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Kevin Silver
Interaction Designer
     Member and Director
Agile Development Process
    Interaction Design
Interaction Design
First Mouse
Steam Engines
First Mouse
Xerox PARC
Bill Moggridge
Bill Verplank
Interaction Design
What is it?
Visual Representations
Physical Objects
   or Space
Design of behavior
    (which defines interaction) and

interfaces (which enables interaction)
   for products and
User Experience
What is UX?
   as defined by NNG
UX encompasses all
interactions a user has
  with a company, it’s
 services and products
An exemplary
experience meets
 the exact needs
 of the customer
With simplicity and
elegance, creating a
  product that is a
joy to own and use
Exceed your
customers expectations
Bill Buxton
An Experience
User Experience is the
  overall quality of an
interaction as it unfolds
       over time.
Why Design
“I’ve been amazed at how
  often those outside the
discipline of design assume
 that what designers do is
decoration. Good design is
 problem solving.”—Jeffrey Veen
Christopher Alexander
Identifying fit and
 mis-fit between
 context of use.
User Centered Design
Don Norman
Mental Model

           Mental Model
Design Model


               Mental Model
Design Model

 Designer      User

                      Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer        User

                        Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                 User


                                 Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                 User


                                 Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                 User


                                 Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                 User

                        Mental Model


                                 Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                       User

                              Mental Model


               System Image
                                       Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                       User

                              Mental Model


               System Image
                                       Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                       User

                              Mental Model


               System Image
                                       Mental Model
User Model
Design Model

 Designer                       User

                              Mental Model


               System Image
                                       Mental Model
Design for people
User Interviews
Contest Management: Scheduling

                    Considering Scheduling Limitations                                                                        Creating Master Schedules

 Avoid Scheduling
                                                                                                     Create District Master Schedule
    Looks for                                                                                                             Duplicates
                                                                                                    ADs schedule
   scheduling                                                                                                           schedule from
                                                                                                    district games
    conflicts                                                                                                             year to year                                           Schedule Star
                                                                                                                                                                                Contest Entry
                                                                                                                                           Create Regional Master Schedule
                                                                                                                       Uses template                                              Creates
  Checks facility                                                                                                                           Scheduled        Fills in gaps in
                                                                                                                         schedule                                                scheduling
                                                                                                       games at
   availability                                                                                                                             after district     schedule at
                                                                                                                          games                                                   defaults
                                                                                                    district meeting                           games         region meeting

                                                                                                                                                                                 Pays AD to
                                                                                                                                            Most sports
     Adjusts                                                                                                            Mirrors district
                                                                                                      Schedules                                                 Schedules       enter district/
                                                                                                                                           are scheduled
   schedule for                                                                                                         schedule from
                                                                                                    district games                                             regional and        region
                                                                                                                                            at the region
     conflicts       Consider Students'                                                                                   year to year
                                                                                                    far in advance                                            district games      schedule
                                         Follow the Rules
                    Time Involvement
                                         Check season
    Changes              Tries to                                                                                                                                                 Accepts
                                                                                                                                            District rep
                                                                                                                          Uses blind
                                                                                                       One AD
                                         start/end dates
  home/away to          minimize                                                                                                                                                   games
                                                                                                                           draw to
                                                                                                    schedules all
  accommodate        student time at                                                                                                                                            scheduled in
                                                                                                    district home/
                                                            Factor in Travel                                                                                   schedule
    schedule             games                                                                                                                                                      SS
                                                                               Factor in Daylight                                            meeting
                                                                                                    away games
                       Schedules            Follows                                                                                                                               SS sends
                                                                                  Determines        Swaps home/         Uses rotation        Schedules
                      contest to fall      mandated
    Blocks out                                                                                                                                                                  notifications if
                                                                                                                                                             preference list
                                                                                 availability of    away games           to schedule          games at
                                                             distance from
                     on certain days       scheduling
   certain days                                                                                                                                                                    game is
                                                                                                                                                              to schedule
                                                                                 night games         each year              games          region meeting
                       of the week            rules                                                                                                                               declined
Alicia Alvarez                                                                                       Student Activities and Athletics Dir

 Too much to do and too little time!”
Alicia Alvarez is busy! She oversees all student activities and the athletics program for a large high school. And if that isn't enough
also maintains the school calendar. She is constantly balancing meetings and administrative tasks in her non-stop workday. Alicia
not like to waste time and loathes to enter the same information twice. As a former soccer player and coach, Alicia loves athletics,
she spends equal time focusing on activities. Alicia delegates a lot of administrative responsibility to her coaching and activities sta
though she does keep a close watch. Her staff sometimes doesn't see the big picture in regards to budget concerns, logistics and,
importantly, maintaining a healthy balance between the students' involvement with activities/athletics and their academic work.

 Background                                                                             Goals
                                                                                         Avoid scheduling conflicts.
  Married with two children.
                                                                                         Save time and avoid duplicate entry of information.
  Worked her way up from a teacher to administration and is very dedicated.
                                                                                         Maintain a clear view of the big picture.
  Uses the web, including shopping online and MS Office.

The preparation for an athletic season starts at least four months in advance at
the district scheduling meeting. Alicia attends the meeting with her tentative
school calendar to make sure there aren't any conflicts with other school events.
After the district master schedule is complete, Alicia will work with her coaches
to fill out the rest of the schedule. She has final approval on all games.

Alicia also puts the transportation and facility information on the schedule. She'll
create specific reports for coaches, transportation and the facilities department.

Right before the season officially begins, Alicia compiles the master eligibility list
(MEL) from the team rosters provided by the coaches. She matches this
information up with information from the guidance department. Alicia wishes
there was an easier way to do this. The MEL is approved by the principal of the
Diagnosis and Initial Treatment
                       Receive diagnosis                              Get referral to endocrinologist and            Visit the endocrinologist and                  Create a management plan                      Adjust to having diabetes
                                                                      diabetic counselor                             diabetic counselor


