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Bourdieu And Social Inequality
Social inequality
When the resources in a society are distributed unevenly it leads to social inequality. Often inequality is understood as being socio–economic and it is
now closely associated with social inequality. "Social inequalities are differences in income, resources, power and status within and between societies.
Such inequalities are maintained by those in powerful positions via institutions and social processes." (Warwick–Booth, 2013 p.2)
Social inequalities are subjective and relative to those around us. Individuals compare themselves to those they see which in turn may alter their
expectations of equality in terms of such things as wealth, education and gender equality for themselves. General needs and expectations differ
depending on where in the world you are. In most western countries we have come to expect certain levels of gender equality for instance. This essay
will look into social inequality, particularly in the form of gender inequality.
Bourdieu and gender social more content...
The two types of capital are cultural capital and economic capital. This is then used by showing the resulting inequalities and allocating various social
slots for men and women based on said differences. This in turn legitimizes the inheritance of social privileges in societies where democracy is thought
to be the right and virtuous way. (Wacquant, 1996)
Cultural and economic capital among others are a large part of determining the opportunities that and individual will have. Therefore social inequality
in terms of gender inequality etc. is an issue which needs to be addressed. Social inequality is not only bad for the individual but also for society as a
whole. In that sense men are also victims of gender inequality in a relative way. (Bourdieu,
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Essay On Social Inequities In America
Social Inequity Paper
People can not put on the news without seeing at least one story about social inequality or injustice, if everyone knows about these inequities why are
they not being solved? Inequities are not limited to America, social inequity is a global problem making it extremely important to raise awareness of
the topic. Inequities such as racism and sexism impact teenagers in America, but to counteract this persecution authors can use various genres of
literature to promote tolerance and reduce the effects of inequities. Racism and sexism violates people's rights in schools, the workplace, and almost
every place in the world. Through the words of authors, society can learn the harmful effects of these inequities, and learn more content...
Speeches and music are great ways to bring awareness to inequalities around the globe. Music created by artists can help support many causes,
through their lyrics people subconsciously learn about social inequities. "Known throughout the world, Youssou N'Dour is a musical peacemaker
in his native Senegal and lends his words and music to critical campaigns, such as malaria prevention programmes." (Da Silva) Another example is
Oliver Mtukudzi, a musician from Zimbabwe, who helps raise awareness of diseases by shaping his lyrics to inspire people to help his causes. Yet
another example is Angelique Kidjo, an ambassador of goodwill, who helps causes like hunger by singing about them. In synopsis, music has a
major effect on social inequities and can greatly help change to our society. Lastly, speeches have had the biggest impact on our society out of any
genre of literature. Susan B. Anthony greatly paved a path for women's' rights by tenaciously campaigning to get women's rights to be equal to men's.
For example, she helped women get the right to vote. Correspondingly, in The Gettysburg Address, Lincoln focused on fixing the inequality of slavery
and helping colored people gain equal rights. When Martin Luther King gave the I Have A Dream speech, he completely changed social inequities by
greatly decreasing racism. "Africans found a particularly poignant
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Theories of Social Inequality Essay
Theories of Social Inequality In briefly evaluating the classical and modern explanations of social inequality, it is essential that we step outside the
realm of our own lives, class position, and discard any assumptions we might have about the nature of inequality. This process of critical pedagogy
allows us to view our world, not from our perspective, but from a wider, more critical analysis of inequality's nature. Also, it should be considered
within this wider perspective that all theories of inequality have a class perspective, where the theorist, based on the position their theory takes, is
making claims from (or for) a particular class (whether they want to or not). With this in mind, it seems that most of these theories more
Within this structure, Weber describes there being three dimensions of inequality: class (which correlates with the economy), status (which correlates
with the social aspects of society), and party (which correlates with the political aspects of society). I believe most of the modern explanations of
inequality, at most, help build upon Weber's general theories, and at least, reflect the same elitist pessimism that Weber also holds. The dual
market thesis contends that there are two labor markets (in terms of income), in which the higher income market is of primary importance and the
lower income market is of secondary importance. This tries to justify those people within high power positions by (somehow) trying to prove that our
system is objectively rewarding higher incomes to professions that have higher social importance than lower income professions. Similarly, the
functionalist theory of stratification "views societies as social systems that have certain basic problems to solve or functions that have to be performed
if the society is to survive" (243). So the reason for inequality, for functionalists, is because our system must reward (with significantly higher incomes)
those individuals who are motivated enough to yield the stresses of such functionally important positions. The fact that our system reproduces classes
into the same class assumes the
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Social Inequality Essay
According to "The overall effect of economic growth on social inequality is, like the effect of a marching column: the
column advances and the last rank eventually passes the point which was reached by the vanguard some time before". This suggests that the richest
individuals in society have stayed rich, or even become richer, but for those who are classified as poor, the majority of them have stayed the same.
The poor continue to make up a large percentage of the European population. This is largely due to low incomes and employment. According to "UK inequality has increased by 42% since 1977". This is a clear indicator that the gap between the richest and poorest
individuals in society is at its highest level in decades. Social consequences are the impact of an event or action on a social environment. For
example, education. Some say that belonging to a wealthy family aids in how children do at school. While education and working hard are seen as
important for doing well and getting ahead, knowing the right people and belonging to a wealthy family can also be critical.
suggests that "The link between low income and low academic attainment is greater in the UK than almost any other developed nation". Within any
society, those with higher incomes tend to do better on a variety of outcomes. Therefore, there is a social gradient in health, which means that every
step up the socioeconomic ladder leads to
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Social Inequality in Society Essay
Social Inequality in Society Social inequality influences all aspects of our lives. The following essay will look at evidence highlighting inequalities in
society today. In particular it will focus upon inequalities found between men and women, referred to as gender inequality. Additionally it will integrate
sociological perspectives such as functionalism, radical, Marxist or liberal feminism to explain the causes of inequalities and in particular those found in more content...
In western society there are two terms of reference for men and women ~ 'sex' or 'gender'. Sex, defined by Giddens (1993:762) as the "biological
and anatomical differences distinguishing females from males", refers to the visual or physiological differences between men and women, such as
genitalia or a women's ability to bear children. Gender, however, described by Thompson (1993:40) as "the social aspect of the differentiation of the
sexes", refers to the socially constructed ideology of the expected behaviour of men and women, a theory some sociologists refer to as social
constructionism. For example, boys are expected to be loud and assertive whilst girls are expected to be passive and submissive.
