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By: Victoria Wong

For hundreds of years, going back centuries or more, countless numbers of
philosophers have debated over the nature of mankind, whether humans are
                            born evil or good.
Numerous books and thinkers have argued over this topic such as the renown
  Lord of the Flies and the members of the Enlightenment Salon, about
       mankind’s nature with different concepts and interpretations.

In this presentation, you’ll find quotes and analyzes of them from well know
people and Lord of the Flies, and examples. Past and current news and my
       personal ideas on human nature will also be described in detail.
Nature Vs. Nurture
                                              Nature                                 Nurture
                                              If we’re naturally good or             If it is society that makes us
                                              evil                                   good or evil

                       I believe that nurture can corrupt an individual eventually. Babies aren't born evil, its
                       only as they grow up, the environment and influence around them that effects what
                       they do.

It depends on their family and friends too. For example, if a
person had a bad family history, with their parents being
murderers or gangsters, and friends who stole and made
trouble, they’d most likely copy them because that’s what
they’ve been seeing since a young age.
Also, it depends on which places they live in, like if they live in a poor part in a city and has a lot
of shooting, gangsters, bullying and murders and such, then they will most likely be affected by
that. If you live in a bad city it is because of the 'survival of the fittest' nature that you’d naturally
become a gangster to save yourself, whereas in a good city with more police enforcement, you’d
be much less likely to do the wrong things.
Mother Teresa: Brief Biography
                                  Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not
                                  enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to
                                  love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
                                  - Mother Teresa

• Who is Mother Teresa? She spent all of her life helping the poor people in
  India, visiting and helping those who lived in slums and in poverty, giving her
  life to helping those who were sick and suffering.
• What does she represent? Considered a saint, she represents the goodness
  in human nature, who willingly gave up her own needs and comfortable life
  to benefit and change thousands of others lives.
• Founder of the Missionaries of Charity, where they opened schools, and
  various centers to treat the blind, the aged, lepers, the disabled, and the
• She also found the Nirmal Hriday (“Place for the Pure of Heart”), a caring
  home where the seriously ill could die with honor.
Mother Teresa: Human Nature
•   “When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take
    care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that
    person what he or she needed.”
                                                   - Mother Teresa
•   I believe that Mother Teresa has stated here, in an indirect way, of how human
    nature may work.
•   If we see a poor hungry man or woman, slowly withering away, it isn’t because they
    did any sin for god to punish them, in fact they could be living comfortably right
•    It is because we don’t care for them, that we’d just glance or avoid looking at them
    at all and just pass by. We’re much too selfish to care about their problems as we
    don’t get anything back from helping, we’d rather save our money for ourselves,
    even though they need it much more than us.

•   If we do help them, it would only be giving them a coin which isn’t enough to help
    them. Even if it’s a child, we are too selfish to take them into the warmth of our
    house and feed them, even if its during winter and freezing cold, with the person
    close to dying of coldness.
Mother Teresa

  your love everywhere you go.”                                    $
• “Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough,
  money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread

                                                      - Mother Teresa
• Money isn't everything, giving money doesn’t means giving your love or
  caring. It doesn’t bring happiness, as those can’t be bought.

EXAMPLE: If there was a beggar squatting outside your door, or shivering
beside your building, the most a person would do would be giving them
several coins, barely enough for them to buy a proper meal. If humans
showed morality, we would at least try to help them to the best of our
abilities, to find them a job or a possible way to live in better conditions.

• In the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality, he
  pointed out that it is natural in humans to be good
• He believed that civilization corrupts humans nature and that it is
  not a wonderful thing as all of the people of his time had thought, but
  a terrible monster that would eventually destroy and claw away all of
  humans “born goodness” into shreds.
• Rousseau explains that it is the influence by our daily lives that is
  affecting us and clouding our vision, growing the natural sin within us.
  He expresses that we, humans, aren’t born naturally evil, (because
  babies can’t be sinful,) but it is our surrounding environment that
  corrupts our thoughts and feelings.
• “Man is naturally good, loving justice, and order”
• It is in mankind’s nature to be good, independent and compassionate
• He felt that feeling is more important than reason. Just do what you
  feel like, no matter the sensible reasoning for the task.
Adam Smith
The Theory of Moral Sentiments (a book by Adam Smith)
• “How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently
  some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of
  others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he
  derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.”
  - Adam Smith quotes
• Humans are complex, although we’re selfish, something within us
  still tugs at us, a desire to care for the welfare of others.
• We wish to make other people happy, and yet we expect nothing in
  return, apart from the pleasure of doing it.
• So humans, ARE naturally selfish, but we’re still good in away.
  Because we are taught from a young age either directly or indirectly
  about morality, we still have some willingness to help others within
Lord Of The Flies
Evil in Lord of the flies
 In William Golding’s novel, the Lord of the Flies, he constantly shows the evilness in our world. Set on an
 deserted island where a plane full of school boys crash, representing the miniature version of our world,
 this story shows us Golding’s perspective on Human nature.
 The Pig’s head on a stake

