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Judith Leyster Self-Portrait
Self–Portrait by Judith Leyster
One of the famous painters of the 17th century, the Dutch painter Judith Leyster, and the first female artist admitted to the Guild of St. Luke of
Haarlem. This electromagnetic picture shows what is beneath the top coating of paint. The portrait on the easel was originally a self–portrait of
Leyster. However, she transformed her observance and painted the violin player over it because her most fruitful and gainful paintings were scenes of
merrymakers, a type of picture very popular with customers. She must have decided that this painting could advertise several messages at once: I am a
successful woman, I am sought–after painter, I can draw great portraits, and I am skill at painting lively scenes of more content...
Five years earlier, her proficiency and talent had already drawn public praise. A chronicler of Haarlem described Leyster, then only nineteen years
old, as a painter of "Good and keen insight." In the late 1640s, another city historian wrote that among the many women experienced in the field of
painting, one excels exceptionally, Judith Leyster, called "The true leading star" in art. The compliment cleverly alludes to the artist's family name,
witch mean "lodestar" The artist herself incorporated a star in her professional
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Essay about Art of Portraiture
art of portraiture The three works that I chose that are art of portraiture are Head of a King,
Mask of an Lyoba, and Mother Goddess. The first two portraits are West African
Art from two different tribes, Ife, who created the Head of a King and Benin, whom created the Mask of an Lyoba. The Mother Goddess is an Aztec
piece. These groups of people are from different cultures, time periods, and share different religious beliefs. The similarity of the groups is the symbolic
meaning the portraitures brought to its people.
The first work is the Head of a King. This Ife creation altered the perception that scholars had of the tribe. It was known that the Ife tribes did not do
portraits because of the spirits that could more content...
The Mask of an Lyoba is a beautiful ornamental mask of royalty. This works shows that the people no longer use the naturalistic approach, but a bold,
more idealized, representation of its people. The art of
Benin is a royal art, only the oba could commission the works. This work was commissioned in ivory, but most of the works were commissioned in
brass. The
Benin transition from naturalistic to stylize is better explained in the brass heads. It ranges from small, thinly cast, and naturalistic to large, thickly cast,
and highly stylized. The conclusion of scholars is that in their Early
Period, their heads were small and naturalistic from the Ife influence. Heads then grew increasingly stylized during the Middle Period. Then in the Late
Period, the heads were very large and heavy, with angular stylized features and an elaborate beaded crown.
In Mexico there was also portraitures. Specifically in the Aztec Empire were the
Mother Goddess was created. This was a strong and powerful empire that was divided in classes. The religion was based on a complex pantheon that
combined the Aztec deities with more ancient ones that had long been worshiped in Central
Mexico. According to the Aztec belief, the gods created the current universe at the ancient city of Teothhuacan. Which is similar to the Ife belief that
Gods came down
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Best-Self Portrait Essay
| Learning Project 1, Part 4–6 | |
LP1, Part 4: What are others' experiences of me when I am my best?
Phase 1: Creating the Reflected Best–Self Portrait
When I am at best, I help people. I motivate myself and feel motivated when I get to help others. Whether it's a stranger, colleague, friends, or
family, I feel my passion in assisting those in need. As long as it's within my capability and moral belief that what people ask for help is ethical and
legal, I give them my attention and time. I feel happy that I am able to give a hand, and I feel happy to see people become happy with the help I give
them. Helping others put smiles on my face and also on them as well. I feel proud of myself that I have the power to help more content...
I believe in being trustworthy, reliable, and accountable to my actions and behaviors, regardless of situations. | 1. Being the daughter to my parents. 2.
Be responsible as an employee and a co–worker to help and provide fitting skills at Swarovski.| Supportive| I believe in backing up the people I care
about, encouraging them, helping them, defending them, and loving them.| 1. Encouraging and complimenting Coral and her new place.2.
Compliment and Recommending the trendy styles to Danny.| Adaptable| I believe in the power to adapt to new surroundings and situations,
learning new skills and experiences to make them my own. | 1. Adapting to the new country, new city and new language when first immigrated to
Canada. 2. Adapting to the new atmosphere of working places when got the job at the Swarovski.| Ambitious| I believe in being compassionate
and eager to have goals, work hard, and successfully achieve them. | 1. Accepting new responsibilities and tasks at work.2. Got in to the school
band, to let off my flute skills. | Loyal| I believe in loving my families, giving them my time and effort. I believe in the presence of family value and
care for one another.| 1. Be the best supportive and loving family member to all of my families and relatives. 2. Always be on the side of my friends,
trusting them. 3. Have Danny's back with his problems. Cheer him up even when I wasn't very much interested.| Open–minded| I
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Modern Day Self-Portrait
We started the day off by showing the students the slideshow on what is a self–portrait. They were extremely engaged answering questions as we
moved through the slides. I started off asking them questions about the first slide. "Is there any artist they recognized?" I snuck in one of my own
self–portraits on the first slide to see if they could guess it was actually one I had painted. In addition, some of the students were able to guess Van
Gogh, Picasso, and Frida Kahlo. One of the students pointed to my portrait and said it looked like me. It was fun because I replied back, "yes it was
me." We then went into a discussion on what makes up a self–portrait and how one could express themselves through a self–portrait. As we further
discussed the self–portrait I continued through my slideshow. One of the topics was the difference more content...
