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G lobal T esting Retreat
Empowering DevTestOps with AI
Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality
Siddhant Wadhwani
SDET Manager - Newfold Digital
Global Testing Retreat
2, 3 & 8, 9 December 2023
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
About Me:
★ 8.5 years of professional work experience
★ Manage a team of SDETs across 12+ projects
★ Keynote Speaker at numerous Tech Conferences
★ BrowserStack Champion & Mumbai Chapter Lead
★ Mentor for Gen AI & Personal Branding @AgilityToday
★ Certified: MCPS, MCSD, MCSA, MS, Veracode, ISTQB
★ Avid Traveler, Tech Enthusiast, Passionate Foodie
★ Blogger, WordCamp Speaker, Podcaster, Vodcaster
★ Open Source Contributor (WordPress), Top Voice
Siddhant Wadhwani
SDET Manager - Newfold Digital
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
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“The TechGeek’s Chronicles”
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
1. Unlocking Agility with DevTestOps
2. Streamlining CI/CD Processes with Automation
3. Proven Approaches & Practical Cases
4. Debunking DevTestOps Myths & Misconceptions
5. Transforming Testing with GPT-4, Gemini & AI
6. The Future Roadmap - 2024 & Beyond
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Image Credits: Pinterest
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Image Credits: Dan Ashby
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Importance of Testing in DevOps
Image Credits: Dan Ashby
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Image Credits: Nagarro 1, Nagarro 2
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
How does it work?
1. Implementing bug-free policies ensures bugs raised on production
must be evaluated & closed in minimal possible duration
2. To build a successful CD pipeline, reduce the cost, time & risk of
delivering software changes (enable incremental updates)
3. Include more quality control steps in the pipeline process
4. Use test-first approaches like TDD, ATTD, BDD, etc. or run
automation scripts to test out the new features
5. Store & reuse the suite of automation scripts for future - used to
assure stakeholders that testing is thorough and adequate
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
Image Credits: testsigma
DevTestOps Manifesto
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
Role of CI/CD in DevTestOps
1. Automate the Test Cycle by getting all possible critical tests automated
2. Work with the Development team to set up automated unit tests (add Quality
Gates) as criteria to promote builds from Dev to Test environments
3. Set up automated build & deploy processes
4. Define and automate the hand-offs between the Development and Test teams
5. Create test environment profiles in preparation for automated env.
6. Leverage Cloud or Virtual Clusters to set up testing environments on demand
7. Integrate the automated testing capability with the development team’s
continuous integration capability to establish Continuous Testing
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
Just because you can
Automate doesn’t imply
that you should be
automating it.
In fact, automating the
wrong things can trigger
a ripple effect of damage!
“Automation may be a
good thing, but don’t forget
that it began with
- Anonymous
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Automation Strategies for DevOps
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Best Practices - Dev‘X’Ops
Automate as much of the
testing process as possible
Write test cases that cover
all aspects of the software
Incorporate testing early
in the software development
Write secure code
Test for vulnerabilities
Manage infrastructure
Respond quickly to
security incidents
Automate as much of the
software delivery process
Use tools that are easy to
use and integrate with
Monitor & analyze the
performance of software
and infrastructure
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Real-World Examples
“Operate what you build”
teams working in silos
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
DevTestOps - The Myths
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
Revolutionizing Testing
GPT-4, Gemini &
other AI experiments
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
The Evolution of Software Testing
Image Credits: geeksforgeeks
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Image Credits: amplework
GPT-4, Gemini & AI for DevTestOps
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Top 10
Potential Use Cases
of Generative AI
in Software Testing
& Automation
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Automated Test Case Generation
● Use Gen AI such as Open AI’s GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4 or Bard
to interpret high-level requirements & generate detailed test cases
● Implementation involves training the model on historical test case
data and adapting it to project-specific contexts
● Benefits: Time Efficiency, Comprehensive Test Coverage
● Challenges: Quality Assurance, Data Dependency
● Recommended Tools:, Functionize
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Intelligent Test Data Generation
● Utilize AI algorithms to analyze application data requirements and
generate realistic and diverse test data
● Implementation involves creating models that understand data