The Pig’s head on a stake was placed in the forest as
a gift to the “beast” by Jack, the Id in the story.

                            SIN IN BOYS

Simon, found out while looking at the pig head that
the beast that the boys had imagined isn’t real but
is the sin in human nature, of irrational fear.
The action of CRUELLY killing a living sow, a mother
     who was feeding her children, shows how …
Jack and his hunters have cast aside their civilized selves
for exchange being wild savages without mercy.

    The fact that they had FUN and tortured the pig to
    death shows how eventually a civilized and kind
    person can naturally turn bloody and ruthless
    overtime when left alone
Lord of the Flies: Quotes
   Before                                                           After
“Roger stooped, picked, up a stone, aimed and threw it at      “The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee;
Henry- threw it to miss.”- Narrator (page 51)                  the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and
   Roger still is civilized enough to miss Henry on purpose.   ceased to exist.” – Narrator
   The thought of punishment and consequences still
   remain more clearly in his mind than the realization of           Roger killed Piggy on purpose my shoving a GIANT
   being able to do whatever he wants.                               rock onto him = EVILNESS

                                                               1)    Roger killed him out of cold blood for no gain at all.
                                                               2)    Before Roger still had a bit of civilization in him , now
                                                                     its all gone, he has gone wild, and turned evil,
                                                                     showing mankind's true nature when finally having
                                                                     the ability to do it without punishments or

William Golding’s message:
   Apparently, Golding thought that mankind was naturally EVIL and when left alone,
   they create chaos.
   Even if the person was previously civilized, if they are thrown in a place where
   there are no punishment or consequences for their actions, it’ll eventually dawn
   on them that they can do whatever they like, and that is when the monster comes
   out in a person.
   Golding shows us about this idea by putting a group of boys on a deserted island.
   With no laws and punishment for their actions, most of the boys start out from
   hesitating to kill a pig, to actually killing Piggy and Simon and attempting to hunt
   down Ralph in the end in pure cold blood.

        EVIL                                                 EVIL
Interview of other people’s perspective
Video Interview: Sara Pistono         Questions for Interview
                                1. What do you think that human nature is like?
                                Good, evil, neutral, or half and half? And why?
                                2. Do you think that man kind is “born” evil or good,
                                or neither? Why?
                                3. Does society affect man’s thoughts, does it affect
                                human nature?
                                4. Do humans have any “good” qualities in them? Or
                                all are we completely absorbed in self interest?
                                5. If you put humans unaffected by society on a
                                place, say babies were put on an island and they
                                grew up there (somehow, without outside help).
                                When they grow up, would they naturally become
                                savages and destroy the island, or would they be
                                “noble”, and have peace and harmony prosper?
Interview of other people’s perspective
Video Interview: Deanna Pistono   Questions for Interview
                                    1) What do you think
                                                                2) Do you think that
                                    that human nature is
                                                               man kind is “born” evil
                                  like? Good, evil, neutral,
                                                                or good, or neither?
                                    or half and half? And

                                                               4) Do humans have any
                                  3) Does society affect          “good” qualities in
                                  man’s thoughts, does it        them? Or all are we
                                  affect human nature?         completely absorbed in
                                                                     self interest?

