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Introduction for Abortion
The definition of abortion is the fetus in the uterus if her mother remove / die before the fetus can survive outside the mother uterus the mother
uterus , in other ways means the fetus killed accidentally or by some medical ways before its born. There are 2 types of abortion , the 2 types call
spontaneous abortion and induced abortion , these two different ways have their own characteristic . SPONTANEOUS ABORTION Spontaneous
abortion also call miscarriage abortion , its happen because of accidental or natural before the 22 week of carrying of being carried in the womb
between the birth and conception , this happen normally because of incorrect replication of chromosome of the other ways is affect by the environment
factors. more content...
This abortion methods comparison 15% of all he abortion cases in Malaysia. These are some drugs can used to do these abortion (RU– 486 ,
misoprostol , gemeprost) these drugs is approved by FDA US. Approximately 95% of woman use these drug within 49 days of gestation are
successful killed the fetus without any pain and surgical intervention , all the fetus killed using the medical ways will exclude the pregnant woman
from their vagina. SURGICAL The most common method to use in the first 12 weeks after forming the fetus are suction curettage as known as
vacuum aspiration , this method is done by abortion doctors , they used surgical instrument to remove the fetus (embryo) , placenta and membranes.
In this process the doctor will force the woman cervix open by using dilators , then a hollow tube with a knife at the edged tip and a very powerful
vacuum called canella , then its will insert into the womb and the unborn child will sucked out by the tube in pieces. If the head of the unborn child
was too large it may be crushed to removed successful and the most important part to remove of the unborn child removed is the placenta which place
at the inner of the womb. The other method than used in the first trimester is Dilation And Curettage (D&C). the cervix is open by same way as the
ways above , the difference of this method between the above method are using scraping the unborn child into pieces in the
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My View On Abortion And Abortion
Introduction: (48 words)
In this paper I am going to explain my view on why abortion is impermissible in most cases and agree with Judith Thomson. However, I do not agree
with her examples and arguments and would like to explain why this contradicts with what she claims in her essay.
Exposition: (423 words)
In "Defense to Abortion" essay Judith Thomson proposed that abortion is impermissible and she supports her claim by considering fetus as a
person and it 's right to live. Her essay proposes this argument with the premises: 1) Every person has a right to life. 2) A fetus is a person. Her
conclusion for this argument therefore is: So a fetus has a right to life. In context to that she also goes on to explain that because fetus has a right to
life and abortion violates it, therefore abortion is impermissible and that it would be unjust killing. Thomson introduces a scenario famously known as
the Violinist argument in which she said a person is plugged in to a violinist who has a kidney disease without the person's consent. Now the person
can remain plugged for nine months so that violinist gets better or he/she can unplug him/herself but then violinist will die. In this scenario, Thomson
is trying to show that violinist and a fetus is the same if compared under this and abortion circumstances. She also explains that third party like doctors
or other should not side with or against abortion and let mother decide what she wants to do. Thomson also shares another example
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Women's Right and Abortion Essay
Before women had rights to decide whether they could keep their baby, some states didn't allow abortion, therefore requiring women to give birth to
their child. In today's current issues, abortion is still a controversial subject with millions of people supporting it or not supporting it. Every woman has
the right to make changes to her own physical body, and those rights should not be taken away, according to the constitution. In the very famous case in
1973, "Roe v. Wade", the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. In the article, "Roe's Pro
Legacy", it is explained how after this movement, the right to abortion, lives have changed and led to lower abortion rates (Sheilds 2013.) more
Carthart: Women Retain Their Right to Choose", in the Supreme Court Case, Stenberg verses Carthart, declared that; "Nebraska statute banning partial
birth abortions was unconstitutional." The article also mentions that women need personal privacy and the First Amendment, Fourth Amendment,
Ninth Amendment, and Fourteenth Amendment gave women the rights to their own personal freedom (Berkowitz 2001). As learned in class, the
First Amendment of the United States gave people the right to express their speech, religion, press, and assembly freely. The Fourth Amendment
gave the right for people to search your house but only with a warrant. The Fourteenth Amendment dealt with equal protection rights. Legalized
abortion gives women a relief because they know that they are the owners of their body and control it and give consent or don't give consent to an
abortion. If a woman becomes raped and unfortunately becomes pregnant, she won't feel obligated to keep a baby from a stranger or from a
psychopath who rapes random women. The raped victim also might not like the idea of carrying a child from which she was raped because she will
constantly be reminded that she was raped and once again feel the endless pain. In the article, Humiliation, Degradation, Penetration", it is mentioned
how females who have been raped feel that it is unjust and psychologically unfair to keep the baby from a rape incident (Green 2013). Additionally,
incest, the act of
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Introductory Paragraph On Abortion
Introductory Paragraph Abortion shouldn't be something that someone should have to think about. It should be a no brainer answer to the child's
parents. One should not ever have to make the decision of if they want a child to live or not to live. Society has misjudged this cruel topic,
overthought this cruel topic, and blown this cruel topic out of proportion. No child should have to be so called, "murdered" for the lack of
responsibility of his or her parents. The bible states abortion is murder, and that murder is wrong, and illegal. Abortion should be illegal due to the
negative impacts of killing a human being. The Bible is completely at odds with the worldview of those who support abortion. The Bible never
mentions the practice of abortion, but those wanting to shape their lives around the Bible should find the practice both absurd and inacceptable. The
Bible teaches that pregnancy is a good thing and children are a blessing (Jones). The Bible states... Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The
fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful more content...
"Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more
than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion" (Snyder). This fact is sickening, and compares two different situations. The destruction of the
World Trade Center towers did not happen by choice, and people did not die by choice. This event was viewed as tragic for the US, and lots of people
were killed. The same number of people killed on this one day happens to also be the same number of abortions that happen every single day. This
means that if 3000 abortions happen every day then a little over 1,000,000 babies are killed every year. There is no difference from people being killed
in 9/11 to babies being killed in the
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Rhetorical Essay On Abortion
Abortion is a woman or teen pregnancy and end up making a choice of giving up on the baby, they go to the doctor and they perform a procedure that
is going to kill the baby. People donВґt realize how bad and horrible it is killing a baby they donВґt know the exact representation of it. Meg Meeker a
pediatrician had thought that having an abortion was acceptable because the woman can decide what they want for their body, until one day she seen a
video of how exactly an abortion happens. She thought it was cruel on how they got rid of it. Obviously the women donВґt see because they make
them turn away. Meg described that ВЁA woman laying down on her back, her face turned away. He talked to the sound of the vacuum used to extract
the arms, the legs, and the shredded torso of the tiny childВЁ. People donВґt feel bad because they donВґt see exactly how the process is, they donВґt
know whatВґs going on or else they would feel bad. Yes 99% of the women donВґt regret more content...
