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Toward an optimally functionalized Ti implant
Kheir Eddine KERBOUA, Pharm.D
BJKA Consulting
Innate Immunity and Repruductive Immunology, Unit of Immunology, HMRUO, Oran, Algeria.
Email :
December 18th, 2014
The First Military Congress of Implantology
Military University Hospital of Constantine
II. Explication immuno-pathologique
III. Exploration immuno-allergologique
IV. Solutions
I. Le pourquoi du Comment
Dr. Alphonse Laveran
to a Military Doctor 1907
Military University Hospital
of Constantine
1 century
The multi or interdisciplinary aspects of these topics are obvious,
and without the results of basic science the field of alloplastic
materials and biological surface science COULD NOT HAVE
DEVELOPED SO EXTENSIVELY. Nevertheless, without
the experience and observations of clinical scientists, these
studies would be PURPOSELESS.
Kinga Turzo
University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry,
Biological Surface Science
Bio – Osteo integration
Evidence Based Medecine
Physical methods Biochemical methods
Carrier Systems for osteogenic drugs
Prot Career
Energy Protein adsorption
Charge Cellular metabolic activity
Composition Mechanical activity
Morphology Cell activity
Hypersensitivity IV
Bengt Kasemo 2002
Göteborg University, Sweden
Cluster Patients ????
inflammatory processes
The soft and hard tissues of THE ORAL CAVITY
(the alveolar bone, or the conjunctive and epithelial parts of the mucosa).
defined as a reversible inflammatory change of the periimplant soft tissues without bone loss,
Norowski & Bumgardner, 2009
an inflammatory process resulting in a loss of supporting bones and associated with bleeding
and suppuration.
Le titane est-il capable de provoquer des
réactions allergiques?
Après pose d’implants
Après retrait des implants
D’apres Kohdera , allergologue à l’Université de Kyoto
Human oral mucosa that covered an implant closure
screw. Note the presence of free titanium particles or particles
phagocytosed by macrophagesat the epithelium-chorion
interface (→). H-E. Orig. Mag. X1000.
Le titane est-il capable de provoquer des
réactions Inflammatoires?
Ti-stimulated patient lymphocytes after rapid
differential haematology staining of cytospin
preparations of 5-day-old cell cultures.
MELISA® reactivity in a 54-year-old man before and after
removal of Ti-based dental implants and screws.
Does metal sensitivity affect patient function and failure rates?
Fawad Javed, 2011
the risk of an allergy to titanium is increased in patients who are allergic to other metals.
In these patients, an allergy evaluation is recommended, in order to exclude any problem with titanium
dental implants
The risk of an allergy to titanium
After 6 months !!
Biocompatibilité (TiO2)
Ostéo-intégration (ME/Os)
Les titanes
The cost constraints(--)
1. osseointegration
2. mucosal seal
3. biomechanical forces
Exceptional corrosion resistance
The Metal strengthens
Hanawa T. Reconstruction and regeneration of surface oxide film
on metallic materials in biological environments. Corrosion Rev 2003;
21: pp. 2-3
In dental implantology:
1. CP Ti
2. an alloy (grade V titanium): Ti-6Al-4V, Nitinol (Ti-Ni), Ti-Co (Geetha et al, 2009)
3. or titanium-zirconium, especially in cases where narrow implants are recommended
(Evrard and Atash, 2009).
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified TiO2
as a possible human carcinogen
Chemical dissolution of titanium dioxide
21 ppm Ti, 10.5 ppm Al, 1 ppm V (Puleo & Nanci, 1999).
Titanium has a high affinity for proteins
Forte et al, 2008Immuno-compatibility
The outermost atomic layers
0.1-1 nm
Puleo & Nanci, 1999 and Kasemo, 2002
at the INTERFACE of the implant and host tissue
implant and host tissue
Biocompatibility : the acceptance of an artificial implant by the surrounding tissues
the body as a whole (????)
(Park, 2000).
