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Innovative Support to Emergencies
Diseases and Disasters
Working with a community in
                               Mukdahan, Thailand to help
                                prevent disease outbreaks
                              such as malaria and dengue.

             We envision a world where
             communities everywhere

our vision
             design and use technology
             to continually improve their
             health, safety and
The iLab Southeast Asia team
                                                         tests one of our tools with a
                                                        doctor in a rural clinic outside
                                                         of Phnom Penh, Cambodia,

                                   •   Building Capacity
                                       within communities to foster a
                                       local culture of innovation

our mission                        •   Creating Collaboration Tools
                                       for social good

is to improve health, safety and   •   Collaborating with End Users
                                       through a human-centered
  sustainable development by:          design and development process

                                   •   Ensuring Usefulness & Impact
                                       through research and evaluation
A nurse checks a child from a nearby rural village
                            into the main hospital in Mukdahan, Thailand.

             InSTEDD was created by, the
             Rockefeller Foundation, TED and others to
             catalyze collective action for detection and
             response to global public health threats.

who we are   We have expanded upon that original vision
             into a non-profit organization focused on
             using a blend of social and technical
             approaches to improve global health, safety
             and sustainable development.
our                        Social Responsibility:
                           Progress can be made in reducing human suffering,
values                     death, and disease on a local and global level. We believe
                           we have a responsibility to use all our skills, knowledge
                           and experience to make a positive impact on global
                           health and safety.

As an organization,        Collaboration:
                           Collaboration is a driving force in overcoming silos and
we are committed to        divisions, allowing different communities and sectors to
guide our work             work together effectively to achieve common goals. We
                           shape our programs and technologies to support and
towards a vision           enhance local and global collaboration aimed at achieving
                           meaningful social impact.
based on shared
values.                    Agility:
                           We believe the most effective programs and technologies
                           are flexible and iterative and are built on joint participation
                           of the communities they are meant to serve. We work in
                           incremental and adaptive steps, side by side with our
                           stakeholders and beneficiaries, to jointly design programs
                           and technologies that have measurable impact.

                       In January 2010, InSTEDD participated in the first Bar Camp Yangon (Myanmar). As of
                      January 2010, this was the largest Bar Camp in history with more than 3000 participants
Health workers in rural Thailand test InSTEDD technology.
This team uses the popular tool, GeoChat, primarily for
disease reporting and outbreak response coordination.

                                                            InSTEDD designs and develops scalable,

    what we do
                                                            easy to use, low cost technologies for
                                                            social impact. By helping partners enhance
                                                            collaboration, share knowledge and improve
                                                            information flow, communities can better
                                                            deliver critical services to those in need.
our approach
InSTEDD supports humanitarian
organizations, local
communities, and government
ministries by lling the
communication gaps that
hinder collaboration. We use a
unique and effective
combination of human-
centered design, software
development, domain expertise
and local leadership.
                                                                                                Touring a lab facility in
                                                                                           Cambodia with the National
We work with governments,                                                                    Institute of Public Health.

universities, corporations,
international health organizations, NGOs and local communities around the world. We go to the field to listen
and learn about the challenges and opportunities. Where solutions already exist, we integrate them. If another
technology can be adapted to meet the need, we re-purpose it. If a genuine gap is found where no solution
exists and no market pressures are driving the necessary innovation, then we design and develop low cost,
scalable open source tools ourselves.

                          Our work is guided by these basic principles:

Agile Development                       Local Capacity Building             Open Architecture, Open Source

We work closely with end-users          Our local partners participate in   Our systems conform to a set of
and stakeholders, creating and          the full life cycle of new system   architectural principles that allow
adapting software to address the        design — rapid prototyping,         them to be used as-is or as
most pressing needs from the            design, development, quality        building blocks for larger
field. As a result, culturally           assurance and field support in the   solutions. Our tools can be used
appropriate designs that                local language, culture and         locally or globally in innovative
empower the end-users appear            context — thus creating a long-     ways as a platform for social and
faster, as do new and productive        term asset for the country.         humanitarian programs.
uses for the applications.
An aerial view of the Mekong River sub-basin
                         region, a hot zone for infectious disease such
                              as H1N1, HIV, TB and Malaria. InSTEDD
                           works throughout the region to use, design
                          and develop technologies for early detection
                          and better response to public health threats.

