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Aviation Advertising
One professional, expert point of contact for all airport and airline advertising.

  8500 Steller Drive, Suite 7
  Culver City, CA 90232                   
Aviation Media
Aviation Media
We Make Airline Advertising Convenient,                                                     The Power of Airlines Advertising
Affordable and Highly Effective.
                                                                                            Frequent flyers are affluent, educated and highly
At InterAir Media, we know airline advertising - the                                        influential consumers. And they are as elusive to
carriers, the media, the demographics and the impact.                                       marketers as they are valuable. With the emergence of
We use this expertise to efficiently and affordably                                          Tivo, online news and commerical-free satellite radio,
place communications that deliver unparalleled                                              this high-end target has less exposure to traditional
access to high-end, highly desirable demographic.                                           communications. The exception is when they fly. In
Virtually every airline. All available media. One                                           the airport and in-flight, affluent consumers become
professional, knowledgeable point of contact.                                               an engaged - and captive - audience.

The Benefits of Working with                                                                 The Demographics
InterAir Media

We are airline airport advertising made simple.                                             Over 50 million Americans use airline travel during
Our knowledge of the airline communications                                                 a three-month period. That’s a remarkable 21% of
industry is comprehensive. We have relationships                                            the United States population age 18 and over.
with virtually every major carrier in the United                                            Airline travelers are well-educated, wealthy, and have
States and around the world, enabling us to provide                                         an interest in purchasing the latest products. Three
unbiased, invaluable guidance delivering the                                                in five airline travelers are college-educated. Nearly
optimal placement for your dollar. As one point of                                          one in four earn over $100,000 annually. Half of all
contact for every airline and every media - from                                            frequent flyers buy the latest products before their friends
magazines to videos, plane wraps to dioramas - our                                          and family do.
rates reflect bulk media purchasing and significant
discounts for multi-airline or cross platform buys.                                         The majority of airline travelers are between the ages of
                                                                                            25 and 54. They are more likely to be employed and
Sources: 1) Wilson, Rick T. & Brian D. “Airport Advertising Effectiveness: an exploratory
                                                                                            spend less time at home. Many corporate executives and
                                                                                                                                                           Chapter 1

field study. Journal of Advertising” 03/22/08. 2) Bouvard, Pierre & Williams, Diane. “The
Arbitron Airport Advertising Study: Exploring an undiscovered Upscale Medium” 2004. 3)
Williams, Diane. “The Arbitron Television Study: Getting TV Commercials Out of the
House and in Front of Affluent Consumers” 2007. 4) British market Research bureau
“Banking on Airport Advertising: Examining the Effectiveness of Airport Advertising”                      
Aviation Media
 Aviation Media
 The Demographics (continued)                     with the highly desirable air travel demographic
                                                  And the extensive array of placement options
                                                  enables you to create highly strategic advertising
 managers are frequent flyers and make
                                                  plans with unprecedented impact.
 purchasing decisions involving information
 technology, travel arrangements, computer
                                                  According to the Arbitron study “Airport
 software/harware, delivery services, and
                                                  Television Study: Getting TV Commericals Out
                                                  of the House and in Front of Affluent
                                                  Consumers”, the majority of passengers wait
 Frequent flyers are the most desirable
                                                  over a half hour in the terminal; 33% spend
 consumers to many advertisers. Where most
                                                  over one hour. The US Department of
 communications are unable to connect with
                                                  Transportation’s website shows that nearly 1
 these high-end consumers, in flight and airport
                                                  in 3 flights were delayed last year. Travelers are
 advertising gives marketers unprecedented
                                                  spending hours in airports and on airplanes highly
 access to this motivated buyer. Downtime for
                                                  susceptible to advertising.
 travelers is the ideal time for advertisers.

 With additional security and increased air
 travel, flyers are spending more time at the
 airport than ever before. Extended wait times
 mean more time for advertisers to connect

81% of Frequent Flyers can be reached at
least once during a three-month airport
advertising campaign.
                                                                                                        Chapter 1

Airport Placements
Airport Placements
Downtime for air travelers is the ideal time for advertisers

With additional security and increased air travel, flyers are spending more time at the airport than ever
before. Extended wait times mean more time for advertisers to connect with the highly desirable air travel
demographic. And the extensive array of placement options enables you to create highly strategic
communications plans with unprecedented impact.

Airport advertising enables you to reach an unparalleled number of upper income consumers; 11% of all
Americans fly every single month and that number jumps to an incredible 21% over a three month period.
These numbers off an unprecedented level of exposure for your business.

Who is reading airport communications? An astounding 72% of all travelers state that they take the time
to read airport billboards. And that number increases to 82% for frequent flyers.

There is an extensive array of general airport placement options - from Prestige Digital Unites that display
high-definition video to large-format wall wraps, ROI driven airport Wifi, and exterior airport domination.
Through InterAir Media, you can implement a strategy of multiple point of contact with a dialog that
travels with your target audience throughout their entire journey from airport arrival to final destination;
or create a dramatic and efficient statement with a single point of contact. With professional airport
placements, your options are infinite.
                                                                                                                 Chapter 2

Airport Placements
         Airport Placements
         Airport Diorama                                            Airport Exhibits and Sponsorships
                        The most widely used form of                                      Custom exhibit spaces provide a
                        airport advertising. These rectangular                            unique showcase to communicate
                        backlit displays are located                                      and interact directly with the
                        throughout the terminals in arrivals,                             affluent and influential airport
                        departures, and baggage claim,                                    audience. We work with airports
dominating key areas.                                            to create experiential campaigns designed to increase
                                                                 interactivity with your brand.

         Airport Spectacular                                        Airport Exteriors
                       Spectaculars are square of                                        Highly visible, these large-format
                       rectangular backlit units that come                               billboards and wall-wraps
                       in various sizes much larger than                                 strategically positioned along the
                       dioramas. Located in key                                          outside of the airport terminals and
                       passenger pulse points, they                                      parking garages for maximum reach
generate greater impact in eye-catching display format.          and impact on passenger traffic. They are designed to
                                                                 elevate any brand in key markets and to extend
                                                                 ambassadorial messages to arriving

         Airport Wall Wraps                                         Airport Prestige Digital Units
                       Wall wraps are larger-than-life                                    PDU’s are a synchronized network
                       displays that break through the                                    of free standing 70” HDTV displays.
                       clutter and deliver maximum                                        They are 100% head-on
                       audience reach. Airport wall wraps                                 /perpendicular to pedestrian
                       are available in an infinite array of                               flow showing 10,20 or
shapes and sizes. Wall wraps are printed on a unique             30-second static, semi-static or TV commercial            $A%
                                                                                                                           Chapter 2

adhesive                                                         style advertising spots. PDU’s

Airport Placements
Airport Placements
Executive Lounge Communications

Quiet and exclusive, Airport Clubs are the perfect   • 78% Male
venue for advertisers to reach wealthy, influential   • 59% are between the ages of 35-54 (19% 55-65)
business travelers who are more difficult to reach    • 19% CEO, President, Executives
with a traditional ad buy. Club Rooms are one of     • 39% Professional/ Managerial
the few environments these high-power executive      • $182k average annual household income
                                                     • 92% Make $100k+ a year
types frequently spend their time - averaging 1
                                                     • 54% Make $200k+ a year
hour 41 minutes dwell time per visit.                • 29% Make $250k+ a year
                                                     • 27 Business trips per year
Club members are First and Business Class            • 29 Total round trips per year
Passengers with considerable influence. They          • 84% of all trips taken for business purposes
take an average of 29 round trips per year, are      • 5 visits Average amount of club visits per month
in the top 5% of the US household incomes, and -     • 1 hour 41 minutes Average dwell time per visit
make important decisions on business-related         • With a HH income of $182k this is the top 5% of US
products and services that impact themselves and       household incomes (6.6 million homes)
their companies.                                     • Possesses over 63% of the total HH discretionary
                                                       dollars in the US

                                                                                                              Chapter 2

Airport Placements
Airport Placements
Executive Lounge Communications

Quiet and secluded, Airport Executive Lounges are the perfect venue for advertisers to reach affluent,
influential business travelers who elude the traditional ad buy.

