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SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church
33350 Peace Terrace
Fremont, CA 94555

NEWARK, CA 94560


January 2014

Sharing with you news of INSPIRATION, INCARNATION and INTERSECTION on our common journey

the journey


Group Name
Phone Church
5:30 PM Spiritual Habit of giving
Coram Deo
7:30 AM Romans Chapter 3
For information
Being Made Well
After 2nd ser Weekly Message
Revelation (Adult)
3:00 PM The Congregation as Evangelist
10:00 AM 2 Peter
2nd Tuesday
Young Families
6:00 PM
3 G's
7:00 PM Finding God when you need Him most
7:00 PM The Prayer of the Lord
Spiritual Lifters
7:00 PM Book of Revelation
2nd & 4th Thursday Young Adults
7:00 PM Book of Acts
Fremont Bible Study
10:30 AM Moses & the Burning Bush (DVD)
7:00 PM Moses & the Burning Bush
3rd Thursday
WMW/Mary Ruth
10:00 AM Living the Heart of God

A World of Thanks >>>>>>>

in this issue >>>
Worship Schedule

pg 2

A Word from Pastor Anne

pg 3

A Word from Pastor Sun Hee

pg 4

United Methodist Women

pg 5

Spiritual Encouragement

pg 5

Youth Update

pg 6

Agape Christmas Party

pg 7


UMCOR Philippines relief total collected: $4455.00

pg 8

Hearty Harvest: Team Turkey delivers 27 Hearty Harvest Thanksgiving meals
to Compassion Network for families in the community to share. Thanks to all
for your kind and generous donations!

Ministry and Service Opportunities pg 9
Small Group Schedule

News and Events

pg 10


SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church
33350 Peace Terrace
Fremont, CA 94555
T: 510.429.3990

Tree of Hope: What a joy it was to see all the gifts wrapped up and placed
around our church Christmas Tree! Thanks to everyone who
participated in CityServe’s Compassion Network Tree of Hope
this Christmas season. A total of 60 stars were picked up to
fulfill the wish lists of children in our community. In addition to
the stars, we collected over $200 in donations that we used to
purchase restaurant/movie gift cards to surprise the families
with a special Christmas treat!
What a wonderful gift of God’s Love!
Mark Bautista

Worship at SAINT PAUL is filled with moments of
INSPIRATION… touching hearts and changing lives.
Come join us each Sunday for worship at 9 am & 10:30 am.

This Month at SAINT PAUL
There’s always plenty going on at SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church. Check out the
latest here, or for more detailed information on any of the programs listed on our calendar
visit our website at:

January 2014

January Preaching
January 5
January 12
January 19
January 26

Christmas Institute testimonies
Vision Casting/2014 theme of Evangelism
Evangelism Series

Our Staff
Rev. Anne Lau Choy
Senior Pastor
Rev. Sun Hee Kim
Pastor of Ministry & Leadership
Nina Bautista
Director of Children’s Ministries
Carmen Quiwa
Director of Precious Time Preschool
Peny Capistrano
Director of Agape Choir
Patty Pujol

Building Update >>>>>>>>>>>>>>



God bless you for your partnership in the work of God’s kingdom.


7:30 am
Adult Class (mc)




7:30 am
Adult Class (mc)
9 am
Youth Bible Study

9:30 am
Witness Ministry

7 pm
Life Group

7 pm
Agape Choir



10 am
Bible Study (hallway)
7 pm

9 am
Youth Bible Study
9 & 10:30 am
Worship/Sunday School
Being made well walkers
After 2nd service

7 pm
Youth Leaders

3-6 pm
Triumphant Church

9:30 am
Seniors on the Go


7 pm
Youth Group
7 pm
Life Group

7 pm
Agape Choir

7 pm
Life Group

January 20th
Martin Luther
King Jr.’s





10 am
Bible Study (hallway)


7 pm
Life Group

7 pm
Youth Leaders



7 pm
Youth Group


5-7 pm
Church Cleaned

10 am
Bible Study (hallway)

7 pm
Life Group

7 pm
Life Group

Agape Choir


7 am
Prayer meeting

4-7 pm
Abode Dinner Served
5-7 pm
Church Cleaned

3-6 pm
Triumphant Church

7:30 am
Adult Class (mc)
9 am
Youth Bible Study

10 am
Mary Ruth

8 am

7 pm
Life Group

5-7 pm
Church Cleaned

6 pm
Young Families Small

3-6 pm
Triumphant Church
7:30 am
Adult Class (mc)



7 am
Prayer meeting

7 pm
Youth Group

7 pm
Agape Choir

7 pm
Youth Leaders

Open Circle Young Adults
meet @ Los Altos 5 pm


5-7 pm
Church Cleaned

Stephen Ministries @ noon



New Year’s Day

7 pm
Life Group



5-7 pm
Church Cleaned

7 pm

9 & 10:30 am
Worship/Sunday School

9 & 10:30 am
Worship/Sunday School
UMW Local Meeting after 2nd
Outreach Sings @ Aegis
2:15 pm & Carlton Plaza
3:20 pm




10 am
Bible Study (hallway)

3-6 pm
Triumphant Church


Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr.
Bishop of the California-Nevada
Annual Conference


Being made well walkers
After 2nd service

Figures will change at time of print

Rev. Kristie Olah
District Superintendent


We have various small groups that
meet in church members’ homes and at SAINT
PAUL during the week. If you would like to join a
small group, contact the church at 510-429-3990

9 & 10:30 am
Worship/Sunday School

We are continuing in the process to get our building permits from the City
of Fremont. Unfortunately we are required to have a full soils test. This was
not clarified until November. This report is estimated to take about 5 weeks.
We are waiting on this to confirm our construction cost.
Please join our Prayer team in prayer for our building project. Our estimate
is to break ground in February 2014. We know this is also a spiritual battle
so please pray for protection and God’s presence for all our consultants and
people we are working with in the City of Fremont that God may be glorified.
While all this happens we continue to add to our Building Funds. As of
December 22nd, we have collected $330,535.85 in our building fund.


7 pm
Youth Group
7 pm
Youth Leaders

Agape Choir

7 pm
Life Group
A Word from Pastor Anne

Precious Time Christian Preschool
SAINT PAUL is thankful to Deaconess Carmen Quiwa for
her many years of service as the founding director of Precious Time Christian Preschool. She built the ministry to
capacity with a strong positive reputation in the community for loving quality care for children. Teacher Carmen
Quiwa resigned as of November 8th. We wish her and her
family well as they continue to love and serve our Lord.
Pastor Anne and the Preschool Board stepped in to work
with the Preschool staff to make this time of transition as
smooth as possible. Interviews were conducted of several
qualified candidates.
Please join us in welcoming our new Director, Wanda Sawicka, who began
December 4th. She comes
with many years of experience working with children, leading preschools
and training directors. She
joins our staff of Rosalie
Cruz, Cheryl Crisostomo, Nena Florendo and Penny
We are deeply thankful for our staff and especially Rosalie Cruz who stepped in as interim director during the
transition time. They provided ongoing loving care and
service that our Precious Time Christian Preschool children and families are used to.
We look forward to working with Teacher Wanda and
what God will do through Precious Time Christian Preschool! Please welcome her to our faith community.

