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Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi

 Vol. 2, Issue 2; August 2009

                                                                                                                                                                                  Club No. 858173
                                                                                                                                                                               Division C, District 82
News Digest

President Speaks                                       Audience First                                         Malkiat Singh Bindra               From The Editors’ Desk
It has already been two months this new term,          Technique in speaking is important to get                  Chief Editor
and a great term at that. Lots of things hap-          your message across, but it’s the message
pened …                                  Page2         itself that…                         Page6

200th Meeting                                          A Cinderella Story Retold                       It feels great pleasure to bring to you another edition of the JPKU Toastmasters
Roll over to Page 3 to find your invite for the        My shoe size is 6, and today I belong to the    Newsletter “Images”
Party being organized for completion of 200            rather long list of women with a 6 shoe size.
meetings of our Club…                       Page3                                                      The month of August is at the end waiting for September to come and replace and let it
                                                       For a teenager, it was rather large… Page7      subside into Wonderful Memories.

Contest Time                                           Know Thy Toastmaster                            The new EC (Executive Committee) has stepped in with ease into the new office and
                                                                                                       making wonders already.
Contest time is here… So is the time to show           Roll over to read more about the IIT who has
your mettle in Humorous Speeches                       won Best Speaker Award in all the Speeches      Our club has already completed 3.5 goals and is looking for another one as 2 of our
and Evaluations…                          Page4        he has delivered…                    Page8      members are to present their CC speech on the 5th September. Making it just one CC to
                                                                                                       achieve yet another goal.

                                                       Best of the Month                               Read along for the Invite to the BIG 200th MEETING OF OUR CLUB. And then for the
Champion’s Edge                                                                                        Contest being held.
Read along for the Speech Session conducted by         Read all those who have been winning heart
Ritu Arora in Noida…                   Page5           all over the previous month with their Pre-     Also presenting “A Cinderella Story Retold” by Ritu Arora and “Audience First” by Paul
                                                       pared Speeches, Impromptu skills and            Holmes which has important tips to help in Prepared Speeches.
                                                       Evaluation Patterns…                  Page9
                                                                                                       Comments, Suggestions, Contributions are all Welcome…
Images - JPKU
2                            President’s Opening Note                           August’09 Edition

        President Speaks
        It has already been two months this new term, and a great term at
        that. Lots of things happened this past one month… From Judges
        Training Program to Speech workshops to yet another Officer's
        Training                                               program.

        Cherry on top, we have achieved another DCP goal, by adding 4 new
        enthusiastic         members             since          July,2009.

        I am glad to announce that we, the JPKU TMC has achieved yet an-
        other landmark. Our 200th Meeting will be held on the 5th of Sep-
        tember, Teacher's Day! Adding two more CCs to our credit! The
        week following that will be our very own club contests- Evaluation
        and Humorous speech. We wish to stand out yet again following the
        foot steps of Rachit and Ritu (Achievers from last year).. So best of
        luck to our participants..The month end will be marked by Area con-

        A very exciting month ahead awaits us...

    "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower " - Steve Jobs.
Images - JPKU
   3                                            Images Local                                          August’09 Edition

                                                                       Yes… Your very own
                                                                     JPKU Toastmasters Club
                                                                    is completing 200 meetings
                                                                   this Saturday… And we are
                                                             having a blast… And YOU are Invited!!!

                                                             To make it a Special Meeting the Mentors
                                                                     who have helped us reach
                                                            This big Milestone will be Honored for their
                                                              contribution and dedication towards the
                                                                       club and its members.

                                                                           To top it up
                                                                  We are having 2 CC speeches
                                                             By Nikhil Sheth, the very enthusiastic VP
                                                             Membership, and by Malkiat Bindra, the
                                                                       VP Public Relations.

“Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of aspiration and expectation. ” - Jack Nicklaus.
4                                            Images Local                                                     Images - JPKU
                                                                                                              August’09 Edition

                                                                   This is the first/entry level for area contest, division and
                                                                                       district level contest.

