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Presentation for the 2014 DRVC 
Catechetical Congress
Presentation Format 
• An Immigrant Church: Catholic 
Social Teaching and the Immigrant 
community in America 
• Our Immigrant Reality: recognizing 
the immigrant community on Long 
• The Social Conditions Causing 
• Issues of Concern: 
• A Pastoral Response: Inculturation
 As the new millennium unfolds, the "new 
immigration" from all the continents of the world 
calls attention to the reality of the United States as 
largely a "nation of immigrants" and to the diversity 
of national and ethnic origins of all people of this 
country. In this new context, the Catholic 
community is rapidly re-encountering itself as an 
"immigrant Church," a witness at once to the 
diversity of people who make up our world and to 
our unity in one humanity, destined to enjoy the 
fullness of God's blessings in Jesus Christ. 
– USCCB, Welcoming the Stranger, 2003 
An Immigrant Church
 The Immigrant Church in America: 
 1800’s the old immigrant church. 
 The National Church Model: Where the community retained a 
specific culture and language, clergy and bishops from the 
 The Territorial Church Model: geographical parishes which utilized 
English. Specifically served a community that lived in a certain 
area with little attention to a particular group. 
 1930’s Latino migration and growth. 
 The Integrated Church Model: Church leaders began to identify as 
Americans. Cardinal Spellman no longer promoted “national 
church” models for the new immigrants (Puerto Ricans). They 
were instead integrated as minorities in territorial churches with a 
Spanish Mass and establishing diocesan offices for these 
 Result: It became more difficult for Puerto Ricans to create 
cohesive communities within neighborhoods than it had been 
for earlier immigrant groups
 2010 Census, Hispanics make up: 
o 17.6% of New York State 
o 14.6% of Nassau County 
o 16.5% of Suffolk County 
 “Puerto Ricans had begun to move to Long Island in small numbers 
after World War II. Cubans joined them in the 1960s and 1970s, and 
in the 1980s Dominicans, Salvadorans, and many other from Latin 
America made their home on the metropolitan fringe.” 
 The current immigrant community: 
o Salvadorans top the chart 
o Caribbean: Jamaican, Haitian and Dominicans, 
o Mexico and Central Americans: Honduran, Guatemalan, Mexican and 
o South Americans: Peruvians, Colombians and Ecuadorians 
o Central Asians: Indians, Pakistani, and Afghanis (a growing community)
Catholic Social Teaching: 
Pope Francis and the 2014 World Day of Migrant and Refugee Message 
• Every human being is a child of God! He or she bears the 
image of Christ! We ourselves need to see, and then to enable 
others to see, that migrants and refugees do not only 
represent a problem to be solved, but are brothers and sisters 
to be welcomed, respected and loved. 
• The reality of migration, given its new dimensions in our age 
of globalization, needs to be approached and managed in a 
new, equitable and effective manner; more than anything, this 
calls for international cooperation and a spirit of profound 
solidarity and compassion. Cooperation at different levels is 
critical, including the broad adoption of policies and rules 
aimed at protecting and promoting the human person.
St. John Paul II: Veritatis Splendor 
• Reason attests that there are objects of the human act which 
are by their nature "incapable of being ordered" to God, 
because they radically contradict the good of the person made 
in his image. 
• whatever is offensive to human dignity, such as subhuman living 
conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, 
prostitution and trafficking in women and children; degrading 
conditions of work which treat labourers as mere instruments of 
profit, and not as free responsible persons: all these and the like 
are a disgrace, and so long as they infect human civilization they 
contaminate those who inflict them more than those who suffer 
injustice, and they are a negation of the honour due to the 
Catholic teaching has a long and rich 
tradition in defending the right to 
migrate. Based on the life and 
teachings of Jesus, the Church's 
teaching has provided the basis for 
the development of basic principles 
regarding the right to migrate for 
those attempting to exercise their 
God-given human rights. Catholic 
teaching also states that the root 
causes of migration–poverty, 
injustice, religious intolerance, armed 
conflicts–must be addressed so that 
migrants can remain in their 
homeland and support their families.
