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Andrea Leoncini
                                    JBoss Senior Solution Architect @ Red Hat


It’s JBoss, but not as we know it

• AS7     is the major application server rewriting
  •   much bigger change than AS4 to AS5

• Lots    of new features
  •   Module based services & Modular Service Container

  •   Domain mode and Standalone mode

  •   New configuration

  •   Everything has changed
•   Improve usability
    •   with AS4 and AS5 the JBoss user used to be an expert

•   Increase manageability
    •   with AS4 and AS5 each server is based on specific configuration

•   Simplify configurations
    •   with AS4 and AS5 each service has its own configuration approach

•   Higly performant - GO FAST!
    •   much faster than previous versions
•   blazingly fast (<3s startup)

•   lightweight

•   modular

•   hot parallel deployment

•   elegant administration

•   domain management

•   easy testable
•   Fast and lightweight

•   Supports domain (multi node) management

•   Multiple consistent management interfaces
    CLI, Java API, HTTP API, Web Console

•   Unified user-focused configuration

•   Modular
    •   Pluggable components of the application server, referenced from profiles, based on module.xml

    •   tha basis of classloading in AS7

    JBoss Server           JBoss Server           JBoss Server
      MonteMario                 Pietralata               EUR

                           JBoss Server           JBoss Server
                                 Trastevere          Garbatella

                                                  JBoss Server

   Host                   Host                   Host
Contoller              Contoller              Contoller


    JBoss Server               each “host
                           JBoss Server          box” represents a physical or virtual host.
                                                                             JBoss Server
      MonteMario                 Pietralata box can contain zero, one or multiple server
                                   Each                                            EUR

                           JBoss Server                                     JBoss Server
                                 Trastevere                                     Garbatella

                                                                            JBoss Server

   Host                   Host                                             Host
Contoller              Contoller                                        Contoller


HOST CONTROLLER                       Host Controller:
When script is run on a host, a process known as a Host Controller is launched. The Host Controller is solely
           JBoss Server                              JBoss Server                              JBoss Server
concerned with server management; it does not handle application server workloads. The Host Controller is responsible for
              MonteMario                                 Pietralata                                 EUR
starting and stopping the individual application server processes that run on its host, and interacts with the Domain
Controller to help manage them.
                                                     JBoss Server                               JBoss Server
                                                          Trastevere                               Garbatella

                                                                                                JBoss Server

          Host                                     Host                                       Host
       Contoller                                Contoller                                  Contoller


                                                 Domain Controller:
One Host Controller instance is configured to act as the central management point for the entire domain, i.e. to be the
Domain Controller. The primary responsibility of the Domain Controller is to maintain the domain's central management
             JBoss Server                                JBoss contents,                             JBoss Server
policy, to ensure all Host Controllers are aware of its currentServer and to assist the Host Controllers ensuring that any
                MonteMario                                   Pietralata                                   EUR
running application server instances are configured in accordance with this policy. This central management policy is stored by
default in the domain/configuration/domain.xml file in the unzipped JBoss Application Server 7 installation on Domain
Controller's host's filesystem.                            JBoss Server                               JBoss Server
A domain.xml file must be located in the domain/configuration directory of an installation that's meant to run the Domain
                                                              Trastevere                                Garbatella
Controller. It does not need to be present in the installations that are not meant to run a Domain Controller; i.e. those whose
Host Controller is configured to contact a remote Domain Controller. The presence of a domain.xml file on such a server
                                                                                                     JBoss Server
does no harm.                                                                                           Trionfale

          Host                                        Host                                         Host
       Contoller                                   Contoller                                    Contoller


SERVER GROUP                             

                JBoss Server
                JBoss Server                              JBoss Server                                 JBoss Server
                                                                                                       JBoss Server
                   MonteMario                                   Pietralata                                      EUR

                                                          JBoss Server                                 JBoss Server
                                                                Trastevere                                 Garbatella