Yes nowadays thereВґs lots of reasons to get an abortion but by now you should know what youВґre getting yourself into. And youВґre gonna have to
deal with the circumstances of the decisions you made even if they were a mistake. Yes mistakes happen and you're gonna learn from them but young
innocent children donВґt deserve thus kind of cruelty. If the mother is obligated to have that baby and isn't happy with it there are other families that
will be happy to accept it. ThatВґs why thereВґs something called abortion and the children are gonna have a much more happier life with them. My
logos is ВЁabortion is murder to an unborn innocent childВЁ and ВЁalso there is the option of adoptionВЁ, The source I got this information from is And my pathos is that many people have different type of emotions but most of mine are sad and like also confused because like how
can people harm a baby that isn't even
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Abortion is a very controversial issue with having no ground of common agreement with two polar opposite viewpoints. Abortion is–the deliberate
termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy ( Abortion was legalized in 1973
because of the court case Roe v Wade, she challenged the texas laws of abortion, her life was endangered if the pregnancy would be continued she won
the court case making it legal for Roe, a group took the case to the supreme court and made abortion legal for everyone( two contrasting
perspectives i'm addressing are for abortion these people are for the women making the choice and for planned parenthood, and against abortion, not
killing innocent human beings because of inconvenience to us.
Women need to have the choice about abortion, it's no ones choice but the women who are facing the question.The women can choose what she want
with her life. She can have control to shape her future as well as her body. Pregnancy should be planned and taken into consideration, therefor
pregnancies take planning and preparation, no baby should come into the world unwanted ( Embryos and fetuses are not independent,
self–determining beings, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a baby.
Unwanted pregnancy should be able to be terminated for any reason, rape, insect, endangerment to health if pregnancy is continued or
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The issue of abortion is very ambiguous. It doesn't just have a demographic meaning, but it has both political and social significance, and the most
important are has an ethical aspect to it. Despite that this issue is "as old as Earth" it's still very accurate nowadays and the topic of many debates.
This is explained by the fact that the issue touches many levels: moral, socio–political, religious and scientific. There are 1.1 million U.S. abortions
each year, this means that nearly 1 out of 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortion. As a human being but mostly as a woman I stand for abortion.
Margaret Sanger who was an American birth control activist ones said: "No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body." I
absolutely agree with her and believe that woman, as any other human on this earth is the Lord of her body and has full rights over it. Each woman
is fully capable and has a full right to make soulful and moral decisions about her body on her own without interference. I think we all can agree that
a fetus can not survive outside of the mother's body, therefore, it is a part of her body so it's her full right to decide its fate. Many people argue that
abortion is the sane as killing a human being. However, many scientists argue that on the first weeks of pregnancy the fetus doesn't feel anything and
even refer to it as a parasite to a body. Statistics show that 89 % of all abortions in the US are performed in the first trimester of pregnancy,
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Persuasive Essay on Abortion
Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. Many people believe it is 100% wrong and even consider it to be murder. The
definition of abortion is; "The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of
normal growth." These pro–life believers do not support the idea of abortion and believe it should be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know
that if abortion were illegal they would still be performed, unfortunately by an uneducated staff. Over 70 thousand maternal deaths occur every year
because of unsafe abortions. These women die, so the idea of supporting pro–life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro–choice.
Pro– more content...
The choice of her keeping the child would result in her getting kicked out of her home, she'd be finically unable to support the baby, and she would
lose her education. With abortion she would not have to deal with these issues, though she would have to deal with the emotional aspect of deciding to
terminate the pregnancy. Pro–choice supports the idea she would learn from her mistake and that ultimately it was her choice to do what she wished
with her body. Even though these "Pro Life supporters" think giving up your child for adoption is a better choice than an abortion, but those
children would be forced to live in an unfit foster home till they age out of the system. After they turn 18 they are out on the streets what makes the
women who would rather just have an abortion have to think about when they know their child is in a foster home and probably no better off than
where they would be if she would have just kept it? You have to deal with the emotional circumstances after an abortion for a while but you have to
deal with not knowing what the child you gave up has to go through on a daily basis everyday of your life is a lot harder than the emotional toll of an
abortion Even though many people practice pro–life because of their religion, it may be surprising to learn that catholic women are 29% more likely to
get an abortion than Protestant women, though they are as likely as all women to do
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Abortion : Ethical And Moral
Is it ethical and moral to have an abortion? The definition of abortion is "deliberate removal or deliberate action to cause the expulsion of a fetus from
the womb of a human female, at the request of or through the agency of the mother, so as in fact to result in the death of the fetus" (Merriam–Webster,
2016). What about the morality of un–coerced, human abortion for our purposes abortions are voluntary, deliberate removals of a human fetus
(Objections to Warren, 2016).
The Argument To argue that abortion is wrong that every fetus will be a person and every person has a right to live does that mean every fetus has
the right to not be aborted. Mary Warren who believes that abortion is acceptable at any stage of pregnancy regardless of the circumstances (Warren,
2016). Warren considers the following anti–abortion argument that it is wrong to kill innocent human beings and fetuses are innocent human beings,
therefore, it is wrong to kill fetuses. She claims that the reasons rest on the term human being (On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion, 1973).
Humans in the genetic sense are members of the biological species homo sapiens. Not only does this involve every child and adult that functions but
also includes early embryos. Warren also includes humans that are alive but are in irreversible comas that do not have a brain that function (Warren,
The moral community is the set of beings with full moral rights, and consists of all and
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History Of Abortion Essay
The History of Abortion
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion results in the death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced.