USCCB Mission to 
Central America 
O In November of 2013 the United States Conference of Catholic 
Bishops sent a fact finding mission throughout Central America in 
their concern over the growing trend of unaccompanied minors 
crossing the border and eager to learn about the root causes 
leading to this situation. As the report indicates the nations of 
Central America (specifically, Honduras, Guatemala, and El 
Salvador) are experiencing a “perfect storm” which include the 
following secondary factors: 
O The absence of economic opportunity, 
O the lack of quality and access to education 
O the inability for individuals to financially support themselves and their 
O the desire to reunify with families already in the United States 
O The principle cause to this current situation however was 
recognized as the “generalized violence at the state and local levels 
and a corresponding breakdown of the rule of law” which has 
“created a culture of fear and hopelessness.”
U.S. Immigration 
 1790 – Naturalization Act for “free white citizens” 
 1868 – Burlingame Treaty 
 1882 – Chinese exclusion Act 
 1911 – Dillingham Commission (southern & Eastern Europeans are 
a threat to US Culture) 
◦ 1917 – Immigration Act – Literacy Test 
◦ 1924 – National Origins Act – Quota System based on last names (preference 
for western and Northern Europe) 
 1943 – Treaty with Mexico, Bracero Program 
 1965 – Immigration and Nationality Act – Eliminated racial quota 
system, placed limitations on Eastern hemisphere but none on 
Western hemisphere, end of Bracero Program 
◦ 1976 limitations on western hemisphere (targeting Mexico) 
 1980 – Refugee Act – US compliance with 1951 UN Convention 
 1986 – Immigration Reform and Control Act, legalized and 
established sanctions 
 1996 – laws that limited habeas corpus and access to services 
while promoting criminalization of the undocumented
The Immigration process
• The Right to Life 
• As of May 2013 over 5,500 
migrants have been recorded dead 
in the United States. Approximately 
500 die every year. 
• There are migrant victims along the 
way to the US. 
• These victims are often 
• People including children face very 
real threats to their life. This is true 
of Central America, the Middle 
East and parts of Africa. There are 
reports of deported children who 
have been killed back in their home 
Issues of Concern #1
• Broken Families 
• Leaving families for 
• Remittances: Long 
distance responsibilities 
• New families/risks of 
• Deportation, a lost 
Issue of Concern #3 
• Living in the Shadows: 
Impact on… 
• Employment 
• Housing 
• Resources and Services 
• Predatory Lending
 Among the women who are 
victims of domestic abuse, 
uncounted undocumented 
Latinas continue to be 
unaware of their right to be 
protected by the law. They 
aren’t likely to report domestic 
violence incidents out of fear 
of being deported, of seeing 
their families split, and of 
enraging their partners making 
violence even worse. 
 Catholic Charities Services: 
 Mental health clinic 
 Regina Maternity Services
Issue #5: Farmworkers 
 “When the man who feeds the 
world by toiling in the fields is 
himself deprived of the basic 
rights of feeding, sheltering and 
caring for his own family, the 
whole community of man is 
sick.” – Cesar Chavez 
 Currently there are about 
90,000 farmworkers in New 
York State who are still denied 
the rights that others have. On 
Long Island alone there are 
7,000 farmworkers working the 
600 farms that exist primarily 
along the East End of Long 
Island’s North Fork. Many of 
them work 80 hours a week 
during harvest season without 
overtime, the option for a day 
of rest, collective bargaining or 
disability insurance. The child 
minimum wage continues to be 
$3.45 for children as young as 
twelve years old.
*DRVC Catholic Charities 
Immigrant Services has 
worked with over 300 
survivors of human 
trafficking and their 
families, in both labor and 
sex trafficking cases. Our 
program has rescued and 
restored them to freedom, 
reunited them with their 
families and assisted them 
in their road towards self-sufficiency. 
