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Javascript Frameworks
for Well Architected, Immersive Web Apps

                  Daniel Nelson
          Centresource Interactive Agency
A description of the problem
    and what we are seeking in a solution
An example unpacked
Traditional MVC Web App
Traditional MVC Web App

Traditional MVC Web App


Traditional MVC Web App



Traditional MVC Web App



Traditional MVC Web App




Traditional MVC Web App




Traditional MVC Web App




                      My Web App
Traditional MVC Web App




                       My Web App
Traditional MVC Web App




                       My Web App
Without the Refresh




Without the Refresh




                       My Web App
Without the Refresh




                       My Web App
Without the Refresh




                       My Web App
How do we render the response?

<h1>My Web App</h1>

<div class="blurbs">
  <%= render :partial => "blurb",

             :collection => @blurbs %>        My Web App
<div class="blob">
  <%= render "blob" %>

<h1>My Web App</h1>

<div class="blurbs">
  <%= render :partial => "blurb",

             :collection => @blurbs %>        My Web App
<div class="blob">
  <%= render "blob" %>

json_response = {
  :html => render(:partial => "blurb",
                  :collection => @blurbs),
                                              My Web App
  :other_info => "blah"
Sending HTML in the JSON




                       My Web App
Sending HTML in the JSON




                      My Web App
Is this a good solution?
Degrades gracefully
Easy to test
It works
It works
(up to a point)
A More Accurate Picture

            Model       Browser
                             View Logic
          View Logic

                        My Web App
What happens when the front
 end of the application becomes
as sophisticated as the back end?
What Happened to our MVC?
                             JS Model
                           JS Controller
                            View Logic
         View Logic

                       My Web App
A better way
Two Applications

   Model                               Model

 Controller                           Controller


How do we achieve this?
Rails + Javascript Framework
Rails + Javascript Framework
 • AngularJS

 • Backbone.js

 • Batman

 • ExtJS/ExtDirect

 • Javascript   MVC
 • Knockout.js

 • Spine

 • SproutCore
What are we looking for?
What are we looking for?
in general
• documentation     & community
• testability

• ability   to organize code
• opinionated
What are we looking for?
in general
• documentation     & community
• testability

• ability   to organize code
• opinionated
What are we looking for?
in general                       in particular
• documentation     & community • decouple GUI from
                                  implementation logic
• testability
                                 • persisting   data abstracts XHR
• ability   to organize code
                                 • sensible   routing (for deep
• opinionated                      linking)
                                 • compatible with other tools
                                   (such as jQuery)
Documentation & community
AngularJS comes with testing built in
• Jasmine   & “e2e”
• every    step of the tutorial shows how to test

Fits naturally into the Rails testing ecosystem
• Jasmine   for unit specs
• RSpec    (or Cucumber) + Capybara for integration specs
• easier   in Rails than Angular alone
Organization & Opinionation
  will become apparent as we explore the code
A demo app
               Rails 3.1 + AngularJS
Everything dynamic
 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

before_filter :intercept_html_requests

layout nil


def intercept_html_requests
  render('layouts/dynamic') if request.format == Mime::HTML

def handle_unverified_request
  render "#{Rails.root}/public/500.html", :status => 500, :layout => nil
views / layouts / dynamic.html.erb

<!doctype html>
<html xmlns:ng="">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Angular Rails Demo</title>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tag %>
<body ng:controller="PhotoGalleryCtrl">


  <script src="/assets/angular.min.js" ng:autobind></script>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "application" -%>

/* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */

    {template: '<%= asset_path("photographers.html") %>', controller: PhotographersCtrl});

    {template: '<%= asset_path("galleries.html") %>', controller: GalleriesCtrl});

    {template: '<%= asset_path("photos.html") %>', controller: PhotosCtrl});

$route.otherwise({redirectTo: '/photographers'});

$route.onChange(function() {
  this.params = $route.current.params;
AngularJS controller

/* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */

function GalleriesCtrl(Galleries, Photographers) {
  this.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id });
  this.galleries = Galleries.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id });
Data binding

