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Influential Theorists
It is important for teachers to know about learning theories and influential theorists as it adds to the quality of their teaching and contributes to their
ability to cater to the individual needs of the children within their classroom. According to Woolfolk & Margetts (2013) the quality of teaching can
make a difference to children's lives therefore it is imperative that teachers develop their pedagogical knowledge of learning theories and influential
theorists so they can become an effective teacher. Each child is influence by socio–cultural factors and will have their own way of learning. A teacher
with an understanding of learning theories and influential theorists is likely to guide their teaching methods to cater to the children's individual
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My Most Influential Teacher
Throughout my years at Deposit Central School I have had many influential teachers. However, the most influential teacher that I have had is not a
school teacher, but a teacher that has taught me the values of life. The definition of a teacher is a person who teaches or instructs. It does not
necessarily mean that a teacher is alway part of a school, it means that it is someone who makes a difference and educates you. The most influential
teacher that I have encounter is my mom, Stephanie. Teachers play a significant role in shaping and defining a student, and that is what my teacher
has done for me. My mom has taught me the values in life and the good. She has showed me that if you have a strong drive, then you will succeed in
life. more content...
And now, she never felt like getting into the holiday spirit until she meant my mom. My mom told the lady that she is trying to set a good example
to her kids so they will not be afraid to be themselves in public. I was pretty young when this happened, but I remember this because my mom
absolutely loves the holidays and now she still can without being afraid her kids will tell her to stop. Of course now when we go shopping we all sing
to the christmas music.
In addition to teaching me character and leadership, she has taught me to help others. It has always been a big part in our family to help others.
My mom always asked us if we are willing to help others, and because we have learned that at a young age we always say yes. It always feels good
when we help out family members who may not be able to get groceries up their stairs or to rake leaves for them if they can't get outside. Service
was a big "subject" that she taught us because it was important to her when she was growing up as well. Another quality that was important to her
was teaching us to have goals during school. She never cared what the grade was necessarily, but she cared about the effort that was put into it. I
think that made it a lot easier for my sister and I to enjoy school more because we knew if we put in 100% effort then she would be proud of us no
matter what. My mom struggled in school because she just never understood some of the subjects, but what she did understand was her drive to beat
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Influential, exalted, and brilliant. These are three words that describe the greatest universities in the world. The University of
Cambridge, Oxford University, Harvard, Berkeley, Yale, and the
Imperial College of London fall into the category of the world's best schools. These colleges are all very prestigious schools that only the finest
students go to. Some kids, myself included, have the hopes and dreams of going to one of these universities someday. But, w€ cant possibly get
there however, without a good education. This journey of learning begins in pre–school, and continues through elementary, middle, and high school.
You may think that where you are in your schooling doesn't really matter right now, but every step of the way counts more content...
Well, a good education eradicates poverty. By getting acollege degree, you are able to get satisfying job that pays well.
Because of your salary, you will be able to afford a good home, clothing, food, and other necessities of life.
Having a degree also comes into play when wanting to be a good parent. Studies have shown that mothers who have gone to school have healthier,
better–nourished children, who are most likely to succeed. Also, women who go through school and go to college marry later, have fewer kids, and
have improved parental care, Education augments the ability of families to handle health problems. It opens people up to numerous opportunities, and
isnt that what every parent wants for their children and themselves? Studies have also shown that education is the most valuable and efficient weapon
against HIV,
AIDS, and other diseases. Schooling also helps prevent the risks of traffickiilg, labor, and sexual abuse of children.
Education motivates self–assurance and provides us with the things we need to partake in today's world. It makes us more independent and aware of
what is going on in the world today, along with the awareness of opportunities and rights. It offers a greater understanding of one's capability and
potential as
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Most Influential Person
The most influential person in my life would be Cammie Cochran. I've been friends with Cammie since kindergarten. I have this picture of us when
we were at a Halloween party in kindergarten. I was dressed as a white Unicorn and she was dressed as some kind of bride. I was holding up a piece of
candy and she looked at the candy as if she had wanted it. In Middle School, we drifted apart and she went to a different friend group, but by the time
seventh grade hit she was back in our little friend group. We had 4 other friends in the group which included Laury, Audrey, Emilie, and Kacey. It had
truly upset me when we drifted because she knew everything about me and there was no one else I could honestly tell everything to without thinking more content...
Now I can usually tell when she doesn't like someone or something because she makes a weird face when looking at it or when she gets mad she
just looks at me and I can normally figure out what she's mad about without her saying one word. In Eighth grade, she helped me feel better when
my sister was in the hospital. A piece of information about Cammie is that she is eccentric, but very caring when needed. Cammie is someone that
can turn an awkward moment into a funny one. She spends a lot of time with her boyfriend when she's not at school. At school, we have about 4
classes together. One of the classes we have together is Sign language but it's trial class to see if everything runs smoothly enough for others to take
the class in oncoming years instead of having to take Spanish for their foreign language. When I have trouble in my classes i am usually able to go
to Cammie for helping knowing that she most likely already has her work done and can help me with mine. Like in math class when I don't
understand the way the teacher is teaching something and she does, then she comes over and explains it to me in a way I can
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Most Influential Experience
I was born on April 3rd, 2001 as the youngest of two boys in Jerusalem Israel. My dad was a forensics cop in the national police force, and my mom
was a fourth generation pharmacist. We lived in a small 4th floor apartment in Beit Hakarem, where I started preschool at two years old. Although we
lived in Jerusalem, we would often travel around the small country visiting my family. We would often go to Rehovot (my parents hometown), or to
Yuvalim, a small village near the Isralei–Lebanese border where my cousins still live. My family would also travel internationally quite often. We
visited Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Hong Kong, and New Zealand within the first five years of my life. As it turns out, New Zealand Was the
most influential country in our lives, because after visiting New Zealand my parents immediately applied for Permenant Residentship in New
Zealand. Unfortunately diplomatic affairs between the two countries halted our process, and so in the summer of 2006, we moved to canada. Moving
to Canada was by far the most influential experience in my life (so far), and forever changed my character as a person.
