people labelled as ‘extremists’ and a mere
in an ideological attack using the full force     numbers of Muslims – although the                stone’s throw away from being a ‘terrorist’.
of the State – including the use of military      numbers who actively promote this as an
force if it means containing the rise of          immediate political programme are fewer.         But, for Muslims, upholding these values is
Islam as a political force in the Muslim          The Khilafah holds a central position in         essential. For abandoning these values
world – and some elements of civil society        Islam.                                           would bring humiliation in this world and
as well, in order to secure victory.                                                               the next.
                                                  The destruction of the Khilafah after World      In fact, why does any Muslim think an anti-
But if they have their way they will destroy      War One heralded the subsequent                  racist liberal campaigner would bother
even further the very ideas and values they       disintegration of the Muslim world into          defending values they disagree with, when
claim they seek to uphold.                        chaos.                                           Muslims don’t stand up for them even
This British government, like its                                                                  though they are supposed to believe in
predecessor, has decided they wish to             What is labelled the ‘destruction’ of Israel     them!
police ideas and political views. That is         is what Muslims refer to as the liberation
something that is supposed to be ‘haram’          of occupied Palestine. When Argentina            These politicians, think tanks and sections
in liberal societies.                             occupied the Falkland Islands or Hitler          of the media who use lies, smear, fear and
                                                  occupied France, people wanted liberation        propaganda, as well as the institutions of
They have decided to sideline, even               – and not the ‘destruction’ of the pro-          state to achieve their ends – have to be
demonise, those who have nothing to do            Argentine regime or the ‘destruction’ of the     exposed for what they are.
with violence but who hold firm to core           Vichy regime – only liberation. Muslims do
Islamic beliefs – so contradicting the            not wish to see a “Jewish-free” Palestine;       Their arguments need to be challenged
pluralism they claim to believe in.               just one where the oppressive and racist         and undermined. The destructive capacity
“Extremism” says the government’s Prevent         Zionist regime is abolished, and justice         for their policies needs to be made clear
review document “is vocal or active               established in the region. Yet, it is            for all.
opposition to fundamental British values,         government policy to silence this valid
including democracy, the rule of law,             political opinion.                               Their double standards, trampling and
individual liberty and mutual respect and                                                          soiling the very values they claim to
tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.”       What is referred to as the ‘global               support, needs to be seen by all.
                                                  imposition of Sharia law’ is the adoption of     The Muslim community needs to be
This definition is complete hypocrisy. The        a legal code, described by the political         united, despite government attempts to
advocates of such policies have                   thinker and British parliamentarian              force divisions
undermined the rule of law in their               Edmund Burke as “a law interwoven with a
approach to Muslims within the UK and             system of the wisest, the most learned, and      “And hold fast, all together, by the rope of
abroad, in pursuit of their ‘War on Terror’.      most enlightened jurisprudence that              Allah and be not divided among
They have removed the individual liberty          perhaps ever existed in the world”.              yourselves” [Translated meaning of Quran
of many with the imposition of detention          This group of Islamophobes know that the         3:103]
without trial. They have shown little             return of the Khilafah, the implementation
respect or tolerance for those who have           of Sharia in terms of governance and             Moreover, Muslims must be confident in its
perfectly reasonable and rational beliefs         economics, would mean a loss of control          own identity – then engage with others on
and values that conflict with the current         over the Muslim world and its resources. It      this basis.
dominant view [though not necessarily             is not about terrorism, or the safety of their
majority view] in Britain or Europe. Where        citizens. It is about suppressing the            “Who is better in speech than one who
is the respect and tolerance for women            aspirations of hundreds of millions for the      calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness,
wearing hijab and niqab? Or for mosques           sake of corporate security.                      and says, ‘Verily, I am of the Muslims’?”
bearing minarets in Switzerland? Or for the                                                        [Translated meaning Quran 41:33]
religious sensitivities of millions of people     So, they have created a ‘McCarthyite’
when desecrating the Quran, or vilifying          climate, where to declare belief in these
their beloved Prophet?                            values that are attacked and criticised, sees                                                                                            Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 9

                                                                                              to be frank about it.” (Peter Reid, Home
                                                                                              Secretary in 2006)

  Prevent:                                                                                    The only element that Theresa May
                                                                                              introduced, which could be considered as
                                                                                              new was the reference to tackling ‘non-
                                                                                              violent extremism’. This adjustment in

  Radically the                                                                               focus was inevitable for a number of

                                                                                              •        It was the direction that the

                                                                                              previous government had already
                                                                                              adopted, but had not announced publicly.

                                                                                              •         The Prevent Strategy has been
                                                                                              an abysmal failure, for it was evident that
                                                                                              ‘extremists’ were few and far between.
                                                                                              Prevent has always been seen as a
                                                                                              convenient cover that allowed the
                                                                                              government to create a climate of
                                                                                              intimidation for the Muslim community
                                                                                              and for the government to pursue its real
                                                                                              target i.e. those who offered Islamic
                                                                                              intellectual and political enlightenment
                                                                                              and alternatives.

                                                                                              •          The concern for governments is
                                                                                              when Muslims begin to redefine
                                                                                              themselves within an Islamic paradigm
                                                                                              and assert their Islamic identity beyond
                                                                                              the spiritual and secular confines, which
                                                                                              they had inherited and/or was imposed
                                                                                              upon them. This concern was has been
                                                                                              consistently raised in the British
                                                                                              Parliament over a number of decades and
                                                                                              Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister
                                                                                              stated, "It is also a struggle of ideas and
                                                                                              ideals that in the coming years will be
There was nothing radically different         •         The strategy maintains spy            waged and won for hearts and minds
about the “radically different strategy” to   networks across a multitude of                  here at home and round the world."
prevent people being drawn into violent       institutions, to inform the authorities of
extremism, which was unveiled by the          those who show ‘signs or are susceptible’       It is an uncomfortable position for
UK Home Secretary Theresa May in              of extremist behaviour and influence.           governments as Muslims openly question
Parliament on 7th June 2011.                                                                  and seek debate on the legitimacy and
                                              •         The strategy conveniently             application of secular values and
The core elements of Prevent, which           ignores the primary cause that has been         challenge the brutal and hypocritical
were introduced by the Labour                 attributed to the growth of radicalisation      foreign policy that western governments
government in the aftermath of 9/11 –         i.e. UK foreign policy, which has been          have adopted in the Muslim world. To
remain unchanged:                             aired by many political commentators,           silence Muslims has become a
                                              ordinary citizens; even ministers in the        cornerstone policy of the government
•     It targets the Muslim                   government: “To pretend what happens            and we should all expect that ‘non-violent
community.                                    abroad has no impact is nonsense.” (Lord        extremism’ will become a much used
                                              West, Security Minister in 2009)                household political expression.
•         It is based on promoting a
secular state-sponsored Islam strategy and    “But I do believe that foreign policy is        However, the announcement of the ‘new
providing a platform only for ‘moderates’     sometimes a motivating factor in                strategy’ will do little to provide re-
who subscribe to this doctrine.               radicalisation of young Muslims and the         assurance to the Muslim community,
                                              potential recruitment to terror. It is better   already battling with discrimination,

10 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                             

intimidation and victimisation that the        continents whose indigenous populations          crime, drug and alcohol abuse, human
existing Prevent strategy has created.         (in America, Africa, Asia and Australasia)       trafficking, domestic violence, and so on.
Likewise, the announcement just adds to        were not spared from the criminal
the increasingly held belief by Muslims        colonial foreign policy – including              But to give credit to truth, Theresa May
and society in general that it is              genocides, massacres, rape, exploitation,        did confirm that:
increasingly common for the government         torture, subjugation, the appropriation of
to abdicate and contradict core                lands and the installation of despotic           “Let me be clear: the ideology of
principles:                                    rulers to govern on their behalf?                extremism and terrorism is the problem,
                                               Entitled ‘Genocide in Australia’, Professor      Islam emphatically is not.... Above all, it
•        An ethical foreign policy has         Colin Tatz, wrote that though no official        will tackle the threat from home-grown
been ignored for the sake of protecting        figures exist, estimates of the Aboriginal       terrorism”.
British material interests by supporting       population in 1788 range between
brutal regimes and turning a blind eye         250,000 and 750,000. By 1911 the                 We wait for the government to finally
and outsourcing torture. (In truth, there is   number was 31,000.                               announce and admit that it is the home-
no such thing as a secular ethical foreign                                                      grown terror that is debated, abhorred,
policy)                                        •        Will students be taught that Sir        and legislated against and within the four
                                               Winston Churchill, named the greatest            walls of Parliament. That which is the
•         Britain abandoned sacred free        Briton of all time in a nationwide poll in       principle source of terrorism the world
market principles in order to save banks       2002, supported the use of poisonous gas,        suffers from - secular extremism.
and protect and reward those that were
responsible for the economic crisis that        It is an uncomfortable position for governments as Muslims openly
engulfed the world economies and                question and seek debate on the legitimacy and application of secular
resulted in millions of ordinary people
                                                values and challenge the brutal and hypocritical foreign policy that
seeing their wealth and homes taken
away i.e. the bankers.                          western governments have adopted in the Muslim world.

•         The government selectively           stating “I do not understand this
applies ‘freedom of speech’ whilst             squeamishness about the use of gas. I am         For Muslims, the agenda of Prevent has
declaring itself as its most ardent            strongly in favour of using poison gas           become clearer as time has worn on. It is
guardian – yet it actively seeks to deprive    against uncivilised tribes”. He also said:       essential that Muslims equip themselves
people from holding thoughts and               “I do not agree that the dog in a manger         with the cloak of Iman and to be
expressing themselves within the               has the final right to the manger even           steadfast upon the truth, engaging
intellectual and political arena. Arrogantly   though he may have lain there for a very         intellectually and politically, without
and quite without evidence propounding         long time. I do not admit that is right. I do    deviation. Likewise, as a community, the
that non-violent Islamic political thoughts    not admit for instance, that a great wrong       Muslims must adhere to Islam at all times
(Islamism they call it) will lead to           has been done to the Red Indians of              in its engagement within itself and the
terrorism. An approach that can be used        America or the black people of Australia. I      wider society and not allow it to become
to silence any political views the             do not admit that a wrong has been done          a tool in the hands of those that seek to
government dislikes.                           to these people by the fact that a               harm its adherents to Islam and become
                                               stronger race, a higher-grade race has           the voice for the return of Islam as the
It is interesting to note that part of the     come in and taken their place.”                  unifying political system in the Muslim
strategy to tackle extremism, involves                                                          world.
promoting integration, “...including           •         Will Muslims be taught of recent
through teaching our history and values        British history and its active support in        "The believers, men and women, are
in our schools...”                             the creation of the illegal Israeli state and    "Awliya" (helpers, protectors) of one
What will be taught in terms of history        the forced displacement of 5 million             another; they enjoin the good and forbid
by the government to encourage                 Palestinians? And the British creation and       the evil…” [TMQ Al-Taubah 9:71]
integration?                                   support of nationalist movements in the
•          The bloody wars that England        Arab world in order to divide and rule?
engaged in and the brutal treatment and        And the instigation of assassinations to
exploitation of those it conquered?            remove rulers that did not support the
                                               British agenda?
•         The mistreatment of those who
lived in Scotland and Ireland?                 Given this, the mind just boggles what
                                               will be taught in terms of British values –
•        The truth of the brutal track         given the social, political and moral
record of the British Empire, which is         decline that is evident and the alarming
etched in the histories of those               statistics related to poverty, social disease,                                                                                        Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 11

