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Jay Nolan’s Brand Yourself Using Your Best Ideas!
Create and sell your own new and innovative products!
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Have you ever had an idea for a product or service?
I know I have and I've been able to take
those ideas and prosper from
Now it's your turn!
Perhaps you've noticed an existing product or service and
thought "I could do that, only better". Or just looking
around and noticed a void in the market place
that could be filled.
And yes, there have those times when you
have thought of a great idea and
did nothing with it just to
see it on TV or a
store shelf.
Well that was then, and now you'll begin
to learn what to do with those
ideas the next time they
come your way.
The Mindset
I was first introduced to idea generation
when I read a book by Robert Schuller.
In that book he suggested that ideas
come to us from God, somewhat
like eggs being planted
in our minds.
I feel like these eggs come to us filled
with the possibilities of life in the
form of products and services.
We are to incubate and
nurture them until
A dream is what realities are made from!
Think of it, every technology we see
around us today began with
someone’s idea or a
dream they
From Google to Facebook to cell phones
and on and on. They all first started
with someone's idea. The next
Big Idea could come
from you.
I listened to a radio talk show once and
the caller was trying to tell the host
about an idea he had for a new
business so he could create
an income for himself,
and was quickly
shot down
by the
He said "Ideas are a dime a dozen,
worthless". I thought, How
could this man shoot
down some one's
dream so
Everything has value!
Even a penny has value. Yes in and of itself
a penny doesn't buy much these days.
But given a little thought and
creativity a penny could
be the start to over
The power of Compounding!
Here's what can happen when a penny is
doubled only twenty eight times.
Day1.. 2cents..
day 15..$327.68..
So as you see starting with only a penny you can
amass a small fortune in 27 steps.
How close are you to your fortune?
There's a story about a man who moved from the
east coast to Colorado during the gold rush
days. He bought a claim and began to
dig for gold. He worked his claim
but was running low on funds
so he decided to sell his
claim to someone else.
He went back east,
the buyer of the
claim struck
There's a story about a man who moved from the
east coast to Colorado during the gold rush
days. He bought a claim and began to
dig for gold. He worked his claim
but was running low on funds
so he decided to sell his
claim to someone else.
He went back east,
the buyer of the
claim struck
a Gold
Wouldn't you know it, the man from the east had
stopped 3 feet short from striking one
of the richest claims of it's day.
Too often we stop short of
realizing our dreams.
So never ever, ever,
give up on the
very thing
that you
Chapter Two
One of my Best Ideas!
I have worked in the dental industry for over
38 years. I've owned my own business for
most of those years. Going to
college, learning a skill and
watching it grow is
It's nothing like developing an original idea,
going through all the in's and out’s of
putting together the missing pieces
and having it finally come
together. It's your
Within the dental industry there was a process for
making crowns and bridges, which is the
area I worked in. Much of the process
was manufactured by hand at the
time. One of the processes in-
cluded a procedure made
…from wax….
After a few years I received a quarterly trade journal.
In this issue was pictured an advertisement for
a new technique and product which would
quickly increase my labs production in
one specific area. The product
showed a simple way
to wax a pattern
in half the
After a few years I received a quarterly trade journal.
In this issue was pictured an advertisement for
a new technique and product which would
quickly increase my labs production in
one specific area. The product
showed a simple way
to wax a pattern
in half the
As soon as I saw this I knew I had to have one. A
few days later my order arrived. I connected
the melting pot and loaded it with the wax
provided and I was quickly disappointed.
The wax pattern was uneven and the
textured wax, sticky and tacky.
Nothing like I had expect-
ed.This began my quest
to find an alternative
product to use.
An employee had suggested a wax product she had
used at one time so I followed her advice. When
this order arrived and we began to use it, it
was almost a perfect match. Except for
some minor adjustments it was
what I was looking for.
Not to run short I
ordered more.
But then!
I couldn't believe it but as soon as I opened the
item I knew it wasn't the same. The color was
different and when applied the pattern was
brittle and useless. I was on the phone
to the company, only to be told
several times that it was the
decision of the company
to change the form-
ula. After trying
other avenues
I decided
to DIY.
Before the Internet
Long before the Internet, the Library was your
resource. I researched companies that manu-
factured waxes of all kinds until I found
one specifically producing waxes for
my industry. They could not
reproduce the wax I wanted
but sent a few samples
of their in stock
waxes. I began
to blend
Let me say that at this point I really had no
cleargoal in mind. I simply wanted a good
re-placement for the wax I had lost.
Sometimes you’re on a quest and
don't know why, you're just
drawn to it, I think.
After several attempts I thought I had
one I could work with. I also im-
agined that other businesses
in my industry may
be interested
in this too.
Off to...
An upcoming trade show was scheduled for February
that year. I rented a table and throughout the
weekend I demonstrated how this new
product could save them time and
increase their production efforts.
I came back with several
new orders in hand.
I liked this allot. There was something about this process
that was new and exciting. Here I could be creative
and possibly earn a living from it too. Although
I liked the product I developed I saw some
improvements that could be made.
Such as the color, it needed to be
lighter and it may need
to be a bit softer in
Your ideas may come to you in an imperfect condition.
You may need to tweak them until you feel they are
as perfect as they can be. Now I had no idea
(imagine that)
how to lighten the color or what to
use that may soften its texture.
So I thought I'd watch
some TV.
Chapter 3
A fishing story!
I was watching a TV program one afternoon featuring people
who had invented a product and successfully marketed it.
This particular segment featured a man from Alabama.
He was what you may call...a good ole boy. You
know a guy from the country.
Well like most good ole boys from Alabama his favorite
hobby was fishing. He'd spend hours fishing. Then
he began to think he should be able to catch
more fish if he had a better lure of some
kind. Now when a good ole boy starts
to think...well anything may
be possible.
