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Impact of Brain Drain on India
A Report On
Arihant Lunawat
Rohan Kulkarni
Nidhi Kothari
YVK Shanmukh Kumar
November 16, 2011
A Report On
Dr. Basavadatta Mitra
Arihant Lunawat
Rohan Kulkarni
Nidhi Kothari
YVK Shanmukh Kumar
A Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Of
NOVEMBER 16, 2011
First and foremost we would like to thank Dr. Basavadatta Mitra, more content...
Basavadatta Mitra from Humanities and Management Group, who is also our instructor for this course.
The Report was prepared after a comprehensive online survey. The survey was based on questionnaire consisted questions suitably covering all the
aspects exploited in the report. The data was collected from the students present in the campus. While evaluating the data, the views of students of all
batches were given equal importance and relevance. It was posted on DC1 and was also posted on the Google Groups of respective hostels, Clubs,
Associations and Departments. The opinions of the members of BITS Alumni Affairs Division have also been included.
On basis of the data obtained from internet and responses of BITS–Goa campus students, major reasons of Brain Drain and the extent of their impact
were analyzed. Also possible solutions were identified to narrow down the percentage of engineering graduates who fleet to foreign countries in search
of job and research facilities.
This report has been classified broadly into three parts. It begins with the reasons why engineering graduates consider working in a foreign country a
better option than working in India. Thereby, it considers the positive and negative impacts of this attitude on India. To conclude the report considers
the measures to be taken by the government and institutions to minimize the negative
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Brain Drain
(KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA) CONTENTS . * What is Brain Drain * Introduction of Brain Drain * Concepct of Brain Drain *
How to stop Brain Drain * Solution &Responsibility of Brain Drain * Influence of Brain Drain * Classification of Brain Drain * Problem of Brain
Drain * Brain Drain in india * Globlisation of Brain Drain * Bibliography What Is Brain Drain? Brain drain is also known as "The human capital
flight". It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country more content...
Most of migrations from developing countries are those wealthy or skilled people, whose leaving results in brain drain and slow development of home
countries. This contributes to a vicious circle for developing countries (low–income countries). On the other side, the advantaged social environment
(rich opportunities, comparatively good political system, developed economy, better living conditions, etc) in developed countries attract talents from
other areas, which contribute to brain grain, and finally forms a virtuous circle. * Concept and Magnitude of Brain Drain Migration of people as a
phenomenon differs from country to country and from time to time. It is misleading to generalise about the possible effects of migration from LDCs.
But even more fundamentally, one can argue that different studies are measuring differing things. All migrations cannot be justifiably brought within a
single analytic umbrella, though it has been so done in the contemporary literature on the subject. Migration of HQM from LDCs may be due to
several different sets of underlying social, political and economic forces. The phenomenon of migration of high quality manpower can justify the use of
the expression on the term "brain drain", but one has to be cautious in using the expression drain indiscriminately. To replace "drain" by a
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Argumentative Essay On Corruption
"Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already–tight
national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs" –Joe
Biden. This quote accurately describes the ongoing issue of corruption and why it's so prevalent especially in developing countries. Corruption is
defined as a practice or practices used by government officials to take advantage of their power for personal gain. This can be found in several forms
including bribery, graft, extortion, kickback, cronyism, and embezzlement. Corruption is a serious issue in today's society, and often devastates the
economy and the citizens inhabiting the country. It creates inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. Corruption affects a nation's
development economically and politically. Not only is it unethical, but it also hinders development and undermines the principles of democracy. This
essay will discusses three main subjects or focal points: corruption in the United States through the legal system, corruption in underdeveloped
countries through the government, and the methods some are using to stop corruption.
In many ways, the United States can be viewed as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Hit shows such as Scandal and House of Cards
depict the political world as a vicious playground, one where you can make underground moves and exchange secrets in order to elevate political
standing or achieve a specific goal. Most of the time this leads to a person's financial gains or them rising up in ranks. From the law enforcement &
court system to prisons to even the white house itself, corruption is evident. There have been several incidents in which law enforcement officials have
abused their power for personal gain. Operation Rockfish is a prime example of how the same law enforcement officials people rely on for protection
and safety can be the same ones endangering the community. In North Carolina, there was an FBI investigation formed around corrupt law
enforcement officials. It started off with Lann Tjuan Clanton, a former police officer with the
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The Functionalist Perspective
The Functionalist Perspective highlights that parts of society are organized to sustain its steadiness. Racist ideologist trusted they have a ethical
validation for conserving a society that usually denies evident groups of their privileges and rights. Some of the Racist Beliefs release the dominant
group of the accountability to problems encountered by subordinated groups comparable to education or any social difficulty that such groups may
develop. There are numerous ways racism is dysfunctional to society, racial prejudice and discernment fail to use assets of other groups. It damages
other groups since of poverty, which often outcomes in crime and delinquency. It demoralizes goodwill and diplomatic interactions among countries. As
well as, underestimates pacific solutions in disagreements. more content...
(Schaefer, 2011, pag 94). Even though the US government benefits from having high caliber human resources, this phenomenon not only affects the
countries of origins but the US as well. This occurrence affects the minority and subordinate groups of the citizens, which limited their potential jobs
and opportunities in high– tech careers paths. The brain drain is another sign of inadequate allocation of the assets around the globe, there are
numerous third world countries, who are in desperately need for those physicians. But, they often choose to emigrate searching for superior financial
opportunities and a better quality of life. The Us benefits from illegal immigration because it preserves the consumption growing and diversify the
social hierarchies. In addition, there is a positive advantage for the employers, who can pay the lowest wages, which help them produce more and at a
cheaper price for the
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What Is The Function Of The Midbrain?
The midbrain is located between the pons and the diencephalon, the functions of the midbrain are associated with the vision reflex centres that help to
coordinate head and eye movements, auditory relay from the hearing receptors of the ear to the sensory cortex, motor control, sleep and wake cycles,
alertness, and temperature regulation. The pons is located between the midbrain and the medulla. The pons contains nuclei that help to relay signals
from the forebrain to the cerebellum, along with nuclei that deal primarily with sleep, respiration, swallowing, hearing, equilibrium, eye movement,
facial expressions, facial sensation, and posture.
