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Hello everyone, I would first off like to say thank you all for taking the time to read over my
thread. If you’re an online slave or someone who is interested in being an online slave and wants
to bypass all of the "games" or "reason to get-off" then keep reading as I might be what you’re
looking for.
I know this ad may be very long, but if you’re serious about this lifestyle (I will get to that later
on) then I highly suggest you read this post to its entirely and read it over again after you have
read it once to make sure you understand everything clearly. I made it long and descriptive
because I would like for all of you who are interested to know exactly what you are getting
yourself into, and that you are sure that I am what looking for in a master. As your reading this
ad, I welcome you to ask any questions that you might have and PM me them in my inbox and I
will read them and reply asap. Enjoy.

                                            About Me

General Info
My name is Gin Maskinharn and I am 21 years old. I currently live in California (United States)
and I have lived in California for about 15 years of my life, the other 5 years I lived in Nevada. I
am currently attending a Junior College and working on getting my Major in the field of
computer science, but as of right now just getting my AA. I do spend a lot of my time on
computers and have developed computer graphics as a hobby of mine alongside computer
games, my offline hobbies usually are spent playing role-playing games such as D&D, but I don't
mind occasionally sitting down, burning the mid-night oil, and playing Monopoly from time to
time. I am not a very uptight person, and in general I can be very calm, laid-back, and

My Experience
Yes, I know, I am very young, but I can promise you that I have had my share of experiences of
the lifestyle involving bdsm on and off line, and that’s why I feel confident enough in myself to
find the right slave for me. I know how to treat a slave with love and compassion, but all at the
same time with the strong sturdy hand of master.

My Teachings
Usually in today’s world, I see people who think of a slave, as nothing more than someone to use
for sexual pleasure, and as that is part of the job, that’s not all there is to being involved in a
master/slave relationship, and that’s where a lot of people get that confused. Now, you may
already know that, if so then that was merely a reminder. I will treat my slave with love and
compassion, as stated above; being my slave you should always expect the unexpected. One
thing you may be interested in knowing is this, about a good 45% of the things we do may not
have anything to do with anything sexual or physical at all. Being my slave is all about
obedience and discipline, and that’s what I strive for in a slave to teach and have them learn. As
my slave, you should also know that I will constantly strive to obtain obedience and discipline
usually by having my you do things such as writing long passages of text, learning how to speak
properly upon giving respect, looking up information on the internet for knowledge, and all other
sorts of thing things, The reason why I have my slave do such tasks is because it’s not always
about pleasure when given the power of being a Master, and I understand that, I believe a slave is
to do whatever her/his master sees fit even if it may be something that the slave does not want to
do (respecting all limits of course), because it’s not about what the slave wants, it’s about the
respect and obedience that the Master gets. Another big teaching that comes very important to
me are limits. If you are a new slave and don't quite understand and know what your limits are
then that is great, because I am more than willing to show and teach you how to grow up to be a
loyal and wonderful slave and will teach you what your limits are and are not, so that you will be
prepared to take on this wonderful lifestyle and wherever its path may take you. If you are well
experienced slave and understand what your limits are then I will give you my word that I will
respect your limits and will pressure you into something that you are unsure of or unwilling. I
will never put my slave into a situation where law informant, serious health issues, or any other
unethical practices will be involved. Privacy is also another thing that I respect with my slave.
Privacy is probably one of the biggest things I practice safety with my slave. As a Webcam, Mic,
or camera are very much welcome in this relationship but is it not required, but if you feel that
you would like to explore that area, I can give you my word that pictures and message histories
are and will never be saved. I will never ever ask you for your address, phone number, or any
other personal information such as Credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and such. That
is completely unethical and will not be tolerated and/or practiced under any circumstance. My
main priority is to keep this a safe and fun relationship.

My views about the lifestyle of BDSM
I believe that BDSM is not for everyone. It is a way of live, and not everyone is born with the
qualities and desire to take the role of being a master or slave, but to the people who have the
burning desire to serve as a slave or control as a dominate they should grow on their passion and
not hide it from being ashamed as being different, because what different is, is something that
make ever person unique in their own way. Bdsm is a wonderful way of live and should only be
practiced if the person is absolutely sure it is for them and that is what they want, and not just
think of it as a sex game, because there is so much more to it than that. Sexual actives are
included in bdsm, but bdsm is not strictly the only thing practiced in being a Dom or a Sub.
BDSM is an art, and no art just should judge through the closed minded people, as BDSM is
frowned upon by so many people. If you feel the desire and passion to take on the role of a Dom
or Slave, odds are you should experience the style at least once and try it out. I believe everyone
is born with the role of being a Dom or a Sub, but does not strictly refer to bdsm, as it is being
exercise though: work, school, and relationships.