Now a lot of fisherman make their own fishing
lures. In fact they are quite meticulous with
how they make their lures. This man was
on a different quest. He said one day
he was in his office/shed and was
looking over the top of his
desk. Now you should
have seen his desk.
I don't see how
he made heads
or tails
of it.
He said he looked down and thought "I wonder if this
would work". The simplest Ideas are often the
best. He picked up a simple rubber band
and attached it to part of the fishing
line and went fishing. The result
was immediate. He began to
catch more fish and in a
shorter period of
Who knew?
He had his fishing "Bungee Cord" manufactured
and at that time was selling them in more
than 600 Wal-marts around the
country. Sweet!
Keep your eyes open.
That's how things often happen. You become
curious, You get on a trail and just keep
looking. Sooner or later you will
find an answer you've been
looking for. Almost
a guarantee.
Now I continued to look for innovative ways to
improve my product, when a distributor
called with a request to make a white
wax for him. It turned out I could
and I wondered if this wax
would help lighten the
color, it did and I
was able to
match the
As I continued to seek out a softener I noticed one
day a basic utility wax in a drawer used as a fill
in material with a very soft texture. I made
a few samples with different ratios and
by keeping my eyes opened I was
able to complete my wax
formula. It all came
Chapter 4
Remember to stay focused!
I am a fan of two of the best marketing minds
in the country. Jack Trout and Al Ries. Part-
nering together to write some of the best
marketing advice I've ever read.
Common sense advice that
both small and large
companies use
to avoid
Though no longer partners each ones advice is
like gold to me. In their book "21 immut-
able laws of marketing" they give
you rules for governing your
business. As they say "break
them at your own peril".
Not something
I'd advise
to do.
Al Ries has a outstanding book and audio that helped
me at this particular junction of my product
development. "The Power of Focus".
This concept is to have a laser
like focus when designing
a marketing and growth
plan for your busi-
ness. The mess-
age came to
me at just
the right
Being a idea/product developer is an exhilarating
experience. It's a little addictive. Soon you'll
be drumming up more ideas for new
projects than you can accomplish.
Although I'm sure you'll give it
a try. I know because after
a short time I began to
have request to devel-
ope new products.
Can you make
this in blue,
red, green,
Soon I had 5 or 6 different waxes and designs for
some different products as well. None of them
were bad and each net a specific need for
my industry. This is called line exten-
sion by Al and Jack. What I didn't
know before reading about this
is that each time I created a
new wax formula it took
away from the main
product I
to sell.
Also with each new formula/product I made there
were new expenses associated with it. Cost of
packaging, supplies and marketing are
just a few. The main thing I realized,
the time it took away from zeroing
in on growing the sales needed
for the original product
I had developed.
It had become like a toy to new venture.
It was fun and yet I needed sales if I wanted to
see it come to full bloom. Developing too
many products was a distraction for
me. Psychologist may call this
ADD Attention Defecate
Disorder. I think it's just
not having a clear
enough focus.
So focus.
So then I decided to put the knife to most of the additional
products I had developed and concentrate on just one.
Now this is not an easy decision to make. But
by doing this an added benefit emerged...I'll
explain. Another one of Al and Jacks
teachings for me was the importance
of being first in the market.
Having the number one
position separates
you from the
Nobody remembers #10!
An important side note!
Another piece of advice from Al and Jack was
in their book "Differentiate or Die" was how
not to try to copy the competition. Be dif-
ferent. You don't want to blend into the
marketplace you want to stand out.
Too many businesses try to copy
everyone else. You're dead.
That's why I tried some-
thing different while
writing this book.
Can you tell
what it
The question for me was, "How could I become
number one", especially when I wasn't the
first one out with a wax product for this
procedure, nor was I number one in
sales, not even close.So what I
decide to do is create my
own category. I knew
my product was
useful for 3
in my
Instead of creating 3 new products to cover
each of these 3 areas, I made the one
main product cover them all.
Rapid Wax Dipping Wax
The first 3 in 1 Dipping Wax
Suitable for
1-Crowns and bridges
2-Gold Crowns and
3-Pressable Ceramics
This was to be my main overall focus. In print, ads or
whenever talking to anyone about the product.
This reduced the cost involved in every
aspect and also broadened the usage
for that product. The total amount
of product used in my industry
for the original design was
small compared to the
two additional
Also the last procedure was the latest in our industry.
So my thinking was that as the other two areas
diminished in the future, this new area
would keep us afloat. It began to
work immediately. Soon I
had acquired 300 new
Chapter 5
When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Appear!
This is a saying I've heard in some self help books I've read.
In my case it was a little different. When the product is
ready the salesman will appear. By this time I had
acquired 300 customers but growth had leveled.
In my industry there were 15,000 potential
customers. It seemed I was a long way
off from fulfilling that goal. One
day a salesman called me from
a small operation such my
own to sell me on pro-
duct the owner had
His spill was that they had started selling this product 6 months
ago and now had 500 customers. So I purchased an order
and never heard back from them for a while. Then one
day another salesman called a year later (a new
salesman) and gave me a similar spill…….
"We’ve been making this for
18 months and we now
have 1800 customers"
Being curious I asked him, "How do you do that, go from
500 customers to 1800 in a year?". He said well you
hire someone like me who has a list and offer them
most of the commission on a small first order,
then you can have the rest. I thought, I
could do that. So we struck up a
deal and for the next year and
a half, he faxed in 8 new
orders a day. Granted
he made most all
the money on
those first
After 6 weeks or so I began to get calls directly for repeat
orders. So we were getting repeat orders daily while
still acquiring new customers at the same time.
