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RELEVANT? .............................................................................................8
SET UP YOUR GOALS. NOBODY LIKES FLYING BLIND...........................15
WHO ARE YOUR PROTENTIAL CUSTOMERS? ....................................21
WHY YOUR CUSTOMERS WON’T BUY FROM YOU? ..........................26
HOW DO THEY CONSUME INFORMATION? ......................................28
HOW IS YOUR BRAND PERCEIVED?......................................................32
CRAFT YOUR MESSAGE ........................................................................35
ASSET AUDIT: WHAT DO YOU HAVE, OR NEED?..................................38
TARGETING CUSTOMER MICRO-MOMENTS........................................43
SCHEDULING: SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS....................................................46
CONTENT MARKETING IDEAS...............................................................54
YOUR DIGITAL ADVERTISING STRATEGY..............................................56
BONUS!!! BONUS!!! BONUS!!!.............................................................64
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Fullmoon Digital
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we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
FMDM is a paid media internet marketing agency specializing in search and
social media pay-per-click management.
We help businesses of all sizes create strategies and execute campaigns to
win in their market. We elevate your online business with the marketing
expertise & strategic support you deserve.
Your story is much deeper than numbers and performance. We craft digital
marketing campaigns and customize for your brand.
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we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
To succeed online, the first thing you must do is have a CLEAR strategy, have a
plan to execute, and understand WHO your ideal customers are.
You know building customer personas, creating a strategy, and most importantly
execution will have a huge impact on your business.
This guide will uncover EVERYTHING you need for your brand from goal-setting,
persona development, campaign management, content development, social
media marketing, and much more.
You will gain new perspective to win in your market.
We’ll get into the details in this guide.
But before we go any further, your strategy must start by defining the reason
your brand exists and how it is different than everyone else in the market.
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This guide will go over every aspect of your strategy and planning process
• Goal Setting
• Messaging
• Content Marketing
• Paid Traffic
• Developing Audience Personas
… and that’s just scratching the surface. Any part of your audience touch points
will dramatically improve your sales when you create a clear outline of your go-to-
market strategy.
If you don’t understand your strategy, how would you expect your audience and
future customers to buy from you? By getting clarity on the value you create and
problem you solve, you can begin to create a message that moves your audience
to take action.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
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Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
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“We just need to increase sales by 300% year over year!”
I hear this all the time from prospects during a pitch meeting. Absolutely! Let’s get
to work. Fire up those paid campaigns; we should start seeing more sales. We
should be thinking of what other marketing channels to spend money on to; we
should be mentally preparing for a banner year.
In today’s market, brands are going all-in to fight for customers’ attention and
wallets. However, the real control is in the hands of the consumer – this shift
forces brands to change their marketing mindset to win.
Customers are seeking brands with a resonating story. They want to engage with
purposeful brands. And brands that embrace storytelling will separate itself from
the crowd, and ultimately be a leader.
Brands that understand why they exist and transform that into a story will earn
the attention of its audience.
Here’s what you need to know.
• What is preventing customers to like your brand or willingness to buy?
• Attention is what will drive your increase in loyalty and sales!
• How can you earn attention from your audience?
Questions: Why does your brand exist? Why did you start your business? Why
matter most to you about your business's purpose? This defines the very
existence of your brand.
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You NEED to know this. It will help uncover insights into the value you are
creating for your audience, way before they even become customers. Have
different people on your team fill out their own version. See If everyone is aligned.
(I hope so!)
Once you have defined the purpose of your brand, you can move on to define
HOW your brand sets itself apart from the rest.
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Let’s face it. You want to think that what you are selling is the best thing since
slice bread. Excited to share with the world. The truth is, it’s a high probability
that whatever you are selling is already sold by other retailers…
…the competition is fierce. Without setting yourself apart, your brand gets lost in
the noise.
Customers buy from you not because of price. We believe that discounting is an
unsustainable strategy.
Figure out how to set yourself apart; what pain point(s) is your brand and product
solving. You can do this by figuring out HOW your brand is different.
This is a mindset shift in the way you see your brand. If your competitors focus
on style and design, you can focus on sustainability. If your competition is using
major celebrities, you can collaborate with real customers as ambassadors.
There are many ways to express how your brand is unique. But the most
important HOW is the one that is true to your brand.
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Questions: These are things that set you apart from the rest of your competition.
How do you solve a problem, how do you build your products, how are you
different? What sets you apart?
You need total belief that your offer is the best solution for your prospects. Your
certainty in this fact and the consequences of not using your product is dire will
drive your audience to pay attention.
Have different people on your team fill out their own version. See If everyone is
aligned. (I hope so!)
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Now, you have figured out WHY your brand exists (your purpose) and HOW you
are different (what sets you apart).
Armed with this information, continue the journey…
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Set up the GOALS.
Without GOALS, you fly blind. And we know what happens if you do anything
without clarity.
Don’t confuse goals with objectives. Goals are not strategies or tactics. It’s a high-
level vision of what you want to accomplish.
Further you need to believe that your goals are good, that they are achievable
and that your brand is doing the right thing.
• Are you totally bought in to the purpose of your brand?
• Do you believe your marketing strategy is driving you the most customers
at the best cost?
• Do you believe others will be ambassadors of your brand?
• Do you believe your goals are realistic?
If you can’t answer YES to the above questions, it will be extremely hard to
determine your correct course of action.
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The most common GOAL for any business is revenue. After all, revenue is what
keeps a business alive. If we’re being honest with ourselves, this is what matters
most, at the end of the day. Right? 😊
This is the spreadsheet we use with our clients to set their sales goals.
Begin with the projected revenue goals you want your business to achieve this
year and the next two.
Of course, there’s no guarantee you will hit these milestones, but if you write it
down, you have targets. Nothing can be achieve based on hopes and wishes.
Revenue goal-setting gives you a target. You use this to align your team,
projects, campaigns, tactics, etc.
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As a result, we can make sure that every marketing and sales initiative moving
forward aligns with this revenue goal.
You’ll use information from this to set targets and expectations for your
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There are 4 main components to building your customer profile (or personas).
They help in understanding your customers’ behavior, desires, aspirations, wants,
to accurately identify your target profile.