For example, the selfie, photos and Facebook photos, etc. We went over art elements and what specific elements could we see in the self–portraits
represented on the slideshow. We continued to discuss how the artists expressed who they were through their self–portraits. Next the students and I
talked about how in order to improve on their artwork they would need to practice, practice, practice. I showed them a self–portrait I drew at their age
and then one I painted not too long ago. During this presentation, even though students were very engaged and surprisingly expressive with their
answers, I felt they were a little restless. I asked the students what could I improve upon with the lesson and they suggested a worksheet they could use
to follow along and remember the artists. The approach I took by engaging the students in their educational environment is known as, progressive
education. According to Sadker and Zittleman (2012), "The role of the teacher is to identify student needs and interests and provide an educational
environment that builds on them" (p.
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Adolescent Self Portrait Essay examples
Adolescent Self Portrait
Adolescent Self–Portrait Paper Identify specific changes that tend to be the most striking and have the greatest effect on personality. Adolescent
differs according to culture and takes place when an individual transitions from a child into adulthood. The term adolescent means "to grow in
maturity "and it comes from the Latin verb adolescere. In our society, there is not a specific age when adolescent will begin, however it usually takes
place around 11 or 12 to late teens or even early twenties. There are many changes that place during this time, such as biological, social, and
psychological changes. In biological changes, the most striking change which occurs is puberty. Puberty is more content...
When these roles are incorporated, they make up who the adolescent is and their identity. However, role confusion will occur when the adolescent
cannot incorporate their roles and have a difficult time coping with differing roles. The greatest effects that this will have on the adolescent's
personality are the feelings of being unsure and confused about their identity. The most striking change in social development is the adolescent's need
to be independent. When the adolescent becomes independent it is done so emotionally, socially and economically. It includes the child going from a
parent–child relationship to adult–adult relationship. It is also when the adolescent is capable of making the right decision financially and becomes a
self–directed individual. The greatest effect that social change has on the personality of an adolescent is rebellion. The adolescent will not listen and
try to live the way they want to, and also do things to distress their parents.
Adolescence is a time to mature and find oneself while learning to deal with life on life's terms. Every adult has experienced this and every child will
experience this. There is no single event or boundary line, which denotes the end of childhood or the beginning of adolescence. Experts think of the
passage from childhood into and through
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Descriptive Essay On A Portrait
Before I explain the portrait I have made of myself it is important to ask, "What exactly is a portrait?" A typical portrait is a piece of art that's
purpose is to depict one's likeness. Typically portraits are made through using paint, photography and sculptures but really can be made through
any medium. But portraits can be so much more than just a physical representation of someone. A portrait can depict someone without having their
physical features in it, it can even be something that typically people don't see like sound and music. Whether it be a quilt, a mixtape, or just a
single dot on a paper, it can mean something that reflects someone through who they are. While capturing a physical representation of someone
may show emotion and some personality to them it only scratches the surface when there are so many more details to be uncovered about them. I
think displaying one's self in ways other than their physical form has a stronger connection as a portrait. My portrait consists of two layers and
when put together makes the whole piece. I started out by digitally painting a literal self portrait since that is what a lot of people would think of
when they see the word "portrait". After digitally painting myself as how I'm physically seen I made a second part featuring a black space blocking out
my face only leaving an outline of my face. Inside the black space I created a web of blue lines filling in the black space on my head which extends
over non blacked
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Adolescent Self-Portrait Essay
Adolescent Self–Portrait December 1, 2014 BSHS/325 Maria Perrotta Adolescent Self–Portrait From the time an individual is born, they are facing
continual growth and changes. Upon reaching adolescence, an individual will face many changes quickly that affect feelings and personality. Males
and females face the same milestones, yet, are affected and changed by them differently. What It Feels Like To Be a Teenager Being a teenager is an
exciting, scary, and overall stressful time in one's life. Many changes occur physically and mentally and one can experience a new range of different
emotions. A teen is also influenced by surrounding environmental factors then they used to be. Teenagers dream of doing more content...