I placed my daughter in charge of manu-
facturing, packaging, and shipping the
product. I still had a full time
business to run, things
were looking great
at this point.
After a year and a half my customer list was around 1500.
Suddenly the new orders being faxed in began to slow
down. Almost to a stop. So I called him up to check
if he was alright and he said yes but that he had
run through all the names on his list and he
hated to cold call. So he was off looking
for another product to sell. Out of the
1500 customer list I had 1000
were repeat customers.
Totally happy
as a
Just a little side note...I never knew what that saying meant
until one day I was cutting grass on an acre or so and
noticed a group of birds flying around my riding
lawn mower. They would dip in and dip out
eating small bugs that jumped out the
ground while I passed over them.
i.e. happy as a Lark.
At this point,
so was
Chapter 6
Manufacturing or Licensing
They're a couple of ways to go with seeing your product
and idea to market. One is the old fashioned way.
You find the money to fulfill all the obligations
and you begin to manufacture the product
yourself. Two is what I think is the best.
Licensing your idea to a company
who already has the manufactur-
ing capabilities to manufacture
your idea. You take 10 -15%
commission and you off
to the next big idea
and just repeat
the process,
over and
One Simple Idea!
A great place to start is the book "One Simple Idea".
Written by a veteran of licensing products for more than 30 years,
Stephen Key started by working for a toy company.
Stephen was sent to China to oversee the
Teddy Ruskin project. The first talking
bear. While Stephen toiled on the
production line making sure
every bear was perfect,
there was something
missing. The
inventor of
Yes, Stephen had noticed that while he spent long hours
at the factory, The person who came up with the
idea for the outrageously successful toy was
nowhere to be found. In-fact he was back
at his home in the US collecting his
royalty checks. This drove Stephen
to look into the licensing model
and begin to search for a man-
ufacturer for a few of his
ideas. The first break
through was his
Michael Jordan
Stephen has other ideas successfully licensed under his
belt. So much so that he has made a comfortable
living for he and his family. In his book he
guides you from start to finish. From
how to come up with worthwhile
ideas to whether you should
patent your idea
or not.
In 2010 I decided to take his advice and sent out
a few emails to distributors of my wax product
and within a few days received interest in
licensing it to one of them. Within 6
weeks I had a deal and it worked
out well for all. You have to
know when to let go.
Now they send me a check each month
and I'm free to create new ideas!
Like publishing a book!
What I've tried to do in this simple E-book
is to get you started on this journey
that's interesting, fun, and
Never ever give up and I hope you enjoy the journey.
At the end you'll find some links to some
of my ideas that I've been able
to prosper from.
Next some bonus chapters.
Bonus chapters!
Prosper with other peoples ideas!
You've heard the term OPM...other peoples money.
This is when you want to start a project but
are short on cash and you look for
someone who can fund it with
their money.
Here's a technique I call OPI...other peoples ideas.
Suppose you've started the idea generation
process but you still haven't seen a
situation that you feel is good
enough to move forward
with. Are you dead
in the water?
There are several ways you can use OPI to your
advantage. Start by going to
There you will find a digital marketplace.
Clickbank is the online digital store
for those who have created
products and for those
who are looking
for something
to sell.
An affiliate is a good way to get your feet wet and
possibly make some cash at the same time.
You'll find a variety of categories to
chose from. Weight loss, gaming,
etc.. Once you've signed up
as an affiliate you can
send those offers to
people you know
and get paid
when they
The good thing about picking up some of these
digital products to sell is that you usually
don't have to bother setting up a web
site, although you can. These offers
have already done that for you.
They may have what's called
a squeeze page set up to
collect the first name
and email address
of those who
visit your
This is helpful in building a list of potential customers.
Even if they don't buy now, you have their info
to send them helpful information and in the
future additional offers as well. Just be
careful not to drown them with too
many offers. People are tired
of too much marketing.
It's better to give
than always
looking for
ways to
Often times you can find affiliate offers that contain a
recurring billing. The digital product may have
future offers attached where the customer
is billed monthly until they cancel. You
are repaid from those monthly
billings as well.
Also giants likes EBay and has
associate or affiliate opportunities too.
I'm involved in both of these on a
couple of different levels. I can
sell hard goods like cell
phones, etc. and not
just digital
This brings up another opportunity...Kindle ebooks.
Of which you’re reading one now. This is how
I understand this came about. People
where selling ebooks on EBay and
for some reason EBay decided
they no longer wanted to
let people sell these
on their site.
Not sure
So Amazon sees the opportunity because of it's
kindle reader and it's popularity. As it is now
ebooks are a major source of $$$ for
Amazon. This gives you the chance
to become an author and bi pass
the traditional route to getting
your book published.
Amazon keeps a
small percent
and pays
you the
One of the main things you want to consider
when publishing through Kindle is to make
sure you have the proper editing and
formatting software. The best that
I'm familiar with is from KD
Publishing. This will let
you be able to format
your book so that
it looks good
on any
The original Kindle readers were what's called gray scale
(black and white) and the new Kindle Fires are
color. Sometimes a book that looks good
and readable on a Kindle Fire doesn't
look as good on the plain Kindle
reader. If it doesn't read well
you'll get bad reviews and
no sales. Remember
perception is
The format of KD Publisher is specifically designed
for the Kindle device. It's like a Word processor
but also gives you title, chapters, index,
copyrighting, everything you need to
get your book ready for Kindle
Publishing. All you need
after that is a great
looking cover.
If your going to go to the trouble of designing a great
looking and readable ebook don't stop until
you have a great looking cover too.
You can buy software to create
your own cover or you can
go to and
contract someone
there to design
it for you
Building Your Character?
Want to get recognition for yourself or your ideas?