For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. The history of abortion reaches back not just decades, but centuries, and even
milleniums. Today, policies regarding legal abortion in the U.S. is being debated everywhere. Many myths and misconceptions confuse this issue. A
better understanding of the history of abortion in America can help provide a context for an improved policy in the future.
Abortion has been widely known, practiced, and debated since ancient times. The ancient more content...
These illegal abortions were unsafe, and could be fatal to most women, and put their lives at risk. Jane Roe was a twenty–one year old woman that was
pregnant, who represented all of the women who wanted abortions but could not get one. Henry Wade was a Texas attorney General who had
defended the state's law. The Supreme Court ruled for Roe and stated that America's right to privacy included: the right for a woman to choose whether
or not to have her child; and the right for a woman and her doctor to make this decision without state involvement within the first trimester of the
pregnancy. It made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions from well–trained medical practitioners. Consequently, there was a dramatic
decrease in pregnancy related deaths.
Anti–abortion politicians in 1981 unsuccessfully attempted to introduce a "Human Life Amendment that prohibited abortions under all conditions.
President Reagan and George Bush also wanted to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling of the Roe v. Wadecase. The Department of Health and Human
Services in 1988, introduced federal "gag" rules. These rules did not allow federally funded family planning clinics to discuss and inform their patients
about abortion. In 1939, the "abortion pill" RU 486 was banned by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). After, many anti
–abortion bills were
introduced in state legislatures. Bills supporting abortion rights were
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Thesis Statement On Abortion
Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of
pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma
against abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental consequences it may cause. Each year,
worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals.
The big issue alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the procedure.
Purpose of the Study: Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. more content...
There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor
of making abortion illegal because, they feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal matter. Are
there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have
the procedure done is one that the world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that women who
have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to
determine if or how having an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but have not yet gone through
with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature
explains these
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Abortion : Abortion And Abortion
Abortion has been around for quite some time. Laws have been set allowing it and banning it during different periods of time. The procedures that
can be done are all very different. There is a medical abortion involving drugs and there are surgical abortion involving a more invasive procedure.
There are also different points of view on it. There are those who fully support the termination of a pregnancy and those who are completely against it.
There are many factors to consider and very different ideas out there.
If you were to look up the definition of abortion online, your results would be something along the lines of "the deliberate termination of
pregnancy." It is estimated that one in three women will have an abortion by the time they reach the age of 45. Some of these women will end up
having multiple abortions. Over half of all abortions are due to unintended pregnancies and abortion being used as a form of birth control. 88.6% of
abortions are done in the first trimester, 10.2% in the second trimester, and 1.1% in the third trimester. In 2011, the state of California was the number
one state in total abortions, having reached 181,730 abortions in a year. Abortion has been a part of our culture and is a very controversial topic
because of its history, procedures, and questionable moral values. Abortion has been around for ages. When it was banned in the US in the 1800s, it
was justified by the eugenics movement and the US government as concern
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Abortion Essay
According to Webster's dictionary, abortion is the termination of pregnancy after, accompanied by resulting in, or closely followed by death of the
embryo or fetus. I believe that abortion should be illegal. Our world today is full of unsolved, devising and controversial issues. Most of them relate
to our morals, ethics, and religion, thus creating a very strong 'Yes' and 'No'. If you were to come to any kind of conclusion onabortion, there would
still be a downside to it, and that is primarily why the world cannot agree on this sensitive and emotional issue.
Make no mistake–that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to override more content...
If you really feel that you are not ready to be a parent then you could at least give the baby up for adoption, and make the baby's life and the family
adopting the baby life a lot happier. There are many other options out there people just have to open their eyes and consider them, instead of killing.
There is another bad side of getting an abortion. Doctors usually say that there are few to none complication after an abortion but that's not true.
According to the Wyn report with statistics from twelve different countries, women who have had a pervious induced abortion have their ability to
bear children in the future permanently impaired. There is also an increase in infertility, the chances of having a pregnancy in the tube increases, and
premature deliver increases. Abortion also causes emotional problems or changes. I quote Ft. John L. Grady, medical examiner for Florida State
Attorneys office," I believe it can be stated with certainty that abortion causes more deep–seated guilt, depression and mental illness than it ever cures".
Another idea we have to realize as human beings is if we kill babies with confidential defects before they are born, why not after birth, why not any
human being we declare defective?
In conclusion, abortion is wrong. I believe very strongly that abortion should be illegal. "Thy shall not kill" is what the Bible says, so why are so many
people sinning? If it's not right to kill
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Abortion and Ethics
Roseanna Phares
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility
Mr. Russell Tompkins
March 26, 2012
Abortion and Ethics In today's society, "abortion" has raised a lot of ethical controversy all over the world.
The word "abortion," means "the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy." (Abortion, 2012) This may be performed
for a number of reasons. There are also many different methods of abortion. Abortion has divided people all over the world, and has caused people
to debate whether it is right for a woman to terminate her pregnancy or not. I will discuss some of these issues as we go along. I will also, discuss
some ethical reasoning about abortion, as more content...
What does pro–life and pro–choice mean? This stands for people with different options or view on what is right or wrong. If an individual says that
they are for pro–life, it means that they are against abortion, and feel that it is morally wrong. These people believe that abortions are an act of
murder of a human life, and that the fetus is a living being inside the mother's womb. These people believe that there are other organizations that can
help you find someone who is willing and able to take care of your child if you do not want it, or unable to take care of the child. They believe that
there is always an option besides the killing of your unborn child. To be pro–choice, means that it is up to the woman to have an abortion or not, and if
she decides to have an abortion then that is her decision and her right as an individual and be free from judgment. "Pro–Choice is the responsibility to
yourself and the freedom to decide to take control of your own life process. Pro–Choice is not just about reproduction but the freedom to decide your
life course with the support and respect of others. It represents power and pride in self." (FeministWomen'sHealthCenter, 2002) These people believe
that you have a right to do what you think is best for your family. If you think about it, you could say that they were utilitarian's, that "given a set of
choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number
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Banning Abortion Essay
Banning Abortion For many years now people have debated over abortion. Legally a woman can have an abortion when she is up to 24weeks
pregnant except if the mothers' life is in danger. Some people see this as killing innocent babies but others see it as a rescue for teenage mothers'
etc. Abortion was only legalized in 1861but was only carried out if the mothers life was at risk. However this changed with the introduction of the
Abortion Act (1967) by the Liberal MP David Steel. This allowed a woman to have an abortion if there was a risk or injury to her or her existing
children's physical or mental health but the mother must have the permission of two doctors. In 1990 the law was changed more content...