                       Kerri hadn't been feeling well for a while.    Kerri's primary care doctor referred her to    Kerri was a bit nervous on her first visit to   When Kerri first met with her diabetic         Kerri feels guilty that she has diabetes.
                       While at work she felt faint and really off.   an endocrinologist and a diabetic              the endocrinologist. The doctor was very       counselor they worked together on             She knew that it ran in her family and she
                       Her co-workers took her to the ER. After       counselor. Her primary care doctor told        helpful, but did warn Kerri that she           creating a plan for Kerri to control her      was susceptible to the disease. Keri has
                       accessing her condition and looking at the     Kerri that he will want to increase his        needed to healthier lifestyle. The doctor      diabetes. Kerri described her current diet    always struggled with her weight. She
                       results of the blood work the ER doctors       visits with her, just to check in to see how   wanted to try and manage the disease           and her counselor recommended drastic         cycles between trying to loose weight and
                       told her she might have diabetes. It was       things are going.                              without medication. Kerri saw a diabetic       changes in her diet and told her she          doing nothing about it. Kerri is having a
                       recommended that she visit with her                                                           counselor within the next few days. It was     needs to start exercising. Her counselor      hard time accepting that she has diabetes
                       primary care doctor, who subsequently                                                         an informative visit and Kerri will be         also reiterated that if she makes some        and is determined to get better, but she is
        Kerri          verified the diagnoses and told Kerri that                                                     seeing her once a week for the next few        major changes in her lifestyle she'll be      concerned about sticking to her
 Recently Diagnosed    she has Type II diabetes.                                                                     months.                                        able to control her diabetes without          management plan.

                       Laura was diagnosed with Type II               Laura was able to see an endocrinologist       Laura felt a bit better after her first visit   Laura and her diabetic counselor came         Laura had a hard time adjusting to her
                       diabetes during a routine checkup. She         within the next week. Her primary care         with the endocrinologist. He was very          up with a plan that included dietary          new diet. Cutting back on the amount of
                       didn't even realize that she had any           doctor was able to get her the                 helpful, informative and positive. He          changes and recommended exercise. The         carbs she eats was the hardest part of
                       issues, but her A1c level came high in her     appointment. As always Laura wrote the         recommended that Laura goto to diabetic        counselor also gave Laura information to      her new diet. She had a hard time
                       blood work. Needless to say, Laura was         time and date of her appointment down in       training and to also see a diabetic            read at home about diabetes. She also         managing other aspects of her diabetes in
                       shocked, but it did make sense once she        her day planner.                               counselor weekly for the next few months.      recommended a few additional resources,       the first year. There were too many things
                       talked through it with her doctor because                                                     Laura started her diabetic training the        including websites, books and support         to keep track of and she didn't quite
                       there has been symptoms but she just                                                          next week and saw her diabetic counselor       groups.                                       understand all if the intricacies of her new
       Laura           didn't understand what was going on.                                                          that same day.                                                                               diet plan. Subsequently she progressed
   Has it Managed                                                                                                                                                                                                 from Type I to Type II diabetes.

                       John has had hypertension for many             John went along with his doctor's              The endocrinologist walked through             John took the initial diabetic training. He   John thinks this is a pain. He isn't healthy
                       years. Before having a medical procedure       recommendation to see see a                    John's symptoms again. John mentioned          also saw a diabetic counselor a few           to begin with and this is jut another issue
                       the hospital ran some blood work and           endocrinologist and a diabetic counselor.      that he has some tingling in his feet. The     times. They worked up a management            he has to address. John initially hopes
                       found out that John has Type II diabetes.      He did ask his primary doctor why he           doctor is concerned that John's diabetes       plan that included controlling his diet and   that taking a pill will help with minimal diet
                       John wasn't phased. He knows he hasn't         needed to see these other people.              could progress and cause further               simple exercise to get started. The           changes. He hasn't change his diet for his
                       kept himself in the best of health.                                                           complications. He gave John a                  counselor also showed John how to take        hyper tension and he doubts he'll change
                                                                                                                     prescription for a medication that'll help     his glucose readings with his prescribed      much for his diabetes. John is already
                                                                                                                     maintain his glucose level, but dialing in     monitor.                                      used to having good and bad days, so
        John                                                                                                         the correct does might take. The doctor                                                      he's not sure how much having diabetes
  Not Managed at All                                                                                                 wants to checkin frequently to see how its                                                   will effect how he feels overall.

                       Joan always leaves openings on her daily       Joan always leaves openings on her daily       Before each visit Joan reviews the             Joan firmly believes that she must work in     Joan knows that it takes time for the
                       schedule to see recently diagnosed             schedule to see recently diagnosed             medical record for the patient. She likes      concert with her patients. She is there to    patient to adjust to their new life with
                       diabetics. During the initial visit she'll     diabetics. During the initial visit she'll     to jot a few notes down to help shape the      empower her patients and help them            diabetes. She always tells her patients to
                       make the determination if she should           make the determination if she should           conversation. She very busy, so she            change their lifestyle. While setting up a    make changes in small steps. Joan is
                       continue to see the patient on a weekly or     continue to see the patient on a weekly or     doesn't have a lot of time to do this. She's   plan, she ask the patient a lot of            always positive and makes herself
                       monthly basis. She always recommends           monthly basis. She always recommends           mostly concerned with the patients             questions, especially about their current     available to her patients. They can email
                       the patient to make use of other               the patient to make use of other               numbers and other conditions or                diet and exercise regime. She uses this       or call her with any questions. She also
                       resources, like the internet, printouts,       resources, like the internet, printouts,       symptoms they might have.                      information to make recommendations for       helps the patients plan for any dips in
         Joan          diabetes classes and support groups.           diabetes classes and support groups.                                                          a management plan.                            their daily management. She provides
  Diabetic Counselor                                                                                                                                                                                              answers to quot;what if scenarios?quot;

Functionality          u.1.1 Display and explain diagnosis.           u.1.3 Display appointment                      u.1.1 Display and explain diagnosis.           u.1.7 Display management plan.                u.1.10 Help adjust to disease.
                       The patient should be able to see their                                                       The patient should be able to see their        The patient should be able to see their       The system needs to provide ways to
                       diagnosis, including symptoms and an                                                          diagnosis, including symptoms and an           custom management plan, including diet,       help the patient to adjust to their new
                                                                      The patient should be able to see their
                       explanation on what the it means and                                                          explanation on what the it means and           exercise and other recommendations.           condition, including encouragement and
                                                                      upcoming appointments, including date,
                       how what caused it.                                                                           how what caused it.                                                                          access to additional support.
                                                                      time, location, reason and medical

                       u.1.2 Display medical history.                 u.1.4 Request Appointments.                    u.1.5 Display treatment plan.                  u.1.8 Display additional resources.           u.1.11 Display management plan
                       The patient should be able to see their        The patient should be able to request          The patient should be able to see their        The patient should be able to see any         progress.
                       medical history (Electronic Health             appointments with their doctors.               doctor's treatment plan, including next        additional resources available to them        The patient should be able to see
                       Record).                                                                                      steps, medication information, etc...          including classes, online resources,          progress in managing their disease.
Know your users
and think about
 context of use.
How does a design
 get developed?
Design   Develop
How do you react to divergent paths?
Design   Develop
Agile Manifesto
Individuals and interactions
    over processes and tools
Working software
over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration
  over contract negotiation
Responding to change
  over following a plan
Design is Agile!
Iterate on paper.
Explore solutions based
  on insights gained
   during research.
“In the beginner’s
 mind, there are many
  possibilities; in the
expert’s mind, there are
    few.”—Shunryu Suzuki
Design is generative.
Does it fit within
context of use?
Alicia Alvarez                                                                                       Student Activities and Athletics Dir

