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Thanks to Bob Hoffman for inspiration
The Trust equation belongs to David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, Robert M. Gladorf

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       No consumers         Relevant                    Opinion
       asceta,               Other                      Leader
       angry                           Undecided
       or unable

               High        other
               Value      brands
 Other       Consumer   consumers
brands         other
 Fans         brands
HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER, we keep giving reasons.

            The High Value Customer is the Heavy Users/ High Yield customer. In our experience, in
            almost every category, the 30% of customers are responsible for over 70% of the sales.
            This is a consumer that knows very well the category and has wide experience. We don’t
            think conventional advertising with an oversimplified message will have a minimum effect on
  High      The primary goal is to change behavior, not attitudes, that’s too ambitious and inefficient.
  Value     Product advertising, this is what we believe we have to create for them. Something
Consumers   unknown, specific and good. A good, solid reason to do something different, to give a
            Therefore, it is about meaningful product differentiation, innovations, new product benefits,
            a good deal, a compelling offer, a service enhancement, or evidence of emotional
            The creative message is aimed exclusively at them. We design this idea with the
            most personalized medium at the core of our thinking, so both are one.
            One single message, well crafted, can provide the changing in behavior we are looking for,
            but be ready to work on a battery of them. It is also about depth, frequency and repetition.
            We identify the high value customers using a variety of methods like business acumen,
            exploratory research, digital buzz tools and analytics.
            10.We identify the HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER through client knowledge + research + digital buzz tools + analytics.
            11.Define the different sizeable profiles existing
            12.Build personalized creative message to get a trial per profile with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking.
            13.Seed the message.
OPINION LEADERS, we create conversation-worthy
            communications for MAVENS, SALESMEN & CONNECTORS

          The Opinion leader is that maven, that knowledgeable, the one that craves for information
          that everyone else respects.
          For the Opinion Leader, the primary goal is to create conversation-worthy
Opinion   communications. We have to create for them interactive stories of discovery from the
Leader    product. Sometimes provocative, irreverent, funny, outrageous, but always of discovery.
          There is also a especial way to act with them in the media, thinking editorially,
          reacting in real time, engaging in reciprocal conversations and distributing
          generous amount of both mass and niche content.
FANS, values and more values.

       The fans are that 10% of stubborn brand loyalists. The brand is almost an ideology
       for them. And for us the primary goal is buttressing identity. Our advertising should
       allow the brand to perform a myth that addresses an acute contradiction in society.
       Then, we personalize the brand’s myth to fit individual biography and create ritual
Fans   actions to experience the myth when using product. This is what fans want.
       Of course we need to reinforce pride and help them show off their feeling of belonging.
TRENDSETTERS, mystery, intimacy and sensuality.

              Trendsetters are the first spark that starts the fire. They are the first ones to use the
              product. They give its initial visibility and they inspire the rest on its usage and style.
              They are cool, sophisticated and able to decode complex messages. Most of the time
              they are well formed and informed and with high purchase power. They love new things.
              We know how to get their attention. The communication should be mysterious, should be
Trendsetter   intimate and sensual. This is how Kevin Roberts, from Saatchi & Saatchi, describes
              great communication.
              The recipe of mystery in short: tell big stories; combine the past, the present and the
              future; awake your dreams; leverage on your myths and icons; inspire the trendsetters.
              The need for sensuality is clear to get to these trendsetters: they are the fast lane to
              reach the human emotions.
              Intimacy or being emotionally close to someone has 3 dimensions:
              Empathy, to understand and respond to others people emotions.
              Commitment, that proofs we are engaged in a long term relationship.
              Passion: the lightening spark that maintains the relationship alive.
RELEVANT OTHER, visualazing selfishness and
                      emotional messages.

           Yes, yes, we´ve been talking about very influencing people that people trust to take
           their decision, who have the authority and expertise to make us take decisions. But
           we all have experienced that not all decisions we take follow only the right technical
Relevant   advise. We sometimes don´t maximize our own desires but try to optimize a broader
 Other     scenario. We take some decisions because they make us happy as well to those who
           are important to us, even when we know it´s not our best personal ego choice. But
           we care and love others too. What our relevant other, whether she is our wife,
           husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, boss, brother, sister, kid, mam or pa, has
           to say on a topic matters. Sometimes it´ s easy to maximize all family happiness.

