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Interview with: Investigator Sean De La Rosa from the Mission
Police Department.
Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law
As Peace Officers, we have taken an oath to uphold the law and
serve the public. That being said, it is still a people’s business
and discretion can play a part in the performance of duties. For
example, two scenarios of a vehicle pulled over for speeding.
One scenario is an 18 year old driving daddy’s BMW and blew
15 mph over because he’s “just cruising” with a mouthy
attitude. Most Officers will usually give a traffic citation since
he’s able to afford the citation. In the second scenario, it’s a
single mother of 5 children that is doing 15 mph over because
she needs to rush home to greet her children getting home by
school bus and she needs to get dinner started. This second
scenario is where most officers will get categorized as “Letter
of the Law” and “Spirit of the Law”. Officers that see justice as
totally blind will say that she was speeding regardless of her
reason so she is getting the citation. Officers that see the total
circumstance may issue a warning depending there are no other
issues during the encounter such as no driver license or
outstanding warrants.
Ethics comes into play because these decisions, especially in
smaller cities, give the police department as a whole a
reputation of either community oriented or aggressive. This
plays a part with the police department being able to solve
crimes because if the department is viewed as aggressive,
nobody will come forward and give information on criminals or
illegal activity that occurred within the city so many cases
remain unsolved or prosecuted due to lack of witness or victim's
willing to come forward. If the Police Department is more
viewed as community oriented, civilians are more willing to
come forward and give the information needed to solve crimes
and even prevent crimes. Also, the Police Department has to be
viewed as ethical such as no perception of attitude arrests,
applying force as necessary and helpful with victims during and
after encounters as well. Without this trust, the bond between
the public and the police department will be damaged and will
cause the department to do the reversal of the above mentioned
perceptions and the public will react accordingly thus why
Ethics is important.
The Character of the individual Officer is formed by their
upbringing, culture beliefs, the camaraderie between themselves
and the rest of officers they work with. It is usually said that no
matter what you do in life, all you have is your name; it is up to
you on how your name will be remembered. Some officers are
short fused and are always complained on because they just lash
out verbally at civilians when the civilian only asked a simple
question. Some officers are able to calm down violent or
aggressive civilians with verbal judo, there’s a caveat that not
all situations can be resolved with de-escalation through verbal
commands. Regardless of situations and civilians encountered,
it’ll be up to the Officer and what character they want to project
towards them that can have a severe impact in how situations
Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they
more ethical 10 years ago?
There is a lot more training and “death by PowerPoint” on this
topic (Texas it’s a required course to take every few years to
maintain licensure), to instill at least in back of the mind for
Officers to stay ethical. One of the main reasons I believe
there’s a paradigm shift in more ethics is there are more arrests
on corrupt officers currently and in recent history versus just
scraping wrongdoing under the rug and to just look the other
way that was the common practice back then. Two examples I
can show from this region is the most famous of the Sheriff
Lupe Trevino of Hidalgo County, Texas that was arrested for
Money Laundering and sentenced to 5 years in federal prison
and a Border Patrol Agent that had raped an illegal immigrant
teenager, kidnapped her, then committed suicide when Local
and federal agencies found him. I provided links to both cases.
Why do police officers become involved in misconduct?
There are many reasons that this occurs from need of finances,
better networking to obtain power through elections or
appointments, ease of misusing the trust with the public through
the authority held. Usually it boils down to “If I can get away
with it, nobody will notice.” Then it goes from one time, then
another, then another to the point that they are so comfortable
with the misconduct that they blatantly show it and get caught.
Part of the reason the misconduct is that nobody wants to be the
one to point out that it is happening and once the officer or
officers are caught, everyone comes out and says, oh I knew it
all along. That mentality is part of the reason it goes on for so
Do you feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the
police academy level? If not, why is that?