Consider building a character around yourself.
Meet King Human!
I began a search on YouTube for…How to make money
online and from all the variety to choose from, one
person surfaced that was hard to ignore. Not
sure where King Human is from but I
know he likes to go to Las Vegas,
allot. He not only goes to
Vegas for fun but also
to attend trade
Caution: Not all internet personalities contain clean language. Take what you can
just be aware. Decide from the start how you want to be viewed by your potential
customer audience. In my opinion a good reputation is better than Fame!
He looks for electronics and other gadgets he can buy at
wholesale and turn around and sell on EBay for retail.
In his videos you'll find tips for selling items on EBay
and most recently I viewed a video showing how
to spruce up your EBay page to outsell your
competition. By far better information than
I've found ……...on any other site……….
King Human say's he doesn't have to drive a truck
anymore because of his work that he does online.
He offers free videos on YouTube and also has
a members only site that he charges a
monthly fee, $15-$20 to join and
you get … personal training
there on how to make
money several
King Human said he started out putting a couple of
videos up and then some people began liking
them and it grew from there. Now he has
lots of YouTube videos and a big fan
club with several thousand views.
But don't irritate him too much,
he's a bit...sensitive!
So begin to think how you can develop a character
of your own and maybe you can do what
King Human calls "Making
Audios and DVDs!
If there's something I have found I like doing, it's
recording and producing Audio Cd's and
Videos. A lot of online digital files are
created for your viewing but there is
still an opportunity for CD and
DVD production. I have
produced some sound
recordings and have
been able to profit
from them.
For this project you'll need some recording and
editing software. Apple comes with Imovie
and garageband and Microsoft offers
Movie maker and has an audio
recorder as well. I really like
Wave Pad from
for audio recording
and editing and
Imovie for
A couple of my videos where simply screen captures
of something I wanted to record and then edited
them in a format to sell online. Simple.
Remember everything has Value!
A couple of out sourcing companies that I use as a full-
filment resource are and
these two companies enable you to either
upload your completed CDs or DVDs
to their site or you can mail them
a copy and they will house,
and produce your files,
including cd/dvd
sales and
They'll provide you with links for your customers
to buy your products and they'll also take
care of credit card payments and send
you a check. They also support
bar coding so you can sell
your work on Amazon
as well.
• What	
• Popular	
• Pathways	
• Possible	
• The	
1. Gives	
2. Lets	
3. Acknowledges	
4. Lets	
5. Follows	
6. Lets	
7. Lets	
8. Can	
9. Is	
10. Allows	
• Entrepreneur	
• Inventor	
• Technical	
• Each	
• Creative	
• Copy	
• Desktop	
• Producer	
• Special	
• Investment	
• Strategic	
• Chiropractor	
• Athletic	
Jay Nolan may be emailed at
Email Jay and get on his email subscriber list for future updates
The fun thing about doing any of these projects you
come up with is this... anything that you have
knowledge about that someone else
doesn't know, but wants to learn
about… is opportunity
for you.
Take care...Now go out and have the time of your life!

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Jay Nolans Brand Yourself Using Your Best Ideas!

  • 1. Jay Nolan’s Brand Yourself Using Your Best Ideas! Create and sell your own new and innovative products! Email Jay and get on his email subscriber list for future updates Have you ever had an idea for a product or service? I know I have and I've been able to take those ideas and prosper from them. Now it's your turn! Perhaps you've noticed an existing product or service and thought "I could do that, only better". Or just looking around and noticed a void in the market place that could be filled. ……… And yes, there have those times when you have thought of a great idea and did nothing with it just to see it on TV or a store shelf. …. Well that was then, and now you'll begin to learn what to do with those ideas the next time they come your way.
  • 2. The Mindset I was first introduced to idea generation when I read a book by Robert Schuller. In that book he suggested that ideas come to us from God, somewhat like eggs being planted in our minds. I feel like these eggs come to us filled with the possibilities of life in the form of products and services. We are to incubate and nurture them until become reality. A dream is what realities are made from! Think of it, every technology we see around us today began with someone’s idea or a dream they had. From Google to Facebook to cell phones and on and on. They all first started with someone's idea. The next Big Idea could come from you. ….
  • 3. I listened to a radio talk show once and the caller was trying to tell the host about an idea he had for a new business so he could create an income for himself, and was quickly shot down by the host. He said "Ideas are a dime a dozen, worthless". I thought, How could this man shoot down some one's dream so easily. Everything has value! Even a penny has value. Yes in and of itself a penny doesn't buy much these days. But given a little thought and creativity a penny could be the start to over $1,000,000. …… …
  • 4. The power of Compounding! Here's what can happen when a penny is doubled only twenty eight times. Day1.. 2cents.. day2..4c.. day3..8c.. day4..16c.. day5..32c.. day6..64c.. day7..$1.28c.. day8..$2.56.. day19..$5.12.. day10..$10.24.. day11..$20.48.. day12..$40.96.. day13..$81.92.. day14..$163.84.. day 15..$327.68..
  • 5. day16..$655.36.. day17..$1310.72.. day18..$262144.. day19..$5,242.88.. day20..$10,485.76.. day20..$20,971.52.. day22..$41,943.04.. day23..$83,886.08.. day24..$167,772.16.. day25..$355,544.32.. day26..$671,088.64.. day..27..$1,342,177.. So as you see starting with only a penny you can amass a small fortune in 27 steps. How close are you to your fortune? There's a story about a man who moved from the east coast to Colorado during the gold rush days. He bought a claim and began to dig for gold. He worked his claim but was running low on funds so he decided to sell his claim to someone else. He went back east, the buyer of the claim struck Gold
  • 6. There's a story about a man who moved from the east coast to Colorado during the gold rush days. He bought a claim and began to dig for gold. He worked his claim but was running low on funds so he decided to sell his claim to someone else. He went back east, the buyer of the claim struck a Gold vain. Wouldn't you know it, the man from the east had stopped 3 feet short from striking one of the richest claims of it's day. Too often we stop short of realizing our dreams. So never ever, ever, give up on the very thing that you want.
