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Is the Singularity Near?
 Nine key questions about the coming
       Technological Singularity

David Wood,
    Software Director (day job);
    UKTA enthusiast, London
+ Many contributions
    from the floor!
    Varied expert and layperson
    viewpoints welcome
20th Sept 2008                                  Time
A friendly critique of
 some of the ideas in
    Ray Kurzweil’s
The Singularity is near:
    When humans
  transcend biology
The nine key questions
•   Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation
    between the various different notions of the Singularity?
1. Defining the Singularity
• “The ever-accelerating progress of
  technology … gives the appearance of
  approaching some essential singularity in
  the history of the race beyond which human
  affairs, as we know them, could not
  continue”                                 ?
  – John von Neumann (1950s)

1. Defining the Singularity
• “What is the Singularity? It’s a future period
  during which the pace of technological
  change will be so rapid, its impact so deep,
  that human life will be irreversibly
  – Ray Kurzweil                                  ?

1. Defining the Singularity
• “When the first transhuman intelligence is
  created and launches itself into recursive
  self-improvement, a fundamental
  discontinuity is likely to occur, the likes of
  which I can’t even begin to predict”
  – Michael Anissimov

1. Defining the Singularity
• The advent of super-human general AI
• AI smarter than humans, for sufficiently many
  – Including the ability to design and build new AI
• A trigger for recursive improvement
  – A likely trigger for fast (and then even faster)
    recursive improvement
• We could in a very short timespan have super-
  super…-super-human general AI
• We are unlikely to be able to begin to conceive
  what will happen next (Vernor Vinge)
Some related ideas (i)
• Exponential improvement in technology and/
  or computing power and/or knowledge
• But exponential progress often stalls
  – Speed of passenger airliners
  – Heights of skyscrapers
  – The human population
• Example of Kurzweil over-enthusiasm:
  – “By the end of this decade, computers will
    disappear as distinct physical objects, with
    displays built into our eyeglasses, and
    electronics woven in our clothing, providing full-
    immersion visual virtual reality” (p. 105)
Some related ideas (i)
• Exponential improvement in technology and/
  or computing power and/or knowledge
• This is an independent idea
  – We could reach the Singularity slowly
  – (Though the take-off, when it comes, would still
    be spectacular)
  – (Like reaching critical mass: possible slow
    approach, but we still get a super-fast explosion)
• Pre-Singularity exponential improvements in
  technology make the Singularity more likely,
  but aren’t necessary to the argument
Some related ideas (ii)
• Computers drastically transform the
  economy – doing more and more work in it
• This is an independent idea
  – If/when the Singularity comes, the economic
    transformation is likely to be very considerably
    more drastic
• Society will change in completely
  unpredictable ways, with existing structures
  breaking down, like the Industrial Revolution
• I think we should concentrate on the more
  specific idea of super-human general AI
AI singularity vs. nano-factory singularity
• A general purpose nano-factory can
  manufacture goods better than humans can
• So it can manufacture an even better
  general purpose nano-factory…
  – Recursive improvement
• Economics would be transformed overnight
• An interesting topic!
  – But probably not so scary/profound as the
    advent of super-human general AI
• (The two developments could, however,
  work in parallel…)
Eric Drexler, 1989
• “If you can build genuine AI, there are reasons to
  believe that you can build things like neurons that
  are a million times faster”
• “That leads to the conclusion that you can make
  systems that think a million times faster than a
• “With AI, these systems could do engineering
• “Combining this with the capability of a system to
  build something that is better than it, you have the
  possibility for a very abrupt transition”
• “This situation may be more difficult to deal with
  even than nano-technology, but it is much more
  difficult to think about it constructively”
Hard vs. soft take-off
• AI smarter than humans, for sufficiently many
  – Including the ability to design and build new AI
• A trigger for recursive improvement
  – A likely trigger for fast (and then even faster) recursive
• We could in a very short timespan have super-
  super…-super-human general AI: hard take-off
• This assumes there’s only one significant barrier to
  building better AI – but there might be several
  – Super-human general AI mightn’t automatically lead to
    super-super…-super general AI
  – In the latter case, we can talk about a “soft take-off”
Hard vs. soft take-off



The nine key questions
•   Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation
    between the various different notions of the Singularity?
•   Are there arguments in principle against the Singularity?