*Human Trafficking: 
* The recruitment, transportation, 
transfer, harbouring or receipt of 
persons, by means of the threat or 
use of force or other forms of 
coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of 
deception, of the abuse of power or 
of a position of vulnerability or of 
the giving or receiving of payments 
or benefits to achieve the consent 
of a person having control over 
another person, for the purpose of 
exploitation. Exploitation shall 
include, at a minimum, the 
exploitation of the prostitution of 
others or other forms of sexual 
exploitation, forced labour or 
services, slavery or practices similar 
to slavery, servitude or the removal 
of organs. –UN office on Drugs and 
Issue #7 Unaccompanied Minors 
 Since 2011, the number of 
children arriving in the 
United States has risen 
dramatically, 90,000 
expected by September 30. 
 Long Island has received 
more than 2,000 
unaccompanied minors 
 Catholic Charities in our 
diocese has served a number 
of these Children by offering 
free legal consultation and 
placing them in the care of 
family members. 
 U.S. response to this crisis 
will be a “test of the moral 
character of our nation.” 
– Bishop Mark Seitz
 Elements for CIR: 
 Earned 
 Future Worker 
 Family‐based 
 Restoration of Due 
Process Rights: 
 Addressing Root 
 Enforcement: 
 The Catholic Catechism 
instructs the faithful that good 
government has two duties, 
both of which must be carried 
out and neither of which can be 
 The first duty is to welcome the 
foreigner out of charity and 
respect for the human person. 
Persons have the right to 
immigrate and thus government 
must accommodate this right to 
the greatest extent possible 
 The second duty is to secure 
one’s border and enforce the law 
for the sake of the common good. 
Sovereign nations have the right 
to enforce their laws and all 
persons must respect the 
legitimate exercise of this right.
 Incarnation + Culture 
 True inculturation is the 
product of an ongoing 
“dialogue” between local 
cultures and the 
concrete, historical 
manifestation of Christ 
– Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II: Redemptoris Missio #52 
 The process of the Church's insertion into 
peoples' cultures is a lengthy one. It is not a 
matter of purely external adaptation, for 
inculturation "means the intimate 
transformation of authentic cultural values 
through their integration in Christianity and 
the insertion of Christianity in the various 
human cultures.” 
 Through inculturation the Church makes the 
Gospel incarnate in different cultures and at 
the same time introduces peoples, together 
with their cultures, into her own community. 
She transmits to them her own values, at the 
same time taking the good elements that 
already exist in them and renewing them from 
Engage with Popular 
 U.S. Latino/a theological 
reflection, then, starts from the 
lived faith of the community, 
which welcomes God’s 
presence in its midst; 
celebrates it in its popular 
rituals, ceremonies, and 
prayers; and witnesses to it 
through the community’s 
words and deeds. 
 Celebrate Cultural feasts 
 Promote formation programs 
and Apostolic movements: 
 Cursillos de Christianidad 
 Charismatic Renewal 
 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 
 Movimiento Juan XXIII
 Intensify Social Ministry: 
◦ Strengthen the safety net for all people, especially women 
and children suffering from domestic violence, sexual abuse, 
abortion, chemical dependency, gang activity, and 
 Promote Small Ecclesial Communities: 
◦ These small ecclesial communities promote experiences of 
faith and conversion as well as concern for each person and 
an evangelization process of prayer, reflection, action, and 
 Commit to Social Justice: 
◦ Provide ongoing formation on Catholic social teaching and 
collaboration on advocacy and public policy issues relevant to 
the Church and the Hispanic community. 