•The time is here to Prove that you Stand no Mere IMMORTALS                         1. Humorous Contest
                                                                                       Time is 5-7 minutes
           •The time is here to Ready your ARSENAL
            •The time is here to Prepare your ARMOR                                  2. Evaluation contest
       •The time is here when you clobber your ENEMIES                                  Time is 2-3 minutes

                                                                                    Date: 12th September
            Yes the CO TEST TIME is here…
                                                                                    Venue: At club meeting
                 Our club is organizing the                               Eligibility: All members in good standing

                Humorous Speech Contest                             This is the time to discover and demonstrate qualities
                          And                                                          you possess....!!!
                 The Evaluation Contest
                                                                             Please confirm your participation to
                                                                                 VP-ED Richa Aggarwal at
            On the 12th September at 12:30 p.m.                                 “”
                   So Prepare your Best
              Engrave your name into history
        Because you have to Prove YOUR METTLE.

“We improve ourselves by victory over ourself. There must be contests and you must Win. ” - Edward Gibbon.
Images - JPKU
    5                                                                    Images National            August’09 Edition

                       Champion’s Edge
                                 By Dr. Ritu Arora

        The session started on Sunday, the 16th of August, in Noida and
        while most of the Toastmasters from Division C were still in the
        'Independent' mode, 8 dedicated toastmasters, Neeraj, Poonam, Ram,
        Sarita, Anuranjan and Rajan Sinha from Noida along with Bhanu and
        Anurag Awasthi from New Delhi, attended the Champion's Edge. It
        was pretty sad that we did not have any participant from our JPKU
        Toastmasters Club. The attendance was a bit disappointing, but did
        not dampen the spirit of the attendees.

        The importance of passing this learning to the respective clubs, to
        raise the quality of speeches and evaluations at club level was
        stressed upon.

        The modules I covered: Mentoring, Memorability, Message and How
        learning works. The session began with the participants finding it
        difficult to list out 8 points that make a winning speech, to the
        completion point of the workshop where they rattled off at least 18
        points to make the speech a winning speech.

        Neeraj Gupta made a perfect host with everything under his control
        from excellent audio visual facilities, certificates, to registrations,
        podium, lunch, and the works! Kudos to our Division Governor for

        Fun while you learn was the motto of the group that now is called
        the 'IKONIC' group, and the participants went back with smiles,

"To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan... believe... act! ” - Alfred A Montapert.
Images - JPKU
       6                                                          Images National                                                        August’09 Edition

                                    Audience First                                 Find out all you can about them, their interests, their values, their
                                                                                   prior knowledge of or interest in your subject.
                                             By Paul Holmes                        Investigate all you can before you even begin to plan your speech,
                                                                                   so you can start with this question: “What does my audience want
                                                                                   from me?”
                                                                                   The answer is not likely to be ‘Everything I know about this subject.’
                                                                                   The answer is likely to include ‘entertainment’ as well as, in some
                             Technique in speaking is important to get your        form, ‘enlightenment.’ They’re certain to want to tap into your ex-
                             message across, but it’s the message itself that      pertise, and they are going to be looking for your expert insight on
                             counts.                                               the subject. But not everything you know about it.
                                                                                   This means you need to pick out what you know that will meet the
    When you have a speech to give, where do you start? Where do you start         audience’s need. Something they are unlikely to find – at least, not
    any project? Most people would say, ‘Define your objectives.’ As one of        easily – from any other source. This is going to be your unique, take
    Stephen Covey’s seven habits of successful people has it, ‘Begin with the      -home message for the audience.
    end in mind.’                                                                  When I’m speaking at a big meeting or conference, I’m usually to
    The temptation is to say, ‘What do I know about this subject?’ Or ‘What        be found mingling with the audience, possibly welcoming them to
    do I need to say?’ ‘What do I want to get across to my audience?’ I sug-       the auditorium, and asking what they expect to get out of the meet-
    gest that this approach is rather too self-centered. It’s focusing on ‘I’ –    ing, or my presentation. Yes, I take listening this far… of course, I’ve
    ‘What do I want to achieve here?’ The consequence, as anyone who’s             already listened to the audience quite a lot beforehand, so I can an-
    ever been to a scientific conference, or a marketing meeting, or almost        ticipate and prepare for what I expect them to say, but it adds to
    any academic lecture, will tell you, is likely to be a long and boring ram-    my credibility when I stand up there and say, “What you are telling
    ble through the speaker’s head, with nothing memorable to take home af-        me is…” and “… the solution I have to offer you is…”
    terwards, not even as a reward for a serious effort to pay attention.          I hope I’ve been able to persuade you to listen to your audience in
    This brings us to Holmes’s First Law of Leadership. It can be expressed in     order to define your take-home message. To conclude, please re-
    one word: LISTEN.                                                              member this ‘take-home message,’ from Benjamin Franklin, Ameri-
    Yes, I know we’re talking about your role as speaker. It is still your first   can scientist, publisher and diplomat:
    responsibility, I believe, to listen to your audience.                         “Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.”

“Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both. ” - John Andrew Holmes.
Images - JPKU
      7                                                                             Images National                                                                            August’09 Edition

                        A Cinderella Story Retold
                                                                                                         “What is the secret of your success?” How many times have we looked at a successful person
                                        By Dr. Ritu Arora                                                and wondered? What if I told you the secret? What if I told you the magic that makes it work?
                                                                                                         People who say there are rules to success are only partially correct. While there may be guide-
                                                                                                         lines to success, there is absolutely no sure shot method to prove than any method is fool
                                                                                                         proof. Also, if plan A works for a particular person, there is no reason to believe that plan B
                                                                                                         can’t work for you. For all you know, you may need a plan Z.
My shoe size is 6, and today I belong to the rather long list of women with a 6 shoe size. For a
teenager, it was rather large, and I often wondered, ‘What if Cinderella had a shoe size 6?’ The
result would’ve been the courtiers coming back to report, “Prince eighteen women and one                 Then there are the other extremes, ‘Suresh is such a loser, he has a dream job, a dream wife
man fit into the shoe, you can choose whom you want to marry, and the man is rather sweet                and a dream car, yet he sulks all day’. My friend, for all you know Suresh may have a tax prob-
looking”.                                                                                                lem, or stress that kills him. Maybe your dreams are his nightmares, when he coughs up for
                                                                                                         maintenance. They may be your dreams, but he may dream differently. The key lies in knowing
Talking about sizes, at a 5”9’ I have a rather petite figure, and a few years ago I remember going       what you want and achieving to find it, and you do not need Cinderella’s Fairy God Mother.
to Weekender Kids to pick up tee-shirts for myself. If we were all similar, we would come in
regular sizes, 5 X 4 or 6 X 5, which would mean 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide for a woman, 6 feet          A former world contestant was advised before a championship, ‘nobody wears jeans to a con-
tall and 5 feet wide for a man. Now, wouldn’t that be boring. Just imagine, no more Mr. India or         test, you have to be in a business suit.’ He wore the jeans, and he won. Every person is brought
Miss World contests, no more getting that designer to specially design a dress for you                   up in different circumstances, we come from different backgrounds and we have different tal-
(everything would be your size), and no more spending endless hours on yoga/aerobics or exer-            ents. So if Emma achieved an Award, and you achieved the same Award, you and Emma may
cise.                                                                                                    be two completely different people with two completely different contest levels, and com-
                                                                                                         pletely different weaknesses and strengths. We often hear people say, ‘practice makes a man
Men are often advised, ‘Women are attracted by a little bit of mystery and unpredictability’,            perfect’. In my case, too much of practice wears me out. How much is too much? You will
and this more than often ends up in a man trying to be mysterious, unpredictable, but turning            know.
out to be outright weird. There goes the woman of your dreams, running out through the front
door. Gentlemen, find what works for you, and your lady love. Every person is different. There is        The magic lies in creating your own magical formula. The secret is in finding what works for
no ‘one shoe fits all situation’ in real life. Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention, but if   you. Whether you are a size 6 or a size 4 or a size 11, whether you have flat feet, or arched
we had everything that fit, would we strive to attain something better. While there is no point          ones, whether you prefer heels, or flats, you are unique and precious. Find that unique shoe
in re-inventing the wheel, have you ever tried running a truck on cycle tyres? Would you attach          that fits you.
a Maruti 800 tyre to your BMW?

