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i need an input of this program. anything good or bad. what
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one paragraph.
// newTetris.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console
#include "stdafx.h"
#define GAME_INTERVAL 20
#define DIR_DOWN 2
#define DIR_LEFT 4
#define DIR_RIGHT 6
#define DIR_ROTATE 5
using namespace std;
class TetrisShape {
char shapeArray[4][4];
int shapeTopLeftX = 6;
int shapeTopLeftY = 0;
void populateShapeArray(int shape);
void rotate();
void setShape(char(&shape)[rows][cols]);
TetrisShape(int shape) { populateShapeArray(shape); };
TetrisShape() {};
void TetrisShape::rotate() {
char _shapeArray[4][4];
_shapeArray[0][0] = shapeArray[0][3]; _shapeArray[1][0] =
shapeArray[0][2]; _shapeArray[2][0] = shapeArray[0][1];
_shapeArray[3][0] = shapeArray[0][0];
_shapeArray[0][1] = shapeArray[1][3]; _shapeArray[1][1] =
shapeArray[1][2]; _shapeArray[2][1] = shapeArray[1][1];
_shapeArray[3][1] = shapeArray[1][0];
_shapeArray[0][2] = shapeArray[2][3]; _shapeArray[1][2] =
shapeArray[2][2]; _shapeArray[2][2] = shapeArray[2][1];
_shapeArray[3][2] = shapeArray[2][0];
_shapeArray[0][3] = shapeArray[3][3]; _shapeArray[1][3] =
shapeArray[3][2]; _shapeArray[2][3] = shapeArray[3][1];
_shapeArray[3][3] = shapeArray[3][0];
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
shapeArray[_x][_y] = _shapeArray[_x][_y];
void TetrisShape::populateShapeArray(int shape) {
switch (shape) {
case 1:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
case 2:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
case 3:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = ' '; shapeArray[2][3]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
case 4:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
case 5:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = ' '; shapeArray[2][2]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
case 6:
shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1]
= ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3]
= 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' ';
int score = 0;
int currentShape = -1; // this is going to represent the
shape that is currently in play.
bool isDropping = false; // global that defines if a piece
is currently falling - mainly for gameTick function.
int currentTick = 0;
void generateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); // Creates
a slightly pre-filled bucket.
void generateShapeStream(); // Generate a stream of shapes.
void dropShape(); // Draw the shape top/center.
bool moveShape(int direction); // Move the shape in the
spec. dir.
bool gameTick(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]); // Handles what
is going on in the game every second.
void landShape(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); //
What to do when the shape hits the bottom.
int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int score);
void drawBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); //
Draws the current contents of the bucket.
bool canEnter(int direction, char(&bucket)[rows][cols]);
// Checks if the shape can enter the space it is trying to drop
int getUserInput(); // gets the key pressed from the
void setCursorTo(int x, int y);// Move the cursor to the
appropriate position
int previousX = 6, previousY = 0;
int shapes[256];
int check_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]);
void set_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
TetrisShape activeShape;
int main() {
// Two bucket arrays, one shown on the screen, the other with
the permanent contents of the buckets (walls and any non-
moving shapes)
char bucket[12][25];
int score = 0;
int tempvar = 0;
char _bucket[12][25];
int shapes[256] = {};
int shapeIndex = 0;
bool gameOver = false;
while (!gameOver) {
gameOver = gameTick(bucket, _bucket);
checkScore(bucket, _bucket, tempvar, score);
cout << "Your Score is: " << score << endl;
setCursorTo(25, 6);
cout << "GAME OVER";
void setCursorTo(int x, int y)
HANDLE handle;
COORD position;
handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
position.X = x;
position.Y = y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position);
/* generateBucket - takes a bucket array of any size and
* creates a semi-empty bucket, with a
* few random shapes in the bottom few lines. */
void generateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
for (int w = 0; w < 12; w++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 25; z++) {
if (((w == 0) || (w == 11)) && (z == 0)) { bucket[w][z] = '.'; }
else if (((w % 12 == 0) || (w % 12 == 11)) && ((z > 0) && (z <
24))) { bucket[w][z] = '|'; }
else if (((w == 0) || (w == 11)) && (z == 24)) { bucket[w][z] =
'+'; }
else if (z == 24) { bucket[w][z] = '-'; }
else { bucket[w][z] = ' '; }
/* generateShapeStream - generates a pre-determined list of
* shapes that will fall from the sky. */
void generateShapeStream() {
// Initialize the random number generator
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
shapes[i] = rand() % 6 + 1;
//cout << "In generate shape..." << endl;
/* drawBucket - draws the actual bucket on the screen
* including the currently dropping shape. */
void drawBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
setCursorTo(0, 0);
for (int w = 0; w < 25; w++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) {
cout << bucket[z][w];
cout << endl;
/* gameTick - this function does all of the different
* processessing that happens throughout
* the game.This also returns false to
* stop the main loop once gameover has
* been reached*/
bool gameTick(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]) {
if (!isDropping) {
activeShape = TetrisShape(shapes[currentShape]);
if (!canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) {
return true;
else {
isDropping = true;
updateBucket(bucket, false);
else {
if (currentTick % GAME_INTERVAL == 1) {
// we are on a drop interval.