Basically, the brain is maturing, logical thinking is developing, and teens are able to make more of their own choices in life. This brings a new sense
of independence and new found freedom. This is when judgment and self–esteem issues come into play. Being in middle and high school, teenagers
will face many situations of peer pressure at attempts to fit in with the cool crowd. They are attempting to find who they really are so they fit to be
what is considered cool. They assume if you are "cool", you are liked, and that is what teenagers want; friends, socialization, and to be liked. This is
also a constant struggle with teenagers; trying to find their identity as they are being peer pressured into being whatever is in the moment. It is hard
to find those boundaries and true definitions of oneself in an adolescent mind. Much more goes on in the adolescent time of life then people are
generally led to believe. The Developmental Changes Affecting Personality Adolescent developmental changes can have striking effects on a
teenager's personality. Growing spurts are one of these. They can cause teens to become very clumsy, making them insecure and unsure of themselves.
These spurts can also make a teen not feel like him/herself. The oncoming of puberty can effect personality changes such as acting out or
aggressiveness, especially in males. This is also a time where teens
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Essay about Egon Schiele's Self-Portrait
Egon Schiele's Self–Portrait
When I look at this portrait, the first thing that hits me is the way the artist, Egon Schiele, appears to have made himself look animated, like a
cartoon. The way in which his right eye is rounded like a cartoon character and his left eye is squinting and almost shut, adds to the idea of a the
portrait being a cartoon. The squinted left eye is as if he is sneaking around and evaluating his surroundings. If you cover the right side of the face
(with the widely opened eye), it makes you realise that the left side with the squinted eye does not look very lifelike, but the two eyes seem to cancel
each other out.
The over exaggerated wrinkles on Schiele's face and neck make him look a lot older than he more content...
I have found out that at the time of this painting, Egon Schiele like to give an expression of extreme poverty. But his claims that at this time he was
virtually in rags are at odds not only with what his contemporaries have to say, but with the photographs taken of him. His letters make it plain that he
suffered from a degree of persecution mania (a feeling that others have evil designs against one's well–being) – for example, he wrote in a letter of
1910: 'How hideous it is here! Everyone envies me and conspires against me. Former colleagues regard me with malevolent eyes.' This information
could back up the idea that Schiele was making himself look older in the paintings and look animated because he actually felt old, and the fact that the
left eye is squinting as if looking around and being paranoid could also be due to his persecution mania at the time.
The portrait is basically just an artist's self–portrait. Around this time, Egon Schiele became fascinated by his own appearance, and made self–portraits
in large numbers. This is one of those portraits. The title does not give away any clues to the meaning or symbolism of the piece, it is just called
"Self–Portrait Pulling Cheek".
One of Schiele's idols was Gustav Klimt, who had previously studied at the same school, the School of Arts and Crafts in Vienna. We cannot really
compare any similarities between the two artists styles, but we can maybe say that Schiele was influenced by
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Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait Essay
Albrecht Durer SelfPortrait Artist and Humanist, Albrecht Durer is one of the most significant figures in the history f European art outside Italy during
the Renaissance (Gowing 195). Portraying the questioning spirit of the Renaissance, Durer's conviction that he must examine and explore his own
situation through capturing the very essence of his role as artist and creator, is reflected in the Self–portrait in a Fur Collared Robe (Strieder 10).
With the portrait, Durer's highly self–conscious approach to his status as an artist coveys his exalted mission of art more clearly than in any other
painting. He seems to be "less concerned with himself as a person than with himself as an artist, and less with the artist than with more
Symmetrically arranging his serious, handsome face and mass of shoulder length hair deliberately invite comparison with the image of Christ. The
idealized arrangement and strict symmetry of the face is based on a construction made up of circle and a triangle, a formula used down to the
Byzantine period for images of the Redeemer. The frontal pose and symmetrical composition have recurred in many images of Christ, particularly in
the form of the vera icon, or "true image" (Strieder14).
No architectural setting appears within the plain, black background of the painting (Hutchison 67). The darkened tone and limited but unified color
scheme create a mood of sanctity (Hutchinson 68). The contours of the face are molded by means of soft light and transparent shadows, almost in an
attempt to fathom the inner depths of Durer's creative spirit (Strieder 147). Set against the dark background, the strong face and chin emanate an
impression of energy from the portrait. Within the background on the right–hand side, the inscription reads "I Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg painted
myself thus, with undying colors, at the age of twenty–eight years" (Hutchinson 67). This was a personal verification of the quality of his materials and
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History of Portraiture Essay example
History of Portraiture
Portraiture is a visual representation of an individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession.