What I personally believe the role of a submissive is.
The role of a submissive implying that this term is is referring to bdsm, is to learn. A submissive
should follow up on her/his desire of filling the role of being a master's slave, but in order to do
so, the submissive should take some time and find out what he/she is looking for in a master.
There are a wide verity of people who have their own way of being a dom, and not just any
submissive can be a slave to a master. It takes the process of trial and error. A submissive could
go about learning how to be a slave and finding the right master in a few ways. The first way
could be research, looking at porn. Yes, I said porn. Porn is a great way to see firsthand of what
other people are doing in the role of being a master and slave and they could take some mental
notes and find out what seems appealing and what does note, seeing how the master acts to the
slave, and seeing how the slave acts to the master. This process of learning can teach a
submissive what to expect in the lifestyle of a slave and while all at the same time have the
pleasure of finding out what the submissive might be interested in trying out or being objective
too, e.g. figuring out limits. Another way a submissive could learn is to just start off finding an
online master and seeing how it works out, but with limited trust. This will allow a submissive to
find out what it feels like to be under the control over a dom or a master, but all at the same time
being in complete control. This process of finding the right online master may take years but
through trial and error, it will allow the submissive to learn and grow. After the submissive has
got an idea of what it means to be a slave, the submissive should then take the step in searching
for the right master; again this process may take years with trial and error. When found, the
submissive should then OBEY. Being a slave is all about submitting. Obeying should be the first
that comes to his/her mind and do whatever it is that is instructed and giving 110% to make
his/her master as happy as possible, so that the master at the end of the day could say that he is
happy to have the slave under his ownership. Now of course a slave should not do anything that
is above his/her limits, but he/she should be open minded to new things. Giving respect! This is
very important as well. No one wants a snobby disrespectful slave. A submissive should
understand that and do his/her job of being as respectful to anyone as much as possible rather
they are his/her master or not by calling them sir or master. Listening is also very important part
of being a submissive. When master gives his/her slave strict instruction, her/she should never
give the master any excuse to why that task could not be done, assuming is follows the limits. If
the submissive should have a reason, then she should inform the Master ahead of time before the
task is due. While all of the above things are important aspects of being a submissive, a
submissive should love and respect his/her master, as that is what really brings the Sub and Dom

What I personally believe the role of a Dom is.
The Dom should first off, have some idea of what he/her is doing before having a slave, and if
this is in real life, I would highly suggest the dom experience the pain or pleasure before
performing it on someone else. Being a Dom is not an easy task. It takes a lot of responsibilities.
A Dom who is a master should not take the job lightly. Having a slave is having the life of
another in your hands; a Dom should not treat the irresponsible by having her perform
impossible task. A Dom should treat the slave with love and compassion so that the slave will
feel safe and secure. A dom should be strict of course, but also be fair. Sometimes a slave will
not be able to fulfill every task, especially if it is online, and a dom should understand and expect
that. If the slave is out of alignment, then the dom should punish the slave accordingly, but
should never ever pass the slaves limits at any point rather it is out of a punishment or not. Limits
are to never be broken.

Likes and Dislikes:

Showing obedience
Showing Intelligence
Being descriptive
Asking questions
Following Directions
Wanting to know all you can about the lifestyle
Being a masochist (big bonus)

Small talk
Text talking e.g. I wnt 2 b ur slve
Showing lack of interest
Responding at long periods of time
Being a smart ass
Being disrespectful
Being disobedient
Giving excuses

If you show too many quality's of my dislikes, you probably wont qualify
to my be slave...sorry

My favorite Kinks for a Slave

                         -------------A little background story------------

How I got into the lifestyle may come familiar of relation to you. It all started when I got my first
computer around 11 years old. I was told to never go on to those "naughty" sights. Well being
the little rebellious child that I was, I did. When browsing porn I found that most porn was
mainly all the same, and got board, until I stumbled upon a kinky website, and well pretty much I
was so attracted to the art of style of bdsm that I made it into my passion.