if (canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) {
updateBucket(bucket, moveShape(DIR_DOWN));
else {
int direction = getUserInput();
if (canEnter(direction, perm_bucket)) {
updateBucket(bucket, moveShape(direction));
if (!canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) {
set_bucket(bucket, perm_bucket);
return false;
/* moveShape - Handles moving the shape in the bucket. */
bool moveShape(int direction) {
previousX = activeShape.shapeTopLeftX;
previousY = activeShape.shapeTopLeftY;
switch (direction) {
case DIR_DOWN:
return false;
return false;
case DIR_LEFT:
return false;
return true;
/* updateBucket - place the cureret shape in the bucket, remove
the old shape*/
void updateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], bool isRotation)
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
if (!isRotation) {
if ((activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') && (bucket[_x +
previousX][_y + previousY] != '|') && (bucket[_x +
previousX][_y + previousY] != '-')) {
bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] = ' ';
else {
if ((bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '|') &&
(bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '-')) {
bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] = ' ';
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
if (activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') {
bucket[_x + activeShape.shapeTopLeftX][_y +
activeShape.shapeTopLeftY] = activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y];
/* landShape - Sets the shape in place once it hits the
bottom of the bucket. Moves the shape to the permanent bucket
void landShape(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
updateBucket(bucket, false);
previousX = 6; previousY = 0;
isDropping = false;
int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int score)
for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
int tmp_count = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) {
if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') {
if (tmp_count == 10) {
tempvar = 1;
if (tempvar == 1) {
score = score + 100;
return score;
/* getUserInput - Reads the user input from the player*/
int getUserInput() {
setCursorTo(35, 9);
if ((GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) != 0) &&
(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) != 1)) { return DIR_DOWN; }
if ((GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT) != 0) &&
(GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT) != 1)) { return DIR_RIGHT; }
if ((GetKeyState(VK_LEFT) != 0) &&
(GetKeyState(VK_LEFT) != 1)) { return DIR_LEFT; }
if ((GetKeyState(VK_UP) != 0) && (GetKeyState(VK_UP) !=
1)) { return DIR_ROTATE; }
return 0;
/* canRotate - if we are adjacent to another shape, then we
CANNOT rotate */
bool canRotate(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
// The only real way to do this is to create a copy of the shape,
rotate it, then try to determine where it will be in the bucket.
TetrisShape _tmp = TetrisShape(activeShape);
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
if (_tmp.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') {
if (bucket[_tmp.shapeTopLeftX + _x][_tmp.shapeTopLeftY +
_y] != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
/* canEnter - Tests to see if the falling blocks can
enter in any direction.*/
bool canEnter(int dir, char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
// Check for collision with any elements of the shape array, and
any elements of the bucket.
// Determine which direction we are moving.
int delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0;
switch (dir) {
case DIR_DOWN:
case DIR_LEFT:
return canRotate(bucket);
// Create the starting {x, y} position to test for collsion
int test_x = activeShape.shapeTopLeftX + delta_x;
int test_y = activeShape.shapeTopLeftY + delta_y;
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
if (activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') {
if (bucket[test_x + _x][test_y + _y] != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int
score) {
for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
int tmp_count = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) {
if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') {
if (tmp_count == 10) {
tempvar = 1;
if (tempvar == 1) {
score = score + 100;
return score;
for (int x = 1; x < 11; x++) {
for (int _y = y; _y > 0; _y--) {
bucket[x][_y] = bucket[x][_y - 1];
void check_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) {
for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
int tmp_count = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) {
if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') {
if (tmp_count == 10) {
for (int x = 1; x < 11; x++) {
for (int _y = y; _y > 0; _y--) {
bucket[x][_y] = bucket[x][_y - 1];
void set_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols],
char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]) {
for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
bucket[x][y] = perm_bucket[x][y];

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  • 2. }; void TetrisShape::rotate() { char _shapeArray[4][4]; _shapeArray[0][0] = shapeArray[0][3]; _shapeArray[1][0] = shapeArray[0][2]; _shapeArray[2][0] = shapeArray[0][1]; _shapeArray[3][0] = shapeArray[0][0]; _shapeArray[0][1] = shapeArray[1][3]; _shapeArray[1][1] = shapeArray[1][2]; _shapeArray[2][1] = shapeArray[1][1]; _shapeArray[3][1] = shapeArray[1][0]; _shapeArray[0][2] = shapeArray[2][3]; _shapeArray[1][2] = shapeArray[2][2]; _shapeArray[2][2] = shapeArray[2][1]; _shapeArray[3][2] = shapeArray[2][0]; _shapeArray[0][3] = shapeArray[3][3]; _shapeArray[1][3] = shapeArray[3][2]; _shapeArray[2][3] = shapeArray[3][1]; _shapeArray[3][3] = shapeArray[3][0]; for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) { shapeArray[_x][_y] = _shapeArray[_x][_y]; } } } void TetrisShape::populateShapeArray(int shape) { switch (shape) { case 1: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' '; shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1] = ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2] = ' '; shapeArray[3][2] = ' ';