  • 7. Chapter Two One of my Best Ideas! I have worked in the dental industry for over 38 years. I've owned my own business for most of those years. Going to college, learning a skill and watching it grow is rewarding. It's nothing like developing an original idea, going through all the in's and out’s of putting together the missing pieces and having it finally come together. It's your baby.
  • 8. Within the dental industry there was a process for making crowns and bridges, which is the area I worked in. Much of the process was manufactured by hand at the time. One of the processes in- cluded a procedure made …from wax…. ….….. ... After a few years I received a quarterly trade journal. In this issue was pictured an advertisement for a new technique and product which would quickly increase my labs production in one specific area. The product showed a simple way to wax a pattern in half the time. After a few years I received a quarterly trade journal. In this issue was pictured an advertisement for a new technique and product which would quickly increase my labs production in one specific area. The product showed a simple way to wax a pattern in half the time.
  • 9. As soon as I saw this I knew I had to have one. A few days later my order arrived. I connected the melting pot and loaded it with the wax provided and I was quickly disappointed. The wax pattern was uneven and the textured wax, sticky and tacky. Nothing like I had expect- ed.This began my quest to find an alternative product to use. ……. An employee had suggested a wax product she had used at one time so I followed her advice. When this order arrived and we began to use it, it was almost a perfect match. Except for some minor adjustments it was what I was looking for. Not to run short I ordered more. But then! I couldn't believe it but as soon as I opened the item I knew it wasn't the same. The color was different and when applied the pattern was brittle and useless. I was on the phone to the company, only to be told several times that it was the decision of the company to change the form- ula. After trying other avenues I decided to DIY.
  • 10. Before the Internet Long before the Internet, the Library was your resource. I researched companies that manu- factured waxes of all kinds until I found one specifically producing waxes for my industry. They could not reproduce the wax I wanted but sent a few samples of their in stock waxes. I began to blend these until I… Let me say that at this point I really had no cleargoal in mind. I simply wanted a good re-placement for the wax I had lost. Sometimes you’re on a quest and don't know why, you're just drawn to it, I think. …….. … After several attempts I thought I had one I could work with. I also im- agined that other businesses in my industry may be interested in this too. Off to... Chicago!
  • 11. An upcoming trade show was scheduled for February that year. I rented a table and throughout the weekend I demonstrated how this new product could save them time and increase their production efforts. I came back with several new orders in hand. Sweet! I liked this allot. There was something about this process that was new and exciting. Here I could be creative and possibly earn a living from it too. Although I liked the product I developed I saw some improvements that could be made. Such as the color, it needed to be lighter and it may need to be a bit softer in texture. Your ideas may come to you in an imperfect condition. You may need to tweak them until you feel they are as perfect as they can be. Now I had no idea (imagine that) how to lighten the color or what to use that may soften its texture. So I thought I'd watch some TV.
  • 12. Chapter 3 A fishing story! I was watching a TV program one afternoon featuring people who had invented a product and successfully marketed it. This particular segment featured a man from Alabama. He was what you may call...a good ole boy. You know a guy from the country. Well like most good ole boys from Alabama his favorite hobby was fishing. He'd spend hours fishing. Then he began to think he should be able to catch more fish if he had a better lure of some kind. Now when a good ole boy starts to think...well anything may be possible.
  • 13. Now a lot of fisherman make their own fishing lures. In fact they are quite meticulous with how they make their lures. This man was on a different quest. He said one day he was in his office/shed and was looking over the top of his desk. Now you should have seen his desk. I don't see how he made heads or tails of it. He said he looked down and thought "I wonder if this would work". The simplest Ideas are often the best. He picked up a simple rubber band and attached it to part of the fishing line and went fishing. The result was immediate. He began to catch more fish and in a shorter period of time. Who knew? He had his fishing "Bungee Cord" manufactured and at that time was selling them in more than 600 Wal-marts around the country. Sweet!
  • 14. Keep your eyes open. That's how things often happen. You become curious, You get on a trail and just keep looking. Sooner or later you will find an answer you've been looking for. Almost a guarantee. Now I continued to look for innovative ways to improve my product, when a distributor called with a request to make a white wax for him. It turned out I could and I wondered if this wax would help lighten the color, it did and I was able to match the desired Color. As I continued to seek out a softener I noticed one day a basic utility wax in a drawer used as a fill in material with a very soft texture. I made a few samples with different ratios and by keeping my eyes opened I was able to complete my wax formula. It all came together.
  • 15. Chapter 4 Remember to stay focused! I am a fan of two of the best marketing minds in the country. Jack Trout and Al Ries. Part- nering together to write some of the best marketing advice I've ever read. Common sense advice that both small and large companies use to avoid big m i s t a k e s .
  • 16. Though no longer partners each ones advice is like gold to me. In their book "21 immut- able laws of marketing" they give you rules for governing your business. As they say "break them at your own peril". Not something I'd advise to do. .. Al Ries has a outstanding book and audio that helped me at this particular junction of my product development. "The Power of Focus". This concept is to have a laser like focus when designing a marketing and growth plan for your busi- ness. The mess- age came to me at just the right time.
