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L. A. Urgelles
The word inflammation derives from
Latin “inflammare” (to light a fire).
It is a process where the body fights
against an “irritant agent” at the level
of receptors (nociceptors), and it essen-
tially characterized by: pain, swelling,
heat, redness, and loss of functions.
Nociceptors are sensitive receptors to
damage; they act as transducers and
conduct nerve impulses to the Central
Nervous System (CNS) through small
A- delta fibers (myelinated, fast) for
acute pain, and c fibers (slow,
unmyelinated) for chronic pain.
When a tissue is damaged, its cells
release various substances that cause
blood vessels dilatation, and therefore
greater blood supply to the triggered area.
Furthermore, in the affected tissues, the
inflammatory exudate increases capil-
lary permeability, leukocyte migration,
the presence of cytokines and other
local processes that excite and “irri-
tate” the nerve endings, making the
physiological functioning of the area
– All this, within the so-called arachi-
donic acid cascade.
The inflammatory response occurs
with a defending goal in order to iso-
late and destroy the damaging agent,
as well as repairing the tissue of the
damaged tissue/organ; when the
inflammation is chronic it occurs a
local tissue destruction, and therefore
it is difficult to restore the lost func-
Inflammation can be short term in
association with physiological pain,
but when kept beyond expectations
should be considered chronic, and it is
the result of a longer neuron irritation
at the receptors level, with periods of
greater or less intensity.
– In this situation, it is higly recom-
mended an effective treatment, avoid-
ing side effects.
– This paper discusses the importance
of clinical control of inflammation with
specific low dose formulations (S.K.A.)
and for different anatomical areas, for-
mulated with the intention to restore
optimal physiological states avoiding
undesirable side effects, according to
the Principles of the Physiological
Regulating Medicine (PRM).
We have previously pointed out that
pain is a complex process; it can be
classified into four categories, namely:
1) Physiological pain, related to the
preservation of life, associated with a
short-term inflammation level.
Pain is a complex process and can be
classified into four categories namely:
1) Physiological pain, related to the
preservation of life, associated with a
short-term inflammation level.
2) Nociceptive pain, related to the long-
lasting inflammation; it is usually
3) Neuropathic pain, usually chronic,
results from damage, compression or
dysfunction of the peripheral nerves or
neural loops in the CNS.
Inflammation is usually associated with
pain, but it can be pain without inflam-
mation, such as the neuropathic pain.
4) Mixed pain in which various factors
are involved. The best example is the
pain associated with cancer, which is
chronic, permanent and difficult to con-
trol for which the use of analgesics is
frequently combined with opioids.
Interleukins are the primary means of in-
tercellular communication against an
aggression starting the inflammatory re-
Physiological Regulating Medicine has
really filled a gap and allowed to settle
two main problems controlling the in-
flammation and pain, despite the exis-
tence of NSAIDs for more than a centu-
ry, with a biological approach, respect-
ing the physiological processes without
the risk of unwanted strong side effects
associated with the conventional medi-
cines already known.
The 11 products are: Guna®
-Neck, Gu-
-Thoracic, Guna®
-Lumbar, Guna®
Shoulder (shoulder and elbow), Guna®
Hip, Guna®
-Knee, Guna®
-HandFoot, Gu-
-Ischial, Guna®
-Polyarthritis, Guna®
Muscle, and Guna®
-Neural, of which 10
contain β-endorphin 4C [equivalent to
nanograms (ng)].
Nine products of these contain Anti IL-
1 α and β 4 C [equivalent to nanograms
(ng)], which ascribe an analgesic and an-
ti-inflammatory effect at the physiolog-
ical level without the side effects of
medications known.
Excellent results are obteined for: bur-
sitis, epicondylitis, fibromyalgia, os-
teoarthritis of the hip and knee, sacroili-
itis, cervical pain, thoracic pain, low
back pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.
Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 37
2) Nociceptive pain, related to the
long-lasting inflammation; it is usually
3) Neuropathic pain, usually chronic,
resulting from damage, compression or
dysfunction of the peripheral nerves or
neuronal loops in the CNS.
Inflammation is usually associated with
pain, but can be pain without inflamma-
tion, such as the neuropathic pain.
4) Mixed pain in which various factors
are involved.
The best example is the pain associat-
ed with cancer, which is chronic, per-
manent and difficult to control for
which the use of analgesics is fre-
quently combined with opioids (1-7).
In this work we will discuss matters
related to inflammation.
Cytokines are polypeptides mainly pro-
duced by activated lymphocytes and
macrophages, but can also be produced
by elements of the connective tissue.
According to the cells that produce
them, they take their name: lym-
phokines, monokines, interleukins.
Interleukins are cytokines; the name
comes from Greek language leukós
(white) and kinè (movement).
– Interleukins act as chemical messen-
gers within short distance.
