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Seven Keys To
                       Financial FREEDOM!
                                 Pre−Release Version

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Copyright © 1999 by Michael Ross

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This pre−release version printed August 1999.

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The Seven Keys To Financial FREEDOM
               Going from zero to 'financial hero' in the blink of an eye


Before I get started I want to thank you for two things.

First, I want to thank you for your money. Money is precious to you. And I want to thank
you for sharing some of your precious money with me by buying this book. I am going
to make sure that I appreciate what you've done by giving me your money.

Second, I want to thank you for your trust. You trusted me to provide you with the
information I said I would. And I don't want to let you down. So I really appreciate the
trust you have placed in me.

Kinda reminds me of a little story I read.

There's this guy. And he's hanging off the edge of a cliff by the tips of his fingers. Things
are not looking too good. He's starting to slip, so he yells "Is there anybody up there who
can help me?". He hears nothing. Again he yells "Is there anybody up there who can help
me?". Again nothing. He yells "Is there anybody up there who can help me?" for the
third time. This time he is answered by a booming voice which says... "This is God. I can
help you. Just let go and trust." A minute goes by and he says "Is there anyone else up
there that can help me?"


As a marketing consultant, I am often asked... "What's the quickest way to make a lot of

The easy answer to that is... "create your own charity... you'll become a millionaire in
record time."

But that's not the good answer. Because while creating a charity will enable you to
become some kind of Mr Money Bags pretty fast, it's actually a lot of hard work. And
besides... you have to beg for money. The best answer to the question is... "Sell what
people want."

And while this is good advice, it doesn't help YOU figure out what people want. And
while I can tell you what people want in general, it doesn't help you out specifically. Let
me show you what I mean by this.

Lets say you decide to satisfy the biggest want that every single person on the planet
has... FOOD. You decide to sell food. While you will be selling what people want, it's
not specific enough. You have to sell them a certain type of food. And figuring out what
type of food people want is a bit more complicated.

And it's at this stage... the specifics... that most people get stuck. They bog down and
can't get out. The result is they go nowhere.

It doesn't have to be this way. No way hose'. In fact, with just the tiniest piece of
knowledge you can get yourself out of that damn bog and onto the money
super−highway. And it won't require you to get all grubby and dirty either. No siree. You
can still wear your nice clean tuxedo while you dig yourself out from that muddy swamp
you're stuck in.

All it takes is...

Well, I'm not going to reveal what it takes here. That's what the rest of the book is for.

I will tell you this though... after you have read this book, you'll not only have the
tow−rope you need to unbog yourself, you'll also have the secret treasure map to all
those hidden riches you've heard about.

X marks the spot. And this book shows you were X is. So lets begin. Lets get this show
on the road and into the good stuff.

Part One − Seven Keys To FREEDOM:

So there I was, sitting at a sidewalk cafe. You know the type... small tables for two
blocking the footpath, other larger tables filled with yuppie wanna−bees and 'arty' people
sipping exotic flavoured coffees.

Anyway... I'm sitting there smoking a cigarette, sipping a hot black coffee, reading the
paper, listening to the conversations at the other tables and just enjoying being in what I
call 'The Human Theatre'. All of a sudden something in the newspaper grabs my eye.

I just sit there staring at it, thinking. I didn't think I'd been looking at it for long, but I
must have been because it was the heat of the cigarette (which had burnt all the way
down) which broke my gaze. My coffee had gone cold too. I pondered what I'd seen in

the newspaper... which, by the way, had cost me all of seventy cents.

I left the trendy little sidewalk cafe and got home as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to
jump into action to start what had just been forced into my mind. That small investment
of mine, in the newspaper, had been responsible for triggering a chain of events that led
me to embark on the most wonderful journey of my life. A journey that took me from
what I would now call a modest income, to an income I would then have called

And to think it all started with something I saw in the newspaper. Incredible.

It didn't always start with a newspaper. No. Sometimes it was something I'd seen whilst
driving, or something I'd heard, or something else entirely. But each case was the same
for me... my mind started ticking over. Slowly at first. But it sped up real quick as it sunk
in more. And sometimes there was no build up at all. Sometimes the whole thing
slammed into me like a Mack truck. Talk about being knocked off your feet.

So what the heck am I talking about?

Why I'm talking about ideas. Money making ideas that I applied a few rules to. Or
should I say, money making ideas that came about because of the rules.

Please let me explain...

As you know, this book is going to reveal the seven necessary keys to financial
FREEDOM. But not just financial freedom... freedom from work as well. Because it's
not good to earn a truck load of money if you never have the time to enjoy it. I mean
what's the point in that, right?

We're only on this ball of mud we call earth for a short while. You've got to make the
most of it while you can. As such, you want to spend as much of the time you have
enjoying life, not working your fingers to the bone. And that's what these seven keys will
show you.

They not only show you how to make money... heck there's a million ways to do that...
they also show you how to make money and have time to enjoy that money.

Okay, Okay, I hear you. I'll stop rambling on and get into it. It's just that I wanted to
prepare you for what you are about to see. I wanted to open your mind to receiving vast
amounts of cash before you discovered how to receive those vast amounts.

So lets get into it.


It was once said... "The longest journey begins with a single step." This is true in all
areas of life. Everything begins with a single step. A first step. But as with walking...
before you can take that first step, you have to learn to crawl. What we'll be doing in this
section is laying the carpet for you to crawl on. From here well go at rocket speed and
you'll be running in no time.

So what is this carpet?

Ah... this carpet is the most fundamental requirement along the seven key path. Without
it, there would be no path. Sounds cryptic or somehow new−age right?

Rest assured, it's not.

Anyway. This carpet, as with real carpet, is made up of a few different items... layers.
They are...

*The right you. Can you take action? Do you have the guts and perseverance? Are you
suited to running a business?

*The right knowledge. Do you know your business and area of expertise? If not, are you
able to get it from somewhere?

*The right vehicle at the right time. It's not just enough to know something if the timing
is all wrong. You've got to be in the right money−making vehicle at the right time. And
it's this vehicle which we'll be talking about in this book.

Let me explain the importance of the right vehicle at the right time...

Years and years ago... well over 15... a friend of mine says "Michael, I'm going to start a
lawn−mowing business. I'm going to charge people money to mow their lawns."

My mental reaction to this (which I kept to myself) was along the lines of... "Are you
crazy? Who would pay to have that done? Everyone has their own lawnmower. They
aren't going to spend money hiring you when they've got their own mower and can do it

At the time, this was true. Every Saturday and Sunday you'd hear the familiar sound of

lawn−mowers all over the neighbourhood. Dogs would be barking. And you knew it was
the weekend. My friend never started his lawn−mowing business. I got him a job
elsewhere (where he met his future wife). And he went on to bigger and better things.

But just a few short years after his comments, hiring people to mow your lawns started to
take off. Until it's at the stage it is today. A flooded market. So flooded in fact, that in
one local newspaper I counted 27 ads for lawn−mowing. That's too many people
competing. Far too many.

The point of this is... my friend's ideas was sound. It was just at the wrong time.


What follows on from here is going to be real simple stuff okay? No fancy schmancy
hard−to−follow and hard−to−do techniques. Just real basic stuff. Like kindergarten.

The reason is two−fold.

First, if it was hard to follow and hard to do, you most likely would never do it.

And second... if it's too hard and complicated, you might never start it let alone get it

So it's just going to be really really simple. Childs−play!


This is really important okay? I mean so important that if you don't have it, you just will
not succeed.

So what is it?

The business you want to be in has got to fit you! It has got to fit you like a glove. You
must really enjoy it. Otherwise you will not put any effort into it. And besides, when you
enjoy it, it doesn't seem like effort.

So the first key is...

                             You've got to do what you love!

If you don't do what you love, you won't have what it takes to stick with it. That lack of

effort will cause you to fail. And fail big time.


This follows directly on from the first key. In fact, they go hand−in−hand.

Let me ask you, if I came up to you and said, "Hey, here's a book that can make you
money. Wanna buy it?" what would you say? You would walk away from me, or call me
some kind of name and then walk away.