After arriving in Canada we were unsure as to where we would live, we initially planned on living more content...
The trip was somewhat unnerving, I saw constant reminders of what my life could have been like. Seeing the highschool in which I would have
attended if not for the move, and even seeing my cousins was disheartening, because In my mind everything represented who I could have been. Its
hard to explain how I feel, because I know that I'm far better off In Canada, but I still feel like Israel is my home. I greatly miss having a normal
name, and I miss my family even more, but mostly I miss the vibe of the country itself. I know that Israel has many problems, but I guess that I have
nostalgia for a childhood that I barely
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Influential People Research Paper
There is so many Influential people in the world, these three have really made a difference and just one stands out so much. The reason they stand
out so much is that they made a difference in the world, Helped with Education, and was one of the most inspirational out of them all. Influential
people accept and try to change the problems in the world and change them frequently with success and constantly with failure. First, Ariana Grande
is a person who tries to see whats extraordinary in people to regard the brightness in a hurried world. "Everyday is a new day. Count your blessings,
ponder twice before you complain, give more than you ask for, do what makes you smile, and enjoy life." Furthermore, The message Ariana Grande is more content...
The Nobel Peace prize. Gratefully, Malala Yousafzai was nominated and won the Nobel peace prize and became the youngest person ever to win
this reward. Malala Yousafzai did not ask for this reward but was given. Her work has Inspired so many around the world to take action against the
Taliban and would never give up. ВЁI am proud, well in fact, I am very proud to be the first Pashtun, the first Pakistani, and the youngest person to
receive this award. Along with that, along with that, I am pretty certain that I am also the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who still fights
with her younger brothers. I want there to be peace everywhere, but my brothers and I are still working on that. I am also honoured to receive this
award together with Kailash Satyarthi, who has been a champion for children's rights for a long time. Twice as long, in fact, than I have been alive.
I am proud that we can work together, we can work together and show the world that an Indian and a Pakistani, they can work together and achieve
their goals of children's rights.ВЁ According to the quote, She obviously did not ask for this reward she was given and she earned it for her
braveness and dedication. Malala an Inspiration to all has also been rewarded with the knowing that she has made a difference.
In the end, Malala Yousafzai has been an inspiration for millions to take action for what they stand for. Her help in making
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Throughout my youth I was surrounded by people that influenced me to be the best I can be at anything. My biggest influential people were my
parents they pushed me to always be on top of my school work and extra–curricular activities. Such as times I wanted to give up on something my
parents would always encourage me to keep trying but to never up on a dream that I've wanted to accomplish since I was a young kid. With their help
they continue to support me through every aspect of both my education and my passion for sports. My passion for sports has helped me to grow to
help influence kids that are younger than me to help them to grow and love the sport as much as I did.
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There are many aspects of my generation that reflect, define, and influence my generation. Its a difficult task to understand Generation X, my
generation. We are like no generation before us, and no preceding generation will be like ours. We are empowered by the Internet, we have more
knowledge about technology than our parents, and we are exposed to so much information. One thing remains unchanged, as with past generation; the
relationship between us and our parents. Jamake Highwater once said, "the greatest distance between people is not space, but culture.(301)" This is
true, my generation has their own culture, one which is of course different than that of our parents. We are still considered rebellious. We listen to music more content...
Most of them are indeed this way. Society and conditions that surround teenagers can shape them and mold them. They are impressionable and
gullible. Their interests and upbringing can be the most influential factors of their lives. Friends of mine are adolescents, like myself. They have
their own opinions. Some are more mature than others. Some are more gullible than others. I'll use two contrasting friends to show how one has
been influenced and how my other friend hasn't been influenced that much. One Caucasian friend of mine wears hip hop clothes, jewelry and
indulges in the hip hop culture. It isn't surprising to hear a mixture of Italian, Puerto Rican, and Egyptian DNA, recite rap lyrics, use slang, and
claim to be "gangsta." Afterall, he does attend a school in which, the majority of students are black. He thinks of himself as a player, a playboy,
like most of the rappers do. He is conceited. He is my friend, but he is fake, fiction, a creation of society. He's a Christian, but he doesn't attend
church. The cross he wears on his chain is just for style. A factor in his life is the fact that his parents are separated. He lives with his grand parents,
and they aren't restrictive. Maybe he would have turned out different had his parents been together throughout his adolescence. My other friend is
American Guyanese, he is black, but dislikes black people. He is not conceited, has a care free attitude, and is very secure. He
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Most Influential Professor
I have been to many schools and taken many classes, and there is always that teacher that makes you stop and think twice, before making any
further steps. Professor G was a very interesting person, he was someone that I can say really marked my education pathway. I have been in College
for a few years and changed major just about three times, but when I finally decided to do Business major, that was when I met my most influential
professor. This Professor was not only my Marketing teacher, but my mentor, guidance, and best influence as of now. Some teachers just get their job
done and teach, but others really make the extra effort, and transmit a message to their students. I call that being a mentor and that was what professor
G did since
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Influential People Research Paper
Influential People: Determined people that impacted the society In history, there're so many people that have influence the world by what they did,
Harriet Beecher Stowe is one of them. Those people who have impact on the society always share the same character trait, which is determination.
