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Introduzione a Chef

                      Giacomo Bagnoli

            Develer Workshops - 12 Settembre 2012

@gbagnoli                Introduzione a Chef        12/09/2012   1 / 50
# whoami

• System Administrator
• Operations Engineer
• Python guy (having an affair with Ruby)

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1. Introduction
2. Chef Overview
3. Example

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@gbagnoli      Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   4 / 50
Infrastructure as code

Building and managing infrastructure programmatically

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Infrastructure as code

    Building and managing infrastructure programmatically

Enable the reconstruction of the business from:

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Infrastructure as code

    Building and managing infrastructure programmatically

Enable the reconstruction of the business from:
  • computing resources

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Infrastructure as code

    Building and managing infrastructure programmatically

Enable the reconstruction of the business from:
  • computing resources
  • a source code repository

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Infrastructure as code

    Building and managing infrastructure programmatically

Enable the reconstruction of the business from:
  • computing resources
  • a source code repository
  • data backups

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Infrastructure as code (2)

source: Chef wiki

Provisioning Get new computing resources
Configuration Management Keeps track of all steps required to take bare
             metal resources to doing their job
System Integration Takes all configured systems and make them work
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What is Chef

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What is Chef

• A library/framework for configuration management

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What is Chef

• A library/framework for configuration management
• A configuration management system

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What is Chef

• A library/framework for configuration management
• A configuration management system
• A system integration platform

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What is Chef

• A library/framework for configuration management
• A configuration management system
• A system integration platform
• An API for the infrastructure

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What is Chef

• A library/framework for configuration management
• A configuration management system
• A system integration platform
• An API for the infrastructure
• Open Source! (Apache License, version 2.0)

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Opscode Chef

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Chef Principles

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Chef Principles

Idempotent Describes states

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Chef Principles

Idempotent Describes states
 Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL

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Chef Principles

Idempotent Describes states
 Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
     Order It matters

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

Various Flavours:

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

Various Flavours:
  • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted)

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

Various Flavours:
  • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted)
  • Open source Chef Server

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

Various Flavours:
  • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted)
  • Open source Chef Server
  • Serverless - chef-solo

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Chef Principles

 Idempotent Describes states
  Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL
      Order It matters
Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server

Various Flavours:
  • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted)
  • Open source Chef Server
  • Serverless - chef-solo
  • Private Chef (opscode-supported behind-the-firewall installation)

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Chef API

• A RESTful service with JSON responses
• RSA key authentication with Signed Headers
• Search Service
• Derivative (easy to integrate with other tools)
• . . . i.e pychef :-)

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Chef API

  • A RESTful service with JSON responses
  • RSA key authentication with Signed Headers
  • Search Service
  • Derivative (easy to integrate with other tools)
  • . . . i.e pychef :-)

chef-client connects to the server consuming the API.
CLI management tool knife and the webUI use the API too.

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Chef Architecture



            Chef API Server
                                                  Chef WebUI

                             Client    Client     Client

            Knife   Knife

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API Client

In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate
requests to the API server.

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API Client

In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate
requests to the API server.

The public half of the public/private of a key pair is stored in the db on
the server, while the private part is local to the client.

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API Client

In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate
requests to the API server.

The public half of the public/private of a key pair is stored in the db on
the server, while the private part is local to the client.

Each request to the API contains a request signature in the HTTP
The request signature is computed by the hash of the request content and
encrypted with the client private key, so it’s possible to verify the identity
of the user/machine making the request.

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A Node is a host that runs the chef-client.
  • Has attributes
  • Has a run list
  • Has 0+ roles
  • Belongs to an environment

In the common case, 1 host ⇔ 1 node ⇔ 1 client

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run list

"run_list": {

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• Have attributes
• Have a run list
• Declared in JSON or . . .
• Declared with the ruby DSL (automatically compiled to JSON)

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  • Have attributes
  • Have a run list
  • Declared in JSON or . . .
  • Declared with the ruby DSL (automatically compiled to JSON)

If 1+ roles are in the node run list, the node run list is expanded

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Roles (2)

An example role (in ruby):
name "python_hosting"
description "Python App hosting"
  "nginx" => {
    "default_site_enabled" => false

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Store node data (i.e. ip address, hostname, fqdn, database host address,
There are four types of attributes (in order of precedence, lowest to
  • default
  • normal
  • override
  • automatic

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Store node data (i.e. ip address, hostname, fqdn, database host address,
There are four types of attributes (in order of precedence, lowest to
  • default
  • normal
  • override
  • automatic
Attributes can be set in:
  • cookbooks
  • environments
  • roles
  • nodes

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Attributes (2)
So, in the end, as attributes are deep-merged, the following precedence

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Attributes (2)
So, in the end, as attributes are deep-merged, the following precedence
  • default attributes applied in an cookbook
  • default attributes applied in an environment
  • default attributes applied in a role
  • default attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe
  • normal attributes applied in a cookbook
  • normal attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe
  • override attributes applied in an cookbook
  • override attributes applied in an environment
  • override attributes applied in a role
  • override attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe
  • automatic attributes generated by Ohai

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Attributes (3)

Automatic, ovverride and default are reset at the beginning of every run.
Normal attributes persist between runs.

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Attributes (3)

Automatic, ovverride and default are reset at the beginning of every run.
Normal attributes persist between runs.

Attributes are searchable:

     search(:node, ’platform:ubuntu’)


     knife search node "platform:ubuntu"

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Attributes (4)


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Attributes (4)

 • (sane) defaults in cookbooks

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Attributes (4)

 • (sane) defaults in cookbooks
 • . . . overridden in roles

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Attributes (4)

 • (sane) defaults in cookbooks
 • . . . overridden in roles
 • . . . and node-specific data as normal attributes on the node.

