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Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi

                                                                              Vol. 3, Issue 1; January 2010

                                                       JANUARY 2010                                                                    Club No. 858173
                                                                                                                                     Division C, District 82

The Editor’s Note
A new year, a new Executive Committee, and an all new edition of “Images”!
                                                                                                                                       Mission of
January marks the beginning of a new term in Toastmasters International. And as we, the new EC take
charge, we show our respect to the outgoing EC by highlighting in this edition their tremendous
                                                                                                                                    To provide a mutually
achievements, making our club one of the fastest to fulfill all “Distinguished Club Programme” goals.
                                                                                                                                    supportive and positive
                                                                                                                                    learning environment
But basking in the sunshine of one’s predecessor’s glories isn’t what JPKU Toastmasters is about. So                                in which every individ-
the incumbent officers got trained to perform their duties to the fullest, as Aneesh Jain covers the Offi-                                    ual
cers’ Training Programme.                                                                                                              member has the
And to give you a feel of the impact that the increasing population of IITians has had on the club, we                                  to develop oral
have Tejesh explaining Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. He also features in an interview for “Know Thy
                                                                                                                                     and leadership skills,
Toastmaster”.                                                                                                                        which in turn foster
But that’s not all! Watch out for the all new section in our newsletter- “The Hyde Park”, followed by the
winners of the month. Hope you have a good read.

Aniket Bose
2                                                                        CONTENTS                                                                                         January 2010

      Change of Guard                      Page 3
      The outgoing president hands over the charge of
      the club to her successor Manoj and his team
              —Shraddha Nakra and Manoj Kumar                          Know Thy Toastmaster                         Page 7
                                                                       Let’s get up close and personal with our very own Tejesh

Officers’ Training Programme                      Page 4                                                          NEW
Fun, food and most importantly knowledge for the new EC as
they don their responsibilities           —Aneesh Jain
                                                                            The Hyde Park                 Page 8
                                                                            A glimpse at how our toastmasters select                 Contest Circular                       Page 10
                                                                            topics for their speeches                                It’s time to suit up, as the club contests approach
                                                                                        —-Nikhil Sheth, Ritu Arora,
                                                                              Malkiat Bindra and Garima Sharma
         Club Success                    Page 5
         Find out the path to JPKU TMC’s success
         story, and all those who contributed to it

                                                                                                                                    Club Contact Details                        Page 11
                                                                                   Best of the Month                      Page 9
                                                                                   Find out our star performers week by week, and
                                                                                   also our “Winner of the Month”
                                                                                                                                        Acknowledgments                         Page 12

      My experiments with skepticism Page 6
      A skeptical IITian realizes the importance of the Toastmasters
                                              — Nishant Ranka
3                               CHANGE OF GUARD                                                                                January 2010

                                        The New Team Takes Over

    Hello Everyone,                                                  Warm greetings,
    A new term has begun, and great new opportunities await us.
    Exactly 6 months ago I felt the same nervousness Manoj           New Year is an opportunity to reflect upon our pro-
    would be feeling today, having been given the responsibility     gress so far and charting out plans for the future.
    of JPKU Toastmasters Club. To tell you the truth, what           And 2010 is not an exception!!
    scared me the most was not how I'd do my job, I was scared
    of letting people who had shown faith in me down. And            Our club has done a fantastic job so far. Having
    today, we are a President’s Distinguished Club with a 10 on      achieved 10 out of 10 DCP Goals (courtesy our en-
    10 (all goals met). Our standards have been maintained, lots     thusiastic members and dedicated EC Team), it’s
    of new members have come in, however, none of this would         now time to raise the bar and strive harder for new
    have been possible without the amazing support system our        destinations.
    club had.
                                                                     All those awards, recognition and reputation that
                                                                     our club has earned so far, signify the indomitable
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team           will and spirit for excellence, of our club members.
    mates , Richa, Nikhil Sheth, Malkiat, Manoj, Nikhil Malik        Those, who realized their potential and travelled
    and Ritu Arora, for all their efforts and work put in to mak-    that extra mile, made our club proud time and
    ing this club what it is today. I would also like to thank our   again.
    mentors.. Deepak Menon, Vinay Jain , Jyoti Narula and Ritu
    Arora for having supported us through each step, pushing us,     It’s now our responsibility to put in that extra effort
    motivating us and guiding us all through, and most of all I      to realize our potential. Let’s take this challenge
    would like to thank our members, without whom there would        and responsibility; let our development and success
    be no JPKU TMC.                                                  contribute towards the success of our club -
                                                                     because WE ALL make JPKU Toastmasters :)
    I know our new President with his team will take JPKU to
                                                                     I would also like to take this opportunity to wel-
    greater heights. My best wishes are always with JPKU
                                                                     come our newest members - Riecha Sharma, Poem
    TMC... I wish the fantastic new EC lots of luck and growth!
                                                                     Kabra and Tarun Gautam to the club.