People did not just achieved things by luck, but because they worked hard and were passionate about what they were doing. Alan Turing was an
computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical biologist. He was very influential in theoretical computer
science. He is considered as a father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. He invented Turing Machine, a theoretical machine that
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Influential People Today
In the society we live in today, our thought processes are different than what they were a decade or two ago. We live in the cinematic age as they call
it, and in this time it is quite difficult to have positive influences as the world faces destruction, neglect, and hatred. As a little boy not understanding the
world, I would have assumed that most people were somewhat influential. However, as I aged into the young man I am today, I understand that being
influential person takes a certain individual. An individual who has the moral code of willingness to help others effectively while asking for nothing
in return but their happiness. Besides my parents and some family members I can simply say with all that is occurring in our time, there is not one
person I can truly admire today. Six centuries before christ, there was a figure that sought out to find a deeper meaning more content...
This figure showed that there is more to life than just affluences. In the modern culture we are surrounded by today, there are a few people who are
inspirations to others, such as Bill Gates, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Warren Buffett, and a few others. These individuals dedicated their life into
accomplishing what they have today. However, although these individuals are certainly an inspiration to the next generation of kids, I find that they do
not posses all the qualities of trying to build a better future. As a little boy my grandparents would always talk to me about a certain individual who has
influenced their lives. Maybe not as a child, but as I got older I started to understand why my grandparents would always talk about Siddhartha
Gautama. According to, Siddhartha was brought to this world
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Essay about The Person Who Most Influenced Me
It is easy to say that a parent has had the most influence on your life, they taught you how to walk, talk, drink and among many other things hopefully
right from wrong. A good parent is there for you most of your life, quick to lend a hand or offer advice (unless it's your mother–in–law) when needed,
but the trait that impacted my life the most was the integrity my father exhibited with me and the people lucky enough to have met him. My Father
was born to a farmer in NJ a few short years after the depression, learned the lessons that only hard labor can teach from a young age. Working on the
farm is not easy, the days are long, the chores are extremely physical and dirty and if you're a kid all this happens before you even go off more
If you were to ask my father how he made the tough decisions in life he would tell you it was simple. Well maybe it is when you have an
uncompromising set of ideals and sure sense of what is fair. I can remember when I was only 10 years old and my father was offered a high level
position with his company but the position would require for us to move to Texas. We lived in a small town with a great school and lots of
friends, my mother and father were both involved in the volunteer Fire Department and I think I knew everyone in town. Everyone looked out for
each other and most important we felt safe. My dad easily turned down the position and never regretted it, although I am certain on a professional
level he would have enjoyed the challenge. To this day I often think back to that sacrifice when I am analyzing similar options in my career. The
first priority in my life is creating a stable nurturing environment for my family, not buying them the most video games. My Dad did ok making
money and supporting our family, we had a nice house and plenty of toys and TV's but what I remember the most was that he was home every
night and weekend to enjoy them with us not at the office. My father is a big football fan and even wrote in my baby book that he hoped I would
grow up loving the game as much as he does. Well his dream came true as I am a self proclaimed football junkie. A few months prior to my Freshman
year of High School I announced I would be
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Becoming Influential Essay
Becoming Influential Nursing is a profession where there is many areas that need nurses to become influential in order to help change current
practices that have been overlooked. One area that should be considered is pay inadequacies within the nursing practice. All nurses deserve to be
respected and treated like professionals. In order to ensure that this message is taken seriously, a multistep look at the message is needed. Deciding on
an issue, choosing who the recipients are, where to send it to, choosing the appropriate method to share the message, sending the message and
following up on the sent message are all very important steps.
Deciding on My Message
Selecting the concern While there are many concerns in the nursing practice, I selected the issue of pay inequalities in homecare as this effect my
current career and my future one as well. I would like the public to know more about the inadequacies involved in homecare nursing. One concern is
salary inadequacies. There are many differences with salary between clinical and homecare setting, as an example, if a client cancels the visit the nurse
is not paid, if there is low hours available to work, again the home care nurse is not paid. Homecare nurses are at the bottom of the sliding
more content...
However, the workers who are forced into the homecare setting by community need and by job availability should not have to compromise. Pay is an
important aspect of any job. Homecare nurses save the government money. As an example, the cost of providing palliative care in the last month of a
patient's life averages about: $1,100 per day in an acute–care hospital bed, $630 to $770 per day in a bed in a palliative–care unit $460 per day in a
hospice bed under $100 per day where at–home care is provided. This is a large savings that directly affects our healthcare system (homecare
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An Influential Psychologists Of All Times
One of the most influential psychologists of all times is Burrhus Frederic Skinner, also known as B. F. Skinner, who was born on March 20, 1904
in a small town called Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. B. F. Skinner was raised in a warm and wealthy home. His father was a lawyer and his mother
was a stay at home mom. In Skinner's early childhood, it was noted that he and his younger brother, Edward James, liked to build things such as
arrows and shack in the woods, to name a few ( ). These construction skills would enable an older Skinner to build the equipment invented for his
psychology research. As he grew up, he went through all twelve grades at the same school, graduating with less than eight students. Within these
years, he developed an interest in art and literature through drawing and later reading Shakespeare (Dews, 1970). In Skinner's higher education, he
attended Hamilton College in New York, where he majored in English Literature to become a writer ( ). Soon after college, Skinner tried to write
his first psychological novel but failed to do so because of family trouble and lack of success. After becoming discontent with his literary skills, and
inspired by John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov's Behaviorism, he obtained a degree in psychology from Harvard University in 1928. Soon after, Skinner
graduated with his PhD from Harvard in 1931, which led him to the development of his influential operant behaviorism ( ). B. F. Skinners had many
contributions within in his
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Influential People in My Life
In my seventeen years of life many events have helped me develop into the strapping young man I am today. Despite the countless happenings that
have influenced my being, only three have notably impacted my life. These include the dichotomy between my life here in the United States and the
lives of my cousins in Mexico, the divorce of my parents and how I experienced that as a third grader, and the introduction of four people into my life.