This is similar to the suction procedure except that the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop–shaped steel knife up into the uterus. He then cuts the
placenta and baby into pieces and scrapes them out into a basin. Bleeding is usually profuse. D & X (Partial Birth) Also used for advanced
pregnancies. The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is
extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix. The baby's legs hang outside the woman's body. With the baby facedown,
scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's
brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered. Sharp and suction curettage is continued until the walls of the womb are clean.
These methods may seem cruel but a baby can have distasterous affects on the mothers' lives. If abortions were made illegal the number of teenage
or unmarried pregnacys' would rise dramatically. Also, victims of rape or incest may not want to have the baby, as it would remind them of their
terrible experiences. A lot of teenagers would be unable to cope with a baby; a lot of teenagers are getting pregnant at the age of 13/14. To have to
bring up a baby could take away any chance of a career and the baby
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Mla Format
Jean Lin
Ms. Kasababian
Language Arts Honors
30 November 2012
In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion
should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third
trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will
exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester
abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content...
Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and
that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or
third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the
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What is Abortion Essay
What is Abortion
Abortion is the term used to describe the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb, or the operation to cause this. It is when a pregnant
woman intentionally gets rid of her child before it is fully developed.
Abortion is an extremely topical issue and has been practised for many centuries, although it only became legal in Britain in 1967. This was because
an act was passed to encourage women not to have dangerous 'Back Street Abortions'. People who had no medical experience often carried these out.
The Abortion Act allowed abortions to be carried out, if two doctors agreed that:
В· The mother's life was in danger
В· Grave permanent injury to the mother' more content...
Many organisations offer advice and support for different situations. 'LIFE' is a pro–life organisation that believe that abortion shouldn't be practised.
They teach that every life is sacred and that it begins right at the moment of conception. However, there are pro–choice groups who believe that it is the
woman's own choice. Christians are found supporting both causes.
A. (ii) Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion.
When forming an opinion on an issue such as abortion, a Christian would look towards many things to help them.
Jesus and his teachings in the New Testament are extremely important to Christians, as many of the ideas on lifestyle are still relevant today.
Although Jesus never actually used the term abortion, nor does he preach about the idea of getting rid of an unborn child he does tell us that we
'Shall not kill'. This rule could be applied to abortion, as you are technically killing someone. There are frequent reminders in the New Testament to
love God and you neighbour as yourself. With this lesson in mind, Christians could form the opinion that if they were an unborn baby, would they want
someone to choose whether they would ever actually make it to being a human being in the real world. Another important message in the gospel of
Luke is
'that not even a sparrow is
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Definition of Abortion Essay
Abortion (noun):
a. Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival.
b.Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion.
As stated above, abortion is the termination of a fetus. In other words, the fetus dies, whether by the mother's choice or by accident (such as a
miscarriage or stillbirth.) Medically, all terminations of pregnancy not resulting in a live birth are defined as abortions. Each year throughout the world,
45million abortions are performed. Compare this to 128.6 million births per year and you get approximately 35% of fetuses each year that never get a
chance to live. When discussing abortion, one aspect more content...
This is because the fathers want a male heir to carry on the family name and be the man of the house instead of a daughter who is thought to be weak
and worthless. The two main types of induced abortions are chemical and surgical. With the chemical abortions, a woman can choose to take the
"Morning–After Pill" the morning following rape, incest or sexual intercourse. This prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall inside of the uterus.
The other form of chemical abortion can be done later on in the pregnancy. In this one, the doctor can administer the chemical RU–486. Some of these
abortions (approximately 8%) need a surgical follow–up, usually by vacuum aspiration. There are a few types of surgical abortions but the most
common forms are Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortion, which consists of removing the fetus or embryo by suction using a manual syringe. The
Electric Vacuum Aspiration abortion method uses suction that is produced by an electric pump to remove the fetus or embryo. Neither of these
procedures sounds enjoyable. Abortion should be illegal in the state of Michigan because it violates the right to life for that unborn child, there are too
many risks associated with abortions, and because every child is a wanted child. Everyone, in Michigan and throughout the United States of American,
has the right to life. It is included in our three unalienable rights (Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.) Even though
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Essay on Abortion: A Woman's Right to Choose
Terminating the life of a child without allowing it to even be born has been one of the most controversial topics for centuries. Abortion is the term used
to identify the act of intentionally interrupting pregnancy and not allowing the embryo (first stage of development) or fetus (eight weeks and on) to
continue its normal process. Each woman has different reasons to decide to commit abortion and is either willing to put an end to their child's life or
permit it to live, even if it is unwanted. If it's right or wrong, just or unfair is the main argument of the continuous controversy. In past centuries, before
the mid 1800s abortion was legally, commonly, and freely practiced. Yet, around twenty states started to pass laws to make the more content...