    Warm Regards,                                                    Happy New Year!!
    Shraddha Nakra                                                   Manoj Kumar

    Outgoing President                                               Incoming President
4                              OFFICERS’ TRAINING PROGRAMME                                                                                               January 2010

                                                                       By Aneesh Jain
On a cold January morning, when a foggy quilt covered the world, seven brave
foot soldiers set out on a mission against time. State boundaries didn't matter, nei-
ther did the traffic on roads, since the former are only lines on a political map, and
the latter only the grunts from engines stuck like cotton seeds in a foggy quilt.
They moved on with their eyes firmly on the road and their hearts in their mouth,
but their tenacity paid off and target was soon in sight. The mission was supposed
to be long and tiring, but the foot soldiers had prepared well - some had woken up
early, others hadn't slept all night.

The Officers' Training Program for Division C of District 82 was held on January
17th, 2010 at Nehru Youth Center, NOIDA. The program was set to start at 10:00
am, but due to the late arrival of a lot of participants blamed unanimously on the
thick fog, started a bit late. After the opening of the ceremony by the Sergeant-At-
Arms, the Master of Ceremony (or should I say Mistress of Ceremony) Akshita
took over. The meeting was based on the 'art of listening' and the audience not only
enjoyed the art, but also learned a lot about it. The first speaker of the day was the
Division C Governor, Mr. Neeraj Gupta, who talked about the achievements of Di-
vision C in the past 6 months. Neeraj's speech was followed by a short speech by           After refueling their tanks, the officers were ready to continue their mission,
the District 82 Governor, Mr. Deepak Menon, DTM. Deepak narrated an incident               and all that energy they really needed. The program restarted with an intense
from the day's morning when while he was reading the newspaper, his wife was               planning session where the club representatives had to set targets for the next
speaking to him, but he wasn't listening and how he was caught. Thankfully there           six months and design a road map to achieve those. After all the clubs were
were no grave repercussions of this! This led the audience into the first session of       through with this, it was time to face the reality. ALGM, Poonam Jain, DTM,
the day. Dr. Ritu Arora, DTM, presented the Distinguished Club Program to the of-          conducted a session on 'Moments of Truth', but unlike the similarly named
ficers. The session was made very interesting and interactive by the use of neatly         game show, there were no polygraphs used here. Poonam trained the officers
put together case studies.                                                                 on the use of this very powerful tool which can be used to evaluate how well
                                                                                           the club is really doing.
The officers then split into two groups. Two parallel sessions for nouveau installed/
elected Presidents, Vice Presidents (Education) & Vice Presidents (Membership)             The Officers' Training Program ended with the distribution of certificates and a
and for Vice Presidents (Public Relations), Secretaries, Treasurers and Sergeants-         vote of thanks by the Division C Governor. A thoroughly informative program,
At-Arms were conducted. Toastmasters who had successfully taken up these                   which helped the representatives of various Toastmaster clubs in Division C to
responsibilities in the past took the new officers through their list of duties and also   understand their responsibilities better.
gave useful tips about succeeding in their roles. Both the training sessions ended
almost at the same time and the officers and the trainers were well rewarded after
the intense sessions with warm tea and sandwiches during the break.
5                                            CLUB SUCCESS                                                                              January 2010

       DTM Dr. Ritu Arora told us all about the Distinguished Club Programme in the Officers’ Training Programme. JPKU Toastmasters’ Club
       accomplished all 10 goals under this programme on the 17th of this month, thereby becoming one of the first 4 clubs in the Division C to
       become “President’s Distinguished Clubs”. Here’s a look at all the goals we achieved, and the people who made it possible for us.
                   The Members’ Goals                                                          The EC’s Goals

      Goal 1-> 2 CCs                                                                                              Goal 7-> 4 new members
                                                                                   13 new members
                               devesh trivedi, nikhil Sheth,
                                                                                    registered by
                                                                                   december 2009                    Goal 8-> 4 more new
                               malkiat bindra, aniket bose
     Goal 2-> 2 more                                                                                                     members

                                                                                                              manoj kumar, malkiat bindra,
                               Goal 3-> 1 ACB, ACS or ACG
                                                                           Goal 9-> Getting at least
deepak menon (acb)                                                                                              nikhil Sheth, aniket bose,
                                                                              4 officers trained
    ritu arora (acb)            Goal 4-> 1 more ACB, ACS                                                        chandni kapur, aneesh jain
                                         or ACG

                                                                                                                 Goal 10-> Submission of
Goal 5-> 1 CL, ALB, ALS or                                                       submitted on time               dues renewal invoice and
           DTM                                                                                                          officers’ list
                                          deepak menon (cl)

                                         shraddha nakra (cl)
    Goal 6-> 1 more CL, ALB,
          ALS or DTM
6                                         My experiments with skepticism                                                                                                                   January 2010

