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Er B.C. Pattnaik 
Quiz Contest 2014 
DAV School Pokhariput 
QM - Bivash Rath
Special Thanks to… 
Round 1 
Easy one to begin with 
• List of revolutions “socio-economic” of India since 
• Five have been left out 
• Provide the five missing ones 
• 5points for each i.e. 20points 
• Answer all for bonus 5points
Revolution Name Product 
Blue Revolution BLUE 
Brown Revolution Leather 
Green Revolution GREEN 
White Revolution WHITE 
Yellow Revolution Oil Seed 
Black Revolution BLACK 
Golden Fibre Revolution Jute 
Grey Revolution Fertilizer 
Red Revolution RED
Revolution Name Product 
Blue Revolution Fisheries *** 
Brown Revolution Leather 
Green Revolution Agriculture *** 
White Revolution Dairy Development *** 
Yellow Revolution Oil Seed 
Black Revolution Petroleum *** 
Golden Fiber Revolution Jute 
Grey Revolution Fertilizer 
Red Revolution Meat & Tomato Production ***
Dry Questions Round 2 
• 6 questions 
• 10 for a correct answer , 5 for one on the pass 
• No Negative 
• Infinite Bounce [No Pounce]
• The Prophet Mohammed died in AD 632 without naming a 
successor. Some of his followers believed the role of the Caliph, 
or Viceroy of God, should be passed down Mohammed’s 
bloodline, starting with his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Ali 
Talib. But the majority backed the Prophet’s friend Abu Bakr, who 
duly became the Caliph. Ali eventually became the fourth Caliph 
before being murdered in AD 661 and The succession was once 
again disputed. The majority backed the claim of Mu’awiyah, 
Governor of Syria and his son Yazid. Ali’s supporters agitated for 
his son Hussain. What did this difference of opinion lead to?
The Muslim world was divided in to Sunnis and Shias
• Post IIT Arunabh Kumar came to Bombay to work in a US Air Force 
project. And as the level of discomfort and mental turmoil increased , 
Arunabh quit his job. It was during the same time Arunabh started 
meeting a lot of creative minds in IIT Mumbai and did a few short 
films, so people started encouraging him to become an assistant 
director. Finally Arunabh got an opportunity to assist Farah Khan in 
Om Shanti Om which he considers his pedigree. 
• In 2009 Arunabh came up with a pilot for a show called Engineer’s 
diary, he approached MTV and other youth channels for it. Everyone 
liked the idea but the show was rejected. The rejection fuelled his 
anger and disappointment to form what highly popular , entertaining 
rib-tickling resource?
The Viral Fever
3 Long story 
• In the 13th century, Tugan Khan decided to attack this place, the then ruling king, decided to use 
subterfuge against the Muslims.. 
• Tugan had by that time overrun Bengal and claimed that he had put the fear of death in the heart of 
the locals and could overrun the entire country in a single campaign. 
• But the king of the palce had other ideas and decided send word to Tugan that he was ready to 
surrender to the Muslims without a fight. Tugan accepted surrender proposal with other conditions 
like the embracing of Islam by the entire population in the central square in front of the iconic local 
temple or agreeing to pay Jazia and to convert the temple into a Mosque as an acknowledgement of 
• On the orders of king, the city had been completely evacuated of its pilgrims and inhabitants and was 
filled with soldiers from all over the kingdom hidden away inside the closely built houses across the 
narrow winding lanes. 
• Once the Muslim army was inside the city, it had to disperse itself into the maze of narrow lanes and 
had to dismount from their horses and advance single file. 
• When the Muslim army was so dispersed, at a prearranged signal the temple bells started ringing, and 
this was the signal for the Hindus to pounce on the Muslims. The battle lasted one whole day and 
went into the night. While the Hindus took many losses, the entire Muslim army was caught and 
• Initially, Gandhi's choice of this path was met with incredulity by 
the Working Committee of the Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru was 
ambivalent; Sardar Patel had suggested something else. 
• The Statesman, a prominent newspaper of the time, wrote about 
the choice: "It is difficult not to laugh, and we imagine that will be 
the mood of most thinking Indians." 