Here is an issue on relying on the Police Academy, the
Academy is meant to train cadets to minimum standards
required by the state to pass an exam at the end with some also
teaching the policy and procedures of the agency. Minimum
standards, meaning it is checking a list and filling in the
bubbles to give a stamp of approval that this person that became
a cadet has passed a laundry list of items to make it this far to
be a probationary peace officer. The emphasis should be within
the field training program, the on the job training, that at least
in Texas, is required of all new Officers and Officers
transferring from one agency to another. Within that program,
Officers not only learn how to be an effective officer for the
agency, but meet an officer that the agency has chosen to be an
example to learn from and emulate. Here at least in Texas, there
needs to be more standards in place to teach ethics while the
new or transferred officer still has a set of eyes on them to see
how they display ethics during encounters with the public.
Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for law
enforcement officers?
Yes it should, again as referred before, it’s mandatory within
the standards in Texas. It should also remain an integral part of
the basic academy program.
Do you feel that education and/or training in ethics would
reduce incidents of police corruption?
Education during the Academy and training during the Field
training program will catch many bad habits or behaviors that
would lend themselves to corruption as the officer progresses in
their career. The elevated awareness may make them think about
it more. It is also a lifestyle and belief in the basic system that
we work within. We don’t make the law, we merely enforce
those that the people have asked to be on the books and thus
should act the same.
Four Contemporary Ethics issues.
I’ve given two examples already with immigration and abuse of
power in regards to contemporary ethics issues. Immigration
because the Rio Grande Valley, specifically Hidalgo County,
borders Mexico via the Rio Grande river. Many families in the
area are literally separated by a river, with some that are U.S.
citizens and some Mexican citizens or citizens from neighboring
countries further south. It is a hot issue in how do you enforce
the law of unlawful entry into the US, but yet keep the area
open for economy since there is a lot of trading that goes
through the bridges? Due to the lucrative illegal business of
human smuggling and trafficking and drug trafficking with the
Mexican Cartels specifically driving this, there is an imperative
need to enforce the law of unlawful entry to cut the finances
from them.
Abuse of power is everywhere in the U.S. and not just
specifically to law enforcement. What is unique in the area here
in Hidalgo County is that due to the Hispanic culture of large
families and having close relationships with each other, there is
a lot of nepotism and influence that easily turns into corruption
at a grand scale.
One issue that is not prevalent in this region is Officer involved
shootings and the negative media coverage. This goes back to
the culture within the area with the mentality of “If the cops are
chasing you, what you did?” So the general consensus is usually
that, as for the shootings, due to the population not being very
dispersed, over 90 percent of Hispanic origins, the encounter
between civilian and officer are pretty much one Hispanic to
one Hispanic. There have been a few shootings over the years in
the area, but again no real negative coverage.
Lastly, officers responding to handle civilians with mental
illness. There is no real middleman except for the officer and
any training, mandatory or otherwise, to handle a situation with
mental illness or psychotic episodes of civilians. Medical
personnel, such as doctors, paramedics, or firefighters will
usually not respond to those calls until the Officer has arrived
and made the scene safe. Depending on many factors, the
Officer or Officers are now left there to deal with the civilian
and subdue them if necessary to keep them from harming
themselves or others. Until that has been accomplished, no help
is coming for that officer or the civilian.
Interview with: Detective Lakshan De Silva with the Placer
County Sheriff's Office
Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law
Our whole job is based on our character and ethics. We are the
good guys. People depend on us to do the right thing. If we
don’t do the right thing then we are the bad guys. We are the
line that keeps the bad from the good. Being on that line we get
tempted and tempted to do bad things, but it’s your character,
your beliefs and ethics that stop you from doing bad and make
you do well.
Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they
more ethical 10 years ago?
I believe today. We have more restrictions governing us. We
have police officer standards and training monitoring law
enforcement officials. We have more training and have more
background checks than before. Back in the day they could pick
anyone off of the street to do this job. If people needed money
they became a cop. Now the cops who do this job want to catch
the bad guys and do well. Agencies look for these people and
choose them for those qualities.
