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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

                           CHRIST THE ANTIDOTE REGARDING DEATH

                                                      Part 34

                                    Being Initiated Into A Mystery!
                                     The Mystery Of Godliness!

''And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in
the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.''
1Ti 3:16. Websters. This is an amazing text. The mystery is that GOD was manifest or revealed or shown
to us in the flesh, GOD was justified in & vindicated in the Spirit, GOD was seen by angels, GOD was
preached to the Gentiles, GOD was believed on in the world & received up to glory. No wonder it is
called a MYSTERY. The Amplified describes it a MYSTIC SECRET. [This is a continuation of Part 33.]

    The mystery further continues in 1Jn 4:2-4. ''By this ye know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that
confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is from God: 3 And every spirit that confesses not
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not from God. And this is that spirit of antichrist, of which ye
have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world. 4 You are of God, little
children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, - right now - than he that is in
the world.''
    Please notice that He not only HAS come but also IS come in the flesh, YOU are of God little children
& have overcome & are overcoming. HOW & WHY? Because GREATER is He that is in you in your
body or within your FLESH NOW. This word flesh is from the Greek word sarx & is definitely referring
to the flesh that we see with our eyes. What John is saying is that the same meaning is implied as the
above ''God was manifest in the flesh.'' To enhance this thought a little further. We read in I Jn 4:17b,
''that we may have boldness in the day of judgement: because as he is, so are we in this world.'' As He
is SO ARE WE in this world RIGHT NOW. We are now looking at the MYSTERY OF GODLINESS!! Let us
now go a little further.

     ''For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving
complete expression of the divine nature]. 10 And you are in Him, made full and having come to
fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach
full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and
power]'' Col 2. 9-10. Amp.
   [For my concern is] that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged) as they
are knit together in love, that they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured
conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively more intimately acquainted with
and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly that mystic secret of God, [which is]
Christ (the Anointed One).
   ''In Him all the treasures of [divine] wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of
God) and [all the riches of spiritual] knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden. 4 I
say this in order that no one may mislead and delude you by plausible and persuasive and attractive
arguments and beguiling speech.'' Col 2:2-4. Amp. Be not mistaken, in what Paul is saying as there
would be many that would downgrade the true understanding of what we are reading right now, he has
already given us a similar thought in verse 8 of this same chapter & here we read. ''Beware lest any man
make a prey of you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments
of the world, and not after Christ.''

   There are many sincere Christians who would take what we are saying just so far, but when it comes to
confessing that which Christ has stated in reality according to verses 9 &10 would find it a little too high,
this my dear friends is the difference between Pentecost & Tabernacles or the Holy Place & The Most
Holy Place. It is always good to 'come up higher' than to stay in the valley always, as in the valley

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

there is the danger of being inundated with the floods & with what is shaping up in the world at the
moment I believe that the Spirit would be telling us to listen to His encouraging bidding & arise to the
TOP of the mountain. We each do not have it all, but together, there we do have the advantage, as always
God is moving ahead & as for myself I with others wish to have an open heart for the higher things of

                                   Godliness According To Matthew!

''Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them into the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit,'' Mat 28:19. Amp.

   I believe that God is preparing a woman to be the bride of the man-child as found in Rev 12. This bride
is to be a spotless one without any spot or wrinkle. Many are claiming to be part of the bride, but alas I do
not believe that they are as yet shaping up to Apostolic pattern. For instance I see the original Church as a
completely Spirit led movement, not organisational but an organism led purely by the Spirit & there is a
vast difference. We cannot be fenced in by man made by laws that govern & expect to be able to be freely
led of the Spirit, it simply does not & will never work in the way that the early Church operated. I would
also mention that the Pastor which is mentioned, not three times, not twice, but only once in the New
Testament, has been so overrated if it were not so serious it would be funny. In reading the system of the
early Church we see that Paul always left Elders plural in charge, - never one man – a five-fold ministry
of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers. Where do we see that today? Where did the
present role of the Pastor come from? Not from the Bible but from another source which was instigated
in the dark ages. Saints God is RESTORING the original Apostolic pattern. Why? He is preparing a
glorious Church without spot or wrinkle based on the original spirit led, non organisational, five fold
ministerial Church. Let me now say that the present Church structure of many, which we see today with
large buildings, & set in non-spiritual fences with so called laws is on the way out, people today are far
too wise & see even in their own carnal wisdom – the children of this world are often wiser that the
children of light – the reason why it is that they will not be brain-washed. For even they can see the part
truth & part error of many of these Assemblies. Now many of these sincere Church people & Pastors are
only products of what they have been taught, & to the outside person looking in they see a business
promoted by well meaning people but they do not want any part of it. I believe that the true woman, the
bride, that God is at present beginning to restore in Australia is also happening throughout the world. Let
me say this, five-fold ministry will never work while the carnal or ego is in charge, it must be a movement
of spirit & only spirit, it will be a mighty tool in bringing humility. On the day of Pentecost '' they were
ALL with one accord in one place'' Paul thought that this was quite possible for the later Church, as his
admonition to the Corinthian Church was ''Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be
perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement. 1Cor 1:10. KJV. Do we think
that this is possible? Of course it is! And as we are led by the Spirit of God it WILL HAPPEN!!

    Now since the downfall of the Church, God has been gradually restoring it, bringing it back to even
greater than the original. Hos 6:1-3. Please bear in mind I am at the moment not addressing those - so
much - who are in the experience Tabernacles as we have quite a few who receive these articles who are
in the second Realm of Pentecost.

   As our subject is regarding Godliness the above verse in Matthew has much to do with the Godhead
which has to do with our subject. The admonition given to us is to make disciples & baptise them into the
name singular. Now to some it may come as a surprise that Father is not a name it is a title, Son is not a
name it is a title, the same goes for the title of Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts never once do we find one
instance of these titles ever used in water baptism it is always in the NAME nouma of Jesus Christ, or the
Lord Jesus. Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5. Now I do not wish to raise the ire of some in reading this, but
God has been speaking in miraculous ways of late & I must obey the Spirits bidding & guidance.

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

     The question I would ask right now what is the name of the Son? Jesus Christ, or Yeheshua the
anointed one. I really do not think that we would have too many disagreements on that. Incidentally the
name Jesus when brought to its finality means 'God is our salvation' or God the saviour. What is the
name of the Father? Jesus said I have come in my Fathers name! Jn 5:43. He also said, I have declared
to them Your name! Jn 17:26. Now what is the name of the Holy Spirit? Jesus said the Lord IS that
Spirit, He also said , ''But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my
name!'' Jn 14:26. Then to finally determine this point, in verse 18 we read, I will not leave you comfort-
less I will come back to you. Jn 14:18. So the name of the Father is the same name as the Son, which is
also the name of the Holy Spirit. I repeat TITLES ARE NOT NAMES. What is the point that we are
     ''Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name - singular - under heaven
given among men, whereby we must be saved.'' Act 4:12 As we can see the early Church never used the
titles whenever they baptised & this is the reason. To clarify what is meant when reading Matt 28:19
please allow me to re-phrase it slightly. ''Go then & make disciples of all nations, baptising into the NAME
of the ONE who is the Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit. ''Hear O Israel the Lord our God is ONE
Lord & HIM ONLY shall you serve.'' The question you may be asking right now is, when & why did it
change? A good question!!
                                       The Reason For The Change!