  Uprising in the Arab World & the
  Political Role of Muslim Women

Friday April 22nd marked the bloodiest       Muslims from remaining politically active    democracy instead? What role do Muslim
day of the 5 week old uprising in Syria.     nor dampened their spirits of believing in   women carry in achieving the desired
Security forces indiscriminately shot and    their aspirations of living under a just     change? To answer such questions
killed 73 people in an attempt to quash      system of government in the future.          requires a deeper study of the history and
any semblance of revolution and toppling     Throughout history, the question of the      heritage of the Arab peoples and its
of the Syrian regime. Indeed the signs of    role of women in political life has been a   impact in shaping political life and
unrest in Syria are testament to people’s    subject of much interest and contention.     activism.
belief that they have the power to change    Needless to say that much demonization
the status quo.                              of Islam has centred on the labelling of     EMERGENCE OF THE DEBATE ON THE
                                             Islam as being the cause of women’s lack     ROLE OF MUSLIM WOMEN IN POLITICS
The Syrian uprising follows popular          of public and political life in the Muslim   Many ideas exist on what is the correct
uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and       world rather than the decadent Arab          role for Muslim women in politics. In the
other Muslim countries in the Arab world.    cultures of bygone years or the imported     book ‘Women in Islam: A Western
From the suppression of political            systems of the east and west. History is     Experience’ by Anne Sofie Roald, she
expression through imprisonment to the       testament to the multitude of face lifts     writes: “Political empowerment of
labelling of alternate political views as    Arab countries have had – each system        women can be looked at from various
‘thought crimes’, the Muslims of the Arab    and dictator promising to uplift women       perspectives. Secular Muslim feminists
world have experienced decades of            from oppression. Yes – women in the          focus on the top of the political ladder
policing and subjugation by tyrant rulers.   Arab world call for a removal of tyrant      and thus promote female leadership,
Nevertheless, this has not deterred          rulers, but are they craving for western     whereas Islamic women seek

12 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                       

empowerment on the lower rungs of the         Muslim women for decades became
ladder so that many women are politically     common practice. Such a political reality
activated”. It seems two discourses exist     inspired Muslim women to be unified on
on this issue; firstly whether women can      one view – that oppression and tyranny
assume the role of head of state – which      by the political system should not exist. It
is largely a feminist construction, and       also inspired some women to set up
secondly how it is that women should be       organisations and charities which
politically activated. So why have such       provided a small voice and a cause to
discourses re-emerged in the Arab world?      work for under such brutal regimes,
                                              which numb any attempt to question
THE POLITICAL INVASION AND ITS                their authority.
MUSLIM WOMEN                                  MODELS OF POLITICAL ACTIVISM
From the time of the Arab Revolt – the        Society in the Arab world has always
biggest betrayal against the Uthmani          witnessed two branches of political
Khilafah in 1918 onwards, North Africa        activism; the call from secular Muslim
and in particular Egypt and the Hijaz has     women and feminists on the one hand
been a hotbed for the introduction of         and the call from practicing Muslim
erroneous ideas on women. With the            women on the other.
west’s infatuation with ‘The Orient’
culturally and militarily – Influential       The American plan of democratisation
Muslim thinkers and writers fell into the     wished to force a model of democracy
trap of philosophising Islam and              through man-made legislation to shape
distorting understanding to suit the          the political landscape from Indonesia to
western palate. Many female figures           Morocco. Prior to the Arab uprising of
emerged at that time in the political         2011, the US attempted to ‘liberate’ the
arena – ready to demonstrate and speak        people of Iraq by dispelling Saddam and
out for the causes they believed in which     bring in a ‘representative’ government. It
propelled the call for reforming Islam.       must be made clear that western
The feminists of that era such as Huda        democracy is not the simple action of
Sha’rawih, Safiyah Zaghlul, Princess Nazli,   voting for the leader – but to legislate and
Siza Nabrawi and the like, were politically   implement a secular man-made state
activated in the wrong sense. Such            constitution. The bastions of democracy
women were the wives and daughters of         also tried to activate women politically by
reformists with some receiving a western      the mere offering of votes which many in
education. They called for women’s rights,    Iraq and Afghanistan have boycotted and
freedom to remove the hijab and absolute      labelled as rigged and the encouragement
equality. The motivation behind the           of women to be represented in
actions of such women is the notion that      parliament (e.g. The Loya Jirga in             African countries. Morocco achieved a
western liberalism was the way forward.       Afghanistan). According to ‘The World          10% female representation in parliament
Deluded by the idea that the grass is         Association of Parliaments’ (IPU – an          by 2002. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have no
greener on the other side, they failed to     association consisting of 155 national         women representation and Kuwait does
notice that women in England were             parliaments around the world); at the end      not let women run for office or vote.
struggling for their right to vote or         of 2010, women made up a fifth of              What has changed politically from the
inheritance when Islam had already            parliamentarians worldwide, up from            involvement of women in democracy?
granted such rights 1400 years ago. The       16.3 percent in 2005. In 2010, 43              The protests in all the Arab countries and
reason why women in Egypt were being          chambers of parliaments (most being            particularly in North Africa is testament
denied such rights was due to the             Northern European states) met the UN           to the inability for female representation
absence of the Islamic State, which could     target of including at least 30 percent of     or democracy to solve the problems of
implement them. The greatest danger that      women MPs. 62 chambers remained                society. If further proof is required – we
befell the Muslims at that time is their      below the 10% mark and 10 chambers             need not look further than Afghanistan,
acceptance of foreign invasion which          included no women at all. Arab states          Pakistan and Iraq where the people have
lead to the carving up of Muslim lands        remained at the bottom of the table, with      spoken lowd and clear of what they think
and the imposition of kingships and           an average of 11.7% in female                  about western interference and imported
dictatorships as political entities. Under    representation in parliaments. This            western systems like democracy with or
such secular political systems; patriarchy,   increase from 4.3% in 1995 to 11.7% in         without a face change. It is also evident
subjugation, oppression and the               2010 is due to the introduction of a           that following a 100 year struggle to gain
suppression of political activism of          quota system in Egypt and other North          equality and rights by women in the                                                                                    Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 13

west, western democracy (representative        that is regarded as degrading to women.       [TMQ 12:40]
rule is Islamic, secular rule is not) is far   When asked what they resented most
from being a beacon of justice for             about their own societies, a majority of      “And whosoever does not rule by what
women. With shocking statistics of rape,       Muslim women polled said that a lack of       Allah has revealed such are the
battery, sex crimes, prostitution and          unity among Muslim nations, violent           disbelievers.” [TMQ Al Maidah, 44]
pornography subjecting women to                extremism, and political and economic
immorality and injustice – democracy has       corruption were their main concerns. The      Thus, prior to the establishment of an
lost the argument of taking the moral          hijab and burqa seen by some Westerners       Islamic State, Muslim women are required
high ground or be considered as a              as tools of oppression were never             to engage in political actions as an
political solution.                            mentioned in the women's responses’           obligation to her Rabb (Lord). Hence she
                                               (Helena Andrews; 2006). The Gallup poll       would enjoin the Ma’rouf (right) and
The political activism from secular            also revealed that Muslim women want          forbid the Munkar (falsehood, evil),
                                                                                             account the tyrant ruler, call for the
                                                                                             implementation of Islam, work to re-
 ‘70% of Moroccan women, 71% of Lebanese women and 48% of                                    establish the Deen of Allah (SWT) and
 Saudi women polled did not think adopting Western values would                              concern herself with the affairs of the
                                                                                             Ummah. The Muslimah would be vigilant
 help the Muslim world's political and economic progress.                                    of the problems the Ummah faces and
                                                                                             aware of the solutions to her
feminists have thus focussed on the            an Islamic system to govern their affairs     predicament. She would only engage in
superficial, such as campaigning for           and wanted an end to western                  the Halal and reject the call to
women as heads of state and imams,             interference.                                 compromise, partial solutions or adopt
more female representation in parliament                                                     western inspired solutions.
and the like. Those who do not conform         Such opinions indicate that lessons have
to this way of thinking and call for an        been learnt from recent occupation.           Following the establishment of the
alternative political system like the          Muslim women want a removal of                Islamic State, her duty to account the
Islamic Caliphate are labelled ‘Islamist’.     tyrannical rule, western interference and     ruler, enjoin the Ma’rouf and forbid the
Therefore, the majority of Muslim women        the right of self-determination – with the    Munkar will continue, but she can in
in the Muslim world are clear that the         majority calling for an Islamic               addition assume positions of
correct Islamic political activism is not by   government.                                   responsibility within the state’s political
calling for ‘feminism’ nor ‘pro-                                                             structure such as a judge, offering advice
democracy’(man-made laws). Such                THE CORRECT ISLAMIC POLITICAL                 on the Council of the Ummah and in
activism is a deviation from the Islamic       ACTIVISM FOR MUSLIM WOMEN                     electing the Khaleefah. The prohibition of
political actions of ensuring Islam is         Unlike feminists, the solution is neither     women assuming a ruling position such
present in society and ruling. The call for    linked to female leadership nor to            as a Khaleef, delegated assistant, Wali or
accountable government is not a pro-           achieve more female representation in         Mayor (Aml) does not equate to injustice
democracy call. The process of voting to       parliament. Such calls have produced          or inequality since the society is built on
elect a head of state is not exclusive to      little change and are a clear deviation       cooperation of the sexes rather than the
democracy; rather the Islamic ruling           from the commands of Allah (SWT):             battle for sameness.
system also has a process of electing and      The notion that women can be heads of
accounting.                                    states has come about from feminists          Securing the rights of Muslim women
                                               through the distortion of evidences.          therefore requires arduous and consistent
WHAT MUSLIM WOMEN WANT IN THE                  There is a clear prohibition in the           political actions that Islam has instructed
MUSLIM WORLD?                                  following hadith; “A people who appoint       with a clear intention to please Allah
Gallup 2005 Survey suggests that Muslims       a woman as a ruler will never succeed”        (SWT). A conscious effort must be made
have learnt a huge lesson from western         [Al-Bukhari]. The prohibition of              to uproot erroneous and foreign
imposition in recent times such as the         appointing a woman to a position of           imported political systems and to replace
Iraq and Afghanistan invasion. ‘70% of         authority is linked to ‘lack of success’      them with the Islamic Khilafah system.
Moroccan women, 71% of Lebanese                (Qareenah), - that is, a lack of success in
women and 48% of Saudi women polled            the afterlife - which indicates that the
did not think adopting Western values          prohibition is decisive. Therefore,
would help the Muslim world's political        appointing a woman as a ruler is
and economic progress. The most                forbidden (Haram). Furthermore, the
frequent response to the question, “What       notion that female representation in a
do you admire least about the West?” was       man-made democratic parliament is
the general perception of moral decay,         necessary is against the principles of the
promiscuity and pornography that               Islamic ruling system:
pollsters called the “Hollywood image”         “The rule is for none but Allah (SWT)”

