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By Norael Mays
I’ve finally seen the world for what it truly is, a dark place with evils that live
within its shadows. This awakening came with a price that changed my life forever.
My name is Darling and I’m a killer.
I visited my grandfather Gregory James for summer vacation this year. When I
walked in the front door, memories from all the summers I used to spend there flooded
my mind. I sat my bags down at the bottom of the stairs and went up to my grandfather’s
“Pop-Pop?” I said entering.
He was asleep, but woke when he heard my voice.
“Is that my little darling?” He said with a smile.
“Yes, it’s me.” I replied.
I gave him a kiss.
“I am so happy you made it. How was your trip?” He asked.
“It was nice. How’ re you feeling?” I asked.
He then replied, “Much better than yesterday. My doctors say the medicine’s not
working as well as they would’ve hoped, but I told them it’s just God letting me
know that he’s almost finished renovating my mansion in the sky.”
We laughed. My grandfather’s an optimist and never sees the downside to anything, even
when he was diagnosed with brain cancer last year. He said God was testing him to see if
he really wanted to make it into the New City.
He’s been like this ever since I can remember, especially when my grandmother died. It’s
just his way of coping with things he can’t control, and I love that about him. We talked
about my life in New York and his in California, but then we were interrupted.
“Gregory! Whose bags are these by the steps?”
A woman yelled, entering his room.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“Who are you?” I replied.
“Calm down Belinda, this is my granddaughter Vieira. Vieira, this is Belinda my
caretaker.” He said.
“Your granddaughter? I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize she would be arriving today.”
Belinda replied.
“That’s alright.” He said.
“I’m Belinda Sayers, how’re you?” She asked.
“I was fine a minute ago. What kind of person walks into someone’s room
yelling?” I asked.
“Again I am truly sorry, I don’t like strangers coming into the house when I’m not
here.” She replied.
Then I said, “I’m not a stranger.”
Belinda nodded her head and walked back down the stairs.
“Where did you get that woman from?” I asked.
“She’s from the hospital. Since I’m not always able to travel, they send a nurse
here to take care of me.” He answered.
“Well I don’t like her.” I said.
“Oh, don’t say that based on a first impression. You’ll get to know her over the
summer, judge her then.” He replied.
One day, after a few weeks had passed, I went up stairs to talk to my grandfather.
He was in bed watching a documentary.
“Hi Pop-Pop!” I said.
“Hi darling.” He replied.
“Are you feeling okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine, just took my medicine and I’m tired.” He answered.
“Do you need anything?” I asked.
He pointed to the water, and it was then I saw bruises on the inside of his arm.
“Pop-Pop, what happened to your arm?” I asked.
He looked at it.
“Oh, I knock it on the edge of the bed.” He replied.
The way he answered made me doubt him, but I didn’t push it any further. I waited till
Belinda arrived. She walked into the kitchen, where I was sitting at the table.
“Hi Vieira!” She said.
“Hi. Can I ask you something?” I asked.
“Sure.” She replied.
“Those bruises on my grandfather’s arm, how did he get them?” I asked.
Belinda stopped and looked at me.
“What bruises are you talking about?” She asked.
“The bruises that look like some are old and some are new” I replied.
“Oh. He just hurts himself a lot. Did you ask him about them?” She asked.
“Yeah, but I don’t buy his answer.” I replied.
I walked out of the kitchen to the porch, where I heard an unfamiliar voice.
“Hey!” It said.
I turned and saw a guy standing at the bottom of the porch.
“Hey.” I said back.
“You must be Vieira, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He said.
“Sorry I can’t say the same about you.” I replied.
“I’m Zander Cross, a friend of your grandfather’s.” he said.
“So how come I haven’t seen you around?” I asked.
“Well I’ve been traveling lately, plus Belinda said Mr. James can’t really handle
visitors these days.” He replied.
“How long has Belinda been coming here?” I asked.
He then replied,
“Since about six months ago, when Mr. James got really sick.”
“What do you think about her?” I asked.
“She’s a little weird and kind of controlling. I used to visit non-stop. Your
grandfather and I would sit on the porch and talk about everything, but since she
got here he hasn’t been out as much.” He replied.