Portrait Posters and Banners                            Digital Advertising

Portrait posters are framed, unlit posters located      High definition digital signage is located in the
prominently throughout clubrooms.                       main seating area where the highest volume
                                                        of executives wait to travel.

Experiential Opportunities                              Displays, Brochures and Napkins

Executive Lounges offer an unprecedented                 InterAirMedia works with both our clients and
opportunity for you to interact with an executive       airline providers to create experiential
demographic. InterAir Media will work with our          campaigns that combine brand education
partners to transform executive lounge space            through custom displays, brochures, and
into a completely immersive experience: create a        brand reinforcement with cocktail napkins, for
temporary sales space, complete with brand              a truly interactive experience with consumers.
ambassadors; create a themed event space;
interactive sales display; or virtually any other
experience to engage, interact and convert
influential lounge patrons.
                                                                                                             Chapter 2



                                                                                                                            Cocktail napkins

                                                                                                                            Beverage cups

                                                                                                                            Airsick bags
                                                                                                                                                     In-flight Media Opportunities

                                                                                                                            Online / Email blast

                        Wi-fi is available onboard these airlines, but there are no advertising opportunities at this time
                                                                                                                            Ticket jackets

                                                                                                                            Boarding Passes

                                                                                                                            Onboard Sampling

                                                                                                                            Snooze Kit Sponsorship

                                                                                                                            Seatback Inserts

   Chapter 3                                                                                                                                                                        In-Flight Media Opportunities
In-flight Magazines
In-flight Magazines
When you are looking to reach affluent, motivated                       • Frequent flyers state they pay more attention
consumers, in-flight magazine placement delivers                        to in-flight magazines than to traditional
exceptional marketing results. Place your message                       magazines read in other venues
directly in front of consumers when there are no
distractions for hours at a time.                                       • In any given month, 80% of frequent flyers
                                                                        have read an in-flight magazine
                                                                        • An astounding seven out of ten frequent flyers
In-flight magazine communications offer distinct                        act upon information garnered from in-flight
advantages:                                                             communications

  • Airline magazine advertising delivers the most                      • In a survey assessing the effectiveness of an
  exposure of any in-flight medium                                      in-flight ad for Bose®, it was revealed that three
                                                                        fourths of those who read or looked through the
  • Airline flyers are affluent consumers                               current month’s magazine, recalled the
  • The magazine that boasts a readership with
  the highest median household income is the
  magazine of a major airline
                                                                                With a single in-flight
  • Airline passengers are a captive, non-distracted                            magazine communication,
  audience that has the time to focus on your message
                                                                                you can reach 1.7 million
  • A remarkable 80% of frequent flyers read the                                passengers per issue.*
  current month’s issue of the provided airline
                                                                                                                              Chapter 4


** Based on an average readership of the top 7 US in-flight magazines               
In-flight Magazines
              In-flight Magazines
                          United States

                              US Airways          Hemispheres              Delta Sky               Continental              Spirit                Go
                               Magazine                                    Magazine
Airline                        US Airways        United Airlines    Delta Airlines / Northwest Continental Airlines       Southwest         Airtran Airways

Passengers (anually)           54 775 682         63 070 376              161 000 000              46 998 256            101 920 598          24 573 547
                              (Source: IATA)     (Source: IATA)           (Source: DOT)           (Source: IATA)        (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)
International                  5 567 425           9 763 838               11 000 000              12 420 461                 0                  2 638
Domestic                       49 208 257         53 306 538              150 000 000              34 577 795            101 920 598          24 570 909
Circulation                     339 206             399 333                 600 000                  332 501               480 310              100 000
Audience                       1 062 000            757 000                5 300 000                 819 000              1 707 000            2 000 000
                          (Source: MAS 2009)   (Source: MAS 2009)      (Source: Publisher)     (Source: MAS 2009)     (Source: MAS 2009)   (Source: Publisher)
Average reading time             34 min             37 min                   35 min                  30 min                37 min               20 min
Frequency                       Monthly             Monthly                 Monthly                  Monthly               Monthly              Monthly
Distribution                    All flights        All flights             All flights              All flights           All flights          All flights
Men                               55 %               54 %                     54 %                    57 %                  61 %                 48 %
Women                             45 %               47 %                     46 %                    43 %                  39 %                 52 %
25-34 y.o                         13 %               24 %                     16 %                    15 %                  20 %                 29 %
35-44 y.o                         31 %               32 %                     24 %                    24 %                  26 %                 27 %
45-54 y.o                         20 %               18 %                     30 %                    31 %                  26 %                 20 %
55-65 y.o                          6%                20 %                     23 %                    22 %                  24 %                 13 %
65 +                               6%                 6%                      7%                       8%                    4%                  11 %
Personal income < 45,000 E.       34 %               35 %                     35 %                    13 %                  35 %                 38 %
45,000 - 75,000 Euros             36 %               35 %                     36 %                    30 %                  33 %                 35 %
75,000 - 150,000 Euros            19 %               18 %                     19 %                    17 %                  24 %                 22 %
150,000 - 225,000 Euros            7%                 8%                      7%                      37 %                   5%                   3%
                                                                                                                                                                  Chapter 3

225,000 +                          4%                 4%                      3%                       3%                    3%                   2%

In-flight Magazines
            In-flight Magazines
                          South America
                                                                                                                  Chile + Peru + Equator +
                                  Mexico             Mexico           Central America        Central America        Dominican Republic             Brasil

                                Escala               Vuelo                Explore               Latitudes                  IN                TAM MAGAZINE
Airline                        Aeromexico           Mexicana                TACA             American Eagle            Lan Group             TAM Linhas Aereas
Passengers (anually)           7 031 778            8 288 822             5 598 154            16 558 194             13 252 634                28 182 309
                              (Source: IATA)      (Source: IATA)        (Source: IATA)        (Source: IATA)         (Source: IATA)            (Source: IATA)
International                  2 115 769            4 787 879             5 321 662              305 917               9 689 911                 3 630 259
Domestic                       4 916 009            3 500 943              276 492             16 252 277              3 562 723                24 552 050
Circulation                     110 000              110 000               30 000                90 000                  45 000                   150 000
Audience                       1 500 000             869 000               852 000              1 083 000               500 000                  1 800 000
                          (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)        (Source: Publisher)
Average reading time             45 min              30 min                30 min                33 min                  32 min                   30 min
Frequency                       Monthly              Monthly               Monthly              Bimonthly               Monthly                   Monthly
Distribution                    All flights         All flights           All flights           All flights            All flights               All flights
Men                               75 %                60 %                  55 %                  59 %                    79 %                     60 %
Women                             25 %                40 %                  45 %                  41 %                    21 %                     40 %
25-34 y.o                         30 %                23 %                  26 %                  22 %                    28 %                     45 %
35-44 y.o                         48 %                33 %                  22 %                  23 %                    34 %                     27 %
45-54 y.o                         10 %                33 %                  38 %                  27 %                    19 %                     20 %
55-65 y.o                         10 %                 7%                   10 %                  20 %                    10 %                      5%
65 +                               2%                  2%                    3%                    8%                      9%                       3%
Personal income < 45,000 E.       26 %                 2%                   34 %                  11 %                    17 %                     22 %
45,000 - 75,000 Euros             33 %                12 %                  38 %                  41 %                    29 %                     23 %
75,000 - 150,000 Euros            27 %                64 %                  12 %                  16 %                    38 %                     29 %
150,000 - 225,000 Euros           12 %                12 %                   8%                   26 %                    10 %                     18 %
                                                                                                                                                                    Chapter 4