  • 17. Being a idea/product developer is an exhilarating experience. It's a little addictive. Soon you'll be drumming up more ideas for new projects than you can accomplish. Although I'm sure you'll give it a try. I know because after a short time I began to have request to devel- ope new products. Can you make this in blue, red, green, ty-dye. You name it. Soon I had 5 or 6 different waxes and designs for some different products as well. None of them were bad and each net a specific need for my industry. This is called line exten- sion by Al and Jack. What I didn't know before reading about this is that each time I created a new wax formula it took away from the main product I wanted to sell.
  • 18. Also with each new formula/product I made there were new expenses associated with it. Cost of packaging, supplies and marketing are just a few. The main thing I realized, the time it took away from zeroing in on growing the sales needed for the original product I had developed. Focus! … It had become like a toy to new venture. It was fun and yet I needed sales if I wanted to see it come to full bloom. Developing too many products was a distraction for me. Psychologist may call this ADD Attention Defecate Disorder. I think it's just not having a clear enough focus. So focus. … So then I decided to put the knife to most of the additional products I had developed and concentrate on just one. Now this is not an easy decision to make. But by doing this an added benefit emerged...I'll explain. Another one of Al and Jacks teachings for me was the importance of being first in the market. Having the number one position separates you from the competition. …...
  • 19. Nobody remembers #10! An important side note! Another piece of advice from Al and Jack was in their book "Differentiate or Die" was how not to try to copy the competition. Be dif- ferent. You don't want to blend into the marketplace you want to stand out. Too many businesses try to copy everyone else. You're dead. That's why I tried some- thing different while writing this book. Can you tell what it is? The question for me was, "How could I become number one", especially when I wasn't the first one out with a wax product for this procedure, nor was I number one in sales, not even close.So what I decide to do is create my own category. I knew my product was useful for 3 processes in my I N D U S T R Y.
  • 20. Instead of creating 3 new products to cover each of these 3 areas, I made the one main product cover them all. Rapid Wax Dipping Wax The first 3 in 1 Dipping Wax Suitable for 1-Crowns and bridges 2-Gold Crowns and 3-Pressable Ceramics
  • 21. This was to be my main overall focus. In print, ads or whenever talking to anyone about the product. This reduced the cost involved in every aspect and also broadened the usage for that product. The total amount of product used in my industry for the original design was small compared to the two additional procedures added. Also the last procedure was the latest in our industry. So my thinking was that as the other two areas diminished in the future, this new area would keep us afloat. It began to work immediately. Soon I had acquired 300 new customers. Delighted? Yes!
  • 22. Chapter 5 When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Appear! This is a saying I've heard in some self help books I've read. In my case it was a little different. When the product is ready the salesman will appear. By this time I had acquired 300 customers but growth had leveled. In my industry there were 15,000 potential customers. It seemed I was a long way off from fulfilling that goal. One day a salesman called me from a small operation such my own to sell me on pro- duct the owner had developed. Like me!
  • 23. His spill was that they had started selling this product 6 months ago and now had 500 customers. So I purchased an order and never heard back from them for a while. Then one day another salesman called a year later (a new salesman) and gave me a similar spill……. "We’ve been making this for 18 months and we now have 1800 customers" …….Huh!.......... Being curious I asked him, "How do you do that, go from 500 customers to 1800 in a year?". He said well you hire someone like me who has a list and offer them most of the commission on a small first order, then you can have the rest. I thought, I could do that. So we struck up a deal and for the next year and a half, he faxed in 8 new orders a day. Granted he made most all the money on those first orders. But! After 6 weeks or so I began to get calls directly for repeat orders. So we were getting repeat orders daily while still acquiring new customers at the same time. I placed my daughter in charge of manu- facturing, packaging, and shipping the product. I still had a full time business to run, things were looking great at this point. ……. ….
  • 24. After a year and a half my customer list was around 1500. Suddenly the new orders being faxed in began to slow down. Almost to a stop. So I called him up to check if he was alright and he said yes but that he had run through all the names on his list and he hated to cold call. So he was off looking for another product to sell. Out of the 1500 customer list I had 1000 were repeat customers. Totally happy customers. Happy as a Lark. Just a little side note...I never knew what that saying meant until one day I was cutting grass on an acre or so and noticed a group of birds flying around my riding lawn mower. They would dip in and dip out eating small bugs that jumped out the ground while I passed over them. i.e. happy as a Lark. At this point, so was I.
  • 25. Chapter 6 Manufacturing or Licensing They're a couple of ways to go with seeing your product and idea to market. One is the old fashioned way. You find the money to fulfill all the obligations and you begin to manufacture the product yourself. Two is what I think is the best. Licensing your idea to a company who already has the manufactur- ing capabilities to manufacture your idea. You take 10 -15% commission and you off to the next big idea and just repeat the process, over and over again. One Simple Idea! A great place to start is the book "One Simple Idea". Written by a veteran of licensing products for more than 30 years, Stephen Key started by working for a toy company. Stephen was sent to China to oversee the Teddy Ruskin project. The first talking bear. While Stephen toiled on the production line making sure every bear was perfect, there was something missing. The inventor of Teddy Ruskin.
  • 26. Yes, Stephen had noticed that while he spent long hours at the factory, The person who came up with the idea for the outrageously successful toy was nowhere to be found. In-fact he was back at his home in the US collecting his royalty checks. This drove Stephen to look into the licensing model and begin to search for a man- ufacturer for a few of his ideas. The first break through was his Michael Jordan Basketball Back board. Stephen has other ideas successfully licensed under his belt. So much so that he has made a comfortable living for he and his family. In his book he guides you from start to finish. From how to come up with worthwhile ideas to whether you should patent your idea or not. In 2010 I decided to take his advice and sent out a few emails to distributors of my wax product and within a few days received interest in licensing it to one of them. Within 6 weeks I had a deal and it worked out well for all. You have to know when to let go. ………….