 USCCB: Justice for Immigrants: 
 NYSCC: Immigrants and Migrants: 
• Legal Counseling: helping newcomers negotiate complex and ever-changing 
immigration and naturalization laws. Services include 
adjustments of immigration status, family reunification, work 
authorizations, political asylum, visa extensions, and citizenship 
applications. They also offer legal assistance to victims of human 
trafficking and immigrant victims of various crimes including domestic 
• Refugee Resettlement: offering full-range case management 
services help these most vulnerable of newcomers to stabilize their 
lives by securing food, clothing, housing, health care, English 
language instruction, and employment services. Counseling and 
referral are available for those facing post-traumatic stress, 
displacement shock, or other anxieties. 
• Anti-Trafficking Program: regional service provider for confirmed 
victims of human trafficking and serve on the Long Island Anti- 
Human Trafficking Task Force. 
• In 2012 Catholic Charities has provided these services to 18,625 
members of the immigrant community

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Immigration issues on Long Island

  • 1. IMMIGRATION ISSUES AND THE IMPACT ON FAMILIES Presentation for the 2014 DRVC Catechetical Congress
  • 2. Presentation Format • An Immigrant Church: Catholic Social Teaching and the Immigrant community in America • Our Immigrant Reality: recognizing the immigrant community on Long Island • The Social Conditions Causing Migration • Issues of Concern: • A Pastoral Response: Inculturation
  • 3.  As the new millennium unfolds, the "new immigration" from all the continents of the world calls attention to the reality of the United States as largely a "nation of immigrants" and to the diversity of national and ethnic origins of all people of this country. In this new context, the Catholic community is rapidly re-encountering itself as an "immigrant Church," a witness at once to the diversity of people who make up our world and to our unity in one humanity, destined to enjoy the fullness of God's blessings in Jesus Christ. – USCCB, Welcoming the Stranger, 2003 An Immigrant Church
  • 4. AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE  The Immigrant Church in America:  1800’s the old immigrant church.  The National Church Model: Where the community retained a specific culture and language, clergy and bishops from the homeland  The Territorial Church Model: geographical parishes which utilized English. Specifically served a community that lived in a certain area with little attention to a particular group.  1930’s Latino migration and growth.  The Integrated Church Model: Church leaders began to identify as Americans. Cardinal Spellman no longer promoted “national church” models for the new immigrants (Puerto Ricans). They were instead integrated as minorities in territorial churches with a Spanish Mass and establishing diocesan offices for these communities.  Result: It became more difficult for Puerto Ricans to create cohesive communities within neighborhoods than it had been for earlier immigrant groups
  • 5.  2010 Census, Hispanics make up: o 17.6% of New York State o 14.6% of Nassau County o 16.5% of Suffolk County  “Puerto Ricans had begun to move to Long Island in small numbers after World War II. Cubans joined them in the 1960s and 1970s, and in the 1980s Dominicans, Salvadorans, and many other from Latin America made their home on the metropolitan fringe.”  The current immigrant community: o Salvadorans top the chart o Caribbean: Jamaican, Haitian and Dominicans, o Mexico and Central Americans: Honduran, Guatemalan, Mexican and Nicaraguan o South Americans: Peruvians, Colombians and Ecuadorians o Central Asians: Indians, Pakistani, and Afghanis (a growing community)
  • 6.
  • 7. Catholic Social Teaching: Pope Francis and the 2014 World Day of Migrant and Refugee Message • Every human being is a child of God! He or she bears the image of Christ! We ourselves need to see, and then to enable others to see, that migrants and refugees do not only represent a problem to be solved, but are brothers and sisters to be welcomed, respected and loved. • The reality of migration, given its new dimensions in our age of globalization, needs to be approached and managed in a new, equitable and effective manner; more than anything, this calls for international cooperation and a spirit of profound solidarity and compassion. Cooperation at different levels is critical, including the broad adoption of policies and rules aimed at protecting and promoting the human person.