Feminist sociologist Ann Oakley, argues that behaviour displayed by men and women is cultural, can differ according to socially accepted 'norms' and
arguably is 'learnt', a theory supported by the research of anthropologist Margaret Mead. Meads study of the Arapesh, Mundugamor and Tchambuli
tribes in New Guinea (cited O'Donnell 1987:312), revealed conflicting gender role behaviour. Amongst members of the Arapesh and Mundugamor
tribes there was little noticeable difference in gender behaviour, as both sexes were either gentle and nurturing or aggressive and
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Social Inequality
Civil liberty and social inequality have been some of the most protested and talked about subject, even before the civil rights movement that began in
the mid–50s. Many different people find the courage to bring these injustices to light and speak out against the subject, creating a more equal and truly
bringing justice to all, no matter race, religion, ethnicity, or gender. Whether it be through a peaceful protest or moving speech, courageous minorities
help resolve civil issues within America and demand change. Civil liberty issues have been, and still is being, resolved through vocal advocates willing
to protest and use the first amendment to speak out against discrimination and unfair treatment towards minorities. Without the freedom of speech, civil
injustices would never be brought to light and resolved. The first amendment is the biggest reason that America has been so successful in creating civil
justice and insuring that America lives up to its promise of freedom. Without this right and people willing to use it and become the face of a movement,
social inequalities would still be around. This is proven through Susan B. Anthony and her women's suffrage movement that transformed America and
gave women the right to vote. She utilized her right to free speech in order to grant her another right, to vote. Her speech in 1873 brought injustice to
light as she quoted the constitution to prove that the inequality of women was a "violation of the supreme law." Her right to
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Examining the Effects of Social Inequalities Social inequalities are present in all forms of personal and professional aspects of society. As an educator,
efforts must be put forth to recognize and eliminate inequalities that exist, analyze educational structures that limit the human potential, examine the
role of culture in learning, and explore linguistically diversity and learning. Therefore many individuals are not willing to develop relationships of trust
due to the human inequalities or personal biases towards others. Likewise in many communities, there is the lack of support from the community
stakeholders'. In many instances, students are stereotyped and labeled as lower class, middle class, and upper class. In 1983 President Ronald Reagan
was cited in the article A Nation at Risk. His purpose shared his enthusiasm to gain involvement and investment from the people of America by
reminding them where they once ranked among other countries. Ultimately his resolution involved interests in assisting students and providing
resources to successfully develop competent citizens in order to compete with the rest of the world regardless of gender, race, religion, and ethnicity.
Meanwhile, thirty–three years later social inequalities are still in existence and doesn't appear to become non– existent. Furthermore, just as individuals
such as American Indians and immigrant families such as Asians, Latinos, and Italians were forced to acclimate themselves to speaking
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Social inequality differentiates society, divides it into different social groups and classes. Inequality has many facets and it appears in various sections
of the unified social system: family, institutions, enterprise and social groups. For normal functioning of society, it is needed the optimal combination
of all activities. The society reproduces inequality, because it needs it as a source sustenance and development. In terms of functionalism every society
does need a class stratification, since the unequal distribution of social goods serves as a tool for solving problems, allocation and motivation of
individuals within the social structure. It concludes that social inequality is useful for society, because social more content...
Not everybody can run the country or business, just because of the lack of talent; not everybody can be a doctor or scientist; musician or a plumber.
That 's why everybody should do what he is able to and like the most.
Parsons assumed that individuals are born with attributed status, but later due to the education the differentiation process begins by acquiring certain
roles. Children are enrolled in primary school relatively homogeneous within their inherent socio–economic status and age. Schools in fact organize a
competition between individuals, where the contestants are initially in terms of equal opportunities. Parsons believes that there is dependence between
economic background of the family and the ability of the child. Usually children who haven't any problems at school are living in families with a
higher level of culture and income. Such parents do care more about the achievements of their child, they try to encourage their child to school, great
achievements and results, which in future might lead to success. They develop children's skills and talents, involve them to the culture by reading them
books, attending theater etc. Usually such parents possess a secondary education. Furthermore, the children of parents with a high level of culture and
income often communicating with educated people outside the family (friends of the family) what is playing a huge role on the child life outlook. The
same rule but from the other side can be applied to the
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Social Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay
Social inequality is defined as the set of unequal opportunities for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society.
It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages, and ethnicities. Many American's have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their
lifetime. America's gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender,
and other social characteristics . Americans believe that racial discrimination no longer hinders or affects the advancement of minorities. Racial and
ethnic actions are still being taken towards minorities in education, employment, housing, arrests, and many other issues of society. Social inequality
and discrimination towards minorities is clear in everyday society. This can be seen by the way inequality is still persistent among the social classes.
Among these classes formed by society, minorities tend to be one of the most affected. This is noticed by the way education remains segregated, the
wage inequality, and the constant cycle of poverty. Many have used their voice to shine light on these issues, articles and authors such as "Social
Inequality and Educational Disadvantage" by the Russel Sage Foundation argue the lack of equal assortment of resources between the rich and the
poor is leaving them with the disparity of proper resources, and Jean Anyon's "From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work" in her
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Social Inequality
Social inequality refers to a situation in which individual groups in a society do not have equal social status, social class, and social circle. Areas of
social inequality include voting rights,freedom of speech and assembly, the extent of property rights and access to education, health care, quality
housing, traveling, transportation, vacationing and other social goods and services. Apart from that it can also be seen in the quality of family and
neighbourhood life, occupation, job satisfaction, and access to credit. If these economic divisions harden, they can lead to social inequality. The
reasons for social inequality can vary, but are often broad and far reaching. Social inequalities exist between races, classes and countries.