Transformed and Stepping Out!

Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday
Kingdom Kidz will hold soup pots at our church doors on
Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 2, 2014. This is the
same day as the Super Bowl. They will join young people in
churches across the country to collect money for those who
are hungry and hurting. In 2013, $7.47 million was collected
by Souper Bowl of Caring participants for local charities. All
of the money collected will be donated to the Centerville
Free Dining Room in Fremont, CA. None of the money is
sent to the Souper Bowl of Caring headquarters. Organizers
only ask that each participant report their collection so national totals can be determined and announced. Since the
Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990, more than $98 million
has gone to help people in need. Please support the children
of our church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by dropping your dollar (or more) in the soup pot on February 2.

Welcome ……

Natalie Lanette Reyes
Born to Adrian and Judy Reyes
Grand daughter of Tey Reyes

In Memory of…………….

Eddie Quizon
November 23, 2013

Our 2013 theme was Live IT
(Intentional Transformation)! I want to
share some of our achievements in
carrying out God’s mission.
1) We went from 14 small groups to 19
short term or weekly groups.
2) Our involvement in Mission
Outreach increased from 9 to 13 one
time or ongoing mission projects.
3) A sign of a community growing in
faith is sending workers into the field.
We sent two young adults to
Exploration 2013 in Denver to consider
ordained or full time ministry. You will
see their reflections on page 8.
4) We have already mentioned that
SAINT PAUL was selected as one of our
Annual Conference’s vital
congregations to participate in
Readiness 360 for coaching and
training towards greater church
vitality. This comes at a great time as
we prepare for growth in our
Preschool, Kingdom Kidz and Sunday
School with our pending building
This was an exciting year! Our focus
was on tangible steps to go deeper
with God. Take time as we enter this
new calendar year to
 reflect on this past year,
 how was your spiritual life and
how have you grown in Christ? and
 what next steps God is nudging
you to in this year to come?
Our 2014 theme is Evangelism. What
are we to do with all that growth in
spirit? Share it!
I attended a seminar in October and
they asked us to think about the
personality of our churches. Who are
we? Who are our neighbors or who do
we serve? What are we called to do or

As I reflected on SAINT PAUL’s history,
we have been people who welcome
people different from us. That
happened when our church (begun in
1964) purchased land in 1984 next to
the Islamic Society of the East Bay
(ISEB) with a plan to share parking and
landscaping. In 1990, Tri-City Christian
Fellowship joined SAINT PAUL after
trying to start a new Filipino
congregation. They transferred the
responsibility of ministering to
Filipinos in the area to the church.
Since then our Euro-American
congregation has slowly become a
majority Filipino. And we have
welcomed people from India, Ghana
and mixed race families to name a
few. I believe that reflects part of the
beauty of God’s character and love.
As I listen to us, what stirs our hearts
are our neighbors, family and friends
who do not know the joy of Christ
whether they are recently distant
from the Lord or have never known
Him. Our prayer requests are full of
people who we know of that live on
the fringe or away from God’s
Finally, God is calling us to become a
community that values multi-ethnic,
multi-cultural and multi-generational
church life together.
We must take our growing life with
God out beyond our walls to welcome
and serve people different from us
who have left the church or have
never heard of him. Let’s explore ways
together to go out and share Jesus’
life with others! I am excited for what
God will do in us this year. I hope you
are too!

How did you Live It (Intentional
Transformation) in 2013?
Take time as we enter this new
calendar year to
 reflect on this past year,
 how was your spiritual life and
how have you grown in
Christ? and
 what next steps God is nudging you to in this year to
Our 2014 theme is Evangelism.
What are we to do with all that
growth in spirit? Share it!
We must take our growing life
with God out beyond our walls to
welcome and serve people different from us who have left the
church or have never heard of
him. Let’s explore ways together
to go out and share Jesus’ life with
others! I am excited for what God
will do in us this year. I hope you
are too!

December 1, 2013
A Word from Pastor Sun Hee


The Harvest if Plentiful
“After this the Lord appointed seventytwo* others and sent them two by
two ahead of him to every town and place
where he was about to go. He told
them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers
into his harvest field…” Luke 10:1-2 (New
International Version)
We have all heard much about the
“twelve” disciples of Jesus. The Gospel
narratives are just filled with stories
about them as they journeyed with the
Savior for three and a half years. But
what do we know about these “seventytwo” that Luke says were sent out ahead
of Jesus to every town and place? Well,
actually not much. Though we know very
little about who exactly they are and
where they come from, we do know that
they were used to prepare the way for
Jesus so that Jesus could work in the
hearts of people. This is theologically and
practically significant. Jesus didn’t send
out just the core twelve disciples. He
sent out a much larger group. And it
reminds us that God uses not just select
leaders and pastors but ALL Christians to
tell the story of Jesus. This is the heart of
what we call evangelism… each and every
one of us, “We Have a Story to Tell”.
As SAINT PAUL enters into the New Year,
there will be many things happening as
usual and all of it will be great. But what I
am most excited and energized by is our
New Year focus on evangelism. For me,
all of what we are doing and engaging in
as a church is ultimately for this one
mission: “To make disciples of Jesus
Christ for the transformation of the
world.” Although this has implications for
many different things, such as reaching
out and sending out, being intentional
about invitation and discipleship, I am
most excited about how our being the
“seventy-two” will translate into the
stories that we share about Jesus. While
it’s trues that it is ultimately the job of
the Holy Spirit to work in people’s hearts
to lead people to conversion and
transformation, I am struck by Jesus’
proclamation that “the harvest is
4 plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