225,000 +                          2%                 12 %                   2%                    6%                      6%                       8%

In-flight Magazines
            In-flight Magazines
                                  Japan                China               Singapore                 China                Hong Kong              Thailand

                          Skyward domestic
                           + international      The wings of China        Silverkris               Gateway                 Discovery            Sawasdee
Airline                        JAL Group             Air China         Singapore Airlines    China Southern Airlines     Cathay Pacific         Thai Airways
Passengers (anually)           46 682 154           34 152 125            19 141 541              57 961 449              18 859 658            18 114 423
                              (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)        (Source: IATA)          (Source: IATA)          (Source: IATA)        (Source: IATA)
International                  11 613 793            6 626 497            19 141 541               3 807 112              18 859 658            12 473 134
Domestic                       35 068 361           27 525 628                 0                  54 154 337                   0                 5 641 289
Circulation                     840 000               150 000               90 000                  220 000                 212 500               160 000
Audience                       4 900 000             2 425 000             1 300 000               5 100 000               1 614 000             2 000 000
                          (Source: Publisher)    (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)     (Source: Publisher)     (Source: Publisher)   (Source: Publisher)
Average reading time             63 min               40 min                30 min                   32 min                 40 min                30 min
Frequency                       Monthly               Monthly               Monthly                 Monthly                 Monthly               Monthly
Distribution                    All flights          All flights           All flights             All flights             All flights           All flights
Men                               55 %                 68 %                  66 %                    71 %                    61 %                  66 %
Women                             45 %                 32 %                  34 %                    29 %                    39 %                  34 %
25-34 y.o                         30 %                  7%                   34 %                    35 %                    39 %                  25 %
35-44 y.o                         34 %                 29 %                  36 %                    38 %                    27 %                  28 %
45-54 y.o                         14 %                 28 %                  21 %                    13 %                    23 %                  24 %
55-65 y.o                         22 %                 20 %                   7%                     10 %                     6%                   17 %
65 +                               1%                  16 %                   2%                      4%                      5%                    6%
Personal income < 45,000 E.       31 %                 23 %                  46 %                    17 %                    23 %                   9%
45,000 - 75,000 Euros             26 %                 36 %                  19 %                    20 %                    36 %                  28 %
75,000 - 150,000 Euros            17 %                 22 %                  13 %                    40 %                    22 %                  42 %
150,000 - 225,000 Euros           18 %                 15 %                  11 %                    10 %                    15 %                  11 %
                                                                                                                                                                    Chapter 4

225,000 +                          8%                   4%                   11 %                    13 %                     4%                   11 %

In-flight Magazines
            In-flight Magazines
                                Germany             France               Spain                  UK                  Italy                  UK

                             Lufthansa            Air France             Ronda               High Life             Ulisse             Seatback
                          Magazine (zone 1)       Magazine
Airline                         Lufthansa          Air France             Iberia           British Airways         Alitalia          Virgin Atlantic
Passengers (anually)           54 698 543         50 448 567           23 113 182           33 651 954           18 998 227           23 847 721
                              (Source: IATA)     (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)       (Source: IATA)
International                  42 151 149         32 508 119           12 819 948           29 054 201           10 824 822           23 807 865
Domestic                       12 547 394         17 940 448           10 293 234            4 597 753            8 173 405             39 856
Circulation                     588 870             386 019              175 000              196 092              180 000              155 000
Audience                       1 375 000           1 125 000             635 000              690 000              490 000              453 000
                          (Source: EMS 2009)   (Source: EMS 2009)   (Source: EMS 2009)   (Source: EMS 2009)   (Source: EMS 2009)   (Source: EMS 2009)
Average reading time             57 min             31 min               30 min               31 min               29 min               30 min
Frequency                       Monthly             Monthly              Monthly              Monthly              Monthly              Monthly
Distribution                    All flights        All flights          All flights          All flights          All flights          All flights
Men                               78 %               59 %                 61 %                 72 %                 77 %                 65 %
Women                             22 %               41 %                 39 %                 28 %                 23 %                 35 %
25-34 y.o                         17 %               30 %                 25 %                 24 %                 35 %                 30 %
35-44 y.o                         30 %               26 %                 34 %                 33 %                 26 %                 29 %
45-54 y.o                         27 %               23 %                 25 %                 23 %                 16 %                 23 %
55-65 y.o                         23 %               15 %                  8%                  12 %                 17 %                 14 %
65 +                               3%                 6%                   8%                   8%                   6%                   4%
Personal income < 45,000 E.        7%                18 %                 29 %                 12 %                 29 %                 22 %
45,000 - 75,000 Euros             24 %               39 %                 39 %                 42 %                 37 %                 39 %
75,000 - 150,000 Euros            43 %               23 %                 21 %                 36 %                 25 %                 27 %
150,000 - 225,000 Euros           17 %                5%                   7%                   7%                   5%                   8%
                                                                                                                                                         Chapter 4

225,000 +                          9%                 3%                   4%                   3%                   4%                   4%

In-flight Video
In-flight Video
Frequent flyers like their in-flight television. A lot.
In fact, a remarkable 83% of frequent flyers stated
they had recently watched in-flight television and
they “strongly agree” they would miss it if it were
no longer available.


With in-flight video placement, you know your
communication will be seen by an educated,
affluent consumer:

  • An impressive 49% of travelers who watch
  in-flight television recall specific advertisements

  • Nearly 60% of frequent flyers who take flights
  with in-flight video watch the programming

  • Historically, in a one month period, 44% of
  frequent flyers have watched in-flight video
                                                                                   Chapter 5

In-flight Video
           In-flight Video
                                     United States

                                      Domestic & International Flights    Domestic & International Flights           Domestic Flights               Domestic Flights                Domestic Flights

Airlines                             Delta Airlines                      Continental Airlines                Virgin America                  JetBlue Airways                Frontier Airlines
Passengers anually                   73.085.653                          49.058.374                          4.200.000                       22.361.794                     9.246.576
(Source : IATA)
International                        11.435.253                          11.883.846                          -                               1.914.833                      739.726
Domestic                             61.650.400                          37.174.528                          4.200.000                       20.446.961                     8.506.850
Video flights per month              23,000 average per month 8.138                                          2.800                           17.152                         7.124
Audience on video flights per month 2.709.000                            1.194.691                           350.000                         391.837                        544.830
Class                                Economic & Business                 Economic & Business                 Economic & Business             Economic                       Economic
Program                              Delta On-Air                        Spot runs within in-flight          Forced view ad- “Must           Spot runs within in-flight     Spot runs within in-flight
                                     CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW,             video content specifically          watch” spots can be run         video content specifically     video content specifically
                                     AMC, Animal Planet, A&E             produced for the airline            immediately following           produced for the airline       produced for the airline
                                     Network, BBC, Cartoon                                                   attention grabbing safety       Other Positions Available      Other Positions Available
                                     Network, The History                Other Positions Available           video
                                     Channel, Nickelodeon,
                                     TLC, Travel Channel, USA                                                Other Positions Available

