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Humans as Angels Bill

    Part I: For the ones dedicated to their job comes...

     Humans-as-Angels Bill…
… which is to be created for the people who are giving their life for others, for those who
save us and cure us, for those who construct or create for us, for those who inspire us, while
all having one thing in common: they are committed without a precondition; they do their
job as if living for others, as if completing a circle of life, even uniting horizons which are
always closer than what they seem to be.

The bill expresses and emphasizes any human-being as angel as long as that person is
committed unconditionally to the job he or she is assigned to do.

The bill grants and makes sure any angel will never be unemployed after their noble
mission is completed, or in the case that a change of profession is to be declared by the
human angels themselves.

Note: not anyone can perform the noble jobs; not every job qualifies any person for
this Humans-as-Angels-Bill.

 The jobs (acts) currently qualifying for Humans-as-Angels-Bill (because the person doing
it has complete responsibility to see that their mission is to be fulfilled):

- soldiers as angels Act: defending freedom and human rights without preconditions;
- doctors as angels Act: saving, curing as an obligation to the patient;
- nurses as angels Act: assisting, both the patient and the doctor;
- elementary school teachers as angels Act: providing basic education first to every pupil;
- miners as angels Act: dedicated to extracting coal used for heating and/or fueling;
- models as angels Act: putting themselves to the discretion of their representations; placing
themselves as inspirations;
- field reporters as angels Act: even in perilous places, they are reporting what is going-on
and the on-goings;
- emergency personnel as angels Act: bravely coming out after a natural disaster or an
accident and seeing that everyone is brought to safety, that every electric power is restored
or every home has its heating, cooling or is out of any other danger;
- God's missionary workers as angels Act: doing God's work on this Earth that He created,
letting everyone know about His love, His ways, His truth and His life for future lives so
that we may never be lost but prosper, especially as these men and those women of faith
help us do just that even in the most remote, poor places in this world.;
  - Mothers as angels Act: for the unconditional love a mother gives her children,
particularly in the first six years of their life.
The jobs (acts) currently under evaluation regarding its inclusions into the Humans-as-
Angels-Bill (because there is not a full commitment from the person performing it in each
and every place in the world):

- farmers as angels Act: ensuring the provision of basic fruits and legumes to the markets,
therefore ensuring a basic provision for us;
- postmen and women as angels Act, because they should be delivering our mail promptly,
at any time, through any weather and without any questions asked;
- innovators as angels Act, because creating is the way forward;
- construction workers as angels Act: building without questions edifices and places for us
- janitors as angels Act: cleanliness should be their responsibility for our livelihood;
- public transport drivers as angels Act: promptly taking us from one place to another,
without delay and according to any means of transportation available.

The bill protects any human-as-angel from abuse by the prospective employers.

The bill guarantees every human-as-angel a rented element of housing that is temporary,
one which is to be paid in a specific period of time agreed by the employee (the angel, in
this case) and the employer (who must be able to provide for the employee, either by
themselves or ask a loan from a bank or the state).
Humans-as-angels bill must exist because the people who are doing something for others
must be recognized!

Humans-as-angels bill reveres persons who are angels of freedom and who answer to their
respective country, angels of health who answer to their call as healers, angels of fashion
who answer to their call as inspiration beings, angels of the streets who answer their call as
cleaners, angels of transportation who answer their call as carriers, angels of constructions
answering their call as builders, angels of deliveries who answer their call as expeditors,
angels of the underground answering their call as extractors of the nature's minerals, angels
of knowledge answering their call as basic educators, angels of journalism answering their
call as fact-based reporters, angels of innovation who answer their call as technology's
pioneers, angels of restoration who answer their call in any emergency, angels of life who
answer to God.

Any human angel mentioned in this Humans-as-Angels Bill is to be protected for his or her
entire lifetime under this specific section from any harm, defamatory act and any such act
deemed offensive or abusive towards he or she. This section refers the wrong doer to a
court where the punishment for his deeds must be at least one year of community service,
in where they will experience the hard work without any precondition, just as the human
angels experience a rewarding work marked by dedication, executed without precondition
and doing it for the others.
Part II: Humans-as-Angels must hold The Angelship

 Any Human as Angel must graduate a special course; this would officially delegate the
persons taking the course into their respective angelic field (i.e. job post).

