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In my past life's?
In my dreams we are practicing polygamy with many
husband. The fathers of my Royal children are Dr Shaun
Water, his father Walt Water, Dr Ray Ray, the Wilson
fathers like Dr Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack Senior,
Michael Senior, Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen,
Michael Junior, Edward, Captain George, some other
men, Peter Hanson, Dr Campbell the camp boss, are
Dr Shaun Water his father Walt Water Dr Ray Ray, the
Wilson family like Dr Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack
Senior, Michael Senior, Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior,
Stephen, Michael Junior, Edward, Captain George,
some other men, Peter Hanson, Dr Campbell who has
given me blood is how I got my magic powers from all
who had given me blood too. Dr Shaun Water his father
Walt Water Dr Ray Ray, the Wilson family like Dr
Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack Senior, Michael Senior, Dr
Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen, Michael Junior,
Edward, Captain George, some other men, Peter
Hanson, Dr Campbell all have magic powers to like our
children too have magic powers at birth. Dr Ray Ray is
black, his father Ernie is white. Dr Ray Ray his father
Ernie, cousins are Michael Junior Dr Charlie, Dr Jack
Junior, Stephen, their father is Jack Senior, their
grandfather is Michael Senior, their uncles are Albert,
Ernie, Edward, Captain George too are all half-fish,
half-bat, half-human too. Gloria is looking after some of
the Royal children. Henry is one of our many children
because we have around 4000 children and we have
more pride and joys like baby Jesus was reborn to the
earth with Ernie Jack and Dr Charlie some of the names
in my dream story.
Book Two
Page One
That has always provided more special features that any
other could provided in school to help the children in
the school. The children could learn to weight and
measures in the classroom all together in school time.
They could learn to add in math in class. It will help
them to contains ever more than before in school. Jack
and I could learn to weight and measure in the
classroom all together in the school at the time we in
were in school. We could be proud of us learning in
school. It will help in our day life and in our work
place. We are proud of our children for going to school
to better in learning to get good in school. The children
are happy to go to school all the time. Jack and I are
happy we are learning in school to be a better parent to
our children so we could help they better at home when
we could help them at home to help them with their
school work.
Page two
I time with Ernie and our children for two weeks the
first Charlie stay at Ernie house too see had Ernie I got a
long together it went good. The next time Ernie and I
spent time with Ernie on my own for two weeks. We
had fun with the children and we did not have sex
because we knew Jack would be upset at us for having
sex. The next time we spent two weeks together. We
want to see Dr Ray Ray his brothers sisters and my
children with Dr Ray Ray his brothers and his sisters
had fun with them for the two weeks. The next two
Ernie and I spent time together we spent time with our
pride and joys for the two weeks it was fun to see the
pride and joys together for the first time in years. Their
said it is nice to see you again we miss you Denise
please come back in two more weeks to spent the time
with us all and Ernie is happy went you go over to see
him at his place.
Page Three
Ernie said of Denise die I my family Charlie you your
family and the other children Denise had with other
men like Dr Shaun and he would die too. Charlie,
Ernie, Dr Ray Ray, and Dr Campbell tried to stop me
from turning to a half-fish like Jack. It did not work I
still turned into half-fish like Jack. Jack was happy I
look like him and our children. I was pregnant once
more time with Jack baby but no one knew it at the
time. Ernie want to have sex with me put he do not
have sex with me because I look like half-fish not
human. Charlie, Ernie my family tried to keep me at
their home no to go to Jack home because they do not
like what Jack done to me. My mother tied me up like a
dog so I could not get away to see Jack. I had seen Jack
when I get away from all of them to see Jack and our
children. Jack went to jail because his son Charlie put
he in jail for a little time. When other wanted his entire
thing. I said no it is Jack thing and our children home
so they are the people who the thing should go to the
children when their father come home he will want his
thing in the some place was he left them in the house.
Jack and I get back together once again put I do not
think like he made me think before he when to jail. I
still love Jack no one but you Jack. I could not be with
Jack my husband and our children.
Page Four
I seen my son Henry at the Jefferson family home
when my son Henry said his mother and I said his my
son I married to his father his name is Jack. We have
been married for more then 40 years. We had around
60 children and we love them all the same way. My
son said what are you eating meat because you father
and us our children do not eat meat at all the time I
said I know we eat meat once in a blue moon. Some I
know came into the Jefferson place. When someone
said there are two women in love each our and they
want to get married by law but the their could not get
married by law. The one woman was taking her our
thing out of the place because she was running away to
be with her girlfriend. I said I have to go with my son
Henry to go home at 4:00,PM or around 6:00,PM to be
with my husband and our other children. We get home
at 6:30,PM we went to bed at 8:00,PM with Jack and
out children went to bed at the same time at 8:00,PM
and we all fell to sleep.
Page Five
I started to love only him not one but Jack my husband.
We love to be together with our children their love us
too and they started to work around the house once in a
blue moon. Charlie came to visit us to see us once a
week to see of we need help with his brother and sister.
We said yes you could help us so we could go out on a
date once each week of you help us we will look after
our children and Jack grandchildren went you need help
with the children. Jack and I went out on our weekly
date Charlie stays with his brother and sister for around
two hours when we were not home. It nice to go out on
the date with Jack and its nice for Charlie help us with
all of the children. We stay with my and Charlie
children so he could go out with his wife on they first
date in years. It nice to see my children and my husband
grandchildren after not seeing them in years. We had fun
with the children a good time with them all at Charlie
his family home and Charlie gone out on his date.
Charlie had fun on his date with his wife. When they
came home around two hour later. We said thank you
for had us over to look after the children once a week
and we what fun with the children. We went home to go
to bed we fell to sleep fast went our hand hit the bed and
our children lot us sleep at night have not go time to see
us all night long.
Page Six
We were hunting reindeer on slipper rocks over
common pet peeve during our date. After the big storm
we consider the future of our relationship and home
because we had a big storm hit our home. We save our
relationship and our home. We get the reindeer we
were hurting for to have was a pet and take it home for
our children to ride on. I feed the pet reindeer myself at
first for the time at first to make them feel good at our
place. Jack helps me feed the reindeer when I could not
feed him or her. The male and female made some
reindeer had baby reindeer so we had more reindeer to
feed them all the time. The children love the reindeer
we get for them all. The male fathers around twenty
baby reindeer in twenty year the female give born to
one baby reindeer each year for twenty years. Their had
ten male reindeer and ten female reindeer all together.
We buy a big farmland for the reindeer to run free to
eat green glass and drink water. The reindeer love the
farm land it was good from them all our children loved
the farm land and love to be running in the grass with
the reindeer.
Page Seven
Ernie came to see me to talk about our children and
how there are doing in school. It was good to know my
children were ok in school I miss seeing them talking to
them at school and Ernie once in a blue moon. Dr Ray
Ray came too see me to talk about our children and how
there are doing ok at school. It was good to seeing them
talking to them at school Dr Ray Ray once in a blue
moon and talking with them with Dr Ray Ray. Dr
Shaun Water came to see me to talk about our children
how there are doing in school. It was nice to talk to Dr
Shaun Water after years. Dr Campbell I talk about our
children how there are doing in school and at home
with their stepmother. The other men I would not talk to
them about our children because they were not around
me when the children were small. Charlie, Jack and I
talk about our children in school. We talk about how
they are doing in school at home at work around our
house. There are good in school all the time.
Page Eight
Jack, me, Charlie, Gloria all of our children went on a
trip to Jack family palace were he was born at it was
good to meet his father mother and all his family in the
palace. Jack and I get remarried in his family palace
with all his family at the wedding. The family was help
Jack find someone who really loves the way he was in
life. I fell in love with Jack family because there fell in
love with me to they love all their grandchildren and
great-grandchildren too. Jack, Charlie, Gloria, and me
ask them to come for a visit to our home when they can
come to visit us all. The children stay for two more
week Jack, Charlie, me, Gloria went home before the
children because we had to go back to work to get the
money to pay for more trips to see the family and to
have money to make should we have food in the home
when the family come to see us all for a little time.
Page Nine
Jack family came to see our palace and stay for around
six month help us in the palace. I went to school to help
my children in their classroom a month. It was good to
help in the classroom. The grandpa and great-grandpa
help the classroom with the children in class. It was
nice for the children to see their father family and their
help from their father family. Jack and I went on a trip
on our own for two week to renew our love once again.
We went to a hotel to send time a long together in
years. We had fun together for the first time in years.
We came home looking good and happy. I visit Dr Ray
Ray in year to get some blood work done in some
years. When Dr Ray Ray it nice to see you Denise we
all miss you. Please came back when you could go
back to see me for more blood work two month ok I
will talk to my husband Jack to tell he you need to have
blood work once in two month and thank you for going
in to see him said Dr Ray Ray.
Page Ten
Dr Charlie, Dr Campbell, saves my life from my
family they tried to put the tubes back in my legs their
did not care because their were making me sick. Dr
Campbell tell Annie to listen to me when I ask her to
stop the drink what come into the house by the tubes in
the wall of the house by the workers who put the drink
in for all the house people live in and pay for it once a
month when they need it. I find myself at Jack place
went Penelope said Jack is more happy seeing other
women one name Oz-lean Dr Charlie mother Eileen
was at Jack place her sister were Leila and Daphne was
staying with my husband Jack at night. I said he is my
husband I love him a let. Jack brothers Cecil, Donald,
Claude, Orin, and uncle Francis with Jack at home for
a visit when Dr Charlie call to said she could stay in
my old bedroom. When Jack said on October 25, I
have to go to the hospital I no feeling good my heart is
hurting or it broken because I lonely I miss my wife. I
went to Jack home to stay save from my family so they
could not hurt me no more. When I see Dr Charlie
mother was cooking for all in the home when I got to
see them all at Jack and my children who I love.