•   What are the critical bottleneck determinants of
    development towards the Singularity?
•   What are the lessons we should learn from what’s been
    called “the embarrassing history of AI”?
•   Is the Singularity a plausible occurrence within (say) the
    next 50 years?
•   What’s the likeliest timescale for the Singularity?
•   Should we be doing everything in our power to prevent
    the Singularity from happening?
•   Can we influence the Singularity to make its outcome
    more likely to be good for humanity rather than
•   What are the biggest uncertainties with the Singularity?
2. Arguments in principle against
   the possibility of the Singularity?
• “Computers will never be as intelligent as humans”
• “Progress with AI has never been as fast as AI
  enthusiasts predicted”
• “There’s something mystical or vitalist about
  human self-awareness and consciousness that
  can never be captured in a computer”
• “Exponential progress always slows down after a
  while – skyscraper heights, passenger airline
• “An embodied super-AI will run out of resources or
  energy before achieving anything God-like”
• “The likelihood is so small that discussing it is a
  waste of our energy and a distraction…”
Could we keep the AI locked up?
• “An embodied super-AI will run out of resources or
  energy before achieving anything God-like”
• Could we deliberately avoid connecting the super-
  AI to the wider network?
• “AI-Box experiment” – Eliezer Yudkowsky
• The super-AI may well be an expert on human
  – And would concoct extremely convincing reasons for
    why it should be connected to the wider network
• In any case, we have to contemplate the
  accidental route to the Singularity – when the AI
  researchers get a better result than they expected!
3. Critical bottleneck determinants?
• Improving the computing hardware:
  – We’ve already had forty years of Moore’s Law
  – That’s been driven by technology expertise coupled with
    strong commercial incentives
  – Experts generally expect Moore’s Law to last at least
    another 10 years
  – And there are good prospects for new types of computer
    power even after that (3D chips)
• Human brain computational power is c. 100 TIPs
  (100 x 10^12 instructions per second)
  – Say this is an underestimate – use 10^16 TIPs
  – Computers with this power will cost $1000 by c. 2020-25
  – Assuming that sufficient financial incentives for
    incrementally improved computing power remain in force
3. Critical bottleneck determinants?
• Improving the computing hardware:
  – We’ve already had forty years of Moore’s Law
  – That’s been driven by technology expertise coupled with
    strong commercial incentives
  – Experts generally expect Moore’s Law to last at least
    another 10 years
  – And there are good prospects for new types of computer
    power even after that (3D chips)
• Improving the software:        This is my guess
  – Wirth’s Law: “Software gets slower, faster than hardware
    gets faster” 
  – Just calculating faster doesn’t make you wiser
• Understanding the human brain and human mind:
  – May or may not turn out to be particularly useful
4. Learnings from the history of AI?
• “Progress with AI has never been as fast as
  AI enthusiasts predicted”
• => “Computers will never be as intelligent as
• Or, it will take an awfully long time
  – So it’s mainly a distraction to discuss it
• Alan Turing predicted in 1950 that, by the
  year 2000, machines would be able to fool
  30% of human judges during a 5-minute test
• AI researchers need to be optimistic, to
  ensure they get funded, but progress is poor
4. Learnings from the history of AI?
• “Progress with AI has never been as fast as AI
  enthusiasts predicted”
• Powerful algorithms eventually achieved for:
  –   Chess (but not yet Go)
  –   Algebra (including finding proofs to unsolved theorems)
  –   Real-time navigation
  –   Driving cars across deserts
  –   Quadrupeds that walk over rough terrain (“Big Dog”)
  –   John Koza’s Invention machine, which has won patents
  –   Composing music in the style of named composers
  –   Face recognition
  –   Language translation (Google)
  –   Playing twenty questions (Burger King)…
Possible unexpectedly fast progress?
• Technology improvements sometimes happen
  outside the mainstream – happening somewhat
  “under the radar” but with strong financial incentive
• “Adult entertainment” industry
• Computer games
   – Incredible graphics (GPUs); Physics engines; “AIs”
• CAPTCHA defeaters (promoting spam)
• Search boxes that understand natural language
   – Huge investment by Google, Microsoft…
• Virtual worlds: Ben Goertzel
   – Bots there have fewer items of “accidental real-world
     complexity” to worry about
• iPhone and other connected super-smart devices
5. Is the Singularity plausible before
                                    Hard to
              (say) 2058?          rule them
Vernor Vinge’s five possible routes to the Singularity: all out!