relationships and patterns
● Benefits: Data Diversity, Time Saving
● Challenges: Complex Data Structures, Sensitive Data
● Recommended Tools: Tricentis Tosca, GenRocket
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
AI-Enhanced Test Scripting
● Integrate AI models into the development environment to suggest
code snippets and improvements during test script creation
● Implementation involves training models on existing test scripts
and patterns
● Benefits: Code Quality, Efficiency
● Challenges: Over-Reliance, Model Accuracy
● Recommended Tools: Kite, TabNine
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Automated Bug Detection
● Implement AI-based bug detection tools that analyze code
changes and identify potential issues before deployment
● Involves integrating bug detection tools into the CI/CD pipeline
and training them on historical bug data
● Benefits: Early Detection, Improved Code Quality
● Challenges: False Positives, Customization
● Recommended Tools: DeepCode, CodeAI
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Predictive Test Execution Optimization
● Use AI models to predict critical areas of the codebase and
optimize test execution based on historical performance data
● Involves integrating predictive analysis into the test execution
● Benefits: Time & Resource Savings, Performance Improvements
● Challenges: Dynamic Code Changes, Model Accuracy
● Recommended Tools: AppliTools,
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
AI-Driven Performance Testing
● Employ AI tools to analyze application performance, identify
bottlenecks, and optimize system scalability
● Involves using AI for load testing, resource monitoring, and
performance analysis
● Benefits: Scalability, Efficiency
● Challenges: Complex Environments, Resource Intensity
● Recommended Tools: BlazeMeter, LoadRunner
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Automated Test Result Analysis
● Use Gen AI to analyze and interpret test results, providing insights
into testing outcomes
● Involves training models to recognize patterns and trends in test
● Benefits: Data-Driven Insights, Quick Identification
● Challenges: Interpretability, Data Quality
● Recommended Tools: Mabl, Functionize
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
AI in Continuous Integration (CI)
● Integrate Gen AI into CI pipelines for automated testing,
deployment, and validation
● Involves creating CI/CD scripts that incorporate AI-based tools
● Benefits: Faster Releases, Consistency
● Challenges: Integration Complexity, Resource Utilization
● Recommended Tools: Jenkins(Blue Ocean), GitLab CI
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Automated Document Generation
● Use Gen AI to analyze code changes and automatically generate
documentation for testing processes
● Involves integrating AI into the documentation generation
● Benefits: Time Savings, Consistency
● Challenges: Quality Assurance, Human Review
● Recommended Tools: Sphinx, mkdocs-autogen
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Real Time Collaboration & Communication
● Implement AI-powered chatbots and communication tools to
facilitate real-time collaboration and information sharing
● Involves integrating chatbots into collaboration platforms
● Benefits: Efficient Communication, Task Automation
● Challenges: User Adoption, Data Security
● Recommended Tools: Slack(with ChatGPT integration),
Microsoft Teams(with Power Virtual Agents)
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Automated Test Case Generation
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Test Execution and Result Analysis
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Defect Prediction and Prevention
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Best Practices
1. Start small and focus on one or two cases initially to demonstrate
the value of ChatGPT, Bard & AI in Testing
2. Ensure that the data used for training and testing the AI models is of
high quality and representative of the real-world scenarios
3. Use a Test Automation framework to incorporate ChatGPT, Bard and
AI into the testing process
4. Develop a strong feedback loop to continuously improve the AI models
and testing process
5. Monitor the performance and effectiveness of ChatGPT, Bard and AI
regularly, to ensure that it is delivering the expected results
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Industry-wide A.I. Tools
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Image Credits: eDiscovery Today
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Image Credits: Google Blog
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
What’s Next?
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
Key Takeaways
1. DevTestOps is a great way to improve release cycles and streamline
the product deliveries as per market & user requirements
2. Follow the 5 principle guidelines as stated in the
DevTestOps Manifesto:
“The goal of DevTestOps is not to silo ‘Test’ from Dev & Ops,
but simply to raise the visibility of testers and testing,
as integral parts of the DevOps Quality culture”
3. Embracing changes & using them to drive innovation is the key
to achieving a Successful DevTestOps Strategy
4. The Future of Testing with ChatGPT, Bard & AI is promising,
with many advancements and trends to keep an eye on!
