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Following the God
Bigger Than Our Dreams
Zygmunt Karel and
Insight for Living Polska
Jakub Cieslar, or Kuba as friends call him, grew
up in a Christian family—a rarity in Poland. “I
consider it a privilege to have had a Christian home,”
Kuba reflects. “I still had struggles as a teenager. I had
questions about the Bible. But I found the answers
quickly and committed my life to Christ at age 15.”
With his sights fixed on Jesus, Kuba graduated
from high school and enrolled in Poland’s oldest
academy—Jagiellonian University in Kraków. There
he became acquainted with Campus Crusade for
Christ and got involved in student ministry, which
became central to his spiritual growth. He says with a
smile, “After I finished my studies, I married the most
beautiful woman in 2009, and we both joined the staff
of Campus Crusade.” Kuba and Ela served students
for one year in Poland and then moved to the Czech
Republic, where they were part of a multinational
team ministering to students in the beautiful city of
In 2013, the Cieslars moved back to Poland, this
time to Wrocław where Kuba began looking for a job
and soon heard about a man named Zygmunt Karel,
who was looking for an executive director for Insight
for Living Polska. “The job sounded scary,” Kuba
admits, “But I met with Zygmunt and he, together
with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll, determined I was
the right fit.”
On November 1, 2013, Kuba officially joined our
staff. In his role, Kuba oversees broadcast production
and scheduling, manages the office’s finances,
and maintains their website. “Working alongside
Zygmunt, a seasoned man of God, is a privilege,” Kuba
shares. “And daily being in the Word through Chuck’s
messages is so enriching. The last six years have been
an incredible journey and a great adventure.” When
not at his desk, Kuba enjoys delving into history
and theology books, improvising on the piano, and
spending time with Ela and their three children—
daughters, Hania and Alina, and a son born this past
October, Adam.
When asked how readers in the United States can
pray for Insight for Living Polska, Kuba responds
thoughtfully, “Less than one half of one percent of
the country’s more than 37 million people identify as
evangelical Christians. About 90 percent are Catholic.
We don’t want to fight the Catholic church. We just
want to present the message of the Bible as clearly
as possible. We need prayer as we adapt Chuck’s
messages for our predominantly Catholic culture.
We want to choose words that are true to the original
message and also understandable to Poles. We want
Poles to be able to go to the Bible and be bold enough
and equipped enough to read it for themselves.”
With a heavy heart, he adds a request for young
Poles, of whom only 20 percent believe in God.
“Young people are disillusioned with the church
and with Christianity. Pray for us as we try to reach
them and show them how they can have a real and
personal relationship with God based on the clear,
simple teaching of the Bible, which is relevant to their
lives. Pray for us to build relationships with young
pastors who can be mentored and trained in Searching
the Scriptures methods. And pray for us to have tools,
financial resources, and creative ideas to meet young
people where they are, especially online. This is our
God-given time!”
This Is Our God-Given Time!is large; in others, it is minimal. Regardless, any Polish-
speaking individual living anywhere in the world with
access to the Internet can receive solid, practical Bible
teaching in their heart language through Insight for
Living Polska’s website!
What’s more, in 2013, the Lord led the perfect
ministry partner to Zygmunt, just as He did years before
with Dr. Young. Jakub Cieslar, who goes by Kuba, has
served alongside Zygmunt as executive director of
Insight for Living Polska for more than six years. Kuba
handles the logistics of the office, freeing Zygmunt to
focus on translating Chuck’s messages and preparing for
Searching the Scriptures training sessions. These two men
from different generations share a deep passion for their
country and for God’s Word, making them the perfect
match to reach and make disciples of Poles of all ages!
Zygmunt’s childhood and 49 years of ministry in Poland
have brought him hardships and heartaches most of us
will never bear. But if you have the pleasure of meeting
him, don’t count on hearing about his trials—unless you
ask exactly the right questions. Even then, he’ll answer
truthfully but quickly turn the focus to the gifts God has
provided: his loving and encouraging wife of 47 years,
Maria; their five children and five grandchildren; the small
but hardworking team he leads as pastor of Insight for
Living Polska; the beauty of his country and its people;
the partnership of believers around the world who give
to support Vision 195; and above all, the opportunity to
know Jesus Christ personally and introduce others to Him.