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Women are underrepresented in political activities and decision making processes throughout most of the world. It is important to increase enrollment
rates in school for girls and ensure they have safe, stable and good quality education. Women's participation in work has been increasing globally, but
women are faced with wage discrepancies and differences compared to what men earn. This is true globally even in the agricultural and rural sector in
developed as well as developing countries. Structural impediments to women 's ability to pursue and advance in their chosen professions often result in
a phenomenon known as the glass ceiling, which refers to unseen – and often unacknowledged barriers that prevent minorities and women from rising
to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. This effect can be seen in the corporate and bureaucratic
environments of many countries, lowering the chances of women to excel. It prevents women from succeeding and making the maximum use of their
potential, which is at a cost for women as well as the society's development. Ensuring that women 's rights are protected and endorsed can promote a
sense of belonging that motivates women to contribute to their society. Once able to work, women should be titled to the same job security and safe
working environments as men. Until such safeguards are in place,
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Social Inequality
Perspectives by conflict theorists in sociology suggest that the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, are used as an instrument of
oppression. Power is a concept that can be explained by interactions between individuals and groups. The law is an instrument of oppression used to
maintain power and privilege(Henslin164) Social inequality can be seen as many different things. The most common would be gender roles or
discrimination by social stereotyping. They can also be established through the unjust criminal justice system, health, and education. Inequalities exist
between race or religion groups, classes, and even countries, making this a worldwide phenomenon. More often you would see it in the form of racism
or segregation. In sociology, classification of people into groups are based on shared social and economic conditions; these three main groups are the
capitalist class, working class, and marginal working class. Within these groups are many inequalities. The capitalist class would be considered the
wealthy who own companies and buy labor from the working class. Working class are the group that sells their labor. The marginal working class is
the most desperate members of society who have little money or skills, most often unemployed or jailed. Because of their struggle with poverty, most
end up as prison inmates or repeat offenders.
Inequality is most often used to describe how power is distributed and how some obtain more than others. The way
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Social Inequality : Inequality And Inequality
Core Assessment Paper
Carrie Bailey
Park University
Social Inequality in My Life Social inequality is described by the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards for various social positions or statuses
inside a society or group. It contains organized and repetitive examples of unequal distributions of goods, riches, opportunities, prizes, and disciplines.
Racism, for instance, is comprehended to be a wonder whereby access to rights and resources is unreasonably disseminated crosswise over racial lines.
With regards to the U.S., minorities ordinarily encounter racism, which benefits white individuals by presenting them with white privilege, which
permits them more noteworthy access to rights and resources more content...
As a child, I grew up with three siblings and a single mother, in public housing. On welfare and food stamps, our household income was below the
poverty line. My father was absent and had never finished high school and my mother had a high school diploma, however, she never attended
college. Although, I look Caucasian, my mother was of Mexican and Native American descent. Because I was raised by a single mother who was
raised in the Mexican culture, I was also raised in the same way. In our home, what we lacked in finances, we made up for in love and affection.
Multi–racial children often find it hard to "fit in" when they don't really fit into the culture of one ethnicity over the other. Past studies had expected that
if an individual had a multiracial heritage that he or she naturally identified with that heritage. However, Binning and his fellow researchers theorized
that basically having a place with different racial groups did not ensure that a man would psychologically relate to those groups. "We imagined that
diving further into the multiracial classification to inspect how such people translated their racial character would help our comprehension of
multiracial psychology," said Binning, a post–doctoral researcher at Stanford GSB and coauthor of "The Interpretation of Multiracial Status and Its
Relation to Social
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Bourdieu Social Inequality
The reproduction of social inequalities has always been a key issue in sociology, especially to Bourdieu, as a large branch of his study was
surrounding the issue of class. In this essay, an understanding of what is meant by social inequality and reproduction will be looked at to begin with,
and will be applied to the specific forms of social inequality which will be discussed, mainly gender and class inequality. This will be followed by how
Pierre Bourdieu accounts for the reproduction of social inequalities. The various institutions and systems which he believes are the causes of this
reproduction will be discussed and evaluated, as well as their exemplification of his pessimistic determinism. These such institutions and systems are,
distinction of taste, habitus, symbolic violence, education, socialisation, and marriage. Furthermore, Bourdieu's pessimistic determinism will be looked
at in more detail, regarding his view as a whole, and the relationship it has to wider sociology. So, we can come to conclude upon how Bourdieu
accounts for the reproduction of social inequality, and to what extent this exemplifies his pessimistic determinism.
Throughout this essay, the term 'social inequality' will be used to discuss the question in hand. For clarity, a definition of this term, and what is meant
by it's 'reproduction' will be laid out here. When referring to 'social inequality', what is meant is unequal opportunities, or life chances, due to
hierarchies within social
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Social Inequality Essay
Is it possible that the most important solution to economic and social inequality isn't addressing policy, but instead it is facing the problem of racism?
While American claims to be the land of "Equal of opportunity", we haven't followed through on our promises very strongly. America had always tried
to pursue the idea that where you come from should not determine your social aspects in society because we believe that everyone is created equal no
matter gender or race."Equality of Opportunity" is a very central concept of progressives in America. Therefore, the state should guarantee each
citizen's equal right to a fair trial, quality public education, or having access to good housing and food. But if you were to take any one of these areas
and apply it to the community, there are hundreds of inequality problems that could be found. A lot of people that want to reduce inequality believe that
race isn't relevant to understanding or fixing the problem, but a large majority of the problem comes from the correlation of poverty and racial tensions.
A lot of progressives think that if we talk about race, that it will end up diving us. But the hard truth is, we are already divided. And we're divided
because there is constant talk of race in our society by conservatives . They are not talking about race expressly, they are using dogwhistles. Dog
whistle politics is when politicians use coded language they defend as benign, but is intended to provoke strong emotional responses on
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Essay On Social Inequality
Imagine an utopia in which there is no social injustice. No discrimination on gender. Status. Mental health.
When I was little, I read a book about an African American girl named Clover, who lived in a town that was interestingly divided by a fence. Dark
skinned people separated from light skinned. Eventually little Clover would find a playmate from the other side of the fence and be shunned by her
dark skinned friends. My naive five year old brain didn't think much of it. At the time, it was just another book being read to me. Eventually, I realized
that, this was the society that we live in.
Looking back on it though, I noticed that the fence is given a lot more importance than it deserves. That's because it isn't merely more content...
We could stay here all day and talk about what social inequality is and unfortunately, give the thousands of examples strewn into media, history, and the
However, I prefer to discuss how this can be reversed. To begin with, learn to recognize examples of this injustice. Then, we can revise our attitude
towards inequality. Additionally, we can challenge some of the stereotypes associated with people of different groups.
