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The Official School Paper of ICENHS-Santiago January–December 2016
2016 has been a lucky year for ICENHS-Santiago. Who
would have thought that a student from a small barangay
high school would qualify in the most prestigious, National
Schools Press Conference (NSPC) held in Koronadal City
last February 21-26,2016.
There were 45 students coming from the different school
division who vied for the most coveted top three places in
the Editorial Writing Contest English Category during the
Regional Press Conference 2015 and yet Franchesca had
managed to extricate herself to the top. Armed with only
nothing but her ambition and stocked knowledge, she top-
pled 43 of them and landed on the second place.
(Continue on page 4)
ICENHS– Santiago places 2nd Runner Up
in “Sayaw Saulog “2016
“Once a winner is always
a winner.” This adage has a
truth to it when once again
ICENHS-Santiago bagged
the 2nd place in the “Sayaw
Saulog “ Street Dancing
Competition held in Anahaw
Amphi-theater last Septem-
ber 27, 2016 . It can be re-
called that the school had
been declared champion
twice in the past in the said
street dancing com-petition.
.The Sayaw Saulog
2016 was composed of two
categories; category A and B.
Category A was composed of
School-Based Barangay
Contingents while catego-
ry B was dubbed as Battle
of the Champions since it
was composed of Sayaw
Saulog winners in the past
three years.
The Sayaw Saulog
Competition features the
culture of the tri-people
who are living in Iligan City
which are the Christians,
the Lumads and the Moro
people. fun watching the
dancers clad in the beat of
the drums and (Continue
on page 4……).
June 13, 2016. Today is the first
day of the school year 2016-2017.
ICEHS-Santiago welcomes it with a
vibrant spirit and hopeful heart for it is
also today that the Senior High
School commences. Everyone is so
excited with the new chapter of his
life most especially the Grade 11 stu-
dents because they will be exposed
to new things that will help them com-
pete and survive in the real world.
In order to cater to the needs of
the growing number of students be-
cause of the Senior High School,
ICEHS-Santiago hired new teachers
in the persons of Mr. James Guiuo
who will be handling SMAW subject
and will act as the new, Disaster Co-
ordinator, Nhovy Ermac who will be
teaching English,Joyce Arnoco who
will be teaching Filipino, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Samson who will be handling
Math subject, and Mr. Sepe who will
be handling Philosophy subject.
Contrary to what was reported in the
National news,ICEHS-Santiago
comes up with a large number of en-
rollees for the Senior High School.
This puts the school both in the good
and bad light; good in a way that the
students have responded positively to
Senior High School and bad because
(Continue on page 4)
Since the opening of class last
June 2015, ICENHS-Santiago has
been busy preparing for the start of
the Senior High School program
this coming opening of new school
year. To make sure that the school
has met the requirements of the
Senior High School Program, the
school head decided to conduct
bench marking to Senior High
School model school which is the
Iligan City National School of Fish-
eries together with the TLE teach-
ers in the persons of Gay Marie and
Patrick Jhon Doplon, Sarah Jean
Bahian, Manuel Palisbo, Eriberto
Luzon and Earl Froven Sison.Marie
and Patrick Jhon Doplon, Sarah
Jean Bahian, Manuel Palisbo,
Eriberto Luzon and Earl Froven
The school also conducted seminars
to both parents and students to orient
them on what to expect in the Senior
High School Program. To further guide
the students, speakers from schools
who are offering Senior High School
were also invited. Among those who
visited the school were St. Michael’s
College, Iligan Medical Center College
and Christian Horizon School.
For the students to be guided on
what track to take, a career guidance
program was introduced to them. They
were engaged in different activities and
workshops so that they would discover
on the process what track they are in-
clined too. …(.Continue on page 3)
Vega Qualifies for NSPC
By: Yna Mae Sadernas
Senior High School students with the SHS Coordinator, Sir
Francis Artchess Babao
Dr. Quiroquiro and Mr. Gaite with the street dancers
By: Maureen L. Vega
Santiagonians gear up for Senior High School
By: Sittie Asha Lipa
Senior High School formally opens in ICENHS-Santiago
By: Angel Mae Dacup
Vega and co-NSPC participant
The Commission on Human
Rights is losing its purpose as
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s
strong administration is winning
the hearts of millions despite
taking extreme measures such
as extra-judicial killings to solve
the drug menace. “Philippines
War on Drugs” is the national
term used in Duterte’s fight
against drugs; itis locally known
as “Oplan Tokhang or “Oplan
Double Barrel.” However, sad to
say, most of the Filipinos are
disregarding the task of Human
Rights as they continue to sup-
port Duterte’s plans.
President Duterte is known
for his “change is coming” cam-
paign which made him the 16th
President of the Republic of the
Philippines. He clearly empha-
sized this intention of cleaning
up the Philippines with drug ad-
dicts and drug pushers during
the election campaign last May
2016. He promised the populace
that he would take down those
who are involved in illicit drugs
within the first 6 months of his
In interviews, he bluntly says
that he would take extreme
measures such as killing. Working
on his promise, according to the
Philippine National Police, headed
by Philippine National PoliceChief
Director “Bato” Dela Rosa, there
are already 10,000 people arrest-
ed, approximately 600,000 drug
pushers and users have surren-
dered and 49% has dropped in the
criminality rate of the Philippines.
This incidents caught the eye of
the Commission on Human Rights
and other life advocates which also
made a move by filing cases
against the current administration.
They believe that life is essential
and no one has the right to take
someone’s life except God. Former
Department of Justice Secretary,
Leila Delima is the famous enemy
of Duterte with regards to the al-
leged extra-judicial killings . Delima
insists that the drug-related cases
should undergo due process and
demands Duterte to respect the
Philippine Constitution. (Continue
on page 17)
On My Mind
A lot of questions
are coming in our
minds about voucher
program, its expens-
es, implementation,
and sustainability. Is
this program really
the solution towards
achieving success in
education? Of a truly
productive Juan in
the future?
Time really does
fly fast. In the year
2013, K to 12 pro-
gram was signed by
President Benigno
Simeon C. Aquino III
and was passed into
law. Now the govern-
ment, specifically the
Department of Edu-
cation, headed by Br.
Armin A. Luistro is
busy for the full im-
plementation of the
program: Senior High
Senior High School is
the additional two
years in secondary
education. Grade 10
students, the pioneer
of the program are
provided tracks to
choose from. These
tracks are the Aca-
demic track, Sports
Track, Technical Vo-
cational Livelihood-
Track, and Arts and
Design Track. Along
with these tracks are
15 core subjects.
Senior High
School will finally
begin next school
year 2016-2017. Arti-
cle XIV and Section
17 Article 11 of 1987
Constitution provides
that the state shall
give priority to educa-
tion and allocate the
highest budget for the
Department of
Education, amounting
to approximately
P400 billion this year.
This money is intend-
ed for the hiring of
teachers and for the
construction of build-
ings and facilities.
Part of this money
goes to the so-called
voucher program.
Republic Act 10533
stipulates voucher as
a financial assistance
to qualified Grade 10
completers entering
Senior High School.
The said voucher pro-
gram started from the
amount of P10,000
up to P 22,000. Pub-
lic students, for ex-
ample,will be given
fixed amount of mon-
ey depending on the
type of school they
will enroll in. ?......
(Continue on page
President Duterte’s move to bury
Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Ba-
yani is but a slap on the face of the
victims of Martial Law. What his ex-
cellency planning to do is like rub-
bing salt to a wound worse than
adding insult to injury.
I may not be present during the
Marcos regime but the abuses I
heard committed by him are enough
to last me a lifetime. My own place is
a living testament to his cruelty dur-
ing that time. He encouraged the kill-
ing of many people and had devel-
oped a gap between the Christians
and the Muslims.
Remember the Jabida Massacre?
It all started there and it not only re-
sulted to the birth of the Moro Na-
tional Liberation Front (MNLF) but to
the burning of all the old houses of
the Muslims here in our place includ-
ing that of my very own grandpar-
ents’ house and relatives’ by the
ILAGA, a Christian para-military
group organized during the Marcos
Franchesca Claire L.Vega Jeannerose Sagaral Neo Encarnacion Maureen Vega Christine Mae Seraspe
Editor-in-Chief Science & Health Editor Yna Mae Sadernas Jerald F. Eyana Mohammad Isah Alauya
Juvalanie Pepito Contributors: School Paper Advisers
Feature Editor Sittie Asyah Lipa Thercee-nel Paquit Sorahayda Samporna Elizabeth Galit
Editorial Cartoonist: James Nicho Quidlat Ryan C. Salomsom
School Paper Staff
Commission on Human Rights’ Dilemma
Voucher Program for Success
The burning of their houses
made the Muslim residents to
run for safety in Balo-I, Lanao
del Norte. Though it happened
two decades ago, its gory mem-
ories are still imprinted in the
minds and hearts of my families.
The mere presence of soldiers
would send my aunt shaking to
the core of here being until now.
Who would not be when during
the Martial Law era, soldiers
used to chase and ambush
them. But the most sad thing
that the Marcos’ regime had
done to our place was leaving it
bare with our memories of the
past. Gone are the old houses
that could have been a great re-
minder of the rich Maranao cul-
ture. Gone also the reminders
that Larapan had been once a
buzzing place because of the
presence of Lanao Timber.
What is only left now as the
memories of our glorious past
are debris.
For some, my reasons would
have not been enough for me to
(Continue on page…... 17)
Diary of a Half-Wit
Marcos: To be or not to be
The Mamasapano clash left
a big scar in the heart of every
Filipino. Now, the authorities
are conducting a reinvestiga-
tion regarding the issue. But
the question is-will this rein-
vestigation finally bring peace
and order in our country or just
cause a headache since it’s
already election period?
The battle between the
Special Action Force and Min-
danao Islamic Liberation Front
took place in the cornfield of
Mamasapano , Maguindanao
on January 25, 2015. The op-
eration called “Oplan Exodus”
was supposedly to serve war-
rant of arrests to the two most
wanted Malaysian terrolrists
Zulkifli bin Hir alias Marwan
and his ally, Basit Usman.
But SAF ended up encoun-
tering the MILF, private armed
groups, and the Bangsa Moro
Islamic Freedom Fighters in-
stead. The bloody clash has
killed rebels, five civilians, and
the unforgettable SAF 44
troopers. Emotions aroused.
Pointing the blame to Presi-
dent Aquino, who accordingly
kept the mission a secret with
with the help of the suspended for-
mer Chief Superintendent Allan
Purisima. A year has passed and
the issue and eventually silenced.
Filipinos together with the fami.lies
of the fallen 44 was about to move
on, until all of a sudden the senate
re-opens the case. The re-
investigation aims to give justice to
the SAF troopers by identifying who
are responsible for the incident.
Senate Minority leader Juan Ponce
Enrile was the one who requested
to re-open the investigation of the
infamous Mamasapano incident.
A year has passed and the issue
and eventually silenced. Filipinos
together with the fami.lies of the
fallen 44 was about to move on, un-
til all of a sudden the senate re-
opens the case. The re-
investigation aims to give justice to
the SAF troopers by identifying who
are responsible for the incident.
Senate Minority leader Juan Ponce
Enrile was the one who requested
to re-open the investigation of the
infamous Mamasapano incident.
Meanwhile, Senator Grace Poe
has set the re-investigation on Jan-
uary 25, exactly one year after the
deadly encounter. …..Continue on
But Seriously, Folks!
The unending traffic problem
of the Philippines that has been
jeopardizing many aspects of our
lives for years gave birth to the
new proposed method-the emer-
gency power of the president.
Republic Act No. 6826 is an act
that declare and authorize the
president to exercise powers
necessary and proper to carry
out the national policy and other
purposes in times of national
emergency. A bold solution-
emergency power- is the only
way to eliminate our longtime en-
emy-the traffic.
President Rodrigo Roa Duter-
te is planning to utilize his emer-
gency powers for the traffic mess
in certain urban areas, specifical-
ly, the Metro Manila traffic where
the trading and national business
takes place.The power is not
easily handed to the president
whenever he wants them.The
thing undergoes to a process; it
requires delegation from the con-
gress.When the congress
acknowledge the national emer-
gency’s existence, then the presi-
dent can use his emergency
power that would last for a maxi-
mum of two years. According to
Department of Transportation
and Communication Secretary,
Arthur Tugad, the quality of
life has worsened as they
spend so much valuable time
on the road.
However, some of the Senate
members are skeptic to the pro-
posal. Senator Sherwin
Gatchalian said he wanted to
be aware of the overall and long
-term strategy of the administra-
tion to resolve the traffic prob-
lems before he decides to
agree to their plan. He added
that emergency powers can be
abused and it must be dis-
cerned well. Other organiza-
tions fear that this might lead to
the traumatic martial law that
killed thousand of lives so it is
better to stay as is than take
risky measures that will eventu-
ally lead to avarice.
Metro Manila is branded to
bethe worst traffic urban place
on earth according to the 2015
survey conducted by Waze, a
GPS-based navigation app.It
also ranked top 9 worldwide.
Manila also has the longest
commute time that averages
45.5 minutes from home to of-
fice, exceeding Jakarta with a
record of 42.1. ...Continue on..
Letter to the editor
It has come to my knowledge that
some of the school’s recipients of
scholarship program are not really
deserving. Some of them are sons/
daughters of well-to-do families
while some are erring students.
What are really the requirements for
the students to qualify in this schol-
arship program?
-Shy girl of Grade 10-Milkfish
Good day Ms. Editor! I am writ-
ing for the administration to notice
our long-standing problem of the
dearth of water supply in our
school. As of the moment, we only
have two serviceable faucets when
there are almost six hundreds of us
students here who need water for
drinking and for cleaning the com-
fort rooms. Fetching water from it is
so hard because it takes so much
time because we have to take
turns. As a result, those who are
assigned to fetch water are always
late in the class. Could we please
request the school administration to
fix the faucets in our classroom and
also to clean the water catchers?
We would be happy if you could do
it the soonest time possible.
_Mr. Hopeful_
Dear Mr. Hopeful,
The school administration is already
attending to that predicament .
cament of yours.
The faucets in your classrooms
are serviceable. The only problem
is that the water supply from Ili-
gan City Water District is really
slow. They are finding some ways
now on how to make running
water available to every class-
room. Regarding the water catch-
ers, the school head has already
called the attention of Mr. Manuel
Palisbo to ask some students to
clean it.
-The Editor
It has been observed that sev-
eral students are not obeying the
school policies. Many of them
come to school late and not in
proper uniform. And worst, some
of them are always absent from
their classes. Who is really re-
sponsible in looking after these
erring students? Is this only the
sole responsibility of the guidance
counselor and class adviser? And
do SSG Officers have the right to
prevent the latecomers and those
students who are not wearing
complete uniform from entering
the school?
_Mr. Confused_
(Continue on page 17)
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
is the Philippines’ first president
from Mindanao.
Seventy-one-year-old Rodrigo
Duterte was on his seventh term
as mayor of Davao City when he
was persuaded to run for the high-
est position in the country
Though he has been mentioned
as a possible presidential candi-
date since 2014, it took a while
before supporters and admirers
convinced him to replace Martin
Diño as candidate of Partido Dem-
okratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan
Known for transforming Davao in-
to one of the most peaceful cities
in the Philippines, Duterte was in
fourth place among presidential
contenders when he announced
his candidacy. But the mayor’s
mass appeal and quirky sense of
humor brought him to the top of
surveys a month before the elec-
Duterte, once dubbed “The Pun-
isher” by Time magazine, is
known for his iron-fisted rule and
unconventional methods of
fighting crime in Davao. He has
been linked to the so-called Davao
Death Squad, alleged to be .
behind several unsolved ex-
trajudicial killings whose vic-
tims included children and
His run for the presidency
was Duterte’s first time to
participate in national elec-
tions. He was first elected
Davao mayor in 1988 and
held the position for more
than two decades. He was
congressman of the first dis-
trict of Davao City from 1998
to 2001 and vice mayor to his
daughter Sara from 2010 to
Sara is one of Duterte’s three
children with his former wife
Elizabeth Zimmerman. The
others are sons Paolo and
Sebastian. Zimmerman’s and
Duterte’s 25- year marriage
was annulled in 1998.
Duterte has another daugh-
ter, Veronica, with his com-
mon-law wife Honeylet
A law graduate from San Be-
da College, Duterte passed
the bar examinations in
1973. He obtained a political
science degree from Lyceum
of the Philippines University
in 1968 (Continue on page
President Duterte to reopen Mamasapano Massacre
A Little Wisdom…
Emergency Power
PROFILE: Who is President Rodrigo Duterte?
Last September 23_30, 2016,
we went to Camp Danao City of
Maasin, Southern, Leyte to partici-
pate in the 7th National Scout Ven-
ture Camp. There were 21 of us
Senior Scouts and five Scout
masters as part of the delegation
of Iligan City. Here in ICENHS-
Santiago, only me and Aljun
Callao were able to participate
along with our Scout Master, Ma-
nuel Palisbo. The participants of
the camp came from all over in
the Philippines. All in all there was
2,500 of us, Senior Scouts.We
camped there for seven days and
seven nights. Although, it was the
longest camp I had ever attended,
I never felt boredom and had not
As a token of gratitude for
the blessings they received,
well-meaning people of Iligan
City coming from both the
government and non-
government organizations
sponsor some students of
ICENHS-Santiago by paying
their miscellaneous fees and
giving them some school sup-
plies. This practice has been
going on for sometimes now.
The most notable personali-
ties behind this project who
have unceasingly supported
the students through the
years are Atty. Leo Zaragoza
and Congressman Frederick
Siao. And just recently non-
government sectors joined
. These organizations are the
Anaesthesiologist Association of
Iligan City, Every Nation Campus
Iligan (ENC) and, Soldiers’ Wives
and Girlfriends (SWAG) and etc.
The students and parents are
very much thankful to the beno-
volence shown by these people
because most of the families here
in Barangay Santiago belong be-
low the poverty line. It is either
that the parents’ incomes are not
sufficient enough to meet their
needs such the education of their
children or they don’t have work
at all. It can also be noticed that
there are also some students who
have broken families. Some them
are supported by their parents
start of the practice until the
end of the competition.
Senior High School…….
of the number of students,
there aren't enough chair for
everybody anymore. Most of
the class from Grade 7 to
Grade 10 has an average num-
ber of 45-50. As a result, some
of the students sit temporarily
on dilapidated chairs while
some are not being accepted
by the class advisers anymore
due to lack of the latter. Dr. Jo-
sephine R. Quiroquiro, our
school head is now busy find-
ing some ways on how to ac-
commodate all the students.
ICENHS-Santiago proves herself
indomitable once more in the arena
of sports. Through determination and
constant practice, some athletes that
serve as the delegates of ICENHS-
Santiago were able to bring home
the bacon. Among those who
emerged victorious in the different
sports categories were Jhapet Vil-
larin and Laura Cinco. The former
bagged one gold in the Bantam
weight category of Arnis and another
two silvers for the synchronized sin-
gle and double baston categories.
According to her coach, Mrs. Almeda
Maglasang, Villarin’s quick moves
was an advantage and what made
made him defeat his opponents.
Laura Cinco, on the other hand,
a__________ student had de-
mostrated excellent skills in billiards.
She was able to bag two silvers for
the nine-ball and eight-ball category
Because of this, together with her
coach, Mr. Francis Artchess Babao
and other co-winners, Cinco would
be joining the Regional Athletic Meet.
For the group contest, the group of
Grade 7 and Grade 9 students under
the tutelage of Manuel Palisbo was
able to place
ICENHS-Santiago………….from page 1 ICENHS-Santiago Reaps 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze in 2016 Division Meet
City Government and NGOs Sponsor Poor and Deserving Students
All smiles for victory!
Iligan City Group of Anaesthesiologists with their
scholarships recipients and Dr. Quiroquiro
experienced any dull moment be-
cause the organizer of the camp
saw to it that each day was loaded
with activities and competitions for
us to realize the camp’s aim which
were to provide opportunities for
Scouts to practice their physi-
cal, social, mental, emotional, and
spiritual potentials; discover and
act upon their strengths through
challenging , adventurous and ex-
perimental learning activities; and
appreciate the cultural and histori-
cal heritage of the host city/ prov-
One of the most memorable ex-
perience we had in the camp was
being able to land 3rd place in the
over-all championship. Although,
we were not the champion but we
were fully-satisfied because there
were lots of Scouts who participat-
ed in the competition. Landing in
the 3rd place against several par-
ticipants was already a feat to us.
We were thankful to the Almighty
God for it and also to Scouts Re-
gional Director Jesus M. Meris.
Eyana and Callao participate in 7th National Scout Venture Camp
Iligan City BSP Delegates
traditional costumes gyrate to
of the drums and other tradi-
tional musical instruments.