Occasionally, you can conduct customer surveys to ascertain this information. But
don’t wait around for surveys, as they can take a long time to complete.
It’s perfectly fine to make educated assumptions based on the customers you’re
already serving. One of the best ways is to sit down with your clients and have
conversations about their existing customers to uncover traits and behaviors.
And if there’s unknown, fill them in with your best guess, for now. You can always
come back to add more details. Do not overthink.
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Start with demographic information when building personas. Why? It brings your
persona to life. They become real people.
Information like age, gender, marital status, occupation, job title, income,
location, etc. will influence how you craft your content.
Additionally, when you define segments and target audiences in advertising
platforms like Facebook, demographic information will be very useful…
…In fact, this information serves as the cornerstone of many Facebook advertising
campaigns for FMDM clients.
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Understanding what problems your audience needs help solving is invaluable to
product development, content marketing, creative assets, and ultimately your ad
Knowing your persona’s challenges helps you create a strategy that compels them
to take action.
To know what the challenges are, mean you also know what goals they want to
Ad copy that specifically addresses pain points and challenges then offering a
solution to will get attention from your audience.
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Pro tip: Mass targeting is dead. If you’re spending money on reaching everyone
with the same message, you need to pause and rethink your approach.
Consumers are engaging with micro-moments and personalized messages. The
brands that will win are the ones who take the time and invest in creating these
moments for their customers.
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Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
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It is equally important to know who your target audience is and what pain points
they need help solving.
But even more important is having an understanding about their objections and
why they choose NOT to buy from you, and instead, spend their money
somewhere else.
Pro tip: Role in the purchasing process?
Determine the role your persona plays in the purchasing process. Why? This will
determine your marketing campaign and how you talk to your potential
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Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
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Do you know where your persona finds information, seek advice, read reviews,
consume news, etc.?
By knowing their information sources, you can begin to craft how you position
your products / services to them in a meaningful way. You earn their attention
and they look to you as an authority.
We use this two-column spreadsheet to fill in the details for our
Understanding your ideal customers behavior, interest, pain points, challenges,
and desires is pivotal to the success of your marketing and sales campaigns.
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Pro tip: Build many personas
Start building one. But don’t stop there. Oh no siree.
Because there’s different type of customers that your business will want to reach.
You won’t get every type of person, but this exercise is for you to focus on the
20% of customers who will generate 80% of your revenue.
You’ll end up creating multiple personas for representing different segments of
your market.
As a rule of thumb, 3 personas are a great start. As long as you are creating
personas that represent the most lucrative segment in your market.
Using Personas in Audience Development
Where you can use your profile information:
- Facebook Audience
- Google Display Network (GDN)
- Retargeting
- Lookalike Audiences
- Affinity / Interest-based Audiences
- Email Segmentation
- Ad Copy/Creative Assets/Messaging
- And many more
Pro tip: most of the time, campaigns don’t drive desired results because audiences
are not matched with the right creative (ad copy, images, or video).
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Every platform can drive sales. Just because you’re not doesn’t mean it’s a bad
platform. You’re just not reaching the right audience with your campaign.
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Building a brand for the long-term is the holy grail. You can’t just launch a
website and hope that your business will blossom into a legitimate brand
“Build it and they will come!” – get that cliché out of your mind right now. NOW!
That’s total poppycock.
More importantly, how is your brand perceived? In the past, now, and how do
you want to be perceived in the future?
This exercise uncovers information and provide actionable insights into how you
can position your brand now and beyond.
Use this simple template to complete your exercise.
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The Past
Include both happy and unhappy customers. You can probably find this from
online reviews, customer emails, feedback, etc.
The Present
How do customers feel about your brand today? Do they like you, will they vouch
for you? Or has nothing change or gotten worse from the past?
The Future
The insights from your audit should help you identify opportunities to improve
and articulate what your brand aspire to be.
Do you want to be known as the best, the most affordable, the highest quality,
or the cheapest? Those are all things to consider so you can better position your
brand message.
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Use this messaging framework to craft your communication for your brand – both
internally and externally.
We start with this simple quadrant. If you have multiple categories, then you can
use place them in their respective quadrants.
For example, we have a client that sells custom bicycles ranging between $4,000
to $15,000 or more. As you can imagine, their bicycles can be placed across
multiple quadrants.
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Why is this important? You can craft precise and relevant messaging combining it
with the personas you created when you identify your product(s) fit.
Pro tip: whether you have one product or many, your message must convey an all-
encompassing, unified brand voice. And how do you do that?
By using the next template: the messaging architecture.
The Messaging Architecture
These are the 4 elements within your message architecture. Start by defining
these for your brand.
• Positioning – how are you positioning your brand in the marketplace, in
your category, and the benefit you bring to the table.
• Value Proposition – what value do you create for your customers so they
can do [X] better.
• Tagline – ours is “We Help Businesses Make More Money.”
• Stories – talking points that reinforce your value proposition that’s unique
to your brand.
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Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
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Digital Asset Management (DAM) can be done with fancy software or a simple
Google Sheets document.
The idea behind the asset audit is to figure out what you have, what you need,
and what needs to be revised.
For example, your brand message from 8 years ago may no longer speak to your
current audience. This audit will help you uncover those discrepancies so you can
update your marketing assets.
Another example, you have an asset that had high engagement previously.
Through this exercise, you can find new ways to use it or base future creatives on
There are many advantages for an asset audit, from keeping this organized and
structured to ease of access and portability.
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Start by asking these questions:
• What assets keep buyers in the marketing funnel?
• What content is generating the most sales/leads?
• What content is our sales team sharing with buyers?
• What content is out of date?
• What content has lost its relevance from our brand?
• Which persona are we giving the most tailored content?
By asking questions, you begin to uncover assets. Meaning, you start putting
together their URLs, file locations, file titles, theme, etc.
Once you compile all your assets, you can start evaluating. Are they still relevant,
needs to be updated, or discarded? This is your opportunity to revise and refresh.
There’s no room for “maybe,” – it’s time to clear the clutter.
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These are common questions you can use to evaluate your assets.
Value - Is the content aligned to your
business objectives? Does it create value?
Clarity - Does the layout and message present the information
clearly? Is it concise?
Information – Does your content evolve as your industry and
company evolves?