Relargage des métaux dans
Une solution electrolyte La salive
Ivana Dimić, Metall. Mater. Eng. Vol 19 (2) 2013 p. 167-176
Diffusion et accumulation tissulaire du Titane
Réaction inflammatoire Gx200 Pigmentation marron noire dorée Gx400
Réaction de la muqueuse a l’implant en titane
Nilüfer Bölükbaşı, Int J Dent Case Reports 2013; 3(1): 83-88
Aseptic lymphocyte
dominated vasculitis-
associated lesion
100-300 ppm titanium can be
observed in tissues surrounding
implants, as well as in regional
pulmonary tissue
(Wennerberg et al, 2004).
La corrosion
et la biocorrosion
Gelin et Niot
l’Institut Universitaire de Chimie, Besançon
Oral cavity represents a multivariate external environment with a wide range of circumstances,
like foods, abrasion, acidic pH, temperatures from 5 to 55C, high masticator forces, bacteria, etc.
(Lemons, 1996).
F¯ The rate of corrosion
vanadium implants
prevalence of allergic reactions
oxidative processes can thicken and condense the TiO2 layer on the surface, improving the
corrosion stability of the underlying Ti
Reductive agents, such as fluoride (F¯)
accelerated at low pH
Reclaru & Meyer, 1998; Schiff, et al., 2002
oral care products containing F¯
rinsing solutions,
or prophylactic gels
Stress corrosion cracking
Könönen et al., 1995
Galvanic corrosion
between orthodontic wires and brackets
NiTi and CuNiTi
Schiff et al., 2006
Hydrofluoric acid (HF)
> 30 ppm
Nakagawa et al., 1999
pH: ranges from 3.5 up to neutral
F¯: between 1000 and 10,000 ppm
Hexafluorotitanate complex
Messer and Wahata, 2002
Electric Potential Difference
Failed human dental implant showing
tissue in contact with the metallic surface
and tissue fragments obtained by curettage
of the surgical bed.
corrosion products in the peri-implant
environment, especially surrounding the blood
vessels, to be drained by them
Rat liver. Note the abundant presence of
titanium deposits in the parenchyma of the
organ of an animal injected with TiO2.
Grenacher carmine stain. Orig. Mag. X400
Rat blood smear. Titanium particles are
evident in a peripheral blood monocyte.
Safranin stain. Orig. Mag. X1000.
eczema, angular cheilitis,
erythema of the oral mucosa,
hyperplastic gingivitis
lichenoid reactions of the
oral mucosa
perioral dermatitis or a loss of
lingual papillae that can mimic
“geographical tongue”
Waroquier et al, 2009, Vamnes et al., 2004, Leigh et al., 2001, Alanko et al., 1996
Localized inflammatory response in a 17
year old adult as a result of ionic leaching
from an implant in 12 region.
Malignancy formation as a response to
adjacent implant leach (corrosion)
(Gawkrodger, 2005)
l’Hypersensibilite type IV
Host tissue response to an implant material
The keystone: Ti DEBRIS
Explication immuno-pathologique
I. Innate Immunity Response: Macrophage Oxidative stress Damage
II. Specific Immunity Response: Macrophage + TH1 Clinical Manifestations
tissue damage
CD68 macrophages haptenes
inflammatory mediators
macrophage recruitment
activating osteoclasts
+suppress the osteoblast function
“In situ” degradation
Relargage des particules
Inflammation Hypersensitivity
150 nm to 10 micro-m
Immunité Innée Immunité adaptative
Ions Ti or <1000 D
Métal de transition
Forte affinité pour les protéines
Néo épitope
may disrupt normal cell physiology
Ti-bound intra-cellular proteins
DNA damage
Size of particles, Large particles may not bond to proteins and may not act as antigens
Perte de l’Implant
unfavourable conditions: acidic pH (peri-implantitis ), excessive
mechanical forces on the implant, contact of the implant with
another metal (amalgam, gold alloy)
I. Innate Immunity Response
Titanium has also been reported to activate macrophages, which may secrete
cytokines involved in various disease processes
Photomicrograph of macrophages near the surface of the implant. Note the presence of particles in their
cytoplasm. Ground section. Orig. Mag. X1000
Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006
debris induce inflammasome
Potent proinflammatory
cytokine IL-1β is produced.