To me, a ‘one shoe fits all’ situation is like looking for a travel blog, and finding job placements,
health, motivation, morbidity, share market, news, all stuffed on the same page. Just imagine
the time you would waste in scanning through unnecessary stuff only because you decided to
take a short trip.

           "Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. ” - Tom Robbins.
8                                                                  Lost And Found                                                                         Images - JPKU
                                                                                                                                                              August’09 Edition

                                                                                                                                 3 “Best Speaker Awards” in 3 speeches.
 Know Thy Toastmaster                                                                                                            How does it feel?

                                                                                                                                 “Haha! Obviously it feels great. It means a lot to me
                                                                                                                                 that people appreciate my efforts, and more impor-
                                                                                                                                 tantly they like what I say. I would indeed love to carry

   “Aniket Bose”                                                                                                                 on this streak for as long as I can, hopefully till the
                                                                                                                                 completion of my CC! But I feel that I need to work
                                                                                                                                 more on my
                                                                                                                                 impromptu speaking skills, since unlike the prepared
                                                                                                                                 speeches, I have a 50% record in winning the “Best ta-
                                                                                                                                 ble Topics Speaker”.”
Toastmasters is a forum which allows you to
speak your Heart & Mind out. Do you agree?
                                                                                                                                 What is that you look forward to learn
“Toastmasters is the only forum I have come across where                                                                         in Toastmasters?
you can speak what he wants, without the fear of anyone re-
butting your arguments or opinion. Moreover there is no re-                                                                      “Firstly I need to learn the art of preparation, because
striction on the topic you choose to speak on, as long as you                                                                    in all 3 of my speeches I have been totally unsure of
fulfill the objectives of the project.”                                                                                          the topic that I would speak on till about an hour be-
                                                                 Toastmasters gives us confidence, energy &
                                                                                                                                 fore the meeting. Although I have eventually done
                                                                 motivation, which we miss out in our daily life.
                                                                                                                                 well, I feel it is against the very essence of prepared
                                                                 What do u have to say about it?
What is the Role and significance of                                                                                             speeches. Secondly as I already said I need to work on
Toastmasters in your life?                                                                                                       the impromptu speeches. Thirdly I’ll be working on the
                                                                 “I have never really had problems like poor communication
                                                                                                                                 suggestions that I have received form my evaluators
                                                                 skills or stage fright, right from my school days. However, I
“Toastmasters is easily the most constructive form of recrea-                                                                    and fellow Toastmasters, especially the movement of
                                                                 lost touch with all that in the midst of my tight schedule at
tion that I have experienced. It is the one thing which I look                                                                   my legs J I just hope my journey at Toastmasters goes
                                                                 IITD. But I do not have to think one bit about finding inter-
forward to every week, 2-3 days in                                                                                               on as happily as it has started.”
                                                                 molecular spaces in my jam- packed schedule for Toastmas-
advance.“                                                        ters. I do not need to search for motivation to attend Toast-

                       "Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain. ” - Edward De Bono.
9                                          Images Best of the Month                                                    Images - JPKU
                                                                                                                              August’09 Edition

                                            •   Aniket Bose on 1st Aug
                                            •   Aniket Bose on 13th Aug                            •   Nitya on 1st Aug
                                            •   Nikhil Sheth on 22nd Aug                           •   Aniket Bose & Shraddha
                                            •   Nikhil Sheth on 29th Aug                                 Nakra on 7th Aug
                                                                                                   •   Aniket on 22nd Aug
                                                                                                   •   Neeraj on 29th Aug

                                                         •   Manoj Kumar on 1st Aug
                                                         •   Shraddha Nakra on 13th Aug
                                                         •   Deepak Menon on 22nd Aug
                                                         •   Aniket Bose on 29th Aug