Brand - Review the writing style for voice, tone, and relevance --
visual expression for style, colors, and fonts.
Utility - Are you getting the content in-front of the right
If you answered “NO,” then spend time revisiting the asset and decide if you
need to update or discard.
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Use this worksheet to note details for each section.
Pro tip: do not overthink. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. You can
always revise later.
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
• _____________________
• _____________________
• _____________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
• ___________________
• _____________________
• _____________________
• _____________________
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Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
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Customer micro-moments is an important mindset shift if you want your brand to
stand out and increase its relevance with your audience.
These are touchpoints in your customer’s journey as your marketing and sales
campaign moves them from Top of the Funnel (ToFu), Middle of the Funnel
(MoFu), to Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu).
There are 5 moments that a customer typically journeys through in their purchase
• Which Is The Best,
• Is It Right,
• Can I Afford,
• Where to Buy,
• Am I Getting a Deal?
In fact, most customers don’t make a purchase immediately.
The is rarely such a thing as a one-touch purchase, especially when your prospect
is not familiar with your brand and value proposition.
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Your customers are researching on their smartphones as much as desktops. If
you’re not there, someone else will.
Let’s face it, shopping doesn’t happen in a vacuum. The marketplace is
fragmented, distributed, and noisy. It complex. But that also mean huge
opportunities for brands that put their brand in front of its audience across
marketing channels and devices.
Use this matrix to figure out if where your business is visible and come up with a
strategy to fill in the GAPS.
Mobile Desktop Tablet TV
The best “moment” X
Is it right for me?
Can I afford it?
Where can I buy it?
Am I getting a deal?
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Timing is everything when it comes to launching your marketing campaigns,
distributing your content, and posting on your social media pages.
While there’s no such thing as the “perfect time,” we implore businesses to focus
Social Media Scheduling Tools
Here’s a short list of tools that you can use to plan, schedule, and automatically
post content to your social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
• Hootsuite
• Buffer
• Monday
• SproutSocial
• CoSchedule
• MeetEdgar
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Important Elements to Pay Attention To: Posts Intervals
This is an example (using I use to schedule our posts for Facebook and
As you can see, most of the scheduled posts are consistently spread out across 3-
4-hour intervals. More importantly it is schedule for every day of the week.
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“But Derek, my day is too busy to get this done.”
Au contraire.
The entire reason for social media tools like’s existence is to give you
back time.
You might have experienced spending too much time thinking of what to post on
the spot. We’ve all been there. This approach will save you 3-4 hours of wasted
time every week, without fail.
For our agency, FMDM, I set 2 hours every Monday to work on scheduling posts
for the following week. When you set the time aside to schedule your content
(with whatever tool you choose):
- You are focused
- Prioritizing your Social Media
- Actively researching
- Brainstorming in real-time
- In the mindset to get inspired
- You do your best work
Remember, the key here is QUALITY and CONSISTENCY...
…Scheduling Tips and More:
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When to set up your schedule – this is entirely up to you. I do my scheduling from
8am – 10am without any distraction.
Content to post – Knowing what your audience is looking for and what you want
to share is key here.
Days to post - Every day! But each day of the week can be about a different idea.
For example, the first post of the week can be a motivational quote. One of our
clients started #thirstyThursdays when they share recipes for their spirits (gin).
Another client promotes a #MorePower Tuesday when they post video content of
customers revving their trucks after installing their diesel performance tuner.
Intervals to post – to stay engaged, you do have to post frequently. A good
interval is to post every 3 to 4 hours during the day. So, if your first post is
scheduled at 8am, then your schedule is 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm.
4 posts per day on each of your social pages whether it’s
Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter is a healthy amount of content distribution.
Theme of post – Creating themes for your posts helps your followers understand
your brand, message, and voice.
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Quality of post – this is tricky. Because there are some of the worse videos and
images that have gone viral. So, to say you must capture the best lighting for your
video or perfect angle for your images is inaccurate.
Your post must focus on being relevant, engaging, and deserving of your
audiences’ attention. Truth be told, this is easier said than done.
Pro tip: What should you do? Make sure your images are consistent across your
social pages. Your brand depends on it. Your brand must be recognizable. That
doesn’t mean you have to be boring.
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Absolut Vodka is one of the brands that GETS IT…
…They have hundreds, if not thousands of images of their bottles with unique
designs – some silly, provocative, artistic, abstract, etc.
But one thing remains. It is recognizably Absolut Vodka!
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Use Those #HashTags
Common hashtags are overused and abused by every social marketer. Get
creative with your hashtags. Going for the tags with millions of posts is
challenging – your post will get buried in an instant.
If you’re selling shoes, you could consider hashtags like #SundayStrolls
#WorkoutWednesdays #WalkAMile – I made these up. But you get the idea.
Hashtags are supposed to be fun and extend the distribution and discovery of
your content. Have fun with it!
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Still the most powerful digital marketing strategies, content marketing can drive
brand awareness, website traffic, and increase sales and leads. Here are top 12
high-performing types of content marketing…
…for businesses of all sizes and industries. Let’s check them out.
1. Blogs
2. Videos
3. Case Studies
4. Checklists
5. Podcasts
6. White Papers
7. Interviews
8. Social Posts (Images, Gifs, Memes, etc)
9. Slideshows
10. Questionnaires and Quizzes
11. Webinars
12. eBooks
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The 6 elements of a high performing campaign
Every successful campaign, and by that, I mean campaigns that generate a better
than average ROI, is made up of these 6 key elements.