In the year of 325 A.D, there was a type of conference held in the city of Nicea in Bithynia, now called
Iznik in Turkey, by the Roman Emperor Constantine1. This was called the ''Nicene Council'' The
outcome was the promulgation of what is now known as the Nicene Creed. At this council there were two
main proponents - opponents - may be a better word as at this supposed - very spiritual - gathering there
was an actual fist fight between the two & they had to be literally & physically pulled apart by some of
those present. Their names were Augustine & Athanasius both with very opposing ideas. Without delving,
in my opinion both were far from right. Be that as it may there was eventually a Creed formed which
from then on was accepted by the then Church & from that time on the mode of baptism into the
Apostolic formula - Lord Jesus Christ - was outlawed by most & the replacement that was adopted was a
literal recital of Matt 28:19. At this time, the question of the divinity of Jesus had split the church into
two factions. Constantine also offered to make the little-known Christian sect the official state religion if
the Christians would settle their differences. Apparently, he did not particularly care what they believed
in as long as they agreed upon a belief. One of his main interests was that if by compiling a book of
sacred writings his thought was that this would give authority to the new church. Actually, a very well
supported story has it that at the Council of Nicea, Constantine was unsure toward the end of completion
of what else to include as holy scripture. He threw the batch that he was to choose from onto a table.
Those that remained on the table were in, those that fell off were out, the in batch is the batch that later
became part of their Bible, the apocrypha. This does not surprise me, considering the cleaning up the
King James team later had to cope with in sorting out that which was spurious & myth as opposed to what
was genuine. Remembering that from the time of this council it was the acceleration of the downfall
which was to eventually culminate in the dark ages - this should tell us something - also keeping in
mind that this was where the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated. And if you wish to do a little
research you can read for yourself the Athanasian creed & for any sincere Holy Ghost believer if you
have not read it you are in for a surprise. Some of this information cited is actually from the Hastings
Catholic Encyclopedia. Just for interest the following are those who are now amongst others adhering to
this Creed.

    “The Nicene Creed has been normative to the Anglican Church, the Church of the East, the Eastern
Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Old Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church and
most Protestant denominations. The Apostles' Creed, which in its present form is later, is also broadly
accepted in the West, but is not used in the East. One or other of these two creeds is recited in the Roman
Rite Mass directly after the homily on all Sundays and Solemnities (Trident Feasts of the First Class). In
the Byzantine Rite Liturgy, the Nicene is recited on all occasions, following the Litany of Supplication.”
   Why am I saying all of this? To help open the eyes of the sincere, the Woman the Bride that God is

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

formulating she needs to know where she stands & to realise what many to date have ignorantly
swallowed, some hook line & sinker. This I am sharing here is aimed at a system, not people. God loves
                                     A Beautiful Understanding!

For those who would wish to separate God & make Him separate persons & not manifestations of
Himself, I would like us to consider these two wonderful passages of scripture. ''Behold, God is my
salvation; I will trust and not be afraid for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also
has become my salvation. 3 And with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of salvation.'' Isa 12:2-
3. MKJV. Very interestingly the word salvation mentioned here is on both counts from the same word.
Yeshuah which is the Hebrew word for Jesus. Strongs # H3444. Which when interpreted reads. For the
LORD JEHOVAH has become my Jesus. And with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of Jesus.
God is ONE not two or three. Our title is the 'Mystery of Godliness' what a wonderful mystery. God was
MANIFEST in the flesh. When I say not two or three, I mean persons. Manifestations are not necessarily
persons. For instance one MAN can when with their child manifest as a father one minute, then when with
his parent he manifests as a SON, then when his wife appears the same man manifests as a HUSBAND &
yet he remains only ONE MAN. God who is spirit can manifest Himself as a Father, - Creation - then He
can manifest Himself in a Son – Incarnation - & then at the right time he manifests Himself as the Holy
Spirit, Emanation. Yet He is only ONE.
   Contained in the Matt 28: 19 verse is the true Paul-ine revelation of the Apostolic understanding of the
God-head. When Peter answered Jesus in Mt 16:16 he said ''You are the Christ the son of the living
God and Jesus answered & said to him, you are blessed Simon Barjona: for flesh & blood has not
revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven. And I also say to you, that you are Peter
-Petros, small stone - & upon this rock – Petra, a mass of rock – I will build my church: & the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it.'' Now even though Peter was a small stone. The mass of rock, the
revelation of the true identity of Christ being the son of God was what the Church was to be built upon &
not upon Peter. Even though Peter was given the keys of the kingdom, the same power was to be given to
other apostles. A further thought to our theme, Heb 1:2, CLV ''in the last of these days speaks to us in a
Son, Whom He appoints enjoy-er of the allotment of all, through Whom He also makes the eons;" In a
Son & not by a Son. ''God was IN Christ reconciling the world to Himself.'' IN CHRIST not a separate
person. 'I and my Father ARE ONE' notice ARE ONE & not AS ONE.
   We will now share with you some further references showing the oneness of God in different instances.
God the creator, Gen 1;1, 2:7, Job 33:4. Jesus the creator, John 1:10, I Cor 8:6, Eph 3:9. God is
Coming Zech 14:4-5,1Thess4:13-18, Rev 19:11-16. Jesus is coming 1Thess 3:11-13, Mt 25: 31-46, Titus
2: 11-15. God the rock Deut 32:1-4, 2Sam 22: 1-3, 22:32. Jesus the rock Matt16:17-19, Isa 28:16, Acts
4:11-12. God the first & last Isa 41:4, Isa 43:10-11, 44:6&8. Jesus the first & last Rev 1:7, 22:13. God
the I Am Exodus 3:13-14. & the I Am He, Isa 43:10-11, 25. Jesus is the I Am & I Am He Jn18: 5-8,
Rev 1:17-18, Jn 8:24-28. God the King Ps 24:7-10, 44:4, 74:12. Jesus the King Matt 2:1-6, Lk 19:38,
23:3. And so we could proceed with many other titles & many other verses all proving that there are not
two Kings or two creators or two rocks or two first & lasts etc. There is only ONE & God was IN
Christ, I and my Father are ONE. I have a question that will help you to determine where you are in
your standing with our theme.
                        Is Jesus In The Godhead, Or Is The Godhead In Jesus?