                                        5) If you put humans unaffected by
                                    society on a place, say babies were put on
                                         an island and they grew up there
                                     (somehow, without outside help). When
                                        they grow up, would they naturally
                                    become savages and destroy the island, or
                                      would they be “noble”, and have peace
                                               and harmony prosper?
Current News: Serial Killers
Charles Manson                                                   Andrei Chikatilo
•   He had a terrible life, his mother having him as an      •    When he was young, World War II started and as the
    illegitimate son at age 16
                                                                  USSR went against Germany, famine spread to his
•   Lived with highly strict religious aunt and brutal            Ukrainian village in Russia.
    uncle, who tried to “make him a man”
•   Once his alcoholic tramp of a mother was bailed          •    He was told by his mother how his brother was
    out of jail, she refused to have anything to do with          kidnapped and eaten by his neighbors, (but unknown if
    him in the end, even once trying to pay for beer by           that was true),this probably gave him an idea on
    giving Charles to the barmaid.                                cannibalism.
•   A life of violence and loneliness, with no friends and   •    Mother was brutal, he was beaten and humiliated
    mistreated by family.
                                                             •    Wrestled a girl to the ground at 15, giving him the urge
•   Started following his mother path                             to overpower people.
•   Committed rape, drug use, pimping, stealing, and
    fraud.                                                   •    He became a teacher, but was highly shy and was
                                                                  constantly bullied and highly disrespected by his
•   Sent to many reform schools, Jails, institutes etc.
•   Tried to start up a racial war, misunderstanding the
    Beatles song “"Helter Skelter” thinking there would      •    He was so scared of the boys, that he even carried a
    be a war with African-Americans rising against                knife with him
    whites.                                                  •    This led to him (quite possibly) into becoming a serial
•   When it didn’t happen, he decided to help them                murder.
    start it.
                                                             •    He ended up becoming a serial killer, responsible for
•   Started a group of murderers, famous for killing              torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing 50
    Sharon Tate, an actress.
                                                                  children/young people.
Serial killers explained
• For both Charles Manson and Andrei Chikatilo, they both
  had terrible past lives. Indeed they have done terrible
  things, with Charles Manson a famous criminal
  representing the evil icon, and Andrei Chikatilo the most
  notorious serial killer ever.
• However, if they had had better lives, with family members
  who cared for them, and that they were never mistreated,
  they may have never became brutal mass murderers, they
  could’ve actually been GOOD. If they had had parents to
  teach them what was right an wrong, like for Charles
  Manson, if his mother wasn’t also a criminal, they would’ve
  probably never have looked at things the wrong way that
  they did.
• Although, it is quite possible they were born in that way
  too. For Charles Manson, he could’ve been a pretty famous
  musician if he had chosen to. Instead, mankind’s “evil
  nature” kind of overtook him, and he turned to murdering
•   It is true that humans are naturally selfish and greedy. As shown in Lord of
  the Flies, mankind when left alone without the boundaries of civilization to
  keep them in will eventually run wild. However, I believe that like Adam Smith
  said, humans are naturally born evil, but there is still some good within us,
  either by donating or just helping out people in trouble. We’re good in a way
  such as Rousseau mentioned.
•       Nurture can also corrupt an individual eventually. Babies aren't born as
  murderers, it’s the environment around them that effects what they do added
  by the fact that we are naturally self-interested. If a person had a bad family
  history, with their parents being murderers, they’d most likely copy. If you live
  in a bad city it is because of the 'survival of the fittest' nature that you’d
  naturally become a gangster.
• If you compare Charles Manson and Andrei Chikatilo, as much as it is their
  personal fault, they had terrible past lives. However, if they had had better
  lives, with family members raised them up, teaching them the right concepts
  they could’ve actually been GOOD.
• I believe that there is no plain good or evil in an individual, with few
  exceptions. We are naturally evil, yet good in a way, and we’re both affected
  by Nurture and Nature. There is no completely good or evil person on this
  world, and there never will be a perfect individual on our planet.
•     Mother Teresa
•     "Mother Teresa Quotes - BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. Web. 09 Oct. 2011.
•     Teresa, Mother. "Words By Mother Teresa." Global Catholic Television Network | EWTN. Web. 09 Oct. 2011.
•     Kreis, Steven. "Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778." The History Guide -- Main. Web. 02 Oct. 2011.
•     The PDF file you gave us for Enlightenment salon
Adam Smith
•     Adam Smith. (2005). Adam Smith Institute. 24 August 2011.
Serial Killers
•     "Andrei Chikatilo’s Childhood." Twisted Minds - a Website about Serial Killers. Web. 06 Oct. 2011.
•     "Charels Manson’s Childhood." Twisted Minds - a Website about Serial Killers. Web. 06 Oct. 2011.
•     19, July. "Andrei Chikatilo." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Oct. 2011.
•     "Charles Manson - Biography of Charles Manson." 20th Century History. Web. 06 Oct. 2011.
• Clip Art
• "Power Of Mind | Discover The Amega AMWand and AMPendant." Amega Global Health | Discover
     The Amega AMWand and AMPendant. Web. 08 Oct. 2011.
• "Barack Obama." WHERE'S LULU : Disability News & Pop Culture. Web. 09 Oct. 2011.
• "Good vs. Evil by `Sugargrl14 on DeviantART." Sugargrl14 on DeviantART. Web. 09 Oct. 2011.
• "City at Night IPad Wallpaper." IPad Backgrounds | IPad Wallpapers | Web. 09
     Oct. 2011. <>.
• "Class Schedule – September 2010." Home. Web. 09 Oct. 2011.