           InSTEDD’s innovative approach,
           which facilitates collective action by local
           partners, is being successfully applied around

where we
           the world — from pioneering efforts to
           integrate disease surveillance and response
           systems in Southeast Asia to implementation
           of a nationwide communications system to aid

           victims of the Haiti earthquake in 2010.

           We have worked in over 15 countries,
           including Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia,
           China, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos,
           Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, Thailand,
           USA, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.
our                      Argentina
                              Cambodia         Kenya            Rwanda            Vietnam
projects                      China            Laos             Ghana             Zimbabwe

                              Our work is often focused on addressing life-threatening
                              gaps in communication and knowledge sharing. At the local
    InSTEDD’s approach
                              level our projects have ranged from implementing an
     facilitates collective   appointment reminder system for HIV patients in Cambodia
 action by local partners     to supporting maternal child health workers in Mexico in text-
and is being successfully     messaging life-saving information to their patients. At the
        applied globally.     policy level, we are advising organizations like the United
                              Nations, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Centers
                              for Disease Control on the strategic implementation of health
                              information systems and collaboration technology ventures.
                              In addition, we design comprehensive research processes to
                              rigorously evaluate the role of technology in creating a
                              positive impact worldwide.
American Red Cross Watchfire                         Emergency Response System (EIS)
With a grant from Cisco, we worked with the         We worked with the Thomson Reuters Foundation
American Red Cross to develop Watchfire, a tool      to provide the backbone that supported agencies
with potential to significantly decrease time        using SMS in the relief efforts after the 2010 Haiti
required to mobilize community responders to        earthquake. We tested in the UK and Indonesia.

US Veterans Administration (VA)                     Innovation Lab (iLab) Latin America
We consulted the VA on the use of web-              In 2011, we launched our second iLab in Buenos
monitoring tools, social media aggregation          Aires, Argentina with the goal of building
analysis and collaborative decision support         technological capacity for addressing health,
technology to improve the early detection of        safety and sustainable development issues in the
disease events.                                     Latin American region.

Electronic Communications for Health                Health Informatics Public Private Partnership
Organizations (ECHO)                                (HIPPP)
We worked with the NYC Department of Health         This project focuses on promoting health system
to build ECHO, a tool that improves their ability   strengthening within multiple developing
to gather emergency preparedness and                countries , including Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda,
response-related data in the field.                  Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance                 Lao PDR/Thailand Cross Border
Committee (BRAC)                                     Communication
We partnered with BRAC to improve their mobile       Health workers on the Lao PDR/Thailand border
health and development programs by increasing the    are using InSTEDD tools to improve local
reach of SMS and voice services to all 150 million   coordination and cross border communications
citizens of Bangladesh.                              around disease surveillance and response.

Clinton Health Access Initiative/Cambodia            Thai Bureau of Epidemiology (BOE) Influenza
National Malaria Center (CHAI/CNM)                   Surveillance System
We are working with CHAI/CNM to provide              The Thai BOE built upon InSTEDD tools to send
mobile tools to help eliminate malaria through       mobile alerts and reminders as part of a
real-time nationwide case reports and anti-          nationwide influenza-like illness surveillance
malaria stock level control.                         system.

Innovation Lab (iLab) Southeast Asia                 Thai Surveillance and Rapid Response Teams
In 2008, with funding from, the           (SRRTs)
Rockefeller Foundation and others we launched the    InSTEDD tools have been used to improve
first iLab located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to build   communication between the SRRTs, village
regional capacity for the use, design and            health volunteers, livestock staff, provincial
development of ICT tools to control and prevent      health staff, and emergency medical response
disease outbreaks.                                   teams.
Touring a hospital facility in Thailand in
                                     order to learn current workflows and
                              identify opportunities to improve the speed
                                       and accuracy of disease reporting.

         InSTEDD supports communities by identifying gaps
         in collaboration that can be filled with user-friendly
         technologies and services.  By working in the field
         where the “rubber hits the road”, we join forces with

how we   our local partners to create the solutions to their
         most challenging problems.

         This unique “social-technical” approach achieves

         fast, scalable, low-cost solutions that are aligned
         with local priorities.