Their main functions is to regulate the
events concerning within the Immune
System functions and the mechanism of
Interleukins are the primary means of
intercellular communication against an
aggression, starting the inflammatory re-
There are pro-inflammatory cytokines
and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
At least 33 interleukins are now known.
– Th1 lymphocytes produce pro-in-
flammatory interleukins IL-1α, IL-1β,
IL-2, IL-6, etc.
– Th2 lymphocytes produce anti-in-
flammatory interleukins IL-4, IL-10, etc.
The complex process of inflammation
is regulated partly by the balance be-
tween Th1/Th2 lymphocytes (8-11).
Inflammation is a physiological process
in response to tissue aggression.
The injury causes the release of phos-
pholipids (PL) of the cellular membrane;
PL are transformed by the action of the
enzyme phospholipase A2 into arachi-
donic acid (AA).
The AA, in the presence of the enzymes
cyclooxygenases (COXs), produces
prostaglandins (PGs).
The PGs excite the nerve endings (no-
ciceptors) triggering the sensation of
pain and starting the inflammatory
process where at the site of injury oth-
er mediators are released, such as
bradykinin, histamine, nitric oxide,
interleukins, etc.
– So far it has been demostrated differ-
ent ways starting from the transforma-
tion of the AA:
1 - The way of the 5-lipoxygenase to the
leukotrienes (LT), which are ex-
tremely smooth muscle constrictors
and participate in the processes of
the chronic inflammation, increas-
ing vascular permeability and favor-
ing the edema of the, affected area.
– Low dose aspirin is a specific in-
hibitor of this pathway, while avoid-
ing the action of thromboxanes.
2 - The way of COX-1 (present in the tis-
sues) to PGs E2, with the result of
stimulating pain receptors.
Must be noted that there exists cy-
toprotective PGs mainly preserving
the stomach and kidney functions.
– Here the NSAIDs, are inhibitors of
this way at pharmachological doses,
but do not inhibit the lipoxygenase
pathway and therefore do not elim-
inate, the formation of leukotrienes.
3- The way of COX-2 to PGs (does not
exist in physiological conditions),
mainly related to inflammation.
– Here the conventional NSAIDs are
inhibitors of this pathway when us-
ing high doses or if we use the se-
lective COX-2 inhibitors such as
nimesulide, celecoxib at pharma-
chological doses, which are low
compared to other NSAIDs (12,13).
4 - The way of COX-3 (present only in
the brain and in the heart) involved
with PGs related with fever.
– Here paracetamol has shown spe-
cific inhibition of this pathway
(14,15) (FIG. 1).
5 - There is the inhibition of PGs start-
ing from blocking the phospholi-
– Here steroids have shown thera-
peutic effectiveness.
6 - Interleukins besides activating COX 2,
stimulate nitric oxide (NO) synthase
enzyme (FIG. 2), increasing the NO
levels starting from the L-arginine
acting as a free radical, as a pro-
inflammatory element of short-term
and local action.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 38
– Here salicylates reduce the NO lev-
In all these cases we cannot fail to men-
tion the side effects of the convention-
al medicines listed above.
We note the following: IL-1α, IL-1β are
the main factors triggering the inflam-
mation by activating COX-2, PGsE2,
and NO, which are responsable for pro-
voking irritation of nociceptors.
– An anti-inflammatory effect from the
physiological point of view is induced
by the use of Anti-interleukins with oth-
er elements that sinergically achieve ex-
cellent results in the control of inflam-
mation (FIG. 3).
On the other hand, a decrease in β-en-
dorphin is one of the factors that main-
tain neuropathic pain for a prolonged
period in a chronic form.
Finally we can define that when there
is a neuronal irritation at the nocicep-
tor level, the clinical expression is In-
flammation. Pro inflammatory inter-
leukins here are the most important fac-
tors in their evolution, instead of a neu-
ronal irritation in CNS; the disturbance
is at the synaptic level, and is modulat-
ed largerly by the levels of glutamate,
excitatory neurotransmitter, and by β-
endorphin with high analgesic power
where the latter plays an important role
in its control.
In this case the clinical manifestation
is pain (neuropathic).
– Lastly irritation at the cortical level re-
sults clinically as convulsions.
The clinical expression is different, de-
pending on the location in the CNS
where the neural irritation occurs (FIG. 4).
One of the Principles of Physiological
Regulating Medicine (PRM) is to provide
low-dose formulations, intended to avoid
the unwanted side effects usually pro-
duced by the conventional drugs.
Low dose medicine (PRM) are created
mainly with substances from plant,
animal and/or mineral origin and can be
prepared in two main dilutions: Decimal
(X) and Centesimal (C).