Portraitists often strive for exact visual likenesses. However, although the viewer's correct identification of the sitter is of primary importance, exact
replication is not always the goal. Artists may intentionally alter the appearance of their subjects by embellishing or refining their images to emphasize
or minimize particular qualities (physical, psychological, or social) of the subject. Viewers sometimes praise most highly those images that seem to
look very little like the sitter because these images more content...
The Romans were expert in rendering individuals. Some scholars have argued that it was the practice of making and keeping death masks of ancestors
(worn by survivors in the funeral processions) that accounts for the enormous skill with which Roman portraitists captured the individuality of their
subjects. Many portrait busts survive, including images of Roman rulers as well as poignant representations of aged citizens. Especially noteworthy are
the mummy portraits from the region of Al FayyГ…В«m in Egypt. Painted during the 2nd century ad, these portraits depict individuals who stare
wide–eyed at the viewer. These slightly simplified representations of staring subjects anticipate the severity and frontal orientation of early medieval
The Renaissance marked a turning point in the history of portraiture. Partly out of interest in the natural world and partly out of interest in the classical
cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, portraitsГ‚–both painted and sculptedГ‚–were given an important role in Renaissance society.
In the Netherlands, Jan van Eyck was a leading portraitist; The Arnolfini Marriage (1434, National Gallery, London) is a detailed full–length portrait of
a couple. Leading German portrait artists include Hans Holbein the Younger and Albrecht DГѓВјrer.
During the baroque and rococo periods (17th century and 18th century, respectively),
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The Self Portrait Art Essay
Self–portraits have been used by artists for centuries to explore aspects of the self. They are the subjects they know best and artists have reflected this
through their treatment of media, subject matter and techniques. Two artists who explore aspects of their personality and life experiences in their
self–portraits are Frida Kahlo and Ben Quilty. Many of their artistic techniques can be derived from the same origins. Whilst there are similarities in
self–portraits by any artist usually, you will find differences the norm. After all, this is what makes art and art form.
Frida Kahlo, one of many world renowned artists from the 1930s, was a revolutionary. Alongside Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon and Wassily
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Although the Hummingbird is seen as a charm it seems to mirror her infamously shaped eyebrows.
Her mother was a devout Catholic and passed these strong values down to her daughter, Frida. This can be seen through the crown of thorns around
her neck rather than her head, showing herself as a Christian Martyr. The subtle blood that is trickling down her neck may represent that of her
ongoing pain through her divorce. The contrasting butterflies on her headdress and bright background of leaves are suggestive of resurrection. Over
the left–hand side, a monkey can be seen distracted playing with its hands. It was also a gift from Diego and a symbol of the devil she feels he is. As
seen on her left–hand side a Black Cat can be noticed staring down the Hummingbird. Perhaps it is ready to feast on the good as it is a symbol of
bad luck. She had experienced great trauma and pain in her life and this could be seen as the bad luck symbolised through the cat. To leave a blank
background would be unlike Kahlo; the bright and varied shades of greens and yellows seem to show a wall of uncontrolled nature, possibly
expressing her feelings at the time. Looking to the upper half of the painting Dragonflies and Butterflies fly around her hair that is intertwined with
cloth, delineating a figure eight like crown filled with purples and maroon. We see the life filled Dragonflies and Butterflies
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Self Portrait Research Paper
This was my first school year in an actual art class. Before this it was just the average art project here and there in middle school. In this class we
started with the very simple and ended with the very hard for me at least. The majority of art I made this year was with a pencil I think. I feel good
with the art I ended up making. One of my favorite projects was the historic self portrait. In it I used line for the outlines of my face and most of the
details. I used value in the shading to make it look semi 3–d. I used color in the tunic, medallion and crown to give contrast from the black and white
face. I felt like it had good unity and symmetry in the details of the face. The meaning behind most of my art more content...