         The InSTEDD Innovation Labs ensure ongoing,
         locally driven improvements to the tools based on
         the evolving needs of the communities they serve.
         The iLabs play a central role in ensuring positive
         social impact beyond the life of a single project.
GeoChat                                                     Resource Map
GeoChat is a collaboration tool that allows                 Resource Map helps people track their work,
anyone to chat, report, and get alerts offline               resources and results geographically in a
through SMS or online on their computers.                   collaborative environment.

Mesh4x                                                      Riff
Mesh4X is a set of libraries, services and                  Riff is a tool that helps groups analyze and
applications that allow data to be synchronized             visualize multiple streams of information and
across multiple applications, databases and files.           collaborate over live data.

Nuntium                                                     Seentags
Nuntium is a tool that allows anyone to build               Seentags is a service that helps extract
robust and scalable messaging applications.                 accurate information from text reports.

Pollit                                                      Task Me Up
Pollit helps you collect opinions, feedback and             Task Me Up helps you collaborate around
status updates from people, wherever they roam.             unorganized data to better process information.

Remindem                                                    Veeglio
Remindem helps you keep people informed of                   Veegilo aggregates disease indicator numbers
important things going on in their life and work.            from national databases into a common space.

Reporting Wheel                                             Verboice
 The Reporting Wheel is a non-electronic device             Verboice is a highly customizable application
 that simplifies data reporting for the most remote          that empowers users and developers to build
 workers, including those with literacy challenges.         their own interactive voice response systems.

                                                      Based on years of experience around the world,
                                                      we have created a suite of tools and services. All
                                                      of our tools can used individually or integrated

                                                      together as building blocks for larger solutions.
                                                      InSTEDD technologies meet or exceed the relevant
                                                      standards for their domain and allow the reliable
                                                      and secure sharing of data with other systems.

                        tools                         All of these technologies are open source and
                                                      freely available for anyone wanting to use them.
                                                      Each of these tools can be tailored to individual
                                                      needs and integrated with other tools. We are
                                                      actively engaged with our users and continue to
                                                      evolve and scale the tool capabilities in order to
                                                      maximize positive social impact.
Three young girls play in the
courtyard of a hospital outside
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, while
their parents receive treatment.
The iLab Southeast Asia team works
                            with a community in Cambodia to
                           test tools developed for improving
                               malaria control and prevention.

        InSTEDD’s Innovation Labs build local
        capacity for designing and developing

        technologies for social good. Each iLab
        promotes cross-sector collaborations that
        bring people together to explore solutions
        to regional health, safety and development

iLabs   problems.  By working collaboratively and
        across disciplines to create a positive
        impact, the iLabs are promising social
                                                                    Southeast Asia

                                    Latin America

                                       InSTEDD iLabs act as enabling environments for technology
innovation                             transfer and collaboration between software developers,
                                       governments, NGOs, universities, private sector companies,
      labs                             local communities and experts from a variety of disciplines.

Our approach is a unique blend         iLab Southeast Asia                    iLab Latin America
of the social and technological        In 2008, InSTEDD launched the          The iLab Latin America, our
                                       first iLab, located in Phnom Penh,      second iLab founded in 2011 and
development spheres, which
                                       Cambodia, with the goal of             located in Buenos Aires,
have traditionally worked on
                                       building technological capacity for    Argentina, is the result of a
problem solving in isolation from      addressing health, safety and          partnership between InSTEDD
each other.  The nations,              developmental issues in the            and Manas, a Buenos Aires-
communities, and local                 Mekong Basin.                          based software development and
organizations we assist know                                                  consulting firm.
best what their challenges and
needs are, and we in turn count         KNOWLEDGE                       SKILLS                LEADERSHIP
on their knowledge and
leadership to help develop
solutions that address the             Representative projects include        Our Latin America team is helping
unique needs of each                   working closely with Cambodia          NGOs, governments, social
context. The iLab strategy             Communicable Disease Control           entrepreneurs and other
focuses on a combination of            to strengthen the agency’s             organizations in the region design
user-centered design, agile            internal communication by using        and use collaboration technology
                                       InSTEDD’s technology and               tools to better deliver critical
software development
                                       assisting the National Center for      services to vulnerable
techniques, and creative cross-
                                       HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD          populations, while building and
disciplinary collaboration.            (NCHADS) to develop an                 optimizing their technological
                                       appointment reminder system as         capacities to support their
                                       an extension to their current          humanitarian work.
                                       patient information system.
InSTEDD’s network of strategic partners
              include community groups, government
              agencies, leading universities, private sector
              companies, and humanitarian organizations.

our network   Our interdisciplinary team of public health
              experts, scientists, and software engineers
              works closely with leading consultants and
              strategic partners in Asia, Africa, Europe and
              the Americas to develop solutions to health,
              safety and development problems.
Port-au-Prince was catastrophically affected by the
                              January 2010 earthquake. Countless structures were
                                    damaged and over 230,000 people were killed.