NFkβ pathway
induction of
TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and
Decreased osteoblast function
Osteoclast activity increases
l’hypersensibilité retardée Cell-mediated response (Type IV)
Concept de l’haptene
1. Antigens activate Anti Ti
Memory T-lymphocytes
2. T-Lymphocytes release cytokines
•Tumor necrosis factor TNFα
•Interleukin 1&2 IL1 et IL2
3. Cytokines recruit and activate
monocytes and neutrophils
Le cercle vicieux
D’apres Duché et Barré
Macrophages provoquent l’activation des T-cells
T-cells activent macrophages
Macrophages provoquent l’activation des T-cells
T-cells activent macrophages
Métaux inducteurs d’allergie
II. Specific Immunity Response
Titanium has a high affinity for proteins
Environmental sources
and not necessarily from previous contact with dental implants.
1. watches, jewellery and spectacle frames
2. E171 TiO2 :cosmetics such as
sunscreens, make-up and deodorants,
and in food, medicines or toothpaste
50 ppm of titanium
Pranay D. Khare 2010
sensitization to titanium is it possible?
Forte et al, 2008
Anti Ti Memory T-lymphocytes???
Exploration immuno-allergologique
Les tests In-Vivo+/-
Les tests In-Vivo+++
Patch tests
Blood tests +++
Cluster patients!!!!!
Tests cutanés
D’apres Dr Guillot.
Les tests In-Vivo ?
• Les tests cutanés ne pourront pas etre appliqué pour
les tests de relargage des implants
– Temps d’exposition trop faible
– La réponse d’Hypersensibilité n’est pas contre
implant lui meme, mais contre les produits de
dissolution ou de corrosion product
– L’optimisation de l’agent inititaeur n’est pas
claire (eg, chlorides du metal, complexes
specifiques metal-protein).
– La peau sollicite une seule Cellule Présentratrice
d’antigene (Langerhans cells) qui sont 10 fois
moins nombreuses dans les tissues
– La vascularisation de muqueuse buccale
élimine les allergens plus rapidement que la
peau (Forte et al, 2008).
– M. orale less permeable to antigens
– Induction de l’ hypersensibilite
Seulement 3 /4 patients
diagnostic efficiency of 75% for metal allergy
lack of standardization in the patch tests, especially for allergens such as titanium
Fischer, 2008, Forte et al, 2008
Les tests In-Vitro
1. Le test LTT (Lymphocyte transformation testing)
 Developé en 1960
 Measure la réponse proliferative des
lymphocytes aux antigens
 Lymphocytes sensibilisés par les allergens
se transforment en blasts et proliferent lors
du deuxieme exposition à cet antigene
 La réplication de l’ADN est utilisée comme
mesure de la prolifération
 Ratio de la prolifération lymphocytaire
apres la stimulation antigenique sur la
prolifération lymphocytaire en absence
Ce ratio est applé the stimulation index (SI)
Avantages de la LTT
• Résultats Quantifiable
• Sensibilité importante
• Sang et pas la peau
• N’induit pas une hypersensibilité
• Permet l’analyse de plusieurs métaux à
différentes concentrations
• sometimes lack specificity(Faux positifs)
Fisher’s, 2008
Inconvenient de la LTT
Test MELISA; Stjekstal et al, 1994,
Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006
Isolat des Lymphocytes
Co-culture avec les sels de métaux
Incorporation de la thymidine-H
Contrôle Qualité:
Verifier la Morphologie
10-40 ml Sang Total Avant la centrifugation
Apres la centrifugation0
Isolat des Lymphocytes
Séparation des CMN
6 jours
A stimulation index of is a 2 cut-off value
SI < 2: is considered negative
SI ≥ 2 but <3: a possible sensitization
SI ≥ 3: positive sensitization
SI 2–3 “weakly positive”
SI 3–5 “positive”
SI > 5 “strongly positive”
Accredited in Germany since 2001, should be considered for patients with
Suspicion of Ti allergy
Flow cytometry, for the purpose of detecting the activation of lymphocytes stimulated
by a metal, and measuring different mediators (cytokines, inflammatory mediators)
released in response to the metal.
2. LAT = lymphocyte activation test
Les tests In-Vitro
Measurement of CD69 up regulation on antigen-reactive T-cells and T-cell clones
from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) cultures isolated from patients and
stimulated with antigen. Its require FACS, it distinguish CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, highly
Freshly isolated PBMC cultured for 48h in U-bottomed
tissue culture plate
metal concentrations
PHA (positive control)
flow cytometry
PE-CD69, PerCP-CD3,
and PE-IgG1 as isotype control (BD).