Page Eleven
When I escape from my family Dr Charlie get me to
his house to keep me from my family so they could not
hurt me no now. I fell sleep when Dr Charlie had sex
have me he get catch by his wife Gloria when she I
want a divorce because you are sleeping with your
father wife. When we get married you said you only
making love to me no your ex wife Denise. She tell
Jack I catch my husband making love to your wife but
I think she do not know because she was a sleep in the
bed went he had sex with her. Dr Charlie said my wife
wants a divorce from me. I want to get back with
Denise because you do not want her no more or love
her I love her. Jack said I did love her and I want her
back so we get together on a date to see of we are in
love or not in love. I find out I was pregnant but I do
not know of Dr Charlie or my husband was the father.
Jack started to feel better because he started to be
happy with me and he really loves me. Jack was not
mad at for sleeping with Dr Charlie it was not my
Page Twelve
Once again Ernie our children and me get together
again for two week. I ask them how there are in
school and I love them all the same as my other
children. I tell Ernie of we could get back together I
would come back to you but Jack is my husband. He
think we are married I now we are married Ernie no
Jack and I are not married. I really miss Ernie our
children our pride and joys we had been together in
years. Ernie and I went out to dinner for the first time
in years. When Jack came said you are my wife not
Ernie wife so come home with me at is time or you
will be in the dog house and I said we are only friend
we are talking about our children. Jack said sorry I
made a mistake could understand I made a big
mistake when I came to the restaurant. When I see
you Ernie together it may me upset at first and miss
understanding when I seen you Ernie eating in the
restaurant we come to on our dates each month.
Page Thirteen
I had the baby it looked like Jack so it was Jack son we
name him Cecil after his uncle Cecil he weight six
pound he was healthy. We send message to Jack family
Dr Charlie Denise had the baby it was my son we name
him Cecil after my brother Cecil he weight six pounds
and was healthy. Ernie came to see Jack me to talk to
me about our children pride and joys are doing in life. I
was sleepy to talk to Ernie because I was up all night
with the baby. The baby was sick for two week and it
was hard on us to sleep when the baby is sick. We take
turn staying up with the baby so one could get some
good night sleep. I fell to sleep when Jack said Denise
it ok you get a good night. I will stay up with our son
for the night and of him fells to sleep I will come to bed
with you for the night. When I wake up the baby sleep
all night so Jack and I had a good night sleep for the
first time in days.
Page Fourteen
Jack learn about Ernie and I go on a date it hurt Jack.
When I tell Jack It is till has feeling for Ernie when to
tell Jack that I going to see Ernie in two days for our
monthly visit the judge said I could go for two weeks to
see Ernie at his home and you have to let me to go to
Ernie visit for two weeks. I want to Ernie for the two
weeks we had fun and we enjoy it once again. The
children said mother thank you for going to see father
and us all for two weeks each month. I said we would
see each other in a month for two more weeks. We will
have fun once again in one month I will miss you all see
you in four weeks from today and I love you all the
same way of I do not see you all the time. In four more
weeks we get together for our two weeks visit with
Ernie our children pride and joys we all had fun on our
visit. We went on at trip to see Ernie families in the
family palace were he was born he grow up happy with
Ernie family palace and the visit it was fun we had a
good time.
Page Fifteen
Jack and I went to the rived world when every person
who has on earth reawakens in a world covered in river
two years later the earth was about once again the land
had less water on it. Jack I was happy because we could
swim all time in the water it was good for us and our
children to be in the water all time not on the land. We
find other like us who love being in the water all time
for years. When the water started to go down we knew
we had to go back on the land to live once again. We
had to rebuild our homes and find our family who was
not living in the water with us. We find them all well
and healthy be lucky they survived the land when it was
filled with water for two weeks years. I it nice see you
all survived the time you could not see us and how do
you live went there was no land but only water. They
said we live on boat in the water and we were careful so
we do not hurt the people living in the water.
Page Sixteen
We all rebuild the city we live in build it better then it
was before the earth was fill of water. The people who
survived were happy to be live. I find Dr Charlie his
family they survived the flooding of the earth they all
live on a big boat in the water. I said Jack is so live
your brothers and sisters are live to we miss you all
when the earth was filled with water. We find Ernie,
Dr Ray Ray, Dr Shaun Water, Dr Campbell, all of my
children pride and joys their survived the flood boats
too It is was fun to know they all survived the flooding
of the earth. I was happy to see all of them again I
miss them when the earth was flooded and we live
happy once again because we could see each other
once again. The family did not survive the flooding of
the earth it was good they could not hurt me ever again
like when they were alive. I had all my own money
once again in years.
Page Seventeen
We help rebuild the whole earth once again so all
could have home to live in and city town countries to
live in once again. We were happy to help other
rebuild they countries town and city up better then
before the flooding of the earth. The people all was
happy to have a new home to live in so their take
good care of their homes. The children went back to
school to get they school work once again. I help in
the classroom once again with my children and I love
helping them again in a long time. Ernie our children
me pride and joys spent time together once again for
two week in years because of the flooding of the
earth it was good to spent time with them again. Jack
and I went out on a date once again and it fun to go
out on the date with Jack. I went back to work at Dr
Charlie office to help he again in years it was nice to
work with him again.
Page Eighteen
I was at Dr Charlie home when someone put pill in my
drink I was drinking so their could drug me to keep me
from see my children with Ernie. Dr Charlie said she
know were she is go too. I went to my husband place to
get away from the people who want to hurt me. When I
got their Henry said father is with Cherie they are in bed
together. When I said he would only sleep have me in
bed because he love me. It maybe upset at Jack for
going to bed with Cherie and he does not know I was
home at the time from my visit to Dr Charlie. I said
what are you sleeping with Cherie and we are married I
do not sleep with Dr Charlie or other men because I love
you a let. Cherie said I sorry I do not know he had a
wife because he said he was not married. Jack said I
sorry for what I did to by sleeping with Cherie and
telling her I was not married. Jack could we go to bed to
make more baby I happy to give you more baby you
make me happy to have your baby all time and I love
looking like you Jack.
Page Nineteen
Jack and I went to a cave to help us get strong better
because he made a drink of his potion of life from his
body to make me look like him. It why we went to the
cave so I could start the changing to look like him it
will take around two week or four week to finished the
change to look like Jack half-human and half-fish. It
made us strong was husband and wife in our married.
We fall more in love with each other. I went to see Dr
Ray Ray went in had Jack baby who was around four
years old when he was born. Adear want to go home
before I could get to go to Jack home he run away from
me going to Jack place. I get home first when Jack said
were is Adear he do not got here were is he I said I do
not know he run a hand of me because I had two other
people come with me they are in the barn is were I left
them so them could not come to our home. We find
Adear with one of the people who are not to be around
us by law because he was a bad man.
Page Twenty
I was at an old friend place when my son said had
accident again I ask someone to help clean him up
because I had to clean up his mess he made on the floor
so the person help give he a bath. Henry said you
should have given he the bath. Jack said she could bath
he herself but she do not I do not understand why she
ask someone to give he a bath. When someone said I
think she is losing the baby it why she ask someone to
help give him a bath. Jack said understand it why she
asks for help of she was hurting because she was losing
the baby at time. There do not know I was half-human
and half-fish. I cleaned up all the mess he made and
made it look good for the friend would not have to
clean up the mess on the floor it my job to look after he
when him makes a mistake at others home I his mother
and it my job to clean up for me.
Page Twenty 0ne
The doctors pick up the piece following the fatal plane
crash that results in changes in everyone lives and
people who we know die in the plane crash. The people
who made it we help them to get better and around six
people die in the plane crash we had them put in the
ground they family was not at the funeral because they
were on the plane to their die to. The survives stay with
us in our home. Dr Charlie help to he let six people stay
at his home for little time and other help to look after
them to. It was hard on all of us because the plane crash
take friends lives and it not good to lost good friends in
a plane crash. We all had to pick up the piece of our
lives. The children who lost there mother father in the
plane crash we adoption them and give them a good
place to live in for the rest of their live time. Their said
thank you for helping us and giving us a place to live in
a bed to sleep in at night.
Page Twenty Two
Dr Charlie gets a new job in a hospital were he work all
time. They page he at all hours of the day but they do
not know his real was not Jason or Christ but real was
Dr Charlie he was in love with me the children were his
and my no the woman who he said was their mother. I
went visit Dr Charlie at the hospital were he boss ask
me how do you know Jason or Christ. I said I married
to his father Jack. The boss said you are not telling the
true it the true. He was my doctor when I was sick in
the hospital it the true to. The boss said I knew you are
his wife not his father wife and his real name is Dr Jack
Junior. You may thing you are married to his father but
you are not. The boss said I also know you were in the
same hospital where he work sleeping with all the
people in the hospital you told the judge he was only
sleeping with you the children born in the hospital are
his you children and you do not know who father the
other children in the hospital but it was not he.
Page Twenty Three
Dr Charlie had seen me change like his father and
Henry had seen me change to. I run to snow to cool
down because it was to hot not one had seen me
change but Dr Charlie and my son Henry had seen me
change like his father. Jack was mad at me because he
thought other had seen me change. I said not one had
seen me change but Dr Charlie and our son Henry.
When I was changing Dr Charlie had sex with me
when he call his father to said he had sex with you
wife father when she was changing like you. His father
said you maybe changing to because you had sex with
my wife before the changes were done. Dr Charlie said
I still love with you wife father and I want to remarry
her I going to father. Jack not son you can not remarry
her because she is my wife and it going to stay the
same way. I going to give her more of my magic
powers to make her stronger then all of you. She will
be the strong people in the magic world you Ernie, Dr
Shaun Water, will not be strong as she is as of today
and forever the only way is of she give some of her
magic powers to all of you.
Page Twenty Four
I visit Dr Charlie the children at Dr Charlie home for a
birthday party for the children and get mail for Dr
Charlie from the hospital where he works the worker
help being the gift for the children. The children had
fun at the birthday party we had for them all. I went for
a walk when I find I was to far from Dr Charlie home
when I ask for help me to find how to go back to Dr
Charlie home. The friend me from ourselves in an
elevator when it stop. Dr Charlie helps get help get the
elevator working my friend was happy to get off the
elevator. Dr Charlie test me to see of I will see me
going home with he or go to his father place because
he knew I love his father Dr Charlie left me at the
elevator when he went home. I said I want to go to my
husband Jack home. When someone said she is not to
go to Jack because Cherie said she not Jack wife. I get
away from the people who tried to stop me by shooting
her in the legs. I give Jack the letter to he said Cherie is
not in love with he she only using he and she hates all
Jack my children because they love me their mother.