But what if I said, "Hey, Listen... you've just got to get this book here. It contains a
treasure map to a whole heap of undiscovered money. I mean it's just totally awesome.
All you do is follow the instructions and you'll be making a stack of cash in no time at
all. And the guy who wrote it went through years of trying all sorts of things before he
figured this out. He's made all the mistakes so you don't have to. It's so good, that he
even backs it up with a money−back guarantee. If you don't make at least $200,000
within two years by following what he says, he'll refund your money, plus pay you an
extra $1000 for your trouble. I'll tell you, it's the best thing I've ever read. Would you be
interested in having a look at it?"

Which approach would work better?

The second one of course. And why? Because it has ENTHUSIASM!

And when you have enthusiasm it leads to... TRUST!

Let me give you an example here.

Say it's early in the morning... say 2 am. And there's this knock at the door. You open the
door and see some sixteen year old kid standing there. He's wearing baggy ripped pants
and a singlet, and he says to you, "Hey dude. I've got this 1999 Range Rover for sale for
$1,000. Wanna buy it?"

What are you going to do?

One thing you definitely will not do is buy the car. Why? Because you probably think it's
stolen. And why do you think that? Because you do not TRUST the guy selling it − no
matter how good the deal is. When you LOVE what you do you exude ENTHUSIASM.
And that ENTHUSIASM leads people to TRUST you. It's a totally natural process and
you don't have to fake any of it.

You can fake it if you want. I'm not saying you can't. But we can all tell when someone
is being fake. And if we can't it doesn't really matter because those fake people don't stay
around for long. Not long at all.



In an article I wrote, I examined the factors that motivate us. I looked at wants verses
needs, love verses money, having fun, not having fun, and just about everything that
could possibly motivate us as humans.

When it was all said and done, I had stripped it down to one thing...


We are totally and solely motivated by fear. Fear of loss, fear of missing out, fear of
pain, fear of lack of pleasure. Notice here that I wrote "Fear of lack of..." This is MY
term for GAIN. When we want to GAIN something it is because we fear not having it.

This fear doesn't have to be the all encompassing fear you might feel if you were being
attacked by a pack of rabid dogs. It can be very very mild, almost imperceptible. But not
matter how mild, it is still there. This FEAR can be placed into two categories... Fear of
getting something, and fear of missing out.

We are motivated by a fear of getting something. So we want to avoid it, because it
would cause us some kind of pain. So this can be written as "Avoid pain" We are also
motivated by the fear of missing out. We would rather have it, because it will give us
pleasure. So this can be written as "Gain pleasure"

So the two motivating categories are... "Avoid Pain and Gain Pleasure"

Which one is more motivating?

Well, let me give you these two choices... would you rather go on an all−expenses−paid
trip around the world, or would you rather sit for six hours in the dentist chair while he
drilled your teeth? If you're like me, and most everyone else on the planet, you'll take the
trip around the world. So you would rather gain pleasure andavoid pain.

But this isn't a real good example. Let me put it another way... if you have a bad
toothache what will you do? You'll go to the dentist to get it fixed. What do you do when

you get a headache? You take some aspirin or paracetamol to get rid of it. In both cases
you don't go out and have fun, or do something enjoyable. You do whatever it takes to
avoid the pain.


Someone once said "Build a better mouse trap and you'll be rich beyond your wildest
dreams" or something like that. In a sense they were right. But they were also wrong in
way also. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. It's the nature of the beast. When you are in
business, problems will occur. And it's up to you to solve those problems.

NOW is the time to put those problem solving skills to work.

Because what you now need to do is look for people in pain.

Why? Because people want to avoid pain and will do anything to do it. So if you find a
bunch of people in pain, and they see you as their knight in shinning armour, they'll take
to you like a duck to water. So what you've got to do is go against our natural instinct,
and you've got to go and look for problems. Look for people in pain and solve their
problems for them!

They don't have to be massively huge problems. Any old problem will do.

Let me give you a small example here.

I'm in a fish and chip shop the other day talking to the owner about his cooking oil. After
a while I discover he was considering buying an oil−filtering machine. If he had it he
could recycle his oil and make it last longer. He wouldn't have to keep buying oil all the
time then. But he had a problem. The machine was too expensive.

So how could you solve his problem? Easy... sell him a much cheaper machine, OR, sell
him your services as an oil recycler and cleaner. He had another problem too... the oil he
found that worked best was an imported oil. He didn't know where to buy a locally made
oil that was the same as the oil he was getting from the importer. Sure it's only a small
minor problem... more of a hassle than anything... but what if you solved it for him?
What if you became his one and only contact for the locally made oil?

Can you see what's happening here?

Just in a five minute conversation with this man I came up with two ideas for a business
− an oil cleaning service, and a middle man who supplies his oil from a local


Here's another example...

There's a product on the market. It's called "Off The Hook." It's a music CD full of sound
effects. The sound effects range from a ball smashing a window to a melt−down at a
nuclear reactor. Sounds pretty cool right? Well what problem is it designed to solve? It's
designed to help you get off the phone.

So if there's this tele−marketer who just won't quit, you play a sound effect that signals
you have to leave.

Got a friend who just will not shut up? Play a sound effect − like someone at the door, or
your window breaking. When you say you've got to go they will understand why. Neat
hey? The problem is how to get off the phone. The solutions is a CD full of sound effects
which legitimises your excuse. If you have internet access, you can check it out for
yourself here:

Moving on.

Okay, what we're going to do here is a little odd, but extremely productive.

We are going to come up with some million dollar ideas. And we're only going to take a
minute or two to do it. Alright... what I want you to do is... grab yourself a piece of paper
and a pen. Then when I say, stop reading and start writing − but only when I say. What I
want you to do is write down a list of every physical object in the room you are in. Every
single one. It can be a light fitting, light bulb, carpet, curtains, cushions, table, pen,
paper, and so on and so forth. Every object in the room. But I only want you to take two
minutes to do it. Are you ready? Okay stop reading and start writing... I'll see you back
here in two minutes. GO!

AND.... welcome back. I hope you didn't cheat and decided to just keep on reading. If
you did, you have done yourself out of the next part that involves your list.

Now let me ask you... do you believe that anything on this planet is perfect?

There's this saying that goes... "Nothing is perfect"

If that's true, it means everything can be improved. Not some things... EVERYTHING.

Now look down at your list.

How many items do you have? 10? 20? 40?

Lets say you have twenty items. That's twenty items just in the room you're in. How
many different items do you think are in the whole world? A million? two million?

Seeing as nothing is prefect, and everything can be improved to remove the pain of the
imperfect object, every item can be a million dollar business. And if there are at least
two million different items/products in the world, that's two million different businesses
you could start and build up to make your fortune.

Now look back at your list and ask "How can this be improved?" The answer you get
could be your new business.

How easy was that?

I said it was going to be easy and simple.

So basically what we are doing here is IMPROVING ANYTHING!

Now... you could sit there and try to come up with ideas for businesses that haven't
existed before, but why bother? Seeing as every product can be improved, you just
improve one of your liking. And we improve a product instead of coming up with a new
one because the product is already being used. People have already bought it. So we
know there's a market for the product.

If we developed a new product altogether, we might find no−one would buy it. It's safer
and easier to sell people what they've proven they will buy. You could find out how may
items of a particular product are being sold. The chances are that a new product which is
an improved version of something else, will sell just as well if not better.

If you get a letter, or see an ad (on TV or in the paper) that's selling some hot selling
product, what you do is... you improve the product or service a little bit and start selling
it too. Simple. Look, I know this is real simple stuff, but you DO have to start
somewhere right? Might as well make it as easy and as risk free as possible.


It's said that 'A Change Is As Good As A Holiday.'

Whoever said that has obviously never been on a holiday.

I mean lets face it... what could be as much fun as skiing the slopes, living it up in a
tropical island paradise, or whatever you do when you go on a holiday? Having said that,
I am now going to say 'A Change Is BETTER Than A Holiday.'

Please let me explain...

       Everytime there is a major change in the law, a major change in social
          interest, or a major change in technology, somebody gets rich!

Let me repeat this because it is so very important...

     EVERYTIME there is a major change in the law, a major change in social
        interests, or a major change in technology, somebody gets rich!

Let me give you an example...