"Experience shows that success is due less to ability that to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. ” - Charles Buxton.
10                                                     Images Classified                                                      Images - JPKU
                                                                                                                             August’09 Edition

Contact Us                                                      Venue
•   Shraddha Nakra: President                                   Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered                                   Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area,
•   Richa Aggarwal: Vice President, Education                   New Delhi—110016.
•   Nikhil Sheth: Vice President, Membership                                         Timings
•   Malkiat Bindra: Vice President, Public Relations                                         Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m.
•   Manoj Kumar: Secretary
                                                                Whom to Contact
•   Nihil Malik: Treasurer                                       For all membership and PR queries, please contact:
•   Ritu Arora: Sergeant-at-arms                                Nikhil Sheth (VP, Membership): +91-99114-79900;                                         Malkiat Bindra (VP, Public Relations): +91-98110-64605 ;

                JPKU TMC
                Viveknanda Vihar

                "Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Always Ahead…!

                                         In the end I would like to thank all those Members who
                                         have provided me with contributions, articles and other in-
                                         formational/educational material to put up in the Newslet-

                                         And my special thanks to Dr. Ritu Arora for her Valuable
                                         contributions without which this Newsletter would have
                                         been quite a lot different.              -Malkiat Bindra.

          Club No. 858173                                                                  Dr. Ritu Arora

        Division C, District 82         No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced
                                        without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries
                                        and requests should be directed to the club’s public relations   committee at