Answer; ''And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest IN the flesh.''
1Tim 3:16.
  Further; ''For IN Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form.''
Col 2:9.
   And;    ''IN Him all the treasures of [divine] wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and
purposes of God) and [all the riches of spiritual] knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie
hidden.'' Col 2:2. If someone claims to have a revelation & it insists in putting Jesus into the Godhead

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

& not the Godhead in Jesus & that revelation will not work any other way then I regard that revelation as
very suspect. The difference between the trinity of the Nicene Council & Gods truth is as far removed as
night is from day & we need to begin to realise it. Jesus the Christ is not in the Godhead it is in Him.
This is a mystic revelation & in no way can it be worked out with intellect, or in the flesh, it is the,

                                          Mystery Of Godliness!

I am now going to share with you a true story. A number of years back there was an Irishman who lived
in the USA his name was Gordon Magee. He was given the divine revelation of God in Christ. He felt of
God that He needed to go back & share it with his countrymen & he began to preach it in the Holy Ghost
Churches in Ireland after a period time some of the leaders became very upset with what he was saying as
it did not agree with their constitution, so they removed him. Gordon went back to the U.S, disappointed
of course & begin to pray regarding the situation. Back in Ireland a strange thing began to happen in the
movement where Gordon had been ministering, the church which had been so vibrant begin to slow down
after a number of months & it was almost Ichabod which means that the glory of the Lord has departed
the leaders became so concerned that they called a meeting of all the leaders across the country to come
together to fast & pray & seek God for an answer. After several days of seeking a prophet arose &
prophesied words to this effect, ''God is not pleased with the way that you have treated His servant
Magee, that he had indeed been sent of God & had been rejected & if they would now humble themselves
& have His servant return & heed the message then He would lift the dryness off the Church & that once
more the blessings would flow.'' And this is exactly what happened! Gordon was returned, they heeded
the message & the dryness lifted. This is an important issue Saints. For those of you who are interested
if you care to go on the internet you will see that Gordon - he has probably now passed on - still has
books on the subject. But the one that would be the most interesting is ''Is Jesus in the Godhead or the
Godhead in Jesus?'' After all these years it is still available at a very low price. Incidentally I personally
knew a very good friend of Gordon's, Mervyn Miller an Irishman who lived in the U.S, he is the reason I
know so much about the above story as he was previously in the Irish Holy Spirit Assemblies & was a
part of what we have just related. He stayed in our house & preached for us several times. If I remember
correctly Gordon was an independent preacher - as was Smith Wigglesworth - also please ignore the
unkind lies & accusations levelled at Gordon on the accompanying headings from those operating in the
                                                  The Name!

''For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His
name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
Peace. Isaiah 9:6. MKJV. This is a wonderful subject. Keeping in mind that as we mentioned in Mat
28:19 the name singular is mentioned & always the early Church baptised in no other name than Jesus
Christ. Isaiah in the above text mentions the NAME singular & the meaning attached to this name. So
what does this name actually mean, WONDERFUL is the first description, COUNSELOR is the second,
THE MIGHTY GOD is the third, so this name Jesus also means Jehovah is my salvation. The fourth is
telling us that this NAME is the name of THE EVERLASTING FATHER, friends this is staggering, no
wonder we are told that the fullness of the Godhead is in Jesus Christ, this of course is not saying that
God is not everywhere, but all that God is, or all of the qualities of Himself were centered or
headquartered in His Son the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The fifth is that He Jesus is the Prince of Peace,
interestingly the word Prince & principality are related & are we not told that He Jesus is the Head of all
principality and power, Col 2:10, but wonderfully the greatest principality that Christ is head of is PEACE
& He is bringing all souls - eventually - to this experience.
    Now can we begin to understand that this NAME mentioned in Mt 28:19 is the name of the Father &
of the Son & of the Holy Spirit & is the name that God has highly exalted & given to His Son & is the
name which is above EVERY NAME. Let us now read the whole setting of this verse in Phil 2:9-11.
''Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, that
at the NAME of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under
the earth; and that every tongue should confess – exomologeo - that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

of God the Father.'' That includes all spheres, the heavenly, the earthly & those under the earth.
None are left out. Exomologeo means of their own free will; confess profess promise. What a NAME.

    Now the wonderful truth of all of this is that Jesus Christ has given to US this same name nouma.
When? Well according to what I read in book of Acts it was & is initially bestowed & invoked upon us in
the act of baptism, hear Gods word,

   ''Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for
the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'' Acts 2:38. Webster. This is all
part of the mystery that we are being initiated into which is THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS.


For those who on reading the above are wondering about this question, there is some reference to it in
Acts, I will share with you what I feel is right, but of course the decision is up to you & you alone, it is
between you & God, what you feel that He would have you to do. There are of course other points of
view, but in the end we must know what the spirit is saying to us & to us alone. In the 19 th Chapter of
Acts verses 1-6 we read,
   ''While Apollos was in the city of Corinth, Paul was visiting some places on his way to Ephesus. In
Ephesus he found some other followers of the Lord. 2 He asked them, "Did you receive the Holy
Spirit when you believed?" These followers said to him, "We have never even heard of a Holy Spirit!"
3 Paul asked them, "So what kind of baptism did you have?" They said, "It was the baptism that John
taught." 4 Paul said, "John told people to be baptized to show they wanted to change their lives. He
told people to believe in the one who would come after him, and that one is Jesus." 5 When these
followers heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.'' ERV.

    The point I wish to make is that the baptism of John was valid up until that time & when more light
began to shine on their path it was time to obey Acts 2:38 & Mt 28:19 in their true original understanding,
of which both are saying exactly the same thing. Some of these - in the above - would have had at least
three dippings, as there was the washing that they had under the law, next it was when John showed them
the baptism unto repentance, then when John pointed them to Jesus they would again be rebaptised. Here
we see the proof of that. My reasoning along with many others is that if that which was a valid baptism -
namely John's – was superceded, what do we do if we have an invalid – nameless - baptism that is not
into the name but into the titles, which as we have shown was not original but stems mainly from the
Nicene Council. Something I must mention at this time is in Mt10:22, Mk13:13, Lk 21:17, three
witnesses, ''And you shall be hated by all because of My name. Yet he who endures to the
consummation, he shall be saved." Mat 10:22. CLV. The word name is from the word Onoma
STRONGS # G3686 ονομα, onoma, on'-om-ah, From a presumed derivative of the base of G1097
(compare G3685); a “name” (literally or figuratively), (authority, character): - called, (+ sur-) name (-
d). The way the Apostles were taught by Jesus & believed this - authority or character - was by literally
using & invoking the Name in baptism, they considered it very important.
   ''You shall be hated of all men for my name sake.'' Now I wish to ask where do we find this literally in
action? There are those that would contend for the NAME of Jesus Christ in water baptism & quite often
whenever it is raised, people become very upset, there are all sorts of explanations to explain it away & I
wish to say, if it is in the WORD, it is right & the way that the Apostles believed it was right, now if this
raises your ire then consider this it could be, - depending on your reason & attitude – that you are
fulfilling the above scripture. Someone has also mentioned, well I already have the Holy Spirit so this
would not apply to me. I am sorry but the Apostle Peter would not agree with that as when in Acts 10:44-
48, while Peter was preaching to these Gentiles the Holy Spirit fell on them & they began speaking in
unknown tongues magnifying God. The first thing that Peter asked was, ''Can anyone forbid water or
refuse water for baptising these people, seeing that they have received the Holy Spirit as we have? And
He ordered – or commanded – that they be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ, then they begged him to