Thirty years ago, hardly anybody on the face of the planet had a computer in their home.
Now they are everywhere. A few years ago no−one had a CD ROM for their computer.
Now they are standard. Computer programs used to come on floppy disks... now they
come on CD ROMS. But not only that... a whole stack of other stuff also comes on CD
ROMS now. Magazines for example − and they have sight and sound.

When CD ROMS were first starting, the smart people who saw it coming were there.
And they made a stack of money. What's next in the computer world? Who can really
say? DVD? Internet 24 hours a day from your home? Two−way camera phones that
work with your computer and the internet? What's next? I cannot say because I do not
know. But I will say this... watch out for it. Keep a real close eye on it. And when you
see that a change is just beginning to become in demand... JUMP IN!

And this doesn't just apply to computer changes... any change can mean big bucks for

Let me give you an example.

When the federal government changed the gun laws in Australia, every gun owner was
effected. Suddenly, for them to be allowed to keep their guns, they had to either join a
hunting club, a shooting club, or have permission from a land owner to hunt on the land.

So, suddenly, hunting and shooting club membership went crazy as people forked over
money to join. But they weren't the only ones getting money. Some smart land owners
placed small ads. These ads basically said... "Send me $20 and I'll write you a letter of

consent to say you are allowed to shoot on my property."

See that? Land owners were selling letters of consent to hunters who didn't want to pay
the hundred dollars a year to join a club. Whether or not you like guns doesn't matter.
What matters is what went on. There was a change and people prospered from that
change. That's the point I wanted to show you.

Remember when I mentioned lawn mowing? Those who jumped in early are now the
ones who own the master franchises. They made a killing when the social interest
changed. Coffee shops are everywhere now. They never used to be did they? Nope. But
now they are. And those who saw it have prospered.

Mobile phones? That's another item that never used to be around, and now nearly
everyone has one. Okay, sure you might not be able to afford to get into selling mobile
phones, or manufacturing mobile phones, but it's an example of how change means
many people will get very rich.

Are you beginning to see the pattern here?

Whenever there's change there's a whole new way to make a stack of cash!

Let me give you three more examples of how change has created wealthy men and

Martial Arts: Before videos (before the change that made video players a regular
house−hold item, and video cameras affordable to the general public), the only way to
learn a martial art was to go to a martial art school. Since that time, some smart martial
arts teachers have placed their classes on video tape. Now more people can learn a
martial art, and the teacher makes even more money. This is a booming industry.

About this type of industry: You do not have to be an expert to produce and sell a
video tape. All you need to do is film an expert. In the case of the martial art teachers... if
you approached a teacher of an art that wasn't being sold via video, you could request to
film him and sell the tapes yourself − this 'approaching experts' technique applies to all

Microwave Ovens: With the arrival of Microwave ovens came a whole new industry −
microwave proof plates and bowls, recipe books, and so on. Some enterprising people
even started microwave cooking classes! The teachers were just normal house−wives
who actually spent time learning the microwave ovens they'd bought. They then sold
their newly acquired skills to others in the form of a class. Anyone could have done it,

they did.

Home Services: Years and years ago, the main income earner was the man of the house.
The wife usually stayed home and looked after the house. She did the cooking, cleaning,
ironing, washing, and so on. But now both husband and wife work and they don't have
the time for the cleaning and ironing and so on. Who does the cleaning? A cleaning
service is who. Who mows the lawn? A lawn−mowing service. Who cleans the car? A
car cleaner. Who looks after the kids while mum and dad are at work? Day care. Who
washes the dog? A dog washer. Which brings me to an opportunity for you... the
problem − picking up dog poo. The solution − a dog poo picker upper service. Find one
that's already working somewhere and duplicate what they do. Simple. Hint: These
already exist in the USA and are just beginning in Australia (see lag time in the next


A long long time ago, someone invented something. In fact, since that invention
thousands of years ago, no−one has been able to invent a better version.

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about the wheel. Yes, the humble wheel. A most simple, useful and long
lasting invention. An invention that solved a lot of problems at the time. An invention
that help many people avoid pain.

And if you could invent a better wheel, then the world would really beat a path to your
door. But you know what? Why even try? For thousands of years no−one has been able
to invent a better wheel. It's too damn hard, if not impossible. It's easier to use the proven
formula of the wheel and keep moving.

My point?

Don't go around trying to re−invent the wheel. Use what's around you already. It may not
be original. But it's a proven formula of what works. And in the case of making money,
or starting businesses, take the easy way out and follow what someone else had done. It
may not be clever, but it sure does work.

There are hot new businesses out there right now that are turning their owners into
millionaires. All you have to do is copy what they are doing, and do it somewhere else.
You'll be making money hand over fist. And you will have gotten the idea from someone
else. You will have opted for the easy path and followed a proven winner.


So how do you tell if something is a proven winner?

Easy. Expansion. People do not expand things that are not working. If you see a business
with more than one outlet, it means they have expanded and what they do works. You
then just take the idea from one place and start it in another. There's a good chance that
what people in one area like, people in another area will also like.

So if you see one business solving a problem, and doing it very successfully, there's no
law that says you can't also solve that problem. You may do it differently, better. Or you
may go after a slightly different niche market − a niche market being a small subsection
of a larger market.

And you don't have to worry about competition. Why? Because there is always a lag −
the time it takes for an idea or concept to creep and spread throughout the nation.

Remember when I mentioned the lawn−mowing businesses earlier?

They just didn't suddenly appear all over the country. They took time... years.

Lets say they started in Sydney. If you lived in Sydney you would have seen them begin
and then start to get popular. So what you'd do is find out if there were any of these in
say Brisbane or Melbourne. The chances are there wouldn't be yet. So you pack up your
belongings and move to Brisbane or Melbourne and start one up. What people in one
area want, people in another area will also most likely want, so your business would take

The length of time it takes for an idea to spread is lag time. And sometimes that lag time
can be many many years. You don't have to wait years to use the idea. You don't have to
wait years for the idea to come to your area before you use it. You can take a proven idea
from one place and move it to another place and beat everyone else.

And if there's an idea in your area that's working, see if you can find a place that doesn't
have that idea yet. Then just take the idea over to it. You'll get rich real fast.

I mentioned coffee shops before. They are pretty well everywhere in all the major cities,
but they might not be everywhere in the smaller country towns − like Armidale or
Tammworth. If they aren't there you will have two choices − stay where you are in your
major city and remain poor and struggle, or go to Tammworth and get rich.


You'll notice that a few paragraphs earlier I mentioned the word "niche".

If you look the word up in a dictionary it says something like... "A cavity, hollow, or
recess, generally within the thickness of a wall." Or "A position particularly well suited
to the person who occupies it."

In marketing it is "a smallandhighlytargetedgroup of people." And marketing to them
is known as 'niche marketing.'

Let me give you an example of how this goes...

The market is 'dogs'. The smaller market is a particular breed of dog... lets say Poodles.
An even smaller market would be 'Poodles who live in the house'. 'Poodles who live in
the house' would be a very niche market. And if there was a problem that all owners of
'Poodles that live in the house' had, and you solved it for them, you could be sure they
would nearly all buy your product.

But this is just an example of a particular type of niche. And there are six different kinds
of niche. They are...

1: People.

2: Product.

3: Promotion.

4: Package.

5: Place.

6: Price.

To show you how these work.

Take this book for example. The title is "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom". And it
appeals to all those people who would like financial freedom. I can narrow it down to fit
a smaller niche and increase sales within that niche. How? Easy. Just change the title.

What if it was called, "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom For Women"? What have I

just done? I've just changed the niche from general to women.

I could change it again to read "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom For Men". Or
whatever market I wanted to work in. All I would have to do is change the last word in
the name of the title and it would be a more targeted book, aimed at different people.

But it doesn't even have to be your own product. You can have a look at a product that is
already selling. All you might do is change the packaging, or change the product
slightly. You could take a product from one area and sell it in a different place.

You could change the way a product is being promoted. If it's being sold via
mail−order, it might do well in stores. If it's doing well in a few specialty stores, it may
do well via mail. You may find a product that's being sold via mail. So you take that
product and sell it via small or large ads.