Page Twenty Five
I find myself in a cabin were others people live in I had
three of my children was at the cabin with me. Two are
Dr Ray Ray son one is Jack daughter when the
children aid came to see how the children are doing
with me in the cabin. The worker said you half to get it
cleanup for all living in the camp cabin or we will shut
it down and take all the children away from the camp.
Dr Charlie his worker spent helping to cleanup the
cabins. We spent the children to family home for four
months to clean it up fixing up all the cabins by
painting them all. When Jack tried to get me to come
home with him at the time. I said I half to help cleanup
the cabins so the children aid would not shut us down.
I send my son to their father place to spend time with
him. I take Jack my daughter to the hospital because
she was sick. When the doctor said she is really sick. I
said it you false she is sick but it was really my false
she is sick because I knew she was not feeling good
she stayed in bed all time. I sorry for said it not you
false it not one false she sick.
Page Twenty Six
I ask Ernie of he could help me stop the change. Ernie
said he could not help me because he could lose his
magic powers of he helps me. I said it would be ok of
you help me stop the change Jack started on me to
look like him. Ernie it is too late to stop the change
because it will not work right Jack will do it again he
will not stop. He wants someone as strong as him was.
I could have sex with you to get you pregnant with my
baby it will look like Jack it is find he or she look like
Jack and you. Ernie said I so love you and you are my
wife. You can go to see me on our two weeks visit me
at my home to spent time with our children pride and
joys it will be fun to see them all once again in
months. I miss them when we are not together because
I do not want them to see me change into half-human
and half-fish like Jack was. I love all the children with
Ernie, Dr Charlie, Dr Ray Ray, Dr Campbell, Dr
Shaun Water, Jack, children too all the same and we
can be a big family all together.
Page Twenty Seven
When in Dr Charlie car I feel funny like I had to make
out with Dr Charlie. It could be part of the changes in
being half-human and half-fish like Jack wants me to be
like him. It feels making out with other to take their
powers from them all because I change to half-fish and
half-human. Dr Charlie said your are change big time
because my father turn you like him. You have to make
out with other men like me it ok you make out with me
all the time when you feel you need to make out and
you will get pregnant by me or my father no other men
could get you pregnant it not right to have sex with
them because you could make them look like my father
it what he would want you to do for his love. They do
not understand what is taking place with they by them
change in to half-fish and half-human. I knew it was not
right to make other men like Jack and you look like.
Page Twenty Eight
Dr Charlie find skim in my privacy parts ten men lost
the skim and their powers. Dr Charlie said you do not
have to sleep with others when you could sleep with
me ok with all the sex you want to because it is you
my father son he will let us have sex went for you need
too. Dr Charlie said to other she is half-female and
half-male. The other person said what do we call you
now half-female or half-male because my father only
wants someone to look like he. You could stop of you
want to stop because my father only want someone to
look like so he could keep his family jeans going
forever. Henry said mother father is miss you so he go
to other women for sex and I said I now what he was
up to because I see me with someone who was sleeping
with she keep said she had sex with my husband Jack.
Dr Charlie said we said we have to put her in hospital
to keep her from her husband Jack because Jack is
making her look like him. Jack let us go Denise from
Dr Charlie home so he could not hurt you or keeping
you away from me and put you in hospital to change
you back like him.
Page Twenty Nine
A friend take me to Jack place when Jack said let go
I have not time I going to get some thing to eat are
hunger you could go to eat with him. I said Dr
Charlie survived my life once again because someone
tried to hurt me again. Jack said what you have not
said I love you my husband. I said because you had
me hide away. You do not come to see me and I do
love you Jack my husband to have sex because I have
not said I love you and I have not had sex with him.
It way Jack goes to a sex house. Jack went to a sex
house so Jack could get off because I have not said to
he I love you for a long time. I said Jack I do love
you a lot please do not have sex with the women in
the sex house. Jack said to Belle she my wife do not
touch her because she still changing to half-fish and
half-human do not touch her or have other men have
sex with her. Jack said I love me wife so we can not
have sex with you Belle I sorry for come over to have
sex with you but he did have sex with Belle It hurt
me because he have sex with other women.
Page Thirty
He left me with all the other in the sex house by myself
because he for get I was has he at the sex house. Their
tried to touch my fish parts. I said stop it you do not
know what you are touching me I could hurt you badly.
I strike at one of the men who tried to touch my fish
parts I strike the other who tried to touch me because I
said stop they do not stop so I get mad and I hurt them
Jack came back he said are you ok do they tried to
touch you yes but I hand it. They will never touch me
again. It was long time Jack only Jack come to have sex
when we need to have sex if we do not have sex we
would lost all of the time to have a baby and we will go
bad because we stop having sex I send time with Jack.
Jack and I went to Dr Charlie to get my thing from Dr
Charlie place. Jack said you have to keep you fish part
wet not dry when I said I do not knew it was dry not
wet thank you for showing me what to do. I love Jack
he is good in bed the sex is good. Jack started to fall in
love with me. we stayed in the family room in our tube
to cool off because we were to hot half-fish need to
cool down.
Page Thirty One
Jack had place were I stay at Jack said it is time for you
to come in have child. Jack I will with sex to get me
have child Jack and I had sex like animals Jack. We are
I get have child We knew the unborn child is grow like
it should grow in the wound of it mother. So the people
will live for a long time to come for years and years. I
had sex outside when Jack may have got me pregnant or
not. Henry came when we where have sex. When Henry
said someone want to hurt Beer. Jack said it it what we
did with water-huts throw or fling at them at other. Jack
said I made two mistakes tonight I never did it outside.
We want into the home to be by ourselves so Henry
went to his room to let his father and mother to spend
time together. When said I'm sorry for sleeping with
other people. I had the baby one was a boy and girl
when Jack them need there mother milk and they need
to stay with them mother. The boy name was Dear and
the girl name is Bela. They are good healthy and happy
all the time. We love them the same was the other
children. Jack I in love with you all time forever and
Page Thirty Two
Jack and I find a new place to stay at to keep me
survive from the people who want to hurt me or poison
me because they hate what I look like. I do not care
how they look I happy for the first time in years. Jack
and I love our new place Jack lets me have the letter Dr
Ray Ray write me all the time. I went to my old place I
help clean it up I take my entire thing to out knew
home. Jack I find my children were in hospital because
someone had raped them by the one who was looking
after they. We said the police were call and will be here
in one hour to arrest the man who raped them. I ask for
help to look after Jack and my small baby so we could
go to the hospital to see my children. I help Jack to
work on the new place so we could movie into it.
Someone said Jack was sleeping with my best friend.
Dr Charlie, Dr Ray Ray, Jack, and Ernie said they still
love me. I happy they all love me the way I look like
Jack my husband who I still in love with he a lot all the
Page Thirty Three
Dr Charlie I went to his new business. When he said
you could help me to cleanup the restroom kitchen and
the restaurant. I went to school where the teacher said
you have to get a criminal background check before I
could go to school. The teacher said it could be hard for
you to do the work in the workbooks and I said could
tried to do the work in the workbooks. Dr Charlie said
I’m glad you are with father my family happy because
my father happy to be in love with you. Jack said
drinking water is danger like seaweed is it could kill us
it is poison to us all to drink it we could get really sick
and could die from the poison It’s why we do not drink
it to be on the safe side. Jack I eat some meat we eat all
good food likes half-fish and half-human eats it maybe
healthy or not healthy to eat it. We drink special drinks
we make it like juice coffee tea and special pop. We
love the way we eat it good to eat what we eat. To keep
us healthy and not to get sick.
Page Thirty Four
Jack said she had to help Belle she will not be home she
will go for two hours. Jack said she could go to look
after her children she had with my son Dr Charlie to see
of he or she could be drugging the children they are
looking after. Jack said I start it in 2949 to make my
wife look like me and I in love with her. We sleep
together Jill said not because you are married Jack said
you are love have your wife so please stop sleeping
with other women . Jill said I know you want only our
wife because she is like you and you really love her a
lot she is happy to be with you. Jack said she saved
my life years ago because my son his wife call the
Army Science to turn us in she was pregnant at the time
and she said it not Jack baby to keep he save. She
helped get us out of the Army Science place and our
son Henry was with us because he was half-human and
half-fish. They do not understand he was born like this
he could not change the way he looks like. I made her
look like me to keep my family jeans to go on forever.
Page Thirty Five
I ask Anne to turn off the tubes in the home because
we do not want it. It to dangers for us other could use
it to hurt us. They know it is to dangers for Jack our
children and me because it has water in it. The water
could poison us and may us really sick or kill us I was
sleeping because I had to go to work in five hours
when the person who live in the home to came to see
how we are doing and see of we are healthy I went to
see Dr Charlie to see how is he at his business when
he said I not wall because I going to die. I said we
could make you better we could go to the hospital to
help for you and I thing Gloria was poisoning you to
get all your money she would poison the children
because it what she is like in her life. I said your father
thank you for the good fruit you give us. I call my
husband to tell him his son is in the hospital because
he is really sick Dr Charlie said he would die. When
Jack told her how we meet one day and how I saved
his life.
Page Thirty Six
Jack had to go to help a good friend. When I was
cooling down at Dr Charlie home I find myself into the
old palace were we one live it was now a place for
other people who are not living at home. I said could
ask Ernie of we could use his other place he builds for
the pride and joys lived in the hospital place. To help
Kim who need a big place for all the people living in
the palace. Ernie want to sleep with to see had to did it
because I half-fish and half-human what Jack had do it
to me. I open my lily pad part so Ernie could see I still
female. Ernie what are you here for I said Kim need a
big place for all under her care she has over 999 under
her care it hard for her to help they all the time. I went
home to Jack home he had Sue in our place when she
you can stay some were new at Dr Charlie. I said no
Jack my husbands I love he a lot so you will have go
back to your own place. I said to Jack in was helping
Kim find a big place for all in care. We went to Kim to
see her when she said thank you for helping me to get a
big place for people I care for. Jack said you do not
love me because if you love me you would be home
with me no seeing other men. I throw Sue out of the
van because I wanted to slow him I really love him.