  • 8. St. John Paul II: Veritatis Splendor • Reason attests that there are objects of the human act which are by their nature "incapable of being ordered" to God, because they radically contradict the good of the person made in his image. • whatever is offensive to human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution and trafficking in women and children; degrading conditions of work which treat labourers as mere instruments of profit, and not as free responsible persons: all these and the like are a disgrace, and so long as they infect human civilization they contaminate those who inflict them more than those who suffer injustice, and they are a negation of the honour due to the Creator".
  • 9. STRANGERS NO LONGER TOGETHER ON THE JOURNEY OF HOPE #28 Catholic teaching has a long and rich tradition in defending the right to migrate. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus, the Church's teaching has provided the basis for the development of basic principles regarding the right to migrate for those attempting to exercise their God-given human rights. Catholic teaching also states that the root causes of migration–poverty, injustice, religious intolerance, armed conflicts–must be addressed so that migrants can remain in their homeland and support their families.
  • 10.
  • 11. USCCB Mission to Central America O In November of 2013 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a fact finding mission throughout Central America in their concern over the growing trend of unaccompanied minors crossing the border and eager to learn about the root causes leading to this situation. As the report indicates the nations of Central America (specifically, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador) are experiencing a “perfect storm” which include the following secondary factors: O The absence of economic opportunity, O the lack of quality and access to education O the inability for individuals to financially support themselves and their families O the desire to reunify with families already in the United States O The principle cause to this current situation however was recognized as the “generalized violence at the state and local levels and a corresponding breakdown of the rule of law” which has “created a culture of fear and hopelessness.”
  • 12. U.S. Immigration  1790 – Naturalization Act for “free white citizens”  1868 – Burlingame Treaty  1882 – Chinese exclusion Act  1911 – Dillingham Commission (southern & Eastern Europeans are a threat to US Culture) ◦ 1917 – Immigration Act – Literacy Test ◦ 1924 – National Origins Act – Quota System based on last names (preference for western and Northern Europe)  1943 – Treaty with Mexico, Bracero Program  1965 – Immigration and Nationality Act – Eliminated racial quota system, placed limitations on Eastern hemisphere but none on Western hemisphere, end of Bracero Program ◦ 1976 limitations on western hemisphere (targeting Mexico)  1980 – Refugee Act – US compliance with 1951 UN Convention  1986 – Immigration Reform and Control Act, legalized and established sanctions  1996 – laws that limited habeas corpus and access to services while promoting criminalization of the undocumented
  • 14. • The Right to Life • As of May 2013 over 5,500 migrants have been recorded dead in the United States. Approximately 500 die every year. • There are migrant victims along the way to the US. • These victims are often unidentified. • People including children face very real threats to their life. This is true of Central America, the Middle East and parts of Africa. There are reports of deported children who have been killed back in their home countries. Issues of Concern #1
  • 15. • Broken Families • Leaving families for opportunities • Remittances: Long distance responsibilities • New families/risks of reunification • Deportation, a lost generation
  • 16. Issue of Concern #3 • Living in the Shadows: Impact on… • Employment • Housing • Resources and Services • Predatory Lending
  • 17. ISSUE OF CONCERN #4: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE  Among the women who are victims of domestic abuse, uncounted undocumented Latinas continue to be unaware of their right to be protected by the law. They aren’t likely to report domestic violence incidents out of fear of being deported, of seeing their families split, and of enraging their partners making violence even worse.  Catholic Charities Services:  Mental health clinic  Regina Maternity Services
  • 18. Issue #5: Farmworkers   “When the man who feeds the world by toiling in the fields is himself deprived of the basic rights of feeding, sheltering and caring for his own family, the whole community of man is sick.” – Cesar Chavez  Currently there are about 90,000 farmworkers in New York State who are still denied the rights that others have. On Long Island alone there are 7,000 farmworkers working the 600 farms that exist primarily along the East End of Long Island’s North Fork. Many of them work 80 hours a week during harvest season without overtime, the option for a day of rest, collective bargaining or disability insurance. The child minimum wage continues to be $3.45 for children as young as twelve years old.