You can change the price of a product. What sells at one price might sell, in a slightly
modified form, in a different place at a higher price. Heck, it may even sell at the higher
price in the same place. Look at some of the major shopping centres. You'll see K−Mart
near David Jones, Grace Bros., or Myers. Similar products, different price range, and
both do well.


You've just read the seven keys, or steps, you'll need to merge together to start along the
road to financial freedom. But you must surely be wondering, "Where to start?"

The answer is simple.

Start back at the beginning, at number one, doing what you love.

You are a unique person with unique abilities. You have skills and abilities that no−one
else has.

You might not be able to write a book like me (I've written 15), or see solutions to
marketing problems as fast as me (I've had many many years of hands−on experience to
gain these skills), but I guarantee you that you are far more skilled at something than I
am. And I guarantee you that you are far more skilled than most people in certain areas −
such as the area you love.

So, start with what you love. Look for products in that area, and problems. Also,
products which are solving those problems. If there's a proven winner, you've found

what you're looking for. Copy the methodology of how the thing's being sold − even
change it slightly, and do the same thing elsewhere. All the while, keep an eye out for
any changes that would lead to problems which need to be solved.

Let me give you a few more examples of this being done in the past (products and
services solving problems)...

Problem: Cats scratch at your furniture. Solution: Scratching post.

Problem: Wall to wall carpet cannot be taken outside and beaten clean. Solution: Carpet
Cleaning Services.

Problem: Dropping your car off to get serviced and being without it all day. Solution:
Mobile services like Lube Mobile.

Problem: Getting into a cold bed at night. Solution: Electric blankets.

Problem: Missing telephone calls when you're out. Solution. Answering machine.

Now some multi−step Problem/Solution examples...

Problem: Fresh food goes off if not eaten quick enough. Solution: Put the food in
air−tight jars. Problem: Food in jars gets spoilt by the light and the jars can break.
Solution: Put that food in cans. Problem: How to open the can and get at the food.
Solution: Can opener. Problem: Can openers leave jagged edges. Solution: Can opener
that removes the top and leaves the edge non−jagged. Problem: Hands not strong enough
to use can opener. Solution: Electric can opener.

Problem: Writing with a quill and ink bottle. Solution: Pen with ink in it. Problem: Ink
runs out of the nib. Solution: Ball point pen. Problem: Ball point is always out and in
harms way. Solution: Retractable pen. Problem: Having to buy a new retractable pen
everytime the ink runs out. Solution: Refills.

Now, while all of the above examples show you how products that sell well for years are
all products that solve problems, there is something you should know... the example
products are out of reach of most people to create and sell. But they do show you the
problem−solving/product−creation process involved.

The previous examples (in the Fifth Key) showed you how easy it is for YOU to come up
with solutions to problems − even if you are not heavily funded.


It's true that, you need money to make money. You don't need a lot, but some.

You cannot possibly make money if you have absolutely no money to start with. But you
can take a few bucks, sometimes less than $100, and turn that into $200. Turn that $200
into $400. $400 to $800. $800 to $1,600. $1,600 to $3,200. $3,200 to $6,400. $6,400 to
$12,800. $12,800 to $25,600. $25,600 to $56,200. $56,200 to $112,400 and so on and so
forth. And all it took was $100 to start. You just kept on doubling your money.

But sometimes you need a bit of external funding, say from a bank.

I'll just wait a bit while all of you shudder at the thought of approaching a bank. Just
calm down. There's a real easy way to bring the bank over to your way of thinking. What
you do is... show them what you have discovered about this idea of yours.

Let me give you an example of the type of thing I'm talking about here. Lets say, for
arguments sake, that coffee shops are not everywhere. Okay... You live in Sydney. You
hear that there's this business doing real well down in Melbourne. It's a coffee shop.
What you do is, you hop on a flight to Melbourne, or drive to Melbourne, and go and
have a look at this coffee shop.

Take photos of the shop at various times of the day. Photos that show how busy the shop
is. Take a bunch.

Go in and buy some coffee. Take note of everything you can − the number of flavours
available, what most people order, the layout of the store, the extras they sell, their staff,
everything. Even count the number of customers − from either across the road or

Take note of the ads they run to get customers, and any other promotions you find out
they have. Get copies of them. What you're doing here is gathering proven evidence that
the coffee shop idea is working. And working well.

You present all these details to your bank manager, when you ask for some funding, as
proof that what you want the money for will work. They say a picture is worth a
thousands words. And I'll tell you, your pictures of a busy shop will do more to sway the
bank than any words you have. Even give the bank the address of the place so they can
check it out themselves. Even offer the bank−manager plane tickets to fly down and
check it out for himself.

You do this, and you're bank manager will understand the extent you went to. They'll see
how good the idea really is, and be far more willing to give you the money you want.
They'll see how serious you are. Of course you'll also have to present a business plan to
the bank... unfortunately that's something they always seem to want.

But I'll tell you... give them all the detailed research you've done, including photos, and
they won't need a highly detailed business plan. They have seen from your research how
serious you really are.


So far you've seen the principles involved. And I'm sure you'd love to save yourself all
that easy work of spotting problems and would prefer to have complete ideas handed to

Well okay. Your wish is my command.

But please keep in mind... that what gets presented here is just the tip of the ice−berg,
and it may not be the right vehicle for you. Also keep in mind that times change. And for
me to keep this list up to date would require constant re−writing of this book.

I don't mind re−writing this book. There's one small problem though. While I plan to
update this book on a regular basis, it is not a constant weekly or monthly update. I plan
to update every three months − this section anyway. So you may in fact be reading a
book which could have a new updated version in a week or in three months.

To stay fully up to date with all the new opportunities, I recommend buying each update
of this book. But I realise that at $47 a hit... or $188 for the year, that could be getting
out of your price range. Specially when you consider that each update will only contain
an additional three businesses − one new one a month, or whatever.

So what I propose is this... subscribe to my monthly update service. Each month you'll
receive a floppy disk chock full of details − far more details than I present in this book −
of businesses and opportunities that I see as taking off − one business or opportunity an
issue. You'll have a ground floor opportunity to get into these businesses if you wish.
And you'll be getting these updates up to three months, or more, ahead of those who only
buy the book when it updates.

Each issue will include addresses of the businesses, ads, letters and promotions they run
(wherever possible), and manufacturer and supplier details. Each issue will also contain
places where the business could be set up and other niche changes. Basically you will

receive complete details of how to get into the business.

To subscribe to these monthly updates, which lets you get advanced notice of the latest
money making businesses and ideas before anyone else, will only require a small
investment which I haven't fully decided on yet as you read this pre−release book.

To get more info on this, which will come out twelve times a year and could contain the
single item you need to turn you into a millionaire, just call 0414−726−271 right now.


So you want some ideas to help you get started? A little push in the right direction?
Okay... here are three businesses I've found which are doing great, but have not spread
throughout Australia yet. Meaning, if you jump in you could very well become a

The categories by which these businesses have been selected by me are very strict.

1: They must be PROVEN successes. No point recommending guesses and failures.

2: They must be expanding. Shows they really do work.

3: They must be affected by lag − haven't spread everywhere yet.

4: They must solve a problem.

Also, full details are not given here. For full details, including thorough contact details,
plans, sample ads and so on, you'll need to subscribe to my update service − full details
of businesses listed here can be obtained separately (as a special report... single issue of
my update service) for $20 each. And all info will be provided on floppy disk − this
makes it easier for you to rework the ads and letters and so on, and allows me to give
you more info than may fit onto eight printed pages.

Business Number 1:

This business is still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this
pre−release version of the book.

Business Number 2:

This business is still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this

pre−release version of the book.

Business Number 3:

This business is also still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this
pre−release version of the book. If you would like to know when these three businesses
are ready to be revealed, please give me a call on 0414−726−271 and let me know you're
interested. I'll let you know as soon as the info is available.

If you'd rather attend a workshop that goes through these steps and presents living
examples of these steps in action, as well as a thorough analysis of up to 9 businesses
that you can start and make your fortune with right now, then please call me on
0414−726−271 and let me know you're interested. If enough people are interested I'll put
on a workshop.