I felt good with the technique I used to paint it. I tried to use harder more rough brush strokes on the sandy bottom to make it look more coarse and
rough. I tried to use more smooth strokes on the top though it also appeared very rough. Another piece that I think was one of my more successful
one was the historical self portrait. I feel like I was able to make a god self portrait. When I was shading I used the tip of my pencil to make the
hair and I feel like it turned out amazing. One of the main things I would fix is that fell my ears could be more symmetrical one was a little higher
and fatter than the other one. The main thing I struggled with this year was copying. I couldn't quite get it when I was looking at a picture on my
iPad and drawing it in my sketchbook or somewhere else. I grew as an artist this year because, before I just thought I was to bad to be decent. But
now I can confidently draw something that I had in my head using the techniques we learned this year. I feel like overall my art compared to the rest
of the art work is very amateur . in the future I will not be making much art I will be more appreciative of the art and how difficult is too make
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Judith Leyster Self-Portrait

  • 1. Judith Leyster Self-Portrait Self–Portrait by Judith Leyster One of the famous painters of the 17th century, the Dutch painter Judith Leyster, and the first female artist admitted to the Guild of St. Luke of Haarlem. This electromagnetic picture shows what is beneath the top coating of paint. The portrait on the easel was originally a self–portrait of Leyster. However, she transformed her observance and painted the violin player over it because her most fruitful and gainful paintings were scenes of merrymakers, a type of picture very popular with customers. She must have decided that this painting could advertise several messages at once: I am a successful woman, I am sought–after painter, I can draw great portraits, and I am skill at painting lively scenes of more content... Five years earlier, her proficiency and talent had already drawn public praise. A chronicler of Haarlem described Leyster, then only nineteen years old, as a painter of "Good and keen insight." In the late 1640s, another city historian wrote that among the many women experienced in the field of painting, one excels exceptionally, Judith Leyster, called "The true leading star" in art. The compliment cleverly alludes to the artist's family name, witch mean "lodestar" The artist herself incorporated a star in her professional Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Art of Portraiture art of portraiture The three works that I chose that are art of portraiture are Head of a King, Mask of an Lyoba, and Mother Goddess. The first two portraits are West African Art from two different tribes, Ife, who created the Head of a King and Benin, whom created the Mask of an Lyoba. The Mother Goddess is an Aztec piece. These groups of people are from different cultures, time periods, and share different religious beliefs. The similarity of the groups is the symbolic meaning the portraitures brought to its people. The first work is the Head of a King. This Ife creation altered the perception that scholars had of the tribe. It was known that the Ife tribes did not do portraits because of the spirits that could more content... The Mask of an Lyoba is a beautiful ornamental mask of royalty. This works shows that the people no longer use the naturalistic approach, but a bold, more idealized, representation of its people. The art of Benin is a royal art, only the oba could commission the works. This work was commissioned in ivory, but most of the works were commissioned in brass. The Benin transition from naturalistic to stylize is better explained in the brass heads. It ranges from small, thinly cast, and naturalistic to large, thickly cast, and highly stylized. The conclusion of scholars is that in their Early Period, their heads were small and naturalistic from the Ife influence. Heads then grew increasingly stylized during the Middle Period. Then in the Late Period, the heads were very large and heavy, with angular stylized features and an elaborate beaded crown. In Mexico there was also portraitures. Specifically in the Aztec Empire were the Mother Goddess was created. This was a strong and powerful empire that was divided in classes. The religion was based on a complex pantheon that combined the Aztec deities with more ancient ones that had long been worshiped in Central Mexico. According to the Aztec belief, the gods created the current universe at the ancient city of Teothhuacan. Which is similar to the Ife belief that Gods came down Get more content on
  • 3. Best-Self Portrait Essay | Learning Project 1, Part 4–6 | | | LP1, Part 4: What are others' experiences of me when I am my best? Phase 1: Creating the Reflected Best–Self Portrait When I am at best, I help people. I motivate myself and feel motivated when I get to help others. Whether it's a stranger, colleague, friends, or family, I feel my passion in assisting those in need. As long as it's within my capability and moral belief that what people ask for help is ethical and legal, I give them my attention and time. I feel happy that I am able to give a hand, and I feel happy to see people become happy with the help I give them. Helping others put smiles on my face and also on them as well. I feel proud of myself that I have the power to help more content... I believe in being trustworthy, reliable, and accountable to my actions and behaviors, regardless of situations. | 1. Being the daughter to my parents. 2. Be responsible as an employee and a co–worker to help and provide fitting skills at Swarovski.| Supportive| I believe in backing up the people I care about, encouraging them, helping them, defending them, and loving them.| 1. Encouraging and complimenting Coral and her new place.2. Compliment and Recommending the trendy styles to Danny.| Adaptable| I believe in the power to adapt to new surroundings and situations, learning new skills and experiences to make them my own. | 1. Adapting to the new country, new city and new language when first immigrated to Canada. 2. Adapting to the new atmosphere of working places when got the job at the Swarovski.| Ambitious| I believe in being compassionate and eager to have goals, work hard, and successfully achieve them. | 1. Accepting new responsibilities and tasks at work.2. Got in to the school band, to let off my flute skills. | Loyal| I believe in loving my families, giving them my time and effort. I believe in the presence of family value and care for one another.| 1. Be the best supportive and loving family member to all of my families and relatives. 2. Always be on the side of my friends, trusting them. 3. Have Danny's back with his problems. Cheer him up even when I wasn't very much interested.| Open–minded| I Get more content on
