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GEEC RAG Magazine | Volume XLVII | May 2013
Stories of Inspiration
Inside This Edition:
Personal Mission Statement
Professional Mission Statement
Let Your Love Light Shine!
Self-Care For Care-Takers
Highest Light House
Manifesting Outcomes
Cyber Intention Circles
Featured Article:
To Strive, To Seek,
To Find and Not Yield!
Inside This Edition
In The May Edition:
Personal and Professional
Mission Statements
Coaching and Mentoring
- Featured Article:
* To Strive To Seek To
Find and Not To Yield!
by Elaine Lockard
* Let You Love Shine
by Love Coach Laura
* Retrain Your Brain
10-minute Exercise
Free class May 23rd
by Karen Monteverdi, CPC
- Stories Of Inspiration
* Highest Light House -
Tools For Manifesting
Your Dreams
by Karen Monteverdi, CPC
- Breakthroughs
Resources for success
Donna Jo Bergman
Tony Burroughs
Marie Ginga
Kim Hughes
Isabella Johnson
Kim Lund
Karen Monteverdi, CPC
- Self-Care For Healers
Coaches and Spiritual Leaders
* Manifesting Outcomes
Cyber Intention Circles
in proxy for Tony Burroughs
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for your practice?
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Personal & Professional Mission Statements: by Karen Monteverdi, CPC
Imagine! having! the!
confidence! to! stay! your!
course! regardless! of! the!
task,! or! business! get! in! the!
way! of! spending! time! with!
Have! you! ever! set! at! your!
desk! on! a! Monday! morning!
Map! out! your! direction! in!
life! and! with! each! step! see!
your! direction! on! the!
landmarks! to! help! you!
matter! what! distractions!
how! to! enjoy! the! journey!
it! be! like! stay! your! course!
regardless! of! what! other!
That! is! what! it! is! like! for!
those! of! us! who! have! a!
professional! and! personal!
mission! statement.! It!
for! our! actions,! thoughts,!
beliefs! and! behaviors.! We!
learn! to! communicate! with!
love! to! those! who! would!
set! up! healthy! boundaries!
us! to! create! peace! in! our!
We! know! how! to! let! go! so!
the! Highest! Good! at! all!
This! freedom! allows! our!
We! remain! open! to! receive! from! both! expected! and! unexpected! sources.! We! simplify!
specifically! with! Healers,!
Coaches! and! Spiritual!
our! clients,! and! the! special!
considerations! needed! to!
We! have! taken! many!
customized! them! for! our!
industry.! We! know! when!
you! have! a! mission!
statement! and! you! have!
clearly! defined! your! values,!
your! needs! and! you! know!
your! purpose! it! is! easier! to!
fill! yourself! up! so! you! have!
• Set!Your!Course!
• Map!out!your!direction.!
• Begin!each!step!with!your!destination!in!clear!view!
• Learn!to!set!up!navigational!landmarks!!
• What!to!do!when!you’re!off!course!
• How!to!enjoy!the!journey!!
• Let!Go!Of!Bright!Shiny!Object!Syndrome!
• Build!forward!momentum!
Learn! how! to! set! your! direction! in! life,! and! create!
cohesion! in! your! mind/body/spirit! to! support! you! in!
This! program! includes! 2Bmonths! of! accountability!
Live! free! to! be! who! you! truly! are! the! most! important!
creator! in! your! business! become! ACTION! BASED,!
would! like! to! have! a! private! course! delivered! to! you!
To#Strive,#To#Seek,#To#Find#and#Not#To#Yield! by Elaine Lockard, BA, CMEC, CTACC, CHP, CM
In! a! movie! I! recently!
to! the! male! lead! character,!
to! not! give! in! to! a! terminal!
It! also! meant! to! handle! the!
own! terms! and! in! his! own!
Through! the! writer's!
brilliant! use! of! multiple!
layers! of! metaphors,! the!
male! lead! traveled! across!
Canada,! on! a! motorcycle,!
during! a! week,! which!
He! encountered! many!
struggles,! experiences,! and!
revelations! along! the! way,!
his! selfErealization,! to! his!
point! of! finally! “finding!
What! was! really! important!
to! him! in! his! life,! and! to!
know! clearly! what! to! do! to!
Each! mile! he! traveled! had!
allowed! reflection! so! this!
heart,! mind! and! soul! could!
sift! through! what! was!
meaningful! and! distinguish!
it! from! "window! dressing",!
How! much! "stuff"! do! we!
allow! into! our! lives! as!
“window! dressing”! which!
cloud! or! hide! what! is! most!
to! live,! what! would! be!
important! to! you?! How!
would! you! choose! to! live!
If! you! are! unsure! or! can't!
answer! this,! is! there! too!
Do! you! really! know! your!
Can! you! even! tell! the!
Sometimes! you! just! know!
seek! it! out.! The! point! is! to!
NEVER& give& up& looking,&
NEVER& give& up& the& quest& to&
KNOW& and& then& LIVE& your&
The! knowledge! you! gain!
through! your! search! fills!
your! spirit! and! enriches!
your! life.! You! have!
confidence! and! unshakable!
clarity,! like! never! before,! of!
what! you! want! and! how! to!
accomplish! it! and! are! at!
peace! with! all! your!
This! knowledge! is! the!
foundation! to! shaping! what!
Life! Mission! Statement! or!
that! personal! mantra! or!
creed! you! live! your! life! by!
knowledge! is! all! the! power!
you! need! to! make! the!
Along! the! way,! uncertainly!
and! indecision! is! natural!
allowing! you! to! learn! from!
an! outside! source! of!
additional,! objective!
at! my! life! to! choose! for!
myself! what! was! best! and!