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7 steps2freedom

  • 1. Seven Keys To Financial FREEDOM! Pre−Release Version Copyright Notices Copyright © 1999 by Michael Ross All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for further information should be addressed to Miros Designs Marketing, 144 Casino St, Lismore, NSW, 2480. Australia. This pre−release version printed August 1999. 1
  • 2. Legal Notices While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for error, omissions, lack of care, default, negligence or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the users particular business applications of this material. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes sole responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in Australia or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. The author, publisher and all distributors of this book assume no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising as a result of any purchaser or reader of these materials acting on the opinions, advice and recommendation expressly or implicitly published here. We do not guarantee any results you may or may not get as a result of following our recommendations. You must test everything for yourself. Any perceived slights of specific people or organisations is unintentional. 2
  • 3. The Seven Keys To Financial FREEDOM Going from zero to 'financial hero' in the blink of an eye Introduction Before I get started I want to thank you for two things. First, I want to thank you for your money. Money is precious to you. And I want to thank you for sharing some of your precious money with me by buying this book. I am going to make sure that I appreciate what you've done by giving me your money. Second, I want to thank you for your trust. You trusted me to provide you with the information I said I would. And I don't want to let you down. So I really appreciate the trust you have placed in me. Kinda reminds me of a little story I read. There's this guy. And he's hanging off the edge of a cliff by the tips of his fingers. Things are not looking too good. He's starting to slip, so he yells "Is there anybody up there who can help me?". He hears nothing. Again he yells "Is there anybody up there who can help me?". Again nothing. He yells "Is there anybody up there who can help me?" for the third time. This time he is answered by a booming voice which says... "This is God. I can help you. Just let go and trust." A minute goes by and he says "Is there anyone else up there that can help me?" Onward. As a marketing consultant, I am often asked... "What's the quickest way to make a lot of money?" The easy answer to that is... "create your own charity... you'll become a millionaire in record time." But that's not the good answer. Because while creating a charity will enable you to become some kind of Mr Money Bags pretty fast, it's actually a lot of hard work. And besides... you have to beg for money. The best answer to the question is... "Sell what people want." And while this is good advice, it doesn't help YOU figure out what people want. And 3
  • 4. while I can tell you what people want in general, it doesn't help you out specifically. Let me show you what I mean by this. Lets say you decide to satisfy the biggest want that every single person on the planet has... FOOD. You decide to sell food. While you will be selling what people want, it's not specific enough. You have to sell them a certain type of food. And figuring out what type of food people want is a bit more complicated. And it's at this stage... the specifics... that most people get stuck. They bog down and can't get out. The result is they go nowhere. It doesn't have to be this way. No way hose'. In fact, with just the tiniest piece of knowledge you can get yourself out of that damn bog and onto the money super−highway. And it won't require you to get all grubby and dirty either. No siree. You can still wear your nice clean tuxedo while you dig yourself out from that muddy swamp you're stuck in. All it takes is... Well, I'm not going to reveal what it takes here. That's what the rest of the book is for. I will tell you this though... after you have read this book, you'll not only have the tow−rope you need to unbog yourself, you'll also have the secret treasure map to all those hidden riches you've heard about. X marks the spot. And this book shows you were X is. So lets begin. Lets get this show on the road and into the good stuff. Part One − Seven Keys To FREEDOM: So there I was, sitting at a sidewalk cafe. You know the type... small tables for two blocking the footpath, other larger tables filled with yuppie wanna−bees and 'arty' people sipping exotic flavoured coffees. Anyway... I'm sitting there smoking a cigarette, sipping a hot black coffee, reading the paper, listening to the conversations at the other tables and just enjoying being in what I call 'The Human Theatre'. All of a sudden something in the newspaper grabs my eye. I just sit there staring at it, thinking. I didn't think I'd been looking at it for long, but I must have been because it was the heat of the cigarette (which had burnt all the way down) which broke my gaze. My coffee had gone cold too. I pondered what I'd seen in 4
  • 5. the newspaper... which, by the way, had cost me all of seventy cents. I left the trendy little sidewalk cafe and got home as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to jump into action to start what had just been forced into my mind. That small investment of mine, in the newspaper, had been responsible for triggering a chain of events that led me to embark on the most wonderful journey of my life. A journey that took me from what I would now call a modest income, to an income I would then have called outrageous. And to think it all started with something I saw in the newspaper. Incredible. It didn't always start with a newspaper. No. Sometimes it was something I'd seen whilst driving, or something I'd heard, or something else entirely. But each case was the same for me... my mind started ticking over. Slowly at first. But it sped up real quick as it sunk in more. And sometimes there was no build up at all. Sometimes the whole thing slammed into me like a Mack truck. Talk about being knocked off your feet. So what the heck am I talking about? Why I'm talking about ideas. Money making ideas that I applied a few rules to. Or should I say, money making ideas that came about because of the rules. Please let me explain... As you know, this book is going to reveal the seven necessary keys to financial FREEDOM. But not just financial freedom... freedom from work as well. Because it's not good to earn a truck load of money if you never have the time to enjoy it. I mean what's the point in that, right? We're only on this ball of mud we call earth for a short while. You've got to make the most of it while you can. As such, you want to spend as much of the time you have enjoying life, not working your fingers to the bone. And that's what these seven keys will show you. They not only show you how to make money... heck there's a million ways to do that... they also show you how to make money and have time to enjoy that money. Okay, Okay, I hear you. I'll stop rambling on and get into it. It's just that I wanted to prepare you for what you are about to see. I wanted to open your mind to receiving vast amounts of cash before you discovered how to receive those vast amounts. 5
  • 6. So lets get into it. CARPET: It was once said... "The longest journey begins with a single step." This is true in all areas of life. Everything begins with a single step. A first step. But as with walking... before you can take that first step, you have to learn to crawl. What we'll be doing in this section is laying the carpet for you to crawl on. From here well go at rocket speed and you'll be running in no time. So what is this carpet? Ah... this carpet is the most fundamental requirement along the seven key path. Without it, there would be no path. Sounds cryptic or somehow new−age right? Rest assured, it's not. Anyway. This carpet, as with real carpet, is made up of a few different items... layers. They are... *The right you. Can you take action? Do you have the guts and perseverance? Are you suited to running a business? *The right knowledge. Do you know your business and area of expertise? If not, are you able to get it from somewhere? *The right vehicle at the right time. It's not just enough to know something if the timing is all wrong. You've got to be in the right money−making vehicle at the right time. And it's this vehicle which we'll be talking about in this book. Let me explain the importance of the right vehicle at the right time... Years and years ago... well over 15... a friend of mine says "Michael, I'm going to start a lawn−mowing business. I'm going to charge people money to mow their lawns." My mental reaction to this (which I kept to myself) was along the lines of... "Are you crazy? Who would pay to have that done? Everyone has their own lawnmower. They aren't going to spend money hiring you when they've got their own mower and can do it themselves." At the time, this was true. Every Saturday and Sunday you'd hear the familiar sound of 6
  • 7. lawn−mowers all over the neighbourhood. Dogs would be barking. And you knew it was the weekend. My friend never started his lawn−mowing business. I got him a job elsewhere (where he met his future wife). And he went on to bigger and better things. But just a few short years after his comments, hiring people to mow your lawns started to take off. Until it's at the stage it is today. A flooded market. So flooded in fact, that in one local newspaper I counted 27 ads for lawn−mowing. That's too many people competing. Far too many. The point of this is... my friend's ideas was sound. It was just at the wrong time. Onward. What follows on from here is going to be real simple stuff okay? No fancy schmancy hard−to−follow and hard−to−do techniques. Just real basic stuff. Like kindergarten. The reason is two−fold. First, if it was hard to follow and hard to do, you most likely would never do it. And second... if it's too hard and complicated, you might never start it let alone get it finished. So it's just going to be really really simple. Childs−play! THE FIRST KEY: This is really important okay? I mean so important that if you don't have it, you just will not succeed. So what is it? The business you want to be in has got to fit you! It has got to fit you like a glove. You must really enjoy it. Otherwise you will not put any effort into it. And besides, when you enjoy it, it doesn't seem like effort. So the first key is... You've got to do what you love! If you don't do what you love, you won't have what it takes to stick with it. That lack of 7