“Insight for Living Polska exists for one reason,”
Zgymunt says with an earnestness in his voice and a
weathered faith in his eyes. “We want people to get
to know the Bible and, through the Bible, to get to
know Christ and experience His constant presence,
hope, and help in their lives—no matter what they
may face.”
Insight for Living
Ministries’ vision is to
reach all the nations.
We’re so grateful for
Zygmunt Karel who
serves as our voice
in Poland.
—  Charles R. Swindoll
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reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. Insights is published by Insight for Living Ministries, the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll.
Insight for Living Ministries is an autonomous ministry. Cover inset of Chuck Swindoll: Edmonson Photography. Printed in the United States of America.
March8–19,2021 /events
Those words come from Zygmunt Karel, a man who at 5-years-
old witnessed communists beating his father for preaching the
gospel in Poland. Zygmunt will never forget his mother holding
him back from rushing to his father’s defense. “If we attack them,”
she warned, “They will put your father in prison, this time for good.”
Zygmunt will also never forget what happened after the officers left.
His father gathered the family together, asked them to kneel, and then
led them in prayer for the men who had just beaten him.
That wasn’t the last time the Karel family endured persecution.
“Oh, yes,” Zygmunt says with a humble smile, “My father was arrested
many times. I’ve been arrested too.”
Born in 1950, Zygmunt spent his childhood in South Poland, where
pollution hung so thickly in the air, even the birds coughed. Despite
the heavy hand of communism in those years, Zygmunt doesn’t
remember a time when he didn’t know about Christ. His parents, as
well as his uncle’s family who lived close by, were dedicated believers.
His father, a pastor, was in and out of prison, accused of being an
American spy because he proclaimed God’s Word—an accusation that
wasn’t reserved only for adults. Zygmunt recalls praying for the United
States in their home as a family. But his father forbade him to speak of
America at school, fearing he too would end up in prison.
Through Zygmunt’s recordings of Chuck Swindoll’s
messages, Polish-speaking people can hear solid
Bible teaching in Poland on the radio and around
the world via the Internet.
Wrocław, Poland
“All of my life, God put into my heart a dream
of starting a seminary in my country.”
Following the God Bigger Than Our Dreams: Zygmunt Karel and Insight for Living Polska, continued from inside
Kuba and Ela Cieslar served with Campus Crusade
for Christ before Kuba joined Insight for Living
Polska as executive director in 2013.
Zygmunt and Maria, pictured here in 1992, have five
children—(from left) Ela, Piotr, Marcin, Wojtek, and
(front) Patryk.
MAY 2020
Partners in marriage and ministry now for 47
years, Zygmunt and Maria serve the Lord side-by-
side in their home country of Poland.
1. Joshua Project, “Language: Polish,” Joshua Project, (accessed April 19, 2020).
Polish Speakers
New Zealand
United States
His main responsibility, though, has been to
translate, contextualize, and record Chuck’s messages
for a Polish-speaking audience. Now, with our new
Searching the Scriptures training curriculum and
Vision 195, he will also be training pastors and lay
leaders to study God’s Word and prepare and deliver
sermons using the same methods Chuck does
every Sunday.
Looking back, Zygmunt sees clearly how the Lord
prepared him to be a teacher of the Word during his
years serving at the seminary he dreamed of and started
with Dr. Mark Young. With gratitude and amazement,
he also sees how the Lord led him away from that dream
to an even bigger one. Through Vision 195, Zygmunt
will be teaching and training Polish-speakers on a scale
much larger than he ever imagined! And through our
Polish-language website, he has the opportunity to
reach millions more.
More than 41 million people from 46 different
countries speak Polish as their primary language.1 In
“Growing up in a Christian
home,” Zygmunt says, “was
a gift. But there was one
negative thing.” That one thing,
according to Zygmunt? Not the
constant fear or persecution.
It was how long it took him to
realize being part of a Christian
familywasn’tenough;  heneeded
to make a personal decision to
follow Christ. Zygmunt recalls
the day he made that choice:
I was on a tram, packed
in like a sardine, traveling
between cities. I was
about 15 years old, and
I was reading a booklet
about the gospel from a
revival convention. All of
a sudden, I realized that
to be a child of God, I
had to make the decision
for myself. My father was
standing far from me on
the tram, and I shouted to
him, “Dad! Did you know
salvation has to come by
faith?” That was my first realization that I
needed to commit my life to God’s hands,
and I did.