                             The EIS service was part of an ecosystem of organizations
                             and tools revolving around mobile services provided through
                             the ‘4636’ short code. EIS allowed people in Haiti to report

                             problems (missing persons, shelter, food issues) over SMS
                             and to get accurate information by neighborhood.

                             InSTEDD’s Nuntium message hub had direct connections to

            profile          Haitian telecommunications companies, through which
                             incoming aid requests were received in Haitian Creole,
                             routed to Riff/EIS for analysis, shared with other
                             organizations to translate, tag, geocode, visualize and
Emergency Information
                             The Haitian government worked together with other NGOs
          System (EIS)       to send information messages to the population to help
                             cope with subsequent threats and accelerate their recovery.
     Port-au-Prince, Haiti   We worked on the airfield in Port au Prince helping with the
                             setup and use of the technologies and remained for the
                             duration of the Search and Rescue phase. In addition, we
                             received a US State Department letter of gratitude for our
                             work with the UN Search and Rescue Dispatch Center.
A father holds his
                                               sick childʼs IV bag
                                              up as they receive
                                             treatment at a local
                                                    health center.

             While technologies developed today may meet
             current needs, it is impossible to accurately
             predict the needs of the future.  In order to
             ensure that impact is sustained long term,
             having strong local capacity to develop the next
             wave of solutions is critical. The people within

our impact   the communities we serve best understand the
             challenges and why they occur, therefore, are
             the best ones to lead the process of designing
             and implementing a solution.  With the support
             of technology, those in need can be better
             connected to valuable resources and important
             contacts which helps those in the field do their
             work more effectively.
Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 & 6
      strategy                Reduce Child Mortality | Improve Maternal Health | Combat Major Diseases
                              Achieving the MDGs requires local and international collaboration. We help
         areas                partners accelerate and measure progress towards achieving the MDGs by
                              supporting existing procedures and protocols recommended by the WHO as
                              well as explore new opportunities that tap into the emergent power of mobile
Through a human-centered      technology.
       process of software
                                      ➡ Mobile technology and medical record systems integration to
 development, community                support HIV worker and patient communication
 leadership and on-the-job            ➡ Design and roll out of national Malaria elimination applications using
                                       mobile phones
   training, InSTEDD uses a           ➡ Platform of free and open source tools that can easily, quickly and
“social-technical” approach            cheaply be extended to implement new applications and workflows at
  to develop solutions that            national scale

 support health, safety and
                              Community Resilience
 sustainable development.     Communities and the agencies that support their wellbeing regularly suffer due
                              to lack of information and coordination. We improve community resilience by
                              using context appropriate collaboration tools that improve internal and external

                                        ➡     Mobile based alerts & reminders for health workers and
                                        ➡     Database synchronization software to support information
                                        ➡     Mobile integration of health record systems
                                        ➡     Disaster and post-conflict response tools built on top of
                                              collaboration and machine-based analytics software

                              Early Warning and Response
                              The most effective way to deal with emerging threats is through a rapid early
                              warning and early response system. We work with field workers and decision
                              makers throughout the health information hierarchy to help them share
                              information and quickly coordinate responses.