•   The AI Scenario: We create superhuman artificial
    intelligence (AI) in computers.
•   The IA Scenario: We enhance human intelligence
    through human-to-computer interfaces—that is, we
    achieve intelligence amplification (IA).
•   The Biomedical Scenario: We directly increase our
    intelligence by improving the neurological operation of
    our brains (smart drugs or otherwise)
•   The Internet Scenario: Humanity, its networks,
    computers, and databases become sufficiently effective
    to be considered a superhuman being.
•   The Digital Gaia Scenario: The network of embedded
    microprocessors becomes sufficiently effective to be
    considered a superhuman being.
5. Is the Singularity plausible before
             (say) 2058?
• Assuming there’s no major societal
• Assuming there’s nothing mystical about
  human-level intelligence
• Assuming at least some continuing
  improvements in both hardware and
• … I see no reason to rule out the possibility
  of the Singularity in this kind of timescale
• So it’s worth at least some attention from us!
“Maybe it needs 100 years”?
• 100 years of progress at the present rate of
• Could be achieved in just 36 calendar years
• If the rate of achievement doubles every 10
                                                     R(1 + 3.6)

    Rate of
R                                R   (36 x 5.6)R/2

2008                      2108   2008           2044
Example of accelerating rate of
•   Sequencing the human genome
•   Project started in 1990
•   Cost of sequencing a base pair c. $10
•   “It would take 1000 years to finish”
•   Project forecast to finish in 15 years (2005)
•   Actually finished in 2003
•   Cost of sequencing a base pair c. $0.02
•   HIV virus took 15 years to sequence
•   SARS took 31 days
There’s more to acceleration than
           Moore’s Law
• First computers were designed on paper and built
  by hand
  – Later computers benefited from computer-aided design
    and computer-aided manufacture
  – Even later computers will have even better computer-
    aided design and manufacture
• Software creates and improves tools (including
  compilers, debuggers, profilers, high-level
  languages…) which in turn allows more complex
  software to be created more quickly
• Technology reduces prices which allows better
  technology to be used more widely, resulting in
  more people improving the technology…
6. Most likely timescale?
• I’m not qualified to say
• It depends on so many unknowns – and on
  where society decides to invest effort
• “A new Manhattan project”?
• Perhaps already being carried out in secret
  – In China / Singapore / …
  – Inside Google / Microsoft / Apple / Nokia / …
  – By DARPA…
• My guess: software will improve a great deal
  in 20 years, with focused effort
• Add 10 years for contingency => 2038 ?!
7. Oppose the Singularity with all our
  effort? (Anti-Manhattan project?)
• Downside of bad Singularity is awful: disaster
• Much worse than Terminator movies…
7. Oppose the Singularity with all our
  effort? (Anti-Manhattan project?)
• Downside of bad Singularity is awful: disaster
• Much worse than Terminator movies…
• Upside of Singularity is debatable
   – New cures, new medicines, new mind-trips
   – Advice on geo-engineering and positive climate control
   – Societal disruption
• “Better red than dead” – accept drawbacks of
  vigorously controlling all experiments in AI, in order
  to avoid the risk of a bad Singularity?
• But super-AI could improve “accidentally” or
  “surreptitiously” – so we must create “friendly
  super-AI” before “accidental super-AI” gets here
• “Moore’s Law of mad scientists” - Yudkowsky
8. Can we influence the Singularity?
• Can we influence development towards the
  Singularity to make its outcome more likely to be
  good for humanity rather than disastrous?
• Or are we just passive spectators?
• We can contribute to the battle of ideas
  –   By debating and debugging them
  –   By communicating them – eg blogging / press
  –   By bringing them into the mainstream
  –   By influencing policy of think-tanks, governments,
      universities, business researchers
• We can consider and possibly promote the ideas
  of “beneficial super-AI” and “friendly AI”…
The project to create friendly AI
• AI that will in all circumstances maintain a respect
  for humans, and will avoid harming humans
   – Even through multiple generations of self-
   – Even though the AI will have full access to all its source
     code, and the ability to change any of it
   – Even though the AI will observe many bad faults in
     humans (and will be strongly tempted to “fix things”)
• The AI will not want to change this part of its
   – Like Gandhi would not want to take a pill to make
     himself into a murderer
• (Depends on there being no serious bugs in this
  part of the software!)