With the same inextinguishable faith of his father,
teenaged Zygmunt felt called to full-time ministry.
When he told his parents, tears streamed down his
mother’s cheeks. His father, terrified that his son would
experience the same hardships he had, said firmly,
“Over my dead body!”
“I loved my father. I obeyed my father,” Zygmunt
says with a chuckle. “But I knew God had called me
to be a pastor, and there was no way I wouldn’t be.”
That was 1965; Zygmunt began pastoring in Poland in
1971. Advanced studies took him to Warsaw, where he
earned a PhD in theological sciences from Christian
Theological Academy. While studying theology in
Warsaw, Zygmunt pastored two small churches in his
home area, South Poland. After 10 years ministering in
Silesia (South Poland), he traveled to Switzerland for
further study. Eventually, he landed in beautiful Kraków,
Poland, where he pastored for seven years.
In 1988, the Lord began to
make Zygmunt’s lifelong dream of
starting a seminary a reality. The first
step? A prompting in the heart of
Dr. Mark Young, now the president
of Denver Seminary, to move from
the United States to Poland. The Lord
connected Zygmunt and Dr. Young,
bringing together Zygmunt’s passion
and training with Dr. Young’s heart
for missions and his education from
Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS)
and Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School. For two years, Zygmunt
and Dr. Young worked together to
develop a seminary in Poland. Due
to communism, they planned to
open the institution “underground.”
But then these two believers with
big dreams saw the Lord perform a
miracle: In 1989, Poland came out
from under communism! “God gave
us freedom!” Zygmunt exclaims.
“Suddenly, we had an open road
before us!”
In 1990, Biblical Theological
Seminary, completely unhindered,
opened its doors in Wrocław, with Dr. Young serving
as academic dean and Zygmunt as president. In 1995,
Dr. Young returned to his alma mater DTS as a professor.
Zygmunt remained president of the seminary in Poland
until 2005, teaching theology, homiletics, and spiritual
leadership. Today, Biblical Theological Seminary is the
only fully accredited evangelical, interdenominational
seminary in Europe.
In 2005, Zygmunt moved to New York to help grow
a church in a Polish community in Brooklyn. Then
in 2008, Dr. Young invited him to visit DTS, where
Dr. Chuck Swindoll was chancellor. Zygmunt had met
Chuck at an earlier visit, but this time, he also met
Cynthia and Insight for Living Ministries. Shortly
thereafter, he returned to Poland with a mission: to start
Insight for Living Polska (Poland).
Zygmunt shares, “Since day one, I was translating
Chuck’s sermons into Polish. By 2009, the office was
open, and I started to record. Since that time, we
have produced almost 1,000 broadcasts!” Zygmunt’s
efforts have resulted in more than 500 hours of solid,
practical Bible teaching airing across Poland on two
different stations—and that teaching is meeting an
astounding need!
Through both world wars, God sustained the people
of Poland through the Roman Catholic Church. Those
deep roots have produced an uncontested reverence
for the Catholic church and a people who consider
themselves very religious. But, as Zygmunt points out,
“Religion doesn’t necessarily go together with knowledge
of the gospel.”
Catholicism gives many Poles a sense of belonging;
they feel secure in the church, thinking the church takes
care of their salvation. There’s a prevailing mindset that
if a person goes to mass, participates in the sacraments,
and listens to the right ordained clergy, he or she is
okay. A personal spiritual life doesn’t matter; what that
person does at home doesn’t matter. As pastor of Insight
for Living Polska, Zygmunt considers it his privilege
to introduce his countrymen and women to the God of
grace and the truth of the Bible.
“We love our country,” Zygmunt says. “We want to
present the Bible as clearly as possible. People here tend
to see everything non-Catholic as a threat, but listeners
like Chuck’s messages because he appeals to their minds.”
And that’s no small feat!