                                        ➡     Disease surveillance and rapid response team coordination
                                        ➡     Field epidemiology tools for disease outbreak analysis
                                        ➡     Web-monitoring tools, social media aggregation analysis and
                                              collaborative decision support technology to improve early
                                              detection of disease events

                              Local Capacity Building
                              By listening to our users and incorporating their input, we ensure the cultural
                              appropriateness and the sustainability of our products. We work with local
                              partners throughout the full life cycle of new system design — rapid
                              prototyping, design, development, quality assurance and field support in the
                              local language, culture and context — thus creating a long-term asset for the

                                        ➡     Innovation Labs in Southeast Asia and Latin America
                                        ➡     Public-private partnerships to promote health system
                                              strengthening within multiple developing countries
                                        ➡     Sponsorship & participation in local events such as TEDx, Bar
                                              Camps and Foo Camps
No two places, problems, or cultures are exactly
           alike. Our goal is to find a solution that is
           efficient, effective and appropriate for each

     get   We believe that everything can be built in smaller,
           useful parts, delivering value in weeks and not

involved   Whether you need help refining your idea, doing
           user-centered field design, defining a new
           architecture, or building software, our experience
           can help you achieve your goals.

                  Contact us at
                      for more information.

b                                  Innovative Support to Emergencies
                            iLab   Diseases and Disasters
           América Latina
    Boris Krygel
    Gerente de Programas           Boris Krygel
                                   Gerente de Programas

       +54 (911) 5701 7159 104 Suite
        480 S California Ave,        +54 (911) 5701
                                     +1-650-326-5000  7159    @instedd
    Bartolomé Cruz 1818, 1°
       boris.krygel 94306, USA
        Palo Alto, CA      
    Vicente López, B1638BHR          boris.krygel
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