This year’s Sayaw Saulog
winners are as follow:Category
First runner up– ICENHS-
2nd runner up-ICENHS-
ICENHS-Santiago partici-
pants were very much thankful
to the support shown by their
fellow students , teachers,
neighbors most especially to
their trainer, Mr. Larry Gaite
and to their school head, Dr
Josephine R. Quiroquiro who
had been with them from the
“Nothing is permanent in this
world except change.” Once
again, the people of ICENHS-
Santiago must face this bitter-
sweet realism because two of
our iconic figures would leave
the portal of the school soon.
Though we hate to admit it but
there are things that we must
accept in order for us to move
Next week, November 7, 2016,
the school would have another
school head because Dr. Quir-
oquiro would be assigned to
Iligan City National High School
as an assistant principal.
Knowing this fact, we had pre-
pared a short parting program
for her with the teachers and all
0f us, students. Although our
program was a very simple one
but we were happy to know
that in a way we had touched
Dr. Quiroquiro’s heart. “ I was
touched by the program that
you prepared. I never expected
that you would do it because
of my strictness as a school
head.” she said her parting
Dr. Quiroquiro had only been
with us for only one year and 6
months but her short stint as a
school head did not deter her
from achieving great things.
Among her greatest achieve-
ments here in our school was
the imposing of discipline
among the students and her
being supportive to us every
time we joined competitions.
During her administration, the
school had been peaceful and
most of the students wore their
complete uniforms. It was also
during her time that our school
had been the home of the win-
ners. Our very own Franchesca
Vega had qualified in National
Schools Press Conference and
many of our athletes had
brought home the bacon.But the
best achievement that she had
for me was the full-
implementation of Senior High
School and the acquiring of new
school buildings. It is not only
the students here who would
miss her but most especially the
teachers because for them she
made a good epitome of a
school head. Despite her age,
she seemed tireless and always
did her job without burdening
other people. This is what the
teachers love most about her
because she was the type of a
school head who did not always
asked for an assistance from
Now, that Dr. Quiroquiro would
be gone in our school, her pres-
ence would be truly missed.
There would be no more moth-
erly figure in our office who
would scold one minute and
would console us the next. This
may be hard to accept for us
here but we need to let you go
in order for all of us to move for-
ward. Continue on page…….
Dr. Quiroquiro and Mrs. Estember to leave ICENHS-Santiago soon.
Last July 25-29, students of
ICENHS-Santiago unites for the
career guidance program. The
week- long school celebration
turned out to be an epic.
One of the finest attraction of
the said event was the showing
off of the students of their attires
which portray their desired ca-
reers where in fact all the stu-
dents collaborated.
Aside from the showcasing of
different career attires, there
were lots of activities during the
Career Guidance Week celebra-
tion such as the exhibit of the
students creative outputs which
are the career bulletin board,
and career jingle. Trivia ques-
tions were also given everyday
to give students additional
knowledge and also for them to
realize the importance of career
In addition, the appear-
ance of Atty. Dexter Rey
Sumaoy as the guest speaker
of the event made the celebra-
tion more interesting. His in-
spirational talk was consid-
ered remarkable not just by
the students but the teachers
as well.
Students were surprised
when three of the teachers in
school served as speaker of
the event. These teachers
were Ma’am Nhovy, Sir Luzon
and Sir Salomsom. All of them
shared their journeys in life
before they had become
The importance of celebrat-
ing career guidance is to as-
sist the students and to help
develop and navigate which
career they really belong.
Through the effort of our school
head, Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro,
and the barangay council of Baran-
gay Santiago, a new 8 classroom–
2 storey building is soon to rise in
our school. This is in preparation for
the upcoming Grade 12 students as
the school has already formally
opened Senior High School last
June in this academic year.
The area in which to buld the
new school building is located
just outside the perimeter fence
of our school. It’s lot area is 540
square meters. It has already un-
dergone survey by the City Gov-
ernment and the DENR. Accord-
ing to Mr. Manuel Palisbo, a TLE
teacher and in-charge of the pro-
ject, the plan is to build a two-
storey building for the senior high
school. As of the moment, the
school is still busy securing pa-
pers that will make the school the
legitimate owner of the land on
which to build the additional build-
ing since the area is being
claimed by several individuals.
The City Government is planning
to pay those individuals that hold
lot titles of the area.
Once this is materialized, the
school will have no problem any-
more about the lack of space.
Students will no longer crowd in a
very small classrooms. And most
of all, we will no longer be dis-
turbed with loud noises coming
from the machines because the
school has no proper shop yet for
the students to conduct their
hands on in welding and car-
ICENHS-Santiago Celebrates Career Guidance
by: Sittie Asyah Lipa
New 2-storey Building Soon to Rise in ICENHS-Santiago
Site for the additional Senior High School
Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro . A
mother, a friend and a principal
Mrs. Perlita Estember
Lucenda Jaudian in a nursing student
Senior High School Students in their
chosen career attires.
Last August _-_ 2016
Iligan City East High School-
Santiago celebrated once
again its palakasan with this
year’s theme:
___. The first day of the activ-
ity was started off by an open-
ing parade that was led by the
ICEHS-Santiago band and
the faculty and staff then fol-
lowed by the students by
grade level. The students’ ex-
citement was very evident de-
spite the scorching heat of the
sun. After the parade, there
was a lighting of torch that
signifies the commencement
of the event which was enthu-
siastically led by the Grade 11
student,John Raymond Ras.
Of course there was also the
grade level yelling that gave
the students the chance to
show off what their grade
got the most wins and was de-
clared as the overall champion
levels’ have got.
Right after that, there was an
oath of sportsmanship and oath
of coaches by the student ath-
letes and teacher coaches re-
spectively which was led by Sir
Chris Michael Padla. .
The event was made half-
day for the culmination of the
Buwan ng Wika in the after-
There was also the grade
level yelling that gave the stu-
dents the chance to show off
what their grade levels’ have
got. Right after that, there was
an oath of sportsmanship and
oath of coaches by the student
athletes and teacher coaches
respectively which was led by
Sir Chris Michael Padla. The
event was made half-day for
the culmination of the Buwan
ng Wika in the afternoon.
The students’ most awaited
and anticipated part of the activity
started the next day. It was the
beginning of the different games
and sports. The sports include
basketball, volleyball, sepak
takraw, badminton, chess, scrab-
ble, dicus throw, javelin throw,
track and field and table tennis.
There were also laro ng lahi which
include chinese garter, takyan and
sagusud. There were also parlor
games such as sack race and
longest line. The students’ battled
their heart out to win their games
and to be the overall champion.
Their classmates and batch mates
motivated them by cheering for
The awarding of winners
was on the third day. The different
game winners in group and solo
competitions received their
awards. In the end, the Grade 11 .
Palakasan 2016: Building Character In Every
ICENHS-Santiago Students
The only
time that they paid an amount was
during the actual exam which was
only Php500 each. “Though it was
for free, the knowledge and skills
that I had gained from the pro-
gram was exceptional,” said Jim-
my Cabiara, an alumnus of the
school. Now, he is already practic-
ing massage therapy and earns
considerably well in his new-found
hobby. The teachers are also
reaping the same benefits like that
of Jimmy because they had
earned not only additional skills
and knowledge out of the program
but NCII certificates as well which
they used in their application for
positions in the Senior High
School program.
The Graduation day of the said
program took place last February
12 in Jackos Kan-anan in Hin-
aplanon, Iligan City. It was attend-
ed by some TESDA officials of
Oroquieta City and Engr. Lee R.
Catane, the Concurrent Vocation-
al Administrator of Oroquieta Agro
– Industrial School. Our very own
school head, Dr. Josephine R.
Quiroquiro also graced the pro-
gram together with the Education
In order
to instill awareness about the
harsh effect of climate change,
ICENHS-Santiago joins the one
million trees project of ENO un-
der Kailamani Cares. A series of
mangrove-tree planting activity
was done every month in Bayug
Island, a place that is adjacent to
Barangay Santiago which was
badly devastated by Sendong.
Different groups and organiza-
tions including schools are now
joining efforts to restore the is-
land that was stripped bare by
the force of nature.
Here in ICENHS-Santiago,
the ENO one million project is
spearheaded by Perlita Estem-
ber and Almeda Maglasang who
had been to Malaysia last year
as part of their reward for their
effort in helping ENO fulfill its
dream of being able to plant one
million trees by the year 2017. It
has been their practice of con-
vincing students to participate in
mangrove tree-planting activity
which is usually done every Sat-
urday to prevent disruption of
They are able to make several
students participate by making it
as part of their class project.
They invited the parents of
these students as well to join
them in mangrove tree-planting.
Fortunately for them, several par-
ents and students heed their re-
Telling them that a mangrove for-
est functions not only as some-
thing to mitigate the effect of
waves rolling toward the sea-
shore, but also as a nursery
ground for creatures living along
the seashore.
Moreover, the forest absorbs
CO2, contributing to the preven-
tion of global warming. Thus,
mangrove forests are gregarious
forests essential to the earth.T
The Mangrove tree-planting ac-
tivity in Bayug Island become a
huge success because of the
number of people who supported
the project. Different groups visit
Bayug Island every week to take
part in the activity.These group of
people either plant new saplings
of mangrove or nurture those that
were already planted by making
sure that it is securely fastened to
the bamboo to prevent it from be-
ing washed away by the current or
waves. Those plants that have
died were also being replaced by
them. Thus, the newly-planted
mangrove saplings have a big
possibility of surviving.
In prepa-
ration for the incoming opening
of Senior High School pro-
gram, the teachers of ICENHS
-Santiago underwent training
in Massage Therapy and Elec-
trical Installation and Mainte-
nance under the Community-
Based mobile program of
TESDA Oroquieta City and
Oroquieta Agro-Industrial
School. Representatives from
TESDA came every Saturday
to conduct lectures on the
above-mentioned courses.
They were assisted by Mrs.
Perlita Estember , Manuel
Palisbo and Almeda Mag-
lasang who served as co-
trainors. Aside from the teach-
ers, some residents of Baran-
gay Santiago also took the op-
portunity and enrolled them-
selves. One of these residents
was Mr. Henry Abueva, the
English supervisor of Dep-ed.
The program lasted for 16
Saturdays which started last
June 2015 and commenced on
October the same year. Those
who were enrolled with the
program had nothing to worry
about the materials and allow-
ance of the lecturers because
Mangrove-tree planting
By: THERCEE-NEIL PAQUIT By: Juvalani Pepito
Teachers do not only teach but plant trees as well
NCII Certificates recipients with the TESDA
personnel and Dr. Josephine Quiroquiro
whom they have missed the entire
summer vacation. The students
were so excited they hoped school
would start right away.
School days began on June 13
and finally the students got what
they hoped for. They came in
school dressed in their uniform,
brought their newly bought school
supplies, and of course worn their
brightest smiles. The ICEHS-
Santiago faculty and school head,
Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro, were
very grateful for the support given
to the school by the volunteers.
They are also looking forward for
the further support in the Brigada
Eskwelas to come.
Senior High……..from page 1
Aside from the stu-
dents, the parents and the
teachers, the most important
thing to be readied for the open-
ing of the Senior High is the
school equipment and materials
as well as the additional school
buildings that will house the in-
coming Senior High School stu-
dents. As of press time, the
school has already two newly-
constructed TLE Buildings, and
plenty of materials for Electricity,
Computer Hardware Servicing
and cookery. Another two-storey
school building is also soon to
rise at the back of the school.
With all these preparations,
the school head, Dr. Josephine
Quiroquiro is now confident
to say that the school is K-12
Barangay Santiago
was set in a festive atmosphere
as the week-long nationwide
Brigada Eskwela was launched
last May 24-30 at Iligan City
East National High School-
Santiago. The Brigada was ea-
gerly participated by the incom-
ing students, parents, teachers,
and other stakeholders such as
the police and barangay offi-
All of them for sure woke up
early that time since the activity
started at 7 am which was start-
ed off by a parade led by the
ICEHS- Santiago faculty.
Brigada Eskwela is an annual
activity of public schools and its
goal is to ensure that the latter
would be ready to welcome its
students. The activity is mainly a
general clean-up. Having known
this, the volunteers did not forget
to bring each of their own clean-
ing tools which are the broom,
broom stick, bolo, sack, paint-
brush, and many others. Every-
one did their own part in the
clean-up. Some were busy
cleaning in the classrooms
(sweeping, scrubbing the floor,
etc.). Some were chopping and
pulling off tall grasses in the
school ground. Others also have
re-painted the walls. The police
also helped in the Brigada to-
gether with the students, par-
ents, and teachers.
The students’ overflowing excite-
ment concealed the lassitude
caused to them by the activity.
This excitement came from the
idea of seeing their new class-
mates and their school friends
Iligan City East
High School- Santiago An-
nex celebrated another nu-
trition month program last
month of July 2016. The
National Nutrition Council
announced this year’s
theme which was: “First
1000 days ni baby pahala-
gahan para sa malusog na
kinabukasan.” The theme
focused on the conception
and before the second
birthday of a child. Accord-
ing to NCC, the First 1000
Days has been called the
“golden window of oppor-
tunity” for a comprehensive
package of nutrition. This
year’s aim is to reduce
stunting, underweight and
wasting as well as to con-
tribute to the completion of
child development.
The month-long cele-
bration started off with a
little program in Monday,
July 11, 2016. The con-
tests/games were an-
nounced and some stu-
dents presented a dance
number. The program was
officially opened by our
school principal, Dr. Jose-
phine R. Quiroquiro. There
were also trivia questions
as usual way of opening a
The Nutrition month
culmination program hap-
pened last July 29, 2016.
In the morning was the
cooking contest and in the
afternoon was the pro-
gram proper. Students
from some sections also
cooked for their lunch and
ate altogether with their
classmates and advisers
just like the Grade 11-
Academia which cooked
Halang2x and pancit The
program brought the best
out of the ICEHS-
Santiago students as dif-
ferent contests like poster
and slogan making, sing-
ing contest, dance
ICENHS-Santiago Celebrates Nutrition Month 2016
Brigada Eskwela 2016
To equip the girl scouts with the
latest communications technology,
the Girl Scouts of the Philippines
organized a n Orientation Seminar
on Ham Radio last July 31 at Pala-
o, Iligan City. It was spearheaded
Phililippines– Iligan City Chapter
President———————and Mrs.
Rosemarie Saavedra.
The first part of the seminar
started with the presentation of the
delegates from the different
school. Introduction of what was
HAM radio then followed. Through
the seminar we had discovered
that ham radio was also known as
an amateur radio and that it can be
useful in times of need because
we can communicate with other
people even without cellphones
through it. What you only need
to know are its parts and how to
operate it. Using ham radio was
truly fun but we were told by our
trainers that we should be re-
sponsible in using it. The teach-
ers who accompanied us who
were Mrs. Elizabteth Galit and
Elizabeth Samson told us the
same that we should not just
use ham radio in making friends
with other users especially those
we did not know because it
might bring us to danger. There
were already several news
raped because they
agreed to meet with
strangers they had only
known over ham radio.
Later that day, we went
home replete with
knowledge about ham ra-
dio. When we came to
school , our school head
Dr. quiroquiro awarded to
us our certificates with the
hope that we would be
able to put into good use
everything that we had
learned in the seminar.
Girl Scout Ham Radio Seminar
Brigada Eskwela 2016 Opening Parade
BFP Personnel in action.
Happiness is when you learn new things
with friends.
Nutrition Month opening program
showdown, nutri-quiz, and cooking contests were
held. Fifteen sections, from Grade 7 to 11 competed
in every contests and it definitely developed the stu-
dents’ cooperation and determination as a team.
Dugong Guro, Dugong Bayani, Alay Ko, Buhay Mo
BSP and GSP Encampment
Last February 21-23, the BSP
and GSP conducted separate
encampment in two different
places which were Hinaplanon
and Buru-un. The group of stu-
dents who had joined the en-
campments was led by their
troop leaders, Manuel Palisbo,
Almeda Maglasang, Earl Froven
Sison, Marjorie Salomson, and
Kareen Rose Daang.The BSP
three-day encampment focused
on Emergency Service Training.
The participants were trained
how to administer first aid to pa-
tients such as bandaging, and
CPR. Aside from first aid, the
participants were also taught wa-
ter rescue and how to survive
For all the participants, there
were no dull moments during
the interview because every
day was a new adventure for
them. Who would forget those
early morning and late night
mobilization and most especial-
ly the night when we were told
to evacuate our quarters be-
cause of an imminent flood.
Truly, it was such a memora-
ble ,fun-filled and enriching ex-
The GSP encampment , on
the other hand, was also a
huge success. The GSP camp-
ers did not only learn about the
basic scouting law but also
about things that were not
shown in school as well.Like for
examples, the witnessing of the
firing of blank cartridges by the
members of the Philippine Ar-
my. Not only that, the GSP
campers were also allowed to
ride in their tankers and carry
real guns for picture taking.
Last August 2016, our school
held a back-to-back program of
the opening of the Palakasan
2016 in the morning and culmina-
tion of the month-long celebration
of the Language month.With the
theme, “Filipino, Wika ng
Karunungan, different activities
were prepared by the Filipino
teachers, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Galit,
Mrs. Joyce Arnoco and Mr. Ryan
The different activities that
were lined up for the program
were slogan and poster making
contest, singing and dancing con-
test, and oratorical contest which
all aimed to remind everybody
about the importance of the Filipi-
no Language.
The following are the winners in
the different contest categories:
Poster making contest- James
Nicho Quidlat
Sabayang Pagbigkas- Grade 8-
Slogan making contest
Katutubong Sayaw- Grade 7-Walingwaling
Talumpati- Yna Mae Sadernas
Although, there are already
three watchmen who are on
duty in the school, this does
not solve the problem . We are
keeping our fingers crossed
that the CCTV will.
“If God closes one door, He
opens up another one.” This
adage has truth to it. After the
tragedy that struck Iligan City
last December 17, 2011 which
left areas like Barangay Santia-
go devastated, blessings
poured out from heaven like
rain. First, dozens of assistance
in the form of goods, books,
school equipment like plastic
chairs, school materials came
from different sectors. And just
recently, the 50 computer sets
promised by Dep-ed through its
Computerization Program had
finally arrived. Now, all students
can have an access with the
computer. They will no longer
crowd on a single computer set.
Our big thanks to the people
who were behind the procure-
ment of these computer sets.
Aside from the computer sets, a
CCTV device was installed
around the campus to address
its long standing problem
of ,robbery. For the past years,
several incidents of school
properties robberies had been
reported and yet none of it was
resolved. So, the GPTA or
General Parents and Teachers
Association decided to install
CCTV around the campus to
solve the matter.
As part of the World Teacher’s
Day Celebration , Dep-ed-
Region X initiated a blood-letting
project in partnership with Philip-
pine Red Cross. This project was
dubbed as Dugong Guro, Du-
gong Bayani, Alay Ko, Buhay Mo
under the leadership of Dep-ed X
– Regional Director, Dr. Allan G.
According to Director Farnazo,
teachers should be encouraged
to donate blood to the Philippine
National Red Cross starting Oc-
tober 5, 2016. Staffs from the
Philippine Red Cross would
screen first the teacher –donors
whether they are in good health
and free from diseases through
blood typing and hemoglobin
check .Those who would be
found out with disease would be
asked to refer somebody form
his family member or a former
students to be his proxy. In the
meantime, teachers with High
blood pressure could still donate
blood if his blood pressure is un-
der control and within the limits
set I the donation guidelines.
Here in ICENHS-Santiago, the
said blood-letting program re-
ceived a positive response from
the teachers and students alike.
Most of them donated blood ex-
cept for those who are sick.
However, they had recommended
some proxies to cover for them.
Among the teachers who had un-
derwent blood-letting were Kareen
Rose Daang, Almeda Maglasang,
Manuel Palisbo, Jhon Patrick and
Gay Marie Doplon, James Guiuo to
mention a few. Some students also
acted as proxies to their teacher. In
over-all, the said program is con-
sidered to be a great success.
NEWS Language Month Celebration
Sumile replaced a teacher as
blood donor.
Grade 9 students in their Katutubong
sayaw entry.