                                                                                                       JBoss Server

                Host                                     Host                                         Host
          Contoller                                   Contoller                                    Contoller
                                                       Server Group:
  A server group is set of server instances that will be managed and configured as one. In a managed domain each application
  server instance is a member of a server group. (Even if the group has just a single server, the server is still a member of a
  group.) It is the responsibility of the Domain Controller and the Host Controllers to ensure that all servers in a server group
  have a consistent configuration. They should all be configured with the same profile and they should have the same
  deployment content deployed                          Contoller


    JBoss Server                           JBoss Server           JBoss Server
      MonteMario                                 Pietralata               EUR

                                           JBoss Server           JBoss Server
                                                 Trastevere          Garbatella

                                                                  JBoss Server

   Host                                   Host                   Host
Contoller                              Contoller              Contoller


SERVER INSTANCE                    

            JBoss Server                               JBoss Server                        JBoss Server
              MonteMario                                    Pietralata                             EUR

                                                       JBoss Server                        JBoss Server
                                                            Trastevere                        Garbatella

                                                                                           JBoss Server

           Host                                      Host                                 Host
        Contoller                                 Contoller                            Contoller

Each "Server" in the above diagram represents an actual application server instance.
The server runs in a separate JVM process from the Host Controller. The Host
Controller is responsible for launching that process. (In a managed domain the end
user cannot directly launch a server process from the command line).


    JBoss Server                  JBoss Server           JBoss Server
      MonteMario                        Pietralata               EUR

                                  JBoss Server           JBoss Server
                                        Trastevere          Garbatella

                                                         JBoss Server

   Host                          Host                   Host
Contoller                     Contoller              Contoller


               New Module

    JBoss Server                  JBoss Server           JBoss Server
      MonteMario                        Pietralata               EUR

                                  JBoss Server           JBoss Server
                                        Trastevere          Garbatella

                                                         JBoss Server

   Host                          Host                   Host
Contoller                     Contoller              Contoller


               New Module

    JBoss Server                        JBoss Server           JBoss Server
      MonteMario                              Pietralata               EUR
                   New Module                                                    New Module
                   <datasource>                                                  <datasource>

                                        JBoss Server           JBoss Server
                                              Trastevere          Garbatella

                                                               JBoss Server

   Host                                Host                   Host
Contoller                           Contoller              Contoller


JBoss Modules is a standalone implementation of a
modular (non-hierarchical) class loading and execution
environment for Java. In other words, rather than a single
class loader which loads all JARs into a flat class path, each
library becomes a module which only links against the exact
modules it depends on, and nothing more. It implements a
thread-safe, fast, and highly concurrent delegating class
loader model, coupled to an extensible module resolution
system, which combine to form a unique, simple and
powerful system for application execution and distribution.

           JBOSS MODULES
System CL

                Server CL

Deployment CL               Deployment CL


   org.javassist            org.hibernate.core


org.jboss.interceptors       deployment.myapp.war

                MODULAR CL
 v3.1          mod-A
                                v1.1                           mod-L

        MODULAR CL

• User   deployments are modules too

• Sets up dependencies on some modules automatically
 (e.g. JPA, Hibernate, WebServices)

• Theuser can also set up their own dependencies on app
 server modules
•   Each sub-deployment in an EAR is its own module

•   Sub-deployments in an EAR do not have access to other sub-deplyments
    by default

•   Allows for individuals ejb-JARs to have dependencies on different versions
    of classes

•   Also provide a relaxed isolation mode, which automatically sets up
    dependencies between all the sub-deployments in the EAR

•   Dependencies can be set up using the manifest, a custom deployment
    descriptor or on a global level.
•   In AS7 almost everything is a service

•   Services are objects that can be started and stopped

•   Services can have dependencies on other services

•   When all services dependencies are satisfied it will attempt to start

•   If a dependency going to be stopped then MSC will stop all
    dependent services first

•   Services can inject dependent services


• Aspreviously mentioned almost everything in AS7 is a
 service, including:
 •   EJBs