  • 27. Now they send me a check each month and I'm free to create new ideas! ……………. ……… Like publishing a book! What I've tried to do in this simple E-book is to get you started on this journey that's interesting, fun, and profitable. $$$$ Never ever give up and I hope you enjoy the journey. At the end you'll find some links to some of my ideas that I've been able to prosper from. …………. …….. Next some bonus chapters. Bonus chapters! Prosper with other peoples ideas! You've heard the term OPM...other peoples money. This is when you want to start a project but are short on cash and you look for someone who can fund it with their money. ……. ...
  • 28. Here's a technique I call OPI...other peoples ideas. Suppose you've started the idea generation process but you still haven't seen a situation that you feel is good enough to move forward with. Are you dead in the water? Absolutely not. There are several ways you can use OPI to your advantage. Start by going to There you will find a digital marketplace. Clickbank is the online digital store for those who have created products and for those who are looking for something to sell. Affiliates! An affiliate is a good way to get your feet wet and possibly make some cash at the same time. You'll find a variety of categories to chose from. Weight loss, gaming, etc.. Once you've signed up as an affiliate you can send those offers to people you know and get paid when they buy.
  • 29. The good thing about picking up some of these digital products to sell is that you usually don't have to bother setting up a web site, although you can. These offers have already done that for you. They may have what's called a squeeze page set up to collect the first name and email address of those who visit your offer. This is helpful in building a list of potential customers. Even if they don't buy now, you have their info to send them helpful information and in the future additional offers as well. Just be careful not to drown them with too many offers. People are tired of too much marketing. It's better to give than always looking for ways to receive. Often times you can find affiliate offers that contain a recurring billing. The digital product may have future offers attached where the customer is billed monthly until they cancel. You are repaid from those monthly billings as well. ……….. …... ...
  • 30. Also giants likes EBay and has associate or affiliate opportunities too. I'm involved in both of these on a couple of different levels. I can sell hard goods like cell phones, etc. and not just digital products. ……. This brings up another opportunity...Kindle ebooks. Of which you’re reading one now. This is how I understand this came about. People where selling ebooks on EBay and for some reason EBay decided they no longer wanted to let people sell these on their site. Not sure why. So Amazon sees the opportunity because of it's kindle reader and it's popularity. As it is now ebooks are a major source of $$$ for Amazon. This gives you the chance to become an author and bi pass the traditional route to getting your book published. Amazon keeps a small percent and pays you the rest.
  • 31. One of the main things you want to consider when publishing through Kindle is to make sure you have the proper editing and formatting software. The best that I'm familiar with is from KD Publishing. This will let you be able to format your book so that it looks good on any reader. ….. The original Kindle readers were what's called gray scale (black and white) and the new Kindle Fires are color. Sometimes a book that looks good and readable on a Kindle Fire doesn't look as good on the plain Kindle reader. If it doesn't read well you'll get bad reviews and no sales. Remember perception is everything. ……... ….. The format of KD Publisher is specifically designed for the Kindle device. It's like a Word processor but also gives you title, chapters, index, copyrighting, everything you need to get your book ready for Kindle Publishing. All you need after that is a great looking cover.
  • 32. If your going to go to the trouble of designing a great looking and readable ebook don't stop until you have a great looking cover too. You can buy software to create your own cover or you can go to and contract someone there to design it for you for $5. Building Your Character? Want to get recognition for yourself or your ideas? Consider building a character around yourself. Meet King Human! I began a search on YouTube for…How to make money online and from all the variety to choose from, one person surfaced that was hard to ignore. Not sure where King Human is from but I know he likes to go to Las Vegas, allot. He not only goes to Vegas for fun but also to attend trade shows. Caution: Not all internet personalities contain clean language. Take what you can just be aware. Decide from the start how you want to be viewed by your potential customer audience. In my opinion a good reputation is better than Fame!
  • 33. He looks for electronics and other gadgets he can buy at wholesale and turn around and sell on EBay for retail. In his videos you'll find tips for selling items on EBay and most recently I viewed a video showing how to spruce up your EBay page to outsell your competition. By far better information than I've found ……...on any other site………. ……………..………….. ……………….. …..…. King Human say's he doesn't have to drive a truck anymore because of his work that he does online. He offers free videos on YouTube and also has a members only site that he charges a monthly fee, $15-$20 to join and you get … personal training there on how to make money several different ways! King Human said he started out putting a couple of videos up and then some people began liking them and it grew from there. Now he has lots of YouTube videos and a big fan club with several thousand views. But don't irritate him too much, he's a bit...sensitive! ….You'll…. see! So begin to think how you can develop a character of your own and maybe you can do what King Human calls "Making …..Bank"!..... ……… …..
  • 34. Audios and DVDs! If there's something I have found I like doing, it's recording and producing Audio Cd's and Videos. A lot of online digital files are created for your viewing but there is still an opportunity for CD and DVD production. I have produced some sound recordings and have been able to profit from them. ….. ... For this project you'll need some recording and editing software. Apple comes with Imovie and garageband and Microsoft offers Movie maker and has an audio recorder as well. I really like Wave Pad from for audio recording and editing and Imovie for videos.
  • 35. A couple of my videos where simply screen captures of something I wanted to record and then edited them in a format to sell online. Simple. Remember everything has Value! ………………………….. ………………….. ……….. …. A couple of out sourcing companies that I use as a full- filment resource are and these two companies enable you to either upload your completed CDs or DVDs to their site or you can mail them a copy and they will house, and produce your files, including cd/dvd duplication, sales and shipping. ….. ... They'll provide you with links for your customers to buy your products and they'll also take care of credit card payments and send you a check. They also support bar coding so you can sell your work on Amazon as well. …. .. .