14 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                           

   Countering the Saudi
   Attempt to Silence the
   Word of Truth
                                                                                               and elites alike, as he (saw) said: "Allah's
                                                                                               hand is with communion" (narrated by
                                                                                               Tirmidhi). He (saw) also said: "Whoever
                                                                                               held back the hand from obedience, will
                                                                                               meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection
                                                                                               without any justification for himself; and
                                                                                               whoever died without the pledge of
                                                                                               allegiance on his neck, has died a death
                                                                                               of ignorance" (narrated by Muslim). He
                                                                                               (saw) again said: "He who wanted to
                                                                                               separate the affairs of this nation when
                                                                                               they are unified, you should kill him
                                                                                               with the sword, whosoever he is"
                                                                                               (narrated by Muslim).’
This article is based on a more                 will hold up traffic! Indeed it is
comprehensive explanation of the                embarrassing to read the justifications
Islamic ruling on Protests and                  given by the ‘Ulama of the Saudi               The fatwa assumes that the Saudi regime
Demonstrations which can be read at             government’s ‘Council of Senior                rules by Islam and as such, they are                              Scholars’ and those who follow them;           legitimate rulers. The reality of the
                                                thus legitimising the Saud regime, which       matter is that the Saudi Regime is far
In the aftermath of popular uprisings in        is a haven for the other illegitimate          from being a legitimate Islamic authority.
the Arab world some ‘ulama (clerics)            tyrants in the region - such as Mubarak,
sponsored by the Saudi regime have              Ben Ali and now Ali Abdullah Saleh. The        WHAT IS A LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY IN
given a most unfortunate regressive             Saudi fatwa is premised on one principal       SHARIA?
fatwa (religious edict) that protests and       reason: that protests and demonstrations       A state becomes Islamic when its rules
demonstrations in that land are haram           constitute rebellion against the               and policies derive from the Islamic
(prohibited). In this article, Allah willing,   legitimate rulers of Saudi Arabia.             ‘Aqidah (creed) i.e. when there basis is
we want to scrutinise this fatwa.                                                              the Qur’an and Sunnah; meaning the
Muslims are commanded not to be like            ‘Protection of the community is of the         sovereignty lies with the Shari’ah. That is
the Ahl al-Kitab (The People of the             greatest principles of Islam. It is from the   why obedience to the rulers is restricted
Book) who took their priests and rabbis         great issues that Allah commanded in His       and not unqualified. Allah (swt) says:
as Lords (instead of Allah), accepting          Holy Book, and condemned whoever
their judgments blindly without                 abandoned it. Allah Almighty says: "And        “O you who believe! Obey Allah, Obey
question.                                       hold fast, all together, by the rope which     His Messenger and those in authority
                                                Allah (stretches out for you), and be not      from amongst you; and if you differ,
The reasons given by government                 divided among yourselves...” (Al-‘Imran:       then refer it to Allah and His Messenger,
scholars and others range in gravity, from      103) This is the principle of protection       if you believe in Allah and the Last
the serious charge of rebellion, to the         of the community, which the Prophet            Day.” [Al-Nisa: 59]
downright ludicrous - demonstrations            commanded upon all citizens, common                                                                                       Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 15

                                              indication alongside the clear verses and   the Shari’ah. Rather, when the ruler
                                              hadith that state that rulers must obey     commands a clear munkar, the Muslim
                                              Allah and His Messenger in their ruling     must disobey that command and cannot
                                              and exercise of authority. For example      say he was following orders.
                                              the Messenger (saw) said: ‘There is no
                                              obedience (when this results) in            The verse then concludes that if there is
                                              disobedience of the Creator.’ [Sahih        a dispute over a matter, between the
                                              Bukhari] Here the mantuq (directly          Muslims and their rulers, then the final
                                              apparent meaning) is an absolute            arbiter must be Allah and His Messenger
                                              prohibition of following an order that      (saw). It states: “if you differ, then refer it
                                              goes against the order of Allah (swt) -     to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe
                                              whosoever makes that order. This hadith     in Allah and the Last Day.” The last words
                                              came specifically in the context of         of the ayah enjoin on the believers the
                                              authority and ruling. Its mafhum            importance of referring to Allah and His
                                              (implied meaning) indicates that just as    Messenger in ruling, by drawing

                                     claim that demonstrations against the Saudi rulers is prohibited, is
                                              misplaced as the Saudi regime does not enjoy any legitimacy whatsoever
                                              from the Shari’ah perspective.
                                              the person cannot obey a ruler who          attention to the fact that not to do so is
The noble ayah (verse) begins with the        commanded disobedience to Allah (swt);      a negation of iman; hence it says: ‘…if
imperative (command) form verb ati’u          so in the same way, a ruler or amir         you believe in Allah and the Last Day.”
(‘obey’): the subject of obedience (i.e.      cannot order, enact laws or rule by
those who obey) is in plural form,            anything that is in violation of what       This is how the Sahabah (ra) understood
meaning ‘ALL those who believe in             Allah (swt) has ordered.                    this matter and nothing shows this more
Islam’; and the object of obedience (i.e.                                                 clearly than the speech of Abu Bakr al-
the one who is obeyed) is Allah (swt).        The verse also obliges the obedience to     Siddiq when he assumed the post of
The verse then repeats the command            the command of the Messenger (saw)          Khalifah: “Help me if I am in the right;
ati’u (obey) and this time the object of      and links that to the rulers. As long as    set me right if I am in the wrong. The
obedience is the Messenger (saw). The         the rulers or those in authority obey the   weak among you shall be strong with
repetition of the word ‘obey’ and the         Messenger (saw) then there is the           me until Allah willing, his rights have
order indicates the two basic reference       obedience to him, otherwise there is no     been vindicated. The strong among you
points that Muslims have: the Qur’an and      obedience. That is why the Messenger of     shall be weak with me until, if Allah
Sunnah. Therefore anything in                 Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him    wills, I have taken what is due from him.
contravention of Qur’an and Sunnah            peace, said in a hadith reported by Abu     Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His
must be disobeyed, and anything from          Hurayrah: ‘Whoever obeys me has             Prophet; when I disobey Him and his
the Qur’an and Sunnah must be obeyed.         obeyed Allah and whoever disobeys me        Prophet, obey me not.”
This is the principle upon which              has disobeyed Allah. Whoever obeys the
Muslims are told to live by and this is       amir has obeyed me and whoever              The conclusion therefore is that a ruler
the principle on which Muslims are            disobeys the amir has disobeyed me’”        becomes legitimate only when he bases
instructed to view their rulers. Here the     [Agreed upon]. As for the statement         his rule on the Kitab and Sunnah, i.e.
word for rulers, or those in authority, is    ‘whoever obeys the amir has obeyed me       sovereignty is for the Shari’ah, and it is
ulul- amr (literal translation: ‘the people   and whoever disobeys the amir has           for this reason that obedience becomes
of Command’). It is not restricted to the     disobeyed me’ in the above hadith or the    obligatory.
Khalifah, but also includes the wali’s        following one: “Anyone who dislikes
(governors), wazirs (ministers) and all       something from his amir should be           However, when we look to the case of
those who have authority, especially          patient. Anyone who abandons                the Saudi regime, we find that the basis
since the word has been used in the           obedience to the amir for even a short      of its rule is not the Shari’ah, as
plural form (ulul-amr) and not the            time dies the death of the Jahiliyyah       indicated by its persistent and constant
singular waliyul-amr.                         (ignorance)” [Agreed upon]:This does        explicit contravention of the Shari’ah;
                                              not mean absolute obedience to the          here are a few examples:
It is significant that the ayah does not      rulers. These ahadith are about not         •         Permission of usury (riba) and
repeat the verb ati’u when it comes to        rebelling against the rulers due to their   banks trading in usury, which is
the Rulers, as it did in respect to Allah     misappropriation of the people’s rights,    categorically prohibited in Islam.
and His Messenger; this is an additional      but not about obeying the rulers in the
                                              matters which are a clear violation of      •         Submission to man-made

16 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                           

international law as members of the UN      without consideration of its aims and           the people to witness it. Hasan knew
and other international bodies, whose       purpose?                                        that this was a great opportunity to
charters and rules are not in accordance                                                    remind the people about the place of
with Islam.                                 Another form of general evidences are           wealth and status in this life. He said:
                                            the ‘umumat (generality) and                    “We looked at what the filthiest of filth
The flagrant and persistent violation of    unrestricted (mutlaq) import of the             built, and we found that Fir’awn built
Shari’ah by the Saudi regime, even after    ahadith that enjoin Muslims to speak the        greater than what he built and higher
having been accounted by the ‘ulama         haqq, enjoin the good and forbid the            than what he built, then Allah destroyed
and the da’wah carriers means that the      evil. So for example the hadith:                Fir’awn and what he built. Hajjaj should
above constitute explicit kufr (kufr                                                        know that the inhabitants of the sky
buwah). Consequently, their rule is not     ‘The best struggle (jihad) is the word of       hate him and the people of the earth
legitimate and they need to be removed      truth spoken to a tyrant ruler.’ (Al-Nasa'i).   only deceive him!” It was said to Hasan
by the people of power (nusrah) and a                                                       “Be careful, O Abu Sa’id!” Hasan replied
just ruler appointed in their place.        This hadith encouraging political               “Allah has taken a covenant from the
                                            struggle does not specify the manner in         people of knowledge to explain it to the
So to claim that demonstrations against     which the truth should be spoken to the         people and not to be silent!” In this
the Saudi rulers is prohibited, is          tyrant ruler, which means any style that        example Hasan al-Basri openly exposed
misplaced as the Saudi regime does not      has not been prohibited by another text         the excesses of the ruler. (Suwar min
enjoy any legitimacy whatsoever from        is permitted. So whether by a letter,           hayat at-tabi’in, ‘Abdur Rahman Ra’fat
the Shari’ah perspective. Holding on to     distribution of leaflets, publication of a      Basha p.101-102)
the rope of Allah, and unity of the         book, article in a newspaper or speaking
Jama’ah arises only when Muslims gather     directly to the ruler, these are all            Furthermore, it should not be said that
under the leadership of a ruler who         permissible means of fulfilling the             the advice should be private or
                                                                                            otherwise it is ghibah (backbiting). This
                                                                                            is because the ahadith have come in an
 ...encouraging political struggle does not specify the manner in which
                                                                                            unrestricted form, and in fact the
 the truth should be spoken to the tyrant ruler, which means any style                      indications of the ahadith of accounting
 that has not been prohibited by another text is permitted. So whether                      are that the accounting is to be done in
 by a letter, distribution of leaflets, publication of a book, article in a                 public; and as for ghibah, there is no
 newspaper or speaking directly to the ruler, these are all permissible                     ghibah for the one who does open fisq
 means of fulfilling the obligation.                                                        (transgression). Imam Nawawi in his
                                                                                            Riyad al-Salihin, under the chapter of
rules by the book of Allah and Sunnah of    obligation.                                     ‘Types of Ghibah which are Permissible’
the Messenger, not under the leadership                                                     listed six types, which in his view are
of those who betray the interests of the    The above hadith says ‘the best                 allowed as exceptions (to the normal
Ummah and are only interested in being      struggle’: this fits a reality where the        prohibition of back-biting); of these,
the khadims (servants) of America.          accounting is done publicly, since that is      three are relevant:
                                            truly a struggle, whereas it is easier to
EVIDENCES FOR PERMISSIBILITY OF             account privately. It is when the ruler is      a)        Complaining (tazallum) to the
DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROTESTS                 accounted in front of everyone that he is       ruler or judge
As for the proofs (adillah) for the         likely to kill or imprison the person
permissibility of demonstration, these      accounting him.                                 b)     Seeking help to change an evil
are both general and specific:                                                              (munkar)
                                            It was the practice of the Sahabah to
A demonstration or protest is a public      account the rulers in public. It is             c)       Mentioning the one who
display of opinion. The general evidences   reported that a person told ‘Umar b.            openly commits a sin (fisq) or
which allow people to meet and express      Khattab (ra) to “fear Allah” publicly, and      innovation (bid’ah).
opinions would permit people to             ‘Umar responded by saying: ‘There is no
demonstrate their opinions as long as       goodness in you if you do not say it, and       Indeed, under any of the above three
the opinions expressed are permitted by     there is no goodness in us if we do not         categories there would be a dispensation
Islam. As such protests and                 hear it.’ (Manaqib amir al-muminin by           to backbite against the ruler’s
demonstrations are merely a permissible     Ibn Jawzi. P.155)                               oppression, evil actions or open sins.
style, which takes its hukm (ruling)                                                        Some like Hasan al-Basri did not consider
dependent on the reasons and aims of        As for the Salaf al-Salih, look at the          accounting rulers as ghibah in origin, as
the demonstrations; thus these must be      example of Hasan al-Basri: he was               it is reported that he said: ‘There is no
assessed before a hukm can be given, for    present in Basrah when al-Hajjaj, a tyrant      backbiting with regard to the fasiq
how can a style be labelled haram           Wali, built his grand palace and called all     (sinner who openly professes his evil)."                                                                                   Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 17