The first, when a part of the MotherTinc-
ture (TM) is diluted in 9 parts (total 10
parts); on the other hand in the second
one when a part of the Mother Tincture
is diluted in 99 parts (total 100 parts), re-
peating the procedure until the desired
dilution is obtained, 1X, 2X…or 1C, 2C,
3C, 4C…..and are classified as: Low Di-
lution, between 2X – 8X (10-2
) or 1C
Cell membrane
Gastric mucosal
Nitric oxide
+ Activation
NSAIDs Ararachidonic Acid
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 39
– 4C, Intermediate Dilution between 9X
– 23X (10-9
) or 5C -11C, and High
Dilution above 24X or 12C (>10-24
In the first two dilutions (low and inter-
mediate) active molecules are present,
on the contrary in the high dilution
there are no active molecules, for ex-
ceeding the Number of Avogadro.
– Ultimately to be therapeutically effec-
tive dilutions must be complemented
with a dynamic process (SKA = Sequen-
tial Kinetic Activation), consisting in vig-
orous shaking and giving special charac-
teristic to these formulations (16,17).
As regards PGsE2, thromboxanes and
leukotrienes are considered as an “hor-
monal” group more, as such they act lo-
cally, but sometimes act on distant tis-
sues, all of them are involved in many
physiological processes, such as the in-
flammation at concentrations correspon-
ding between 10-9
– 10-12
g (9X-12X or
C4-C6) respectively, which are the dilu-
tions most used in Physiological Regulat-
ing Medicine formulations.
Other studies have shown that low dos-
es interact at the cell nucleus level, while
the effect of high concentrations is most-
ly at the cytoplasmatic level (18).
Physiological Regulating Medicine has
really filled a gap and allowed to settle
two main problems controlling the in-
flammation and pain, despite the exis-
tence of NSAIDs for more than a cen-
tury, with a biological approach, re-
specting the physiological processes
without the risk of unwanted strong side
effects associated with the conventional
It is well known that the release of me-
diators direct of hyperalgesia is second-
ary to the release of interleukins in the
process of inflammation, particularly IL-
1α, IL-1β, responsible for the nocicep-
tors “irritation” through PGs.
Likewise, bradykinin may contribute to
further release of cytokines (inter-
leukins) apparently mediated by TNFα.
NSAIDs have the intention either of
blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase
(COX-1) or selectively (COX 2), such as
celecoxib; on the other hand nimesulide
inhibits the release of TNFα.
In all cases the anti-inflammatory effect
is achieved by reduction of PGs (12, 13).
Corticosteroids reduce PGs by stimula-
tion of lipocortin. Lipocortin blocks the
activity of phospholipase A2 inhibiting
the release of PGs by decreasing of the
enzyme cyclooxygenase.
On the other hand, salycilates decrease
levels of cytokines by inhibiting the en-
zyme NO synthase, with which lowers
the levels of NO starting from L-argi-
Additionally, the proposed drugs for
neuropathic pain have tendencially
been tipped for the use of antiepilectic
drugs, antidepressant and others with
the intention of relieving pain by acting
on the CNS at the synaptic level, espe-
cially associated with diabetic neuropa-
thy and fibromyalgia (19, 20). This type
of pain is modulated largely by the lev-
els of neurotransmitters glutamate (exci-
tatory) and β-endorphin (inhibitory),
which own a high analgesic power.
As noted above, we can achieve an an-
ti-inflammatory effect starting from the
utilization of Anti-Interleukins pro-in-
flammatory (Anti-IL-1 and y β), in phys-
iological doses, with the intention of de-
creasing COX-2 levels without the ad-
verse effects of NSAIDs.
With this background we can better un-
derstand the objectives of Physiological
Regulating Medicine, with 11 injectable
ampoules and others oral, to control in-
flammation and pain.
The formulations contain also: Anti-in-
terleukin 1 (Anti IL-1 α and β) and β-
endorphin, with the intention to act at
the physiological level and in the com-
plex process of inflammation and pain.
The 11 PRM injectable products are:
-Neck, Guna®
-Thoracic, Guna®
Lumbar, Guna®
-Shoulder (Shoulder
and elbow), Guna®
-Hip, Guna®
-HandFoot, Guna®
-Ischial, Gu-
-Polyarthritis, Guna®
-Muscle, and
-Neural, of which 10 contain β-
endorphin 4C [equivalent to nanograms
(ng)]. Nine products of these contain
Anti IL-1 α and β 4 C [equivalent to
nanograms (ng)], which ascribe an anal-
gesic and anti-inflammatory effect at the
physiological level without the side ef-
fects of medications known (FIG. 5) (21).
Excellent results are obtained in:
bursitis, epicondylitis, fibromyalgia, os-
teoarthritis of the hip and knee, sacroili-
itis, cervical pain, thoracic pain, low
back pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.
The powerful anti-inflammatory effect
of these products is namely due to sev-
eral factors.
The Anti Il-1α and β low dose inhibit
COX-2, PGs and nitric oxide (NO), ob-
taining the same result of NSAIDs,
steroids and salicylate, respectively, with-
out contraindications or side effects (8).
