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Changing the World from the Inside Out: Engaging employees via Corporate Citizenship   Interbrand | Pg. a

  I’ll Be
  Your Mirror
 Reflecting and connecting
 with your audience
Interbrand | Pg. 1

I’ll Be Your Mirror
Reflecting and connecting with your audience

by Nora Geiss

People like to see themselves reflected in the                        “I use this channel to...”
world around them.

It’s why we choose friends who share our
sense of fun. It’s why we seek careers that
feed our interests, and align ourselves with
causes that represent our values. We want           Keep up with friends                           See, try & buy
to feel connected to the world.                         and family
This desire for connection is no less
powerful when it comes to brands. The
brands we choose – especially those we           Engage special
keep coming back to, that we talk about in         interests                                          Give expert advice
professional circles, and that we recommend
to our friends and family – resonate in an
important way with who we are and what
we hold dear.                                    Scope out                                                 Get on-the-spot tips

Brand personality ... is arguably
becoming the most important                                                                                Navigate the
brand element                                        Build a public                                     shopping experience
From “I want” to “I am” 		
Of course this need to make an internal
                                                                                                        Linked in
                                                                                                    Connect to opportunities
association with the values of your audience
is a fundamental tenet of branding. But               Search local businesses
in recent years, in large part due to the
expansion of the internet, the explosion of                                                   Catalogue creativity
mobile apps, and the broad impact social
media has had on the relationship between
brands and their audiences, the value of
developing internal association with the
audience has grown. As opportunities for
dynamic dialogue between business and
consumer have multiplied exponentially,
I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience				                       	                                      Interbrand | Pg. 2

The organizations that are reaching people
are responding to a subtle but powerful shift
in people’s decision making: from “I want”
to “I am.”

organizations are pushing to find ways            individual channels, but about in what way       And yet, while the creation of a successful
to engage and elevate their associative           they intersect, and the relative value each      brand personality is a huge challenge for
value. Brands that get it right go beyond         channel adds to the overarching experience       any brand, it is arguably becoming the
appealing to material needs; they transcend       we want to craft for our audience.               most important brand element. It is what
the superficial back-and-forth to engage                                                           unifies expression, enables cross-channel
with audiences not just around what               To understand the greater                        engagement, and ultimately sparks the
people seek in a material sense, but on a         narrative of your target                         association of “I am.”
deeper and more personal level. Simply            audience, context is the key                     So how do you ensure you are making
put, individuals are now more empowered
                                                  Building a connection to the “I am” mentality    the most of your investment, and seizing
in the marketplace. And the organizations
                                                  is necessary to keep brands relevant,            the opportunities?
that are reaching people are responding to a
subtle but powerful shift in people’s decision    valuable, and alive in an age of dynamic         Finding the right narrative thread in
making: from “I want” to “I am.” The “I am”       media. It opens up significant opportunities     the noise of the net
mentality means that decision making isn’t        to align closely with passionate people who      “To be successful,” Alex Bogusky and
just about purchase anymore. It’s also about      will engage, co-create for greater value,        John Winsor write in their book Baked In,
the choices individuals make to incorporate       and spread your brand message with the           “a brand’s story must connect with a larger
a brand into their online profiles, as a way to   influence of peer-to-peer authenticity.          conversation that’s happening in the
bring more personal depth and dimension           But building that connection also                culture.” They rightly point out that people
to their public personas. It’s about the fact     demands – more than ever – that branding         connect best with brands that communicate
that which brands you follow on Twitter           professionals know “who” their brand is, so      through storytelling – people relate to a
says as much about you as who follows you.        they can more credibly flex its personality      story that specifically resonates with the
It’s about the decision individuals make to       across multiple touchpoints. This represents     human experience, and is relevant to the
include certain brands in happy-hour small        a significant investment and requires a          way people touch the brand. The trick is
talk – to drive home a point, or to show off a    willingness to embrace complexity.               tapping into the cultural narrative of the
particular sense of personal style. It’s about    Developing and expressing brand                  audience you want to reach in order to tell
the choice individuals make to drive the          personality is undeniably an art form, and       the right story. The complexity of the media
extra three miles from one store to another,      can be the most difficult part of brand          landscape can make this difficult for brand
because the first “doesn’t have my brand.”        development, for a variety of reasons. First,    managers and communicators. It raises
                                                  it can be challenging to demonstrate its         questions like “What behaviors should I look
Clearly, the rise of the “I am” mentality
                                                  value to corporate leadership, yet it can’t be   at?” “What conversations should I listen to?”
complicates the media landscape that
                                                  executed without understanding, buy-in,          “What metrics should I measure?”
brands navigate today. It requires branding
professionals to know a lot more about how        and allocation of resources. Second, the         In truth, it takes a holistic view to connect
their audience makes associations, where          development of a brand personality requires      the dots between a back-and-forth
they are making these associations, and           strong internal engagement, but internal         Twitter conversation, a spike in traffic to
why. It requires that we think not just about     culture is the hardest thing to change.
I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience				                    	                                     Interbrand | Pg. 3