The prevalence of metal sensitivity in
patients with FAILED IMPLANTS is
approximately six-times that of the
general population
and approximately two- to three-
times that of all patients.
Hallab Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases 2009
(#) Pas de réactions granulomateuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25% vs 60%
Messer and Wataha, 2002, Nakashima et al, 1999, Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006
Future !!!!!
oral care products containing F¯
Hexafluorotitanate complex (Na2TiF6)
> 0.2 % Pd
pH: ranges from 3.5 up to neutral
Nakagawa et al., 2001
Stress corrosion cracking
Galvanic corrosion
between orthodontic wires and brackets
NiTi and CuNiTi
Patients allergic to other metals
Pre-Implant Per-Implant Post-Implant
Le chirurgien-dentiste pourra prescrire un test d’activation lymphocytaire ou test MELISA pour vérifier
l’intolérance éventuelle aux métaux qu’il envisage d’utiliser chez son patient.
le diagnostic d’une allergie ou d’une intolérance aux métaux utilisés est important lorsqu’un patient est déjà
porteur d’une réhabilitation orale avec des implants et qu’il présente des symptômes allergiques apparus en
concomitance avec le placement des implants et/ou des prothèses
La décision quant à la dépose éventuelle des prothèses et implants ne doit pas se faire à la légère.
Une concertation pluri-disciplinaire est à mettre en œuvre.
Un dialogue constructif et une prise de décision en collaboration avec les allergologues
et/ou immuno-dermatologues seront alors nécessaires
L’ostéointégration d’un implant
de bio-intégration

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Immune response to dental implant: toward an optimally functionalized ti implant

  • 1.
  • 2. IMMUNE RESPONSE TO DENTAL IMPLANT Toward an optimally functionalized Ti implant Kheir Eddine KERBOUA, Pharm.D BJKA Consulting Tel. Innate Immunity and Repruductive Immunology, Unit of Immunology, HMRUO, Oran, Algeria. Email : December 18th, 2014 The First Military Congress of Implantology Military University Hospital of Constantine HMRUC| 5 RM
  • 3. II. Explication immuno-pathologique III. Exploration immuno-allergologique IV. Solutions I. Le pourquoi du Comment OUTLINE Dr. Alphonse Laveran FIRST NOBEL PRIZE to a Military Doctor 1907 Military University Hospital of Constantine
  • 5. The multi or interdisciplinary aspects of these topics are obvious, and without the results of basic science the field of alloplastic materials and biological surface science COULD NOT HAVE DEVELOPED SO EXTENSIVELY. Nevertheless, without the experience and observations of clinical scientists, these studies would be PURPOSELESS. Kinga Turzo University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry, Hungary
  • 6. Biological Surface Science Bio – Osteo integration Evidence Based Medecine Immuno- PharmacologyIndustry Physical methods Biochemical methods Carrier Systems for osteogenic drugs DNA TGF Prot Career Energy Protein adsorption Charge Cellular metabolic activity Composition Mechanical activity Morphology Cell activity Hypersensitivity IV Cancer Auto-immunity DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY Bengt Kasemo 2002 Göteborg University, Sweden R&D Cluster Patients ????
  • 7. THE FAILURE OF DENTAL IMPLANTS inflammatory processes The soft and hard tissues of THE ORAL CAVITY (the alveolar bone, or the conjunctive and epithelial parts of the mucosa). PERI-IMPLANT MUCOSITIS defined as a reversible inflammatory change of the periimplant soft tissues without bone loss, Norowski & Bumgardner, 2009 PERI-IMPLANTITIS an inflammatory process resulting in a loss of supporting bones and associated with bleeding and suppuration.
  • 8. Le titane est-il capable de provoquer des réactions allergiques? Après pose d’implants Après retrait des implants D’apres Kohdera , allergologue à l’Université de Kyoto Human oral mucosa that covered an implant closure screw. Note the presence of free titanium particles or particles phagocytosed by macrophagesat the epithelium-chorion interface (→). H-E. Orig. Mag. X1000. Le titane est-il capable de provoquer des réactions Inflammatoires? OR AND
  • 9. Ti-stimulated patient lymphocytes after rapid differential haematology staining of cytospin preparations of 5-day-old cell cultures. MELISA® reactivity in a 54-year-old man before and after removal of Ti-based dental implants and screws. Does metal sensitivity affect patient function and failure rates?