These occurrences by no means have all been positive, but they have helped influence my outlook on my life, my family, my friends, and my faith. I am
the child of Laura Elena Miramon and Miguel Chapa III. As a child, my mother lived in the border city of Mexicali and my father in El Centro,
California. In his earlier years of life, my father moved to Mexicali then to the city that Mexicali bordered: Calexico. He later married my mother and
brought her to the United States. Unlike all the other branches of my parents' families, only theirs managed to emigrate from Mexico into the United
States of America. When I say "branches", I mean immediate family. My father and his parents were the only ones to live in the United States. My
mother had a different situation, she married my father and moved to this country leaving all her family (sisters, cousins, parents) back in Mexico.
Fast forward a few years and in the town of El Centro (the town right next to Calexico) an infant Miguel Chapa IV sleeps quietly in his crib. Now this
event may not
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Most Influential Person Research Paper
The most influential person in my life is my mom in terms of effective communication. When talking or listening to you she will always show that
she's giving you her undivided communication and she will always remember what you say word for word. For example, she can tell anyone story's
that her college professors told her 20 years ago. Or when I talk to her in front of me she will give me full eye contact and show she's listening. I wish
that I could express myself that way to others and show to them that I am listening.
Currently In my life I am a son, student, and a worker. I am the son of David and Vicki Tennant. Currently I am a student at Orion HighSchool and a
dual enrollment student. I also am a worker for David Tennant. As a son
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College Essay On Influential Literature
Influential Literature Despite living in an age full of technology and devices, words persistently dominate our world, with each carrying its own
meaning. When strung together, these words can combine into an inspiring masterpiece of great literary works. Found bountifully in today's society,
literature acts as the messenger for truth and knowledge. It conveys the human story and explores the insuperable mind, creating lasting impacts in
its readers. Consequently, from a young age, books taught, comforted, and guided me, ultimately to influence who I now am. English language and
literature continue to impact my daily life. Undoubtedly, language and literature possess a power to connect and to relate to even the most isolated,
impacting readers like me. Since turning the pages of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, reluctantly exploring what lies before me, notably
colleges, jobs, and careers, now sparks my inner Holden Caulfield, as I wish to preserve the uncorrupted joy of life, but also am faced with the
challenges of letting go and growing up. Salinger's Holden Caulfield is the epitome of my pathetic, daily struggles. more content...
For example, whenever hesitant about a decision, I become apprehensive at the thought that my disinclination is turning me into an indecisive,
do–nothing Hamlet. When reading Shakespeare's Hamlet, I became frustrated by Hamlet's inaction, and, consequently, resolved to decide and to act
quickly for every opportunity that arises. Because of my newly found decisiveness, I dared to explore an unmarked trail to find that an oasis lied at
its end, to cross a rushing river to realize that I actually can swim, and to perform in front of unknown faces to discover that I might just have some
talent. I owe all these adventures to Hamlet. Despite this go–for– it plan getting me into trouble at times, it allows me to experience more and to excite
my rather complacent
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Most Influential Women
Influential people are individuals who inspire many people to do your best, or worst. These people can be athletes, politics, or any song creator.
First off, "A successful competition for me is always going out there and putting 100 percent into whatever I'm doing," Said Simone Biles. So,
Simone is an extremely influential young lady because this girl never minds whether she is the best or not Simone mostly cares that she is putting in
her best foot and going out there and just enjoying herself. Next, "I don't run away from the challenge because I'm afraid. Instead, I run toward it
because the only way to escape fear is trample it beneath your feet." Now, that quote from Nadia Comaneci shows she is influential because this woman
respects fear but chooses not to avoid it but to conquer it. Third, Nadia thinks that nothing should be able to get in your way if everyone is just
fearless and brave. Last Jenny Simpson said, "You have to remember that no athlete at any level– whether that is a high schooler or an Olympian–
figured it out overnight and you are not going to be the exception." In this quote, Jenny explains that no talent will happen overnight which in
influential because she know that people need to work at something to achieve it. Overall, these three influential people inspire more content...
" Surround yourself with the dreamers, the doers, the believers, and thinkers; but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within
you even when you don't see it yourself." said by Simone Biles. This has to be one of the most inspirational and influential quotes ever. She is saying
that even when your mind says otherwise, we must have confidence. And, when we don't we need to have others there to tell us we can do it and that
we are amazing. Therefore, we must build many helpful and bright friends to help us in those times. Overall, We must inclose yourself with those who
believe we can do
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Influential Influences
Influential people inspire others to make choices with their choice of actions, words, and ways of learning. People like Lin–Manuel help us to realize
that we can be or do anything that we want. These people inspire us with things like, "Everyday has the potential to be the greatest day of your
life." Obviously, they want us to know that everyday can be good. Also, in the quote, "Fill the world with music, love, and pride." I believe, that
these people are trying to tell us that we should fill the world with good and positive feelings. Another quote I would like to recognize is, "There is
more to life than what I have." This quote would like to recognize that, we can always be more if we keep trying. It's the simplest words or sayings that
make us realize what we can do, like, "Ed Koch once said that New York was the place more content...
A quote that I think shows this would be, "Charge your kids with the notion that life is a gift, it's not to be taken for granted, it's not to be taken lightly.