The law includes the coverage of abortion by insurance plans, even though an executive order declared it to be in limited situations (Jost). The debate
seems to continue, since many want to have the right to pick and others do not tolerate the fact of abortion even being legal in the country. Pro–choice
followers obviously oppose the idea that women have to keep their babies regardless of the situation. Indeed, a happy and stable marriage is not
always the scenario behind a pregnancy. Rape and even incest could have been the cause and the probability of the mother wanting the baby in the
middle of such an uncomfortable setting is slim to none. Usually, a baby that is a result of an incest encounter has an endless amount of defects and
babies as a product of rape can cause serious mental and emotional trauma to the mother. A pro–choice advocate would probably present a sentimental
scenario where a twelve–year–old young girl wants to abort because she was brutally raped by her father. In such tragic rape situations it is difficult to
condemn the mothers' choice. Death and injuries can also be prevented with the legalization of abortion. Women with no choice could tend to go to
"back–alley" medical services that are unsafe, illegal and untrustworthy. The year before abortion was legalized 39 women died of illegal abortions
(Johansen). With legal and safe abortions women could do their will without risking their lives. It is even speculated that legal abortion is safer
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Introduction For Abortion

  • 1. Introduction for Abortion The definition of abortion is the fetus in the uterus if her mother remove / die before the fetus can survive outside the mother uterus the mother uterus , in other ways means the fetus killed accidentally or by some medical ways before its born. There are 2 types of abortion , the 2 types call spontaneous abortion and induced abortion , these two different ways have their own characteristic . SPONTANEOUS ABORTION Spontaneous abortion also call miscarriage abortion , its happen because of accidental or natural before the 22 week of carrying of being carried in the womb between the birth and conception , this happen normally because of incorrect replication of chromosome of the other ways is affect by the environment factors. more content... This abortion methods comparison 15% of all he abortion cases in Malaysia. These are some drugs can used to do these abortion (RU– 486 , misoprostol , gemeprost) these drugs is approved by FDA US. Approximately 95% of woman use these drug within 49 days of gestation are successful killed the fetus without any pain and surgical intervention , all the fetus killed using the medical ways will exclude the pregnant woman from their vagina. SURGICAL The most common method to use in the first 12 weeks after forming the fetus are suction curettage as known as vacuum aspiration , this method is done by abortion doctors , they used surgical instrument to remove the fetus (embryo) , placenta and membranes. In this process the doctor will force the woman cervix open by using dilators , then a hollow tube with a knife at the edged tip and a very powerful vacuum called canella , then its will insert into the womb and the unborn child will sucked out by the tube in pieces. If the head of the unborn child was too large it may be crushed to removed successful and the most important part to remove of the unborn child removed is the placenta which place at the inner of the womb. The other method than used in the first trimester is Dilation And Curettage (D&C). the cervix is open by same way as the ways above , the difference of this method between the above method are using scraping the unborn child into pieces in the Get more content on
  • 2. My View On Abortion And Abortion Introduction: (48 words) In this paper I am going to explain my view on why abortion is impermissible in most cases and agree with Judith Thomson. However, I do not agree with her examples and arguments and would like to explain why this contradicts with what she claims in her essay. Exposition: (423 words) In "Defense to Abortion" essay Judith Thomson proposed that abortion is impermissible and she supports her claim by considering fetus as a person and it 's right to live. Her essay proposes this argument with the premises: 1) Every person has a right to life. 2) A fetus is a person. Her conclusion for this argument therefore is: So a fetus has a right to life. In context to that she also goes on to explain that because fetus has a right to life and abortion violates it, therefore abortion is impermissible and that it would be unjust killing. Thomson introduces a scenario famously known as the Violinist argument in which she said a person is plugged in to a violinist who has a kidney disease without the person's consent. Now the person can remain plugged for nine months so that violinist gets better or he/she can unplug him/herself but then violinist will die. In this scenario, Thomson is trying to show that violinist and a fetus is the same if compared under this and abortion circumstances. She also explains that third party like doctors or other should not side with or against abortion and let mother decide what she wants to do. Thomson also shares another example Get more content on
  • 3. Women's Right and Abortion Essay Before women had rights to decide whether they could keep their baby, some states didn't allow abortion, therefore requiring women to give birth to their child. In today's current issues, abortion is still a controversial subject with millions of people supporting it or not supporting it. Every woman has the right to make changes to her own physical body, and those rights should not be taken away, according to the constitution. In the very famous case in 1973, "Roe v. Wade", the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. In the article, "Roe's Pro –Life Legacy", it is explained how after this movement, the right to abortion, lives have changed and led to lower abortion rates (Sheilds 2013.) more content... Carthart: Women Retain Their Right to Choose", in the Supreme Court Case, Stenberg verses Carthart, declared that; "Nebraska statute banning partial birth abortions was unconstitutional." The article also mentions that women need personal privacy and the First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Ninth Amendment, and Fourteenth Amendment gave women the rights to their own personal freedom (Berkowitz 2001). As learned in class, the First Amendment of the United States gave people the right to express their speech, religion, press, and assembly freely. The Fourth Amendment gave the right for people to search your house but only with a warrant. The Fourteenth Amendment dealt with equal protection rights. Legalized abortion gives women a relief because they know that they are the owners of their body and control it and give consent or don't give consent to an abortion. If a woman becomes raped and unfortunately becomes pregnant, she won't feel obligated to keep a baby from a stranger or from a psychopath who rapes random women. The raped victim also might not like the idea of carrying a child from which she was raped because she will constantly be reminded that she was raped and once again feel the endless pain. In the article, Humiliation, Degradation, Penetration", it is mentioned how females who have been raped feel that it is unjust and psychologically unfair to keep the baby from a rape incident (Green 2013). Additionally, incest, the act of Get more content on
  • 4. Introductory Paragraph On Abortion Introductory Paragraph Abortion shouldn't be something that someone should have to think about. It should be a no brainer answer to the child's parents. One should not ever have to make the decision of if they want a child to live or not to live. Society has misjudged this cruel topic, overthought this cruel topic, and blown this cruel topic out of proportion. No child should have to be so called, "murdered" for the lack of responsibility of his or her parents. The bible states abortion is murder, and that murder is wrong, and illegal. Abortion should be illegal due to the negative impacts of killing a human being. The Bible is completely at odds with the worldview of those who support abortion. The Bible never mentions the practice of abortion, but those wanting to shape their lives around the Bible should find the practice both absurd and inacceptable. The Bible teaches that pregnancy is a good thing and children are a blessing (Jones). The Bible states... Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful more content... "Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion" (Snyder). This fact is sickening, and compares two different situations. The destruction of the World Trade Center towers did not happen by choice, and people did not die by choice. This event was viewed as tragic for the US, and lots of people were killed. The same number of people killed on this one day happens to also be the same number of abortions that happen every single day. This means that if 3000 abortions happen every day then a little over 1,000,000 babies are killed every year. There is no difference from people being killed in 9/11 to babies being killed in the Get more content on
