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3 I share my thoughts
using audio messages
Hi, Lucy! What’s up? Girl, I couldn’t wait to tell you about yesterday.What a day! First, I was home by myself
in the morning and, when I tried to fry an egg, I burned myself.Then, I put some butter on the burned area. How
silly! It didn’t get any better. When my parents got home, my dad himself put some ice on it and then I felt a
relief. In the afternoon, I was trying to rest and my cousin, Bianca, arrived. She started crying because she herself
cut her hair and she hated the result. She was very upset. Poor her, but what a silly thing to do, right? Well, I
convinced her to go to Anne’s party with me.You know how much I wanted to go to that party! My parents
themselves had a dinner party and Bianca and I decided to go by ourselves. But we took the wrong bus and got
lost. Can you believe it? I had to call my mom to pick us up. No more party for us! Actually, the evening was
ruined for everybody! What a nightmare! I hope your day was better than mine.
• Are you used to sending audio messages? Or do you prefer text messages?
• Do you ever call people or just send them messages? Explain your answer.
Língua Inglesa
1 Encontre no texto de abertura as seguintes palavras:
a) fritar –
b) manteiga –
c) boba –
d) alívio –
e) descansar –
f) prima –
g) chateada –
h) errado –
i) na verdade –
j) pesadelo –
2 Responda de acordo com o texto.
a) O que a garota tentou fazer de manhã?
b) O que ela fez com a queimadura? E o que o pai fez? Como ela se sentiu?
c) Por que a prima dela chorou à tarde?
d) O que aconteceu à noite?
e) Como terminou a noite?
Autodidacts are people that can learn by themselves. Look at the list of qualities or habits of autodidacts:
• Seeking personal renewal to better yourself every day.
• Leveraging own experience.
• The practice of immersion into the direction of the goal.
• Be open-minded.
• Break up your long term big goal into short-term multiple small goals.
• Embrace the complexity in the way to achieving a goal and turn it into opportunity.
• Build resilience.
• Learn for life also, not only for finances. […]
THE MOST Famous Autodidacts Who Shocked the World. Check My Lists. Disponível em: <
people/most-famous-autodidacts/>. Acesso em: 19 maio 2021.
Para ampliar contextos
Reflexive pronouns
Veja os casos em que eles são utilizados:
• Quando o sujeito e o objeto são a mesma pessoa.
Antony fell and hurt himself.
I always look at myself in the mirror before leaving home.
• Para dar ênfase ao sujeito.
She herself made those cookies. She made those cookies herself.
• Precedidos pela preposição by, significando “sozinho”, “sem ajuda”.
My grandparents always travel by themselves.
Do you live by yourself?
Estude a tabela:
Subject pronouns Reflexive pronouns
I myself
you yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves
you yourselves
they themselves
Língua Inglesa
1 Complete as frases com o reflexive pronoun apropriado.
a) My brown cat hurt .
b) Elisa injured in the accident.
c) They can repair their car .
d) Sam cut while he was making lunch.
e) We don’t need any help. We can do it .
f) I’m so anxious! Sometimes, I talk to in my bedroom.
g) Did you and Camila enjoy during the trip?
2 Reescreva as frases substituindo a palavra destacada pelo reflexive pronoun adequado.
a) I want to live alone.
b) Some people like to work alone.
c) She prefers to travel alone.
d) The boys went to the club alone.
e) Mr. Jones is cooking alone.
Conexões e tramas
No 6º ano, você aprendeu que as preposições in, on e at em inglês podem ser usadas antes de ex-
pressões de tempo. Neste capítulo, vamos rever as regras desses usos e aprender que essas mesmas
preposições podem ser usadas antes de locais.
Prepositions: time and place
Prepositions Examples
• É usado antes de meses, anos, estações do ano e períodos do dia (com exceção de night).
Sheila was born in 2010. Her birthday is in November.
We practice sports in the morning and study in the afternoon.
Do you like going to the beach in the summer?
• É usado antes de nomes de bairros, cidades, estados, países e continentes.
They live in Salvador, a city in the state of Bahia, in Brazil.
My uncle is in Africa for a safari right now.