You're born with gifts and your born with an honesty that can never really leave you." Obviously, Lin–Maurel would like parents to teach their children
that people all over the United States take for granted what they have. He wants parents to teach their children to appreciate what they have because
we are born with gifts like respect and loyalty, it's whether or not we choose to loose those gifts. To conclude my paragraph, I would like to
recognize this quote, "Humanity is made up of an infinity of different individuals. Each of us travels for motives exclusively his own." This quote
explains that, we all thrive for things but we thrive for those things for mostly ourselves. To conclude my essay, I would like to recognize Lin–Maurel
as one of my most influential people because he inspires me through the songs and quotes that he writes. He shows people that they can be anything
that they
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Influential Theorists

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  • 2. My Most Influential Teacher Throughout my years at Deposit Central School I have had many influential teachers. However, the most influential teacher that I have had is not a school teacher, but a teacher that has taught me the values of life. The definition of a teacher is a person who teaches or instructs. It does not necessarily mean that a teacher is alway part of a school, it means that it is someone who makes a difference and educates you. The most influential teacher that I have encounter is my mom, Stephanie. Teachers play a significant role in shaping and defining a student, and that is what my teacher has done for me. My mom has taught me the values in life and the good. She has showed me that if you have a strong drive, then you will succeed in life. more content... And now, she never felt like getting into the holiday spirit until she meant my mom. My mom told the lady that she is trying to set a good example to her kids so they will not be afraid to be themselves in public. I was pretty young when this happened, but I remember this because my mom absolutely loves the holidays and now she still can without being afraid her kids will tell her to stop. Of course now when we go shopping we all sing to the christmas music. In addition to teaching me character and leadership, she has taught me to help others. It has always been a big part in our family to help others. My mom always asked us if we are willing to help others, and because we have learned that at a young age we always say yes. It always feels good when we help out family members who may not be able to get groceries up their stairs or to rake leaves for them if they can't get outside. Service was a big "subject" that she taught us because it was important to her when she was growing up as well. Another quality that was important to her was teaching us to have goals during school. She never cared what the grade was necessarily, but she cared about the effort that was put into it. I think that made it a lot easier for my sister and I to enjoy school more because we knew if we put in 100% effort then she would be proud of us no matter what. My mom struggled in school because she just never understood some of the subjects, but what she did understand was her drive to beat Get more content on
  • 3. Influential Influential, exalted, and brilliant. These are three words that describe the greatest universities in the world. The University of Cambridge, Oxford University, Harvard, Berkeley, Yale, and the Imperial College of London fall into the category of the world's best schools. These colleges are all very prestigious schools that only the finest students go to. Some kids, myself included, have the hopes and dreams of going to one of these universities someday. But, w€ cant possibly get there however, without a good education. This journey of learning begins in pre–school, and continues through elementary, middle, and high school. You may think that where you are in your schooling doesn't really matter right now, but every step of the way counts more content... Well, a good education eradicates poverty. By getting acollege degree, you are able to get satisfying job that pays well. Because of your salary, you will be able to afford a good home, clothing, food, and other necessities of life. Having a degree also comes into play when wanting to be a good parent. Studies have shown that mothers who have gone to school have healthier, better–nourished children, who are most likely to succeed. Also, women who go through school and go to college marry later, have fewer kids, and have improved parental care, Education augments the ability of families to handle health problems. It opens people up to numerous opportunities, and isnt that what every parent wants for their children and themselves? Studies have also shown that education is the most valuable and efficient weapon against HIV, AIDS, and other diseases. Schooling also helps prevent the risks of traffickiilg, labor, and sexual abuse of children. Education motivates self–assurance and provides us with the things we need to partake in today's world. It makes us more independent and aware of what is going on in the world today, along with the awareness of opportunities and rights. It offers a greater understanding of one's capability and potential as Get more content on
  • 4. Most Influential Person The most influential person in my life would be Cammie Cochran. I've been friends with Cammie since kindergarten. I have this picture of us when we were at a Halloween party in kindergarten. I was dressed as a white Unicorn and she was dressed as some kind of bride. I was holding up a piece of candy and she looked at the candy as if she had wanted it. In Middle School, we drifted apart and she went to a different friend group, but by the time seventh grade hit she was back in our little friend group. We had 4 other friends in the group which included Laury, Audrey, Emilie, and Kacey. It had truly upset me when we drifted because she knew everything about me and there was no one else I could honestly tell everything to without thinking more content... Now I can usually tell when she doesn't like someone or something because she makes a weird face when looking at it or when she gets mad she just looks at me and I can normally figure out what she's mad about without her saying one word. In Eighth grade, she helped me feel better when my sister was in the hospital. A piece of information about Cammie is that she is eccentric, but very caring when needed. Cammie is someone that can turn an awkward moment into a funny one. She spends a lot of time with her boyfriend when she's not at school. At school, we have about 4 classes together. One of the classes we have together is Sign language but it's trial class to see if everything runs smoothly enough for others to take the class in oncoming years instead of having to take Spanish for their foreign language. When I have trouble in my classes i am usually able to go to Cammie for helping knowing that she most likely already has her work done and can help me with mine. Like in math class when I don't understand the way the teacher is teaching something and she does, then she comes over and explains it to me in a way I can Get more content on