Proposed Computer Set-
Once again, ICEHS-Santiago
shone in the recently concluded Di-
vision Schools Press Conference
held last September 2, 2016 at the
Dep-ed Conference Hall. Franches-
ca L. Vega bagged the first prize in
editorial writing-English category
while James Nicho Quidlat won the
third place in Editorial Cartooning-
Filipino category. Both of them had
already won in the first round of
DSPC 2016 held at Tambo Central
School last August 2016. But they
were made to compete again be-
cause of some discrepancy in the
Regional Memo regarding the con-
duct of DSPC. During the first round
of DSPC, there were separate con-
testants coming from the Senior and
Junior High Schools in each contest
category. It was only during the last
day of the contest that the DSPC
committee had found out that there
was no separate contest for the
Senior and Junior High School. So,
the Division Journalism Coordinator,
Henry Abueva announced the hold-
ing of the DSPC rematch.
would be
the win-
ners of
the first
round of
would be
no separation of
contest this time from the Sen-
ior and Junior High School, “he
further said.This year DSPC
theme is “"Promoting K to 12
Basic Education .Program as a
Transformative Vehicle for Lo-
cal and National Development
through Campus Journalism.”
Most of the winners of DSPC
come from private schools
most especially in the second-
ary category. Aside from Vega
and Quidlat two Senior High
School students also won in
the contest. They were Juvala-
ni Pepito who won fourth place
in Editorial writing and Jean-
nerose Sagaral who also won
the 6th place in Science and
Health Writing.
Those who qualified in the DSPC
rematch would represent the Divi-
sion of Iligan City in the Regional
Schools Press Conference to be
held this coming September 8-
10,2016 at Malaybalay Bukidnon.
Vega and Quidlat win in DSPC 2016 rematch
To inform the students about
the danger of using drugs, per-
sonnel from the Philippine Nation-
al Police conducted a symposium
on drugs in our school last July
There three police officers who
conducted the symposium and
one of them was their station
commander. The first one who
gave a pep talk was PO3
Paquingan. He first discussed to
us the different kinds of drugs and
its effects to the people. We had
learned that the most common
drugs used by people are mariju-
ana, shabu, syrups, cocaine, ex-
tacy and etc. He also showed to
us different pictures of people of
the said substances. Moreover,
he also warned us about the ef-
fects of these things in our be-
PO3 Paquingan talk did not
only end there. He also confessed
to us that he was once a drug ad-
dict in his youth and that the had
been admitted in a rehabilitation
center once. But through the help
of his family and friends, he was
able to surpass his addiction and
had eventually become a police
officer. He ended his talk by call-
ing all the drug dependents to
Turn-over themselves to the po-
lice as an adherence to President
Duterte’s Oplan Double Barrel
locally known as “Oplan To-
The next officer who gave a
speech was a beautiful police-
woman PO3 Pableo. Since she
was assigned under the Women
and Children’ s Desk, her talk fo-
cused mostly on violence against
women and children otherwise
known as R.A. 9262.
In her talk, she advised all the
mothers who were present to be
firmed in their decision when filing
a case against their husband who
abuse them because she had ex-
perienced in the past wherein the
complainants changed their
minds because they took pity on
their abusive husbands. As a re-
sult, they were not given justice
and their husbands abused them
al over again.
Furthermore, she also admon-
ished the parents not to use the
police figure in scaring little chil-
dren because that would paint a
bad image of policemen in their
minds. They feared that these
children would no longer treat
them as life saviors rather they
would think of them as monsters.
PO3 Pableo was able to say be-
cause she was not happy how the
children reacted in the gift-giving
program they organized wherein
some of the children cried and hid
behind their mothers the moment
they saw p”olicemen entered their
classroom. What would happen if
there is an emergency? I doubt
whether these children would still
call the police,” PO3 Pableo said.
The last part of the symposium
was the open forum. As ex-
pected, queries about the Oplan
Tokhang were asked by the par-
ents. They were concerned by the
way policemen were arresting the
drug addicts and drug pushers.
Some parents also candidly
asked the police officers whether
they were really the ones behind
all the killings of drug pushers in
Iligan City. The police officers in
turn answered their queries by
saying that they were not the only
one who were after the drug ad-
dicts but the drug lords as well.
The symposium ended with
us satisfied and with a vow
from ourselves not to lay a fin-
ger on any drug. Our heartfelt
gratitude to the police officers
for spreading the information
and to our school head as well
for giving them time to hold the
New Set of SSG Officers
School Year: 2016-2017
President: Mark Anthony P. Silanova
Vice President Internal: Juvalanie B.
Vice President External: Noli D. Na-
Secretary: Franchesca Claire L. Vega
Treasurer: Mary Apple M. Jaudian
Auditor: Maelissa J. Abdulhalim
P.I.Os : Lusenda M. Jaudian
Judy Ann D. Namantucan
Social Managers: Jimart G. Ocay
Danica Rose B. Clavano
Yna Mae Q. Sadernas Mae Marie Ca-
Sergeant at Arms:
April Mae C. Cabus Micael Jamon
Jerald F. Eyana Noel T. Villaver
Maureen Vega Peter Sadernas
Grade 7: Kyla L. Ladion
Grade 8: Jhapet A. Villarin
Grade 9: Nayeli C. Lugto
Grade 10: Princess Nicole Y.
Grade 11 Jeannerose B.
Campaign against drugs
By: Jerald F. Eyana
PNP officers with Dr. Quiroquiro and
Manuel Palisbo
Vega and her coach, Sorahayda B.
A nurse turned into a teacher. Sir
Guio had been already practicing
his nursing profession when he
realized that his real passion is
teaching. So, he went back to
school and took up Education.
His first teaching job was in Iligan
City National Schools of Fisher-
ies. He applied as a senior high
school teacher and was fortunate-
ly admitted here in ICENHS–
Santiago. He is designated as the
prefect of discipline and DRR Co-
ordinator of the Senior High
School Department. He also
teaches SMAW and science to
both junior and senior high school
students HS-Santiago.
Up Close and Personal
Small but terrible. This description
suits Ma’am Nhovy very well be-
cause of her size but once she
opens her mouth, one is left in awe.
Ma’am Nhovy has a good com-
mand of the English language. Stu-
dents often jokingly complained
that their nose bleed in her class
because of her American accent.
This skill of hers had landed her in
a call center job in the past. Aside
from her stint in a call center, Mrs.
Ermac had also taught in Iligan
Medical Center College and prior to
her assignment here,she was al-
ready a public school teacher in
Bunawan Agricultural High School.
Presently, she is the class adviser
of Grade 11-Academia.
.The Vin Diesel of ICENHS-
Santiago. With his bald head and
manly looks, many students consid-
ered Sir Sison as the lost brother of
the Fast and Furious star. Kidding
aside, Sir Sison is the class adviser
of Grade 8-Ruby and handles Val-
ues Education subject. He came
here last year as substitute teacher
of Mrs. Henrylen McMichael but later
on he became her replacement
since the former had eventually re-
signed from service. If you’re looking
for a perfect epitome here of a 21st-
century teacher, try checking on Sir
Sison. He is not only fully-equipped
with skills and knowledge but teach-
ing devices as well. Everywhere he
goes, he brings with him his netbook
and pojector. An always ready and
a 21st century teacher, indeed.
Sir Francis is an energetic and
enthusiastic Philosophy and Po-
litical Science teacher of
ICENHS-Santiago. He is a for-
mer teacher of MSU-Naawan
and La Salle Academy. What
makes him endearing to the stu-
dents are his wit and sense of
humor. He is also full of motiva-
tional words to encourage us to
succeed in life by developing a
positive paradigm. Philosophy
used to be a mind-boggling sub-
ject but under Sir Babao’s tute-
lage, Philosophy now for us is as
easy as ABC. Sir Babao is pres-
ently the Guidance Counselor –
Designate and at the same time
SHS Coordinator of the Senior
High School.
Sir Sepe is a silent type of a
teacher but he also has a funny
side. He is a very smiling person.
What the students like most about
him is that he shares the word of
God to them. Every lunch break,
he conducts bible study in his
classroom. He is very generous to
them too. He can always be seen
treating his students with snacks
and food.
At the moment, Sir Sepe is the
class adviser of Grade-II Artistry
and handles computer and tech-
nical drawing subjects. He is also
an active adviser of the Supreme
Student Government (SSG).
Ma’am Elizabeth Samson is fondly
called as “Ma’am Sexy” by her
peers because at her age she still
has the body of a young woman
and she also dresses as one. She
used to teach in St. Therese
Academy and had also served as
its acting principal for sometimes.
Here In ICENHS-Santiago, she is
the class adviser of Grade 8– and
teaches Math in Grade 7 and
Grade 8. Mrs. Samson is a good
Mathematics teacher.
Ma’am Dalupang is the new
beautiful face of ICENHS-
Santiago. Students are en-
tranced with her sophisticated
face and bubbly personality. She
is a resident of Tibanga, Iligan
City and got the degree of Bach-
elor in Physical Education
tucked under her belt. She has
been teaching in private colleges
for several years now before
she was hired her e in our
school. At present, she is acting
as the class adviser of Grade 10
- Milkfish and teaches MAPEH
subject to all Grade 7.
Ma’am. Arnoco is the new Filipino
teacher in our school. She is the
class adviser of Gade 10-
Mackerel. She had taught in the
college department of Iligan Medi-
cal Center College for 19 years
before she joined us here in
ICENHS-santiago. People de-
scribe her as a serious and a no
non-sense teacher. She sticks to
her rule and she has a mind of her
own. She maybe simple in the
outside but there is more to her
than what meets the eye.
Zoraida L. Dalupang Joyce C. Arnoco
public school together with the
normal students. At first, school
was hard for somebody who
couldn’t talk and move normally
like her. She could not partici-
pate in oral discussion nor per-
form in practicums in MAPEH
and TLE. Not to mention, the
bullies. But with her strong re-
solve to finish her study, she
was able to surpass it all . She
did not only surpass it all grace-
fully but she also manage to
include herself in the list of top
ten students every grading peri-
Being in the honor roll is
something that every student
covets to be in. Only a few of
the so called “cream of the
crops “make it in the list. And
this feat is usually achieved by
people with normal faculties.
Honey Grace defies all odds to
the amazement of everybody.
In every grading period, you
will see her name posted in the
bulletin board as one of the top
performing student of the class.
If only all students would be
like Grace who doesn’t give up
easily on challenges. Despite
of her handicap, she is not a
burden to the class. She tries
her best to function normally like
her classmates. She never ask
for help nor ask to be treated as
special. She is even the first one
to come to school and clean the
classroom even without
out the presence of her teacher and
classmates. I remember one inci-
dent in her TLE class wherein they
were asked to do a cooking demo.
Instead of asking for an exemption
in the activity, she willingly volun-
teered to help by peeling fruits and
Now that she is about to complete
her junior high school, I would like
Grace to be remembered as some-
body special not because of her dis-
ability but because of her strong de-
termination to defy the odds and
succeed in life despite of everything.
But deep in my heart, there is an
undeniable sadness and worry too
for Grace if ever she will choose to
enroll in another school for Senior
High. What if the students in the new
school will bully her? What if the
teachers there will not understand
her situation? But in retrospect, I am
consoled with the thought that Grace
will be able to overcome whatever
challenges that will come on her way
as she has already did it in the past.
She may lack the faculties that nor-
mal students have but she got this
knack of doing things that don’t
come naturally. And most important
of all, she has magnanimous faith in
God that she can make things hap-
pen so long as she work for it and
The chief Girl Scout Medal
Scheme recognizes Senior High
School and cadet (college) Girl
Scouts who meet the criteria for out-
standing service to their community.
It is built on the Girl Scout’s concept
of developing the total girl making
her well-rounded in all aspects– spir-
itual, physical, mental, emotional
and social. It’s main emphasis is on
the girl’s discipline, perseverance,
and the development of her sense of
responsibility towards herself and
the community.
October 2014 as I started to work
Honey Grace…. Such a common
sounding name but here in ICENHS
-Santiago it refers to somebody
who is fragile and special. The
name Honey Grace belongs to a
senior female student who despite
of her disability has able to survive
the hurdles of a school world way
beyond her normal classmates do.
Grace is suffering from Cerebral
Palsy since birth but the said
disease does not prevent her from
finishing high school. She could not
talk nor move normally but these
things do not deter her from doing
all the daily routines like taking a b-
A student named Grace
chief girl scout project entitled “
Grow Herbs for Health” at Purok
5B, Santiago, Iligan City. The
project’s emphasis is on herbal
plants wherein the community
can benefit freely. It was a whole
year endeavor where I
underwent different phases of
activities to attain my objectives.
When I read this letter of
congratulations sent to me by
ath, feeding herself, helping in
doing the household chores and
coming to school everyday.
Just like the other people who
are afflicted with this disease,
Grace has not escaped the ridi-
cule of some people and she
has also received her fair share
of bullying to last her a lifetime.
For a person of delicate nature,
all of these things would be
enough to call everything quits
and just hide from the prying
eyes and scorn of the public. But
not Grace. She may look vulner-
able but deep inside she is invin-
Grace grew up from the sole
care of her aging Grandmother.
They are poor so she has no
choice but to study in a nearby
Honey Grace Nacasabog, a student of Grade 11-Academia is an
inspiration to the ICENHS-Santiago students.
GSP national president Susan R.
Locsin, wow! I didn’t understand
how I felt during that time. The
only word that came out from my
mouth was, “Thank you, God and
to God, be all the glory.” our labor
was not truly in vain. My trop
leader, Mrs. Almeda Maglasang
could also go to the presentation
ceremony at Pasay City, manila
for free-plane ticket
,hotel accommodation and all were
for free.
As I walk the aisle towards the
stage and received my medal, all
my sorrows and pains were
suddenly gone and all the sacrifices
I did for this project were paid off
big time. At the back of my mind, I
was also mentally thanking God for
all the people whose hearts were
touched by Him to help me in
perfecting my task. They were no
other than my family, friends,
teachers, principal and of course,
my trop leader, Mrs. Almeda
Maglasang who together with me,
moved heaven and earth just for
this project to materialize.
Above all, I thank God because if
not for Him I would not reach this
far and achieve this things. I also
thank Him for a safe trip all
throughout my journey.
My journey as a chief scout medalist
Donna Gulay (right side) all smiles during the Chief Girl Scout Medal presentation ceremony at Manila.
Like the mythical bird, phoenix,
Barangay Santiago rises from its
ashes again to become the latest
tourist spot in Iligan City. After
Sendong, there seemed no hope
for Barangay Santiago. With most
of its houses dilapidated and huge
number of casualties and missing
persons, some people were left
with no choice but to transfer to
relocation site. For sometimes,
Barangay Santiago became a
ghost town but thanks to the ef-
forts of both the government and
private sectors, our barangay has
slowly recovered once again into a
lively and thriving place.
And just last year, Barangay
Santiago became a word of mouth
of everybody because of Paseo
de Santiago. The latter is the new
tourist attraction in the area which
is a park overlooking the sea of
Iligan City. It is located near the Fi
-shchiboy market or talipapa of
barangay Santiago. What makes it
popular to everybody despite of its
being located in quite a remote
area is the romantic ambiance of
the place. One can likened it to
the famed Manila Bay where you
can say the sky change from or-
ange to gray during sunset. The
view is equally amazing during
sunrise but unlike Manila Bay its
sea-breeze is not tainted with the
pollution of the city. Indeed, the
place is not only good for recrea-
tion but for our health as well.
Another attraction of Paseo de
Santiago is the gigantic letters
that say Iligan City and Philip-
pines. The said gigantic letters
become a favorite selfie destina-
tion of the locals and tourists
alike. Moreover, the landscape
and the changing themes of the
place also add to its charm. Every
visit in Paseo de Santiago is like
a first time because it changes its
theme according to the occasion.
But the occasion wherein Paseo
de Santiago is in its full capacity
is during Valentine’s Day. Its ro-
mantic ambiance attracts couple
from all walks of life to choose the
place to celebrate their love.
As of the moment, Paseo de
Santiago charges Php 10 per per-
son for its entrance fee. The pro-
ceeds of the entrance fee is to be
used for its development and
maintenance since it is not fully-
developed yet. Aside from serving
as a place of relaxation, Paseo de
Santiago also offers snacks and
beverages to the public. It also
sells beer and barbeque which is
famous for its delicious taste. Ta-
bles and chairs abound in the ar-
ea so you can easily drink and
eat with your loved ones anytime
you like. Bringing of your own
food is discouraged though be-
cause the management charges
an arm and leg as corkage fee.
Parking of vehicles is also no
problem because it has a wide
open space that can accommo-
date quite a number of cars. Plus
of cars. Plus guards and CVOs are
also on standby to secure the
How to get there?
Paseo de Santiago is just 10
minutes away from the heart of the
city. It is accessible through Pinoy
jeepneys or “habal-habal. “ Getting
into the national highway is also a
breeze because lines of “trisicads”
await in the area ready to ferry
passengers anytime they want.
To become an effective teacher,
one has to be patient, determined
and disciplined. All of these words
perfectly describe , Mr. Roel
Togonon, an Aralin Panlipunan
teacher in our school.
Mr. Togonon typical day started
with taking care of his kids since
His wife works abroad. He then
proceeded to school teaching his
students from 7:30 AM to 4:30
PM. In this eight hours inside the
school, you cannot see Mr. Togo-
non in an idle mode because even
in his break time, you cannot see
him just sitting or chatting with his
fellow teachers. It is because dur-
ing these times, it is either you
can see him bend on his laptop
busy concocting ideas or he is
out somewhere training his ath-
letes or RCY volunteers. His
hands maybe full due to his fa-
therly duties but he doesn’t lack
time for his duties. And all of
these sacrifices of his don’t go to
waste because just this school
year, his students through his
coaching had garnered awards in
different contests that they joined.
The following are the awards that
his students won for this school
year: ICEHS-Santiago RCY won
a Bronze Medal for bagging the
3rd place in Chain Story Telling
contest with Donna C. Gulay,
Mary Rose Maquilan, Franchesca
Vega, Maureen Vega, and Yna
Mae Sadernas as participants.
5th place –Poster Making Contest
in Sanrugo Festival 2016 with
James Nicho Quidlat as partici-
pant. 4th place, Mr. & Ms. RCY
2016 with Mark Rixter C.
Cabasag and Eunice Canete as
contestants. 2016 Pop Quiz: 1st
place, Jingle Writing Contest,
Peniel Erag; 2nd place, Pop Quiz
-Franchesca L. Vega; 3rd place,
Poster Making-James Nicho
Quidlat; 3rd Place, 2016 Fire Pre-
vention Month Poster Making
Paseo de Santiago: The new tourist attraction in Iligan City
Roel Togonon, ICEHS-Santiago most outstanding teacher
ILIGAN CITY letters’ design during summer at Paseo de Santiago.
Contest –James Nicho Quidlat. 3
Bronze Medals for Boxing Event,
2015 Palarong Pampook held at
Oroquieta, Mis. Occ., last Decem-
ber 12-19, 2015.
ICEHS Eastern Eagle with Mr. Togonon as their coach garnered 4 Gold Medals from
different Boxing Division during the 2015 Iligan City Division Meet last Sept. 9-11,2015 .
Teaching is the most challenging pro-
fession in the whole world. It is a ca-
reer that should not be taken lightly. To
teach means to be ready to face the
worst-stubborn students, a mountain
high requirements, deadlines to beat,
meetings, seminars to name a few. But
all of these things are nothing com-
pared to the unforgettable moments
that a teacher could spend with his/her
students. This is why we will surely
miss one of the best teachers in our
school, Ma’am Michellene Judith.
Ma’am Michellene Judith will be retir-
ing this school year after 18 years of
service in Iligan City East High School-
Santiago. She turned 62 last Septem-
ber. She is a Values Education and an
English teacher at the same time. Per-
sonally, I find Ma’am Judith as a good
and hardworking teacher with a nice
personality. But I bet other students
would disagree with me, especially the
boys. Because some students would
see Ma’am Judith getting angry to of-
ten in their class. And we also can’t
deny that Ma’am Judith got that fierce
look even though she’s not angry, whi-
ch which gives us the thought
that she’s strict. But it’s all a
matter of time. When you finally
get to know her, you can say
that she’s really a nice person.
She only gets angry to those
noisy and naughty students, or
should I directly say the boys.
When I was in Grade 9,
Ma’am Judith was our Values
Education teacher. I’ve never
liked the subject she’s teaching
but I like her as a teacher. I still
remember when she once told
us about her love story. After
hearing it, I liked her even
more. Her love story was so
charming and an epic. I always
end up laughing my heart out
every time I remember her love
I respect Ma’am Judith as a
teacher and as a woman. I
learned from her that a woman
can still live happily even she
has no man beside her. At first,
I thought that Ma’am Judith’s
At first, I thought that Ma’am Ju-
dith’s life is sad because she
has no husband and child. But
to my surprise, she is not at any
rate sad because her life is hap-
pier compared to the other cou-
ples out there. For her, happi-
ness does not only lies in having
a successful marriage life, it en-
compasses many things. The
thought that her father is still
alive and kicking and that she
have helped her siblings and her
nieces and nephews with their
needs is what happiness all
about for Ma’am Judith.