                                                                                          why he had been given the epithet of Al-
                                                                                          Faruq (He who distinguishes truth from
                                                                                          falsehood); he replied: After I had
                                                                                          embraced Islam, I asked the Prophet
                                                                                          (saw): 'Aren't we on the right path, here
                                                                                          and in the Hereafter?' The Prophet (saw)
                                                                                          answered: 'Of course you are! I swear by
                                                                                          Allah in Whose Hand my soul is; that you
                                                                                          are right in this world and in the
                                                                                          hereafter.' I therefore asked the Prophet,
                                                                                          'Why had we then to conduct
                                                                                          clandestine activism. I swear by Allah,
                                                                                          who has sent you with the Truth; that
                                                                                          we will leave our concealment and
                                                                                          proclaim our noble cause publicly.' We
                                                                                          then went out in two groups, Hamzah
                                                                                          leading one and I the other. We headed
                                                                                          for the Mosque in broad daylight. When
                                                                                          the polytheists of Quraysh saw us, their
                                                                                          faces went pale, and they got incredibly
                                                                                          depressed and resentful. On that very
(al-Lalika’i, 1/140,p. 279).                 he gave them a general warning. Then he      occasion, the Prophet attached to me
                                             made a particular reference to certain       the epithet of Al-Faruq." (Al-Rahiq al-
As for the specific evidences that public    tribes, and said: "O Quraysh, rescue         Makhtum p113 1st ed. English trans.)
demonstration of accounting is               yourselves from the Fire; O people of
persmissible, they are numerous; we          Bani Ka'b, rescue yourselves from the        Therefore, demonstrations and protests
shall here give two clear examples of        Fire; O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad,       to account the rulers and expose their
public display of opinion. It has been       rescue yourself from the Fire, for I have    betrayal of the ummah’s interest are
reported by Al-Bukhari on the authority      no power to protect you from Allah in        permissible by the general and specific
of Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with     anything except that I would sustain         evidences regarding this subject, as long
him) that he said: "When the following       relationship with you."                      as no other rules of the Shari’ah are
verses were revealed: "And warn your                                                      violated, such as destruction of public or
tribe [O Muhammad (saw)] of near             Here Allah’s Messenger (may the peace        private property, non Islamic slogans or
kindred." [26:214] The Messenger of          and blessings be upon him), after            free-mixing.
Allah (saw) ascended Mount Al-Safa and       receiving the command to carry the
started to call: "O Bani Fahr! O Bani        da’wah to his tribesmen, went out on         CONCLUSION
'Adi!" Many people gathered, and those       top of Mount Safa and called out to the      The political authority that rightly
who could not sent somebody to report        Quraysh to heed his warning. This was a      belongs to this Ummah has been stolen,
to them. Abu Lahab was also present. The     public display of opinion by the Prophet     usurped and abused by the tyrant rulers.
Prophet (saw) said: "You see: if I were to   (saw), and what is permitted for the         Only the Islamic political struggle will
tell you that there were some horsemen       individual is permitted for the group (as    bring real change for this Ummah and
in the valley planning to raid you, would    long as there is no specific nass that       we are obliged to reclaim that authority
you believe me?" They said: "Yes, we         restricts the action to the Messenger        by accounting them and working to re-
have never experienced any lie from          alone). So this is specific evidence for     establish the Khilafah that WILL rule by
you." He said: "I am a Warner to you         protests and demonstrations.                 what Allah has revealed. Let us heed the
before a severe torment." Abu Lahab                                                       words of Muhammad al-Mustafa (saw):
promptly replied: "Perish you all the day!   The second example is the first public
Have you summoned us for such a              collective demonstration by Muslims,         "Nay, by Allah, you either enjoin good
thing?" Muslim has the following             organised by ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab, for        and forbid evil and catch hold of the
version reported on authority of Abu         which he was praised by the Messenger        hand of the oppressor and persuade him
Hurayrah (ra) — He said: "When the           (saw), as reported in ‘The Sealed Nectar’:   to act justly and stick to the truth, or,
following verses were revealed: "And         “With respect to the Muslims in Makkah,      Allah will involve the hearts of some of
warn your tribe [O Muhammad (saw)]           ‘Umar’s (ra) conversion had a different      you with the hearts of others and will
of near kindred." [26:214] The               tremendous impact. Mujahid, on the           curse you as He had cursed them".
Messenger of Allah (saw) called all the      authority of Ibn al-‘Abbas (ra), related     [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].
people of Quraysh; so they gathered and      that he had asked ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab

18 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011                                                                        
Khilafah magazine-july-2011
Khilafah magazine-july-2011
Khilafah magazine-july-2011
Khilafah magazine-july-2011
Khilafah magazine-july-2011
Khilafah magazine-july-2011