  • 5. Most Influential Experience I was born on April 3rd, 2001 as the youngest of two boys in Jerusalem Israel. My dad was a forensics cop in the national police force, and my mom was a fourth generation pharmacist. We lived in a small 4th floor apartment in Beit Hakarem, where I started preschool at two years old. Although we lived in Jerusalem, we would often travel around the small country visiting my family. We would often go to Rehovot (my parents hometown), or to Yuvalim, a small village near the Isralei–Lebanese border where my cousins still live. My family would also travel internationally quite often. We visited Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Hong Kong, and New Zealand within the first five years of my life. As it turns out, New Zealand Was the most influential country in our lives, because after visiting New Zealand my parents immediately applied for Permenant Residentship in New Zealand. Unfortunately diplomatic affairs between the two countries halted our process, and so in the summer of 2006, we moved to canada. Moving to Canada was by far the most influential experience in my life (so far), and forever changed my character as a person. After arriving in Canada we were unsure as to where we would live, we initially planned on living more content... The trip was somewhat unnerving, I saw constant reminders of what my life could have been like. Seeing the highschool in which I would have attended if not for the move, and even seeing my cousins was disheartening, because In my mind everything represented who I could have been. Its hard to explain how I feel, because I know that I'm far better off In Canada, but I still feel like Israel is my home. I greatly miss having a normal name, and I miss my family even more, but mostly I miss the vibe of the country itself. I know that Israel has many problems, but I guess that I have nostalgia for a childhood that I barely Get more content on
  • 6. Influential People Research Paper There is so many Influential people in the world, these three have really made a difference and just one stands out so much. The reason they stand out so much is that they made a difference in the world, Helped with Education, and was one of the most inspirational out of them all. Influential people accept and try to change the problems in the world and change them frequently with success and constantly with failure. First, Ariana Grande is a person who tries to see whats extraordinary in people to regard the brightness in a hurried world. "Everyday is a new day. Count your blessings, ponder twice before you complain, give more than you ask for, do what makes you smile, and enjoy life." Furthermore, The message Ariana Grande is more content... The Nobel Peace prize. Gratefully, Malala Yousafzai was nominated and won the Nobel peace prize and became the youngest person ever to win this reward. Malala Yousafzai did not ask for this reward but was given. Her work has Inspired so many around the world to take action against the Taliban and would never give up. ВЁI am proud, well in fact, I am very proud to be the first Pashtun, the first Pakistani, and the youngest person to receive this award. Along with that, along with that, I am pretty certain that I am also the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who still fights with her younger brothers. I want there to be peace everywhere, but my brothers and I are still working on that. I am also honoured to receive this award together with Kailash Satyarthi, who has been a champion for children's rights for a long time. Twice as long, in fact, than I have been alive. I am proud that we can work together, we can work together and show the world that an Indian and a Pakistani, they can work together and achieve their goals of children's rights.ВЁ According to the quote, She obviously did not ask for this reward she was given and she earned it for her braveness and dedication. Malala an Inspiration to all has also been rewarded with the knowing that she has made a difference. In the end, Malala Yousafzai has been an inspiration for millions to take action for what they stand for. Her help in making Get more content on
  • 7. Throughout my youth I was surrounded by people that influenced me to be the best I can be at anything. My biggest influential people were my parents they pushed me to always be on top of my school work and extra–curricular activities. Such as times I wanted to give up on something my parents would always encourage me to keep trying but to never up on a dream that I've wanted to accomplish since I was a young kid. With their help they continue to support me through every aspect of both my education and my passion for sports. My passion for sports has helped me to grow to help influence kids that are younger than me to help them to grow and love the sport as much as I did. Get more content on
  • 8. There are many aspects of my generation that reflect, define, and influence my generation. Its a difficult task to understand Generation X, my generation. We are like no generation before us, and no preceding generation will be like ours. We are empowered by the Internet, we have more knowledge about technology than our parents, and we are exposed to so much information. One thing remains unchanged, as with past generation; the relationship between us and our parents. Jamake Highwater once said, "the greatest distance between people is not space, but culture.(301)" This is true, my generation has their own culture, one which is of course different than that of our parents. We are still considered rebellious. We listen to music more content... Most of them are indeed this way. Society and conditions that surround teenagers can shape them and mold them. They are impressionable and gullible. Their interests and upbringing can be the most influential factors of their lives. Friends of mine are adolescents, like myself. They have their own opinions. Some are more mature than others. Some are more gullible than others. I'll use two contrasting friends to show how one has been influenced and how my other friend hasn't been influenced that much. One Caucasian friend of mine wears hip hop clothes, jewelry and indulges in the hip hop culture. It isn't surprising to hear a mixture of Italian, Puerto Rican, and Egyptian DNA, recite rap lyrics, use slang, and claim to be "gangsta." Afterall, he does attend a school in which, the majority of students are black. He thinks of himself as a player, a playboy, like most of the rappers do. He is conceited. He is my friend, but he is fake, fiction, a creation of society. He's a Christian, but he doesn't attend church. The cross he wears on his chain is just for style. A factor in his life is the fact that his parents are separated. He lives with his grand parents, and they aren't restrictive. Maybe he would have turned out different had his parents been together throughout his adolescence. My other friend is American Guyanese, he is black, but dislikes black people. He is not conceited, has a care free attitude, and is very secure. He Get more content on
  • 9. Most Influential Professor I have been to many schools and taken many classes, and there is always that teacher that makes you stop and think twice, before making any further steps. Professor G was a very interesting person, he was someone that I can say really marked my education pathway. I have been in College for a few years and changed major just about three times, but when I finally decided to do Business major, that was when I met my most influential professor. This Professor was not only my Marketing teacher, but my mentor, guidance, and best influence as of now. Some teachers just get their job done and teach, but others really make the extra effort, and transmit a message to their students. I call that being a mentor and that was what professor G did since Get more content on
  • 10. Influential People Research Paper Influential People: Determined people that impacted the society In history, there're so many people that have influence the world by what they did, Harriet Beecher Stowe is one of them. Those people who have impact on the society always share the same character trait, which is determination. People did not just achieved things by luck, but because they worked hard and were passionate about what they were doing. Alan Turing was an computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical biologist. He was very influential in theoretical computer science. He is considered as a father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. He invented Turing Machine, a theoretical machine that could Get more content on