For over a century medicine doctors
have fought for the noble task of reliev-
ing pain; in this work doctors set out the
worthy results of a Group of scientists
and researchers who have come to-
gether in Italy and brouhgt new ideas
in the control of pain and inflammation,
resulting in an innovative concept
(Physiological Regulating Medicine),
with the same objective to contribute in
the hope of every person to be free of
pain without unwanted side effects.
10 out of 11 contain
β endorphin
9 out of 11 contain
Anti-IL 1α, and Anti-IL 1β
FIG. 5
Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 40
– We hope, this is an encouraging start
for the medical community to have
a new method in the relentless battle
against the evil that is inflammation and
pain. í
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17. Ricottini, L.: From homeopathy to physiological
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18. Stumpf, W.E.: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods.
2005; 51:1;25. (in 8-Milani, L.).
author’s address
Dr. Luis A.Urgelles, MD, PhD.
Specialist in Neurology and Neuro-
– President of the American Institute
of Bioregulating Medicine (AIBM)
Miami, Florida, USA.
19. Kuritzky, L. and G. Samraj: Current treatments
in the management of diabetic peripheral neu-
ropathic pain. Pain Medicine News. 2007: 5
20. Gupta, K.: Prevalence, diagnosis and manage-
ment of fibromyalgia. Medicine News 2007: 5:
21. Milani, L.: Pain Management. Guna Injectable
Ampoules. Guna S.p.a., Italy, 2007.
22. Urgelles, L.A.: Medicina Fisiológica de Regula-
ción en el manejo del Dolor. 3er. Tour Mexico.
23. Milani, L.: Homeomesotherapy for pain mana-
gement in primary chronic coxarthrosis with a
homeopathic injectable formulation. Physiologi-
cal Regulating Medicine.2006: 1: 9-18.
24. Milani, L.: Innovative treatment concepts in Trau-
matology, Fibromyalgia, Pain and Sport Medi-
cine with PRM. Syllabus. 3rd USA National Tour.
November 2007.
Suggested readings:
www.  Pysiological Regulating Me-
dicine for the following articles:
1. Milani, L.: Homeomesotherapy for pain mana-
gement in primary chronic coxarthrosis with a
homeopatic injectable formulation. Physiologi-
cal Regulating Medicine. 2006: 1; 9-18.
2. Milani, L.: Inflammation and Physiological Re-
gulating Medicine- New ideas and innovative
medical products. Physiological Regulating Me-
dicine. 2007: 1; 19-27.
3. Milani, L.: PRM homeomesotherapy and myo-
fascial triggers: a victorious combination. Dia-
gnosis, clinic, therapy. Physiological Regulating
Medicine. 2008: 1; 19-27.
4. Hermann G.F. et Al: Pain management in cervi-
cal chronic myofascial trigger points: PRM ho-
meomesotherapy vs. conventional mesotherapy
- Results of a cohort, controlled clinical trial.
Physiological Regulating Medicine. 2008: 1; 3-
5. Ruocco A. et Al: PRM mesotherapy vs conven-
tional mesotherapy in chronic lumbago and lum-
bosciatica - related pain control. Results of two
cohort, controlled clinical trials. Physiological
Regulating Medicine. 2009: 1; 23-30.
Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 41
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Inflamación: nuevas evaluaciones

  • 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE 2011 INFLAMMATION - NEW TRENDS IN ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL AT THE PHYSIOLOGICAL LEVEL SUMMARY L. A. Urgelles INTRODUCTION The word inflammation derives from Latin “inflammare” (to light a fire). It is a process where the body fights against an “irritant agent” at the level of receptors (nociceptors), and it essen- tially characterized by: pain, swelling, heat, redness, and loss of functions. Nociceptors are sensitive receptors to damage; they act as transducers and conduct nerve impulses to the Central Nervous System (CNS) through small A- delta fibers (myelinated, fast) for acute pain, and c fibers (slow, unmyelinated) for chronic pain. When a tissue is damaged, its cells release various substances that cause blood vessels dilatation, and therefore greater blood supply to the triggered area. Furthermore, in the affected tissues, the inflammatory exudate increases capil- lary permeability, leukocyte migration, the presence of cytokines and other local processes that excite and “irri- tate” the nerve endings, making the physiological functioning of the area blocked. – All this, within the so-called arachi- donic acid cascade. The inflammatory response occurs with a defending goal in order to iso- late and destroy the damaging agent, as well as repairing the tissue of the damaged tissue/organ; when the inflammation is chronic it occurs a local tissue destruction, and therefore it is difficult to restore the lost func- tions. Inflammation can be short term in association with physiological pain, but when kept beyond expectations should be considered chronic, and it is the result of a longer neuron irritation at the receptors level, with periods of greater or less intensity. – In this situation, it is higly recom- mended an effective treatment, avoid- ing side effects. – This paper discusses the importance of clinical control of inflammation with specific low dose formulations (S.K.A.) and for different anatomical areas, for- mulated with the intention to restore optimal physiological states avoiding undesirable side effects, according to the Principles of the Physiological Regulating Medicine (PRM). PAIN We have previously pointed out that pain is a complex process; it can be classified into four categories, namely: 1) Physiological pain, related to the preservation of life, associated with a short-term inflammation level. Pain is a complex process and can be classified into four categories namely: 1) Physiological pain, related to the preservation of life, associated with a short-term inflammation level. 