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The Many Functions of The Brain Essays
The Many Functions of The Brain
The brain has many functions in which it helps process and understands information. One aspect of the brain is its memory. Memory is there so
information can be used to understand what is happening around someone. The function of memory is somewhat of an enigma to many scientists. How
does the brain store and retrieve such information and at such high speeds? Although it is hard to conceive the actual machine working behind memory
scientist have been able to figure out the physiology behind this process. The brain is composed of millions of neurons. Communication between these
neurons is by using nerve impulses from the axon of one neuron to the dendrites of another. This is called a synapse. more content...
Such diseases are called agnosia and dissociative disorder. In order to understand these problems one must understand the different parts of memory
and what is affected. There is much evidence of the existence of short and long–term memory. Most disorders of the mind stem from the inability of the
mind to transfer signals from short to long–term memory. Memory is conceived as a transfer of information between short–term and long–term
memory. What factor must be present in order for a person memory to work incorrectly? An average person forgets things on a regular basis and that
can be attributed to the breakdown in information transfer in the brain. Scientist explains that the best way to remember things is by rehearsal. Through
this technique people can remember information presented with a higher rate accuracy. However this leaves little or no evidence to the reason of why
people forget things. This is attributed to a break down in the transfer of memory.
Short–term memory is broken down into three main parts. These parts are also broken down into a few sub categories. The three main parts in
short–term memory are visual STM, auditory STM, and working memory. A reason for the acceptance that there are many different types of memory
such as short and long–term memory is
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"Changing Face of Professional Education in India With Institute – Industry Partnership"
Prof. Giri Y.L.
Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engg.
Hadapsar, Pune.
Education in India has a very long history. As knowledge is a very important source of India's competitiveness. But India's ability to tap and nurture the
competitiveness would depend on how well education is institutionalized. Education has become India's "super infrastructure''. When the whole world
was deep asleep in darkness of ignorance Indians were busy discovering new things. Even today India has largest number of graduates in the world. In
the nearly 50 years since independence, India has built a university education more content...
And this is precisely the reason why amongst various other fields of knowledge, desire for acquiring management qualifications is growing, both
amongst the fresh graduates and working executives. During the past two decades, India has made enormous strides in its economic and social
development. But the greatest challenge to India is, to convert its large human resource base to knowledge workers, equipped with multiple skills that
can harness and take advantage of this booming knowledge economy.
Higher Education in India is one of the most developed in the entire world. There has in fact been considerable improvement in the higher education
scenario of India in both quantitative and qualitative terms. In technical education, the IITs, and in management, the IIMs have already marked their
names among the top higher educational institutes of the world. Moreover the Jawaharlal University and Delhi University are also regarded as good
higher educational institutes for doing postgraduates courses and research in science, humanities and social sciences. As a result, students from various
parts of the world are coming today for higher education in India.
After liberalization many multi–national companies entered in India due to which the demand for professionals increased. With establishment of many
private institutions, professional education now moved
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Persuasive Essay On How To Affect The Brain
Your brain is an organ that needs to be used in order to maintain its peak efficiency. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain will decline with
age and lack of use. Similar to a computer, your brain is the command center for your entire body. The brain has over one hundred billion nerve cells
that are interconnected to one another. Mentally stimulating your brain on a consistent basis will protect you from losing vital cognitive abilities. You
should think of exercising your brain like physically exercising the rest of your body. Most age related memory loss is brought about by lack of
mental activity and stimulation of the brain. The brain is continually growing new neurons so it is always possible to improve your brain function.
There are various techniques that you can use to improve your brain function and prevent cognitive decline. You can improve your brain and improve
your sense of alertness and well–being.
Physical Exercise: When you exercise you are actually helping your brain as well. Many people fail to make this connection. They may say that they
feel better and happier after a workout. This is because exercise stimulates the nervous system. There have been many studies conducted showing how
exercise before class helps students to be calmer and more focused in the classroom. Exercise stimulates serotonin which helps you to feel more
peaceful. Many people will try to exercise in the morning before work in order to feel more alert and focused during
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Brain Drain In America
The holidays are a time for family gatherings. Americans load up their cars or get on planes, travel to see family and reconnect with lost high school
classmates. The American population, temporarily at least, desegregates.
Now the word segregation might sound a bit confounding, conjuring up images of race and riot, but this segregation is different. As the January 19,
2007, Inside Higher Education points out, today's segregation transcends race and separates people by education and affluence. Americans with
college and postgraduate degrees increasingly cluster in a handful of locations, leaving the rest of the country intellectually and economically sapped,
the victims of a brain drain. The America that was once a melting pot for dreams and ideas accessible by all from sea to shining sea is now an
America where dreams come true for the talented few only when they live by a sea. The segregation caused by this out–migration of high–ability youth
from where they were raised to a few economically and intellectually vibrant locales cripples rural America and even some urban areas, while
destabilizing the American economy and society. Brain drain has caused the American melting pot to reach a melting point.
For us to fix it, more content...
An October 2006 University of Iowa Civic Analysis Network report chronicles the process. What happens is, brain drain regions often encourage their
elite high school students to seek out more prestigious colleges and universities in other parts of the nation–the old get out while the gettin' is good
routine. Sure some students stay, but many don't. After college, the elite students from local institutions as well as those who've already left seek
employment in the economically vibrant locations, leaving their homes talent–drained. While it's perfectly natural for kids to move away, the problem
for brain drained regions is that few talented people ever
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Essay about the human brain
In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't the largest organ of the human body it is the most
complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has
main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate.
The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The
brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content...
The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain,
temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear,
rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is
controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going
up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex
receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual
cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning
new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is
vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain.