Why do police officers become involved in misconduct?
Cops are human. Everybody makes mistakes. Some bigger than
others. Some folks get tempted by money Cops are human.
Everybody makes mistakes. Some bigger than others. Some
folks get tempted by money or drugs or lies or women and men.
As cops we all want to help people. But those people drag us
down or the items or things bring us down. Over all it’s in you
to make the right decision and that’s where the ethics and
character come in.
Do you feel that there is enough training offered in Ethics at the
police academy level? If not, why?
I do. I believe to be law enforcement you have a duty to be
honest, have integrity and respect for others. You either have
this or you don’t. You should not have to be taught to do the
right thing. You should just do it. This is where you background
comes in. What have you done all of your life to prepare to be a
Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for law
enforcement officers?
I do. It’s a good reminder why we got into this profession and
why we do our job. What we stand for and who we are and who
look up to us to do right
Do you feel that education and/or training in ethics would
reduce incidents of police corruption?
I think it is a good reminder to have training in it, but overall I
think it’s instilled in everyone and if you have it you have it. If
you don’t you don’t. Some folks change but majorities don’t.
Day in and day out, I read about and heard stories from my
department about the wrongdoings of some of our police
officers. I heard stories of officers speeding and using their
position to get them out of a ticket. I have had this happen to
myself a few times in the past when I was coming up through
the ranks. Luckily we had a standing policy that we would give
no breaks during traffic stops.
Another ethical issue I recall happening on one of my shifts was
an officer was caught on duty having a sexual relation with his
on again and off again girlfriend. We were working double
patrols and I had asked to meet up with this officer. Now he did
not give a time or how long it would be, so I decided to head to
his location. Upon arrival I discovered what a surprise to me
and my patrol partner was. Now we all knew what had to be
done here and this patrol did everything he could to save his
back side. He offered to work extra shifts for us to even trying
to bribe us with money. I knew what I was supposed to do even
if it meant being the bad guy in this situation. I was the senior
ranking patrol under our supervisor and I told him what was
going to happen. I requested for the supervisor to come out to
our location and I briefed him on what was discovered. The
female was placed under arrest and the supervisor directed the
other patrol to go to the station. I am not sure what happened
after that, but the friendship I had with this patrol was now
ruined for doing what I knew was the right thing. I was faced
with two ethical issues here with the money and the relationship
on duty. I knew if I had hid this, the behavior would go on and I
would be at risk of getting in trouble for knowing and not
addressing it right away.
Our department has a code of ethics. Under these codes our
officers should be setting the example for our citizens. This
includes on duty and off duty. Sadly, this does not always
happen. The last issue I recall facing was a fellow officer who
ended up drinking and driving. We were all out and had agreed
we would either get a cab or we already had a DD with us. One
of the young officers we worked with ended up having a bit too
much alcohol. I decided that it would be best we get a cab and
have one of us ride with him to get him home safely and get his
car in the morning. I already spoke to the owner of the bar we
were at, and he was fine with us leaving his car there. Well,
before I could get the keys from him, an argument started and
he got into a physical altercation with a patron at the bar and
ran off outside. Before I could catch him, he jumped in his car
and drove off. So now, I have a drunken officer who is a danger
to everyone in the community. I called our dispatch and had to
report this. I gave them our location and our supervisor on shift
knew where this kid lived and knew the route he took from this
location. I want to say within 10 minutes they had found him,
car wrecked. He was okay. This was an unfortunate even as he
was in his probation so after everything was said and done, he
was let go from the force. I knew if I had not said anything and
he ended up hurting himself or possibly killing someone, I
would face some sort of punishment. I have played that event
over in my head a few times; trying to find ways this could have
been prevented.
Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics]
© Kaplan University
Interview Analysis
You will conduct two interviews with practicing professionals
in the field of law enforcement. These individuals
may occupy positions in federal, state, county, or municipal
police agencies, probation, parole, or prosecutors'
It is preferable that you conduct the interviews in person, but
telephone interviews will be acceptable if in-
person interviews cannot be arranged.