           So, for the RELEVANT OTHER; we craft a communication that talks to their personal
           benefits derived from the decider choice. What they are going to take from all these,
           and we drive their influence towards our clients offer. Paradoxically, it is a message
           based on selfishness and emotions towards the relevant other, so the decision taker
           could think about her happiness too.
UNDECIDED, values or rationals-utilities?

            Have you ever heard that elections are win or lost based on the undecided?. This
Undecided   is well known by all campaign managers in the world. What they do to win the
            elections is, first, to reinforce and activate their base and then to create a new
            perception among the undecided. They do not try to persuade the bases of the
             The undecided belongs to that 10% or 20% that want to acquire the product or use the
            service but have not yet taken a decision on which brand proposal they will take. He is
            kind of a searcher, looking for the right information to take the decision.
            Here there are 2 hypothesis: we could follow some authors, like George Lakoff, the guru
            working for the democrat party in the USA, who defend that those undecided are
            precisely undecided because they share some democrat values on some issues and
            some republicans in others. Therefore what has to be done is to communicate on the
            values and make the undecided understand the superiority of relevance of those
            democrat values that they share over the ones they share with the republicans.
            The second hypothesis is the one that defends a rational or pragmatic decision based on
            issues/ utility and on what are the specific benefits for this undecided voter.
            So, when to use one approach or the other? We recommend to use the “values”
            approach in high involvement categories or identity categories, like fashion, alcohol,
            cigarettes, cars,… and work the “rational” approach when dealing with more functional
FRAGILE BRAND CUSTOMER, lifestyle, values &
Consumers   The FRAGILE BRAND CONSUMER is our customer. Yes she buys our products one in a
            while, but she is an inexperienced customer, her frequency of purchase is low and
            sometimes buys from the competitors depending on the deal. She is not very much into the
            category and she takes her purchase decisions based on more irrational and emotional
            There are 2 kind of advertising, the one based on the product and the one based on the
            potential consumer. The latter is based on lifestyle, it talks about the people, their lifestyle
            and how the brand is going to fit on it. It is also more superficial but it does its job as these
            consumers are more involved on themselves than in the product or service category. It can
            be more relevant to them as it talks about them. The people are the heroes.
            This is what is called the peripheral route (versus the central route to persuasion).
            While doing this it is important to open the product possibilities in terms of consumption
            moments and different usages.
            Unexpected reassurances of having made a good deal are important and progressively the
            conversation has to introduce in a relevant way the values of the brand.
            The objective is to mutate them into high value customers.
                           and opportunity.

            This is a similar case to the fragile brand customer. The profile is very similar but this
            segment tends to prefer other brands products or services.
            Again lifestyle or branding advertising is more effective when including opportunistic offers
  Fragile   and deals.
   other    In terms of persuasion we talk here more
  brands    about a peripheral route (relies not on reason
            per se, but on packaging – attractiveness
            of the message or the medium, use of evocative symbols, use of an attractive or credible
            source, and so forth) than central one (intense engagement and argumentation), as the
            consumer shows “low elaboration”, a situation in which the individual looks for cognitive
            shortcuts – cues or connections that allow processing of incoming information without much
            conscious effort.
                          a reason to try.