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Khilafah magazine-july-2011

  • 2. NEWSBITES operation by special forces, it must have taken months to plan, and the level of held for 6 years merely to be interrogated about the news network. intelligence gathered is far too With 172 still in custody despite sophisticated for it to have been a raid Obama’s promise to close the prison, by al-Qaeda or the Taliban… The Guantanomo continues to be a severe reconnaissance and the surveillance to blot on the US’s ambitions to carry its target three or four planes is far too values globally. advanced”. Adding later that “instability in Pakistan is the price for American friendship. There have been betrayals by Americans in the past, and there will be UK TRAINING SAUDI FORCES USED TO betrayals by Americans in the future. CRUSH ARAB SPRING Absolutely they want to destabilise The Observer newspaper in the UK has Pakistan because they want joint revealed that Britain is training the Saudi custody of nukes, to consolidate their national guard that has been deployed to position in the region, so a Karachi naval crush opposition protests in Bahrain blockade is a natural move”. despite the Foreign office accepting the Saudi human rights record as a “major concern”. Britain sends approx. 20 training teams annually for “weapons, fieldcraft, military skills, public order and sniper training”. REPORT CONFIRMS THE TARGETING OF US MUSLIMS IN TERROR CASES The revelations came in the same week US government use of surveillance, paid that the G8 approved funding for informants and invented terrorism plots countries embracing representative rule, prompts human rights concerns, highlighting the hyprocrisy of British according to a report by NYU's Center foreign policy as Jonathan Edwards MP for Human Rights and Global Justice. called in the UK House of Commons: After examining three high-profile cases in the New York area they highlighted “I find it difficult to understand why GUANTANAMO LEAKED DOCS REVEAL the role of the FBI and New York Police Britain was training troops for repressive THE AWFUL TRUTH Department in creating the perception undemocratic regimes. This is the Innocents held and interrogated for of a homegrown terrorism threat shocking face of our democracy to many years. Children, elderly and the mentally (reports the LA Times on 19th of May). people in the world, as we prop up ill wrongfully held. The UK Guardian regimes of this sort”, Edwards said. “It is newspaper reported in late April on over The American Civil Liberties Union and intensely hypocritical of our leadership 700 leaked secret files which expose the the Council on American-Islamic in the UK – Labour or Conservative – to innermost workings of the camp. The Relations have filed suits against the FBI, talk of supporting freedoms in the files reveal a system focused more on alleging that it used a paid informant to Middle East and elsewhere while at the gathering intelligence rather than infiltrate several Southern California same time training crack troops of containing accused terrorists. Among mosques and “indiscriminately collect” dictatorships”. inmates were an 89-year-old Afghan personal information on thousands of villager, suffering from senile dementia, Muslims. This operation, which began in A ministry of Defence spokesman and a 14-year-old innocent kidnap 2006, resulted in perjury and described the Gulf states as “key victim. naturalization fraud charges against one partners” in the fight against terrorism. member that were later dismissed. Other revelations included that nearly FORMER PAKISTAN INTELLIGENCE 100 inmates were recognized as having “It's clear the FBI is targeting people CHIEF ACCUSES THE US mental illnesses, many attempted suicide. with no basis to believe they are Hamid Gul formerly head of the ISI told Many were held with no evidence of involved in criminal activity,” said Peter the UK Channel 4 news that he is “100 connection to terrorism – one being Bibring, lead ACLU attorney for the percent sure” that a recent attack on the held solely because he had intelligence Irvine lawsuit. “It’s both a poor use of headquarters of a naval base in Karachi of Taliban interrogations. Reliance upon limited law enforcement resources and where 13 were killed was an “American information obtained under torture was an invitation for ethnic and religious operation”. Gul who was the head of the widespread and in many cases despite profiling.” ISI from 1987 to 1989 said: definitive proof that detainees had no links to the Taliban or al-Qaida they were “The Karachi incident was clearly an still held. An Al-Jazeera journalist was 2 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 3. DR. ABDUL WAHID Editorial The Global Call for Change During this past month the momentum 200,000. At the same time, responding causes. for change across the Middle East has to the call for change, Sisters and not slowed. Opposition to the Assad Brothers led demonstrations in Jordan, As we go to press, Muslims can see the regime in Syria has escalated; Ali Denmark, Holland, Australia and London upper ranks of the Pakistani army have Abdullah Saleh was forced to leave - opposing the Russian state's been infiltrated by people who wish to Yemen; opponents of Gaddafi continue oppression of Muslims - highlighting execute America's agenda in the region to resist him; and the harsh sentence the case of Sister Sidikova. - and wish to purge the army's ranks of meted out by the regime in Bahrain any principled opposition or Islamic were met by more protests. In this month's magazine, we profile sentiment. They demonise a party that some of these demonstrations as well as stands for non-violent change, Muslim But added to this has been Hizb ut- looking at the volatile geopolitical unity, Islamic government, justice and Tahrir's sustained called for change. For situation of the Arab uprisings and the accountability; an educated population almost sixty years this Islamic party has decline of America in the world. and a technologically advanced state; led the way in non-violent political that supports the masses and not struggle, following the Prophetic But just as the masses and good people Western interests. example. Whilst, others praised the move for change, there are those who army in Egypt for not slaughtering the work to oppose change and the Islamic Those who oppose will plan and plot people as they do in Syria, Hizb ut- revival in this Ummah. to stop it. But they cannot and will not. Tahrir has made winning the armed For Allah plots and plans - and He forces part of its method, just as the We expose and refute the Saudi (SWT) is the Best of Planners. Prophet (alayhi salatu wassalam) tried regime's attempts to label the Arab to win over the most powerful factions uprisings as illegitimate from an Islamic in society as well as the general public. perspective. Also, we expose the British government's "Prevent" strategy (to This past month, Hizb ut-Tahrir held prevent the Islamic revival not to huge conferences in Indonesia filling prevent violent extremism as they dozens of sports stadia, with the total pretend), as well as the rise of number of delegates attending close to Islamophobia in the West - and its Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 3
  • 4. SAJJAD KHAN The Arab Spring - A Principled Stance It has been an incredible year so far. We a young market seller named the regime refused to hear his have witnessed seismic events take Mohammed Bouazizi who was complaints, he went to the office of the place in the Muslim world. Events humiliated when an official confiscated provincial government, starting a chain which we hoped to see, but which we his market stall. This though is not a of events which would cause him to be thought would not happen in our one off incident. It is the kind of burnt alive. lifetimes. Despot by despot; town by humiliation that takes place every day town; country by country; people have in the Muslim world – the persistent The determined actions of individuals risen up against tyranny in their tens of tyranny of governments that deny their today are not unique. In the course of thousands. citizens dignity, opportunity and the history, the actions of the Anbiyah have tools they need for prosperity. Only this sparked movements for political change The story began in 2010 in Tunisia with time, Mohammed had other ideas. After rooted in the just message of Allah 4 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 5. SAJJAD KHAN (swt). Think of the young Ibrahim (as), who stood in defiance against those who blindly supported the power of the idols in the temple, or the bravery of Musa (as) as he stood and challenged the powerful and arrogant Firaun in his own court. Or the events that started in Tunisia, as Mohammed’s act of desperation tapped into the frustration felt by all throughout the Muslim world. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets, then thousands, then tens of thousands. And in the face of tear gas, batons and bullets, they refused to go home – day after day, week after week, until dictators who ruled for decades were forced from power. The story of frustration should not have come as a surprise. The nations of the Muslim world won their so called independence a long time ago, but they became corrupt dictatorships, neglected their peoples and became ruthless political tools of western governments. In too many countries, a citizen like Mohammed had nowhere to standing up for Israel's security at the the USSR supported the discredited turn – no honest government to hear expense of the Palestinians. regimes in Berlin, Prague and Budapest. his case; no independent judiciary to Yet now, after decades of despotic rule Today the West does the same with the give him a voice; no transparent and western interference, the political despotic regimes in Riyadh, Amman and election where he could choose his situation is in flux and we now have an Sanaa. leader. unprecedented opportunity to finally shape the path to substantive change. Indeed the West who supported the This is despite the fact that parts of the But as we do, we must expose some despotic governments of the region Muslim world are abundantly blessed myths that have gained currency over should not receive a free pass. They with wealth in oil, gas and other recent months. supported these regimes for clear resources, which has led to prosperity strategic reasons. These strategic for the ruling elites. But in a global It is clear that though there have been reasons survive today. It is for those economy based on knowledge, changes of leadership in the region, same strategic reasons that the West telecommunication and innovation, the there have been no changes of regime. supported Mubarak, and why today wealth of a nation is not found in In Tunisia and Egypt we have seen the they support the leaders of Saudi resources in the ground but in the skills regime of Ben Ali and Mubarak remain Arabia, Bahrain and call Assad a and talents of its people. Yet people can in place, even though the leaders reformer. It is for these strategic reasons never reach their potential when themselves are now out of power. they support the apartheid regime in wealth, opportunity and education only It is also incorrect to argue that the Tel Aviv and allow it to be a nuclear circulate amongst the chosen few. West put people on to the streets of monopoly while lecturing others in the The question before us is, what do we Tunis, Cairo or Benghazi, nor was it the region. It is those reasons why they make of what has happened in recent power of social networking sites such bomb Libya yet do nothing while months? Is what we have seen, the as Facebook or Twitter – it was the civilians are killed in Zimbabwe, North permanent change that people want? people themselves who launched these Korea and Burma. And what role should we now play to movements, who braved the bullets and shape future events? For decades, the it is they who are responsible for the It is also clear that the apartheid regime despots of the Muslim world have change. in Tel Aviv has no better friends than pursued a set of narrow interests which the tyrants in Cairo, Damascus and have sidelined its own people: securing Attempts to claim the Arab Spring is Amman. The Israelis realise that though the free flow of commerce for the west, akin to the fall of the Berlin Wall are they can make peace with despots in fighting against the Islamic revival and correct in one sense. In the Cold War palaces, they cannot make peace with Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 5
  • 6. SAJJAD KHAN substantive economic change will Muslim lands from foreign occupation occur. Unless corruption ends, to ensure justice is given to those who innovation cannot start. Unless western have seen their properties stolen, their institutions stop interfering, domestic lands annexed and their dearest killed. institutions can never mature. Our support for these principles should not oscillate with the political winds– It is also not for the West to force their nor should they be sacrificed at the particular values of secular democracy. alter of political expediency, or in some The principle of detaching religion vain attempt to appease the west. The from state is deep rooted in London, west never compromises on their core Washington and Paris but is foreign to principles, nor should we. Cairo, Damascus and Istanbul. Liberal values rooted in individual freedom that Those principles must guide our spawn corporate capitalism, sexual response to the change that is freedom and pure individualism transforming the Muslim world – words emanate from the west’s peculiar which tell us that dictatorship will fail, ideology and are alien to the people of that western interference will fall, and the region. that every man and woman regardless of their creed, colour or race will be Accountable governments under the treated with justice. As the life of our Khilafah system are rooted in Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (saw) showed us, eternal values and have led to the journey will not be easy, real prosperity, justice and respect for political change never is. There is no minorities and women over the ages. easy path to progress, no shortcuts to Science, architecture and trade real change and hardship always blossomed under the Khilafah and can accompanies the task. do so once again. It is therefore incumbent on Muslims to speak out for But this Ummah is founded on the Islam’s core principles – principles that belief that implementing a system should guide our response to the anchored in divine revelation does not continuing events: have to contradict with the modern world. That our vision of leadership, is For instance Muslims should oppose one that is elected by the people, not the use of violence and repression appointed by the clergy. Where those against any individual whether done by that are weakest in society, are those non state actors, the despots in the that require most looking after. Indeed the West who supported the despotic governments of This is why we cannot remain silent today, this is why we cannot look away, the region should not receive a free pass. They supported this is why we will not stand aside these regimes for clear strategic reasons. while women are raped, while towns are oppressed and while children are the masses on the street. The Muslim orphaned. world is not interested in appeasing or Muslim world or carried out by Western accepting Israel’s illegal occupation and military forces. As Allah (swt) commanded: will not rest until this is reversed. “And if you rule, rule with justice In addition one of the key reasons for We should support a clear set of values. between them. Verily, Allah loves those people’s discontent is the lack of These values include the right to elect who act justly” [Translated Meaning of economic opportunity. Yet the same one’s ruler; the right to protest without the Qur’an - al-Ma’ida:42] crony capitalism that was practiced fear of reprisal; that minorities should before, is being now advocated again. be protected; that no one is above the law and that wealth should not be The use of the IMF, World Bank and aid concentrated amongst a privileged elite programs are also designed to keep the – whether you live in Tunis, Cairo or states weak and dependent on the West. Damascus. Unless the resources of the region are used for the people of the region, no And finally, we support the liberation of 6 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 7. DR ABDUL WAHID The Three Faces of Islamophobia But, as many critics of Islam point out, Islam is not a race. It is a set of beliefs and values that cross the boundaries of race. So, it is argued, it cannot be racism that drives a dislike of Islam. This is not wholly true. Islam is, indeed, not a race. But whilst Islamophobia is not a monolithic phenomenon, a significant part is without doubt nothing less than the base tribalism of the kind we see most commonly amongst racists. Islamophobia needs to be understood if concerned individuals hope to formulate an appropriate response. In my view there are three distinct faces of Islamophobia. I define Islamophobia as those who are critical of orthodox Islamic laws and values, rather than those who simply look at it all as a kind of “racism”, which I believe is not productive. A version of this article was within Germany. Critics pointed out that Cameron failed to criticise the English With that definition, the first form of originally published on the Defence League, a militant anti-Muslim Islamophobia is what might be labelled website New Civilisation in group, who held a huge rally the same as old-fashioned European xenophobia, June 2011 weekend as his Munich speech. which is what the term Islamophobia Multiculturalism was a policy adopted in has come to commonly represent. The Britain in response to rising racial second is the Islamophobia of liberals When British Prime Minister David tensions in the 1960s and 1970s. Many who, who wish to express (as they see Cameron addressed a security informed commentators fear that, it) the superiority of liberal values and conference in Munich in February 2011, whatever the motivation, abandoning their criticism of Islam through he criticised multiculturalism and called this policy – which was supposed to comment, dialogue and debate. The third for a more ‘muscular liberalism’. lead to greater social cohesion – will type uses policy tools to establish the Cameron has not been alone in attacking open the door to more racism; a concern superiority of liberal values over Islam; multiculturalism. German Chancellor reinforced with the approval by Marine and this last group includes the Angela Merkel was forced to make Le Pen, the leader of France’s National ‘muscular liberals’ like Cameron and negative comments on the policy by Front party, for Cameron’s comments. Blair. This is the most destructive face of rising tensions and political debate 7 :: Khilafah Magazine :: September 2010 Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 7