Reflecting the needs and desires of the
audience does not mean falsely inhabiting
their lingo and shrugging into their trendy
dress code.

your website, and someone cashing in a          Unlike just another analytics tool, Brand       The focus is on quality, not just quantity,
Foursquare deal on-site. To understand the      Playback is a holistic solution – a way of      here. While it’s important to know how
greater narrative of your target audience,      looking at and understanding the profound       much volume of functional conversation
context is the key: grasping not only what      conversations and behaviors of a brand’s        you might have to balance with emotional
people are talking about, but why; knowing      audience, and using a consultative analysis     messaging, don’t assume that you can only
not only where people are coming from, but      to shape how the brand can respond to           tap into the functional to be successful – a
where they’re going; seeing the contrast        deliver greater value.                          mistake many brands make. Conversation
between what people like, and what                                                              around the Quaker brand may be relatively
                                                Brand Playback helps you to...
they dislike.                                                                                   low in comparison to competitors, but the
                                                Listen				                                      conversation almost always circles around
In other words, seeing the forest and
                                                Conversation tells us what topics have          quality-driven attributes such as “delicious,”
the trees.
                                                momentum – what captures attention,             “healthy,” and “life-saving convenience.” That’s
Interbrand’s approach to this conundrum is      what captures the imagination; what             powerful stuff. Quantity can be addressed,
called Brand Playback. Brand Playback offers    we want to share and what we want our           but quality is much harder to achieve and
a way to find out what interests and engages    community to react to. To find the true         deserves more attention.
your audience, and enables brands to craft      thread of conversation, you have to look
messages and platforms that “play it back” to   at what people are saying across channels,
                                                                                                Behavior shows us how key themes of
them, putting your audience at the center of    wherever genuine, candid conversation
                                                                                                conversations take root to motivate
the experience you create. More specifically,   can be had: social networks like Facebook,
                                                                                                engagement, and how the narrative plays
it allows brands to:                            social microblogs like Twitter, across the
                                                                                                out in our everyday actions. This is where
                                                blogosphere, in forums, and chat rooms.
•	   Listen to the high-level themes of                                                         the spark of association can be seen,
     conversation to find out what an           When it comes to these channels, context        indicating potential for building a long-term-
     audience connects to emotionally           is the key to finding the right themes.         value relationship.
     and functionally.                          For example, listening for conversation
                                                                                                For brands, this means it is important to
                                                about “breakfast” reveals a strong theme
•	   Look at the behaviors that show what                                                       reward associative behaviors to show that
                                                around the emotional value of “quality
     motivates people to engage and                                                             you are paying attention and willing to
                                                time.” A search for “General Mills” and
     build association.                                                                         engage. One brand that does this well is
                                                “breakfast” reveals lots of talk among moms
                                                                                                VitaminWater, which makes a tremendous
•	   Take action to seize the right             sharing cereal coupons and money-saving
                                                                                                effort to engage its audience in the creation
     opportunities – and consistently           strategies. By listening for how people talk
                                                                                                of every part of its products, as evidenced by
     measure your actions against audience      about your brand in the context of how your
                                                                                                its co-creation of the Connect flavor with its
     reactions, so you can optimize your        product actually fits within their lives, you
                                                                                                Facebook fans. The flavor, the name, and the
     connection to them over time.              can learn what people really care about,
                                                                                                design were all up for grabs – and the design
                                                and find the right balance of emotional and
                                                functional messages to deliver at which key
                                                points along the customer journey.
I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience				                        	     Interbrand | Pg. 4