  • 4. Modern Day Self-Portrait We started the day off by showing the students the slideshow on what is a self–portrait. They were extremely engaged answering questions as we moved through the slides. I started off asking them questions about the first slide. "Is there any artist they recognized?" I snuck in one of my own self–portraits on the first slide to see if they could guess it was actually one I had painted. In addition, some of the students were able to guess Van Gogh, Picasso, and Frida Kahlo. One of the students pointed to my portrait and said it looked like me. It was fun because I replied back, "yes it was me." We then went into a discussion on what makes up a self–portrait and how one could express themselves through a self–portrait. As we further discussed the self–portrait I continued through my slideshow. One of the topics was the difference more content... For example, the selfie, photos and Facebook photos, etc. We went over art elements and what specific elements could we see in the self–portraits represented on the slideshow. We continued to discuss how the artists expressed who they were through their self–portraits. Next the students and I talked about how in order to improve on their artwork they would need to practice, practice, practice. I showed them a self–portrait I drew at their age and then one I painted not too long ago. During this presentation, even though students were very engaged and surprisingly expressive with their answers, I felt they were a little restless. I asked the students what could I improve upon with the lesson and they suggested a worksheet they could use to follow along and remember the artists. The approach I took by engaging the students in their educational environment is known as, progressive education. According to Sadker and Zittleman (2012), "The role of the teacher is to identify student needs and interests and provide an educational environment that builds on them" (p. Get more content on
  • 5. Adolescent Self Portrait Essay examples Adolescent Self Portrait BSHS/325 Adolescent Self–Portrait Paper Identify specific changes that tend to be the most striking and have the greatest effect on personality. Adolescent differs according to culture and takes place when an individual transitions from a child into adulthood. The term adolescent means "to grow in maturity "and it comes from the Latin verb adolescere. In our society, there is not a specific age when adolescent will begin, however it usually takes place around 11 or 12 to late teens or even early twenties. There are many changes that place during this time, such as biological, social, and psychological changes. In biological changes, the most striking change which occurs is puberty. Puberty is more content... When these roles are incorporated, they make up who the adolescent is and their identity. However, role confusion will occur when the adolescent cannot incorporate their roles and have a difficult time coping with differing roles. The greatest effects that this will have on the adolescent's personality are the feelings of being unsure and confused about their identity. The most striking change in social development is the adolescent's need to be independent. When the adolescent becomes independent it is done so emotionally, socially and economically. It includes the child going from a parent–child relationship to adult–adult relationship. It is also when the adolescent is capable of making the right decision financially and becomes a self–directed individual. The greatest effect that social change has on the personality of an adolescent is rebellion. The adolescent will not listen and try to live the way they want to, and also do things to distress their parents. Adolescence is a time to mature and find oneself while learning to deal with life on life's terms. Every adult has experienced this and every child will experience this. There is no single event or boundary line, which denotes the end of childhood or the beginning of adolescence. Experts think of the passage from childhood into and through Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay On A Portrait Before I explain the portrait I have made of myself it is important to ask, "What exactly is a portrait?" A typical portrait is a piece of art that's purpose is to depict one's likeness. Typically portraits are made through using paint, photography and sculptures but really can be made through any medium. But portraits can be so much more than just a physical representation of someone. A portrait can depict someone without having their physical features in it, it can even be something that typically people don't see like sound and music. Whether it be a quilt, a mixtape, or just a single dot on a paper, it can mean something that reflects someone through who they are. While capturing a physical representation of someone may show emotion and some personality to them it only scratches the surface when there are so many more details to be uncovered about them. I think displaying one's self in ways other than their physical form has a stronger connection as a portrait. My portrait consists of two layers and when put together makes the whole piece. I started out by digitally painting a literal self portrait since that is what a lot of people would think of when they see the word "portrait". After digitally painting myself as how I'm physically seen I made a second part featuring a black space blocking out my face only leaving an outline of my face. Inside the black space I created a web of blue lines filling in the black space on my head which extends over non blacked Get more content on