I respect Ma’am Judith as a
teacher and as a woman. I
learned from her that a woman
can still live happily even she
has no man beside her. At first, I
thought that Ma’am Judith’s life
is sad because she has no hus-
band and child. But to my sur-
prise, she is not at any rate sad
because her life is happier com-
pared to the other couples out
there. For her, happiness does
not only lies in having a suc-
cessful marriage life, it encom-
passes many things. The
thought that her father is still
alive and kicking and that she
have helped her siblings and her
nieces and nephews with their
needs is what happiness all
about for Ma’am Judith.
I’m happy that I’ve got to meet
a teacher like Ma’am Judith.
Now that, I’m a Grade 10 stu-
dent, she’s no longer my subject
teacher but I never miss greet-
ing her every time I pass by her
sitting near the window of her
classroom bending over the pa-
pers that she meticulously
check. And as always, she
would greet me back and re-
turn my smile.
ICEHS-Santiago is very
grateful to have Ma’am Mich
as one of its best teachers.
Teacher and student alike will
always remember her as the
school’s early bird. She never
comes to school late nor ab-
sent from her class. And when
submission day of require-
ments comes, she is always
one of those who submits first.
In this coming opening of
classes, we are saddened with
the thought that you will be no
longer with us to see us walks
into the new chapter of our
lives which is Senior High
School. You may never see us
finish high school, Ma’am Ju-
dith but what you have taught
us will forever lived with us.
We also want you to know that
although our ways maybe
strange, we love you still and
we will always remember you
as the teacher who ‘s patience
and kindness is incomparable.
Thank you Ma’am Judith!
I ’ve always hated writing. That’s
why of all the contests I’ve joined,
journalism pisses me off. It freaking
gets on my nerve and is really a pain
in the neck. Writing is tiring. Not just
tiring but Veeerrry tiring. It consumes
99.9% of my energy. It’s killing me, I
used to think. But one fateful day,
journalism changed my life.
Month of September 2015, I call it
“journalism month” since it’s always
the month that Division Schools
Press Conference always takes
place. We went to the contest venue
in the morning at Dona Juana Actub
Lluch Memorial School. We saw lots
of participants already in the covered
court. Obviously, I was not excited. I
could clearly hear a whisper from
somewhere saying to me, “Happy 3rd
Anniversary, loser!”. Why? Because it
was already my 3rd time of joining the
contest and I haven't won not even in
the 7th place. During that time, I was
contemplating for another loss.
The DSPC, went on just as it always
did the past two I had joined. Fin
Finally, the contests began. I en-
tered the contest area for Editorial
Writing in English. I saw my con-
tenders inside the classroom. Some
of them were repeaters like me
while some were new faces. They
were so busy studying while waiting
for the proctor to come in. When
finally the proctor came, all my
doubts dissolved into thin air be-
cause the topic that she gave us
was somewhat familiar to me. She
asked us to write about the lifelong
skills of Senior High School. As a
grade 10 student, I was quite well-
verse with the topic since I under-
went a lot of seminars about it.
Fast forward….. On the awarding
day, there was no pressure nor ex-
pectation on my part. One by one,
the emcee announced the winners.
When the winners of the Editorial
Writing contest were announced I
was declared as the second placer,
I couldn’t hold up my tears, it’s just
dropping and I didn’t care. I was so
happy. For the first time, I won and I
qualified for the Regional Schools
Press Conference.
The RSPC was held at Oro-
quieta City on November 2015.
To think of it, it was my firs
time to be away from my fami-
ly. We stayed there for four
days. At the contest, the topic
given was APEC. I’ve read
about it so I’ve had an idea.
Fast forward again….On the
awarding ceremony, my name
was called as the second plac-
er. I was so happy But I didn’t
cry because it’s so embarrass-
ing and I’ve regretted that I
cried in the DSPC. The Re-
gional Schools press Confer-
ence was a lot of fun because
we got to go to Tangub City,
the city of lights in their grand
opening , Christmas Celebra-
Month of January 2016, I for-
got the exact date but we went
to Malaybalay, Bukidnon for
the enhancement of the Na-
tional Schools Press Confer-
ence . We stayed there for
three days. It is a very cold
place and the water is as cold
as ice.
Month of February, on the
19th day to be exact, we went
first to Cagayan de Oro for the
pre-departure Orientation
Seminar and proceeded the
day after to Koronadal City,
South Cotabato for the con-
test. Koronadal exceeded my
expectations. It is peaceful,
clean and a beautiful place. I
chastised myself for being so
judgmental at first because be-
fore NSPC I used to think that
Koronadal was a backward
place and a dangerous one
When the contest day came,
I was so excited and nervous
at the same time. But upon
coming to the contest venue
and upon given an unfamiliar
topic to write an editorial arti-
cle, my excitement was re-
placed with disillusionment
and regret. However, it was a
very great experience and I
learned a lot from it.
Diary of a campus journalist
Ma’am Judith to retire this school year 2016-2017.
By Angel Mae Dacup
Life is like a beautiful flower
That slowly grows in sum-
I wonder when I stare at the
It looks like my handsome
But when water drops as
cold as an ice
It makes me sad like a little
Seeing the flower trembles
like a dice
It brings tear drops in my
Watching it everyday
Makes me happy all day
Like the shining sun at the
This is me”
By: Kurt Jabagat
This is me, this is who I am.
They hate me then and now
they still do.
But as long as I am happy
I’ll go ahead! And l’ll let it be.
This is me, this is who I am.
Talking to myself and feeling
Do I make any sense to any-
Or I am just nonsense to
This is me, now feeling hope-
Separated from the people I
I am a fool to everyone.
I shouldn’t trust.
They shouldn’t lie.
Why is it?
By: Alyssa Rae Genosolanggo
Why love can be so painful?
When things are being playful.
It hurts you, it makes you happy.
But in the end, you’ll feel sorry.
Love doesn’t get angry easily.
But all people deal without it.
Why does love makes you a fool?
When you know the truth, you’ll still be-
lieve the lie.
Love should be based from the truth.
It will bring you down if you lie.
Love can be painful, happy or sad,
Doesn’t care what it should be.
Loving can hurt, but people treasure it.
Love can make people blind.
Things are being disabled.
Love is dangerous sometimes.
“Best friends”
By Jessa Mae Jamorol
I met a stranger.
We were classmates.
We became friends.
We became close friends.
Time passed, we became best
We were like sisters.
We became best friends ever.
Until we become like one.
Sometimes, we have the same
We laughed very hard.
Sometimes we had fights, we ar-
We cried but after all we became
friends again.
We approve the same plan.
We smile and laugh sarcastical-
She’s as a lion
By Yna Mae Sadernas
As brave as a lion
She took me in every motion
And every time I’m alone
She hugs me like a stone
And whenever I need her
She protects me like an ogre
That’s why I love my mother
And I love her forever
Train to Busan
“Train to Busan” is a Kore-
an movie that has taken Filipi-
no viewers by storm. The mo-
ment a copy of it leaked in the
internet, it instantly became
What is really in this movie
that made viewers go gaga
over it? Is it solely because of
Gong-Yo? I think not! The
movie is more than the usual
zombie movie. It is thriller and
drama mix into one. One of
the most unforgettable scene
of the movie was when Gong-
Yo bade farewell to his daugh-
ter and jumped out of the train
to prevent her from being in-
fected with the zombie virus. It
was truly a tear-jerker scene
which cannot be expected in a
horror movie. Following a mot-
ley crew on a bumpy ride from
Seoul to Busan to escape a
zombie outbreak, writer-
director Yeon Sang-ho’s ac-
tion-horror railroad movie
“Train to Busan” pulses with
relentless locomotive momen-
tum. As an allegory of class
rebellion and moral polariza-
tion, it proves just as biting as
Bong Joon-ho’s sci-fi dystopia
“Snowpiercer,” while deliver-
ing even more unpretentious
fun. Yeon has displayed rec-
ognizably cinematic sensibili-
ties in his last three indie
anime features — “King of
Pigs,” “Fake” and “Seoul Sta-
tion” — so it’s not surprising
that he transitions easily into
live-action, though his scath-
ing, nihilistic vision of humani-
ty is watered down for wider
mainstream appeal. Buyers
for Asian-friendly genre prod-
ucts should clamber to board
Despite the vibrancy of genre
cinema in Korea, you can
count the country’s zombie
films on the fingers of one
hand. But whether it’s alleged
prototype “Let Sleeping
Corpses Lie” rip-off “A Mon-
strous Corpse” or the more
recent “Zombie
School” (2014), they’ve all
been slapdash and unoriginal.
However, with a MERS epi-
demic sweeping South Korea
in 2015 and soaring discon-
tent with corruption and eco-
nomic disparity, a zombie
apocalypse serves as a potent
allegory for the dog-eat-dog
world. In “Seoul Station,” Yeon
depicted a homeless enclave
inside the central train station
as the ground zero of a zom-
bie outbreak. “Train to Busan”
picks up where that film left
off. While the anime’s excoria-
tion of the police and army is
softened in
the live-action sequel, sce-
narios of humans and zom-
bies precariously separated
by carriages fittingly symbol-
ize the dangerous gap be-
tween society’s haves and
Workaholic fund manager
Seok-wu (Gong Yoo) takes
his estranged young daugh-
ter Su-an (Kim Su-an) on the
KTX high-speed train to
Busan to visit his ex-wife.
The last person to hop on is a
teenage girl whose bare
thighs are crisscrossed with
bulging veins. Yet, passen-
gers and train crew get more
alarmed over a homeless
man hiding out in the wash-
room — one of the film’s fre-
quent barbed comments on
snobbery in Korean society.
The first 15 minutes tease
audiences with glimpses of
zombie threat, like a shadow
lunging spastically across the
platform, or ominous news
reports of riots in the capital.
Once the infected girl claims
the first victim, however, the
action surges ahead with ex-
hilarating mayhem, abetted
by the claustrophobic layout
of train compartments.
The main reason zombies
rank less scarily on the
ghoulish scale is their slow
waddling gait, but the resi-
dent evil here is so deliriously
energetic and agile it’s like
they’re powered by ginseng
and soju. Yeon’s background
in animation definitely lends
their assault a cartoonish fe-
rocity. The creatures’ only
weakness is the fact they see
poorly in the dark, giving rise
to several mini-climaxes
when Seok-wu exploits this to
outwit them.
Whereas in Hollywood disas-
ter or apocalyptic movies, the
chief protagonist tends to
take charge and puts him or
herself in the line of fire, Seok
-wu subverts the cliché by
acting on his elitist, self-
preserving instincts, telling
Su-an off for giving her seat
to an old lady, and shutting
the door on escaping passen-
gers Sang-hwa (Ma Dong-
seok) and his pregnant wife
Sung-kyu (Jung Yu-mi, “Oki’s
Movie”). It is up to Su-na,
with her child’s innate decen-
cy, and the burly but daunt-
less Sang-hwa to undo the
financial go-getting, cutthroat
attitude, so he can learn that
it is cooperation and altruism
that ensures survival in a ca-
It’s been three years now since I
first set my foot in Mainit. It was
such a fine sun- shiny day when
Maridel, the teacher I was to replace
in Mainit High School met me in
Barinaut to accompany me in my
journey in going there.
The travel was not that bad as I ex-
pected because we had a good driv-
er. I was even able to appreciate the
panoramic view of the places we
passed by as we ascended towards
the mountain.
Everything was so verdant be-
cause you could see lots of trees
which abound in the area. The air
was so cool because of it and of the
river nearby. That’s why I had won-
dered why Mainit was named as
such when its climate is the perfect
The temperature here can be lik-
ened to that of Baguio and Marawi
City's. It’s very cold during night time
and during the wee hours of the
morning.I t’s also a good thing that
Mainit is not located along the Na-
tional Highway because there were
sometimes that we experienced ze-
ro visibility because of the fogs.
So, blame us not if there were
sometimes that we weren’t able to
wake up early because who would
want to rise up early in the freezing
cold. Aside from the view and the
weather, the other things that en-
dear Mainit to me are the placidity of
the place and the innocence and the
genuineness of its people. Now that
I’m not teaching there anymore, I
miss those noiseless nights wherein
you could only hear the noise of the
cicadas and zephyr which lulled me
into a deep sleep. I also miss the
innocent faces of my students who
hanged by every word I uttered as
though I was a saint. I miss the com-
munity too who treated us with kind-
ness and with so much reverence
that every celebration in their place
would not be complete without us
having been invited.
I miss those nocturnal walks we
did every time we conducted home
visitation to our students’ families.
We did it during night times because
it was the only free time we had. No
experiences were so much happier
than those times that we raced
along the road towards our boarding
house as a result of our trading hor-
ror stories while walking on a pitch
dark road.
Why I’m writing this? I don’t
know. I just have this feeling that I
might not be able to go back there
anymore. Though Mainit is 27 km
away from Iligan City, I have already
loved it as though it’s my own
hometown because it had given me
the peace of mind and soul I have
been longing to have for a long time
now. And most of all, I had met peo-
ple I have grown to love and who
have become my true friends.
Now that I’m assigned here in the
city, I am teaching here in the city I
can help but smile whenever I re-
member the adventures we had dur-
ing our stay there.
Mainit is one of the 44 barangays
of Iligan City and is only accessible
through “habal-habal”. The road in
going there is a rough and tough one
to be traversed by city dwellers not
only because it is not a concrete one
but it is also hilly and punctuated by
protruding big rocks. Deep ravines
along the side of the one-lane road
also added to the nervousness of the
travellers. But for those who are ad-
venturous at heart, they find the jour-
ney thrilling and adrenaline pumping.
There’s no place like Mainit
Mainit High School as seen from above
The author and her co-teacher in Mainit
One of the winding roads of Mainit
Thank you, Ma’am Judith!
Furthermore, the Commission on
Human Rights has been receiving a
lot of criticisms from the Filipino
Community.According to the feed-
backs, CHR is not helping the coun-
try but it is worsening the situation.
Most of the Filipinos think that CHR
is just seeking attention because
they had been silent and useless for
a long time since the new admin-
istration came in.
Wanting to promote and preserve
human rights isnever wrong. This is
the role ofthe CHR and let us not de-
prive them from it. We should not be
blinded by our strong desire for
change, instead, we should remem-
ber the importance of the human
CHR is just doing their job. They
cannot just sit still and watch people
die. They should function because
after ll, they are being paid. Let us
respect each other’s beliefs and
opinion to achieve harmony and suc-
cess in our nation.
According to Dep-Ed Secretary
Lluistro, there will be 5, 770 and
3,000 schools which will be offer-
ing Senior High School in public
and private schools respectively
nationwide .
How ready are schools and
teachers for this program?The
start of Senior High School will
determine the success of the
whole implementation of K to 12.
If this is not given due attention
by the government and Dep-Ed
officials, the quality education to
be at par with other countries is
at stake. And, so the government
should find ways to support finan-
cial allocation for this, and educa-
tors should inform everyone es-
pecially the parents regarding the
voucher program.
This program should be pol-
ished first in senior High School,
because it is such a great help to
many poor students who can’t
availafford expensive schooling.
If a poor but deserving Juan can
avail of this program, his future of
being a productive citizen with
the support of parents and stake-
holders can be brighter.
have a hero’s burial. Was our his-
tory wrong all along? Or are we
bound to repeat our history all
over again. I am afraid that I can
smell something fishy here. Let
us just wait and see.
then assistant city prosecutor
in the late 1970s until the early
He was born on March 28,
1945, in Maasin, Southern Leyte,
to Vicente Duterte, who was gov-
ernor of the undivided Davao in
the late 1950s, and Soledad Roa,
a teacher and civic leader.
The hearing will be participated
by the Philippine National Po-
lice, cabinet members, and
families of the SAF 44. The
senate is now having a break
that is expected to last for a
few months because of the
2016 Election.
On the other hand, Filipinos
are in a split decision regarding
the re-investigation. Senator
Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., sup-
ports Enrile’s decision on re-
opening the case. Meanwhile,
Iloilo City Representative, jerry
Trenas a nd agreed by Police
Director, Benjamin Magalang
said that the re-opening of the
investigation is a waste of time
and its sole purpose has noth-
ing to do with the truth but a
mere political game of some
ambitious politicians.“ We have
already move on. And now,
we’ll have to move on again”
as police Director Benjamin
Magalong has said. The re-
investigation-its .purpose is not
to bring justice, rather, it is tak-
ing advantage of the incident to
advertise themselves in the
2016 election. These lowly
people are shame to our coun-
try and the only one to dishon-
or the death of the SAF 44.”
Could we please request our
school guards to open the gate at 4
pm because we would like to go
home early. Our class officially ends
at that time so we couldn’t see the
point of holding us until 4:30. Anoth-
er thing is that, making us wait for the
gate to open only gets us into trouble.
It is either that we catch cold because
of the rain or we bump into the other
students that lead s into fight. Re-
member the incident last year be-
tween the Grade 9 and Grade 10 stu-
dents? It only started with a simple
bumping into each other.
_Concerned student_
I ligan had been a peaceful place
for a very long time but its placidity
was destroyed overnight after that
fateful day when Congressman Vi-
cente F. Belmonte was ambushed in
a broad daylight while he and his
aides were on his way home to Iligan
City from Laguindingan Air-
port.Luckily the congressman sur-
vived the ambush with only a minor
gunshot wound on his legs. However,
luck was not on the sides of his driver
and PNP bodyguard who died in-
stantly on the crime scene.
The next thing that took place was
a total chaos. Congressman Varf Bel-
monte accused Iligan City Mayor
Celso Regencia as the mastermind of
the crime. The latter denied the accu-
sation saying that he had nothing to
do with it. However, a warrant of ar-
rest was served to the mayor when a
certain Dominador Tumala was ar-
rested near the vicinity of the crime
area who confirmed that ,indeed,
Mayor Regencia was the master
mind. Majority of the people of Iligan
City reacted negatively to the issue
saying that Mayor Regencia was in-
nocent and the said ambush was on-
ly another hare-brained scheme of
Congressman Belmonte to stay in
power even branding it “ambush
Traffic affects us in so many
ways. This includes stress, air
pollution, lack of sleep, fatigue
and of course economic problem
due to congestion.
For years, we have suffered
tremendously because of this
perrenial traffic problem. We
cannot just let this go on for the
next coming years until the next
generation. We must act on
even if it requires risky and bold
measures. The emergency
power strategy of the current
administration must be the only
way to address this problem.
Also, we should not expect it to
happen overnight for we know
that it is not that easy thing to do.
It requires a lot of time but let us
enjoy its slow yet progressing
effect until it is gone in the
coming months when the
president is granted the
emergency power.
The Congressman’s side retaliated by saying that
they could not do such thing as sacrificing lives
just for the table to turn in favor of them. He also
accused Mayor Regencia as the one responsible
for the liquidation of drug pushers in Iligan City.
Mayor Regencia became a fugitive for a
while after his warrant of arrest was issued. The
city’s peace and order was once again breached
as the war between the supporters of both parties
continued. These supporters don’t only bicker in
the streets but they also resorted to airing their
views in the social media like Facebook. If you
follow their trending posts, you would surely have
a hard time knowing who’s telling the truth or
worst you will end up hemorrhaging on your seat
if you happen to be a supporter of one of the
bickering parties after reading all those rubbish
thrown against your party. Media became the
channel of distorted truths and biases and the
fugitive mayor surrendered to authorities who
extended favor on his planned captivity. Iligan
City remained in the state of chaos and ill-
governance ruled by an office in-charge instead
in the care of the Vice-Mayor as stated in the law.
I wailed silently.
As an ordinary citizen, I am
powerless so all I can offer are prayers
and my call for peace. All these
troubles thwarted our city’s progress.
We now lagged behind with our
neighboring cities. I wonder when all of
these hullaballoos going to end. I’m so
tired of seeing rallies on the street. I’m
so tired of hearing radio announcers
attacking personalities. I’m so tired of
reading posts in Iligan City Water Falls
which focus mostly on character
assassinations and nonsense
gibberish. Sometimes, I begin to
wonder whether our lawmakers are
right all along in giving us the freedom
of speech. It seems that people is
already abusing it most especially the
journalists. They are supposed to be
harbinger of truth but what they are
doing now is confused and pollute the
minds of the people. And sad to say,
this is happening in Iligan City right
now. As long as these kind of people
will continue with their deeds, then
there would be no hope for Iligan.Quo
vadis, Iligan.