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InSTEDD Booklet

  • 1. Innovative Support to Emergencies Diseases and Disasters
  • 2. Working with a community in Mukdahan, Thailand to help prevent disease outbreaks such as malaria and dengue. We envision a world where communities everywhere our vision design and use technology to continually improve their health, safety and development.
  • 3. The iLab Southeast Asia team tests one of our tools with a doctor in a rural clinic outside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, • Building Capacity within communities to foster a local culture of innovation our mission • Creating Collaboration Tools for social good is to improve health, safety and • Collaborating with End Users through a human-centered sustainable development by: design and development process • Ensuring Usefulness & Impact through research and evaluation
  • 4. A nurse checks a child from a nearby rural village into the main hospital in Mukdahan, Thailand. InSTEDD was created by, the Rockefeller Foundation, TED and others to catalyze collective action for detection and response to global public health threats. who we are We have expanded upon that original vision into a non-profit organization focused on using a blend of social and technical approaches to improve global health, safety and sustainable development.
  • 5. our Social Responsibility: Progress can be made in reducing human suffering, values death, and disease on a local and global level. We believe we have a responsibility to use all our skills, knowledge and experience to make a positive impact on global health and safety. As an organization, Collaboration: Collaboration is a driving force in overcoming silos and we are committed to divisions, allowing different communities and sectors to guide our work work together effectively to achieve common goals. We shape our programs and technologies to support and towards a vision enhance local and global collaboration aimed at achieving meaningful social impact. based on shared values. Agility: We believe the most effective programs and technologies are flexible and iterative and are built on joint participation of the communities they are meant to serve. We work in incremental and adaptive steps, side by side with our stakeholders and beneficiaries, to jointly design programs and technologies that have measurable impact. In January 2010, InSTEDD participated in the first Bar Camp Yangon (Myanmar). As of January 2010, this was the largest Bar Camp in history with more than 3000 participants
  • 6. Health workers in rural Thailand test InSTEDD technology. This team uses the popular tool, GeoChat, primarily for disease reporting and outbreak response coordination. InSTEDD designs and develops scalable, what we do easy to use, low cost technologies for social impact. By helping partners enhance collaboration, share knowledge and improve information flow, communities can better deliver critical services to those in need.
  • 7. our approach InSTEDD supports humanitarian organizations, local communities, and government ministries by lling the communication gaps that hinder collaboration. We use a unique and effective combination of human- centered design, software development, domain expertise and local leadership. Touring a lab facility in Cambodia with the National We work with governments, Institute of Public Health. universities, corporations, international health organizations, NGOs and local communities around the world. We go to the field to listen and learn about the challenges and opportunities. Where solutions already exist, we integrate them. If another technology can be adapted to meet the need, we re-purpose it. If a genuine gap is found where no solution exists and no market pressures are driving the necessary innovation, then we design and develop low cost, scalable open source tools ourselves. Our work is guided by these basic principles: Agile Development Local Capacity Building Open Architecture, Open Source We work closely with end-users Our local partners participate in Our systems conform to a set of and stakeholders, creating and the full life cycle of new system architectural principles that allow adapting software to address the design — rapid prototyping, them to be used as-is or as most pressing needs from the design, development, quality building blocks for larger field. As a result, culturally assurance and field support in the solutions. Our tools can be used appropriate designs that local language, culture and locally or globally in innovative empower the end-users appear context — thus creating a long- ways as a platform for social and faster, as do new and productive term asset for the country. humanitarian programs. uses for the applications.
  • 8. An aerial view of the Mekong River sub-basin region, a hot zone for infectious disease such as H1N1, HIV, TB and Malaria. InSTEDD works throughout the region to use, design and develop technologies for early detection and better response to public health threats. InSTEDD’s innovative approach, which facilitates collective action by local partners, is being successfully applied around where we the world — from pioneering efforts to integrate disease surveillance and response systems in Southeast Asia to implementation of a nationwide communications system to aid work victims of the Haiti earthquake in 2010. We have worked in over 15 countries, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, Thailand, USA, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.
  • 9. our Argentina Bangladesh Haiti Indonesia Mexico Mozambique Thailand USA Cambodia Kenya Rwanda Vietnam projects China Laos Ghana Zimbabwe Our work is often focused on addressing life-threatening gaps in communication and knowledge sharing. At the local InSTEDD’s approach level our projects have ranged from implementing an facilitates collective appointment reminder system for HIV patients in Cambodia action by local partners to supporting maternal child health workers in Mexico in text- and is being successfully messaging life-saving information to their patients. At the applied globally. policy level, we are advising organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control on the strategic implementation of health information systems and collaboration technology ventures. In addition, we design comprehensive research processes to rigorously evaluate the role of technology in creating a positive impact worldwide.