Sue came back said you have to go to Dr Charlie to
stay I said not it my and my husband place. Sue ask
who is she when Jack said she my wife and I really
love her. She may make mistake but I still care about
her She like me and she has save my life more then I
could count so I going to save my married to my wife.
I love him I want to work out our married With Jack
could we talk about our married. You ask what I see
other is because you pulls me way all time like my
other husband did and you tell other you want them to
sleep with you it hurt me a lot. I would stay home with
you more it you let me stay with you. We need go into
hide so not once came hurt us or kill us because they
hate what we look like and was not human or not fish.
We get away from them all I went to Ernie to stay for a
little time to get better with my powers and help came
my family save from the people who want to hurt us.
Page Thirty Seven
Jack and I got back together once again to work on our
married because we really care about each our. Jack
and I was walking when someone take Jack away to
hurt he because he was not human. I in danger too
because I not human. I find Jack he was hurt but a live
when I said our children are in danger too like you and
I are so we find them a save place to live into the
danger go away. Kim help us find a place to stay had
so no one come hurt us. I see a good friend Dr Ray Ray
call Jack to said your wife is save because at Dr Charlie
place were I staying started on fire because a plane
crash it set the fire in the home but I got out in time. Dr
Charlie said you and father could claim the Royal
palace because you are Royal you both survive the
football big fright. You now here the photos are and the
paper you would need to claim the family Royal
palace. I said we have to go to the place were our father
I stay with him. We half to go to the place your father
own it not the same way when you went in it. Gloria
she is not the person who you looking for the you are
looking for is smaller. We went to the place to find
went we would need to claim the Royal palace. I ask
the children could they go out of the room so we could
find the entire thing we need to find. When Jack call
Kim she said do you know how to us the phone when I
said not. Kim call Jack the answer machine came on I
left Jack a message were I was at and said I love you
our two small children are save with your son I do not
know were Henry Beer is they are missing. You need
to come to the place because we could claim the family
Royal palace it our to claim it. I said our small son are
ok it was a message to Jack only he knew went I was
really telling he. We do not find the paper here so we
had to go to the big palace were Jack left he pride and
joys alone they were in a big trouble when we said you
better come to our pride and joys they need you. Jack I
should have stay with them not going away from them.
Jack came to the big palace we had the paper we need
to claim the Royal family palace. Sue came to she said
I going to married Jack I said not you are not going to
married Jack I still love he we are husband and wife.
She get her family to hurt me when Jack went she had
do to he said get on of here go back to our own
husband I know way my wife do not like you to be
around and I understand what she was telling you only
want he because is my wife you tried to hurt by getting
family to help cut her and she tell me you always could
sleeping her man. You first sleep with Dr Ray Ray her
husband you sleep with all her husband too it what I
want you to go away and ever come back she or I
would hurt you badly so you will ever sleep with not
more have her husband it what I telling is true and I
will not stop her and stop me from hurting you badly.
Page Thirty Eight
Sue may my husband sick because it what she do to
men who she hate. I said she is nuts so Sue maybe with
Jack because he not in love with her. Jack is in love
with me and we look the same. I said she put water in
you ice cream it was like eating seaweed because we
were half-fish and half-human not like other she knew
in her life she love hurt other people to make they sick.
Sue tried to hurt me badly because I said Jack not her
husband Jack is my husband is in love with me and he
said I only married to Denise she really care about me a
lots because she save my life more time then I could
count and it way we in love all the time. I would not
change it because she is good to me and she help me
went I sick. I said Sue is married to Dr Ray Ray and
she will kill you be poisoning you with water. We put
Sue in the Mental hospital to get the help she need for
the first time in her lifetime. When her came to the
hospital to sign her into the hospital to get the help she
Page Thirty Nine
Dr Charlie his wife none was Corina but go as Gloria.
Dr Charlie keep me in his home by drugging me to
keep me from Jack from my husband for around one
years so he could have more children with me because
he need more children to get more money. I find Jack
he was still with Dr Ray Ray wife I said I love you still
and miss you a lot could we talk by our married ok.
Jack said I busy now until tomorrow ok I do love you
ok. Jack told Sue she had to go back to her husband Dr
Ray Ray because I going back to my wife we need to
spend time on our married. I told Jack what Dr Ray
Ray do for me when Dr Charlie tried to hurt me so I
could no come back to you or our children because he
give me drugs all the time keeping me lock up in his
home for little time before he but me in hospital to
make me to forget you Jack but it do not work it is how
I find me way back to you.
Page Forty
I find out Ernie was hurt by Dr Ray Ray wife hurt his
father Ernie by hitting he in the head over over and
over he told she no it sent her in hitting he it may her
madder and madder because she do not like being told
no all the by men. Ernie could not remember all the
people in his life but me and the love he had for me. I
talk to his son Dr Ray Ray said your wife hurt your
father soul badly by hitting he. I said you should get
the help she need before she hurt someone more hurt
then she do to father when she want more revenge on
other because their told her no she is danger to all in
her life she done it one she will do it again and again. I
said she may with no kill Ernie but she could have kill
Ernie and kill my husband Jack to get revenge on he
for sending her away for his home forever because he
was in love with me like Ernie it way she hurt he to get
back at me for taking Jack from her farther you and
Jack from her.
Page Forty One
I said to Dr Charlie I could not let you or Gloria to
take the children to a new town from their grandfather
or me because Gloria is not their real mother I their
real mother who would not let her take them some
way they could not see their grandfather or me
because I love them all and I would miss them all. Dr
Charlie when out on a date with a good friend name is
Sharva she loves going out on date with Dr Charlie
some time. Sharva said Dr Charlie I love go out with
you on more dates because you are fun to go out for
dinner I would love to be you wife Sharva said I
would help you with your Denise and children I would
not hurt them like Gloria is hurting them because they
are Denise children too. Gloria could still hurt them or
kill them all because she hate you for sleeping with
Denise when you were working or staying at the home
where she lived at all time and you said you are
working at the hospital not with her.
Page Forty Two
The people I was staying with would not let me to go
on a walk to see my husband Jack Dr Charlie or me
children. Who is with Kim how he was helping at her
home. I find myself with Dr Charlie when Gloria said
to Kim Denise will not be seeing Jack because she is
with Dr Charlie his son there are in bed making love
so she is busy for two more hour or more she is
making love to Dr Charlie to make more baby. We
will give up two more children to someone to looking
after them because we can not look after them all
with little money we get by our job and the work we
done. I how the money for you for the children to get
them food to pay the bills. Dr Charlie said I happy for
the money to pay the bills and to buy food to eat. I
love you not Gloria or the other women of you are
not married to my father I would married you today.
My father is missing you he does not now when he is
with other women and he does not care he is hurting
you by being with other and sleeping with them. He
tells me he love you I said of you really love Denise
you would stop sleeping with other women. I hate
when I did to Denise by sleeping with Gloria or other
women because it hurt her badly at the time it what
she can not show her really love because she with
hurt badly by other men like us.
Page Forty Three
I find myself at Dr Patrick Wilson home we sleep
together for the first time in year. I may get pregnant
by Dr Patrick Wilson, Dr Ray Ray, Ernie, Jack, or Dr
Charlie because we had sex around the same time I
get pregnant. I find myself at Dr Charlie business
place or home place when I see all my friends and Dr
Charlie because I fall to sleep in one of Dr Charlie
bedrooms. Dr Charlie came to see how I was doing at
time. I said I sleepy so I going to lay down for two
hour or more to get some sleep and I can help you
went I up in two hours I help Dr Charlie in the
business to get it cleanup to be open on time. I went
to Jack home to told he I love he not one but him and
let work on our married please stop sleeping with
other women it hurt me went you sleep with the other
women. I would stop sleeping with you son Dr
Charlie I like looking like you half-fish and half-human
thank you for making me like our children I
love you all the time. You are good person to love
and to sleep with you. You make good baby and you
make me happy to be with you all the time. I trying to
change the way I talk with you. I trying to get a job to
help us to get money to buy thing we need and trying
to get my grade 12 and read better for us all.
Page Forty Four
I went to see Ernie to help him to get better from the
people how hurt him badly because I still love he a lot
it was up to help him get better. I stay for a long at his
home to help to keep it clean for our children save
from other people. Ernie was happy to see me at his
home for a long time he miss me a lot because he love
me a lot. Ernie and I sleep together in his bed for the
first time in years. I said of we could get remarried we
would get married one again for children who need
both parents. We can make more pride and joy again
because I miss the pride and joys we made together
years ago. I love all our children pride and joys. The
children are looking good healthy good in school and
in their jobs. The children said mother how are you
doing in your workplaces our brother sister with Jack
Dr Ray Ray our brother Dr Shaun Water the Wilson
and Dr Charlie I said they are good healthy happy to
be with me and they fathers. I love them all the same. I
miss you all the time because we could not see each
our for years. We spent good time together because I
help Ernie get better in time we send together for two
month. Ernie said I happy to send time have you and
thank you.
Page Forty Five
I went to Dr Ray Ray to spend time with him to help
him to look after our children who came home too see
their father and me for the first time in years. I sleep in
Dr Ray Ray bed with he to make love so I could get
pregnant with his baby. His wife came back to see Dr
Ray Ray for time first time in years she send I sorry
for hurting you father and your husband Denise please
forgive me. I was sick I do not now go I going at the
time. When I hurt them both at the time. I do not hate
you because I hurt your husband and Ernie I get really
mad at the time. Dr Ray Ray and I said we could not
forgive you for hurting my father Ernie and Denise
husband Jack because of Denise and me for being in
love with me. I will be with Denise when I want to be
with her at my home my father Dr Charlie and not her
husband home. You will be charge with going on the
land of all of us. You will go to jail or to the hospital
to get the help you need to get the help because I
could put you in the hospital to get the help and I your
husband not Jack wife or my father Ernie wife their do
not love you at all. Denise is good to me my father
Ernie and Jack she save our life more more time then I
could count it.