 Too much to do and too little time!”
Alicia Alvarez is busy! She oversees all student activities and the athletics program for a large high school. And if that isn't enough
also maintains the school calendar. She is constantly balancing meetings and administrative tasks in her non-stop workday. Alicia
not like to waste time and loathes to enter the same information twice. As a former soccer player and coach, Alicia loves athletics,
she spends equal time focusing on activities. Alicia delegates a lot of administrative responsibility to her coaching and activities sta
though she does keep a close watch. Her staff sometimes doesn't see the big picture in regards to budget concerns, logistics and,
importantly, maintaining a healthy balance between the students' involvement with activities/athletics and their academic work.

 Background                                                                             Goals
                                                                                         Avoid scheduling conflicts.
  Married with two children.
                                                                                         Save time and avoid duplicate entry of information.
  Worked her way up from a teacher to administration and is very dedicated.
                                                                                         Maintain a clear view of the big picture.
  Uses the web, including shopping online and MS Office.

The preparation for an athletic season starts at least four months in advance at
the district scheduling meeting. Alicia attends the meeting with her tentative
school calendar to make sure there aren't any conflicts with other school events.
After the district master schedule is complete, Alicia will work with her coaches
to fill out the rest of the schedule. She has final approval on all games.

Alicia also puts the transportation and facility information on the schedule. She'll
create specific reports for coaches, transportation and the facilities department.

Right before the season officially begins, Alicia compiles the master eligibility list
(MEL) from the team rosters provided by the coaches. She matches this
information up with information from the guidance department. Alicia wishes
there was an easier way to do this. The MEL is approved by the principal of the
Design for people
Throw it away.
Sound Familiar?
Agile Development
Design for people
Alan Cooper
Can’t always throw
    one away.
You need to know
  where to go!
High Level
High Level
             Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs
High Level
             Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs

High Level
             Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs

             Requirements Definition: Analysis
High Level
               Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs

               Requirements Definition: Analysis

High Level
               Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs

               Requirements Definition: Analysis

               Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework)
High Level
                  Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs

                  Requirements Definition: Analysis

                  Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework)

Strategic Definition:
Concept & Vision
(framework & behavior)
Strategic Definition:
Concept & Vision
(framework & behavior)

Strategic Definition:
Concept and Vision
Design Vision: Disease Management Tool
Preliminary Site Architecture, Features and Screens

   Change is hard, especially when you have to make a sudden and possibly drastic change to your                                                          Our vision is to create a Disease Management Tool (DMT) that helps medical providers to spur
   lifestyle. This is the case for many diabetics. Typically they find out they have the disease later in life                                             change in their patients. This will be accomplished by creating functionality that will help medical
   after they have developed their habits. If they haven!t been living a healthy lifestyle to begin with, it                                              providers:
   will be a struggle for them to change their ways. We found in our research that a diabetics initial goal
   is to create a routine for themselves that adequately manages their disease. Typically this requires                                                   - Inform their patients about the dangers of their disease if left untreated.
   change. Change in diet, exercise and the introduction of having to track blood sugar levels and                                                        - Assess the willingness of their patients to change and make recommendations based upon the
   possibly taking medication. Depending on the motivation of the diabetic change will either be hard or                                                    patient's archetype.
   easy. Change does not happen over night, and in many cases it!s a life long struggle to stay in a                                                      - Plan a course of action for the patient including how to manage their disease daily.
   new routine.                                                                                                                                           - Act by helping their patients implement their plan by setting achievable goals and subsequent
                                                                                                                                                            rewards for meeting the goals.
   Change has six stages: precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, maintenance and                                                         - Track patient progress through a series of tools available to both the patient and provider.
   termination. A person can cycle through these stages time and time again. It could take up to six
   months for someone to finally settle into routine maintenance. It!s a difficult road to get there, that                                                  Thought the DMT has a provider focus it is important to actively engage the medical providers!
   requires motivation, encouragement, empathy and support.                                                                                               patients in this overall process. The patients need to see progress. They also need to be able to
                                                                                                                                                          correlate non-management of the disease with how they feel. The DMT must help the patient:
   Looking beyond the initial requirements of the patient portal, we wonder how can we best help a
   medical provider spur change in their patients who need to radically reshape their lifestyle and are                                                   - Maintain their plan by allowing them to easily track progress and view their plan.
   most likely precontemplated–either very reluctant to change, have given up hope, very resistant to                                                     - Avoid and/or Recover from possible pitfalls or relapses based on information from their providers.
   being told what to do or has rationalized their current state. In addition, how can we best support the                                                - Improve their overall wellness.
   patient who has decided to change. Medical providers can no longer just prescribe change, they
   need to fully support their patients through the six stages of change.                                                                                 Our vision will be achieved by implementing the key functionality listed below.

   Key Functionality
                                                                                                                                                          Shared Resource Library                                      The provider will be able to add resources
      Inform, Assess, Plan, Act, Track                                                                   At the heart of the DMT is the management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (documents, links, lists, etc...) to their
                                                                                                         wizard that will help providers spur change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       resource library. All of the entries into the
                                                                                                         in their patients. There will be tools to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       library can be shared amongst multiple
         Inform              Assess                Plan                   Act              Track
                                                                                                         the provider to easily inform, assess, plan,
                                                                                                         act and track the patients management                          Resources