“We never had in Poland anything like a national
Reformation,” Zygmunt explains. “Obviously, the
Reformation flowed into Poland, but it never touched
the whole country. Therefore, the mentality of the
average Pole is not inclined to the Bible or to biblical
vocabulary.” English takes a lot of vocabulary from the
Bible, and English-speakers—Christian or otherwise—
use it in everyday life. But, Zygmunt reveals, that isn’t the
case with Poles. “We have to be really careful,” he says,
“to teach the gospel in a way that people will be able to
Biblical Theological Seminary, which Zygmunt
helped found, is Europe’s only fully accredited
evangelical, interdenominational seminary.
The challenge is even greater among the young
population who tend to resist reading. It’s a
“generation of pictures,” Zygmunt says—people who
have grown up with a constant onslaught of images,
giving them less patience for things like sitting down
and studying the Bible. “So,” Zygmunt says with
determination, “We are looking for creative ways to
engage people of all ages in digging into the Bible for
themselves.” Zygmunt and his team do so with an
emphasis on excellence and professionalism. Those
hallmarks of Insight for Living Ministries as a whole,
Zygmunt believes, will draw in Polish Catholics and
Protestants alike.
As pastor of Insight for Living Polska, Zygmunt
answers calls and letters from listeners who contact
the ministry with questions about the Bible and what
they’ve heard on the program. He also fills pulpits
throughout the country as needed and sets up
teaching conferences.
Following the God Bigger Than Our Dreams: Zygmunt Karel and Insight for Living Polska, continued from front
For nearly five decades, Zygmunt has
pursued the Lord’s calling to full-
time ministry in Poland.
Continued on back
These countries in the immediate
radius of Poland have significant
Polish-speaking populations.
M e d i t e r r a n e a n
e a
N o r t h
S e a
B l a c k
S e a
B a l t
Other countries
around the
world with

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  • 1. Following the God Bigger Than Our Dreams Zygmunt Karel and Insight for Living Polska Jakub Cieslar, or Kuba as friends call him, grew up in a Christian family—a rarity in Poland. “I consider it a privilege to have had a Christian home,” Kuba reflects. “I still had struggles as a teenager. I had questions about the Bible. But I found the answers quickly and committed my life to Christ at age 15.” With his sights fixed on Jesus, Kuba graduated from high school and enrolled in Poland’s oldest academy—Jagiellonian University in Kraków. There he became acquainted with Campus Crusade for Christ and got involved in student ministry, which became central to his spiritual growth. He says with a smile, “After I finished my studies, I married the most beautiful woman in 2009, and we both joined the staff of Campus Crusade.” Kuba and Ela served students for one year in Poland and then moved to the Czech Republic, where they were part of a multinational team ministering to students in the beautiful city of Prague. In 2013, the Cieslars moved back to Poland, this time to Wrocław where Kuba began looking for a job and soon heard about a man named Zygmunt Karel, who was looking for an executive director for Insight for Living Polska. “The job sounded scary,” Kuba admits, “But I met with Zygmunt and he, together with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll, determined I was the right fit.” On November 1, 2013, Kuba officially joined our staff. In his role, Kuba oversees broadcast production and scheduling, manages the office’s finances, and maintains their website. “Working alongside Zygmunt, a seasoned man of God, is a privilege,” Kuba shares. “And daily being in the Word through Chuck’s messages is so enriching. The last six years have been an incredible journey and a great adventure.” When not at his desk, Kuba enjoys delving into history and theology books, improvising on the piano, and spending time with Ela and their three children— daughters, Hania and Alina, and a son born this past October, Adam. When asked how readers in the United States can pray for Insight for Living Polska, Kuba responds thoughtfully, “Less than one half of one percent of the country’s more than 37 million people identify as evangelical Christians. About 90 percent are Catholic. We don’t want to fight the Catholic church. We just want to present the message of the Bible as clearly as possible. We need prayer as we adapt Chuck’s messages for our predominantly Catholic culture. We want to choose words that are true to the original message and also understandable to Poles. We want Poles to be able to go to the Bible and be bold enough and equipped enough to read it for themselves.” With a heavy heart, he adds a request for young Poles, of whom only 20 percent believe in God. “Young people are disillusioned with the church and with Christianity. Pray for us as we try to reach them and show them how they can have a real and personal relationship with God based on the clear, simple teaching of the Bible, which is relevant to their lives. Pray for us to build relationships with young pastors who can be mentored and trained in Searching the Scriptures methods. And pray for us to have tools, financial resources, and creative ideas to meet young people where they are, especially online. This is our God-given time!” This Is Our God-Given Time!is large; in others, it is minimal. Regardless, any Polish- speaking individual living anywhere in the world with access to the Internet can receive solid, practical Bible teaching in their heart language through Insight for