If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing
how god has created the brain to have so many areas
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Chemical Changes In The Brain Essay
Although we would not be here without having the knowledge of physical changes in the brain, knowing about the chemical impacts in the brain play
a big role in today's society. Learning about the chemical changes happening in the brain changes the way doctors perform surgery, they way
antibiotics are made, and the way people view schizophrenics and other mentally ill patients. Our understanding on how physical changes impact the
brain makes a bigger impact on human lives. Our understanding and knowledge we have on the chemical changes in the brain changes the way
surgeons and doctors performed surgery. Not many decades ago, there was a practice, it had gotten so popular that it's creator won the Nobel Peace
Prize. In 1945, a man more content...
Drugs are chemicals that affect the brain by tapping into its communication system and interfering with the way that neurons are sent. Tolerance occurs
when someone consumes a drug so many times, the response is different than their initial response. It takes more of the drug to produce a bigger
effect. For the brain to build up tolerance, when the drug enters the body and goes to the brain, it activates a variety of neurotransmitters receptors
causing nerves to dump its other neurotransmitters, sending signals to the brain to make more or less, turning receptors on and off, growing new
interconnecting neurons. This helps the brain create a better tolerance for the drug and deals with it better the first time the drug was introduced.
Understanding on how the chemicals in the brain works helps us address this issue that illegal drugs are bad for the brain and body. Without our
knowledge on how drugs chemically affect the brain and body, kids today would not have the understanding on the risks of doing drugs. People doing
these drugs would not understand what is happening to their body and what is going on in their
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Brain Drain Essay example
Brain Drain One of the major concerns of today's companies is the shortage of labor, especially in management. The baby boomers are nearing
retirement age in the United States and the birth rate is dropping. These circumstances, coupled with the booming economy are the main causes of the
labor shortage. There is a high demand for labor but the once seemingly bottomless pool of employees and managers that companies drew from has
started to dry up. What are the factors that contributed to the problem and how are today's corporations going to handle this problem?
The type of labor needed in today's society has been undergoing a constant change. There is an increase in demand for workers but there is a much
greater more content...
The projected increase in 55–64 year olds in the workforce from 1996 to 2006 is a staggering 54%. The projected change in the 25–34 year old bracket
is –8.8%. These trends are not only true in the United States. Japan is also going to be coping with similar problems. Today the people over age 65
compose 16% of Japan's population, but by the year 2020 it is projected that percentage will soar to 26.3%. Japan, just like the United States is going
to have to attempt to retain some of this group in the workforce to compensate for the continually falling birthrate in their country. This problem is
very true in Europe too. Since 1995 Germany, France and Italy have experienced a continual fall in working population ages 15–64. This trend is
projected to continue into the year 2000.
Our aging population is also choosing to retire much earlier than they once did. This is a factor contributing to the strong economy we are enjoying
now. The old are growing older, living longer and they are healthier than ever. Breakthroughs in medicine have enabled people to live much longer. The
advancements our pharmaceutical companies research and development departments have made are staggering. Diseases that once were a death
sentence are curable. Organs that are failing in the human body can be replaced or rebuilt. There
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Brain Drain In Canada
Causes of Brain drain of Indians to Canada. It is irrefutable that everyone wants to live in peace and harmony with Ample of income resources that can
lead them to enjoy their life to the fullest. Recent trends depicts that Canada is one of the favorite nation of People, especially of the Asian masses for
migration, they choose Indians use to come to Canada Under various categories such as skilled and federal skilled workers Especially, nurses, doctors
and health care employees; scientists, engineers and IT workers. Unemployment, safety concerns, overpopulation, value of Canadian dollar as
compared to Indian rupee leads Brain drain of Indian professionals to Canada, where they can get a better lifestyle than their home more
Indian juvenile use to get frustrate by its system which suppresses their talent or capability because they have to bribe employers to get a deserving
job. There is minimal value of Excellence, talent and capability of juveniles in the eyes of employers, they Emphasis more on the approach and
bribery in India, whereas, in Canada a person is hired according to his talent mostly.Furthermore,few Indian laws are strict or against certain human
rights for instance gay marriages are legal in Canada, but in India it illegal, so people prefer other nations such as Canada, which are LGBT
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Brain drain, brain gain and brain circulation. These have been terms that have often been used simultaneously when discussing the movement of
students, academics, and scholars as they left their homes to study abroad, when they remained in their host countries, and when they continued to
work both at home and internationally. Brian circulation has been the term used to describe the movement and mobility of higher educated people
around the globe. It has been an increasing phenomenon that has affected the socio–economic and socio–cultural progress of a society and a country,
as well as the world (Teferra, 2005). Ozden and Schiff (2005) along with Stark et al. (1997) discussed the concept of brain circulation, a term they used
in more content...