was rewarded with a US $5,000 prize. This        your audience spends time? Are you there
indicates a significant amount of trust and      to help them when it comes to making
commitment between brand and audience,           decisions related to your product category?
and builds a quality experience that goes
                                                 Keep in mind that it’s not always all about
beyond just a product.
                                                 you. IBM made a smart move by taking
Think about the associative behaviors you        “Smarter Planet” to Tumblr and using
want to encourage when it comes to your          the community blog platform to curate
brand – is it a Facebook “Like” that grants      conversations about the people, technology,
your brand badge status on an individual’s       processes, and policies that make for a
page? Is it a Foursquare check-in that           Smarter Planet. It recognized that its
broadcasts an individual’s association with      current audience, such as engineers, already
your brand to their personal network? Is it      had a strong reason to spend time with IBM
a comment on your blog that builds value         in its forums, but reaching new thought-
for your community through collective            leaders on the subject required it to branch
thought leadership? How do these behaviors       out beyond its own website.
resonate with the core idea of your brand?
                                                 Mom said it best
By creating meaningful ways to reward
                                                 “Always be yourself.” Go ahead: Indulge in
these behaviors, you begin to participate in a
                                                 that eye-roll. But it can’t be said enough
natural dialogue with shared value.
                                                 that knowing what it means to “be yourself ”
Take Action	        	                            as a brand is critical to success in the age of
Opportunities become clear when we see           dynamic dialogue. Going through a robust
alignment between genuine conversations          process like this can be an uncomfortable
and behaviors happening among the people         process of self-discovery – it’s extremely
we want to reach and the core values and         revealing of a brand’s strengths and
attributes we want to stand for. When you        weaknesses; it shows us where we meet
know what your audience cares about,             expectations, but it also calls out where we
where they spend their time, and how they        fail. It can inspire a very real temptation to
demonstrate association, you can step back       try to address the most immediate noise, or
and examine what defines your brand at its       to conform to the demands of our loudest
core. You can also figure out how to bridge      audience. However, reflecting the needs
the gap between what your audience talks         and desires of the audience does not mean
about and where you naturally intersect          falsely inhabiting their lingo and shrugging
with that conversation.                          into their trendy dress code. It means
                                                 that we hear and understand what people
Look at your brand messages. Do they
                                                 want – and find the most authentic way to
speak to the interests your audience voices
                                                 connect with them through our own way
in their online conversation? Listen to your
                                                 of being.
brand voice. Does it use the language that
fits with how your audience speaks? Do you       So listen, observe, and find the
sound like one of them? Review your brand        opportunities to build a deeper connection
touchpoints. Do you have a presence where        with your audience – in the ways that truly
                                                 reflect the essence of your brand. ■
Starbucks: Reconnecting with its
core audience to regain its footing
Starbucks, despite the difficult self
rediscovery work it has undertaken over the
past couple of years, is a shining example
of getting it right. The very fact that it
recognized the need to do this shows that
it was listening; and the actions it took
to correct for what it heard has paid off
in a customer base even more fiercely
loyal, more engaged, and more personally
connected to the brand than ever before.

Its success hits on every point of the
key steps outlined above. Listening to
conversation around Starbucks today shows
that its increased focus on customization
and personalization is paying off in genuine
positive traction for the brand.

                                               And by listening, observing, and taking
                                               action to transform the brand around the
                                               needs and desires of its audience, Starbucks
                                               has rebounded from a disconnect with its
                                               core audience —compounded by a difficult
                                               recession — to regain its footing and
                                               maintain its premium price point.

                                               Most importantly, individual association to
The platforms Starbucks created engage         Starbucks is among the highest a brand can
people where they want to be heard             achieve, holding strong as the brand with
and deliver on that engagement with a          the most Facebook fans in the world.
meaningful response. Overall, by listening,
                                               That goes to show what you can achieve –
observing, and taking action to transform
                                               and overcome – when you focus on building
the brand around the needs and desires of
                                               your brand with the people you serve at the
its audience, Starbucks has
                                               center of the experience.
created engage people where they want to
be heard and deliver on that engagement
with a meaningful response.
Nora Geiss

Nora Geiss is a creative strategist, digital
specialist, innovator, and super nerd. She
was born with a passion for logic and
language, and leverages a background in
public relations, marketing and creative
writing to develop distinct verbal assets
for brands across a variety of categories.
She is a certified ideation facilitator, and
develops creative techniques that make
the most of both client and internal
brainstorming sessions.