Living Polska’s website! What’s more, in 2013, the Lord led the perfect ministry partner to Zygmunt, just as He did years before with Dr. Young. Jakub Cieslar, who goes by Kuba, has served alongside Zygmunt as executive director of Insight for Living Polska for more than six years. Kuba handles the logistics of the office, freeing Zygmunt to focus on translating Chuck’s messages and preparing for Searching the Scriptures training sessions. These two men from different generations share a deep passion for their country and for God’s Word, making them the perfect match to reach and make disciples of Poles of all ages! Zygmunt’s childhood and 49 years of ministry in Poland have brought him hardships and heartaches most of us will never bear. But if you have the pleasure of meeting him, don’t count on hearing about his trials—unless you ask exactly the right questions. Even then, he’ll answer truthfully but quickly turn the focus to the gifts God has provided: his loving and encouraging wife of 47 years, Maria; their five children and five grandchildren; the small but hardworking team he leads as pastor of Insight for Living Polska; the beauty of his country and its people; the partnership of believers around the world who give to support Vision 195; and above all, the opportunity to know Jesus Christ personally and introduce others to Him. “Insight for Living Polska exists for one reason,” Zgymunt says with an earnestness in his voice and a weathered faith in his eyes. “We want people to get to know the Bible and, through the Bible, to get to know Christ and experience His constant presence, hope, and help in their lives—no matter what they may face.” Continued Insight for Living Ministries’ vision is to reach all the nations. We’re so grateful for Zygmunt Karel who serves as our voice in Poland. —  Charles R. Swindoll Insight for Living Ministries USA • Post Office Box  5000 • Frisco, Texas • 75034-0055 • USA • 1-800-772-8888 • Spanish-language materials, please call 1-800-898-4847 • Churches and bookstores, please call 1-800-641-5485 • International orders, please call +1-469-535-8436 • CANADA • Insight for Living Canada • PO Box 8 Stn A • Abbotsford BC V2T 6Z4 • CANADA • 1-800-663-7639 • • AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND SOUTH PACIFIC • Insight for Living Australia • 2/280 Dorset Rd. • Boronia, VIC 3155 • AUSTRALIA • +61 3 9762 6613 • • GUATEMALA • Visión Para Vivir • 6ta Av. 0-60, Gran Centro Comercial Zona 4 • Torre Profesional II, Of. 511 • Guatemala • (502) 2338-0027 • • UK AND EUROPE • Insight for Living United Kingdom • PO  Box  553 • Dorking RH4  9EU • UNITED KINGDOM • 0800  787  9364 • • Copyright ©  2020 Insight for Living Ministries. All rights reserved worldwide. No portion of this newsletter may be translated into any language or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. Insights is published by Insight for Living Ministries, the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll. Insight for Living Ministries is an autonomous ministry. Cover inset of Chuck Swindoll: Edmonson Photography. Printed in the United States of America. FROM INSIGHT FOR LIVING MINISTRIES ChecktheInsightforLiving Ministrieswebsiteforthemost currentbroadcastschedule. ONTHEAIR InsightforLivingMinistries 2021IsraelTour March8–19,2021 /events UPCOMING Those words come from Zygmunt Karel, a man who at 5-years- old witnessed communists beating his father for preaching the gospel in Poland. Zygmunt will never forget his mother holding him back from rushing to his father’s defense. “If we attack them,” she warned, “They will put your father in prison, this time for good.” Zygmunt will also never forget what happened after the officers left. His father gathered the family together, asked them to kneel, and then led them in prayer for the men who had just beaten him. That wasn’t the last time the Karel family endured persecution. “Oh, yes,” Zygmunt says with a humble smile, “My father was arrested many times. I’ve been arrested too.” Born in 1950, Zygmunt spent his childhood in South Poland, where pollution hung so thickly in the air, even the birds coughed. Despite the heavy hand of communism in those years, Zygmunt doesn’t remember a time when he didn’t know about Christ. His parents, as well as his uncle’s family who lived close by, were dedicated believers. His father, a pastor, was in and out of prison, accused of being an American spy because he proclaimed God’s Word—an accusation that wasn’t reserved only for adults. Zygmunt recalls praying for the United States in their home as a family. But his father forbade him to speak of America at school, fearing he too would end up in prison. COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNICATING BIBLICAL TRUTH AND ITS APPLICATION Through Zygmunt’s recordings of Chuck Swindoll’s messages, Polish-speaking people can hear solid Bible teaching in Poland on the radio and around the world via the Internet. Wrocław, Poland “All of my life, God put into my heart a dream of starting a seminary in my country.” Following the God Bigger Than Our Dreams: Zygmunt Karel and Insight for Living Polska, continued from inside Kuba and Ela Cieslar served with Campus Crusade for Christ before Kuba joined Insight for Living Polska as executive director in 2013. Zygmunt and Maria, pictured here in 1992, have five children—(from left) Ela, Piotr, Marcin, Wojtek, and (front) Patryk. MAY 2020 Partners in marriage and ministry now for 47 years, Zygmunt and Maria serve the Lord side-by- side in their home country of Poland. Endnote 1. Joshua Project, “Language: Polish,” Joshua Project, (accessed April 19, 2020).