After awhile of looking though porn, I though to myself how wonderful it would be to become
involved in bdsm rather than just watch it. So I started my searching online and found web-
groups that shared my passion. I was surprised at first to see so many people were just like me. I
got my first online slave when I was young about 15 years old. I had no idea what I was doing
and just started from there slowly and slowly building up my experience and learning new things
about this new life. I must say after the first slave I had, I loved every bit, even though I was so
inexperienced at the time.

I have had many other slaves in the past, some better than others. A majority of them not taking
it to a serious extent through the lack of dedication or immaturity. (I have a few good stories to
share of past experiences, if you ever want me to share, let me know) On the other hand, I have
had some very good slaves who obeyed very well and had no problems. Time does go on and
things do change, so after so many years of being an online master, I now stand once again in
search of another online slave.

Like I said, I know what it’s like to be with someone who does not take the role of being a
slave/master seriously, and if your reading this and you just want to treat this as just a "game"
then please DO NOT waste your time and my time and disregard my posting from your
About You

• Age Limit: None
• Sex: Female (only)
• Location: Anywhere.
• Race: Any
• Language: English (broken is okay)
• Webcam: Not required*
• Mics: Not Required*
• Camera: Not required*
• Source of communication: Online messenger (not e-mail or mobile)
• Availability: Often
• Must not have another master or be in any relationship

*You must have at least one of the three resources available.

Online Slave Only
As I am searching for an online slave, I am NOT searching for any other type of
boyfriend/girlfriend relationship rather than a friendship. If you are under the influence that a
boyfriend/girlfriend relationship will emerge from this, I am sorry but I am not interested in that
type of commitment right now.

What kind of slave am I looking for?
Are you good at following rules? Taking order? Doing as you’re told? Having fun, while all at
the same time developing a long lasting friendship? Then you are exactly what I am looking for.

What do I expect from a slave?
I am looking for a slave who is willing to show me that they are serious about being a slave, and
can prove to me what it means to be a slave. I am not looking to play the game, where someone
says they are a "slave" plays it off for the first time and then never comes back online again. If
that is you, then stop reading this post and disregard me from your consideration.

What kind of rules/actives will be involved?
This is something that you and I should go over together, but I assure you that I will never allow
my slave to be involved in any activity that she can't handle. I do respect the limits that you as
the slave may have, and will never go beyond that boundary, but I do expect you to explore new

How much experience?
None. Rather you are a beginner or have had experience; I will go slow and provide you with my
teachings, so that you will discover what it means to be a slave and help you discover where you
stand on the journey of being a slave, so that in the future you will be prepared wherever this
lifestyle may take you.

                             Submitting Your Application

Below is a small and detailed questioner. Please fill it out to the best of your ability without
leaving anything unanswered and submit it to me via PM. If you have any questions or problems
in regards that may prevent you from submitting this questioner please let me know via PM and
we will see what we can do.

Basic Info
• Name:
• Age:
• Sex:
• State:
• Country:

Rate Yourself
(1 being lowest 10 being highest)
• Level of Experience:
• Level of Discipline:
• Level of Obedience:
• Level of Respect:
• Level of Stubbornness:
• Level of Open-mindedness:
• Level of following directions:
• Level of Sincerity:
• Level of Knowledge:
• Level of Maturity:
• Level of pain tolerance:

Short Answers
(20 words or less per answer)
• Are you shy:
• Are you easy to talk to:
• Are you a playful type:
• Are you a serious type:
• Are you in a relationship:
• Are you willing to serve multiple:
• Are you a virgin:
• Do you have another master:
• Do you like to role-play:
• Have you had another other masters?
• Willing to share pics:
• Willing to share webcam:
• Willing to share mic:
• What are your limits:
• What are your likes:
• What are you dislikes
• Would you rather respond short & simple or Long & descriptive:

Descriptive Answers
(20 words or more per answer)
• What do you look like:
• What made you apply to this ad:
• What most interest you about becoming a slave:
• What does it mean to be a slave:
• What does it mean to be a master:
• What do you look for in a master:
• Why should I choose you to be my slave:

Contact and availability
• How often are you online:
• How often would you be available:
• How soon would you like to start:
• How long do you want to be a slave for:
• What is your online messenger screen name:
(yahoo, msn, aim, live...ect)

Additional information you would like to add:


Thanks again for reading over this ad, if I am who you are looking for then please feel free to
submit your application at any time, I will make sure I read them as soon as I can. When you
submit your application, make the subject as "slave application" (required) If you do NOT put
that as your subject of your application, It will show me that you did not read this ad completely,
and I will not even open up your pm to read it, as it will instantly be thrown out...yes its that
serious. If I am not what you’re looking for then I hope you do find your master soon in the
future. Looking forward to talking to you soon.