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Human Nature (Final Assesment)

  • 2. INTRODUCTION For hundreds of years, going back centuries or more, countless numbers of philosophers have debated over the nature of mankind, whether humans are born evil or good. Numerous books and thinkers have argued over this topic such as the renown Lord of the Flies and the members of the Enlightenment Salon, about mankind’s nature with different concepts and interpretations. In this presentation, you’ll find quotes and analyzes of them from well know people and Lord of the Flies, and examples. Past and current news and my personal ideas on human nature will also be described in detail.
  • 3. Nature Vs. Nurture Nature Nurture If we’re naturally good or If it is society that makes us evil good or evil I believe that nurture can corrupt an individual eventually. Babies aren't born evil, its only as they grow up, the environment and influence around them that effects what they do. FAMILY/ FRIENDS It depends on their family and friends too. For example, if a person had a bad family history, with their parents being murderers or gangsters, and friends who stole and made trouble, they’d most likely copy them because that’s what they’ve been seeing since a young age. CITY Also, it depends on which places they live in, like if they live in a poor part in a city and has a lot of shooting, gangsters, bullying and murders and such, then they will most likely be affected by that. If you live in a bad city it is because of the 'survival of the fittest' nature that you’d naturally become a gangster to save yourself, whereas in a good city with more police enforcement, you’d be much less likely to do the wrong things.
  • 4.
  • 5. Mother Teresa: Brief Biography Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. - Mother Teresa • Who is Mother Teresa? She spent all of her life helping the poor people in India, visiting and helping those who lived in slums and in poverty, giving her life to helping those who were sick and suffering. • What does she represent? Considered a saint, she represents the goodness in human nature, who willingly gave up her own needs and comfortable life to benefit and change thousands of others lives. WHY? • Founder of the Missionaries of Charity, where they opened schools, and various centers to treat the blind, the aged, lepers, the disabled, and the dying. • She also found the Nirmal Hriday (“Place for the Pure of Heart”), a caring home where the seriously ill could die with honor.
  • 6. Mother Teresa: Human Nature • “When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.” - Mother Teresa • I believe that Mother Teresa has stated here, in an indirect way, of how human nature may work. • If we see a poor hungry man or woman, slowly withering away, it isn’t because they did any sin for god to punish them, in fact they could be living comfortably right now. • It is because we don’t care for them, that we’d just glance or avoid looking at them at all and just pass by. We’re much too selfish to care about their problems as we don’t get anything back from helping, we’d rather save our money for ourselves, even though they need it much more than us. • If we do help them, it would only be giving them a coin which isn’t enough to help them. Even if it’s a child, we are too selfish to take them into the warmth of our house and feed them, even if its during winter and freezing cold, with the person close to dying of coldness.
  • 7. Mother Teresa your love everywhere you go.” $ • “Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread - Mother Teresa • Money isn't everything, giving money doesn’t means giving your love or caring. It doesn’t bring happiness, as those can’t be bought. EXAMPLE: If there was a beggar squatting outside your door, or shivering beside your building, the most a person would do would be giving them several coins, barely enough for them to buy a proper meal. If humans showed morality, we would at least try to help them to the best of our abilities, to find them a job or a possible way to live in better conditions.
  • 8. Rousseau • In the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality, he pointed out that it is natural in humans to be good • He believed that civilization corrupts humans nature and that it is not a wonderful thing as all of the people of his time had thought, but a terrible monster that would eventually destroy and claw away all of humans “born goodness” into shreds. • Rousseau explains that it is the influence by our daily lives that is affecting us and clouding our vision, growing the natural sin within us. He expresses that we, humans, aren’t born naturally evil, (because babies can’t be sinful,) but it is our surrounding environment that corrupts our thoughts and feelings. • “Man is naturally good, loving justice, and order” • It is in mankind’s nature to be good, independent and compassionate • He felt that feeling is more important than reason. Just do what you feel like, no matter the sensible reasoning for the task.
