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IT Strategy Development
How to make IT a strategic business enabler,
en ance s are ol er alue, an mi gate risk

                                             Business Vision
                                               & Strategy

                                 IT Vision

                   IT Strategy

IT Tactics & Operations

                          People       Infrastructure     Applications   Processes

                                      The Infology Group, Inc.
IT Strategy Development
     PAGE 2

   ro e         Overv e

    In ology regar IT trateg e a pre r p on or a on e            organ a on       ave t e l   ry o   on tr   ng long-term
plan a prepara on or more plann ng o t organ a on ant                      IT     Strate gy ...
to o      t eno g plann ng to en y an allo       gn ant
 nve tment an to o         t e r a v e over t e r   o en         IT Strategy is all about defining the future,
                                                                 understanding the present, and describing the
plann ng or on
                                                                 path from here to there.
     An IT trategy o l not only be n omplete al gnment t
                                                                 A successful strategy inspires valuable
t e b ne trategy b t al o en an e t e b ne trategy We,           initiatives, initiates focused action, and unifies
t ere ore, al ay    tart    t b ne     v on an relate            IT and its business communities around
 trateg e By go ng ba k to t e n amental o t e b ne      e       common goals.
 an evelop an IT v on t at    o e on ma m ng t e val e           Good IT strategies are good business.
 ontr b on o te nology
    O r approa  open n nat re It take ll a vantage o t e   kno le ge an e per e ava lable rom t n t e
organ a on an rom o t e o r e T allo        g er al ty re lt an en o rage  are o ner p o e on
    A ell-al gne , broa ly pporte IT trategy enable     t re b    ne      trateg e to be prepare     t te nology n m n
rat er t an a an a ert o g t
    A    onally, o r approa  eek to n over near-term av ng an bene t t at ll prov e moment m to t e pro e o
  ange We al o en re t at t e IT trategy appropr ately omm n ate to take ol er an t at me an m or ongo ng
governan e are n pla e
An Eight Step Approach
     O r e g t tep approa enable a rap pa e     le en r ng all take ol er ave a proper vo e n t e pro e A pe t
t at nee to be taken nto a o nt n l e evolv ng organ a onal mo el te nology evol on legal, reg latory an t r
party re rement       rrent an propo e b ne n a ve n orma on, appl a on an n ra tr t re ar te t re an ,
 nternal an e ternal te nology el very op on T e bene t o      o e ma e o l be learly e ne toget er t ey
  er orman e In ator      I t at ll be e to manage      e    le e   on o t e IT trategy nally, a lear n er tan ng
o t e b ne , te nology, env ronmental an     man re o r e r k nee to be re ogn e
  1. Conduct Business Discovery
     B    ne     overy beg n   t a rev e o nternal trategy o menta on prepare by management or o t e a v or
         a gmente    t p bl ly ava lable n try an ompe tor n orma on n l ng tren an ben mark ng ata
     T e ore e er e to omplete t e b ne            overy pro e    a er e o nterv e       an opera onal a l ty to r
Star ng at t e g e t level o t e organ a on r t enable a rap   n er tan ng t e ompany m on, b ne ob e ve ,
an trateg plan O r approa         n over r al pr or e an key b ne        r ver , n t e onte t o ompe ve pre re
 a ng t e organ a on a a ole        ng t e e n g t a a ompa , t e      overy pro e     e ten e t ro g t e balan e o
t e b ne       omm n ty O r approa en re an n er tan ng o t e overall b ne trategy an eterm ne t e e tent
to       t e IT organ a on     ppor ng t e e ob e ve o t e ompany
      T e pro e nve gate t e rrent b ne env ronment an e plore trateg n a ve n er ay or planne IT
role n ppor ng t e rrent an         t re b ne re rement              e      ng a SWOT o el Strengt , Weakne ,
Opport n ty, T reat C rrent erv e level are mea re    no le ge o an on en e n a var ety o IT pro e e e plore
 e g , Appl a on Implementa on, C ange anagement, D a ter e overy, Se r ty, IT al e ea rement etr
Corporate e      ve , D v onal an    n t ea er are nterv e e In g t or     tomer an     pply a n partner may be
ga ne rom re t nterv e or t e r nternal repre enta ve It       mportant to ga n a per pe ve rom a     e var ety o
                                               The Infology Group, Inc.
IT Strategy Development
      PAGE 3

