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03 2014 
Newsletter 11 30 October 2014_Special Edition 
01_“Communication and community: 
when information becomes efficient” 
by Mara Di Giorgio 
02_9 months 2014: Banca IFIS’s excellent 
results driven by credit quality 
03_Repo Market Convention: 
over 120 Italian and foreign banks 
at the conference in Mestre 
04_3rd NPL Meeting, financial 
“contamination” of distressed loans 
05_#IFISTOUR14: when digital 
technology helps SMEs 
06_Tools and techniques for a better 
relationship between business and bank 
07_ #IFISJob: the recruitment revolution 
in the banking sector 
24-25 OCTOBER 
Venezia - Vienna 
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Mara Di Giorgio, 
Head of Communication 
and Investor Relation 
about events, regulatory changes and, in ge-neral, 
all communications from Bank to Bank 
managed by multiple internal departments? 
This is just one of the functions of the digital 
workplace Banca IFIS launched in October 
2014, which marks an important milestone 
for the professional life of all of us, together 
with the other big news of 2014: the new cor-porate 
identity. For the latter it is not a cle-an 
break with the past but an evolution that 
follows the identity of the Bank: innovative, 
dynamic, social. The logos of the business 
units have been given new colors, inspired 
by Credi Impresa Futuro and CrediFamiglia, 
as well as supporting material, with simple 
linear dedicated graphics, accompanied by a 
clear and legible font. The only logos not to 
change are the institutional Banca IFIS and 
Gruppo Banca IFIS along with those recently 
updated: contomax, rendimax, Credi Impresa 
Futuro and CrediFamiglia. 
We have also decided to describe all this - and 
more - in IFIS Magazine, the annual glossy 
magazine, which is the third big news of 2014: 
almost 90 pages of work, explained textually 
and visually looking objectively at the state 
of things. To demonstrate, both internally and 
externally, our present identity associated with 
that growth - as the Bank and as people - that 
sets us apart from the rest. 
01 Communication and community: 
when information becomes efficient 
by Mara Di Giorgio 
Every day, in the professional lives of all of 
us, there is an inescapable fact, important but 
too often overlooked: we receive hundreds of 
e-mails with attachments of varying sizes, con-taining 
messages of varying levels of urgency. 
The results of this invasion of electronic mail 
aggressively impact not only the work envi-ronment 
of the recipient, who is buried by cor-respondence, 
but also that of the sender, who 
often waits a very long time to receive a re-sponse. 
“Too much mail” syndrome sometimes 
has serious side effects, so it is worth pausing 
briefly to list a few examples: 
• Days spent making various attempts to 
read emails and then postponing the task to 
a later date; 
• Answers are temporally inconsistent with 
the questions asked in the original emails; 
• You lose all sense of the urgency of commu-nication, 
along with the relevance of the infor-mation 
So too many mails = less efficiency. And less ef-ficient 
means departing from the social payoff 
- #TIME “Tutti Insieme Miglioriamo Efficienza” 
(Working together we improve efficiency). So 
why not use the main instrument of internal 
communication, IFIS4YOU, a vital hub of con-tact 
between colleagues and co-workers, to sha-re 
internal information, press releases, news
follow us on: 
The results images are 
available on @BancaIFIS 
Twitter account 
On October 28 Banca IFIS approved the inte-rim 
report for the first nine months of 2014. 
Once again the Bank brought excellent re-sults 
to customers, investors and market, dri-ven 
by credit quality and by the performance 
of the capital adequacy ratio, with total own 
capital ratio that touches 15%. 
“Excellent credit quality is the key element 
of this last quarter – stated the CEO Giovan-ni 
Bossi – and it should be noted that this 
result was achieved although the scenario 
is still adverse. The improvement is not li- 
02 9 months 2014: Banca IFIS’s 
excellent results driven 
by credit quality 
30th June - 30th September 
mited to bad loans, which have become sub-stantially 
negligible: it involved all impaired 
loans categories in general. This confirms 
that our business model, which supports 
SMEs without prejudice to credit quality, 
is successful. The results – Mr Bossi added 
– are satisfying in terms of profits, equity, 
and available liquidity. In the next quar-ters, 
then, the Bank will continue to support 
Italy’s real economy, generating positive 
returns for shareholders and improving its 
growth prospects”. 