One! such! source! I! used!!
was! an! ! “Intuitive(
inspiration,! in! a! manner! I!
would! never! have! thought!
of,! which! helped! me! to! see!
through! my! “window!
So! today,! as! you! read! this,!
ask! yourself! what! are! you!
your! search! and! yielded! to!
others! controlling! and!
dictating! your! life! rather!
than! following! your! own!
to! learn! more! about!
Then! an! Intuitive!
Consultation! can! assist! you!
About Elaine Lockard
Elaine is and always has been a healer. She heals:•
• through
providing YOU the tools and processes to heal yourself and your
business physically and through the and transfer of information,
She firmly believes that all healing, change, success and
occurrences in your life and business begin with YOU! And by
having the courage to know, understand and develop those parts of
yourself and your business as necessary, you can achieve
whatever you desire. Read More
Elaine! Lockard! is! a! Trusted& Business&
Enrichment& Provider! Badge! for! Excellence! and! is! approval! by! the! BizRichment!
4D( Life( Assessment( :( Put#your#higher#self#in#charge#of#you#income.#Make#sense#of#the#tools#and#assets#you#
Let$Your$Love$Light$Shine! by Love Coach Laura (AKA: Laura Wilson, CPC)
children! from! school.! When!
outside! of! our! little! girl’s!
classroom.! The! bell! rang;! a!
moment! later! my! son!
up! to! a! lovely! woman! who!
As! I! stood! there! watching,!
this! woman! was! suddenly!
of! children! all! eagerly!
moving! in! to! give! and!
I! was! so! deeply! moved! by!
watching! the! exchange! of!
me,! and! reached! out! to!
truth! of! what! I! had!
witnessed.! “I! want! to! thank!
you”! I! said! “for! your!
I! was! talking! about,! she!
Perhaps! she! thought! I’d!
mistaken! her! for! someone!
We! had! not! met! previously!
and! she! had! not! given! me!
standing! there! thanking!
looking! at! me! wondering!
what! I! was! talking! about,!
to! her! to! give! and! receive!
the! love! she! clearly! offered!
so! generously.! “It’s! so!
heart”! I! said,! indicating! the!
children! who! were!
practically! knocking! me!
Her! face! lit! up,! she!
for! who! she! was,! and! the!
beauty! I! saw! her! sharing!
She! reached! out! her! hand!
I! saw! her! love! shining!
brightly! and! beautifully! on!
everyone! around! her! and!
was! beautiful,! and! greatly!
How! many! times! have! I!
walked! by! someone,! felt!
their! pain,! witnessed! their!
I! smile! at! people,! but! my!
heart! wants! to! embrace!
them,! I! want! to! reach! out!
Just! as! all! the! children! on!
and! receive! love,! adults!
I! am! standing! for! a! greater!
purpose! in! the! world,! a!
than! I! can! even! imagine,!to!
I’d! like! to! invite! you! all! to!
Open! yourself! up! to! allow!
To! further! this! mission! I!
have! recently! created! a!
program! that! guides!
individuals! through!
This! program! teaches! you!
the! #1! cause! of! conflict! in!
to! create! lasting! love! in!
For! those! of! you! who! are!
feeling! frustrated! in! your!
relationships,! and! have! a!
longing! for! a! deeper!
connection,! or! just! more!
peace! and! satisfaction! at!
Love% Coach% Laura! works! internationally! as! a! coach,! author,! guest!
their! uniqueness! to! the! world.! Beauty! and! gifts! begin! to! flourish!
frees! you! as! she! shows! you! the% power% of% a% supportive% healthy%
relationship,! and! how! it! is! the% foundation% of% what% we% as% humans%
Re-connect with Love Click here to get started now!
• A! clear! vision! of! what’s! possible! for!
• A! powerful! connection! with! what’s!
• Uncover!the!blocks!that!are!standing!
in! the! way! of! the! intimacy! you’re!
• And! most! importantly,! we’ll! define!
the! actions! that! you! can! start! taking!
This! 30(minute! course!
Retrain! Your! Brain,! we! use!
in! the! Living! Consciously!
subconscious# mind# to# work#
life# free# to# seize# the#
possibilities# &# opportunities#
Do! you! ever! feel! like! your!
subconscious! mind! is! living!
with! a! different! set! of!
It! happens! when! your! soul!
is! telling! you! go! left! and!
Who! is! sabotaging! your!
Retrain'The'Brain'108Minute'Exercise by Karen Monteverdi
Learn! to! retrain! your! brain!
and! stand! that! your!
you! in! every! move,! as! well!
automatic! systems! support!
Gain! access! to! your! mind,!
body,! spirit! and! emotions!
from! a! whole! new!
Our! program! helps! you! set!
√! Begin! the! process! to! set!
specific! intentions! to!
√! Discover! you! can! retrain!
your! subconscious! mind! to!
respond! automatically! for!
√! Understand! why! the!
the! instructions! you! offer!
√! Learn! that! you! can!
implement! a! new!
perspective! that! supports!
√! Start! building! your! daily!
√! See! your! mind/body! and!
emotions! from! the!
√! Discover! techniques!
available! to! put! your!
√! Receive! a! 10(minute!
exercise! that! will! change!
√! How! to! use!
!complimentary! care!
through! light! therapy,!
√! Use! alternative! methods!
You! will! break! down! your!
Discover! the! hidden!
Begin! to! see! your!
possibility! of! living! in!
conscious! living! to! retrain!
“Live! free! to! be! who! you!
creator! in! your! reality!