b    ne        n on an lo a on to e tabl         lear pa ern o per orman e an to remove ran om no e rom t e eval a on
     T e o t ome o t   e er e a o mente n er tan ng o t e                                rrent A I       an e pe te   To Be b   ne
env ronment an o IT per orm n el ver ng val e to t e b ne
     . or u ate Business ercep on o
     T e armony bet een IT an b ne         omm n e     key to a a n ng trateg b ne ob e ve It a omple ,
m l a ete tate          an be pragma ally an ob e vely mea re t ro g t e e o a at r ty o el IT n a ve an
 erv e   pport a var e b ne omm n ty an e ternal partner T e at r ty o el eval ate po on an gro t along
t e ollo ng ale Non-e tent or A o epeatable b t Int ve De ne           ea re an   anage an nally, Op m e
T e b ne     omm n ty per ep on o IT erv e level        r al an nee to be bro g t nto per pe ve t ro g t e
 ompar on to e ternal ben mark ata
     T  approa ga n val e rom t e e o metr                  ave a ommon n er tan ng by bot IT an b ne
omm n e It al o prov e t e ba          or lear a onable n a ve t at ll pport mprove per orman e an val e
el very t n t e IT Strategy el verable
    3. Conduct       Discovery
     O r approa n l e a ompre en ve te nology e- l gen e pro e T pro e enable a ll n er tan ng o
t e organ a on te nolog al apab l e an t   el very T e IT management nterv e are m l a ete We rev e
          ey    man re o r e on     era on n l       e                      ey appl a on n l         e
          • ole       e pon b l e                                            • Core nterpr e e o r e lann ng
          • Organ a onal epor ng Str t re                                    • O t ar ook ng C / SC / eB ne
          • Career lann ng Sk ll Tra n ng                                    • no le ge / B ne Intell gen e
          • Intelle t al roperty g t                                         • ro     v ty De ktop
          • ternal e o r e Control                                          ey IT pro e e n l        e
          ey n ra tr t re on      era on n l     e                           •      Appl a on A        on Implementa on
          •    Data Center                                                   •      Sy tem Development
          •     AN / WAN / De ktop                                           •      C ange anagement
          •    Internet / Intranet / tranet                                  •      Ba k p D a ter e overy
          •    Tele omm n a on                                               •       elp De k    roblem   ala on
          •    Capa ty l a on         lann ng                                •      Se r ty
          •    Con ngen y lann ng                                            •      De ktop Stan ar     Compl an e

    man re o r e , n ra tr t re, appl a on , an          ore IT pro e e
    4. Re erence Experts & Research.
        e b ne e        allenge are n e an        olate    - e b ne may not affor to be t e earl e t a opter o
emerg ng te nology O r approa rev e          ava lable oma n e per e an re ear        t re pe t to n try pra e
 tan ar an ben mark an , emerg ng ol on an trateg e               e eren e to ompe tor pra e an apab l e are
 re ent r ver o t pro e Be t pra e an table te nology                repre ent a ne , breakt ro g    ea nve gate
    ally, t e nternal b ne omm n ty a r          o r e o ata on ompe ve a tor In a        on to o r n- o e e per e,
p bl e mater al an , a re re , ot er oma n pe al t on n e b e t are en e I appropr ate, n epen ent
re ear nto ompe tor,         tomer, or pply a n partner pra e per orme T e goal to not only leverage kno le ge
an e per en e b t al o en re t e IT Strategy   on tent t e ternal te nology re on

                                                         The Infology Group, Inc.
IT Strategy Development
     PAGE 4

  5. Review nteri        indings
     T e IT Strategy no beg n to take ape ee ba k on t e pro e to ate         r al to val ate a mp on                  an
 on l on T e re lt o        overy a v e an t e re on an tr t re o t e nal el verable rev e e             t              t e
Sen or ea er p Team n a ork ng e on T e p rpo e not only to ver y t e a ra y o ob e ve n ng b t                        al o
a eve agreement on t e analy o per ep on a repre ente       t n t e at r ty o el By e po ng t e ma n t rea               o
emerg ng IT In a ve or early ee ba k, agreement on a et o IT n a ve t at ll n erp n t e trategy a ompl                   e
  t b y- n a ro t e Sen or ea er p Team
  6. Bui d    Strategy De iverab e
      W t n a lear IT Strategy, more t an anyt ng, ompan e ant to kno    at to o T e key to g ve a lear roa map
t at an be n er too an ollo e to a eve t e mprove per orman e t              e , on l on , an re ommen a on
 learly pr or e an e ba k to b ne ob e ve o               on enabl ng b ne n a ve t at en an e are ol er val e
    le m ga ng r k IT Strategy Del verable a t e ollo ng Table o Content
   . Co      unicate     Strategy to rgani a on
     T e IT Steer ng Comm ee, a part o t overall omm n a on trategy, m t effe vely omm n ate t e Strateg IT