1st January - 30th September 
• Net banking income: 210,8 million Euro (+8,6%) 
• Profit for the period: 74,2 million (+10,5%) 
• Net profit from financial activities: 
181,1 million Euro (+13,5%) 
• Non performing loans on loans ratio in the 
Trade Receivables sector: 1,5% at September 
2014 from 2,6% at December 2013 
• NPL coverage ratio: 86,6% at September 2014 
from 78,4% at December 2013 
• Cost of credit quality: 
189 bp (333 bp at 30 September 2013) 
• Hiring up: over 89 new resources employed 
by the Group 
• Constant improvement of Total 
Capital Ratio: 14,9% 
• Net banking income: 67,8 million Euro (+8,6%) 
• Net profit from financial activities: 
59,3 million Euro (+9,5%) 
• Net profit: 24,1 million Euro (+4,6%)
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Watch the video of the 
Repo Market Convention 
on the Banca IFIS 
TV channel 
03 Repo Market Convention: over 120 
Italian and foreign banks at the 
conference in Mestre 
Discussions on ECB monetary policy deci-sions, 
analysis of opportunities and implica-tions 
deriving from the Euro-system’s new 
regulatory platform, optimization of collate-ral: 
these were the main topics of the de-bate 
which took part in the first half of the 
Repo Market Convention, the conference 
organized by Banca IFIS, the London Stock 
Exchange, MTS and Monte Titoli at which 
about 120 Italian and foreign credit institu-tions 
were present. 
Giovanni Bossi, CEO of Banca IFIS., states 
“The Repo market has been, and continues to 
be, a great tool in the management of bank li-quidity: 
today, this support is proving itself to 
be of great help in achieving systemic stability. 
Today’s convention recorded important respon-ses 
from credit institutions, also as a result of 
recent ECB decisions. We have witnessed that 
operators in the sector want to discuss, com-pare 
and contrast these technical but delicate 
topics. The Repo market is one of the instru-ments 
that better transfers monetary policy 
measures to the real economy, which must al-ways 
be our main focus.” 
“Changes in the European legal framework, 
and the implementation of T2-S in particu-lar, 
give the post-trade infra-structure a cru-cial 
role in harmonizing capital markets in 
the Eurozone” commented Paolo Cittadini, 
C.E.O. of Monte Titoli. “This process is an op-portunity 
for us to offer our clients services 
that are ever-more efficient and integrated, 
and to compete at an international level from 
a strong standpoint. Monte Titoli, indeed, is 
the main central deposit in the first wave of 
migration to T2-S and it is fully committed to 
monitoring and facilitating the migration pro-cess 
of its current and future clients’ assets 
within the new platform”. 
Also speaking at the conference, at 4:30pm, was 
Maria Cannata, Head of the Ministry of Econo-mics 
and Finance’s Treasury Department. 
The contents of the convention are available 
on the web through the Live Tweeting. The 
official hashtag is #REPO 
Maria Cannata
follow us on: 
Watch the video of the 
3rd NPL Meeting on the 
Banca IFIS TV channel 
ring the event is very important: if we are able to 
“digest”, to free up balance sheets from deterio-rated 
assets, banks could make space for loans 
to SMEs and families, significantly influencing 
the GDP index. However, the limitations of ban-ks 
in terms of Equity continues to be the reason 
for which lending institutions are not able to lend 
credit and accelerate loans”. 
Steven Fredrickson, President, CEO and 
Chairman of PRA Group gave the confe-rence 
his views and experience of the NPL 
market in America, focusing, in particular, 
on debt purchasing. 
Among the companies that took part in this 
conference are: Italfondiario, Prelios, Bank 
of America, Hoist Finance, Banca IFIS, In-trum 
Justitia, Santander, Cerved, Anacap 
and Guber. 
For more information: 
04 3rd NPL Meeting, financial 
“contamination” of distressed loans 
Almost 200 people representing funds, in-vestment 
companies and banks, together 
with other players involved in the manage-ment 
of distressed loans, took part in the 3rd 
NPL meeting - the annual, international wor-kshop 
on non-performing loans organized by 
Banca IFIS, PwC and Credit Village. 
The participation of many Italian and internatio-nal 
players in this event, from around 100 com-panies 
in the NPL sector, was very significant. 
During the day, data and analysis on total 
non-performing loans in Italy and Europe 
was presented, as well as growth forecasts 
for the domestic market compared to Euro-pean 
and international markets. The three 
roundtables investigated business aspects 
from three different points of view; the origi-nators, 
the buyers and the servicers. 