  • 10. American Red Cross Watchfire Emergency Response System (EIS) With a grant from Cisco, we worked with the We worked with the Thomson Reuters Foundation American Red Cross to develop Watchfire, a tool to provide the backbone that supported agencies with potential to significantly decrease time using SMS in the relief efforts after the 2010 Haiti required to mobilize community responders to earthquake. We tested in the UK and Indonesia. disasters. US Veterans Administration (VA) Innovation Lab (iLab) Latin America We consulted the VA on the use of web- In 2011, we launched our second iLab in Buenos monitoring tools, social media aggregation Aires, Argentina with the goal of building analysis and collaborative decision support technological capacity for addressing health, technology to improve the early detection of safety and sustainable development issues in the disease events.  Latin American region. Electronic Communications for Health Health Informatics Public Private Partnership Organizations (ECHO) (HIPPP) We worked with the NYC Department of Health This project focuses on promoting health system to build ECHO, a tool that improves their ability strengthening within multiple developing to gather emergency preparedness and countries , including Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, response-related data in the field. Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  • 11. Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Lao PDR/Thailand Cross Border Committee (BRAC) Communication We partnered with BRAC to improve their mobile Health workers on the Lao PDR/Thailand border health and development programs by increasing the are using InSTEDD tools to improve local reach of SMS and voice services to all 150 million coordination and cross border communications citizens of Bangladesh. around disease surveillance and response. Clinton Health Access Initiative/Cambodia Thai Bureau of Epidemiology (BOE) Influenza National Malaria Center (CHAI/CNM) Surveillance System We are working with CHAI/CNM to provide The Thai BOE built upon InSTEDD tools to send mobile tools to help eliminate malaria through mobile alerts and reminders as part of a real-time nationwide case reports and anti- nationwide influenza-like illness surveillance malaria stock level control. system. Innovation Lab (iLab) Southeast Asia Thai Surveillance and Rapid Response Teams In 2008, with funding from, the (SRRTs) Rockefeller Foundation and others we launched the InSTEDD tools have been used to improve first iLab located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to build communication between the SRRTs, village regional capacity for the use, design and health volunteers, livestock staff, provincial development of ICT tools to control and prevent health staff, and emergency medical response disease outbreaks. teams.
  • 12. Touring a hospital facility in Thailand in order to learn current workflows and identify opportunities to improve the speed and accuracy of disease reporting. InSTEDD supports communities by identifying gaps in collaboration that can be filled with user-friendly technologies and services.  By working in the field where the “rubber hits the road”, we join forces with how we our local partners to create the solutions to their most challenging problems. This unique “social-technical” approach achieves work fast, scalable, low-cost solutions that are aligned with local priorities. The InSTEDD Innovation Labs ensure ongoing, locally driven improvements to the tools based on the evolving needs of the communities they serve. The iLabs play a central role in ensuring positive social impact beyond the life of a single project.
  • 13. GeoChat Resource Map GeoChat is a collaboration tool that allows Resource Map helps people track their work, anyone to chat, report, and get alerts offline resources and results geographically in a through SMS or online on their computers. collaborative environment. Mesh4x Riff Mesh4X is a set of libraries, services and Riff is a tool that helps groups analyze and applications that allow data to be synchronized visualize multiple streams of information and across multiple applications, databases and files. collaborate over live data. Nuntium Seentags Nuntium is a tool that allows anyone to build Seentags is a service that helps extract robust and scalable messaging applications. accurate information from text reports. Pollit Task Me Up Pollit helps you collect opinions, feedback and Task Me Up helps you collaborate around status updates from people, wherever they roam. unorganized data to better process information. Remindem Veeglio Remindem helps you keep people informed of Veegilo aggregates disease indicator numbers important things going on in their life and work. from national databases into a common space. Reporting Wheel Verboice The Reporting Wheel is a non-electronic device Verboice is a highly customizable application that simplifies data reporting for the most remote that empowers users and developers to build workers, including those with literacy challenges. their own interactive voice response systems. Based on years of experience around the world, we have created a suite of tools and services. All of our tools can used individually or integrated our together as building blocks for larger solutions. InSTEDD technologies meet or exceed the relevant standards for their domain and allow the reliable and secure sharing of data with other systems. tools All of these technologies are open source and freely available for anyone wanting to use them. Each of these tools can be tailored to individual needs and integrated with other tools. We are actively engaged with our users and continue to evolve and scale the tool capabilities in order to maximize positive social impact.
  • 14. Three young girls play in the courtyard of a hospital outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia, while their parents receive treatment.
  • 15.
  • 16. The iLab Southeast Asia team works with a community in Cambodia to test tools developed for improving malaria control and prevention. InSTEDD’s Innovation Labs build local capacity for designing and developing our technologies for social good. Each iLab promotes cross-sector collaborations that bring people together to explore solutions to regional health, safety and development iLabs problems.  By working collaboratively and across disciplines to create a positive impact, the iLabs are promising social enterprises.
  • 17. iLab Southeast Asia iLab Latin America InSTEDD iLabs act as enabling environments for technology innovation transfer and collaboration between software developers, governments, NGOs, universities, private sector companies, labs local communities and experts from a variety of disciplines. Our approach is a unique blend iLab Southeast Asia iLab Latin America of the social and technological In 2008, InSTEDD launched the The iLab Latin America, our first iLab, located in Phnom Penh, second iLab founded in 2011 and development spheres, which Cambodia, with the goal of located in Buenos Aires, have traditionally worked on building technological capacity for Argentina, is the result of a problem solving in isolation from addressing health, safety and partnership between InSTEDD each other.  The nations, developmental issues in the and Manas, a Buenos Aires- communities, and local Mekong Basin. based software development and organizations we assist know consulting firm. best what their challenges and needs are, and we in turn count KNOWLEDGE SKILLS LEADERSHIP on their knowledge and leadership to help develop solutions that address the Representative projects include Our Latin America team is helping unique needs of each working closely with Cambodia NGOs, governments, social context. The iLab strategy Communicable Disease Control entrepreneurs and other focuses on a combination of to strengthen the agency’s organizations in the region design user-centered design, agile internal communication by using and use collaboration technology InSTEDD’s technology and tools to better deliver critical software development assisting the National Center for services to vulnerable techniques, and creative cross- HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD populations, while building and disciplinary collaboration. (NCHADS) to develop an optimizing their technological appointment reminder system as capacities to support their an extension to their current humanitarian work. patient information system.