Position                             To be agreed upon                    Within In-flight video             After safety video              Within in-flight video         Within in-flight video
                                                                          content                                                            content                        content
                                     New York, Los Angeles,              NEW YORK, Los Angeles,              New York (JFK), San Francisco   New York (JFK), San            Denver (DEN), New York
N.A. martkets served by TV flights
                                     Chicago, Philadelphia,San           Chicago, San                        (SFO), Los Angeles (LAX),       Francisco (SFO), Long Beach    (LGA), San Francisco (SFO),
                                     Francisco, Boston, Dallas/Ft.       Francisco, Boston,                  Washington DC (IAD), Las        (LGB), Washington DC (IAD),    Los Angeles (LAX),
                                     Worth,Washington, DC,               Washington, DC, Detroit,            Vegas (Las), San Diego (San),   Las Vegas (LAS), San Diego     Washington DC (DCA), Las
                                     Detroit, ATLANTA,
                                                                         HOUSTON, Seattle, Tampa,            Seattle (SEA), Boston (BOS),    (SAN), Seattle (SEA), Boston   Vegas (LAS), San Diego
                                     Minneapolis/St. Paul, Tampa,        CLEVELAND, Miami,                   Orange County (SNA)             (BOS), Orlando (MCO), Fort     (SAN), Seattle (SEA), Orange
                                     Cleveland,Miami, Phoenix,           Phoenix, Denver, Sacramento,                                        Lauderdale (FLL)               County (SNA)
                                     Denver, Sacramento,                 Pittsburgh,
                                     Pittsburgh,Orlando, Portland,       Orlando, Portland, Baltimore,
                                     Baltimore, plus other key           San Diego, Kansas
                                     markets                             City, Salt Lake City, San
                                                                         Antonio, New Orleans, plus
                                                                         other key markets
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Chapter 5

In-flight Video
             In-flight Video

                                  International Flights                         International Flights       International Flights    International Flights      International Flights        International Flights

 Airlines                    Lufthansa                                       Air France                 Virgin Atlantic             British airways           KLM                       British airways
 Passengers in 2006          48.958.304                                      47.786.737                 5.100.000                   35.510.562                21.510.538                24.000.000
 (Source: IATA)
 International               35.740.147                                      28.898.393                 5.100.000                   28.921.518                21.434.532                21.120.000
 Domestic                    13.218.157                                      18.888.344                 -                           6.589.044                 76.006                    2.880.000
 Nb of flights per month     6.000                                           4.000                      -                           5.276                     2.000                     -
 Audience per month          1.000.000                                       1.030.416                  480.000                     1.120.000                 700.000                   2.000.000
 Class                       Economic and Business                           Economic and Business All cabins                       Economic & Business       Economic & Business       All classes
                                                                                                                                                                                        Multi Channel Package:46 channels
 Program                   Countdown    News               Magazine          News Package               Welcome Onboard             BBC World News            BBC News                  on the ice Digial Widescreen system,
                           Clock                           on air                                                                                                                       35 channels on the ice system and 14
                                                                                                        Video                                                                           channels on the TV & Radio system.

 Position                              Either after the   2 Spots are        2 advertising spots       Viewed by 100% of the     Before the news              Spot placed around        All Adverts are played
                                       News: "Current     available during
                                                                             ranging from 30 to 40     passenger audience at the
                                       Themes" or after   the program                                                                                         the program               before the cotent
                           "Overture   the News:                             seconds placed before and beginning of the flight
                           Program"    Business,                             after the Sports News or                                                                                   on AVOD
                                       Fianance &
                                                                             the Cultural News

 Diffusion                   Main screen                                     Main screen and            Main screen and             Main screen and           Main Screen and           Individual screen
                             and individual screen                           individual screen          individual screen           individual screen         individual screen
 Distribution                International Flights                           International Flights      All Flights                 International Flights     International Flights     All Flights
 Period/Frequency            Monthly                                         Monthly                    Monthly                     Monthly                   Monthly                   Monthly

* ATI Source
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Chapter 5

In-flight Video
             In-flight Video

 Airlines                  Cathay Pacific           Japan Airlines International Air China   Asiana Airlines     Jet Airways                       Jet AiKingfisher Airlines
 Passengers per year       18.900.000               46.600.000                  33.970.000   11.830.000          17.400.000
 (Source: IATA)
 International             18.900.000               11.600.000                  -            -                   6.600.000                         -
 Domestic                  -                        35.000.000                  -            -                   10.800.000                        4.000.000
 Nb of flights per month   5.000                    4.795                       -            2.450               5.100                             8.340
 Audience per month        1.614.000                985.000                     1.600.000                        850.000                           702.000
 Class                     All                      All                         -            All                 All                               All
 Program                   News                     Short Program               Air News     Prime Time News     Force Feed Advertising            FUN TV

 Position                  Prior to beginning of    Your ad will air once                    Ad broadcasted      Set of default advertising        5 channels on the in-flight
                                                                                                                 spots which run on the            TV (Lifestyle, Air Premiere,
                           Daily News loop, which   both before and after                    before and after    seatbacks and over head           Infotainment, Entertain-
                                                                                                                 screens and audio is              ment, Animation) Other
                           runs repeatedly for      the main program                         the News            through PA system. Other          Positions Available
                           duration of flight                                                                    positions available

 Diffusion                 Individual Screen        Individual Screen                        Individual Screen   Main Screen and/or                Individual Screen
                                                                                                                 Individual Screen
 Distribution              International            International                            International       Domestic & International routes   Domestic & International routes

 Period/Frequency          Monthly                  Monthly                     Monthly      Monthly             Monthly                           Monthly

* ATI Source
                                                                                                                                                                                   Chapter 5

In-flight Video
             In-flight Video
                           Australia                                                                Central & South America

 Airlines                  Qantas                                         Virgin Blue               AeroMexico                           TAM
 Passengers per year       26.400.000                                     17.000.000                45.400.000                           29.500.000
 (Source: IATA)
 International             8.640.000                                      15.000.000                13.620.000                           450.000
 Domestic                  15.600.000                                     2.000.000                 31.780.000                           21.000.000
 Nb of flights per month   -                                              8.212                     1.088                                18.880
 Audience per month        1.377.000                                      1.300.000                 260.000                              1.560.000
 Class                     All                                            All                       All                                  All
 Program                   ON:Q                                           live2air                  TV or Movie                          Safety Video

                           am ON:Q 6am to 1pm (Monday - Friday) The       TV commercials, static    Spot runs before the first movie     Special break to air single ads
 Position                  latest news and finance from the Nine
                           Network, followed by What's On in art,         multi-slide advertising   or TV series on all routes with TV   following the safety video
                           theatre and sport. pm ON:Q 1pm to 5pm
                           (Monday - Friday) The latest news and          or map sponsorships       entertainment onboard                information. Other positions
                           finance from the Nine Network followed by
                           lifestyle/travel programming. evening ON:Q                                                                    available
                           5pm to midnight (Monday - Friday) The latest
                           news and finance from the Nine Network
                           followed by comedy programming.
                           weekends ON:Q 6am to midnight (Sat & Sun)
                           Latest comedies, sitcoms and concerts "

 Diffusion                 Individual Screen                              Individual Screen         Overhead screen                      Overhead Screen & Individual
 Distribution              Domestic                                       Domestic                  All routes                           International & Domestic
 Period/Frequency          Monthly                                        Monthly                   Monthly                              Monthly
* ATI Source
                                                                                                                                                                            Chapter 5

Unique Media
Unique Media
Unique airline advertising grabs attention and generates buzz like no other communications media. From
building a brand to launging a product of service, InterAir Media makes it easy to reach your most
influential consumer with tremendous impact.