I started to think about what I had noticed about Belinda, and then hearing what Zander
said about her only grew my suspension and concern.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?” I asked.
“Sure.” He replied.
As we walked, Zander told me about the day he met my grandfather and how
much he looked up to him, which was nice to hear. We ended up walking by the local
hospital, the exact place I wanted to go.
“Belinda works there right?” I asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” He replied.
We walked inside to the information desk.
“Hi, my name’s Vieira James. I’m the granddaughter of a patient who comes here
and I need information about getting an in-home nurse.”
The nurse then replied,
“You can check with the Administration Office on the fifth floor.”
“Thank you.” I said.
“Why do you want information about another nurse?” Zander asked.
“I don’t, I just want some on Belinda.” I replied, as we went up to the office.
“Hi, whom can I talk to about in-home care?” I asked.
“You’d have to talk to Mrs. Aldean, but she’s busy.” She replied.
“Well can you tell Mrs. Aldean that this is very important, it’s regarding Gregory
James, the patient who’s been donating $50,000 to the hospital’s cancer center for
the last ten years.” Zander said.
“Yes, I’ll tell her right away.” She replied.
“Wow Zander, you almost gave her a heart attack.” I said smiling.
Mrs. Aldean walked out of her office.
“Hi, I’m Roberta Aldean. You must be…” She asked.
“I’m Vieira James. This is my friend Zander Cross.” I replied.
“Come right on in.” she replied.
We sat and talked about how my grandfather was doing in treatment, but it was what
Mrs. Aldean said right before I left that confirmed my suspensions about Belinda.
“If you’re looking for suitable nurses, I can give you a list of our best ones.” Mrs.
Aldean said.
“Thank you, cause I might have to replace the one he has now.” I replied.
“Oh, so the nurse he hired isn’t any good?” She asked.
“He didn’t hire a nurse, he said the hospital provided him with one.” I replied.
“We only provide nurses to patients who request one, and your grandfather never
did.” She said.
I immediately got a bad feeling in my stomach, thinking of my grandfather being home
alone with a woman who wasn’t really a nurse.
“Thank you so much for your time Mrs. Aldean.” I said.
“It was my pleasure. Tell your grandfather I said hi and I hope he’s feeling well.”
She replied.
When we got to the house we went upstairs to my grandfather’s room, where we found
him with Belinda.
“Get away from my Pop-Pop!” I yelled.
I walked over to Belinda, and pushed her back from by his bed.
“What’s going on Darling?” My grandfather asked.
“The hospital didn’t hire this woman to look after my you.” I replied. “I called
the cops and they’re on their way here to find out just who in the world you are,
and what you’ve been doing to my grandfather!”
About seven minutes later the cops arrived to talk to my grandfather, but he
refused, because he wasn’t feeling well. The police instead questioned Belinda, who
ended up giving them answers to everything, like her personal information, where she
went to nursing school, and even a story about how the hospital must have made a
mistake, because she was specially assigned to my grandfather. Afterwards, I talked to
the police, who told me that there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with Belinda, but
that they would check out her story and then get back to me. To me that translated to,
“We can’t help unless your grandfather’s either seriously hurt or definitely dead,” and I
realized that I had to help my Pop-Pop myself. So I told the cops that until their little
“investigation” was completed, I wanted Belinda to stay as far away from grandfather as
possible, which they agreed to. I felt so overwhelmed, after the police and Belinda left the
“What’s wrong?” Zander asked.
“I don’t know what to do.” I said.
“Hey, everything’s going to be alright.” He replied
Zander hugged me.
“Thank you for being here Zander.” I said.
“And I’m not going anywhere.” He replied.
Being in Zander’s arms and him wanting to stay with me was exactly what I needed in
that moment.
“I should call my mom.” I said.
I called multiple times, but she never answered, which probably had to do with the reason
why I was visiting alone. She was working.