              a   B    ne State                                     e   Strateg IT In a ve
                         A I                                                    Organ a onal
                         To Be                                                  In ra tr t re
              b     r or e B ne In a ve                                         Appl a on
                  IT A I State                                               v IT ro e e
                    ea ne or C ange                                     IT In a ve oa map
                           eople                                    g   IT In a ve Inve tment S ale / S ope / Bene t
                         In ra tr t re                                  IT In a ve     k A e ment         ga on
                         Appl a on                                      IT In a ve r or e      ag      a rant
                       v IT ro e e
 oa map to t e IT organ a on an t e b ne omm n ty at large T o ay omm n a on key to ma nta n a alog e o
 n er tan ng to rrent n a ve tat an o t e e n a ve t nto an overall plan an , to en re b ne pro e
o ner ave a annel to mpart kno le ge o ang ng on on
  8. Manage the         Strategy
      T e IT Steer ng Comm ee       a , a a pr n pal re pon b l ty, t e role to mon tor t e e e on o an p ate to t e IT
Strategy D r ng t e IT Strategy    evelopment pro e , ey er orman e In ator             I are en e        ll be e to
mea re overall       e o e e       on A      onally, ea n a ve ll ave a part o t B ne Ca e OI mo el pe               I
t at ll be e to manage n a         ve e e    on
     T e eo    I prov e t e ab l ty to not only mon tor an mea re      e b t al o en re t at management a en on
  promptly o e on area           may re re trategy a       tment T mely an a rate rea on to a ang ng b ne
env ronment key to overall  e
 he Bo o          ine
     IT Strategy evelopment an organ pro e     , t ro g on              n al re nement, o e IT a v e an nve tment
on b ne ob e ve to en an e val e In ology a o n t at                    mo t organ a on an a ompl        an IT Strategy
 evelopment pro e      t n   to     ay epen ng on t e e,                omple ty an    ver ty o t e organ a on A lear
 n er tan ng o t e b ne v on an trateg n a ve rea ng                     ell nto n t management an a elerate IT Strategy

                                                   The Infology Group, Inc.
IT Strategy Development
How to make IT a strategic business enabler,
en ance s are ol er alue, an mi gate risk

 he n o ogy Group, nc.
 5 o aya
Waban, A 24 8

       17 851 8 41

  AI     In o@In ologyGro p om
W B          In ologyGro p om

©2      —2 11

                                 The Infology Group, Inc.