This! free! introductory!
course! will! share! the!
reality.% Come% and% learn% a%
107minute% technique% to%
begin% transform% your%
!Karen Monteverdi, CPC is! the! Owner! and! Program! Director! for!
next! year.! Entrepreneurship+ is+ not+ for+ everyone.+ It+ takes+ self5motivation,+ self5
world.+ You+ have+ a+ product+ or+ service+ that+ if+ people+ knew+ about+ it,+ used+ it,+ it+
Highest Light House: Tools For Manifesting Your Dreams by Karen Monteverdi, CPC
We! at! Highest! Light! House!
CDs,! DVDs! and! Spiritual!
brighten! your! life! at! this!
In! the! Spirit! of! bringing!
especially! proud! of! our!
growing! HLH! Network! of!
Counselors! who! are!
most! respected! people! in!
They! are! ready! to! provide!
one! guidance! so! you! can!
shine! your! Highest! Light!
imaginable.! We! intend! that!
your! experience! here! with!
us! is! uplifting,! empowering!
receive! when! you! enter! at!
the! virtual! home! of! the!
of! the! Highest! Light! House!
in! 2009.! His! name! is! Tony!
Burroughs! and! his!
movement! has! swept! the!
Highest! Light! House! is! an!
the! Highest! Good.! It! was!
developed! because! we!
realized! that! many! fine!
their! good! works! for! two!
are! extremely! limited!
sources! for! the! distribution!
of! new! thought,! spiritual!
and! second,! many! of! these!
highly! dedicated!
lightworkers! would! rather!
use! their! time! cultivating!
their! creativity! instead! of!
task! of! marketing.!!
Thus,! Highest! Light! House!
was! born! in! order! to! help!
you! connect! with! some! of!
resonate! deeply! with! many!
well! as! with! the! gentle!
guidance! offered! by! our!
!Accordingly,! it! is! our!
heartfelt! intention! that! we!
are! bringing! you! the! most!
forward! thinking,! helpful!
"Your+ joy+ walks+ with+ you+
every+ step+ of+ the+ way.+ You+
need+ look+ no+ further+ than+
The+ world+ would+ have+ you+
think+ otherwise,+ and+ yet,+
up+ to+ you.+ You+ are+ truly+ a+
magnificent+ entity+ with+
powers+ lying+ dormant+ and+
burst+ forth+ like+ a+ young+
flower,+ which+ spreads+ its+
petals+ for+ the+ first+ time+ to+
greet+ the+ morning+ summer+
How+ long+ will+ you+ wait+
before+ you+ see+ yourself+ in+
your+ highest+ light+ and+ do+
What+ will+ it+ take+ for+ you+ to+
outward+ the+ ocean+ of+ love,+
which+ lies+ within+ you?+ You+
have+ been+ bound+ up+ too+
long,+ shackled+ to+ your+ fear,+
imprisoned+ by+ ghosts+ who+
are+ not+ real+ unless+ you+
make+ them+ so.+ The+ world+
needs+ you+ to+ be+ happy,+ to+
shine+ your+ light+ on+ all+ that+
you+ see,+ to+ laugh+ without+
limit,+ to+ touch+ the+ hearts+
and+ minds+ of+ every+ man,+
your+ way.+ Take+ a+ chance+
always+ wanted.+ Envision+
yourself+ throwing+ off+ the+
fetters+ of+ fear,+ and+ calling+
unto+ you+ the+ glory+ that+ is+
yours+ by+ right+ of+ birth.+ Let+
your+ joy+ blaze+ like+ a+ fire+ in+
the+ night.+ That's+ what+ the+
world+ needs+ from+ you.+
And,+ more+ than+ that,+ that's+
In! our! travels! with! The!
and! clear! spiritually! based!
coaches! and! messengers! on!
Their! fields! of! expertise!
range! from! personal!
coaching! to! business!
consulting! to! channeling! to!
animal! communication! to!
talented! card! readers! and!
Each! one! is! unique! and! has!
his/her! own! pricing!
Please! use! the! Counseling!
Network! drop! down! menu!
Rev. Donna Jo Bergman is an "Inner
Peace Coach" and is one of only 400+
Ordained Peace Ministers Worldwide.
She was ordained in June of 2006 at the
Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking in
Ashland, OR. Her expertise as a Peace
Coach is in helping others find the
"Peace that passeth all understanding"
that all of humanity seeks in one way or
another. She knows how to guide, lead
and show others how to achieve this
state of Inner Peace and keep it
sustained. She is sought after worldwide
for her counsel.
Rev. Donna Jo's skills include being a
Peace Minister, Reiki Master/Instructor,
Cellular Release Therapist, Behavior
Kinesiology Therapist, Psych-K
Practitioner, an ARCH*
Master/Medical Intuitive, Consulting
Hypnotist, Counseling Clinical
Hypnotherapist, and a Master
For More Information and How to
Contact Rev. Donna Jo Bergman
Tony Burroughs is a 9 time Author and
Cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest
Good. In setting up Intenders Circles
across the country he has helped
thousands of people get clearer on what
they want out of life. More recently he is
working one-on-one with people on the
phone, on Skype, and in person in order to
be of better service to his fellowmen and
women. He is especially intuitive about
showing others how to turn their adverse
circumstances into opportunities.
"I am here only to be truly helpful."
If you would like to make changes in your
life, then working with Marie Ginga is
sure to give you the jump-start you need.
Marie is the founder of Changing Life's
Direction, a coaching and counseling
agency located online and based in
Albuquerque, NM. Her first book,
Amazing Changes: How to Maximize the
Inevitable, is expected to be available by
the end of 2011. Drawing on her 17 years
of counseling experience, Marie brings
together a beautiful blend of the spiritual,
the psychological and the practical aspects
of life to support others in making
Amazing Changes.