 •   JNDI Bindings

 •   Servlets

 •   The deployments itself

• Standalone
 This is the traditional JBoss single JVM server
 This will have management facilities IN-VM

• Domain
 Multi JVM multi server model
 Management coordinated by Domain Controller Process
 Multiple server instances (JVMs) per host
 Full lifecycle managed by Process Controller

• Standalone is a single AS process for use in development,
  where the additional management functionality is not required

• Itprovides a similar development experience to previous
  versions of the AS, allowing for a deployment to be dropped
  in the deployment folder and automatically deployed

• Canstill be managed by the same tools and APIs as domain

•   Easy management of multiple AS instances

•   managed from a single point and all have access to the same domain

•   allows management and configuration updates to be pushed to all servers

•   when operating in domain mode there will be three classes of processes:
    •   Proces Controller

    •   Host Controller

    •   Server Instance
          DOMAIN MODE
•   Process Controller
    responsible for managing and starting / restarting processes
    extremely simple, not much that can go wrong.
    This is the process that the system will take care of, for example
    at bootstrap, or by > service jboss start (/etc/init.d)

•   Host Controller
    One host controller is the Domain Controller, the rest are slaves
    DC is responsible for pushing out configuration changes over the
    domain. Domain C. and Host C. are responsible for remote
           DOMAIN MODE
•   Host Controller
    By default each Host Controller reads its configuration from the domain/configuration/host.xml file located
    in the unzipped JBoss Application Server 7 installation on its host's filesystem. The host.xml file contains
    configuration information specific to the particular host. Primarily:

    •   the listing of the names of the actual JBoss Application Server 7 instances that are meant to run off of
        this installation

    •   configuration of how the Host Controller has to contact the Domain Controller to register itself and
        access the domain configuration. This may either be configuration of how to find and contact a remote
        Domain Controller, or a configuration telling the Host Controller to act as the Domain Controller

    •   configuration of items that are specific to the local physical installation. For example, named interface
        definitions declared in domain.xml (see below) can be mapped to an actual machine-specific IP address
        in host.xml. Abstract path names in domain.xml can be mapped to actual filesystem paths in host.xml
Starting Domain Controller
actually starts two processes

               START DOMAIN
Starting Domain Controller
actually starts two processes

               START DOMAIN
Starting domain actually
                           The Process Controller
  starts two processes

              START DOMAIN
Starting domain actually
                           and the Host Controller
  starts two processes

              START DOMAIN
What are you stopping?

   If you stop (kill) the Process Controller you
   are going to stop the Host Controller and
   all related Servers

              STOP DOMAIN
What are you stopping?

   One Host Controller can also be
   stopped by Host Controller using:

             STOP DOMAIN
What are you stopping?

   One Host Controller can also be
   stopped by Host Controller using:

             STOP DOMAIN
What are you stopping?

   jboss-admin is a CLI available on every
   node of your JBoss environment (each
   JBoss installation).

             STOP DOMAIN
What are you stopping?

   By CLI you can stop anything
   from anywhere

             STOP DOMAIN

     Starts a standalone
     instance of the AS

    This is the mode that
reproduces the old behaviour

based on standalone.conf
 LAYOUT starts the
process controller and
  the host controller
 also uses domain.conf but it
just sets the Host controller

    In the domain mode

    domain.xml contains
configurations common to all

    In the domain mode

host.xml contains the servers

    In the domain mode

for each server there will be
   just working directories
•   ONE configuration file

    • standalone.xml         - domain.xml

•   Management API allows persistent changes to the configuration

•   Management API can manage all servers in the domain

•   Management console provides user friendly management in a web

•   command line tool (higly scriptable)