Firstly, to be able to truly fix a problem, the mechanisms need to be understood. Unfortunately, the concept is so common that it is integrated even
subtly into media. As an activist, I feel that in today's day and age, we see a lot of inequality in sexual orientation and subtle gender and racial
inequality. However, it is pretty obvious that certain ones resurface throughout history and others are more prominent in different parts of the world.
For example, the persecution of gay men in Chechnya. The tendency for the media to showcase a female's outfit and makeup even if they are famous
for being involved in sports. The first step is to definitely be conscious of these little aspects in our everyday life and the big ones we hear about in the
You end up getting a lot of examples where people have been discriminated against due to who they are and how they aren't defined by what is on the
outside. This will help change views on social inequality. No, people with learning disorders do not have a bleak future.
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Social Inequality Essay
As we prosper through time, inequality is slowly less evident. A lot of people don't realize that although things are improving with time, inequality is
still prominent in our society. The people that are failing to realize that there still is inequality, are the fortunate ones. They rise well above the poverty
line, and usually live relatively economically sound lives. They are the people who are supplied with our society's benefits.
The people that are in pursuit of social change, and constantly bring attention to issues of equal rights and privileges, are often the people that do not
have them. They are the ones who suffer daily from different levels of inequality. more content...
This quiz was the first mark of the course, and was I worried that my first grade was going to be a poor one.
When the instructor explained the purpose of the exercise I realized what an excellent point he had proven. He forced us in an unequal situation that
was out of our control. It was nothing we could have predicted or done anything about.
This unique exercise put me on a new level of stratification that I was not used to. It made me feel how other people, not only in my society, but
worldwide, feel about inequality everyday. The difference was that I was soon given an explanation, and returned to my regular level of stratification.
Many people in our society are given no explanation to their forced inequality. Although the classroom exercise does not compare to the real world, it
still stirred feelings of rage, helplessness and discouragement. Looking through the window of the unequal situation changed my views on lower
groups of society. It made me realize how difficult social mobility can be. I can understand the Davis–Moore thesis, which states that stratification has
beneficial consequences. It is easy for people on the higher end of the stratification hierarchy to agree with this because they believe that the harder one
works, the more they will achieve, thus promoting production in society. Individuals at lower ends of the stratification system disagree with that. Their
social status prevents
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Effects Of Social Inequality
What are your thoughts on the statement on slide 28 stating that "social inequality affects health outcomes?" Unfortunately, social inequalities of
different socioeconomic classes greatly affect the outcomes of health. According to the PowerPoint, groups who identify with a higher socioeconomic
status typically are healthier in comparison to those who identify with a lower socioeconomic status. (1) Individuals in higher classes tend to have
health coverage, the means to pay for health services, and receive better access to health care. When it comes to the lower–class community, access to
health care is limited, income is low or non–existent, qualification for insurance or government assisted programs proves to be difficult, and overall,
they are left with substandard options. The poorest of the poor and the highest–class have the most access to health care. These groups qualify for
insurance through work and or through government assistance programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Sadly, the working poor or middle class, are
affected most by social inequalities. As explained in the PowerPoint, the working poor struggle to earn enough money to obtain insurance on their own
or through work but earn too much according to government guidelines to qualify for assistance programs. (1) In an article by Abby Goodnough, she
reports that some working people have opted to stay uninsured and pay the penalty associated with the Affordable Care Act, because the fee would be
cheaper than paying the high premiums of health insurance. (2) With limited or no access, individuals are at risk for developing chronic illnesses. In
many cases, access has little to do with transportation or funds, but rather a provider's willingness to work with certain groups. On more occasions,
provider's do not want to deal with the difficulties that accompany Medicaid insurance or find it difficult to work with patients who do not have the
ability to pay for needed treatment. (1) It is disheartening that our citizens are faced with such inequalities that some must go without insurance, go
without treatment, and face mortality due to circumstances out of their control. Our country needs to find better alternatives to bridge the gap that exists
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Social Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay
n AmericaSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It
usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages and ethnicities. Many American's have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their
lifetime. America's gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender,
and other social characteristics believe that racial discrimination no longer hinders or affects the advancement of minorities. Racial and ethnic actions
are still being taken towards minorities in education, employment, housing, arrests, and many other issues of society. Social inequality and
discrimination towards minorities is clear in everyday society. This can be seen by the way inequality is still persistent among the social classes.
Among these classes formed by society, minorities tend to be one of the most affected. This is noticed by the way education remains segregated, the
wage inequality social prejudice in the workforce) and social disparity (inequality Poverty). Many have used their voice to shine light on these issues,
authors such as Michelle Alexander in her essay " The New Jim Crow " argues the fake abolishment of the racism and segregation , and
Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work" in her essay reveals the inequality based on a student's community and socioeconomic status.
Social inequality affects
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Essay on Social Inequality in the United States
Social Inequality in the United States There is a high degree of social inequality within the United States. Of most modern industrial countries, the
United Stated has some of the richest and some of the poorest people to be found. That fact is very disturbing, however, explains why much of the
inequality exists in the US. In the following essay I will explain to you about the inequality in our country and why it occurs, based on the theoretical
perspectives of a functionalist, conflict theorist, and social interationist. Functionalist argue that stratification is "necessary and beneficial" to a society
to ensure the highest qualified individuals will fill the best societal positions. Inequality in more content...