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Attributes (4)

 • (sane) defaults in cookbooks
 • . . . overridden in roles
 • . . . and node-specific data as normal attributes on the node.
 • override and node.set can be used to force values

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Chef manages resources on a node.

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Chef manages resources on a node.

Resources are specified in recipes, recipes stored in cookbooks.

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Chef manages resources on a node.

Resources are specified in recipes, recipes stored in cookbooks.

The expanded run list specifies all the recipes (and thus the resources) to
manage on a given node.

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Resources (2)

A resource
  • has a type                               package "tar" do
  • has a name                                 version "1.16.1-1"
                                               action :install
  • has parameters
  • takes actions

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Resources (2)

A resource
  • has a type                                      package "tar" do
  • has a name                                        version "1.16.1-1"
                                                      action :install
  • has parameters
  • takes actions

Actions are taken using providers, providers are chosen based on the node
(i.e. the package resource installs packages using apt on debian/ubuntu
and using yum on centos/RHEL)!

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Recipes evaluate resources in the order they appear
package "pdns-recursor" do
  action :install

template "#{node[:pdns][:confd]}/recursor.conf" do
  source "recursor.cfg.erb"
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  mode 0644
  notifies :restart, "service[pdns-recursor]"

service "pdns-recursor" do
  action [:enable, :start]

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Recipes (2)

Recipes can include other resources, and are just ruby code
  include_recipe      "apache2"


  %w{config logs files}.each do |dir|
    directory "#{node[:myrecipe][:base_dir]}/#{dir}" do
      recursive true
      owner "myuser"
      group "mygroup"
      mode 02775

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Cookbooks are (shareable) packages for recipes.
Cookbooks for chef ⇔ gems for ruby
   cookbooks / python /
   | - - attributes
   |     ‘-- default . rb
   | - - files
   |     ‘-- default
   | - - LICENSE
   | - - metadata . rb
   | - - providers
   |     | - - pip . rb
   |     ‘-- virtualenv . rb
   | - - README . md
   | - - recipes
   |     | - - default . rb
   |     | - - package . rb
   |     | - - pip . rb
   |     | - - source . rb
   |     ‘-- virtualenv . rb
   | - - resources
   |     | - - pip . rb
   |     ‘-- virtualenv . rb
   ‘-- templates
         ‘-- default
               ‘-- p r o f i l e _ v i r t u a l e n v w r a p p e r . sh . erb

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Cookbooks (2)

Currently 133 cookbooks available on opscode-cookbooks GitHub org.
too many to list them all!

More cookbooks on the community site at

       @gbagnoli            Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   26 / 50

maintainer         "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email   ""
license            "Apache 2.0"
description        "Installs and configures mysql for client or server"
long_description, ’’))
version            "1.2.5"
recipe             "mysql", "Includes the client recipe to configure a client"
recipe             "mysql::client", "Installs packages required for mysql clients using run_action magic"
recipe             "mysql::server", "Installs packages required for mysql servers w/o manual intervention"
recipe             "mysql::server_ec2", "Performs EC2-specific mountpoint manipulation"

%w{ debian ubuntu centos suse fedora redhat scientific amazon }.each do |os|
  supports os

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Environments can be used to manage different environments (production,
test, etc) in a single Chef setup.
Roles can have different run list on different environments

       @gbagnoli             Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   28 / 50
Environments can be used to manage different environments (production,
test, etc) in a single Chef setup.
Roles can have different run list on different environments
name "production"
description "The production environment"
  "mysql" => "= 1.2.5",   # use version 1.2.5 only
  "apache2" => "~> 1.1"    # anything 1.1.0 < x < 1.2.0
# default attributes for this environment
  "apache2" => {
    "listen_ports" => ["80", "443"]

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   28 / 50
Environments can be used to manage different environments (production,
test, etc) in a single Chef setup.
Roles can have different run list on different environments
name "production"
description "The production environment"
  "mysql" => "= 1.2.5",   # use version 1.2.5 only
  "apache2" => "~> 1.1"    # anything 1.1.0 < x < 1.2.0
# default attributes for this environment
  "apache2" => {
    "listen_ports" => ["80", "443"]

As with role, the ruby DSL gets compiled to JSON when uploading to server

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Environments (2)

$ knife environment list
$ knife environment show production -F json

    "name": "production",
    "description": "The production environment",
    "cookbook_versions": {
      "mysql": "= 1.2.5",
      "apache2": "~> 1.1"
    "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
    "chef_type": "environment",
    "default_attributes": {
      "apache2": {
        "listen_ports": [
    "override_attributes": {

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Environments (3)

Cookbooks can be frozen, so that following uploads with the same version
will fail.
 $ # -E automatically sets a requirement for the specified environment
 $ knife cookbook upload redis -- freeze -E production
 Uploading redis ...
 upload complete

 $ knife cookbook show redis 1.0.2 | grep " frozen "
 frozen ?: true

 $ knife cookbook upload redis
 Uploading redis ...
 ERROR : Version 1.0.2 of cookbook redis is frozen . Use -- force to override .
 ERROR : Failed to upload 1 cookbook .

 $ knife environment show production | grep redis
   users :       = 1.0.2

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Data Bags

Data bags provide an arbitrary store of globally available JSON data.