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stay on there for some days.'' Now of course many reading this will be raising objections as to why &
how. I would urge us to leave it – The Word - just as it is, we can find excuses for any parts of the word
of God. But someone says there is a deeper meaning to it than that. I am well aware of all of the
objections that we can raise. Some have said that the book of Acts is not for the Gentiles as Paul
preached another message, I would humbly point out, that these people were Gentiles.
   Once again I would say to you what do you feel God is saying to you; Followers of the Lord Jesus
Christ? If those of us who believe that to come into the Most Holy Place we must come via Passover,
then the Holy Place I would then advise that we need to stick by what the Apostles taught us in the Holy
Place & we ought not change things to please ourselves, or our own interpretation. I would not be
writing like this If God had not amazingly arrested our thinking.

                      The Mystery Of Godliness Will Bring Encouragement,
                                      Plus A Sorting Out!

Some may think from what I have written so far that we are expecting a great world wide revival. I
believe that our Christ, through the word of this great MYSTERY is sorting out the sheep from the goats.
It is the WORD that is separating us from error. Consider these words.

   ''And will not [our just] God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones), who cry to
Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf? 8 I tell you, He will defend
and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence
in] faith on the earth?'' Lk 18:7-8. AMP. Does this sound like a worldwide revival, will he find faith on
the earth that to me sounds like a dearth. The indisputable evidence that I am now bringing to you is that
He will not find faith except it be in His elect. Things will get so bad that,

    ''False Christs (Messiahs) and false prophets will arise and show signs and [work] miracles to
deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (those God has chosen out for Himself).'' Mar 13:22,
Amp. Does this ring any bells? The sad thing is that these false Christs & false prophets will be
professing the name of Jesus. To enhance this thought let us read what the Spirit is saying through Daniel.

   ''And some of those who are wise, prudent, and of understanding shall be weakened and fall, [thus,
then, the insincere among the people will lose courage and become deserters. It will be a test] to refine,
to purify, and to make those among [God's people] white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet
for the time [God] appointed.'' Dan 11:35, Amp. This shows that there is to be a refining, a purifying,
to make those God's people pure. If the days of the coming of the Son of man are going to be a repitition
of the days of Noah, then how would this substantiate the idea that there would be a world wide revival.
How many were saved from the flood? Eight!! ''As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of
the coming of the Son of man.'' The so called revival at the end is not founded on fact. The words that we
have been given is that "Evil men & seducers shall wax worse & worse, deceiving & being deceived."
2Tim 3:3. I would also add that in Lke 17:28. We are also told that His coming was to be as in the days of
Lot, in that day the whole city was full of scoffing & unbelief & homosexuality was rampant. Sodom was
not about to change & in spite of the intercession of Abraham it was to no avail. There were not even 10
righteous to be found. How many came out of Sodom? Three!! Gen 18:23-33. These facts are showing
us the percentage pro rata of His elect. Also keeping in mind that the woman the true Bride stays right
here but is taken & protected in the wilderness where she is fed by the Manchild the elect. Rev12:6, 14.

   When we consider all of the facts the conclusion is that those who keep telling us that a worldwide
revival that will sweep the whole world into the kingdom before the appearance or the manifestation of
the sons of God, or the birth of the Manchild is a fallacy & those who are promoting this are themselves
the true deceivers. We are not saying that there will not be moves of God, He is always moving amongst
the sincere. But in some of these moves what are they teaching? God is moving today to correct &
purify His people & to bring them back to the true foundation. I see this following attitude in Gods elect.

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

The entire creation sighs & throbs with pain, in the hope that creation as well as man would one day be
freed from its bondage & decay & gain the glorious freedom that Gods children are looking for & the
culmination of this is the full redemption or change of our bodies so that we as our pattern who is Jesus
Christ who did not see corruption in the flesh, we also God's sons shall follow suit & gain our full
sonship & that is victory over the last enemy which is the death of the body & a change from the mortal
into the immortal. Let us now look at the Moffatt translation of these following verses.

   ''For creation was not rendered futile by its own choice, but by the will of Him who thus made it
subject, 21 the hope being that creation as well as man would one day be freed from its thraldom to
decay and gain the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 To this day, we know, the entire
creation sighs and throbs with pain; 23 and not only so, but even we ourselves, who have the Spirit as
a foretaste of the future, even we sigh to ourselves as we wait for the redemption of the body that
means our full son-ship. Rom 8:20-23.

   ''And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.'' Verse 23b KJV.

   So this would include those of us who are willing & are being Initiated into a mystery, the Mystery of
Godliness, or it could be said God-likeness. The main thrust of God right now is in changing our nature.
In the feast of Passover - Outer Court - it was Jesus as Saviour. In the feast of Pentecost - Holy Place – it
was Christ as the Anointing. In the feast of Tabernacles – The Holy of Holies – it is the Lord our Nature.

                                             Once Again A Voice From The Past!

Clement of Alexandria, 190 AD. "Head of the catechetical school there. He speaks of having learned from
a disciple of the Apostles,--Strom. Lib. ii. His wide and various learning, and his sympathetic spirit
combine to give special weight to his teaching.'' 5
All men are Christ's some by knowing Him, the rest not yet. He is the Savior, not of some (only) and the
rest not (i.e., He is actually the Savior of all) for how is He Lord and Savior if He is not Lord and Savior
of All? But He is indeed Savior of those who believe...while of those who do not believe He is Lord,
until having been able to confess Him, they obtain through Him the benefit appropriate and suitable (to
their case). He by the Father's will directs the salvation of all for all things have been ordered, both
universally and in part, by the Lord of the universe; with a view to the salvation of the universe...but
needful correction, by the goodness of the great overseeing Judge, through (by means of) the attendant
angels, through various prior judgements, through the final (pantelous) judgement, compels even those
who have become still more callous to repent.---Clement. Strom. Lib.vii. pp. 702-6, Cologne. 1688. 6

Once again blessings to all.
Written by Ralph Knowles, September. 2011.
                                                  For those who have enjoyed this article
                                                  & are hungry for the deeper truths of
                                                         “ Third day revelation”
                                                     Please contact Ralph Knowles.
                                                  Phone 07 38187875, Mobile 0448126882.
                                                         The mailing address is,
                                                             47/13 Thomas St
                                                            Goodna Qld 4300
                                                      Web < .au >

If we have been prone to human error in this article it is not purposely, & I trust that a little kindness would allow for any fault, & that we will
consider & imbibe the better or spiritual part of that which is presented & intended. RWK..