Page Forty Six
I try to work on my married with Jack who I love all the
time with my heart and soul. I find a magic way to get
to my husband Jack. Jack went back to his family palace
to be king were his mother is living at with his father the
old King. I was to be the Queen because I was married
to Jack your son. I love he a lot help me win he back
because he is being brain wash by the lady who is living
in is own palace where meet he with his son Dr Charlie
with once was married to he spent me to meet his father
because he was not in love with me he in love with
Gloria Wilson so he tell her was not his wife but she
was not his wife at the time. We meet in the hospital
were he work he was my doctor first and then my
husband we had a lots of children in the hospital were
he were he work in it were we fall in love with each
other but he was only using me to get Gloria Wilson to
be with he. I how I meet his mother first at her home
with her new husband. I do not know he was not Dr
Charlie real father to he said my father is not here
he is at his own place because him is not all human. He
is half-fish and half-human because Dr Charlie does not
want people to now his father was no all-human he had
a hook.

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In My Past Life's?

  • 1. In my past life's? In my dreams we are practicing polygamy with many husband. The fathers of my Royal children are Dr Shaun Water, his father Walt Water, Dr Ray Ray, the Wilson fathers like Dr Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack Senior, Michael Senior, Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen, Michael Junior, Edward, Captain George, some other men, Peter Hanson, Dr Campbell the camp boss, are too. Dr Shaun Water his father Walt Water Dr Ray Ray, the Wilson family like Dr Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack Senior, Michael Senior, Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen, Michael Junior, Edward, Captain George, some other men, Peter Hanson, Dr Campbell who has given me blood is how I got my magic powers from all who had given me blood too. Dr Shaun Water his father Walt Water Dr Ray Ray, the Wilson family like Dr Patrick, Robert, Ernie, Jack Senior, Michael Senior, Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen, Michael Junior, Edward, Captain George, some other men, Peter Hanson, Dr Campbell all have magic powers to like our children too have magic powers at birth. Dr Ray Ray is black, his father Ernie is white. Dr Ray Ray his father Ernie, cousins are Michael Junior Dr Charlie, Dr Jack Junior, Stephen, their father is Jack Senior, their grandfather is Michael Senior, their uncles are Albert, Ernie, Edward, Captain George too are all half-fish, half-bat, half-human too. Gloria is looking after some of
  • 2. the Royal children. Henry is one of our many children because we have around 4000 children and we have more pride and joys like baby Jesus was reborn to the earth with Ernie Jack and Dr Charlie some of the names in my dream story. Book Two Page One That has always provided more special features that any other could provided in school to help the children in the school. The children could learn to weight and measures in the classroom all together in school time. They could learn to add in math in class. It will help them to contains ever more than before in school. Jack and I could learn to weight and measure in the classroom all together in the school at the time we in were in school. We could be proud of us learning in school. It will help in our day life and in our work place. We are proud of our children for going to school to better in learning to get good in school. The children are happy to go to school all the time. Jack and I are happy we are learning in school to be a better parent to our children so we could help they better at home when we could help them at home to help them with their school work. Page two I time with Ernie and our children for two weeks the
  • 3. first Charlie stay at Ernie house too see had Ernie I got a long together it went good. The next time Ernie and I spent time with Ernie on my own for two weeks. We had fun with the children and we did not have sex because we knew Jack would be upset at us for having sex. The next time we spent two weeks together. We want to see Dr Ray Ray his brothers sisters and my children with Dr Ray Ray his brothers and his sisters had fun with them for the two weeks. The next two Ernie and I spent time together we spent time with our pride and joys for the two weeks it was fun to see the pride and joys together for the first time in years. Their said it is nice to see you again we miss you Denise please come back in two more weeks to spent the time with us all and Ernie is happy went you go over to see him at his place. Page Three Ernie said of Denise die I my family Charlie you your family and the other children Denise had with other men like Dr Shaun and he would die too. Charlie, Ernie, Dr Ray Ray, and Dr Campbell tried to stop me from turning to a half-fish like Jack. It did not work I still turned into half-fish like Jack. Jack was happy I look like him and our children. I was pregnant once more time with Jack baby but no one knew it at the time. Ernie want to have sex with me put he do not have sex with me because I look like half-fish not
  • 4. human. Charlie, Ernie my family tried to keep me at their home no to go to Jack home because they do not like what Jack done to me. My mother tied me up like a dog so I could not get away to see Jack. I had seen Jack when I get away from all of them to see Jack and our children. Jack went to jail because his son Charlie put he in jail for a little time. When other wanted his entire thing. I said no it is Jack thing and our children home so they are the people who the thing should go to the children when their father come home he will want his thing in the some place was he left them in the house. Jack and I get back together once again put I do not think like he made me think before he when to jail. I still love Jack no one but you Jack. I could not be with Jack my husband and our children. Page Four I seen my son Henry at the Jefferson family home when my son Henry said his mother and I said his my son I married to his father his name is Jack. We have been married for more then 40 years. We had around 60 children and we love them all the same way. My son said what are you eating meat because you father and us our children do not eat meat at all the time I said I know we eat meat once in a blue moon. Some I know came into the Jefferson place. When someone said there are two women in love each our and they want to get married by law but the their could not get
  • 5. married by law. The one woman was taking her our thing out of the place because she was running away to be with her girlfriend. I said I have to go with my son Henry to go home at 4:00,PM or around 6:00,PM to be with my husband and our other children. We get home at 6:30,PM we went to bed at 8:00,PM with Jack and out children went to bed at the same time at 8:00,PM and we all fell to sleep. Page Five I started to love only him not one but Jack my husband. We love to be together with our children their love us too and they started to work around the house once in a blue moon. Charlie came to visit us to see us once a week to see of we need help with his brother and sister. We said yes you could help us so we could go out on a date once each week of you help us we will look after our children and Jack grandchildren went you need help with the children. Jack and I went out on our weekly date Charlie stays with his brother and sister for around two hours when we were not home. It nice to go out on the date with Jack and its nice for Charlie help us with all of the children. We stay with my and Charlie children so he could go out with his wife on they first date in years. It nice to see my children and my husband grandchildren after not seeing them in years. We had fun with the children a good time with them all at Charlie his family home and Charlie gone out on his date.
  • 6. Charlie had fun on his date with his wife. When they came home around two hour later. We said thank you for had us over to look after the children once a week and we what fun with the children. We went home to go to bed we fell to sleep fast went our hand hit the bed and our children lot us sleep at night have not go time to see us all night long. Page Six We were hunting reindeer on slipper rocks over common pet peeve during our date. After the big storm we consider the future of our relationship and home because we had a big storm hit our home. We save our relationship and our home. We get the reindeer we were hurting for to have was a pet and take it home for our children to ride on. I feed the pet reindeer myself at first for the time at first to make them feel good at our place. Jack helps me feed the reindeer when I could not feed him or her. The male and female made some reindeer had baby reindeer so we had more reindeer to feed them all the time. The children love the reindeer we get for them all. The male fathers around twenty baby reindeer in twenty year the female give born to one baby reindeer each year for twenty years. Their had ten male reindeer and ten female reindeer all together. We buy a big farmland for the reindeer to run free to eat green glass and drink water. The reindeer love the farm land it was good from them all our children loved
  • 7. the farm land and love to be running in the grass with the reindeer. Page Seven Ernie came to see me to talk about our children and how there are doing in school. It was good to know my children were ok in school I miss seeing them talking to them at school and Ernie once in a blue moon. Dr Ray Ray came too see me to talk about our children and how there are doing ok at school. It was good to seeing them talking to them at school Dr Ray Ray once in a blue moon and talking with them with Dr Ray Ray. Dr Shaun Water came to see me to talk about our children how there are doing in school. It was nice to talk to Dr Shaun Water after years. Dr Campbell I talk about our children how there are doing in school and at home with their stepmother. The other men I would not talk to them about our children because they were not around me when the children were small. Charlie, Jack and I talk about our children in school. We talk about how they are doing in school at home at work around our house. There are good in school all the time. Page Eight Jack, me, Charlie, Gloria all of our children went on a trip to Jack family palace were he was born at it was good to meet his father mother and all his family in the palace. Jack and I get remarried in his family palace
  • 8. with all his family at the wedding. The family was help Jack find someone who really loves the way he was in life. I fell in love with Jack family because there fell in love with me to they love all their grandchildren and great-grandchildren too. Jack, Charlie, Gloria, and me ask them to come for a visit to our home when they can come to visit us all. The children stay for two more week Jack, Charlie, me, Gloria went home before the children because we had to go back to work to get the money to pay for more trips to see the family and to have money to make should we have food in the home when the family come to see us all for a little time. Page Nine Jack family came to see our palace and stay for around six month help us in the palace. I went to school to help my children in their classroom a month. It was good to help in the classroom. The grandpa and great-grandpa help the classroom with the children in class. It was nice for the children to see their father family and their help from their father family. Jack and I went on a trip on our own for two week to renew our love once again. We went to a hotel to send time a long together in years. We had fun together for the first time in years. We came home looking good and happy. I visit Dr Ray Ray in year to get some blood work done in some years. When Dr Ray Ray it nice to see you Denise we all miss you. Please came back when you could go
  • 9. back to see me for more blood work two month ok I will talk to my husband Jack to tell he you need to have blood work once in two month and thank you for going in to see him said Dr Ray Ray. Page Ten Dr Charlie, Dr Campbell, saves my life from my family they tried to put the tubes back in my legs their did not care because their were making me sick. Dr Campbell tell Annie to listen to me when I ask her to stop the drink what come into the house by the tubes in the wall of the house by the workers who put the drink in for all the house people live in and pay for it once a month when they need it. I find myself at Jack place went Penelope said Jack is more happy seeing other women one name Oz-lean Dr Charlie mother Eileen was at Jack place her sister were Leila and Daphne was staying with my husband Jack at night. I said he is my husband I love him a let. Jack brothers Cecil, Donald, Claude, Orin, and uncle Francis with Jack at home for a visit when Dr Charlie call to said she could stay in my old bedroom. When Jack said on October 25, I have to go to the hospital I no feeling good my heart is hurting or it broken because I lonely I miss my wife. I went to Jack home to stay save from my family so they could not hurt me no more. When I see Dr Charlie mother was cooking for all in the home when I got to see them all at Jack and my children who I love.