1. Solid ad copy written to get the click
2. Design or creative that is visually aligned with what you are selling
3. Offer that is so enticing; you’d be crazy to miss
4. Targeting the best audience who are ready to buy
5. Video that tells a good story to move audience from cold -> warm -> hot
6. Landing page that integrates all the elements together to provide a
seamless excellent customer experience
Pro tip: landing page does not necessarily mean one of those “funnel” pages. It
can be your product page or your category pages. A “landing page” is simply the
page on your website you are sending traffic to. Making sure it’s aligned with all
the other elements above will get you a much higher conversion rate.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Pro tip: Pay very close attention to your temperature of your website traffic. It’s a
straightforward concept; you have 3 types of website traffic – just like any sales
You have audiences that fall into these three areas: Cold, Warm, Hot
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Each “temperature level” coincides with its respective customer journey
Customer Journey Audience Temperature
Awareness Cold
Interest Cold-Warm
Consideration Warm
Intent Warm-Hot
Evaluation Hot
Purchase SUPER HOT
Targeting your audience’s temperature is all about matching the right message to
the right assets in your arsenal.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Cold Traffic – is used to introduce your brand to your audience. Content that is
effectively used to build trust and credibility to drive authority usually manifest in
the form of free content:
• Blog posts
• Social media
• Videos
• Podcasts
• Lead magnets
• Quizzes
• White papers
• YouTube ads
• Infographics
Pro tip: Focus on entertaining, inspiring, and educating.
Warm Traffic – the audience who are acquainted with your brand. There’s no
relationship established, but there is connection. You can continue to nurture and
increase their temperature! Here are content ideas:
• Lead magnets
• Quizzes or surveys
• Webinars
• Free Software Trials
• Introductory offers
• Branding videos
• eBooks
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Hot Traffic – these are your buyers, your most valuable traffic. They have either
purchased before, added to cart, or teetering on the fence to buy from you. The
offers can include:
• eCommerce purchase
• Software sign up
• Paid services
• Event registration
• High-ticket sales
Remember the personas you created earlier on in this blueprint?
Using the personas, you developed with your team, create your ad copy, match
your creative assets, and mapping it to the temperature for each persona.
The success of your ad campaign is a culmination of every aspect of your
audience, ad copy, creative, and targeting.
But don’t drive yourself crazy if you don’t hit a homerun right away…it takes
testing, iterations, and consistent testing to drive results you deserve.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Ad Creation Framework
If you create targeted messages for the customer funnel stages, then you’ll need
to write 12 sets of ads for each persona. With 3 personas, you will have to create
up to 36 ads.
You will end up with a marketing matrix like this for each campaign as you target
your personas with their relevant ad messages:
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Ad copy (includes text, headline, ad type, description)
We favor this approach to creating ad copy because it forces the focus on your
audience’s cycle, instead of just the offer. Your message must align with the
stages of where your prospects are.
With this approach, your odds of getting a good return on your ad spend are
incrementally higher.
Let’s say you’ve created your offer or hook for each persona. You can be even
more tactical by tailoring ad copy to your audience’s precise funnel touchpoint.
Using the same ad copy for a persona across is madness. Why? Because that
person will react differently depending if they are cold, warm, or hot – relative to
their step in the funnel.
“But Derek, this creates so much more work for my team.” You are 100% right.
The days of reaching a mass audience with a few offer ad copies are over...
…to win, you must be prepared to put in the time to create micro-targeted ads for
every person(s) – ad copy that speaks to your audience in their respective stages
about the offer.
Pro tip: Don’t freak out if your cold audience does not convert. You need to change your mindset
if that’s what you are hoping for. Cold audiences are people whom you have yet to win over.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Bonus 1: Key Launch Worksheet
This is a simple worksheet that you and your team can use to brainstorm ideas
into the Pre, Launch, and Post phases of your campaign.
Often, things get overcomplicated for no reason. We have used this template with
many of our clients and have enabled us to get things done quicker and spend
more time on the execution.
Phase 0: Pre-Launch Phase 1: Launch Phase 2: Support
Entry Modal Giveaway In-Store Events (1) Email
Reviews Campaign Sampling & Free Gifts Social Media
YouTube & Insta Ads
Email Series YouTube, Insta, Search Ads
Early Access (.com) Social Media + Live Videos Delayed launch on Amazon
YouTube, Insta, Search Ads Exclusive bundles on .com
Blog + Get-the-Look
Charity Campaign (TBD)
Influencer Party Get-the-Look UGC campaign
Limited-Edition Collection
.com-Exclusive (+ bundles)
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Bonus 2: Use the framework to influence brand strategy
No where in the framework does it say SELL, RUN PROMOTION, OFFER
Are you creating a movement? What is the story you can tell? Does your story
around the movement deserve attention?
Think how your brand can encapsulate these elements during your brainstorming
sessions. Trust me, it’ll reveal insights you may not have been aware of!
Create a
Tell a
Earn the
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Bonus 3: Marketing Checklist for Small Businesses
In order to compete online, let’s look at an example checklist for small businesses:
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing
we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing.
tel: (818) 646-7007
Enjoyed this? Make a phone call or schedule a call with us on your own time to
see how we can help you.
Chat with our team to see how we can help your business uncover new audiences
and make you more money.

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My Personal Brand Exploration by Mariano

Internet marketing blueprint

  • 1. 1 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. THE INTERNET MARKETING BLUEPRINT
  • 2. 2 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. THE INTERNET MARKETING BLUEPRINT Brought to you by: Fullmoon Digital
  • 3. 3 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Contents WHY DOES YOUR BRAND EXISTS IN THE MARKET? WHY IS IT RELEVANT? .............................................................................................8 HOW IS YOUR BRAND DIFFERENT THAN EVERYONE ELSE? .................11 SET UP YOUR GOALS. NOBODY LIKES FLYING BLIND...........................15 HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS (OR PERSONAS) .......19 WHO ARE YOUR PROTENTIAL CUSTOMERS? ....................................21 WHAT ARE YOUR CUSTOMER’S CHALLENGES & PAIN POINTS? .......23 WHY YOUR CUSTOMERS WON’T BUY FROM YOU? ..........................26 HOW DO THEY CONSUME INFORMATION? ......................................28 HOW IS YOUR BRAND PERCEIVED?......................................................32 CRAFT YOUR MESSAGE ........................................................................35 ASSET AUDIT: WHAT DO YOU HAVE, OR NEED?..................................38 TARGETING CUSTOMER MICRO-MOMENTS........................................43 SCHEDULING: SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS....................................................46 CONTENT MARKETING IDEAS...............................................................54 YOUR DIGITAL ADVERTISING STRATEGY..............................................56 BONUS!!! BONUS!!! BONUS!!!.............................................................64
  • 4. 4 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. PUBLISHED BY: Fullmoon Digital Copyright 2019 Fullmoon Digital, INC. All Rights Reserved. May be shared with copyright and credit left intact
  • 5. 5 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. ABOUT FULLMOON DIGITAL FMDM is a paid media internet marketing agency specializing in search and social media pay-per-click management. We help businesses of all sizes create strategies and execute campaigns to win in their market. We elevate your online business with the marketing expertise & strategic support you deserve. Your story is much deeper than numbers and performance. We craft digital marketing campaigns and customize for your brand.