                                                                         By Nishant Ranka
The sudden insurgence of IITians (read ‘geeks’) from across the street into JPKU TMC has had a very noticeable change in
the environment of the club. But surprisingly not all of them like to only talk about technology and its impact on human
loneliness. This future consultant, despite being the skeptic he claims to be, decided to attend one Toastmasters meeting
and became a member for life. Here’s his story...
I am one of those skeptical guys who do not believe in anything at the first sight. It was       Once I got to know about Toastmasters, it felt like everyone I
probably in August of 2009 when Ayush, my hostel-mate, told me about the Toastmasters            talked to knew about it. My sister who is living in Singapore
Club and my first reaction went something like “not for me”. At that time I had already          called me up to ask if she should join Toastmasters there; my
spoken a few times in front of a large audience during seminars and I felt that it had given     friend living in Pune said that his institute has recommended
                                                                                                 him to join the Toastmasters and so on. Infact, after I published
me sufficient public speaking experience. A couple of months later, two more friends:
                                                                                                 some of my speeches in a blog several people became curious
Aniket and Tejesh joined the club, but I still refused to budge from my opinion about the
                                                                                                 about Toastmasters. I am currently heading an organization in my institute and I really felt that Toast-
                                                                                                 masters is necessary for people who will lead the organization once I have graduated, and hence I am
The year 2009 was quite hectic due to job placements and the rest, but after I got placed in     planning to bring them as guests. Hopefully they too will enjoy the experience and become members.
a consulting firm and the time-crunch reduced, I thought of giving the Toastmasters club a
                                                                                                 JPKU Toastmasters club has completely changed the world for me. It has given me a space of my
try. Finally, after much persuasion by Tejesh and Aniket I went to my first Toastmasters
                                                                                                 own and further it has given me the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone, my institute and
meeting as a guest. I don’t know whether it was JPKU Toastmasters Club’s charisma in
                                                                                                 meet new people and listen to their stories. In its own special way, the JPKU Toastmasters club has
particular or whether it is common across all Toastmasters Club, but my first meeting just
                                                                                                 made the world a touch brighter for me.
blew me away. I immediately realized that this was indeed the place for me.

The experience so far has been no less than amazing! If there is something which I like
about the club most, apart from the positive environment it provides, is feedback! Evalua-
tions by an assigned evaluator as well as the little chits which go around in the meetings
are the best way of judging how well did one speak and the aspects one needs to improve

Initially I did not take the specifications given in the module too seriously, but right after
my first two speeches I realized that it was very difficult for me to focus on all parts of
public speaking at once. The CC manual provided me the framework to plan my speech
and as a result I started focusing on one thing at a time, starting from the structure of my
speech to giving examples to using gestures to modulating my voice. Even today when I
focus on modulating my voice my movement on stage becomes random but it has im-
proved since the time when I used to pace up and down the stage 50 times during my
                                                                                                 You can read more about Nishant on his blog -
7                                    KNOW THY TOASTMASTER                                                                                                       January 2010

Tejesh Rajesh Kinariwala hails from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Besides being a final year student of electrical engineering at IIT
Delhi, he has several non- academic interests such as music, fine arts and the Rubik’s Cube! He has been one of the fastest
growing members of JPKU TMC lately. In fact, that’s enough of his description from me; let’s get to know more about thy
toastmaster from himself.
What is the role of Toastmasters in your life, and what do you look to
                                                                                 From an electrical engineer to a sales and
learn from it?
                                                                                 marketing consultant- what brought about
                                                                                 this drastic shift?
“For me Toastmasters came in at a very appropriate time. I started watching
some good speeches on a website called "". The speakers there are
                                                                                 “I take life as it comes and so I hardly see it as a
amazing (I recommend TED to all toastmasters) and I wanted to speak like
them one day. After joining Toastmasters, I feel that I am already on the        drastic change as compared to what I have seen
right road.                                                                      till now. From a hardcore business family with
Just after a typical toastmaster meeting on Saturday, while I am going back      a well settled business to getting into IIT was a
to my hostel , invariably a thought comes into my head and inevitably I find     drastic change in itself. All I can say for this
myself speaking on that topic the very next weekend. So toastmasters re-         question is- I like to have the best of the sphere
mains with me throughout the week, while I am thinking about what I am           I am in and then leave the sphere when there is
going to speak the coming Saturday.”
                                                                                 nothing more that interests me."

                                                                                 You are one of the most regular members of the club. What is that pulls you here-
In all 5 of your speeches thus far, you have come across as a person             the concept, the people, personal improvement or something else?
with a very eccentric choice of topics. What do you have to say to that?         “All of the above , I would say . And in the something else field, I would like to put ’a
                                                                                 chance to be freely innovative’ as also ‘a chance to meet different people with different
“To recount the topics of all of my 5 speeches: the first was pretty normal      stories’.”
"I's breaker". Then it got interesting with me juggling balls in the speech
"Show, not tell", and telling importance of friendship through my travel de-
scription in "Finding Frozenland". For the fourth speech I tried a very dif-     Any observation or suggestion that you might have regarding the club's meetings,
ferent experiment of teaching special theory of relativity in simple language    and how we might be able to improve them?
in "thoughts of Einstein". Finally for my fifth speech I think I came up with
an interesting "Reintroduction" of Raja Bhoj , Gangu Teli, Shekhchilli and       “Keep up the spirit. It is the best thing to have happened to me lately.”
Gobar Ganesh.
As to why I chose these topics- everyone has a criterion for rejecting topics.
Non-eccentricity of topic is mine.”
8                                                            THE HYDE PARK                                                                                                   January 2010