2) Nociceptive pain, related to the long- lasting inflammation; it is usually chronic. 3) Neuropathic pain, usually chronic, results from damage, compression or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves or neural loops in the CNS. Inflammation is usually associated with pain, but it can be pain without inflam- mation, such as the neuropathic pain. 4) Mixed pain in which various factors are involved. The best example is the pain associated with cancer, which is chronic, permanent and difficult to con- trol for which the use of analgesics is frequently combined with opioids. Interleukins are the primary means of in- tercellular communication against an aggression starting the inflammatory re- sponse. Physiological Regulating Medicine has really filled a gap and allowed to settle two main problems controlling the in- flammation and pain, despite the exis- tence of NSAIDs for more than a centu- ry, with a biological approach, respect- ing the physiological processes without the risk of unwanted strong side effects associated with the conventional medi- cines already known. The 11 products are: Guna® -Neck, Gu- na® -Thoracic, Guna® -Lumbar, Guna® - Shoulder (shoulder and elbow), Guna® - Hip, Guna® -Knee, Guna® -HandFoot, Gu- na® -Ischial, Guna® -Polyarthritis, Guna® - Muscle, and Guna® -Neural, of which 10 contain β-endorphin 4C [equivalent to nanograms (ng)]. Nine products of these contain Anti IL- 1 α and β 4 C [equivalent to nanograms (ng)], which ascribe an analgesic and an- ti-inflammatory effect at the physiolog- ical level without the side effects of medications known. Excellent results are obteined for: bur- sitis, epicondylitis, fibromyalgia, os- teoarthritis of the hip and knee, sacroili- itis, cervical pain, thoracic pain, low back pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc. PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE, PAIN, INFLAMMATION, NERVE IRRITATION, CYCLOOXYGENASES, INTERLEUKINS, β-ENDORPHIN, INJECTABLE AMPOULES KEY WORDS 37 CLINICAL Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 37
  • 2. 38 PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE 2011 2) Nociceptive pain, related to the long-lasting inflammation; it is usually chronic. 3) Neuropathic pain, usually chronic, resulting from damage, compression or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves or neuronal loops in the CNS. Inflammation is usually associated with pain, but can be pain without inflamma- tion, such as the neuropathic pain. 4) Mixed pain in which various factors are involved. The best example is the pain associat- ed with cancer, which is chronic, per- manent and difficult to control for which the use of analgesics is fre- quently combined with opioids (1-7). In this work we will discuss matters related to inflammation. CYTOKINES IN INFLAMMATION Cytokines are polypeptides mainly pro- duced by activated lymphocytes and macrophages, but can also be produced by elements of the connective tissue. According to the cells that produce them, they take their name: lym- phokines, monokines, interleukins. Interleukins are cytokines; the name comes from Greek language leukós (white) and kinè (movement). – Interleukins act as chemical messen- gers within short distance. Their main functions is to regulate the events concerning within the Immune System functions and the mechanism of inflammation. Interleukins are the primary means of intercellular communication against an aggression, starting the inflammatory re- sponse. There are pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines. At least 33 interleukins are now known. – Th1 lymphocytes produce pro-in- flammatory interleukins IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, etc. – Th2 lymphocytes produce anti-in- flammatory interleukins IL-4, IL-10, etc. The complex process of inflammation is regulated partly by the balance be- tween Th1/Th2 lymphocytes (8-11). Inflammation is a physiological process in response to tissue aggression. The injury causes the release of phos- pholipids (PL) of the cellular membrane; PL are transformed by the action of the enzyme phospholipase A2 into arachi- donic acid (AA). The AA, in the presence of the enzymes cyclooxygenases (COXs), produces prostaglandins (PGs). The PGs excite the nerve endings (no- ciceptors) triggering the sensation of pain and starting the inflammatory process where at the site of injury oth- er mediators are released, such as bradykinin, histamine, nitric oxide, interleukins, etc. – So far it has been demostrated differ- ent ways starting from the transforma- tion of the AA: 1 - The way of the 5-lipoxygenase to the leukotrienes (LT), which are ex- tremely smooth muscle constrictors and participate in the processes of the chronic inflammation, increas- ing vascular permeability and favor- ing the edema of the, affected area. – Low dose aspirin is a specific in- hibitor of this pathway, while avoid- ing the action of thromboxanes. 