Kim(Hughes( Kim Hughes embodies the Sacred Self Living philosophy, which says that you are a spark of
creation equal to and as precious as any other. Therefore it follows that you, your life, and
your energies are sacred. It is your job and privilege to get clear on your Sacred Life Purpose
in each incarnation, so you will be more focused, more relaxed, more able to attract the
things you need and more fulfilled.
Sacred Self Living does not teach; we help you to find your own daily guidance. By using
sound principles of psychology, learning theory, brain research, strength-based coaching, and
inner-directed spiritualties, Sacred Self Living helps each individual find and follow his or
her own true path.
"Kim has worked closely with me to change my life from the inside out. As a coach, she has
supported me through major life changes. But the greatest impact she has had on my life is
that she has been a true partner in my efforts to follow my dreams and listen to my heart.
With her unwavering strength, clarity of insight, and commitment, I have learned new skills
that support me every day. She is one of the strongest, most gifted people I know, and I give
her my highest recommendation." ~Maura Fallon-Mcknight
For More Information and How to Contact Kim . . .!
Isabella Johnson specializes in helping people once again embrace their life as a wonderful
co-creative journey. She has worked as an Intuitive Life Coach and Medium for over 20 years
and is always delighted to get updates on clients as they regain and remember their worth,
power and gain a sense of their place on this beautiful planet. She is able to blend her psychic
abilities in order to gently guide fellow travelers to turn every experience into a learning and
empowering life lesson. Isabella firmly believes that every situation we experience today
comes from our past Intentions and she is here to help you INTEND a magnificent future!
Isabella's modalities include Intuitive Medium, Energy Healing, Reiki, Clairaudience (She also
has the ability to remote view, although this is typically used only when locating a Missing
Person), Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and Telepathy.
" I just got off the phone with Isabella. I like her. She told me a couple things that made me sit
back...just things that will help me" ~Pam Baugh, The Intenders FB Founders Circle
Kim Lund is a Manifestation Coach who is committed to helping others manifest the life of
their dreams. She is also the founder and president of the Heart Center of Love and Light. Kim
received her training at The Coach Institute in 2006 and also became a Reiki Master Teacher
that same year. She makes use of a number of modalities that include Life Coaching, Reiki,
Sound Therapy, Color Therapy, Breathwork and more.
"Sometimes you need the help of a friend, until you can move mountains again."
Karen Monteverdi, CPC, received her certification through the International Coach Academy.
Her training incorporates bodywork, biology, physics, quantum physics, meditation, centered
relaxation, and exploration of beliefs to promote health, aliveness, empowerment and balance
in life.
Karen coaches locally, nationally and internationally. Her personal style of coaching has been
greatly influenced by The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World. She is the author of Living
Consciously in an Ego Driven Society, which is available here at Highest Light House. Over
the last year, Karen has expanded her coaching to healers, coaches and spiritual leader to assist
them in their business endeavors. Karen is the owner and publisher of this magazine.
For More Information and How to Contact Karen. . .
Manifesting Outcomes: Intention Circles by Karen Monteverdi, CPC for Tony Borroughs
Good! show! you! how! to! set!
your! intention! to! have! that!
which! you! desire! come! to!
We! have! rediscovered! a!
simple! method! of!
empowerment! that! we! call!
The! Intention! Process,!
which! is! making! all! of! our!
We! understand! that! our!
desires! are! in! us! to! be!
fulfilled! and! that! our!
!We! support! and! help! one!
another! to! become! as! clear!
live! our! lives! to! the! fullest.!
Just! by! saying! your!
intentions! each! day! and!
gathering! together! on! a!
regular! basis! with! your!
friends! in! an! Intention!
Circle,! you! can! change! your!
life! for! the! better.!!
These! Intention! Circles! are!
designed! to! provide! you!
with! a! unique! format! for!
coming! together! with! your!
In! fact,! we! offer! several!
great! distances! from! each!
Now,! you! can! easily! join! or!
set! up! your! own! Intenders!
are! no! dues! to! pay,! no!
leadership! positions! to!
You! can! create! your! own!
conscious! community! by!
call! your! group! whatever!
you! like.!!
those! who! want! to! use! the!
Laws! of! Manifestation! in!
their! daily! lives! and! have! a!
After! crisscrossing! the!
country! countless! times!
over! the! last! decade!
towns! alike! how! to! set! up!
their! own! Intenders! Circle!
for! us! to! adapt! our! unique!
Intenders! Circle! format! to!
So! I! called! Pam! Baugh,! our!
a! practical,! working! model!
that! will! make! it! easy! (and!
free)! for! anyone! to! set! up!
their! own! Intenders!
We! began! by! exploring! the!
wide! range! of!
videoconferencing! venues!
found! that! Google+!
Hangouts! had! everything!
• Accessible! through!
• Has! space! for! up! to! 10!
• Worked! beautifully! on!
our! desktops! as! well! as!
• It!is!free!!
our! Beta! Cybercircle!
because! we! didn't! have!
enough! computer! capacity!
take! part! without! our!
connectivity! being!
!But,! for! most! of! us,! it!
worked! perfectly,! even! on!
our! notLsoLnew! computers.!!
a! bit! concerned! that! we!
might! not! enjoy! the! same!
high! energy,! uplifting!
We! were! each! able! to! say!
• Gratitudes! ("I'm!
• !Intentions! ("I! intend!
• Visions! for! our! ideal!
world! ("I! see! a! world!
We! easily! and! comfortably,!
of! everyone! else! in! the!
Cybercircle! because! we!
were! all! lined! up! with! the!
We! even! toned! by! singing!