Often times, we fall into the trapping of
thinking that the hearts of the people that
we are trying to reach are not ready. But
in Jesus’ words, the implication is that we
just need to send people out. And I
realize that there is a reason why we
don’t know much about the seventy-two
that Jesus sent out in Luke chapter 10.
There’s a reason why no names are given
and individuals are not identified one by
one. The unnamed, unidentified
individuals represent ordinary Christians
like you and me! All Christians – everyone
who follows Jesus – are called to go out
and tell the story of Jesus.
I understand that for many people
evangelism may seem like a daunting
task. Often people just don’t know how
to evangelize. They don’t know when and
where to start or even what to say.
Certainly, there are a lot of challenges
that we face when we think about
evangelism. One in particular is the
reality that the world that God loves has
changed drastically over the years. Rev.
David Olson points out that 83% of people
in America do not go to church, which
means that most of the people don’t
know the story of Jesus (or more often
than not, they have received a distorted
version of the story through media or anti
-religious sources). So clearly, we need to
be very intentional about how we
evangelize. We need to be equipped in
proper fashion of “how” to share the
story. And though it might not
necessarily be an easy journey and we
may often feel like “lambs surrounded by
wolves”, I believe that with the right
equipping we will be able to bear fruit in
this effort. I want to offer an encouraging
reminder that you and I were the
beneficiaries of someone else’s effort to
share the story. It was through someone
else that we came to Christ. God is calling
you to be that person to someone else
and be a big and significant part in
expanding the Kingdom of God! Isn’t that
In January, we will be kicking off this
effort with a new sermon series that will
equip you with the how, when, where,
and what to say as we send you out as the

Alameda County Food Bank serves 49,000 people every week, two-thirds of whom are children
and seniors. Your donations of non-perishable food items are vital to addressing the needs of our
neighbors. NO Glass Containers.
“seventy-two”. Pastor Anne and I
certainly share this passion together
and we are excited about the
opportunity to teach and guide you all
as your pastors. Rev. John Teter, an
amazing pastor and Evangelism Team
Leader for the Evangelical Covenant
Church, often says, “Every pastor guides
the mission and every Christian tells the
story.” I pray that you would eagerly
join us in this journey together in 2014!
For now, would just simply pray and
begin to ask the Lord of the harvest to
send out the laborers into the field?
Would you pray that God would
prepare you and equip you to be a
significant part of the “seventy-two”?
And would you invite God to fill you
with a hunger for God’s Word,
especially the Jesus stories, so that His
story can become your story for the
transformation of the world? I know
that the stories that touch you deeply

will be the stories that God uses
through you to touch others deeply
as well. By the end of 2014, I am
sure that we will all be very different
from where we are now. And for
that, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.
* Some Bible versions translated
“seventy” instead of seventy two.
Footnotes of several translations
indicate that the Greek manuscripts are
divided between 70 and 72 as the
number sent out and there is no way to
be sure of which one is the original. Both
represent the number of nations in the
world in Genesis 10, with the Hebrew
text having 70 names while the Greek
text has 72. – (I love learning these
details as well and hope to be able to
share if anyone has any questions. My
prayer is that you will find the joy of
going deeper with the Word and learn
more each and every day.)

Going Deeper...
Come Join the Prayer Group
Meets every other week in the
Sanctuary. In January, we will meet
on Saturday the 11th & 25th.
8 minute exercise after Prayer
led by Mae Wicks.
For more info, contact Lolita Flores
at 510.303.6047 or Rose Agana at

Confirmation is a time to study and consider making a personal commitment to
follow Jesus. Especially if you were baptized as an infant, this is an opportunity
to reflect on the decision your parents and guardians made on your behalf.
You should be in the 6th grand or older. All ages are welcome to join the class. It
will include weekly classes, retreat with the Bishop and other activities.
Sign up with Pastor Anne.

Thanks to our United Methodist Men
for ongoing repairs around the church
(projector), more bibles and decorating the church for Christmas with a
beautiful tree, lights and star!

OpenCircle Young Adult Worship
Meets at 5 pm on the 1st Saturday
of each month in Creekside Center
at Los Altos United Methodist
Church. See Pastor Sun Hee for
more information…..

Compassion Network business cards available
at the Hall counter to pass out to people in
need. Help yourself! Thanks to Christine
Beitsch for giving witness to our work together
through them………..
2014 Calendar for Flowers and Refreshments!
Be the first to reserve your special date to
share with SAINT PAUL!

Seniors on the Go!
meet for their monthly breakfast
meeting this month at 9:00 am
Saturday, January 11th!
Contact Clara Hu for more info
All are Welcome!

For more news and updates:
and be sure to like us on Facebook
St. Paul United Methodist Church of Fremont

REFLECTIONS >>>>>>>>>>>

U N I T E D M E T H O D I ST WO M E N >>>

By Jonathan Bautista
EXPLORATION 2013 is a three-day
event for young adults age 18-26 to
hear, discern, and respond to God’s
call to ordained ministry and to explore their gifts for service as a deacon or elder in The United Methodist
"If God calls you to do something,
you will be miserable until you answer it." - Pastor Jorge Acevedo
I was approached by Pastor Anne to
consider attending a conference in
Denver with my cousin and fellow
Youth and Worship leader, Michelle
Bautista, aimed at "young people"
who have been identified as having a
calling towards ordained ministry.
"Me? A Pastor, huh? I guess I could
see what they have to say." I honestly didn’t give it much thought, nor
did I do much preparation as I was
busy with my responsibilities at
work, St. Paul Youth Group and leading worship on Sunday mornings. But
as we got off the plane and made our
way to the event, Michelle and I finally starting asking honest questions
about what we were in for. "What IS
God calling me to do?" "What does it
take to become an ordained pastor?"
"How will I really know? And more
importantly, how can I be sure?"
"Have I been paying close enough
attention to God's calling?"
Our first night began with an amazing
worship service, with a message delivered by Pastor Jorge, focusing on
how to ignore the worldly influences
and distractions that can interfere
with discerning God's calling. Rev. Dr.
Beth LaRocca-Pitts shared the struggles she experienced as a woman
seeking ordination and the contro-


versial issues surrounding the acceptance of non-heterosexual
Christians ("Reconciling" congregations) in the UMC. Bishop Cynthia
Fierro Harvey shared the story of
Samuel and his struggle to recognize God's calling, but instead having Eli discern and guide him on
how to respond. Bishop Harvey's
attendees to reflect on how others
(e.g. pastors, youth leaders, family) have helped us to recognize
God's calling in our own lives, and
to not accept the status quo but to
continue evolving and focus on
"saving souls rather than saving
the church". In the closing message, Rev. Eric Huffman challenged
those who are called to ordained
worship to remain humble
“sheep” and not think of themselves as “shepherds”, as Jesus is
the only shepherd with the authority to lead us to salvation. Over the
course of the weekend, hearing
these messages helped Michelle
and I to reflect on the experiences
we've had as leaders in the church
and further discern how God has
been calling us to serve.
Other conference activities included workshops, which enabled the
attendees to explore more specific
topics regarding discernment.
I was lucky enough to attend workshops focusing on "How does God
let you know?" (discerning God's
calling), "Being a Young Adult in
Ministry" (young adult pastors
share about the issues that arise
from being 'young'), "Discerning a
call to Youth Ministry" (exploring