The functionalist feels that social inequality is necessary for the society to work as a whole. According to the conflict theory on social stratification,
those in the upper levels of a stratification structure hold a monopoly over the community's or society's desirables and the use of their monopoly to
dominate others. In "Imagine a County", it reads about the US school systems that are rigged in favor of the already–privleged, with the lower caste
children tracked by race and income into deficient and demoralizing classrooms. Public schools budgets are determined by property taxes, allowing the
higher income districts to spend more money than the lower income districts. When talking about conflict theory, there are the bourgeoisie and the
proletariats, which in this instance are the wealthy and the less fortunate. The wealthy schools are packed with well stocked libraries, and the poor
schools are lucky to have up to date books. This not only causes conflict between the two "classes", but a high level of inequality as well. These
elements of this society tend to contribute to the instability and inequality of this society. Symbolic Interactionism suggest that humans define
situations upon past experiences, and then act on those definitions. The legitimacy of the stratification structure is established and perpetuated through
teaching beliefs to the young and enforcing those beliefs. Children are taught that ones place in the stratification
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Bourdieu And Social Inequality

  • 1. Bourdieu And Social Inequality Social inequality When the resources in a society are distributed unevenly it leads to social inequality. Often inequality is understood as being socio–economic and it is now closely associated with social inequality. "Social inequalities are differences in income, resources, power and status within and between societies. Such inequalities are maintained by those in powerful positions via institutions and social processes." (Warwick–Booth, 2013 p.2) Social inequalities are subjective and relative to those around us. Individuals compare themselves to those they see which in turn may alter their expectations of equality in terms of such things as wealth, education and gender equality for themselves. General needs and expectations differ depending on where in the world you are. In most western countries we have come to expect certain levels of gender equality for instance. This essay will look into social inequality, particularly in the form of gender inequality. Bourdieu and gender social more content... The two types of capital are cultural capital and economic capital. This is then used by showing the resulting inequalities and allocating various social slots for men and women based on said differences. This in turn legitimizes the inheritance of social privileges in societies where democracy is thought to be the right and virtuous way. (Wacquant, 1996) Cultural and economic capital among others are a large part of determining the opportunities that and individual will have. Therefore social inequality in terms of gender inequality etc. is an issue which needs to be addressed. Social inequality is not only bad for the individual but also for society as a whole. In that sense men are also victims of gender inequality in a relative way. (Bourdieu, Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Social Inequities In America Social Inequity Paper People can not put on the news without seeing at least one story about social inequality or injustice, if everyone knows about these inequities why are they not being solved? Inequities are not limited to America, social inequity is a global problem making it extremely important to raise awareness of the topic. Inequities such as racism and sexism impact teenagers in America, but to counteract this persecution authors can use various genres of literature to promote tolerance and reduce the effects of inequities. Racism and sexism violates people's rights in schools, the workplace, and almost every place in the world. Through the words of authors, society can learn the harmful effects of these inequities, and learn more content... Speeches and music are great ways to bring awareness to inequalities around the globe. Music created by artists can help support many causes, through their lyrics people subconsciously learn about social inequities. "Known throughout the world, Youssou N'Dour is a musical peacemaker in his native Senegal and lends his words and music to critical campaigns, such as malaria prevention programmes." (Da Silva) Another example is Oliver Mtukudzi, a musician from Zimbabwe, who helps raise awareness of diseases by shaping his lyrics to inspire people to help his causes. Yet another example is Angelique Kidjo, an ambassador of goodwill, who helps causes like hunger by singing about them. In synopsis, music has a major effect on social inequities and can greatly help change to our society. Lastly, speeches have had the biggest impact on our society out of any genre of literature. Susan B. Anthony greatly paved a path for women's' rights by tenaciously campaigning to get women's rights to be equal to men's. For example, she helped women get the right to vote. Correspondingly, in The Gettysburg Address, Lincoln focused on fixing the inequality of slavery and helping colored people gain equal rights. When Martin Luther King gave the I Have A Dream speech, he completely changed social inequities by greatly decreasing racism. "Africans found a particularly poignant Get more content on
  • 3. Theories of Social Inequality Essay Theories of Social Inequality In briefly evaluating the classical and modern explanations of social inequality, it is essential that we step outside the realm of our own lives, class position, and discard any assumptions we might have about the nature of inequality. This process of critical pedagogy allows us to view our world, not from our perspective, but from a wider, more critical analysis of inequality's nature. Also, it should be considered within this wider perspective that all theories of inequality have a class perspective, where the theorist, based on the position their theory takes, is making claims from (or for) a particular class (whether they want to or not). With this in mind, it seems that most of these theories more content... Within this structure, Weber describes there being three dimensions of inequality: class (which correlates with the economy), status (which correlates with the social aspects of society), and party (which correlates with the political aspects of society). I believe most of the modern explanations of inequality, at most, help build upon Weber's general theories, and at least, reflect the same elitist pessimism that Weber also holds. The dual –labor market thesis contends that there are two labor markets (in terms of income), in which the higher income market is of primary importance and the lower income market is of secondary importance. This tries to justify those people within high power positions by (somehow) trying to prove that our system is objectively rewarding higher incomes to professions that have higher social importance than lower income professions. Similarly, the functionalist theory of stratification "views societies as social systems that have certain basic problems to solve or functions that have to be performed if the society is to survive" (243). So the reason for inequality, for functionalists, is because our system must reward (with significantly higher incomes) those individuals who are motivated enough to yield the stresses of such functionally important positions. The fact that our system reproduces classes into the same class assumes the Get more content on
  • 4. Social Inequality Essay According to "The overall effect of economic growth on social inequality is, like the effect of a marching column: the column advances and the last rank eventually passes the point which was reached by the vanguard some time before". This suggests that the richest individuals in society have stayed rich, or even become richer, but for those who are classified as poor, the majority of them have stayed the same. The poor continue to make up a large percentage of the European population. This is largely due to low incomes and employment. According to "UK inequality has increased by 42% since 1977". This is a clear indicator that the gap between the richest and poorest individuals in society is at its highest level in decades. Social consequences are the impact of an event or action on a social environment. For example, education. Some say that belonging to a wealthy family aids in how children do at school. While education and working hard are seen as important for doing well and getting ahead, knowing the right people and belonging to a wealthy family can also be critical. suggests that "The link between low income and low academic attainment is greater in the UK than almost any other developed nation". Within any society, those with higher incomes tend to do better on a variety of outcomes. Therefore, there is a social gradient in health, which means that every step up the socioeconomic ladder leads to Get more content on