Ahhh! together! for! a! minute!
and! it! felt! great.! Between!
the! toning! and! all! of! our!
simultaneous! aligning! we!
felt! at! One! with! each! other!
the! icing! on! the! cake! came!
in! the! socializing! after! the!
circle! when! Paul! put! on! a!
pirate! hat! from! the! Google!
Effects! section! and! we! all!
The! bottom! line! for! us! is!
that! it! worked! well! beyond!
our! expectations.! We! had!
great! fun,! started! the!
conscious! manifestation!
process! rolling! by! stating!
our! gratitudes! and!
intentions,! made! several!
new! friends,! and! came!
when! we! Hangout! again!!!
I'm% excited% to% be% a% part% of%
this,% and% I% feel% that% we% are%
many% others% who% are%
isolated% to% connect% with%
people% sort% of% just% accept%
that% they% have% to% travel% a%
need% not% be% the% case%
anymore.% They% can% connect%
love% of% an% energetic% soul%
family% that% they% need!% It's%
amazing!% Can't% wait% until%
Much% Love% &% Light% to% All,%
Thank% you% all!% I% have% been%
needing% to% reconnect% with%
been% rather% isolated% here%
with% my% dad.% So% this% is%
minded% friends% to% help% push%
So% looking% forward% to% next%
So% be% it,% and% so% it% is!% In% the%
Highest% Light~% Gail!!
Tony Burroughs is a 9 time Author and
Cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest
Good. In setting up Intenders Circles
across the country he has helped
thousands of people get clearer on what
they want out of life. More recently he is
working one-on-one with people on the
phone, on Skype, and in person in order to
be of better service to his fellowmen and
women. He is especially intuitive about
showing others how to turn their adverse
circumstances into opportunities.
"I am here only to be truly helpful."
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Deserving with Grace
By Karen Monteverdi, CPC & BizRichmentTM
Become the empowered heart-centered
leader you were divinely created to be!
The First One Year Program That Teaches
You The Mindset Of Entrepreneurship, By
Living Consciously: In An Ego Driven Society©
Move From Dreaming To Doing!
Welcome to the Deserving With Grace Coaching
Program; specifically design to help you stop
dreaming of opening your own business some day
to beginning today!
Deserving With Grace Coaching Program is the
only business enrichment coaching program to
help you create a conscious business by using the
concepts from the best selling book: Living
Consciously In An Ego Driven Society©.
A conscious business is one that has a mission,
clearly defined service, knows who it helps, and
why. A conscious business is built to add light
into the world for the greatest good of all
mankind. Conscious business owners are leaders
in their communities. They are empowered by a
higher mission to bring about an evolution in
business through holistic marketing, service
oriented healthier ways to live sociologically
from a community mindset beginning with self-
We have three little steps to complete before you
are really ready:
1) Identify Your Abundance Blocks
2) Assess the keys to establish your business
3) Commitment to a deserving mindset
This program is for those who aspire to own a
business within the next year. Entrepreneurship is
not for everyone. It takes self-motivation, self-
awareness, and, face it, a lot of courage. You
want to make a difference in the world. You
know you have what it takes to help your clients.
You’ve taken the steps to gain your education;
you’ve been struggling to move your practice into
a viable business.
• Do you know where to start?
• Do you have enough experience?
• Do you have enough support with your
energy, time and money?
• Do you have business savvy?
• Does what you do fulfill a passion in your
heart and a need in the world?
• How you deliver your product or service
and maintain the level of integrity that you
• Do you understand the difference between
marketing, sales and advertising?
• Have you done your research: who is your
client, what do they need?
• Do you want to know how to get known?
• What about your back office, do you know
Save Time & Money, Gain Stress Relief and Grant Youself Sanity as You
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“Business Experience Worth Having”
Call (503) 762-3118
Deserving With Grace Coaching Program
Deserving With Grace: Abundance Block Identifier
The First Step To:
Deserving With Grace!
Based on a specific set of instructions, you receive a clearing for the health
and wellbeing of you in your business.
! Discover hidden messages from far reaches of your mind
! Uncover the blocked energy and story behind what stops you
Powerfully release the blocked energy through a creative visualization.
! Connect to your heart-center and, to your “Source” (“GOD”)
! Connect to your body
! Release blocked energy
! Recharge your mind, body and spirit with positive energy
! Notice the magnetic shift into abundance
! Create balance and a healthy mindset to grow personally
Deserving With Grace
Deserving With Grace: Abundance Block Identifier!
Think5 about5 your5 bank5 account5 right5 now.5 How5 does5 it5 feel?5 Are5 you5 happy?5
To5 succeed5 you5 must5 have5 a5 mindset5 that5 supports5 you5 completely.5 I5 designed5 this5
! Experience5the5vastness5of5everything5our5planet5has5to5offer5
! Connect5to5your5divine5truth5
! Release5repelling5energy5
! Recharge5the5with5positive5attractors5
! Notice5the5magnetic5shift5into5Abundance5
! Create5balance5and5a5healthy5mindset5to5grow5personally5
Receive! the! program! that! changes! your! blocks! into! attractors...!!
*To# receive# this# gift# you# must# fill# in# all# of# the# questions# below.# Your# answers# must# be#
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Chapter 7- Excerpt from the book
COPYRIGHT May 30, 2010
Portland, Oregon
No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or
electronic process, or in the form of recording electronic or otherwise, nor may it be
stored in a retrievable system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private
use without written permission of the author. You may contact Karen Monteverdi,
CPC at for authorization.