•   ONE configuration file

    • standalone.xml                    - domain.xml

•   Management API that allows for persistent changes to the configuration

•   Management API can manage all servers in the domain
             The XML configuration files act as a central, authoritative source of configuration. Any
             configuration changes made via the web interface or the CLI are persisted back to the XML
•   Management console to provide user friendly management in a web
             configuration files. If a domain or standalone server is offline, the XML configuration files can be
             hand edited as well, and any changes will be picked up when the domain or standalone server is
    browser  next started. However, users are encouraged to use the web interface or the CLI in preference
             to making offline edits to the configuration files. External changes made to the configuration
             files while processes are running will not be detected, and may be overwritten
•   command line tool for use in scripts

• Scriptable   command line management tool

• Uses   the management API internally

• Allows
      access to high level user friendly commands
 create-jms-queue --name testQueue

• Alsoallows direct access to the domain model, giving access
 to the full functionality of the management API


• AS7   supports easy testing with Arquillian

• Arquillian
           is used both in the internal test suite and by end
 users to test their applications

• Combined   with the fast startup speed of AS7 testing in the
 container is just as easy as running normal JUnit tests.
Andrea Leoncini
                            JBoss Senior Solution Architect @ Red Hat


  This presentation is over
THANK YOU for your attention!

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JBoss AS7 Overview

  • 1. Andrea Leoncini JBoss Senior Solution Architect @ Red Hat It’s JBoss, but not as we know it
  • 2. EVERYTHING CHANGES • AS7 is the major application server rewriting • much bigger change than AS4 to AS5 • Lots of new features • Module based services & Modular Service Container • Domain mode and Standalone mode • New configuration • Everything has changed
  • 3. MOTIVATIONS FOR AS7 • Improve usability • with AS4 and AS5 the JBoss user used to be an expert • Increase manageability • with AS4 and AS5 each server is based on specific configuration • Simplify configurations • with AS4 and AS5 each service has its own configuration approach • Higly performant - GO FAST! • much faster than previous versions
  • 4. 7 REASONS TO LOVE AS7 • blazingly fast (<3s startup) • lightweight • modular • hot parallel deployment • elegant administration • domain management • easy testable
  • 5. KEY NEW FEATURES • Fast and lightweight • Supports domain (multi node) management • Multiple consistent management interfaces CLI, Java API, HTTP API, Web Console • Unified user-focused configuration • Modular • Pluggable components of the application server, referenced from profiles, based on module.xml • tha basis of classloading in AS7
  • 7. THE NEW JBOSS SCENARIO JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 8. HOST Host: JBoss Server each “host JBoss Server box” represents a physical or virtual host. JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata box can contain zero, one or multiple server Each EUR instances JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 9. HOST CONTROLLER Host Controller: When script is run on a host, a process known as a Host Controller is launched. The Host Controller is solely JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server concerned with server management; it does not handle application server workloads. The Host Controller is responsible for MonteMario Pietralata EUR starting and stopping the individual application server processes that run on its host, and interacts with the Domain Controller to help manage them. JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 10. DOMAIN CONTROLLER Domain Controller: One Host Controller instance is configured to act as the central management point for the entire domain, i.e. to be the Domain Controller. The primary responsibility of the Domain Controller is to maintain the domain's central management JBoss Server JBoss contents, JBoss Server policy, to ensure all Host Controllers are aware of its currentServer and to assist the Host Controllers ensuring that any MonteMario Pietralata EUR running application server instances are configured in accordance with this policy. This central management policy is stored by default in the domain/configuration/domain.xml file in the unzipped JBoss Application Server 7 installation on Domain Controller's host's filesystem. JBoss Server JBoss Server A domain.xml file must be located in the domain/configuration directory of an installation that's meant to run the Domain Trastevere Garbatella Controller. It does not need to be present in the installations that are not meant to run a Domain Controller; i.e. those whose Host Controller is configured to contact a remote Domain Controller. The presence of a domain.xml file on such a server JBoss Server does no harm. Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 11. SERVER GROUP JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario MonteMario Pietralata EUR EUR restful-group JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Server Group: A server group is set of server instances that will be managed and configured as one. In a managed domain each application server instance is a member of a server group. (Even if the group has just a single server, the server is still a member of a group.) It is the responsibility of the Domain Controller and the Host Controllers to ensure that all servers in a server group Domain have a consistent configuration. They should all be configured with the same profile and they should have the same deployment content deployed Contoller
  • 12. SERVER GROUP JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella midsize-group JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 13. SERVER INSTANCE JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Server: Each "Server" in the above diagram represents an actual application server instance. The server runs in a separate JVM process from the Host Controller. The Host Controller is responsible for launching that process. (In a managed domain the end Domain user cannot directly launch a server process from the command line). Contoller
  • 14. DEPLOYMENT JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller New Module <datasource>
  • 15. DEPLOYMENT JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller New Module <datasource>
  • 16. DEPLOYMENT JBoss Server JBoss Server JBoss Server MonteMario Pietralata EUR New Module New Module <datasource> <datasource> JBoss Server JBoss Server Trastevere Garbatella JBoss Server Trionfale Host Host Host Contoller Contoller Contoller Domain Contoller
  • 17. JBoss Modules is a standalone implementation of a modular (non-hierarchical) class loading and execution environment for Java. In other words, rather than a single class loader which loads all JARs into a flat class path, each library becomes a module which only links against the exact modules it depends on, and nothing more. It implements a thread-safe, fast, and highly concurrent delegating class loader model, coupled to an extensible module resolution system, which combine to form a unique, simple and powerful system for application execution and distribution. JBOSS MODULES
  • 18. System CL Server CL Deployment CL Deployment CL HIERARCHICAL CL
  • 19. org.slf4j org.javassist org.hibernate.core org.jboss.weld org.jboss.interceptors deployment.myapp.war MODULAR CL
  • 20. mod-L v3.1 mod-A v2.0 mod-J v1.1 mod-L v2.4 mod-K v1.7 MODULAR CL
  • 22. USER DEPLOYMENTS • User deployments are modules too • Sets up dependencies on some modules automatically (e.g. JPA, Hibernate, WebServices) • Theuser can also set up their own dependencies on app server modules
  • 23. USER DEPLOYMENTS DETAILS • Each sub-deployment in an EAR is its own module • Sub-deployments in an EAR do not have access to other sub-deplyments by default • Allows for individuals ejb-JARs to have dependencies on different versions of classes • Also provide a relaxed isolation mode, which automatically sets up dependencies between all the sub-deployments in the EAR • Dependencies can be set up using the manifest, a custom deployment descriptor or on a global level.
  • 24. In AS7 almost everything is a service • Services are objects that can be started and stopped • Services can have dependencies on other services • When all services dependencies are satisfied it will attempt to start • If a dependency going to be stopped then MSC will stop all dependent services first • Services can inject dependent services SERVICES
  • 25. EVERYTHING IS A SERVICE! • Aspreviously mentioned almost everything in AS7 is a service, including: • EJBs • JNDI Bindings • Servlets • The deployments itself
  • 26. TWO OPERATIONAL MODES • Standalone This is the traditional JBoss single JVM server This will have management facilities IN-VM • Domain Multi JVM multi server model Management coordinated by Domain Controller Process Multiple server instances (JVMs) per host Full lifecycle managed by Process Controller
  • 27. STANDALONE MODE • Standalone is a single AS process for use in development, where the additional management functionality is not required • Itprovides a similar development experience to previous versions of the AS, allowing for a deployment to be dropped in the deployment folder and automatically deployed • Canstill be managed by the same tools and APIs as domain mode
  • 28. DOMAIN MODE • Easy management of multiple AS instances • managed from a single point and all have access to the same domain configuration • allows management and configuration updates to be pushed to all servers • when operating in domain mode there will be three classes of processes: • Proces Controller • Host Controller • Server Instance