  The Hyde Park in London is famous for its Speakers’ Corner, which allows anyone and everyone to speak on a
  topic for as long as they can unless the police finds it offensive, and the Hyde Park police has had a history of
  being offended very very rarely even on sensitive issues. As a salutation to the freedom of expression, we                               We live in a society and there are many
                                                                                                                                           things which make us feel happy, sad or
  bring Hyde Park from London to our newsletter, and invite everyone to publish their comments on a certain                                make us wanna kill others or just leave.
  topic, which for this month is: “Selecting a topic for your speech”                                                                      So, for selecting a topic for my project, I
                                                                                                                                           select a topic which is concerning/
                                                                                                                                           bugging/inspiring/making me happy the
  There are always way too many topics to choose from for me; and I have diffi-                                                            most. Be it Same religion Marriage, Too
  culty deciding which topic would best suit the speech purposes. Many times I                                                             much love for material things, sister's mar-
  have started with one, then got stuck somewhere and then found another topic                                                             riage, etc. By doing this, I come as a very
  more favourable. For my 8th, 9th and 10th speeches I fortunately had my topics                                                           honest speaker because the feelings are
  planned out. It's a good idea to go through your Communication Manual - not just                                                         right there.
  your pending project but all of the projects. Then we can divide our potential top-
  ics - we can identify the ones that can better fit a project other than what we're
  currently working on and so eliminate them.
  For example, make a horizontal list of the topics you'd like to give speech on, and
  under each one write what it can have more of - like, "This has the most body lan-
  guage so I'll make it my 5th, this has the most facts and statistics so I'll make it                                        MALKIAT BINDRA
  my 7th, this can have the best visual aids, so make it 8th" and so on. After one
  round, we will have some topics relegated to other projects and hopefully come at
  a topic ideal for the next one.
                                                                                            A great speech begins with a great topic. However there is nothing extraordinary
                                                                                            that makes a topic “great”. It only requires some basic thinking. A topic should
                                                                                            be such that it should be thoroughly planned and designed according to the
                                                                                            theme, the time allotted and most importantly the ‘interest’ aspect.
NIKHIL SHETH                                             RITU ARORA                         That is if I am an Arts student with very little knowledge of Science, I rather not
                                                                                            try my hand on any Science topic. The same holds true for my audience’s inter-
     I often derive topics for my speech from other topics. It                              est. My speech should not include unnecessary jargons difficult for the listeners
     happens many a time that I hear someone delivering a                                   to comprehend.
     speech on a certain topic, and I feel that I could do                                  Lastly, one should pay emphasis on the principle of “KISS” that is Keep it Short
     more justice to that topic, or maybe treat it in an alto-                              & Simple.
     gether different manner. And there- I have the topic for                               Considering these basic aspects would make any speech a great one provided it is
     my next speech. The other source of topics for me is                                   delivered with passion.
     the Table Topics session. As soon as I finish speaking
     on a table topic and take my seat, I feel there is so
     much more I could have said on that topic. I instantly
     jot them down on a piece of paper, and more often than
     not, I have an entire speech ready.

                                                                                GARIMA SHARMA
9                 BEST OF THE MONTH                                                      January 2010

                  Here come
                                2nd Jan: Deepak Diwani                   2nd Jan: Ritu Arora
                                9th Jan: Tejesh Kinariwala               9th Jan: Aniket Bose
                                16th Jan: Aniket Bose                    16th Jan: Ritu Arora
                                23rd Jan: Tejesh and Manoj Kumar         23rd Jan: Deepak Menon
                                28th Jan: Aniket and Deepak Menon        28th Jan: Deepak Menon
                                30th Jan: Deepak Menon and Riecha        30th Jan: Aniket Bose

                                                                 And the
       2nd Jan: Ritu Arora                                     Winner of the
       9th Jan: Nikhil Sheth                                    Month is..
       16th Jan: Ritu Arora
       23rd Jan: Aniket Bose

    Deepak Menon achieved three
    milestones this month. He again
    completed the Competent Leader,
    Advanced Leader Bronze and
                                                                     Aniket Bose
    Advanced Communicator Silver
                                                                     with 5 awards
    tasks. Cheers to Deepak!
10                                      CONTEST CIRCULAR                                                                            January 2010

                                                                            As we crown winners week after week, we only pre-
                                                                            pare them for greater challenges to come– chal-
                                                                            lenges at the Area, Division, District and Interna-
                                                                            tional levels. But before that, you must prove your
                                                                            mettle at the Club level..
                         It’s contest time…….
                                                                            And I, the VP– Education need you all to participate.
                  So gear up for the club contests
                                                                                Yes, Uncle Malkiat wants YOU !!
         The International Speech Contest
     (Eligibility criteria: All members in good standing having completed
           6 speeches from the Competent Communication Manual)

                 The Table Topics Contest                                           Malkiat Singh Bindra
             (Eligibility criterion: All members in good standing)                  Vice President, Education
                                                                                    JPKU Toastmasters Club

                     Date: 13th February 2010                                       +91-98110-64605
                           Time: 11:30 am
                      Venue: At club meeting
                          Come one, come all !!!
11                                           CLUB CONTACT DETAILS                                                                       January 2010

Our Executive Committee                                   Venue of Meetings
•    Manoj Kumar: President                               Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered                                   Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area,
•    Malkiat Bindra: Vice President, Education            New Delhi—110016.
•    Nikhil Sheth: Vice President, Membership                                  Time of Meetings
•    Aniket Bose: Vice President, Public Relations
                                                          Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m.
•    Chandni Kapur: Secretary                            Whom to Contact
•    Neha Kapoor: Treasurer                            For all membership and PR queries, please contact:
•    Aneesh Jain: Sergeant-at-arms                        Nikhil Sheth (VP, Membership): +91-99114-79900;                                 Aniket Bose (VP, Public Relations): +91-99119-16333 ;
12                                  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                           January 2010

                                                                                 Always Ahead…!