Targeted In-flight Print Media
Each inflight messaging opportunity offers distinct advantages. InterAir Media can help you choose the
best media for your message:

  • Cocktail Napkins
  • Seatback Insers

  • Beverage Cups

  • Airsick Bags

  • Meal Tray Tent Cards

  • Amenity Kit Handouts
                                                                                                          Chapter 6

Unique Media
      Unique Media
      New Airport Wifi Sponsorship Opportunity
  Airport Wifi Sponsorship Experience
                STEP 1                                            STEP 2             STEP 3
                                                       Forced to view 15-30
 Branded Sponsored Welcome
                                                     second Video/ Animated    Sign-up Landing page
     Page – Click to access
                                                      Flash on advertisement

     Unique Media Impact:
WiFi sponsorship programs provide your brand with an online experience
unlike the traditional banner placement:

to the Internet
                                                                                                        Chapter 6

Engagement: with CTRs ranging from 15-40%
Recall: thanks to the end-to-end 100% SOV immersive environment
Unique Media
Unique Media
PowerPole Advertising

• Unique chance to positively interact with over 356 million annual passengers.
• 328 kiosks available at 9 top DMA US Airports
• Easy way to charge handheld devices, tablets and laptops at no cost to user
• 8 ft. tall kiosks are customizable depending on the advertisers' needs
• Highly visible with locations in key dwell areas and terminals
• “Green-e Energy Certified”, providing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
• Additional locations available (new sites may be hand-selected by advertiser)

                                                                                                    Chapter 6

Unique Media
       Unique Media
       Helicopter Advertising
       Helicopter advertising offers unprecedented access to upper-echelon influencers and consumers.
       Our helicopter advertising services reach the highest level business executives and celebrities who
       regularly use helicopter travel for business and leisure purposes.

         • Charter helicopters reach targets in Manhattan, the Hamptons, JFK and LGA

         • Helicopter communications media include:

         • Helicopter wraps – the entire craft can be covered with brand, campaign or message

         • Gift bag distribution – offer complimentary gifts, reading materials or countless other promotional or
         luxury items

         • Helipad branding – an exclusive location for high-impact branding

     "We thought helicopters to be the perfect
vehicles to reach an elite audience, in this
case, executives heading out of New York City.
Because we’re finding that executives are
really digging into the magazine in their
leisure time, we basically hand-delivered it to
them as they headed off to the beach.”
                                                                                                                     Chapter 6

Theresa Gaffney, Director of Creative Services,
Condé Nast Portfolio
Unique Media
Unique Media
Airplane Wraps
As a standalone tactic or part of a multi-media campaign, airplane wraps make a huge impression to
passengers, media and everyone else who views a specially branded aircraft. Talk to InterAir Media
about our wrap airline partnerships.

In a recent campaign with Capital One, significant exposure was gained through multiple media
outlets on local and national broadcast television, web coverage and print:

  • USA Today
  • Forbes
  • CNN Money
  • Fox Television News
  • PR Newswire
                                                                                                       Chapter 6

Unique Media
Unique Media
Airline Communications Online
Get unprecedented targeted communications with
online communications. You can even target by
route or seating class:

 • Online email blasts – send a message or
 exclusive offer to frequent flyer members through
 highly specific criteria, such as household income,
 location or other Preferred Passenger data

 • Online confirmation banners – once a ticket
 purchase is confirmed, a banner can be displayed
 for select flyers heading for a specific location, or
 demonstrating other financial or professional

 • Online Boarding Passes –program messages to
 reach travelers coming from or flying to a specific
 destination, or based on their arrival or departure
 date or duration of their stay. Advertising space
 on a boarding pass is available in a variety of
 sizes and media types, including rich media.
 Travelers see your message online when they
 check-in, and again when they print their
                                                                                  Chapter 6

 boarding pass and use it throughout their trip.