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Part 34. the mystery of godliness

  • 1. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death CHRIST THE ANTIDOTE REGARDING DEATH Part 34 Being Initiated Into A Mystery! The Mystery Of Godliness! ''And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.'' 1Ti 3:16. Websters. This is an amazing text. The mystery is that GOD was manifest or revealed or shown to us in the flesh, GOD was justified in & vindicated in the Spirit, GOD was seen by angels, GOD was preached to the Gentiles, GOD was believed on in the world & received up to glory. No wonder it is called a MYSTERY. The Amplified describes it a MYSTIC SECRET. [This is a continuation of Part 33.] The mystery further continues in 1Jn 4:2-4. ''By this ye know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is from God: 3 And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not from God. And this is that spirit of antichrist, of which ye have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world. 4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, - right now - than he that is in the world.'' Please notice that He not only HAS come but also IS come in the flesh, YOU are of God little children & have overcome & are overcoming. HOW & WHY? Because GREATER is He that is in you in your body or within your FLESH NOW. This word flesh is from the Greek word sarx & is definitely referring to the flesh that we see with our eyes. What John is saying is that the same meaning is implied as the above ''God was manifest in the flesh.'' To enhance this thought a little further. We read in I Jn 4:17b, ''that we may have boldness in the day of judgement: because as he is, so are we in this world.'' As He is SO ARE WE in this world RIGHT NOW. We are now looking at the MYSTERY OF GODLINESS!! Let us now go a little further. ''For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. 10 And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power]'' Col 2. 9-10. Amp. [For my concern is] that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged) as they are knit together in love, that they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively more intimately acquainted with and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly that mystic secret of God, [which is] Christ (the Anointed One). ''In Him all the treasures of [divine] wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God) and [all the riches of spiritual] knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden. 4 I say this in order that no one may mislead and delude you by plausible and persuasive and attractive arguments and beguiling speech.'' Col 2:2-4. Amp. Be not mistaken, in what Paul is saying as there would be many that would downgrade the true understanding of what we are reading right now, he has already given us a similar thought in verse 8 of this same chapter & here we read. ''Beware lest any man make a prey of you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.'' There are many sincere Christians who would take what we are saying just so far, but when it comes to confessing that which Christ has stated in reality according to verses 9 &10 would find it a little too high, this my dear friends is the difference between Pentecost & Tabernacles or the Holy Place & The Most Holy Place. It is always good to 'come up higher' than to stay in the valley always, as in the valley 1
  • 2. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death there is the danger of being inundated with the floods & with what is shaping up in the world at the moment I believe that the Spirit would be telling us to listen to His encouraging bidding & arise to the TOP of the mountain. We each do not have it all, but together, there we do have the advantage, as always God is moving ahead & as for myself I with others wish to have an open heart for the higher things of God. Godliness According To Matthew! ''Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,'' Mat 28:19. Amp. I believe that God is preparing a woman to be the bride of the man-child as found in Rev 12. This bride is to be a spotless one without any spot or wrinkle. Many are claiming to be part of the bride, but alas I do not believe that they are as yet shaping up to Apostolic pattern. For instance I see the original Church as a completely Spirit led movement, not organisational but an organism led purely by the Spirit & there is a vast difference. We cannot be fenced in by man made by laws that govern & expect to be able to be freely led of the Spirit, it simply does not & will never work in the way that the early Church operated. I would also mention that the Pastor which is mentioned, not three times, not twice, but only once in the New Testament, has been so overrated if it were not so serious it would be funny. In reading the system of the early Church we see that Paul always left Elders plural in charge, - never one man – a five-fold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers. Where do we see that today? Where did the present role of the Pastor come from? Not from the Bible but from another source which was instigated in the dark ages. Saints God is RESTORING the original Apostolic pattern. Why? He is preparing a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle based on the original spirit led, non organisational, five fold ministerial Church. Let me now say that the present Church structure of many, which we see today with large buildings, & set in non-spiritual fences with so called laws is on the way out, people today are far too wise & see even in their own carnal wisdom – the children of this world are often wiser that the children of light – the reason why it is that they will not be brain-washed. For even they can see the part truth & part error of many of these Assemblies. Now many of these sincere Church people & Pastors are only products of what they have been taught, & to the outside person looking in they see a business promoted by well meaning people but they do not want any part of it. I believe that the true woman, the bride, that God is at present beginning to restore in Australia is also happening throughout the world. Let me say this, five-fold ministry will never work while the carnal or ego is in charge, it must be a movement of spirit & only spirit, it will be a mighty tool in bringing humility. On the day of Pentecost '' they were ALL with one accord in one place'' Paul thought that this was quite possible for the later Church, as his admonition to the Corinthian Church was ''Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement. 1Cor 1:10. KJV. Do we think that this is possible? Of course it is! And as we are led by the Spirit of God it WILL HAPPEN!! Now since the downfall of the Church, God has been gradually restoring it, bringing it back to even greater than the original. Hos 6:1-3. Please bear in mind I am at the moment not addressing those - so much - who are in the experience Tabernacles as we have quite a few who receive these articles who are in the second Realm of Pentecost. As our subject is regarding Godliness the above verse in Matthew has much to do with the Godhead which has to do with our subject. The admonition given to us is to make disciples & baptise them into the name singular. Now to some it may come as a surprise that Father is not a name it is a title, Son is not a name it is a title, the same goes for the title of Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts never once do we find one instance of these titles ever used in water baptism it is always in the NAME nouma of Jesus Christ, or the Lord Jesus. Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5. Now I do not wish to raise the ire of some in reading this, but God has been speaking in miraculous ways of late & I must obey the Spirits bidding & guidance. 2