Human rights 2 Voucher program....from page 2 President Duterte........ Emergency Power.......from page 3
for me to desist the burial of
Ferdinand E. Marcos in Libingan
ng mga bayani because it’s too
subjective and personal. Even
President Duterte said thatMarcos
has every right for a hero’s burial
since he was after all our past
president and also a soldier. But
the question here is whether he is
worthy of a hero’s burial after what
he did to our country. People may
come up of different version of
Marcos’s story such as Marcos
was the only president who had
built lots of infrastructures here in
the Philippines such as the famed
PICC complex, Nayong Pilipino,
Philippine Heart Center, Lung
Center of the Philippines to name
a few and Philippines was said to
be in its golden age during his
reign. Still, all of these could not
cover up his cruelty and his being
a criminal. I don’t think we could
forget in just a wink of an eye all
those 3, 257 who died and
estimated 35,000 tortured and
70,000 arrested according to
Alfred Mc-Coy, an American
We already have reasons
enough why Marcos should not be
buried to the Libingan ng mga
Bayani. We had decided over it a
long time ago. I couldn’t really
understand President Duterte’s
decision to allow the dictator to
To be or not to be..........from page 2
To be or not to be continuation
Profile.................from page 3
Letter............from page 3
Why is it that the distribution of school
cards here in our school does not
follow the given schedule of Dep-ed?
_Lope the Great_
We, the students of ICENHS-
Santiago are imploring to our school
head, Dr. Josephine Quiroquiro to
please return the practice of holding
convocation every Friday. Aside from
academics, we would also like to polish
our skills in dancing, singing and acting.
-ICENHS-Santiago students-
Letter continuation.......
Hope For Iligan
Did you know?
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Dueling is legal in Paraguay as
long as both parties are registered
blood donors.
A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its
1 pound of lemons contain more
sugar than 1 pound of strawber-
A flamingo can eat only when its
head is upside down.
In 1963, baseball pitcher Gaylord
Perry remarked, "They'll put a man
on the moon before I hit a home
run." On July 20, 1969, a few hours
after Neil Armstrong set foot on the
moon, Gaylord Perry hit his first
(and only) home run.
Antarctica is the only continent
without reptiles or snakes.
An eagle can kill a young deer
and fly away with it.
In the Caribbean there are oys-
ters that can climb trees.
Intelligent people have more
zinc and copper in their hair.
Mark Twain didn't graduate
from elementary school.
Proportional to their weight,
men are stronger than horses.
They have square watermelons
in Japan - they stack better.
Heinz Catsup leaving the bottle
travels at 25 miles per year.
It is possible to lead a cow up-
stairs but not downstairs.
Teacher: How old is your father?
Kid: He is 6 years.
Teacher: What? How is this possible?
Kid: He became father only when I was born.
(Logic!! Children are quick and always speak their minds.)
TEACHER: Maris, go to the map and find North America.
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now, Class, who discovered America?
CLASS: Maria
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell crocodile?
TEACHER: No, that’s wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
( I love this child.)
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it’s H to O
TEACHER: Clyde, your composition on “ My Dog is exactly the same
as your brother’s. Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No, sir; It’s the same dog.
( I want to adopt this kid!!!)
Joke time

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  • 1. 1 The Official School Paper of ICENHS-Santiago January–December 2016 2016 has been a lucky year for ICENHS-Santiago. Who would have thought that a student from a small barangay high school would qualify in the most prestigious, National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) held in Koronadal City last February 21-26,2016. There were 45 students coming from the different school division who vied for the most coveted top three places in the Editorial Writing Contest English Category during the Regional Press Conference 2015 and yet Franchesca had managed to extricate herself to the top. Armed with only nothing but her ambition and stocked knowledge, she top- pled 43 of them and landed on the second place. (Continue on page 4) ICENHS– Santiago places 2nd Runner Up in “Sayaw Saulog “2016 “Once a winner is always a winner.” This adage has a truth to it when once again ICENHS-Santiago bagged the 2nd place in the “Sayaw Saulog “ Street Dancing Competition held in Anahaw Amphi-theater last Septem- ber 27, 2016 . It can be re- called that the school had been declared champion twice in the past in the said street dancing com-petition. .The Sayaw Saulog 2016 was composed of two categories; category A and B. Category A was composed of School-Based Barangay Contingents while catego- ry B was dubbed as Battle of the Champions since it was composed of Sayaw Saulog winners in the past three years. The Sayaw Saulog Competition features the culture of the tri-people who are living in Iligan City which are the Christians, the Lumads and the Moro people. fun watching the dancers clad in the beat of the drums and (Continue on page 4……). June 13, 2016. Today is the first day of the school year 2016-2017. ICEHS-Santiago welcomes it with a vibrant spirit and hopeful heart for it is also today that the Senior High School commences. Everyone is so excited with the new chapter of his life most especially the Grade 11 stu- dents because they will be exposed to new things that will help them com- pete and survive in the real world. In order to cater to the needs of the growing number of students be- cause of the Senior High School, ICEHS-Santiago hired new teachers in the persons of Mr. James Guiuo who will be handling SMAW subject and will act as the new, Disaster Co- ordinator, Nhovy Ermac who will be teaching English,Joyce Arnoco who will be teaching Filipino, Mrs. Eliza- beth Samson who will be handling Math subject, and Mr. Sepe who will be handling Philosophy subject. Contrary to what was reported in the National news,ICEHS-Santiago comes up with a large number of en- rollees for the Senior High School. This puts the school both in the good and bad light; good in a way that the students have responded positively to Senior High School and bad because (Continue on page 4) Since the opening of class last June 2015, ICENHS-Santiago has been busy preparing for the start of the Senior High School program this coming opening of new school year. To make sure that the school has met the requirements of the Senior High School Program, the school head decided to conduct bench marking to Senior High School model school which is the Iligan City National School of Fish- eries together with the TLE teach- ers in the persons of Gay Marie and Patrick Jhon Doplon, Sarah Jean Bahian, Manuel Palisbo, Eriberto Luzon and Earl Froven Sison.Marie and Patrick Jhon Doplon, Sarah Jean Bahian, Manuel Palisbo, Eriberto Luzon and Earl Froven Sison.. The school also conducted seminars to both parents and students to orient them on what to expect in the Senior High School Program. To further guide the students, speakers from schools who are offering Senior High School were also invited. Among those who visited the school were St. Michael’s College, Iligan Medical Center College and Christian Horizon School. For the students to be guided on what track to take, a career guidance program was introduced to them. They were engaged in different activities and workshops so that they would discover on the process what track they are in- clined too. …(.Continue on page 3) Vega Qualifies for NSPC By: Yna Mae Sadernas Senior High School students with the SHS Coordinator, Sir Francis Artchess Babao Dr. Quiroquiro and Mr. Gaite with the street dancers By: Maureen L. Vega Santiagonians gear up for Senior High School By: Sittie Asha Lipa Senior High School formally opens in ICENHS-Santiago By: Angel Mae Dacup Vega and co-NSPC participant
  • 2. 2 The Commission on Human Rights is losing its purpose as President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s strong administration is winning the hearts of millions despite taking extreme measures such as extra-judicial killings to solve the drug menace. “Philippines War on Drugs” is the national term used in Duterte’s fight against drugs; itis locally known as “Oplan Tokhang or “Oplan Double Barrel.” However, sad to say, most of the Filipinos are disregarding the task of Human Rights as they continue to sup- port Duterte’s plans. President Duterte is known for his “change is coming” cam- paign which made him the 16th President of the Republic of the Philippines. He clearly empha- sized this intention of cleaning up the Philippines with drug ad- dicts and drug pushers during the election campaign last May 2016. He promised the populace that he would take down those who are involved in illicit drugs within the first 6 months of his In interviews, he bluntly says that he would take extreme measures such as killing. Working on his promise, according to the Philippine National Police, headed by Philippine National PoliceChief Director “Bato” Dela Rosa, there are already 10,000 people arrest- ed, approximately 600,000 drug pushers and users have surren- dered and 49% has dropped in the criminality rate of the Philippines. This incidents caught the eye of the Commission on Human Rights and other life advocates which also made a move by filing cases against the current administration. They believe that life is essential and no one has the right to take someone’s life except God. Former Department of Justice Secretary, Leila Delima is the famous enemy of Duterte with regards to the al- leged extra-judicial killings . Delima insists that the drug-related cases should undergo due process and demands Duterte to respect the Philippine Constitution. (Continue on page 17) Editorial On My Mind A lot of questions are coming in our minds about voucher program, its expens- es, implementation, and sustainability. Is this program really the solution towards achieving success in education? Of a truly productive Juan in the future? Time really does fly fast. In the year 2013, K to 12 pro- gram was signed by President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III and was passed into law. Now the govern- ment, specifically the Department of Edu- cation, headed by Br. Armin A. Luistro is busy for the full im- plementation of the program: Senior High School. Senior High School is the additional two years in secondary education. Grade 10 students, the pioneer of the program are provided tracks to choose from. These tracks are the Aca- demic track, Sports Track, Technical Vo- cational Livelihood- Track, and Arts and Design Track. Along with these tracks are 15 core subjects. Senior High School will finally begin next school year 2016-2017. Arti- cle XIV and Section 17 Article 11 of 1987 Constitution provides that the state shall give priority to educa- tion and allocate the highest budget for the Department of Education, amounting to approximately P400 billion this year. This money is intend- ed for the hiring of teachers and for the construction of build- ings and facilities. Part of this money goes to the so-called voucher program. Republic Act 10533 stipulates voucher as a financial assistance to qualified Grade 10 completers entering Senior High School. The said voucher pro- gram started from the amount of P10,000 up to P 22,000. Pub- lic students, for ex- ample,will be given fixed amount of mon- ey depending on the type of school they will enroll in. ?...... (Continue on page 17) President Duterte’s move to bury Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Ba- yani is but a slap on the face of the victims of Martial Law. What his ex- cellency planning to do is like rub- bing salt to a wound worse than adding insult to injury. I may not be present during the Marcos regime but the abuses I heard committed by him are enough to last me a lifetime. My own place is a living testament to his cruelty dur- ing that time. He encouraged the kill- ing of many people and had devel- oped a gap between the Christians and the Muslims. Remember the Jabida Massacre? It all started there and it not only re- sulted to the birth of the Moro Na- tional Liberation Front (MNLF) but to the burning of all the old houses of the Muslims here in our place includ- ing that of my very own grandpar- ents’ house and relatives’ by the ILAGA, a Christian para-military group organized during the Marcos era. EDITORIAL Franchesca Claire L.Vega Jeannerose Sagaral Neo Encarnacion Maureen Vega Christine Mae Seraspe Editor-in-Chief Science & Health Editor Yna Mae Sadernas Jerald F. Eyana Mohammad Isah Alauya Juvalanie Pepito Contributors: School Paper Advisers Feature Editor Sittie Asyah Lipa Thercee-nel Paquit Sorahayda Samporna Elizabeth Galit Editorial Cartoonist: James Nicho Quidlat Ryan C. Salomsom School Paper Staff Commission on Human Rights’ Dilemma Voucher Program for Success The burning of their houses made the Muslim residents to run for safety in Balo-I, Lanao del Norte. Though it happened two decades ago, its gory mem- ories are still imprinted in the minds and hearts of my families. The mere presence of soldiers would send my aunt shaking to the core of here being until now. Who would not be when during the Martial Law era, soldiers used to chase and ambush them. But the most sad thing that the Marcos’ regime had done to our place was leaving it bare with our memories of the past. Gone are the old houses that could have been a great re- minder of the rich Maranao cul- ture. Gone also the reminders that Larapan had been once a buzzing place because of the presence of Lanao Timber. What is only left now as the memories of our glorious past are debris. For some, my reasons would have not been enough for me to (Continue on page…... 17) Diary of a Half-Wit Marcos: To be or not to be TOKHANG 2
  • 3. 3 Editorial The Mamasapano clash left a big scar in the heart of every Filipino. Now, the authorities are conducting a reinvestiga- tion regarding the issue. But the question is-will this rein- vestigation finally bring peace and order in our country or just cause a headache since it’s already election period? The battle between the Special Action Force and Min- danao Islamic Liberation Front took place in the cornfield of Mamasapano , Maguindanao on January 25, 2015. The op- eration called “Oplan Exodus” was supposedly to serve war- rant of arrests to the two most wanted Malaysian terrolrists Zulkifli bin Hir alias Marwan and his ally, Basit Usman. But SAF ended up encoun- tering the MILF, private armed groups, and the Bangsa Moro Islamic Freedom Fighters in- stead. The bloody clash has killed rebels, five civilians, and the unforgettable SAF 44 troopers. Emotions aroused. Pointing the blame to Presi- dent Aquino, who accordingly kept the mission a secret with with the help of the suspended for- mer Chief Superintendent Allan Purisima. A year has passed and the issue and eventually silenced. Filipinos together with the fami.lies of the fallen 44 was about to move on, until all of a sudden the senate re-opens the case. The re- investigation aims to give justice to the SAF troopers by identifying who are responsible for the incident. Senate Minority leader Juan Ponce Enrile was the one who requested to re-open the investigation of the infamous Mamasapano incident. A year has passed and the issue and eventually silenced. Filipinos together with the fami.lies of the fallen 44 was about to move on, un- til all of a sudden the senate re- opens the case. The re- investigation aims to give justice to the SAF troopers by identifying who are responsible for the incident. Senate Minority leader Juan Ponce Enrile was the one who requested to re-open the investigation of the infamous Mamasapano incident. Meanwhile, Senator Grace Poe has set the re-investigation on Jan- uary 25, exactly one year after the deadly encounter. …..Continue on page But Seriously, Folks! The unending traffic problem of the Philippines that has been jeopardizing many aspects of our lives for years gave birth to the new proposed method-the emer- gency power of the president. Republic Act No. 6826 is an act that declare and authorize the president to exercise powers necessary and proper to carry out the national policy and other purposes in times of national emergency. A bold solution- emergency power- is the only way to eliminate our longtime en- emy-the traffic. President Rodrigo Roa Duter- te is planning to utilize his emer- gency powers for the traffic mess in certain urban areas, specifical- ly, the Metro Manila traffic where the trading and national business takes place.The power is not easily handed to the president whenever he wants them.The thing undergoes to a process; it requires delegation from the con- gress.When the congress acknowledge the national emer- gency’s existence, then the presi- dent can use his emergency power that would last for a maxi- mum of two years. According to Department of Transportation and Communication Secretary, Arthur Tugad, the quality of life has worsened as they spend so much valuable time on the road. However, some of the Senate members are skeptic to the pro- posal. Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said he wanted to be aware of the overall and long -term strategy of the administra- tion to resolve the traffic prob- lems before he decides to agree to their plan. He added that emergency powers can be abused and it must be dis- cerned well. Other organiza- tions fear that this might lead to the traumatic martial law that killed thousand of lives so it is better to stay as is than take risky measures that will eventu- ally lead to avarice. Metro Manila is branded to bethe worst traffic urban place on earth according to the 2015 survey conducted by Waze, a GPS-based navigation app.It also ranked top 9 worldwide. Manila also has the longest commute time that averages 45.5 minutes from home to of- fice, exceeding Jakarta with a record of 42.1. ...Continue on.. Letter to the editor It has come to my knowledge that some of the school’s recipients of scholarship program are not really deserving. Some of them are sons/ daughters of well-to-do families while some are erring students. What are really the requirements for the students to qualify in this schol- arship program? -Shy girl of Grade 10-Milkfish Good day Ms. Editor! I am writ- ing for the administration to notice our long-standing problem of the dearth of water supply in our school. As of the moment, we only have two serviceable faucets when there are almost six hundreds of us students here who need water for drinking and for cleaning the com- fort rooms. Fetching water from it is so hard because it takes so much time because we have to take turns. As a result, those who are assigned to fetch water are always late in the class. Could we please request the school administration to fix the faucets in our classroom and also to clean the water catchers? We would be happy if you could do it the soonest time possible. _Mr. Hopeful_ Dear Mr. Hopeful, The school administration is already attending to that predicament . cament of yours. The faucets in your classrooms are serviceable. The only problem is that the water supply from Ili- gan City Water District is really slow. They are finding some ways now on how to make running water available to every class- room. Regarding the water catch- ers, the school head has already called the attention of Mr. Manuel Palisbo to ask some students to clean it. -The Editor It has been observed that sev- eral students are not obeying the school policies. Many of them come to school late and not in proper uniform. And worst, some of them are always absent from their classes. Who is really re- sponsible in looking after these erring students? Is this only the sole responsibility of the guidance counselor and class adviser? And do SSG Officers have the right to prevent the latecomers and those students who are not wearing complete uniform from entering the school? _Mr. Confused_ (Continue on page 17) President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the Philippines’ first president from Mindanao. Seventy-one-year-old Rodrigo Duterte was on his seventh term as mayor of Davao City when he was persuaded to run for the high- est position in the country Though he has been mentioned as a possible presidential candi- date since 2014, it took a while before supporters and admirers convinced him to replace Martin Diño as candidate of Partido Dem- okratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban). Known for transforming Davao in- to one of the most peaceful cities in the Philippines, Duterte was in fourth place among presidential contenders when he announced his candidacy. But the mayor’s mass appeal and quirky sense of humor brought him to the top of surveys a month before the elec- tions. Duterte, once dubbed “The Pun- isher” by Time magazine, is known for his iron-fisted rule and unconventional methods of fighting crime in Davao. He has been linked to the so-called Davao Death Squad, alleged to be . behind several unsolved ex- trajudicial killings whose vic- tims included children and journalists. His run for the presidency was Duterte’s first time to participate in national elec- tions. He was first elected Davao mayor in 1988 and held the position for more than two decades. He was congressman of the first dis- trict of Davao City from 1998 to 2001 and vice mayor to his daughter Sara from 2010 to 2013. Sara is one of Duterte’s three children with his former wife Elizabeth Zimmerman. The others are sons Paolo and Sebastian. Zimmerman’s and Duterte’s 25- year marriage was annulled in 1998. Duterte has another daugh- ter, Veronica, with his com- mon-law wife Honeylet Avanceña. A law graduate from San Be- da College, Duterte passed the bar examinations in 1973. He obtained a political science degree from Lyceum of the Philippines University in 1968 (Continue on page 17) OPINION President Duterte to reopen Mamasapano Massacre A Little Wisdom… Emergency Power PROFILE: Who is President Rodrigo Duterte? 3
  • 4. Last September 23_30, 2016, we went to Camp Danao City of Maasin, Southern, Leyte to partici- pate in the 7th National Scout Ven- ture Camp. There were 21 of us Senior Scouts and five Scout masters as part of the delegation of Iligan City. Here in ICENHS- Santiago, only me and Aljun Callao were able to participate along with our Scout Master, Ma- nuel Palisbo. The participants of the camp came from all over in the Philippines. All in all there was 2,500 of us, Senior Scouts.We camped there for seven days and seven nights. Although, it was the longest camp I had ever attended, I never felt boredom and had not As a token of gratitude for the blessings they received, well-meaning people of Iligan City coming from both the government and non- government organizations sponsor some students of ICENHS-Santiago by paying their miscellaneous fees and giving them some school sup- plies. This practice has been going on for sometimes now. The most notable personali- ties behind this project who have unceasingly supported the students through the years are Atty. Leo Zaragoza and Congressman Frederick Siao. And just recently non- government sectors joined . These organizations are the Anaesthesiologist Association of Iligan City, Every Nation Campus Iligan (ENC) and, Soldiers’ Wives and Girlfriends (SWAG) and etc. The students and parents are very much thankful to the beno- volence shown by these people because most of the families here in Barangay Santiago belong be- low the poverty line. It is either that the parents’ incomes are not sufficient enough to meet their needs such the education of their children or they don’t have work at all. It can also be noticed that there are also some students who have broken families. Some them are supported by their parents start of the practice until the end of the competition. Senior High School……. of the number of students, there aren't enough chair for everybody anymore. Most of the class from Grade 7 to Grade 10 has an average num- ber of 45-50. As a result, some of the students sit temporarily on dilapidated chairs while some are not being accepted by the class advisers anymore due to lack of the latter. Dr. Jo- sephine R. Quiroquiro, our school head is now busy find- ing some ways on how to ac- commodate all the students. ICENHS-Santiago proves herself indomitable once more in the arena of sports. Through determination and constant practice, some athletes that serve as the delegates of ICENHS- Santiago were able to bring home the bacon. Among those who emerged victorious in the different sports categories were Jhapet Vil- larin and Laura Cinco. The former bagged one gold in the Bantam weight category of Arnis and another two silvers for the synchronized sin- gle and double baston categories. According to her coach, Mrs. Almeda Maglasang, Villarin’s quick moves was an advantage and what made made him defeat his opponents. Laura Cinco, on the other hand, a__________ student had de- mostrated excellent skills in billiards. She was able to bag two silvers for the nine-ball and eight-ball category Because of this, together with her coach, Mr. Francis Artchess Babao and other co-winners, Cinco would be joining the Regional Athletic Meet. For the group contest, the group of Grade 7 and Grade 9 students under the tutelage of Manuel Palisbo was able to place News ICENHS-Santiago………….from page 1 ICENHS-Santiago Reaps 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze in 2016 Division Meet City Government and NGOs Sponsor Poor and Deserving Students NEWS All smiles for victory! By: SITTIE ASYAH LIPA By: THERCEE-NEIL PAQUIT Iligan City Group of Anaesthesiologists with their scholarships recipients and Dr. Quiroquiro experienced any dull moment be- cause the organizer of the camp saw to it that each day was loaded with activities and competitions for us to realize the camp’s aim which were to provide opportunities for Senior Scouts to practice their physi- cal, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual potentials; discover and act upon their strengths through challenging , adventurous and ex- perimental learning activities; and appreciate the cultural and histori- cal heritage of the host city/ prov- ince One of the most memorable ex- perience we had in the camp was being able to land 3rd place in the over-all championship. Although, we were not the champion but we were fully-satisfied because there were lots of Scouts who participat- ed in the competition. Landing in the 3rd place against several par- ticipants was already a feat to us. We were thankful to the Almighty God for it and also to Scouts Re- gional Director Jesus M. Meris. Eyana and Callao participate in 7th National Scout Venture Camp By: JERALD F. EYANA Iligan City BSP Delegates 4 traditional costumes gyrate to of the drums and other tradi- tional musical instruments. This year’s Sayaw Saulog winners are as follow:Category A Champion-ICENHS- Hinaplanon First runner up– ICENHS- Kiwalan 2nd runner up-ICENHS- Santiago ICENHS-Santiago partici- pants were very much thankful to the support shown by their fellow students , teachers, neighbors most especially to their trainer, Mr. Larry Gaite and to their school head, Dr Josephine R. Quiroquiro who had been with them from the
  • 5. 5 “Nothing is permanent in this world except change.” Once again, the people of ICENHS- Santiago must face this bitter- sweet realism because two of our iconic figures would leave the portal of the school soon. Though we hate to admit it but there are things that we must accept in order for us to move forward. Next week, November 7, 2016, the school would have another school head because Dr. Quir- oquiro would be assigned to Iligan City National High School as an assistant principal. Knowing this fact, we had pre- pared a short parting program for her with the teachers and all 0f us, students. Although our program was a very simple one but we were happy to know that in a way we had touched Dr. Quiroquiro’s heart. “ I was touched by the program that you prepared. I never expected that you would do it because of my strictness as a school head.” she said her parting speech. Dr. Quiroquiro had only been with us for only one year and 6 months but her short stint as a school head did not deter her from achieving great things. Among her greatest achieve- ments here in our school was the imposing of discipline among the students and her being supportive to us every time we joined competitions. During her administration, the school had been peaceful and most of the students wore their complete uniforms. It was also during her time that our school had been the home of the win- ners. Our very own Franchesca Vega had qualified in National Schools Press Conference and many of our athletes had brought home the bacon.But the best achievement that she had for me was the full- implementation of Senior High School and the acquiring of new school buildings. It is not only the students here who would miss her but most especially the teachers because for them she made a good epitome of a school head. Despite her age, she seemed tireless and always did her job without burdening other people. This is what the teachers love most about her because she was the type of a school head who did not always asked for an assistance from them. Now, that Dr. Quiroquiro would be gone in our school, her pres- ence would be truly missed. There would be no more moth- erly figure in our office who would scold one minute and would console us the next. This may be hard to accept for us here but we need to let you go in order for all of us to move for- ward. Continue on page……. Dr. Quiroquiro and Mrs. Estember to leave ICENHS-Santiago soon. Last July 25-29, students of ICENHS-Santiago unites for the career guidance program. The week- long school celebration turned out to be an epic. One of the finest attraction of the said event was the showing off of the students of their attires which portray their desired ca- reers where in fact all the stu- dents collaborated. Aside from the showcasing of different career attires, there were lots of activities during the Career Guidance Week celebra- tion such as the exhibit of the students creative outputs which are the career bulletin board, and career jingle. Trivia ques- tions were also given everyday to give students additional knowledge and also for them to realize the importance of career guidance. In addition, the appear- ance of Atty. Dexter Rey Sumaoy as the guest speaker of the event made the celebra- tion more interesting. His in- spirational talk was consid- ered remarkable not just by the students but the teachers as well. Students were surprised when three of the teachers in school served as speaker of the event. These teachers were Ma’am Nhovy, Sir Luzon and Sir Salomsom. All of them shared their journeys in life before they had become teachers. The importance of celebrat- ing career guidance is to as- sist the students and to help develop and navigate which career they really belong. Through the effort of our school head, Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro, and the barangay council of Baran- gay Santiago, a new 8 classroom– 2 storey building is soon to rise in our school. This is in preparation for the upcoming Grade 12 students as the school has already formally opened Senior High School last June in this academic year. The area in which to buld the new school building is located just outside the perimeter fence of our school. It’s lot area is 540 square meters. It has already un- dergone survey by the City Gov- ernment and the DENR. Accord- ing to Mr. Manuel Palisbo, a TLE teacher and in-charge of the pro- ject, the plan is to build a two- storey building for the senior high school. As of the moment, the school is still busy securing pa- pers that will make the school the legitimate owner of the land on which to build the additional build- ing since the area is being claimed by several individuals. The City Government is planning to pay those individuals that hold lot titles of the area. Once this is materialized, the school will have no problem any- more about the lack of space. Students will no longer crowd in a very small classrooms. And most of all, we will no longer be dis- turbed with loud noises coming from the machines because the school has no proper shop yet for the students to conduct their hands on in welding and car- ICENHS-Santiago Celebrates Career Guidance Week by: Sittie Asyah Lipa News New 2-storey Building Soon to Rise in ICENHS-Santiago NEWS Site for the additional Senior High School Classrooms By: JUVALANI PEPITO By: CHRISTINE MAE SERASPE Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro . A mother, a friend and a principal Mrs. Perlita Estember 5 Lucenda Jaudian in a nursing student uniform. Senior High School Students in their chosen career attires.