• É usado antes de dias da semana e do mês, além de datas específicas com a palavra day.
The party was on Saturday, on September 27th
They had a wonderful dinner on Christmas day.
• É usado antes de lugares em geral e nomes de ruas e avenidas, sem menção do número.
We live on the coast. Our house is on Park Avenue.
• É usado antes de horas, datas específicas sem a palavra day e na expressão at night.
Our classes finish at 1 o’clock.
We usually travel at Easter and at Christmas.
• É usado antes de endereços com números e de determinados lugares.
George is at home now. He lives at 105, Sherbrook Street.
1 Assinale a opção correta em cada alternativa.
a) They never go to the park Sundays.
( ) in
( ) on
( ) at
b) My friends are school now.
( ) in
( ) on
( ) at
Língua Inglesa
Para construir
c) They always travel the winter.
( ) in ( ) on ( ) at
d) We have our breakfast 6 o’clock.
( ) in ( ) on ( ) at
e) My dad never works the evening.
( ) in ( ) on ( ) at
f) Jack was born February 18th
( ) in ( ) on ( ) at
2 Preencha as lacunas com in, on ou at.
a) My grandma was born 1952.
b) Rome and Venice are Italy.
c) The meeting was Kelly’s house.
d) I think my mom is work now.
e) What do you usually do Friday mornings?
f) Eli’s birthday is May 17th
g) We live 583, Columbus Avenue.
h) Halloween is celebrated October.
i) There are some kids the bus stop.
j) When did they arrive England?
Compreendendo o conceito
Falando no uso de preposições, é necessário destacar que há algumas diferenças entre o inglês
estadunidense e o inglês britânico. Veja alguns exemplos:
American English British English
on the weekend at the weekend
on the corner of at the corner of
to play on a team to play in a team
Call me at this phone number. Call me on this phone number.
enroll in a course enroll on a course
Pesquise novos exemplos das diferenças entre o inglês britânico e o inglês estadunidense. Compartilhe-os
com os colegas.
Tick (√) YES or NO according to the house for sale advertisement.
Trata-se de uma casa em frente à praia.
A casa tem ar-condicionado e aquecimento solar.
A casa oferece uma linda vista.
Não é necessário o agendamento de visitas à casa.
Para agendar uma visita, é preciso ligar durante o dia.
A casa pode ser visitada somente nos fins de semana.
A visitação começa no período da tarde.
Complete as frases e compartilhe as informações com os colegas.
I live in (city), in (country), at
number , Street/Avenue. I go to school
in the (period of the day). I have after class activities
on (day/s).
My friend, (name), lives in (city),
in (country), on Street/Avenue.
He/She goes to school in the (period of the day).
He/She has after class activities on (day/s).
Língua Inglesa
Dear Katie,
I am 15 years old. I used to think that I was a nice girl. When I looked at
in the mirror, I used to see a happy and confident girl. Now, everything is
different.Three months ago, I moved to a new city and to a new school. I still have no friends here!
People seem to ignore me. I bought a pretty necklace to the party. I feel really lonely and depressed.
I even started to eat a lot of junk food and now I am getting fat; this makes me even more depressed!
What can I do to make friends here? Please, give me some advice.
Need help?
Dear Andrea,
Many people have problems adjusting to a new city and a new school.You are not the only one.
First of all, believe in and be your own best friend. It’s hard to find others who like
you if you don’t like . Stop eating junk food and start exercising. Take a walk, go
cycling, keep fit! Second, put where the action is. Join a club, do volunteer work,
offer to help plan school events — anything that can get you out of the house. The comfort of your
bedroom is always important. Finally, when you make a new friend, be a good listener. Let people
talk about .This makes them feel special. Don’t give up! I am sure soon they will
notice that you are a pretty and nice girl. Good luck!
1 Preencha as lacunas do texto com o reflexivo adequado.
2 Relacione as colunas.
1. How old is Andrea?
2. What’s the matter with her?
3. What does she eat when she is depressed?
4. Who did she write to?
( ) Katie
( ) Fifteen
( ) She has no friends
( ) Junk food
3 Assinale os conselhos dados por Katie a Andrea.
( ) Acredite em você mesma.
( ) Mude seus hábitos alimentares.