  • 3. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death The question I would ask right now what is the name of the Son? Jesus Christ, or Yeheshua the anointed one. I really do not think that we would have too many disagreements on that. Incidentally the name Jesus when brought to its finality means 'God is our salvation' or God the saviour. What is the name of the Father? Jesus said I have come in my Fathers name! Jn 5:43. He also said, I have declared to them Your name! Jn 17:26. Now what is the name of the Holy Spirit? Jesus said the Lord IS that Spirit, He also said , ''But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name!'' Jn 14:26. Then to finally determine this point, in verse 18 we read, I will not leave you comfort- less I will come back to you. Jn 14:18. So the name of the Father is the same name as the Son, which is also the name of the Holy Spirit. I repeat TITLES ARE NOT NAMES. What is the point that we are making? ''Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name - singular - under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.'' Act 4:12 As we can see the early Church never used the titles whenever they baptised & this is the reason. To clarify what is meant when reading Matt 28:19 please allow me to re-phrase it slightly. ''Go then & make disciples of all nations, baptising into the NAME of the ONE who is the Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit. ''Hear O Israel the Lord our God is ONE Lord & HIM ONLY shall you serve.'' The question you may be asking right now is, when & why did it change? A good question!! The Reason For The Change! In the year of 325 A.D, there was a type of conference held in the city of Nicea in Bithynia, now called Iznik in Turkey, by the Roman Emperor Constantine1. This was called the ''Nicene Council'' The outcome was the promulgation of what is now known as the Nicene Creed. At this council there were two main proponents - opponents - may be a better word as at this supposed - very spiritual - gathering there was an actual fist fight between the two & they had to be literally & physically pulled apart by some of those present. Their names were Augustine & Athanasius both with very opposing ideas. Without delving, in my opinion both were far from right. Be that as it may there was eventually a Creed formed which from then on was accepted by the then Church & from that time on the mode of baptism into the Apostolic formula - Lord Jesus Christ - was outlawed by most & the replacement that was adopted was a literal recital of Matt 28:19. At this time, the question of the divinity of Jesus had split the church into two factions. Constantine also offered to make the little-known Christian sect the official state religion if the Christians would settle their differences. Apparently, he did not particularly care what they believed in as long as they agreed upon a belief. One of his main interests was that if by compiling a book of sacred writings his thought was that this would give authority to the new church. Actually, a very well supported story has it that at the Council of Nicea, Constantine was unsure toward the end of completion of what else to include as holy scripture. He threw the batch that he was to choose from onto a table. Those that remained on the table were in, those that fell off were out, the in batch is the batch that later became part of their Bible, the apocrypha. This does not surprise me, considering the cleaning up the King James team later had to cope with in sorting out that which was spurious & myth as opposed to what was genuine. Remembering that from the time of this council it was the acceleration of the downfall which was to eventually culminate in the dark ages - this should tell us something - also keeping in mind that this was where the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated. And if you wish to do a little research you can read for yourself the Athanasian creed & for any sincere Holy Ghost believer if you have not read it you are in for a surprise. Some of this information cited is actually from the Hastings Catholic Encyclopedia. Just for interest the following are those who are now amongst others adhering to this Creed. “The Nicene Creed has been normative to the Anglican Church, the Church of the East, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Old Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church and most Protestant denominations. The Apostles' Creed, which in its present form is later, is also broadly accepted in the West, but is not used in the East. One or other of these two creeds is recited in the Roman Rite Mass directly after the homily on all Sundays and Solemnities (Trident Feasts of the First Class). In the Byzantine Rite Liturgy, the Nicene is recited on all occasions, following the Litany of Supplication.” Why am I saying all of this? To help open the eyes of the sincere, the Woman the Bride that God is 3
  • 4. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death formulating she needs to know where she stands & to realise what many to date have ignorantly swallowed, some hook line & sinker. This I am sharing here is aimed at a system, not people. God loves All. A Beautiful Understanding! For those who would wish to separate God & make Him separate persons & not manifestations of Himself, I would like us to consider these two wonderful passages of scripture. ''Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation. 3 And with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of salvation.'' Isa 12:2- 3. MKJV. Very interestingly the word salvation mentioned here is on both counts from the same word. Yeshuah which is the Hebrew word for Jesus. Strongs # H3444. Which when interpreted reads. For the LORD JEHOVAH has become my Jesus. And with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of Jesus. God is ONE not two or three. Our title is the 'Mystery of Godliness' what a wonderful mystery. God was MANIFEST in the flesh. When I say not two or three, I mean persons. Manifestations are not necessarily persons. For instance one MAN can when with their child manifest as a father one minute, then when with his parent he manifests as a SON, then when his wife appears the same man manifests as a HUSBAND & yet he remains only ONE MAN. God who is spirit can manifest Himself as a Father, - Creation - then He can manifest Himself in a Son – Incarnation - & then at the right time he manifests Himself as the Holy Spirit, Emanation. Yet He is only ONE. Contained in the Matt 28: 19 verse is the true Paul-ine revelation of the Apostolic understanding of the God-head. When Peter answered Jesus in Mt 16:16 he said ''You are the Christ the son of the living God and Jesus answered & said to him, you are blessed Simon Barjona: for flesh & blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father which is in heaven. And I also say to you, that you are Peter -Petros, small stone - & upon this rock – Petra, a mass of rock – I will build my church: & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.'' Now even though Peter was a small stone. The mass of rock, the revelation of the true identity of Christ being the son of God was what the Church was to be built upon & not upon Peter. Even though Peter was given the keys of the kingdom, the same power was to be given to other apostles. A further thought to our theme, Heb 1:2, CLV ''in the last of these days speaks to us in a Son, Whom He appoints enjoy-er of the allotment of all, through Whom He also makes the eons;" In a Son & not by a Son. ''God was IN Christ reconciling the world to Himself.'' IN CHRIST not a separate person. 'I and my Father ARE ONE' notice ARE ONE & not AS ONE. We will now share with you some further references showing the oneness of God in different instances. God the creator, Gen 1;1, 2:7, Job 33:4. Jesus the creator, John 1:10, I Cor 8:6, Eph 3:9. God is Coming Zech 14:4-5,1Thess4:13-18, Rev 19:11-16. Jesus is coming 1Thess 3:11-13, Mt 25: 31-46, Titus 2: 11-15. God the rock Deut 32:1-4, 2Sam 22: 1-3, 22:32. Jesus the rock Matt16:17-19, Isa 28:16, Acts 4:11-12. God the first & last Isa 41:4, Isa 43:10-11, 44:6&8. Jesus the first & last Rev 1:7, 22:13. God the I Am Exodus 3:13-14. & the I Am He, Isa 43:10-11, 25. Jesus is the I Am & I Am He Jn18: 5-8, Rev 1:17-18, Jn 8:24-28. God the King Ps 24:7-10, 44:4, 74:12. Jesus the King Matt 2:1-6, Lk 19:38, 23:3. And so we could proceed with many other titles & many other verses all proving that there are not two Kings or two creators or two rocks or two first & lasts etc. There is only ONE & God was IN Christ, I and my Father are ONE. I have a question that will help you to determine where you are in your standing with our theme. Is Jesus In The Godhead, Or Is The Godhead In Jesus? Answer; ''And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest IN the flesh.'' 1Tim 3:16. Further; ''For IN Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form.'' Col 2:9. And; ''IN Him all the treasures of [divine] wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God) and [all the riches of spiritual] knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden.'' Col 2:2. If someone claims to have a revelation & it insists in putting Jesus into the Godhead 4