2 - The way of COX-1 (present in the tis- sues) to PGs E2, with the result of stimulating pain receptors. Must be noted that there exists cy- toprotective PGs mainly preserving the stomach and kidney functions. – Here the NSAIDs, are inhibitors of this way at pharmachological doses, but do not inhibit the lipoxygenase pathway and therefore do not elim- inate, the formation of leukotrienes. 3- The way of COX-2 to PGs (does not exist in physiological conditions), mainly related to inflammation. – Here the conventional NSAIDs are inhibitors of this pathway when us- ing high doses or if we use the se- lective COX-2 inhibitors such as nimesulide, celecoxib at pharma- chological doses, which are low compared to other NSAIDs (12,13). 4 - The way of COX-3 (present only in the brain and in the heart) involved with PGs related with fever. – Here paracetamol has shown spe- cific inhibition of this pathway (14,15) (FIG. 1). 5 - There is the inhibition of PGs start- ing from blocking the phospholi- pase. – Here steroids have shown thera- peutic effectiveness. 6 - Interleukins besides activating COX 2, stimulate nitric oxide (NO) synthase enzyme (FIG. 2), increasing the NO levels starting from the L-arginine acting as a free radical, as a pro- inflammatory element of short-term and local action. COX-1 COX-2 COX-3 TISSUES AA ARACHIDONIC ACID BRAIN HEART FIG. 1 COX-2 PGs-E2 NO ACTIVATE IL-1α,β FIG. 2 Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 38
  • 3. 39 PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE 2011 – Here salicylates reduce the NO lev- els. In all these cases we cannot fail to men- tion the side effects of the convention- al medicines listed above. We note the following: IL-1α, IL-1β are the main factors triggering the inflam- mation by activating COX-2, PGsE2, and NO, which are responsable for pro- voking irritation of nociceptors. – An anti-inflammatory effect from the physiological point of view is induced by the use of Anti-interleukins with oth- er elements that sinergically achieve ex- cellent results in the control of inflam- mation (FIG. 3). On the other hand, a decrease in β-en- dorphin is one of the factors that main- tain neuropathic pain for a prolonged period in a chronic form. Finally we can define that when there is a neuronal irritation at the nocicep- tor level, the clinical expression is In- flammation. Pro inflammatory inter- leukins here are the most important fac- tors in their evolution, instead of a neu- ronal irritation in CNS; the disturbance is at the synaptic level, and is modulat- ed largerly by the levels of glutamate, excitatory neurotransmitter, and by β- endorphin with high analgesic power where the latter plays an important role in its control. In this case the clinical manifestation is pain (neuropathic). – Lastly irritation at the cortical level re- sults clinically as convulsions. The clinical expression is different, de- pending on the location in the CNS where the neural irritation occurs (FIG. 4). USE OF LOW DOSES FROM THE ORIGINAL SUBSTANCE One of the Principles of Physiological Regulating Medicine (PRM) is to provide low-dose formulations, intended to avoid the unwanted side effects usually pro- duced by the conventional drugs. Low dose medicine (PRM) are created mainly with substances from plant, animal and/or mineral origin and can be prepared in two main dilutions: Decimal (X) and Centesimal (C). The first, when a part of the MotherTinc- ture (TM) is diluted in 9 parts (total 10 parts); on the other hand in the second one when a part of the Mother Tincture is diluted in 99 parts (total 100 parts), re- peating the procedure until the desired dilution is obtained, 1X, 2X…or 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C…..and are classified as: Low Di- lution, between 2X – 8X (10-2 -10-8 ) or 1C PROSTAGLANDINS Cell membrane Pain Inflammation + PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 - STEROIDS INFLAMMATORY STIMULATION COX-1 Costitutive Stomach Kidney Gastric mucosal protection Calor Rubor Tumor CITOKINES ANTI INTERLEUKIN 1 NO Nitric oxide synthase - - + Activation Nerve ending Nerve ending Blood capillars COX-2 Inducible Physiological undetectable conditions NSAIDs (Coxib) NSAIDs Ararachidonic Acid FIG. 3 FIG. 4 Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 39