• The British establishment too was not disturbed by these plans of 
resistance. The Viceroy himself, Lord Irwin, did not take the threat 
of the protest seriously, writing to London, "At present the 
prospect of a X campaign does not keep me awake at night."
protest against 
Salt taxation
• MgFeTi2O5 is a mineral named Armalcolite. Where 
was it first discovered? How does it get its name?
• Mineral first discovered on the moon by the Apollo 11 
• ARMstrong, ALdrin, COLlins
This is a sample from a “A Thousand Suns” album by Linkin Park which features the voice 
of a prominent and a most important humanitarian and civil rights leader of the century. 
List It! 
• There are 14 letters of the English alphabet that are 
also (single-letter) symbols of elements on the 
Periodic Table 
• List these 14 elements (Symbol, and element name) 
• (5 points per correct answer) 
• List all correctly for a bonus of 10 points
H – Hydrogen B – Boron 
C – Carbon N – Nitrogen 
O – Oxygen F – Fluorine 
P – Phosphorous S – Sulphur 
K – Potassium V – Vanadium 
Y – Yttrium I – Iodine 
W – Tungsten U - Uranium
• 8 Questions on Infinite Pounce 
• Teams can buzz out of turn to pounce on an answer. On 
Buzzing +10/-5 
• For Direct you can double for +20/-5 or answer for +10 
and no negative 
• On passing also doubles rule apply 
• If a team buzzes and answers wrong then it loses its 
chance to answer while passing for that particular 
• This idea was first envisioned by Sun Yat Sen in 1931 in The International 
Development of China, in 1919. 
• Mao Zedong dreamt of it and wrote a poem titled “Swimming” in 1962. 
“Great plans are afoot: 
A bridge will fly to span the north and south, 
Turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare; 
Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west 
To hold back Wushan's clouds and rain 
Till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges. 
The mountain goddess if she is still there 
Will marvel at a world so changed.” 
• What was this which these people dreamt of ?
• The book Footlights was released 
in Feb 2014. 
• Footlights is the only book 
authored by this celebrated 
personality and serves the basis of 
1952 movie Limelight. It has been 
reconstructed by his biographer, 
David Robinson. 
• Drafts of the work were uncovered 
in an archive at the Cineteca di 
Bologna in Italy. 
• Footlights is 70 pages long and 
contains around 34,000 words 
• It tells the story of a clown who 
saves a dancer from suicide and 
helps her resume her dancing 
Dumhal Dance & Martand Sun Temple
• If SRK sir’s bunglow in Mumbai is named Mannat, 
What is KRK sir’s bunglow in Dubai named?
• In the 17th century, when Mughal emperor Aurangzeb 
was said to be on temple-demolition spree, his soldiers 
caught attention of an old temple of Lord Hanuman in a 
village. It was a unique as the main deity Lord Hanuman 
was black in colour. It is for this reason that the temple is 
still known as "Kale Hanuman ka temple“. 
• However, not ready to give up, the villagers not only put 
up a brave fight before the Mughal soldiers, they even 
forced them to beat the retreat. 
• This village has been in news recently. For what reason?
Jayapur, the village adopted by PM Narendra Modi on 
• Yesterday PM Narendra Modi spoke at the 
memorial of Shri Eknath Ranade. There he 
mentioned “people of this country would 
surely remember the donation drive and the 
campaign by Shri Eknath Ranade and would 
likely to have contributed to it. He asked for 
funds from all state governments and a token 
amount of Re1 form the public for a this cause 
and the reason he wanted a public donation is 
so that no one can lay claim for the work and 
that every citizen should feel his/her own 
involvement and hence identify it as ours” 
• What was this campaign by Ranade which was 
aimed at honouring a towering personality and 
achieving national integrity ?
• British mathematician Godfrey Hardy – 
I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had 
ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number 
seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an 
unfavorable omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very interesting number; 
it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two 
different ways.“ 
This led to the number being called as TAXICAB numbers among 
mathematician circles. 
Who is this famous mathematician(1887-1920) who observed this 
wonderful feature of 1729 and died young of illness.
1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103
• Four topics to choose from, one for each team 
• “Score Big” +35/-15 
• “Double” +20/-10 
• “Normal” +10
Take your pick… 
Something native 
• The premises spreads over 88 acres on a hillock 
known as the Bhalu Mundia and is perhaps one of 
the most beautiful and magnificent of its kind in the 
• On top of the hillock stands the main building and 
below it various sections like the administrative 
sections, dispensary , an annexe ,etc exist. 