                                                                  Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009

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Images aug'09

  • 1. Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi Vol. 2, Issue 2; August 2009 Club No. 858173 Division C, District 82 News Digest President Speaks Audience First Malkiat Singh Bindra From The Editors’ Desk It has already been two months this new term, Technique in speaking is important to get Chief Editor and a great term at that. Lots of things hap- your message across, but it’s the message pened … Page2 itself that… Page6 200th Meeting A Cinderella Story Retold It feels great pleasure to bring to you another edition of the JPKU Toastmasters Roll over to Page 3 to find your invite for the My shoe size is 6, and today I belong to the Newsletter “Images” Party being organized for completion of 200 rather long list of women with a 6 shoe size. meetings of our Club… Page3 The month of August is at the end waiting for September to come and replace and let it For a teenager, it was rather large… Page7 subside into Wonderful Memories. Contest Time Know Thy Toastmaster The new EC (Executive Committee) has stepped in with ease into the new office and making wonders already. Contest time is here… So is the time to show Roll over to read more about the IIT who has your mettle in Humorous Speeches won Best Speaker Award in all the Speeches Our club has already completed 3.5 goals and is looking for another one as 2 of our and Evaluations… Page4 he has delivered… Page8 members are to present their CC speech on the 5th September. Making it just one CC to achieve yet another goal. Best of the Month Read along for the Invite to the BIG 200th MEETING OF OUR CLUB. And then for the Champion’s Edge Contest being held. Read along for the Speech Session conducted by Read all those who have been winning heart Ritu Arora in Noida… Page5 all over the previous month with their Pre- Also presenting “A Cinderella Story Retold” by Ritu Arora and “Audience First” by Paul pared Speeches, Impromptu skills and Holmes which has important tips to help in Prepared Speeches. Evaluation Patterns… Page9 Comments, Suggestions, Contributions are all Welcome…
  • 2. Images - JPKU 2 President’s Opening Note August’09 Edition President Speaks It has already been two months this new term, and a great term at that. Lots of things happened this past one month… From Judges Training Program to Speech workshops to yet another Officer's Training program. Cherry on top, we have achieved another DCP goal, by adding 4 new enthusiastic members since July,2009. I am glad to announce that we, the JPKU TMC has achieved yet an- other landmark. Our 200th Meeting will be held on the 5th of Sep- tember, Teacher's Day! Adding two more CCs to our credit! The week following that will be our very own club contests- Evaluation and Humorous speech. We wish to stand out yet again following the foot steps of Rachit and Ritu (Achievers from last year).. So best of luck to our participants..The month end will be marked by Area con- test. A very exciting month ahead awaits us... "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower " - Steve Jobs.
  • 3. Images - JPKU 3 Images Local August’09 Edition Yes… Your very own JPKU Toastmasters Club is completing 200 meetings this Saturday… And we are having a blast… And YOU are Invited!!! To make it a Special Meeting the Mentors who have helped us reach This big Milestone will be Honored for their contribution and dedication towards the club and its members. To top it up We are having 2 CC speeches By Nikhil Sheth, the very enthusiastic VP Membership, and by Malkiat Bindra, the VP Public Relations. “Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of aspiration and expectation. ” - Jack Nicklaus.
  • 4. 4 Images Local Images - JPKU August’09 Edition This is the first/entry level for area contest, division and district level contest. •The time is here to Prove that you Stand no Mere IMMORTALS 1. Humorous Contest Time is 5-7 minutes •The time is here to Ready your ARSENAL •The time is here to Prepare your ARMOR 2. Evaluation contest •The time is here when you clobber your ENEMIES Time is 2-3 minutes Date: 12th September Yes the CO TEST TIME is here… Venue: At club meeting Our club is organizing the Eligibility: All members in good standing Humorous Speech Contest This is the time to discover and demonstrate qualities And you possess....!!! The Evaluation Contest Please confirm your participation to VP-ED Richa Aggarwal at On the 12th September at 12:30 p.m. “” or +91-9899730731 So Prepare your Best And Engrave your name into history Because you have to Prove YOUR METTLE. “We improve ourselves by victory over ourself. There must be contests and you must Win. ” - Edward Gibbon.
  • 5. Images - JPKU 5 Images National August’09 Edition Champion’s Edge By Dr. Ritu Arora The session started on Sunday, the 16th of August, in Noida and while most of the Toastmasters from Division C were still in the 'Independent' mode, 8 dedicated toastmasters, Neeraj, Poonam, Ram, Sarita, Anuranjan and Rajan Sinha from Noida along with Bhanu and Anurag Awasthi from New Delhi, attended the Champion's Edge. It was pretty sad that we did not have any participant from our JPKU Toastmasters Club. The attendance was a bit disappointing, but did not dampen the spirit of the attendees. The importance of passing this learning to the respective clubs, to raise the quality of speeches and evaluations at club level was stressed upon. The modules I covered: Mentoring, Memorability, Message and How learning works. The session began with the participants finding it difficult to list out 8 points that make a winning speech, to the completion point of the workshop where they rattled off at least 18 points to make the speech a winning speech. Neeraj Gupta made a perfect host with everything under his control from excellent audio visual facilities, certificates, to registrations, podium, lunch, and the works! Kudos to our Division Governor for that. Fun while you learn was the motto of the group that now is called the 'IKONIC' group, and the participants went back with smiles, literally. "To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan... believe... act! ” - Alfred A Montapert.