 The course must make sure that the people attending it will be ready to be number 1 in
their field, to see that they will be helpful to other people, plus it should make absolutely
sure they have the required knowledge in their field, as studied prior to this course.

 This diploma accredits every human-as-angel with the power to observe, to discover new
helpful ways and bring them to the attention of their respective employers, even to report
on any damaging or harmful activity committed against them or against their "office",
whether it's out in the streets or inside a facility.

 The diploma further enriches "the angels'" knowledge into finding innovative ways to keep
a safe and sanitary society, to develop its structures, to listen to the people and to improve
ways of life in the fields they are assigned at.
Part III: The Humans-as-Angels Protection Act

 Any of the humans-as-angels must not be harmed in any way, shape, manner or form,
defamed, blamed, spoken or acted derogatorily against. Anyone committing these acts or
atrocities against them just because of their commitment to serving, curing, defending or
teaching or inspiring other people will be deemed non-angelic-like, and will be punished

 The soldiers are defending freedom and freedom only, and they are serving in the interest
of every human being of this planet.
 Every soldier is entitled to a protective shield or full body armor when out in the battle
 No soldier is a tool for government to oppress or suppress other nations, but a soldier is
someone who puts his safety first for the security of his or her nation's people.

The doctors must try and cure their patients without limitations;
  health first, payment second must be the emblem here.

 Any doctor acting against life and against the responsibility of curing others till the very
end, are not deemed worthy of being neither humans nor angels, and, in some circum-
stances, they are to be punished according to the incidents.

 The nurses act to make sure the doctors, as well as the patients have everything they need
or require in order for every healing to go smoothly and with a blessing every time.

 Overall, doctors and nurses are the ones making sure your life is a healthy pill which goes
round and round in your human mechanism just like the Earth is traveling around the sun,
which it may be equated to a pill of life, if you will.

  The elementary school teachers, mainly those from grades 1 thru 4, are making sure every
child is to receive a basic and proper education as stated in their curriculum and in the
learning books. The teachers would not deviate from the school books. Any attack against
any of the elementary school teachers will be deemed an act against the basic and proper
education of every human-being on this planet, and will, therefore, be punished severely.
As well, any teacher violating the terms of their education by mistreating the children or
drifting away from the proper education will be dismissed as a non-angel and will be
punished according to their crimes.

 Field reporters are to be protected from any harm and given full access to covering real life
stories. Every story reported must be based on fact and must not reflect a reporter's biased
opinion, else it would not be a ligament of day to day reality but a fictive pigment on our
perspective on what life or what people are really about.

 Every reporter must not be harmed or turned down repeatedly when reporting a story or is
investigating something in relation to that story.

 Reporters are not to be bullies or claim they are working on a story just for the fun of it,
therefore, each reporter should respect privacy and not chase after celebrities for the sake of
selling magazines.
Each feeding on a false story carries a punishable act. However, every truthful reporting
backed by facts, photos and/or a story will be rewarded in the eyes of the regular people
who buy, read and, ultimately are to learn about a respective person, celebrity, innovator,
doctor, designer, entrepreneur etc., etc.

 The models are those persons who represent inspiration. They are more than muses; they
are the just definitions of any great cause, any great photograph and any great motivator for
each and every one of us.

 If any model is being mistreated by their employers or any other wrong-doers in their
vicinity, then the punishment will be severe.

 Every faith-based worker is not to be impeded in his or her ways to deliver God's Spoken
Word or God's seeds and foods to those who need it the most. They must be able to deliver,
therefore, they must have all the protection necessary, have all the freedom and carry all
His love and all His blessings for every people in our world.

 Missionary workers are there and everywhere to help and to share the good news from
God; they are not here on Earth to preach but to share the stories of the Bible, to share the
uniqueness of god and the unity of mankind overall.

 They are not to be harmed in any way, for this will carry a lifetime behind bars for the
offenders and a death penalty for those committing a series of ultimate sins such as murder.

 Any form of trickery, defamatory acts or any hacking activities against a human-as-angel
is against humanity and against the development of our human kind.

 The basic protection of every one wearing these helpful skills on their hearts is generated
by a will that we all possess, whether we realize it or not, and that is the will to succeed and
to make others succeed, thus not secede from humanity but thrive within it.