First Printing June 14, 2010
Made in the Untied States Of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Cover by RainWorld Interactive
Sponsored by GreenMountain Enrichment and Empowerment Center
Chapter Seven
Living Consciously
In An Ego-Driven Life
Understanding That What We Learned
Can Be Unlearned
One of the distinctions coaches make about self-defeating
beliefs or behaviors is that at one time or another these
things were survival mechanisms.
For example:
I learned as a child that if I talked badly about myself
when I made a mistake, my family would give me encouragement. But if I did
not say I was stupid or that an action was dumb, they would kindly oblige me by
providing the negative talk from their end. Therefore, as a child I learned that if
I quickly criticized myself, I received validation. When I started school, others
were not so encouraging. Instead I was criticized for the negative self-talk. To
me this was confusing. Since I still lived with my family and wanted their
validation, I thought it was a good idea to keep my negative talk limited to my
internal dialog when not at home. The predictable result was that I began to
experience low self-esteem. In junior high school I was that kid who was
stuffed into the locker, beaten up after school, or teased for the bully’s
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
enjoyment. I had made agreements first with my family and then with my peers,
about how I fit into the world. The original idea was a survival mechanism. A
consequence of that particular behavior was a new belief. The belief was that I
knew less than others about how to live in the world. The key point here is that
no one did this to me; I chose the path myself. Others only acted on what I
perceived to be true.
We can be grateful for the belief’s original inception and recognize that these
beliefs and behaviors once served us. They become self-defeating, however,
when the behavior or belief is no longer needed for survival and now impedes
our evolutionary process. One way I am grateful for the original experience is
that I was determined to find out about how life worked, about social
interaction, and about how to navigate with others to create peace in my world.
This book is a culmination of that driving force to fit in. I have learned so much
about life and how we affect it because I wanted to understand why, if we are an
expression of life, we can become so mixed up about the world. When we have
a belief, it generates a thought, which brings on an action through an event. In a
nano-second, we evaluate, and an emotion is formed. We act or react, creating a
behavior. We evaluate the consequences, which lead to an evaluation of our
original belief. Then we go out into the world and create additional evidentiary
experience to prove our logic, regardless of whether or not the logic is flawed.
We continue to repeat the process. Through consciousness, however, we can
begin to realize that we have choices as to what we believe, feel, think and
experience and also about how we behave.
When we hold the evidence as the only truth, we are looking at the world from a
single, limited perspective. We continue to produce the same results in our lives
until we recognize the fact that we have another choice. We even create
agreements with others, unconsciously of course, to help us identify behaviors,
which either support our desires or become signposts showing us that we are
going the wrong way.
If we recognize that we are not producing our desired results, we can begin to
look for another perspective. We can create a course correction in our thoughts,
look at the event from another viewpoint, review our evaluation and use our
emotions as a gage of what we do and do not like. We can adjust our behavior
and re-evaluate it, even though we are currently living in the consequences of
our past experiences. This process affects our beliefs. We then go out and create
new evidentiary experience based on a truth, which will produce the results we
wish to create.
By replacing the directives consciously into our subconscious mind, we begin to
live in harmony and create cohesion and balance in our lives. We essentially
become our own best friend. We gain strength and confidence, which our
instincts, behaviors, beliefs and actions are completely supporting, so as to live
an enriching and empowering life of our intentional design.
To enable maximum efficiency, one can discover his/her personal method of
learning. The practice of Neuro-Linguistic Programming can evaluate how we
learn. Typically the process takes about 30-minutes and the categories are
Audio, Visual, Kinetic, and Digital/Audio. Many tools are available on the web
to assist in the evaluation of our particular mode of learning. Discover, if you
haven’t already, your best method of absorbing new information at a
subconscious level.
To live consciously is to be aware of our subconscious beliefs. As we do so, we
become aware our underlying automatic commitments for survival. Underlying
automatic commitments (UAC) can be a positive tool for our conscious
For example if we have a UAC, which says we are capable, we show up capable
in any situation. We know we can learn anything; be present in the moment. We
know that our body and mind support our ability. Our greatest gifts are the
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
ability to adapt, learn, and create. We open up the doors to our experiences
when we see how easily and effortlessly we can adapt to new situations.
We can, for instance, take an old belief, which no longer serves us, see it with
new eyes for what it is and replace it with the mental attitude of, say,
competency. We thus begin to see ourselves as committed to serve in every
situation and be what is needed. This knowledge penetrates every cell of our
body and mind. Our spirit comes forth, and we connect with others in a way
through which they instinctively know we are capable of supporting them. We
can take on the management roll or be innovative and creative. This example is
only one use of a UAC. We can do this for any experience we wish to have. If
we want to embody love, hold a space for learning, be adventurous, etc…
whatever experience we choose to have or want to be in life, we can create the
directive for its manifestation. If you have a belief that change is hard, this
might be a starting point for experimentation.
Benefits of Living Consciously
In the movie, The Matrix, the character Neo is aware that something else is
going on in his world, something covert and secret. He digs and digs; opening
doors to find the truth of what life is really about. He discovers a matrix built to
live in a dream world.
In the Four Agreements, the Toltec also see that the world is but a dream;
waking up changes everything. Unlike the matrix though, the universe supports
this freedom to create a reality, which is more beautiful than the dream world
unconscious people tend to create. For me this has now become the absolute
truth. I live in a world that is supportive, safe, loving, kind, open, and a
playground for exploration of whatever my mind body and spirit are capable of
creating. It is profoundly more rewarding than the dream I once lived in.
Most of us have times when our subconscious mind has undermined our
relationships with self and others as well as our lifestyle (but never our spiritual
progression; our spirit is always evolving-it is the observer in my opinion). The
transformational life coaching process educates us to retrain the brain so as to
support our goals, dreams, financial situations, health, social interactions, and
the awareness of our instructions to mind, body and spirit. Through powerful
questioning, we actually discover our unconscious desires. What are we truly
committed to?