    Provide information     Determine           Create daily          Set goals and     Track progress
                          motivations and     management plan           rewards
                           willingness to
                                                                                                                                                          Wellness Meter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Wellness Meter is a graphical snapshot
      Change Archetypes                                                                                  Based on an initial assessment the system                                                                     of multiple measure used to determine if the
                                                                                                         will be able to recommend a course of                                                                         patient is meeting all of his goals and how
                                                                                                         action (plan) for 5 different change
                                                Not Managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       well they feel. A threshold is determined
            Recently Diagnosed
                                                                                  Has Changed; Needs
                                            Willing but Difficult to
             Willing to Change
                                                                                                         archetypes. The system will provide custom                                                                    during the initial planing phase.
                                                                                   Additional Change
                                                                                                         packets of information and custom pans
                                                                                                         based on each archetype. This will help
            Recently Diagnosed                  Not Managed
           Not Willing to Change            Not Willing to Change                                        jump start the planning process.
                                                                                                                                                          Patient Access to Information and Tracking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Patients will be able to access their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       information online or offline. Offline
      Alerts & Reminders                                                                                 Both patients and providers will receive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       information will be available as printouts,
                                                                                                         alerts (if progress has stumbled) or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tracking forms and progress updates. The
                                                                                                         reminders (take medications). This will help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       patient will also be able to track their
                                                                                                         the patient get into a routine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       progress over the phone, using SMS text
                                                                                                                                                                         SMS                    Phone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       messages or by hand.
Design Vision: Disease Management Tool
 Preliminary Provider Flow

                      Precontemplation                                    Contemplation                                        Determination                                       Action                                             Maintenance                                          Relapse
                 increase perception of risks and problems                evoke reasons to change, risks of not                determine best course of action to seek             help take steps towards change                     help identify and use strategies to prevent          help renew the process without becoming
Stages of Change with current behavior                                    changing; strengthen the self-efficacy for            change                                                                                                 relapse                                              stuck or demoralized
                                                                          change of current behavior

                      Inform !                                            Assess !                                             Plan !                                              Act !                                              Track !                                              Repeat As Necessary

        First Visit
                       1) Login & Select Patient                           1) Assess willingness to change                      1) Make a Plan                                      1) Receommended Goals                              1) Track Plan Progress                               1) Patient Wellness Alerts
                                            After login the provider is                           The provider can either                            The system has created
                        Patients                                             Assess                                              Plan                                                                                                                                                                           If the patient is not
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The system will                                       As part of the plan the        Alert
                                                                                                                                                                                     Plan                                               Track
                                            brought to the Patients                               select a predetermined                             a plan based on the                                                                                                                                        meeting their goals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        recommend goals based                                 system sets up easy
                                            screen. From the this                                 archetype of change or                             assessment. The system                                                                                                                                     has stumbled the system
                                                                                                                                                                                                        on the assessment.                                    tracking tools for the key
                                            screen the provider can                               ask the patient a series                           will always suggest an                                                                                                                                     will alert the provider. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Some of the initial goals                             measures/goals. These
                                            add a new patient or                                  of questions to assess                             exercise regime, diet                                                                                                                                      will also suggest that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        would include glucose                                 can be accessed by the
                                            select a new patient.                                 their willingness to                               changes and tracking                                                                                                                                       provide re-look at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        monitoring, carb and                                  patient online or over the
                                                                                                  change. The information                            glucose. But it will adjust                                                                                                                                plan to adjust to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                        sugar reduction and                                   phone via voice, SMS
                                                                                                  used here will be used to                          the intensity of the                                                                                                                                       success more
                                                                                                                                                                                                        exercise.                                             text or tracked on paper.
                                                                                                  determine a base plan                              change in diet and                                                                                                                                         achievable.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the provider can enter in
                                                                                                  for the patient.                                   exercise based on the                                                                                    in any measure at a
                                                                                                                                                     assessment.                                                                                              follow up visit.
                       2) Review Medical History                                                                                2) Tweak the Plan                                                                                      2) Patient Reminders
                                                                           2) Review Assessment                                                                                     2) Tweak the Goals and Add Reward
                                            After selecting a patient                                                                                The provider can tweak
                        New Patient                                                                                              Plan
                                                                                                  The provider can review                                                                               The provider can tweak                                If patient needs
                                                                             Assessment Results                                                                                      Plan
                                            the provider can review a                                                                                the plan,including which
                                                                                                  the results of the                                                                                    the goals by level of                                 additional assistance
                                            brief snapshot of the                                                                                    measures to track, initial
                                                                                                  assessment, which might                                                                               intensity, frequency or                               between visits to
                                            patients medical history                                                                                 threshold for success
                                                                                                  make additional                                                                                       target levels. The                                    maintain their plan, the
                                            including diagnosis and                                                                                  and specific instructions
                                                                                                  recommendations on                                                                                    provider can also set                                 provider can set up
                                            treatment plan from the                                                                                  on overall daily
                                                                                                  how best to proceed.                                                                                  rewards for the patient.                              reminders (take
                                            doctor. The provider can                                                                                 management.
                                                                                                  This might include                                                                                    The rewards are based                                 medication, do a glucose
                                            take notes if needed.                                 providing additional                                                                                  on a sliding scale to                                 reading, etc...) for the
                                                                                                  information to the patient                                                                            promote achievable                                    patient. the reminders
                                                                                                  or setting appropriate                                                                                success.                                              could be an email, phone
                                                                                                  expectations of change.                                                                                                                                     call or SMS text.
                       3) Select & Print Initial Information
                                                                                                                                3) Select & Print Additional Information            3) Identify Support Network
                                            Next the provider then
                        New Patient
                                                                                                                                                      Next the provider adds                            The provider works with
                                                                                                                                  New Patient                                        Network
                                            adds the quot;New Patientquot;
                                                                                                                                                      additional information to                         the a patient to identify a
                                            packet to the patient's
                                                                                                                                                      the patient's personal                            support network. Details
                                            personal library. The
                                                                                                                                                      library to help support                           of the plan can be
                                            packet contains
                                                                                                                                                      the plan. The provider                            shared with the network
                                            information on diabetes
                                                                                                                                                      can print out the                                 as well as progress.
                                            (what is it and risks) and
                                                                                                                                                      information if needed.
                                            information on how to
                                            manage the disease. The
                                            provider then prints out
                                            the packet for the
                                                                                                                                                                                    4) Print the Plan and Setup Access
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The provider prints the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        plan for the patient. Also,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the provider sets up
                                                                                                                                                                                                        online or phone access
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the system.