  • 3. shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; case 2: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' '; shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1] = ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2] = ' '; shapeArray[3][2] = ' '; shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3] = ' '; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; case 3: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' '; shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][1] = ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' '; shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = ' '; shapeArray[2][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; case 4: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' '; shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' '; shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3] = ' '; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; case 5: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' ';
  • 4. shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = ' '; shapeArray[2][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' '; shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; case 6: shapeArray[0][0] = ' '; shapeArray[1][0] = ' '; shapeArray[2][0] = ' '; shapeArray[3][0] = ' '; shapeArray[0][1] = ' '; shapeArray[1][1] = ' '; shapeArray[2][1] = ' '; shapeArray[3][1] = ' '; shapeArray[0][2] = ' '; shapeArray[1][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][2] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][2] = ' '; shapeArray[0][3] = ' '; shapeArray[1][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[2][3] = 'X'; shapeArray[3][3] = ' '; break; } } int score = 0; int currentShape = -1; // this is going to represent the shape that is currently in play. bool isDropping = false; // global that defines if a piece is currently falling - mainly for gameTick function. int currentTick = 0; template void generateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); // Creates a slightly pre-filled bucket. void generateShapeStream(); // Generate a stream of shapes. void dropShape(); // Draw the shape top/center. bool moveShape(int direction); // Move the shape in the spec. dir. template bool gameTick(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]); // Handles what
  • 5. is going on in the game every second. template void landShape(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); // What to do when the shape hits the bottom. template int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int score); template void drawBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); // Draws the current contents of the bucket. template bool canEnter(int direction, char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); // Checks if the shape can enter the space it is trying to drop into. int getUserInput(); // gets the key pressed from the user. void setCursorTo(int x, int y);// Move the cursor to the appropriate position int previousX = 6, previousY = 0; int shapes[256]; template int check_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]); template void set_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]); TetrisShape activeShape; int main() { // Two bucket arrays, one shown on the screen, the other with the permanent contents of the buckets (walls and any non- moving shapes) char bucket[12][25]; int score = 0; int tempvar = 0;
  • 6. char _bucket[12][25]; int shapes[256] = {}; int shapeIndex = 0; bool gameOver = false; generateBucket(bucket); generateBucket(_bucket); generateShapeStream(); drawBucket(bucket); while (!gameOver) { gameOver = gameTick(bucket, _bucket); Sleep(50); checkScore(bucket, _bucket, tempvar, score); cout << "Your Score is: " << score << endl; currentTick++; } setCursorTo(25, 6); cout << "GAME OVER"; system("pause"); } void setCursorTo(int x, int y) { HANDLE handle; COORD position; handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); position.X = x; position.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position); }
  • 7. /* generateBucket - takes a bucket array of any size and * creates a semi-empty bucket, with a * few random shapes in the bottom few lines. */ template void generateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { for (int w = 0; w < 12; w++) { for (int z = 0; z < 25; z++) { if (((w == 0) || (w == 11)) && (z == 0)) { bucket[w][z] = '.'; } else if (((w % 12 == 0) || (w % 12 == 11)) && ((z > 0) && (z < 24))) { bucket[w][z] = '|'; } else if (((w == 0) || (w == 11)) && (z == 24)) { bucket[w][z] = '+'; } else if (z == 24) { bucket[w][z] = '-'; } else { bucket[w][z] = ' '; } } } } /* generateShapeStream - generates a pre-determined list of * shapes that will fall from the sky. */ void generateShapeStream() { // Initialize the random number generator srand(time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { shapes[i] = rand() % 6 + 1; } //cout << "In generate shape..." << endl; } /* drawBucket - draws the actual bucket on the screen * including the currently dropping shape. */ template void drawBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { setCursorTo(0, 0);
  • 8. for (int w = 0; w < 25; w++) { for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++) { cout << bucket[z][w]; } cout << endl; } } /* gameTick - this function does all of the different * processessing that happens throughout * the game.This also returns false to * stop the main loop once gameover has * been reached*/ template bool gameTick(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]) { drawBucket(bucket); if (!isDropping) { currentShape++; activeShape = TetrisShape(shapes[currentShape]); if (!canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) { return true; } else { isDropping = true; updateBucket(bucket, false); } } else { if (currentTick % GAME_INTERVAL == 1) { // we are on a drop interval. if (canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) {