  • 8. effort will cause you to fail. And fail big time. THE SECOND KEY: This follows directly on from the first key. In fact, they go hand−in−hand. Let me ask you, if I came up to you and said, "Hey, here's a book that can make you money. Wanna buy it?" what would you say? You would walk away from me, or call me some kind of name and then walk away. But what if I said, "Hey, Listen... you've just got to get this book here. It contains a treasure map to a whole heap of undiscovered money. I mean it's just totally awesome. All you do is follow the instructions and you'll be making a stack of cash in no time at all. And the guy who wrote it went through years of trying all sorts of things before he figured this out. He's made all the mistakes so you don't have to. It's so good, that he even backs it up with a money−back guarantee. If you don't make at least $200,000 within two years by following what he says, he'll refund your money, plus pay you an extra $1000 for your trouble. I'll tell you, it's the best thing I've ever read. Would you be interested in having a look at it?" Which approach would work better? The second one of course. And why? Because it has ENTHUSIASM! And when you have enthusiasm it leads to... TRUST! Let me give you an example here. Say it's early in the morning... say 2 am. And there's this knock at the door. You open the door and see some sixteen year old kid standing there. He's wearing baggy ripped pants and a singlet, and he says to you, "Hey dude. I've got this 1999 Range Rover for sale for $1,000. Wanna buy it?" What are you going to do? One thing you definitely will not do is buy the car. Why? Because you probably think it's stolen. And why do you think that? Because you do not TRUST the guy selling it − no matter how good the deal is. When you LOVE what you do you exude ENTHUSIASM. And that ENTHUSIASM leads people to TRUST you. It's a totally natural process and you don't have to fake any of it. 8
  • 9. You can fake it if you want. I'm not saying you can't. But we can all tell when someone is being fake. And if we can't it doesn't really matter because those fake people don't stay around for long. Not long at all. Onward. THE THIRD KEY: In an article I wrote, I examined the factors that motivate us. I looked at wants verses needs, love verses money, having fun, not having fun, and just about everything that could possibly motivate us as humans. When it was all said and done, I had stripped it down to one thing... FEAR! We are totally and solely motivated by fear. Fear of loss, fear of missing out, fear of pain, fear of lack of pleasure. Notice here that I wrote "Fear of lack of..." This is MY term for GAIN. When we want to GAIN something it is because we fear not having it. This fear doesn't have to be the all encompassing fear you might feel if you were being attacked by a pack of rabid dogs. It can be very very mild, almost imperceptible. But not matter how mild, it is still there. This FEAR can be placed into two categories... Fear of getting something, and fear of missing out. We are motivated by a fear of getting something. So we want to avoid it, because it would cause us some kind of pain. So this can be written as "Avoid pain" We are also motivated by the fear of missing out. We would rather have it, because it will give us pleasure. So this can be written as "Gain pleasure" So the two motivating categories are... "Avoid Pain and Gain Pleasure" Which one is more motivating? Well, let me give you these two choices... would you rather go on an all−expenses−paid trip around the world, or would you rather sit for six hours in the dentist chair while he drilled your teeth? If you're like me, and most everyone else on the planet, you'll take the trip around the world. So you would rather gain pleasure andavoid pain. But this isn't a real good example. Let me put it another way... if you have a bad toothache what will you do? You'll go to the dentist to get it fixed. What do you do when 9
  • 10. you get a headache? You take some aspirin or paracetamol to get rid of it. In both cases you don't go out and have fun, or do something enjoyable. You do whatever it takes to avoid the pain. THE FOURTH KEY: Someone once said "Build a better mouse trap and you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams" or something like that. In a sense they were right. But they were also wrong in way also. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. It's the nature of the beast. When you are in business, problems will occur. And it's up to you to solve those problems. NOW is the time to put those problem solving skills to work. Because what you now need to do is look for people in pain. Why? Because people want to avoid pain and will do anything to do it. So if you find a bunch of people in pain, and they see you as their knight in shinning armour, they'll take to you like a duck to water. So what you've got to do is go against our natural instinct, and you've got to go and look for problems. Look for people in pain and solve their problems for them! They don't have to be massively huge problems. Any old problem will do. Let me give you a small example here. I'm in a fish and chip shop the other day talking to the owner about his cooking oil. After a while I discover he was considering buying an oil−filtering machine. If he had it he could recycle his oil and make it last longer. He wouldn't have to keep buying oil all the time then. But he had a problem. The machine was too expensive. So how could you solve his problem? Easy... sell him a much cheaper machine, OR, sell him your services as an oil recycler and cleaner. He had another problem too... the oil he found that worked best was an imported oil. He didn't know where to buy a locally made oil that was the same as the oil he was getting from the importer. Sure it's only a small minor problem... more of a hassle than anything... but what if you solved it for him? What if you became his one and only contact for the locally made oil? Can you see what's happening here? Just in a five minute conversation with this man I came up with two ideas for a business − an oil cleaning service, and a middle man who supplies his oil from a local 10
  • 11. manufacturer. Here's another example... There's a product on the market. It's called "Off The Hook." It's a music CD full of sound effects. The sound effects range from a ball smashing a window to a melt−down at a nuclear reactor. Sounds pretty cool right? Well what problem is it designed to solve? It's designed to help you get off the phone. So if there's this tele−marketer who just won't quit, you play a sound effect that signals you have to leave. Got a friend who just will not shut up? Play a sound effect − like someone at the door, or your window breaking. When you say you've got to go they will understand why. Neat hey? The problem is how to get off the phone. The solutions is a CD full of sound effects which legitimises your excuse. If you have internet access, you can check it out for yourself here: Moving on. Okay, what we're going to do here is a little odd, but extremely productive. We are going to come up with some million dollar ideas. And we're only going to take a minute or two to do it. Alright... what I want you to do is... grab yourself a piece of paper and a pen. Then when I say, stop reading and start writing − but only when I say. What I want you to do is write down a list of every physical object in the room you are in. Every single one. It can be a light fitting, light bulb, carpet, curtains, cushions, table, pen, paper, and so on and so forth. Every object in the room. But I only want you to take two minutes to do it. Are you ready? Okay stop reading and start writing... I'll see you back here in two minutes. GO! AND.... welcome back. I hope you didn't cheat and decided to just keep on reading. If you did, you have done yourself out of the next part that involves your list. Now let me ask you... do you believe that anything on this planet is perfect? There's this saying that goes... "Nothing is perfect" If that's true, it means everything can be improved. Not some things... EVERYTHING. Now look down at your list. 11
  • 12. How many items do you have? 10? 20? 40? Lets say you have twenty items. That's twenty items just in the room you're in. How many different items do you think are in the whole world? A million? two million? Seeing as nothing is prefect, and everything can be improved to remove the pain of the imperfect object, every item can be a million dollar business. And if there are at least two million different items/products in the world, that's two million different businesses you could start and build up to make your fortune. Now look back at your list and ask "How can this be improved?" The answer you get could be your new business. How easy was that? I said it was going to be easy and simple. So basically what we are doing here is IMPROVING ANYTHING! Now... you could sit there and try to come up with ideas for businesses that haven't existed before, but why bother? Seeing as every product can be improved, you just improve one of your liking. And we improve a product instead of coming up with a new one because the product is already being used. People have already bought it. So we know there's a market for the product. If we developed a new product altogether, we might find no−one would buy it. It's safer and easier to sell people what they've proven they will buy. You could find out how may items of a particular product are being sold. The chances are that a new product which is an improved version of something else, will sell just as well if not better. If you get a letter, or see an ad (on TV or in the paper) that's selling some hot selling product, what you do is... you improve the product or service a little bit and start selling it too. Simple. Look, I know this is real simple stuff, but you DO have to start somewhere right? Might as well make it as easy and as risk free as possible. THE FIFTH KEY: It's said that 'A Change Is As Good As A Holiday.' Whoever said that has obviously never been on a holiday. 12