It was now about mid summer. My grandfather had a new nurse and was doing
much better than before. One night I decided to record a talk with him, about his time
with Belinda. He told me that he really didn’t remember the past six months with her,
because he was really sick from the Chemo, and Belinda mostly kept him sedated. He
said Belinda would keep the phone away from him, and wouldn’t allow any visitors in
the house, especially Zander. He told me that he finally got to call my mother when
Belinda left the phone on the nightstand one day, and that’s how I was there now. He
cried as he told me about how Belinda mistreated him. She’d punch and beat him
whenever she was mad or wanted money. Sometimes she’d even put him inside the
bathtub filled with ice-cold water. He said on the good days, she’d just keep him sedated
or not feed him. Watching my grandfather cry angered me to the core, but all I could do
was cry along with him.
A few weeks had passed, when I received a call from a detective Stephen Marks
telling me there was important information about Belinda, and for me to come down to
the police station right away. Upon entering the building, we were rushed into detective
Marks’ office.
“Vieira James?” Asked Marks.
“Yes.” I replied.
“I’m Zander Cross.” Said Zander
“Nice to meet you both.” Replied Marks. “Let’s get right to it. Do you recognize
this woman?
“Yes, it’s Belinda Sayers.” I replied.
“Well, her real name is Yolanda Fisher. Belinda Sayers is apparently an alias.
Officers went to apprehend this woman yesterday, and it appears that she’s fled.
But I wanted to inform you that we have put an APB and a warrant out for her
arrest.” Marks replied.
“How dangerous is she?” Zander asked.
“Yolanda Fisher is wanted up state for the murder of Marlin Barker. His son,
Marlin Jr. found his body a week later after he died. Witnesses say the last person
to see him alive was his nurse of one year, Yolanda Fisher.” Marks replied.
“What’s going to be done for my grandfather while she’s still out there?” I asked.
“He’s going to be provided with a protection detail, until Yolanda is captured and
imprisoned.” Marks replied.
I was terrified that Belinda was still out there somewhere, but I was relieved to know that
she would finally be caught and never be able to hurt anyone ever again.
Just as detective Marks said, my grandfather had security like he was under
witness protection. Four times a day, two cops would take six-hour shifts watching the
house, but the cops weren’t the only visitors who spent their time there; Zander
practically moved in. Having him around gave me that extra sense of comfort. Like
nothing could go wrong while he was there.
“Your grandfather seems very happy these days.” Zander said.
“Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I seen him like this.” I replied.
“What about you?” He asked.
“Me? I’m better… now. You?” I replied
“I’m good too.” He said.
“You know you don’t have to be here all the time. I mean the cops are constantly
around so you can take some you time if you need to… or want to.” I said.
He walked towards me, until we were face to face.
“Well you see Vieira… I need to be here.” He replied
“Why?” I asked.
“Because I want to be here… with you.” He replied.
I don’t know if Zander was talking from his heart, or playing with my emotions, but
when he kissed me I didn’t resist.
Summer had a few days left, and there was still no word from detective Marks
about Belinda. The cops started coming around twice a day, instead of four, because they
believed Belinda had skip town and forgot about my grandfather. All I could do was hope
that that was true. Since I was leaving in a few days, I decided to spend some time
sightseeing with Zander. We traveled around California for hours, taking pictures of us
trying on clothes at different shops, dancing on the boardwalk, and eating on the beach
while the sun set. By the time we got home it was after twelve, so we went straight to
During the night, I heard noises coming from inside the house. I thought it was
Zander, but when the noises persisted, I walked into the hallway to see what they were.
My grandfather’s room was directly across the hall from mine. His door was closed, but I
remembered leaving it open so that I could hear him if he called for me. I walked over
and opened the door, and his room was totally dark. There was no television light and the
curtains were all closed. I flipped the switch and saw him sleeping.
“Pop-Pop?” I said.
He didn’t respond, so I called him a second time, but still no answer. I put my hand in
front of his mouth and felt nothing. I realized he was dead and I immediately broke down.
I ran out of the room and down the stairs to Zander, but when I reached the living room
he wasn’t there. I felt dirt on the bottom of my feet and then noticed trails of it leading up
the stairs, into the living room, and into the kitchen. I followed the one leading into the
dark kitchen and found Zander lying in a pond of blood.