One of the most powerful tools in our toolbox is our acceptance of
transformation to discover our underlying automatic commitments. As we
discussed in chapter three, we are always committed to something. In chapter
five we explored a case study and learned how those commitments move us to
seek out what we have lost in childhood and how these desires can trap us in dis-
ease. Throughout the book we talked about forgiveness being a primary tool in
letting go of the past. In chapter six we came to understand that our beliefs are
easily transformed as we learn and grow throughout our life. When we get stuck
in the past, we lose our vitality for life. These processes are part of human
nature, and yet we can re-train the unconscious, starting with forgiveness, so that
we are no longer operating on the outdated version of our operational code.
It is an advantage to be consciously aware; our brain has the ability to process
our experiences in life and is perfectly designed for the evolution of
Part of our social training is to propagate the feeling of blame, shame or guilt.
My goal is to give you a perspective, which helps you understand that these are
feelings based on beliefs that serve only to keep you entrapped in the dream.
The truth achieved through letting go will indeed set you free to experience
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
Sometimes negativity is essentially resistance to the unknown. From resistance
we develop desires. We can choose to transform our perspectives so as to
support our lives. Have you ever noticed that when you look at a problem as a
big, scary issue, you sometimes see no way out? When you begin to look for
options, the problem becomes smaller, and all of a sudden you become big
enough to handle any challenges you face!
Thoughts can be easily and effortlessly manageable. You can cancel any thought
and replace it in the moment to create the movement of your progression. When
you become consciously aware of your own self-talk and teach yourself to
support your life, the retraining becomes a streamlined process. When we
streamline our process through positive self-talk, we are much more effective
and efficient in the retraining techniques, which create the outcome of our
desires, dreams, relationships, health, etc. But do not be deceived. Positive
self-talk is not the only tool you need in order to transform your life. In the
American King James version of the Bible it is written “And ye shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Essentially I see this freedom as being
knowledge and choice of the agreements we allowed into our operational code.
We can evaluate whether or not the agreements are serving our highest good.
For example if you tell yourself that you are smart, but you have not addressed
the original opposing directive, the positive self-talk will feel inauthentic. This
lack of authenticity was, I believe, the single most contributing factor for the
failure of the movement in the 1980’s to promote positive thinking. This culprit
has undoubtedly prevented other self-help techniques from working in our past.
We cannot build new beliefs on top of the old ones any more than we can
construct a new and beautiful home on quick sand. We must clear out the old
beliefs and become self-expressed about our emotions. Talk therapy is often
helpful in this area, along with coaching, child-regression therapy, somatic
bodywork (such as Radix) or simply talking to someone who sees things
I often put a time limit on negative emotional release. For example when I see
an expression of my own negative emotions, I pull from the past the string that
connects all thoughts. I find the original offensive directive and begin the
clearing out. I tell myself that today I will allow myself to feel upset for only
one hour. After that, I will create a different set of directives to navigate the
remainder of my day. If the emotion is not cleared out, I allow myself to
continue for as many days as I need so as to complete the process. After we are
self-expressed, it is much easier to release the ego’s need to be right.
Ego creates separatism, which is essential for knowing that we, as individuals,
view the world separately from how others perceive it. There is perfection in
that separatism if we use it for our benefit as a gauge. When we let go of our
identification of self as ego we can observe freely. The evidentiary experience is
what we create out of our beliefs, thoughts and actions. If we are unhappy with
the consequences of past relationships, we must “clean it up” with the other
person involved. We need to employ forgiveness, especially if the other person
doesn’t have the tools or knowledge to forgive in return. Or, as in my case with
Chris, if the other person is no longer alive, or even if to make contact with the
other person would be harmful to you or your loved ones, we can journal or use
prayer and meditation, to clear out the pain of the past.
In my case with my father I used all of the tools to help me heal. Forgiveness
was never about my father it was about me. Knowing how to forgive, in no way
condones activities such as of being a pedophile in anyway. Nor does it allow
him access to my family or me. His actions are dangerous; my forgiveness does
not change his behavior as dangerous man. I no longer set up scenarios in my
life that attract people that would do me harm. I understanding how the anger,
blame and fear kept me trapped in recreating scenarios so I could continue to
feel anger, blame and fear. Those operational beliefs poisoned me against me it
also affected my relationships. By healing my own belief about life I created
amazing transformations for myself.
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
Another process that works is learning through the experiences evident in our
society. By learning from people’s mistakes or triumphs, we can see evidence,
and therefore avoid personally experiencing those follies or achievements in
order to understand them. That is one reason we read books, watch movies, go
to school, make friends etc.
Now that we understand what the ego does and does not do effectively, we can
recognize the signs of how the ego is being used in each moment. We easily
step out of ego to choose wisely in order to create a course correction or
continue on the original course, based on the life we want to create and how we
want to exist and feel in each moment. How to be is the question. The only
choice for me in creating the experience I want to live, is the method of being
open to the possibilities
Understanding the deep, unfaltering connection with all that exists is the stage of
evolution gives us the wherewithal to take the sort of action, belief, behavior and
thought, which shares a common interest with the collective consciousness.
Through the process of creating an experience, which is beneficial for all of
mankind, the planet, solar system, universe and all that is; our behavior is, by
necessity, incredibly impacted. We create a gauge through our emotions, ego,
and evidentiary experience. With reality, we decipher a way of being. This
directive can become the most effective way to create our desired outcome.