  • 13. I mean lets face it... what could be as much fun as skiing the slopes, living it up in a tropical island paradise, or whatever you do when you go on a holiday? Having said that, I am now going to say 'A Change Is BETTER Than A Holiday.' Please let me explain... Everytime there is a major change in the law, a major change in social interest, or a major change in technology, somebody gets rich! Let me repeat this because it is so very important... EVERYTIME there is a major change in the law, a major change in social interests, or a major change in technology, somebody gets rich! Let me give you an example... Thirty years ago, hardly anybody on the face of the planet had a computer in their home. Now they are everywhere. A few years ago no−one had a CD ROM for their computer. Now they are standard. Computer programs used to come on floppy disks... now they come on CD ROMS. But not only that... a whole stack of other stuff also comes on CD ROMS now. Magazines for example − and they have sight and sound. When CD ROMS were first starting, the smart people who saw it coming were there. And they made a stack of money. What's next in the computer world? Who can really say? DVD? Internet 24 hours a day from your home? Two−way camera phones that work with your computer and the internet? What's next? I cannot say because I do not know. But I will say this... watch out for it. Keep a real close eye on it. And when you see that a change is just beginning to become in demand... JUMP IN! And this doesn't just apply to computer changes... any change can mean big bucks for you. Let me give you an example. When the federal government changed the gun laws in Australia, every gun owner was effected. Suddenly, for them to be allowed to keep their guns, they had to either join a hunting club, a shooting club, or have permission from a land owner to hunt on the land. So, suddenly, hunting and shooting club membership went crazy as people forked over money to join. But they weren't the only ones getting money. Some smart land owners placed small ads. These ads basically said... "Send me $20 and I'll write you a letter of 13
  • 14. consent to say you are allowed to shoot on my property." See that? Land owners were selling letters of consent to hunters who didn't want to pay the hundred dollars a year to join a club. Whether or not you like guns doesn't matter. What matters is what went on. There was a change and people prospered from that change. That's the point I wanted to show you. Remember when I mentioned lawn mowing? Those who jumped in early are now the ones who own the master franchises. They made a killing when the social interest changed. Coffee shops are everywhere now. They never used to be did they? Nope. But now they are. And those who saw it have prospered. Mobile phones? That's another item that never used to be around, and now nearly everyone has one. Okay, sure you might not be able to afford to get into selling mobile phones, or manufacturing mobile phones, but it's an example of how change means many people will get very rich. Are you beginning to see the pattern here? Whenever there's change there's a whole new way to make a stack of cash! Let me give you three more examples of how change has created wealthy men and women... Martial Arts: Before videos (before the change that made video players a regular house−hold item, and video cameras affordable to the general public), the only way to learn a martial art was to go to a martial art school. Since that time, some smart martial arts teachers have placed their classes on video tape. Now more people can learn a martial art, and the teacher makes even more money. This is a booming industry. About this type of industry: You do not have to be an expert to produce and sell a video tape. All you need to do is film an expert. In the case of the martial art teachers... if you approached a teacher of an art that wasn't being sold via video, you could request to film him and sell the tapes yourself − this 'approaching experts' technique applies to all subjects! Microwave Ovens: With the arrival of Microwave ovens came a whole new industry − microwave proof plates and bowls, recipe books, and so on. Some enterprising people even started microwave cooking classes! The teachers were just normal house−wives who actually spent time learning the microwave ovens they'd bought. They then sold their newly acquired skills to others in the form of a class. Anyone could have done it, 14
  • 15. they did. Home Services: Years and years ago, the main income earner was the man of the house. The wife usually stayed home and looked after the house. She did the cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing, and so on. But now both husband and wife work and they don't have the time for the cleaning and ironing and so on. Who does the cleaning? A cleaning service is who. Who mows the lawn? A lawn−mowing service. Who cleans the car? A car cleaner. Who looks after the kids while mum and dad are at work? Day care. Who washes the dog? A dog washer. Which brings me to an opportunity for you... the problem − picking up dog poo. The solution − a dog poo picker upper service. Find one that's already working somewhere and duplicate what they do. Simple. Hint: These already exist in the USA and are just beginning in Australia (see lag time in the next section). THE SIXTH KEY: A long long time ago, someone invented something. In fact, since that invention thousands of years ago, no−one has been able to invent a better version. What am I talking about? I'm talking about the wheel. Yes, the humble wheel. A most simple, useful and long lasting invention. An invention that solved a lot of problems at the time. An invention that help many people avoid pain. And if you could invent a better wheel, then the world would really beat a path to your door. But you know what? Why even try? For thousands of years no−one has been able to invent a better wheel. It's too damn hard, if not impossible. It's easier to use the proven formula of the wheel and keep moving. My point? Don't go around trying to re−invent the wheel. Use what's around you already. It may not be original. But it's a proven formula of what works. And in the case of making money, or starting businesses, take the easy way out and follow what someone else had done. It may not be clever, but it sure does work. There are hot new businesses out there right now that are turning their owners into millionaires. All you have to do is copy what they are doing, and do it somewhere else. You'll be making money hand over fist. And you will have gotten the idea from someone else. You will have opted for the easy path and followed a proven winner. 15
  • 16. Simple. So how do you tell if something is a proven winner? Easy. Expansion. People do not expand things that are not working. If you see a business with more than one outlet, it means they have expanded and what they do works. You then just take the idea from one place and start it in another. There's a good chance that what people in one area like, people in another area will also like. So if you see one business solving a problem, and doing it very successfully, there's no law that says you can't also solve that problem. You may do it differently, better. Or you may go after a slightly different niche market − a niche market being a small subsection of a larger market. And you don't have to worry about competition. Why? Because there is always a lag − the time it takes for an idea or concept to creep and spread throughout the nation. Remember when I mentioned the lawn−mowing businesses earlier? They just didn't suddenly appear all over the country. They took time... years. Lets say they started in Sydney. If you lived in Sydney you would have seen them begin and then start to get popular. So what you'd do is find out if there were any of these in say Brisbane or Melbourne. The chances are there wouldn't be yet. So you pack up your belongings and move to Brisbane or Melbourne and start one up. What people in one area want, people in another area will also most likely want, so your business would take off. The length of time it takes for an idea to spread is lag time. And sometimes that lag time can be many many years. You don't have to wait years to use the idea. You don't have to wait years for the idea to come to your area before you use it. You can take a proven idea from one place and move it to another place and beat everyone else. And if there's an idea in your area that's working, see if you can find a place that doesn't have that idea yet. Then just take the idea over to it. You'll get rich real fast. I mentioned coffee shops before. They are pretty well everywhere in all the major cities, but they might not be everywhere in the smaller country towns − like Armidale or Tammworth. If they aren't there you will have two choices − stay where you are in your major city and remain poor and struggle, or go to Tammworth and get rich. 16
  • 17. THE SEVENTH KEY: You'll notice that a few paragraphs earlier I mentioned the word "niche". If you look the word up in a dictionary it says something like... "A cavity, hollow, or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall." Or "A position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it." In marketing it is "a smallandhighlytargetedgroup of people." And marketing to them is known as 'niche marketing.' Let me give you an example of how this goes... The market is 'dogs'. The smaller market is a particular breed of dog... lets say Poodles. An even smaller market would be 'Poodles who live in the house'. 'Poodles who live in the house' would be a very niche market. And if there was a problem that all owners of 'Poodles that live in the house' had, and you solved it for them, you could be sure they would nearly all buy your product. But this is just an example of a particular type of niche. And there are six different kinds of niche. They are... 1: People. 2: Product. 3: Promotion. 4: Package. 5: Place. 6: Price. To show you how these work. Take this book for example. The title is "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom". And it appeals to all those people who would like financial freedom. I can narrow it down to fit a smaller niche and increase sales within that niche. How? Easy. Just change the title. What if it was called, "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom For Women"? What have I 17