  • 10. Page Eleven When I escape from my family Dr Charlie get me to his house to keep me from my family so they could not hurt me no now. I fell sleep when Dr Charlie had sex have me he get catch by his wife Gloria when she I want a divorce because you are sleeping with your father wife. When we get married you said you only making love to me no your ex wife Denise. She tell Jack I catch my husband making love to your wife but I think she do not know because she was a sleep in the bed went he had sex with her. Dr Charlie said my wife wants a divorce from me. I want to get back with Denise because you do not want her no more or love her I love her. Jack said I did love her and I want her back so we get together on a date to see of we are in love or not in love. I find out I was pregnant but I do not know of Dr Charlie or my husband was the father. Jack started to feel better because he started to be happy with me and he really loves me. Jack was not mad at for sleeping with Dr Charlie it was not my mistake. Page Twelve Once again Ernie our children and me get together again for two week. I ask them how there are in school and I love them all the same as my other children. I tell Ernie of we could get back together I
  • 11. would come back to you but Jack is my husband. He think we are married I now we are married Ernie no Jack and I are not married. I really miss Ernie our children our pride and joys we had been together in years. Ernie and I went out to dinner for the first time in years. When Jack came said you are my wife not Ernie wife so come home with me at is time or you will be in the dog house and I said we are only friend we are talking about our children. Jack said sorry I made a mistake could understand I made a big mistake when I came to the restaurant. When I see you Ernie together it may me upset at first and miss understanding when I seen you Ernie eating in the restaurant we come to on our dates each month. Page Thirteen I had the baby it looked like Jack so it was Jack son we name him Cecil after his uncle Cecil he weight six pound he was healthy. We send message to Jack family Dr Charlie Denise had the baby it was my son we name him Cecil after my brother Cecil he weight six pounds and was healthy. Ernie came to see Jack me to talk to me about our children pride and joys are doing in life. I was sleepy to talk to Ernie because I was up all night with the baby. The baby was sick for two week and it was hard on us to sleep when the baby is sick. We take turn staying up with the baby so one could get some good night sleep. I fell to sleep when Jack said Denise
  • 12. it ok you get a good night. I will stay up with our son for the night and of him fells to sleep I will come to bed with you for the night. When I wake up the baby sleep all night so Jack and I had a good night sleep for the first time in days. Page Fourteen Jack learn about Ernie and I go on a date it hurt Jack. When I tell Jack It is till has feeling for Ernie when to tell Jack that I going to see Ernie in two days for our monthly visit the judge said I could go for two weeks to see Ernie at his home and you have to let me to go to Ernie visit for two weeks. I want to Ernie for the two weeks we had fun and we enjoy it once again. The children said mother thank you for going to see father and us all for two weeks each month. I said we would see each other in a month for two more weeks. We will have fun once again in one month I will miss you all see you in four weeks from today and I love you all the same way of I do not see you all the time. In four more weeks we get together for our two weeks visit with Ernie our children pride and joys we all had fun on our visit. We went on at trip to see Ernie families in the family palace were he was born he grow up happy with Ernie family palace and the visit it was fun we had a good time. Page Fifteen
  • 13. Jack and I went to the rived world when every person who has on earth reawakens in a world covered in river two years later the earth was about once again the land had less water on it. Jack I was happy because we could swim all time in the water it was good for us and our children to be in the water all time not on the land. We find other like us who love being in the water all time for years. When the water started to go down we knew we had to go back on the land to live once again. We had to rebuild our homes and find our family who was not living in the water with us. We find them all well and healthy be lucky they survived the land when it was filled with water for two weeks years. I it nice see you all survived the time you could not see us and how do you live went there was no land but only water. They said we live on boat in the water and we were careful so we do not hurt the people living in the water. Page Sixteen We all rebuild the city we live in build it better then it was before the earth was fill of water. The people who survived were happy to be live. I find Dr Charlie his family they survived the flooding of the earth they all live on a big boat in the water. I said Jack is so live your brothers and sisters are live to we miss you all when the earth was filled with water. We find Ernie, Dr Ray Ray, Dr Shaun Water, Dr Campbell, all of my children pride and joys their survived the flood boats
  • 14. too It is was fun to know they all survived the flooding of the earth. I was happy to see all of them again I miss them when the earth was flooded and we live happy once again because we could see each other once again. The family did not survive the flooding of the earth it was good they could not hurt me ever again like when they were alive. I had all my own money once again in years. Page Seventeen We help rebuild the whole earth once again so all could have home to live in and city town countries to live in once again. We were happy to help other rebuild they countries town and city up better then before the flooding of the earth. The people all was happy to have a new home to live in so their take good care of their homes. The children went back to school to get they school work once again. I help in the classroom once again with my children and I love helping them again in a long time. Ernie our children me pride and joys spent time together once again for two week in years because of the flooding of the earth it was good to spent time with them again. Jack and I went out on a date once again and it fun to go out on the date with Jack. I went back to work at Dr Charlie office to help he again in years it was nice to work with him again.
  • 15. Page Eighteen I was at Dr Charlie home when someone put pill in my drink I was drinking so their could drug me to keep me from see my children with Ernie. Dr Charlie said she know were she is go too. I went to my husband place to get away from the people who want to hurt me. When I got their Henry said father is with Cherie they are in bed together. When I said he would only sleep have me in bed because he love me. It maybe upset at Jack for going to bed with Cherie and he does not know I was home at the time from my visit to Dr Charlie. I said what are you sleeping with Cherie and we are married I do not sleep with Dr Charlie or other men because I love you a let. Cherie said I sorry I do not know he had a wife because he said he was not married. Jack said I sorry for what I did to by sleeping with Cherie and telling her I was not married. Jack could we go to bed to make more baby I happy to give you more baby you make me happy to have your baby all time and I love looking like you Jack. Page Nineteen Jack and I went to a cave to help us get strong better because he made a drink of his potion of life from his body to make me look like him. It why we went to the cave so I could start the changing to look like him it will take around two week or four week to finished the
  • 16. change to look like Jack half-human and half-fish. It made us strong was husband and wife in our married. We fall more in love with each other. I went to see Dr Ray Ray went in had Jack baby who was around four years old when he was born. Adear want to go home before I could get to go to Jack home he run away from me going to Jack place. I get home first when Jack said were is Adear he do not got here were is he I said I do not know he run a hand of me because I had two other people come with me they are in the barn is were I left them so them could not come to our home. We find Adear with one of the people who are not to be around us by law because he was a bad man. Page Twenty I was at an old friend place when my son said had accident again I ask someone to help clean him up because I had to clean up his mess he made on the floor so the person help give he a bath. Henry said you should have given he the bath. Jack said she could bath he herself but she do not I do not understand why she ask someone to give he a bath. When someone said I think she is losing the baby it why she ask someone to help give him a bath. Jack said understand it why she asks for help of she was hurting because she was losing the baby at time. There do not know I was half-human and half-fish. I cleaned up all the mess he made and made it look good for the friend would not have to
  • 17. clean up the mess on the floor it my job to look after he when him makes a mistake at others home I his mother and it my job to clean up for me. Page Twenty 0ne The doctors pick up the piece following the fatal plane crash that results in changes in everyone lives and people who we know die in the plane crash. The people who made it we help them to get better and around six people die in the plane crash we had them put in the ground they family was not at the funeral because they were on the plane to their die to. The survives stay with us in our home. Dr Charlie help to he let six people stay at his home for little time and other help to look after them to. It was hard on all of us because the plane crash take friends lives and it not good to lost good friends in a plane crash. We all had to pick up the piece of our lives. The children who lost there mother father in the plane crash we adoption them and give them a good place to live in for the rest of their live time. Their said thank you for helping us and giving us a place to live in a bed to sleep in at night. Page Twenty Two Dr Charlie gets a new job in a hospital were he work all time. They page he at all hours of the day but they do not know his real was not Jason or Christ but real was Dr Charlie he was in love with me the children were his
  • 18. and my no the woman who he said was their mother. I went visit Dr Charlie at the hospital were he boss ask me how do you know Jason or Christ. I said I married to his father Jack. The boss said you are not telling the true it the true. He was my doctor when I was sick in the hospital it the true to. The boss said I knew you are his wife not his father wife and his real name is Dr Jack Junior. You may thing you are married to his father but you are not. The boss said I also know you were in the same hospital where he work sleeping with all the people in the hospital you told the judge he was only sleeping with you the children born in the hospital are his you children and you do not know who father the other children in the hospital but it was not he. Page Twenty Three Dr Charlie had seen me change like his father and Henry had seen me change to. I run to snow to cool down because it was to hot not one had seen me change but Dr Charlie and my son Henry had seen me change like his father. Jack was mad at me because he thought other had seen me change. I said not one had seen me change but Dr Charlie and our son Henry. When I was changing Dr Charlie had sex with me when he call his father to said he had sex with you wife father when she was changing like you. His father said you maybe changing to because you had sex with my wife before the changes were done. Dr Charlie said
  • 19. I still love with you wife father and I want to remarry her I going to father. Jack not son you can not remarry her because she is my wife and it going to stay the same way. I going to give her more of my magic powers to make her stronger then all of you. She will be the strong people in the magic world you Ernie, Dr Shaun Water, will not be strong as she is as of today and forever the only way is of she give some of her magic powers to all of you. Page Twenty Four I visit Dr Charlie the children at Dr Charlie home for a birthday party for the children and get mail for Dr Charlie from the hospital where he works the worker help being the gift for the children. The children had fun at the birthday party we had for them all. I went for a walk when I find I was to far from Dr Charlie home when I ask for help me to find how to go back to Dr Charlie home. The friend me from ourselves in an elevator when it stop. Dr Charlie helps get help get the elevator working my friend was happy to get off the elevator. Dr Charlie test me to see of I will see me going home with he or go to his father place because he knew I love his father Dr Charlie left me at the elevator when he went home. I said I want to go to my husband Jack home. When someone said she is not to go to Jack because Cherie said she not Jack wife. I get away from the people who tried to stop me by shooting