  • 6. 6 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. To succeed online, the first thing you must do is have a CLEAR strategy, have a plan to execute, and understand WHO your ideal customers are. You know building customer personas, creating a strategy, and most importantly execution will have a huge impact on your business. This guide will uncover EVERYTHING you need for your brand from goal-setting, persona development, campaign management, content development, social media marketing, and much more. You will gain new perspective to win in your market. How? We’ll get into the details in this guide. But before we go any further, your strategy must start by defining the reason your brand exists and how it is different than everyone else in the market.
  • 7. 7 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. This guide will go over every aspect of your strategy and planning process including… • Goal Setting • Messaging • Content Marketing • Paid Traffic • Developing Audience Personas … and that’s just scratching the surface. Any part of your audience touch points will dramatically improve your sales when you create a clear outline of your go-to- market strategy. If you don’t understand your strategy, how would you expect your audience and future customers to buy from you? By getting clarity on the value you create and problem you solve, you can begin to create a message that moves your audience to take action. Let’s dive in, shall we?
  • 8. 8 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. WHY DOES YOUR BRAND EXISTS IN THE MARKET? WHY IS IT RELEVANT?
  • 9. 9 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. “We just need to increase sales by 300% year over year!” I hear this all the time from prospects during a pitch meeting. Absolutely! Let’s get to work. Fire up those paid campaigns; we should start seeing more sales. We should be thinking of what other marketing channels to spend money on to; we should be mentally preparing for a banner year. In today’s market, brands are going all-in to fight for customers’ attention and wallets. However, the real control is in the hands of the consumer – this shift forces brands to change their marketing mindset to win. Customers are seeking brands with a resonating story. They want to engage with purposeful brands. And brands that embrace storytelling will separate itself from the crowd, and ultimately be a leader. Brands that understand why they exist and transform that into a story will earn the attention of its audience. Here’s what you need to know. • What is preventing customers to like your brand or willingness to buy? • Attention is what will drive your increase in loyalty and sales! • How can you earn attention from your audience? Questions: Why does your brand exist? Why did you start your business? Why matter most to you about your business's purpose? This defines the very existence of your brand.
  • 10. 10 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. You NEED to know this. It will help uncover insights into the value you are creating for your audience, way before they even become customers. Have different people on your team fill out their own version. See If everyone is aligned. (I hope so!) 1. 2. 3. Once you have defined the purpose of your brand, you can move on to define HOW your brand sets itself apart from the rest.
  • 11. 11 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. HOW IS YOUR BRAND DIFFERENT THAN EVERYONE ELSE?
  • 12. 12 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Let’s face it. You want to think that what you are selling is the best thing since slice bread. Excited to share with the world. The truth is, it’s a high probability that whatever you are selling is already sold by other retailers… …the competition is fierce. Without setting yourself apart, your brand gets lost in the noise. Customers buy from you not because of price. We believe that discounting is an unsustainable strategy. Figure out how to set yourself apart; what pain point(s) is your brand and product solving. You can do this by figuring out HOW your brand is different. This is a mindset shift in the way you see your brand. If your competitors focus on style and design, you can focus on sustainability. If your competition is using major celebrities, you can collaborate with real customers as ambassadors. There are many ways to express how your brand is unique. But the most important HOW is the one that is true to your brand.
  • 13. 13 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Questions: These are things that set you apart from the rest of your competition. How do you solve a problem, how do you build your products, how are you different? What sets you apart? You need total belief that your offer is the best solution for your prospects. Your certainty in this fact and the consequences of not using your product is dire will drive your audience to pay attention. Have different people on your team fill out their own version. See If everyone is aligned. (I hope so!) 1. 2. 3.
  • 14. 14 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Now, you have figured out WHY your brand exists (your purpose) and HOW you are different (what sets you apart). Armed with this information, continue the journey…
  • 15. 15 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. SET UP YOUR GOALS. NOBODY LIKES FLYING BLIND.
  • 16. 16 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Set up the GOALS. Without GOALS, you fly blind. And we know what happens if you do anything without clarity. Don’t confuse goals with objectives. Goals are not strategies or tactics. It’s a high- level vision of what you want to accomplish. Further you need to believe that your goals are good, that they are achievable and that your brand is doing the right thing. • Are you totally bought in to the purpose of your brand? • Do you believe your marketing strategy is driving you the most customers at the best cost? • Do you believe others will be ambassadors of your brand? • Do you believe your goals are realistic? If you can’t answer YES to the above questions, it will be extremely hard to determine your correct course of action.
  • 17. 17 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. The most common GOAL for any business is revenue. After all, revenue is what keeps a business alive. If we’re being honest with ourselves, this is what matters most, at the end of the day. Right? 😊 This is the spreadsheet we use with our clients to set their sales goals. Begin with the projected revenue goals you want your business to achieve this year and the next two. Of course, there’s no guarantee you will hit these milestones, but if you write it down, you have targets. Nothing can be achieve based on hopes and wishes. Revenue goal-setting gives you a target. You use this to align your team, projects, campaigns, tactics, etc.
  • 18. 18 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. As a result, we can make sure that every marketing and sales initiative moving forward aligns with this revenue goal. You’ll use information from this to set targets and expectations for your organization.
  • 19. 19 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS (OR PERSONAS)
  • 20. 20 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. There are 4 main components to building your customer profile (or personas). They help in understanding your customers’ behavior, desires, aspirations, wants, to accurately identify your target profile. Occasionally, you can conduct customer surveys to ascertain this information. But don’t wait around for surveys, as they can take a long time to complete. It’s perfectly fine to make educated assumptions based on the customers you’re already serving. One of the best ways is to sit down with your clients and have conversations about their existing customers to uncover traits and behaviors. And if there’s unknown, fill them in with your best guess, for now. You can always come back to add more details. Do not overthink.