  • 4. 40 PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE 2011 – 4C, Intermediate Dilution between 9X – 23X (10-9 -10-23 ) or 5C -11C, and High Dilution above 24X or 12C (>10-24 ). In the first two dilutions (low and inter- mediate) active molecules are present, on the contrary in the high dilution there are no active molecules, for ex- ceeding the Number of Avogadro. – Ultimately to be therapeutically effec- tive dilutions must be complemented with a dynamic process (SKA = Sequen- tial Kinetic Activation), consisting in vig- orous shaking and giving special charac- teristic to these formulations (16,17). As regards PGsE2, thromboxanes and leukotrienes are considered as an “hor- monal” group more, as such they act lo- cally, but sometimes act on distant tis- sues, all of them are involved in many physiological processes, such as the in- flammation at concentrations correspon- ding between 10-9 – 10-12 g (9X-12X or C4-C6) respectively, which are the dilu- tions most used in Physiological Regulat- ing Medicine formulations. Other studies have shown that low dos- es interact at the cell nucleus level, while the effect of high concentrations is most- ly at the cytoplasmatic level (18). CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Physiological Regulating Medicine has really filled a gap and allowed to settle two main problems controlling the in- flammation and pain, despite the exis- tence of NSAIDs for more than a cen- tury, with a biological approach, re- specting the physiological processes without the risk of unwanted strong side effects associated with the conventional medicines. It is well known that the release of me- diators direct of hyperalgesia is second- ary to the release of interleukins in the process of inflammation, particularly IL- 1α, IL-1β, responsible for the nocicep- tors “irritation” through PGs. Likewise, bradykinin may contribute to further release of cytokines (inter- leukins) apparently mediated by TNFα. NSAIDs have the intention either of blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX-1) or selectively (COX 2), such as celecoxib; on the other hand nimesulide inhibits the release of TNFα. In all cases the anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by reduction of PGs (12, 13). Corticosteroids reduce PGs by stimula- tion of lipocortin. Lipocortin blocks the activity of phospholipase A2 inhibiting the release of PGs by decreasing of the enzyme cyclooxygenase. On the other hand, salycilates decrease levels of cytokines by inhibiting the en- zyme NO synthase, with which lowers the levels of NO starting from L-argi- nine. Additionally, the proposed drugs for neuropathic pain have tendencially been tipped for the use of antiepilectic drugs, antidepressant and others with the intention of relieving pain by acting on the CNS at the synaptic level, espe- cially associated with diabetic neuropa- thy and fibromyalgia (19, 20). This type of pain is modulated largely by the lev- els of neurotransmitters glutamate (exci- tatory) and β-endorphin (inhibitory), which own a high analgesic power. As noted above, we can achieve an an- ti-inflammatory effect starting from the utilization of Anti-Interleukins pro-in- flammatory (Anti-IL-1 and y β), in phys- iological doses, with the intention of de- creasing COX-2 levels without the ad- verse effects of NSAIDs. With this background we can better un- derstand the objectives of Physiological Regulating Medicine, with 11 injectable ampoules and others oral, to control in- flammation and pain. The formulations contain also: Anti-in- terleukin 1 (Anti IL-1 α and β) and β- endorphin, with the intention to act at the physiological level and in the com- plex process of inflammation and pain. The 11 PRM injectable products are: Guna® -Neck, Guna® -Thoracic, Guna® - Lumbar, Guna® -Shoulder (Shoulder and elbow), Guna® -Hip, Guna® -Knee, Guna® -HandFoot, Guna® -Ischial, Gu- na® -Polyarthritis, Guna® -Muscle, and Guna® -Neural, of which 10 contain β- endorphin 4C [equivalent to nanograms (ng)]. Nine products of these contain Anti IL-1 α and β 4 C [equivalent to nanograms (ng)], which ascribe an anal- gesic and anti-inflammatory effect at the physiological level without the side ef- fects of medications known (FIG. 5) (21). Excellent results are obtained in: bursitis, epicondylitis, fibromyalgia, os- teoarthritis of the hip and knee, sacroili- itis, cervical pain, thoracic pain, low back pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc. (22,23,24). The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of these products is namely due to sev- eral factors. The Anti Il-1α and β low dose inhibit COX-2, PGs and nitric oxide (NO), ob- taining the same result of NSAIDs, steroids and salicylate, respectively, with- out contraindications or side effects (8). For over a century medicine doctors have fought for the noble task of reliev- ing pain; in this work doctors set out the worthy results of a Group of scientists and researchers who have come to- gether in Italy and brouhgt new ideas in the control of pain and inflammation, resulting in an innovative concept (Physiological Regulating Medicine), with the same objective to contribute in the hope of every person to be free of pain without unwanted side effects. THE 11 PRM INJECTABLE LOW DOSE PRODUCTS FOR THE PAIN CONTROL 10 out of 11 contain β endorphin 9 out of 11 contain Anti-IL 1α, and Anti-IL 1β FIG. 5 Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 40