  • 18. InSTEDD’s network of strategic partners include community groups, government agencies, leading universities, private sector companies, and humanitarian organizations. our network Our interdisciplinary team of public health experts, scientists, and software engineers works closely with leading consultants and strategic partners in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas to develop solutions to health, safety and development problems.
  • 19. Port-au-Prince was catastrophically affected by the January 2010 earthquake. Countless structures were damaged and over 230,000 people were killed. The EIS service was part of an ecosystem of organizations and tools revolving around mobile services provided through the ‘4636’ short code. EIS allowed people in Haiti to report project problems (missing persons, shelter, food issues) over SMS and to get accurate information by neighborhood. InSTEDD’s Nuntium message hub had direct connections to profile Haitian telecommunications companies, through which incoming aid requests were received in Haitian Creole, routed to Riff/EIS for analysis, shared with other organizations to translate, tag, geocode, visualize and dispatch. Emergency Information The Haitian government worked together with other NGOs System (EIS) to send information messages to the population to help cope with subsequent threats and accelerate their recovery. Port-au-Prince, Haiti We worked on the airfield in Port au Prince helping with the setup and use of the technologies and remained for the duration of the Search and Rescue phase. In addition, we received a US State Department letter of gratitude for our work with the UN Search and Rescue Dispatch Center.
  • 20. A father holds his sick childʼs IV bag up as they receive treatment at a local health center. While technologies developed today may meet current needs, it is impossible to accurately predict the needs of the future.  In order to ensure that impact is sustained long term, having strong local capacity to develop the next wave of solutions is critical. The people within our impact the communities we serve best understand the challenges and why they occur, therefore, are the best ones to lead the process of designing and implementing a solution.  With the support of technology, those in need can be better connected to valuable resources and important contacts which helps those in the field do their work more effectively.
  • 21. Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 & 6 strategy Reduce Child Mortality | Improve Maternal Health | Combat Major Diseases Achieving the MDGs requires local and international collaboration. We help areas partners accelerate and measure progress towards achieving the MDGs by supporting existing procedures and protocols recommended by the WHO as well as explore new opportunities that tap into the emergent power of mobile Through a human-centered technology. process of software ➡ Mobile technology and medical record systems integration to development, community support HIV worker and patient communication leadership and on-the-job ➡ Design and roll out of national Malaria elimination applications using mobile phones training, InSTEDD uses a ➡ Platform of free and open source tools that can easily, quickly and “social-technical” approach cheaply be extended to implement new applications and workflows at to develop solutions that national scale support health, safety and Community Resilience sustainable development. Communities and the agencies that support their wellbeing regularly suffer due to lack of information and coordination. We improve community resilience by using context appropriate collaboration tools that improve internal and external communication. ➡ Mobile based alerts & reminders for health workers and patients ➡ Database synchronization software to support information sharing ➡ Mobile integration of health record systems ➡ Disaster and post-conflict response tools built on top of collaboration and machine-based analytics software Early Warning and Response The most effective way to deal with emerging threats is through a rapid early warning and early response system. We work with field workers and decision makers throughout the health information hierarchy to help them share information and quickly coordinate responses. ➡ Disease surveillance and rapid response team coordination ➡ Field epidemiology tools for disease outbreak analysis ➡ Web-monitoring tools, social media aggregation analysis and collaborative decision support technology to improve early detection of disease events Local Capacity Building By listening to our users and incorporating their input, we ensure the cultural appropriateness and the sustainability of our products. We work with local partners throughout the full life cycle of new system design — rapid prototyping, design, development, quality assurance and field support in the local language, culture and context — thus creating a long-term asset for the country. ➡ Innovation Labs in Southeast Asia and Latin America ➡ Public-private partnerships to promote health system strengthening within multiple developing countries ➡ Sponsorship & participation in local events such as TEDx, Bar Camps and Foo Camps
  • 22.
  • 23. No two places, problems, or cultures are exactly alike. Our goal is to find a solution that is efficient, effective and appropriate for each situation. get We believe that everything can be built in smaller, useful parts, delivering value in weeks and not years. involved Whether you need help refining your idea, doing user-centered field design, defining a new architecture, or building software, our experience can help you achieve your goals. Contact us at for more information.
  • 24. b Innovative Support to Emergencies iLab Diseases and Disasters América Latina Boris Krygel Gerente de Programas Boris Krygel Gerente de Programas +54 (911) 5701 7159 104 Suite 480 S California Ave, +54 (911) 5701 +1-650-326-5000 7159 @instedd Bartolomé Cruz 1818, 1° boris.krygel 94306, USA Palo Alto, CA Vicente López, B1638BHR boris.krygel Buenos Aires, Argentina