  • 18. just done? I've just changed the niche from general to women. I could change it again to read "Seven Keys To Financial Freedom For Men". Or whatever market I wanted to work in. All I would have to do is change the last word in the name of the title and it would be a more targeted book, aimed at different people. But it doesn't even have to be your own product. You can have a look at a product that is already selling. All you might do is change the packaging, or change the product slightly. You could take a product from one area and sell it in a different place. You could change the way a product is being promoted. If it's being sold via mail−order, it might do well in stores. If it's doing well in a few specialty stores, it may do well via mail. You may find a product that's being sold via mail. So you take that product and sell it via small or large ads. You can change the price of a product. What sells at one price might sell, in a slightly modified form, in a different place at a higher price. Heck, it may even sell at the higher price in the same place. Look at some of the major shopping centres. You'll see K−Mart near David Jones, Grace Bros., or Myers. Similar products, different price range, and both do well. WHERE TO START? You've just read the seven keys, or steps, you'll need to merge together to start along the road to financial freedom. But you must surely be wondering, "Where to start?" The answer is simple. Start back at the beginning, at number one, doing what you love. You are a unique person with unique abilities. You have skills and abilities that no−one else has. You might not be able to write a book like me (I've written 15), or see solutions to marketing problems as fast as me (I've had many many years of hands−on experience to gain these skills), but I guarantee you that you are far more skilled at something than I am. And I guarantee you that you are far more skilled than most people in certain areas − such as the area you love. So, start with what you love. Look for products in that area, and problems. Also, products which are solving those problems. If there's a proven winner, you've found 18
  • 19. what you're looking for. Copy the methodology of how the thing's being sold − even change it slightly, and do the same thing elsewhere. All the while, keep an eye out for any changes that would lead to problems which need to be solved. Let me give you a few more examples of this being done in the past (products and services solving problems)... Problem: Cats scratch at your furniture. Solution: Scratching post. Problem: Wall to wall carpet cannot be taken outside and beaten clean. Solution: Carpet Cleaning Services. Problem: Dropping your car off to get serviced and being without it all day. Solution: Mobile services like Lube Mobile. Problem: Getting into a cold bed at night. Solution: Electric blankets. Problem: Missing telephone calls when you're out. Solution. Answering machine. Now some multi−step Problem/Solution examples... Problem: Fresh food goes off if not eaten quick enough. Solution: Put the food in air−tight jars. Problem: Food in jars gets spoilt by the light and the jars can break. Solution: Put that food in cans. Problem: How to open the can and get at the food. Solution: Can opener. Problem: Can openers leave jagged edges. Solution: Can opener that removes the top and leaves the edge non−jagged. Problem: Hands not strong enough to use can opener. Solution: Electric can opener. Problem: Writing with a quill and ink bottle. Solution: Pen with ink in it. Problem: Ink runs out of the nib. Solution: Ball point pen. Problem: Ball point is always out and in harms way. Solution: Retractable pen. Problem: Having to buy a new retractable pen everytime the ink runs out. Solution: Refills. Now, while all of the above examples show you how products that sell well for years are all products that solve problems, there is something you should know... the example products are out of reach of most people to create and sell. But they do show you the problem−solving/product−creation process involved. The previous examples (in the Fifth Key) showed you how easy it is for YOU to come up with solutions to problems − even if you are not heavily funded. 19
  • 20. WHAT ABOUT FUNDING? It's true that, you need money to make money. You don't need a lot, but some. You cannot possibly make money if you have absolutely no money to start with. But you can take a few bucks, sometimes less than $100, and turn that into $200. Turn that $200 into $400. $400 to $800. $800 to $1,600. $1,600 to $3,200. $3,200 to $6,400. $6,400 to $12,800. $12,800 to $25,600. $25,600 to $56,200. $56,200 to $112,400 and so on and so forth. And all it took was $100 to start. You just kept on doubling your money. But sometimes you need a bit of external funding, say from a bank. I'll just wait a bit while all of you shudder at the thought of approaching a bank. Just calm down. There's a real easy way to bring the bank over to your way of thinking. What you do is... show them what you have discovered about this idea of yours. Let me give you an example of the type of thing I'm talking about here. Lets say, for arguments sake, that coffee shops are not everywhere. Okay... You live in Sydney. You hear that there's this business doing real well down in Melbourne. It's a coffee shop. What you do is, you hop on a flight to Melbourne, or drive to Melbourne, and go and have a look at this coffee shop. Take photos of the shop at various times of the day. Photos that show how busy the shop is. Take a bunch. Go in and buy some coffee. Take note of everything you can − the number of flavours available, what most people order, the layout of the store, the extras they sell, their staff, everything. Even count the number of customers − from either across the road or whatever. Take note of the ads they run to get customers, and any other promotions you find out they have. Get copies of them. What you're doing here is gathering proven evidence that the coffee shop idea is working. And working well. You present all these details to your bank manager, when you ask for some funding, as proof that what you want the money for will work. They say a picture is worth a thousands words. And I'll tell you, your pictures of a busy shop will do more to sway the bank than any words you have. Even give the bank the address of the place so they can check it out themselves. Even offer the bank−manager plane tickets to fly down and check it out for himself. 20
  • 21. You do this, and you're bank manager will understand the extent you went to. They'll see how good the idea really is, and be far more willing to give you the money you want. They'll see how serious you are. Of course you'll also have to present a business plan to the bank... unfortunately that's something they always seem to want. But I'll tell you... give them all the detailed research you've done, including photos, and they won't need a highly detailed business plan. They have seen from your research how serious you really are. IDEAS TO BEGIN WITH: So far you've seen the principles involved. And I'm sure you'd love to save yourself all that easy work of spotting problems and would prefer to have complete ideas handed to you. Well okay. Your wish is my command. But please keep in mind... that what gets presented here is just the tip of the ice−berg, and it may not be the right vehicle for you. Also keep in mind that times change. And for me to keep this list up to date would require constant re−writing of this book. I don't mind re−writing this book. There's one small problem though. While I plan to update this book on a regular basis, it is not a constant weekly or monthly update. I plan to update every three months − this section anyway. So you may in fact be reading a book which could have a new updated version in a week or in three months. To stay fully up to date with all the new opportunities, I recommend buying each update of this book. But I realise that at $47 a hit... or $188 for the year, that could be getting out of your price range. Specially when you consider that each update will only contain an additional three businesses − one new one a month, or whatever. So what I propose is this... subscribe to my monthly update service. Each month you'll receive a floppy disk chock full of details − far more details than I present in this book − of businesses and opportunities that I see as taking off − one business or opportunity an issue. You'll have a ground floor opportunity to get into these businesses if you wish. And you'll be getting these updates up to three months, or more, ahead of those who only buy the book when it updates. Each issue will include addresses of the businesses, ads, letters and promotions they run (wherever possible), and manufacturer and supplier details. Each issue will also contain places where the business could be set up and other niche changes. Basically you will 21
  • 22. receive complete details of how to get into the business. To subscribe to these monthly updates, which lets you get advanced notice of the latest money making businesses and ideas before anyone else, will only require a small investment which I haven't fully decided on yet as you read this pre−release book. To get more info on this, which will come out twelve times a year and could contain the single item you need to turn you into a millionaire, just call 0414−726−271 right now. Onward. So you want some ideas to help you get started? A little push in the right direction? Okay... here are three businesses I've found which are doing great, but have not spread throughout Australia yet. Meaning, if you jump in you could very well become a millionaire. The categories by which these businesses have been selected by me are very strict. 1: They must be PROVEN successes. No point recommending guesses and failures. 2: They must be expanding. Shows they really do work. 3: They must be affected by lag − haven't spread everywhere yet. 4: They must solve a problem. Also, full details are not given here. For full details, including thorough contact details, plans, sample ads and so on, you'll need to subscribe to my update service − full details of businesses listed here can be obtained separately (as a special report... single issue of my update service) for $20 each. And all info will be provided on floppy disk − this makes it easier for you to rework the ads and letters and so on, and allows me to give you more info than may fit onto eight printed pages. Business Number 1: This business is still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this pre−release version of the book. Business Number 2: This business is still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this 22
  • 23. pre−release version of the book. Business Number 3: This business is also still being thoroughly researched and is not yet available in this pre−release version of the book. If you would like to know when these three businesses are ready to be revealed, please give me a call on 0414−726−271 and let me know you're interested. I'll let you know as soon as the info is available. If you'd rather attend a workshop that goes through these steps and presents living examples of these steps in action, as well as a thorough analysis of up to 9 businesses that you can start and make your fortune with right now, then please call me on 0414−726−271 and let me know you're interested. If enough people are interested I'll put on a workshop. 23