Individuals gained from the study and the society gained from the knowledge and skills those students needed. This was matched by the time and
money that was spent on them during their schooling and job training. Saxenian (2002, 2005) suggested that there were huge advantages to brain
circulation because repatriates could be in their home country while they continued to maintain social and professional ties with their host country
Scholars argued repeatedly about the effects of brain drain, brain gain, and brain circulation upon various countries involved in their studies. Some
would question the authenticity of this circulation of talent (Harvey 2012; Saxenian, 2006). Harvey (2012) referenced Kapur and McHale (2005), who
worried that the highest ranking scholars from Indian universities emigrated from India to the United States in higher numbers than those scholars who
graduated with lesser degrees from lesser universities. In other words, they argued that the very top professionals tended to be the ones to leave. Others
would say that this was not negative because innovation tended to flow to and from the host country and increased the resources and knowledge in the
home country (Harvey, 2012). Perna et al. (2014) looked at the cost benefits for an emerging economy as scholars returned from international study. In
Kazakhstan, a government–sponsored scholarship program (the Bolashak program) found that
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The Power of the Human Brain Essays
Humans have been considered the highest form of living things on earth . This is not attributed to the fact that the human body is strong or agile ,
because there are multiple animals that possess strength and agility far beyond the imagination of humans . The main characteristic that distinguishes
humans from all other organisms is the brain . The brain is the powerhouse of the body . However this is also the site of the mind . The mind has
been said to give humans superior status over other creatures . With this one significant characteristic, humans have the ability to reason , feel and
adapt . Man has crossed many miles stones beyond the capabilities of any other living thing ad there are many more feats to be more
The Cerebellum is located at the back of the brain , under the occipital and temporal lobes of the cereral cortex . and contains about 50% of the neurons
in the brain and has been nicknamed the motor structure of the brain, due to the fact that a damaged cerebellum affects motor control and posture .The
cerebellum performs the following functions
Maintains Balance and Posture
Coordination of voluntary movement
Motor Learning
Cognitive functions
The Cerebellum is built from four different types of neurons which include granule cells, Purkinje cells and two types of inhibitory interneurons (Golgi
cells and basket cells)
The Brain Stem is on the bottom of the brain and is between the deeply rooted structures of the cerebral hemisphere and the cervical spinal cord. It is
split into three sections or departments , midbrain(mesencephalon), pons(metencephalon and medulla oblongata 9myelencephalon). The brainstem
which is storage for many control houses of the body that include functions like swallowing, breathing and vasomotor control. Cranial nerve nuclei is
located in the brainstem with the exception of the ones associated with the olfaction and vision, these provide motor and sensory functions to the
different structures in the cranium, e.g. facial muscles, tongue ,larynx and pharynx , it also serves the purpose of supplying the senses of taste,
equilibrium and hearing . Complete loss of brainstem has been regarded by
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Brain Break Essay
Brain breaks are a must have in any classroom in the modern day. Brain breaks refocus students and allow blood to freely flow through the brain,
allowing for a better learning experience for students. They can really help you refocus, weather you are in elementary school, middle school, or high
school. There are many types of brain breaks, and many different ones for different purposes. Some examples of brain breaks are yoga, crosswords,
any physical movement, puzzles, and anything else that can challenge the brain. Brain breaks are an essential part of education today, students retain
sixty percent more of what they learn in class with brain breaks implemented into everyday learning. Student performance in class is increased, mood, more content...
There are tons of reasons to use brain breaks to their full advantage in class. An article explains brain breaks with this quote "Brain breaks help
students develop the social–emotional skills they need to master rigorous academics"(Tilley). Brain breaks help students in many different ways, as
well as help teachers structure their teaching a little more. Students who participate in brain breaks have improved cognitive skills as they complete
rounds or variations of an activity. They also develop a better ability to focus in class on their own without the use of brain breaks. Teachers gain a lot
from brain breaks as well, as it allows them to manage the classroom better by reducing the amount of off–task behavior that may occur in class. It also
keeps the learning environment constantly evolving and providing new ways to keep students engaged with what you are teaching. Brain breaks
make it easy to refocus a class in only a few minutes. Brain breaks should not disrupt the learning process, they simply stretch the learning process
further to make it more effective. Simple breaks like stretching, moving to a different area, or singing can rejuvenate the brain. Teachers should also
time brain breaks before the students become fatigued, or bored. Once any of the listed set in it will make it more difficult to refocus students. It
depends on the student's age to determine how long is needed before a
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Purab Aur Paschim Themes
Purab Aur Paschim is a 1970 Hindi film which was seen as a path–breaking and trendsetting patriotic film in independent India. It displays the different
aspects of the social construct and cultural influences of Indians in both London and India. Although this film is best known for its portrayal of values
such as national pride and loyalty of Indians, it also conveys important messages such as preventing brain drain in India while embedding values such
as filial piety and significance of marriage.
In the beginning of the film, Bharat's loyalty to India is clearly evident as seen in the dialogue exchange between Bharat and Guruji. According to
Guruji, people from the West used to travel to India to seek education whereas today, Indians more content...
The songs' lyrics are very meaningful and have melodious music to go along with them. For example, lyrics from the song 'Bharat Ka Rehne wala'
such as "Deta Na Dashamaloh Bharat To Yun Chaand Pe Jaana Mushkil Tha..." tells us that without the creation of decimals by Indians, it would
have been difficult to reach the moon. Despite the fact that it was an American who first set foot on the moon, Indians did play a significant role to
aid this attempt which is something that Indians should be proud of. The song 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', which is an Indian rendition of the
original and that of 'Jack and Jill', is very catchy and has lyrics which refer to some Indian values. For example, "Naari Hoke Piye Whisky Aur Piye
Cigarette Baby" which tells us that according to Indian values, women neither drink nor smoke. In addition, the use of 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna' as
background music as a symbol to represent India was good though I felt that using it brings about a more Hindutva nationalism instead of the
secularism that India stands
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Canadas Brain Drain Issue Essay
Canadas Brain Drain Issue What is a brain drain? It is the emigration of highly educated and skilled Canadians to the United States. Does Canada
suffer from a Brain Drain? This is a question that economists have been trying to answer for a decade now and have conducted different studies
resulting to different conclusions about this issue. There are some economists that believe that yes Canada is suffering from a brain drain if not now it
will be soon, amongst those economists are Don DeVortez and Samuel Laryea who prepared a study of C.D howe Institute. They claimed that Brain
Drain is real and is costing Canada Tax Payers millions of dollars. Then on theother side of the debate we have economists like John Helliwell, who more content...
"I believes in the queen bee theory, that one real talented leader, can create all kinds of enterprise and wealth" said the CEO of a major corporation
in Western Canada. " If you lose that one person or that small group of people to places that they would rather be, they're not going to come back
and you're going to lose a tremendous amount of wealth creation" He was responding to Helliwell's theory saying that the flow of migrants from
Canada to the United States, whether overall or only among the highly educated, are less than a quarter as large as those in the 1960's. The CEO is
trying to say that maybe the flow of migrants are less but we are losing key players and that in the long run it will definitely hurt our nation. If the
talent is moving away from Canada because of better benefits less tax then the companies will follow the people that drive success and hence the low
number of migrants will eventually add up to millions of dollars of loss, and at this point millions of dollars is definitely a problem that the
government needs to address and fast.