  • 21. 21 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. WHO ARE YOUR PROTENTIAL CUSTOMERS?
  • 22. 22 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Start with demographic information when building personas. Why? It brings your persona to life. They become real people. Information like age, gender, marital status, occupation, job title, income, location, etc. will influence how you craft your content. Additionally, when you define segments and target audiences in advertising platforms like Facebook, demographic information will be very useful… …In fact, this information serves as the cornerstone of many Facebook advertising campaigns for FMDM clients.
  • 23. 23 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. WHAT ARE YOUR CUSTOMER’S CHALLENGES & PAIN POINTS?
  • 24. 24 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Understanding what problems your audience needs help solving is invaluable to product development, content marketing, creative assets, and ultimately your ad messaging. Knowing your persona’s challenges helps you create a strategy that compels them to take action. To know what the challenges are, mean you also know what goals they want to accomplish. Ad copy that specifically addresses pain points and challenges then offering a solution to will get attention from your audience.
  • 25. 25 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Pro tip: Mass targeting is dead. If you’re spending money on reaching everyone with the same message, you need to pause and rethink your approach. Consumers are engaging with micro-moments and personalized messages. The brands that will win are the ones who take the time and invest in creating these moments for their customers.
  • 26. 26 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. WHY YOUR CUSTOMERS WON’T BUY FROM YOU?
  • 27. 27 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. It is equally important to know who your target audience is and what pain points they need help solving. But even more important is having an understanding about their objections and why they choose NOT to buy from you, and instead, spend their money somewhere else. Pro tip: Role in the purchasing process? Determine the role your persona plays in the purchasing process. Why? This will determine your marketing campaign and how you talk to your potential customers.
  • 28. 28 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. HOW DO THEY CONSUME INFORMATION?
  • 29. 29 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Do you know where your persona finds information, seek advice, read reviews, consume news, etc.? By knowing their information sources, you can begin to craft how you position your products / services to them in a meaningful way. You earn their attention and they look to you as an authority. We use this two-column spreadsheet to fill in the details for our personas. Understanding your ideal customers behavior, interest, pain points, challenges, and desires is pivotal to the success of your marketing and sales campaigns.
  • 30. 30 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Pro tip: Build many personas Start building one. But don’t stop there. Oh no siree. Because there’s different type of customers that your business will want to reach. You won’t get every type of person, but this exercise is for you to focus on the 20% of customers who will generate 80% of your revenue. You’ll end up creating multiple personas for representing different segments of your market. As a rule of thumb, 3 personas are a great start. As long as you are creating personas that represent the most lucrative segment in your market. Using Personas in Audience Development Where you can use your profile information: - Facebook Audience - Google Display Network (GDN) - Retargeting - Lookalike Audiences - Affinity / Interest-based Audiences - Email Segmentation - Ad Copy/Creative Assets/Messaging - And many more Pro tip: most of the time, campaigns don’t drive desired results because audiences are not matched with the right creative (ad copy, images, or video).
  • 31. 31 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Every platform can drive sales. Just because you’re not doesn’t mean it’s a bad platform. You’re just not reaching the right audience with your campaign.
  • 32. 32 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. HOW IS YOUR BRAND PERCEIVED?
  • 33. 33 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Building a brand for the long-term is the holy grail. You can’t just launch a website and hope that your business will blossom into a legitimate brand overnight. “Build it and they will come!” – get that cliché out of your mind right now. NOW! That’s total poppycock. More importantly, how is your brand perceived? In the past, now, and how do you want to be perceived in the future? This exercise uncovers information and provide actionable insights into how you can position your brand now and beyond. Use this simple template to complete your exercise.
  • 34. 34 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. The Past Include both happy and unhappy customers. You can probably find this from online reviews, customer emails, feedback, etc. The Present How do customers feel about your brand today? Do they like you, will they vouch for you? Or has nothing change or gotten worse from the past? The Future The insights from your audit should help you identify opportunities to improve and articulate what your brand aspire to be. Do you want to be known as the best, the most affordable, the highest quality, or the cheapest? Those are all things to consider so you can better position your brand message.
  • 35. 35 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. CRAFT YOUR MESSAGE
  • 36. 36 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Use this messaging framework to craft your communication for your brand – both internally and externally. We start with this simple quadrant. If you have multiple categories, then you can use place them in their respective quadrants. For example, we have a client that sells custom bicycles ranging between $4,000 to $15,000 or more. As you can imagine, their bicycles can be placed across multiple quadrants.
  • 37. 37 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Why is this important? You can craft precise and relevant messaging combining it with the personas you created when you identify your product(s) fit. Pro tip: whether you have one product or many, your message must convey an all- encompassing, unified brand voice. And how do you do that? By using the next template: the messaging architecture. The Messaging Architecture These are the 4 elements within your message architecture. Start by defining these for your brand. • Positioning – how are you positioning your brand in the marketplace, in your category, and the benefit you bring to the table. • Value Proposition – what value do you create for your customers so they can do [X] better. • Tagline – ours is “We Help Businesses Make More Money.” • Stories – talking points that reinforce your value proposition that’s unique to your brand.
  • 38. 38 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. ASSET AUDIT: WHAT DO YOU HAVE, OR NEED?
  • 39. 39 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Digital Asset Management (DAM) can be done with fancy software or a simple Google Sheets document. The idea behind the asset audit is to figure out what you have, what you need, and what needs to be revised. For example, your brand message from 8 years ago may no longer speak to your current audience. This audit will help you uncover those discrepancies so you can update your marketing assets. Another example, you have an asset that had high engagement previously. Through this exercise, you can find new ways to use it or base future creatives on it. There are many advantages for an asset audit, from keeping this organized and structured to ease of access and portability.
  • 40. 40 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Start by asking these questions: • What assets keep buyers in the marketing funnel? • What content is generating the most sales/leads? • What content is our sales team sharing with buyers? • What content is out of date? • What content has lost its relevance from our brand? • Which persona are we giving the most tailored content? By asking questions, you begin to uncover assets. Meaning, you start putting together their URLs, file locations, file titles, theme, etc. Once you compile all your assets, you can start evaluating. Are they still relevant, needs to be updated, or discarded? This is your opportunity to revise and refresh. There’s no room for “maybe,” – it’s time to clear the clutter.