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   31 / 50
Data Bags

Data bags provide an arbitrary store of globally available JSON data.
Data bags can be encrypted (but then cannot be searched, except for id)

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   31 / 50
Data Bags (Encrypted)

(warn: fake data ahead)

  $ knife data bag show accounts gbagnoli

  comment :               tenoh > dieliSh ’ i7eexeijeiSh ^ u9phaeGhuu4chaa *=
  email :                 A h r 8 i s 3 a h C h o h m 6 a e n e i c ( aef " a h1e eree Voh hie 6Up =
  group :                 Waix8Pa # iniy # oh6eem$eij =
  groups :                xa i7on g7a ihi u1n eH & ah3ier3Goh } rae7nik$einaeb =
  id :                    gbagnoli
  shadow :                yi e@ja h0v e$g 2Ae Gh } ido6koobuew | aebeenaequeRo ( xaiYei8eizi + f
                          7 ohqu < i@enequ & oh7ef - ahdae8dia [ c h a h 7 e e 4 y i e $ N 4 E e B i c h e e 5 e i r o
                          h2JaGhae ^ k 6a e ph o hj ah s h6 Ae j a ^ cheew } o ) i 0 w o 5 i e s i s h 3 d i g h i e w o h
                          tohoh0eegho7eik =
  shell :                 aeshi2ohy , ai6ai  h2Ahquu =
  ssh_keys :              [.. cut ..]
  uid :                   thahvo2IGhoh3osho8Ees /a=
  username :              poh5WiuZ2Er : it ! ee1ahf { u =

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Data Bags (Decrypted)

$ knife data bag show accounts gbagnoli -- secret - file ~/. chef / enc_db_secret

comment :           Giacomo Bagnoli
email :             g . bagnoli@asidev . com
group :             wheel
groups :            [ asidev , users ]
id :                gbagnoli
organization :      asidev
shadow :            $6$ [... cut ...]
shell :             / bin / bash
ssh_keys :          [" ssh - rsa [... cut ...] Giacomo Bagnoli "]
uid :               3000
username :          g . bagnoli

        @gbagnoli                           Introduzione a Chef              12/09/2012   33 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions
    • attributes

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions
    • attributes
    • recipes

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions
    • attributes
    • recipes
• Executes - Configure Node

     @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions
    • attributes
    • recipes
• Executes - Configure Node
    • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes
      action on it

     @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   34 / 50
Anatomy of a Chef Run
• chef-client starts
• Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
• chef-client registers with the server
• Cookbook sync
• Compiles resource collection, loading:
    • libraries
    • resources / definitions
    • attributes
    • recipes
• Executes - Configure Node
    • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes
      action on it
    • Saves Node

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Anatomy of a Chef Run
  • chef-client starts
  • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs)
  • chef-client registers with the server
  • Cookbook sync
  • Compiles resource collection, loading:
      • libraries
      • resources / definitions
      • attributes
      • recipes
  • Executes - Configure Node
      • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes
        action on it
      • Saves Node
      • Runs notification Handlers

On errors, exception handlers are run.
        @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   34 / 50
Chef development workflow

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Chef development workflow

• Write cookbooks/recipe

     @gbagnoli             Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   35 / 50
Chef development workflow

• Write cookbooks/recipe
• Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server

     @gbagnoli             Introduzione a Chef     12/09/2012   35 / 50
Chef development workflow

• Write cookbooks/recipe
• Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server
• Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role)

     @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef            12/09/2012   35 / 50
Chef development workflow

• Write cookbooks/recipe
• Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server
• Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role)
• Wait for chef-client to run on nodes

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Chef development workflow

• Write cookbooks/recipe
• Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server
• Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role)
• Wait for chef-client to run on nodes
• Commit changes in git

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Full-text query engine based on Apache Solr.
Searches can be performed from knife and in recipes.
Almost any object is indexed by the chef server, like roles, nodes, api
clients and environments.

 $ knife search node " recipes : apache2 "
 7 items found

 $ knife search node " recipes : apache2 AND chef_environment : production "
 5 items found

 $ knife search node " roles : lxc_guest "
 9 items found

 $ knife search client " admin : true "
 4 items found

 $ knife search role " name : lxc *"
 2 items found

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Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef.
First, create the node:
 $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com
 # .. fires up $EDITOR
 # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment

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Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef.
First, create the node:
 $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com
 # .. fires up $EDITOR
 # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment

Assuming that the new node is a bare ubuntu install, bootstrap the node
 $ knife boostrap -N mynewnode . example . com -d ubuntu $NODE_IP -- sudo -V -x ubuntu

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Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef.
First, create the node:
  $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com
  # .. fires up $EDITOR
  # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment

Assuming that the new node is a bare ubuntu install, bootstrap the node
  $ knife boostrap -N mynewnode . example . com -d ubuntu $NODE_IP -- sudo -V -x ubuntu

Or, combine with provisioning (i.e. Amazon AWS)
  knife ec2 server create -I ami - db595faf -- flavor t1 . micro -- region eu - west -1 
    -G default -x ubuntu -N newnode . example . com -d ubuntu -Z eu - west -1 a

Chef Omnibus bootstrap template

            @gbagnoli                    Introduzione a Chef                    12/09/2012   37 / 50
Monitoring: CheckMK and Chef

 @gbagnoli   Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   38 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a
 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a
 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target
    host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.)

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a
 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target
    host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.)
 3. check mk extracts performance data.

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure.
CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts.

 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a
 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target
    host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.)
 3. check mk extracts performance data.
 4. check mk checks warn/crit thresholds and submits results to Icinga as
    passive checks.
       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef           12/09/2012   39 / 50
Monitoring - Nodes

On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base
role, installs the check mk agent.

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   40 / 50
Monitoring - Nodes

On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base
role, installs the check mk agent.

It also sets up xinetd and the firewall so that connections to the agent
are allowed only from the monitoring host(s).

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   40 / 50
Monitoring - Nodes

On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base
role, installs the check mk agent.

It also sets up xinetd and the firewall so that connections to the agent
are allowed only from the monitoring host(s).

Monitoring hosts are specified as attributes in the base role.