  • 5. Rhetorical Essay On Abortion Abortion is a woman or teen pregnancy and end up making a choice of giving up on the baby, they go to the doctor and they perform a procedure that is going to kill the baby. People donВґt realize how bad and horrible it is killing a baby they donВґt know the exact representation of it. Meg Meeker a pediatrician had thought that having an abortion was acceptable because the woman can decide what they want for their body, until one day she seen a video of how exactly an abortion happens. She thought it was cruel on how they got rid of it. Obviously the women donВґt see because they make them turn away. Meg described that ВЁA woman laying down on her back, her face turned away. He talked to the sound of the vacuum used to extract the arms, the legs, and the shredded torso of the tiny childВЁ. People donВґt feel bad because they donВґt see exactly how the process is, they donВґt know whatВґs going on or else they would feel bad. Yes 99% of the women donВґt regret more content... Yes nowadays thereВґs lots of reasons to get an abortion but by now you should know what youВґre getting yourself into. And youВґre gonna have to deal with the circumstances of the decisions you made even if they were a mistake. Yes mistakes happen and you're gonna learn from them but young innocent children donВґt deserve thus kind of cruelty. If the mother is obligated to have that baby and isn't happy with it there are other families that will be happy to accept it. ThatВґs why thereВґs something called abortion and the children are gonna have a much more happier life with them. My logos is ВЁabortion is murder to an unborn innocent childВЁ and ВЁalso there is the option of adoptionВЁ, The source I got this information from is And my pathos is that many people have different type of emotions but most of mine are sad and like also confused because like how can people harm a baby that isn't even Get more content on
  • 6. Abortion Introduction Abortion is a very controversial issue with having no ground of common agreement with two polar opposite viewpoints. Abortion is–the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy ( Abortion was legalized in 1973 because of the court case Roe v Wade, she challenged the texas laws of abortion, her life was endangered if the pregnancy would be continued she won the court case making it legal for Roe, a group took the case to the supreme court and made abortion legal for everyone( two contrasting perspectives i'm addressing are for abortion these people are for the women making the choice and for planned parenthood, and against abortion, not killing innocent human beings because of inconvenience to us. Choices Women need to have the choice about abortion, it's no ones choice but the women who are facing the question.The women can choose what she want with her life. She can have control to shape her future as well as her body. Pregnancy should be planned and taken into consideration, therefor pregnancies take planning and preparation, no baby should come into the world unwanted ( Embryos and fetuses are not independent, self–determining beings, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a baby. Termination Unwanted pregnancy should be able to be terminated for any reason, rape, insect, endangerment to health if pregnancy is continued or Get more content on
  • 7. The issue of abortion is very ambiguous. It doesn't just have a demographic meaning, but it has both political and social significance, and the most important are has an ethical aspect to it. Despite that this issue is "as old as Earth" it's still very accurate nowadays and the topic of many debates. This is explained by the fact that the issue touches many levels: moral, socio–political, religious and scientific. There are 1.1 million U.S. abortions each year, this means that nearly 1 out of 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortion. As a human being but mostly as a woman I stand for abortion. Margaret Sanger who was an American birth control activist ones said: "No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body." I absolutely agree with her and believe that woman, as any other human on this earth is the Lord of her body and has full rights over it. Each woman is fully capable and has a full right to make soulful and moral decisions about her body on her own without interference. I think we all can agree that a fetus can not survive outside of the mother's body, therefore, it is a part of her body so it's her full right to decide its fate. Many people argue that abortion is the sane as killing a human being. However, many scientists argue that on the first weeks of pregnancy the fetus doesn't feel anything and even refer to it as a parasite to a body. Statistics show that 89 % of all abortions in the US are performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay on Abortion Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. Many people believe it is 100% wrong and even consider it to be murder. The definition of abortion is; "The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth." These pro–life believers do not support the idea of abortion and believe it should be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know that if abortion were illegal they would still be performed, unfortunately by an uneducated staff. Over 70 thousand maternal deaths occur every year because of unsafe abortions. These women die, so the idea of supporting pro–life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro–choice. Pro– more content... The choice of her keeping the child would result in her getting kicked out of her home, she'd be finically unable to support the baby, and she would lose her education. With abortion she would not have to deal with these issues, though she would have to deal with the emotional aspect of deciding to terminate the pregnancy. Pro–choice supports the idea she would learn from her mistake and that ultimately it was her choice to do what she wished with her body. Even though these "Pro Life supporters" think giving up your child for adoption is a better choice than an abortion, but those children would be forced to live in an unfit foster home till they age out of the system. After they turn 18 they are out on the streets what makes the women who would rather just have an abortion have to think about when they know their child is in a foster home and probably no better off than where they would be if she would have just kept it? You have to deal with the emotional circumstances after an abortion for a while but you have to deal with not knowing what the child you gave up has to go through on a daily basis everyday of your life is a lot harder than the emotional toll of an abortion Even though many people practice pro–life because of their religion, it may be surprising to learn that catholic women are 29% more likely to get an abortion than Protestant women, though they are as likely as all women to do Get more content on
  • 9. Abortion : Ethical And Moral Abortion Introduction Is it ethical and moral to have an abortion? The definition of abortion is "deliberate removal or deliberate action to cause the expulsion of a fetus from the womb of a human female, at the request of or through the agency of the mother, so as in fact to result in the death of the fetus" (Merriam–Webster, 2016). What about the morality of un–coerced, human abortion for our purposes abortions are voluntary, deliberate removals of a human fetus (Objections to Warren, 2016). The Argument To argue that abortion is wrong that every fetus will be a person and every person has a right to live does that mean every fetus has the right to not be aborted. Mary Warren who believes that abortion is acceptable at any stage of pregnancy regardless of the circumstances (Warren, 2016). Warren considers the following anti–abortion argument that it is wrong to kill innocent human beings and fetuses are innocent human beings, therefore, it is wrong to kill fetuses. She claims that the reasons rest on the term human being (On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion, 1973). Humans in the genetic sense are members of the biological species homo sapiens. Not only does this involve every child and adult that functions but also includes early embryos. Warren also includes humans that are alive but are in irreversible comas that do not have a brain that function (Warren, 2016). The moral community is the set of beings with full moral rights, and consists of all and Get more content on