  • 9. updateBucket(bucket, moveShape(DIR_DOWN)); } else { landShape(perm_bucket); } } } int direction = getUserInput(); if (canEnter(direction, perm_bucket)) { updateBucket(bucket, moveShape(direction)); } if (!canEnter(DIR_DOWN, perm_bucket)) { landShape(perm_bucket); set_bucket(bucket, perm_bucket); } return false; } /* moveShape - Handles moving the shape in the bucket. */ bool moveShape(int direction) { previousX = activeShape.shapeTopLeftX; previousY = activeShape.shapeTopLeftY; switch (direction) { case DIR_DOWN: activeShape.shapeTopLeftY++; return false; break; case DIR_RIGHT: activeShape.shapeTopLeftX++; return false;
  • 10. break; case DIR_LEFT: activeShape.shapeTopLeftX--; return false; break; case DIR_ROTATE: activeShape.rotate(); return true; break; } } /* updateBucket - place the cureret shape in the bucket, remove the old shape*/ template void updateBucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], bool isRotation) { for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) { if (!isRotation) { if ((activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') && (bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '|') && (bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '-')) { bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] = ' '; } } else { if ((bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '|') && (bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] != '-')) { bucket[_x + previousX][_y + previousY] = ' '; } } } } for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
  • 11. for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) { if (activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') { bucket[_x + activeShape.shapeTopLeftX][_y + activeShape.shapeTopLeftY] = activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y]; } } } } /* landShape - Sets the shape in place once it hits the bottom of the bucket. Moves the shape to the permanent bucket (_bucket)*/ template void landShape(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { updateBucket(bucket, false); previousX = 6; previousY = 0; check_bucket(bucket); isDropping = false; } template int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int score) { for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { int tmp_count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) { if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') { tmp_count++; }
  • 12. } if (tmp_count == 10) { tempvar = 1; if (tempvar == 1) { score = score + 100; return score; } } } } /* getUserInput - Reads the user input from the player*/ int getUserInput() { setCursorTo(35, 9); if ((GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) != 0) && (GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) != 1)) { return DIR_DOWN; } if ((GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT) != 0) && (GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT) != 1)) { return DIR_RIGHT; } if ((GetKeyState(VK_LEFT) != 0) && (GetKeyState(VK_LEFT) != 1)) { return DIR_LEFT; } if ((GetKeyState(VK_UP) != 0) && (GetKeyState(VK_UP) != 1)) { return DIR_ROTATE; } return 0; } /* canRotate - if we are adjacent to another shape, then we CANNOT rotate */ template bool canRotate(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { // The only real way to do this is to create a copy of the shape, rotate it, then try to determine where it will be in the bucket. TetrisShape _tmp = TetrisShape(activeShape); _tmp.rotate();
  • 13. for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) { if (_tmp.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') { if (bucket[_tmp.shapeTopLeftX + _x][_tmp.shapeTopLeftY + _y] != ' ') { return false; } } } } return true; } /* canEnter - Tests to see if the falling blocks can enter in any direction.*/ template bool canEnter(int dir, char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { // Check for collision with any elements of the shape array, and any elements of the bucket. // Determine which direction we are moving. int delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0; switch (dir) { case DIR_DOWN: delta_y++; break; case DIR_LEFT: delta_x--; break; case DIR_RIGHT: delta_x++; break; case DIR_ROTATE: return canRotate(bucket); break;
  • 14. } // Create the starting {x, y} position to test for collsion int test_x = activeShape.shapeTopLeftX + delta_x; int test_y = activeShape.shapeTopLeftY + delta_y; for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) { if (activeShape.shapeArray[_x][_y] != ' ') { if (bucket[test_x + _x][test_y + _y] != ' ') { return false; } } } } return true; } template int checkScore(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], int tempvar, int score) { for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { int tmp_count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) { if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') { tmp_count++; } } if (tmp_count == 10) { tempvar = 1; if (tempvar == 1) { score = score + 100; return score; } for (int x = 1; x < 11; x++) { for (int _y = y; _y > 0; _y--) {
  • 15. bucket[x][_y] = bucket[x][_y - 1]; } } } } } template void check_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols]) { for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { int tmp_count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) { if (bucket[x][y] == 'X') { tmp_count++; } } if (tmp_count == 10) { for (int x = 1; x < 11; x++) { for (int _y = y; _y > 0; _y--) { bucket[x][_y] = bucket[x][_y - 1]; } } } } } template void set_bucket(char(&bucket)[rows][cols], char(&perm_bucket)[rows][cols]) { for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++) {
  • 16. for (int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { bucket[x][y] = perm_bucket[x][y]; } } }