“Today we enjoyed a privileged and in-depth view 
of the financial geography of non-performing lo-ans 
in Europe and U.S.A.” stated Giovanni Bos-si, 
CEO of Banca IFIS. “This Meeting has become 
a hive, a laboratory of financial “contamination” 
of bad loans. Different points of view were analy-zed 
and interesting and sometimes innovative 
solutions were proposed, even for this sector that 
is becoming ever-more present in our everyday 
lives. The overall consideration which arose du-
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was the main focus of the discussion. A delicate 
topic especially for Italian small and medium-size 
companies, fighting against a very rigid credit 
lending system. A topic that Banca IFIS is tac-kling, 
once again, with an innovative approach. 
Once in Vienna, the 12 protagonists received a 
welcome speech from Giovanni Bossi, CEO of 
05 #IFISTOUR14: when digital 
technology helps SMEs 
It’s back, a year after, Banca IFIS workshop on the road with the protagonist 
of the SMEs digital world. 
Enterpreneurs and web opportunities: these are the main subjects of the 
discussion of the mini-hackathon started by Banca IFIS in 2013. 
Read the account of the 
second Banca IFIS blog 
tour on Storify: 
12 bloggers, 3 workgroups, one challenging com-petition: 
develop a strategy to bring up to 20.000 
additional customers in two years. On the web, 
naturally. This is, in a tweet, the recap of the se-cond 
blogtour, that took place in Vienna on 24 
and 25 October. Credi Impresa Futuro, the Banca 
IFIS brand dedicated to the financing of SMEs,
follow us on: 
ple from bloggers to influencers with whom we 
are sharing ideas and avenues and methods of 
presenting ourselves, in the best possibile way, 
to enterprises on the web. This is part of the 
bank’s DNA, which has an increasingly advan-ced 
digital identity: we wish to explore every 
possible method of enabling dialogue with our 
customers of today and tomorrow”. 
Knowledge of the business, a widening of the 
network and a “healthy” obsession with the im-portance 
of the customer: these are the drivers 
that awarded victory to the group named “Se-zessionstil”, 
consisting of Barbara Bonaventu-ra 
(, Nicola Zago ( and 
Francesco Favaro ( 
Banca IFIS, who, together with Mara Di Gior-gio 
(Head of Communication) and Raffaele Zin-gone 
(Head of Strategic Planning), explained 
the brief and the challenge to be given to the 
groups. Bloggers were free to choose their to-ols, 
to be used along with their knowledge of 
the commercial mechanisms of Banca IFIS: a 
challenge also in terms of time, less than 24 
hours to complete the strategy that would be 
presented to the IFIStour judging panel. 
“I believe “contamination” is the watchword 
on this blogtour” said CEO Giovanni Bossi. 
“Contamination between a bank that is highly 
focused on the needs of small and medium en-terprises, 
such as Banca IFIS, and twelve peo-
follow us on: 
06 Tools and techniques 
for a better relationship 
between business and bank 
Credi Impresa Futuro and Fondazione 
CUOA promote work culture with a series 
of meetings dedicated to businesses 
Banca IFIS, in line with the effort it has shown 
in promoting corporate culture, launches a 
new initiative aimed at enterprises. The goal 
of supporting the training of sector professio-nals, 
an ever-present aim for Banca IFIS, was 
also explored in 2013 through the collaboration 
with Digital Accademia and the organization 
of projects such as “Enterprises in the Digital 
Age”, a free course held at Banca IFIS headquar-ters 
and aimed at entrepreneurs, CEOs, Gene-ral 
Managers, CFOs and Marketing Managers. 
Banca IFIS has chosen to increase its efforts pro-moting 
corporate and financial culture, tighte-ning 
a partnership between Credi Impresa 
Futuro, the organization dedicated to providing 
financial support and credit management ser-vices 
to Italian companies, and Fondazione 
CUOA, a management school operating on both 
a national and international level. The two orga-nizations 
have created a series of events entitled 
“Tools and techniques for a better relation-ship 
between business and bank”. The series is 
formed of three meetings, is completely free and 
is dedicated to entrepreneurs, General Managers, 
CFOs and Business Managers in the regions 
of Brescia, Verona and Bergamo. The course, 
run by teachers from the Fondazione CUOA, has 
been created with the aim of offering tools and 
techniques to enterprises to allow them to plan 
their resources, evaluate debt sustainability and 
to present financial plans correctly to banks. 
Follow the lessons on 
Twitter with the hashtag 
#CIF and the account 
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#IFISJob: the recruitment revolution 
in the banking sector 
The Banca IFIS Group is a dynamic and constan-tly 
changing entity: for this reason it is always 
looking for talent to be included in its staff. The 
Bank is looking both for young people, who will 
grow and be trained inside the company, and se-nior 
figures who can bring their expertise. 