  • 2. Polish Speakers Poland Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic Netherlands Italy France Ukraine Serbia Romania Greece Spain Germany United Kingdom Sweden Norway Ireland Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Latvia Lithuania Finland Moldova Russia Argentina Australia Azerbaijan Brazil Canada Georgia Iceland Israel Kazakhstan New Zealand Paraguay Turkmenistan United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Luxembourg Austria His main responsibility, though, has been to translate, contextualize, and record Chuck’s messages for a Polish-speaking audience. Now, with our new Searching the Scriptures training curriculum and Vision 195, he will also be training pastors and lay leaders to study God’s Word and prepare and deliver sermons using the same methods Chuck does every Sunday. Looking back, Zygmunt sees clearly how the Lord prepared him to be a teacher of the Word during his years serving at the seminary he dreamed of and started with Dr. Mark Young. With gratitude and amazement, he also sees how the Lord led him away from that dream to an even bigger one. Through Vision 195, Zygmunt will be teaching and training Polish-speakers on a scale much larger than he ever imagined! And through our Polish-language website, he has the opportunity to reach millions more. More than 41 million people from 46 different countries speak Polish as their primary language.1 In someofthesecountries,thePolish-speakingpopulation “Growing up in a Christian home,” Zygmunt says, “was a gift. But there was one negative thing.” That one thing, according to Zygmunt? Not the constant fear or persecution. It was how long it took him to realize being part of a Christian familywasn’tenough;  heneeded to make a personal decision to follow Christ. Zygmunt recalls the day he made that choice: I was on a tram, packed in like a sardine, traveling between cities. I was about 15 years old, and I was reading a booklet about the gospel from a revival convention. All of a sudden, I realized that to be a child of God, I had to make the decision for myself. My father was standing far from me on the tram, and I shouted to him, “Dad! Did you know salvation has to come by faith?” That was my first realization that I needed to commit my life to God’s hands, and I did. With the same inextinguishable faith of his father, teenaged Zygmunt felt called to full-time ministry. When he told his parents, tears streamed down his mother’s cheeks. His father, terrified that his son would experience the same hardships he had, said firmly, “Over my dead body!” “I loved my father. I obeyed my father,” Zygmunt says with a chuckle. “But I knew God had called me to be a pastor, and there was no way I wouldn’t be.” That was 1965; Zygmunt began pastoring in Poland in 1971. Advanced studies took him to Warsaw, where he earned a PhD in theological sciences from Christian Theological Academy. While studying theology in Warsaw, Zygmunt pastored two small churches in his home area, South Poland. After 10 years ministering in Silesia (South Poland), he traveled to Switzerland for further study. Eventually, he landed in beautiful Kraków, Poland, where he pastored for seven years. In 1988, the Lord began to make Zygmunt’s lifelong dream of starting a seminary a reality. The first step? A prompting in the heart of Dr. Mark Young, now the president of Denver Seminary, to move from the United States to Poland. The Lord connected Zygmunt and Dr. Young, bringing together Zygmunt’s passion and training with Dr. Young’s heart for missions and his education from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. For two years, Zygmunt and Dr. Young worked together to develop a seminary in Poland. Due to communism, they planned to open the institution “underground.” But then these two believers with big dreams saw the Lord perform a miracle: In 1989, Poland came out from under communism! “God gave us freedom!” Zygmunt exclaims. “Suddenly, we had an open road before us!” In 1990, Biblical Theological Seminary, completely unhindered, opened its doors in Wrocław, with Dr. Young serving as academic dean and Zygmunt as president. In 1995, Dr. Young returned to his alma mater DTS as a professor. Zygmunt remained president of the