Score Big
• The library here consists of about 7000 books in different 
languages such as English, Oriya, Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit, 
and Urdu. The collection includes books on the 
Constitution, religion, philosophy, history, culture, yoga, 
literature, economics, management and computer science. 
The library is used by the chief occupant, the staff of the 
place and their families. Guests, who visit stay there, also 
use the library. The present library hall was inaugurated by 
His Excellency Shri M. M. Rajendran on 9th October 
The sprawling white mansion was designed by Julius Vaz. 
It also has a very famous garden which won the Annual 
Flower Show and Garden Competition organized by Plant 
Lovers' Association in 2008. It houses an in house deer park, 
some images of the fountain of the premises are…
Take your pick
• This sports body was formed in 1927 with Sir 
Dorabji Tata as its first president and since that year 
the body has been given the status of the 
international arm’s country representative. Dorabji 
was replaced by Maharaja Bhupindra Singh in 1928 
who stayed on the position till 1938. 
• It was been banned by the international arm in 2012 and its 
office bearer’s elections were declared "null and void", claiming 
government interference in a vote that could result in a tainted 
official taking over as secretary-general. 
• The de-recognition came as a shocker to numerous athletes who 
were preparing for the most important event in 2012.
Take your pick
• The phrase “____ ____" is a reference to an ancient belief 
that the Cygnus olor is completely mute during its lifetime until 
the moment just before it dies, when it vocalizes one beautiful 
• Aesop's fable of "The _______ Mistaken for a Goose" 
incorporates the ______ ______legend thus: "The one which 
had been caught by mistake instead of the goose, began to 
sing as a prelude to its own demise. Its voice was recognized 
and the song saved his life. 
• “____ ____" has become an idiom referring to a final 
theatrical or dramatic appearance, or any final work or 
accomplishment. It generally carries the connotation that the 
performer is aware that this is the last performance of his or 
her lifetime, and is expending everything in one magnificent 
final effort
• The most familiar Cygnus olor, although not actually mute, 
is neither known for musicality nor to vocalize as it dies. 
This has led some to criticize _______ ________ beliefs. 
• However, the Cygnus cygnus, a winter visitor to parts of the 
eastern Mediterranean, does possess a 'bugling' call, and 
has been noted for issuing a drawn-out series of notes as 
its lungs collapse upon expiry, both being a consequence 
of an additional tracheal loop within its sternum. Its 
nearest relatives, the Trumpeter and the Tundra variant, 
share its musical tracheal loop.
Take your pick 
In Shakespeare's The 
Merchant of Venice, Portia 
exclaims "Let music sound 
while he doth make his 
choice; Then, if he lose, he 
makes a swan-like end, 
Fading in music.”
• This 1953 movie by BR Chopra 
starring Ashok Kumar lent 
something to a phenomenon which 
started on the eve of Independence 
day of 1975. 
• The later phenomenon also got an 
important fillip from Marlon Brando 
*ing flick “One Eyed Jack”. The idea 
was of a faulty economic instrument 
which was to be used by the 
protagonist to his own advantage. 
• The director's original cut has a different ending in which the villain 
is killed, along with some additional violent scenes. The villain’s 
death scene was cut from the film by India's Censor Board, as was 
the scene in which a family is massacred. 
• The Censor Board was concerned about the violence, and that 
viewers may be influenced to take the law into their own hands. 
Although the director fought to keep the scenes, eventually he had 
to re-shoot the ending of the film, and as directed by the Censor 
Board, have the police arrive just before the villain was to be 
• The censored theatrical version was the only one seen by audiences 
for fifteen years. The original, unedited cut of the film finally came 
out in a British release on VHS in 1990.