Helliwell argues that over the last 30 years, there has been a steady continuation of the century–long downward trend in the number of Canadian–born
residents in the United
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Impact Of Brain Drain On India

  • 1. Impact of Brain Drain on India BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE– PILANI K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS A Report On IMPACT OF BRAIN DRAIN ON INDIA BY 2010A3PS120G 2010A4PS257G 2010A8PS326G 2010A8PS419G Arihant Lunawat Rohan Kulkarni Nidhi Kothari YVK Shanmukh Kumar November 16, 2011 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE– PILANI K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS A Report On
  • 2. IMPACT OF BRAIN DRAIN ON INDIA PREPARED FOR Dr. Basavadatta Mitra PREPARED BY 2010A3PS120G 2010A4PS257G 2010A8PS326G 2010A8PS419G Arihant Lunawat Rohan Kulkarni Nidhi Kothari YVK Shanmukh Kumar A Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Of TA C312– TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING NOVEMBER 16, 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost we would like to thank Dr. Basavadatta Mitra, more content... Basavadatta Mitra from Humanities and Management Group, who is also our instructor for this course. The Report was prepared after a comprehensive online survey. The survey was based on questionnaire consisted questions suitably covering all the aspects exploited in the report. The data was collected from the students present in the campus. While evaluating the data, the views of students of all batches were given equal importance and relevance. It was posted on DC1 and was also posted on the Google Groups of respective hostels, Clubs, Associations and Departments. The opinions of the members of BITS Alumni Affairs Division have also been included. On basis of the data obtained from internet and responses of BITS–Goa campus students, major reasons of Brain Drain and the extent of their impact were analyzed. Also possible solutions were identified to narrow down the percentage of engineering graduates who fleet to foreign countries in search of job and research facilities. This report has been classified broadly into three parts. It begins with the reasons why engineering graduates consider working in a foreign country a better option than working in India. Thereby, it considers the positive and negative impacts of this attitude on India. To conclude the report considers the measures to be taken by the government and institutions to minimize the negative
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  • 4. Brain Drain (KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA) CONTENTS . * What is Brain Drain * Introduction of Brain Drain * Concepct of Brain Drain * How to stop Brain Drain * Solution &Responsibility of Brain Drain * Influence of Brain Drain * Classification of Brain Drain * Problem of Brain Drain * Brain Drain in india * Globlisation of Brain Drain * Bibliography What Is Brain Drain? Brain drain is also known as "The human capital flight". It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country more content... Most of migrations from developing countries are those wealthy or skilled people, whose leaving results in brain drain and slow development of home countries. This contributes to a vicious circle for developing countries (low–income countries). On the other side, the advantaged social environment (rich opportunities, comparatively good political system, developed economy, better living conditions, etc) in developed countries attract talents from other areas, which contribute to brain grain, and finally forms a virtuous circle. * Concept and Magnitude of Brain Drain Migration of people as a phenomenon differs from country to country and from time to time. It is misleading to generalise about the possible effects of migration from LDCs. But even more fundamentally, one can argue that different studies are measuring differing things. All migrations cannot be justifiably brought within a single analytic umbrella, though it has been so done in the contemporary literature on the subject. Migration of HQM from LDCs may be due to several different sets of underlying social, political and economic forces. The phenomenon of migration of high quality manpower can justify the use of the expression on the term "brain drain", but one has to be cautious in using the expression drain indiscriminately. To replace "drain" by a Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Corruption "Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already–tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs" –Joe Biden. This quote accurately describes the ongoing issue of corruption and why it's so prevalent especially in developing countries. Corruption is defined as a practice or practices used by government officials to take advantage of their power for personal gain. This can be found in several forms including bribery, graft, extortion, kickback, cronyism, and embezzlement. Corruption is a serious issue in today's society, and often devastates the economy and the citizens inhabiting the country. It creates inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. Corruption affects a nation's development economically and politically. Not only is it unethical, but it also hinders development and undermines the principles of democracy. This essay will discusses three main subjects or focal points: corruption in the United States through the legal system, corruption in underdeveloped countries through the government, and the methods some are using to stop corruption. In many ways, the United States can be viewed as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Hit shows such as Scandal and House of Cards depict the political world as a vicious playground, one where you can make underground moves and exchange secrets in order to elevate political standing or achieve a specific goal. Most of the time this leads to a person's financial gains or them rising up in ranks. From the law enforcement & court system to prisons to even the white house itself, corruption is evident. There have been several incidents in which law enforcement officials have abused their power for personal gain. Operation Rockfish is a prime example of how the same law enforcement officials people rely on for protection and safety can be the same ones endangering the community. In North Carolina, there was an FBI investigation formed around corrupt law enforcement officials. It started off with Lann Tjuan Clanton, a former police officer with the Get more content on
  • 6. The Functionalist Perspective The Functionalist Perspective highlights that parts of society are organized to sustain its steadiness. Racist ideologist trusted they have a ethical validation for conserving a society that usually denies evident groups of their privileges and rights. Some of the Racist Beliefs release the dominant group of the accountability to problems encountered by subordinated groups comparable to education or any social difficulty that such groups may develop. There are numerous ways racism is dysfunctional to society, racial prejudice and discernment fail to use assets of other groups. It damages other groups since of poverty, which often outcomes in crime and delinquency. It demoralizes goodwill and diplomatic interactions among countries. As well as, underestimates pacific solutions in disagreements. more content... (Schaefer, 2011, pag 94). Even though the US government benefits from having high caliber human resources, this phenomenon not only affects the countries of origins but the US as well. This occurrence affects the minority and subordinate groups of the citizens, which limited their potential jobs and opportunities in high– tech careers paths. The brain drain is another sign of inadequate allocation of the assets around the globe, there are numerous third world countries, who are in desperately need for those physicians. But, they often choose to emigrate searching for superior financial opportunities and a better quality of life. The Us benefits from illegal immigration because it preserves the consumption growing and diversify the social hierarchies. In addition, there is a positive advantage for the employers, who can pay the lowest wages, which help them produce more and at a cheaper price for the Get more content on