( ) Organize uma festa em sua casa.
( ) Não se exponha muito.
( ) Seja uma boa ouvinte e permita que as pessoas falem de si mesmas.
4 Encontre em cada carta uma frase inserida ali inapropriadamente por não pertencer ao contexto.
Escreva uma carta ou mesmo um bilhete para Katie em busca de conselho. Seja criativo para inventar
um motivo!
Língua Inglesa
Há uma diferença entre blogueiros e influenciadores digitais, certo? Entretanto, ambos fazem pos-
tagens interessantes e variadas em inglês que são atraentes para seus seguidores. Complete a defi-
nição abaixo com as seguintes palavras: products, channels, influencers, decade, reputation, attention,
types, population, numbers, people e posts.
What Are Social Media Influencers?
Over the last , we have seen social media grow rapidly in importance. According to
the January 2019 We Are Social report, 3.484 billion actively use social media – that’s 45%
of the world’s .
Inevitably these people look up to in social media to guide them with their
decision making.
Influencers in social media are people who have built a for their knowledge
and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular about that topic on their preferred
social media and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay
close to their views.
Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and
encourage their followers to buy they promote.
You can separate different of influencers in multiple
ways: by follower , by types of content, and by the level of
influence. […]
WHAT Are Social Media Influencers?. Influencer MarketingHub. Disponível em: <
what-is-an-influencer/>. Acesso em: 20 maio 2021.
Sociedade em ação
Brand: marca
Engaged: engajado, com-
Guide: guiar
Knowledge: conhecimento
Level: nível, grau
Trend: tendência
EF07LI15; EF07LI19
1 Descubra a localização de Roberta.
Roberta is American, but she is not in her country now. She isn’t in any European country. She
is traveling abroad, but she isn’t in Africa. She is in the crowded capital city of a country where
there is technology everywhere. People in that country love anime series. She is on the top of a
high tower at this moment. She just loves it! This country is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”.
Where is Roberta now?
a) In Sweden.
b) In Nigeria.
c) In Colombia.
d) In Japan.
2 Corrija os erros das frases.
a) I always sleep late in the night.
b) Rita was born at December 22nd
c) I like to live by herself.
d) The boys himself washed the dishes.
e) Do you and your sister travel by yourself?
f) Our holidays are on the autumn, on October.
3 Preencha as lacunas com uma preposição adequada.
a) I just love to wake up early Christmas Day.
b) Is the city of Quebec Canada or the USA?
c) My best friend was born February 15th
d) Can we meet 10 o’clock the train station?
e) Peter’s birthday was Wednesday.
f) We have no classes January.
4 Coloque as palavras em ordem e escreva as frases.
a) loves – herself – my – to – aunt – by – travel – .
b) myself – pizza – a – made – I – delicious – .
c) the – the – all – himself – prepared – teacher – reports – .
d) by – drive – you – that – can – yourself – big – car – ?
e) can – every – feed – dog – itself – my – day – little – .
f) parents – their – bedroom – on – painted – my – weekend – themselves – the – .
5 Escreva em inglês as frases.
a) O aniversário dele é em 13 de agosto.
b) O Natal é em dezembro.
c) Barcelona é na Espanha e Londres é na Inglaterra.
d) Eu jogo vôlei às segundas, quartas e sextas.
e) Eles vão ao cinema nos fins de semana.
f) Nós comemos muito chocolate na Páscoa.
Língua Inglesa
Faça você mesmo
6 Todos os trechos a seguir apresentam erros. Reescreva-os corretamente.
a) I doesn’t have a job now, so I can’t to buy all the clothes that I want. I have a nice party next
Saturday. What I can do?
b) My friends don’t have pets why they don’t like animals and they live on a small appartment. But I
have a nice dog. I love them!
c) Susan is on vacation on Paris, at France now. She is there with her family. She have some relatives
there. She can’t speak French himself, but her cousins help her.
d) We need butter and flour to make a cake themselves, but we don’t need eggs. There is enough in
the refrigerator. It will be delicious!