  • 10. Fawad Javed, 2011 ? the risk of an allergy to titanium is increased in patients who are allergic to other metals. In these patients, an allergy evaluation is recommended, in order to exclude any problem with titanium dental implants The risk of an allergy to titanium After 6 months !!
  • 11. Biocompatibilité (TiO2) Ostéo-intégration (ME/Os) Les titanes The cost constraints(--) 1. osseointegration 2. mucosal seal 3. biomechanical forces Exceptional corrosion resistance The Metal strengthens
  • 12. Hanawa T. Reconstruction and regeneration of surface oxide film on metallic materials in biological environments. Corrosion Rev 2003; 21: pp. 2-3 In dental implantology: 1. CP Ti 2. an alloy (grade V titanium): Ti-6Al-4V, Nitinol (Ti-Ni), Ti-Co (Geetha et al, 2009) 3. or titanium-zirconium, especially in cases where narrow implants are recommended (Evrard and Atash, 2009). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified TiO2 as a possible human carcinogen ? Chemical dissolution of titanium dioxide 21 ppm Ti, 10.5 ppm Al, 1 ppm V (Puleo & Nanci, 1999). NON TOXIC Titanium has a high affinity for proteins Forte et al, 2008Immuno-compatibility
  • 13. The outermost atomic layers 0.1-1 nm BIORECOGNITION Puleo & Nanci, 1999 and Kasemo, 2002 at the INTERFACE of the implant and host tissue IMMUNO-RECOGNITION Biomimetic FAR FROM the INTERFACE of the implant and host tissue Biocompatibility : the acceptance of an artificial implant by the surrounding tissues the body as a whole (????) (Park, 2000).
  • 14. Relargage des métaux dans Une solution electrolyte La salive Ivana Dimić, Metall. Mater. Eng. Vol 19 (2) 2013 p. 167-176 Diffusion et accumulation tissulaire du Titane Réaction inflammatoire Gx200 Pigmentation marron noire dorée Gx400 Réaction de la muqueuse a l’implant en titane Nilüfer Bölükbaşı, Int J Dent Case Reports 2013; 3(1): 83-88 Echec Aseptic lymphocyte dominated vasculitis- associated lesion (ALVAL) 100-300 ppm titanium can be observed in tissues surrounding implants, as well as in regional LYMPH NODES and pulmonary tissue (Wennerberg et al, 2004).
  • 15. La corrosion et la biocorrosion Gelin et Niot l’Institut Universitaire de Chimie, Besançon Oral cavity represents a multivariate external environment with a wide range of circumstances, like foods, abrasion, acidic pH, temperatures from 5 to 55C, high masticator forces, bacteria, etc. (Lemons, 1996). Association#Causality F¯ The rate of corrosion titanium-aluminium- vanadium implants prevalence of allergic reactions ph ?
  • 16. oxidative processes can thicken and condense the TiO2 layer on the surface, improving the corrosion stability of the underlying Ti Reductive agents, such as fluoride (F¯) accelerated at low pH Reclaru & Meyer, 1998; Schiff, et al., 2002 oral care products containing F¯ toothpastes, rinsing solutions, or prophylactic gels Stress corrosion cracking Könönen et al., 1995 Galvanic corrosion between orthodontic wires and brackets NiTi and CuNiTi Schiff et al., 2006 Hydrofluoric acid (HF) ? > 30 ppm Nakagawa et al., 1999 pH: ranges from 3.5 up to neutral F¯: between 1000 and 10,000 ppm Hexafluorotitanate complex Messer and Wahata, 2002 Electric Potential Difference Na2TiF6
  • 17. Failed human dental implant showing tissue in contact with the metallic surface and tissue fragments obtained by curettage of the surgical bed. corrosion products in the peri-implant environment, especially surrounding the blood vessels, to be drained by them Rat liver. Note the abundant presence of titanium deposits in the parenchyma of the organ of an animal injected with TiO2. Grenacher carmine stain. Orig. Mag. X400 Rat blood smear. Titanium particles are evident in a peripheral blood monocyte. Safranin stain. Orig. Mag. X1000.