The positions currently open are: Data Mana-ger 
(Mestre); Legal Personnel (Mestre); Securi-ty 
Management Personnel (Mestre); Business 
Intelligence Analyst (Mestre); Credit Consul-tant, 
Area NPL (Milano, Torino); Credit Mana-ger, 
Banca IFIS division (Torino). 
To keep up-to-date on 
the available positions 
at Banca IFIS visit our 
LinkedIn page The evolution of recruitment. 
Web streaming open day for new positions 
Banca IFIS shakes up the recruitment process launching its Web Streaming Open Day, the 
first in Italy. The first edition of the initiative, dedicated to the recruitment of CrediFamiglia 
credit consultants, was streamed on October 22nd at 7pm. 
The Web Streaming Open Day is a virtual experience: thanks to the live streaming and to 
Skype interviews, candidates are able to attend the presentation on Banca IFIS and on the 
role they are applying for, with the possibility of sending questions and scheduling their 
Skype interview with our HR professionals. 
Here are the dates for the next Web Streaming Open Day: 
• 12 November, 7pm selection for Credi Impresa Futuro commercial representatives. Credi 
Impresa Futuro is the brand dedicated to financing Italian businesses. To apply, visit the site 
• 2 December, 7pm: online selection for Credifamiglia credit consultants. To participate, 
send your CV to:
follow us on: 
• 21 November: One Day in Venice – Banca 
IFIS Headquarters, Mestre. Fifth edition of 
the event organized by Banca IFIS dedicated 
to Italian companies listed on the Italian stock 
exchange. Companies will have the opportu-nity 
to meet institutional investors during one-to- 
one meetings. 
• 26 November: 11th Annual Economy&Finance 
- Milan, via Monte Rosa 91 (9-3:30pm). Giovanni 
Bossi, CEO of Banca IFIS, is attending the con-ference 
organized by Il Sole 24 Ore bringing his 
view on SMEs and the banking sector in Italy. 
• 26 and 27 November: “Credito al Credito” 
ABI – Rome, Palazzo Altieri (Piazza del Gesù, 
49). Fifth edition of the conference focusing on 
providing credit to individuals and families. 
• 2 December: CrediFamiglia’s 3rd Web 
Streaming Open Day. Third appointment of 
the online selection of candidates for the role of 
CrediFamiglia credit consultants. 
• 10 December: Akros Conference - London. 
• 11 December: Investor Relations Summit 
– London. 
For information on events and conferences 
write to 
08 Agenda 
• 4 November: OAM Conference – Rome, 
Centro Congressi Roma Eventi Fontana di 
Trevi (Piazza della Pilotta, 4). First Confer-ence 
of the “Organismo Agenti e Mediatori” 
(Italian Association of Credit Agents) to elicit 
the views of major institutions on the sec-tor’s 
• 5–7 November: TransPoland 2014 – War-saw. 
IFIS Finance is attending the International 
Fair of the Transportation and Logistics Sector. 
• 12 November: Credi Impresa Futuro’s 
1st Web Streaming Open Day. Banca IFIS is 
looking for new resourses to widen its Credi 
Impresa Futuro retail network through an on-line 
candidate selection process. Info: credim-presafuturo. 
• 17 November– CrediFamiglia’s 2nd Web 
Streaming Open Day. Second appointment 
with the online selection of candidates for the 
role of CrediFamiglia credit consultants. 
• 19 November: 8th Credit Village Day 
– Crowne Plaza Milan Linate. Conference 
organized by Credit Village on the credit 
collection sector. CrediFamiglia is sponsor 
of the event. 
• 20 November: Legal Factory Convention 
– Milano, Crowne Plaza. 
The picture of an event in 
Banca IFIS Headquarters 
in Mestre (Venice)
follow us on: 
Financial Calendar 
Banca IFIS shares on the Stock Market 
Share Ownership 
18/11/2014 Board of Directors Venezia Mestre (Italy) 
18/12/2014 Board of Directors Venezia Mestre (Italy) 
Price on 30/06/2014 €15,70 
Min-Max 2014 €11,57 (03/02/2014) - €16,35 (04/04/2014) 
Number of shares 53.811.095 
Capitalization at 30/09/2013 € 844.834.191,5 
1-month performance -10,27% 
6-month performance -12,54% 
1-year performance +22,70% 
Financial year dividend 2013 €0,57 
Specialist Intermonte S.p.A. 