The project to merge humans with
• AI that will in all circumstances maintain a respect
  for humans, and will avoid harming humans
   – Even through multiple generations of self-
   – Even though the AI will have full access to all its source
     code, and the ability to change any of it
   – Even though the AI will observe many bad faults in
     humans (and will be strongly tempted to “fix things”)…
• Alternatively, future humans may absorb and
  directly interact with ever-improved AI systems
   – “The man with three brains…”
   – So super-AIs will find it much easier to respect these
     future humans (“transhumans”)
• So we should study IA as much as we study AI
When humans
transcend biology
Summary (from Michael Anissimov’s
      blog, Fri 19th Sept 2008) (1/2)
• Superintelligence is possible, it could have a huge
  impact on the world, and our actions now may
  influence the final outcome
• No fixed timeline
• No argument that all of history has been
  predeterministically building up to this point
• No argument that technological progress is slowing
  down, speeding up, moving sideways, or any other
  such specific claims
• No particular attention given to pre-transhuman
  intelligence technologies except insofar as they
  influence when and how superintelligence is created
• Central focus on superintelligence as a distinct
  technological milestone
• Acceptance of the point that deliberately designed AGI
  may exist before neuromorphic AGI
Summary (from Michael Anissimov’s
       blog, Fri 19th Sept 2008) (2/2)
• Acceptance of the fact that we might completely blow
  ourselves up before the Singularity hits
• Acceptance of the fact that the first superintelligence
  might not give a damn about us, and just decide to
  rearrange our atoms into something more to its liking
• No magical rosy scenario where human upgrades and
  AGI research coincidentally fuse seamlessly in a way
  that happens to completely benefit mankind
• Acknowledgment of the Everest-sized challenge of
  creating AGI that doesn’t eliminate us outright, rather
  than hand-waving it over with “maintaining an open
  free-market system…”
• Superintelligence is possible, it could have a huge
  impact on the world, and our actions now may
  influence the final outcome
9. The biggest uncertainties with
            the Singularity?
•   Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation
    between the various different notions of the Singularity?
•   Are there arguments in principle against the Singularity?
•   What are the critical bottleneck determinants of
    development towards the Singularity?
•   What are the lessons we should learn from what’s been
    called “the embarrassing history of AI”?
•   Is the Singularity a plausible occurrence within (say) the
    next 50 years?
•   What’s the likeliest timescale for the Singularity?
•   Should we be doing everything in our power to prevent
    the Singularity from happening?
•   Can we influence the Singularity to make its outcome
    more likely to be good for humanity rather than
•   What are the biggest uncertainties with the Singularity?

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Is The Singularity Near

  • 1. Is the Singularity Near? Nine key questions about the coming Technological Singularity ? Technology David Wood, Software Director (day job); UKTA enthusiast, London + Many contributions from the floor! Varied expert and layperson viewpoints welcome 20th Sept 2008 Time 2058
  • 2. A friendly critique of some of the ideas in Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is near: When humans transcend biology
  • 3. The nine key questions • Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation between the various different notions of the Singularity?