           This is the big white shark. The biggest opportunity for a brand when the strategy is based
           on Market Share more than growth (new customers or increase of frequency and volume
           for current customers).
           The High Value Customer is the Heavy Users/ High Yield customer. In our experience, in
           almost every category, the 30% of customers are responsible for over 70% of the sales.
           This is a consumer that knows very well the category and has wide experience. We don’t
  Value    think conventional advertising with an oversimplified message will have a minimum effect on
Consumer   him.
           The primary goal is to change behavior, not attitudes, that’s too ambitious and inefficient.
           Product advertising, this is what we believe we have to create for them. Something
           unknown, specific and good. A good, solid reason to do something different, to give a
           Therefore, it is about meaningful product differentiation, innovations, new product benefits,
           a good deal, a compelling offer, a service enhancement, or evidence of emotional
           The creative message is aimed exclusively at them. We design this idea with the
           most personalized medium at the core of our thinking, so both are one.
           One single message, well crafted, can provide the changing in behavior we are looking for,
           but be ready to work on a battery of them. It is also about depth, frequency and repetition.
           We identify the high value customers using a variety of methods like business acumen,
           exploratory research, digital buzz tools and analytics.
           11.We identify the HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER through client knowledge + research + digital buzz tools + analytics.
           12.Define the different sizeable profiles existing
           13.Build personalized creative message to get a trial per profile with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking.
           14.Seed the message.
OTHER BRANDS FANS, cognitive dissonance
                        approach or innovation.

         This is a tough one!
         These guys seem to be stuck to what other brands dictate. They love them and embrace
         their values and beliefs.
 Other   They experience what is called selective attention which means they are only open to
brands   expose themselves to that information which is consistent with their attitudes, perceptions
 Fans    and beliefs. Any other communication that may produce any cognitive dissonance is
         rejected. Dissonance is a condition in which 2 or more cognitive elements, attitudes,
         beliefs, perceptions, are out of balance. The key to changing an existing behavior is, first,
         to induce dissonance, which has the effect of rendering the individual more susceptible to
         persuasion, then second, providing mechanisms to reduce the newly induced dissonance
         in ways that advance the interests of our campaign.
         Other than that, innovation, in the terms of new brand ideas and new offers, should be the
NO CONSUMER, innovation, convenience and
                         simpathy for the ASCETA, UNABLE & ANGRY,

               The NO CONSUMER are simply those that do not participate in the category. They don´t
               consume our products neither ours competitors. However, their reasons for the no
               consumption could be different.
               The ASCETA is that one that has not a real need that could be solved with our current
No consumers   product. It is when we come back to the brand and we look for the next big idea that will do
asceta,        the job (brand innovation) . They are ideas that talk to these new targets or present the
angry          product in a totally new and transforming way.
or unable      While in the process, we discover new consumers needs unmatched or improperly done.
               This is when our capabilities on product or service innovation come to place (future category
               We conceive the new brand idea, we transform it into a new product or service, real or
               digital, and then we communicate it.
               The UNABLE is that one which finds very difficult to take the benefits of our product or even
               to get to it. The focus should be put on how to solve these barriers. To have a look on
               maximizing their CONVENIENCE.

               Finally, the ANGRY are like the Angry Birds, they are angry. For them your remedy is
               SIMPATHY (feeling alike).
How can an undecided become a fragile
brand consumer and keep evolving until he
turns into a fan?
Could a brand establish a model that allow
this migration?
Well, we just talked about the
communication approach effective for each
character, and this is the beginning: are we
addressing each specific character in the                              Fans
right way? When we are consistently doing
right we can start to work on the next
transitional stage to locate her in her next
level.                                                       High
Again communication and marketing                            Value
techniques are used to implement this
mutation process. They include the                         Consumers
accurate implementation of our TRUST
The ultimate objective is to move our
customer base through a line of bigger           Brand
loyalty and higher value.

In the age of
hyper connectivity
the importance of
Influencers is
even bigger and                                          High
deserves a
unique treatment.                                        Value
If you wan to
create a                                               Consumers
message you
better rely on a
proven method.
A viral hit is too
difficult and
We have a
process for the             Trendsetter                                                Fans
tipping point:
3.We identify the
INFLUENTIALS                                        Undecided    Fragile
through client
knowledge + research                                              Brand
+ digital buzz tools +
analytics.                                                      Consumers
4.Define the different
sizeable profiles
existing, opinion leader,
fan, trendsetter, high
value customer,                                       Fragile
relevant other, and
prioritize them.                                       other
5.Build conversation-                                 brands
worthy communications
and actions to activate                             consumers
6.Seed the messages
and the actions.