 The punishable offense against hacking without the person's knowledge or with the intent
to defame or destroy the lives of any of the humans-as-angels is to carry a minimum of five
years behind bars.
Part IV: For the children who must be protected, there is...

... Kids as Non-Sexual Act headlines that every child under 18 who was sexually molested,
raped or abused in any depriving or derogatory matter sexually by any adults, must be
protected from the adult abuser. That abuser must be brought to justice and given a
sentence which fits their crime... and that is a -life-sentence-... because depriving children
of their childhood or of their natural way to give birth, with respect to the female gender,
and the way of procreation in some instances for the male gender is equal to the inability to
bring into this world a child.

This bill carries a minimum penalty of 25 years to life, and within this period, the
individual in jail will have to take on the obligation of serving time under a Reluctant
Human-as-Angel Act, which will enable that person to serve the population from inside the
prison facility according to the judge's discretion and under the supervisors watch. That
individual will not have the privilege of coming into any sort of contact whatsoever with
children under the age of 21.

This bill gives children under 18 the title of "Kids as Angels". If children are little angels,
they must be protected from any malicious act which deals with their life in a derogatory or
sexual matter in particular.

This Kids-as-Angels-Bill is also a way to ensure that every child receives an education and
is not to be left without one. Every child should have the resources as well as the teachers
available in order to become what they are meant to become in life.

… Kids as Humans Without Guns Act decrees that children under the proper age of
military service years in any country should not be carrying guns, nor have weapons of any
sort imposed in their lifestyle, let alone have to be going to battles or wars for anyone.

This bill exempts any child of having to carry a gun because of genocide or cultural
differences, and lets everyone realize that a gun culture under the age of 18-21 is not
beneficial at all when trying to raise a child properly and safely.

… Kids as Humans Without Weapons Act declares that any child which carries a knife, a
gun or any other malicious weapon and does actually harm another human-being with any
of those, that child is in severe danger of going to a correctional institute until the age of
18-21, depending on their country of origin's maturity laws. After serving time for the
crime, the severity of the crime itself will be weighed in, and it is only then that a real
sentence will be taken into account and will carry the following penalty: a minimum
penalty of 25 years in which the individual in jail will have to take on the obligation of
serving time under a Reluctant Human-as-Angel Act, which will enable that person to serve
the population from inside the prison facility according to the judge's discretion and under
the supervisors watch.

This bill ensures that weapons are not to be used by kids, as human-beings, upon other
people, because it is angelically right to have a wonderful and thriving society after all, one
which does not involve crime, but rather outlaws it, one which does create an environment
of great work for someone else's benefit, rather than an environment that glorifies guns for
benefits. In sports activities, in particular where pistols or bows or rifles are used, that is
where they should be used only, thus encouraging a more useful and balanced way of living
when it comes to activities within a society with various people with special acumens from
different backgrounds.
… Kids as Non-Bullying Angels Act states that any such bullying initiating from child
towards another is a notable offense caused against another individual.

This particular act protects the kids from harming one another, whether it would be in
talking down to one another or whether it would be in causing damage in a physical manner
against another human-being.

The prevention, in this particular act, must be based on teachings referring to looking up
and looking out for one another, alongside studying for the right to be acknowledged or to
inspire someone in society.

The punishment must include the same kids involved in the incident, as in the student who
caused it; he or she will have to study together with the student that got hurt, all under the
supervision of both a teacher and an officer of the law. That way the kids will be shown
two situations where they could end up if they continue on the same path of bullying
others: behind the desk of a school or behind the bars found in jail.

 Repeat offenders, however, such as those violating others privacy or causing harm, both
physically or mentally to their peers, will have to serve time from 1 week to 1 month,
depending on situations, incidents and promises. Afterwards, the child, or the perpetrator,
will be studying for the whole following week (or the following month) in a separate
location within his or her class.

There should be promises by bullies, signed with the presence of their respective parents
and school and law officials as to no such further defamatory or violent acts towards their
peers, and once those promises are not to be respected, then the sentences are to be

… Athletes or players in a team are also not to be exempt from a specific serving time,
should one of them hurt another player in the opposite team such as to be initially served
with a red card. These harsher sentences (of 1 week to 1 month) are to prevent temporary or
permanent disability for any athletes.