  • 4. 1. Defining the Singularity • “The ever-accelerating progress of technology … gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue” ? Technology – John von Neumann (1950s) Time 2058
  • 5. 1. Defining the Singularity • “What is the Singularity? It’s a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed” – Ray Kurzweil ? Technology Time 2058
  • 6. 1. Defining the Singularity • “When the first transhuman intelligence is created and launches itself into recursive self-improvement, a fundamental discontinuity is likely to occur, the likes of which I can’t even begin to predict” – Michael Anissimov Technology Time 2058
  • 7. 1. Defining the Singularity • The advent of super-human general AI • AI smarter than humans, for sufficiently many purposes – Including the ability to design and build new AI • A trigger for recursive improvement – A likely trigger for fast (and then even faster) recursive improvement • We could in a very short timespan have super- super…-super-human general AI • We are unlikely to be able to begin to conceive what will happen next (Vernor Vinge)
  • 8. Some related ideas (i) • Exponential improvement in technology and/ or computing power and/or knowledge • But exponential progress often stalls – Speed of passenger airliners – Heights of skyscrapers – The human population • Example of Kurzweil over-enthusiasm: – “By the end of this decade, computers will disappear as distinct physical objects, with displays built into our eyeglasses, and electronics woven in our clothing, providing full- immersion visual virtual reality” (p. 105)
  • 9. Some related ideas (i) • Exponential improvement in technology and/ or computing power and/or knowledge • This is an independent idea – We could reach the Singularity slowly – (Though the take-off, when it comes, would still be spectacular) – (Like reaching critical mass: possible slow approach, but we still get a super-fast explosion) • Pre-Singularity exponential improvements in technology make the Singularity more likely, but aren’t necessary to the argument
  • 10. Some related ideas (ii) • Computers drastically transform the economy – doing more and more work in it • This is an independent idea – If/when the Singularity comes, the economic transformation is likely to be very considerably more drastic • Society will change in completely unpredictable ways, with existing structures breaking down, like the Industrial Revolution • I think we should concentrate on the more specific idea of super-human general AI
  • 11. AI singularity vs. nano-factory singularity • A general purpose nano-factory can manufacture goods better than humans can • So it can manufacture an even better general purpose nano-factory… – Recursive improvement • Economics would be transformed overnight • An interesting topic! – But probably not so scary/profound as the advent of super-human general AI • (The two developments could, however, work in parallel…)
  • 12. Eric Drexler, 1989 • “If you can build genuine AI, there are reasons to believe that you can build things like neurons that are a million times faster” • “That leads to the conclusion that you can make systems that think a million times faster than a person” • “With AI, these systems could do engineering design” • “Combining this with the capability of a system to build something that is better than it, you have the possibility for a very abrupt transition” • “This situation may be more difficult to deal with even than nano-technology, but it is much more difficult to think about it constructively”
  • 13. Hard vs. soft take-off • AI smarter than humans, for sufficiently many purposes – Including the ability to design and build new AI • A trigger for recursive improvement – A likely trigger for fast (and then even faster) recursive improvement • We could in a very short timespan have super- super…-super-human general AI: hard take-off • This assumes there’s only one significant barrier to building better AI – but there might be several – Super-human general AI mightn’t automatically lead to super-super…-super general AI – In the latter case, we can talk about a “soft take-off”
  • 14. Hard vs. soft take-off ? Technology Time 2058
  • 15. The nine key questions • Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation between the various different notions of the Singularity? • Are there arguments in principle against the Singularity? • What are the critical bottleneck determinants of development towards the Singularity? • What are the lessons we should learn from what’s been called “the embarrassing history of AI”? • Is the Singularity a plausible occurrence within (say) the next 50 years? • What’s the likeliest timescale for the Singularity? • Should we be doing everything in our power to prevent the Singularity from happening? • Can we influence the Singularity to make its outcome more likely to be good for humanity rather than disastrous? • What are the biggest uncertainties with the Singularity?
  • 16. 2. Arguments in principle against the possibility of the Singularity? • “Computers will never be as intelligent as humans” • “Progress with AI has never been as fast as AI enthusiasts predicted” • “There’s something mystical or vitalist about human self-awareness and consciousness that can never be captured in a computer” • “Exponential progress always slows down after a while – skyscraper heights, passenger airline speed…” • “An embodied super-AI will run out of resources or energy before achieving anything God-like” • “The likelihood is so small that discussing it is a waste of our energy and a distraction…”
  • 17. Could we keep the AI locked up? • “An embodied super-AI will run out of resources or energy before achieving anything God-like” • Could we deliberately avoid connecting the super- AI to the wider network? • “AI-Box experiment” – Eliezer Yudkowsky • The super-AI may well be an expert on human psychology – And would concoct extremely convincing reasons for why it should be connected to the wider network • In any case, we have to contemplate the accidental route to the Singularity – when the AI researchers get a better result than they expected!