After two months (June/July) in which the price per share of Banca IFIS stood at around 13 - 14 
euro, August saw the start of a significant price trend for the Bank. On August 22 shares reached 
a peak of 15,95 euro per share, the highest since 30/06 and the beginning of September has seen 
similar performance, with prices remaining at almost €15,8/share. 
Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg 52,651% 
Float 37,962% 
Giovanni Bossi 3,417% 
Riccardo Preve 2,321% 
Marina Salamon 2,000% 
Treasury stock 1,649% 
follow us on: 
Coverage by analysts 
Follow us on Contacts 
Investor Contact: Mara Di Giorgio 
Phone: +39 041 502 7623 
Mark Thomas 
Edison, Investment Research 
Irene Rossetto 
Christian Carrese 

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  • 1. 03 2014 Newsletter 11 30 October 2014_Special Edition 01_“Communication and community: when information becomes efficient” by Mara Di Giorgio 02_9 months 2014: Banca IFIS’s excellent results driven by credit quality 03_Repo Market Convention: over 120 Italian and foreign banks at the conference in Mestre 04_3rd NPL Meeting, financial “contamination” of distressed loans 05_#IFISTOUR14: when digital technology helps SMEs 06_Tools and techniques for a better relationship between business and bank 07_ #IFISJob: the recruitment revolution in the banking sector 08_Agenda 09_Contacts SPECIAL EDITIION IFIS BLOG TOUR 2014 24-25 OCTOBER Venezia - Vienna follow us on:
  • 2. 02 follow us on: Mara Di Giorgio, Head of Communication and Investor Relation about events, regulatory changes and, in ge-neral, all communications from Bank to Bank managed by multiple internal departments? This is just one of the functions of the digital workplace Banca IFIS launched in October 2014, which marks an important milestone for the professional life of all of us, together with the other big news of 2014: the new cor-porate identity. For the latter it is not a cle-an break with the past but an evolution that follows the identity of the Bank: innovative, dynamic, social. The logos of the business units have been given new colors, inspired by Credi Impresa Futuro and CrediFamiglia, as well as supporting material, with simple linear dedicated graphics, accompanied by a clear and legible font. The only logos not to change are the institutional Banca IFIS and Gruppo Banca IFIS along with those recently updated: contomax, rendimax, Credi Impresa Futuro and CrediFamiglia. We have also decided to describe all this - and more - in IFIS Magazine, the annual glossy magazine, which is the third big news of 2014: almost 90 pages of work, explained textually and visually looking objectively at the state of things. To demonstrate, both internally and externally, our present identity associated with that growth - as the Bank and as people - that sets us apart from the rest. 01 Communication and community: when information becomes efficient by Mara Di Giorgio Every day, in the professional lives of all of us, there is an inescapable fact, important but too often overlooked: we receive hundreds of e-mails with attachments of varying sizes, con-taining messages of varying levels of urgency. The results of this invasion of electronic mail aggressively impact not only the work envi-ronment of the recipient, who is buried by cor-respondence, but also that of the sender, who often waits a very long time to receive a re-sponse. “Too much mail” syndrome sometimes has serious side effects, so it is worth pausing briefly to list a few examples: • Days spent making various attempts to read emails and then postponing the task to a later date; • Answers are temporally inconsistent with the questions asked in the original emails; • You lose all sense of the urgency of commu-nication, along with the relevance of the infor-mation given. So too many mails = less efficiency. And less ef-ficient means departing from the social payoff - #TIME “Tutti Insieme Miglioriamo Efficienza” (Working together we improve efficiency). So why not use the main instrument of internal communication, IFIS4YOU, a vital hub of con-tact between colleagues and co-workers, to sha-re internal information, press releases, news
  • 3. 03 follow us on: The results images are available on @BancaIFIS Twitter account On October 28 Banca IFIS approved the inte-rim report for the first nine months of 2014. Once again the Bank brought excellent re-sults to customers, investors and market, dri-ven by credit quality and by the performance of the capital adequacy ratio, with total own capital ratio that touches 15%. “Excellent credit quality is the key element of this last quarter – stated the CEO Giovan-ni Bossi – and it should be noted that this result was achieved although the scenario is still adverse. The improvement is not li- 02 9 months 2014: Banca IFIS’s excellent results driven by credit quality 3RD QUARTER 2014 30th June - 30th September mited to bad loans, which have