  • 6. Last August _-_ 2016 Iligan City East High School- Santiago celebrated once again its palakasan with this year’s theme: ________________________ ___. The first day of the activ- ity was started off by an open- ing parade that was led by the ICEHS-Santiago band and the faculty and staff then fol- lowed by the students by grade level. The students’ ex- citement was very evident de- spite the scorching heat of the sun. After the parade, there was a lighting of torch that signifies the commencement of the event which was enthu- siastically led by the Grade 11 student,John Raymond Ras. Of course there was also the grade level yelling that gave the students the chance to show off what their grade got the most wins and was de- clared as the overall champion levels’ have got. Right after that, there was an oath of sportsmanship and oath of coaches by the student ath- letes and teacher coaches re- spectively which was led by Sir Chris Michael Padla. . The event was made half- day for the culmination of the Buwan ng Wika in the after- noon. There was also the grade level yelling that gave the stu- dents the chance to show off what their grade levels’ have got. Right after that, there was an oath of sportsmanship and oath of coaches by the student athletes and teacher coaches respectively which was led by Sir Chris Michael Padla. The event was made half-day for the culmination of the Buwan ng Wika in the afternoon. The students’ most awaited and anticipated part of the activity started the next day. It was the beginning of the different games and sports. The sports include basketball, volleyball, sepak takraw, badminton, chess, scrab- ble, dicus throw, javelin throw, track and field and table tennis. There were also laro ng lahi which include chinese garter, takyan and sagusud. There were also parlor games such as sack race and longest line. The students’ battled their heart out to win their games and to be the overall champion. Their classmates and batch mates motivated them by cheering for them. The awarding of winners was on the third day. The different game winners in group and solo competitions received their awards. In the end, the Grade 11 . Palakasan 2016: Building Character In Every ICENHS-Santiago Students The only time that they paid an amount was during the actual exam which was only Php500 each. “Though it was for free, the knowledge and skills that I had gained from the pro- gram was exceptional,” said Jim- my Cabiara, an alumnus of the school. Now, he is already practic- ing massage therapy and earns considerably well in his new-found hobby. The teachers are also reaping the same benefits like that of Jimmy because they had earned not only additional skills and knowledge out of the program but NCII certificates as well which they used in their application for positions in the Senior High School program. The Graduation day of the said program took place last February 12 in Jackos Kan-anan in Hin- aplanon, Iligan City. It was attend- ed by some TESDA officials of Oroquieta City and Engr. Lee R. Catane, the Concurrent Vocation- al Administrator of Oroquieta Agro – Industrial School. Our very own school head, Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro also graced the pro- gram together with the Education In order to instill awareness about the harsh effect of climate change, ICENHS-Santiago joins the one million trees project of ENO un- der Kailamani Cares. A series of mangrove-tree planting activity was done every month in Bayug Island, a place that is adjacent to Barangay Santiago which was badly devastated by Sendong. Different groups and organiza- tions including schools are now joining efforts to restore the is- land that was stripped bare by the force of nature. Here in ICENHS-Santiago, the ENO one million project is spearheaded by Perlita Estem- ber and Almeda Maglasang who had been to Malaysia last year as part of their reward for their effort in helping ENO fulfill its dream of being able to plant one million trees by the year 2017. It has been their practice of con- vincing students to participate in mangrove tree-planting activity which is usually done every Sat- urday to prevent disruption of classes. They are able to make several students participate by making it as part of their class project. They invited the parents of these students as well to join them in mangrove tree-planting. Fortunately for them, several par- ents and students heed their re- quest. Telling them that a mangrove for- est functions not only as some- thing to mitigate the effect of waves rolling toward the sea- shore, but also as a nursery ground for creatures living along the seashore. Moreover, the forest absorbs CO2, contributing to the preven- tion of global warming. Thus, mangrove forests are gregarious forests essential to the earth.T The Mangrove tree-planting ac- tivity in Bayug Island become a huge success because of the number of people who supported the project. Different groups visit Bayug Island every week to take part in the activity.These group of people either plant new saplings of mangrove or nurture those that were already planted by making sure that it is securely fastened to the bamboo to prevent it from be- ing washed away by the current or waves. Those plants that have died were also being replaced by them. Thus, the newly-planted mangrove saplings have a big possibility of surviving. In prepa- ration for the incoming opening of Senior High School pro- gram, the teachers of ICENHS -Santiago underwent training in Massage Therapy and Elec- trical Installation and Mainte- nance under the Community- Based mobile program of TESDA Oroquieta City and Oroquieta Agro-Industrial School. Representatives from TESDA came every Saturday to conduct lectures on the above-mentioned courses. They were assisted by Mrs. Perlita Estember , Manuel Palisbo and Almeda Mag- lasang who served as co- trainors. Aside from the teach- ers, some residents of Baran- gay Santiago also took the op- portunity and enrolled them- selves. One of these residents was Mr. Henry Abueva, the English supervisor of Dep-ed. The program lasted for 16 Saturdays which started last June 2015 and commenced on October the same year. Those who were enrolled with the program had nothing to worry about the materials and allow- ance of the lecturers because News TEACHERS RECEIVE NCII CERTIFICATES NEWS Mangrove-tree planting By: THERCEE-NEIL PAQUIT By: Juvalani Pepito 6 Teachers do not only teach but plant trees as well NCII Certificates recipients with the TESDA personnel and Dr. Josephine Quiroquiro
  • 7. 7 whom they have missed the entire summer vacation. The students were so excited they hoped school would start right away. School days began on June 13 and finally the students got what they hoped for. They came in school dressed in their uniform, brought their newly bought school supplies, and of course worn their brightest smiles. The ICEHS- Santiago faculty and school head, Dr. Josephine R. Quiroquiro, were very grateful for the support given to the school by the volunteers. They are also looking forward for the further support in the Brigada Eskwelas to come. News Senior High……..from page 1 Aside from the stu- dents, the parents and the teachers, the most important thing to be readied for the open- ing of the Senior High is the school equipment and materials as well as the additional school buildings that will house the in- coming Senior High School stu- dents. As of press time, the school has already two newly- constructed TLE Buildings, and plenty of materials for Electricity, Computer Hardware Servicing and cookery. Another two-storey school building is also soon to rise at the back of the school. With all these preparations, the school head, Dr. Josephine Quiroquiro is now confident to say that the school is K-12 ready. Barangay Santiago was set in a festive atmosphere as the week-long nationwide Brigada Eskwela was launched last May 24-30 at Iligan City East National High School- Santiago. The Brigada was ea- gerly participated by the incom- ing students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders such as the police and barangay offi- cials. All of them for sure woke up early that time since the activity started at 7 am which was start- ed off by a parade led by the ICEHS- Santiago faculty. Brigada Eskwela is an annual activity of public schools and its goal is to ensure that the latter would be ready to welcome its students. The activity is mainly a general clean-up. Having known this, the volunteers did not forget to bring each of their own clean- ing tools which are the broom, broom stick, bolo, sack, paint- brush, and many others. Every- one did their own part in the clean-up. Some were busy cleaning in the classrooms (sweeping, scrubbing the floor, etc.). Some were chopping and pulling off tall grasses in the school ground. Others also have re-painted the walls. The police also helped in the Brigada to- gether with the students, par- ents, and teachers. The students’ overflowing excite- ment concealed the lassitude caused to them by the activity. This excitement came from the idea of seeing their new class- mates and their school friends Iligan City East High School- Santiago An- nex celebrated another nu- trition month program last month of July 2016. The National Nutrition Council announced this year’s theme which was: “First 1000 days ni baby pahala- gahan para sa malusog na kinabukasan.” The theme focused on the conception and before the second birthday of a child. Accord- ing to NCC, the First 1000 Days has been called the “golden window of oppor- tunity” for a comprehensive package of nutrition. This year’s aim is to reduce . stunting, underweight and wasting as well as to con- tribute to the completion of child development. The month-long cele- bration started off with a little program in Monday, July 11, 2016. The con- tests/games were an- nounced and some stu- dents presented a dance number. The program was officially opened by our school principal, Dr. Jose- phine R. Quiroquiro. There were also trivia questions as usual way of opening a program The Nutrition month culmination program hap- pened last July 29, 2016. In the morning was the cooking contest and in the afternoon was the pro- gram proper. Students from some sections also cooked for their lunch and ate altogether with their classmates and advisers just like the Grade 11- Academia which cooked Halang2x and pancit The program brought the best out of the ICEHS- Santiago students as dif- ferent contests like poster and slogan making, sing- ing contest, dance ICENHS-Santiago Celebrates Nutrition Month 2016 Brigada Eskwela 2016 NEWS To equip the girl scouts with the latest communications technology, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines organized a n Orientation Seminar on Ham Radio last July 31 at Pala- o, Iligan City. It was spearheaded Phililippines– Iligan City Chapter President———————and Mrs. Rosemarie Saavedra. The first part of the seminar started with the presentation of the delegates from the different school. Introduction of what was HAM radio then followed. Through the seminar we had discovered that ham radio was also known as an amateur radio and that it can be useful in times of need because we can communicate with other people even without cellphones through it. What you only need to know are its parts and how to operate it. Using ham radio was truly fun but we were told by our trainers that we should be re- sponsible in using it. The teach- ers who accompanied us who were Mrs. Elizabteth Galit and Elizabeth Samson told us the same that we should not just use ham radio in making friends with other users especially those we did not know because it might bring us to danger. There were already several news raped because they agreed to meet with strangers they had only known over ham radio. Later that day, we went home replete with knowledge about ham ra- dio. When we came to school , our school head Dr. quiroquiro awarded to us our certificates with the hope that we would be able to put into good use everything that we had learned in the seminar. Girl Scout Ham Radio Seminar By: JEANNEROSE SAGARAL Brigada Eskwela 2016 Opening Parade BFP Personnel in action. Happiness is when you learn new things with friends. Nutrition Month opening program 7 showdown, nutri-quiz, and cooking contests were held. Fifteen sections, from Grade 7 to 11 competed in every contests and it definitely developed the stu- dents’ cooperation and determination as a team.