                                          Opinion                           Relevant
                                          Leader                             Other
TRUST equation
Talking about a community
we talk about TRUST.
Trust that should be built,
maintained and nurtured to
make it grow.
We have been working                             Relevant
with the TRUST equation                           Other
since years now and
always showed its efficacy        No consumers
to our purpose. The
equation displays 4               asceta,                                      High
variables of trust, with their
own meaning, role and
                                  angry                           Fragile      Value
timing. We added our              or unable            Undecided   Brand     Consumers
kardumen on it discovering
the right variable to be                                         Consumers
worked on each character
and how they move across
them all. It is significant to                   credibility + reliability + intimacy
highlight that, once more,
the extremes get very             TRUST =
Credibility: do I believe
                                                              Self orientation                         Fans
what the brand says?
Reliability: Does the brand
delivers what she
Intimacy: Is the brand close     Opinion
to me emotionally?               Leader      Fragile
Self Orientation: Will the
brand put her own interests                   other
before mines?                                brands           High      Other
                                           consumers          Value    brands
                                                            Consumer    Fans
                                            INNOVATION                                   STORY
We talk about a transmedia                   DIGITAL ADD-ON
experience across the offer itself,
the point of sale and the digital           PROMO MECHANIC
world. We work on an                            LICENSE/
editorialization of the commerce
and of the ecommerce.                        COBRANDING
We define a PROMOSTORY as a
vivified sales story of a new                                 Undecided
limited edition offer, with a digital
value or incentive, an interactive
miss en scene in the point of
sales and amplified with digital
To whom are we talking especially?
The promostories are conceived to
appeal the HIGH VALUE                                           High     High
CUSTOMERS, THE HIGH VALUE                                       Value    Value
Giving a reason is a process that                             Consumer Consumers
needs a especial reason to be                                   other
communicated, the limited offer,
and a story so we can make our                                 brands
point to those consumers which
have a vast experience on the
                                             DIGITAL                                     DIGITAL
category and are not going to be
persuaded by an oversimplified and            BUZZ                                       POINT OF
superficial message.
As there is content, interesting
content, which builds the story
wakes the OPINION LEADERS up
It is also a proper tool when talking
                                                              Opinion     No consumers
to UNDECIDED on low involvement                               Leader      asceta.
or functional categories.
And finally, if the limited offer is well
done it will have its chance with the
K communityv3