  • 7. Adolescent Self-Portrait Essay Adolescent Self–Portrait December 1, 2014 BSHS/325 Maria Perrotta Adolescent Self–Portrait From the time an individual is born, they are facing continual growth and changes. Upon reaching adolescence, an individual will face many changes quickly that affect feelings and personality. Males and females face the same milestones, yet, are affected and changed by them differently. What It Feels Like To Be a Teenager Being a teenager is an exciting, scary, and overall stressful time in one's life. Many changes occur physically and mentally and one can experience a new range of different emotions. A teen is also influenced by surrounding environmental factors then they used to be. Teenagers dream of doing more content... Basically, the brain is maturing, logical thinking is developing, and teens are able to make more of their own choices in life. This brings a new sense of independence and new found freedom. This is when judgment and self–esteem issues come into play. Being in middle and high school, teenagers will face many situations of peer pressure at attempts to fit in with the cool crowd. They are attempting to find who they really are so they fit to be what is considered cool. They assume if you are "cool", you are liked, and that is what teenagers want; friends, socialization, and to be liked. This is also a constant struggle with teenagers; trying to find their identity as they are being peer pressured into being whatever is in the moment. It is hard to find those boundaries and true definitions of oneself in an adolescent mind. Much more goes on in the adolescent time of life then people are generally led to believe. The Developmental Changes Affecting Personality Adolescent developmental changes can have striking effects on a teenager's personality. Growing spurts are one of these. They can cause teens to become very clumsy, making them insecure and unsure of themselves. These spurts can also make a teen not feel like him/herself. The oncoming of puberty can effect personality changes such as acting out or aggressiveness, especially in males. This is also a time where teens Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Egon Schiele's Self-Portrait Egon Schiele's Self–Portrait When I look at this portrait, the first thing that hits me is the way the artist, Egon Schiele, appears to have made himself look animated, like a cartoon. The way in which his right eye is rounded like a cartoon character and his left eye is squinting and almost shut, adds to the idea of a the portrait being a cartoon. The squinted left eye is as if he is sneaking around and evaluating his surroundings. If you cover the right side of the face (with the widely opened eye), it makes you realise that the left side with the squinted eye does not look very lifelike, but the two eyes seem to cancel each other out. The over exaggerated wrinkles on Schiele's face and neck make him look a lot older than he more content... I have found out that at the time of this painting, Egon Schiele like to give an expression of extreme poverty. But his claims that at this time he was virtually in rags are at odds not only with what his contemporaries have to say, but with the photographs taken of him. His letters make it plain that he suffered from a degree of persecution mania (a feeling that others have evil designs against one's well–being) – for example, he wrote in a letter of 1910: 'How hideous it is here! Everyone envies me and conspires against me. Former colleagues regard me with malevolent eyes.' This information could back up the idea that Schiele was making himself look older in the paintings and look animated because he actually felt old, and the fact that the left eye is squinting as if looking around and being paranoid could also be due to his persecution mania at the time. The portrait is basically just an artist's self–portrait. Around this time, Egon Schiele became fascinated by his own appearance, and made self–portraits in large numbers. This is one of those portraits. The title does not give away any clues to the meaning or symbolism of the piece, it is just called "Self–Portrait Pulling Cheek". One of Schiele's idols was Gustav Klimt, who had previously studied at the same school, the School of Arts and Crafts in Vienna. We cannot really compare any similarities between the two artists styles, but we can maybe say that Schiele was influenced by Get more content on
  • 9. Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait Essay Albrecht Durer SelfPortrait Artist and Humanist, Albrecht Durer is one of the most significant figures in the history f European art outside Italy during the Renaissance (Gowing 195). Portraying the questioning spirit of the Renaissance, Durer's conviction that he must examine and explore his own situation through capturing the very essence of his role as artist and creator, is reflected in the Self–portrait in a Fur Collared Robe (Strieder 10). With the portrait, Durer's highly self–conscious approach to his status as an artist coveys his exalted mission of art more clearly than in any other painting. He seems to be "less concerned with himself as a person than with himself as an artist, and less with the artist than with more content... Symmetrically arranging his serious, handsome face and mass of shoulder length hair deliberately invite comparison with the image of Christ. The idealized arrangement and strict symmetry of the face is based on a construction made up of circle and a triangle, a formula used down to the Byzantine period for images of the Redeemer. The frontal pose and symmetrical composition have recurred in many images of Christ, particularly in the form of the vera icon, or "true image" (Strieder14). No architectural setting appears within the plain, black background of the painting (Hutchison 67). The darkened tone and limited but unified color scheme create a mood of sanctity (Hutchinson 68). The contours of the face are molded by means of soft light and transparent shadows, almost in an attempt to fathom the inner depths of Durer's creative spirit (Strieder 147). Set against the dark background, the strong face and chin emanate an impression of energy from the portrait. Within the background on the right–hand side, the inscription reads "I Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg painted myself thus, with undying colors, at the age of twenty–eight years" (Hutchinson 67). This was a personal verification of the quality of his materials and his Get more content on