Focus on the following questions in your interviews:
1. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law
2. Do the interviewees feel that police are more ethical today, or
were they more ethical 10 years ago?
3. Why do police officers become involved in misconduct?
4. Do the interviewees feel that there is enough training offered
in ethics at the police academy level? If not,
why is that?
5. Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for
law enforcement officers?
6. Do the interviewees feel that education and/or training in
ethics would reduce incidents of police
Report the results of these interviews in a paper that answers
the proposed questions. Apply to your paper
information that has been read and discussed in class on various
ethical issues to form a synthesis of practical
law enforcement ideologies. Be sure to discuss with the
interviewees at least four contemporary ethical issues
that they are dealing with as criminal justice practitioners.
Finally, offer your own insights on the perspectives of
the individuals you interviewed and materials covered in the
text readings and Seminar discussions.
The paper will be a minimum of 6–8 double-spaced pages using
a 12-point font. It must be in APA format.
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a
successful paper must also meet the following
• Include a cover page and references page in 10–12-point font
(Arial, Courier, and Times New
Roman are acceptable)
• Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and
• Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard
American English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.)
• Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well
as original and insightful
• Your work should display superior content, organization,
style, and mechanics
• Appropriate citation style should be followed
You should also make sure to:
• Include a title page with full name, class name, section
number, and date
• Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and
demonstrate college-level communication through
the composition of original materials in Standard American
• Use examples to support your discussion
Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics]
© Kaplan University
• Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your
paper and cited within the body of your
paper using APA format
Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your paper in Word and save your document in the
following format: Last name First name
Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn Unit 6 Assignment 2).
Submit your Assignment by selecting the “Unit 6:
Assignment 2”Dropbox by the end of Unit 6.
Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics]
© Kaplan University
Unit 6 Assignment 2 Checklist
Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes
Purpose for Writing
Did you interview at least two practicing professionals in the
field of law
Did you analyze contemporary ethical issues faced by criminal
practitioners and organizations?
Did your analysis cover the questions outlined in the
Is your research current?
Did you use at least two credible sources?
Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner?
Is your content accurate?
Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic?
Did you save your paper as a Word® Document?
Did you name your file Correctly?
Did you use APA format to cite your sources?
Did you check your document for spelling?
Did you check your paper for grammatical errors?
Is your paper the correct length?

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  • 1. Interview with: Investigator Sean De La Rosa from the Mission Police Department. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? As Peace Officers, we have taken an oath to uphold the law and serve the public. That being said, it is still a people’s business and discretion can play a part in the performance of duties. For example, two scenarios of a vehicle pulled over for speeding. One scenario is an 18 year old driving daddy’s BMW and blew 15 mph over because he’s “just cruising” with a mouthy attitude. Most Officers will usually give a traffic citation since he’s able to afford the citation. In the second scenario, it’s a single mother of 5 children that is doing 15 mph over because she needs to rush home to greet her children getting home by school bus and she needs to get dinner started. This second scenario is where most officers will get categorized as “Letter of the Law” and “Spirit of the Law”. Officers that see justice as totally blind will say that she was speeding regardless of her reason so she is getting the citation. Officers that see the total circumstance may issue a warning depending there are no other issues during the encounter such as no driver license or outstanding warrants. Ethics comes into play because these decisions, especially in smaller cities, give the police department as a whole a reputation of either community oriented or aggressive. This plays a part with the police department being able to solve crimes because if the department is viewed as aggressive, nobody will come forward and give information on criminals or illegal activity that occurred within the city so many cases remain unsolved or prosecuted due to lack of witness or victim's willing to come forward. If the Police Department is more