• The film was loosely styled after Akira Kurosawa's 1954 
film Seven Samurai,and drew heavily from the conventions 
of Westerns, especially Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Westerns 
such as Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), and John 
Sturges' film The Magnificent Seven (1960).Sholay was also 
influenced by the westerns of Sam Peckinpah, such asThe 
Wild Bunch (1969) and Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973); and 
by George Roy Hill's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance 
Kid (1969).A scene depicting an attempted train robbery was 
inspired by a similar scene in North West Frontier (1959)
Take your pick
Written Round 
Each correct entry gives 5 points 
All correct +25 
Identify the scientists ( 10 pictures )
1 and 2
3 and 4
5 and 6
7 and 8
9 and 10
• 6 FRANCIS CRICK of Watson and Crick of DNA 

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  • 1. Er B.C. Pattnaik Memorial Quiz Contest 2014 DAV School Pokhariput Bhubaneswar QM - Bivash Rath
  • 2.
  • 4. Round 1 Easy one to begin with • List of revolutions “socio-economic” of India since Independence. • Five have been left out • Provide the five missing ones • 5points for each i.e. 20points • Answer all for bonus 5points
  • 5. Revolution Name Product Blue Revolution BLUE Brown Revolution Leather Green Revolution GREEN White Revolution WHITE Yellow Revolution Oil Seed Black Revolution BLACK Golden Fibre Revolution Jute Grey Revolution Fertilizer Red Revolution RED
  • 7. Revolution Name Product Blue Revolution Fisheries *** Brown Revolution Leather Green Revolution Agriculture *** White Revolution Dairy Development *** Yellow Revolution Oil Seed Black Revolution Petroleum *** Golden Fiber Revolution Jute Grey Revolution Fertilizer Red Revolution Meat & Tomato Production ***
  • 8. Dry Questions Round 2 • 6 questions • 10 for a correct answer , 5 for one on the pass • No Negative • Infinite Bounce [No Pounce]
  • 9. 1 • The Prophet Mohammed died in AD 632 without naming a successor. Some of his followers believed the role of the Caliph, or Viceroy of God, should be passed down Mohammed’s bloodline, starting with his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Ali Talib. But the majority backed the Prophet’s friend Abu Bakr, who duly became the Caliph. Ali eventually became the fourth Caliph before being murdered in AD 661 and The succession was once again disputed. The majority backed the claim of Mu’awiyah, Governor of Syria and his son Yazid. Ali’s supporters agitated for his son Hussain. What did this difference of opinion lead to?
  • 11. The Muslim world was divided in to Sunnis and Shias
  • 12. 2 • Post IIT Arunabh Kumar came to Bombay to work in a US Air Force project. And as the level of discomfort and mental turmoil increased , Arunabh quit his job. It was during the same time Arunabh started meeting a lot of creative minds in IIT Mumbai and did a few short films, so people started encouraging him to become an assistant director. Finally Arunabh got an opportunity to assist Farah Khan in Om Shanti Om which he considers his pedigree. • In 2009 Arunabh came up with a pilot for a show called Engineer’s diary, he approached MTV and other youth channels for it. Everyone liked the idea but the show was rejected. The rejection fuelled his anger and disappointment to form what highly popular , entertaining rib-tickling resource?
  • 15. 3 Long story • In the 13th century, Tugan Khan decided to attack this place, the then ruling king, decided to use subterfuge against the Muslims.. • Tugan had by that time overrun Bengal and claimed that he had put the fear of death in the heart of the locals and could overrun the entire country in a single campaign. • But the king of the palce had other ideas and decided send word to Tugan that he was ready to surrender to the Muslims without a fight. Tugan accepted surrender proposal with other conditions like the embracing of Islam by the entire population in the central square in front of the iconic local temple or agreeing to pay Jazia and to convert the temple into a Mosque as an acknowledgement of submission. • On the orders of king, the city had been completely evacuated of its pilgrims and inhabitants and was filled with soldiers from all over the kingdom hidden away inside the closely built houses across the narrow winding lanes. • Once the Muslim army was inside the city, it had to disperse itself into the maze of narrow lanes and had to dismount from their horses and advance single file. • When the Muslim army was so dispersed, at a prearranged signal the temple bells started ringing, and this was the signal for the Hindus to pounce on the Muslims. The battle lasted one whole day and went into the night. While the Hindus took many losses, the entire Muslim army was caught and annihilated.
  • 18. 4 • Initially, Gandhi's choice of this path was met with incredulity by the Working Committee of the Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru was ambivalent; Sardar Patel had suggested something else. • The Statesman, a prominent newspaper of the time, wrote about the choice: "It is difficult not to laugh, and we imagine that will be the mood of most thinking Indians." • The British establishment too was not disturbed by these plans of resistance. The Viceroy himself, Lord Irwin, did not take the threat of the protest seriously, writing to London, "At present the prospect of a X campaign does not keep me awake at night."