/* app/assets/templates/photographers.html */

<h1>Galleries of {{}}</h1>

<ul id="galleries">
  <li class="gallery" ng:repeat="gallery in galleries">
    <a href="#/photographers/{{}}/galleries/{{}}/
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
                                                              'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
                                                              'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});
});        <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %>

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
                                                              'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});
});        <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %>

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
                   <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %>
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
                                                              'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});
});        <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %>

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
                   <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %>
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
                   <%= photographers_galleries_photos_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %>
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
                                                              'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */

angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }});
});        <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %>

angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) {
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET',
                   <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %>
isArray: true }});

angular.service('Photos', function($resource) {
                   <%= photographers_galleries_photos_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %>
 return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method:
'GET', isArray: true }});

angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) {
 return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' },
         <%= selected_photos_path(':selected_photo_id') %>    'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
                                                              'update': { method: 'PUT' },
                                                              'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }});
/* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */
function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) {
  var self = this;

  self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id });
  self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index();

    self.selectPhoto = function(photo) {
      var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } });
      selected_photo.$create(function() {

    self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo);
      selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: });

    self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: });
/* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */
function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) {
  var self = this;

  self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id });
  self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index();

    self.selectPhoto = function(photo) {
      var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } });
      selected_photo.$create(function() {

    self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo);
      selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: });

    self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: });
/* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */
function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) {
  var self = this;

  self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id:
this.params.gallery_id });
  self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index();

    self.selectPhoto = function(photo) {
      var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } });
      selected_photo.$create(function() {

    self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo);
      selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: });

    self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
      selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: });
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
Two way data binding

<form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
  <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />

self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) {
   selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: });
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
/* app/assets/templates/photos.html */
<h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1>

<div id="outer_picture_frame">
  <div id="picture_frame">
    <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div id="photos" my:cycle>
      <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)"
ng:repeat="photo in photos">
        <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" />
        <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span>
    <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div>
    <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span>

<div id="selected_frame">
  <div id="selected_photos">
    <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos">
      <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" />
      <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span>
      <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">
        <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" />
/* app/assets/javascripts/widgets.js */

angular.directive("my:cycle", function(expr,el){
   return function(container){
        var scope = this;
        var lastChildID = container.children().last().attr('id');

          var doIt = function() {
              var lastID = container.children().last().attr('id');
              if (lastID != lastChildID) {
                  lastChildID = lastID;
                  $(container).cycle({ fx: 'fade',
                                        speed: 500,
                                        timeout: 3000,
                                        pause: 1,
                                        next: '#next',
                                        prev: '#prev'});

          var defer = this.$service("$defer");
          scope.$onEval( function() {
Thank You


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Javascript Frameworks for Well Architected, Immersive Web Apps