  • 6. Images - JPKU 6 Images National August’09 Edition Audience First Find out all you can about them, their interests, their values, their prior knowledge of or interest in your subject. By Paul Holmes Investigate all you can before you even begin to plan your speech, so you can start with this question: “What does my audience want from me?” The answer is not likely to be ‘Everything I know about this subject.’ The answer is likely to include ‘entertainment’ as well as, in some Technique in speaking is important to get your form, ‘enlightenment.’ They’re certain to want to tap into your ex- message across, but it’s the message itself that pertise, and they are going to be looking for your expert insight on counts. the subject. But not everything you know about it. This means you need to pick out what you know that will meet the When you have a speech to give, where do you start? Where do you start audience’s need. Something they are unlikely to find – at least, not any project? Most people would say, ‘Define your objectives.’ As one of easily – from any other source. This is going to be your unique, take Stephen Covey’s seven habits of successful people has it, ‘Begin with the -home message for the audience. end in mind.’ When I’m speaking at a big meeting or conference, I’m usually to The temptation is to say, ‘What do I know about this subject?’ Or ‘What be found mingling with the audience, possibly welcoming them to do I need to say?’ ‘What do I want to get across to my audience?’ I sug- the auditorium, and asking what they expect to get out of the meet- gest that this approach is rather too self-centered. It’s focusing on ‘I’ – ing, or my presentation. Yes, I take listening this far… of course, I’ve ‘What do I want to achieve here?’ The consequence, as anyone who’s already listened to the audience quite a lot beforehand, so I can an- ever been to a scientific conference, or a marketing meeting, or almost ticipate and prepare for what I expect them to say, but it adds to any academic lecture, will tell you, is likely to be a long and boring ram- my credibility when I stand up there and say, “What you are telling ble through the speaker’s head, with nothing memorable to take home af- me is…” and “… the solution I have to offer you is…” terwards, not even as a reward for a serious effort to pay attention. I hope I’ve been able to persuade you to listen to your audience in This brings us to Holmes’s First Law of Leadership. It can be expressed in order to define your take-home message. To conclude, please re- one word: LISTEN. member this ‘take-home message,’ from Benjamin Franklin, Ameri- Yes, I know we’re talking about your role as speaker. It is still your first can scientist, publisher and diplomat: responsibility, I believe, to listen to your audience. “Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.” “Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both. ” - John Andrew Holmes.
  • 7. Images - JPKU 7 Images National August’09 Edition A Cinderella Story Retold “What is the secret of your success?” How many times have we looked at a successful person By Dr. Ritu Arora and wondered? What if I told you the secret? What if I told you the magic that makes it work? People who say there are rules to success are only partially correct. While there may be guide- lines to success, there is absolutely no sure shot method to prove than any method is fool proof. Also, if plan A works for a particular person, there is no reason to believe that plan B can’t work for you. For all you know, you may need a plan Z. My shoe size is 6, and today I belong to the rather long list of women with a 6 shoe size. For a teenager, it was rather large, and I often wondered, ‘What if Cinderella had a shoe size 6?’ The result would’ve been the courtiers coming back to report, “Prince eighteen women and one Then there are the other extremes, ‘Suresh is such a loser, he has a dream job, a dream wife man fit into the shoe, you can choose whom you want to marry, and the man is rather sweet and a dream car, yet he sulks all day’. My friend, for all you know Suresh may have a tax prob- looking”. lem, or stress that kills him. Maybe your dreams are his nightmares, when he coughs up for maintenance. They may be your dreams, but he may dream differently. The key lies in knowing Talking about sizes, at a 5”9’ I have a rather petite figure, and a few years ago I remember going what you want and achieving to find it, and you do not need Cinderella’s Fairy God Mother. to Weekender Kids to pick up tee-shirts for myself. If we were all similar, we would come in regular sizes, 5 X 4 or 6 X 5, which would mean 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide for a woman, 6 feet A former world contestant was advised before a championship, ‘nobody wears jeans to a con- tall and 5 feet wide for a man. Now, wouldn’t that be boring. Just imagine, no more Mr. India or test, you have to be in a business suit.’ He wore the jeans, and he won. Every person is brought Miss World contests, no more getting that designer to specially design a dress for you up in different circumstances, we come from different backgrounds and we have different tal- (everything would be your size), and no more spending endless hours on yoga/aerobics or exer- ents. So if Emma achieved an Award, and you achieved the same Award, you and Emma may cise. be two completely different people with two completely different contest levels, and com- pletely different weaknesses and strengths. We often hear people say, ‘practice makes a man Men are often advised, ‘Women are attracted by a little bit of mystery and unpredictability’, perfect’. In my case, too much of practice wears me out. How much is too much? You will and this more than often ends up in a man trying to be mysterious, unpredictable, but turning know. out to be outright weird. There goes the woman of your dreams, running out through the front door. Gentlemen, find what works for you, and your lady love. Every person is different. There is The magic lies in creating your own magical formula. The secret is in finding what works for no ‘one shoe fits all situation’ in real life. Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention, but if you. Whether you are a size 6 or a size 4 or a size 11, whether you have flat feet, or arched we had everything that fit, would we strive to attain something better. While there is no point ones, whether you prefer heels, or flats, you are unique and precious. Find that unique shoe in re-inventing the wheel, have you ever tried running a truck on cycle tyres? Would you attach that fits you. a Maruti 800 tyre to your BMW? To me, a ‘one shoe fits all’ situation is like looking for a travel blog, and finding job placements, health, motivation, morbidity, share market, news, all stuffed on the same page. Just imagine the time you would waste in scanning through unnecessary stuff only because you decided to take a short trip. "Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. ” - Tom Robbins.
  • 8. 8 Lost And Found Images - JPKU August’09 Edition 3 “Best Speaker Awards” in 3 speeches. Know Thy Toastmaster How does it feel? “Haha! Obviously it feels great. It means a lot to me that people appreciate my efforts, and more impor- tantly they like what I say. I would indeed love to carry “Aniket Bose” on this streak for as long as I can, hopefully till the completion of my CC! But I feel that I need to work more on my impromptu speaking skills, since unlike the prepared speeches, I have a 50% record in winning the “Best ta- ble Topics Speaker”.” Toastmasters is a forum which allows you to speak your Heart & Mind out. Do you agree? What is that you look forward to learn “Toastmasters is the only forum I have come across where in Toastmasters? you can speak what he wants, without the fear of anyone re- butting your arguments or opinion. Moreover there is no re- “Firstly I need to learn the art of preparation, because striction on the topic you choose to speak on, as long as you in all 3 of my speeches I have been totally unsure of fulfill the objectives of the project.” the topic that I would speak on till about an hour be- Toastmasters gives us confidence, energy & fore the meeting. Although I have eventually done motivation, which we miss out in our daily life. well, I feel it is against the very essence of prepared What do u have to say about it? What is the Role and significance of speeches. Secondly as I already said I need to work on Toastmasters in your life? the impromptu speeches. Thirdly I’ll be working on the “I have never really had problems like poor communication suggestions that I have received form my evaluators skills or stage fright, right from my school days. However, I “Toastmasters is easily the most constructive form of recrea- and fellow Toastmasters, especially the movement of lost touch with all that in the midst of my tight schedule at tion that I have experienced. It is the one thing which I look my legs J I just hope my journey at Toastmasters goes IITD. But I do not have to think one bit about finding inter- forward to every week, 2-3 days in on as happily as it has started.” molecular spaces in my jam- packed schedule for Toastmas- advance.“ ters. I do not need to search for motivation to attend Toast- masters.” "Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain. ” - Edward De Bono.
  • 9. 9 Images Best of the Month Images - JPKU August’09 Edition • Aniket Bose on 1st Aug • Aniket Bose on 13th Aug • Nitya on 1st Aug • Nikhil Sheth on 22nd Aug • Aniket Bose & Shraddha • Nikhil Sheth on 29th Aug Nakra on 7th Aug • Aniket on 22nd Aug • Neeraj on 29th Aug • Manoj Kumar on 1st Aug • Shraddha Nakra on 13th Aug • Deepak Menon on 22nd Aug • Aniket Bose on 29th Aug "Experience shows that success is due less to ability that to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. ” - Charles Buxton.
  • 10. 10 Images Classified Images - JPKU August’09 Edition Contact Us Venue • Shraddha Nakra: President Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area, • Richa Aggarwal: Vice President, Education New Delhi—110016. • Nikhil Sheth: Vice President, Membership Timings • Malkiat Bindra: Vice President, Public Relations Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m. • Manoj Kumar: Secretary Whom to Contact • Nihil Malik: Treasurer For all membership and PR queries, please contact: • Ritu Arora: Sergeant-at-arms Nikhil Sheth (VP, Membership): +91-99114-79900; Malkiat Bindra (VP, Public Relations): +91-98110-64605 ; JPKU TMC Viveknanda Vihar "Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • 11. Always Ahead…! In the end I would like to thank all those Members who have provided me with contributions, articles and other in- formational/educational material to put up in the Newslet- ter. And my special thanks to Dr. Ritu Arora for her Valuable contributions without which this Newsletter would have been quite a lot different. -Malkiat Bindra. Club No. 858173 Dr. Ritu Arora Division C, District 82 No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries and requests should be directed to the club’s public relations committee at Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009