  • 5. 41 PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATING MEDICINE 2011 – We hope, this is an encouraging start for the medical community to have a new method in the relentless battle against the evil that is inflammation and pain. í Bibliography 1. Urgelles, L.A.: Dolor nociceptivo vs. neuropáti- co: Medicina Fisiológica de Regulación (FMR) Nuevo enfoque para su control. Rev. Mexicana de Algología. 2008: 5: 10 :17-22. 2. Urgelles, L.A.: Nociceptive Pain vs. Neuropathic Pain - A new classification for Pain Control. Physiological Regulating Medicine, Italy. 2008: 1; 39-42. 3. Urgelles, L.A.: La clínica del dolor en oncolo- gía: un objetivo inmediato. Rev. Cub. Oncol. 1989: 5; 1-2: 51-64. 4. Urgelles. L.A.: Dolor y Cáncer. Rev. Selecta Mé- dica. Colombia, 1998: 9: 3: 25-26. 5. Ventafridda, V, et al.: A validation study of the WHO method for cancer pain relief. Cancer 1987: 59 ;851-856. 6. Ventafridda, V.: Continuing care: a major issue in cancer pain management. Pain. 1989: 36:137-143. 7. Russell, K.P.: Three-step analgesic for mana- gement of cancer pain. Medicine News. 2007: 5: 6: 81-91. 8. Milani, L.: Inflammation and Physiological Re- gulating Medicine: New ideas and innovative medical products. PRM, 1. 2007; 19-27. 9. Lester, A.D.: Chemokines-chemotactic molecu- les that mediate inflamation. Journal of Medici- ne. New England.1998: 338: 436-445. (in 8-Mi- lani, L.) 10. Bianchi, I.: Th1/Th2 balance diluted and poten- tized cytokines; the role of physiological regu- lating medicine in immunoregulation. Loyola University. Chicago. USA. Nov. 2007. 11. Brynskov, J. et al.: Increased concentrations of interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-2 and soluble in- terlaukin-2 receptor in endoscopical mucosal biopsy specimens with active inflamatory bowel disease. Gut. 1992: 33:1:55-58. 12. Urgelles, L.A.: Nimesulida: nuevo AINE en el ali- vio del dolor asociado al cáncer /Nimesulide: a new NSAIDs asociate in the mitigation of can- cer pain. Clín. Méd. H.C.C.Venezuela. 1996. 1:2 :78-82. 13. Urgelles, L.A, and L.F. Cifuentes: Celebrex (ce- lecoxib). Analgésico del milenio. J. Clínica en Odontología. Venezulea. 2002; 17(2)105-109. 14. Chandrasekharan, N.V. et. al.: COX-3, a cyclooxygenase-1 variant inhibited by acetami- nophen and other analgesic/antipyretic drugs: cloning, structure, and expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2002: 99 (21):13926-31. 15. Botting, R.: COX-1 and COX-3 inhibitors.Throm- bosis Research.2003:110:5-6: 269-272. 16. Linde, L. et. al.: Are the clinical effects of ho- meopathy placebo effect?. a meta-analysis of placebo controlled trials. Lancet. 1997: 350:834- 843. (in 17-Ricottini, L) 17. Ricottini, L.: From homeopathy to physiological regulating medicine: highlights. Physiological Regulating Medicine, Italy. 2008: 1; 31-35. 18. Stumpf, W.E.: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods. 2005; 51:1;25. (in 8-Milani, L.). author’s address Dr. Luis A.Urgelles, MD, PhD. Specialist in Neurology and Neuro- physology – President of the American Institute of Bioregulating Medicine (AIBM) Miami, Florida, USA. 19. Kuritzky, L. and G. Samraj: Current treatments in the management of diabetic peripheral neu- ropathic pain. Pain Medicine News. 2007: 5 :6:11-20. 20. Gupta, K.: Prevalence, diagnosis and manage- ment of fibromyalgia. Medicine News 2007: 5: 6:32-36. 21. Milani, L.: Pain Management. Guna Injectable Ampoules. Guna S.p.a., Italy, 2007. 22. Urgelles, L.A.: Medicina Fisiológica de Regula- ción en el manejo del Dolor. 3er. Tour Mexico. 2008. 23. Milani, L.: Homeomesotherapy for pain mana- gement in primary chronic coxarthrosis with a homeopathic injectable formulation. Physiologi- cal Regulating Medicine.2006: 1: 9-18. 24. Milani, L.: Innovative treatment concepts in Trau- matology, Fibromyalgia, Pain and Sport Medi- cine with PRM. Syllabus. 3rd USA National Tour. November 2007. Suggested readings: www.  Pysiological Regulating Me- dicine for the following articles: 1. Milani, L.: Homeomesotherapy for pain mana- gement in primary chronic coxarthrosis with a homeopatic injectable formulation. Physiologi- cal Regulating Medicine. 2006: 1; 9-18. 2. Milani, L.: Inflammation and Physiological Re- gulating Medicine- New ideas and innovative medical products. Physiological Regulating Me- dicine. 2007: 1; 19-27. 3. Milani, L.: PRM homeomesotherapy and myo- fascial triggers: a victorious combination. Dia- gnosis, clinic, therapy. Physiological Regulating Medicine. 2008: 1; 19-27. 4. Hermann G.F. et Al: Pain management in cervi- cal chronic myofascial trigger points: PRM ho- meomesotherapy vs. conventional mesotherapy - Results of a cohort, controlled clinical trial. Physiological Regulating Medicine. 2008: 1; 3- 10. 5. Ruocco A. et Al: PRM mesotherapy vs conven- tional mesotherapy in chronic lumbago and lum- bosciatica - related pain control. Results of two cohort, controlled clinical trials. Physiological Regulating Medicine. 2009: 1; 23-30. Urgelles-A:Art. Del Giudice 15/12/11 09.27 Pagina 41
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