  • 10. History Of Abortion Essay The History of Abortion Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion results in the death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced. For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. The history of abortion reaches back not just decades, but centuries, and even milleniums. Today, policies regarding legal abortion in the U.S. is being debated everywhere. Many myths and misconceptions confuse this issue. A better understanding of the history of abortion in America can help provide a context for an improved policy in the future. Abortion has been widely known, practiced, and debated since ancient times. The ancient more content... These illegal abortions were unsafe, and could be fatal to most women, and put their lives at risk. Jane Roe was a twenty–one year old woman that was pregnant, who represented all of the women who wanted abortions but could not get one. Henry Wade was a Texas attorney General who had defended the state's law. The Supreme Court ruled for Roe and stated that America's right to privacy included: the right for a woman to choose whether or not to have her child; and the right for a woman and her doctor to make this decision without state involvement within the first trimester of the pregnancy. It made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions from well–trained medical practitioners. Consequently, there was a dramatic decrease in pregnancy related deaths. Anti–abortion politicians in 1981 unsuccessfully attempted to introduce a "Human Life Amendment that prohibited abortions under all conditions. President Reagan and George Bush also wanted to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling of the Roe v. Wadecase. The Department of Health and Human Services in 1988, introduced federal "gag" rules. These rules did not allow federally funded family planning clinics to discuss and inform their patients about abortion. In 1939, the "abortion pill" RU 486 was banned by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). After, many anti –abortion bills were introduced in state legislatures. Bills supporting abortion rights were Get more content on
  • 11. Thesis Statement On Abortion Introduction Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma against abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental consequences it may cause. Each year, worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals. The big issue alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the procedure. Purpose of the Study: Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. more content... There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor of making abortion illegal because, they feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal matter. Are there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have the procedure done is one that the world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that women who have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to determine if or how having an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but have not yet gone through with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature explains these Get more content on
  • 12. Abortion : Abortion And Abortion Abortion has been around for quite some time. Laws have been set allowing it and banning it during different periods of time. The procedures that can be done are all very different. There is a medical abortion involving drugs and there are surgical abortion involving a more invasive procedure. There are also different points of view on it. There are those who fully support the termination of a pregnancy and those who are completely against it. There are many factors to consider and very different ideas out there. Abortion If you were to look up the definition of abortion online, your results would be something along the lines of "the deliberate termination of pregnancy." It is estimated that one in three women will have an abortion by the time they reach the age of 45. Some of these women will end up having multiple abortions. Over half of all abortions are due to unintended pregnancies and abortion being used as a form of birth control. 88.6% of abortions are done in the first trimester, 10.2% in the second trimester, and 1.1% in the third trimester. In 2011, the state of California was the number one state in total abortions, having reached 181,730 abortions in a year. Abortion has been a part of our culture and is a very controversial topic because of its history, procedures, and questionable moral values. Abortion has been around for ages. When it was banned in the US in the 1800s, it was justified by the eugenics movement and the US government as concern Get more content on
  • 13. Abortion Essay According to Webster's dictionary, abortion is the termination of pregnancy after, accompanied by resulting in, or closely followed by death of the embryo or fetus. I believe that abortion should be illegal. Our world today is full of unsolved, devising and controversial issues. Most of them relate to our morals, ethics, and religion, thus creating a very strong 'Yes' and 'No'. If you were to come to any kind of conclusion onabortion, there would still be a downside to it, and that is primarily why the world cannot agree on this sensitive and emotional issue. Make no mistake–that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to override more content... If you really feel that you are not ready to be a parent then you could at least give the baby up for adoption, and make the baby's life and the family adopting the baby life a lot happier. There are many other options out there people just have to open their eyes and consider them, instead of killing. There is another bad side of getting an abortion. Doctors usually say that there are few to none complication after an abortion but that's not true. According to the Wyn report with statistics from twelve different countries, women who have had a pervious induced abortion have their ability to bear children in the future permanently impaired. There is also an increase in infertility, the chances of having a pregnancy in the tube increases, and premature deliver increases. Abortion also causes emotional problems or changes. I quote Ft. John L. Grady, medical examiner for Florida State Attorneys office," I believe it can be stated with certainty that abortion causes more deep–seated guilt, depression and mental illness than it ever cures". Another idea we have to realize as human beings is if we kill babies with confidential defects before they are born, why not after birth, why not any human being we declare defective? In conclusion, abortion is wrong. I believe very strongly that abortion should be illegal. "Thy shall not kill" is what the Bible says, so why are so many people sinning? If it's not right to kill Get more content on
  • 14. Abortion Abortion and Ethics Roseanna Phares SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Mr. Russell Tompkins March 26, 2012 Abortion and Ethics In today's society, "abortion" has raised a lot of ethical controversy all over the world. The word "abortion," means "the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy." (Abortion, 2012) This may be performed for a number of reasons. There are also many different methods of abortion. Abortion has divided people all over the world, and has caused people to debate whether it is right for a woman to terminate her pregnancy or not. I will discuss some of these issues as we go along. I will also, discuss some ethical reasoning about abortion, as more content... What does pro–life and pro–choice mean? This stands for people with different options or view on what is right or wrong. If an individual says that they are for pro–life, it means that they are against abortion, and feel that it is morally wrong. These people believe that abortions are an act of murder of a human life, and that the fetus is a living being inside the mother's womb. These people believe that there are other organizations that can help you find someone who is willing and able to take care of your child if you do not want it, or unable to take care of the child. They believe that there is always an option besides the killing of your unborn child. To be pro–choice, means that it is up to the woman to have an abortion or not, and if she decides to have an abortion then that is her decision and her right as an individual and be free from judgment. "Pro–Choice is the responsibility to yourself and the freedom to decide to take control of your own life process. Pro–Choice is not just about reproduction but the freedom to decide your life course with the support and respect of others. It represents power and pride in self." (FeministWomen'sHealthCenter, 2002) These people believe that you have a right to do what you think is best for your family. If you think about it, you could say that they were utilitarian's, that "given a set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number Get more content on