  • 18. 3. Critical bottleneck determinants? • Improving the computing hardware: – We’ve already had forty years of Moore’s Law – That’s been driven by technology expertise coupled with strong commercial incentives – Experts generally expect Moore’s Law to last at least another 10 years – And there are good prospects for new types of computer power even after that (3D chips) • Human brain computational power is c. 100 TIPs (100 x 10^12 instructions per second) – Say this is an underestimate – use 10^16 TIPs – Computers with this power will cost $1000 by c. 2020-25 – Assuming that sufficient financial incentives for incrementally improved computing power remain in force
  • 19. 3. Critical bottleneck determinants? • Improving the computing hardware: – We’ve already had forty years of Moore’s Law – That’s been driven by technology expertise coupled with strong commercial incentives – Experts generally expect Moore’s Law to last at least another 10 years – And there are good prospects for new types of computer power even after that (3D chips) • Improving the software: This is my guess – Wirth’s Law: “Software gets slower, faster than hardware gets faster”  – Just calculating faster doesn’t make you wiser • Understanding the human brain and human mind: – May or may not turn out to be particularly useful
  • 20. 4. Learnings from the history of AI? • “Progress with AI has never been as fast as AI enthusiasts predicted” • => “Computers will never be as intelligent as humans” • Or, it will take an awfully long time – So it’s mainly a distraction to discuss it • Alan Turing predicted in 1950 that, by the year 2000, machines would be able to fool 30% of human judges during a 5-minute test • AI researchers need to be optimistic, to ensure they get funded, but progress is poor
  • 21. 4. Learnings from the history of AI? • “Progress with AI has never been as fast as AI enthusiasts predicted” • Powerful algorithms eventually achieved for: – Chess (but not yet Go) – Algebra (including finding proofs to unsolved theorems) – Real-time navigation – Driving cars across deserts – Quadrupeds that walk over rough terrain (“Big Dog”) – John Koza’s Invention machine, which has won patents – Composing music in the style of named composers – Face recognition – Language translation (Google) – Playing twenty questions (Burger King)…
  • 22. Possible unexpectedly fast progress? • Technology improvements sometimes happen outside the mainstream – happening somewhat “under the radar” but with strong financial incentive • “Adult entertainment” industry • Computer games – Incredible graphics (GPUs); Physics engines; “AIs” • CAPTCHA defeaters (promoting spam) • Search boxes that understand natural language – Huge investment by Google, Microsoft… • Virtual worlds: Ben Goertzel – Bots there have fewer items of “accidental real-world complexity” to worry about • iPhone and other connected super-smart devices
  • 23. 5. Is the Singularity plausible before Hard to (say) 2058? rule them Vernor Vinge’s five possible routes to the Singularity: all out! • The AI Scenario: We create superhuman artificial intelligence (AI) in computers. • The IA Scenario: We enhance human intelligence through human-to-computer interfaces—that is, we achieve intelligence amplification (IA). • The Biomedical Scenario: We directly increase our intelligence by improving the neurological operation of our brains (smart drugs or otherwise) • The Internet Scenario: Humanity, its networks, computers, and databases become sufficiently effective to be considered a superhuman being. • The Digital Gaia Scenario: The network of embedded microprocessors becomes sufficiently effective to be considered a superhuman being.
  • 24. 5. Is the Singularity plausible before (say) 2058? • Assuming there’s no major societal breakdown • Assuming there’s nothing mystical about human-level intelligence • Assuming at least some continuing improvements in both hardware and software • … I see no reason to rule out the possibility of the Singularity in this kind of timescale • So it’s worth at least some attention from us!
  • 25. “Maybe it needs 100 years”? • 100 years of progress at the present rate of achievement… • Could be achieved in just 36 calendar years • If the rate of achievement doubles every 10 years! R(1 + 3.6) Rate of achievement 100.8R R R (36 x 5.6)R/2 100R 2008 2108 2008 2044 Time
  • 26. Example of accelerating rate of achievement • Sequencing the human genome • Project started in 1990 • Cost of sequencing a base pair c. $10 • “It would take 1000 years to finish” • Project forecast to finish in 15 years (2005) • Actually finished in 2003 • Cost of sequencing a base pair c. $0.02 • HIV virus took 15 years to sequence • SARS took 31 days
  • 27. There’s more to acceleration than Moore’s Law • First computers were designed on paper and built by hand – Later computers benefited from computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture – Even later computers will have even better computer- aided design and manufacture • Software creates and improves tools (including compilers, debuggers, profilers, high-level languages…) which in turn allows more complex software to be created more quickly • Technology reduces prices which allows better technology to be used more widely, resulting in more people improving the technology…
  • 28. 6. Most likely timescale? • I’m not qualified to say • It depends on so many unknowns – and on where society decides to invest effort • “A new Manhattan project”? • Perhaps already being carried out in secret – In China / Singapore / … – Inside Google / Microsoft / Apple / Nokia / … – By DARPA… • My guess: software will improve a great deal in 20 years, with focused effort • Add 10 years for contingency => 2038 ?!