  Follow Up Visits
                                                                           1) Reassess willingness to change                                                                        1) Tweak the Goals and Rewards
                                                                                                                                1) Tweak the Plan                                                                                      1) Display Plan Progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The provider can tweak
                                                                                                                                                     The provider can tweak                                                                                   If the patient's
                                                                                                  The provider can                                                                   Plan
                                                                                                                                 Plan                                                                                                   Track
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the goals by level of
                                                                                                                                                     the plan, including which                                                                                information is up to date
                                                                                                  reassess the patients
                                                                                                                                                                                                        intensity, frequency or
                                                                                                                                                     measures to track, initial                                                                               the provider can easily
                                                                                                  willingness to change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        target levels. The
                                                                                                                                                     threshold for success                                                                                    see the patient's
                                                                                                  The information used
                                                                                                                                                                                                        provider can also tweak
                                                                                                                                                     and specific instructions                                                                                 progress. The progress
                                                                                                  here will be used to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the rewards for the
                                                                                                                                                     on overall daily                                                                                         can be tracked as
                                                                                                  determine a base plan
                                                                                                                                                     management to help the                                                                                   individual measures or in
                                                                                                  for the patient.
                                                                                                                                                     patient achieve success.                                                                                 a combined Wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meter. The provider can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              print out a progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              update for the patient.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2) Identify Pitfalls
                                                                                                                                                                                    2) Identify What is Working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The system highlights
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The provider should ask
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              any portion of the plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the patient what is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that isn't improving. the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        working and what is not.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              system will suggest that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The system will track this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the provider review the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        information in an ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              plan with the patient to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        journal for the patient.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              determine what is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              working and how they
Preliminary Site Architecture > Main Navigation and Functionality



                                                                     Medications                                                                                              Act

            Diet                                                                                                Profile
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Create Plan

                                                 Ac1                                                                           Cancel
        Exercise                                                                                                             Appointment

                           Track                                                                                                           Provider
       Glucose                                                                                                                                                                   Plan

                                                                     Manage                                                    Request
                                                                                                                             Appointment                                                                                                                                         Add
                                Measures                                                                                                                            Change

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Add Patient
                                                                                        For                                                                                                                                      Add
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Profile                        History
                                                                                      Patients                                                                                                                                  Notes
                    Set Goals

                                                       Long Term


                                                                                      Treatment                                                                                        Create

                                                                        What is it?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Add Links

Concept Model: Sessionhead                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Prepared By: Summit Projects (Confidential)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sample Songs
                                                                                                         can use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (full length)

                              can listen to a free
                                                                                                                                                               can be shared with       Other Users

                                                         Short Version                                                              Short Version                                                                          to try out the
                             can listen to a free                                                  has a
                                                          (30 second)                                                                (30 second)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Third Party
                                                                                                                                                               can be shared with

                                                              of a                                                              of a shared community

                                 selects a                                                                                                                                              using the
                                                                                                           to create a
 A    User                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mixer
                                                                                  can be search for by

             can create an          Account/Profile                                                                   Album


                                                            has an
            The user must login to use
            the following functionality.
                                                                                                                                                                        has a shared


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         output is stored in
                                                        Original Version                                                                                                                                                     the user's
                      must purchase an                                                                        to create a new
                                                          (full length)

                                                                                                                                                                                         This is a shared version of a
                                                                                                                                                                                         user's mix. The short
                                                                                                                                    Long Version
                                                                                       can also listen to existing                                      of a            Community Mix    version can be listened to
                                                                                                                                    (Full Length)
                                                                                                                                                                                         for free. The user must
                                                                                                                                                                                         purchase the original to
                                                                                                                                                                                         listen to the full version.
              can add                         Ratings                    to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        latest version can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          remixed using the

              can add                       Comments                            to a

            has                                                                                                                                                                                                              My Mixes

                        can download                     Download                                            their
Ixd Agile
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Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
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Ixd Agile
Ixd Agile
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Ixd Agile
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Ixd Agile