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  • 1.
  • 2. Thanks to Bob Hoffman for inspiration The Trust equation belongs to David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, Robert M. Gladorf Santa Eulàlia, 5-9, 1o 3a | 08012 Barcelona - Spain Tel. +34 934 512 460 |
  • 3. Trendsetter Fans Loyalty High Value Consumers Fragile Brand Consumers value No consumers Relevant Opinion asceta, Other Leader angry Undecided or unable Fragile High other Value brands Other Consumer consumers brands other Fans brands
  • 4. HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER, we keep giving reasons. The High Value Customer is the Heavy Users/ High Yield customer. In our experience, in almost every category, the 30% of customers are responsible for over 70% of the sales. This is a consumer that knows very well the category and has wide experience. We don’t think conventional advertising with an oversimplified message will have a minimum effect on him. High The primary goal is to change behavior, not attitudes, that’s too ambitious and inefficient. Value Product advertising, this is what we believe we have to create for them. Something Consumers unknown, specific and good. A good, solid reason to do something different, to give a try. Therefore, it is about meaningful product differentiation, innovations, new product benefits, a good deal, a compelling offer, a service enhancement, or evidence of emotional enrichment. The creative message is aimed exclusively at them. We design this idea with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking, so both are one. One single message, well crafted, can provide the changing in behavior we are looking for, but be ready to work on a battery of them. It is also about depth, frequency and repetition. We identify the high value customers using a variety of methods like business acumen, exploratory research, digital buzz tools and analytics. 10.We identify the HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER through client knowledge + research + digital buzz tools + analytics. 11.Define the different sizeable profiles existing 12.Build personalized creative message to get a trial per profile with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking. 13.Seed the message.
  • 5. OPINION LEADERS, we create conversation-worthy communications for MAVENS, SALESMEN & CONNECTORS The Opinion leader is that maven, that knowledgeable, the one that craves for information that everyone else respects. For the Opinion Leader, the primary goal is to create conversation-worthy Opinion communications. We have to create for them interactive stories of discovery from the Leader product. Sometimes provocative, irreverent, funny, outrageous, but always of discovery. There is also a especial way to act with them in the media, thinking editorially, reacting in real time, engaging in reciprocal conversations and distributing generous amount of both mass and niche content.
  • 6. FANS, values and more values. The fans are that 10% of stubborn brand loyalists. The brand is almost an ideology for them. And for us the primary goal is buttressing identity. Our advertising should allow the brand to perform a myth that addresses an acute contradiction in society. Then, we personalize the brand’s myth to fit individual biography and create ritual Fans actions to experience the myth when using product. This is what fans want. Of course we need to reinforce pride and help them show off their feeling of belonging.
  • 7. TRENDSETTERS, mystery, intimacy and sensuality. Trendsetters are the first spark that starts the fire. They are the first ones to use the product. They give its initial visibility and they inspire the rest on its usage and style. They are cool, sophisticated and able to decode complex messages. Most of the time they are well formed and informed and with high purchase power. They love new things. We know how to get their attention. The communication should be mysterious, should be Trendsetter intimate and sensual. This is how Kevin Roberts, from Saatchi & Saatchi, describes great communication. The recipe of mystery in short: tell big stories; combine the past, the present and the future; awake your dreams; leverage on your myths and icons; inspire the trendsetters. The need for sensuality is clear to get to these trendsetters: they are the fast lane to reach the human emotions. Intimacy or being emotionally close to someone has 3 dimensions: Empathy, to understand and respond to others people emotions. Commitment, that proofs we are engaged in a long term relationship. Passion: the lightening spark that maintains the relationship alive.
  • 8. RELEVANT OTHER, visualazing selfishness and emotional messages. Yes, yes, we´ve been talking about very influencing people that people trust to take their decision, who have the authority and expertise to make us take decisions. But we all have experienced that not all decisions we take follow only the right technical Relevant advise. We sometimes don´t maximize our own desires but try to optimize a broader Other scenario. We take some decisions because they make us happy as well to those who are important to us, even when we know it´s not our best personal ego choice. But we care and love others too. What our relevant other, whether she is our wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, boss, brother, sister, kid, mam or pa, has to say on a topic matters. Sometimes it´ s easy to maximize all family happiness. So, for the RELEVANT OTHER; we craft a communication that talks to their personal benefits derived from the decider choice. What they are going to take from all these, and we drive their influence towards our clients offer. Paradoxically, it is a message based on selfishness and emotions towards the relevant other, so the decision taker could think about her happiness too.