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Iam Kit 2012

  • 1. Aviation Advertising One professional, expert point of contact for all airport and airline advertising. 1-323-552-9586 Address 8500 Steller Drive, Suite 7 Culver City, CA 90232
  • 2. Aviation Media Aviation Media We Make Airline Advertising Convenient, The Power of Airlines Advertising Affordable and Highly Effective. Frequent flyers are affluent, educated and highly At InterAir Media, we know airline advertising - the influential consumers. And they are as elusive to carriers, the media, the demographics and the impact. marketers as they are valuable. With the emergence of We use this expertise to efficiently and affordably Tivo, online news and commerical-free satellite radio, place communications that deliver unparalleled this high-end target has less exposure to traditional access to high-end, highly desirable demographic. communications. The exception is when they fly. In Virtually every airline. All available media. One the airport and in-flight, affluent consumers become professional, knowledgeable point of contact. an engaged - and captive - audience. The Benefits of Working with The Demographics InterAir Media We are airline airport advertising made simple. Over 50 million Americans use airline travel during Our knowledge of the airline communications a three-month period. That’s a remarkable 21% of industry is comprehensive. We have relationships the United States population age 18 and over. with virtually every major carrier in the United Airline travelers are well-educated, wealthy, and have States and around the world, enabling us to provide an interest in purchasing the latest products. Three unbiased, invaluable guidance delivering the in five airline travelers are college-educated. Nearly optimal placement for your dollar. As one point of one in four earn over $100,000 annually. Half of all contact for every airline and every media - from frequent flyers buy the latest products before their friends magazines to videos, plane wraps to dioramas - our and family do. rates reflect bulk media purchasing and significant discounts for multi-airline or cross platform buys. The majority of airline travelers are between the ages of 25 and 54. They are more likely to be employed and Sources: 1) Wilson, Rick T. & Brian D. “Airport Advertising Effectiveness: an exploratory spend less time at home. Many corporate executives and Chapter 1 field study. Journal of Advertising” 03/22/08. 2) Bouvard, Pierre & Williams, Diane. “The Arbitron Airport Advertising Study: Exploring an undiscovered Upscale Medium” 2004. 3) Williams, Diane. “The Arbitron Television Study: Getting TV Commercials Out of the House and in Front of Affluent Consumers” 2007. 4) British market Research bureau “Banking on Airport Advertising: Examining the Effectiveness of Airport Advertising”
  • 3. Aviation Media Aviation Media The Demographics (continued) with the highly desirable air travel demographic And the extensive array of placement options enables you to create highly strategic advertising managers are frequent flyers and make plans with unprecedented impact. purchasing decisions involving information technology, travel arrangements, computer According to the Arbitron study “Airport software/harware, delivery services, and Television Study: Getting TV Commericals Out telecommunications. of the House and in Front of Affluent Consumers”, the majority of passengers wait Frequent flyers are the most desirable over a half hour in the terminal; 33% spend consumers to many advertisers. Where most over one hour. The US Department of communications are unable to connect with Transportation’s website shows that nearly 1 these high-end consumers, in flight and airport in 3 flights were delayed last year. Travelers are advertising gives marketers unprecedented spending hours in airports and on airplanes highly access to this motivated buyer. Downtime for susceptible to advertising. travelers is the ideal time for advertisers. With additional security and increased air travel, flyers are spending more time at the airport than ever before. Extended wait times mean more time for advertisers to connect 81% of Frequent Flyers can be reached at least once during a three-month airport advertising campaign. Chapter 1
  • 4. Airport Placements Airport Placements Downtime for air travelers is the ideal time for advertisers With additional security and increased air travel, flyers are spending more time at the airport than ever before. Extended wait times mean more time for advertisers to connect with the highly desirable air travel demographic. And the extensive array of placement options enables you to create highly strategic communications plans with unprecedented impact. Impact Airport advertising enables you to reach an unparalleled number of upper income consumers; 11% of all Americans fly every single month and that number jumps to an incredible 21% over a three month period. These numbers off an unprecedented level of exposure for your business. Who is reading airport communications? An astounding 72% of all travelers state that they take the time to read airport billboards. And that number increases to 82% for frequent flyers. Options There is an extensive array of general airport placement options - from Prestige Digital Unites that display high-definition video to large-format wall wraps, ROI driven airport Wifi, and exterior airport domination. Through InterAir Media, you can implement a strategy of multiple point of contact with a dialog that travels with your target audience throughout their entire journey from airport arrival to final destination; or create a dramatic and efficient statement with a single point of contact. With professional airport placements, your options are infinite. Chapter 2
  • 5. Airport Placements Airport Placements Airport Diorama Airport Exhibits and Sponsorships The most widely used form of Custom exhibit spaces provide a airport advertising. These rectangular unique showcase to communicate backlit displays are located and interact directly with the throughout the terminals in arrivals, affluent and influential airport departures, and baggage claim, audience. We work with airports dominating key areas. to create experiential campaigns designed to increase interactivity with your brand. Airport Spectacular Airport Exteriors Spectaculars are square of Highly visible, these large-format rectangular backlit units that come billboards and wall-wraps in various sizes much larger than strategically positioned along the dioramas. Located in key outside of the airport terminals and passenger pulse points, they parking garages for maximum reach generate greater impact in eye-catching display format. and impact on passenger traffic. They are designed to elevate any brand in key markets and to extend ambassadorial messages to arriving Airport Wall Wraps Airport Prestige Digital Units Wall wraps are larger-than-life PDU’s are a synchronized network displays that break through the of free standing 70” HDTV displays. clutter and deliver maximum They are 100% head-on audience reach. Airport wall wraps /perpendicular to pedestrian are available in an infinite array of flow showing 10,20 or shapes and sizes. Wall wraps are printed on a unique 30-second static, semi-static or TV commercial $A% Chapter 2 adhesive style advertising spots. PDU’s
  • 6. Airport Placements Airport Placements Executive Lounge Communications Quiet and exclusive, Airport Clubs are the perfect • 78% Male venue for advertisers to reach wealthy, influential • 59% are between the ages of 35-54 (19% 55-65) business travelers who are more difficult to reach • 19% CEO, President, Executives with a traditional ad buy. Club Rooms are one of • 39% Professional/ Managerial the few environments these high-power executive • $182k average annual household income • 92% Make $100k+ a year types frequently spend their time - averaging 1 • 54% Make $200k+ a year hour 41 minutes dwell time per visit. • 29% Make $250k+ a year • 27 Business trips per year Club members are First and Business Class • 29 Total round trips per year Passengers with considerable influence. They • 84% of all trips taken for business purposes take an average of 29 round trips per year, are • 5 visits Average amount of club visits per month in the top 5% of the US household incomes, and - • 1 hour 41 minutes Average dwell time per visit make important decisions on business-related • With a HH income of $182k this is the top 5% of US products and services that impact themselves and household incomes (6.6 million homes) their companies. • Possesses over 63% of the total HH discretionary dollars in the US Chapter 2
  • 7. Airport Placements Airport Placements Executive Lounge Communications Quiet and secluded, Airport Executive Lounges are the perfect venue for advertisers to reach affluent, influential business travelers who elude the traditional ad buy. Portrait Posters and Banners Digital Advertising Portrait posters are framed, unlit posters located High definition digital signage is located in the prominently throughout clubrooms. main seating area where the highest volume of executives wait to travel. Experiential Opportunities Displays, Brochures and Napkins Executive Lounges offer an unprecedented InterAirMedia works with both our clients and opportunity for you to interact with an executive airline providers to create experiential demographic. InterAir Media will work with our campaigns that combine brand education partners to transform executive lounge space through custom displays, brochures, and into a completely immersive experience: create a brand reinforcement with cocktail napkins, for temporary sales space, complete with brand a truly interactive experience with consumers. ambassadors; create a themed event space; interactive sales display; or virtually any other experience to engage, interact and convert influential lounge patrons. Chapter 2