                                                           I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude to everyone who
                                                           contributed to the newsletter, especially for the overwhelming
                                                           response to “The Hyde Park”, making the section a grand suc-
                                                           cess. Thanks to my predecessor Malkiat for his guidance (both
                                                           journalistic and technical) and letting me inherit his stuff. Fi-
                                                           nally, I would like to specially mention the names of Shraddha,
                                                           Manoj, Aneesh and Tejesh for their prompt contributions.

                                                           Images is published on the last day of the month. All contribu-
                                                           tors are requested to send in their entries to ani-
                                                  by the 25th of the month.

                      Club No. 858173
                                                            No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced
                   Division C, District 82                  without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries
                                                            and requests should be directed to the club’s public relations
Important Links:                                            committee at

JPKU Toastmasters:
Division C members:
District 82:
                                                                                        Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009

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TMCP North East - Q2 - News Letter
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Expression   nti tm club newsletter, march 2013Expression   nti tm club newsletter, march 2013
Expression nti tm club newsletter, march 2013
Communique issue 3
Communique issue 3Communique issue 3
Communique issue 3

Images jan 10

  • 1. Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New Delhi Vol. 3, Issue 1; January 2010 JANUARY 2010 Club No. 858173 Division C, District 82 The Editor’s Note A new year, a new Executive Committee, and an all new edition of “Images”! Mission of January marks the beginning of a new term in Toastmasters International. And as we, the new EC take charge, we show our respect to the outgoing EC by highlighting in this edition their tremendous Toastmasters To provide a mutually achievements, making our club one of the fastest to fulfill all “Distinguished Club Programme” goals. supportive and positive learning environment But basking in the sunshine of one’s predecessor’s glories isn’t what JPKU Toastmasters is about. So in which every individ- the incumbent officers got trained to perform their duties to the fullest, as Aneesh Jain covers the Offi- ual cers’ Training Programme. member has the opportunity And to give you a feel of the impact that the increasing population of IITians has had on the club, we to develop oral communication have Tejesh explaining Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. He also features in an interview for “Know Thy and leadership skills, Toastmaster”. which in turn foster self-confidence But that’s not all! Watch out for the all new section in our newsletter- “The Hyde Park”, followed by the winners of the month. Hope you have a good read. Aniket Bose
  • 2. 2 CONTENTS January 2010 Change of Guard Page 3 The outgoing president hands over the charge of the club to her successor Manoj and his team —Shraddha Nakra and Manoj Kumar Know Thy Toastmaster Page 7 Let’s get up close and personal with our very own Tejesh Officers’ Training Programme Page 4 NEW Fun, food and most importantly knowledge for the new EC as they don their responsibilities —Aneesh Jain The Hyde Park Page 8 A glimpse at how our toastmasters select Contest Circular Page 10 topics for their speeches It’s time to suit up, as the club contests approach —-Nikhil Sheth, Ritu Arora, Malkiat Bindra and Garima Sharma Club Success Page 5 Find out the path to JPKU TMC’s success story, and all those who contributed to it Club Contact Details Page 11 Best of the Month Page 9 Find out our star performers week by week, and also our “Winner of the Month” Acknowledgments Page 12 My experiments with skepticism Page 6 A skeptical IITian realizes the importance of the Toastmasters Club — Nishant Ranka
  • 3. 3 CHANGE OF GUARD January 2010 The New Team Takes Over Hello Everyone, Warm greetings, A new term has begun, and great new opportunities await us. Exactly 6 months ago I felt the same nervousness Manoj New Year is an opportunity to reflect upon our pro- would be feeling today, having been given the responsibility gress so far and charting out plans for the future. of JPKU Toastmasters Club. To tell you the truth, what And 2010 is not an exception!! scared me the most was not how I'd do my job, I was scared of letting people who had shown faith in me down. And Our club has done a fantastic job so far. Having today, we are a President’s Distinguished Club with a 10 on achieved 10 out of 10 DCP Goals (courtesy our en- 10 (all goals met). Our standards have been maintained, lots thusiastic members and dedicated EC Team), it’s of new members have come in, however, none of this would now time to raise the bar and strive harder for new have been possible without the amazing support system our destinations. club had. All those awards, recognition and reputation that our club has earned so far, signify the indomitable I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team will and spirit for excellence, of our club members. mates , Richa, Nikhil Sheth, Malkiat, Manoj, Nikhil Malik Those, who realized their potential and travelled and Ritu Arora, for all their efforts and work put in to mak- that extra mile, made our club proud time and ing this club what it is today. I would also like to thank our again. mentors.. Deepak Menon, Vinay Jain , Jyoti Narula and Ritu Arora for having supported us through each step, pushing us, It’s now our responsibility to put in that extra effort motivating us and guiding us all through, and most of all I to realize our potential. Let’s take this challenge would like to thank our members, without whom there would and responsibility; let our development and success be no JPKU TMC. contribute towards the success of our club - because WE ALL make JPKU Toastmasters :) I know our new President with his team will take JPKU to I would also like to take this opportunity to wel- greater heights. My best wishes are always with JPKU come our newest members - Riecha Sharma, Poem TMC... I wish the fantastic new EC lots of luck and growth! Kabra and Tarun Gautam to the club. Warm Regards, Happy New Year!! Shraddha Nakra Manoj Kumar Outgoing President Incoming President