  • 1. Kevin Silver Interaction Designer Member and Director
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Agile Development Process and Interaction Design
  • 10. Reins
  • 14. Lisa
  • 19.
  • 21.
  • 22. Words
  • 23.
  • 25.
  • 26. Physical Objects or Space
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Time
  • 30.
  • 32.
  • 33. Design of behavior (which defines interaction) and interfaces (which enables interaction) for products and services.
  • 35. What is UX? as defined by NNG
  • 36. UX encompasses all interactions a user has with a company, it’s services and products
  • 37. An exemplary experience meets the exact needs of the customer
  • 38. With simplicity and elegance, creating a product that is a joy to own and use
  • 41.
  • 43. User Experience is the overall quality of an interaction as it unfolds over time.
  • 44.
  • 46. “I’ve been amazed at how often those outside the discipline of design assume that what designers do is decoration. Good design is problem solving.”—Jeffrey Veen
  • 48.
  • 50. Identifying fit and mis-fit between context of use.
  • 51.
  • 53. Fit
  • 54.
  • 56.
  • 58.
  • 60. Designer Mental Model
  • 61. Design Model Designer Mental Model
  • 62. Design Model Designer User Mental Model
  • 63. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model
  • 64. User Model Design Model Designer User System Mental Model
  • 65. User Model Design Model Designer User System Mental Model
  • 66. User Model Design Model Designer User System Mental Model
  • 67. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model System Mental Model
  • 68. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model System System Image Mental Model
  • 69. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model System System Image Mental Model
  • 70. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model System System Image Mental Model
  • 71. User Model Design Model Designer User Mental Model System System Image Mental Model
  • 72.
  • 76. Contest Management: Scheduling Considering Scheduling Limitations Creating Master Schedules Avoid Scheduling Create District Master Schedule Conflicts Looks for Duplicates ADs schedule scheduling schedule from district games conflicts year to year Schedule Star Contest Entry Create Regional Master Schedule Uses template Creates Schedules Checks facility Scheduled Fills in gaps in schedule scheduling games at availability after district schedule at games defaults district meeting games region meeting Pays AD to Most sports Adjusts Mirrors district Schedules Schedules enter district/ are scheduled schedule for schedule from district games regional and region at the region conflicts Consider Students' year to year far in advance district games schedule level Follow the Rules Time Involvement Check season Changes Tries to Accepts District rep Uses blind One AD Considers start/end dates home/away to minimize games attends draw to schedules all district before accommodate student time at scheduled in regional schedule district home/ Factor in Travel schedule scheduling schedule games SS Factor in Daylight meeting games away games Time Calculates Schedules Follows SS sends Uses Determines Swaps home/ Uses rotation Schedules driving contest to fall mandated Blocks out notifications if preference list availability of away games to schedule games at distance from on certain days scheduling certain days game is to schedule night games each year games region meeting opponent of the week rules declined games
  • 77. Alicia Alvarez Student Activities and Athletics Dir Too much to do and too little time!” Alicia Alvarez is busy! She oversees all student activities and the athletics program for a large high school. And if that isn't enough also maintains the school calendar. She is constantly balancing meetings and administrative tasks in her non-stop workday. Alicia not like to waste time and loathes to enter the same information twice. As a former soccer player and coach, Alicia loves athletics, she spends equal time focusing on activities. Alicia delegates a lot of administrative responsibility to her coaching and activities sta though she does keep a close watch. Her staff sometimes doesn't see the big picture in regards to budget concerns, logistics and, importantly, maintaining a healthy balance between the students' involvement with activities/athletics and their academic work. Background Goals Avoid scheduling conflicts. Married with two children. Save time and avoid duplicate entry of information. Worked her way up from a teacher to administration and is very dedicated. Maintain a clear view of the big picture. Uses the web, including shopping online and MS Office. Scenario The preparation for an athletic season starts at least four months in advance at the district scheduling meeting. Alicia attends the meeting with her tentative school calendar to make sure there aren't any conflicts with other school events. After the district master schedule is complete, Alicia will work with her coaches to fill out the rest of the schedule. She has final approval on all games. Alicia also puts the transportation and facility information on the schedule. She'll create specific reports for coaches, transportation and the facilities department. Right before the season officially begins, Alicia compiles the master eligibility list (MEL) from the team rosters provided by the coaches. She matches this information up with information from the guidance department. Alicia wishes there was an easier way to do this. The MEL is approved by the principal of the school.
  • 78. Diagnosis and Initial Treatment Tasks Receive diagnosis Get referral to endocrinologist and Visit the endocrinologist and Create a management plan Adjust to having diabetes diabetic counselor diabetic counselor Scenarios Kerri hadn't been feeling well for a while. Kerri's primary care doctor referred her to Kerri was a bit nervous on her first visit to When Kerri first met with her diabetic Kerri feels guilty that she has diabetes. While at work she felt faint and really off. an endocrinologist and a diabetic the endocrinologist. The doctor was very counselor they worked together on She knew that it ran in her family and she Her co-workers took her to the ER. After counselor. Her primary care doctor told helpful, but did warn Kerri that she creating a plan for Kerri to control her was susceptible to the disease. Keri has accessing her condition and looking at the Kerri that he will want to increase his needed to healthier lifestyle. The doctor diabetes. Kerri described her current diet always struggled with her weight. She results of the blood work the ER doctors visits with her, just to check in to see how wanted to try and manage the disease and her counselor recommended drastic cycles between trying to loose weight and told her she might have diabetes. It was things are going. without medication. Kerri saw a diabetic changes in her diet and told her she doing nothing about it. Kerri is having a recommended that she visit with her counselor within the next few days. It was needs to start exercising. Her counselor hard time accepting that she has diabetes primary care doctor, who subsequently an informative visit and Kerri will be also reiterated that if she makes some and is determined to get better, but she is Kerri verified the diagnoses and told Kerri that seeing her once a week for the next few major changes in her lifestyle she'll be concerned about sticking to her Recently Diagnosed she has Type II diabetes. months. able to control her diabetes without management plan. medications. Laura was diagnosed with Type II Laura was able to see an endocrinologist Laura felt a bit better after her first visit Laura and her diabetic counselor came Laura had a hard time adjusting to her diabetes during a routine checkup. She within the next week. Her primary care with the endocrinologist. He was very up with a plan that included dietary new diet. Cutting back on the amount of didn't even realize that she had any doctor was able to get her the helpful, informative and positive. He changes and recommended exercise. The carbs she eats was the hardest part of issues, but her A1c level came high in her appointment. As always Laura wrote the recommended that Laura goto to diabetic counselor also gave Laura information to her new diet. She had a hard time blood work. Needless to say, Laura was time and date of her appointment down in training and to also see a diabetic read at home about diabetes. She also managing other aspects of her diabetes in shocked, but it did make sense once she her day planner. counselor weekly for the next few months. recommended a few additional resources, the first year. There were too many things talked through it with her doctor because Laura started her diabetic training the including websites, books and support to keep track of and she didn't quite there has been symptoms but she just next week and saw her diabetic counselor groups. understand all if the intricacies of her new Laura didn't understand what was going on. that same day. diet plan. Subsequently she progressed Has it Managed from Type I to Type II diabetes. John has had hypertension for many John went along with his doctor's The endocrinologist walked through John took the initial diabetic training. He John thinks this is a pain. He isn't healthy years. Before having a medical procedure recommendation to see see a John's symptoms again. John mentioned also saw a diabetic counselor a few to begin with and this is jut another issue the hospital ran some blood work and endocrinologist and a diabetic counselor. that he has some tingling in his feet. The times. They worked up a management he has to address. John initially hopes found out that John has Type II diabetes. He did ask his primary doctor why he doctor is concerned that John's diabetes plan that included controlling his diet and that taking a pill will help with minimal