        @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef              12/09/2012   40 / 50
Monitoring - Nodes (2)

(almost) Every cookbook pushes a MRPE or check mk plugin check to
the node, so the check mk agent returns data for all configured services.

i.e. , in the mysql:: server recipe
mrpe_check "mysql" do
  script "check_mysql"
    :passwd => node["mysql"]["server_root_password"],
    :checks => checks,
    :tunables => node["mysql"]["tunable"]

           @gbagnoli                         Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   41 / 50
Monitoring - Nodes (2)

(almost) Every cookbook pushes a MRPE or check mk plugin check to
the node, so the check mk agent returns data for all configured services.

i.e. , in the mysql:: server recipe
mrpe_check "mysql" do
  script "check_mysql"
    :passwd => node["mysql"]["server_root_password"],
    :checks => checks,
    :tunables => node["mysql"]["tunable"]

> telnet 6556
(check_mysql) mysql_idx 0 OK - index usage 53.60% | index_usage=53.60%;0:;0:
(check_mysql) mysql_running 0 OK - 0 long running processes | long_running_procs=0;10;20
(check_mysql) mysql_threads 0 OK - 18 client connection threads | threads_connected=18;80;95

           @gbagnoli                         Introduzione a Chef                        12/09/2012   41 / 50
Monitoring - Server

On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga,
nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk.

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   42 / 50
Monitoring - Server

On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga,
nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk.

The check mk configuration file (which is used by check mk to configure
active and passive checks in icinga) is managed as a template by the
recipe. The recipe use the search API to discover nodes using a
configurable query.

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   42 / 50
Monitoring - Server

On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga,
nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk.

The check mk configuration file (which is used by check mk to configure
active and passive checks in icinga) is managed as a template by the
recipe. The recipe use the search API to discover nodes using a
configurable query.

nodes = search(:node, node["check_mk"]["search_query"])

default query:
     default [”check mk”][”search query”] = ”chef environment:production”

         @gbagnoli                 Introduzione a Chef              12/09/2012   42 / 50
Monitoring - Server (2)

So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the
monitoring server,

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   43 / 50
Monitoring - Server (2)

So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the
monitoring server,
  • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same,
    but data has changed)

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   43 / 50
Monitoring - Server (2)

So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the
monitoring server,
  • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same,
    but data has changed)
  • . . . the modified templates notifies the check mk write conf
    resource, which is queued

       @gbagnoli                Introduzione a Chef        12/09/2012   43 / 50
Monitoring - Server (2)

So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the
monitoring server,
   • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same,
      but data has changed)
   • . . . the modified templates notifies the check mk write conf
      resource, which is queued
template "#{node[’check_mk’][’conf_dir’]}/" do
  source ""
    :nodes => nodes,
    :hostgroups => hostgroups,
    :params => node[’check_mk’][’params’]
  mode 0644
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  notifies :run, "execute[check_mk_write_conf]"

           @gbagnoli                         Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   43 / 50
Monitoring - Server (3)

The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   44 / 50
Monitoring - Server (3)

The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf
execute "check_mk_write_conf" do
  command "#{node[’check_mk’][’prefix’]}/bin/check_mk -O"
  action :nothing

           @gbagnoli                         Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   44 / 50
Monitoring - Server (3)

The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf
execute "check_mk_write_conf" do
  command "#{node[’check_mk’][’prefix’]}/bin/check_mk -O"
  action :nothing

Then the recipe scan nodes for services (using check mk inventory)
This is done only the first time (no reinventory)
nodes.each do |n|
  if not n[’tags’] or not n[’tags’].include? "noagent"
    check_mk_inventory n[’fqdn’]

check mk inventory is an LWRP defined in the check mk cookbook

           @gbagnoli                         Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   44 / 50
Monitoring - Server (4)

That way new nodes are automatically added to the monitoring when they
show up as result of the search query.

Since cookbooks push and configure check mk plugins, everything gets
monitored and
all the monitoring logic is in the cookbook itself.

       @gbagnoli             Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   45 / 50
Monitoring Chef Clients

Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is
correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails.

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef         12/09/2012   46 / 50
Monitoring Chef Clients

Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is
correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails.

Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely
passive approach. We use NSCA for this.

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   46 / 50
Monitoring Chef Clients

Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is
correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails.

Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely
passive approach. We use NSCA for this.

When chef-client runs on the node, it pushes a report/exception
handler called NSCAHandler.
This handler runs at the end of a chef-client run, and submits the
result to the NSCA server on the monitoring host, so that:

       @gbagnoli              Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   46 / 50
Monitoring Chef Clients

Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is
correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails.

Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely
passive approach. We use NSCA for this.

When chef-client runs on the node, it pushes a report/exception
handler called NSCAHandler.
This handler runs at the end of a chef-client run, and submits the
result to the NSCA server on the monitoring host, so that:
  • check is in critical state if chef run failed.
  • check is in warning/critical state if time elapsed is above thresholds
  • check is in warning/critical state if the number of modified resources
    is above thresholds

        @gbagnoli                Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   46 / 50
Monitoring Chef Clients (2)

Passive checks are created on the server for every node which runs the

These checks have a freshness threshold of 1 day, so that if no data
arrives from the node the check will enter the UNKOWN state, meaning the
chef-client is not running on that node.

       @gbagnoli               Introduzione a Chef          12/09/2012   47 / 50
Monitoring - Final Words
The check mk:: server recipe also configures:
   • host parents
   • host groups
   • service groups
   • notification periods for services
   • contact groups and administrators (data is in the accounts data bag)
   • uses smokeping to perfom hosts checks (instead of using check ping)
   • . . . and integrates smokeping web ui with check mk multisite.
   • host icon for the status map :-)

Behavior can be changed by setting nodes tag with knife. i.e, this changes
the notification period for a host.
knife tag create workhours

           @gbagnoli                            Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   48 / 50
Bagnoli Giacomo

       @gbagnoli           Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   49 / 50
Thank you!