  • 4. 4 OFFICERS’ TRAINING PROGRAMME January 2010 By Aneesh Jain On a cold January morning, when a foggy quilt covered the world, seven brave foot soldiers set out on a mission against time. State boundaries didn't matter, nei- ther did the traffic on roads, since the former are only lines on a political map, and the latter only the grunts from engines stuck like cotton seeds in a foggy quilt. They moved on with their eyes firmly on the road and their hearts in their mouth, but their tenacity paid off and target was soon in sight. The mission was supposed to be long and tiring, but the foot soldiers had prepared well - some had woken up early, others hadn't slept all night. The Officers' Training Program for Division C of District 82 was held on January 17th, 2010 at Nehru Youth Center, NOIDA. The program was set to start at 10:00 am, but due to the late arrival of a lot of participants blamed unanimously on the thick fog, started a bit late. After the opening of the ceremony by the Sergeant-At- Arms, the Master of Ceremony (or should I say Mistress of Ceremony) Akshita took over. The meeting was based on the 'art of listening' and the audience not only enjoyed the art, but also learned a lot about it. The first speaker of the day was the Division C Governor, Mr. Neeraj Gupta, who talked about the achievements of Di- vision C in the past 6 months. Neeraj's speech was followed by a short speech by After refueling their tanks, the officers were ready to continue their mission, the District 82 Governor, Mr. Deepak Menon, DTM. Deepak narrated an incident and all that energy they really needed. The program restarted with an intense from the day's morning when while he was reading the newspaper, his wife was planning session where the club representatives had to set targets for the next speaking to him, but he wasn't listening and how he was caught. Thankfully there six months and design a road map to achieve those. After all the clubs were were no grave repercussions of this! This led the audience into the first session of through with this, it was time to face the reality. ALGM, Poonam Jain, DTM, the day. Dr. Ritu Arora, DTM, presented the Distinguished Club Program to the of- conducted a session on 'Moments of Truth', but unlike the similarly named ficers. The session was made very interesting and interactive by the use of neatly game show, there were no polygraphs used here. Poonam trained the officers put together case studies. on the use of this very powerful tool which can be used to evaluate how well the club is really doing. The officers then split into two groups. Two parallel sessions for nouveau installed/ elected Presidents, Vice Presidents (Education) & Vice Presidents (Membership) The Officers' Training Program ended with the distribution of certificates and a and for Vice Presidents (Public Relations), Secretaries, Treasurers and Sergeants- vote of thanks by the Division C Governor. A thoroughly informative program, At-Arms were conducted. Toastmasters who had successfully taken up these which helped the representatives of various Toastmaster clubs in Division C to responsibilities in the past took the new officers through their list of duties and also understand their responsibilities better. gave useful tips about succeeding in their roles. Both the training sessions ended almost at the same time and the officers and the trainers were well rewarded after the intense sessions with warm tea and sandwiches during the break.
  • 5. 5 CLUB SUCCESS January 2010 DTM Dr. Ritu Arora told us all about the Distinguished Club Programme in the Officers’ Training Programme. JPKU Toastmasters’ Club accomplished all 10 goals under this programme on the 17th of this month, thereby becoming one of the first 4 clubs in the Division C to become “President’s Distinguished Clubs”. Here’s a look at all the goals we achieved, and the people who made it possible for us. The Members’ Goals The EC’s Goals Goal 1-> 2 CCs Goal 7-> 4 new members 13 new members devesh trivedi, nikhil Sheth, registered by december 2009 Goal 8-> 4 more new malkiat bindra, aniket bose Goal 2-> 2 more members CCs manoj kumar, malkiat bindra, Goal 3-> 1 ACB, ACS or ACG Goal 9-> Getting at least deepak menon (acb) nikhil Sheth, aniket bose, 4 officers trained ritu arora (acb) Goal 4-> 1 more ACB, ACS chandni kapur, aneesh jain or ACG Goal 10-> Submission of Goal 5-> 1 CL, ALB, ALS or submitted on time dues renewal invoice and DTM officers’ list deepak menon (cl) shraddha nakra (cl) Goal 6-> 1 more CL, ALB, ALS or DTM