This bill is to be highlighted as the Athletes as Non-Bullying Angels Act.

... Mothers should care for their children, and they should not be harmed, not by a stranger
and not by a spouse, and most definitely not by another relative. When a mother gives her
full and undivided attention to raising her young one, especially in the six years of the
child's life, she should be encouraged and protected, therefore elevated to a status of
Part VI: Regarding what we could be claiming as humans:

 Under the Angelic Pact, each and every one of us who works in a respective field are in a
position to claim a share, even own a part of what that field provides for, and that is, for
example, a place to stay for the engineer who designs houses or the constructor who helps
building them, a free check-up for any doctor or nurse, and so on. These are one-time
benefits, and are only temporary as long as every person will commit himself or herself to
creating something for their own future families.

 This will be granted on a first-time basis, encouraging the people to go on and build on
what they have once claimed for a respective period of time, as well as go on and create
something for the people they serve with their jobs or careers, knowledge and intelligence,
thus a place landed is meant to lead to placement branding in various neighborhoods.

 Under the Angelic Pact, the banks are to be required to create a separate savings account
that is free of charge for each and every person, in where everyone would put any amount
of money so that it will be deemed beneficial when the person retires, or is even out of a
job temporarily. This gives the people a better way to save for themselves without
additional fees that a bank would, otherwise, require them to provide with every deposit.

 This pact helps lift some people out of poverty, and it brings us closer to a kind
of society where everyone can be revered as an angel, should everyone do
something for someone, as in any thriving society each and everyone of us can do.
Part V: Regarding misuse of the Humans-as-Angels title and the Angelship

In case of mishandling or tainting of products by someone who is supposedly dedicated to
distributing goods to any shop anywhere, that human-as-angel responsible will be defamed
and will have to face ten years behind bars, not taking into consideration local laws which
may also apply in any country in which he or she resides.

Upon receiving an Angelship, every human-as-angel must make certain of serving someone
in a respective field entirely and trustworthily. He or she must be a good ambassador in
their respective field, otherwise carelessness and indifference results in bad consequences,
whether it is about someone's health or the collapse of a construction or anything of the
like, short term or long.

Once proclaimed an angel, that person has personality, credibility and responsibility.

Prevention is Humans-as-Angels' upmanship, while protection makes up a big part of its