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
Advanced Test Automation
with AI
Shift-Left Testing with AI
Predictive Analysis for
Quality Assurance
Automated Bug Triaging
and Reporting
Continuous Testing
Natural Language Testing Scripts
Enhanced Security Testing
AIOps for Operations
Data-Driven Testing and
Decision Making
Regulatory Compliance
Ethical AI Testing
Image Credits: eDiscovery Today Future Uses
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
G lobal T esting Retreat
G lobal T esting Retreat
“Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality”
- Siddhant Wadhwani
Don’t forget to Subscribe
to my weekly Newsletter on
“The TechGeek’s Chronicles”

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Agile Testing Alliance
#Interactive Session by Saby Saurabh Bhardwaj, "Redefine Quality Assurance –...
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#Interactive Session by Saby Saurabh Bhardwaj, "Redefine Quality Assurance –...
Agile Testing Alliance
#Keynote Session by Sanjay Kumar, "Innovation Inspired Testing!!" at #ATAGTR2...
#Keynote Session by Sanjay Kumar, "Innovation Inspired Testing!!" at #ATAGTR2...#Keynote Session by Sanjay Kumar, "Innovation Inspired Testing!!" at #ATAGTR2...
#Keynote Session by Sanjay Kumar, "Innovation Inspired Testing!!" at #ATAGTR2...
Agile Testing Alliance
#Keynote Session by Schalk Cronje, "Don’t Containerize me" at #ATAGTR2023.
#Keynote Session by Schalk Cronje, "Don’t Containerize me" at #ATAGTR2023.#Keynote Session by Schalk Cronje, "Don’t Containerize me" at #ATAGTR2023.
#Keynote Session by Schalk Cronje, "Don’t Containerize me" at #ATAGTR2023.
Agile Testing Alliance
#Interactive Session by Chidambaram Vetrivel and Venkatesh Belde, "Revolution...
#Interactive Session by Chidambaram Vetrivel and Venkatesh Belde, "Revolution...#Interactive Session by Chidambaram Vetrivel and Venkatesh Belde, "Revolution...
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Agile Testing Alliance
#Interactive Session by Aniket Diwakar Kadukar and Padimiti Vaidik Eswar Dat...
#Interactive Session by Aniket Diwakar Kadukar and  Padimiti Vaidik Eswar Dat...#Interactive Session by Aniket Diwakar Kadukar and  Padimiti Vaidik Eswar Dat...
#Interactive Session by Aniket Diwakar Kadukar and Padimiti Vaidik Eswar Dat...
Agile Testing Alliance
#Interactive Session by Vivek Patle and Jahnavi Umarji, "Empowering Functiona...
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#Interactive Session by Siddhant Wadhwani, "Empowering DevTestOps with AI: Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality" at #ATAGTR2023.

  • 1. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality Siddhant Wadhwani SDET Manager - Newfold Digital Global Testing Retreat #ATAGTR2023 2, 3 & 8, 9 December 2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 2. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 About Me: ★ 8.5 years of professional work experience ★ Manage a team of SDETs across 12+ projects ★ Keynote Speaker at numerous Tech Conferences ★ BrowserStack Champion & Mumbai Chapter Lead ★ Mentor for Gen AI & Personal Branding @AgilityToday ★ Certified: MCPS, MCSD, MCSA, MS, Veracode, ISTQB ★ Avid Traveler, Tech Enthusiast, Passionate Foodie ★ Blogger, WordCamp Speaker, Podcaster, Vodcaster ★ Open Source Contributor (WordPress), Top Voice Siddhant Wadhwani SDET Manager - Newfold Digital @siddhantwadhwani @siddhantw19 @siddhantwadhwani @siddhantw “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani +
  • 3. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 8 Subscribe to my LinkedIn Newsletter “The TechGeek’s Chronicles” “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 4. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 1. Unlocking Agility with DevTestOps 2. Streamlining CI/CD Processes with Automation 3. Proven Approaches & Practical Cases 4. Debunking DevTestOps Myths & Misconceptions 5. Transforming Testing with GPT-4, Gemini & AI 6. The Future Roadmap - 2024 & Beyond Agenda “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 5. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Image Credits: Pinterest
  • 6. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Image Credits: Dan Ashby “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 7. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Importance of Testing in DevOps Image Credits: Dan Ashby “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 8. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 9. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 DevTestOps Image Credits: Nagarro 1, Nagarro 2 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 10. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 How does it work? 1. Implementing bug-free policies ensures bugs raised on production must be evaluated & closed in minimal possible duration 2. To build a successful CD pipeline, reduce the cost, time & risk of delivering software changes (enable incremental updates) 3. Include more quality control steps in the pipeline process 4. Use test-first approaches like TDD, ATTD, BDD, etc. or run automation scripts to test out the new features 5. Store & reuse the suite of automation scripts for future - used to assure stakeholders that testing is thorough and adequate “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 11. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Image Credits: testsigma DevTestOps Manifesto “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 12. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 13. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Role of CI/CD in DevTestOps 1. Automate the Test Cycle by getting all possible critical tests automated 2. Work with the Development team to set up automated unit tests (add Quality Gates) as criteria to promote builds from Dev to Test environments 3. Set up automated build & deploy processes 4. Define and automate the hand-offs between the Development and Test teams 5. Create test environment profiles in preparation for automated env. provisioning 6. Leverage Cloud or Virtual Clusters to set up testing environments on demand 7. Integrate the automated testing capability with the development team’s continuous integration capability to establish Continuous Testing “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 14. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Takeaway Just because you can Automate doesn’t imply that you should be automating it. In fact, automating the wrong things can trigger a ripple effect of damage! “Automation may be a good thing, but don’t forget that it began with Frankenstein.” - Anonymous “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 15. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Automation Strategies for DevOps “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 16. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Best Practices - Dev‘X’Ops Testing Automate as much of the testing process as possible Write test cases that cover all aspects of the software Incorporate testing early in the software development process Security Write secure code Test for vulnerabilities Manage infrastructure securely Respond quickly to security incidents Automation Automate as much of the software delivery process Use tools that are easy to use and integrate with Monitor & analyze the performance of software and infrastructure “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 17. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Real-World Examples “Operate what you build” teams working in silos “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 18. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 DevTestOps - The Myths “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 19. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Revolutionizing Testing with GPT-4, Gemini & other AI experiments “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 20. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 The Evolution of Software Testing Image Credits: geeksforgeeks “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 21. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Image Credits: amplework GPT-4, Gemini & AI for DevTestOps “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 22. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Top 10 Potential Use Cases of Generative AI in Software Testing & Automation
  • 23. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Automated Test Case Generation ● Use Gen AI such as Open AI’s GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4 or Bard to interpret high-level requirements & generate detailed test cases ● Implementation involves training the model on historical test case data and adapting it to project-specific contexts ● Benefits: Time Efficiency, Comprehensive Test Coverage ● Challenges: Quality Assurance, Data Dependency ● Recommended Tools:, Functionize
  • 24. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Intelligent Test Data Generation ● Utilize AI algorithms to analyze application data requirements and generate realistic and diverse test data ● Implementation involves creating models that understand data relationships and patterns ● Benefits: Data Diversity, Time Saving ● Challenges: Complex Data Structures, Sensitive Data ● Recommended Tools: Tricentis Tosca, GenRocket
  • 25. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani AI-Enhanced Test Scripting ● Integrate AI models into the development environment to suggest code snippets and improvements during test script creation ● Implementation involves training models on existing test scripts and patterns ● Benefits: Code Quality, Efficiency ● Challenges: Over-Reliance, Model Accuracy ● Recommended Tools: Kite, TabNine
  • 26. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Automated Bug Detection ● Implement AI-based bug detection tools that analyze code changes and identify potential issues before deployment ● Involves integrating bug detection tools into the CI/CD pipeline and training them on historical bug data ● Benefits: Early Detection, Improved Code Quality ● Challenges: False Positives, Customization ● Recommended Tools: DeepCode, CodeAI
  • 27. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Predictive Test Execution Optimization ● Use AI models to predict critical areas of the codebase and optimize test execution based on historical performance data ● Involves integrating predictive analysis into the test execution process ● Benefits: Time & Resource Savings, Performance Improvements ● Challenges: Dynamic Code Changes, Model Accuracy ● Recommended Tools: AppliTools,