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Saraikistan; unveiling the demand for a seperate province._20240522_011317_00...Saraikistan; unveiling the demand for a seperate province._20240522_011317_00...
Saraikistan; unveiling the demand for a seperate province._20240522_011317_00...


  • 1. Intro Hello everyone, I would first off like to say thank you all for taking the time to read over my thread. If you’re an online slave or someone who is interested in being an online slave and wants to bypass all of the "games" or "reason to get-off" then keep reading as I might be what you’re looking for. I know this ad may be very long, but if you’re serious about this lifestyle (I will get to that later on) then I highly suggest you read this post to its entirely and read it over again after you have read it once to make sure you understand everything clearly. I made it long and descriptive because I would like for all of you who are interested to know exactly what you are getting yourself into, and that you are sure that I am what looking for in a master. As your reading this ad, I welcome you to ask any questions that you might have and PM me them in my inbox and I will read them and reply asap. Enjoy. About Me General Info My name is Gin Maskinharn and I am 21 years old. I currently live in California (United States) and I have lived in California for about 15 years of my life, the other 5 years I lived in Nevada. I am currently attending a Junior College and working on getting my Major in the field of computer science, but as of right now just getting my AA. I do spend a lot of my time on computers and have developed computer graphics as a hobby of mine alongside computer games, my offline hobbies usually are spent playing role-playing games such as D&D, but I don't mind occasionally sitting down, burning the mid-night oil, and playing Monopoly from time to time. I am not a very uptight person, and in general I can be very calm, laid-back, and welcoming. My Experience Yes, I know, I am very young, but I can promise you that I have had my share of experiences of the lifestyle involving bdsm on and off line, and that’s why I feel confident enough in myself to find the right slave for me. I know how to treat a slave with love and compassion, but all at the same time with the strong sturdy hand of master. My Teachings Usually in today’s world, I see people who think of a slave, as nothing more than someone to use for sexual pleasure, and as that is part of the job, that’s not all there is to being involved in a master/slave relationship, and that’s where a lot of people get that confused. Now, you may already know that, if so then that was merely a reminder. I will treat my slave with love and compassion, as stated above; being my slave you should always expect the unexpected. One thing you may be interested in knowing is this, about a good 45% of the things we do may not have anything to do with anything sexual or physical at all. Being my slave is all about obedience and discipline, and that’s what I strive for in a slave to teach and have them learn. As my slave, you should also know that I will constantly strive to obtain obedience and discipline usually by having my you do things such as writing long passages of text, learning how to speak properly upon giving respect, looking up information on the internet for knowledge, and all other
  • 2. sorts of thing things, The reason why I have my slave do such tasks is because it’s not always about pleasure when given the power of being a Master, and I understand that, I believe a slave is to do whatever her/his master sees fit even if it may be something that the slave does not want to do (respecting all limits of course), because it’s not about what the slave wants, it’s about the respect and obedience that the Master gets. Another big teaching that comes very important to me are limits. If you are a new slave and don't quite understand and know what your limits are then that is great, because I am more than willing to show and teach you how to grow up to be a loyal and wonderful slave and will teach you what your limits are and are not, so that you will be prepared to take on this wonderful lifestyle and wherever its path may take you. If you are well experienced slave and understand what your limits are then I will give you my word that I will respect your limits and will pressure you into something that you are unsure of or unwilling. I will never put my slave into a situation where law informant, serious health issues, or any other unethical practices will be involved. Privacy is also another thing that I respect with my slave. Privacy is probably one of the biggest things I practice safety with my slave. As a Webcam, Mic, or camera are very much welcome in this relationship but is it not required, but if you feel that you would like to explore that area, I can give you my word that pictures and message histories are and will never be saved. I will never ever ask you for your address, phone number, or any other personal information such as Credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and such. That is completely unethical and will not be tolerated and/or practiced under any circumstance. My main priority is to keep this a safe and fun relationship. My views about the lifestyle of BDSM I believe that BDSM is not for everyone. It is a way of live, and not everyone is born with the qualities and desire to take the role of being a master or slave, but to the people who have the burning desire to serve as a slave or control as a dominate they should grow on their passion and not hide it from being ashamed as being different, because what different is, is something that make ever person unique in their own way. Bdsm is a wonderful way of live and should only be practiced if the person is absolutely sure it is for them and that is what they want, and not just think of it