  • 6. 6 My experiments with skepticism January 2010 By Nishant Ranka The sudden insurgence of IITians (read ‘geeks’) from across the street into JPKU TMC has had a very noticeable change in the environment of the club. But surprisingly not all of them like to only talk about technology and its impact on human loneliness. This future consultant, despite being the skeptic he claims to be, decided to attend one Toastmasters meeting and became a member for life. Here’s his story... I am one of those skeptical guys who do not believe in anything at the first sight. It was Once I got to know about Toastmasters, it felt like everyone I probably in August of 2009 when Ayush, my hostel-mate, told me about the Toastmasters talked to knew about it. My sister who is living in Singapore Club and my first reaction went something like “not for me”. At that time I had already called me up to ask if she should join Toastmasters there; my spoken a few times in front of a large audience during seminars and I felt that it had given friend living in Pune said that his institute has recommended him to join the Toastmasters and so on. Infact, after I published me sufficient public speaking experience. A couple of months later, two more friends: some of my speeches in a blog several people became curious Aniket and Tejesh joined the club, but I still refused to budge from my opinion about the about Toastmasters. I am currently heading an organization in my institute and I really felt that Toast- club. masters is necessary for people who will lead the organization once I have graduated, and hence I am The year 2009 was quite hectic due to job placements and the rest, but after I got placed in planning to bring them as guests. Hopefully they too will enjoy the experience and become members. a consulting firm and the time-crunch reduced, I thought of giving the Toastmasters club a JPKU Toastmasters club has completely changed the world for me. It has given me a space of my try. Finally, after much persuasion by Tejesh and Aniket I went to my first Toastmasters own and further it has given me the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone, my institute and meeting as a guest. I don’t know whether it was JPKU Toastmasters Club’s charisma in meet new people and listen to their stories. In its own special way, the JPKU Toastmasters club has particular or whether it is common across all Toastmasters Club, but my first meeting just made the world a touch brighter for me. blew me away. I immediately realized that this was indeed the place for me. The experience so far has been no less than amazing! If there is something which I like about the club most, apart from the positive environment it provides, is feedback! Evalua- tions by an assigned evaluator as well as the little chits which go around in the meetings are the best way of judging how well did one speak and the aspects one needs to improve upon. Initially I did not take the specifications given in the module too seriously, but right after my first two speeches I realized that it was very difficult for me to focus on all parts of public speaking at once. The CC manual provided me the framework to plan my speech and as a result I started focusing on one thing at a time, starting from the structure of my speech to giving examples to using gestures to modulating my voice. Even today when I focus on modulating my voice my movement on stage becomes random but it has im- proved since the time when I used to pace up and down the stage 50 times during my You can read more about Nishant on his blog - speech!
  • 7. 7 KNOW THY TOASTMASTER January 2010 Tejesh Rajesh Kinariwala hails from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Besides being a final year student of electrical engineering at IIT Delhi, he has several non- academic interests such as music, fine arts and the Rubik’s Cube! He has been one of the fastest growing members of JPKU TMC lately. In fact, that’s enough of his description from me; let’s get to know more about thy toastmaster from himself. What is the role of Toastmasters in your life, and what do you look to From an electrical engineer to a sales and learn from it? marketing consultant- what brought about this drastic shift? “For me Toastmasters came in at a very appropriate time. I started watching some good speeches on a website called "". The speakers there are “I take life as it comes and so I hardly see it as a amazing (I recommend TED to all toastmasters) and I wanted to speak like them one day. After joining Toastmasters, I feel that I am already on the drastic change as compared to what I have seen right road. till now. From a hardcore business family with Just after a typical toastmaster meeting on Saturday, while I am going back a well settled business to getting into IIT was a to my hostel , invariably a thought comes into my head and inevitably I find drastic change in itself. All I can say for this myself speaking on that topic the very next weekend. So toastmasters re- question is- I like to have the best of the sphere mains with me throughout the week, while I am thinking about what I am I am in and then leave the sphere when there is going to speak the coming Saturday.” nothing more that interests me." You are one of the most regular members of the club. What is that pulls you here- In all 5 of your speeches thus far, you have come across as a person the concept, the people, personal improvement or something else? with a very eccentric choice of topics. What do you have to say to that? “All of the above , I would say . And in the something else field, I would like to put ’a chance to be freely innovative’ as also ‘a chance to meet different people with different “To recount the topics of all of my 5 speeches: the first was pretty normal stories’.” "I's breaker". Then it got interesting with me juggling balls in the speech "Show, not tell", and telling importance of friendship through my travel de- scription in "Finding Frozenland". For the fourth speech I tried a very dif- Any observation or suggestion that you might have regarding the club's meetings, ferent experiment of teaching special theory of relativity in simple language and how we might be able to improve them? in "thoughts of Einstein". Finally for my fifth speech I think I came up with an interesting "Reintroduction" of Raja Bhoj , Gangu Teli, Shekhchilli and “Keep up the spirit. It is the best thing to have happened to me lately.” Gobar Ganesh. As to why I chose these topics- everyone has a criterion for rejecting topics. Non-eccentricity of topic is mine.”