seminary in Poland until 2005, teaching theology, homiletics, and spiritual leadership. Today, Biblical Theological Seminary is the only fully accredited evangelical, interdenominational seminary in Europe. In 2005, Zygmunt moved to New York to help grow a church in a Polish community in Brooklyn. Then in 2008, Dr. Young invited him to visit DTS, where Dr. Chuck Swindoll was chancellor. Zygmunt had met Chuck at an earlier visit, but this time, he also met Cynthia and Insight for Living Ministries. Shortly thereafter, he returned to Poland with a mission: to start Insight for Living Polska (Poland). Zygmunt shares, “Since day one, I was translating Chuck’s sermons into Polish. By 2009, the office was open, and I started to record. Since that time, we have produced almost 1,000 broadcasts!” Zygmunt’s efforts have resulted in more than 500 hours of solid, practical Bible teaching airing across Poland on two different stations—and that teaching is meeting an astounding need! Through both world wars, God sustained the people of Poland through the Roman Catholic Church. Those deep roots have produced an uncontested reverence for the Catholic church and a people who consider themselves very religious. But, as Zygmunt points out, “Religion doesn’t necessarily go together with knowledge of the gospel.” Catholicism gives many Poles a sense of belonging; they feel secure in the church, thinking the church takes care of their salvation. There’s a prevailing mindset that if a person goes to mass, participates in the sacraments, and listens to the right ordained clergy, he or she is okay. A personal spiritual life doesn’t matter; what that person does at home doesn’t matter. As pastor of Insight for Living Polska, Zygmunt considers it his privilege to introduce his countrymen and women to the God of grace and the truth of the Bible. “We love our country,” Zygmunt says. “We want to present the Bible as clearly as possible. People here tend to see everything non-Catholic as a threat, but listeners like Chuck’s messages because he appeals to their minds.” And that’s no small feat! “We never had in Poland anything like a national Reformation,” Zygmunt explains. “Obviously, the Reformation flowed into Poland, but it never touched the whole country. Therefore, the mentality of the average Pole is not inclined to the Bible or to biblical vocabulary.” English takes a lot of vocabulary from the Bible, and English-speakers—Christian or otherwise— use it in everyday life. But, Zygmunt reveals, that isn’t the case with Poles. “We have to be really careful,” he says, “to teach the gospel in a way that people will be able to understand.” Biblical Theological Seminary, which Zygmunt helped found, is Europe’s only fully accredited evangelical, interdenominational seminary. The challenge is even greater among the young population who tend to resist reading. It’s a “generation of pictures,” Zygmunt says—people who have grown up with a constant onslaught of images, giving them less patience for things like sitting down and studying the Bible. “So,” Zygmunt says with determination, “We are looking for creative ways to engage people of all ages in digging into the Bible for themselves.” Zygmunt and his team do so with an emphasis on excellence and professionalism. Those hallmarks of Insight for Living Ministries as a whole, Zygmunt believes, will draw in Polish Catholics and Protestants alike. As pastor of Insight for Living Polska, Zygmunt answers calls and letters from listeners who contact the ministry with questions about the Bible and what they’ve heard on the program. He also fills pulpits throughout the country as needed and sets up teaching conferences. Following the God Bigger Than Our Dreams: Zygmunt Karel and Insight for Living Polska, continued from front For nearly five decades, Zygmunt has pursued the Lord’s calling to full- time ministry in Poland. Continued on back Polish Speakers Worldwide These countries in the immediate radius of Poland have significant Polish-speaking populations. M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a N o r t h S e a B l a c k S e a B a l t ic Sea R e d S e a Other countries around the world with Polish-speaking populations: ATLAN T IC O C E A N A T L A N T I C O C E A N