as a sex game, because there is so much more to it than that. Sexual actives are included in bdsm, but bdsm is not strictly the only thing practiced in being a Dom or a Sub. BDSM is an art, and no art just should judge through the closed minded people, as BDSM is frowned upon by so many people. If you feel the desire and passion to take on the role of a Dom or Slave, odds are you should experience the style at least once and try it out. I believe everyone is born with the role of being a Dom or a Sub, but does not strictly refer to bdsm, as it is being exercise though: work, school, and relationships. What I personally believe the role of a submissive is. The role of a submissive implying that this term is is referring to bdsm, is to learn. A submissive should follow up on her/his desire of filling the role of being a master's slave, but in order to do so, the submissive should take some time and find out what he/she is looking for in a master. There are a wide verity of people who have their own way of being a dom, and not just any submissive can be a slave to a master. It takes the process of trial and error. A submissive could go about learning how to be a slave and finding the right master in a few ways. The first way could be research, looking at porn. Yes, I said porn. Porn is a great way to see firsthand of what other people are doing in the role of being a master and slave and they could take some mental notes and find out what seems appealing and what does note, seeing how the master acts to the
  • 3. slave, and seeing how the slave acts to the master. This process of learning can teach a submissive what to expect in the lifestyle of a slave and while all at the same time have the pleasure of finding out what the submissive might be interested in trying out or being objective too, e.g. figuring out limits. Another way a submissive could learn is to just start off finding an online master and seeing how it works out, but with limited trust. This will allow a submissive to find out what it feels like to be under the control over a dom or a master, but all at the same time being in complete control. This process of finding the right online master may take years but through trial and error, it will allow the submissive to learn and grow. After the submissive has got an idea of what it means to be a slave, the submissive should then take the step in searching for the right master; again this process may take years with trial and error. When found, the submissive should then OBEY. Being a slave is all about submitting. Obeying should be the first that comes to his/her mind and do whatever it is that is instructed and giving 110% to make his/her master as happy as possible, so that the master at the end of the day could say that he is happy to have the slave under his ownership. Now of course a slave should not do anything that is above his/her limits, but he/she should be open minded to new things. Giving respect! This is very important as well. No one wants a snobby disrespectful slave. A submissive should understand that and do his/her job of being as respectful to anyone as much as possible rather they are his/her master or not by calling them sir or master. Listening is also very important part of being a submissive. When master gives his/her slave strict instruction, her/she should never give the master any excuse to why that task could not be done, assuming is follows the limits. If the submissive should have a reason, then she should inform the Master ahead of time before the task is due. While all of the above things are important aspects of being a submissive, a submissive should love and respect his/her master, as that is what really brings the Sub and Dom together. What I personally believe the role of a Dom is. The Dom should first off, have some idea of what he/her is doing before having a slave, and if this is in real life, I would highly suggest the dom experience the pain or pleasure before performing it on someone else. Being a Dom is not an easy task. It takes a lot of responsibilities. A Dom who is a master should not take the job lightly. Having a slave is having the life of another in your hands; a Dom should not treat the irresponsible by having her perform impossible task. A Dom should treat the slave with love and compassion so that the slave will feel safe and secure. A dom should be strict of course, but also be fair. Sometimes a slave will not be able to fulfill every task, especially if it is online, and a dom should understand and expect that. If the slave is out of alignment, then the dom should punish the slave accordingly, but should never ever pass the slaves limits at any point rather it is out of a punishment or not. Limits are to never be broken. Likes and Dislikes: Showing obedience Showing Intelligence Being descriptive Asking questions Following Directions Wanting to know all you can about the lifestyle
  • 4. Being a masochist (big bonus) Small talk Text talking e.g. I wnt 2 b ur slve Showing lack of interest Responding at long periods of time Being a smart ass Being disrespectful Being disobedient Giving excuses If you show too many quality's of my dislikes, you probably wont qualify to my be slave...sorry My favorite Kinks for a Slave Pain Humiliation Exhibitionism -------------A little background story------------ How I got into the lifestyle may come familiar of relation to you. It all started when I got my first computer around 11 years old. I was told to never go on to those "naughty" sights. Well being the little rebellious child that I was, I did. When browsing porn I found that most porn was mainly all the same, and got board, until I stumbled upon a kinky website, and well pretty much I was so attracted to the art of style of bdsm that I made it into my passion. After awhile of looking though porn, I though to myself how wonderful it would be to become involved in bdsm rather