  • 28. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani AI-Driven Performance Testing ● Employ AI tools to analyze application performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize system scalability ● Involves using AI for load testing, resource monitoring, and performance analysis ● Benefits: Scalability, Efficiency ● Challenges: Complex Environments, Resource Intensity ● Recommended Tools: BlazeMeter, LoadRunner
  • 29. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Automated Test Result Analysis ● Use Gen AI to analyze and interpret test results, providing insights into testing outcomes ● Involves training models to recognize patterns and trends in test results ● Benefits: Data-Driven Insights, Quick Identification ● Challenges: Interpretability, Data Quality ● Recommended Tools: Mabl, Functionize
  • 30. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani AI in Continuous Integration (CI) ● Integrate Gen AI into CI pipelines for automated testing, deployment, and validation ● Involves creating CI/CD scripts that incorporate AI-based tools ● Benefits: Faster Releases, Consistency ● Challenges: Integration Complexity, Resource Utilization ● Recommended Tools: Jenkins(Blue Ocean), GitLab CI
  • 31. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Automated Document Generation ● Use Gen AI to analyze code changes and automatically generate documentation for testing processes ● Involves integrating AI into the documentation generation workflow ● Benefits: Time Savings, Consistency ● Challenges: Quality Assurance, Human Review ● Recommended Tools: Sphinx, mkdocs-autogen
  • 32. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Real Time Collaboration & Communication ● Implement AI-powered chatbots and communication tools to facilitate real-time collaboration and information sharing ● Involves integrating chatbots into collaboration platforms ● Benefits: Efficient Communication, Task Automation ● Challenges: User Adoption, Data Security ● Recommended Tools: Slack(with ChatGPT integration), Microsoft Teams(with Power Virtual Agents)
  • 33. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 TIME FOR A QUICK DEMO “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 34. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 35. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Automated Test Case Generation “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 36. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Test Execution and Result Analysis “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 37. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Defect Prediction and Prevention “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 38. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Best Practices 1. Start small and focus on one or two cases initially to demonstrate the value of ChatGPT, Bard & AI in Testing 2. Ensure that the data used for training and testing the AI models is of high quality and representative of the real-world scenarios 3. Use a Test Automation framework to incorporate ChatGPT, Bard and AI into the testing process 4. Develop a strong feedback loop to continuously improve the AI models and testing process 5. Monitor the performance and effectiveness of ChatGPT, Bard and AI regularly, to ensure that it is delivering the expected results “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 39. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Industry-wide A.I. Tools 3
  • 40. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Image Credits: eDiscovery Today “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Image Credits: Google Blog
  • 41. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023
  • 42. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 What’s Next? “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 43. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 44. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Key Takeaways 1. DevTestOps is a great way to improve release cycles and streamline the product deliveries as per market & user requirements 2. Follow the 5 principle guidelines as stated in the DevTestOps Manifesto: “The goal of DevTestOps is not to silo ‘Test’ from Dev & Ops, but simply to raise the visibility of testers and testing, as integral parts of the DevOps Quality culture” 3. Embracing changes & using them to drive innovation is the key to achieving a Successful DevTestOps Strategy 4. The Future of Testing with ChatGPT, Bard & AI is promising, with many advancements and trends to keep an eye on! “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 45. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 Advanced Test Automation with AI Shift-Left Testing with AI Predictive Analysis for Quality Assurance Automated Bug Triaging and Reporting Continuous Testing Optimization Natural Language Testing Scripts Enhanced Security Testing AIOps for Operations Data-Driven Testing and Decision Making Regulatory Compliance Testing Ethical AI Testing Documentation Image Credits: eDiscovery Today Future Uses “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani
  • 46. G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 G lobal T esting Retreat #ATAGTR2023 “Empowering DevTestOps with AI Accelerating Software Delivery and Enhancing Quality” - Siddhant Wadhwani Don’t forget to Subscribe to my weekly Newsletter on LinkedIn: “The TechGeek’s Chronicles”