“Zander! What happen?” I asked.
Blood was pouring from Zander side, and he was slipping in and out of consciousness. I
grabbed a kitchen towel, covered his wound, and applied pressure.
“Zander, baby I can’t understand you.” I said.
“Get out of here Vieira! He replied.
Right when I stood up, I was grabbed around my neck and dragged into the living room. I
struggled, and then was thrown to the floor and hit in the head with a hard object. I felt
blood trickle down my face.
“Tell me how it feels knowing that with everything you did, you still couldn’t
stop me?” She asked.
She kicked me in my side with all her might.
“Why are you doing this Belinda?” I asked.
“Why? Because I always get what I want, and you Vieira… I want dead more
than anything. That’s why I saved you for last.” She said.
She kicked me again.
“What do you mean you saved me for last?” I asked
“Well first I stabbed your sleeping knight in shining armor. You should’ve seen
his face when I did it, I think he actually cried.” She replied. “And then there was
dear old ailing grandpa. You really thought I wouldn’t get to him? I watched the
cops for weeks, riding them out waiting for the perfect time to kill every single
one of you.
Catching my breath I started to get up, but Belinda kicked me towards the fireplace.
“You know Vieira, your grandfather didn’t scream or even fight back when I
killed him. It was like he knew I was coming. But little did he know, I was
coming here especially for you. All I could think about was how you challenged
me and all the ways I could kill you.”
I watched Belinda walk over to the desk and pick up a knife. It was big and
covered with blood. She walked towards me and I knew I couldn’t let her kill me. So I
quickly stood, grabbed the fireplace poker, and hit her in the arm with it. She screamed. I
hit her again and she fell to the floor, dropping the knife. I felt all the anger I had, finally
reach its boiling point, and something inside me cracked. I stood over her and hit her
repeatedly for everything she did to hurt me. Stabbing Zander, kicking me, trying to kill
me, and most of all for killing the one person in my family that I needed, my Pop-Pop.
“And before I knew it... She was dead.”
“You did what you had to, to protect yourself.” Said Marks.
A nurse walked into the hospital’s waiting room, and stood beside me.
“Excuse me, Zander’s asking for you now Vieira.” She said.
“My name’s not Vieira… it’s Darling.”

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  • 1. THE CARETAKER By Norael Mays I’ve finally seen the world for what it truly is, a dark place with evils that live within its shadows. This awakening came with a price that changed my life forever. My name is Darling and I’m a killer. I visited my grandfather Gregory James for summer vacation this year. When I walked in the front door, memories from all the summers I used to spend there flooded my mind. I sat my bags down at the bottom of the stairs and went up to my grandfather’s room. “Pop-Pop?” I said entering. He was asleep, but woke when he heard my voice. “Is that my little darling?” He said with a smile. “Yes, it’s me.” I replied. I gave him a kiss. “I am so happy you made it. How was your trip?” He asked. “It was nice. How’ re you feeling?” I asked. He then replied, “Much better than yesterday. My doctors say the medicine’s not working as well as they would’ve hoped, but I told them it’s just God letting me know that he’s almost finished renovating my mansion in the sky.” We laughed. My grandfather’s an optimist and never sees the downside to anything, even when he was diagnosed with brain cancer last year. He said God was testing him to see if he really wanted to make it into the New City.
  • 2. He’s been like this ever since I can remember, especially when my grandmother died. It’s just his way of coping with things he can’t control, and I love that about him. We talked about my life in New York and his in California, but then we were interrupted. “Gregory! Whose bags are these by the steps?” A woman yelled, entering his room. “Who are you?” She asked. “Who are you?” I replied. “Calm down Belinda, this is my granddaughter Vieira. Vieira, this is Belinda my caretaker.” He said. “Your granddaughter? I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize she would be arriving today.” Belinda replied. “That’s alright.” He said. “I’m Belinda Sayers, how’re you?” She asked. “I was fine a minute ago. What kind of person walks into someone’s room yelling?” I asked. “Again I am truly sorry, I don’t like strangers coming into the house when I’m not here.” She replied. Then I said, “I’m not a stranger.” Belinda nodded her head and walked back down the stairs. “Where did you get that woman from?” I asked. “She’s from the hospital. Since I’m not always able to travel, they send a nurse here to take care of me.” He answered. “Well I don’t like her.” I said.