  • 8. 8 Dugong Guro, Dugong Bayani, Alay Ko, Buhay Mo News BSP and GSP Encampment Last February 21-23, the BSP and GSP conducted separate encampment in two different places which were Hinaplanon and Buru-un. The group of stu- dents who had joined the en- campments was led by their troop leaders, Manuel Palisbo, Almeda Maglasang, Earl Froven Sison, Marjorie Salomson, and Kareen Rose Daang.The BSP three-day encampment focused on Emergency Service Training. The participants were trained how to administer first aid to pa- tients such as bandaging, and CPR. Aside from first aid, the participants were also taught wa- ter rescue and how to survive disaster. For all the participants, there were no dull moments during the interview because every day was a new adventure for them. Who would forget those early morning and late night mobilization and most especial- ly the night when we were told to evacuate our quarters be- cause of an imminent flood. Truly, it was such a memora- ble ,fun-filled and enriching ex- perience. The GSP encampment , on the other hand, was also a huge success. The GSP camp- ers did not only learn about the basic scouting law but also about things that were not shown in school as well.Like for examples, the witnessing of the firing of blank cartridges by the members of the Philippine Ar- my. Not only that, the GSP campers were also allowed to ride in their tankers and carry real guns for picture taking. Last August 2016, our school held a back-to-back program of the opening of the Palakasan 2016 in the morning and culmina- tion of the month-long celebration of the Language month.With the theme, “Filipino, Wika ng Karunungan, different activities were prepared by the Filipino teachers, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Galit, Mrs. Joyce Arnoco and Mr. Ryan Salomson. The different activities that were lined up for the program were slogan and poster making contest, singing and dancing con- test, and oratorical contest which all aimed to remind everybody about the importance of the Filipi- no Language. The following are the winners in the different contest categories: Poster making contest- James Nicho Quidlat Sabayang Pagbigkas- Grade 8- Slogan making contest Katutubong Sayaw- Grade 7-Walingwaling Talumpati- Yna Mae Sadernas Although, there are already three watchmen who are on duty in the school, this does not solve the problem . We are keeping our fingers crossed that the CCTV will. By: JERALD EYANA “If God closes one door, He opens up another one.” This adage has truth to it. After the tragedy that struck Iligan City last December 17, 2011 which left areas like Barangay Santia- go devastated, blessings poured out from heaven like rain. First, dozens of assistance in the form of goods, books, school equipment like plastic chairs, school materials came from different sectors. And just recently, the 50 computer sets promised by Dep-ed through its Computerization Program had finally arrived. Now, all students can have an access with the computer. They will no longer crowd on a single computer set. Our big thanks to the people who were behind the procure- ment of these computer sets. Aside from the computer sets, a CCTV device was installed around the campus to address its long standing problem of ,robbery. For the past years, several incidents of school properties robberies had been reported and yet none of it was resolved. So, the GPTA or General Parents and Teachers Association decided to install CCTV around the campus to solve the matter. As part of the World Teacher’s Day Celebration , Dep-ed- Region X initiated a blood-letting project in partnership with Philip- pine Red Cross. This project was dubbed as Dugong Guro, Du- gong Bayani, Alay Ko, Buhay Mo under the leadership of Dep-ed X – Regional Director, Dr. Allan G. Farnazo. According to Director Farnazo, teachers should be encouraged to donate blood to the Philippine National Red Cross starting Oc- tober 5, 2016. Staffs from the Philippine Red Cross would screen first the teacher –donors whether they are in good health and free from diseases through blood typing and hemoglobin check .Those who would be found out with disease would be asked to refer somebody form his family member or a former students to be his proxy. In the meantime, teachers with High blood pressure could still donate blood if his blood pressure is un- der control and within the limits set I the donation guidelines. Here in ICENHS-Santiago, the said blood-letting program re- ceived a positive response from the teachers and students alike. Most of them donated blood ex- cept for those who are sick. However, they had recommended some proxies to cover for them. Among the teachers who had un- derwent blood-letting were Kareen Rose Daang, Almeda Maglasang, Manuel Palisbo, Jhon Patrick and Gay Marie Doplon, James Guiuo to mention a few. Some students also acted as proxies to their teacher. In over-all, the said program is con- sidered to be a great success. NEWS Language Month Celebration Sumile replaced a teacher as blood donor. 8 Grade 9 students in their Katutubong sayaw entry. Proposed Computer Set- up
  • 9. 9 Once again, ICEHS-Santiago shone in the recently concluded Di- vision Schools Press Conference held last September 2, 2016 at the Dep-ed Conference Hall. Franches- ca L. Vega bagged the first prize in editorial writing-English category while James Nicho Quidlat won the third place in Editorial Cartooning- Filipino category. Both of them had already won in the first round of DSPC 2016 held at Tambo Central School last August 2016. But they were made to compete again be- cause of some discrepancy in the Regional Memo regarding the con- duct of DSPC. During the first round of DSPC, there were separate con- testants coming from the Senior and Junior High Schools in each contest category. It was only during the last day of the contest that the DSPC committee had found out that there was no separate contest for the Senior and Junior High School. So, the Division Journalism Coordinator, Henry Abueva announced the hold- ing of the DSPC rematch. “The contest- ants would be the win- ners of the first round of DSPC. There would be no separation of contest this time from the Sen- ior and Junior High School, “he further said.This year DSPC theme is “"Promoting K to 12 Basic Education .Program as a Transformative Vehicle for Lo- cal and National Development through Campus Journalism.” Most of the winners of DSPC 2016 come from private schools most especially in the second- ary category. Aside from Vega and Quidlat two Senior High School students also won in the contest. They were Juvala- ni Pepito who won fourth place in Editorial writing and Jean- nerose Sagaral who also won the 6th place in Science and Health Writing. Those who qualified in the DSPC rematch would represent the Divi- sion of Iligan City in the Regional Schools Press Conference to be held this coming September 8- 10,2016 at Malaybalay Bukidnon. NEWS Vega and Quidlat win in DSPC 2016 rematch To inform the students about the danger of using drugs, per- sonnel from the Philippine Nation- al Police conducted a symposium on drugs in our school last July 2016. There three police officers who conducted the symposium and one of them was their station commander. The first one who gave a pep talk was PO3 Paquingan. He first discussed to us the different kinds of drugs and its effects to the people. We had learned that the most common drugs used by people are mariju- ana, shabu, syrups, cocaine, ex- tacy and etc. He also showed to us different pictures of people of the said substances. Moreover, he also warned us about the ef- fects of these things in our be- ings. PO3 Paquingan talk did not only end there. He also confessed to us that he was once a drug ad- dict in his youth and that the had been admitted in a rehabilitation center once. But through the help of his family and friends, he was able to surpass his addiction and had eventually become a police officer. He ended his talk by call- ing all the drug dependents to Turn-over themselves to the po- lice as an adherence to President Duterte’s Oplan Double Barrel locally known as “Oplan To- khang.” The next officer who gave a speech was a beautiful police- woman PO3 Pableo. Since she was assigned under the Women and Children’ s Desk, her talk fo- cused mostly on violence against women and children otherwise known as R.A. 9262. In her talk, she advised all the mothers who were present to be firmed in their decision when filing a case against their husband who abuse them because she had ex- perienced in the past wherein the complainants changed their minds because they took pity on their abusive husbands. As a re- sult, they were not given justice and their husbands abused them al over again. Furthermore, she also admon- ished the parents not to use the police figure in scaring little chil- dren because that would paint a bad image of policemen in their minds. They feared that these children would no longer treat them as life saviors rather they would think of them as monsters. PO3 Pableo was able to say be- cause she was not happy how the children reacted in the gift-giving program they organized wherein some of the children cried and hid behind their mothers the moment they saw p”olicemen entered their classroom. What would happen if there is an emergency? I doubt whether these children would still call the police,” PO3 Pableo said. The last part of the symposium was the open forum. As ex- pected, queries about the Oplan Tokhang were asked by the par- ents. They were concerned by the way policemen were arresting the drug addicts and drug pushers. Some parents also candidly asked the police officers whether they were really the ones behind all the killings of drug pushers in Iligan City. The police officers in turn answered their queries by saying that they were not the only one who were after the drug ad- dicts but the drug lords as well. The symposium ended with us satisfied and with a vow from ourselves not to lay a fin- ger on any drug. Our heartfelt gratitude to the police officers for spreading the information and to our school head as well for giving them time to hold the symposium. New Set of SSG Officers School Year: 2016-2017 President: Mark Anthony P. Silanova Vice President Internal: Juvalanie B. Pepito Vice President External: Noli D. Na- mantocan Secretary: Franchesca Claire L. Vega Treasurer: Mary Apple M. Jaudian Auditor: Maelissa J. Abdulhalim P.I.Os : Lusenda M. Jaudian Judy Ann D. Namantucan Social Managers: Jimart G. Ocay Danica Rose B. Clavano Yna Mae Q. Sadernas Mae Marie Ca- tubig Sergeant at Arms: April Mae C. Cabus Micael Jamon Jerald F. Eyana Noel T. Villaver Maureen Vega Peter Sadernas Representatives Grade 7: Kyla L. Ladion Grade 8: Jhapet A. Villarin Grade 9: Nayeli C. Lugto Grade 10: Princess Nicole Y. Catubig Grade 11 Jeannerose B. Sagaral Campaign against drugs By: Jerald F. Eyana PNP officers with Dr. Quiroquiro and Manuel Palisbo Vega and her coach, Sorahayda B. Samporna 9 By: YNA MAE SADERNAS
  • 10. 10 A nurse turned into a teacher. Sir Guio had been already practicing his nursing profession when he realized that his real passion is teaching. So, he went back to school and took up Education. His first teaching job was in Iligan City National Schools of Fisher- ies. He applied as a senior high school teacher and was fortunate- ly admitted here in ICENHS– Santiago. He is designated as the prefect of discipline and DRR Co- ordinator of the Senior High School Department. He also teaches SMAW and science to both junior and senior high school students HS-Santiago. Feature Up Close and Personal Small but terrible. This description suits Ma’am Nhovy very well be- cause of her size but once she opens her mouth, one is left in awe. Ma’am Nhovy has a good com- mand of the English language. Stu- dents often jokingly complained that their nose bleed in her class because of her American accent. This skill of hers had landed her in a call center job in the past. Aside from her stint in a call center, Mrs. Ermac had also taught in Iligan Medical Center College and prior to her assignment here,she was al- ready a public school teacher in Bunawan Agricultural High School. Presently, she is the class adviser of Grade 11-Academia. .The Vin Diesel of ICENHS- Santiago. With his bald head and manly looks, many students consid- ered Sir Sison as the lost brother of the Fast and Furious star. Kidding aside, Sir Sison is the class adviser of Grade 8-Ruby and handles Val- ues Education subject. He came here last year as substitute teacher of Mrs. Henrylen McMichael but later on he became her replacement since the former had eventually re- signed from service. If you’re looking for a perfect epitome here of a 21st- century teacher, try checking on Sir Sison. He is not only fully-equipped with skills and knowledge but teach- ing devices as well. Everywhere he goes, he brings with him his netbook and pojector. An always ready and a 21st century teacher, indeed. Sir Francis is an energetic and enthusiastic Philosophy and Po- litical Science teacher of ICENHS-Santiago. He is a for- mer teacher of MSU-Naawan and La Salle Academy. What makes him endearing to the stu- dents are his wit and sense of humor. He is also full of motiva- tional words to encourage us to succeed in life by developing a positive paradigm. Philosophy used to be a mind-boggling sub- ject but under Sir Babao’s tute- lage, Philosophy now for us is as easy as ABC. Sir Babao is pres- ently the Guidance Counselor – Designate and at the same time SHS Coordinator of the Senior High School. Sir Sepe is a silent type of a teacher but he also has a funny side. He is a very smiling person. What the students like most about him is that he shares the word of God to them. Every lunch break, he conducts bible study in his classroom. He is very generous to them too. He can always be seen treating his students with snacks and food. At the moment, Sir Sepe is the class adviser of Grade-II Artistry and handles computer and tech- nical drawing subjects. He is also an active adviser of the Supreme Student Government (SSG). FEATURE JAMES GUIUO ELIZABETH SAMSON FRANCIS ARTCHESS BABAO ARTHUR SEPE 10 BY: FRANCHESCA L. VEGA NHOVY D. ERMAC EARL FRUBEN SISON Ma’am Elizabeth Samson is fondly called as “Ma’am Sexy” by her peers because at her age she still has the body of a young woman and she also dresses as one. She used to teach in St. Therese Academy and had also served as its acting principal for sometimes. Here In ICENHS-Santiago, she is the class adviser of Grade 8– and teaches Math in Grade 7 and Grade 8. Mrs. Samson is a good Mathematics teacher. Ma’am Dalupang is the new beautiful face of ICENHS- Santiago. Students are en- tranced with her sophisticated face and bubbly personality. She is a resident of Tibanga, Iligan City and got the degree of Bach- elor in Physical Education tucked under her belt. She has been teaching in private colleges for several years now before she was hired her e in our school. At present, she is acting as the class adviser of Grade 10 - Milkfish and teaches MAPEH subject to all Grade 7. Ma’am. Arnoco is the new Filipino teacher in our school. She is the class adviser of Gade 10- Mackerel. She had taught in the college department of Iligan Medi- cal Center College for 19 years before she joined us here in ICENHS-santiago. People de- scribe her as a serious and a no non-sense teacher. She sticks to her rule and she has a mind of her own. She maybe simple in the outside but there is more to her than what meets the eye. Zoraida L. Dalupang Joyce C. Arnoco
  • 11. 11 Feature public school together with the normal students. At first, school was hard for somebody who couldn’t talk and move normally like her. She could not partici- pate in oral discussion nor per- form in practicums in MAPEH and TLE. Not to mention, the bullies. But with her strong re- solve to finish her study, she was able to surpass it all . She did not only surpass it all grace- fully but she also manage to include herself in the list of top ten students every grading peri- od. Being in the honor roll is something that every student covets to be in. Only a few of the so called “cream of the crops “make it in the list. And this feat is usually achieved by people with normal faculties. Honey Grace defies all odds to the amazement of everybody. In every grading period, you will see her name posted in the bulletin board as one of the top performing student of the class. If only all students would be like Grace who doesn’t give up easily on challenges. Despite of her handicap, she is not a burden to the class. She tries her best to function normally like her classmates. She never ask for help nor ask to be treated as special. She is even the first one to come to school and clean the classroom even without out the presence of her teacher and classmates. I remember one inci- dent in her TLE class wherein they were asked to do a cooking demo. Instead of asking for an exemption in the activity, she willingly volun- teered to help by peeling fruits and vegetables. Now that she is about to complete her junior high school, I would like Grace to be remembered as some- body special not because of her dis- ability but because of her strong de- termination to defy the odds and succeed in life despite of everything. But deep in my heart, there is an undeniable sadness and worry too for Grace if ever she will choose to enroll in another school for Senior High. What if the students in the new school will bully her? What if the teachers there will not understand her situation? But in retrospect, I am consoled with the thought that Grace will be able to overcome whatever challenges that will come on her way as she has already did it in the past. She may lack the faculties that nor- mal students have but she got this knack of doing things that don’t come naturally. And most important of all, she has magnanimous faith in God that she can make things hap- pen so long as she work for it and The chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme recognizes Senior High School and cadet (college) Girl Scouts who meet the criteria for out- standing service to their community. It is built on the Girl Scout’s concept of developing the total girl making her well-rounded in all aspects– spir- itual, physical, mental, emotional and social. It’s main emphasis is on the girl’s discipline, perseverance, and the development of her sense of responsibility towards herself and the community. October 2014 as I started to work Honey Grace…. Such a common sounding name but here in ICENHS -Santiago it refers to somebody who is fragile and special. The name Honey Grace belongs to a senior female student who despite of her disability has able to survive the hurdles of a school world way beyond her normal classmates do. Grace is suffering from Cerebral Palsy since birth but the said disease does not prevent her from finishing high school. She could not talk nor move normally but these things do not deter her from doing all the daily routines like taking a b- A student named Grace chief girl scout project entitled “ Grow Herbs for Health” at Purok 5B, Santiago, Iligan City. The project’s emphasis is on herbal plants wherein the community can benefit freely. It was a whole year endeavor where I underwent different phases of activities to attain my objectives. When I read this letter of congratulations sent to me by FEATURE 11 BY: JUVALANIE B.PEPITO ath, feeding herself, helping in doing the household chores and coming to school everyday. Just like the other people who are afflicted with this disease, Grace has not escaped the ridi- cule of some people and she has also received her fair share of bullying to last her a lifetime. For a person of delicate nature, all of these things would be enough to call everything quits and just hide from the prying eyes and scorn of the public. But not Grace. She may look vulner- able but deep inside she is invin- cible. Grace grew up from the sole care of her aging Grandmother. They are poor so she has no choice but to study in a nearby Honey Grace Nacasabog, a student of Grade 11-Academia is an inspiration to the ICENHS-Santiago students. GSP national president Susan R. Locsin, wow! I didn’t understand how I felt during that time. The only word that came out from my mouth was, “Thank you, God and to God, be all the glory.” our labor was not truly in vain. My trop leader, Mrs. Almeda Maglasang could also go to the presentation ceremony at Pasay City, manila for free-plane ticket ,hotel accommodation and all were for free. As I walk the aisle towards the stage and received my medal, all my sorrows and pains were suddenly gone and all the sacrifices I did for this project were paid off big time. At the back of my mind, I was also mentally thanking God for all the people whose hearts were touched by Him to help me in perfecting my task. They were no other than my family, friends, teachers, principal and of course, my trop leader, Mrs. Almeda Maglasang who together with me, moved heaven and earth just for this project to materialize. Above all, I thank God because if not for Him I would not reach this far and achieve this things. I also thank Him for a safe trip all throughout my journey. My journey as a chief scout medalist BY: DONNA C. GULAY Donna Gulay (right side) all smiles during the Chief Girl Scout Medal presentation ceremony at Manila.
  • 12. 12 Like the mythical bird, phoenix, Barangay Santiago rises from its ashes again to become the latest tourist spot in Iligan City. After Sendong, there seemed no hope for Barangay Santiago. With most of its houses dilapidated and huge number of casualties and missing persons, some people were left with no choice but to transfer to relocation site. For sometimes, Barangay Santiago became a ghost town but thanks to the ef- forts of both the government and private sectors, our barangay has slowly recovered once again into a lively and thriving place. And just last year, Barangay Santiago became a word of mouth of everybody because of Paseo de Santiago. The latter is the new tourist attraction in the area which is a park overlooking the sea of Iligan City. It is located near the Fi -shchiboy market or talipapa of barangay Santiago. What makes it popular to everybody despite of its being located in quite a remote area is the romantic ambiance of the place. One can likened it to the famed Manila Bay where you can say the sky change from or- ange to gray during sunset. The view is equally amazing during sunrise but unlike Manila Bay its sea-breeze is not tainted with the pollution of the city. Indeed, the place is not only good for recrea- tion but for our health as well. Another attraction of Paseo de Santiago is the gigantic letters that say Iligan City and Philip- pines. The said gigantic letters become a favorite selfie destina- tion of the locals and tourists alike. Moreover, the landscape and the changing themes of the place also add to its charm. Every visit in Paseo de Santiago is like a first time because it changes its theme according to the occasion. But the occasion wherein Paseo de Santiago is in its full capacity is during Valentine’s Day. Its ro- mantic ambiance attracts couple from all walks of life to choose the place to celebrate their love. As of the moment, Paseo de Santiago charges Php 10 per per- son for its entrance fee. The pro- ceeds of the entrance fee is to be used for its development and maintenance since it is not fully- developed yet. Aside from serving as a place of relaxation, Paseo de Santiago also offers snacks and beverages to the public. It also sells beer and barbeque which is famous for its delicious taste. Ta- bles and chairs abound in the ar- ea so you can easily drink and eat with your loved ones anytime you like. Bringing of your own food is discouraged though be- cause the management charges an arm and leg as corkage fee. Parking of vehicles is also no problem because it has a wide open space that can accommo- date quite a number of cars. Plus of cars. Plus guards and CVOs are also on standby to secure the place. How to get there? Paseo de Santiago is just 10 minutes away from the heart of the city. It is accessible through Pinoy jeepneys or “habal-habal. “ Getting into the national highway is also a breeze because lines of “trisicads” await in the area ready to ferry passengers anytime they want. Feature To become an effective teacher, one has to be patient, determined and disciplined. All of these words perfectly describe , Mr. Roel Togonon, an Aralin Panlipunan teacher in our school. Mr. Togonon typical day started with taking care of his kids since His wife works abroad. He then proceeded to school teaching his students from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. In this eight hours inside the school, you cannot see Mr. Togo- non in an idle mode because even in his break time, you cannot see him just sitting or chatting with his fellow teachers. It is because dur- ing these times, it is either you can see him bend on his laptop busy concocting ideas or he is out somewhere training his ath- letes or RCY volunteers. His hands maybe full due to his fa- therly duties but he doesn’t lack time for his duties. And all of these sacrifices of his don’t go to waste because just this school year, his students through his coaching had garnered awards in different contests that they joined. The following are the awards that his students won for this school year: ICEHS-Santiago RCY won a Bronze Medal for bagging the 3rd place in Chain Story Telling contest with Donna C. Gulay, Mary Rose Maquilan, Franchesca Vega, Maureen Vega, and Yna Mae Sadernas as participants. 5th place –Poster Making Contest in Sanrugo Festival 2016 with James Nicho Quidlat as partici- pant. 4th place, Mr. & Ms. RCY 2016 with Mark Rixter C. Cabasag and Eunice Canete as contestants. 2016 Pop Quiz: 1st place, Jingle Writing Contest, Peniel Erag; 2nd place, Pop Quiz -Franchesca L. Vega; 3rd place, Poster Making-James Nicho Quidlat; 3rd Place, 2016 Fire Pre- vention Month Poster Making Paseo de Santiago: The new tourist attraction in Iligan City Roel Togonon, ICEHS-Santiago most outstanding teacher FEATURE BY: FRANCHESCA CLAIRE L. VEGA 12 By: YNA MAE SADERNAS By: YNA MAE SADERNAS ILIGAN CITY letters’ design during summer at Paseo de Santiago. Contest –James Nicho Quidlat. 3 Bronze Medals for Boxing Event, 2015 Palarong Pampook held at Oroquieta, Mis. Occ., last Decem- ber 12-19, 2015. ICEHS Eastern Eagle with Mr. Togonon as their coach garnered 4 Gold Medals from different Boxing Division during the 2015 Iligan City Division Meet last Sept. 9-11,2015 .