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IT Strategy Development

  • 1. IT Strategy Development How to make IT a strategic business enabler, en ance s are ol er alue, an mi gate risk Business Vision & Strategy IT Vision IT Strategy IT Tactics & Operations People Infrastructure Applications Processes The Infology Group, Inc.
  • 2. IT Strategy Development PAGE 2 ro e Overv e In ology regar IT trateg e a pre r p on or a on e organ a on ave t e l ry o on tr ng long-term plan a prepara on or more plann ng o t organ a on ant IT Strate gy ... to o t eno g plann ng to en y an allo gn ant nve tment an to o t e r a v e over t e r o en IT Strategy is all about defining the future, understanding the present, and describing the plann ng or on path from here to there. An IT trategy o l not only be n omplete al gnment t A successful strategy inspires valuable t e b ne trategy b t al o en an e t e b ne trategy We, initiatives, initiates focused action, and unifies t ere ore, al ay tart t b ne v on an relate IT and its business communities around trateg e By go ng ba k to t e n amental o t e b ne e common goals. an evelop an IT v on t at o e on ma m ng t e val e Good IT strategies are good business. ontr b on o te nology O r approa open n nat re It take ll a vantage o t e kno le ge an e per e ava lable rom t n t e organ a on an rom o t e o r e T allo g er al ty re lt an en o rage are o ner p o e on A ell-al gne , broa ly pporte IT trategy enable t re b ne trateg e to be prepare t te nology n m n rat er t an a an a ert o g t A onally, o r approa eek to n over near-term av ng an bene t t at ll prov e moment m to t e pro e o ange We al o en re t at t e IT trategy appropr ately omm n ate to take ol er an t at me an m or ongo ng governan e are n pla e An Eight Step Approach O r e g t tep approa enable a rap pa e le en r ng all take ol er ave a proper vo e n t e pro e A pe t t at nee to be taken nto a o nt n l e evolv ng organ a onal mo el te nology evol on legal, reg latory an t r party re rement rrent an propo e b ne n a ve n orma on, appl a on an n ra tr t re ar te t re an , nternal an e ternal te nology el very op on T e bene t o o e ma e o l be learly e ne toget er t ey er orman e In ator I t at ll be e to manage e le e on o t e IT trategy nally, a lear n er tan ng o t e b ne , te nology, env ronmental an man re o r e r k nee to be re ogn e 1. Conduct Business Discovery B ne overy beg n t a rev e o nternal trategy o menta on prepare by management or o t e a v or a gmente t p bl ly ava lable n try an ompe tor n orma on n l ng tren an ben mark ng ata T e ore e er e to omplete t e b ne overy pro e a er e o nterv e an opera onal a l ty to r Star ng at t e g e t level o t e organ a on r t enable a rap n er tan ng t e ompany m on, b ne ob e ve , an trateg plan O r approa n over r al pr or e an key b ne r ver , n t e onte t o ompe ve pre re a ng t e organ a on a a ole ng t e e n g t a a ompa , t e overy pro e e ten e t ro g t e balan e o t e b ne omm n ty O r approa en re an n er tan ng o t e overall b ne trategy an eterm ne t e e tent to t e IT organ a on ppor ng t e e ob e ve o t e ompany T e pro e nve gate t e rrent b ne env ronment an e plore trateg n a ve n er ay or planne IT role n ppor ng t e rrent an t re b ne re rement e ng a SWOT o el Strengt , Weakne , Opport n ty, T reat C rrent erv e level are mea re no le ge o an on en e n a var ety o IT pro e e e plore e g , Appl a on Implementa on, C ange anagement, D a ter e overy, Se r ty, IT al e ea rement etr Corporate e ve , D v onal an n t ea er are nterv e e In g t or tomer an pply a n partner may be ga ne rom re t nterv e or t e r nternal repre enta ve It mportant to ga n a per pe ve rom a e var ety o The Infology Group, Inc.
  • 3. IT Strategy Development PAGE 3 b ne n on an lo a on to e tabl lear pa ern o per orman e an to remove ran om no e rom t e eval a on T e o t ome o t e er e a o mente n er tan ng o t e rrent A I an e pe te To Be b ne env ronment an o IT per orm n el ver ng val e to t e b ne . or u ate Business ercep on o T e armony bet een IT an b ne omm n e key to a a n ng trateg b ne ob e ve It a omple , m l a ete tate an be pragma ally an ob e vely mea re t ro g t e e o a at r ty o el IT n a ve an erv e pport a var e b ne omm n ty an e ternal partner T e at r ty o el eval ate po on an gro t along t e ollo ng ale Non-e tent or A o epeatable b t Int ve De ne ea re an anage an nally, Op m e T e b ne omm n ty per ep on o IT erv e level r al an nee to be bro g t nto per pe ve t ro g t e ompar on to e ternal ben mark ata T approa ga n val e rom t e e o metr ave a ommon n er tan ng by bot IT an b ne omm n e It al o prov e t e ba or lear a onable n a ve t at ll pport