  • 11. Influential People Today In the society we live in today, our thought processes are different than what they were a decade or two ago. We live in the cinematic age as they call it, and in this time it is quite difficult to have positive influences as the world faces destruction, neglect, and hatred. As a little boy not understanding the world, I would have assumed that most people were somewhat influential. However, as I aged into the young man I am today, I understand that being influential person takes a certain individual. An individual who has the moral code of willingness to help others effectively while asking for nothing in return but their happiness. Besides my parents and some family members I can simply say with all that is occurring in our time, there is not one person I can truly admire today. Six centuries before christ, there was a figure that sought out to find a deeper meaning more content... This figure showed that there is more to life than just affluences. In the modern culture we are surrounded by today, there are a few people who are inspirations to others, such as Bill Gates, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Warren Buffett, and a few others. These individuals dedicated their life into accomplishing what they have today. However, although these individuals are certainly an inspiration to the next generation of kids, I find that they do not posses all the qualities of trying to build a better future. As a little boy my grandparents would always talk to me about a certain individual who has influenced their lives. Maybe not as a child, but as I got older I started to understand why my grandparents would always talk about Siddhartha Gautama. According to, Siddhartha was brought to this world Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about The Person Who Most Influenced Me It is easy to say that a parent has had the most influence on your life, they taught you how to walk, talk, drink and among many other things hopefully right from wrong. A good parent is there for you most of your life, quick to lend a hand or offer advice (unless it's your mother–in–law) when needed, but the trait that impacted my life the most was the integrity my father exhibited with me and the people lucky enough to have met him. My Father was born to a farmer in NJ a few short years after the depression, learned the lessons that only hard labor can teach from a young age. Working on the farm is not easy, the days are long, the chores are extremely physical and dirty and if you're a kid all this happens before you even go off more content... If you were to ask my father how he made the tough decisions in life he would tell you it was simple. Well maybe it is when you have an uncompromising set of ideals and sure sense of what is fair. I can remember when I was only 10 years old and my father was offered a high level position with his company but the position would require for us to move to Texas. We lived in a small town with a great school and lots of friends, my mother and father were both involved in the volunteer Fire Department and I think I knew everyone in town. Everyone looked out for each other and most important we felt safe. My dad easily turned down the position and never regretted it, although I am certain on a professional level he would have enjoyed the challenge. To this day I often think back to that sacrifice when I am analyzing similar options in my career. The first priority in my life is creating a stable nurturing environment for my family, not buying them the most video games. My Dad did ok making money and supporting our family, we had a nice house and plenty of toys and TV's but what I remember the most was that he was home every night and weekend to enjoy them with us not at the office. My father is a big football fan and even wrote in my baby book that he hoped I would grow up loving the game as much as he does. Well his dream came true as I am a self proclaimed football junkie. A few months prior to my Freshman year of High School I announced I would be Get more content on
  • 13. Becoming Influential Essay Becoming Influential Nursing is a profession where there is many areas that need nurses to become influential in order to help change current practices that have been overlooked. One area that should be considered is pay inadequacies within the nursing practice. All nurses deserve to be respected and treated like professionals. In order to ensure that this message is taken seriously, a multistep look at the message is needed. Deciding on an issue, choosing who the recipients are, where to send it to, choosing the appropriate method to share the message, sending the message and following up on the sent message are all very important steps. Deciding on My Message Selecting the concern While there are many concerns in the nursing practice, I selected the issue of pay inequalities in homecare as this effect my current career and my future one as well. I would like the public to know more about the inadequacies involved in homecare nursing. One concern is salary inadequacies. There are many differences with salary between clinical and homecare setting, as an example, if a client cancels the visit the nurse is not paid, if there is low hours available to work, again the home care nurse is not paid. Homecare nurses are at the bottom of the sliding more content... However, the workers who are forced into the homecare setting by community need and by job availability should not have to compromise. Pay is an important aspect of any job. Homecare nurses save the government money. As an example, the cost of providing palliative care in the last month of a patient's life averages about: $1,100 per day in an acute–care hospital bed, $630 to $770 per day in a bed in a palliative–care unit $460 per day in a hospice bed under $100 per day where at–home care is provided. This is a large savings that directly affects our healthcare system (homecare Get more content on
  • 14. An Influential Psychologists Of All Times One of the most influential psychologists of all times is Burrhus Frederic Skinner, also known as B. F. Skinner, who was born on March 20, 1904 in a small town called Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. B. F. Skinner was raised in a warm and wealthy home. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a stay at home mom. In Skinner's early childhood, it was noted that he and his younger brother, Edward James, liked to build things such as arrows and shack in the woods, to name a few ( ). These construction skills would enable an older Skinner to build the equipment invented for his psychology research. As he grew up, he went through all twelve grades at the same school, graduating with less than eight students. Within these years, he developed an interest in art and literature through drawing and later reading Shakespeare (Dews, 1970). In Skinner's higher education, he attended Hamilton College in New York, where he majored in English Literature to become a writer ( ). Soon after college, Skinner tried to write his first psychological novel but failed to do so because of family trouble and lack of success. After becoming discontent with his literary skills, and inspired by John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov's Behaviorism, he obtained a degree in psychology from Harvard University in 1928. Soon after, Skinner graduated with his PhD from Harvard in 1931, which led him to the development of his influential operant behaviorism ( ). B. F. Skinners had many contributions within in his Get more content on