become sub-stantially negligible: it involved all impaired loans categories in general. This confirms that our business model, which supports SMEs without prejudice to credit quality, is successful. The results – Mr Bossi added – are satisfying in terms of profits, equity, and available liquidity. In the next quar-ters, then, the Bank will continue to support Italy’s real economy, generating positive returns for shareholders and improving its growth prospects”. FIRST 9 MONTHS OF 2014 1st January - 30th September • Net banking income: 210,8 million Euro (+8,6%) • Profit for the period: 74,2 million (+10,5%) • Net profit from financial activities: 181,1 million Euro (+13,5%) • Non performing loans on loans ratio in the Trade Receivables sector: 1,5% at September 2014 from 2,6% at December 2013 • NPL coverage ratio: 86,6% at September 2014 from 78,4% at December 2013 • Cost of credit quality: 189 bp (333 bp at 30 September 2013) • Hiring up: over 89 new resources employed by the Group • Constant improvement of Total Capital Ratio: 14,9% • Net banking income: 67,8 million Euro (+8,6%) • Net profit from financial activities: 59,3 million Euro (+9,5%) • Net profit: 24,1 million Euro (+4,6%)
  • 4. 04 follow us on: Watch the video of the Repo Market Convention on the Banca IFIS TV channel 03 Repo Market Convention: over 120 Italian and foreign banks at the conference in Mestre Discussions on ECB monetary policy deci-sions, analysis of opportunities and implica-tions deriving from the Euro-system’s new regulatory platform, optimization of collate-ral: these were the main topics of the de-bate which took part in the first half of the Repo Market Convention, the conference organized by Banca IFIS, the London Stock Exchange, MTS and Monte Titoli at which about 120 Italian and foreign credit institu-tions were present. Giovanni Bossi, CEO of Banca IFIS., states “The Repo market has been, and continues to be, a great tool in the management of bank li-quidity: today, this support is proving itself to be of great help in achieving systemic stability. Today’s convention recorded important respon-ses from credit institutions, also as a result of recent ECB decisions. We have witnessed that operators in the sector want to discuss, com-pare and contrast these technical but delicate topics. The Repo market is one of the instru-ments that better transfers monetary policy measures to the real economy, which must al-ways be our main focus.” “Changes in the European legal framework, and the implementation of T2-S in particu-lar, give the post-trade infra-structure a cru-cial role in harmonizing capital markets in the Eurozone” commented Paolo Cittadini, C.E.O. of Monte Titoli. “This process is an op-portunity for us to offer our clients services that are ever-more efficient and integrated, and to compete at an international level from a strong standpoint. Monte Titoli, indeed, is the main central deposit in the first wave of migration to T2-S and it is fully committed to monitoring and facilitating the migration pro-cess of its current and future clients’ assets within the new platform”. Also speaking at the conference, at 4:30pm, was Maria Cannata, Head of the Ministry of Econo-mics and Finance’s Treasury Department. The contents of the convention are available on the web through the Live Tweeting. The official hashtag is #REPO Maria Cannata
  • 5. 05 follow us on: Watch the video of the 3rd NPL Meeting on the Banca IFIS TV channel ring the event is very important: if we are able to “digest”, to free up balance sheets from deterio-rated assets, banks could make space for loans to SMEs and families, significantly influencing the GDP index. However, the limitations of ban-ks in terms of Equity continues to be the reason for which lending institutions are not able to lend credit and accelerate loans”. Steven Fredrickson, President, CEO and Chairman of PRA Group gave the confe-rence his views and experience of the NPL market in America, focusing, in particular, on debt purchasing. Among the companies that took part in this conference are: Italfondiario, Prelios, Bank of America, Hoist Finance, Banca IFIS, In-trum Justitia, Santander, Cerved, Anacap and Guber. For more information: 04 3rd NPL Meeting, financial “contamination” of distressed loans Almost 200 people representing funds, in-vestment companies and banks, together with other players involved in the manage-ment of distressed loans, took part in the 3rd NPL meeting - the annual, international wor-kshop on non-performing loans organized by Banca IFIS, PwC and Credit Village. The participation of many Italian and internatio-nal players in this event, from around 100 com-panies in the NPL sector, was very significant. During the day, data and analysis on total non-performing loans in Italy and Europe was presented, as well as growth forecasts for the domestic market compared to Euro-pean and international markets. The three roundtables investigated business aspects from three different points of view; the origi-nators, the buyers and the servicers. “Today we enjoyed a privileged and in-depth view of the financial geography of non-performing lo-ans in Europe and U.S.A.” stated Giovanni Bos-si, CEO of Banca IFIS. “This Meeting has become a hive, a laboratory of financial “contamination” of bad loans. Different points of view were analy-zed and interesting and sometimes innovative solutions were proposed, even for this sector that is becoming ever-more present in our everyday lives. The overall consideration which arose du-