  • 1. Javascript Frameworks for Well Architected, Immersive Web Apps Daniel Nelson Centresource Interactive Agency
  • 2. A description of the problem and what we are seeking in a solution
  • 6. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller
  • 7. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View
  • 8. Traditional MVC Web App Model Server Controller View
  • 9. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View Server
  • 10. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View Server
  • 11. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View Server My Web App HTML
  • 12. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View Server My Web App HTTP
  • 13. Traditional MVC Web App Model Controller View Server My Web App HTML
  • 14. Without the Refresh Model Controller View Server
  • 15. Without the Refresh Model Controller View Server My Web App HTML+JS
  • 16. Without the Refresh Model Controller View Server My Web App XHR
  • 17. Without the Refresh Model Controller View Server My Web App JSON
  • 18. How do we render the response?
  • 19. Partials <h1>My Web App</h1> <div class="blurbs"> <%= render :partial => "blurb", </div> :collection => @blurbs %> My Web App <div class="blob"> <%= render "blob" %> </div>
  • 20. Partials <h1>My Web App</h1> <div class="blurbs"> <%= render :partial => "blurb", </div> :collection => @blurbs %> My Web App <div class="blob"> <%= render "blob" %> </div>
  • 21. Partials json_response = { :html => render(:partial => "blurb", :collection => @blurbs), My Web App :other_info => "blah" }
  • 22. Sending HTML in the JSON Model Controller View Server My Web App XHR
  • 23. Sending HTML in the JSON Model Controller View Server JSON My Web App with HTML
  • 24. Is this a good solution?
  • 28. It works (up to a point)
  • 29. A More Accurate Picture Model Browser Controller View Logic View Logic Server My Web App XHR
  • 30. What happens when the front end of the application becomes as sophisticated as the back end?
  • 31. What Happened to our MVC? Browser JS Model Model JS Controller Controller View Logic View Logic Server My Web App XHR
  • 34. Two Applications Server Browser Model Model JSON REST Controller Controller API JSON View
  • 35. How do we achieve this?
  • 36. Rails + Javascript Framework
  • 37. Rails + Javascript Framework • AngularJS • Backbone.js • Batman • ExtJS/ExtDirect • Javascript MVC • Knockout.js • Spine • SproutCore
  • 38. What are we looking for?
  • 39. What are we looking for? in general • documentation & community • testability • ability to organize code • opinionated
  • 40. What are we looking for? in general • documentation & community • testability • ability to organize code • opinionated
  • 41. What are we looking for? in general in particular • documentation & community • decouple GUI from implementation logic • testability • persisting data abstracts XHR • ability to organize code • sensible routing (for deep • opinionated linking) • compatible with other tools (such as jQuery)
  • 43. Documentation & community
  • 44. Testability AngularJS comes with testing built in • Jasmine & “e2e” • every step of the tutorial shows how to test Fits naturally into the Rails testing ecosystem • Jasmine for unit specs • RSpec (or Cucumber) + Capybara for integration specs • easier in Rails than Angular alone
  • 45. Organization & Opinionation will become apparent as we explore the code
  • 46. A demo app Rails 3.1 + AngularJS
  • 47. Everything dynamic class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :intercept_html_requests layout nil private def intercept_html_requests render('layouts/dynamic') if request.format == Mime::HTML end def handle_unverified_request reset_session render "#{Rails.root}/public/500.html", :status => 500, :layout => nil end
  • 48. views / layouts / dynamic.html.erb <!doctype html> <html xmlns:ng=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Angular Rails Demo</title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %> <%= csrf_meta_tag %> </head> <body ng:controller="PhotoGalleryCtrl"> <ng:view></ng:view> <script src="/assets/angular.min.js" ng:autobind></script> <%= javascript_include_tag "application" -%> </body> </html>
  • 49. Routes /* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */ $route.when('/photographers', {template: '<%= asset_path("photographers.html") %>', controller: PhotographersCtrl}); $route.when('/photographers/:photographer_id/galleries', {template: '<%= asset_path("galleries.html") %>', controller: GalleriesCtrl}); $route.when('/photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {template: '<%= asset_path("photos.html") %>', controller: PhotosCtrl}); $route.otherwise({redirectTo: '/photographers'}); $route.onChange(function() { this.params = $route.current.params; });
  • 50. AngularJS controller /* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */ function GalleriesCtrl(Galleries, Photographers) { this.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); this.galleries = Galleries.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); }
  • 51. Data binding /* app/assets/templates/photographers.html */ <h1>Galleries of {{}}</h1> <ul id="galleries"> <li class="gallery" ng:repeat="gallery in galleries"> <a href="#/photographers/{{}}/galleries/{{}}/ photos">{{gallery.title}}</a> </li> </ul>
  • 52. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 53. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */ */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 54. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */ */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %> angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 55. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */ */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %> angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %> isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 56. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */ */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %> angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %> isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { <%= photographers_galleries_photos_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %> return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 57. Resources /* app/assets/javascripts/services.js.erb */ */ angular.service('Photographers', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); <%= photographers_path(':photographer_id') %> angular.service('Galleries', function($resource) { return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', <%= photographers_galleries_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %> isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('Photos', function($resource) { <%= photographers_galleries_photos_path(':photographer_id', ':gallery_id') %> return $resource('photographers/:photographer_id/galleries/:gallery_id/photos', {}, { 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }}); }); angular.service('SelectedPhotos', function($resource) { return $resource('selected_photos/:selected_photo_id', {}, { 'create': { method: 'POST' }, <%= selected_photos_path(':selected_photo_id') %> 'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }}); });