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  • 1. Capítulo 22 3 I share my thoughts using audio messages Habilidades Habilidades EF07LI01 EF07LI03 EF07LI08 EF07LI09 EF07LI10 EF07LI12 EF07LI15 EF07LI19 AntonioGuillem/Shutterstock Hi, Lucy! What’s up? Girl, I couldn’t wait to tell you about yesterday.What a day! First, I was home by myself in the morning and, when I tried to fry an egg, I burned myself.Then, I put some butter on the burned area. How silly! It didn’t get any better. When my parents got home, my dad himself put some ice on it and then I felt a relief. In the afternoon, I was trying to rest and my cousin, Bianca, arrived. She started crying because she herself cut her hair and she hated the result. She was very upset. Poor her, but what a silly thing to do, right? Well, I convinced her to go to Anne’s party with me.You know how much I wanted to go to that party! My parents themselves had a dinner party and Bianca and I decided to go by ourselves. But we took the wrong bus and got lost. Can you believe it? I had to call my mom to pick us up. No more party for us! Actually, the evening was ruined for everybody! What a nightmare! I hope your day was better than mine. • Are you used to sending audio messages? Or do you prefer text messages? • Do you ever call people or just send them messages? Explain your answer.
  • 2. 23 Língua Inglesa Paraconstruir EF07LI09 1 Encontre no texto de abertura as seguintes palavras: a) fritar – b) manteiga – c) boba – d) alívio – e) descansar – f) prima – g) chateada – h) errado – i) na verdade – j) pesadelo – 2 Responda de acordo com o texto. a) O que a garota tentou fazer de manhã? b) O que ela fez com a queimadura? E o que o pai fez? Como ela se sentiu? c) Por que a prima dela chorou à tarde? d) O que aconteceu à noite? e) Como terminou a noite?
  • 3. 24 Autodidacts are people that can learn by themselves. Look at the list of qualities or habits of autodidacts: […] • Seeking personal renewal to better yourself every day. • Leveraging own experience. • The practice of immersion into the direction of the goal. • Be open-minded. • Break up your long term big goal into short-term multiple small goals. • Embrace the complexity in the way to achieving a goal and turn it into opportunity. • Build resilience. • Learn for life also, not only for finances. […] THE MOST Famous Autodidacts Who Shocked the World. Check My Lists. Disponível em: < people/most-famous-autodidacts/>. Acesso em: 19 maio 2021. Para ampliar contextos Languageinuse EF07LI19 Reflexive pronouns Veja os casos em que eles são utilizados: • Quando o sujeito e o objeto são a mesma pessoa. Antony fell and hurt himself. I always look at myself in the mirror before leaving home. • Para dar ênfase ao sujeito. She herself made those cookies. She made those cookies herself. • Precedidos pela preposição by, significando “sozinho”, “sem ajuda”. My grandparents always travel by themselves. Do you live by yourself? Estude a tabela: Subject pronouns Reflexive pronouns I myself you yourself he himself she herself it itself we ourselves you yourselves they themselves
  • 4. 25 Língua Inglesa 1 Complete as frases com o reflexive pronoun apropriado. a) My brown cat hurt . b) Elisa injured in the accident. c) They can repair their car . d) Sam cut while he was making lunch. e) We don’t need any help. We can do it . f) I’m so anxious! Sometimes, I talk to in my bedroom. g) Did you and Camila enjoy during the trip? 2 Reescreva as frases substituindo a palavra destacada pelo reflexive pronoun adequado. a) I want to live alone. b) Some people like to work alone. c) She prefers to travel alone. d) The boys went to the club alone. e) Mr. Jones is cooking alone. Conexões e tramas No 6º ano, você aprendeu que as preposições in, on e at em inglês podem ser usadas antes de ex- at pressões de tempo. Neste capítulo, vamos rever as regras desses usos e aprender que essas mesmas preposições podem ser usadas antes de locais.