  • 6. 06 follow us on: was the main focus of the discussion. A delicate topic especially for Italian small and medium-size companies, fighting against a very rigid credit lending system. A topic that Banca IFIS is tac-kling, once again, with an innovative approach. Once in Vienna, the 12 protagonists received a welcome speech from Giovanni Bossi, CEO of 05 #IFISTOUR14: when digital technology helps SMEs It’s back, a year after, Banca IFIS workshop on the road with the protagonist of the SMEs digital world. Enterpreneurs and web opportunities: these are the main subjects of the discussion of the mini-hackathon started by Banca IFIS in 2013. Read the account of the second Banca IFIS blog tour on Storify: 12 bloggers, 3 workgroups, one challenging com-petition: develop a strategy to bring up to 20.000 additional customers in two years. On the web, naturally. This is, in a tweet, the recap of the se-cond blogtour, that took place in Vienna on 24 and 25 October. Credi Impresa Futuro, the Banca IFIS brand dedicated to the financing of SMEs,
  • 7. 07 follow us on: ple from bloggers to influencers with whom we are sharing ideas and avenues and methods of presenting ourselves, in the best possibile way, to enterprises on the web. This is part of the bank’s DNA, which has an increasingly advan-ced digital identity: we wish to explore every possible method of enabling dialogue with our customers of today and tomorrow”. Knowledge of the business, a widening of the network and a “healthy” obsession with the im-portance of the customer: these are the drivers that awarded victory to the group named “Se-zessionstil”, consisting of Barbara Bonaventu-ra (, Nicola Zago ( and Francesco Favaro ( Banca IFIS, who, together with Mara Di Gior-gio (Head of Communication) and Raffaele Zin-gone (Head of Strategic Planning), explained the brief and the challenge to be given to the groups. Bloggers were free to choose their to-ols, to be used along with their knowledge of the commercial mechanisms of Banca IFIS: a challenge also in terms of time, less than 24 hours to complete the strategy that would be presented to the IFIStour judging panel. “I believe “contamination” is the watchword on this blogtour” said CEO Giovanni Bossi. “Contamination between a bank that is highly focused on the needs of small and medium en-terprises, such as Banca IFIS, and twelve peo-
  • 8. 08 follow us on: 06 Tools and techniques for a better relationship between business and bank Credi Impresa Futuro and Fondazione CUOA promote work culture with a series of meetings dedicated to businesses Banca IFIS, in line with the effort it has shown in promoting corporate culture, launches a new initiative aimed at enterprises. The goal of supporting the training of sector professio-nals, an ever-present aim for Banca IFIS, was also explored in 2013 through the collaboration with Digital Accademia and the organization of projects such as “Enterprises in the Digital Age”, a free course held at Banca IFIS headquar-ters and aimed at entrepreneurs, CEOs, Gene-ral Managers, CFOs and Marketing Managers. Banca IFIS has chosen to increase its efforts pro-moting corporate and financial culture, tighte-ning a partnership between Credi Impresa Futuro, the organization dedicated to providing financial support and credit management ser-vices to Italian companies, and Fondazione CUOA, a management school operating on both a national and international level. The two orga-nizations have created a series of events entitled “Tools and techniques for a better relation-ship between business and bank”. The series is formed of three meetings, is completely free and is dedicated to entrepreneurs, General Managers, CFOs and Business Managers in the regions of Brescia, Verona and Bergamo. The course, run by teachers from the Fondazione CUOA, has been created with the aim of offering tools and techniques to enterprises to allow them to plan their resources, evaluate debt sustainability and to present financial plans correctly to banks. Follow the lessons on Twitter with the hashtag #CIF and the account @CredImpresaF