  • 2. viewed as community oriented, civilians are more willing to come forward and give the information needed to solve crimes and even prevent crimes. Also, the Police Department has to be viewed as ethical such as no perception of attitude arrests, applying force as necessary and helpful with victims during and after encounters as well. Without this trust, the bond between the public and the police department will be damaged and will cause the department to do the reversal of the above mentioned perceptions and the public will react accordingly thus why Ethics is important. The Character of the individual Officer is formed by their upbringing, culture beliefs, the camaraderie between themselves and the rest of officers they work with. It is usually said that no matter what you do in life, all you have is your name; it is up to you on how your name will be remembered. Some officers are short fused and are always complained on because they just lash out verbally at civilians when the civilian only asked a simple question. Some officers are able to calm down violent or aggressive civilians with verbal judo, there’s a caveat that not all situations can be resolved with de-escalation through verbal commands. Regardless of situations and civilians encountered, it’ll be up to the Officer and what character they want to project towards them that can have a severe impact in how situations end. Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical 10 years ago? There is a lot more training and “death by PowerPoint” on this topic (Texas it’s a required course to take every few years to maintain licensure), to instill at least in back of the mind for Officers to stay ethical. One of the main reasons I believe there’s a paradigm shift in more ethics is there are more arrests on corrupt officers currently and in recent history versus just scraping wrongdoing under the rug and to just look the other
  • 3. way that was the common practice back then. Two examples I can show from this region is the most famous of the Sheriff Lupe Trevino of Hidalgo County, Texas that was arrested for Money Laundering and sentenced to 5 years in federal prison and a Border Patrol Agent that had raped an illegal immigrant teenager, kidnapped her, then committed suicide when Local and federal agencies found him. I provided links to both cases. sentenced-to-5-years-in-prison rapes-illegal-immigrant-then-commits-suicide/186749/ Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? There are many reasons that this occurs from need of finances, better networking to obtain power through elections or appointments, ease of misusing the trust with the public through the authority held. Usually it boils down to “If I can get away with it, nobody will notice.” Then it goes from one time, then another, then another to the point that they are so comfortable with the misconduct that they blatantly show it and get caught. Part of the reason the misconduct is that nobody wants to be the one to point out that it is happening and once the officer or officers are caught, everyone comes out and says, oh I knew it all along. That mentality is part of the reason it goes on for so long. Do you feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that? Here is an issue on relying on the Police Academy, the Academy is meant to train cadets to minimum standards required by the state to pass an exam at the end with some also teaching the policy and procedures of the agency. Minimum
  • 4. standards, meaning it is checking a list and filling in the bubbles to give a stamp of approval that this person that became a cadet has passed a laundry list of items to make it this far to be a probationary peace officer. The emphasis should be within the field training program, the on the job training, that at least in Texas, is required of all new Officers and Officers transferring from one agency to another. Within that program, Officers not only learn how to be an effective officer for the agency, but meet an officer that the agency has chosen to be an example to learn from and emulate. Here at least in Texas, there needs to be more standards in place to teach ethics while the new or transferred officer still has a set of eyes on them to see how they display ethics during encounters with the public. Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for law enforcement officers? Yes it should, again as referred before, it’s mandatory within the standards in Texas. It should also remain an integral part of the basic academy program. Do you feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? Education during the Academy and training during the Field training program will catch many bad habits or behaviors that would lend themselves to corruption as the officer progresses in their career. The elevated awareness may make them think about it more. It is also a lifestyle and belief in the basic system that we work within. We don’t make the law, we merely enforce those that the people have asked to be on the books and thus should act the same. Four Contemporary Ethics issues. I’ve given two examples already with immigration and abuse of