  • 9. Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments (a book by Adam Smith) • “How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.” - Adam Smith quotes • Humans are complex, although we’re selfish, something within us still tugs at us, a desire to care for the welfare of others. • We wish to make other people happy, and yet we expect nothing in return, apart from the pleasure of doing it. • So humans, ARE naturally selfish, but we’re still good in away. Because we are taught from a young age either directly or indirectly about morality, we still have some willingness to help others within us.
  • 10. Lord Of The Flies
  • 11. Evil in Lord of the flies In William Golding’s novel, the Lord of the Flies, he constantly shows the evilness in our world. Set on an deserted island where a plane full of school boys crash, representing the miniature version of our world, this story shows us Golding’s perspective on Human nature. The Pig’s head on a stake The Pig’s head on a stake was placed in the forest as a gift to the “beast” by Jack, the Id in the story. SIN IN BOYS Simon, found out while looking at the pig head that the beast that the boys had imagined isn’t real but is the sin in human nature, of irrational fear.
  • 12. The action of CRUELLY killing a living sow, a mother who was feeding her children, shows how … Jack and his hunters have cast aside their civilized selves for exchange being wild savages without mercy. The fact that they had FUN and tortured the pig to death shows how eventually a civilized and kind person can naturally turn bloody and ruthless overtime when left alone
  • 13. Lord of the Flies: Quotes Before After “Roger stooped, picked, up a stone, aimed and threw it at “The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; Henry- threw it to miss.”- Narrator (page 51) the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and Roger still is civilized enough to miss Henry on purpose. ceased to exist.” – Narrator The thought of punishment and consequences still remain more clearly in his mind than the realization of Roger killed Piggy on purpose my shoving a GIANT being able to do whatever he wants. rock onto him = EVILNESS 1) Roger killed him out of cold blood for no gain at all. 2) Before Roger still had a bit of civilization in him , now its all gone, he has gone wild, and turned evil, showing mankind's true nature when finally having the ability to do it without punishments or consequences. Chaos
  • 14. GOLDING’s MESSAGE William Golding’s message: Apparently, Golding thought that mankind was naturally EVIL and when left alone, they create chaos. Even if the person was previously civilized, if they are thrown in a place where there are no punishment or consequences for their actions, it’ll eventually dawn on them that they can do whatever they like, and that is when the monster comes out in a person. Golding shows us about this idea by putting a group of boys on a deserted island. With no laws and punishment for their actions, most of the boys start out from hesitating to kill a pig, to actually killing Piggy and Simon and attempting to hunt down Ralph in the end in pure cold blood. EVIL EVIL
  • 16. Interview of other people’s perspective Video Interview: Sara Pistono Questions for Interview 1. What do you think that human nature is like? Good, evil, neutral, or half and half? And why? 2. Do you think that man kind is “born” evil or good, or neither? Why? 3. Does society affect man’s thoughts, does it affect human nature? 4. Do humans have any “good” qualities in them? Or all are we completely absorbed in self interest? 5. If you put humans unaffected by society on a place, say babies were put on an island and they grew up there (somehow, without outside help). When they grow up, would they naturally become savages and destroy the island, or would they be “noble”, and have peace and harmony prosper?
  • 17. Interview of other people’s perspective Video Interview: Deanna Pistono Questions for Interview 1) What do you think 2) Do you think that that human nature is man kind is “born” evil like? Good, evil, neutral, or good, or neither? or half and half? And Why? why? 4) Do humans have any 3) Does society affect “good” qualities in man’s thoughts, does it them? Or all are we affect human nature? completely absorbed in self interest? 5) If you put humans unaffected by society on a place, say babies were put on an island and they grew up there (somehow, without outside help). When they grow up, would they naturally become savages and destroy the island, or would they be “noble”, and have peace and harmony prosper?
  • 18.