Mary Ruth Circle
Will meet at church on Thursday, January 16th at 10: am
SAINT PAUL United Methodist Women
will meet January 26, 2014 following 2nd service.
These notes are the last thing we are committed to do.
We completed our service as contact person for the Church Newsletter.
For response to this article please contact Patty, church secretary.
Billie Thoresen and Lydia Caranto

SPIRITUAL ENCOURAGEMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Margaret L. Dickerson
the call to minister to Youth). We were
also invited to meet with small groups
lead by seminary students to grow in
fellowship and further discuss the
questions that arose during our time
together. Open discussions took place
after-hours to express concerns and
hopes regarding the topics of sexual
identity and people of color in the
Throughout the weekend, we were
challenged to re-examine the paths we
had walked, the evidence of God's
work and influence in our lives and
pray for clarity regarding God's plans
for us. We were not pressured to
"make a decision", but rather encouraged to listen to speakers' “call stories”, learn more about the steps towards ordination, and return home
with new perspective on our where we
are being lead. Although I do not feel I
am being called to pursue a career as a
pastor, I feel that God's plans for me
have become much more clear, and I
am grateful for the opportunity to
grow, learn and explore the path that I
am on.

Romans 8:28
New International Version (NIV)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[1]have been called according to his purpose.
1 Corinthians 2:9
New International Version (NIV)
9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him”

Let us lift our spirits with love and happiness for a new year. Let us keep our joy and stay in praise of God. We are
blessed with God's grace and mercy for we have been kept by His mighty hand - I became a servant of this gospel
by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power [Ephesians 3:7]. God loves us. Give praise for
He will lead us with His loving care. When the way seems dark, joy can come in the morning. I will lift up mine eyes
unto the hills, from whence cometh my help [Psalm 121:1].
Keep in fellowship with coworkers, family and friends. Make a new years resolution to live for God and be healed
[Exodus 15:26]. Encourage one another thru faith [Romans 1:12].
Prayer for the Coming Year
Oh Thou, who art ever the same, Grant us so to pass through the coming year with faithful hearts, that we may be
able in all things to please Thy loving eyes. Amen. ~Edgar A. Guest

SPY Update from Lance Choy
Youth Group Meets every Friday at 7 pm

St. Paul Youth Happenings!
Seems like life is rocketing by and people, youth and youth leaders alike, are busier and more stressed out than ever. Fall
has been filled with band, school and sports activities. Students are stressed about college tests and applications. Christmas
means more family and school activities to prepare for. . . I don’t remember being so stressed out when I was in high school,
but I know with all the “Christmas” tasks of getting a tree, decorating the house, buying gifts, getting ready for the parties. . .
its busy. Oddly enough, taking time to spend with God and taking time to see how God shows up or calls us can get
squeezed out of our schedule. It takes a special effort to focus on Christ during the Christmas season. . .
What has been going on since the last newsletter? We had a great potluck dinner on 11/22. We had a focus on being thankful and had folks go around the table talking about the things that we’re thankful for. It’s always good to think about the
things that we’re thankful for. 12/6 we have an evening of music and testimonies about how God called us to do more than
we expected. God called Mary, a young teenager, to take on the most important mission in the world, what might God be
calling each youth to do with their lives! 12/13, in the midst of all the busy distractions we had a spiritual activity to encourage youth to reflect on the past year. 12/15 was youth Sunday, 12/21 was youth Simbang Gabi, 12/22 was the cookie project for Abode and December 26th many of our youth went off to Christmas institute. I’m waiting excitedly to see how God
will work through that experience.
Just to let folks know, we have a green light to do a mission trip with the Sierra Service Project. We’re going to Smith River,
California to do building and painting projects for the community ( It’s
not too late to sign up to go on this mission trip. We’re going the week of August 3-9. Contact me at
or 510-299-6171 if you want more information.

T H E 2 0 1 3 AG A P E C H O I R C H R I S T M A S PA RT Y >>>

By Rose Agana

Once again, golden memories are here to stay and linger forever ! Among the Agape Choir members, Christmas isn't
complete without a Christmas Fellowship Party being held annually in a chosen venue. I can hardly believe that this
year is already our eighth party held on Saturday ,the 7th of December in the warm , welcoming home of Yasser and
Luna Abouelkhir in Newark. Blessed by two vibrant children, love can be felt in every corner of this home. Mariam's
bright smiles and Omar's tight hugs for everybody made the place warmer amid the freezing cold weather.
We're grateful and happy that through friendly invitations, new faces and new talents have been added to our list
lately. Among them ...Tom Quiocho and his brother-in-law Rolly Mazo, Rommel Perez, Rudy Meneses, Susan Mojica,
Ed Ines and Mario Ramos. The more we grow in numbers, the merrier and closer we become as ministers of song for
God's Glory !
Through the years, the group has managed to maintain a good balance of food, fun and fellowship in all of its parties .
Thanks for the strong and able leadership of our Choir Director, Peny Capistrano assisted by loving husband, Marcelo.
Food personally and thoughtfully prepared and catered by Eric Bumanglag, (Melanie Capistrano's husband) was excellent. Eric may not know it but I admit that I'm one of his greatest food fans! Categorized under healthy food, here
is Eric's Hawaiian menu: Huli-Huli Chicken, Grilled Salmon, Beef Wellington, Green Beans and super delicious dipping
sauce plus unlimited servings of fresh strawberries, grapes and blueberries and cassava cake.
Our birthday celebrators for December Gee and Chris Nitafan , Naty Ancheta , Mae Wicks and Lance Choy had their
share of a surprise mango cake brought by Peny with joyful greetings from everybody.
An active game of "Message Relay" to test someone's hearing alertness was led by Mae Wicks. Vi Bautista's classic
favorite "Left, Right Game" followed where almost everybody got a gift at the close of the game. (But sorry, I got
Highlighting the night's fellowship is the time for Exchange Gifts- White Elephant Style! This is the time when stealing
becomes "legal” and you end up with a present you either treasure or you don't. But because of the message of
Christmas, you have to learn to be grateful and accept whatever you receive and be happy with it.
Without the Karaoke Singing Competition, the party is not over. The Contenders: Men Vs. Ladies and the Winners
are: The Singing and Dancing Ladies of SAIN PAUL UMC with a perfect score of 100 % ! Last year, at Louie and Nunn
Bautista's home, these same guys were the proud winners. Elizer Serrano told me at church the following day that if
he were present, the men would have easily won!
Hosting a party isn't easy but because of love, anybody can do it with success. Looking back, we're grateful to Marcelo and Peny who have hosted it in 2006,2008 and 2009; Ernie and Laura did it graciously in 2010 and 2011; Louie
and Nunn in 2012; Yasser and Luna coordinated it with Marriot’s in Fremont in 2007. And can you believe that as
early as December 7, 2013, one of our newest choir members, Rudy Meneses with his generous wife Reyna
have gladly accepted the challenge of hosting our next Christmas Party for 2014! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
A Blessed and Prosperous New year To All!!!