  • 8. Magazine Video Cocktail napkins Beverage cups Airsick bags In-flight Media Opportunities Online / Email blast Wi-fi is available onboard these airlines, but there are no advertising opportunities at this time Ticket jackets Boarding Passes Onboard Sampling Snooze Kit Sponsorship Seatback Inserts Wi-fi Chapter 3 In-Flight Media Opportunities
  • 9. In-flight Magazines In-flight Magazines When you are looking to reach affluent, motivated • Frequent flyers state they pay more attention consumers, in-flight magazine placement delivers to in-flight magazines than to traditional exceptional marketing results. Place your message magazines read in other venues directly in front of consumers when there are no distractions for hours at a time. • In any given month, 80% of frequent flyers have read an in-flight magazine Impact • An astounding seven out of ten frequent flyers In-flight magazine communications offer distinct act upon information garnered from in-flight advantages: communications • Airline magazine advertising delivers the most • In a survey assessing the effectiveness of an exposure of any in-flight medium in-flight ad for Bose®, it was revealed that three fourths of those who read or looked through the • Airline flyers are affluent consumers current month’s magazine, recalled the advertisement. • The magazine that boasts a readership with the highest median household income is the magazine of a major airline With a single in-flight • Airline passengers are a captive, non-distracted magazine communication, audience that has the time to focus on your message you can reach 1.7 million • A remarkable 80% of frequent flyers read the passengers per issue.* current month’s issue of the provided airline Chapter 4 magazine ** Based on an average readership of the top 7 US in-flight magazines
  • 10. In-flight Magazines In-flight Magazines United States US Airways Hemispheres Delta Sky Continental Spirit Go Magazine Magazine Airline US Airways United Airlines Delta Airlines / Northwest Continental Airlines Southwest Airtran Airways Passengers (anually) 54 775 682 63 070 376 161 000 000 46 998 256 101 920 598 24 573 547 (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: DOT) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) International 5 567 425 9 763 838 11 000 000 12 420 461 0 2 638 Domestic 49 208 257 53 306 538 150 000 000 34 577 795 101 920 598 24 570 909 Circulation 339 206 399 333 600 000 332 501 480 310 100 000 Audience 1 062 000 757 000 5 300 000 819 000 1 707 000 2 000 000 (Source: MAS 2009) (Source: MAS 2009) (Source: Publisher) (Source: MAS 2009) (Source: MAS 2009) (Source: Publisher) Average reading time 34 min 37 min 35 min 30 min 37 min 20 min Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Distribution All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights Men 55 % 54 % 54 % 57 % 61 % 48 % Women 45 % 47 % 46 % 43 % 39 % 52 % 25-34 y.o 13 % 24 % 16 % 15 % 20 % 29 % 35-44 y.o 31 % 32 % 24 % 24 % 26 % 27 % 45-54 y.o 20 % 18 % 30 % 31 % 26 % 20 % 55-65 y.o 6% 20 % 23 % 22 % 24 % 13 % 65 + 6% 6% 7% 8% 4% 11 % Personal income < 45,000 E. 34 % 35 % 35 % 13 % 35 % 38 % 45,000 - 75,000 Euros 36 % 35 % 36 % 30 % 33 % 35 % 75,000 - 150,000 Euros 19 % 18 % 19 % 17 % 24 % 22 % 150,000 - 225,000 Euros 7% 8% 7% 37 % 5% 3% Chapter 3 225,000 + 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2%
  • 11. In-flight Magazines In-flight Magazines South America Chile + Peru + Equator + Mexico Mexico Central America Central America Dominican Republic Brasil Escala Vuelo Explore Latitudes IN TAM MAGAZINE Airline Aeromexico Mexicana TACA American Eagle Lan Group TAM Linhas Aereas Passengers (anually) 7 031 778 8 288 822 5 598 154 16 558 194 13 252 634 28 182 309 (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) International 2 115 769 4 787 879 5 321 662 305 917 9 689 911 3 630 259 Domestic 4 916 009 3 500 943 276 492 16 252 277 3 562 723 24 552 050 Circulation 110 000 110 000 30 000 90 000 45 000 150 000 Audience 1 500 000 869 000 852 000 1 083 000 500 000 1 800 000 (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) Average reading time 45 min 30 min 30 min 33 min 32 min 30 min Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Bimonthly Monthly Monthly Distribution All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights Men 75 % 60 % 55 % 59 % 79 % 60 % Women 25 % 40 % 45 % 41 % 21 % 40 % 25-34 y.o 30 % 23 % 26 % 22 % 28 % 45 % 35-44 y.o 48 % 33 % 22 % 23 % 34 % 27 % 45-54 y.o 10 % 33 % 38 % 27 % 19 % 20 % 55-65 y.o 10 % 7% 10 % 20 % 10 % 5% 65 + 2% 2% 3% 8% 9% 3% Personal income < 45,000 E. 26 % 2% 34 % 11 % 17 % 22 % 45,000 - 75,000 Euros 33 % 12 % 38 % 41 % 29 % 23 % 75,000 - 150,000 Euros 27 % 64 % 12 % 16 % 38 % 29 % 150,000 - 225,000 Euros 12 % 12 % 8% 26 % 10 % 18 % Chapter 4 225,000 + 2% 12 % 2% 6% 6% 8%
  • 12. In-flight Magazines In-flight Magazines Asia Japan China Singapore China Hong Kong Thailand Skyward domestic + international The wings of China Silverkris Gateway Discovery Sawasdee Airline JAL Group Air China Singapore Airlines China Southern Airlines Cathay Pacific Thai Airways Passengers (anually) 46 682 154 34 152 125 19 141 541 57 961 449 18 859 658 18 114 423 (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) International 11 613 793 6 626 497 19 141 541 3 807 112 18 859 658 12 473 134 Domestic 35 068 361 27 525 628 0 54 154 337 0 5 641 289 Circulation 840 000 150 000 90 000 220 000 212 500 160 000 Audience 4 900 000 2 425 000 1 300 000 5 100 000 1 614 000 2 000 000 (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) (Source: Publisher) Average reading time 63 min 40 min 30 min 32 min 40 min 30 min Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Distribution All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights Men 55 % 68 % 66 % 71 % 61 % 66 % Women 45 % 32 % 34 % 29 % 39 % 34 % 25-34 y.o 30 % 7% 34 % 35 % 39 % 25 % 35-44 y.o 34 % 29 % 36 % 38 % 27 % 28 % 45-54 y.o 14 % 28 % 21 % 13 % 23 % 24 % 55-65 y.o 22 % 20 % 7% 10 % 6% 17 % 65 + 1% 16 % 2% 4% 5% 6% Personal income < 45,000 E. 31 % 23 % 46 % 17 % 23 % 9% 45,000 - 75,000 Euros 26 % 36 % 19 % 20 % 36 % 28 % 75,000 - 150,000 Euros 17 % 22 % 13 % 40 % 22 % 42 % 150,000 - 225,000 Euros 18 % 15 % 11 % 10 % 15 % 11 % Chapter 4 225,000 + 8% 4% 11 % 13 % 4% 11 %
  • 13. In-flight Magazines In-flight Magazines Europe Germany France Spain UK Italy UK Lufthansa Air France Ronda High Life Ulisse Seatback Magazine (zone 1) Magazine Airline Lufthansa Air France Iberia British Airways Alitalia Virgin Atlantic Passengers (anually) 54 698 543 50 448 567 23 113 182 33 651 954 18 998 227 23 847 721 (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) (Source: IATA) International 42 151 149 32 508 119 12 819 948 29 054 201 10 824 822 23 807 865 Domestic 12 547 394 17 940 448 10 293 234 4 597 753 8 173 405 39 856 Circulation 588 870 386 019 175 000 196 092 180 000 155 000 Audience 1 375 000 1 125 000 635 000 690 000 490 000 453 000 (Source: EMS 2009) (Source: EMS 2009) (Source: EMS 2009) (Source: EMS 2009) (Source: EMS 2009) (Source: EMS 2009) Average reading time 57 min 31 min 30 min 31 min 29 min 30 min Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Distribution All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights All flights Men 78 % 59 % 61 % 72 % 77 % 65 % Women 22 % 41 % 39 % 28 % 23 % 35 % 25-34 y.o 17 % 30 % 25 % 24 % 35 % 30 % 35-44 y.o 30 % 26 % 34 % 33 % 26 % 29 % 45-54 y.o 27 % 23 % 25 % 23 % 16 % 23 % 55-65 y.o 23 % 15 % 8% 12 % 17 % 14 % 65 + 3% 6% 8% 8% 6% 4% Personal income < 45,000 E. 7% 18 % 29 % 12 % 29 % 22 % 45,000 - 75,000 Euros 24 % 39 % 39 % 42 % 37 % 39 % 75,000 - 150,000 Euros 43 % 23 % 21 % 36 % 25 % 27 % 150,000 - 225,000 Euros 17 % 5% 7% 7% 5% 8% Chapter 4 225,000 + 9% 3% 4% 3% 4% 4%
  • 14. In-flight Video In-flight Video Frequent flyers like their in-flight television. A lot. In fact, a remarkable 83% of frequent flyers stated they had recently watched in-flight television and they “strongly agree” they would miss it if it were no longer available. Impact With in-flight video placement, you know your communication will be seen by an educated, affluent consumer: • An impressive 49% of travelers who watch in-flight television recall specific advertisements • Nearly 60% of frequent flyers who take flights with in-flight video watch the programming • Historically, in a one month period, 44% of frequent flyers have watched in-flight video Chapter 5
  • 15. In-flight Video In-flight Video United States Domestic & International Flights Domestic & International Flights Domestic Flights Domestic Flights Domestic Flights Airlines Delta Airlines Continental Airlines Virgin America JetBlue Airways Frontier Airlines Passengers anually 73.085.653 49.058.374 4.200.000 22.361.794 9.246.576 (Source : IATA) International 11.435.253 11.883.846 - 1.914.833 739.726 Domestic 61.650.400 37.174.528 4.200.000 20.446.961 8.506.850 Video flights per month 23,000 average per month 8.138 2.800 17.152 7.124 Audience on video flights per month 2.709.000 1.194.691 350.000 391.837 544.830 Class Economic & Business Economic & Business Economic & Business Economic Economic Program Delta On-Air Spot runs within in-flight Forced view ad- “Must Spot runs within in-flight Spot runs within in-flight CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW, video content specifically watch” spots can be run video content specifically video content specifically AMC, Animal Planet, A&E produced for the airline immediately following produced for the airline produced for the airline Network, BBC, Cartoon attention grabbing safety Other Positions Available Other Positions Available Network, The History Other Positions Available video Channel, Nickelodeon, TLC, Travel Channel, USA Other Positions Available Network Position To be agreed upon Within In-flight video After safety video Within in-flight video Within in-flight video content content content New York, Los Angeles, NEW YORK, Los Angeles, New York (JFK), San Francisco New York (JFK), San Denver (DEN), New York N.A. martkets served by TV flights Chicago, Philadelphia,San Chicago, San (SFO), Los Angeles (LAX), Francisco (SFO), Long Beach (LGA), San Francisco (SFO), Francisco, Boston, Dallas/Ft. Francisco, Boston, Washington DC (IAD), Las (LGB), Washington DC (IAD), Los Angeles (LAX), Worth,Washington, DC, Washington, DC, Detroit, Vegas (Las), San Diego (San), Las Vegas (LAS), San Diego Washington DC (DCA), Las Detroit, ATLANTA, HOUSTON, Seattle, Tampa, Seattle (SEA), Boston (BOS), (SAN), Seattle (SEA), Boston Vegas (LAS), San Diego Houston,Seattle, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Tampa, CLEVELAND, Miami, Orange County (SNA) (BOS), Orlando (MCO), Fort (SAN), Seattle (SEA), Orange Cleveland,Miami, Phoenix, Phoenix, Denver, Sacramento, Lauderdale (FLL) County (SNA) Denver, Sacramento, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,Orlando, Portland, Orlando, Portland, Baltimore, Baltimore, plus other key San Diego, Kansas markets City, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, New Orleans, plus other key markets Chapter 5