©DID, 2008-2009

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Humans As Angels Bill

  • 1. Humans as Angels Bill Part I: For the ones dedicated to their job comes... Humans-as-Angels Bill… … which is to be created for the people who are giving their life for others, for those who save us and cure us, for those who construct or create for us, for those who inspire us, while all having one thing in common: they are committed without a precondition; they do their job as if living for others, as if completing a circle of life, even uniting horizons which are always closer than what they seem to be. The bill expresses and emphasizes any human-being as angel as long as that person is committed unconditionally to the job he or she is assigned to do. The bill grants and makes sure any angel will never be unemployed after their noble mission is completed, or in the case that a change of profession is to be declared by the human angels themselves. Note: not anyone can perform the noble jobs; not every job qualifies any person for this Humans-as-Angels-Bill. The jobs (acts) currently qualifying for Humans-as-Angels-Bill (because the person doing it has complete responsibility to see that their mission is to be fulfilled): - soldiers as angels Act: defending freedom and human rights without preconditions; - doctors as angels Act: saving, curing as an obligation to the patient; - nurses as angels Act: assisting, both the patient and the doctor; - elementary school teachers as angels Act: providing basic education first to every pupil; - miners as angels Act: dedicated to extracting coal used for heating and/or fueling; - models as angels Act: putting themselves to the discretion of their representations; placing themselves as inspirations; - field reporters as angels Act: even in perilous places, they are reporting what is going-on and the on-goings; - emergency personnel as angels Act: bravely coming out after a natural disaster or an accident and seeing that everyone is brought to safety, that every electric power is restored or every home has its heating, cooling or is out of any other danger; - God's missionary workers as angels Act: doing God's work on this Earth that He created, letting everyone know about His love, His ways, His truth and His life for future lives so that we may never be lost but prosper, especially as these men and those women of faith help us do just that even in the most remote, poor places in this world.; - Mothers as angels Act: for the unconditional love a mother gives her children, particularly in the first six years of their life.
  • 2. The jobs (acts) currently under evaluation regarding its inclusions into the Humans-as- Angels-Bill (because there is not a full commitment from the person performing it in each and every place in the world): - farmers as angels Act: ensuring the provision of basic fruits and legumes to the markets, therefore ensuring a basic provision for us; - postmen and women as angels Act, because they should be delivering our mail promptly, at any time, through any weather and without any questions asked; - innovators as angels Act, because creating is the way forward; - construction workers as angels Act: building without questions edifices and places for us all; - janitors as angels Act: cleanliness should be their responsibility for our livelihood; - public transport drivers as angels Act: promptly taking us from one place to another, without delay and according to any means of transportation available. The bill protects any human-as-angel from abuse by the prospective employers. The bill guarantees every human-as-angel a rented element of housing that is temporary, one which is to be paid in a specific period of time agreed by the employee (the angel, in this case) and the employer (who must be able to provide for the employee, either by themselves or ask a loan from a bank or the state).
  • 3. Humans-as-angels bill must exist because the people who are doing something for others must be recognized! Humans-as-angels bill reveres persons who are angels of freedom and who answer to their respective country, angels of health who answer to their call as healers, angels of fashion who answer to their call as inspiration beings, angels of the streets who answer their call as cleaners, angels of transportation who answer their call as carriers, angels of constructions answering their call as builders, angels of deliveries who answer their call as expeditors, angels of the underground answering their call as extractors of the nature's minerals, angels of knowledge answering their call as basic educators, angels of journalism answering their call as fact-based reporters, angels of innovation who answer their call as technology's pioneers, angels of restoration who answer their call in any emergency, angels of life who answer to God. Any human angel mentioned in this Humans-as-Angels Bill is to be protected for his or her entire lifetime under this specific section from any harm, defamatory act and any such act deemed offensive or abusive towards he or she. This section refers the wrong doer to a court where the punishment for his deeds must be at least one year of community service, in where they will experience the hard work without any precondition, just as the human angels experience a rewarding work marked by dedication, executed without precondition and doing it for the others.
  • 4. Part II: Humans-as-Angels must hold The Angelship Any Human as Angel must graduate a special course; this would officially delegate the persons taking the course into their respective angelic field (i.e. job post). The course must make sure that the people attending it will be ready to be number 1 in their field, to see that they will be helpful to other people, plus it should make absolutely sure they have the required knowledge in their field, as studied prior to this course. This diploma accredits every human-as-angel with the power to observe, to discover new helpful ways and bring them to the attention of their respective employers, even to report on any damaging or harmful activity committed against them or against their "office", whether it's out in the streets or inside a facility. The diploma further enriches "the angels'" knowledge into finding innovative ways to keep a safe and sanitary society, to develop its structures, to listen to the people and to improve ways of life in the fields they are assigned at.