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January 2014 Newsletter

  • 1. SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church 33350 Peace Terrace Fremont, CA 94555 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 60 NEWARK, CA 94560 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 1 January 2014 Sharing with you news of INSPIRATION, INCARNATION and INTERSECTION on our common journey the journey OUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES Days Group Name Time Topic Phone Church Saturday 5:30 PM Spiritual Habit of giving 510-429-3990 Sunday Coram Deo 7:30 AM Romans Chapter 3 For information Sunday Being Made Well After 2nd ser Weekly Message Sunday Revelation (Adult) 3:00 PM The Congregation as Evangelist Tuesday TBS 10:00 AM 2 Peter 2nd Tuesday Young Families 6:00 PM Tuesday 3 G's 7:00 PM Finding God when you need Him most Wednesday NOW 7:00 PM The Prayer of the Lord Wednesday Spiritual Lifters 7:00 PM Book of Revelation 2nd & 4th Thursday Young Adults 7:00 PM Book of Acts Friday Fremont Bible Study 10:30 AM Moses & the Burning Bush (DVD) Friday TGIF 7:00 PM Moses & the Burning Bush 3rd Thursday WMW/Mary Ruth 10:00 AM Living the Heart of God A World of Thanks >>>>>>> in this issue >>> Worship Schedule pg 2 A Word from Pastor Anne pg 3 A Word from Pastor Sun Hee pg 4 United Methodist Women pg 5 Spiritual Encouragement pg 5 Youth Update pg 6 Agape Christmas Party pg 7 Reflections UMCOR Philippines relief total collected: $4455.00 pg 8 Hearty Harvest: Team Turkey delivers 27 Hearty Harvest Thanksgiving meals to Compassion Network for families in the community to share. Thanks to all for your kind and generous donations! Ministry and Service Opportunities pg 9 Small Group Schedule 12/27/2013 News and Events pg 10 Calendar SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church 33350 Peace Terrace Fremont, CA 94555 T: 510.429.3990 Tree of Hope: What a joy it was to see all the gifts wrapped up and placed around our church Christmas Tree! Thanks to everyone who participated in CityServe’s Compassion Network Tree of Hope this Christmas season. A total of 60 stars were picked up to fulfill the wish lists of children in our community. In addition to the stars, we collected over $200 in donations that we used to purchase restaurant/movie gift cards to surprise the families with a special Christmas treat! What a wonderful gift of God’s Love! Mark Bautista
  • 2. CO MI NG UP I N W O RS HI P I N J A NU A RY >> > Worship at SAINT PAUL is filled with moments of INSPIRATION… touching hearts and changing lives. Come join us each Sunday for worship at 9 am & 10:30 am. This Month at SAINT PAUL There’s always plenty going on at SAINT PAUL United Methodist Church. Check out the latest here, or for more detailed information on any of the programs listed on our calendar visit our website at: January 2014 January Preaching January 5 January 12 January 19 January 26 Epiphany Christmas Institute testimonies Vision Casting/2014 theme of Evangelism Evangelism Series Our Staff Rev. Anne Lau Choy Senior Pastor Rev. Sun Hee Kim Pastor of Ministry & Leadership Development Nina Bautista Director of Children’s Ministries Carmen Quiwa Director of Precious Time Preschool Peny Capistrano Director of Agape Choir Patty Pujol Secretary Building Update >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday Monday God bless you for your partnership in the work of God’s kingdom. 5 7:30 am Adult Class (mc) 7 6 14 7:30 am Adult Class (mc) 9 am Youth Bible Study 9:30 am Witness Ministry 7 pm Life Group (mc) 7 pm Agape Choir 8 9 14 10 am Bible Study (hallway) 7 pm Finance 9 am Youth Bible Study 9 & 10:30 am Worship/Sunday School Being made well walkers After 2nd service 7 pm Youth Leaders 3-6 pm Triumphant Church 9:30 am Seniors on the Go 17 18 7 pm Youth Group 7 pm Life Group (mc) 7 pm Agape Choir 7 pm Life Group January 20th Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday Observance 21 27 22 23 10 am Bible Study (hallway) 24 7 pm Life Group 7 pm Youth Leaders 29 28 7 pm Youth Group 31 5-7 pm Church Cleaned 10 am Bible Study (hallway) 7 pm Life Group 7 pm Life Group (mc) 7pm Agape Choir 30 25 7 am Prayer meeting 4-7 pm Abode Dinner Served 5-7 pm Church Cleaned 3-6 pm Triumphant Church 7:30 am Adult Class (mc) 9 am Youth Bible Study 10 am Mary Ruth 8 am UMM 7 pm Life Group (mc) 5-7 pm Church Cleaned 6 pm Young Families Small Group 3-6 pm Triumphant Church 7:30 am Adult Class (mc) 16 15 7 am Prayer meeting 7 pm Youth Group 7 pm Agape Choir 7 pm Youth Leaders Open Circle Young Adults meet @ Los Altos 5 pm 11 10 5-7 pm Church Cleaned Stephen Ministries @ noon 19 4 New Year’s Day 7 pm Life Group 13 Saturday 5-7 pm Church Cleaned 7 pm Trustees 9 & 10:30 am Worship/Sunday School 9 & 10:30 am Worship/Sunday School UMW Local Meeting after 2nd service Outreach Sings @ Aegis 2:15 pm & Carlton Plaza 3:20 pm 2 Friday 3 2 10 am Bible Study (hallway) 3-6 pm Triumphant Church 26 Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr. Bishop of the California-Nevada Annual Conference Thursday Being made well walkers After 2nd service Figures will change at time of print Rev. Kristie Olah District Superintendent Wednesday 1 We have various small groups that meet in church members’ homes and at SAINT PAUL during the week. If you would like to join a small group, contact the church at 510-429-3990 9 & 10:30 am Worship/Sunday School We are continuing in the process to get our building permits from the City of Fremont. Unfortunately we are required to have a full soils test. This was not clarified until November. This report is estimated to take about 5 weeks. We are waiting on this to confirm our construction cost. Please join our Prayer team in prayer for our building project. Our estimate is to break ground in February 2014. We know this is also a spiritual battle so please pray for protection and God’s presence for all our consultants and people we are working with in the City of Fremont that God may be glorified. While all this happens we continue to add to our Building Funds. As of December 22nd, we have collected $330,535.85 in our building fund. Tuesday 7 pm Youth Group 7 pm Youth Leaders 7pm Agape Choir 7 pm Life Group (mc)
  • 3. A Word from Pastor Anne S A I N T PAU L N E W S AN D EV E N T S >>> Precious Time Christian Preschool SAINT PAUL is thankful to Deaconess Carmen Quiwa for her many years of service as the founding director of Precious Time Christian Preschool. She built the ministry to capacity with a strong positive reputation in the community for loving quality care for children. Teacher Carmen Quiwa resigned as of November 8th. We wish her and her family well as they continue to love and serve our Lord. Pastor Anne and the Preschool Board stepped in to work with the Preschool staff to make this time of transition as smooth as possible. Interviews were conducted of several qualified candidates. Please join us in welcoming our new Director, Wanda Sawicka, who began December 4th. She comes with many years of experience working with children, leading preschools and training directors. She joins our staff of Rosalie Cruz, Cheryl Crisostomo, Nena Florendo and Penny Estacio. We are deeply thankful for our staff and especially Rosalie Cruz who stepped in as interim director during the transition time. They provided ongoing loving care and service that our Precious Time Christian Preschool children and families are used to. We look forward to working with Teacher Wanda and what God will do through Precious Time Christian Preschool! Please welcome her to our faith community. Transformed and Stepping Out! Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday Kingdom Kidz will hold soup pots at our church doors on Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 2, 2014. This is the same day as the Super Bowl. They will join young people in churches across the country to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. In 2013, $7.47 million was collected by Souper Bowl of Caring participants for local charities. All of the money collected will be donated to the Centerville Free Dining Room in Fremont, CA. None of the money is sent to the Souper Bowl of Caring headquarters. Organizers only ask that each participant report their collection so national totals can be determined and announced. Since the Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990, more than $98 million has gone to help people in need. Please support the children of our church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by dropping your dollar (or more) in the soup pot on February 2. Welcome …… Natalie Lanette Reyes 12-12-13 Born to Adrian and Judy Reyes Grand daughter of Tey Reyes In Memory of……………. Eddie Quizon November 23, 2013 Our 2013 theme was Live IT (Intentional Transformation)! I want to share some of our achievements in carrying out God’s mission. 1) We went from 14 small groups to 19 short term or weekly groups. 2) Our involvement in Mission Outreach increased from 9 to 13 one time or ongoing mission projects. 3) A sign of a community growing in faith is sending workers into the field. We sent two young adults to Exploration 2013 in Denver to consider ordained or full time ministry. You will see their reflections on page 8. 4) We have already mentioned that SAINT PAUL was selected as one of our Annual Conference’s vital congregations to participate in Readiness 360 for coaching and training towards greater church vitality. This comes at a great time as we prepare for growth in our Preschool, Kingdom Kidz and Sunday School with our pending building project. This was an exciting year! Our focus was on tangible steps to go deeper with God. Take time as we enter this new calendar year to  reflect on this past year,  how was your spiritual life and how have you grown in Christ? and  what next steps God is nudging you to in this year to come? Our 2014 theme is Evangelism. What are we to do with all that growth in spirit? Share it! I attended a seminar in October and they asked us to think about the personality of our churches. Who are we? Who are our neighbors or who do we serve? What are we called to do or become? As I reflected on SAINT PAUL’s history, we have been people who welcome people different from us. That happened when our church (begun in 1964) purchased land in 1984 next to the Islamic Society of the East Bay (ISEB) with a plan to share parking and landscaping. In 1990, Tri-City Christian Fellowship joined SAINT PAUL after trying to start a new Filipino congregation. They transferred the responsibility of ministering to Filipinos in the area to the church. Since then our Euro-American congregation has slowly become a majority Filipino. And we have welcomed people from India, Ghana and mixed race families to name a few. I believe that reflects part of the beauty of God’s character and love. As I listen to us, what stirs our hearts are our neighbors, family and friends who do not know the joy of Christ whether they are recently distant from the Lord or have never known Him. Our prayer requests are full of people who we know of that live on the fringe or away from God’s goodness. Finally, God is calling us to become a community that values multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-generational church life together. We must take our growing life with God out beyond our walls to welcome and serve people different from us who have left the church or have never heard of him. Let’s explore ways together to go out and share Jesus’ life with others! I am excited for what God will do in us this year. I hope you are too! How did you Live It (Intentional Transformation) in 2013? Take time as we enter this new calendar year to  reflect on this past year,  how was your spiritual life and how have you grown in Christ? and  what next steps God is nudging you to in this year to come? Our 2014 theme is Evangelism. What are we to do with all that growth in spirit? Share it! We must take our growing life with God out beyond our walls to welcome and serve people different from us who have left the church or have never heard of him. Let’s explore ways together to go out and share Jesus’ life with others! I am excited for what God will do in us this year. I hope you are too! December 1, 2013 3 10
  • 4. A Word from Pastor Sun Hee M I N I ST RY A N D S E RV I C E O P P O RT U N I T I ES >>> OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE: The Harvest if Plentiful “After this the Lord appointed seventytwo* others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field…” Luke 10:1-2 (New International Version) We have all heard much about the “twelve” disciples of Jesus. The Gospel narratives are just filled with stories about them as they journeyed with the Savior for three and a half years. But what do we know about these “seventytwo” that Luke says were sent out ahead of Jesus to every town and place? Well, actually not much. Though we know very little about who exactly they are and where they come from, we do know that they were used to prepare the way for Jesus so that Jesus could work in the hearts of people. This is theologically and practically significant. Jesus didn’t send out just the core twelve disciples. He sent out a much larger group. And it reminds us that God uses not just select leaders and pastors but ALL Christians to tell the story of Jesus. This is the heart of what we call evangelism… each and every one of us, “We Have a Story to Tell”. As SAINT PAUL enters into the New Year, there will be many things happening as usual and all of it will be great. But what I am most excited and energized by is our New Year focus on evangelism. For me, all of what we are doing and engaging in as a church is ultimately for this one mission: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Although this has implications for many different things, such as reaching out and sending out, being intentional about invitation and discipleship, I am most excited about how our being the “seventy-two” will translate into the stories that we share about Jesus. While it’s trues that it is ultimately the job of the Holy Spirit to work in people’s hearts to lead people to conversion and transformation, I am struck by Jesus’ proclamation that “the harvest is 4 plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Often times, we fall into the trapping of thinking that the hearts of the people that we are trying to reach are not ready. But in Jesus’ words, the implication is that we just need to send people out. And I realize that there is a reason why we don’t know much about the seventy-two that Jesus sent out in Luke chapter 10. There’s a reason why no names are given and individuals are not identified one by one. The unnamed, unidentified individuals represent ordinary Christians like you and me! All Christians – everyone who follows Jesus – are called to go out and tell the story of Jesus. I understand that for many people evangelism may seem like a daunting task. Often people just don’t know how to evangelize. They don’t know when and where to start or even what to say. Certainly, there are a lot of challenges that we face when we think about evangelism. One in particular is the reality that the world that God loves has changed drastically over the years. Rev. David Olson points out that 83% of people in America do not go to church, which means that most of the people don’t know the story of Jesus (or more often than not, they have received a distorted version of the story through