  • 3. “Oh, don’t say that based on a first impression. You’ll get to know her over the summer, judge her then.” He replied. One day, after a few weeks had passed, I went up stairs to talk to my grandfather. He was in bed watching a documentary. “Hi Pop-Pop!” I said. “Hi darling.” He replied. “Are you feeling okay?” I asked. “I’m fine, just took my medicine and I’m tired.” He answered. “Do you need anything?” I asked. He pointed to the water, and it was then I saw bruises on the inside of his arm. “Pop-Pop, what happened to your arm?” I asked. He looked at it. “Oh, I knock it on the edge of the bed.” He replied. The way he answered made me doubt him, but I didn’t push it any further. I waited till Belinda arrived. She walked into the kitchen, where I was sitting at the table. “Hi Vieira!” She said. “Hi. Can I ask you something?” I asked. “Sure.” She replied. “Those bruises on my grandfather’s arm, how did he get them?” I asked. Belinda stopped and looked at me. “What bruises are you talking about?” She asked. “The bruises that look like some are old and some are new” I replied. “Oh. He just hurts himself a lot. Did you ask him about them?” She asked.
  • 4. “Yeah, but I don’t buy his answer.” I replied. I walked out of the kitchen to the porch, where I heard an unfamiliar voice. “Hey!” It said. I turned and saw a guy standing at the bottom of the porch. “Hey.” I said back. “You must be Vieira, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He said. “Sorry I can’t say the same about you.” I replied. “I’m Zander Cross, a friend of your grandfather’s.” he said. “So how come I haven’t seen you around?” I asked. “Well I’ve been traveling lately, plus Belinda said Mr. James can’t really handle visitors these days.” He replied. “How long has Belinda been coming here?” I asked. He then replied, “Since about six months ago, when Mr. James got really sick.” “What do you think about her?” I asked. “She’s a little weird and kind of controlling. I used to visit non-stop. Your grandfather and I would sit on the porch and talk about everything, but since she got here he hasn’t been out as much.” He replied. I started to think about what I had noticed about Belinda, and then hearing what Zander said about her only grew my suspension and concern. “Do you want to take a walk with me?” I asked. “Sure.” He replied.
  • 5. As we walked, Zander told me about the day he met my grandfather and how much he looked up to him, which was nice to hear. We ended up walking by the local hospital, the exact place I wanted to go. “Belinda works there right?” I asked. “Yeah, I think so.” He replied. We walked inside to the information desk. “Hi, my name’s Vieira James. I’m the granddaughter of a patient who comes here and I need information about getting an in-home nurse.” The nurse then replied, “You can check with the Administration Office on the fifth floor.” “Thank you.” I said. “Why do you want information about another nurse?” Zander asked. “I don’t, I just want some on Belinda.” I replied, as we went up to the office. “Hi, whom can I talk to about in-home care?” I asked. “You’d have to talk to Mrs. Aldean, but she’s busy.” She replied. “Well can you tell Mrs. Aldean that this is very important, it’s regarding Gregory James, the patient who’s been donating $50,000 to the hospital’s cancer center for the last ten years.” Zander said. “Yes, I’ll tell her right away.” She replied. “Wow Zander, you almost gave her a heart attack.” I said smiling. Mrs. Aldean walked out of her office. “Hi, I’m Roberta Aldean. You must be…” She asked. “I’m Vieira James. This is my friend Zander Cross.” I replied.