  • 5. 26 Paraconstruir EF07LI15 Prepositions: time and place Prepositions Examples IN • É usado antes de meses, anos, estações do ano e períodos do dia (com exceção de night). Sheila was born in 2010. Her birthday is in November. We practice sports in the morning and study in the afternoon. Do you like going to the beach in the summer? • É usado antes de nomes de bairros, cidades, estados, países e continentes. They live in Salvador, a city in the state of Bahia, in Brazil. My uncle is in Africa for a safari right now. ON • É usado antes de dias da semana e do mês, além de datas específicas com a palavra day. The party was on Saturday, on September 27th . They had a wonderful dinner on Christmas day. • É usado antes de lugares em geral e nomes de ruas e avenidas, sem menção do número. We live on the coast. Our house is on Park Avenue. AT • É usado antes de horas, datas específicas sem a palavra day e na expressão at night. Our classes finish at 1 o’clock. We usually travel at Easter and at Christmas. • É usado antes de endereços com números e de determinados lugares. George is at home now. He lives at 105, Sherbrook Street. 1 Assinale a opção correta em cada alternativa. a) They never go to the park Sundays. ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at b) My friends are school now. ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at
  • 6. 27 Língua Inglesa Para construir c) They always travel the winter. ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at d) We have our breakfast 6 o’clock. ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at e) My dad never works the evening. ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at f) Jack was born February 18th . ( ) in ( ) on ( ) at 2 Preencha as lacunas com in, on ou at. a) My grandma was born 1952. b) Rome and Venice are Italy. c) The meeting was Kelly’s house. d) I think my mom is work now. e) What do you usually do Friday mornings? f) Eli’s birthday is May 17th . g) We live 583, Columbus Avenue. h) Halloween is celebrated October. i) There are some kids the bus stop. j) When did they arrive England? Compreendendo o conceito Falando no uso de preposições, é necessário destacar que há algumas diferenças entre o inglês estadunidense e o inglês britânico. Veja alguns exemplos: American English British English on the weekend at the weekend on the corner of at the corner of to play on a team to play in a team Call me at this phone number. Call me on this phone number. enroll in a course enroll on a course
  • 7. 28 Língua,identidadeeintercâmbio EF07LI10 Pesquise novos exemplos das diferenças entre o inglês britânico e o inglês estadunidense. Compartilhe-os com os colegas. Listening EF07LI03 Tick (√) YES or NO according to the house for sale advertisement. YES NO Trata-se de uma casa em frente à praia. A casa tem ar-condicionado e aquecimento solar. A casa oferece uma linda vista. Não é necessário o agendamento de visitas à casa. Para agendar uma visita, é preciso ligar durante o dia. A casa pode ser visitada somente nos fins de semana. A visitação começa no período da tarde. Speaking EF07LI01 Complete as frases e compartilhe as informações com os colegas. I live in (city), in (country), at number , Street/Avenue. I go to school in the (period of the day). I have after class activities on (day/s). My friend, (name), lives in (city), in (country), on Street/Avenue. He/She goes to school in the (period of the day). He/She has after class activities on (day/s). GoodStudio/Shutterstock mikka_kika/Shutterstock
  • 8. 29 Língua Inglesa Reading EF07LI08 Dear Katie, I am 15 years old. I used to think that I was a nice girl. When I looked at in the mirror, I used to see a happy and confident girl. Now, everything is different.Three months ago, I moved to a new city and to a new school. I still have no friends here! People seem to ignore me. I bought a pretty necklace to the party. I feel really lonely and depressed. I even started to eat a lot of junk food and now I am getting fat; this makes me even more depressed! What can I do to make friends here? Please, give me some advice. Andrea Ask Katie! Need help? AlexBlogoodf/Shutterstock Dear Andrea, Many people have problems adjusting to a new city and a new school.You are not the only one. First of all, believe in and be your own best friend. It’s hard to find others who like you if you don’t like . Stop eating junk food and start exercising. Take a walk, go cycling, keep fit! Second, put where the action is. Join a club, do volunteer work, offer to help plan school events — anything that can get you out of the house. The comfort of your bedroom is always important. Finally, when you make a new friend, be a good listener. Let people talk about .This makes them feel special. Don’t give up! I am sure soon they will notice that you are a pretty and nice girl. Good luck! Katie 1 Preencha as lacunas do texto com o reflexivo adequado.