  • 7. What Is The Function Of The Midbrain? The midbrain is located between the pons and the diencephalon, the functions of the midbrain are associated with the vision reflex centres that help to coordinate head and eye movements, auditory relay from the hearing receptors of the ear to the sensory cortex, motor control, sleep and wake cycles, alertness, and temperature regulation. The pons is located between the midbrain and the medulla. The pons contains nuclei that help to relay signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum, along with nuclei that deal primarily with sleep, respiration, swallowing, hearing, equilibrium, eye movement, facial expressions, facial sensation, and posture. Get more content on
  • 8. The Many Functions of The Brain Essays The Many Functions of The Brain The brain has many functions in which it helps process and understands information. One aspect of the brain is its memory. Memory is there so information can be used to understand what is happening around someone. The function of memory is somewhat of an enigma to many scientists. How does the brain store and retrieve such information and at such high speeds? Although it is hard to conceive the actual machine working behind memory scientist have been able to figure out the physiology behind this process. The brain is composed of millions of neurons. Communication between these neurons is by using nerve impulses from the axon of one neuron to the dendrites of another. This is called a synapse. more content... Such diseases are called agnosia and dissociative disorder. In order to understand these problems one must understand the different parts of memory and what is affected. There is much evidence of the existence of short and long–term memory. Most disorders of the mind stem from the inability of the mind to transfer signals from short to long–term memory. Memory is conceived as a transfer of information between short–term and long–term memory. What factor must be present in order for a person memory to work incorrectly? An average person forgets things on a regular basis and that can be attributed to the breakdown in information transfer in the brain. Scientist explains that the best way to remember things is by rehearsal. Through this technique people can remember information presented with a higher rate accuracy. However this leaves little or no evidence to the reason of why people forget things. This is attributed to a break down in the transfer of memory. Short–term memory is broken down into three main parts. These parts are also broken down into a few sub categories. The three main parts in short–term memory are visual STM, auditory STM, and working memory. A reason for the acceptance that there are many different types of memory such as short and long–term memory is Get more content on
  • 9. "Changing Face of Professional Education in India With Institute – Industry Partnership" Prof. Giri Y.L. Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engg. Hadapsar, Pune. E–mail:– Abstract Education in India has a very long history. As knowledge is a very important source of India's competitiveness. But India's ability to tap and nurture the competitiveness would depend on how well education is institutionalized. Education has become India's "super infrastructure''. When the whole world was deep asleep in darkness of ignorance Indians were busy discovering new things. Even today India has largest number of graduates in the world. In the nearly 50 years since independence, India has built a university education more content... And this is precisely the reason why amongst various other fields of knowledge, desire for acquiring management qualifications is growing, both amongst the fresh graduates and working executives. During the past two decades, India has made enormous strides in its economic and social development. But the greatest challenge to India is, to convert its large human resource base to knowledge workers, equipped with multiple skills that can harness and take advantage of this booming knowledge economy. Higher Education in India is one of the most developed in the entire world. There has in fact been considerable improvement in the higher education scenario of India in both quantitative and qualitative terms. In technical education, the IITs, and in management, the IIMs have already marked their names among the top higher educational institutes of the world. Moreover the Jawaharlal University and Delhi University are also regarded as good higher educational institutes for doing postgraduates courses and research in science, humanities and social sciences. As a result, students from various parts of the world are coming today for higher education in India. After liberalization many multi–national companies entered in India due to which the demand for professionals increased. With establishment of many private institutions, professional education now moved
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  • 11. Persuasive Essay On How To Affect The Brain Your brain is an organ that needs to be used in order to maintain its peak efficiency. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain will decline with age and lack of use. Similar to a computer, your brain is the command center for your entire body. The brain has over one hundred billion nerve cells that are interconnected to one another. Mentally stimulating your brain on a consistent basis will protect you from losing vital cognitive abilities. You should think of exercising your brain like physically exercising the rest of your body. Most age related memory loss is brought about by lack of mental activity and stimulation of the brain. The brain is continually growing new neurons so it is always possible to improve your brain function. There are various techniques that you can use to improve your brain function and prevent cognitive decline. You can improve your brain and improve your sense of alertness and well–being. Physical Exercise: When you exercise you are actually helping your brain as well. Many people fail to make this connection. They may say that they feel better and happier after a workout. This is because exercise stimulates the nervous system. There have been many studies conducted showing how exercise before class helps students to be calmer and more focused in the classroom. Exercise stimulates serotonin which helps you to feel more peaceful. Many people will try to exercise in the morning before work in order to feel more alert and focused during Get more content on
  • 12. Brain Drain In America The holidays are a time for family gatherings. Americans load up their cars or get on planes, travel to see family and reconnect with lost high school classmates. The American population, temporarily at least, desegregates. Now the word segregation might sound a bit confounding, conjuring up images of race and riot, but this segregation is different. As the January 19, 2007, Inside Higher Education points out, today's segregation transcends race and separates people by education and affluence. Americans with college and postgraduate degrees increasingly cluster in a handful of locations, leaving the rest of the country intellectually and economically sapped, the victims of a brain drain. The America that was once a melting pot for dreams and ideas accessible by all from sea to shining sea is now an America where dreams come true for the talented few only when they live by a sea. The segregation caused by this out–migration of high–ability youth from where they were raised to a few economically and intellectually vibrant locales cripples rural America and even some urban areas, while destabilizing the American economy and society. Brain drain has caused the American melting pot to reach a melting point. For us to fix it, more content... An October 2006 University of Iowa Civic Analysis Network report chronicles the process. What happens is, brain drain regions often encourage their elite high school students to seek out more prestigious colleges and universities in other parts of the nation–the old get out while the gettin' is good routine. Sure some students stay, but many don't. After college, the elite students from local institutions as well as those who've already left seek employment in the economically vibrant locations, leaving their homes talent–drained. While it's perfectly natural for kids to move away, the problem for brain drained regions is that few talented people ever Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about the human brain In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't the largest organ of the human body it is the most complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate. The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content... The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain, temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear, rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain. If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing how god has created the brain to have so many areas Get more content on