  • 41. 41 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. These are common questions you can use to evaluate your assets. Value - Is the content aligned to your business objectives? Does it create value? YES/NO Clarity - Does the layout and message present the information clearly? Is it concise? YES/NO Information – Does your content evolve as your industry and company evolves? YES/NO Brand - Review the writing style for voice, tone, and relevance -- visual expression for style, colors, and fonts. YES/NO Utility - Are you getting the content in-front of the right audience? YES/NO If you answered “NO,” then spend time revisiting the asset and decide if you need to update or discard.
  • 42. 42 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Use this worksheet to note details for each section. Pro tip: do not overthink. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. You can always revise later. VALUE • ___________________ • ___________________ • ___________________ CLARITY • _____________________ • _____________________ • _____________________ UTILITY • ___________________ • ___________________ • ___________________ INFORMATION • _____________________ • _____________________ • _____________________ YOUR BRAND
  • 43. 43 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. TARGETING CUSTOMER MICRO- MOMENTS
  • 44. 44 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Customer micro-moments is an important mindset shift if you want your brand to stand out and increase its relevance with your audience. These are touchpoints in your customer’s journey as your marketing and sales campaign moves them from Top of the Funnel (ToFu), Middle of the Funnel (MoFu), to Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu). There are 5 moments that a customer typically journeys through in their purchase cycle: • Which Is The Best, • Is It Right, • Can I Afford, • Where to Buy, • Am I Getting a Deal? In fact, most customers don’t make a purchase immediately. The is rarely such a thing as a one-touch purchase, especially when your prospect is not familiar with your brand and value proposition.
  • 45. 45 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Your customers are researching on their smartphones as much as desktops. If you’re not there, someone else will. Let’s face it, shopping doesn’t happen in a vacuum. The marketplace is fragmented, distributed, and noisy. It complex. But that also mean huge opportunities for brands that put their brand in front of its audience across marketing channels and devices. Use this matrix to figure out if where your business is visible and come up with a strategy to fill in the GAPS. Mobile Desktop Tablet TV The best “moment” X GAPS GAPS GAPS Is it right for me? “moment” GAPS X GAPS X Can I afford it? “moment” X GAPS GAPS Where can I buy it? “moment” GAPS X X X Am I getting a deal? “moment” X GAPS GAPS GAPS
  • 46. 46 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. SCHEDULING: SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS
  • 47. 47 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Timing is everything when it comes to launching your marketing campaigns, distributing your content, and posting on your social media pages. While there’s no such thing as the “perfect time,” we implore businesses to focus on CONSISTENCY and QUALITY. Social Media Scheduling Tools Here’s a short list of tools that you can use to plan, schedule, and automatically post content to your social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. • • Hootsuite • Buffer • Monday • SproutSocial • CoSchedule • MeetEdgar
  • 48. 48 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Important Elements to Pay Attention To: Posts Intervals This is an example (using I use to schedule our posts for Facebook and Instagram. As you can see, most of the scheduled posts are consistently spread out across 3- 4-hour intervals. More importantly it is schedule for every day of the week.
  • 49. 49 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. “But Derek, my day is too busy to get this done.” Au contraire. The entire reason for social media tools like’s existence is to give you back time. You might have experienced spending too much time thinking of what to post on the spot. We’ve all been there. This approach will save you 3-4 hours of wasted time every week, without fail. For our agency, FMDM, I set 2 hours every Monday to work on scheduling posts for the following week. When you set the time aside to schedule your content (with whatever tool you choose): - You are focused - Prioritizing your Social Media - You GET IN THE FLOW - Actively researching - Brainstorming in real-time - In the mindset to get inspired - IN. THE. ZONE. - You do your best work Remember, the key here is QUALITY and CONSISTENCY... …Scheduling Tips and More:
  • 50. 50 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. When to set up your schedule – this is entirely up to you. I do my scheduling from 8am – 10am without any distraction. Content to post – Knowing what your audience is looking for and what you want to share is key here. Days to post - Every day! But each day of the week can be about a different idea. For example, the first post of the week can be a motivational quote. One of our clients started #thirstyThursdays when they share recipes for their spirits (gin). Another client promotes a #MorePower Tuesday when they post video content of customers revving their trucks after installing their diesel performance tuner. Intervals to post – to stay engaged, you do have to post frequently. A good interval is to post every 3 to 4 hours during the day. So, if your first post is scheduled at 8am, then your schedule is 8am, 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm. 4 posts per day on each of your social pages whether it’s Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter is a healthy amount of content distribution. Theme of post – Creating themes for your posts helps your followers understand your brand, message, and voice.
  • 51. 51 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Quality of post – this is tricky. Because there are some of the worse videos and images that have gone viral. So, to say you must capture the best lighting for your video or perfect angle for your images is inaccurate. Your post must focus on being relevant, engaging, and deserving of your audiences’ attention. Truth be told, this is easier said than done. Pro tip: What should you do? Make sure your images are consistent across your social pages. Your brand depends on it. Your brand must be recognizable. That doesn’t mean you have to be boring.
  • 52. 52 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Absolut Vodka is one of the brands that GETS IT… …They have hundreds, if not thousands of images of their bottles with unique designs – some silly, provocative, artistic, abstract, etc. But one thing remains. It is recognizably Absolut Vodka!
  • 53. 53 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Use Those #HashTags Common hashtags are overused and abused by every social marketer. Get creative with your hashtags. Going for the tags with millions of posts is challenging – your post will get buried in an instant. If you’re selling shoes, you could consider hashtags like #SundayStrolls #WorkoutWednesdays #WalkAMile – I made these up. But you get the idea. Hashtags are supposed to be fun and extend the distribution and discovery of your content. Have fun with it!