  • 6. “Come right on in.” she replied. We sat and talked about how my grandfather was doing in treatment, but it was what Mrs. Aldean said right before I left that confirmed my suspensions about Belinda. “If you’re looking for suitable nurses, I can give you a list of our best ones.” Mrs. Aldean said. “Thank you, cause I might have to replace the one he has now.” I replied. “Oh, so the nurse he hired isn’t any good?” She asked. “He didn’t hire a nurse, he said the hospital provided him with one.” I replied. “We only provide nurses to patients who request one, and your grandfather never did.” She said. I immediately got a bad feeling in my stomach, thinking of my grandfather being home alone with a woman who wasn’t really a nurse. “Thank you so much for your time Mrs. Aldean.” I said. “It was my pleasure. Tell your grandfather I said hi and I hope he’s feeling well.” She replied. When we got to the house we went upstairs to my grandfather’s room, where we found him with Belinda. “Get away from my Pop-Pop!” I yelled. I walked over to Belinda, and pushed her back from by his bed. “What’s going on Darling?” My grandfather asked. “The hospital didn’t hire this woman to look after my you.” I replied. “I called the cops and they’re on their way here to find out just who in the world you are, and what you’ve been doing to my grandfather!”
  • 7. About seven minutes later the cops arrived to talk to my grandfather, but he refused, because he wasn’t feeling well. The police instead questioned Belinda, who ended up giving them answers to everything, like her personal information, where she went to nursing school, and even a story about how the hospital must have made a mistake, because she was specially assigned to my grandfather. Afterwards, I talked to the police, who told me that there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with Belinda, but that they would check out her story and then get back to me. To me that translated to, “We can’t help unless your grandfather’s either seriously hurt or definitely dead,” and I realized that I had to help my Pop-Pop myself. So I told the cops that until their little “investigation” was completed, I wanted Belinda to stay as far away from grandfather as possible, which they agreed to. I felt so overwhelmed, after the police and Belinda left the house. “What’s wrong?” Zander asked. “I don’t know what to do.” I said. “Hey, everything’s going to be alright.” He replied Zander hugged me. “Thank you for being here Zander.” I said. “And I’m not going anywhere.” He replied. Being in Zander’s arms and him wanting to stay with me was exactly what I needed in that moment. “I should call my mom.” I said. I called multiple times, but she never answered, which probably had to do with the reason why I was visiting alone. She was working.
  • 8. It was now about mid summer. My grandfather had a new nurse and was doing much better than before. One night I decided to record a talk with him, about his time with Belinda. He told me that he really didn’t remember the past six months with her, because he was really sick from the Chemo, and Belinda mostly kept him sedated. He said Belinda would keep the phone away from him, and wouldn’t allow any visitors in the house, especially Zander. He told me that he finally got to call my mother when Belinda left the phone on the nightstand one day, and that’s how I was there now. He cried as he told me about how Belinda mistreated him. She’d punch and beat him whenever she was mad or wanted money. Sometimes she’d even put him inside the bathtub filled with ice-cold water. He said on the good days, she’d just keep him sedated or not feed him. Watching my grandfather cry angered me to the core, but all I could do was cry along with him. A few weeks had passed, when I received a call from a detective Stephen Marks telling me there was important information about Belinda, and for me to come down to the police station right away. Upon entering the building, we were rushed into detective Marks’ office. “Vieira James?” Asked Marks. “Yes.” I replied. “I’m Zander Cross.” Said Zander “Nice to meet you both.” Replied Marks. “Let’s get right to it. Do you recognize this woman? “Yes, it’s Belinda Sayers.” I replied.
  • 9. “Well, her real name is Yolanda Fisher. Belinda Sayers is apparently an alias. Officers went to apprehend this woman yesterday, and it appears that she’s fled. But I wanted to inform you that we have put an APB and a warrant out for her arrest.” Marks replied. “How dangerous is she?” Zander asked. “Yolanda Fisher is wanted up state for the murder of Marlin Barker. His son, Marlin Jr. found his body a week later after he died. Witnesses say the last person to see him alive was his nurse of one year, Yolanda Fisher.” Marks replied. “What’s going to be done for my grandfather while she’s still out there?” I asked. “He’s going to be provided with a protection detail, until Yolanda is captured and imprisoned.” Marks replied. I was terrified that Belinda was still out there somewhere, but I was relieved to know that she would finally be caught and never be able to hurt anyone ever again. Just as detective Marks said, my grandfather had security like he was under witness protection. Four times a day, two cops would take six-hour shifts watching the house, but the cops weren’t the only visitors who spent their time there; Zander practically moved in. Having him around gave me that extra sense of comfort. Like nothing could go wrong while he was there. “Your grandfather seems very happy these days.” Zander said. “Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I seen him like this.” I replied. “What about you?” He asked. “Me? I’m better… now. You?” I replied “I’m good too.” He said.