@gbagnoli     Introduzione a Chef   12/09/2012   50 / 50

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Intro to Chef

  • 1. Introduzione a Chef Giacomo Bagnoli Develer Workshops - 12 Settembre 2012 @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 1 / 50
  • 2. # whoami • System Administrator • Operations Engineer • Python guy (having an affair with Ruby) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 2 / 50
  • 3. Outline 1. Introduction 2. Chef Overview 3. Example @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 3 / 50
  • 4. Introduction @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 4 / 50
  • 5. Infrastructure as code Building and managing infrastructure programmatically @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 5 / 50
  • 6. Infrastructure as code Building and managing infrastructure programmatically Enable the reconstruction of the business from: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 5 / 50
  • 7. Infrastructure as code Building and managing infrastructure programmatically Enable the reconstruction of the business from: • computing resources @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 5 / 50
  • 8. Infrastructure as code Building and managing infrastructure programmatically Enable the reconstruction of the business from: • computing resources • a source code repository @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 5 / 50
  • 9. Infrastructure as code Building and managing infrastructure programmatically Enable the reconstruction of the business from: • computing resources • a source code repository • data backups @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 5 / 50
  • 10. Infrastructure as code (2) source: Chef wiki Provisioning Get new computing resources Configuration Management Keeps track of all steps required to take bare metal resources to doing their job System Integration Takes all configured systems and make them work together. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 6 / 50
  • 11. What is Chef @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 12. What is Chef • A library/framework for configuration management @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 13. What is Chef • A library/framework for configuration management • A configuration management system @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 14. What is Chef • A library/framework for configuration management • A configuration management system • A system integration platform @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 15. What is Chef • A library/framework for configuration management • A configuration management system • A system integration platform • An API for the infrastructure @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 16. What is Chef • A library/framework for configuration management • A configuration management system • A system integration platform • An API for the infrastructure • Open Source! (Apache License, version 2.0) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 7 / 50
  • 17. Opscode Chef @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 8 / 50
  • 18. Chef Principles @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 19. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 20. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 21. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 22. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 23. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server Various Flavours: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 24. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server Various Flavours: • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 25. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server Various Flavours: • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted) • Open source Chef Server @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 26. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server Various Flavours: • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted) • Open source Chef Server • Serverless - chef-solo @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 27. Chef Principles Idempotent Describes states Extensible Uses ruby as the DSL Order It matters Client-Server Thick Clients, thin Server Various Flavours: • Hosted on Opscode platform (chef-hosted) • Open source Chef Server • Serverless - chef-solo • Private Chef (opscode-supported behind-the-firewall installation) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 9 / 50
  • 28. Chef API • A RESTful service with JSON responses • RSA key authentication with Signed Headers • Search Service • Derivative (easy to integrate with other tools) • . . . i.e pychef :-) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 10 / 50
  • 29. Chef API • A RESTful service with JSON responses • RSA key authentication with Signed Headers • Search Service • Derivative (easy to integrate with other tools) • . . . i.e pychef :-) chef-client connects to the server consuming the API. CLI management tool knife and the webUI use the API too. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 10 / 50
  • 30. Chef Architecture Solr CouchDB Indexer RabbitMQ Chef API Server Chef WebUI Client Client Client Knife Knife @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 11 / 50
  • 31. API Client In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate requests to the API server. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 12 / 50
  • 32. API Client In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate requests to the API server. The public half of the public/private of a key pair is stored in the db on the server, while the private part is local to the client. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 12 / 50
  • 33. API Client In chef, an API client provides the identity used to authenticate requests to the API server. The public half of the public/private of a key pair is stored in the db on the server, while the private part is local to the client. Each request to the API contains a request signature in the HTTP headers. The request signature is computed by the hash of the request content and encrypted with the client private key, so it’s possible to verify the identity of the user/machine making the request. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 12 / 50
  • 34. Nodes A Node is a host that runs the chef-client. • Has attributes • Has a run list • Has 0+ roles • Belongs to an environment In the common case, 1 host ⇔ 1 node ⇔ 1 client @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 13 / 50
  • 35. run list "run_list": { "role[python_hosting]", "recipe[postgresql::client]", "recipe[chishop]" } @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 14 / 50
  • 36. Roles • Have attributes • Have a run list • Declared in JSON or . . . • Declared with the ruby DSL (automatically compiled to JSON) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 15 / 50
  • 37. Roles • Have attributes • Have a run list • Declared in JSON or . . . • Declared with the ruby DSL (automatically compiled to JSON) If 1+ roles are in the node run list, the node run list is expanded @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 15 / 50
  • 38. Roles (2) An example role (in ruby): name "python_hosting" description "Python App hosting" default_attributes( "nginx" => { "default_site_enabled" => false } ) run_list( "recipe[python::virtualenv]", "recipe[uwsgi]", "recipe[nginx]" ) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 16 / 50
  • 39. Attributes Store node data (i.e. ip address, hostname, fqdn, database host address, etc.) There are four types of attributes (in order of precedence, lowest to highest): • default • normal • override • automatic @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 17 / 50
  • 40. Attributes Store node data (i.e. ip address, hostname, fqdn, database host address, etc.) There are four types of attributes (in order of precedence, lowest to highest): • default • normal • override • automatic Attributes can be set in: • cookbooks • environments • roles • nodes @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 17 / 50