  • 5. Part III: The Humans-as-Angels Protection Act Any of the humans-as-angels must not be harmed in any way, shape, manner or form, defamed, blamed, spoken or acted derogatorily against. Anyone committing these acts or atrocities against them just because of their commitment to serving, curing, defending or teaching or inspiring other people will be deemed non-angelic-like, and will be punished severely. The soldiers are defending freedom and freedom only, and they are serving in the interest of every human being of this planet. Every soldier is entitled to a protective shield or full body armor when out in the battle fields. No soldier is a tool for government to oppress or suppress other nations, but a soldier is someone who puts his safety first for the security of his or her nation's people. The doctors must try and cure their patients without limitations; health first, payment second must be the emblem here. Any doctor acting against life and against the responsibility of curing others till the very end, are not deemed worthy of being neither humans nor angels, and, in some circum- stances, they are to be punished according to the incidents. The nurses act to make sure the doctors, as well as the patients have everything they need or require in order for every healing to go smoothly and with a blessing every time. Overall, doctors and nurses are the ones making sure your life is a healthy pill which goes round and round in your human mechanism just like the Earth is traveling around the sun, which it may be equated to a pill of life, if you will. The elementary school teachers, mainly those from grades 1 thru 4, are making sure every child is to receive a basic and proper education as stated in their curriculum and in the learning books. The teachers would not deviate from the school books. Any attack against any of the elementary school teachers will be deemed an act against the basic and proper education of every human-being on this planet, and will, therefore, be punished severely. As well, any teacher violating the terms of their education by mistreating the children or drifting away from the proper education will be dismissed as a non-angel and will be punished according to their crimes. Field reporters are to be protected from any harm and given full access to covering real life stories. Every story reported must be based on fact and must not reflect a reporter's biased opinion, else it would not be a ligament of day to day reality but a fictive pigment on our perspective on what life or what people are really about. Every reporter must not be harmed or turned down repeatedly when reporting a story or is investigating something in relation to that story. Reporters are not to be bullies or claim they are working on a story just for the fun of it, therefore, each reporter should respect privacy and not chase after celebrities for the sake of selling magazines.
  • 6. Each feeding on a false story carries a punishable act. However, every truthful reporting backed by facts, photos and/or a story will be rewarded in the eyes of the regular people who buy, read and, ultimately are to learn about a respective person, celebrity, innovator, doctor, designer, entrepreneur etc., etc. The models are those persons who represent inspiration. They are more than muses; they are the just definitions of any great cause, any great photograph and any great motivator for each and every one of us. If any model is being mistreated by their employers or any other wrong-doers in their vicinity, then the punishment will be severe. Every faith-based worker is not to be impeded in his or her ways to deliver God's Spoken Word or God's seeds and foods to those who need it the most. They must be able to deliver, therefore, they must have all the protection necessary, have all the freedom and carry all His love and all His blessings for every people in our world. Missionary workers are there and everywhere to help and to share the good news from God; they are not here on Earth to preach but to share the stories of the Bible, to share the uniqueness of god and the unity of mankind overall. They are not to be harmed in any way, for this will carry a lifetime behind bars for the offenders and a death penalty for those committing a series of ultimate sins such as murder. Any form of trickery, defamatory acts or any hacking activities against a human-as-angel is against humanity and against the development of our human kind. The basic protection of every one wearing these helpful skills on their hearts is generated by a will that we all possess, whether we realize it or not, and that is the will to succeed and to make others succeed, thus not secede from humanity but thrive within it. The punishable offense against hacking without the person's knowledge or with the intent to defame or destroy the lives of any of the humans-as-angels is to carry a minimum of five years behind bars.
  • 7. Part IV: For the children who must be protected, there is... ... Kids as Non-Sexual Act headlines that every child under 18 who was sexually molested, raped or abused in any depriving or derogatory matter sexually by any adults, must be protected from the adult abuser. That abuser must be brought to justice and given a sentence which fits their crime... and that is a -life-sentence-... because depriving children of their childhood or of their natural way to give birth, with respect to the female gender, and the way of procreation in some instances for the male gender is equal to the inability to bring into this world a child. This bill carries a minimum penalty of 25 years to life, and within this period, the individual in jail will have to take on the obligation of serving time under a Reluctant Human-as-Angel Act, which will enable that person to serve the population from inside the prison facility according to the judge's discretion and under the supervisors watch. That individual will not have the privilege of coming into any sort of contact whatsoever with children under the age of 21. This bill gives children under 18 the title of "Kids as Angels". If children are little angels, they must be protected from any malicious act which deals with their life in a derogatory or sexual matter in particular. This Kids-as-Angels-Bill is also a way to ensure that every child receives an education and is not to be left without one. Every child should have the resources as well as the teachers available in order to become what they are meant to become in life. … Kids as Humans Without Guns Act decrees that children under the proper age of military service years in any country should not be carrying guns, nor have weapons of any sort imposed in their lifestyle, let alone have to be going to battles or wars for anyone. This bill exempts any child of having to carry a gun because of genocide or cultural