  • 5. power in regards to contemporary ethics issues. Immigration because the Rio Grande Valley, specifically Hidalgo County, borders Mexico via the Rio Grande river. Many families in the area are literally separated by a river, with some that are U.S. citizens and some Mexican citizens or citizens from neighboring countries further south. It is a hot issue in how do you enforce the law of unlawful entry into the US, but yet keep the area open for economy since there is a lot of trading that goes through the bridges? Due to the lucrative illegal business of human smuggling and trafficking and drug trafficking with the Mexican Cartels specifically driving this, there is an imperative need to enforce the law of unlawful entry to cut the finances from them. Abuse of power is everywhere in the U.S. and not just specifically to law enforcement. What is unique in the area here in Hidalgo County is that due to the Hispanic culture of large families and having close relationships with each other, there is a lot of nepotism and influence that easily turns into corruption at a grand scale. One issue that is not prevalent in this region is Officer involved shootings and the negative media coverage. This goes back to the culture within the area with the mentality of “If the cops are chasing you, what you did?” So the general consensus is usually that, as for the shootings, due to the population not being very dispersed, over 90 percent of Hispanic origins, the encounter between civilian and officer are pretty much one Hispanic to one Hispanic. There have been a few shootings over the years in the area, but again no real negative coverage. Lastly, officers responding to handle civilians with mental illness. There is no real middleman except for the officer and any training, mandatory or otherwise, to handle a situation with mental illness or psychotic episodes of civilians. Medical personnel, such as doctors, paramedics, or firefighters will
  • 6. usually not respond to those calls until the Officer has arrived and made the scene safe. Depending on many factors, the Officer or Officers are now left there to deal with the civilian and subdue them if necessary to keep them from harming themselves or others. Until that has been accomplished, no help is coming for that officer or the civilian. Interview with: Detective Lakshan De Silva with the Placer County Sheriff's Office Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? Our whole job is based on our character and ethics. We are the good guys. People depend on us to do the right thing. If we don’t do the right thing then we are the bad guys. We are the line that keeps the bad from the good. Being on that line we get tempted and tempted to do bad things, but it’s your character, your beliefs and ethics that stop you from doing bad and make you do well. Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical 10 years ago? I believe today. We have more restrictions governing us. We have police officer standards and training monitoring law enforcement officials. We have more training and have more background checks than before. Back in the day they could pick anyone off of the street to do this job. If people needed money they became a cop. Now the cops who do this job want to catch the bad guys and do well. Agencies look for these people and choose them for those qualities. Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? Cops are human. Everybody makes mistakes. Some bigger than others. Some folks get tempted by money Cops are human.
  • 7. Everybody makes mistakes. Some bigger than others. Some folks get tempted by money or drugs or lies or women and men. As cops we all want to help people. But those people drag us down or the items or things bring us down. Over all it’s in you to make the right decision and that’s where the ethics and character come in. Do you feel that there is enough training offered in Ethics at the police academy level? If not, why? I do. I believe to be law enforcement you have a duty to be honest, have integrity and respect for others. You either have this or you don’t. You should not have to be taught to do the right thing. You should just do it. This is where you background comes in. What have you done all of your life to prepare to be a cop. Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for law enforcement officers? I do. It’s a good reminder why we got into this profession and why we do our job. What we stand for and who we are and who look up to us to do right Do you feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? I think it is a good reminder to have training in it, but overall I think it’s instilled in everyone and if you have it you have it. If you don’t you don’t. Some folks change but majorities don’t. Day in and day out, I read about and heard stories from my department about the wrongdoings of some of our police officers. I heard stories of officers speeding and using their position to get them out of a ticket. I have had this happen to myself a few times in the past when I was coming up through the ranks. Luckily we had a standing policy that we would give no breaks during traffic stops.