  • 41. Attributes (2) So, in the end, as attributes are deep-merged, the following precedence applies: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 18 / 50
  • 42. Attributes (2) So, in the end, as attributes are deep-merged, the following precedence applies: • default attributes applied in an cookbook • default attributes applied in an environment • default attributes applied in a role • default attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe • normal attributes applied in a cookbook • normal attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe • override attributes applied in an cookbook • override attributes applied in an environment • override attributes applied in a role • override attributes applied on a node directly in a recipe • automatic attributes generated by Ohai @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 18 / 50
  • 43. Attributes (3) Automatic, ovverride and default are reset at the beginning of every run. Normal attributes persist between runs. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 19 / 50
  • 44. Attributes (3) Automatic, ovverride and default are reset at the beginning of every run. Normal attributes persist between runs. Attributes are searchable: search(:node, ’platform:ubuntu’) or knife search node "platform:ubuntu" @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 19 / 50
  • 45. Attributes (4) Summary: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 20 / 50
  • 46. Attributes (4) Summary: • (sane) defaults in cookbooks @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 20 / 50
  • 47. Attributes (4) Summary: • (sane) defaults in cookbooks • . . . overridden in roles @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 20 / 50
  • 48. Attributes (4) Summary: • (sane) defaults in cookbooks • . . . overridden in roles • . . . and node-specific data as normal attributes on the node. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 20 / 50
  • 49. Attributes (4) Summary: • (sane) defaults in cookbooks • . . . overridden in roles • . . . and node-specific data as normal attributes on the node. • override and node.set can be used to force values @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 20 / 50
  • 50. Resources Chef manages resources on a node. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 21 / 50
  • 51. Resources Chef manages resources on a node. Resources are specified in recipes, recipes stored in cookbooks. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 21 / 50
  • 52. Resources Chef manages resources on a node. Resources are specified in recipes, recipes stored in cookbooks. The expanded run list specifies all the recipes (and thus the resources) to manage on a given node. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 21 / 50
  • 53. Resources (2) A resource • has a type package "tar" do • has a name version "1.16.1-1" action :install • has parameters end • takes actions @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 22 / 50
  • 54. Resources (2) A resource • has a type package "tar" do • has a name version "1.16.1-1" action :install • has parameters end • takes actions Actions are taken using providers, providers are chosen based on the node platform. (i.e. the package resource installs packages using apt on debian/ubuntu and using yum on centos/RHEL)! @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 22 / 50
  • 55. Recipes Recipes evaluate resources in the order they appear package "pdns-recursor" do action :install end template "#{node[:pdns][:confd]}/recursor.conf" do source "recursor.cfg.erb" owner "root" group "root" mode 0644 notifies :restart, "service[pdns-recursor]" end service "pdns-recursor" do action [:enable, :start] end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 23 / 50
  • 56. Recipes (2) Recipes can include other resources, and are just ruby code include_recipe "apache2" ... %w{config logs files}.each do |dir| directory "#{node[:myrecipe][:base_dir]}/#{dir}" do recursive true owner "myuser" group "mygroup" mode 02775 end end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 24 / 50
  • 57. Cookbooks Cookbooks are (shareable) packages for recipes. Cookbooks for chef ⇔ gems for ruby cookbooks / python / | - - attributes | ‘-- default . rb | - - files | ‘-- default | - - LICENSE | - - metadata . rb | - - providers | | - - pip . rb | ‘-- virtualenv . rb | - - README . md | - - recipes | | - - default . rb | | - - package . rb | | - - pip . rb | | - - source . rb | ‘-- virtualenv . rb | - - resources | | - - pip . rb | ‘-- virtualenv . rb ‘-- templates ‘-- default ‘-- p r o f i l e _ v i r t u a l e n v w r a p p e r . sh . erb @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 25 / 50
  • 58. Cookbooks (2) Currently 133 cookbooks available on opscode-cookbooks GitHub org. too many to list them all! More cookbooks on the community site at @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 26 / 50
  • 59. Metadata maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs and configures mysql for client or server" long_description, ’’)) version "1.2.5" recipe "mysql", "Includes the client recipe to configure a client" recipe "mysql::client", "Installs packages required for mysql clients using run_action magic" recipe "mysql::server", "Installs packages required for mysql servers w/o manual intervention" recipe "mysql::server_ec2", "Performs EC2-specific mountpoint manipulation" %w{ debian ubuntu centos suse fedora redhat scientific amazon }.each do |os| supports os end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 27 / 50
  • 60. Environments Environments can be used to manage different environments (production, test, etc) in a single Chef setup. Roles can have different run list on different environments @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 28 / 50
  • 61. Environments Environments can be used to manage different environments (production, test, etc) in a single Chef setup. Roles can have different run list on different environments name "production" description "The production environment" cookbook_versions( "mysql" => "= 1.2.5", # use version 1.2.5 only "apache2" => "~> 1.1" # anything 1.1.0 < x < 1.2.0 ) # default attributes for this environment attributes( "apache2" => { "listen_ports" => ["80", "443"] } ) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 28 / 50
  • 62. Environments Environments can be used to manage different environments (production, test, etc) in a single Chef setup. Roles can have different run list on different environments name "production" description "The production environment" cookbook_versions( "mysql" => "= 1.2.5", # use version 1.2.5 only "apache2" => "~> 1.1" # anything 1.1.0 < x < 1.2.0 ) # default attributes for this environment attributes( "apache2" => { "listen_ports" => ["80", "443"] } ) As with role, the ruby DSL gets compiled to JSON when uploading to server @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 28 / 50
  • 63. Environments (2) $ knife environment list production $ knife environment show production -F json { "name": "production", "description": "The production environment", "cookbook_versions": { "mysql": "= 1.2.5", "apache2": "~> 1.1" }, "json_class": "Chef::Environment", "chef_type": "environment", "default_attributes": { "apache2": { "listen_ports": [ "80", "443" ] } }, "override_attributes": { } } @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 29 / 50
  • 64. Environments (3) Cookbooks can be frozen, so that following uploads with the same version will fail. $ # -E automatically sets a requirement for the specified environment $ knife cookbook upload redis -- freeze -E production Uploading redis ... upload complete $ knife cookbook show redis 1.0.2 | grep " frozen " frozen ?: true $ knife cookbook upload redis Uploading redis ... ERROR : Version 1.0.2 of cookbook redis is frozen . Use -- force to override . ERROR : Failed to upload 1 cookbook . $ knife environment show production | grep redis users : = 1.0.2 @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 30 / 50