  • 8. DR ABDUL WAHID Islamophobia, because it is built on false Whilst there is a legitimate need to mission. arguments and can cause huge damage protect our families, our masajid etc – in terms of community relations, the there is a clear lesson in this ayah of the This group warrant’s argument and stability of the Muslim world, and Quran not to respond unnecessarily to debate in the best manner, as mentioned damage in terms of loss of life and ignorant abuse. in the ayah of Quran. liberty. “Invite to the Way of your Lord with LIBERAL EVANGELICALS wisdom and beautiful preaching; and Old-fashion European Xenophobia Evangelism is asserting the superiority of argue with them in ways that are best Europe has a poor history on its one’s beliefs. But it is not restricted to and most gracious: for your Lord treatment of minorities. Much of the religion. knows best, who have strayed from His current commentary about Muslims is Path, and who receive guidance.” reminiscent of the way Black people, There are critics of Islam who are not [Translated meaning of Quran16:125] Jews, Gypsies or the Irish were treated ignorant racists. They want to criticise in generations gone by – and in some the ideas of Islam that they disagree Liberal evangelical Islamophobia cases even today. with from their own liberal worldview. requires engaging in a debate of ideas – Their aim is not usually to demonise and for the best idea to win. But this The themes of the criticism about Muslims, who carry these ideas. requires the Muslim community to Muslims usually centre on changing the Their commentary can be perceived as adhere to the values that are under character of Britain, imposing non-British Islamophobic because it is set against a attack in a public manner, and to defend values, refusing to integrate, taking backdrop of politically driven them intellectually. resources from the state etc. This is the propaganda. Yet their criticisms are part language of the BNP or EDL who of a debate of ideas rather than ignorant The ‘Cold War’ Warriors of the State camouflage their attacks on Islam with xenophobia or part of a wider political The third group of people are those the language of defending the English or agenda. who wish to see the dominance of British people. secular liberal ideas over Islam – within Liberal evangelicals, who dominate the Britain and across the world but what This narrative is reinforced by the columns of the liberal broadsheets and distinguishes them from the liberals tabloid media who have, in some cases, the corridors of the BBC, can be mentioned before is that they do not actually manufactured negative stories about Muslims; or at other times report This group of Islamophobes believes in an ideological attack using the upon every negative facet of the full force of the State – including the use of military force if it means behaviour of Muslims in a manner that containing the rise of Islam as a political force in the Muslim world – links to their Islamic identity, which reinforces popular prejudice. and some elements of civil society as well, in order to secure victory. This form of Islamophobia generates the most rigorous opposition. There is, in extremely consistent in challenging trust liberalism to win the debate on part, protection in law from illiberal ideas from any source – whether intellectual grounds. discrimination and incitement to hatred. Christian or socially conservative. Moreover, anti-racist groups, the left and Instead, they use the power of the State, those with a strong moral conscience This small group will uphold their creed and their influence in the media, to dislike the rise in xenophobic hatred. So, to defend the right of people to say pursue policies that secure the many Muslims think it is important to what they want to say, even though they dominance of liberalism and the build alliances and address this kind of might disagree with them. suppression of Islam. They are willing to Islamophobia. play dirty, and pursue policies that But this means that this group of people fundamentally contradict the values they However, the danger in concentrating on would also be the first to champion the purport to uphold, which are founded this face of Islamophobia alone is to rights of Salman Rushdie, Theo van Gogh upon deeply flawed – even false – miss the altogether more sinister state- and others who use free expression to premises. They have played to the basest led and policy driven Islamophobia. insult the sanctities of Islam. instincts of the common man to create Moreover, most of the people that fall an environment that is hostile to Islam. into this camp are ignorant (jahil) These people deal in ideas; and the They have mimicked the McCarthyist people, and Allah SWT tells us: response to them should be in terms of policies of the Cold War era in order to “And the servants of Al-Rahman are ideas. That is how Allah and His create fear, and so hope to keep the those who walk on the earth in Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Muslim community in check through humility, and when the ignorant (jahil dealt with the criticisms in terms of this climate of fear. people) address them, they say, "Peace!" ideas in the Makkan era of the blessed [Translated meaning of Quran 25:63] Prophet’s (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) In a recent column in the Evening 8 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 9. DR ABDUL WAHID Standard newspaper following the ‘EXTREMIST’ BELIEFS publication of the Prevent review, the Mr d’Ancona identifies these. Some were right-wing columnist Matthew d’Ancona mentioned in the Prevent review wrote that “this struggle more closely document and some were leaked from resembles the Cold War than the Troubles confidential sources under the previous in Northern Ireland. The most important administration. They include “the argument advanced by the rebooted restoration of the Islamic Caliphate, the Prevent strategy is that the struggle against destruction of Israel and the global terrorism is, at root, a battle of ideologies”. imposition of Sharia law”. These are caricatures of the beliefs of many Muslims, This view is widespread amongst exaggerated for full fear effect. politicians, and pushed by right wing think The restoration of the Khilafah is a widely tanks. This group of Islamophobes believes held general aspiration amongst huge people labelled as ‘extremists’ and a mere in an ideological attack using the full force numbers of Muslims – although the stone’s throw away from being a ‘terrorist’. of the State – including the use of military numbers who actively promote this as an force if it means containing the rise of immediate political programme are fewer. But, for Muslims, upholding these values is Islam as a political force in the Muslim The Khilafah holds a central position in essential. For abandoning these values world – and some elements of civil society Islam. would bring humiliation in this world and as well, in order to secure victory. the next. The destruction of the Khilafah after World In fact, why does any Muslim think an anti- But if they have their way they will destroy War One heralded the subsequent racist liberal campaigner would bother even further the very ideas and values they disintegration of the Muslim world into defending values they disagree with, when claim they seek to uphold. chaos. Muslims don’t stand up for them even This British government, like its though they are supposed to believe in predecessor, has decided they wish to What is labelled the ‘destruction’ of Israel them! police ideas and political views. That is is what Muslims refer to as the liberation something that is supposed to be ‘haram’ of occupied Palestine. When Argentina These politicians, think tanks and sections in liberal societies. occupied the Falkland Islands or Hitler of the media who use lies, smear, fear and occupied France, people wanted liberation propaganda, as well as the institutions of They have decided to sideline, even – and not the ‘destruction’ of the pro- state to achieve their ends – have to be demonise, those who have nothing to do Argentine regime or the ‘destruction’ of the exposed for what they are. with violence but who hold firm to core Vichy regime – only liberation. Muslims do Islamic beliefs – so contradicting the not wish to see a “Jewish-free” Palestine; Their arguments need to be challenged pluralism they claim to believe in. just one where the oppressive and racist and undermined. The destructive capacity “Extremism” says the government’s Prevent Zionist regime is abolished, and justice for their policies needs to be made clear review document “is vocal or active established in the region. Yet, it is for all. opposition to fundamental British values, government policy to silence this valid including democracy, the rule of law, political opinion. Their double standards, trampling and individual liberty and mutual respect and soiling the very values they claim to tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.” What is referred to as the ‘global support, needs to be seen by all. imposition of Sharia law’ is the adoption of The Muslim community needs to be This definition is complete hypocrisy. The a legal code, described by the political united, despite government attempts to advocates of such policies have thinker and British parliamentarian force divisions undermined the rule of law in their Edmund Burke as “a law interwoven with a approach to Muslims within the UK and system of the wisest, the most learned, and “And hold fast, all together, by the rope of abroad, in pursuit of their ‘War on Terror’. most enlightened jurisprudence that Allah and be not divided among They have removed the individual liberty perhaps ever existed in the world”. yourselves” [Translated meaning of Quran of many with the imposition of detention This group of Islamophobes know that the 3:103] without trial. They have shown little return of the Khilafah, the implementation respect or tolerance for those who have of Sharia in terms of governance and Moreover, Muslims must be confident in its perfectly reasonable and rational beliefs economics, would mean a loss of control own identity – then engage with others on and values that conflict with the current over the Muslim world and its resources. It this basis. dominant view [though not necessarily is not about terrorism, or the safety of their majority view] in Britain or Europe. Where citizens. It is about suppressing the “Who is better in speech than one who is the respect and tolerance for women aspirations of hundreds of millions for the calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, wearing hijab and niqab? Or for mosques sake of corporate security. and says, ‘Verily, I am of the Muslims’?” bearing minarets in Switzerland? Or for the [Translated meaning Quran 41:33] religious sensitivities of millions of people So, they have created a ‘McCarthyite’ when desecrating the Quran, or vilifying climate, where to declare belief in these their beloved Prophet? values that are attacked and criticised, sees Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 9
  • 10. BURHAN HANIF to be frank about it.” (Peter Reid, Home Secretary in 2006) Prevent: The only element that Theresa May introduced, which could be considered as new was the reference to tackling ‘non- violent extremism’. This adjustment in Radically the focus was inevitable for a number of reasons: • It was the direction that the same previous government had already adopted, but had not announced publicly. • The Prevent Strategy has been an abysmal failure, for it was evident that ‘extremists’ were few and far between. Prevent has always been seen as a convenient cover that allowed the government to create a climate of intimidation for the Muslim community and for the government to pursue its real target i.e. those who offered Islamic intellectual and political enlightenment and alternatives. • The concern for governments is when Muslims begin to redefine themselves within an Islamic paradigm and assert their Islamic identity beyond the spiritual and secular confines, which they had inherited and/or was imposed upon them. This concern was has been consistently raised in the British Parliament over a number of decades and Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister stated, "It is also a struggle of ideas and ideals that in the coming years will be There was nothing radically different • The strategy maintains spy waged and won for hearts and minds about the “radically different strategy” to networks across a multitude of here at home and round the world." prevent people being drawn into violent institutions, to inform the authorities of extremism, which was unveiled by the those who show ‘signs or are susceptible’ It is an uncomfortable position for UK Home Secretary Theresa May in of extremist behaviour and influence. governments as Muslims openly question Parliament on 7th June 2011. and seek debate on the legitimacy and • The strategy conveniently application of secular values and The core elements of Prevent, which ignores the primary cause that has been challenge the brutal and hypocritical were introduced by the Labour attributed to the growth of radicalisation foreign policy that western governments government in the aftermath of 9/11 – i.e. UK foreign policy, which has been have adopted in the Muslim world. To remain unchanged: aired by many political commentators, silence Muslims has become a ordinary citizens; even ministers in the cornerstone policy of the government • It targets the Muslim government: “To pretend what happens and we should all expect that ‘non-violent community. abroad has no impact is nonsense.” (Lord extremism’ will become a much used West, Security Minister in 2009) household political expression. • It is based on promoting a secular state-sponsored Islam strategy and “But I do believe that foreign policy is However, the announcement of the ‘new providing a platform only for ‘moderates’ sometimes a motivating factor in strategy’ will do little to provide re- who subscribe to this doctrine. radicalisation of young Muslims and the assurance to the Muslim community, potential recruitment to terror. It is better already battling with discrimination, 10 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 11. BURHAN HANIF intimidation and victimisation that the continents whose indigenous populations crime, drug and alcohol abuse, human existing Prevent strategy has created. (in America, Africa, Asia and Australasia) trafficking, domestic violence, and so on. Likewise, the announcement just adds to were not spared from the criminal the increasingly held belief by Muslims colonial foreign policy – including But to give credit to truth, Theresa May and society in general that it is genocides, massacres, rape, exploitation, did confirm that: increasingly common for the government torture, subjugation, the appropriation of to abdicate and contradict core lands and the installation of despotic “Let me be clear: the ideology of principles: rulers to govern on their behalf? extremism and terrorism is the problem, Entitled ‘Genocide in Australia’, Professor Islam emphatically is not.... Above all, it • An ethical foreign policy has Colin Tatz, wrote that though no official will tackle the threat from home-grown been ignored for the sake of protecting figures exist, estimates of the Aboriginal terrorism”. British material interests by supporting population in 1788 range between brutal regimes and turning a blind eye 250,000 and 750,000. By 1911 the We wait for the government to finally and outsourcing torture. (In truth, there is number was 31,000. announce and admit that it is the home- no such thing as a secular ethical foreign grown terror that is debated, abhorred, policy) • Will students be taught that Sir and legislated against and within the four Winston Churchill, named the greatest walls of Parliament. That