  • 9. UNDECIDED, values or rationals-utilities? Have you ever heard that elections are win or lost based on the undecided?. This Undecided is well known by all campaign managers in the world. What they do to win the elections is, first, to reinforce and activate their base and then to create a new perception among the undecided. They do not try to persuade the bases of the opponent. The undecided belongs to that 10% or 20% that want to acquire the product or use the service but have not yet taken a decision on which brand proposal they will take. He is kind of a searcher, looking for the right information to take the decision. Here there are 2 hypothesis: we could follow some authors, like George Lakoff, the guru working for the democrat party in the USA, who defend that those undecided are precisely undecided because they share some democrat values on some issues and some republicans in others. Therefore what has to be done is to communicate on the values and make the undecided understand the superiority of relevance of those democrat values that they share over the ones they share with the republicans. The second hypothesis is the one that defends a rational or pragmatic decision based on issues/ utility and on what are the specific benefits for this undecided voter. So, when to use one approach or the other? We recommend to use the “values” approach in high involvement categories or identity categories, like fashion, alcohol, cigarettes, cars,… and work the “rational” approach when dealing with more functional categories.
  • 10. FRAGILE BRAND CUSTOMER, lifestyle, values & reassurance. Fragile Brand Consumers The FRAGILE BRAND CONSUMER is our customer. Yes she buys our products one in a while, but she is an inexperienced customer, her frequency of purchase is low and sometimes buys from the competitors depending on the deal. She is not very much into the category and she takes her purchase decisions based on more irrational and emotional benefits. There are 2 kind of advertising, the one based on the product and the one based on the potential consumer. The latter is based on lifestyle, it talks about the people, their lifestyle and how the brand is going to fit on it. It is also more superficial but it does its job as these consumers are more involved on themselves than in the product or service category. It can be more relevant to them as it talks about them. The people are the heroes. This is what is called the peripheral route (versus the central route to persuasion). While doing this it is important to open the product possibilities in terms of consumption moments and different usages. Unexpected reassurances of having made a good deal are important and progressively the conversation has to introduce in a relevant way the values of the brand. The objective is to mutate them into high value customers.
  • 11. FRAGILE OTHER BRANDS CUSTOMERS, lifestyle and opportunity. This is a similar case to the fragile brand customer. The profile is very similar but this segment tends to prefer other brands products or services. Again lifestyle or branding advertising is more effective when including opportunistic offers Fragile and deals. other In terms of persuasion we talk here more brands about a peripheral route (relies not on reason consumers per se, but on packaging – attractiveness of the message or the medium, use of evocative symbols, use of an attractive or credible source, and so forth) than central one (intense engagement and argumentation), as the consumer shows “low elaboration”, a situation in which the individual looks for cognitive shortcuts – cues or connections that allow processing of incoming information without much conscious effort.
  • 12. HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER OTHER BRANDS, we give a reason to try. This is the big white shark. The biggest opportunity for a brand when the strategy is based on Market Share more than growth (new customers or increase of frequency and volume for current customers). The High Value Customer is the Heavy Users/ High Yield customer. In our experience, in almost every category, the 30% of customers are responsible for over 70% of the sales. High This is a consumer that knows very well the category and has wide experience. We don’t Value think conventional advertising with an oversimplified message will have a minimum effect on Consumer him. other The primary goal is to change behavior, not attitudes, that’s too ambitious and inefficient. brands Product advertising, this is what we believe we have to create for them. Something unknown, specific and good. A good, solid reason to do something different, to give a try. Therefore, it is about meaningful product differentiation, innovations, new product benefits, a good deal, a compelling offer, a service enhancement, or evidence of emotional enrichment. The creative message is aimed exclusively at them. We design this idea with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking, so both are one. One single message, well crafted, can provide the changing in behavior we are looking for, but be ready to work on a battery of them. It is also about depth, frequency and repetition. We identify the high value customers using a variety of methods like business acumen, exploratory research, digital buzz tools and analytics. 11.We identify the HIGH VALUE CUSTOMER through client knowledge + research + digital buzz tools + analytics. 12.Define the different sizeable profiles existing 13.Build personalized creative message to get a trial per profile with the most personalized medium at the core of our thinking. 14.Seed the message.