  • 36. Know  who  You  Are   One  important  aspect  of  being  able  to  prosper  from  your  best  ideas  is  to  know  your  personality  type   and  where  you  fit  into  the  work  place.  Knowing  yourself  is  so  important  because  many  of  us  have   begun  our  career  not  necessarily  by  our  first  choice.     Perhaps  you  married  young  and  needed  a  job  and  took  one  of  the  first  opening  you  found  at  the  time.   Or  if  you  were  like  me  you  meant  to  go  into  let’s  say  computers  and  you  were  advised  to  go  into   something  else.     It  may  have  been  several  years  now  and  your  still  on  this  treadmill  and  know  deep  down  inside  you   should  be  doing  something  your  more  suited  for,  but  not  sure  what. Enter…  Do  What  You  Are    
  • 37. The  book  Do  What  You  Are  is  a  book  I’ve  been  a  fan  of  for  many  years  now.  It  explains  that  there  16   different  personality  type  temperaments.  These  temperaments  are  listed  in  abbreviated  for  such  as   mine…ENTP.  This  suggest,  I’m  Extraverted,  Intuitive,  Thinking,  and  Perceiving.       Written  by  Paul  D.  Tieger  and  Barbara  Barron-­‐  Tieger,  they  go  into  depth  about  personality  types,  give   examples  of  people  in  each  of  the  16  temperaments  as  well  as  give  a  simple  Q&A  directing  you  to   choose  your  own  temperament.     After  you  identify  your  type  you  go  to  the  segment  of  the  book  which  list  your  type.  Within  this   section  you’ll  find  sections  dedicated  to…   • What  career  satisfaction  means  to  your  type,     • Popular  Occupations  for  your  type,     • Pathways  To  success:  using  your  strengths,   • Possible  pitfalls  to  watch  for,   • The  final  piece:  Changing  or  keeping  your  job…the  key  to  success  for  your  type.     To  give  you  an  example  from  my  own  temperament  profile  here  are  ten  things  that  I  should  be   mindful  of  to  have  a  satisfying  career:   1. Gives  me  opportunities  to  engage  in  creative  problem  solving  and/or  generate  new  and   innovative  approaches  to  problems   2. Lets  me  implement  my  innovative  solutions  in  the  creation  of  more  efficiently  functioning   systems   3. Acknowledges  and  encourages  my  creativity,  competency,  and  ability  to  improvise   4. Lets  me  experience  a  variety  of  situations  filled  with  fun,  action,  and  excitement   5. Follows  a  logical  order  and  is  based  on  objective  and  fair  standards,  rather  than  the  likes  and   dislikes  of  one  individual   6. Lets  me  increase  my  professional  and  personal  power  and  interact  frequently  with  other   powerful  people   7. Lets  me  meet  and  have  constant  interaction  with  others   8. Can  be  done  in  a  rapidly  changing,  high-­‐energy  environment  with  significant  interaction  with   others   9. Is  done  in  an  environment  that  is  casual  and  unstructured;  where  I  can  experience  a  high   degree  of  personal  freedom,  time  off,  and  opportunity  to  operate  in  a  spontaneous  way   10. Allows  me  to  design  or  start  projects  but  does  not  require  me  to  follow  through  with  tedious   details   Well  that  seems  to  be  a  tall  order  to  fill  sometimes,  but  as  many  of  these  qualities  that  you  can  add  to   your  daily  activities,  the  happier  you  will  be  with  your  career.     Here  are  a  few  career  suggestions  for  my  temperament,  some  I’ve  been  able  to  fulfill  in  my  life,  some  I   am  seeking  to  achieve  at  this  time:   Entrepreneurship/Business   • Entrepreneur     • Inventor  
  • 38. • Technical  trainer   • Each  of  these  I  have  done   Marketing/Creative   • Creative  writer   • Copy  writer   • Desktop  publishing   • Producer   Planning  and  development   • Special  Projects  developer   • Investment  Broker   • Strategic  planner   Miscellaneous   • Chiropractor   • Athletic  coach  or  scout   So  as  you  can  see  you  can  get  a  lot  of  good  suggestions  from  this  book  Do  What  You  Are.       About  the  Author         Jay  Nolan  has  developed  products  and  improved  techniques  for  the  Dental  industry.  One  of  his  best   product  Ideas  has  produced  enough  material  to  produce  over  2,000,000  crowns  from  the  US  and   other  countries.   He  has  also  prospered  from  producing  audio  and  video  ideas,  as  well  as  creating  formats  for  public   speaking  in  which  he  has  participated  and  conducted  throughout  his  career.   This  latest  venture  of  writing  eBooks  covers  ideas  from  Tennis,  Golf,  Baby  boomers,  and  relaxation   methods  to  improve  anyone’s  desire  to  excel  in  whatever  they  choose  to  aspire  to.       Jay Nolan may be emailed at Email Jay and get on his email subscriber list for future updates The fun thing about doing any of these projects you come up with is this... anything that you have knowledge about that someone else doesn't know, but wants to learn about… is opportunity for you.
  • 39. So  how  did  all  this  come  together  and  Brand  an  identity  for  myself?    How  did  I  become  Famous?   FOR  ALL  YOUR  WAXING  NEEDS  CALL  ME…JAY  NOLAN   “THE  WAX  MAN”     Never  The  End!       Ps:  If  you  haven’t  developed  your  immediate  Brand  just  yet  and  would  be  interested  in   starting  an  online  business  for  free  to  earn  some  extra  cash  quickly…here’s  the  easiest   and  fastest  method  (and  a  real  and  honest  opportunity)  I’ve  found  to  get  started.     Go  to  my  website  at  to  find  out  how.      
  • 40. Take care...Now go out and have the time of your life!