  • 9. 30 2 Relacione as colunas. 1. How old is Andrea? 2. What’s the matter with her? 3. What does she eat when she is depressed? 4. Who did she write to? ( ) Katie ( ) Fifteen ( ) She has no friends ( ) Junk food 3 Assinale os conselhos dados por Katie a Andrea. ( ) Acredite em você mesma. ( ) Mude seus hábitos alimentares. ( ) Organize uma festa em sua casa. ( ) Não se exponha muito. ( ) Seja uma boa ouvinte e permita que as pessoas falem de si mesmas. 4 Encontre em cada carta uma frase inserida ali inapropriadamente por não pertencer ao contexto. Writing EF07LI12 Escreva uma carta ou mesmo um bilhete para Katie em busca de conselho. Seja criativo para inventar um motivo!
  • 10. 31 Língua Inglesa EF07LI08 Há uma diferença entre blogueiros e influenciadores digitais, certo? Entretanto, ambos fazem pos- tagens interessantes e variadas em inglês que são atraentes para seus seguidores. Complete a defi- nição abaixo com as seguintes palavras: products, channels, influencers, decade, reputation, attention, types, population, numbers, people e posts. What Are Social Media Influencers? Over the last , we have seen social media grow rapidly in importance. According to the January 2019 We Are Social report, 3.484 billion actively use social media – that’s 45% of the world’s . Inevitably these people look up to in social media to guide them with their decision making. Influencers in social media are people who have built a for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular about that topic on their preferred social media and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close to their views. Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy they promote. You can separate different of influencers in multiple ways: by follower , by types of content, and by the level of influence. […] WHAT Are Social Media Influencers?. Influencer MarketingHub. Disponível em: < what-is-an-influencer/>. Acesso em: 20 maio 2021. aurielaki/Shutterstock Sociedade em ação Brand: marca Engaged: engajado, com- prometido Guide: guiar Knowledge: conhecimento Level: nível, grau Trend: tendência
  • 11. 32 Façavocêmesmo EF07LI15; EF07LI19 1 Descubra a localização de Roberta. Roberta is American, but she is not in her country now. She isn’t in any European country. She is traveling abroad, but she isn’t in Africa. She is in the crowded capital city of a country where there is technology everywhere. People in that country love anime series. She is on the top of a high tower at this moment. She just loves it! This country is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”. Where is Roberta now? a) In Sweden. b) In Nigeria. c) In Colombia. d) In Japan. 2 Corrija os erros das frases. a) I always sleep late in the night. b) Rita was born at December 22nd . c) I like to live by herself. d) The boys himself washed the dishes. e) Do you and your sister travel by yourself? f) Our holidays are on the autumn, on October. 3 Preencha as lacunas com uma preposição adequada. a) I just love to wake up early Christmas Day. b) Is the city of Quebec Canada or the USA? c) My best friend was born February 15th . d) Can we meet 10 o’clock the train station? e) Peter’s birthday was Wednesday. f) We have no classes January. 4 Coloque as palavras em ordem e escreva as frases. a) loves – herself – my – to – aunt – by – travel – . b) myself – pizza – a – made – I – delicious – . c) the – the – all – himself – prepared – teacher – reports – . d) by – drive – you – that – can – yourself – big – car – ? e) can – every – feed – dog – itself – my – day – little – . f) parents – their – bedroom – on – painted – my – weekend – themselves – the – . 5 Escreva em inglês as frases. a) O aniversário dele é em 13 de agosto. b) O Natal é em dezembro. c) Barcelona é na Espanha e Londres é na Inglaterra. d) Eu jogo vôlei às segundas, quartas e sextas. e) Eles vão ao cinema nos fins de semana. f) Nós comemos muito chocolate na Páscoa.
  • 12. 33 Língua Inglesa Faça você mesmo 6 Todos os trechos a seguir apresentam erros. Reescreva-os corretamente. a) I doesn’t have a job now, so I can’t to buy all the clothes that I want. I have a nice party next Saturday. What I can do? b) My friends don’t have pets why they don’t like animals and they live on a small appartment. But I have a nice dog. I love them! c) Susan is on vacation on Paris, at France now. She is there with her family. She have some relatives there. She can’t speak French himself, but her cousins help her. d) We need butter and flour to make a cake themselves, but we don’t need eggs. There is enough in the refrigerator. It will be delicious!