diet John wasn't phased. He knows he hasn't needed to see these other people. could progress and cause further simple exercise to get started. The changes. He hasn't change his diet for his kept himself in the best of health. complications. He gave John a counselor also showed John how to take hyper tension and he doubts he'll change prescription for a medication that'll help his glucose readings with his prescribed much for his diabetes. John is already maintain his glucose level, but dialing in monitor. used to having good and bad days, so John the correct does might take. The doctor he's not sure how much having diabetes Not Managed at All wants to checkin frequently to see how its will effect how he feels overall. going. Joan always leaves openings on her daily Joan always leaves openings on her daily Before each visit Joan reviews the Joan firmly believes that she must work in Joan knows that it takes time for the schedule to see recently diagnosed schedule to see recently diagnosed medical record for the patient. She likes concert with her patients. She is there to patient to adjust to their new life with diabetics. During the initial visit she'll diabetics. During the initial visit she'll to jot a few notes down to help shape the empower her patients and help them diabetes. She always tells her patients to make the determination if she should make the determination if she should conversation. She very busy, so she change their lifestyle. While setting up a make changes in small steps. Joan is continue to see the patient on a weekly or continue to see the patient on a weekly or doesn't have a lot of time to do this. She's plan, she ask the patient a lot of always positive and makes herself monthly basis. She always recommends monthly basis. She always recommends mostly concerned with the patients questions, especially about their current available to her patients. They can email the patient to make use of other the patient to make use of other numbers and other conditions or diet and exercise regime. She uses this or call her with any questions. She also resources, like the internet, printouts, resources, like the internet, printouts, symptoms they might have. information to make recommendations for helps the patients plan for any dips in Joan diabetes classes and support groups. diabetes classes and support groups. a management plan. their daily management. She provides Diabetic Counselor answers to quot;what if scenarios?quot; Functionality u.1.1 Display and explain diagnosis. u.1.3 Display appointment u.1.1 Display and explain diagnosis. u.1.7 Display management plan. u.1.10 Help adjust to disease. The patient should be able to see their The patient should be able to see their The patient should be able to see their The system needs to provide ways to information. diagnosis, including symptoms and an diagnosis, including symptoms and an custom management plan, including diet, help the patient to adjust to their new The patient should be able to see their explanation on what the it means and explanation on what the it means and exercise and other recommendations. condition, including encouragement and upcoming appointments, including date, how what caused it. how what caused it. access to additional support. time, location, reason and medical provider. u.1.2 Display medical history. u.1.4 Request Appointments. u.1.5 Display treatment plan. u.1.8 Display additional resources. u.1.11 Display management plan The patient should be able to see their The patient should be able to request The patient should be able to see their The patient should be able to see any progress. medical history (Electronic Health appointments with their doctors. doctor's treatment plan, including next additional resources available to them The patient should be able to see Record). steps, medication information, etc... including classes, online resources, progress in managing their disease.
  • 79.
  • 80. Know your users and think about context of use.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 85. How does a design get developed?
  • 86.
  • 89. Design Develop
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 93. How do you react to divergent paths?
  • 94.
  • 96. Design Develop
  • 98. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • 100. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • 101. Responding to change over following a plan
  • 104.
  • 106.
  • 107. Explore solutions based on insights gained during research.
  • 108. “In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind, there are few.”—Shunryu Suzuki
  • 110.
  • 111. Does it fit within context of use?
  • 112. Alicia Alvarez Student Activities and Athletics Dir Too much to do and too little time!” Alicia Alvarez is busy! She oversees all student activities and the athletics program for a large high school. And if that isn't enough also maintains the school calendar. She is constantly balancing meetings and administrative tasks in her non-stop workday. Alicia not like to waste time and loathes to enter the same information twice. As a former soccer player and coach, Alicia loves athletics, she spends equal time focusing on activities. Alicia delegates a lot of administrative responsibility to her coaching and activities sta though she does keep a close watch. Her staff sometimes doesn't see the big picture in regards to budget concerns, logistics and, importantly, maintaining a healthy balance between the students' involvement with activities/athletics and their academic work. Background Goals Avoid scheduling conflicts. Married with two children. Save time and avoid duplicate entry of information. Worked her way up from a teacher to administration and is very dedicated. Maintain a clear view of the big picture. Uses the web, including shopping online and MS Office. Scenario The preparation for an athletic season starts at least four months in advance at the district scheduling meeting. Alicia attends the meeting with her tentative school calendar to make sure there aren't any conflicts with other school events. After the district master schedule is complete, Alicia will work with her coaches to fill out the rest of the schedule. She has final approval on all games. Alicia also puts the transportation and facility information on the schedule. She'll create specific reports for coaches, transportation and the facilities department. Right before the season officially begins, Alicia compiles the master eligibility list (MEL) from the team rosters provided by the coaches. She matches this information up with information from the guidance department. Alicia wishes there was an easier way to do this. The MEL is approved by the principal of the school.
  • 115.
  • 118.
  • 122.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 130.
  • 131.
  • 132. Can’t always throw one away.
  • 133.
  • 134. Maze
  • 135. You need to know where to go!
  • 136.
  • 137.
  • 138.
  • 139.
  • 140.
  • 141.
  • 143. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis
  • 144. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis Product Backlog
  • 145. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis Product Requirements Definition: Analysis Backlog
  • 146. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis Product Requirements Definition: Analysis Backlog Architecture Design
  • 147. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis Product Requirements Definition: Analysis Backlog Architecture Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework) Design
  • 148. High Level Research: Identify Business & User Goals and Needs Analysis Product Requirements Definition: Analysis Backlog Architecture Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework) Design Iterate
  • 149.
  • 150.
  • 151.
  • 152. Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework & behavior)
  • 153. Strategic Definition: Concept & Vision (framework & behavior) Iterate
  • 155. Design Vision: Disease Management Tool Preliminary Site Architecture, Features and Screens Vision Change is hard, especially when you have to make a sudden and possibly drastic change to your Our vision is to create a Disease Management Tool (DMT) that helps medical providers to spur lifestyle. This is the case for many diabetics. Typically they find out they have the disease later in life change in their patients. This will be accomplished by creating functionality that will help medical after they have developed their habits. If they haven!t been living a healthy lifestyle to begin with, it providers: will be a struggle for them to change their ways. We found in our research that a diabetics initial goal is to create a routine for themselves that adequately manages their disease. Typically this requires - Inform their patients about the dangers of their disease if left untreated. change. Change in diet, exercise and the introduction of having to track blood sugar levels and - Assess the willingness of their patients to change and make recommendations based upon the possibly taking medication. Depending on the motivation of the diabetic change will either be hard or patient's archetype. easy. Change does not happen over night, and in many cases it!s a life long struggle to stay in a - Plan a course of action for the patient including how to manage their disease daily. new routine. - Act by helping their patients implement their plan by setting achievable goals and subsequent rewards for meeting the goals. Change has six stages: precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, maintenance and - Track patient progress through a series of tools available to both the patient and provider. termination. A person can cycle through these stages time and time again. It could take up to six months for someone to finally settle into routine maintenance. It!s a difficult road to get there, that Thought the DMT has a provider focus it is important to actively engage the medical providers! requires