  • 19. Current News: Serial Killers Charles Manson Andrei Chikatilo • He had a terrible life, his mother having him as an • When he was young, World War II started and as the illegitimate son at age 16 USSR went against Germany, famine spread to his • Lived with highly strict religious aunt and brutal Ukrainian village in Russia. uncle, who tried to “make him a man” • Once his alcoholic tramp of a mother was bailed • He was told by his mother how his brother was out of jail, she refused to have anything to do with kidnapped and eaten by his neighbors, (but unknown if him in the end, even once trying to pay for beer by that was true),this probably gave him an idea on giving Charles to the barmaid. cannibalism. • A life of violence and loneliness, with no friends and • Mother was brutal, he was beaten and humiliated mistreated by family. • Wrestled a girl to the ground at 15, giving him the urge • Started following his mother path to overpower people. • Committed rape, drug use, pimping, stealing, and fraud. • He became a teacher, but was highly shy and was constantly bullied and highly disrespected by his • Sent to many reform schools, Jails, institutes etc. students. • Tried to start up a racial war, misunderstanding the Beatles song “"Helter Skelter” thinking there would • He was so scared of the boys, that he even carried a be a war with African-Americans rising against knife with him whites. • This led to him (quite possibly) into becoming a serial • When it didn’t happen, he decided to help them murder. start it. • He ended up becoming a serial killer, responsible for • Started a group of murderers, famous for killing torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing 50 Sharon Tate, an actress. children/young people.
  • 20. Serial killers explained • For both Charles Manson and Andrei Chikatilo, they both had terrible past lives. Indeed they have done terrible things, with Charles Manson a famous criminal representing the evil icon, and Andrei Chikatilo the most notorious serial killer ever. • However, if they had had better lives, with family members who cared for them, and that they were never mistreated, they may have never became brutal mass murderers, they could’ve actually been GOOD. If they had had parents to teach them what was right an wrong, like for Charles Manson, if his mother wasn’t also a criminal, they would’ve probably never have looked at things the wrong way that they did. • Although, it is quite possible they were born in that way too. For Charles Manson, he could’ve been a pretty famous musician if he had chosen to. Instead, mankind’s “evil nature” kind of overtook him, and he turned to murdering instead.
  • 21. It is true that humans are naturally selfish and greedy. As shown in Lord of the Flies, mankind when left alone without the boundaries of civilization to keep them in will eventually run wild. However, I believe that like Adam Smith said, humans are naturally born evil, but there is still some good within us, either by donating or just helping out people in trouble. We’re good in a way such as Rousseau mentioned. • Nurture can also corrupt an individual eventually. Babies aren't born as murderers, it’s the environment around them that effects what they do added by the fact that we are naturally self-interested. If a person had a bad family history, with their parents being murderers, they’d most likely copy. If you live in a bad city it is because of the 'survival of the fittest' nature that you’d naturally become a gangster. • If you compare Charles Manson and Andrei Chikatilo, as much as it is their personal fault, they had terrible past lives. However, if they had had better lives, with family members raised them up, teaching them the right concepts they could’ve actually been GOOD. • I believe that there is no plain good or evil in an individual, with few exceptions. We are naturally evil, yet good in a way, and we’re both affected by Nurture and Nature. There is no completely good or evil person on this world, and there never will be a perfect individual on our planet.
  • 22.
  • 23. Sources • Mother Teresa • "Mother Teresa Quotes - BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>. • • • Teresa, Mother. "Words By Mother Teresa." Global Catholic Television Network | EWTN. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>. Rousseau • Kreis, Steven. "Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778." The History Guide -- Main. Web. 02 Oct. 2011. <>. • The PDF file you gave us for Enlightenment salon Adam Smith • Adam Smith. (2005). Adam Smith Institute. 24 August 2011. Serial Killers • "Andrei Chikatilo’s Childhood." Twisted Minds - a Website about Serial Killers. Web. 06 Oct. 2011. <>. • "Charels Manson’s Childhood." Twisted Minds - a Website about Serial Killers. Web. 06 Oct. 2011. <>. • 19, July. "Andrei Chikatilo." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Oct. 2011. <>. • "Charles Manson - Biography of Charles Manson." 20th Century History. Web. 06 Oct. 2011. <>.
  • 24. Sources Pictures • Clip Art • "Power Of Mind | Discover The Amega AMWand and AMPendant." Amega Global Health | Discover The Amega AMWand and AMPendant. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. < m=isch&tbnid=4UtsElGkYbC8TM:&imgrefurl= uLM&w=520&h=450&ei=92-OTsPREomaiQfyzumHDg&zoom=1 • "Barack Obama." WHERE'S LULU : Disability News & Pop Culture. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>. • • "Good vs. Evil by `Sugargrl14 on DeviantART." Sugargrl14 on DeviantART. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>. • • "City at Night IPad Wallpaper." IPad Backgrounds | IPad Wallpapers | Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>. • "Class Schedule – September 2010." Home. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <>.