  • 20. DANDI MARCH protest against Salt taxation
  • 21. 5 • MgFeTi2O5 is a mineral named Armalcolite. Where was it first discovered? How does it get its name?
  • 23. • Mineral first discovered on the moon by the Apollo 11 • ARMstrong, ALdrin, COLlins
  • 24. 6 This is a sample from a “A Thousand Suns” album by Linkin Park which features the voice of a prominent and a most important humanitarian and civil rights leader of the century. Identify.
  • 26.
  • 27. ROUND 3 List It! • There are 14 letters of the English alphabet that are also (single-letter) symbols of elements on the Periodic Table • List these 14 elements (Symbol, and element name) • (5 points per correct answer) • List all correctly for a bonus of 10 points
  • 29. H – Hydrogen B – Boron C – Carbon N – Nitrogen O – Oxygen F – Fluorine P – Phosphorous S – Sulphur K – Potassium V – Vanadium Y – Yttrium I – Iodine W – Tungsten U - Uranium
  • 30. ROUND 4 • 8 Questions on Infinite Pounce • Teams can buzz out of turn to pounce on an answer. On Buzzing +10/-5 • For Direct you can double for +20/-5 or answer for +10 and no negative • On passing also doubles rule apply • If a team buzzes and answers wrong then it loses its chance to answer while passing for that particular question.
  • 31. 1 • This idea was first envisioned by Sun Yat Sen in 1931 in The International Development of China, in 1919. • Mao Zedong dreamt of it and wrote a poem titled “Swimming” in 1962. “Great plans are afoot: A bridge will fly to span the north and south, Turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare; Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west To hold back Wushan's clouds and rain Till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges. The mountain goddess if she is still there Will marvel at a world so changed.” • What was this which these people dreamt of ?
  • 34. 2 • The book Footlights was released in Feb 2014. • Footlights is the only book authored by this celebrated personality and serves the basis of 1952 movie Limelight. It has been reconstructed by his biographer, David Robinson. • Drafts of the work were uncovered in an archive at the Cineteca di Bologna in Italy. • Footlights is 70 pages long and contains around 34,000 words • It tells the story of a clown who saves a dancer from suicide and helps her resume her dancing career.
  • 36.
  • 39. Dumhal Dance & Martand Sun Temple
  • 40. 4 • If SRK sir’s bunglow in Mumbai is named Mannat, What is KRK sir’s bunglow in Dubai named?
  • 42.
  • 43. 5 • In the 17th century, when Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was said to be on temple-demolition spree, his soldiers caught attention of an old temple of Lord Hanuman in a village. It was a unique as the main deity Lord Hanuman was black in colour. It is for this reason that the temple is still known as "Kale Hanuman ka temple“. • However, not ready to give up, the villagers not only put up a brave fight before the Mughal soldiers, they even forced them to beat the retreat. • This village has been in news recently. For what reason?
  • 45. Jayapur, the village adopted by PM Narendra Modi on Saturday
  • 46. 6
  • 48.
  • 49. 7 • Yesterday PM Narendra Modi spoke at the memorial of Shri Eknath Ranade. There he mentioned “people of this country would surely remember the donation drive and the campaign by Shri Eknath Ranade and would likely to have contributed to it. He asked for funds from all state governments and a token amount of Re1 form the public for a this cause and the reason he wanted a public donation is so that no one can lay claim for the work and that every citizen should feel his/her own involvement and hence identify it as ours” • What was this campaign by Ranade which was aimed at honouring a towering personality and achieving national integrity ?
  • 52. 8 • British mathematician Godfrey Hardy – I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.“ This led to the number being called as TAXICAB numbers among mathematician circles. Who is this famous mathematician(1887-1920) who observed this wonderful feature of 1729 and died young of illness.