  • 15. Influential People in My Life In my seventeen years of life many events have helped me develop into the strapping young man I am today. Despite the countless happenings that have influenced my being, only three have notably impacted my life. These include the dichotomy between my life here in the United States and the lives of my cousins in Mexico, the divorce of my parents and how I experienced that as a third grader, and the introduction of four people into my life. These occurrences by no means have all been positive, but they have helped influence my outlook on my life, my family, my friends, and my faith. I am the child of Laura Elena Miramon and Miguel Chapa III. As a child, my mother lived in the border city of Mexicali and my father in El Centro, California. In his earlier years of life, my father moved to Mexicali then to the city that Mexicali bordered: Calexico. He later married my mother and brought her to the United States. Unlike all the other branches of my parents' families, only theirs managed to emigrate from Mexico into the United States of America. When I say "branches", I mean immediate family. My father and his parents were the only ones to live in the United States. My mother had a different situation, she married my father and moved to this country leaving all her family (sisters, cousins, parents) back in Mexico. Fast forward a few years and in the town of El Centro (the town right next to Calexico) an infant Miguel Chapa IV sleeps quietly in his crib. Now this event may not Get more content on
  • 16. Most Influential Person Research Paper The most influential person in my life is my mom in terms of effective communication. When talking or listening to you she will always show that she's giving you her undivided communication and she will always remember what you say word for word. For example, she can tell anyone story's that her college professors told her 20 years ago. Or when I talk to her in front of me she will give me full eye contact and show she's listening. I wish that I could express myself that way to others and show to them that I am listening. Currently In my life I am a son, student, and a worker. I am the son of David and Vicki Tennant. Currently I am a student at Orion HighSchool and a dual enrollment student. I also am a worker for David Tennant. As a son Get more content on
  • 17. College Essay On Influential Literature Influential Literature Despite living in an age full of technology and devices, words persistently dominate our world, with each carrying its own meaning. When strung together, these words can combine into an inspiring masterpiece of great literary works. Found bountifully in today's society, literature acts as the messenger for truth and knowledge. It conveys the human story and explores the insuperable mind, creating lasting impacts in its readers. Consequently, from a young age, books taught, comforted, and guided me, ultimately to influence who I now am. English language and literature continue to impact my daily life. Undoubtedly, language and literature possess a power to connect and to relate to even the most isolated, impacting readers like me. Since turning the pages of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, reluctantly exploring what lies before me, notably colleges, jobs, and careers, now sparks my inner Holden Caulfield, as I wish to preserve the uncorrupted joy of life, but also am faced with the challenges of letting go and growing up. Salinger's Holden Caulfield is the epitome of my pathetic, daily struggles. more content... For example, whenever hesitant about a decision, I become apprehensive at the thought that my disinclination is turning me into an indecisive, do–nothing Hamlet. When reading Shakespeare's Hamlet, I became frustrated by Hamlet's inaction, and, consequently, resolved to decide and to act quickly for every opportunity that arises. Because of my newly found decisiveness, I dared to explore an unmarked trail to find that an oasis lied at its end, to cross a rushing river to realize that I actually can swim, and to perform in front of unknown faces to discover that I might just have some talent. I owe all these adventures to Hamlet. Despite this go–for– it plan getting me into trouble at times, it allows me to experience more and to excite my rather complacent Get more content on
  • 18. Most Influential Women Influential people are individuals who inspire many people to do your best, or worst. These people can be athletes, politics, or any song creator. First off, "A successful competition for me is always going out there and putting 100 percent into whatever I'm doing," Said Simone Biles. So, Simone is an extremely influential young lady because this girl never minds whether she is the best or not Simone mostly cares that she is putting in her best foot and going out there and just enjoying herself. Next, "I don't run away from the challenge because I'm afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is trample it beneath your feet." Now, that quote from Nadia Comaneci shows she is influential because this woman respects fear but chooses not to avoid it but to conquer it. Third, Nadia thinks that nothing should be able to get in your way if everyone is just fearless and brave. Last Jenny Simpson said, "You have to remember that no athlete at any level– whether that is a high schooler or an Olympian– figured it out overnight and you are not going to be the exception." In this quote, Jenny explains that no talent will happen overnight which in influential because she know that people need to work at something to achieve it. Overall, these three influential people inspire more content... " Surround yourself with the dreamers, the doers, the believers, and thinkers; but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you don't see it yourself." said by Simone Biles. This has to be one of the most inspirational and influential quotes ever. She is saying that even when your mind says otherwise, we must have confidence. And, when we don't we need to have others there to tell us we can do it and that we are amazing. Therefore, we must build many helpful and bright friends to help us in those times. Overall, We must inclose yourself with those who believe we can do Get more content on
  • 19. Influential Influences Influential people inspire others to make choices with their choice of actions, words, and ways of learning. People like Lin–Manuel help us to realize that we can be or do anything that we want. These people inspire us with things like, "Everyday has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." Obviously, they want us to know that everyday can be good. Also, in the quote, "Fill the world with music, love, and pride." I believe, that these people are trying to tell us that we should fill the world with good and positive feelings. Another quote I would like to recognize is, "There is more to life than what I have." This quote would like to recognize that, we can always be more if we keep trying. It's the simplest words or sayings that make us realize what we can do, like, "Ed Koch once said that New York was the place more content... A quote that I think shows this would be, "Charge your kids with the notion that life is a gift, it's not to be taken for granted, it's not to be taken lightly. You're born with gifts and your born with an honesty that can never really leave you." Obviously, Lin–Maurel would like parents to teach their children that people all over the United States take for granted what they have. He wants parents to teach their children to appreciate what they have because we are born with gifts like respect and loyalty, it's whether or not we choose to loose those gifts. To conclude my paragraph, I would like to recognize this quote, "Humanity is made up of an infinity of different individuals. Each of us travels for motives exclusively his own." This quote explains that, we all thrive for things but we thrive for those things for mostly ourselves. To conclude my essay, I would like to recognize Lin–Maurel as one of my most influential people because he inspires me through the songs and quotes that he writes. He shows people that they can be anything that they Get more content on