  • 58. /* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */ function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) { var self = this; self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index(); self.selectPhoto = function(photo) { var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } }); selected_photo.$create(function() { self.selected_photos.push(selected_photo); }); } self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo); selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: }); } self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: }); $('input').blur(); } }
  • 59. /* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */ function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) { var self = this; self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index(); self.selectPhoto = function(photo) { var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } }); selected_photo.$create(function() { self.selected_photos.push(selected_photo); }); } self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo); selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: }); } self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: }); $('input').blur(); } }
  • 60. /* app/assets/javascripts/controllers.js.erb */ function PhotosCtrl(Photos, Galleries, Photographers, SelectedPhotos) { var self = this; self.photographer = Photographers.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id }); = Galleries.get({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); = Photos.index({ photographer_id: this.params.photographer_id, gallery_id: this.params.gallery_id }); self.selected_photos = SelectedPhotos.index(); self.selectPhoto = function(photo) { var selected_photo = new SelectedPhotos({ selected_photo: { photo_id: } }); selected_photo.$create(function() { self.selected_photos.push(selected_photo); }); } self.deleteSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { angular.Array.remove(self.selected_photos, selected_photo); selected_photo.$destroy({ selected_photo_id: }); } self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: }); $('input').blur(); } }
  • 61. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 62. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 63. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 64. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 65. Two way data binding <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> self.saveSelectedPhoto = function(selected_photo) { selected_photo.$update({ selected_photo_id: }); $('input').blur(); }
  • 66. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 67. /* app/assets/templates/photos.html */ <h1>The {{gallery.title}} Gallery of {{}}</h1> <div id="outer_picture_frame"> <div id="picture_frame"> <div id="prev">&lsaquo;</div> <div id="photos" my:cycle> <div class="photo" id="photo_{{}}" ng:click="selectPhoto(photo)" ng:repeat="photo in photos"> <img ng:src="{{photo.image_large_url}}" alt="{{photo.title}}" /> <span class="title">{{photo.title}}</span> </div> </div> <div id="next">&rsaquo;</div> <span class="caption">Click a photo to add it to your collection</span> </div> </div> <div id="selected_frame"> <div id="selected_photos"> <div class="selected_photo" ng:repeat="selected_photo in selected_photos"> <img ng:src="{{selected_photo.image_gallery_url}}" alt="{{selected_photo.title}}" /> <span class="delete" ng:click="deleteSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)">✕</span> <form ng:submit="saveSelectedPhoto(selected_photo)"> <input ng:model="selected_photo.title" /> </form> </div> </div> </div>
  • 68. /* app/assets/javascripts/widgets.js */ angular.directive("my:cycle", function(expr,el){ return function(container){ var scope = this; var lastChildID = container.children().last().attr('id'); var doIt = function() { var lastID = container.children().last().attr('id'); if (lastID != lastChildID) { lastChildID = lastID; $(container).cycle({ fx: 'fade', speed: 500, timeout: 3000, pause: 1, next: '#next', prev: '#prev'}); } } var defer = this.$service("$defer"); scope.$onEval( function() { defer(doIt); }); } });

Editor's Notes

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  4. In a traditional model-view-controller web app, business logic is defined in the Model layer. The Controller responds to incoming requests by talking to the model layer and passing model objects to the View, which renders the objects for presentation in a browser.\n\nThe implementation of such a system is pure MVC. It is very easy to illustrate where the application executes in the client/server relationship: it all executes on the server.\n
  5. In a traditional model-view-controller web app, business logic is defined in the Model layer. The Controller responds to incoming requests by talking to the model layer and passing model objects to the View, which renders the objects for presentation in a browser.\n\nThe implementation of such a system is pure MVC. It is very easy to illustrate where the application executes in the client/server relationship: it all executes on the server.\n
  6. In a traditional model-view-controller web app, business logic is defined in the Model layer. The Controller responds to incoming requests by talking to the model layer and passing model objects to the View, which renders the objects for presentation in a browser.\n\nThe implementation of such a system is pure MVC. It is very easy to illustrate where the application executes in the client/server relationship: it all executes on the server.\n
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