  • 65. Data Bags Data bags provide an arbitrary store of globally available JSON data. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 31 / 50
  • 66. Data Bags Data bags provide an arbitrary store of globally available JSON data. Data bags can be encrypted (but then cannot be searched, except for id) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 31 / 50
  • 67. Data Bags (Encrypted) (warn: fake data ahead) $ knife data bag show accounts gbagnoli comment : tenoh > dieliSh ’ i7eexeijeiSh ^ u9phaeGhuu4chaa *= email : A h r 8 i s 3 a h C h o h m 6 a e n e i c ( aef " a h1e eree Voh hie 6Up = group : Waix8Pa # iniy # oh6eem$eij = groups : xa i7on g7a ihi u1n eH & ah3ier3Goh } rae7nik$einaeb = id : gbagnoli shadow : yi e@ja h0v e$g 2Ae Gh } ido6koobuew | aebeenaequeRo ( xaiYei8eizi + f 7 ohqu < i@enequ & oh7ef - ahdae8dia [ c h a h 7 e e 4 y i e $ N 4 E e B i c h e e 5 e i r o h2JaGhae ^ k 6a e ph o hj ah s h6 Ae j a ^ cheew } o ) i 0 w o 5 i e s i s h 3 d i g h i e w o h tohoh0eegho7eik = shell : aeshi2ohy , ai6ai h2Ahquu = ssh_keys : [.. cut ..] uid : thahvo2IGhoh3osho8Ees /a= username : poh5WiuZ2Er : it ! ee1ahf { u = @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 32 / 50
  • 68. Data Bags (Decrypted) $ knife data bag show accounts gbagnoli -- secret - file ~/. chef / enc_db_secret comment : Giacomo Bagnoli email : g . bagnoli@asidev . com group : wheel groups : [ asidev , users ] id : gbagnoli organization : asidev shadow : $6$ [... cut ...] shell : / bin / bash ssh_keys : [" ssh - rsa [... cut ...] Giacomo Bagnoli "] uid : 3000 username : g . bagnoli @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 33 / 50
  • 69. Anatomy of a Chef Run @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 70. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 71. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 72. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 73. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 74. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 75. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 76. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 77. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 78. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes • recipes @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 79. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes • recipes • Executes - Configure Node @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 80. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes • recipes • Executes - Configure Node • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes action on it @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 81. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes • recipes • Executes - Configure Node • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes action on it • Saves Node @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 82. Anatomy of a Chef Run • chef-client starts • Builds node (runs ohai, perform deep-merge of attrs) • chef-client registers with the server • Cookbook sync • Compiles resource collection, loading: • libraries • resources / definitions • attributes • recipes • Executes - Configure Node • Converge: each resource is mapped to a provider and which takes action on it • Saves Node • Runs notification Handlers On errors, exception handlers are run. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 34 / 50
  • 83. Chef development workflow @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 84. Chef development workflow • Write cookbooks/recipe @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 85. Chef development workflow • Write cookbooks/recipe • Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 86. Chef development workflow • Write cookbooks/recipe • Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server • Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 87. Chef development workflow • Write cookbooks/recipe • Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server • Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role) • Wait for chef-client to run on nodes @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 88. Chef development workflow • Write cookbooks/recipe • Upload the modified cookbook to the chef server • Add the cookbook to a run list (in a node or in a role) • Wait for chef-client to run on nodes • Commit changes in git @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 35 / 50
  • 89. Search Full-text query engine based on Apache Solr. Searches can be performed from knife and in recipes. Almost any object is indexed by the chef server, like roles, nodes, api clients and environments. $ knife search node " recipes : apache2 " 7 items found ... $ knife search node " recipes : apache2 AND chef_environment : production " 5 items found ... $ knife search node " roles : lxc_guest " 9 items found ... $ knife search client " admin : true " 4 items found ... $ knife search role " name : lxc *" 2 items found ... @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 36 / 50
  • 90. Bootstrapping Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef. First, create the node: $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com # .. fires up $EDITOR # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 37 / 50
  • 91. Bootstrapping Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef. First, create the node: $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com # .. fires up $EDITOR # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment Assuming that the new node is a bare ubuntu install, bootstrap the node $ knife boostrap -N mynewnode . example . com -d ubuntu $NODE_IP -- sudo -V -x ubuntu @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 37 / 50
  • 92. Bootstrapping Bootstrapping is installing chef on new nodes . . . using chef. First, create the node: $ knife node create mynewnode . example . com # .. fires up $EDITOR # .. set run_list / attributes / etc / environment Assuming that the new node is a bare ubuntu install, bootstrap the node $ knife boostrap -N mynewnode . example . com -d ubuntu $NODE_IP -- sudo -V -x ubuntu Or, combine with provisioning (i.e. Amazon AWS) knife ec2 server create -I ami - db595faf -- flavor t1 . micro -- region eu - west -1 -G default -x ubuntu -N newnode . example . com -d ubuntu -Z eu - west -1 a Chef Omnibus bootstrap template @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 37 / 50
  • 93. Monitoring: CheckMK and Chef @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 38 / 50
  • 94. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 95. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 96. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a plugin). @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 97. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a plugin). 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target host @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 98. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a plugin). 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 99. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a plugin). 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.) 3. check mk extracts performance data. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 100. Monitoring We use CheckMK to configure Icinga for monitoring our infrastructure. CheckMK is a general purpose nagios plugin to retrive data from hosts. 1. One active check per host per check interval (calling check mk as a plugin). 2. The connection is done via TCP to the check mk agent on the target host (All host data is sent back at once as ASCII text.) 3. check mk extracts performance data. 4. check mk checks warn/crit thresholds and submits results to Icinga as passive checks. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 39 / 50
  • 101. Monitoring - Nodes On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base role, installs the check mk agent. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 40 / 50