As an associate director for Interbrand's
Verbal Identity department, she has created
brand strategies, names, messaging, brand
voice, and engagement strategies for great
brands across a broad range of industries,
including AT&T, Feeding America, NCR,
Frito-Lay, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
She is the co-founder and head of the Brand
Playback practice, helping brands close the
gap between what their audience wants
and what they deliver.

                                               Creating and managing                                            brand value

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Interbrand Brand Playback

  • 1. Changing the World from the Inside Out: Engaging employees via Corporate Citizenship Interbrand | Pg. a I’ll Be Your Mirror Reflecting and connecting with your audience
  • 2.
  • 3. Interbrand | Pg. 1 I’ll Be Your Mirror Reflecting and connecting with your audience by Nora Geiss People like to see themselves reflected in the “I use this channel to...” world around them. It’s why we choose friends who share our sense of fun. It’s why we seek careers that feed our interests, and align ourselves with causes that represent our values. We want Keep up with friends See, try & buy to feel connected to the world. and family This desire for connection is no less powerful when it comes to brands. The brands we choose – especially those we Engage special keep coming back to, that we talk about in interests Give expert advice professional circles, and that we recommend to our friends and family – resonate in an important way with who we are and what we hold dear. Scope out Get on-the-spot tips Brand personality ... is arguably becoming the most important Navigate the brand element Build a public shopping experience persona From “I want” to “I am” Of course this need to make an internal Linked in Connect to opportunities association with the values of your audience is a fundamental tenet of branding. But Search local businesses in recent years, in large part due to the expansion of the internet, the explosion of Catalogue creativity mobile apps, and the broad impact social media has had on the relationship between brands and their audiences, the value of developing internal association with the audience has grown. As opportunities for dynamic dialogue between business and consumer have multiplied exponentially,
  • 4. I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience Interbrand | Pg. 2 The organizations that are reaching people are responding to a subtle but powerful shift in people’s decision making: from “I want” to “I am.” organizations are pushing to find ways individual channels, but about in what way And yet, while the creation of a successful to engage and elevate their associative they intersect, and the relative value each brand personality is a huge challenge for value. Brands that get it right go beyond channel adds to the overarching experience any brand, it is arguably becoming the appealing to material needs; they transcend we want to craft for our audience. most important brand element. It is what the superficial back-and-forth to engage unifies expression, enables cross-channel with audiences not just around what To understand the greater engagement, and ultimately sparks the people seek in a material sense, but on a narrative of your target association of “I am.” deeper and more personal level. Simply audience, context is the key So how do you ensure you are making put, individuals are now more empowered Building a connection to the “I am” mentality the most of your investment, and seizing in the marketplace. And the organizations is necessary to keep brands relevant, the opportunities? that are reaching people are responding to a subtle but powerful shift in people’s decision valuable, and alive in an age of dynamic Finding the right narrative thread in making: from “I want” to “I am.” The “I am” media. It opens up significant opportunities the noise of the net mentality means that decision making isn’t to align closely with passionate people who “To be successful,” Alex Bogusky and just about purchase anymore. It’s also about will engage, co-create for greater value, John Winsor write in their book Baked In, the choices individuals make to incorporate and spread your brand message with the “a brand’s story must connect with a larger a brand into their online profiles, as a way to influence of peer-to-peer authenticity. conversation that’s happening in the bring more personal depth and dimension But building that connection also culture.” They rightly point out that people to their public personas. It’s about the fact demands – more than ever – that branding connect best with brands that communicate that which brands you follow on Twitter professionals know “who” their brand is, so through storytelling – people relate to a says as much about you as who follows you. they can more credibly flex its personality story that specifically resonates with the It’s about the decision individuals make to across multiple touchpoints. This represents human experience, and is relevant to the include certain brands in happy-hour small a significant investment and requires a way people touch the brand. The trick is talk – to drive home a point, or to show off a willingness to embrace complexity. tapping into the cultural narrative of the particular sense of personal style. It’s about Developing and expressing brand audience you want to reach in order to tell the choice individuals make to drive the personality is