which is the • Britain abandoned sacred free Briton of all time in a nationwide poll in principle source of terrorism the world market principles in order to save banks 2002, supported the use of poisonous gas, suffers from - secular extremism. and protect and reward those that were responsible for the economic crisis that It is an uncomfortable position for governments as Muslims openly engulfed the world economies and question and seek debate on the legitimacy and application of secular resulted in millions of ordinary people values and challenge the brutal and hypocritical foreign policy that seeing their wealth and homes taken away i.e. the bankers. western governments have adopted in the Muslim world. • The government selectively stating “I do not understand this applies ‘freedom of speech’ whilst squeamishness about the use of gas. I am For Muslims, the agenda of Prevent has declaring itself as its most ardent strongly in favour of using poison gas become clearer as time has worn on. It is guardian – yet it actively seeks to deprive against uncivilised tribes”. He also said: essential that Muslims equip themselves people from holding thoughts and “I do not agree that the dog in a manger with the cloak of Iman and to be expressing themselves within the has the final right to the manger even steadfast upon the truth, engaging intellectual and political arena. Arrogantly though he may have lain there for a very intellectually and politically, without and quite without evidence propounding long time. I do not admit that is right. I do deviation. Likewise, as a community, the that non-violent Islamic political thoughts not admit for instance, that a great wrong Muslims must adhere to Islam at all times (Islamism they call it) will lead to has been done to the Red Indians of in its engagement within itself and the terrorism. An approach that can be used America or the black people of Australia. I wider society and not allow it to become to silence any political views the do not admit that a wrong has been done a tool in the hands of those that seek to government dislikes. to these people by the fact that a harm its adherents to Islam and become stronger race, a higher-grade race has the voice for the return of Islam as the It is interesting to note that part of the come in and taken their place.” unifying political system in the Muslim strategy to tackle extremism, involves world. promoting integration, “...including • Will Muslims be taught of recent through teaching our history and values British history and its active support in "The believers, men and women, are in our schools...” the creation of the illegal Israeli state and "Awliya" (helpers, protectors) of one What will be taught in terms of history the forced displacement of 5 million another; they enjoin the good and forbid by the government to encourage Palestinians? And the British creation and the evil…” [TMQ Al-Taubah 9:71] integration? support of nationalist movements in the • The bloody wars that England Arab world in order to divide and rule? engaged in and the brutal treatment and And the instigation of assassinations to exploitation of those it conquered? remove rulers that did not support the British agenda? • The mistreatment of those who lived in Scotland and Ireland? Given this, the mind just boggles what will be taught in terms of British values – • The truth of the brutal track given the social, political and moral record of the British Empire, which is decline that is evident and the alarming etched in the histories of those statistics related to poverty, social disease, Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 11
  • 12. RUKSANA RAHMAN Uprising in the Arab World & the Political Role of Muslim Women Friday April 22nd marked the bloodiest Muslims from remaining politically active democracy instead? What role do Muslim day of the 5 week old uprising in Syria. nor dampened their spirits of believing in women carry in achieving the desired Security forces indiscriminately shot and their aspirations of living under a just change? To answer such questions killed 73 people in an attempt to quash system of government in the future. requires a deeper study of the history and any semblance of revolution and toppling Throughout history, the question of the heritage of the Arab peoples and its of the Syrian regime. Indeed the signs of role of women in political life has been a impact in shaping political life and unrest in Syria are testament to people’s subject of much interest and contention. activism. belief that they have the power to change Needless to say that much demonization the status quo. of Islam has centred on the labelling of EMERGENCE OF THE DEBATE ON THE Islam as being the cause of women’s lack ROLE OF MUSLIM WOMEN IN POLITICS The Syrian uprising follows popular of public and political life in the Muslim Many ideas exist on what is the correct uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and world rather than the decadent Arab role for Muslim women in politics. In the other Muslim countries in the Arab world. cultures of bygone years or the imported book ‘Women in Islam: A Western From the suppression of political systems of the east and west. History is Experience’ by Anne Sofie Roald, she expression through imprisonment to the testament to the multitude of face lifts writes: “Political empowerment of labelling of alternate political views as Arab countries have had – each system women can be looked at from various ‘thought crimes’, the Muslims of the Arab and dictator promising to uplift women perspectives. Secular Muslim feminists world have experienced decades of from oppression. Yes – women in the focus on the top of the political ladder policing and subjugation by tyrant rulers. Arab world call for a removal of tyrant and thus promote female leadership, Nevertheless, this has not deterred rulers, but are they craving for western whereas Islamic women seek 12 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 13. RUKSANA RAHMAN empowerment on the lower rungs of the Muslim women for decades became ladder so that many women are politically common practice. Such a political reality activated”. It seems two discourses exist inspired Muslim women to be unified on on this issue; firstly whether women can one view – that oppression and tyranny assume the role of head of state – which by the political system should not exist. It is largely a feminist construction, and also inspired some women to set up secondly how it is that women should be organisations and charities which politically activated. So why have such provided a small voice and a cause to discourses re-emerged in the Arab world? work for under such brutal regimes, which numb any attempt to question THE POLITICAL INVASION AND ITS their authority. IMPACT ON POLITICAL ACTIVISM OF MUSLIM WOMEN MODELS OF POLITICAL ACTIVISM From the time of the Arab Revolt – the Society in the Arab world has always biggest betrayal against the Uthmani witnessed two branches of political Khilafah in 1918 onwards, North Africa activism; the call from secular Muslim and in particular Egypt and the Hijaz has women and feminists on the one hand been a hotbed for the introduction of and the call from practicing Muslim erroneous ideas on women. With the women on the other. west’s infatuation with ‘The Orient’ culturally and militarily – Influential The American plan of democratisation Muslim thinkers and writers fell into the wished to force a model of democracy trap of philosophising Islam and through man-made legislation to shape distorting understanding to suit the the political landscape from Indonesia to western palate. Many female figures Morocco. Prior to the Arab uprising of emerged at that time in the political 2011, the US attempted to ‘liberate’ the arena – ready to demonstrate and speak people of Iraq by dispelling Saddam and out for the causes they believed in which bring in a ‘representative’ government. It propelled the call for reforming Islam. must be made clear that western The feminists of that era such as Huda democracy is not the simple action of Sha’rawih, Safiyah Zaghlul, Princess Nazli, voting for the leader – but to legislate and Siza Nabrawi and the like, were politically implement a secular man-made state activated in the wrong sense. Such constitution. The bastions of democracy women were the wives and daughters of also tried to activate women politically by reformists with some receiving a western the mere offering of votes which many in education. They called for women’s rights, Iraq and Afghanistan have boycotted and freedom to remove the hijab and absolute labelled as rigged and the encouragement equality. The motivation behind the of women to be represented in actions of such women is the notion that parliament (e.g. The Loya Jirga in African countries. Morocco achieved a western liberalism was the way forward. Afghanistan). According to ‘The World 10% female representation in parliament Deluded by the idea that the grass is Association of Parliaments’ (IPU – an by 2002. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have no greener on the other side, they failed to association consisting of 155 national women representation and Kuwait does notice that women in England were parliaments around the world); at the end not let women run for office or vote. struggling for their right to vote or of 2010, women made up a fifth of What has changed politically from the inheritance when Islam had already parliamentarians worldwide, up from involvement of women in democracy? granted such rights 1400 years ago. The 16.3 percent in 2005. In 2010, 43 The protests in all the Arab countries and reason why women in Egypt were being chambers of parliaments (most being particularly in North Africa is testament denied such rights was due to the Northern European states) met the UN to the inability for female representation absence of the Islamic State, which could target of including at least 30 percent of or democracy to solve the problems of implement them. The greatest danger that women MPs. 62 chambers remained society. If further proof is required – we befell the Muslims at that time is their below the 10% mark and 10 chambers need not look further than Afghanistan, acceptance of foreign invasion which included no women at all. Arab states Pakistan and Iraq where the people have lead to the carving up of Muslim lands remained at the bottom of the table, with spoken lowd and clear of what they think and the imposition of kingships and an average of 11.7% in female about western interference and imported dictatorships as political entities. Under representation in parliaments. This western systems like democracy with or such secular political systems; patriarchy, increase from 4.3% in 1995 to 11.7% in without a face change. It is also evident subjugation, oppression and the 2010 is due to the introduction of a that following a 100 year struggle to gain suppression of political activism of quota system in Egypt and other North equality and rights by women in the Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 13
  • 14. RUKSANA RAHMAN west, western democracy (representative that is regarded as degrading to women. [TMQ 12:40] rule is Islamic, secular rule is not) is far When asked what they resented most from being a beacon of justice for about their own societies, a majority of “And whosoever does not rule by what women. With shocking statistics of rape, Muslim women polled said that a lack of Allah has revealed such are the battery, sex crimes, prostitution and unity among Muslim nations, violent disbelievers.” [TMQ Al Maidah, 44] pornography subjecting women to extremism, and political and economic immorality and injustice – democracy has corruption were their main concerns. The Thus, prior to the establishment of an lost the argument of taking the moral hijab and burqa seen by some Westerners Islamic State, Muslim women are required high ground or be considered as a as tools of oppression were never to engage in political actions as an political solution. mentioned in the women's responses’ obligation to her Rabb (Lord). Hence she (Helena Andrews; 2006). The Gallup poll would enjoin the Ma’rouf (right) and The political activism from secular also revealed that Muslim women want forbid the Munkar (falsehood, evil), account the tyrant ruler, call for the implementation of Islam, work to re- ‘70% of Moroccan women, 71% of Lebanese women and 48% of establish the Deen of Allah (SWT) and Saudi women polled did not think adopting Western values would concern herself with the affairs of the Ummah. The Muslimah would be vigilant help the Muslim world's political and economic progress. of the problems the Ummah faces and aware of the solutions to her feminists have thus focussed on the an Islamic system to govern their affairs predicament. She would only engage in superficial, such as campaigning for and wanted an end to western the Halal and reject the call to women as heads of state and imams, interference. compromise, partial solutions or adopt more female representation in parliament western inspired solutions. and the like. Those who do not conform Such opinions indicate that lessons have to this way of thinking and call for an been learnt from recent occupation. Following the establishment of the alternative political system like the Muslim women want a removal of Islamic State, her duty to account the Islamic Caliphate are labelled ‘Islamist’. tyrannical rule, western interference and ruler, enjoin the Ma’rouf and forbid the Therefore, the majority of Muslim women the right of self-determination – with the Munkar will continue, but she can in in the Muslim world are clear that the majority calling for an Islamic addition assume positions of correct Islamic political activism is not by government. responsibility within the state’s political calling for ‘feminism’ nor ‘pro- structure such as a judge, offering advice democracy’(man-made laws). Such THE CORRECT ISLAMIC POLITICAL on the Council of the Ummah and in activism is a deviation from the Islamic ACTIVISM FOR MUSLIM WOMEN electing the Khaleefah. The prohibition of political actions of ensuring Islam is Unlike feminists, the solution is neither women assuming a ruling position such present in society and ruling. The call for linked to female leadership nor to as a Khaleef, delegated assistant, Wali or accountable government is not a pro- achieve more female representation in Mayor (Aml) does not equate to injustice democracy call. The process of voting to parliament. Such calls have produced or inequality since the society is built on elect a head of state is not exclusive to little change and are a clear deviation cooperation of the sexes rather than the democracy; rather the Islamic ruling from the commands of Allah (SWT): battle for sameness. system also has a process of electing and The notion that women can be heads of accounting. states has come about from feminists Securing the rights of Muslim women through the distortion of evidences. therefore requires arduous and consistent WHAT MUSLIM WOMEN WANT IN THE There is a clear prohibition in the political actions that Islam has instructed MUSLIM WORLD? following hadith; “A people who appoint with a clear intention to please Allah Gallup 2005 Survey suggests that Muslims a woman as a ruler will never succeed” (SWT). A conscious effort must be made have learnt a huge lesson from western [Al-Bukhari]. The prohibition of to uproot erroneous and foreign imposition in recent times such as the appointing a woman to a position of imported political systems and to replace Iraq and Afghanistan invasion. ‘70% of authority is linked to ‘lack of success’ them with the Islamic Khilafah system. Moroccan women, 71% of Lebanese (Qareenah), - that is, a lack of success in women and 48% of Saudi women polled the afterlife - which indicates that the did not think adopting Western values prohibition is decisive. Therefore, would help the Muslim world's political appointing a woman as a ruler is and economic progress. The most forbidden (Haram). Furthermore, the frequent response to the question, “What notion that female representation in a do you admire least about the West?” was man-made democratic parliament is the general perception of moral decay, necessary is against the principles of the promiscuity and pornography that Islamic ruling system: pollsters called the “Hollywood image” “The rule is for none but Allah (SWT)” 14 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 15. KAMAL ABU ZAHRAH Countering the Saudi Attempt to Silence the Word of Truth and elites alike, as he (saw) said: "Allah's hand is with communion" (narrated by Tirmidhi). He (saw) also said: "Whoever held back the hand from obedience, will meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection without any justification for himself; and whoever died without the pledge of allegiance on his neck, has died a death of ignorance" (narrated by Muslim). He (saw) again said: "He who wanted to separate the affairs of this nation when they are unified, you should kill him with the sword, whosoever he is" (narrated by Muslim).’ This article is based on a more will hold up traffic! Indeed it is comprehensive explanation of the embarrassing to read the justifications Islamic ruling on Protests and given by the ‘Ulama of the Saudi The fatwa assumes that the Saudi regime Demonstrations which can be read at government’s ‘Council of Senior rules by Islam and as such, they are Scholars’ and those who follow them; legitimate rulers. The reality of the thus legitimising the Saud regime, which matter is that the Saudi Regime is far In the aftermath of popular uprisings in is a haven for the other illegitimate from being a legitimate Islamic authority. the Arab world some ‘ulama (clerics) tyrants in the region - such as Mubarak, sponsored by the Saudi regime have Ben Ali and now Ali Abdullah Saleh. The WHAT IS A LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY IN given a most unfortunate regressive Saudi fatwa is premised on one principal SHARIA? fatwa (religious edict) that protests and reason: that protests and demonstrations A state becomes Islamic when its rules demonstrations in that land are haram constitute rebellion against the and policies derive from the Islamic (prohibited). In this article, Allah willing, legitimate rulers of Saudi Arabia. ‘Aqidah (creed) i.e. when there basis is we want to scrutinise this fatwa. the Qur’an and Sunnah; meaning the Muslims are commanded not to be like ‘Protection of the community is of the sovereignty lies with the Shari’ah. That is the Ahl al-Kitab (The People of the greatest principles of Islam. It is from the why obedience to the rulers is restricted Book) who took their priests and rabbis great issues that Allah commanded in His and not unqualified. Allah (swt) says: as Lords (instead of Allah), accepting Holy Book, and condemned whoever their judgments blindly without abandoned it. Allah Almighty says: "And “O you who believe! Obey Allah, Obey question. hold fast, all together, by the rope which His Messenger and those in authority Allah (stretches out for you), and be not from amongst you; and if you differ, The reasons given by government divided among yourselves...” (Al-‘Imran: then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, scholars and others range in gravity, from 103) This is the principle of protection if you believe in Allah and the Last the serious charge of rebellion, to the of the community, which the Prophet Day.” [Al-Nisa: 59] downright ludicrous - demonstrations commanded upon all citizens, common Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 15