differences, and lets everyone realize that a gun culture under the age of 18-21 is not beneficial at all when trying to raise a child properly and safely. … Kids as Humans Without Weapons Act declares that any child which carries a knife, a gun or any other malicious weapon and does actually harm another human-being with any of those, that child is in severe danger of going to a correctional institute until the age of 18-21, depending on their country of origin's maturity laws. After serving time for the crime, the severity of the crime itself will be weighed in, and it is only then that a real sentence will be taken into account and will carry the following penalty: a minimum penalty of 25 years in which the individual in jail will have to take on the obligation of serving time under a Reluctant Human-as-Angel Act, which will enable that person to serve the population from inside the prison facility according to the judge's discretion and under the supervisors watch. This bill ensures that weapons are not to be used by kids, as human-beings, upon other people, because it is angelically right to have a wonderful and thriving society after all, one which does not involve crime, but rather outlaws it, one which does create an environment of great work for someone else's benefit, rather than an environment that glorifies guns for benefits. In sports activities, in particular where pistols or bows or rifles are used, that is where they should be used only, thus encouraging a more useful and balanced way of living when it comes to activities within a society with various people with special acumens from different backgrounds.
  • 8. … Kids as Non-Bullying Angels Act states that any such bullying initiating from child towards another is a notable offense caused against another individual. This particular act protects the kids from harming one another, whether it would be in talking down to one another or whether it would be in causing damage in a physical manner against another human-being. The prevention, in this particular act, must be based on teachings referring to looking up and looking out for one another, alongside studying for the right to be acknowledged or to inspire someone in society. The punishment must include the same kids involved in the incident, as in the student who caused it; he or she will have to study together with the student that got hurt, all under the supervision of both a teacher and an officer of the law. That way the kids will be shown two situations where they could end up if they continue on the same path of bullying others: behind the desk of a school or behind the bars found in jail. Repeat offenders, however, such as those violating others privacy or causing harm, both physically or mentally to their peers, will have to serve time from 1 week to 1 month, depending on situations, incidents and promises. Afterwards, the child, or the perpetrator, will be studying for the whole following week (or the following month) in a separate location within his or her class. There should be promises by bullies, signed with the presence of their respective parents and school and law officials as to no such further defamatory or violent acts towards their peers, and once those promises are not to be respected, then the sentences are to be enforced. … Athletes or players in a team are also not to be exempt from a specific serving time, should one of them hurt another player in the opposite team such as to be initially served with a red card. These harsher sentences (of 1 week to 1 month) are to prevent temporary or permanent disability for any athletes. This bill is to be highlighted as the Athletes as Non-Bullying Angels Act. ... Mothers should care for their children, and they should not be harmed, not by a stranger and not by a spouse, and most definitely not by another relative. When a mother gives her full and undivided attention to raising her young one, especially in the six years of the child's life, she should be encouraged and protected, therefore elevated to a status of human-as-angel.
  • 9. Part VI: Regarding what we could be claiming as humans: Under the Angelic Pact, each and every one of us who works in a respective field are in a position to claim a share, even own a part of what that field provides for, and that is, for example, a place to stay for the engineer who designs houses or the constructor who helps building them, a free check-up for any doctor or nurse, and so on. These are one-time benefits, and are only temporary as long as every person will commit himself or herself to creating something for their own future families. This will be granted on a first-time basis, encouraging the people to go on and build on what they have once claimed for a respective period of time, as well as go on and create something for the people they serve with their jobs or careers, knowledge and intelligence, thus a place landed is meant to lead to placement branding in various neighborhoods. Under the Angelic Pact, the banks are to be required to create a separate savings account that is free of charge for each and every person, in where everyone would put any amount of money so that it will be deemed beneficial when the person retires, or is even out of a job temporarily. This gives the people a better way to save for themselves without additional fees that a bank would, otherwise, require them to provide with every deposit. This pact helps lift some people out of poverty, and it brings us closer to a kind of society where everyone can be revered as an angel, should everyone do something for someone, as in any thriving society each and everyone of us can do.
  • 10. Part V: Regarding misuse of the Humans-as-Angels title and the Angelship In case of mishandling or tainting of products by someone who is supposedly dedicated to distributing goods to any shop anywhere, that human-as-angel responsible will be defamed and will have to face ten years behind bars, not taking into consideration local laws which may also apply in any country in which he or she resides. Upon receiving an Angelship, every human-as-angel must make certain of serving someone in a respective field entirely and trustworthily. He or she must be a good ambassador in their respective field, otherwise carelessness and indifference results in bad consequences, whether it is about someone's health or the collapse of a construction or anything of the like, short term or long. Once proclaimed an angel, that person has personality, credibility and responsibility. Prevention is Humans-as-Angels' upmanship, while protection makes up a big part of its structure. ©DID, 2008-2009