  • 54. 54 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. CONTENT MARKETING IDEAS
  • 55. 55 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Still the most powerful digital marketing strategies, content marketing can drive brand awareness, website traffic, and increase sales and leads. Here are top 12 high-performing types of content marketing… …for businesses of all sizes and industries. Let’s check them out. 1. Blogs 2. Videos 3. Case Studies 4. Checklists 5. Podcasts 6. White Papers 7. Interviews 8. Social Posts (Images, Gifs, Memes, etc) 9. Slideshows 10. Questionnaires and Quizzes 11. Webinars 12. eBooks
  • 56. 56 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. YOUR DIGITAL ADVERTISING STRATEGY
  • 57. 57 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. The 6 elements of a high performing campaign Every successful campaign, and by that, I mean campaigns that generate a better than average ROI, is made up of these 6 key elements. 1. Solid ad copy written to get the click 2. Design or creative that is visually aligned with what you are selling 3. Offer that is so enticing; you’d be crazy to miss 4. Targeting the best audience who are ready to buy 5. Video that tells a good story to move audience from cold -> warm -> hot 6. Landing page that integrates all the elements together to provide a seamless excellent customer experience Pro tip: landing page does not necessarily mean one of those “funnel” pages. It can be your product page or your category pages. A “landing page” is simply the page on your website you are sending traffic to. Making sure it’s aligned with all the other elements above will get you a much higher conversion rate.
  • 58. 58 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Pro tip: Pay very close attention to your temperature of your website traffic. It’s a straightforward concept; you have 3 types of website traffic – just like any sales process. You have audiences that fall into these three areas: Cold, Warm, Hot COLD WARM HOT
  • 59. 59 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Each “temperature level” coincides with its respective customer journey experience. Customer Journey Audience Temperature Awareness Cold Interest Cold-Warm Consideration Warm Intent Warm-Hot Evaluation Hot Purchase SUPER HOT Targeting your audience’s temperature is all about matching the right message to the right assets in your arsenal.
  • 60. 60 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Cold Traffic – is used to introduce your brand to your audience. Content that is effectively used to build trust and credibility to drive authority usually manifest in the form of free content: • Blog posts • Social media • Videos • Podcasts • Lead magnets • Quizzes • White papers • YouTube ads • Infographics Pro tip: Focus on entertaining, inspiring, and educating. Warm Traffic – the audience who are acquainted with your brand. There’s no relationship established, but there is connection. You can continue to nurture and increase their temperature! Here are content ideas: • Lead magnets • Quizzes or surveys • Webinars • Free Software Trials • Introductory offers • Branding videos • eBooks
  • 61. 61 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Hot Traffic – these are your buyers, your most valuable traffic. They have either purchased before, added to cart, or teetering on the fence to buy from you. The offers can include: • eCommerce purchase • Software sign up • Paid services • Event registration • High-ticket sales Remember the personas you created earlier on in this blueprint? Using the personas, you developed with your team, create your ad copy, match your creative assets, and mapping it to the temperature for each persona. The success of your ad campaign is a culmination of every aspect of your audience, ad copy, creative, and targeting. But don’t drive yourself crazy if you don’t hit a homerun right away…it takes testing, iterations, and consistent testing to drive results you deserve.
  • 62. 62 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Ad Creation Framework If you create targeted messages for the customer funnel stages, then you’ll need to write 12 sets of ads for each persona. With 3 personas, you will have to create up to 36 ads. You will end up with a marketing matrix like this for each campaign as you target your personas with their relevant ad messages: COLD WARM HOT Awareness Interest Consideration Intent Evaluation Purchase 2 5 7 10 12 8 1 4 3 9 11 6
  • 63. 63 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Ad copy (includes text, headline, ad type, description) We favor this approach to creating ad copy because it forces the focus on your audience’s cycle, instead of just the offer. Your message must align with the stages of where your prospects are. With this approach, your odds of getting a good return on your ad spend are incrementally higher. Let’s say you’ve created your offer or hook for each persona. You can be even more tactical by tailoring ad copy to your audience’s precise funnel touchpoint. Using the same ad copy for a persona across is madness. Why? Because that person will react differently depending if they are cold, warm, or hot – relative to their step in the funnel. “But Derek, this creates so much more work for my team.” You are 100% right. The days of reaching a mass audience with a few offer ad copies are over... …to win, you must be prepared to put in the time to create micro-targeted ads for every person(s) – ad copy that speaks to your audience in their respective stages about the offer. Pro tip: Don’t freak out if your cold audience does not convert. You need to change your mindset if that’s what you are hoping for. Cold audiences are people whom you have yet to win over.
  • 64. 64 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. BONUS!!! BONUS!!! BONUS!!!
  • 65. 65 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Bonus 1: Key Launch Worksheet This is a simple worksheet that you and your team can use to brainstorm ideas into the Pre, Launch, and Post phases of your campaign. Often, things get overcomplicated for no reason. We have used this template with many of our clients and have enabled us to get things done quicker and spend more time on the execution. Phase 0: Pre-Launch Phase 1: Launch Phase 2: Support Entry Modal Giveaway In-Store Events (1) Email Reviews Campaign Sampling & Free Gifts Social Media YouTube & Insta Ads (teasers) Email Series YouTube, Insta, Search Ads Early Access (.com) Social Media + Live Videos Delayed launch on Amazon (2-week) YouTube, Insta, Search Ads Exclusive bundles on .com Blog + Get-the-Look Tutorials Charity Campaign (TBD) Influencer Party Get-the-Look UGC campaign Limited-Edition Collection Giveaway .com-Exclusive (+ bundles)
  • 66. 66 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Bonus 2: Use the framework to influence brand strategy No where in the framework does it say SELL, RUN PROMOTION, OFFER DISCOUNT, or SALE. Are you creating a movement? What is the story you can tell? Does your story around the movement deserve attention? Think how your brand can encapsulate these elements during your brainstorming sessions. Trust me, it’ll reveal insights you may not have been aware of! Create a Movement Tell a Story Earn the Attention
  • 67. 67 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. Bonus 3: Marketing Checklist for Small Businesses In order to compete online, let’s look at an example checklist for small businesses:
  • 68. 68 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. WORKSHEETS: DOWNLOAD THE EXCEL DOCUMENT
  • 69. 69 Would you like to see what we do for clients? Chat with our team to learn what types of internet marketing we offer and how we can help you with your SEM, Google PPC, and Social Marketing. e: tel: (818) 646-7007 Enjoyed this? Make a phone call or schedule a call with us on your own time to see how we can help you. Chat with our team to see how we can help your business uncover new audiences and make you more money.