  • 102. Monitoring - Nodes On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base role, installs the check mk agent. It also sets up xinetd and the firewall so that connections to the agent are allowed only from the monitoring host(s). @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 40 / 50
  • 103. Monitoring - Nodes On nodes, the check mk::agent recipe, included in all nodes via the base role, installs the check mk agent. It also sets up xinetd and the firewall so that connections to the agent are allowed only from the monitoring host(s). Monitoring hosts are specified as attributes in the base role. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 40 / 50
  • 104. Monitoring - Nodes (2) (almost) Every cookbook pushes a MRPE or check mk plugin check to the node, so the check mk agent returns data for all configured services. i.e. , in the mysql:: server recipe mrpe_check "mysql" do script "check_mysql" variables( :passwd => node["mysql"]["server_root_password"], :checks => checks, :tunables => node["mysql"]["tunable"] ) end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 41 / 50
  • 105. Monitoring - Nodes (2) (almost) Every cookbook pushes a MRPE or check mk plugin check to the node, so the check mk agent returns data for all configured services. i.e. , in the mysql:: server recipe mrpe_check "mysql" do script "check_mysql" variables( :passwd => node["mysql"]["server_root_password"], :checks => checks, :tunables => node["mysql"]["tunable"] ) end > telnet 6556 [...] <<<mrpe>>> (check_mysql) mysql_idx 0 OK - index usage 53.60% | index_usage=53.60%;0:;0: (check_mysql) mysql_running 0 OK - 0 long running processes | long_running_procs=0;10;20 (check_mysql) mysql_threads 0 OK - 18 client connection threads | threads_connected=18;80;95 [...] @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 41 / 50
  • 106. Monitoring - Server On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga, nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 42 / 50
  • 107. Monitoring - Server On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga, nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk. The check mk configuration file (which is used by check mk to configure active and passive checks in icinga) is managed as a template by the recipe. The recipe use the search API to discover nodes using a configurable query. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 42 / 50
  • 108. Monitoring - Server On the server, the check mk:: server recipe installs and configures icinga, nsca, nagvis, pnp4nagios smokeping and check mk. The check mk configuration file (which is used by check mk to configure active and passive checks in icinga) is managed as a template by the recipe. The recipe use the search API to discover nodes using a configurable query. nodes = search(:node, node["check_mk"]["search_query"]) default query: default [”check mk”][”search query”] = ”chef environment:production” @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 42 / 50
  • 109. Monitoring - Server (2) So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the monitoring server, @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 43 / 50
  • 110. Monitoring - Server (2) So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the monitoring server, • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same, but data has changed) @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 43 / 50
  • 111. Monitoring - Server (2) So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the monitoring server, • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same, but data has changed) • . . . the modified templates notifies the check mk write conf resource, which is queued @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 43 / 50
  • 112. Monitoring - Server (2) So, when a node is promoted to production, as soon as chef runs on the monitoring server, • It adds the node to the check mk conf file (the template is the same, but data has changed) • . . . the modified templates notifies the check mk write conf resource, which is queued template "#{node[’check_mk’][’conf_dir’]}/" do source "" variables( :nodes => nodes, :hostgroups => hostgroups, :params => node[’check_mk’][’params’] ) mode 0644 owner "root" group "root" notifies :run, "execute[check_mk_write_conf]" end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 43 / 50
  • 113. Monitoring - Server (3) The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 44 / 50
  • 114. Monitoring - Server (3) The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf execute "check_mk_write_conf" do command "#{node[’check_mk’][’prefix’]}/bin/check_mk -O" action :nothing end @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 44 / 50
  • 115. Monitoring - Server (3) The check mk write conf resource regenerates icinga conf execute "check_mk_write_conf" do command "#{node[’check_mk’][’prefix’]}/bin/check_mk -O" action :nothing end Then the recipe scan nodes for services (using check mk inventory) This is done only the first time (no reinventory) nodes.each do |n| if not n[’tags’] or not n[’tags’].include? "noagent" check_mk_inventory n[’fqdn’] end end check mk inventory is an LWRP defined in the check mk cookbook @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 44 / 50
  • 116. Monitoring - Server (4) That way new nodes are automatically added to the monitoring when they show up as result of the search query. Since cookbooks push and configure check mk plugins, everything gets monitored and all the monitoring logic is in the cookbook itself. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 45 / 50
  • 117. Monitoring Chef Clients Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 46 / 50
  • 118. Monitoring Chef Clients Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails. Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely passive approach. We use NSCA for this. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 46 / 50
  • 119. Monitoring Chef Clients Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails. Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely passive approach. We use NSCA for this. When chef-client runs on the node, it pushes a report/exception handler called NSCAHandler. This handler runs at the end of a chef-client run, and submits the result to the NSCA server on the monitoring host, so that: @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 46 / 50
  • 120. Monitoring Chef Clients Once you start relying on chef, you want to know if chef-client is correctly running on nodes and if/when it fails. Instead on relying on the active model of check mk, we use a completely passive approach. We use NSCA for this. When chef-client runs on the node, it pushes a report/exception handler called NSCAHandler. This handler runs at the end of a chef-client run, and submits the result to the NSCA server on the monitoring host, so that: • check is in critical state if chef run failed. • check is in warning/critical state if time elapsed is above thresholds • check is in warning/critical state if the number of modified resources is above thresholds @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 46 / 50
  • 121. Monitoring Chef Clients (2) Passive checks are created on the server for every node which runs the chef-client These checks have a freshness threshold of 1 day, so that if no data arrives from the node the check will enter the UNKOWN state, meaning the chef-client is not running on that node. @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 47 / 50
  • 122. Monitoring - Final Words The check mk:: server recipe also configures: • host parents • host groups • service groups • notification periods for services • contact groups and administrators (data is in the accounts data bag) • uses smokeping to perfom hosts checks (instead of using check ping) • . . . and integrates smokeping web ui with check mk multisite. • host icon for the status map :-) Behavior can be changed by setting nodes tag with knife. i.e, this changes the notification period for a host. knife tag create workhours @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 48 / 50
  • 124. Thank you! @gbagnoli Introduzione a Chef 12/09/2012 50 / 50