  • 16. In-flight Video In-flight Video Europe International Flights International Flights International Flights International Flights International Flights International Flights Airlines Lufthansa Air France Virgin Atlantic British airways KLM British airways Passengers in 2006 48.958.304 47.786.737 5.100.000 35.510.562 21.510.538 24.000.000 (Source: IATA) International 35.740.147 28.898.393 5.100.000 28.921.518 21.434.532 21.120.000 Domestic 13.218.157 18.888.344 - 6.589.044 76.006 2.880.000 Nb of flights per month 6.000 4.000 - 5.276 2.000 - Audience per month 1.000.000 1.030.416 480.000 1.120.000 700.000 2.000.000 Class Economic and Business Economic and Business All cabins Economic & Business Economic & Business All classes Multi Channel Package:46 channels Program Countdown News Magazine News Package Welcome Onboard BBC World News BBC News on the ice Digial Widescreen system, Clock on air 35 channels on the ice system and 14 Video channels on the TV & Radio system. Position Either after the 2 Spots are 2 advertising spots Viewed by 100% of the Before the news Spot placed around All Adverts are played News: "Current available during ranging from 30 to 40 passenger audience at the Themes" or after the program the program before the cotent "Overture the News: seconds placed before and beginning of the flight Program" Business, after the Sports News or on AVOD Fianance & Sport. the Cultural News Diffusion Main screen Main screen and Main screen and Main screen and Main Screen and Individual screen and individual screen individual screen individual screen individual screen individual screen Distribution International Flights International Flights All Flights International Flights International Flights All Flights Period/Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly * ATI Source Chapter 5
  • 17. In-flight Video In-flight Video Asia Airlines Cathay Pacific Japan Airlines International Air China Asiana Airlines Jet Airways Jet AiKingfisher Airlines Passengers per year 18.900.000 46.600.000 33.970.000 11.830.000 17.400.000 (Source: IATA) International 18.900.000 11.600.000 - - 6.600.000 - Domestic - 35.000.000 - - 10.800.000 4.000.000 Nb of flights per month 5.000 4.795 - 2.450 5.100 8.340 Audience per month 1.614.000 985.000 1.600.000 850.000 702.000 Class All All - All All All Program News Short Program Air News Prime Time News Force Feed Advertising FUN TV Position Prior to beginning of Your ad will air once Ad broadcasted Set of default advertising 5 channels on the in-flight spots which run on the TV (Lifestyle, Air Premiere, Daily News loop, which both before and after before and after seatbacks and over head Infotainment, Entertain- screens and audio is ment, Animation) Other runs repeatedly for the main program the News through PA system. Other Positions Available duration of flight positions available Diffusion Individual Screen Individual Screen Individual Screen Main Screen and/or Individual Screen Individual Screen Distribution International International International Domestic & International routes Domestic & International routes Period/Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly * ATI Source Chapter 5
  • 18. In-flight Video In-flight Video Australia Central & South America Airlines Qantas Virgin Blue AeroMexico TAM Passengers per year 26.400.000 17.000.000 45.400.000 29.500.000 (Source: IATA) International 8.640.000 15.000.000 13.620.000 450.000 Domestic 15.600.000 2.000.000 31.780.000 21.000.000 Nb of flights per month - 8.212 1.088 18.880 Audience per month 1.377.000 1.300.000 260.000 1.560.000 Class All All All All Program ON:Q live2air TV or Movie Safety Video am ON:Q 6am to 1pm (Monday - Friday) The TV commercials, static Spot runs before the first movie Special break to air single ads Position latest news and finance from the Nine Network, followed by What's On in art, multi-slide advertising or TV series on all routes with TV following the safety video theatre and sport. pm ON:Q 1pm to 5pm (Monday - Friday) The latest news and or map sponsorships entertainment onboard information. Other positions finance from the Nine Network followed by lifestyle/travel programming. evening ON:Q available 5pm to midnight (Monday - Friday) The latest news and finance from the Nine Network followed by comedy programming. weekends ON:Q 6am to midnight (Sat & Sun) Latest comedies, sitcoms and concerts " Diffusion Individual Screen Individual Screen Overhead screen Overhead Screen & Individual Screen Distribution Domestic Domestic All routes International & Domestic Period/Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly * ATI Source Chapter 5
  • 19. Unique Media Unique Media Unique airline advertising grabs attention and generates buzz like no other communications media. From building a brand to launging a product of service, InterAir Media makes it easy to reach your most influential consumer with tremendous impact. Targeted In-flight Print Media Each inflight messaging opportunity offers distinct advantages. InterAir Media can help you choose the best media for your message: • Cocktail Napkins • Seatback Insers • Beverage Cups • Airsick Bags • Meal Tray Tent Cards • Amenity Kit Handouts Chapter 6
  • 20. Unique Media Unique Media New Airport Wifi Sponsorship Opportunity Airport Wifi Sponsorship Experience STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Forced to view 15-30 Branded Sponsored Welcome second Video/ Animated Sign-up Landing page Page – Click to access Flash on advertisement Page Unique Media Impact: WiFi sponsorship programs provide your brand with an online experience unlike the traditional banner placement: to the Internet Chapter 6 Engagement: with CTRs ranging from 15-40% Recall: thanks to the end-to-end 100% SOV immersive environment
  • 21. Unique Media Unique Media PowerPole Advertising Benefits • Unique chance to positively interact with over 356 million annual passengers. • 328 kiosks available at 9 top DMA US Airports • Easy way to charge handheld devices, tablets and laptops at no cost to user • 8 ft. tall kiosks are customizable depending on the advertisers' needs • Highly visible with locations in key dwell areas and terminals • “Green-e Energy Certified”, providing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) • Additional locations available (new sites may be hand-selected by advertiser) Chapter 6
  • 22. Unique Media Unique Media Helicopter Advertising Helicopter advertising offers unprecedented access to upper-echelon influencers and consumers. Our helicopter advertising services reach the highest level business executives and celebrities who regularly use helicopter travel for business and leisure purposes. • Charter helicopters reach targets in Manhattan, the Hamptons, JFK and LGA • Helicopter communications media include: • Helicopter wraps – the entire craft can be covered with brand, campaign or message • Gift bag distribution – offer complimentary gifts, reading materials or countless other promotional or luxury items • Helipad branding – an exclusive location for high-impact branding "We thought helicopters to be the perfect vehicles to reach an elite audience, in this case, executives heading out of New York City. Because we’re finding that executives are really digging into the magazine in their leisure time, we basically hand-delivered it to them as they headed off to the beach.” Chapter 6 Theresa Gaffney, Director of Creative Services, Condé Nast Portfolio
  • 23. Unique Media Unique Media Airplane Wraps As a standalone tactic or part of a multi-media campaign, airplane wraps make a huge impression to passengers, media and everyone else who views a specially branded aircraft. Talk to InterAir Media about our wrap airline partnerships. In a recent campaign with Capital One, significant exposure was gained through multiple media outlets on local and national broadcast television, web coverage and print: • USA Today • Forbes • CNN Money • Fox Television News • PR Newswire Chapter 6
  • 24. Unique Media Unique Media Airline Communications Online Get unprecedented targeted communications with online communications. You can even target by route or seating class: • Online email blasts – send a message or exclusive offer to frequent flyer members through highly specific criteria, such as household income, location or other Preferred Passenger data • Online confirmation banners – once a ticket purchase is confirmed, a banner can be displayed for select flyers heading for a specific location, or demonstrating other financial or professional criteria. • Online Boarding Passes –program messages to reach travelers coming from or flying to a specific destination, or based on their arrival or departure date or duration of their stay. Advertising space on a boarding pass is available in a variety of sizes and media types, including rich media. Travelers see your message online when they check-in, and again when they print their Chapter 6 boarding pass and use it throughout their trip.