  • 18. eczema, angular cheilitis, cheilitis erythema of the oral mucosa, hyperplastic gingivitis lichenoid reactions of the oral mucosa perioral dermatitis or a loss of lingual papillae that can mimic “geographical tongue” Waroquier et al, 2009, Vamnes et al., 2004, Leigh et al., 2001, Alanko et al., 1996 Localized inflammatory response in a 17 year old adult as a result of ionic leaching from an implant in 12 region. Malignancy formation as a response to adjacent implant leach (corrosion) (Gawkrodger, 2005) l’Hypersensibilite type IV L’inflammation
  • 19. Host tissue response to an implant material The keystone: Ti DEBRIS Explication immuno-pathologique I. Innate Immunity Response: Macrophage Oxidative stress Damage II. Specific Immunity Response: Macrophage + TH1 Clinical Manifestations
  • 20. tissue damage Titanium+++/Zirconium+ CD68 macrophages haptenes inflammatory mediators macrophage recruitment activating osteoclasts +suppress the osteoblast function osteolysis “In situ” degradation Relargage des particules Inflammation Hypersensitivity 150 nm to 10 micro-m Immunité Innée Immunité adaptative Ions Ti or <1000 D Métal de transition Forte affinité pour les protéines Néo épitope Auto-immunité may disrupt normal cell physiology Ti-bound intra-cellular proteins Cancérogenese De-implantation DNA damage Size of particles, Large particles may not bond to proteins and may not act as antigens ROS Perte de l’Implant unfavourable conditions: acidic pH (peri-implantitis ), excessive mechanical forces on the implant, contact of the implant with another metal (amalgam, gold alloy)
  • 21. I. Innate Immunity Response
  • 22. Titanium has also been reported to activate macrophages, which may secrete cytokines involved in various disease processes Photomicrograph of macrophages near the surface of the implant. Note the presence of particles in their cytoplasm. Ground section. Orig. Mag. X1000 Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006 cytokines MACROPHAGES
  • 23. Phagocytosing debris induce inflammasome danger-signaling (NALP3). Potent proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β is produced. NFkβ pathway induction of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and PGE2 2 Decreased osteoblast function 1 Osteoclast activity increases Ti
  • 24. l’hypersensibilité retardée Cell-mediated response (Type IV) Concept de l’haptene 1. Antigens activate Anti Ti Memory T-lymphocytes 2. T-Lymphocytes release cytokines •INTERFERON •Tumor necrosis factor TNFα •Interleukin 1&2 IL1 et IL2 3. Cytokines recruit and activate macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils Le cercle vicieux D’apres Duché et Barré Nickel Cobalt Chrome Beryllium Titanium Tantellum Vanadium Macrophages provoquent l’activation des T-cells T-cells activent macrophages Macrophages provoquent l’activation des T-cells T-cells activent macrophages Métaux inducteurs d’allergie ++++ Ti Ti Ti II. Specific Immunity Response TH1
  • 25. Titanium has a high affinity for proteins Environmental sources and not necessarily from previous contact with dental implants. 1. watches, jewellery and spectacle frames 2. E171 TiO2 :cosmetics such as sunscreens, make-up and deodorants, and in food, medicines or toothpaste 50 ppm of titanium 4,2% Pranay D. Khare 2010 sensitization to titanium is it possible? Forte et al, 2008 Anti Ti Memory T-lymphocytes???
  • 26. Exploration immuno-allergologique Les tests In-Vivo+/- Les tests In-Vivo+++ Patch tests Blood tests +++ Cluster patients!!!!!