  • 29. 7. Oppose the Singularity with all our effort? (Anti-Manhattan project?) • Downside of bad Singularity is awful: disaster • Much worse than Terminator movies…
  • 30. 7. Oppose the Singularity with all our effort? (Anti-Manhattan project?) • Downside of bad Singularity is awful: disaster • Much worse than Terminator movies… • Upside of Singularity is debatable – New cures, new medicines, new mind-trips – Advice on geo-engineering and positive climate control – Societal disruption • “Better red than dead” – accept drawbacks of vigorously controlling all experiments in AI, in order to avoid the risk of a bad Singularity? • But super-AI could improve “accidentally” or “surreptitiously” – so we must create “friendly super-AI” before “accidental super-AI” gets here • “Moore’s Law of mad scientists” - Yudkowsky
  • 31. 8. Can we influence the Singularity? • Can we influence development towards the Singularity to make its outcome more likely to be good for humanity rather than disastrous? • Or are we just passive spectators? • We can contribute to the battle of ideas – By debating and debugging them – By communicating them – eg blogging / press – By bringing them into the mainstream – By influencing policy of think-tanks, governments, universities, business researchers • We can consider and possibly promote the ideas of “beneficial super-AI” and “friendly AI”…
  • 32. The project to create friendly AI • AI that will in all circumstances maintain a respect for humans, and will avoid harming humans – Even through multiple generations of self- reprogramming – Even though the AI will have full access to all its source code, and the ability to change any of it – Even though the AI will observe many bad faults in humans (and will be strongly tempted to “fix things”) • The AI will not want to change this part of its programming – Like Gandhi would not want to take a pill to make himself into a murderer • (Depends on there being no serious bugs in this part of the software!)
  • 33. The project to merge humans with super-AI • AI that will in all circumstances maintain a respect for humans, and will avoid harming humans – Even through multiple generations of self- reprogramming – Even though the AI will have full access to all its source code, and the ability to change any of it – Even though the AI will observe many bad faults in humans (and will be strongly tempted to “fix things”)… • Alternatively, future humans may absorb and directly interact with ever-improved AI systems – “The man with three brains…” – So super-AIs will find it much easier to respect these future humans (“transhumans”) • So we should study IA as much as we study AI
  • 35. Summary (from Michael Anissimov’s blog, Fri 19th Sept 2008) (1/2) • Superintelligence is possible, it could have a huge impact on the world, and our actions now may influence the final outcome • No fixed timeline • No argument that all of history has been predeterministically building up to this point • No argument that technological progress is slowing down, speeding up, moving sideways, or any other such specific claims • No particular attention given to pre-transhuman intelligence technologies except insofar as they influence when and how superintelligence is created • Central focus on superintelligence as a distinct technological milestone • Acceptance of the point that deliberately designed AGI may exist before neuromorphic AGI
  • 36. Summary (from Michael Anissimov’s blog, Fri 19th Sept 2008) (2/2) • Acceptance of the fact that we might completely blow ourselves up before the Singularity hits • Acceptance of the fact that the first superintelligence might not give a damn about us, and just decide to rearrange our atoms into something more to its liking • No magical rosy scenario where human upgrades and AGI research coincidentally fuse seamlessly in a way that happens to completely benefit mankind • Acknowledgment of the Everest-sized challenge of creating AGI that doesn’t eliminate us outright, rather than hand-waving it over with “maintaining an open free-market system…” • Superintelligence is possible, it could have a huge impact on the world, and our actions now may influence the final outcome
  • 37. 9. The biggest uncertainties with the Singularity? • Defining what we're talking about: What’s the relation between the various different notions of the Singularity? • Are there arguments in principle against the Singularity? • What are the critical bottleneck determinants of development towards the Singularity? • What are the lessons we should learn from what’s been called “the embarrassing history of AI”? • Is the Singularity a plausible occurrence within (say) the next 50 years? • What’s the likeliest timescale for the Singularity? • Should we be doing everything in our power to prevent the Singularity from happening? • Can we influence the Singularity to make its outcome more likely to be good for humanity rather than disastrous? • What are the biggest uncertainties with the Singularity?