  • 14. Chemical Changes In The Brain Essay Although we would not be here without having the knowledge of physical changes in the brain, knowing about the chemical impacts in the brain play a big role in today's society. Learning about the chemical changes happening in the brain changes the way doctors perform surgery, they way antibiotics are made, and the way people view schizophrenics and other mentally ill patients. Our understanding on how physical changes impact the brain makes a bigger impact on human lives. Our understanding and knowledge we have on the chemical changes in the brain changes the way surgeons and doctors performed surgery. Not many decades ago, there was a practice, it had gotten so popular that it's creator won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1945, a man more content... Drugs are chemicals that affect the brain by tapping into its communication system and interfering with the way that neurons are sent. Tolerance occurs when someone consumes a drug so many times, the response is different than their initial response. It takes more of the drug to produce a bigger effect. For the brain to build up tolerance, when the drug enters the body and goes to the brain, it activates a variety of neurotransmitters receptors causing nerves to dump its other neurotransmitters, sending signals to the brain to make more or less, turning receptors on and off, growing new interconnecting neurons. This helps the brain create a better tolerance for the drug and deals with it better the first time the drug was introduced. Understanding on how the chemicals in the brain works helps us address this issue that illegal drugs are bad for the brain and body. Without our knowledge on how drugs chemically affect the brain and body, kids today would not have the understanding on the risks of doing drugs. People doing these drugs would not understand what is happening to their body and what is going on in their Get more content on
  • 15. Brain Drain Essay example Brain Drain One of the major concerns of today's companies is the shortage of labor, especially in management. The baby boomers are nearing retirement age in the United States and the birth rate is dropping. These circumstances, coupled with the booming economy are the main causes of the labor shortage. There is a high demand for labor but the once seemingly bottomless pool of employees and managers that companies drew from has started to dry up. What are the factors that contributed to the problem and how are today's corporations going to handle this problem? The type of labor needed in today's society has been undergoing a constant change. There is an increase in demand for workers but there is a much greater more content... The projected increase in 55–64 year olds in the workforce from 1996 to 2006 is a staggering 54%. The projected change in the 25–34 year old bracket is –8.8%. These trends are not only true in the United States. Japan is also going to be coping with similar problems. Today the people over age 65 compose 16% of Japan's population, but by the year 2020 it is projected that percentage will soar to 26.3%. Japan, just like the United States is going to have to attempt to retain some of this group in the workforce to compensate for the continually falling birthrate in their country. This problem is very true in Europe too. Since 1995 Germany, France and Italy have experienced a continual fall in working population ages 15–64. This trend is projected to continue into the year 2000. Our aging population is also choosing to retire much earlier than they once did. This is a factor contributing to the strong economy we are enjoying now. The old are growing older, living longer and they are healthier than ever. Breakthroughs in medicine have enabled people to live much longer. The advancements our pharmaceutical companies research and development departments have made are staggering. Diseases that once were a death sentence are curable. Organs that are failing in the human body can be replaced or rebuilt. There Get more content on
  • 16. Brain Drain In Canada Causes of Brain drain of Indians to Canada. It is irrefutable that everyone wants to live in peace and harmony with Ample of income resources that can lead them to enjoy their life to the fullest. Recent trends depicts that Canada is one of the favorite nation of People, especially of the Asian masses for migration, they choose Indians use to come to Canada Under various categories such as skilled and federal skilled workers Especially, nurses, doctors and health care employees; scientists, engineers and IT workers. Unemployment, safety concerns, overpopulation, value of Canadian dollar as compared to Indian rupee leads Brain drain of Indian professionals to Canada, where they can get a better lifestyle than their home more content... Indian juvenile use to get frustrate by its system which suppresses their talent or capability because they have to bribe employers to get a deserving job. There is minimal value of Excellence, talent and capability of juveniles in the eyes of employers, they Emphasis more on the approach and bribery in India, whereas, in Canada a person is hired according to his talent mostly.Furthermore,few Indian laws are strict or against certain human rights for instance gay marriages are legal in Canada, but in India it illegal, so people prefer other nations such as Canada, which are LGBT Get more content on
  • 17. Brain drain, brain gain and brain circulation. These have been terms that have often been used simultaneously when discussing the movement of students, academics, and scholars as they left their homes to study abroad, when they remained in their host countries, and when they continued to work both at home and internationally. Brian circulation has been the term used to describe the movement and mobility of higher educated people around the globe. It has been an increasing phenomenon that has affected the socio–economic and socio–cultural progress of a society and a country, as well as the world (Teferra, 2005). Ozden and Schiff (2005) along with Stark et al. (1997) discussed the concept of brain circulation, a term they used in more content... Individuals gained from the study and the society gained from the knowledge and skills those students needed. This was matched by the time and money that was spent on them during their schooling and job training. Saxenian (2002, 2005) suggested that there were huge advantages to brain circulation because repatriates could be in their home country while they continued to maintain social and professional ties with their host country Scholars argued repeatedly about the effects of brain drain, brain gain, and brain circulation upon various countries involved in their studies. Some would question the authenticity of this circulation of talent (Harvey 2012; Saxenian, 2006). Harvey (2012) referenced Kapur and McHale (2005), who worried that the highest ranking scholars from Indian universities emigrated from India to the United States in higher numbers than those scholars who graduated with lesser degrees from lesser universities. In other words, they argued that the very top professionals tended to be the ones to leave. Others would say that this was not negative because innovation tended to flow to and from the host country and increased the resources and knowledge in the home country (Harvey, 2012). Perna et al. (2014) looked at the cost benefits for an emerging economy as scholars returned from international study. In Kazakhstan, a government–sponsored scholarship program (the Bolashak program) found that Get more content on