  • 10. History of Portraiture Essay example History of Portraiture Portraiture is a visual representation of an individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession. Portraitists often strive for exact visual likenesses. However, although the viewer's correct identification of the sitter is of primary importance, exact replication is not always the goal. Artists may intentionally alter the appearance of their subjects by embellishing or refining their images to emphasize or minimize particular qualities (physical, psychological, or social) of the subject. Viewers sometimes praise most highly those images that seem to look very little like the sitter because these images more content... The Romans were expert in rendering individuals. Some scholars have argued that it was the practice of making and keeping death masks of ancestors (worn by survivors in the funeral processions) that accounts for the enormous skill with which Roman portraitists captured the individuality of their subjects. Many portrait busts survive, including images of Roman rulers as well as poignant representations of aged citizens. Especially noteworthy are the mummy portraits from the region of Al FayyГ…В«m in Egypt. Painted during the 2nd century ad, these portraits depict individuals who stare wide–eyed at the viewer. These slightly simplified representations of staring subjects anticipate the severity and frontal orientation of early medieval portraits. The Renaissance marked a turning point in the history of portraiture. Partly out of interest in the natural world and partly out of interest in the classical cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, portraitsГ‚–both painted and sculptedГ‚–were given an important role in Renaissance society. In the Netherlands, Jan van Eyck was a leading portraitist; The Arnolfini Marriage (1434, National Gallery, London) is a detailed full–length portrait of a couple. Leading German portrait artists include Hans Holbein the Younger and Albrecht DГѓВјrer. During the baroque and rococo periods (17th century and 18th century, respectively), Get more content on
  • 11. The Self Portrait Art Essay SELF–PORTRAIT ART ESSAY Self–portraits have been used by artists for centuries to explore aspects of the self. They are the subjects they know best and artists have reflected this through their treatment of media, subject matter and techniques. Two artists who explore aspects of their personality and life experiences in their self–portraits are Frida Kahlo and Ben Quilty. Many of their artistic techniques can be derived from the same origins. Whilst there are similarities in self–portraits by any artist usually, you will find differences the norm. After all, this is what makes art and art form. Frida Kahlo, one of many world renowned artists from the 1930s, was a revolutionary. Alongside Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon and Wassily more content... Although the Hummingbird is seen as a charm it seems to mirror her infamously shaped eyebrows. Her mother was a devout Catholic and passed these strong values down to her daughter, Frida. This can be seen through the crown of thorns around her neck rather than her head, showing herself as a Christian Martyr. The subtle blood that is trickling down her neck may represent that of her ongoing pain through her divorce. The contrasting butterflies on her headdress and bright background of leaves are suggestive of resurrection. Over the left–hand side, a monkey can be seen distracted playing with its hands. It was also a gift from Diego and a symbol of the devil she feels he is. As seen on her left–hand side a Black Cat can be noticed staring down the Hummingbird. Perhaps it is ready to feast on the good as it is a symbol of bad luck. She had experienced great trauma and pain in her life and this could be seen as the bad luck symbolised through the cat. To leave a blank background would be unlike Kahlo; the bright and varied shades of greens and yellows seem to show a wall of uncontrolled nature, possibly expressing her feelings at the time. Looking to the upper half of the painting Dragonflies and Butterflies fly around her hair that is intertwined with cloth, delineating a figure eight like crown filled with purples and maroon. We see the life filled Dragonflies and Butterflies Get more content on
  • 12. Self Portrait Research Paper This was my first school year in an actual art class. Before this it was just the average art project here and there in middle school. In this class we started with the very simple and ended with the very hard for me at least. The majority of art I made this year was with a pencil I think. I feel good with the art I ended up making. One of my favorite projects was the historic self portrait. In it I used line for the outlines of my face and most of the details. I used value in the shading to make it look semi 3–d. I used color in the tunic, medallion and crown to give contrast from the black and white face. I felt like it had good unity and symmetry in the details of the face. The meaning behind most of my art more content... I felt good with the technique I used to paint it. I tried to use harder more rough brush strokes on the sandy bottom to make it look more coarse and rough. I tried to use more smooth strokes on the top though it also appeared very rough. Another piece that I think was one of my more successful one was the historical self portrait. I feel like I was able to make a god self portrait. When I was shading I used the tip of my pencil to make the hair and I feel like it turned out amazing. One of the main things I would fix is that fell my ears could be more symmetrical one was a little higher and fatter than the other one. The main thing I struggled with this year was copying. I couldn't quite get it when I was looking at a picture on my iPad and drawing it in my sketchbook or somewhere else. I grew as an artist this year because, before I just thought I was to bad to be decent. But now I can confidently draw something that I had in my head using the techniques we learned this year. I feel like overall my art compared to the rest of the art work is very amateur . in the future I will not be making much art I will be more appreciative of the art and how difficult is too make Get more content on