  • 9. 09 follow us on: #IFISJob: the recruitment revolution in the banking sector The Banca IFIS Group is a dynamic and constan-tly changing entity: for this reason it is always looking for talent to be included in its staff. The Bank is looking both for young people, who will grow and be trained inside the company, and se-nior figures who can bring their expertise. The positions currently open are: Data Mana-ger (Mestre); Legal Personnel (Mestre); Securi-ty Management Personnel (Mestre); Business Intelligence Analyst (Mestre); Credit Consul-tant, Area NPL (Milano, Torino); Credit Mana-ger, Banca IFIS division (Torino). 07 To keep up-to-date on the available positions at Banca IFIS visit our LinkedIn page The evolution of recruitment. Web streaming open day for new positions Banca IFIS shakes up the recruitment process launching its Web Streaming Open Day, the first in Italy. The first edition of the initiative, dedicated to the recruitment of CrediFamiglia credit consultants, was streamed on October 22nd at 7pm. The Web Streaming Open Day is a virtual experience: thanks to the live streaming and to Skype interviews, candidates are able to attend the presentation on Banca IFIS and on the role they are applying for, with the possibility of sending questions and scheduling their Skype interview with our HR professionals. Here are the dates for the next Web Streaming Open Day: • 12 November, 7pm selection for Credi Impresa Futuro commercial representatives. Credi Impresa Futuro is the brand dedicated to financing Italian businesses. To apply, visit the site • 2 December, 7pm: online selection for Credifamiglia credit consultants. To participate, send your CV to:
  • 10. 010 follow us on: • 21 November: One Day in Venice – Banca IFIS Headquarters, Mestre. Fifth edition of the event organized by Banca IFIS dedicated to Italian companies listed on the Italian stock exchange. Companies will have the opportu-nity to meet institutional investors during one-to- one meetings. • 26 November: 11th Annual Economy&Finance - Milan, via Monte Rosa 91 (9-3:30pm). Giovanni Bossi, CEO of Banca IFIS, is attending the con-ference organized by Il Sole 24 Ore bringing his view on SMEs and the banking sector in Italy. • 26 and 27 November: “Credito al Credito” ABI – Rome, Palazzo Altieri (Piazza del Gesù, 49). Fifth edition of the conference focusing on providing credit to individuals and families. DECEMBER • 2 December: CrediFamiglia’s 3rd Web Streaming Open Day. Third appointment of the online selection of candidates for the role of CrediFamiglia credit consultants. • 10 December: Akros Conference - London. • 11 December: Investor Relations Summit – London. For information on events and conferences write to 08 Agenda NOVEMBER • 4 November: OAM Conference – Rome, Centro Congressi Roma Eventi Fontana di Trevi (Piazza della Pilotta, 4). First Confer-ence of the “Organismo Agenti e Mediatori” (Italian Association of Credit Agents) to elicit the views of major institutions on the sec-tor’s evolution. • 5–7 November: TransPoland 2014 – War-saw. IFIS Finance is attending the International Fair of the Transportation and Logistics Sector. • 12 November: Credi Impresa Futuro’s 1st Web Streaming Open Day. Banca IFIS is looking for new resourses to widen its Credi Impresa Futuro retail network through an on-line candidate selection process. Info: credim-presafuturo. it • 17 November– CrediFamiglia’s 2nd Web Streaming Open Day. Second appointment with the online selection of candidates for the role of CrediFamiglia credit consultants. • 19 November: 8th Credit Village Day – Crowne Plaza Milan Linate. Conference organized by Credit Village on the credit collection sector. CrediFamiglia is sponsor of the event. • 20 November: Legal Factory Convention – Milano, Crowne Plaza. The picture of an event in Banca IFIS Headquarters in Mestre (Venice)
  • 11. 011 follow us on: Financial Calendar Banca IFIS shares on the Stock Market Share Ownership 18/11/2014 Board of Directors Venezia Mestre (Italy) 18/12/2014 Board of Directors Venezia Mestre (Italy) Price on 30/06/2014 €15,70 Min-Max 2014 €11,57 (03/02/2014) - €16,35 (04/04/2014) Number of shares 53.811.095 Capitalization at 30/09/2013 € 844.834.191,5 1-month performance -10,27% 6-month performance -12,54% 1-year performance +22,70% Financial year dividend 2013 €0,57 Specialist Intermonte S.p.A. After two months (June/July) in which the price per share of Banca IFIS stood at around 13 - 14 euro, August saw the start of a significant price trend for the Bank. On August 22 shares reached a peak of 15,95 euro per share, the highest since 30/06 and the beginning of September has seen similar performance, with prices remaining at almost €15,8/share. Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg 52,651% Float 37,962% Giovanni Bossi 3,417% Riccardo Preve 2,321% Marina Salamon 2,000% Treasury stock 1,649% 30/09/2014 30/09/2014
  • 12. 012 follow us on: 09 Coverage by analysts Follow us on Contacts Investor Contact: Mara Di Giorgio Email: Phone: +39 041 502 7623 Mark Thomas Edison, Investment Research Irene Rossetto Intermonte Christian Carrese Intermonte Contacts