  • 20. her in the legs. I give Jack the letter to he said Cherie is not in love with he she only using he and she hates all Jack my children because they love me their mother. Page Twenty Five I find myself in a cabin were others people live in I had three of my children was at the cabin with me. Two are Dr Ray Ray son one is Jack daughter when the children aid came to see how the children are doing with me in the cabin. The worker said you half to get it cleanup for all living in the camp cabin or we will shut it down and take all the children away from the camp. Dr Charlie his worker spent helping to cleanup the cabins. We spent the children to family home for four months to clean it up fixing up all the cabins by painting them all. When Jack tried to get me to come home with him at the time. I said I half to help cleanup the cabins so the children aid would not shut us down. I send my son to their father place to spend time with him. I take Jack my daughter to the hospital because she was sick. When the doctor said she is really sick. I said it you false she is sick but it was really my false she is sick because I knew she was not feeling good she stayed in bed all time. I sorry for said it not you false it not one false she sick. Page Twenty Six I ask Ernie of he could help me stop the change. Ernie
  • 21. said he could not help me because he could lose his magic powers of he helps me. I said it would be ok of you help me stop the change Jack started on me to look like him. Ernie it is too late to stop the change because it will not work right Jack will do it again he will not stop. He wants someone as strong as him was. I could have sex with you to get you pregnant with my baby it will look like Jack it is find he or she look like Jack and you. Ernie said I so love you and you are my wife. You can go to see me on our two weeks visit me at my home to spent time with our children pride and joys it will be fun to see them all once again in months. I miss them when we are not together because I do not want them to see me change into half-human and half-fish like Jack was. I love all the children with Ernie, Dr Charlie, Dr Ray Ray, Dr Campbell, Dr Shaun Water, Jack, children too all the same and we can be a big family all together. Page Twenty Seven When in Dr Charlie car I feel funny like I had to make out with Dr Charlie. It could be part of the changes in being half-human and half-fish like Jack wants me to be like him. It feels making out with other to take their powers from them all because I change to half-fish and half-human. Dr Charlie said your are change big time because my father turn you like him. You have to make out with other men like me it ok you make out with me
  • 22. all the time when you feel you need to make out and you will get pregnant by me or my father no other men could get you pregnant it not right to have sex with them because you could make them look like my father it what he would want you to do for his love. They do not understand what is taking place with they by them change in to half-fish and half-human. I knew it was not right to make other men like Jack and you look like. Page Twenty Eight Dr Charlie find skim in my privacy parts ten men lost the skim and their powers. Dr Charlie said you do not have to sleep with others when you could sleep with me ok with all the sex you want to because it is you my father son he will let us have sex went for you need too. Dr Charlie said to other she is half-female and half-male. The other person said what do we call you now half-female or half-male because my father only wants someone to look like he. You could stop of you want to stop because my father only want someone to look like so he could keep his family jeans going forever. Henry said mother father is miss you so he go to other women for sex and I said I now what he was up to because I see me with someone who was sleeping with she keep said she had sex with my husband Jack. Dr Charlie said we said we have to put her in hospital to keep her from her husband Jack because Jack is making her look like him. Jack let us go Denise from
  • 23. Dr Charlie home so he could not hurt you or keeping you away from me and put you in hospital to change you back like him. Page Twenty Nine A friend take me to Jack place when Jack said let go I have not time I going to get some thing to eat are hunger you could go to eat with him. I said Dr Charlie survived my life once again because someone tried to hurt me again. Jack said what you have not said I love you my husband. I said because you had me hide away. You do not come to see me and I do love you Jack my husband to have sex because I have not said I love you and I have not had sex with him. It way Jack goes to a sex house. Jack went to a sex house so Jack could get off because I have not said to he I love you for a long time. I said Jack I do love you a lot please do not have sex with the women in the sex house. Jack said to Belle she my wife do not touch her because she still changing to half-fish and half-human do not touch her or have other men have sex with her. Jack said I love me wife so we can not have sex with you Belle I sorry for come over to have sex with you but he did have sex with Belle It hurt me because he have sex with other women. Page Thirty He left me with all the other in the sex house by myself
  • 24. because he for get I was has he at the sex house. Their tried to touch my fish parts. I said stop it you do not know what you are touching me I could hurt you badly. I strike at one of the men who tried to touch my fish parts I strike the other who tried to touch me because I said stop they do not stop so I get mad and I hurt them Jack came back he said are you ok do they tried to touch you yes but I hand it. They will never touch me again. It was long time Jack only Jack come to have sex when we need to have sex if we do not have sex we would lost all of the time to have a baby and we will go bad because we stop having sex I send time with Jack. Jack and I went to Dr Charlie to get my thing from Dr Charlie place. Jack said you have to keep you fish part wet not dry when I said I do not knew it was dry not wet thank you for showing me what to do. I love Jack he is good in bed the sex is good. Jack started to fall in love with me. we stayed in the family room in our tube to cool off because we were to hot half-fish need to cool down. Page Thirty One Jack had place were I stay at Jack said it is time for you to come in have child. Jack I will with sex to get me have child Jack and I had sex like animals Jack. We are I get have child We knew the unborn child is grow like it should grow in the wound of it mother. So the people will live for a long time to come for years and years. I
  • 25. had sex outside when Jack may have got me pregnant or not. Henry came when we where have sex. When Henry said someone want to hurt Beer. Jack said it it what we did with water-huts throw or fling at them at other. Jack said I made two mistakes tonight I never did it outside. We want into the home to be by ourselves so Henry went to his room to let his father and mother to spend time together. When said I'm sorry for sleeping with other people. I had the baby one was a boy and girl when Jack them need there mother milk and they need to stay with them mother. The boy name was Dear and the girl name is Bela. They are good healthy and happy all the time. We love them the same was the other children. Jack I in love with you all time forever and forever. Page Thirty Two Jack and I find a new place to stay at to keep me survive from the people who want to hurt me or poison me because they hate what I look like. I do not care how they look I happy for the first time in years. Jack and I love our new place Jack lets me have the letter Dr Ray Ray write me all the time. I went to my old place I help clean it up I take my entire thing to out knew home. Jack I find my children were in hospital because someone had raped them by the one who was looking after they. We said the police were call and will be here in one hour to arrest the man who raped them. I ask for
  • 26. help to look after Jack and my small baby so we could go to the hospital to see my children. I help Jack to work on the new place so we could movie into it. Someone said Jack was sleeping with my best friend. Dr Charlie, Dr Ray Ray, Jack, and Ernie said they still love me. I happy they all love me the way I look like Jack my husband who I still in love with he a lot all the time. Page Thirty Three Dr Charlie I went to his new business. When he said you could help me to cleanup the restroom kitchen and the restaurant. I went to school where the teacher said you have to get a criminal background check before I could go to school. The teacher said it could be hard for you to do the work in the workbooks and I said could tried to do the work in the workbooks. Dr Charlie said I’m glad you are with father my family happy because my father happy to be in love with you. Jack said drinking water is danger like seaweed is it could kill us it is poison to us all to drink it we could get really sick and could die from the poison It’s why we do not drink it to be on the safe side. Jack I eat some meat we eat all good food likes half-fish and half-human eats it maybe healthy or not healthy to eat it. We drink special drinks we make it like juice coffee tea and special pop. We love the way we eat it good to eat what we eat. To keep us healthy and not to get sick.
  • 27. Page Thirty Four Jack said she had to help Belle she will not be home she will go for two hours. Jack said she could go to look after her children she had with my son Dr Charlie to see of he or she could be drugging the children they are looking after. Jack said I start it in 2949 to make my wife look like me and I in love with her. We sleep together Jill said not because you are married Jack said you are love have your wife so please stop sleeping with other women . Jill said I know you want only our wife because she is like you and you really love her a lot she is happy to be with you. Jack said she saved my life years ago because my son his wife call the Army Science to turn us in she was pregnant at the time and she said it not Jack baby to keep he save. She helped get us out of the Army Science place and our son Henry was with us because he was half-human and half-fish. They do not understand he was born like this he could not change the way he looks like. I made her look like me to keep my family jeans to go on forever. Page Thirty Five I ask Anne to turn off the tubes in the home because we do not want it. It to dangers for us other could use it to hurt us. They know it is to dangers for Jack our children and me because it has water in it. The water could poison us and may us really sick or kill us I was
  • 28. sleeping because I had to go to work in five hours when the person who live in the home to came to see how we are doing and see of we are healthy I went to see Dr Charlie to see how is he at his business when he said I not wall because I going to die. I said we could make you better we could go to the hospital to help for you and I thing Gloria was poisoning you to get all your money she would poison the children because it what she is like in her life. I said your father thank you for the good fruit you give us. I call my husband to tell him his son is in the hospital because he is really sick Dr Charlie said he would die. When Jack told her how we meet one day and how I saved his life. Page Thirty Six Jack had to go to help a good friend. When I was cooling down at Dr Charlie home I find myself into the old palace were we one live it was now a place for other people who are not living at home. I said could ask Ernie of we could use his other place he builds for the pride and joys lived in the hospital place. To help Kim who need a big place for all the people living in the palace. Ernie want to sleep with to see had to did it because I half-fish and half-human what Jack had do it to me. I open my lily pad part so Ernie could see I still female. Ernie what are you here for I said Kim need a big place for all under her care she has over 999 under
  • 29. her care it hard for her to help they all the time. I went home to Jack home he had Sue in our place when she you can stay some were new at Dr Charlie. I said no Jack my husbands I love he a lot so you will have go back to your own place. I said to Jack in was helping Kim find a big place for all in care. We went to Kim to see her when she said thank you for helping me to get a big place for people I care for. Jack said you do not love me because if you love me you would be home with me no seeing other men. I throw Sue out of the van because I wanted to slow him I really love him. Sue came back said you have to go to Dr Charlie to stay I said not it my and my husband place. Sue ask who is she when Jack said she my wife and I really love her. She may make mistake but I still care about her She like me and she has save my life more then I could count so I going to save my married to my wife. I love him I want to work out our married With Jack could we talk about our married. You ask what I see other is because you pulls me way all time like my other husband did and you tell other you want them to sleep with you it hurt me a lot. I would stay home with you more it you let me stay with you. We need go into hide so not once came hurt us or kill us because they hate what we look like and was not human or not fish. We get away from them all I went to Ernie to stay for a little time to get better with my powers and help came my family save from the people who want to hurt us.