media or anti -religious sources). So clearly, we need to be very intentional about how we evangelize. We need to be equipped in proper fashion of “how” to share the story. And though it might not necessarily be an easy journey and we may often feel like “lambs surrounded by wolves”, I believe that with the right equipping we will be able to bear fruit in this effort. I want to offer an encouraging reminder that you and I were the beneficiaries of someone else’s effort to share the story. It was through someone else that we came to Christ. God is calling you to be that person to someone else and be a big and significant part in expanding the Kingdom of God! Isn’t that exciting?! In January, we will be kicking off this effort with a new sermon series that will equip you with the how, when, where, and what to say as we send you out as the Alameda County Food Bank serves 49,000 people every week, two-thirds of whom are children and seniors. Your donations of non-perishable food items are vital to addressing the needs of our neighbors. NO Glass Containers. “seventy-two”. Pastor Anne and I certainly share this passion together and we are excited about the opportunity to teach and guide you all as your pastors. Rev. John Teter, an amazing pastor and Evangelism Team Leader for the Evangelical Covenant Church, often says, “Every pastor guides the mission and every Christian tells the story.” I pray that you would eagerly join us in this journey together in 2014! For now, would just simply pray and begin to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out the laborers into the field? Would you pray that God would prepare you and equip you to be a significant part of the “seventy-two”? And would you invite God to fill you with a hunger for God’s Word, especially the Jesus stories, so that His story can become your story for the transformation of the world? I know that the stories that touch you deeply will be the stories that God uses through you to touch others deeply as well. By the end of 2014, I am sure that we will all be very different from where we are now. And for that, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. * Some Bible versions translated “seventy” instead of seventy two. Footnotes of several translations indicate that the Greek manuscripts are divided between 70 and 72 as the number sent out and there is no way to be sure of which one is the original. Both represent the number of nations in the world in Genesis 10, with the Hebrew text having 70 names while the Greek text has 72. – (I love learning these details as well and hope to be able to share if anyone has any questions. My prayer is that you will find the joy of going deeper with the Word and learn more each and every day.) Going Deeper... Come Join the Prayer Group Meets every other week in the Sanctuary. In January, we will meet on Saturday the 11th & 25th. 8 minute exercise after Prayer led by Mae Wicks. For more info, contact Lolita Flores at 510.303.6047 or Rose Agana at 510.489.6445 CONFIRMATION CLASS IS COMING! >>>>>> Confirmation is a time to study and consider making a personal commitment to follow Jesus. Especially if you were baptized as an infant, this is an opportunity to reflect on the decision your parents and guardians made on your behalf. You should be in the 6th grand or older. All ages are welcome to join the class. It will include weekly classes, retreat with the Bishop and other activities. Sign up with Pastor Anne. Thanks to our United Methodist Men for ongoing repairs around the church (projector), more bibles and decorating the church for Christmas with a beautiful tree, lights and star! OpenCircle Young Adult Worship Meets at 5 pm on the 1st Saturday of each month in Creekside Center at Los Altos United Methodist Church. See Pastor Sun Hee for more information….. Compassion Network business cards available at the Hall counter to pass out to people in need. Help yourself! Thanks to Christine Beitsch for giving witness to our work together through them……….. 2014 Calendar for Flowers and Refreshments! Be the first to reserve your special date to share with SAINT PAUL! Seniors on the Go! meet for their monthly breakfast meeting this month at 9:00 am Saturday, January 11th! Contact Clara Hu for more info All are Welcome! For more news and updates: and be sure to like us on Facebook St. Paul United Methodist Church of Fremont 9
  • 5. REFLECTIONS >>>>>>>>>>> U N I T E D M E T H O D I ST WO M E N >>> By Jonathan Bautista EXPLORATION 2013 is a three-day event for young adults age 18-26 to hear, discern, and respond to God’s call to ordained ministry and to explore their gifts for service as a deacon or elder in The United Methodist Church. "If God calls you to do something, you will be miserable until you answer it." - Pastor Jorge Acevedo I was approached by Pastor Anne to consider attending a conference in Denver with my cousin and fellow Youth and Worship leader, Michelle Bautista, aimed at "young people" who have been identified as having a calling towards ordained ministry. "Me? A Pastor, huh? I guess I could see what they have to say." I honestly didn’t give it much thought, nor did I do much preparation as I was busy with my responsibilities at work, St. Paul Youth Group and leading worship on Sunday mornings. But as we got off the plane and made our way to the event, Michelle and I finally starting asking honest questions about what we were in for. "What IS God calling me to do?" "What does it take to become an ordained pastor?" "How will I really know? And more importantly, how can I be sure?" "Have I been paying close enough attention to God's calling?" Our first night began with an amazing worship service, with a message delivered by Pastor Jorge, focusing on how to ignore the worldly influences and distractions that can interfere with discerning God's calling. Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca-Pitts shared the struggles she experienced as a woman seeking ordination and the contro- 8 versial issues surrounding the acceptance of non-heterosexual Christians ("Reconciling" congregations) in the UMC. Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey shared the story of Samuel and his struggle to recognize God's calling, but instead having Eli discern and guide him on how to respond. Bishop Harvey's message encouraged the attendees to reflect on how others (e.g. pastors, youth leaders, family) have helped us to recognize God's calling in our own lives, and to not accept the status quo but to continue evolving and focus on "saving souls rather than saving the church". In the closing message, Rev. Eric Huffman challenged those who are called to ordained worship to remain humble “sheep” and not think of themselves as “shepherds”, as Jesus is the only shepherd with the authority to lead us to salvation. Over the course of the weekend, hearing these messages helped Michelle and I to reflect on the experiences we've had as leaders in the church and further discern how God has been calling us to serve. Other conference activities included workshops, which enabled the attendees to explore more specific topics regarding discernment. I was lucky enough to attend workshops focusing on "How does God let you know?" (discerning God's calling), "Being a Young Adult in Ministry" (young adult pastors share about the issues that arise from being 'young'), "Discerning a call to Youth Ministry" (exploring HELP WANTED! Mary Ruth Circle Will meet at church on Thursday, January 16th at 10: am SAINT PAUL United Methodist Women will meet January 26, 2014 following 2nd service. These notes are the last thing we are committed to do. We completed our service as contact person for the Church Newsletter. For response to this article please contact