  • 54. 1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103
  • 55. ROUND 5 • Four topics to choose from, one for each team • “Score Big” +35/-15 • “Double” +20/-10 • “Normal” +10
  • 56. Take your pick… FINAL ROUND
  • 57. Something native • The premises spreads over 88 acres on a hillock known as the Bhalu Mundia and is perhaps one of the most beautiful and magnificent of its kind in the country. • On top of the hillock stands the main building and below it various sections like the administrative sections, dispensary , an annexe ,etc exist. Score Big
  • 58. Double • The library here consists of about 7000 books in different languages such as English, Oriya, Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Urdu. The collection includes books on the Constitution, religion, philosophy, history, culture, yoga, literature, economics, management and computer science. The library is used by the chief occupant, the staff of the place and their families. Guests, who visit stay there, also use the library. The present library hall was inaugurated by His Excellency Shri M. M. Rajendran on 9th October 2002.
  • 59. Normal The sprawling white mansion was designed by Julius Vaz. It also has a very famous garden which won the Annual Flower Show and Garden Competition organized by Plant Lovers' Association in 2008. It houses an in house deer park, some images of the fountain of the premises are…
  • 62. SPORTS • This sports body was formed in 1927 with Sir Dorabji Tata as its first president and since that year the body has been given the status of the international arm’s country representative. Dorabji was replaced by Maharaja Bhupindra Singh in 1928 who stayed on the position till 1938. SCORE BIG
  • 63. Double • It was been banned by the international arm in 2012 and its office bearer’s elections were declared "null and void", claiming government interference in a vote that could result in a tainted official taking over as secretary-general. • The de-recognition came as a shocker to numerous athletes who were preparing for the most important event in 2012.
  • 67. Literature • The phrase “____ ____" is a reference to an ancient belief that the Cygnus olor is completely mute during its lifetime until the moment just before it dies, when it vocalizes one beautiful tune. • Aesop's fable of "The _______ Mistaken for a Goose" incorporates the ______ ______legend thus: "The one which had been caught by mistake instead of the goose, began to sing as a prelude to its own demise. Its voice was recognized and the song saved his life. SCORE BIG
  • 68. Double • “____ ____" has become an idiom referring to a final theatrical or dramatic appearance, or any final work or accomplishment. It generally carries the connotation that the performer is aware that this is the last performance of his or her lifetime, and is expending everything in one magnificent final effort
  • 69. Normal • The most familiar Cygnus olor, although not actually mute, is neither known for musicality nor to vocalize as it dies. This has led some to criticize _______ ________ beliefs. • However, the Cygnus cygnus, a winter visitor to parts of the eastern Mediterranean, does possess a 'bugling' call, and has been noted for issuing a drawn-out series of notes as its lungs collapse upon expiry, both being a consequence of an additional tracheal loop within its sternum. Its nearest relatives, the Trumpeter and the Tundra variant, share its musical tracheal loop.
  • 71. Take your pick SWAN SONG In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Portia exclaims "Let music sound while he doth make his choice; Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end, Fading in music.”
  • 72. BOLLYWOOD • This 1953 movie by BR Chopra starring Ashok Kumar lent something to a phenomenon which started on the eve of Independence day of 1975. • The later phenomenon also got an important fillip from Marlon Brando *ing flick “One Eyed Jack”. The idea was of a faulty economic instrument which was to be used by the protagonist to his own advantage. SCORE BIG
  • 73. Double • The director's original cut has a different ending in which the villain is killed, along with some additional violent scenes. The villain’s death scene was cut from the film by India's Censor Board, as was the scene in which a family is massacred. • The Censor Board was concerned about the violence, and that viewers may be influenced to take the law into their own hands. Although the director fought to keep the scenes, eventually he had to re-shoot the ending of the film, and as directed by the Censor Board, have the police arrive just before the villain was to be slaughtered. • The censored theatrical version was the only one seen by audiences for fifteen years. The original, unedited cut of the film finally came out in a British release on VHS in 1990.
  • 74. Normal • The film was loosely styled after Akira Kurosawa's 1954 film Seven Samurai,and drew heavily from the conventions of Westerns, especially Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Westerns such as Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), and John Sturges' film The Magnificent Seven (1960).Sholay was also influenced by the westerns of Sam Peckinpah, such asThe Wild Bunch (1969) and Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973); and by George Roy Hill's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969).A scene depicting an attempted train robbery was inspired by a similar scene in North West Frontier (1959)
  • 77. FINAL ROUND Written Round Each correct entry gives 5 points All correct +25 Identify the scientists ( 10 pictures )