  • 18. The Power of the Human Brain Essays Introduction Humans have been considered the highest form of living things on earth . This is not attributed to the fact that the human body is strong or agile , because there are multiple animals that possess strength and agility far beyond the imagination of humans . The main characteristic that distinguishes humans from all other organisms is the brain . The brain is the powerhouse of the body . However this is also the site of the mind . The mind has been said to give humans superior status over other creatures . With this one significant characteristic, humans have the ability to reason , feel and adapt . Man has crossed many miles stones beyond the capabilities of any other living thing ad there are many more feats to be more content... The Cerebellum is located at the back of the brain , under the occipital and temporal lobes of the cereral cortex . and contains about 50% of the neurons in the brain and has been nicknamed the motor structure of the brain, due to the fact that a damaged cerebellum affects motor control and posture .The cerebellum performs the following functions Maintains Balance and Posture Coordination of voluntary movement Motor Learning Cognitive functions The Cerebellum is built from four different types of neurons which include granule cells, Purkinje cells and two types of inhibitory interneurons (Golgi cells and basket cells) The Brain Stem is on the bottom of the brain and is between the deeply rooted structures of the cerebral hemisphere and the cervical spinal cord. It is split into three sections or departments , midbrain(mesencephalon), pons(metencephalon and medulla oblongata 9myelencephalon). The brainstem which is storage for many control houses of the body that include functions like swallowing, breathing and vasomotor control. Cranial nerve nuclei is located in the brainstem with the exception of the ones associated with the olfaction and vision, these provide motor and sensory functions to the different structures in the cranium, e.g. facial muscles, tongue ,larynx and pharynx , it also serves the purpose of supplying the senses of taste, equilibrium and hearing . Complete loss of brainstem has been regarded by Get more content on
  • 19. Brain Break Essay Brain breaks are a must have in any classroom in the modern day. Brain breaks refocus students and allow blood to freely flow through the brain, allowing for a better learning experience for students. They can really help you refocus, weather you are in elementary school, middle school, or high school. There are many types of brain breaks, and many different ones for different purposes. Some examples of brain breaks are yoga, crosswords, any physical movement, puzzles, and anything else that can challenge the brain. Brain breaks are an essential part of education today, students retain sixty percent more of what they learn in class with brain breaks implemented into everyday learning. Student performance in class is increased, mood, more content... There are tons of reasons to use brain breaks to their full advantage in class. An article explains brain breaks with this quote "Brain breaks help students develop the social–emotional skills they need to master rigorous academics"(Tilley). Brain breaks help students in many different ways, as well as help teachers structure their teaching a little more. Students who participate in brain breaks have improved cognitive skills as they complete rounds or variations of an activity. They also develop a better ability to focus in class on their own without the use of brain breaks. Teachers gain a lot from brain breaks as well, as it allows them to manage the classroom better by reducing the amount of off–task behavior that may occur in class. It also keeps the learning environment constantly evolving and providing new ways to keep students engaged with what you are teaching. Brain breaks make it easy to refocus a class in only a few minutes. Brain breaks should not disrupt the learning process, they simply stretch the learning process further to make it more effective. Simple breaks like stretching, moving to a different area, or singing can rejuvenate the brain. Teachers should also time brain breaks before the students become fatigued, or bored. Once any of the listed set in it will make it more difficult to refocus students. It depends on the student's age to determine how long is needed before a Get more content on
  • 20. Purab Aur Paschim Themes Purab Aur Paschim is a 1970 Hindi film which was seen as a path–breaking and trendsetting patriotic film in independent India. It displays the different aspects of the social construct and cultural influences of Indians in both London and India. Although this film is best known for its portrayal of values such as national pride and loyalty of Indians, it also conveys important messages such as preventing brain drain in India while embedding values such as filial piety and significance of marriage. In the beginning of the film, Bharat's loyalty to India is clearly evident as seen in the dialogue exchange between Bharat and Guruji. According to Guruji, people from the West used to travel to India to seek education whereas today, Indians more content... The songs' lyrics are very meaningful and have melodious music to go along with them. For example, lyrics from the song 'Bharat Ka Rehne wala' such as "Deta Na Dashamaloh Bharat To Yun Chaand Pe Jaana Mushkil Tha..." tells us that without the creation of decimals by Indians, it would have been difficult to reach the moon. Despite the fact that it was an American who first set foot on the moon, Indians did play a significant role to aid this attempt which is something that Indians should be proud of. The song 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', which is an Indian rendition of the original and that of 'Jack and Jill', is very catchy and has lyrics which refer to some Indian values. For example, "Naari Hoke Piye Whisky Aur Piye Cigarette Baby" which tells us that according to Indian values, women neither drink nor smoke. In addition, the use of 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna' as background music as a symbol to represent India was good though I felt that using it brings about a more Hindutva nationalism instead of the secularism that India stands Get more content on
  • 21. Canadas Brain Drain Issue Essay Canadas Brain Drain Issue What is a brain drain? It is the emigration of highly educated and skilled Canadians to the United States. Does Canada suffer from a Brain Drain? This is a question that economists have been trying to answer for a decade now and have conducted different studies resulting to different conclusions about this issue. There are some economists that believe that yes Canada is suffering from a brain drain if not now it will be soon, amongst those economists are Don DeVortez and Samuel Laryea who prepared a study of C.D howe Institute. They claimed that Brain Drain is real and is costing Canada Tax Payers millions of dollars. Then on theother side of the debate we have economists like John Helliwell, who more content... "I believes in the queen bee theory, that one real talented leader, can create all kinds of enterprise and wealth" said the CEO of a major corporation in Western Canada. " If you lose that one person or that small group of people to places that they would rather be, they're not going to come back and you're going to lose a tremendous amount of wealth creation" He was responding to Helliwell's theory saying that the flow of migrants from Canada to the United States, whether overall or only among the highly educated, are less than a quarter as large as those in the 1960's. The CEO is trying to say that maybe the flow of migrants are less but we are losing key players and that in the long run it will definitely hurt our nation. If the talent is moving away from Canada because of better benefits less tax then the companies will follow the people that drive success and hence the low number of migrants will eventually add up to millions of dollars of loss, and at this point millions of dollars is definitely a problem that the government needs to address and fast. Helliwell argues that over the last 30 years, there has been a steady continuation of the century–long downward trend in the number of Canadian–born residents in the United Get more content on