than just watch it. So I started my searching online and found web- groups that shared my passion. I was surprised at first to see so many people were just like me. I got my first online slave when I was young about 15 years old. I had no idea what I was doing and just started from there slowly and slowly building up my experience and learning new things about this new life. I must say after the first slave I had, I loved every bit, even though I was so inexperienced at the time. I have had many other slaves in the past, some better than others. A majority of them not taking it to a serious extent through the lack of dedication or immaturity. (I have a few good stories to share of past experiences, if you ever want me to share, let me know) On the other hand, I have had some very good slaves who obeyed very well and had no problems. Time does go on and things do change, so after so many years of being an online master, I now stand once again in search of another online slave. Like I said, I know what it’s like to be with someone who does not take the role of being a slave/master seriously, and if your reading this and you just want to treat this as just a "game" then please DO NOT waste your time and my time and disregard my posting from your consideration. -----------------------------------
  • 5. About You Requirements: • Age Limit: None • Sex: Female (only) • Location: Anywhere. • Race: Any • Language: English (broken is okay) • Webcam: Not required* • Mics: Not Required* • Camera: Not required* • Source of communication: Online messenger (not e-mail or mobile) • Availability: Often • Must not have another master or be in any relationship *You must have at least one of the three resources available. Online Slave Only As I am searching for an online slave, I am NOT searching for any other type of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship rather than a friendship. If you are under the influence that a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship will emerge from this, I am sorry but I am not interested in that type of commitment right now. What kind of slave am I looking for? Are you good at following rules? Taking order? Doing as you’re told? Having fun, while all at the same time developing a long lasting friendship? Then you are exactly what I am looking for. What do I expect from a slave? I am looking for a slave who is willing to show me that they are serious about being a slave, and can prove to me what it means to be a slave. I am not looking to play the game, where someone says they are a "slave" plays it off for the first time and then never comes back online again. If that is you, then stop reading this post and disregard me from your consideration. What kind of rules/actives will be involved? This is something that you and I should go over together, but I assure you that I will never allow my slave to be involved in any activity that she can't handle. I do respect the limits that you as the slave may have, and will never go beyond that boundary, but I do expect you to explore new things. How much experience? None. Rather you are a beginner or have had experience; I will go slow and provide you with my teachings, so that you will discover what it means to be a slave and help you discover where you stand on the journey of being a slave, so that in the future you will be prepared wherever this lifestyle may take you.
  • 6. =================== Submitting Your Application (Required) Below is a small and detailed questioner. Please fill it out to the best of your ability without leaving anything unanswered and submit it to me via PM. If you have any questions or problems in regards that may prevent you from submitting this questioner please let me know via PM and we will see what we can do. Basic Info • Name: • Age: • Sex: • State: • Country: Rate Yourself (1 being lowest 10 being highest) • Level of Experience: • Level of Discipline: • Level of Obedience: • Level of Respect: • Level of Stubbornness: • Level of Open-mindedness: • Level of following directions: • Level of Sincerity: • Level of Knowledge: • Level of Maturity: • Level of pain tolerance: Short Answers (20 words or less per answer) • Are you shy: • Are you easy to talk to: • Are you a playful type: • Are you a serious type: • Are you in a relationship: • Are you willing to serve multiple:
  • 7. • Are you a virgin: • Do you have another master: • Do you like to role-play: • Have you had another other masters? • Willing to share pics: • Willing to share webcam: • Willing to share mic: • What are your limits: • What are your likes: • What are you dislikes • Would you rather respond short & simple or Long & descriptive: Descriptive Answers (20 words or more per answer) • What do you look like: • What made you apply to this ad: • What most interest you about becoming a slave: • What does it mean to be a slave: • What does it mean to be a master: • What do you look for in a master: • Why should I choose you to be my slave: Contact and availability • How often are you online: • How often would you be available: • How soon would you like to start: • How long do you want to be a slave for: • What is your online messenger screen name: (yahoo, msn, aim, live...ect) Additional information you would like to add: =================== Thanks again for reading over this ad, if I am who you are looking for then please feel free to submit your application at any time, I will make sure I read them as soon as I can. When you submit your application, make the subject as "slave application" (required) If you do NOT put that as your subject of your application, It will show me that you did not read this ad completely, and I will not even open up your pm to read it, as it will instantly be thrown out...yes its that
  • 8. serious. If I am not what you’re looking for then I hope you do find your master soon in the future. Looking forward to talking to you soon.