  • 8. 8 THE HYDE PARK January 2010 The Hyde Park in London is famous for its Speakers’ Corner, which allows anyone and everyone to speak on a topic for as long as they can unless the police finds it offensive, and the Hyde Park police has had a history of being offended very very rarely even on sensitive issues. As a salutation to the freedom of expression, we We live in a society and there are many things which make us feel happy, sad or bring Hyde Park from London to our newsletter, and invite everyone to publish their comments on a certain make us wanna kill others or just leave. topic, which for this month is: “Selecting a topic for your speech” So, for selecting a topic for my project, I select a topic which is concerning/ bugging/inspiring/making me happy the There are always way too many topics to choose from for me; and I have diffi- most. Be it Same religion Marriage, Too culty deciding which topic would best suit the speech purposes. Many times I much love for material things, sister's mar- have started with one, then got stuck somewhere and then found another topic riage, etc. By doing this, I come as a very more favourable. For my 8th, 9th and 10th speeches I fortunately had my topics honest speaker because the feelings are planned out. It's a good idea to go through your Communication Manual - not just right there. your pending project but all of the projects. Then we can divide our potential top- ics - we can identify the ones that can better fit a project other than what we're currently working on and so eliminate them. For example, make a horizontal list of the topics you'd like to give speech on, and under each one write what it can have more of - like, "This has the most body lan- guage so I'll make it my 5th, this has the most facts and statistics so I'll make it MALKIAT BINDRA my 7th, this can have the best visual aids, so make it 8th" and so on. After one round, we will have some topics relegated to other projects and hopefully come at a topic ideal for the next one. A great speech begins with a great topic. However there is nothing extraordinary that makes a topic “great”. It only requires some basic thinking. A topic should be such that it should be thoroughly planned and designed according to the theme, the time allotted and most importantly the ‘interest’ aspect. NIKHIL SHETH RITU ARORA That is if I am an Arts student with very little knowledge of Science, I rather not try my hand on any Science topic. The same holds true for my audience’s inter- I often derive topics for my speech from other topics. It est. My speech should not include unnecessary jargons difficult for the listeners happens many a time that I hear someone delivering a to comprehend. speech on a certain topic, and I feel that I could do Lastly, one should pay emphasis on the principle of “KISS” that is Keep it Short more justice to that topic, or maybe treat it in an alto- & Simple. gether different manner. And there- I have the topic for Considering these basic aspects would make any speech a great one provided it is my next speech. The other source of topics for me is delivered with passion. the Table Topics session. As soon as I finish speaking on a table topic and take my seat, I feel there is so much more I could have said on that topic. I instantly jot them down on a piece of paper, and more often than not, I have an entire speech ready. GARIMA SHARMA
  • 9. 9 BEST OF THE MONTH January 2010 Here come the results!!! 2nd Jan: Deepak Diwani 2nd Jan: Ritu Arora 9th Jan: Tejesh Kinariwala 9th Jan: Aniket Bose 16th Jan: Aniket Bose 16th Jan: Ritu Arora 23rd Jan: Tejesh and Manoj Kumar 23rd Jan: Deepak Menon 28th Jan: Aniket and Deepak Menon 28th Jan: Deepak Menon 30th Jan: Deepak Menon and Riecha 30th Jan: Aniket Bose And the 2nd Jan: Ritu Arora Winner of the 9th Jan: Nikhil Sheth Month is.. 16th Jan: Ritu Arora 23rd Jan: Aniket Bose Deepak Menon achieved three milestones this month. He again completed the Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze and Aniket Bose Advanced Communicator Silver with 5 awards tasks. Cheers to Deepak!
  • 10. 10 CONTEST CIRCULAR January 2010 As we crown winners week after week, we only pre- pare them for greater challenges to come– chal- lenges at the Area, Division, District and Interna- tional levels. But before that, you must prove your mettle at the Club level.. It’s contest time……. And I, the VP– Education need you all to participate. So gear up for the club contests Yes, Uncle Malkiat wants YOU !! The International Speech Contest (Eligibility criteria: All members in good standing having completed 6 speeches from the Competent Communication Manual) The Table Topics Contest Malkiat Singh Bindra (Eligibility criterion: All members in good standing) Vice President, Education JPKU Toastmasters Club Date: 13th February 2010 +91-98110-64605 Time: 11:30 am Venue: At club meeting Come one, come all !!!
  • 11. 11 CLUB CONTACT DETAILS January 2010 Our Executive Committee Venue of Meetings • Manoj Kumar: President Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area, • Malkiat Bindra: Vice President, Education New Delhi—110016. • Nikhil Sheth: Vice President, Membership Time of Meetings • Aniket Bose: Vice President, Public Relations Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m. • Chandni Kapur: Secretary Whom to Contact • Neha Kapoor: Treasurer For all membership and PR queries, please contact: • Aneesh Jain: Sergeant-at-arms Nikhil Sheth (VP, Membership): +91-99114-79900; Aniket Bose (VP, Public Relations): +91-99119-16333 ;
  • 12. 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS January 2010 Always Ahead…! I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the newsletter, especially for the overwhelming response to “The Hyde Park”, making the section a grand suc- cess. Thanks to my predecessor Malkiat for his guidance (both journalistic and technical) and letting me inherit his stuff. Fi- nally, I would like to specially mention the names of Shraddha, Manoj, Aneesh and Tejesh for their prompt contributions. Images is published on the last day of the month. All contribu- tors are requested to send in their entries to ani- by the 25th of the month. Club No. 858173 No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced Division C, District 82 without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries and requests should be directed to the club’s public relations Important Links: committee at JPKU Toastmasters: Division C members: District 82: Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2009