undeniably an art form, and the right story. The complexity of the media extra three miles from one store to another, can be the most difficult part of brand landscape can make this difficult for brand because the first “doesn’t have my brand.” development, for a variety of reasons. First, managers and communicators. It raises it can be challenging to demonstrate its questions like “What behaviors should I look Clearly, the rise of the “I am” mentality value to corporate leadership, yet it can’t be at?” “What conversations should I listen to?” complicates the media landscape that executed without understanding, buy-in, “What metrics should I measure?” brands navigate today. It requires branding professionals to know a lot more about how and allocation of resources. Second, the In truth, it takes a holistic view to connect their audience makes associations, where development of a brand personality requires the dots between a back-and-forth they are making these associations, and strong internal engagement, but internal Twitter conversation, a spike in traffic to why. It requires that we think not just about culture is the hardest thing to change.
  • 5. I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience Interbrand | Pg. 3 Reflecting the needs and desires of the audience does not mean falsely inhabiting their lingo and shrugging into their trendy dress code. your website, and someone cashing in a Unlike just another analytics tool, Brand The focus is on quality, not just quantity, Foursquare deal on-site. To understand the Playback is a holistic solution – a way of here. While it’s important to know how greater narrative of your target audience, looking at and understanding the profound much volume of functional conversation context is the key: grasping not only what conversations and behaviors of a brand’s you might have to balance with emotional people are talking about, but why; knowing audience, and using a consultative analysis messaging, don’t assume that you can only not only where people are coming from, but to shape how the brand can respond to tap into the functional to be successful – a where they’re going; seeing the contrast deliver greater value. mistake many brands make. Conversation between what people like, and what around the Quaker brand may be relatively Brand Playback helps you to... they dislike. low in comparison to competitors, but the Listen conversation almost always circles around In other words, seeing the forest and Conversation tells us what topics have quality-driven attributes such as “delicious,” the trees. momentum – what captures attention, “healthy,” and “life-saving convenience.” That’s Interbrand’s approach to this conundrum is what captures the imagination; what powerful stuff. Quantity can be addressed, called Brand Playback. Brand Playback offers we want to share and what we want our but quality is much harder to achieve and a way to find out what interests and engages community to react to. To find the true deserves more attention. your audience, and enables brands to craft thread of conversation, you have to look Look messages and platforms that “play it back” to at what people are saying across channels, Behavior shows us how key themes of them, putting your audience at the center of wherever genuine, candid conversation conversations take root to motivate the experience you create. More specifically, can be had: social networks like Facebook, engagement, and how the narrative plays it allows brands to: social microblogs like Twitter, across the out in our everyday actions. This is where blogosphere, in forums, and chat rooms. • Listen to the high-level themes of the spark of association can be seen, conversation to find out what an When it comes to these channels, context indicating potential for building a long-term- audience connects to emotionally is the key to finding the right themes. value relationship. and functionally. For example, listening for conversation For brands, this means it is important to about “breakfast” reveals a strong theme • Look at the behaviors that show what reward associative behaviors to show that around the emotional value of “quality motivates people to engage and you are paying attention and willing to time.” A search for “General Mills” and build association. engage. One brand that does this well is “breakfast” reveals lots of talk among moms VitaminWater, which makes a tremendous • Take action to seize the right sharing cereal coupons and money-saving effort to engage its audience in the creation opportunities – and consistently strategies. By listening for how people talk of every part of its products, as evidenced by measure your actions against audience about your brand in the context of how your its co-creation of the Connect flavor with its reactions, so you can optimize your product actually fits within their lives, you Facebook fans. The flavor, the name, and the connection to them over time. can learn what people really care about, design were all up for grabs – and the design and find the right balance of emotional and functional messages to deliver at which key points along the customer journey.