mprove per orman e an val e el very t n t e IT Strategy el verable 3. Conduct Discovery O r approa n l e a ompre en ve te nology e- l gen e pro e T pro e enable a ll n er tan ng o t e organ a on te nolog al apab l e an t el very T e IT management nterv e are m l a ete We rev e ey man re o r e on era on n l e ey appl a on n l e • ole e pon b l e • Core nterpr e e o r e lann ng • Organ a onal epor ng Str t re • O t ar ook ng C / SC / eB ne • Career lann ng Sk ll Tra n ng • no le ge / B ne Intell gen e • Intelle t al roperty g t • ro v ty De ktop • ternal e o r e Control ey IT pro e e n l e ey n ra tr t re on era on n l e • Appl a on A on Implementa on • Data Center • Sy tem Development • AN / WAN / De ktop • C ange anagement • Internet / Intranet / tranet • Ba k p D a ter e overy • Tele omm n a on • elp De k roblem ala on • Capa ty l a on lann ng • Se r ty • Con ngen y lann ng • De ktop Stan ar Compl an e man re o r e , n ra tr t re, appl a on , an ore IT pro e e 4. Re erence Experts & Research. e b ne e allenge are n e an olate - e b ne may not affor to be t e earl e t a opter o emerg ng te nology O r approa rev e ava lable oma n e per e an re ear t re pe t to n try pra e tan ar an ben mark an , emerg ng ol on an trateg e e eren e to ompe tor pra e an apab l e are re ent r ver o t pro e Be t pra e an table te nology repre ent a ne , breakt ro g ea nve gate ally, t e nternal b ne omm n ty a r o r e o ata on ompe ve a tor In a on to o r n- o e e per e, p bl e mater al an , a re re , ot er oma n pe al t on n e b e t are en e I appropr ate, n epen ent re ear nto ompe tor, tomer, or pply a n partner pra e per orme T e goal to not only leverage kno le ge an e per en e b t al o en re t e IT Strategy on tent t e ternal te nology re on The Infology Group, Inc.
  • 4. IT Strategy Development PAGE 4 5. Review nteri indings T e IT Strategy no beg n to take ape ee ba k on t e pro e to ate r al to val ate a mp on an on l on T e re lt o overy a v e an t e re on an tr t re o t e nal el verable rev e e t t e Sen or ea er p Team n a ork ng e on T e p rpo e not only to ver y t e a ra y o ob e ve n ng b t al o a eve agreement on t e analy o per ep on a repre ente t n t e at r ty o el By e po ng t e ma n t rea o emerg ng IT In a ve or early ee ba k, agreement on a et o IT n a ve t at ll n erp n t e trategy a ompl e t b y- n a ro t e Sen or ea er p Team 6. Bui d Strategy De iverab e W t n a lear IT Strategy, more t an anyt ng, ompan e ant to kno at to o T e key to g ve a lear roa map t at an be n er too an ollo e to a eve t e mprove per orman e t e , on l on , an re ommen a on learly pr or e an e ba k to b ne ob e ve o on enabl ng b ne n a ve t at en an e are ol er val e le m ga ng r k IT Strategy Del verable a t e ollo ng Table o Content . Co unicate Strategy to rgani a on T e IT Steer ng Comm ee, a part o t overall omm n a on trategy, m t effe vely omm n ate t e Strateg IT a B ne State e Strateg IT In a ve A I Organ a onal To Be In ra tr t re b r or e B ne In a ve Appl a on IT A I State v IT ro e e ea ne or C ange IT In a ve oa map eople g IT In a ve Inve tment S ale / S ope / Bene t In ra tr t re IT In a ve k A e ment ga on Appl a on IT In a ve r or e ag a rant v IT ro e e oa map to t e IT organ a on an t e b ne omm n ty at large T o ay omm n a on key to ma nta n a alog e o n er tan ng to rrent n a ve tat an o t e e n a ve t nto an overall plan an , to en re b ne pro e o ner ave a annel to mpart kno le ge o ang ng on on 8. Manage the Strategy T e IT Steer ng Comm ee a , a a pr n pal re pon b l ty, t e role to mon tor t e e e on o an p ate to t e IT Strategy D r ng t e IT Strategy evelopment pro e , ey er orman e In ator I are en e ll be e to mea re overall e o e e on A onally, ea n a ve ll ave a part o t B ne Ca e OI mo el pe I t at ll be e to manage n a ve e e on T e eo I prov e t e ab l ty to not only mon tor an mea re e b t al o en re t at management a en on promptly o e on area may re re trategy a tment T mely an a rate rea on to a ang ng b ne env ronment key to overall e he Bo o ine IT Strategy evelopment an organ pro e , t ro g on n al re nement, o e IT a v e an nve tment on b ne ob e ve to en an e val e In ology a o n t at mo t organ a on an a ompl an IT Strategy evelopment pro e t n to ay epen ng on t e e, omple ty an ver ty o t e organ a on A lear n er tan ng o t e b ne v on an trateg n a ve rea ng ell nto n t management an a elerate IT Strategy evelopment The Infology Group, Inc.
  • 5. IT Strategy Development How to make IT a strategic business enabler, en ance s are ol er alue, an mi gate risk he n o ogy Group, nc. 5 o aya Waban, A 24 8 17 851 8 41 AI In o@In ologyGro p om W B In ologyGro p om ©2 —2 11 The Infology Group, Inc.