  • 8. Another ethical issue I recall happening on one of my shifts was an officer was caught on duty having a sexual relation with his on again and off again girlfriend. We were working double patrols and I had asked to meet up with this officer. Now he did not give a time or how long it would be, so I decided to head to his location. Upon arrival I discovered what a surprise to me and my patrol partner was. Now we all knew what had to be done here and this patrol did everything he could to save his back side. He offered to work extra shifts for us to even trying to bribe us with money. I knew what I was supposed to do even if it meant being the bad guy in this situation. I was the senior ranking patrol under our supervisor and I told him what was going to happen. I requested for the supervisor to come out to our location and I briefed him on what was discovered. The female was placed under arrest and the supervisor directed the other patrol to go to the station. I am not sure what happened after that, but the friendship I had with this patrol was now ruined for doing what I knew was the right thing. I was faced with two ethical issues here with the money and the relationship on duty. I knew if I had hid this, the behavior would go on and I would be at risk of getting in trouble for knowing and not addressing it right away. Our department has a code of ethics. Under these codes our officers should be setting the example for our citizens. This includes on duty and off duty. Sadly, this does not always happen. The last issue I recall facing was a fellow officer who ended up drinking and driving. We were all out and had agreed we would either get a cab or we already had a DD with us. One of the young officers we worked with ended up having a bit too much alcohol. I decided that it would be best we get a cab and have one of us ride with him to get him home safely and get his car in the morning. I already spoke to the owner of the bar we were at, and he was fine with us leaving his car there. Well, before I could get the keys from him, an argument started and
  • 9. he got into a physical altercation with a patron at the bar and ran off outside. Before I could catch him, he jumped in his car and drove off. So now, I have a drunken officer who is a danger to everyone in the community. I called our dispatch and had to report this. I gave them our location and our supervisor on shift knew where this kid lived and knew the route he took from this location. I want to say within 10 minutes they had found him, car wrecked. He was okay. This was an unfortunate even as he was in his probation so after everything was said and done, he was let go from the force. I knew if I had not said anything and he ended up hurting himself or possibly killing someone, I would face some sort of punishment. I have played that event over in my head a few times; trying to find ways this could have been prevented. Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics] © Kaplan University Interview Analysis You will conduct two interviews with practicing professionals in the field of law enforcement. These individuals may occupy positions in federal, state, county, or municipal police agencies, probation, parole, or prosecutors' offices.
  • 10. It is preferable that you conduct the interviews in person, but telephone interviews will be acceptable if in- person interviews cannot be arranged. Focus on the following questions in your interviews: 1. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? 2. Do the interviewees feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical 10 years ago? 3. Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? 4. Do the interviewees feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that? 5. Should ethics training be offered as an ongoing process for law enforcement officers? 6. Do the interviewees feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? Report the results of these interviews in a paper that answers the proposed questions. Apply to your paper information that has been read and discussed in class on various ethical issues to form a synthesis of practical law enforcement ideologies. Be sure to discuss with the interviewees at least four contemporary ethical issues that they are dealing with as criminal justice practitioners. Finally, offer your own insights on the perspectives of the individuals you interviewed and materials covered in the
  • 11. text readings and Seminar discussions. The paper will be a minimum of 6–8 double-spaced pages using a 12-point font. It must be in APA format. Directions In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria: • Include a cover page and references page in 10–12-point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable) • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) • Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics • Appropriate citation style should be followed You should also make sure to: • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through
  • 12. the composition of original materials in Standard American English • Use examples to support your discussion Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics] © Kaplan University • Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format Submitting Your Assignment Compose your paper in Word and save your document in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn Unit 6 Assignment 2). Submit your Assignment by selecting the “Unit 6: Assignment 2”Dropbox by the end of Unit 6. Unit 6 Assignment 2 [CJ340: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics] © Kaplan University Unit 6 Assignment 2 Checklist
  • 13. Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes Purpose for Writing Did you interview at least two practicing professionals in the field of law enforcement? Did you analyze contemporary ethical issues faced by criminal justice practitioners and organizations? Did your analysis cover the questions outlined in the assignment? Research Is your research current? Did you use at least two credible sources? Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner? Content Is your content accurate? Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic? Format
  • 14. Did you save your paper as a Word® Document? Did you name your file Correctly? Did you use APA format to cite your sources? Did you check your document for spelling? Did you check your paper for grammatical errors? Is your paper the correct length?