  • 5. Social Inequality in Society Essay Social Inequality in Society Social inequality influences all aspects of our lives. The following essay will look at evidence highlighting inequalities in society today. In particular it will focus upon inequalities found between men and women, referred to as gender inequality. Additionally it will integrate sociological perspectives such as functionalism, radical, Marxist or liberal feminism to explain the causes of inequalities and in particular those found in more content... In western society there are two terms of reference for men and women ~ 'sex' or 'gender'. Sex, defined by Giddens (1993:762) as the "biological and anatomical differences distinguishing females from males", refers to the visual or physiological differences between men and women, such as genitalia or a women's ability to bear children. Gender, however, described by Thompson (1993:40) as "the social aspect of the differentiation of the sexes", refers to the socially constructed ideology of the expected behaviour of men and women, a theory some sociologists refer to as social constructionism. For example, boys are expected to be loud and assertive whilst girls are expected to be passive and submissive. Feminist sociologist Ann Oakley, argues that behaviour displayed by men and women is cultural, can differ according to socially accepted 'norms' and arguably is 'learnt', a theory supported by the research of anthropologist Margaret Mead. Meads study of the Arapesh, Mundugamor and Tchambuli tribes in New Guinea (cited O'Donnell 1987:312), revealed conflicting gender role behaviour. Amongst members of the Arapesh and Mundugamor tribes there was little noticeable difference in gender behaviour, as both sexes were either gentle and nurturing or aggressive and Get more content on
  • 6. Social Inequality Civil liberty and social inequality have been some of the most protested and talked about subject, even before the civil rights movement that began in the mid–50s. Many different people find the courage to bring these injustices to light and speak out against the subject, creating a more equal and truly bringing justice to all, no matter race, religion, ethnicity, or gender. Whether it be through a peaceful protest or moving speech, courageous minorities help resolve civil issues within America and demand change. Civil liberty issues have been, and still is being, resolved through vocal advocates willing to protest and use the first amendment to speak out against discrimination and unfair treatment towards minorities. Without the freedom of speech, civil injustices would never be brought to light and resolved. The first amendment is the biggest reason that America has been so successful in creating civil justice and insuring that America lives up to its promise of freedom. Without this right and people willing to use it and become the face of a movement, social inequalities would still be around. This is proven through Susan B. Anthony and her women's suffrage movement that transformed America and gave women the right to vote. She utilized her right to free speech in order to grant her another right, to vote. Her speech in 1873 brought injustice to light as she quoted the constitution to prove that the inequality of women was a "violation of the supreme law." Her right to Get more content on
  • 7. Examining the Effects of Social Inequalities Social inequalities are present in all forms of personal and professional aspects of society. As an educator, efforts must be put forth to recognize and eliminate inequalities that exist, analyze educational structures that limit the human potential, examine the role of culture in learning, and explore linguistically diversity and learning. Therefore many individuals are not willing to develop relationships of trust due to the human inequalities or personal biases towards others. Likewise in many communities, there is the lack of support from the community stakeholders'. In many instances, students are stereotyped and labeled as lower class, middle class, and upper class. In 1983 President Ronald Reagan was cited in the article A Nation at Risk. His purpose shared his enthusiasm to gain involvement and investment from the people of America by reminding them where they once ranked among other countries. Ultimately his resolution involved interests in assisting students and providing resources to successfully develop competent citizens in order to compete with the rest of the world regardless of gender, race, religion, and ethnicity. Meanwhile, thirty–three years later social inequalities are still in existence and doesn't appear to become non– existent. Furthermore, just as individuals such as American Indians and immigrant families such as Asians, Latinos, and Italians were forced to acclimate themselves to speaking Get more content on
  • 8. Social inequality differentiates society, divides it into different social groups and classes. Inequality has many facets and it appears in various sections of the unified social system: family, institutions, enterprise and social groups. For normal functioning of society, it is needed the optimal combination of all activities. The society reproduces inequality, because it needs it as a source sustenance and development. In terms of functionalism every society does need a class stratification, since the unequal distribution of social goods serves as a tool for solving problems, allocation and motivation of individuals within the social structure. It concludes that social inequality is useful for society, because social more content... Not everybody can run the country or business, just because of the lack of talent; not everybody can be a doctor or scientist; musician or a plumber. That 's why everybody should do what he is able to and like the most. Parsons assumed that individuals are born with attributed status, but later due to the education the differentiation process begins by acquiring certain roles. Children are enrolled in primary school relatively homogeneous within their inherent socio–economic status and age. Schools in fact organize a competition between individuals, where the contestants are initially in terms of equal opportunities. Parsons believes that there is dependence between economic background of the family and the ability of the child. Usually children who haven't any problems at school are living in families with a higher level of culture and income. Such parents do care more about the achievements of their child, they try to encourage their child to school, great achievements and results, which in future might lead to success. They develop children's skills and talents, involve them to the culture by reading them books, attending theater etc. Usually such parents possess a secondary education. Furthermore, the children of parents with a high level of culture and income often communicating with educated people outside the family (friends of the family) what is playing a huge role on the child life outlook. The same rule but from the other side can be applied to the Get more content on
  • 9. Social Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay Social inequality is defined as the set of unequal opportunities for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages, and ethnicities. Many American's have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America's gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics . Americans believe that racial discrimination no longer hinders or affects the advancement of minorities. Racial and ethnic actions are still being taken towards minorities in education, employment, housing, arrests, and many other issues of society. Social inequality and discrimination towards minorities is clear in everyday society. This can be seen by the way inequality is still persistent among the social classes. Among these classes formed by society, minorities tend to be one of the most affected. This is noticed by the way education remains segregated, the wage inequality, and the constant cycle of poverty. Many have used their voice to shine light on these issues, articles and authors such as "Social Inequality and Educational Disadvantage" by the Russel Sage Foundation argue the lack of equal assortment of resources between the rich and the poor is leaving them with the disparity of proper resources, and Jean Anyon's "From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work" in her Get more content on
  • 10. Social Inequality Social inequality refers to a situation in which individual groups in a society do not have equal social status, social class, and social circle. Areas of social inequality include voting rights,freedom of speech and assembly, the extent of property rights and access to education, health care, quality housing, traveling, transportation, vacationing and other social goods and services. Apart from that it can also be seen in the quality of family and neighbourhood life, occupation, job satisfaction, and access to credit. If these economic divisions harden, they can lead to social inequality. The reasons for social inequality can vary, but are often broad and far reaching. Social inequalities exist between races, classes and countries. more content... Women are underrepresented in political activities and decision making processes throughout most of the world. It is important to increase enrollment rates in school for girls and ensure they have safe, stable and good quality education. Women's participation in work has been increasing globally, but women are faced with wage discrepancies and differences compared to what men earn. This is true globally even in the agricultural and rural sector in developed as well as developing countries. Structural impediments to women 's ability to pursue and advance in their chosen professions often result in a phenomenon known as the glass ceiling, which refers to unseen – and often unacknowledged barriers that prevent minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. This effect can be seen in the corporate and bureaucratic environments of many countries, lowering the chances of women to excel. It prevents women from succeeding and making the maximum use of their potential, which is at a cost for women as well as the society's development. Ensuring that women 's rights are protected and endorsed can promote a sense of belonging that motivates women to contribute to their society. Once able to work, women should be titled to the same job security and safe working environments as men. Until such safeguards are in place, Get more content on