  • 30. Page Thirty Seven Jack and I got back together once again to work on our married because we really care about each our. Jack and I was walking when someone take Jack away to hurt he because he was not human. I in danger too because I not human. I find Jack he was hurt but a live when I said our children are in danger too like you and I are so we find them a save place to live into the danger go away. Kim help us find a place to stay had so no one come hurt us. I see a good friend Dr Ray Ray call Jack to said your wife is save because at Dr Charlie place were I staying started on fire because a plane crash it set the fire in the home but I got out in time. Dr Charlie said you and father could claim the Royal palace because you are Royal you both survive the football big fright. You now here the photos are and the paper you would need to claim the family Royal palace. I said we have to go to the place were our father I stay with him. We half to go to the place your father own it not the same way when you went in it. Gloria she is not the person who you looking for the you are looking for is smaller. We went to the place to find went we would need to claim the Royal palace. I ask the children could they go out of the room so we could find the entire thing we need to find. When Jack call Kim she said do you know how to us the phone when I said not. Kim call Jack the answer machine came on I
  • 31. left Jack a message were I was at and said I love you our two small children are save with your son I do not know were Henry Beer is they are missing. You need to come to the place because we could claim the family Royal palace it our to claim it. I said our small son are ok it was a message to Jack only he knew went I was really telling he. We do not find the paper here so we had to go to the big palace were Jack left he pride and joys alone they were in a big trouble when we said you better come to our pride and joys they need you. Jack I should have stay with them not going away from them. Jack came to the big palace we had the paper we need to claim the Royal family palace. Sue came to she said I going to married Jack I said not you are not going to married Jack I still love he we are husband and wife. She get her family to hurt me when Jack went she had do to he said get on of here go back to our own husband I know way my wife do not like you to be around and I understand what she was telling you only want he because is my wife you tried to hurt by getting family to help cut her and she tell me you always could sleeping her man. You first sleep with Dr Ray Ray her husband you sleep with all her husband too it what I want you to go away and ever come back she or I would hurt you badly so you will ever sleep with not more have her husband it what I telling is true and I will not stop her and stop me from hurting you badly.
  • 32. Page Thirty Eight Sue may my husband sick because it what she do to men who she hate. I said she is nuts so Sue maybe with Jack because he not in love with her. Jack is in love with me and we look the same. I said she put water in you ice cream it was like eating seaweed because we were half-fish and half-human not like other she knew in her life she love hurt other people to make they sick. Sue tried to hurt me badly because I said Jack not her husband Jack is my husband is in love with me and he said I only married to Denise she really care about me a lots because she save my life more time then I could count and it way we in love all the time. I would not change it because she is good to me and she help me went I sick. I said Sue is married to Dr Ray Ray and she will kill you be poisoning you with water. We put Sue in the Mental hospital to get the help she need for the first time in her lifetime. When her came to the hospital to sign her into the hospital to get the help she need. Page Thirty Nine Dr Charlie his wife none was Corina but go as Gloria. Dr Charlie keep me in his home by drugging me to keep me from Jack from my husband for around one years so he could have more children with me because he need more children to get more money. I find Jack
  • 33. he was still with Dr Ray Ray wife I said I love you still and miss you a lot could we talk by our married ok. Jack said I busy now until tomorrow ok I do love you ok. Jack told Sue she had to go back to her husband Dr Ray Ray because I going back to my wife we need to spend time on our married. I told Jack what Dr Ray Ray do for me when Dr Charlie tried to hurt me so I could no come back to you or our children because he give me drugs all the time keeping me lock up in his home for little time before he but me in hospital to make me to forget you Jack but it do not work it is how I find me way back to you. Page Forty I find out Ernie was hurt by Dr Ray Ray wife hurt his father Ernie by hitting he in the head over over and over he told she no it sent her in hitting he it may her madder and madder because she do not like being told no all the by men. Ernie could not remember all the people in his life but me and the love he had for me. I talk to his son Dr Ray Ray said your wife hurt your father soul badly by hitting he. I said you should get the help she need before she hurt someone more hurt then she do to father when she want more revenge on other because their told her no she is danger to all in her life she done it one she will do it again and again. I said she may with no kill Ernie but she could have kill Ernie and kill my husband Jack to get revenge on he
  • 34. for sending her away for his home forever because he was in love with me like Ernie it way she hurt he to get back at me for taking Jack from her farther you and Jack from her. Page Forty One I said to Dr Charlie I could not let you or Gloria to take the children to a new town from their grandfather or me because Gloria is not their real mother I their real mother who would not let her take them some way they could not see their grandfather or me because I love them all and I would miss them all. Dr Charlie when out on a date with a good friend name is Sharva she loves going out on date with Dr Charlie some time. Sharva said Dr Charlie I love go out with you on more dates because you are fun to go out for dinner I would love to be you wife Sharva said I would help you with your Denise and children I would not hurt them like Gloria is hurting them because they are Denise children too. Gloria could still hurt them or kill them all because she hate you for sleeping with Denise when you were working or staying at the home where she lived at all time and you said you are working at the hospital not with her. Page Forty Two The people I was staying with would not let me to go on a walk to see my husband Jack Dr Charlie or me
  • 35. children. Who is with Kim how he was helping at her home. I find myself with Dr Charlie when Gloria said to Kim Denise will not be seeing Jack because she is with Dr Charlie his son there are in bed making love so she is busy for two more hour or more she is making love to Dr Charlie to make more baby. We will give up two more children to someone to looking after them because we can not look after them all with little money we get by our job and the work we done. I how the money for you for the children to get them food to pay the bills. Dr Charlie said I happy for the money to pay the bills and to buy food to eat. I love you not Gloria or the other women of you are not married to my father I would married you today. My father is missing you he does not now when he is with other women and he does not care he is hurting you by being with other and sleeping with them. He tells me he love you I said of you really love Denise you would stop sleeping with other women. I hate when I did to Denise by sleeping with Gloria or other women because it hurt her badly at the time it what she can not show her really love because she with hurt badly by other men like us. Page Forty Three I find myself at Dr Patrick Wilson home we sleep together for the first time in year. I may get pregnant by Dr Patrick Wilson, Dr Ray Ray, Ernie, Jack, or Dr
  • 36. Charlie because we had sex around the same time I get pregnant. I find myself at Dr Charlie business place or home place when I see all my friends and Dr Charlie because I fall to sleep in one of Dr Charlie bedrooms. Dr Charlie came to see how I was doing at time. I said I sleepy so I going to lay down for two hour or more to get some sleep and I can help you went I up in two hours I help Dr Charlie in the business to get it cleanup to be open on time. I went to Jack home to told he I love he not one but him and let work on our married please stop sleeping with other women it hurt me went you sleep with the other women. I would stop sleeping with you son Dr Charlie I like looking like you half-fish and half-human thank you for making me like our children I love you all the time. You are good person to love and to sleep with you. You make good baby and you make me happy to be with you all the time. I trying to change the way I talk with you. I trying to get a job to help us to get money to buy thing we need and trying to get my grade 12 and read better for us all. Page Forty Four I went to see Ernie to help him to get better from the people how hurt him badly because I still love he a lot it was up to help him get better. I stay for a long at his home to help to keep it clean for our children save from other people. Ernie was happy to see me at his
  • 37. home for a long time he miss me a lot because he love me a lot. Ernie and I sleep together in his bed for the first time in years. I said of we could get remarried we would get married one again for children who need both parents. We can make more pride and joy again because I miss the pride and joys we made together years ago. I love all our children pride and joys. The children are looking good healthy good in school and in their jobs. The children said mother how are you doing in your workplaces our brother sister with Jack Dr Ray Ray our brother Dr Shaun Water the Wilson and Dr Charlie I said they are good healthy happy to be with me and they fathers. I love them all the same. I miss you all the time because we could not see each our for years. We spent good time together because I help Ernie get better in time we send together for two month. Ernie said I happy to send time have you and thank you. Page Forty Five I went to Dr Ray Ray to spend time with him to help him to look after our children who came home too see their father and me for the first time in years. I sleep in Dr Ray Ray bed with he to make love so I could get pregnant with his baby. His wife came back to see Dr Ray Ray for time first time in years she send I sorry for hurting you father and your husband Denise please forgive me. I was sick I do not now go I going at the
  • 38. time. When I hurt them both at the time. I do not hate you because I hurt your husband and Ernie I get really mad at the time. Dr Ray Ray and I said we could not forgive you for hurting my father Ernie and Denise husband Jack because of Denise and me for being in love with me. I will be with Denise when I want to be with her at my home my father Dr Charlie and not her husband home. You will be charge with going on the land of all of us. You will go to jail or to the hospital to get the help you need to get the help because I could put you in the hospital to get the help and I your husband not Jack wife or my father Ernie wife their do not love you at all. Denise is good to me my father Ernie and Jack she save our life more more time then I could count it. Page Forty Six I try to work on my married with Jack who I love all the time with my heart and soul. I find a magic way to get to my husband Jack. Jack went back to his family palace to be king were his mother is living at with his father the old King. I was to be the Queen because I was married to Jack your son. I love he a lot help me win he back because he is being brain wash by the lady who is living in is own palace where meet he with his son Dr Charlie with once was married to he spent me to meet his father because he was not in love with me he in love with Gloria Wilson so he tell her was not his wife but she
  • 39. was not his wife at the time. We meet in the hospital were he work he was my doctor first and then my husband we had a lots of children in the hospital were he were he work in it were we fall in love with each other but he was only using me to get Gloria Wilson to be with he. I how I meet his mother first at her home with her new husband. I do not know he was not Dr Charlie real father to he said my father is not here he is at his own place because him is not all human. He is half-fish and half-human because Dr Charlie does not want people to now his father was no all-human he had a hook.