  • 5. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death & not the Godhead in Jesus & that revelation will not work any other way then I regard that revelation as very suspect. The difference between the trinity of the Nicene Council & Gods truth is as far removed as night is from day & we need to begin to realise it. Jesus the Christ is not in the Godhead it is in Him. This is a mystic revelation & in no way can it be worked out with intellect, or in the flesh, it is the, Mystery Of Godliness! I am now going to share with you a true story. A number of years back there was an Irishman who lived in the USA his name was Gordon Magee. He was given the divine revelation of God in Christ. He felt of God that He needed to go back & share it with his countrymen & he began to preach it in the Holy Ghost Churches in Ireland after a period time some of the leaders became very upset with what he was saying as it did not agree with their constitution, so they removed him. Gordon went back to the U.S, disappointed of course & begin to pray regarding the situation. Back in Ireland a strange thing began to happen in the movement where Gordon had been ministering, the church which had been so vibrant begin to slow down after a number of months & it was almost Ichabod which means that the glory of the Lord has departed the leaders became so concerned that they called a meeting of all the leaders across the country to come together to fast & pray & seek God for an answer. After several days of seeking a prophet arose & prophesied words to this effect, ''God is not pleased with the way that you have treated His servant Magee, that he had indeed been sent of God & had been rejected & if they would now humble themselves & have His servant return & heed the message then He would lift the dryness off the Church & that once more the blessings would flow.'' And this is exactly what happened! Gordon was returned, they heeded the message & the dryness lifted. This is an important issue Saints. For those of you who are interested if you care to go on the internet you will see that Gordon - he has probably now passed on - still has books on the subject. But the one that would be the most interesting is ''Is Jesus in the Godhead or the Godhead in Jesus?'' After all these years it is still available at a very low price. Incidentally I personally knew a very good friend of Gordon's, Mervyn Miller an Irishman who lived in the U.S, he is the reason I know so much about the above story as he was previously in the Irish Holy Spirit Assemblies & was a part of what we have just related. He stayed in our house & preached for us several times. If I remember correctly Gordon was an independent preacher - as was Smith Wigglesworth - also please ignore the unkind lies & accusations levelled at Gordon on the accompanying headings from those operating in the flesh. The Name! ''For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6. MKJV. This is a wonderful subject. Keeping in mind that as we mentioned in Mat 28:19 the name singular is mentioned & always the early Church baptised in no other name than Jesus Christ. Isaiah in the above text mentions the NAME singular & the meaning attached to this name. So what does this name actually mean, WONDERFUL is the first description, COUNSELOR is the second, THE MIGHTY GOD is the third, so this name Jesus also means Jehovah is my salvation. The fourth is telling us that this NAME is the name of THE EVERLASTING FATHER, friends this is staggering, no wonder we are told that the fullness of the Godhead is in Jesus Christ, this of course is not saying that God is not everywhere, but all that God is, or all of the qualities of Himself were centered or headquartered in His Son the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The fifth is that He Jesus is the Prince of Peace, interestingly the word Prince & principality are related & are we not told that He Jesus is the Head of all principality and power, Col 2:10, but wonderfully the greatest principality that Christ is head of is PEACE & He is bringing all souls - eventually - to this experience. Now can we begin to understand that this NAME mentioned in Mt 28:19 is the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit & is the name that God has highly exalted & given to His Son & is the name which is above EVERY NAME. Let us now read the whole setting of this verse in Phil 2:9-11. ''Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, that at the NAME of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth; and that every tongue should confess – exomologeo - that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory 5
  • 6. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death of God the Father.'' That includes all spheres, the heavenly, the earthly & those under the earth. None are left out. Exomologeo means of their own free will; confess profess promise. What a NAME. Now the wonderful truth of all of this is that Jesus Christ has given to US this same name nouma. When? Well according to what I read in book of Acts it was & is initially bestowed & invoked upon us in the act of baptism, hear Gods word, ''Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'' Acts 2:38. Webster. This is all part of the mystery that we are being initiated into which is THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS. Re-baptism! For those who on reading the above are wondering about this question, there is some reference to it in Acts, I will share with you what I feel is right, but of course the decision is up to you & you alone, it is between you & God, what you feel that He would have you to do. There are of course other points of view, but in the end we must know what the spirit is saying to us & to us alone. In the 19 th Chapter of Acts verses 1-6 we read, ''While Apollos was in the city of Corinth, Paul was visiting some places on his way to Ephesus. In Ephesus he found some other followers of the Lord. 2 He asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" These followers said to him, "We have never even heard of a Holy Spirit!" 3 Paul asked them, "So what kind of baptism did you have?" They said, "It was the baptism that John taught." 4 Paul said, "John told people to be baptized to show they wanted to change their lives. He told people to believe in the one who would come after him, and that one is Jesus." 5 When these followers heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.'' ERV. The point I wish to make is that the baptism of John was valid up until that time & when more light began to shine on their path it was time to obey Acts 2:38 & Mt 28:19 in their true original understanding, of which both are saying exactly the same thing. Some of these - in the above - would have had at least three dippings, as there was the washing that they had under the law, next it was when John showed them the baptism unto repentance, then when John pointed them to Jesus they would again be rebaptised. Here we see the proof of that. My reasoning along with many others is that if that which was a valid baptism - namely John's – was superceded, what do we do if we have an invalid – nameless - baptism that is not into the name but into the titles, which as we have shown was not original but stems mainly from the Nicene Council. Something I must mention at this time is in Mt10:22, Mk13:13, Lk 21:17, three witnesses, ''And you shall be hated by all because of My name. Yet he who endures to the consummation, he shall be saved." Mat 10:22. CLV. The word name is from the word Onoma STRONGS # G3686 ονομα, onoma, on'-om-ah, From a presumed derivative of the base of G1097 (compare G3685); a “name” (literally or figuratively), (authority, character): - called, (+ sur-) name (- d). The way the Apostles were taught by Jesus & believed this - authority or character - was by literally using & invoking the Name in baptism, they considered it very important. ''You shall be hated of all men for my name sake.'' Now I wish to ask where do we find this literally in action? There are those that would contend for the NAME of Jesus Christ in water baptism & quite often whenever it is raised, people become very upset, there are all sorts of explanations to explain it away & I wish to say, if it is in the WORD, it is right & the way that the Apostles believed it was right, now if this raises your ire then consider this it could be, - depending on your reason & attitude – that you are fulfilling the above scripture. Someone has also mentioned, well I already have the Holy Spirit so this would not apply to me. I am sorry but the Apostle Peter would not agree with that as when in Acts 10:44- 48, while Peter was preaching to these Gentiles the Holy Spirit fell on them & they began speaking in unknown tongues magnifying God. The first thing that Peter asked was, ''Can anyone forbid water or refuse water for baptising these people, seeing that they have received the Holy Spirit as we have? And He ordered – or commanded – that they be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ, then they begged him to 6