  • 11. Social Inequality Perspectives by conflict theorists in sociology suggest that the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, are used as an instrument of oppression. Power is a concept that can be explained by interactions between individuals and groups. The law is an instrument of oppression used to maintain power and privilege(Henslin164) Social inequality can be seen as many different things. The most common would be gender roles or discrimination by social stereotyping. They can also be established through the unjust criminal justice system, health, and education. Inequalities exist between race or religion groups, classes, and even countries, making this a worldwide phenomenon. More often you would see it in the form of racism or segregation. In sociology, classification of people into groups are based on shared social and economic conditions; these three main groups are the capitalist class, working class, and marginal working class. Within these groups are many inequalities. The capitalist class would be considered the wealthy who own companies and buy labor from the working class. Working class are the group that sells their labor. The marginal working class is the most desperate members of society who have little money or skills, most often unemployed or jailed. Because of their struggle with poverty, most end up as prison inmates or repeat offenders. Inequality is most often used to describe how power is distributed and how some obtain more than others. The way Get more content on
  • 12. Social Inequality : Inequality And Inequality Core Assessment Paper Carrie Bailey Park University Social Inequality in My Life Social inequality is described by the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards for various social positions or statuses inside a society or group. It contains organized and repetitive examples of unequal distributions of goods, riches, opportunities, prizes, and disciplines. Racism, for instance, is comprehended to be a wonder whereby access to rights and resources is unreasonably disseminated crosswise over racial lines. With regards to the U.S., minorities ordinarily encounter racism, which benefits white individuals by presenting them with white privilege, which permits them more noteworthy access to rights and resources more content... As a child, I grew up with three siblings and a single mother, in public housing. On welfare and food stamps, our household income was below the poverty line. My father was absent and had never finished high school and my mother had a high school diploma, however, she never attended college. Although, I look Caucasian, my mother was of Mexican and Native American descent. Because I was raised by a single mother who was raised in the Mexican culture, I was also raised in the same way. In our home, what we lacked in finances, we made up for in love and affection. Multi–racial children often find it hard to "fit in" when they don't really fit into the culture of one ethnicity over the other. Past studies had expected that if an individual had a multiracial heritage that he or she naturally identified with that heritage. However, Binning and his fellow researchers theorized that basically having a place with different racial groups did not ensure that a man would psychologically relate to those groups. "We imagined that diving further into the multiracial classification to inspect how such people translated their racial character would help our comprehension of multiracial psychology," said Binning, a post–doctoral researcher at Stanford GSB and coauthor of "The Interpretation of Multiracial Status and Its Relation to Social Get more content on
  • 13. Bourdieu Social Inequality The reproduction of social inequalities has always been a key issue in sociology, especially to Bourdieu, as a large branch of his study was surrounding the issue of class. In this essay, an understanding of what is meant by social inequality and reproduction will be looked at to begin with, and will be applied to the specific forms of social inequality which will be discussed, mainly gender and class inequality. This will be followed by how Pierre Bourdieu accounts for the reproduction of social inequalities. The various institutions and systems which he believes are the causes of this reproduction will be discussed and evaluated, as well as their exemplification of his pessimistic determinism. These such institutions and systems are, distinction of taste, habitus, symbolic violence, education, socialisation, and marriage. Furthermore, Bourdieu's pessimistic determinism will be looked at in more detail, regarding his view as a whole, and the relationship it has to wider sociology. So, we can come to conclude upon how Bourdieu accounts for the reproduction of social inequality, and to what extent this exemplifies his pessimistic determinism. Throughout this essay, the term 'social inequality' will be used to discuss the question in hand. For clarity, a definition of this term, and what is meant by it's 'reproduction' will be laid out here. When referring to 'social inequality', what is meant is unequal opportunities, or life chances, due to hierarchies within social Get more content on
  • 14. Social Inequality Essay Is it possible that the most important solution to economic and social inequality isn't addressing policy, but instead it is facing the problem of racism? While American claims to be the land of "Equal of opportunity", we haven't followed through on our promises very strongly. America had always tried to pursue the idea that where you come from should not determine your social aspects in society because we believe that everyone is created equal no matter gender or race."Equality of Opportunity" is a very central concept of progressives in America. Therefore, the state should guarantee each citizen's equal right to a fair trial, quality public education, or having access to good housing and food. But if you were to take any one of these areas and apply it to the community, there are hundreds of inequality problems that could be found. A lot of people that want to reduce inequality believe that race isn't relevant to understanding or fixing the problem, but a large majority of the problem comes from the correlation of poverty and racial tensions. A lot of progressives think that if we talk about race, that it will end up diving us. But the hard truth is, we are already divided. And we're divided because there is constant talk of race in our society by conservatives . They are not talking about race expressly, they are using dogwhistles. Dog whistle politics is when politicians use coded language they defend as benign, but is intended to provoke strong emotional responses on Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Social Inequality Imagine an utopia in which there is no social injustice. No discrimination on gender. Status. Mental health. When I was little, I read a book about an African American girl named Clover, who lived in a town that was interestingly divided by a fence. Dark skinned people separated from light skinned. Eventually little Clover would find a playmate from the other side of the fence and be shunned by her dark skinned friends. My naive five year old brain didn't think much of it. At the time, it was just another book being read to me. Eventually, I realized that, this was the society that we live in. Looking back on it though, I noticed that the fence is given a lot more importance than it deserves. That's because it isn't merely more content... We could stay here all day and talk about what social inequality is and unfortunately, give the thousands of examples strewn into media, history, and the world. However, I prefer to discuss how this can be reversed. To begin with, learn to recognize examples of this injustice. Then, we can revise our attitude towards inequality. Additionally, we can challenge some of the stereotypes associated with people of different groups. Firstly, to be able to truly fix a problem, the mechanisms need to be understood. Unfortunately, the concept is so common that it is integrated even subtly into media. As an activist, I feel that in today's day and age, we see a lot of inequality in sexual orientation and subtle gender and racial inequality. However, it is pretty obvious that certain ones resurface throughout history and others are more prominent in different parts of the world. For example, the persecution of gay men in Chechnya. The tendency for the media to showcase a female's outfit and makeup even if they are famous for being involved in sports. The first step is to definitely be conscious of these little aspects in our everyday life and the big ones we hear about in the news. You end up getting a lot of examples where people have been discriminated against due to who they are and how they aren't defined by what is on the outside. This will help change views on social inequality. No, people with learning disorders do not have a bleak future.