  • 6. I’ll Be Your Mirror: Reflecting and connecting with your audience Interbrand | Pg. 4 was rewarded with a US $5,000 prize. This your audience spends time? Are you there indicates a significant amount of trust and to help them when it comes to making commitment between brand and audience, decisions related to your product category? and builds a quality experience that goes Keep in mind that it’s not always all about beyond just a product. you. IBM made a smart move by taking Think about the associative behaviors you “Smarter Planet” to Tumblr and using want to encourage when it comes to your the community blog platform to curate brand – is it a Facebook “Like” that grants conversations about the people, technology, your brand badge status on an individual’s processes, and policies that make for a page? Is it a Foursquare check-in that Smarter Planet. It recognized that its broadcasts an individual’s association with current audience, such as engineers, already your brand to their personal network? Is it had a strong reason to spend time with IBM a comment on your blog that builds value in its forums, but reaching new thought- for your community through collective leaders on the subject required it to branch thought leadership? How do these behaviors out beyond its own website. resonate with the core idea of your brand? Mom said it best By creating meaningful ways to reward “Always be yourself.” Go ahead: Indulge in these behaviors, you begin to participate in a that eye-roll. But it can’t be said enough natural dialogue with shared value. that knowing what it means to “be yourself ” Take Action as a brand is critical to success in the age of Opportunities become clear when we see dynamic dialogue. Going through a robust alignment between genuine conversations process like this can be an uncomfortable and behaviors happening among the people process of self-discovery – it’s extremely we want to reach and the core values and revealing of a brand’s strengths and attributes we want to stand for. When you weaknesses; it shows us where we meet know what your audience cares about, expectations, but it also calls out where we where they spend their time, and how they fail. It can inspire a very real temptation to demonstrate association, you can step back try to address the most immediate noise, or and examine what defines your brand at its to conform to the demands of our loudest core. You can also figure out how to bridge audience. However, reflecting the needs the gap between what your audience talks and desires of the audience does not mean about and where you naturally intersect falsely inhabiting their lingo and shrugging with that conversation. into their trendy dress code. It means that we hear and understand what people Look at your brand messages. Do they want – and find the most authentic way to speak to the interests your audience voices connect with them through our own way in their online conversation? Listen to your of being. brand voice. Does it use the language that fits with how your audience speaks? Do you So listen, observe, and find the sound like one of them? Review your brand opportunities to build a deeper connection touchpoints. Do you have a presence where with your audience – in the ways that truly reflect the essence of your brand. ■
  • 7. Starbucks: Reconnecting with its core audience to regain its footing Starbucks, despite the difficult self rediscovery work it has undertaken over the past couple of years, is a shining example of getting it right. The very fact that it recognized the need to do this shows that it was listening; and the actions it took to correct for what it heard has paid off in a customer base even more fiercely loyal, more engaged, and more personally connected to the brand than ever before. Its success hits on every point of the key steps outlined above. Listening to conversation around Starbucks today shows that its increased focus on customization and personalization is paying off in genuine positive traction for the brand. And by listening, observing, and taking action to transform the brand around the needs and desires of its audience, Starbucks has rebounded from a disconnect with its core audience —compounded by a difficult recession — to regain its footing and maintain its premium price point. Most importantly, individual association to The platforms Starbucks created engage Starbucks is among the highest a brand can people where they want to be heard achieve, holding strong as the brand with and deliver on that engagement with a the most Facebook fans in the world. meaningful response. Overall, by listening, That goes to show what you can achieve – observing, and taking action to transform and overcome – when you focus on building the brand around the needs and desires of your brand with the people you serve at the its audience, Starbucks has center of the experience. created engage people where they want to be heard and deliver on that engagement with a meaningful response.
  • 8. Nora Geiss Nora Geiss is a creative strategist, digital specialist, innovator, and super nerd. She was born with a passion for logic and language, and leverages a background in public relations, marketing and creative writing to develop distinct verbal assets for brands across a variety of categories. She is a certified ideation facilitator, and develops creative techniques that make the most of both client and internal brainstorming sessions. As an associate director for Interbrand's Verbal Identity department, she has created brand strategies, names, messaging, brand voice, and engagement strategies for great brands across a broad range of industries, including AT&T, Feeding America, NCR, Frito-Lay, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. She is the co-founder and head of the Brand Playback practice, helping brands close the gap between what their audience wants and what they deliver. Creating and managing brand value TM