Patty, church secretary. Billie Thoresen and Lydia Caranto SPIRITUAL ENCOURAGEMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Margaret L. Dickerson the call to minister to Youth). We were also invited to meet with small groups lead by seminary students to grow in fellowship and further discuss the questions that arose during our time together. Open discussions took place after-hours to express concerns and hopes regarding the topics of sexual identity and people of color in the church. Throughout the weekend, we were challenged to re-examine the paths we had walked, the evidence of God's work and influence in our lives and pray for clarity regarding God's plans for us. We were not pressured to "make a decision", but rather encouraged to listen to speakers' “call stories”, learn more about the steps towards ordination, and return home with new perspective on our where we are being lead. Although I do not feel I am being called to pursue a career as a pastor, I feel that God's plans for me have become much more clear, and I am grateful for the opportunity to grow, learn and explore the path that I am on. Romans 8:28 New International Version (NIV) 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[1]have been called according to his purpose. 1 Corinthians 2:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him” ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE NEW YEAR Let us lift our spirits with love and happiness for a new year. Let us keep our joy and stay in praise of God. We are blessed with God's grace and mercy for we have been kept by His mighty hand - I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power [Ephesians 3:7]. God loves us. Give praise for He will lead us with His loving care. When the way seems dark, joy can come in the morning. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help [Psalm 121:1]. Keep in fellowship with coworkers, family and friends. Make a new years resolution to live for God and be healed [Exodus 15:26]. Encourage one another thru faith [Romans 1:12]. Prayer for the Coming Year Oh Thou, who art ever the same, Grant us so to pass through the coming year with faithful hearts, that we may be able in all things to please Thy loving eyes. Amen. ~Edgar A. Guest 5
  • 6. SPY Update from Lance Choy Youth Group Meets every Friday at 7 pm St. Paul Youth Happenings! Seems like life is rocketing by and people, youth and youth leaders alike, are busier and more stressed out than ever. Fall has been filled with band, school and sports activities. Students are stressed about college tests and applications. Christmas means more family and school activities to prepare for. . . I don’t remember being so stressed out when I was in high school, but I know with all the “Christmas” tasks of getting a tree, decorating the house, buying gifts, getting ready for the parties. . . its busy. Oddly enough, taking time to spend with God and taking time to see how God shows up or calls us can get squeezed out of our schedule. It takes a special effort to focus on Christ during the Christmas season. . . What has been going on since the last newsletter? We had a great potluck dinner on 11/22. We had a focus on being thankful and had folks go around the table talking about the things that we’re thankful for. It’s always good to think about the things that we’re thankful for. 12/6 we have an evening of music and testimonies about how God called us to do more than we expected. God called Mary, a young teenager, to take on the most important mission in the world, what might God be calling each youth to do with their lives! 12/13, in the midst of all the busy distractions we had a spiritual activity to encourage youth to reflect on the past year. 12/15 was youth Sunday, 12/21 was youth Simbang Gabi, 12/22 was the cookie project for Abode and December 26th many of our youth went off to Christmas institute. I’m waiting excitedly to see how God will work through that experience. Just to let folks know, we have a green light to do a mission trip with the Sierra Service Project. We’re going to Smith River, California to do building and painting projects for the community ( It’s not too late to sign up to go on this mission trip. We’re going the week of August 3-9. Contact me at or 510-299-6171 if you want more information. Blessings, Lance T H E 2 0 1 3 AG A P E C H O I R C H R I S T M A S PA RT Y >>> By Rose Agana Once again, golden memories are here to stay and linger forever ! Among the Agape Choir members, Christmas isn't complete without a Christmas Fellowship Party being held annually in a chosen venue. I can hardly believe that this year is already our eighth party held on Saturday ,the 7th of December in the warm , welcoming home of Yasser and Luna Abouelkhir in Newark. Blessed by two vibrant children, love can be felt in every corner of this home. Mariam's bright smiles and Omar's tight hugs for everybody made the place warmer amid the freezing cold weather. We're grateful and happy that through friendly invitations, new faces and new talents have been added to our list lately. Among them ...Tom Quiocho and his brother-in-law Rolly Mazo, Rommel Perez, Rudy Meneses, Susan Mojica, Ed Ines and Mario Ramos. The more we grow in numbers, the merrier and closer we become as ministers of song for God's Glory ! Through the years, the group has managed to maintain a good balance of food, fun and fellowship in all of its parties . Thanks for the strong and able leadership of our Choir Director, Peny Capistrano assisted by loving husband, Marcelo. Food personally and thoughtfully prepared and catered by Eric Bumanglag, (Melanie Capistrano's husband) was excellent. Eric may not know it but I admit that I'm one of his greatest food fans! Categorized under healthy food, here is Eric's Hawaiian menu: Huli-Huli Chicken, Grilled Salmon, Beef Wellington, Green Beans and super delicious dipping sauce plus unlimited servings of fresh strawberries, grapes and blueberries and cassava cake. Our birthday celebrators for December Gee and Chris Nitafan , Naty Ancheta , Mae Wicks and Lance Choy had their share of a surprise mango cake brought by Peny with joyful greetings from everybody. An active game of "Message Relay" to test someone's hearing alertness was led by Mae Wicks. Vi Bautista's classic favorite "Left, Right Game" followed where almost everybody got a gift at the close of the game. (But sorry, I got nothing!) Highlighting the night's fellowship is the time for Exchange Gifts- White Elephant Style! This is the time when stealing becomes "legal” and you end up with a present you either treasure or you don't. But because of the message of Christmas, you have to learn to be grateful and accept whatever you receive and be happy with it. Without the Karaoke Singing Competition, the party is not over. The Contenders: Men Vs. Ladies and the Winners are: The Singing and Dancing Ladies of SAIN PAUL UMC with a perfect score of 100 % ! Last year, at Louie and Nunn Bautista's home, these same guys were the proud winners. Elizer Serrano told me at church the following day that if he were present, the men would have easily won! Hosting a party isn't easy but because of love, anybody can do it with success. Looking back, we're grateful to Marcelo and Peny who have hosted it in 2006,2008 and 2009; Ernie and Laura did it graciously in 2010 and 2011; Louie and Nunn in 2012; Yasser and Luna coordinated it with Marriot’s in Fremont in 2007. And can you believe that as early as December 7, 2013, one of our newest choir members, Rudy Meneses with his generous wife Reyna have gladly accepted the challenge of hosting our next Christmas Party for 2014! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! A Blessed and Prosperous New year To All!!! 6 7