  • 13. 13 Teaching is the most challenging pro- fession in the whole world. It is a ca- reer that should not be taken lightly. To teach means to be ready to face the worst-stubborn students, a mountain high requirements, deadlines to beat, meetings, seminars to name a few. But all of these things are nothing com- pared to the unforgettable moments that a teacher could spend with his/her students. This is why we will surely miss one of the best teachers in our school, Ma’am Michellene Judith. Ma’am Michellene Judith will be retir- ing this school year after 18 years of service in Iligan City East High School- Santiago. She turned 62 last Septem- ber. She is a Values Education and an English teacher at the same time. Per- sonally, I find Ma’am Judith as a good and hardworking teacher with a nice personality. But I bet other students would disagree with me, especially the boys. Because some students would see Ma’am Judith getting angry to of- ten in their class. And we also can’t deny that Ma’am Judith got that fierce look even though she’s not angry, whi- Feature ch which gives us the thought that she’s strict. But it’s all a matter of time. When you finally get to know her, you can say that she’s really a nice person. She only gets angry to those noisy and naughty students, or should I directly say the boys. When I was in Grade 9, Ma’am Judith was our Values Education teacher. I’ve never liked the subject she’s teaching but I like her as a teacher. I still remember when she once told us about her love story. After hearing it, I liked her even more. Her love story was so charming and an epic. I always end up laughing my heart out every time I remember her love story. I respect Ma’am Judith as a teacher and as a woman. I learned from her that a woman can still live happily even she has no man beside her. At first, I thought that Ma’am Judith’s At first, I thought that Ma’am Ju- dith’s life is sad because she has no husband and child. But to my surprise, she is not at any rate sad because her life is hap- pier compared to the other cou- ples out there. For her, happi- ness does not only lies in having a successful marriage life, it en- compasses many things. The thought that her father is still alive and kicking and that she have helped her siblings and her nieces and nephews with their needs is what happiness all about for Ma’am Judith. I respect Ma’am Judith as a teacher and as a woman. I learned from her that a woman can still live happily even she has no man beside her. At first, I thought that Ma’am Judith’s life is sad because she has no hus- band and child. But to my sur- prise, she is not at any rate sad because her life is happier com- pared to the other couples out there. For her, happiness does not only lies in having a suc- cessful marriage life, it encom- passes many things. The thought that her father is still alive and kicking and that she have helped her siblings and her nieces and nephews with their needs is what happiness all about for Ma’am Judith. I’m happy that I’ve got to meet a teacher like Ma’am Judith. Now that, I’m a Grade 10 stu- dent, she’s no longer my subject teacher but I never miss greet- ing her every time I pass by her sitting near the window of her classroom bending over the pa- pers that she meticulously check. And as always, she would greet me back and re- turn my smile. ICEHS-Santiago is very grateful to have Ma’am Mich as one of its best teachers. Teacher and student alike will always remember her as the school’s early bird. She never comes to school late nor ab- sent from her class. And when submission day of require- ments comes, she is always one of those who submits first. In this coming opening of classes, we are saddened with the thought that you will be no longer with us to see us walks into the new chapter of our lives which is Senior High School. You may never see us finish high school, Ma’am Ju- dith but what you have taught us will forever lived with us. We also want you to know that although our ways maybe strange, we love you still and we will always remember you as the teacher who ‘s patience and kindness is incomparable. Thank you Ma’am Judith! I ’ve always hated writing. That’s why of all the contests I’ve joined, journalism pisses me off. It freaking gets on my nerve and is really a pain in the neck. Writing is tiring. Not just tiring but Veeerrry tiring. It consumes 99.9% of my energy. It’s killing me, I used to think. But one fateful day, journalism changed my life. Month of September 2015, I call it “journalism month” since it’s always the month that Division Schools Press Conference always takes place. We went to the contest venue in the morning at Dona Juana Actub Lluch Memorial School. We saw lots of participants already in the covered court. Obviously, I was not excited. I could clearly hear a whisper from somewhere saying to me, “Happy 3rd Anniversary, loser!”. Why? Because it was already my 3rd time of joining the contest and I haven't won not even in the 7th place. During that time, I was contemplating for another loss. The DSPC, went on just as it always did the past two I had joined. Fin Finally, the contests began. I en- tered the contest area for Editorial Writing in English. I saw my con- tenders inside the classroom. Some of them were repeaters like me while some were new faces. They were so busy studying while waiting for the proctor to come in. When finally the proctor came, all my doubts dissolved into thin air be- cause the topic that she gave us was somewhat familiar to me. She asked us to write about the lifelong skills of Senior High School. As a grade 10 student, I was quite well- verse with the topic since I under- went a lot of seminars about it. Fast forward….. On the awarding day, there was no pressure nor ex- pectation on my part. One by one, the emcee announced the winners. When the winners of the Editorial Writing contest were announced I was declared as the second placer, I couldn’t hold up my tears, it’s just dropping and I didn’t care. I was so happy. For the first time, I won and I qualified for the Regional Schools Press Conference. The RSPC was held at Oro- quieta City on November 2015. To think of it, it was my firs time to be away from my fami- ly. We stayed there for four days. At the contest, the topic given was APEC. I’ve read about it so I’ve had an idea. Fast forward again….On the awarding ceremony, my name was called as the second plac- er. I was so happy But I didn’t cry because it’s so embarrass- ing and I’ve regretted that I cried in the DSPC. The Re- gional Schools press Confer- ence was a lot of fun because we got to go to Tangub City, the city of lights in their grand opening , Christmas Celebra- tion. Month of January 2016, I for- got the exact date but we went to Malaybalay, Bukidnon for the enhancement of the Na- tional Schools Press Confer- ence . We stayed there for three days. It is a very cold place and the water is as cold as ice. Month of February, on the 19th day to be exact, we went first to Cagayan de Oro for the pre-departure Orientation Seminar and proceeded the day after to Koronadal City, South Cotabato for the con- test. Koronadal exceeded my expectations. It is peaceful, clean and a beautiful place. I chastised myself for being so judgmental at first because be- fore NSPC I used to think that Koronadal was a backward place and a dangerous one too. When the contest day came, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. But upon coming to the contest venue and upon given an unfamiliar topic to write an editorial arti- cle, my excitement was re- placed with disillusionment and regret. However, it was a very great experience and I learned a lot from it. FEATURE Diary of a campus journalist By:FRANCHESCA L. VEGA 13 Ma’am Judith to retire this school year 2016-2017. By:FRANCHESCA L. VEGA
  • 14. 14 Flower By Angel Mae Dacup Life is like a beautiful flower That slowly grows in sum- mer I wonder when I stare at the flower It looks like my handsome brother But when water drops as cold as an ice It makes me sad like a little mice Seeing the flower trembles like a dice It brings tear drops in my eyes. Watching it everyday Makes me happy all day Like the shining sun at the sky This is me” By: Kurt Jabagat This is me, this is who I am. They hate me then and now they still do. But as long as I am happy I’ll go ahead! And l’ll let it be. This is me, this is who I am. Talking to myself and feeling dumb Do I make any sense to any- body? Or I am just nonsense to them. This is me, now feeling hope- less. Separated from the people I trusted I am a fool to everyone. I shouldn’t trust. They shouldn’t lie. Why is it? By: Alyssa Rae Genosolanggo Why love can be so painful? When things are being playful. It hurts you, it makes you happy. But in the end, you’ll feel sorry. Love doesn’t get angry easily. But all people deal without it. Why does love makes you a fool? When you know the truth, you’ll still be- lieve the lie. Love should be based from the truth. It will bring you down if you lie. Love can be painful, happy or sad, Doesn’t care what it should be. Loving can hurt, but people treasure it. Love can make people blind. Things are being disabled. Love is dangerous sometimes. “Best friends” By Jessa Mae Jamorol I met a stranger. We were classmates. We became friends. We became close friends. Time passed, we became best friends. We were like sisters. We became best friends ever. Until we become like one. Sometimes, we have the same thoughts. We laughed very hard. Sometimes we had fights, we ar- gue. We cried but after all we became friends again. We approve the same plan. We smile and laugh sarcastical- ly. She’s as a lion By Yna Mae Sadernas As brave as a lion She took me in every motion And every time I’m alone She hugs me like a stone And whenever I need her She protects me like an ogre That’s why I love my mother And I love her forever LITERARY 14
  • 15. 15 Train to Busan “Train to Busan” is a Kore- an movie that has taken Filipi- no viewers by storm. The mo- ment a copy of it leaked in the internet, it instantly became viral. What is really in this movie that made viewers go gaga over it? Is it solely because of Gong-Yo? I think not! The movie is more than the usual zombie movie. It is thriller and drama mix into one. One of the most unforgettable scene of the movie was when Gong- Yo bade farewell to his daugh- ter and jumped out of the train to prevent her from being in- fected with the zombie virus. It was truly a tear-jerker scene which cannot be expected in a horror movie. Following a mot- ley crew on a bumpy ride from Seoul to Busan to escape a zombie outbreak, writer- director Yeon Sang-ho’s ac- tion-horror railroad movie “Train to Busan” pulses with relentless locomotive momen- tum. As an allegory of class rebellion and moral polariza- tion, it proves just as biting as Bong Joon-ho’s sci-fi dystopia “Snowpiercer,” while deliver- ing even more unpretentious fun. Yeon has displayed rec- ognizably cinematic sensibili- ties in his last three indie anime features — “King of Pigs,” “Fake” and “Seoul Sta- tion” — so it’s not surprising that he transitions easily into live-action, though his scath- ing, nihilistic vision of humani- ty is watered down for wider mainstream appeal. Buyers for Asian-friendly genre prod- ucts should clamber to board “Train.” Despite the vibrancy of genre cinema in Korea, you can count the country’s zombie films on the fingers of one hand. But whether it’s alleged prototype “Let Sleeping Corpses Lie” rip-off “A Mon- strous Corpse” or the more recent “Zombie School” (2014), they’ve all been slapdash and unoriginal. However, with a MERS epi- demic sweeping South Korea in 2015 and soaring discon- tent with corruption and eco- nomic disparity, a zombie apocalypse serves as a potent allegory for the dog-eat-dog world. In “Seoul Station,” Yeon depicted a homeless enclave inside the central train station as the ground zero of a zom- bie outbreak. “Train to Busan” picks up where that film left off. While the anime’s excoria- tion of the police and army is softened in the live-action sequel, sce- narios of humans and zom- bies precariously separated by carriages fittingly symbol- ize the dangerous gap be- tween society’s haves and have-nots. Workaholic fund manager Seok-wu (Gong Yoo) takes his estranged young daugh- ter Su-an (Kim Su-an) on the KTX high-speed train to Busan to visit his ex-wife. The last person to hop on is a teenage girl whose bare thighs are crisscrossed with bulging veins. Yet, passen- gers and train crew get more alarmed over a homeless man hiding out in the wash- room — one of the film’s fre- quent barbed comments on snobbery in Korean society. The first 15 minutes tease audiences with glimpses of zombie threat, like a shadow lunging spastically across the platform, or ominous news reports of riots in the capital. Once the infected girl claims the first victim, however, the action surges ahead with ex- hilarating mayhem, abetted by the claustrophobic layout of train compartments. The main reason zombies rank less scarily on the ghoulish scale is their slow waddling gait, but the resi- dent evil here is so deliriously energetic and agile it’s like they’re powered by ginseng and soju. Yeon’s background in animation definitely lends their assault a cartoonish fe- rocity. The creatures’ only weakness is the fact they see poorly in the dark, giving rise to several mini-climaxes when Seok-wu exploits this to outwit them. Whereas in Hollywood disas- ter or apocalyptic movies, the chief protagonist tends to take charge and puts him or herself in the line of fire, Seok -wu subverts the cliché by acting on his elitist, self- preserving instincts, telling Su-an off for giving her seat to an old lady, and shutting the door on escaping passen- gers Sang-hwa (Ma Dong- seok) and his pregnant wife Sung-kyu (Jung Yu-mi, “Oki’s Movie”). It is up to Su-na, with her child’s innate decen- cy, and the burly but daunt- less Sang-hwa to undo the financial go-getting, cutthroat attitude, so he can learn that it is cooperation and altruism that ensures survival in a ca- tastrophe. It’s been three years now since I first set my foot in Mainit. It was such a fine sun- shiny day when Maridel, the teacher I was to replace in Mainit High School met me in Barinaut to accompany me in my journey in going there. The travel was not that bad as I ex- pected because we had a good driv- er. I was even able to appreciate the panoramic view of the places we passed by as we ascended towards the mountain. Everything was so verdant be- cause you could see lots of trees which abound in the area. The air was so cool because of it and of the river nearby. That’s why I had won- dered why Mainit was named as such when its climate is the perfect opposite. The temperature here can be lik- ened to that of Baguio and Marawi City's. It’s very cold during night time and during the wee hours of the morning.I t’s also a good thing that Mainit is not located along the Na- tional Highway because there were sometimes that we experienced ze- ro visibility because of the fogs. So, blame us not if there were sometimes that we weren’t able to wake up early because who would want to rise up early in the freezing cold. Aside from the view and the weather, the other things that en- dear Mainit to me are the placidity of the place and the innocence and the genuineness of its people. Now that I’m not teaching there anymore, I miss those noiseless nights wherein you could only hear the noise of the cicadas and zephyr which lulled me into a deep sleep. I also miss the innocent faces of my students who hanged by every word I uttered as though I was a saint. I miss the com- munity too who treated us with kind- ness and with so much reverence that every celebration in their place would not be complete without us having been invited. I miss those nocturnal walks we did every time we conducted home visitation to our students’ families. We did it during night times because it was the only free time we had. No experiences were so much happier than those times that we raced along the road towards our boarding house as a result of our trading hor- ror stories while walking on a pitch dark road. Why I’m writing this? I don’t know. I just have this feeling that I might not be able to go back there anymore. Though Mainit is 27 km away from Iligan City, I have already loved it as though it’s my own hometown because it had given me the peace of mind and soul I have been longing to have for a long time now. And most of all, I had met peo- ple I have grown to love and who have become my true friends. Now that I’m assigned here in the city, I am teaching here in the city I can help but smile whenever I re- member the adventures we had dur- ing our stay there. Mainit is one of the 44 barangays of Iligan City and is only accessible through “habal-habal”. The road in going there is a rough and tough one to be traversed by city dwellers not only because it is not a concrete one but it is also hilly and punctuated by protruding big rocks. Deep ravines along the side of the one-lane road also added to the nervousness of the travellers. But for those who are ad- venturous at heart, they find the jour- ney thrilling and adrenaline pumping. LITERARY There’s no place like Mainit Mainit High School as seen from above The author and her co-teacher in Mainit One of the winding roads of Mainit 15
  • 16. 16 Thank you, Ma’am Judith! SCIENCE AND HEALTH 16
  • 17. 17 Furthermore, the Commission on Human Rights has been receiving a lot of criticisms from the Filipino Community.According to the feed- backs, CHR is not helping the coun- try but it is worsening the situation. Most of the Filipinos think that CHR is just seeking attention because they had been silent and useless for a long time since the new admin- istration came in. Wanting to promote and preserve human rights isnever wrong. This is the role ofthe CHR and let us not de- prive them from it. We should not be blinded by our strong desire for change, instead, we should remem- ber the importance of the human rights. CHR is just doing their job. They cannot just sit still and watch people die. They should function because after ll, they are being paid. Let us respect each other’s beliefs and opinion to achieve harmony and suc- cess in our nation. According to Dep-Ed Secretary Lluistro, there will be 5, 770 and 3,000 schools which will be offer- ing Senior High School in public and private schools respectively nationwide . How ready are schools and teachers for this program?The start of Senior High School will determine the success of the whole implementation of K to 12. If this is not given due attention by the government and Dep-Ed officials, the quality education to be at par with other countries is at stake. And, so the government should find ways to support finan- cial allocation for this, and educa- tors should inform everyone es- pecially the parents regarding the voucher program. This program should be pol- ished first in senior High School, because it is such a great help to many poor students who can’t availafford expensive schooling. If a poor but deserving Juan can avail of this program, his future of being a productive citizen with the support of parents and stake- holders can be brighter. have a hero’s burial. Was our his- tory wrong all along? Or are we bound to repeat our history all over again. I am afraid that I can smell something fishy here. Let us just wait and see. then assistant city prosecutor in the late 1970s until the early 1980s. He was born on March 28, 1945, in Maasin, Southern Leyte, to Vicente Duterte, who was gov- ernor of the undivided Davao in the late 1950s, and Soledad Roa, a teacher and civic leader. SOURCES: CON- GRESS.GOV.PH AND INQUIR- ER ARCHIVES The hearing will be participated by the Philippine National Po- lice, cabinet members, and families of the SAF 44. The senate is now having a break that is expected to last for a few months because of the 2016 Election. On the other hand, Filipinos are in a split decision regarding the re-investigation. Senator Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., sup- ports Enrile’s decision on re- opening the case. Meanwhile, Iloilo City Representative, jerry Trenas a nd agreed by Police Director, Benjamin Magalang said that the re-opening of the investigation is a waste of time and its sole purpose has noth- ing to do with the truth but a mere political game of some ambitious politicians.“ We have already move on. And now, we’ll have to move on again” as police Director Benjamin Magalong has said. The re- investigation-its .purpose is not to bring justice, rather, it is tak- ing advantage of the incident to advertise themselves in the 2016 election. These lowly people are shame to our coun- try and the only one to dishon- or the death of the SAF 44.” Could we please request our school guards to open the gate at 4 pm because we would like to go home early. Our class officially ends at that time so we couldn’t see the point of holding us until 4:30. Anoth- er thing is that, making us wait for the gate to open only gets us into trouble. It is either that we catch cold because of the rain or we bump into the other students that lead s into fight. Re- member the incident last year be- tween the Grade 9 and Grade 10 stu- dents? It only started with a simple bumping into each other. _Concerned student_ I ligan had been a peaceful place for a very long time but its placidity was destroyed overnight after that fateful day when Congressman Vi- cente F. Belmonte was ambushed in a broad daylight while he and his aides were on his way home to Iligan City from Laguindingan Air- port.Luckily the congressman sur- vived the ambush with only a minor gunshot wound on his legs. However, luck was not on the sides of his driver and PNP bodyguard who died in- stantly on the crime scene. The next thing that took place was a total chaos. Congressman Varf Bel- monte accused Iligan City Mayor Celso Regencia as the mastermind of the crime. The latter denied the accu- sation saying that he had nothing to do with it. However, a warrant of ar- rest was served to the mayor when a certain Dominador Tumala was ar- rested near the vicinity of the crime area who confirmed that ,indeed, Mayor Regencia was the master mind. Majority of the people of Iligan City reacted negatively to the issue saying that Mayor Regencia was in- nocent and the said ambush was on- ly another hare-brained scheme of Congressman Belmonte to stay in power even branding it “ambush me”. Traffic affects us in so many ways. This includes stress, air pollution, lack of sleep, fatigue and of course economic problem due to congestion. For years, we have suffered tremendously because of this perrenial traffic problem. We cannot just let this go on for the next coming years until the next generation. We must act on even if it requires risky and bold measures. The emergency power strategy of the current administration must be the only way to address this problem. Also, we should not expect it to happen overnight for we know that it is not that easy thing to do. It requires a lot of time but let us enjoy its slow yet progressing effect until it is gone in the coming months when the president is granted the emergency power. The Congressman’s side retaliated by saying that they could not do such thing as sacrificing lives just for the table to turn in favor of them. He also accused Mayor Regencia as the one responsible for the liquidation of drug pushers in Iligan City. Mayor Regencia became a fugitive for a while after his warrant of arrest was issued. The city’s peace and order was once again breached as the war between the supporters of both parties continued. These supporters don’t only bicker in the streets but they also resorted to airing their views in the social media like Facebook. If you follow their trending posts, you would surely have a hard time knowing who’s telling the truth or worst you will end up hemorrhaging on your seat if you happen to be a supporter of one of the bickering parties after reading all those rubbish thrown against your party. Media became the channel of distorted truths and biases and the fugitive mayor surrendered to authorities who extended favor on his planned captivity. Iligan City remained in the state of chaos and ill- governance ruled by an office in-charge instead in the care of the Vice-Mayor as stated in the law. I wailed silently. As an ordinary citizen, I am powerless so all I can offer are prayers and my call for peace. All these troubles thwarted our city’s progress. We now lagged behind with our neighboring cities. I wonder when all of these hullaballoos going to end. I’m so tired of seeing rallies on the street. I’m so tired of hearing radio announcers attacking personalities. I’m so tired of reading posts in Iligan City Water Falls which focus mostly on character assassinations and nonsense gibberish. Sometimes, I begin to wonder whether our lawmakers are right all along in giving us the freedom of speech. It seems that people is already abusing it most especially the journalists. They are supposed to be harbinger of truth but what they are doing now is confused and pollute the minds of the people. And sad to say, this is happening in Iligan City right now. As long as these kind of people will continue with their deeds, then there would be no hope for Iligan.Quo vadis, Iligan. 17 Human rights 2 Voucher program....from page 2 President Duterte........ Emergency Power.......from page 3 for me to desist the burial of Ferdinand E. Marcos in Libingan ng mga bayani because it’s too subjective and personal. Even President Duterte said thatMarcos has every right for a hero’s burial since he was after all our past president and also a soldier. But the question here is whether he is worthy of a hero’s burial after what he did to our country. People may come up of different version of Marcos’s story such as Marcos was the only president who had built lots of infrastructures here in the Philippines such as the famed PICC complex, Nayong Pilipino, Philippine Heart Center, Lung Center of the Philippines to name a few and Philippines was said to be in its golden age during his reign. Still, all of these could not cover up his cruelty and his being a criminal. I don’t think we could forget in just a wink of an eye all those 3, 257 who died and estimated 35,000 tortured and 70,000 arrested according to Alfred Mc-Coy, an American historian. We already have reasons enough why Marcos should not be buried to the Libingan ng mga Bayani. We had decided over it a long time ago. I couldn’t really understand President Duterte’s decision to allow the dictator to To be or not to be..........from page 2 To be or not to be continuation Profile.................from page 3 Letter............from page 3 Why is it that the distribution of school cards here in our school does not follow the given schedule of Dep-ed? _Lope the Great_ We, the students of ICENHS- Santiago are imploring to our school head, Dr. Josephine Quiroquiro to please return the practice of holding convocation every Friday. Aside from academics, we would also like to polish our skills in dancing, singing and acting. -ICENHS-Santiago students- Letter continuation....... Hope For Iligan
  • 19. 19 Did you know? A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 1 pound of lemons contain more sugar than 1 pound of strawber- ries. A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down. In 1963, baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry remarked, "They'll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run." On July 20, 1969, a few hours after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Gaylord Perry hit his first (and only) home run. Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes. An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it. In the Caribbean there are oys- ters that can climb trees. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. Mark Twain didn't graduate from elementary school. Proportional to their weight, men are stronger than horses. They have square watermelons in Japan - they stack better. Heinz Catsup leaving the bottle travels at 25 miles per year. It is possible to lead a cow up- stairs but not downstairs. Teacher: How old is your father? Kid: He is 6 years. Teacher: What? How is this possible? Kid: He became father only when I was born. (Logic!! Children are quick and always speak their minds.) ________________________ TEACHER: Maris, go to the map and find North America. MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now, Class, who discovered America? CLASS: Maria _________________________ TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell crocodile? GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L TEACHER: No, that’s wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. ( I love this child.) __________________________ TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it’s H to O ____________________________ TEACHER: Clyde, your composition on “ My Dog is exactly the same as your brother’s. Did you copy his? CLYDE: No, sir; It’s the same dog. ( I want to adopt this kid!!!) Joke time TRIVIA 19