  • 13. OTHER BRANDS FANS, cognitive dissonance approach or innovation. This is a tough one! These guys seem to be stuck to what other brands dictate. They love them and embrace their values and beliefs. Other They experience what is called selective attention which means they are only open to brands expose themselves to that information which is consistent with their attitudes, perceptions Fans and beliefs. Any other communication that may produce any cognitive dissonance is rejected. Dissonance is a condition in which 2 or more cognitive elements, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, are out of balance. The key to changing an existing behavior is, first, to induce dissonance, which has the effect of rendering the individual more susceptible to persuasion, then second, providing mechanisms to reduce the newly induced dissonance in ways that advance the interests of our campaign. Other than that, innovation, in the terms of new brand ideas and new offers, should be the focus.
  • 14. NO CONSUMER, innovation, convenience and simpathy for the ASCETA, UNABLE & ANGRY, The NO CONSUMER are simply those that do not participate in the category. They don´t consume our products neither ours competitors. However, their reasons for the no consumption could be different. The ASCETA is that one that has not a real need that could be solved with our current No consumers product. It is when we come back to the brand and we look for the next big idea that will do asceta, the job (brand innovation) . They are ideas that talk to these new targets or present the angry product in a totally new and transforming way. or unable While in the process, we discover new consumers needs unmatched or improperly done. This is when our capabilities on product or service innovation come to place (future category design). We conceive the new brand idea, we transform it into a new product or service, real or digital, and then we communicate it. The UNABLE is that one which finds very difficult to take the benefits of our product or even to get to it. The focus should be put on how to solve these barriers. To have a look on maximizing their CONVENIENCE. Finally, the ANGRY are like the Angry Birds, they are angry. For them your remedy is SIMPATHY (feeling alike).
  • 15.
  • 16. MUTATIONS How can an undecided become a fragile brand consumer and keep evolving until he turns into a fan? Could a brand establish a model that allow this migration? Well, we just talked about the communication approach effective for each character, and this is the beginning: are we addressing each specific character in the Fans right way? When we are consistently doing right we can start to work on the next transitional stage to locate her in her next level. High Again communication and marketing Value techniques are used to implement this mutation process. They include the Consumers accurate implementation of our TRUST equation. The ultimate objective is to move our Fragile customer base through a line of bigger Brand loyalty and higher value. Consumers This is our MUTATIONS MODEL. Undecided
  • 17. INFLUENTIALS In the age of hyper connectivity the importance of Influencers is even bigger and High deserves a unique treatment. Value If you wan to create a Consumers contagious message you better rely on a proven method. A viral hit is too difficult and unlikely. We have a process for the Trendsetter Fans tipping point: 3.We identify the INFLUENTIALS Undecided Fragile through client knowledge + research Brand + digital buzz tools + analytics. Consumers 4.Define the different sizeable profiles existing, opinion leader, fan, trendsetter, high value customer, Fragile relevant other, and prioritize them. other 5.Build conversation- brands worthy communications and actions to activate consumers influence. 6.Seed the messages and the actions. Opinion Relevant Leader Other
  • 18. TRUST equation Talking about a community we talk about TRUST. Trust that should be built, maintained and nurtured to make it grow. Trendsetter We have been working Relevant with the TRUST equation Other since years now and always showed its efficacy No consumers to our purpose. The equation displays 4 asceta, High variables of trust, with their own meaning, role and angry Fragile Value timing. We added our or unable Undecided Brand Consumers kardumen on it discovering the right variable to be Consumers worked on each character and how they move across them all. It is significant to credibility + reliability + intimacy highlight that, once more, the extremes get very TRUST = close! Credibility: do I believe Self orientation Fans what the brand says? Reliability: Does the brand delivers what she promises? Intimacy: Is the brand close Opinion to me emotionally? Leader Fragile Self Orientation: Will the brand put her own interests other before mines? brands High Other consumers Value brands Consumer Fans other brands
  • 19. PROMOSTORIES INNOVATION STORY We talk about a transmedia DIGITAL ADD-ON experience across the offer itself, the point of sale and the digital PROMO MECHANIC world. We work on an LICENSE/ editorialization of the commerce and of the ecommerce. COBRANDING We define a PROMOSTORY as a vivified sales story of a new Undecided limited edition offer, with a digital value or incentive, an interactive miss en scene in the point of sales and amplified with digital buzz. To whom are we talking especially? The promostories are conceived to appeal the HIGH VALUE High High CUSTOMERS, THE HIGH VALUE Value Value CUSTOMERS of OTHER BRANDS. Giving a reason is a process that Consumer Consumers needs a especial reason to be other communicated, the limited offer, and a story so we can make our brands point to those consumers which have a vast experience on the DIGITAL DIGITAL category and are not going to be persuaded by an oversimplified and BUZZ POINT OF superficial message. As there is content, interesting SALE content, which builds the story wakes the OPINION LEADERS up too. It is also a proper tool when talking Opinion No consumers to UNDECIDED on low involvement Leader asceta. or functional categories. And finally, if the limited offer is well done it will have its chance with the NON CONSUMERS.