  • 16. Get more content on
  • 17. Social Inequality Essay As we prosper through time, inequality is slowly less evident. A lot of people don't realize that although things are improving with time, inequality is still prominent in our society. The people that are failing to realize that there still is inequality, are the fortunate ones. They rise well above the poverty line, and usually live relatively economically sound lives. They are the people who are supplied with our society's benefits. The people that are in pursuit of social change, and constantly bring attention to issues of equal rights and privileges, are often the people that do not have them. They are the ones who suffer daily from different levels of inequality. more content... This quiz was the first mark of the course, and was I worried that my first grade was going to be a poor one. When the instructor explained the purpose of the exercise I realized what an excellent point he had proven. He forced us in an unequal situation that was out of our control. It was nothing we could have predicted or done anything about. This unique exercise put me on a new level of stratification that I was not used to. It made me feel how other people, not only in my society, but worldwide, feel about inequality everyday. The difference was that I was soon given an explanation, and returned to my regular level of stratification. Many people in our society are given no explanation to their forced inequality. Although the classroom exercise does not compare to the real world, it still stirred feelings of rage, helplessness and discouragement. Looking through the window of the unequal situation changed my views on lower groups of society. It made me realize how difficult social mobility can be. I can understand the Davis–Moore thesis, which states that stratification has beneficial consequences. It is easy for people on the higher end of the stratification hierarchy to agree with this because they believe that the harder one works, the more they will achieve, thus promoting production in society. Individuals at lower ends of the stratification system disagree with that. Their social status prevents Get more content on
  • 18. Effects Of Social Inequality What are your thoughts on the statement on slide 28 stating that "social inequality affects health outcomes?" Unfortunately, social inequalities of different socioeconomic classes greatly affect the outcomes of health. According to the PowerPoint, groups who identify with a higher socioeconomic status typically are healthier in comparison to those who identify with a lower socioeconomic status. (1) Individuals in higher classes tend to have health coverage, the means to pay for health services, and receive better access to health care. When it comes to the lower–class community, access to health care is limited, income is low or non–existent, qualification for insurance or government assisted programs proves to be difficult, and overall, they are left with substandard options. The poorest of the poor and the highest–class have the most access to health care. These groups qualify for insurance through work and or through government assistance programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Sadly, the working poor or middle class, are affected most by social inequalities. As explained in the PowerPoint, the working poor struggle to earn enough money to obtain insurance on their own or through work but earn too much according to government guidelines to qualify for assistance programs. (1) In an article by Abby Goodnough, she reports that some working people have opted to stay uninsured and pay the penalty associated with the Affordable Care Act, because the fee would be cheaper than paying the high premiums of health insurance. (2) With limited or no access, individuals are at risk for developing chronic illnesses. In many cases, access has little to do with transportation or funds, but rather a provider's willingness to work with certain groups. On more occasions, provider's do not want to deal with the difficulties that accompany Medicaid insurance or find it difficult to work with patients who do not have the ability to pay for needed treatment. (1) It is disheartening that our citizens are faced with such inequalities that some must go without insurance, go without treatment, and face mortality due to circumstances out of their control. Our country needs to find better alternatives to bridge the gap that exists Get more content on
  • 19. Social Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay n AmericaSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages and ethnicities. Many American's have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America's gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics believe that racial discrimination no longer hinders or affects the advancement of minorities. Racial and ethnic actions are still being taken towards minorities in education, employment, housing, arrests, and many other issues of society. Social inequality and discrimination towards minorities is clear in everyday society. This can be seen by the way inequality is still persistent among the social classes. Among these classes formed by society, minorities tend to be one of the most affected. This is noticed by the way education remains segregated, the wage inequality social prejudice in the workforce) and social disparity (inequality Poverty). Many have used their voice to shine light on these issues, authors such as Michelle Alexander in her essay " The New Jim Crow " argues the fake abolishment of the racism and segregation , and Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work" in her essay reveals the inequality based on a student's community and socioeconomic status. Social inequality affects Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Social Inequality in the United States Social Inequality in the United States There is a high degree of social inequality within the United States. Of most modern industrial countries, the United Stated has some of the richest and some of the poorest people to be found. That fact is very disturbing, however, explains why much of the inequality exists in the US. In the following essay I will explain to you about the inequality in our country and why it occurs, based on the theoretical perspectives of a functionalist, conflict theorist, and social interationist. Functionalist argue that stratification is "necessary and beneficial" to a society to ensure the highest qualified individuals will fill the best societal positions. Inequality in more content... The functionalist feels that social inequality is necessary for the society to work as a whole. According to the conflict theory on social stratification, those in the upper levels of a stratification structure hold a monopoly over the community's or society's desirables and the use of their monopoly to dominate others. In "Imagine a County", it reads about the US school systems that are rigged in favor of the already–privleged, with the lower caste children tracked by race and income into deficient and demoralizing classrooms. Public schools budgets are determined by property taxes, allowing the higher income districts to spend more money than the lower income districts. When talking about conflict theory, there are the bourgeoisie and the proletariats, which in this instance are the wealthy and the less fortunate. The wealthy schools are packed with well stocked libraries, and the poor schools are lucky to have up to date books. This not only causes conflict between the two "classes", but a high level of inequality as well. These elements of this society tend to contribute to the instability and inequality of this society. Symbolic Interactionism suggest that humans define situations upon past experiences, and then act on those definitions. The legitimacy of the stratification structure is established and perpetuated through teaching beliefs to the young and enforcing those beliefs. Children are taught that ones place in the stratification Get more content on