  • 10. “You know you don’t have to be here all the time. I mean the cops are constantly around so you can take some you time if you need to… or want to.” I said. He walked towards me, until we were face to face. “Well you see Vieira… I need to be here.” He replied “Why?” I asked. “Because I want to be here… with you.” He replied. I don’t know if Zander was talking from his heart, or playing with my emotions, but when he kissed me I didn’t resist. Summer had a few days left, and there was still no word from detective Marks about Belinda. The cops started coming around twice a day, instead of four, because they believed Belinda had skip town and forgot about my grandfather. All I could do was hope that that was true. Since I was leaving in a few days, I decided to spend some time sightseeing with Zander. We traveled around California for hours, taking pictures of us trying on clothes at different shops, dancing on the boardwalk, and eating on the beach while the sun set. By the time we got home it was after twelve, so we went straight to bed. During the night, I heard noises coming from inside the house. I thought it was Zander, but when the noises persisted, I walked into the hallway to see what they were. My grandfather’s room was directly across the hall from mine. His door was closed, but I remembered leaving it open so that I could hear him if he called for me. I walked over and opened the door, and his room was totally dark. There was no television light and the curtains were all closed. I flipped the switch and saw him sleeping. “Pop-Pop?” I said.
  • 11. He didn’t respond, so I called him a second time, but still no answer. I put my hand in front of his mouth and felt nothing. I realized he was dead and I immediately broke down. I ran out of the room and down the stairs to Zander, but when I reached the living room he wasn’t there. I felt dirt on the bottom of my feet and then noticed trails of it leading up the stairs, into the living room, and into the kitchen. I followed the one leading into the dark kitchen and found Zander lying in a pond of blood. “Zander! What happen?” I asked. Blood was pouring from Zander side, and he was slipping in and out of consciousness. I grabbed a kitchen towel, covered his wound, and applied pressure. “Zander, baby I can’t understand you.” I said. “Get out of here Vieira! He replied. Right when I stood up, I was grabbed around my neck and dragged into the living room. I struggled, and then was thrown to the floor and hit in the head with a hard object. I felt blood trickle down my face. “Tell me how it feels knowing that with everything you did, you still couldn’t stop me?” She asked. She kicked me in my side with all her might. “Why are you doing this Belinda?” I asked. “Why? Because I always get what I want, and you Vieira… I want dead more than anything. That’s why I saved you for last.” She said. She kicked me again. “What do you mean you saved me for last?” I asked
  • 12. “Well first I stabbed your sleeping knight in shining armor. You should’ve seen his face when I did it, I think he actually cried.” She replied. “And then there was dear old ailing grandpa. You really thought I wouldn’t get to him? I watched the cops for weeks, riding them out waiting for the perfect time to kill every single one of you. Catching my breath I started to get up, but Belinda kicked me towards the fireplace. “You know Vieira, your grandfather didn’t scream or even fight back when I killed him. It was like he knew I was coming. But little did he know, I was coming here especially for you. All I could think about was how you challenged me and all the ways I could kill you.” I watched Belinda walk over to the desk and pick up a knife. It was big and covered with blood. She walked towards me and I knew I couldn’t let her kill me. So I quickly stood, grabbed the fireplace poker, and hit her in the arm with it. She screamed. I hit her again and she fell to the floor, dropping the knife. I felt all the anger I had, finally reach its boiling point, and something inside me cracked. I stood over her and hit her repeatedly for everything she did to hurt me. Stabbing Zander, kicking me, trying to kill me, and most of all for killing the one person in my family that I needed, my Pop-Pop. “And before I knew it... She was dead.” “You did what you had to, to protect yourself.” Said Marks. A nurse walked into the hospital’s waiting room, and stood beside me. “Excuse me, Zander’s asking for you now Vieira.” She said. “My name’s not Vieira… it’s Darling.” THE END?