  • 15. Banning Abortion Essay Banning Abortion For many years now people have debated over abortion. Legally a woman can have an abortion when she is up to 24weeks pregnant except if the mothers' life is in danger. Some people see this as killing innocent babies but others see it as a rescue for teenage mothers' etc. Abortion was only legalized in 1861but was only carried out if the mothers life was at risk. However this changed with the introduction of the Abortion Act (1967) by the Liberal MP David Steel. This allowed a woman to have an abortion if there was a risk or injury to her or her existing children's physical or mental health but the mother must have the permission of two doctors. In 1990 the law was changed more content... This is similar to the suction procedure except that the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop–shaped steel knife up into the uterus. He then cuts the placenta and baby into pieces and scrapes them out into a basin. Bleeding is usually profuse. D & X (Partial Birth) Also used for advanced pregnancies. The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix. The baby's legs hang outside the woman's body. With the baby facedown, scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered. Sharp and suction curettage is continued until the walls of the womb are clean. These methods may seem cruel but a baby can have distasterous affects on the mothers' lives. If abortions were made illegal the number of teenage or unmarried pregnacys' would rise dramatically. Also, victims of rape or incest may not want to have the baby, as it would remind them of their terrible experiences. A lot of teenagers would be unable to cope with a baby; a lot of teenagers are getting pregnant at the age of 13/14. To have to bring up a baby could take away any chance of a career and the baby Get more content on
  • 16. Mla Format Jean Lin Ms. Kasababian Language Arts Honors 30 November 2012 Abortion In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content... Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the Get more content on
  • 17. What is Abortion Essay What is Abortion Abortion is the term used to describe the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb, or the operation to cause this. It is when a pregnant woman intentionally gets rid of her child before it is fully developed. Abortion is an extremely topical issue and has been practised for many centuries, although it only became legal in Britain in 1967. This was because an act was passed to encourage women not to have dangerous 'Back Street Abortions'. People who had no medical experience often carried these out. The Abortion Act allowed abortions to be carried out, if two doctors agreed that: В· The mother's life was in danger В· Grave permanent injury to the mother' more content... Many organisations offer advice and support for different situations. 'LIFE' is a pro–life organisation that believe that abortion shouldn't be practised. They teach that every life is sacred and that it begins right at the moment of conception. However, there are pro–choice groups who believe that it is the woman's own choice. Christians are found supporting both causes. A. (ii) Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion. When forming an opinion on an issue such as abortion, a Christian would look towards many things to help them. Jesus and his teachings in the New Testament are extremely important to Christians, as many of the ideas on lifestyle are still relevant today. Although Jesus never actually used the term abortion, nor does he preach about the idea of getting rid of an unborn child he does tell us that we 'Shall not kill'. This rule could be applied to abortion, as you are technically killing someone. There are frequent reminders in the New Testament to love God and you neighbour as yourself. With this lesson in mind, Christians could form the opinion that if they were an unborn baby, would they want someone to choose whether they would ever actually make it to being a human being in the real world. Another important message in the gospel of Luke is
  • 18. 'that not even a sparrow is Get more content on
  • 19. Definition of Abortion Essay Abortion (noun): a. Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. b.Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion. As stated above, abortion is the termination of a fetus. In other words, the fetus dies, whether by the mother's choice or by accident (such as a miscarriage or stillbirth.) Medically, all terminations of pregnancy not resulting in a live birth are defined as abortions. Each year throughout the world, 45million abortions are performed. Compare this to 128.6 million births per year and you get approximately 35% of fetuses each year that never get a chance to live. When discussing abortion, one aspect more content... This is because the fathers want a male heir to carry on the family name and be the man of the house instead of a daughter who is thought to be weak and worthless. The two main types of induced abortions are chemical and surgical. With the chemical abortions, a woman can choose to take the "Morning–After Pill" the morning following rape, incest or sexual intercourse. This prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall inside of the uterus. The other form of chemical abortion can be done later on in the pregnancy. In this one, the doctor can administer the chemical RU–486. Some of these abortions (approximately 8%) need a surgical follow–up, usually by vacuum aspiration. There are a few types of surgical abortions but the most common forms are Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortion, which consists of removing the fetus or embryo by suction using a manual syringe. The Electric Vacuum Aspiration abortion method uses suction that is produced by an electric pump to remove the fetus or embryo. Neither of these procedures sounds enjoyable. Abortion should be illegal in the state of Michigan because it violates the right to life for that unborn child, there are too many risks associated with abortions, and because every child is a wanted child. Everyone, in Michigan and throughout the United States of American, has the right to life. It is included in our three unalienable rights (Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.) Even though Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Abortion: A Woman's Right to Choose Terminating the life of a child without allowing it to even be born has been one of the most controversial topics for centuries. Abortion is the term used to identify the act of intentionally interrupting pregnancy and not allowing the embryo (first stage of development) or fetus (eight weeks and on) to continue its normal process. Each woman has different reasons to decide to commit abortion and is either willing to put an end to their child's life or permit it to live, even if it is unwanted. If it's right or wrong, just or unfair is the main argument of the continuous controversy. In past centuries, before the mid 1800s abortion was legally, commonly, and freely practiced. Yet, around twenty states started to pass laws to make the more content... The law includes the coverage of abortion by insurance plans, even though an executive order declared it to be in limited situations (Jost). The debate seems to continue, since many want to have the right to pick and others do not tolerate the fact of abortion even being legal in the country. Pro–choice followers obviously oppose the idea that women have to keep their babies regardless of the situation. Indeed, a happy and stable marriage is not always the scenario behind a pregnancy. Rape and even incest could have been the cause and the probability of the mother wanting the baby in the middle of such an uncomfortable setting is slim to none. Usually, a baby that is a result of an incest encounter has an endless amount of defects and babies as a product of rape can cause serious mental and emotional trauma to the mother. A pro–choice advocate would probably present a sentimental scenario where a twelve–year–old young girl wants to abort because she was brutally raped by her father. In such tragic rape situations it is difficult to condemn the mothers' choice. Death and injuries can also be prevented with the legalization of abortion. Women with no choice could tend to go to "back–alley" medical services that are unsafe, illegal and untrustworthy. The year before abortion was legalized 39 women died of illegal abortions (Johansen). With legal and safe abortions women could do their will without risking their lives. It is even speculated that legal abortion is safer Get more content on