  • 29. WHEN YOU START A HOST IN DOMAIN MODE • Process Controller responsible for managing and starting / restarting processes extremely simple, not much that can go wrong. This is the process that the system will take care of, for example at bootstrap, or by > service jboss start (/etc/init.d) • Host Controller One host controller is the Domain Controller, the rest are slaves DC is responsible for pushing out configuration changes over the domain. Domain C. and Host C. are responsible for remote management
  • 30. WHEN YOU START AN HOST IN DOMAIN MODE • Host Controller By default each Host Controller reads its configuration from the domain/configuration/host.xml file located in the unzipped JBoss Application Server 7 installation on its host's filesystem. The host.xml file contains configuration information specific to the particular host. Primarily: • the listing of the names of the actual JBoss Application Server 7 instances that are meant to run off of this installation • configuration of how the Host Controller has to contact the Domain Controller to register itself and access the domain configuration. This may either be configuration of how to find and contact a remote Domain Controller, or a configuration telling the Host Controller to act as the Domain Controller • configuration of items that are specific to the local physical installation. For example, named interface definitions declared in domain.xml (see below) can be mapped to an actual machine-specific IP address in host.xml. Abstract path names in domain.xml can be mapped to actual filesystem paths in host.xml
  • 31. Starting Domain Controller actually starts two processes START DOMAIN
  • 32. Starting Domain Controller actually starts two processes START DOMAIN
  • 33. Starting domain actually The Process Controller starts two processes START DOMAIN
  • 34. Starting domain actually and the Host Controller starts two processes START DOMAIN
  • 35. What are you stopping? If you stop (kill) the Process Controller you are going to stop the Host Controller and all related Servers STOP DOMAIN
  • 36. What are you stopping? One Host Controller can also be stopped by Host Controller using: STOP DOMAIN
  • 37. What are you stopping? One Host Controller can also be stopped by Host Controller using: STOP DOMAIN
  • 38. What are you stopping? jboss-admin is a CLI available on every node of your JBoss environment (each JBoss installation). STOP DOMAIN
  • 39. What are you stopping? By CLI you can stop anything from anywhere STOP DOMAIN
  • 40. FILE LAYOUT Starts a standalone instance of the AS This is the mode that reproduces the old behaviour
  • 41. FILE LAYOUT based on standalone.conf
  • 42. FILE LAYOUT starts the process controller and the host controller
  • 43. FILE LAYOUT also uses domain.conf but it just sets the Host controller configuration
  • 44. FILE LAYOUT In the domain mode domain.xml contains configurations common to all instances
  • 45. FILE LAYOUT In the domain mode host.xml contains the servers configurations
  • 46. FILE LAYOUT In the domain mode for each server there will be just working directories
  • 47. ONE configuration file • standalone.xml - domain.xml • Management API allows persistent changes to the configuration • Management API can manage all servers in the domain • Management console provides user friendly management in a web browser • command line tool (higly scriptable) MANAGEMENT
  • 48. ONE configuration file • standalone.xml - domain.xml • Management API that allows for persistent changes to the configuration • Management API can manage all servers in the domain The XML configuration files act as a central, authoritative source of configuration. Any configuration changes made via the web interface or the CLI are persisted back to the XML • Management console to provide user friendly management in a web configuration files. If a domain or standalone server is offline, the XML configuration files can be hand edited as well, and any changes will be picked up when the domain or standalone server is browser next started. However, users are encouraged to use the web interface or the CLI in preference to making offline edits to the configuration files. External changes made to the configuration files while processes are running will not be detected, and may be overwritten • command line tool for use in scripts MANAGEMENT
  • 51. • Scriptable command line management tool • Uses the management API internally • Allows access to high level user friendly commands create-jms-queue --name testQueue • Alsoallows direct access to the domain model, giving access to the full functionality of the management API MANAGEMENT VIA CLI
  • 58. TESTING WITH ARQUILLIAN • AS7 supports easy testing with Arquillian • Arquillian is used both in the internal test suite and by end users to test their applications • Combined with the fast startup speed of AS7 testing in the container is just as easy as running normal JUnit tests.
  • 60. Andrea Leoncini JBoss Senior Solution Architect @ Red Hat This presentation is over THANK YOU for your attention!

Editor's Notes

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