  • 19. * *DRVC Catholic Charities Immigrant Services has worked with over 300 survivors of human trafficking and their families, in both labor and sex trafficking cases. Our program has rescued and restored them to freedom, reunited them with their families and assisted them in their road towards self-sufficiency. *Human Trafficking: * The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. –UN office on Drugs and Crime
  • 20. Issue #7 Unaccompanied Minors  Since 2011, the number of children arriving in the United States has risen dramatically, 90,000 expected by September 30.  Long Island has received more than 2,000 unaccompanied minors  Catholic Charities in our diocese has served a number of these Children by offering free legal consultation and placing them in the care of family members.  U.S. response to this crisis will be a “test of the moral character of our nation.” – Bishop Mark Seitz
  • 21. COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM  Elements for CIR:  Earned Legalization:  Future Worker Program:  Family‐based Immigration Reform:  Restoration of Due Process Rights:  Addressing Root Causes:  Enforcement:  The Catholic Catechism instructs the faithful that good government has two duties, both of which must be carried out and neither of which can be ignored.  The first duty is to welcome the foreigner out of charity and respect for the human person. Persons have the right to immigrate and thus government must accommodate this right to the greatest extent possible  The second duty is to secure one’s border and enforce the law for the sake of the common good. Sovereign nations have the right to enforce their laws and all persons must respect the legitimate exercise of this right.
  • 22.  Incarnation + Culture  True inculturation is the product of an ongoing “dialogue” between local cultures and the concrete, historical manifestation of Christ – Pope John Paul II
  • 23. Pope John Paul II: Redemptoris Missio #52  The process of the Church's insertion into peoples' cultures is a lengthy one. It is not a matter of purely external adaptation, for inculturation "means the intimate transformation of authentic cultural values through their integration in Christianity and the insertion of Christianity in the various human cultures.”  Through inculturation the Church makes the Gospel incarnate in different cultures and at the same time introduces peoples, together with their cultures, into her own community. She transmits to them her own values, at the same time taking the good elements that already exist in them and renewing them from within.
  • 24. Engage with Popular Catholicism  U.S. Latino/a theological reflection, then, starts from the lived faith of the community, which welcomes God’s presence in its midst; celebrates it in its popular rituals, ceremonies, and prayers; and witnesses to it through the community’s words and deeds.  Celebrate Cultural feasts  Promote formation programs and Apostolic movements:  Cursillos de Christianidad  Charismatic Renewal  Movimiento Familiar Cristiano  Movimiento Juan XXIII
  • 25.  Intensify Social Ministry: ◦ Strengthen the safety net for all people, especially women and children suffering from domestic violence, sexual abuse, abortion, chemical dependency, gang activity, and alcoholism.  Promote Small Ecclesial Communities: ◦ These small ecclesial communities promote experiences of faith and conversion as well as concern for each person and an evangelization process of prayer, reflection, action, and celebration.  Commit to Social Justice: ◦ Provide ongoing formation on Catholic social teaching and collaboration on advocacy and public policy issues relevant to the Church and the Hispanic community.  USCCB: Justice for Immigrants:  NYSCC: Immigrants and Migrants: immigrants-and-migrants/
  • 26. • Legal Counseling: helping newcomers negotiate complex and ever-changing immigration and naturalization laws. Services include adjustments of immigration status, family reunification, work authorizations, political asylum, visa extensions, and citizenship applications. They also offer legal assistance to victims of human trafficking and immigrant victims of various crimes including domestic violence. • Refugee Resettlement: offering full-range case management services help these most vulnerable of newcomers to stabilize their lives by securing food, clothing, housing, health care, English language instruction, and employment services. Counseling and referral are available for those facing post-traumatic stress, displacement shock, or other anxieties. • Anti-Trafficking Program: regional service provider for confirmed victims of human trafficking and serve on the Long Island Anti- Human Trafficking Task Force. • In 2012 Catholic Charities has provided these services to 18,625 members of the immigrant community