motivation, encouragement, empathy and support. patients in this overall process. The patients need to see progress. They also need to be able to correlate non-management of the disease with how they feel. The DMT must help the patient: Looking beyond the initial requirements of the patient portal, we wonder how can we best help a medical provider spur change in their patients who need to radically reshape their lifestyle and are - Maintain their plan by allowing them to easily track progress and view their plan. most likely precontemplated–either very reluctant to change, have given up hope, very resistant to - Avoid and/or Recover from possible pitfalls or relapses based on information from their providers. being told what to do or has rationalized their current state. In addition, how can we best support the - Improve their overall wellness. patient who has decided to change. Medical providers can no longer just prescribe change, they need to fully support their patients through the six stages of change. Our vision will be achieved by implementing the key functionality listed below. Key Functionality Shared Resource Library The provider will be able to add resources Inform, Assess, Plan, Act, Track At the heart of the DMT is the management (documents, links, lists, etc...) to their wizard that will help providers spur change resource library. All of the entries into the Documents in their patients. There will be tools to help library can be shared amongst multiple Inform Assess Plan Act Track the provider to easily inform, assess, plan, providers. act and track the patients management Resources plan. Provide information Determine Create daily Set goals and Track progress motivations and management plan rewards willingness to change Wellness Meter The Wellness Meter is a graphical snapshot Change Archetypes Based on an initial assessment the system of multiple measure used to determine if the will be able to recommend a course of patient is meeting all of his goals and how action (plan) for 5 different change Managed Not Managed well they feel. A threshold is determined Recently Diagnosed Has Changed; Needs Willing but Difficult to Willing to Change archetypes. The system will provide custom during the initial planing phase. Additional Change Change packets of information and custom pans based on each archetype. This will help Recently Diagnosed Not Managed Not Willing to Change Not Willing to Change jump start the planning process. Patient Access to Information and Tracking Patients will be able to access their information online or offline. Offline Alerts & Reminders Both patients and providers will receive information will be available as printouts, Print Online alerts (if progress has stumbled) or tracking forms and progress updates. The Take reminders (take medications). This will help Warning patient will also be able to track their Meds the patient get into a routine. progress over the phone, using SMS text SMS Phone messages or by hand. Text
  • 156. Design Vision: Disease Management Tool Preliminary Provider Flow Precontemplation Contemplation Determination Action Maintenance Relapse increase perception of risks and problems evoke reasons to change, risks of not determine best course of action to seek help take steps towards change help identify and use strategies to prevent help renew the process without becoming Stages of Change with current behavior changing; strengthen the self-efficacy for change relapse stuck or demoralized change of current behavior Inform ! Assess ! Plan ! Act ! Track ! Repeat As Necessary First Visit 1) Login & Select Patient 1) Assess willingness to change 1) Make a Plan 1) Receommended Goals 1) Track Plan Progress 1) Patient Wellness Alerts After login the provider is The provider can either The system has created Patients Assess Plan If the patient is not The system will As part of the plan the Alert Plan Track brought to the Patients select a predetermined a plan based on the meeting their goals and recommend goals based system sets up easy screen. From the this archetype of change or assessment. The system has stumbled the system on the assessment. tracking tools for the key screen the provider can ask the patient a series will always suggest an will alert the provider. It Some of the initial goals measures/goals. These add a new patient or of questions to assess exercise regime, diet will also suggest that the would include glucose can be accessed by the select a new patient. their willingness to changes and tracking provide re-look at the monitoring, carb and patient online or over the change. The information glucose. But it will adjust plan to adjust to make sugar reduction and phone via voice, SMS used here will be used to the intensity of the success more exercise. text or tracked on paper. determine a base plan change in diet and achievable. the provider can enter in for the patient. exercise based on the in any measure at a assessment. follow up visit. 2) Review Medical History 2) Tweak the Plan 2) Patient Reminders 2) Review Assessment 2) Tweak the Goals and Add Reward After selecting a patient The provider can tweak New Patient Plan The provider can review The provider can tweak If patient needs Track Assessment Results Plan the provider can review a the plan,including which the results of the the goals by level of additional assistance brief snapshot of the measures to track, initial assessment, which might intensity, frequency or between visits to patients medical history threshold for success make additional target levels. The maintain their plan, the including diagnosis and and specific instructions recommendations on provider can also set provider can set up treatment plan from the on overall daily how best to proceed. rewards for the patient. reminders (take doctor. The provider can management. This might include The rewards are based medication, do a glucose take notes if needed. providing additional on a sliding scale to reading, etc...) for the information to the patient promote achievable patient. the reminders or setting appropriate success. could be an email, phone expectations of change. call or SMS text. 3) Select & Print Initial Information 3) Select & Print Additional Information 3) Identify Support Network Next the provider then New Patient Next the provider adds The provider works with New Patient Network adds the quot;New Patientquot; additional information to the a patient to identify a packet to the patient's the patient's personal support network. Details personal library. The library to help support of the plan can be packet contains the plan. The provider shared with the network information on diabetes can print out the as well as progress. (what is it and risks) and information if needed. information on how to manage the disease. The provider then prints out the packet for the patient. 4) Print the Plan and Setup Access The provider prints the Plan plan for the patient. Also, the provider sets up online or phone access to the system. Follow Up Visits 1) Reassess willingness to change 1) Tweak the Goals and Rewards 1) Tweak the Plan 1) Display Plan Progress The provider can tweak The provider can tweak If the patient's The provider can Plan Plan Track Assess the goals by level of the plan, including which information is up to date reassess the patients intensity, frequency or measures to track, initial the provider can easily willingness to change. target levels. The threshold for success see the patient's The information used provider can also tweak and specific instructions progress. The progress here will be used to the rewards for the on overall daily can be tracked as determine a base plan patient. management to help the individual measures or in for the patient. patient achieve success. a combined Wellness Meter. The provider can print out a progress update for the patient. 2) Identify Pitfalls 2) Identify What is Working The system highlights Track The provider should ask Success any portion of the plan the patient what is that isn't improving. the working and what is not. system will suggest that The system will track this the provider review the information in an ongoing plan with the patient to journal for the patient. determine what is working and how they
  • 157. Preliminary Site Architecture > Main Navigation and Functionality List Request Medications Refills Asess Plan Medications Act Inform Diet Profile Create Plan Goals Track Ac1 Cancel Providers Exercise Appointment Add Appointments Track Provider Notes Appointments Maintain Glucose Plan Patients Manage Request Additional Appointment Add Assign Measures Change Treatment Providers Plan Plan/Notes Weight Add Patient Medical For Add Profile History Appintment Login Patients Notes Plan For Providers Add Medications Set Goals Diet Long Term Effects Learn Library Exercise Diabetes Basics Add Contacts/ Programs Treatment Create Packets Add Resouces Why What is it? Upload Documents Add Links Key
  • 158. Concept Model: Sessionhead Prepared By: Summit Projects (Confidential) Sample Songs can use (full length) can listen to a free can be shared with Other Users Short Version Short Version to try out the can listen to a free has a (30 second) (30 second) Third Party can be shared with Sites of a of a shared community selects a using the Mix to create a A User Mixer Song can be search for by can create an Account/Profile Album Artisit has an Login/Register Name The user must login to use the following functionality. has a shared Tag output is stored in Original Version the user's must purchase an to create a new (full length) This is a shared version of a user's mix. The short Long Version can also listen to existing of a Community Mix version can be listened to (Full Length) for free. The user must purchase the original to listen to the full version. can add Ratings to a latest version can be remixed using the can add Comments to a has My Mixes can download Download their

Editor's Notes