  • 7. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death stay on there for some days.'' Now of course many reading this will be raising objections as to why & how. I would urge us to leave it – The Word - just as it is, we can find excuses for any parts of the word of God. But someone says there is a deeper meaning to it than that. I am well aware of all of the objections that we can raise. Some have said that the book of Acts is not for the Gentiles as Paul preached another message, I would humbly point out, that these people were Gentiles. Once again I would say to you what do you feel God is saying to you; Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ? If those of us who believe that to come into the Most Holy Place we must come via Passover, then the Holy Place I would then advise that we need to stick by what the Apostles taught us in the Holy Place & we ought not change things to please ourselves, or our own interpretation. I would not be writing like this If God had not amazingly arrested our thinking. The Mystery Of Godliness Will Bring Encouragement, Plus A Sorting Out! Some may think from what I have written so far that we are expecting a great world wide revival. I believe that our Christ, through the word of this great MYSTERY is sorting out the sheep from the goats. It is the WORD that is separating us from error. Consider these words. ''And will not [our just] God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones), who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf? 8 I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence in] faith on the earth?'' Lk 18:7-8. AMP. Does this sound like a worldwide revival, will he find faith on the earth that to me sounds like a dearth. The indisputable evidence that I am now bringing to you is that He will not find faith except it be in His elect. Things will get so bad that, ''False Christs (Messiahs) and false prophets will arise and show signs and [work] miracles to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (those God has chosen out for Himself).'' Mar 13:22, Amp. Does this ring any bells? The sad thing is that these false Christs & false prophets will be professing the name of Jesus. To enhance this thought let us read what the Spirit is saying through Daniel. ''And some of those who are wise, prudent, and of understanding shall be weakened and fall, [thus, then, the insincere among the people will lose courage and become deserters. It will be a test] to refine, to purify, and to make those among [God's people] white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for the time [God] appointed.'' Dan 11:35, Amp. This shows that there is to be a refining, a purifying, to make those God's people pure. If the days of the coming of the Son of man are going to be a repitition of the days of Noah, then how would this substantiate the idea that there would be a world wide revival. How many were saved from the flood? Eight!! ''As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man.'' The so called revival at the end is not founded on fact. The words that we have been given is that "Evil men & seducers shall wax worse & worse, deceiving & being deceived." 2Tim 3:3. I would also add that in Lke 17:28. We are also told that His coming was to be as in the days of Lot, in that day the whole city was full of scoffing & unbelief & homosexuality was rampant. Sodom was not about to change & in spite of the intercession of Abraham it was to no avail. There were not even 10 righteous to be found. How many came out of Sodom? Three!! Gen 18:23-33. These facts are showing us the percentage pro rata of His elect. Also keeping in mind that the woman the true Bride stays right here but is taken & protected in the wilderness where she is fed by the Manchild the elect. Rev12:6, 14. When we consider all of the facts the conclusion is that those who keep telling us that a worldwide revival that will sweep the whole world into the kingdom before the appearance or the manifestation of the sons of God, or the birth of the Manchild is a fallacy & those who are promoting this are themselves the true deceivers. We are not saying that there will not be moves of God, He is always moving amongst the sincere. But in some of these moves what are they teaching? God is moving today to correct & purify His people & to bring them back to the true foundation. I see this following attitude in Gods elect. 7
  • 8. Christ The Antidote Regarding Death The entire creation sighs & throbs with pain, in the hope that creation as well as man would one day be freed from its bondage & decay & gain the glorious freedom that Gods children are looking for & the culmination of this is the full redemption or change of our bodies so that we as our pattern who is Jesus Christ who did not see corruption in the flesh, we also God's sons shall follow suit & gain our full sonship & that is victory over the last enemy which is the death of the body & a change from the mortal into the immortal. Let us now look at the Moffatt translation of these following verses. ''For creation was not rendered futile by its own choice, but by the will of Him who thus made it subject, 21 the hope being that creation as well as man would one day be freed from its thraldom to decay and gain the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 To this day, we know, the entire creation sighs and throbs with pain; 23 and not only so, but even we ourselves, who have the Spirit as a foretaste of the future, even we sigh to ourselves as we wait for the redemption of the body that means our full son-ship. Rom 8:20-23. ''And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.'' Verse 23b KJV. So this would include those of us who are willing & are being Initiated into a mystery, the Mystery of Godliness, or it could be said God-likeness. The main thrust of God right now is in changing our nature. In the feast of Passover - Outer Court - it was Jesus as Saviour. In the feast of Pentecost - Holy Place – it was Christ as the Anointing. In the feast of Tabernacles – The Holy of Holies – it is the Lord our Nature. Once Again A Voice From The Past! Clement of Alexandria, 190 AD. "Head of the catechetical school there. He speaks of having learned from a disciple of the Apostles,--Strom. Lib. ii. His wide and various learning, and his sympathetic spirit combine to give special weight to his teaching.'' 5 All men are Christ's some by knowing Him, the rest not yet. He is the Savior, not of some (only) and the rest not (i.e., He is actually the Savior of all) for how is He Lord and Savior if He is not Lord and Savior of All? But He is indeed Savior of those who believe...while of those who do not believe He is Lord, until having been able to confess Him, they obtain through Him the benefit appropriate and suitable (to their case). He by the Father's will directs the salvation of all for all things have been ordered, both universally and in part, by the Lord of the universe; with a view to the salvation of the universe...but needful correction, by the goodness of the great overseeing Judge, through (by means of) the attendant angels, through various prior judgements, through the final (pantelous) judgement, compels even those who have become still more callous to repent.---Clement. Strom. Lib.vii. pp. 702-6, Cologne. 1688. 6 Once again blessings to all. Written by Ralph Knowles, September. 2011. For those who have enjoyed this article & are hungry for the deeper truths of “ Third day revelation” Please contact Ralph Knowles. Phone 07 38187875, Mobile 0448126882. The mailing address is, 47/13 Thomas St Goodna Qld 4300 Australia. <> Web < .au > If we have been prone to human error in this article it is not purposely, & I trust that a little kindness would allow for any fault, & that we will consider & imbibe the better or spiritual part of that which is presented & intended. RWK.. 8