  • 16. KAMAL ABU ZAHRAH indication alongside the clear verses and the Shari’ah. Rather, when the ruler hadith that state that rulers must obey commands a clear munkar, the Muslim Allah and His Messenger in their ruling must disobey that command and cannot and exercise of authority. For example say he was following orders. the Messenger (saw) said: ‘There is no obedience (when this results) in The verse then concludes that if there is disobedience of the Creator.’ [Sahih a dispute over a matter, between the Bukhari] Here the mantuq (directly Muslims and their rulers, then the final apparent meaning) is an absolute arbiter must be Allah and His Messenger prohibition of following an order that (saw). It states: “if you differ, then refer it goes against the order of Allah (swt) - to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe whosoever makes that order. This hadith in Allah and the Last Day.” The last words came specifically in the context of of the ayah enjoin on the believers the authority and ruling. Its mafhum importance of referring to Allah and His (implied meaning) indicates that just as Messenger in ruling, by drawing claim that demonstrations against the Saudi rulers is prohibited, is misplaced as the Saudi regime does not enjoy any legitimacy whatsoever from the Shari’ah perspective. the person cannot obey a ruler who attention to the fact that not to do so is The noble ayah (verse) begins with the commanded disobedience to Allah (swt); a negation of iman; hence it says: ‘…if imperative (command) form verb ati’u so in the same way, a ruler or amir you believe in Allah and the Last Day.” (‘obey’): the subject of obedience (i.e. cannot order, enact laws or rule by those who obey) is in plural form, anything that is in violation of what This is how the Sahabah (ra) understood meaning ‘ALL those who believe in Allah (swt) has ordered. this matter and nothing shows this more Islam’; and the object of obedience (i.e. clearly than the speech of Abu Bakr al- the one who is obeyed) is Allah (swt). The verse also obliges the obedience to Siddiq when he assumed the post of The verse then repeats the command the command of the Messenger (saw) Khalifah: “Help me if I am in the right; ati’u (obey) and this time the object of and links that to the rulers. As long as set me right if I am in the wrong. The obedience is the Messenger (saw). The the rulers or those in authority obey the weak among you shall be strong with repetition of the word ‘obey’ and the Messenger (saw) then there is the me until Allah willing, his rights have order indicates the two basic reference obedience to him, otherwise there is no been vindicated. The strong among you points that Muslims have: the Qur’an and obedience. That is why the Messenger of shall be weak with me until, if Allah Sunnah. Therefore anything in Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him wills, I have taken what is due from him. contravention of Qur’an and Sunnah peace, said in a hadith reported by Abu Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His must be disobeyed, and anything from Hurayrah: ‘Whoever obeys me has Prophet; when I disobey Him and his the Qur’an and Sunnah must be obeyed. obeyed Allah and whoever disobeys me Prophet, obey me not.” This is the principle upon which has disobeyed Allah. Whoever obeys the Muslims are told to live by and this is amir has obeyed me and whoever The conclusion therefore is that a ruler the principle on which Muslims are disobeys the amir has disobeyed me’” becomes legitimate only when he bases instructed to view their rulers. Here the [Agreed upon]. As for the statement his rule on the Kitab and Sunnah, i.e. word for rulers, or those in authority, is ‘whoever obeys the amir has obeyed me sovereignty is for the Shari’ah, and it is ulul- amr (literal translation: ‘the people and whoever disobeys the amir has for this reason that obedience becomes of Command’). It is not restricted to the disobeyed me’ in the above hadith or the obligatory. Khalifah, but also includes the wali’s following one: “Anyone who dislikes (governors), wazirs (ministers) and all something from his amir should be However, when we look to the case of those who have authority, especially patient. Anyone who abandons the Saudi regime, we find that the basis since the word has been used in the obedience to the amir for even a short of its rule is not the Shari’ah, as plural form (ulul-amr) and not the time dies the death of the Jahiliyyah indicated by its persistent and constant singular waliyul-amr. (ignorance)” [Agreed upon]:This does explicit contravention of the Shari’ah; not mean absolute obedience to the here are a few examples: It is significant that the ayah does not rulers. These ahadith are about not • Permission of usury (riba) and repeat the verb ati’u when it comes to rebelling against the rulers due to their banks trading in usury, which is the Rulers, as it did in respect to Allah misappropriation of the people’s rights, categorically prohibited in Islam. and His Messenger; this is an additional but not about obeying the rulers in the matters which are a clear violation of • Submission to man-made 16 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011
  • 17. KAMAL ABU ZAHRAH international law as members of the UN without consideration of its aims and the people to witness it. Hasan knew and other international bodies, whose purpose? that this was a great opportunity to charters and rules are not in accordance remind the people about the place of with Islam. Another form of general evidences are wealth and status in this life. He said: the ‘umumat (generality) and “We looked at what the filthiest of filth The flagrant and persistent violation of unrestricted (mutlaq) import of the built, and we found that Fir’awn built Shari’ah by the Saudi regime, even after ahadith that enjoin Muslims to speak the greater than what he built and higher having been accounted by the ‘ulama haqq, enjoin the good and forbid the than what he built, then Allah destroyed and the da’wah carriers means that the evil. So for example the hadith: Fir’awn and what he built. Hajjaj should above constitute explicit kufr (kufr know that the inhabitants of the sky buwah). Consequently, their rule is not ‘The best struggle (jihad) is the word of hate him and the people of the earth legitimate and they need to be removed truth spoken to a tyrant ruler.’ (Al-Nasa'i). only deceive him!” It was said to Hasan by the people of power (nusrah) and a “Be careful, O Abu Sa’id!” Hasan replied just ruler appointed in their place. This hadith encouraging political “Allah has taken a covenant from the struggle does not specify the manner in people of knowledge to explain it to the So to claim that demonstrations against which the truth should be spoken to the people and not to be silent!” In this the Saudi rulers is prohibited, is tyrant ruler, which means any style that example Hasan al-Basri openly exposed misplaced as the Saudi regime does not has not been prohibited by another text the excesses of the ruler. (Suwar min enjoy any legitimacy whatsoever from is permitted. So whether by a letter, hayat at-tabi’in, ‘Abdur Rahman Ra’fat the Shari’ah perspective. Holding on to distribution of leaflets, publication of a Basha p.101-102) the rope of Allah, and unity of the book, article in a newspaper or speaking Jama’ah arises only when Muslims gather directly to the ruler, these are all Furthermore, it should not be said that under the leadership of a ruler who permissible means of fulfilling the the advice should be private or otherwise it is ghibah (backbiting). This is because the ahadith have come in an ...encouraging political struggle does not specify the manner in which unrestricted form, and in fact the the truth should be spoken to the tyrant ruler, which means any style indications of the ahadith of accounting that has not been prohibited by another text is permitted. So whether are that the accounting is to be done in by a letter, distribution of leaflets, publication of a book, article in a public; and as for ghibah, there is no newspaper or speaking directly to the ruler, these are all permissible ghibah for the one who does open fisq means of fulfilling the obligation. (transgression). Imam Nawawi in his Riyad al-Salihin, under the chapter of rules by the book of Allah and Sunnah of obligation. ‘Types of Ghibah which are Permissible’ the Messenger, not under the leadership listed six types, which in his view are of those who betray the interests of the The above hadith says ‘the best allowed as exceptions (to the normal Ummah and are only interested in being struggle’: this fits a reality where the prohibition of back-biting); of these, the khadims (servants) of America. accounting is done publicly, since that is three are relevant: truly a struggle, whereas it is easier to EVIDENCES FOR PERMISSIBILITY OF account privately. It is when the ruler is a) Complaining (tazallum) to the DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROTESTS accounted in front of everyone that he is ruler or judge As for the proofs (adillah) for the likely to kill or imprison the person permissibility of demonstration, these accounting him. b) Seeking help to change an evil are both general and specific: (munkar) It was the practice of the Sahabah to A demonstration or protest is a public account the rulers in public. It is c) Mentioning the one who display of opinion. The general evidences reported that a person told ‘Umar b. openly commits a sin (fisq) or which allow people to meet and express Khattab (ra) to “fear Allah” publicly, and innovation (bid’ah). opinions would permit people to ‘Umar responded by saying: ‘There is no demonstrate their opinions as long as goodness in you if you do not say it, and Indeed, under any of the above three the opinions expressed are permitted by there is no goodness in us if we do not categories there would be a dispensation Islam. As such protests and hear it.’ (Manaqib amir al-muminin by to backbite against the ruler’s demonstrations are merely a permissible Ibn Jawzi. P.155) oppression, evil actions or open sins. style, which takes its hukm (ruling) Some like Hasan al-Basri did not consider dependent on the reasons and aims of As for the Salaf al-Salih, look at the accounting rulers as ghibah in origin, as the demonstrations; thus these must be example of Hasan al-Basri: he was it is reported that he said: ‘There is no assessed before a hukm can be given, for present in Basrah when al-Hajjaj, a tyrant backbiting with regard to the fasiq how can a style be labelled haram Wali, built his grand palace and called all (sinner who openly professes his evil)." Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011 :: 17
  • 18. KAMAL ABU ZAHRAH why he had been given the epithet of Al- Faruq (He who distinguishes truth from falsehood); he replied: After I had embraced Islam, I asked the Prophet (saw): 'Aren't we on the right path, here and in the Hereafter?' The Prophet (saw) answered: 'Of course you are! I swear by Allah in Whose Hand my soul is; that you are right in this world and in the hereafter.' I therefore asked the Prophet, 'Why had we then to conduct clandestine activism. I swear by Allah, who has sent you with the Truth; that we will leave our concealment and proclaim our noble cause publicly.' We then went out in two groups, Hamzah leading one and I the other. We headed for the Mosque in broad daylight. When the polytheists of Quraysh saw us, their faces went pale, and they got incredibly depressed and resentful. On that very (al-Lalika’i, 1/140,p. 279). he gave them a general warning. Then he occasion, the Prophet attached to me made a particular reference to certain the epithet of Al-Faruq." (Al-Rahiq al- As for the specific evidences that public tribes, and said: "O Quraysh, rescue Makhtum p113 1st ed. English trans.) demonstration of accounting is yourselves from the Fire; O people of persmissible, they are numerous; we Bani Ka'b, rescue yourselves from the Therefore, demonstrations and protests shall here give two clear examples of Fire; O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, to account the rulers and expose their public display of opinion. It has been rescue yourself from the Fire, for I have betrayal of the ummah’s interest are reported by Al-Bukhari on the authority no power to protect you from Allah in permissible by the general and specific of Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with anything except that I would sustain evidences regarding this subject, as long him) that he said: "When the following relationship with you." as no other rules of the Shari’ah are verses were revealed: "And warn your violated, such as destruction of public or tribe [O Muhammad (saw)] of near Here Allah’s Messenger (may the peace private property, non Islamic slogans or kindred." [26:214] The Messenger of and blessings be upon him), after free-mixing. Allah (saw) ascended Mount Al-Safa and receiving the command to carry the started to call: "O Bani Fahr! O Bani da’wah to his tribesmen, went out on CONCLUSION 'Adi!" Many people gathered, and those top of Mount Safa and called out to the The political authority that rightly who could not sent somebody to report Quraysh to heed his warning. This was a belongs to this Ummah has been stolen, to them. Abu Lahab was also present. The public display of opinion by the Prophet usurped and abused by the tyrant rulers. Prophet (saw) said: "You see: if I were to (saw), and what is permitted for the Only the Islamic political struggle will tell you that there were some horsemen individual is permitted for the group (as bring real change for this Ummah and in the valley planning to raid you, would long as there is no specific nass that we are obliged to reclaim that authority you believe me?" They said: "Yes, we restricts the action to the Messenger by accounting them and working to re- have never experienced any lie from alone). So this is specific evidence for establish the Khilafah that WILL rule by you." He said: "I am a Warner to you protests and demonstrations. what Allah has revealed. Let us heed the before a severe torment." Abu Lahab words of Muhammad al-Mustafa (saw): promptly replied: "Perish you all the day! The second example is the first public Have you summoned us for such a collective demonstration by Muslims, "Nay, by Allah, you either enjoin good thing?" Muslim has the following organised by ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab, for and forbid evil and catch hold of the version reported on authority of Abu which he was praised by the Messenger hand of the oppressor and persuade him Hurayrah (ra) — He said: "When the (saw), as reported in ‘The Sealed Nectar’: to act justly and stick to the truth, or, following verses were revealed: "And “With respect to the Muslims in Makkah, Allah will involve the hearts of some of warn your tribe [O Muhammad (saw)] ‘Umar’s (ra) conversion had a different you with the hearts of others and will of near kindred." [26:214] The tremendous impact. Mujahid, on the curse you as He had cursed them". Messenger of Allah (saw) called all the authority of Ibn al-‘Abbas (ra), related [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]. people of Quraysh; so they gathered and that he had asked ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab 18 :: Khilafah Magazine :: July 2011