  • 27. Tests cutanés D’apres Dr Guillot. Les tests In-Vivo ? • Les tests cutanés ne pourront pas etre appliqué pour les tests de relargage des implants – Temps d’exposition trop faible – La réponse d’Hypersensibilité n’est pas contre implant lui meme, mais contre les produits de dissolution ou de corrosion product – L’optimisation de l’agent inititaeur n’est pas claire (eg, chlorides du metal, complexes specifiques metal-protein). – La peau sollicite une seule Cellule Présentratrice d’antigene (Langerhans cells) qui sont 10 fois moins nombreuses dans les tissues perimplantaire. – La vascularisation de muqueuse buccale élimine les allergens plus rapidement que la peau (Forte et al, 2008). – M. orale less permeable to antigens – Induction de l’ hypersensibilite Seulement 3 /4 patients diagnostic efficiency of 75% for metal allergy lack of standardization in the patch tests, especially for allergens such as titanium Fischer, 2008, Forte et al, 2008
  • 28. Les tests In-Vitro 1. Le test LTT (Lymphocyte transformation testing)  Developé en 1960  Measure la réponse proliferative des lymphocytes aux antigens  Lymphocytes sensibilisés par les allergens se transforment en blasts et proliferent lors du deuxieme exposition à cet antigene  La réplication de l’ADN est utilisée comme mesure de la prolifération  Ratio de la prolifération lymphocytaire apres la stimulation antigenique sur la prolifération lymphocytaire en absence d’antigene. Ce ratio est applé the stimulation index (SI) Avantages de la LTT • Résultats Quantifiable • Sensibilité importante • Sang et pas la peau • N’induit pas une hypersensibilité • Permet l’analyse de plusieurs métaux à différentes concentrations • sometimes lack specificity(Faux positifs) Fisher’s, 2008 Inconvenient de la LTT Test MELISA; Stjekstal et al, 1994, Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006
  • 29. Isolat des Lymphocytes Co-culture avec les sels de métaux Mesure: Incorporation de la thymidine-H Contrôle Qualité: Verifier la Morphologie 10-40 ml Sang Total Avant la centrifugation Apres la centrifugation0 Isolat des Lymphocytes Séparation des CMN 6 jours A stimulation index of is a 2 cut-off value SI < 2: is considered negative SI ≥ 2 but <3: a possible sensitization SI ≥ 3: positive sensitization SI 2–3 “weakly positive” SI 3–5 “positive” SI > 5 “strongly positive” Accredited in Germany since 2001, should be considered for patients with Suspicion of Ti allergy !
  • 30. Flow cytometry, for the purpose of detecting the activation of lymphocytes stimulated by a metal, and measuring different mediators (cytokines, inflammatory mediators) released in response to the metal. 2. LAT = lymphocyte activation test Les tests In-Vitro Measurement of CD69 up regulation on antigen-reactive T-cells and T-cell clones from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) cultures isolated from patients and stimulated with antigen. Its require FACS, it distinguish CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, highly quantitative. Freshly isolated PBMC cultured for 48h in U-bottomed tissue culture plate metal concentrations PHA (positive control) flow cytometry PE-CD69, PerCP-CD3, FITC- CD4, APC-CD8 and PE-IgG1 as isotype control (BD).
  • 31. The prevalence of metal sensitivity in patients with FAILED IMPLANTS is approximately six-times that of the general population and approximately two- to three- times that of all patients. Hallab Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases 2009 (#) Pas de réactions granulomateuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25% vs 60% Messer and Wataha, 2002, Nakashima et al, 1999, Muller and Valentine-Thon, 2006 Future !!!!!
  • 32. oral care products containing F¯ Hexafluorotitanate complex (Na2TiF6) > 0.2 % Pd pH: ranges from 3.5 up to neutral Ti-0.2Pd Nakagawa et al., 2001 Stress corrosion cracking Galvanic corrosion between orthodontic wires and brackets NiTi and CuNiTi Patients allergic to other metals MELISA Pre-Implant Per-Implant Post-Implant LAT
  • 33. Le chirurgien-dentiste pourra prescrire un test d’activation lymphocytaire ou test MELISA pour vérifier l’intolérance éventuelle aux métaux qu’il envisage d’utiliser chez son patient. le diagnostic d’une allergie ou d’une intolérance aux métaux utilisés est important lorsqu’un patient est déjà porteur d’une réhabilitation orale avec des implants et qu’il présente des symptômes allergiques apparus en concomitance avec le placement des implants et/ou des prothèses La décision quant à la dépose éventuelle des prothèses et implants ne doit pas se faire à la légère. Une concertation pluri-disciplinaire est à mettre en œuvre. Un dialogue constructif et une prise de décision en collaboration avec les allergologues et/ou immuno-dermatologues seront alors nécessaires L’ostéointégration d’un implant N’EST PAS SYNONYME de bio-intégration Conclusion