Upon this directive, we base our mode of existence, our behavior and our
physical reality concerning who and what we want to affect. We, who are
working for the greatest good, keep all aspects of our creation in check with how
we will consequentially affect internal and external reality.
In the next chapter we will discuss the laws of conscious living. The following
information is a holistic point of view for the simple evolution of our
consciousness. I say simple because we as humans make tasks too complicated
at times. This viewpoint is a compilation from a myriad of sources, which I
have discovered for my own use and the use of my clients. It demonstrates
effective ways to see the realities of the universal knowledge.
Many scientist, theologians and philosophers talk about the unity consciousness.
This is also known as the collective consciousness as we will discuss on page
We have learned about the idea of projection, which is what we see in others as
an expression of the internal workings of our selves. We understand that today
we are living in the consequences of our past expressions, and yet we are in the
moment creating the consequences we will or will not continue to live by. We
can decide to create new consequences and develop a new experience of life.
We have learned that the only moment of creation is in the present moment.
Let’s jazz it up a bit. As the population of this world; we are our expression of
self through the outer experience of our existence, which again is a reflection of
self. Live in joy, and you will discover so many joyful things about living!
Deepak Chopra talks about the 5 levels of consciousness. Aristotle talks about
knowing one’s self. I present the idea that you are connected to your own higher
self. My personal belief is that if we are consciously aware, we experience the
world through our ego, our 6 senses, brain waves, electronic impulses, feelings,
emotions, magnetic fields, soulful connection. We are inspired and affected by
the forces of nature, creativity of the universe, universal knowledge and a deep
vastness of nothing. All of this is translated to the whole of our experiences, and
from our viewpoint, it is unique beyond belief. With approximately 6.8 billion
people on the planet, our experience is so amazingly defined by all of the forces
of nature and our own perspective; not one experience is exactly the same.
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
Can you imagine being a consciousness, which wants to experience everything?
You’ve seen it. Kids have this joy, and it shows up when it’s time to go to bed.
They don’t want to miss anything; they want a drink of water so they can come
out to see what you’re doing, or they beg for one more story. They don’t want
this experience of life to stop. They love it, and I believe that is what is meant by
the biblical saying of be ye like little children. This is the adventure, the curious
nature, the lack of any expectation other than a knowing that there is another
experience coming right up. If you go to sleep for one minute, you will miss
something really important. What if you were the whole of the universe and you
wanted to know every corner of existence? If you were the consciousness of
this universe, wouldn’t you want to experience everything from a different point
of view?
The nature of our experience is that we all have unique pathways of information
coming to our subconscious, which I believe has a direct connection to our
higher self. Our higher self is then connected through an unseen dimension I
call the all that is. The all that is connects all things, all that have existed, all that
exist now, and the numerous possibilities, which could exist. This is the place
of infinite wisdom, knowledge and expression… the experience some people
call GOD, or the ether stream, the vortex of all knowledge of all that exists in
the universe. What you call this awareness is not important. What is important
is that in this space you will find total acceptance, love, joy, bliss, inspiration,
truth, trust, confidence, harmony, insight, and creativity. This unseen
dimension, I believe, is the all that is experiencing its own consciousness and
awareness; being able to experience everything at once through the awareness of
other points of consciousness. This phenomenon - this universal wisdom is
there for us to tap into anytime we wish, like a magic flowing river. The
difference is… it is real. I know; I have been there. It is where the great
vastness of information came together for me in writing this book.
How do you get there? Like our personal experiences, it is a personal process.
Again, Deepak gives a 5-step process, which for me is one way of attaining this
expression of the all that is. You can read his book the Third Jesus or pick up his
DVD called Secrets of Enlightenment. I rented it from Netfix.
For me, the connection with the all that is comes when I am working with my
clients, talking about life, understanding how we affect our reality, experiencing
the luscious multitude of layers life has to offer. I begin to allow my mind to
drift, and forms begin to shape. I see the world not as it is, but as my
consciousness wishes to experience it. I drink in the space and, as the observer,
I begin to hear sounds, see pictures, and taste the flavors of life. The beauty and
joy, the pain and sorrow, the creativity of the universe, the oneness where all
exists, is all present. The other day I was eating a piece of albacore tuna brought
in by my nephew, who is a commercial fisherman. In that first bite it was as if
an alternate reality was present. I saw the tuna in the ocean swimming free in its
school. I saw what it saw in the ocean; the travels far and wide. My experience
in that moment was life and the abundance that is present for the tuna. I felt the
hook as the tuna was being caught. I felt the excitement and the joy of my
nephew; I felt the waves and the boat as if I was the water crashing onto the side
of the ship. I was the ship being held together, flowing naturally in the water. I
experienced the tuna stopping his struggle and giving up his life for the
fisherman. I experienced the flash of light move into the flow of the all that is. I
felt gratitude as the fish nourished my body and began to digest and be
processed as my flesh. I recognized the great gift that I had received this day
from the simple process of eating a meal. Was it real? To me my experience
was as real as your experience of reading this text. Was this life expression
available to me to experience? Yes, because it was my experience. Do you
need to believe that this really happened to me to make it real? No. All that
matters is that you now have an idea of what it was like for me to lavish in that
moment in the joy of life.
Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life
Above you can see a depiction of a moment in time and space in which reality
was captured through the lens of a camera. I then created a painting to express
the moment. My representation of this moment is not a perfect depiction of the
actual scene. However, it gives the viewer a representation of the reality I
experienced; the calmness and irregularity of the bridge, the peace I felt in that
moment. This visualization is how I experienced life in the presence of being in
this space. It is not the actual experience, nor is it the actual place. All of my
senses, seen and unseen are expressed in the painting. For me, this painting
represents the holistic view of this delicious moment in time.
! !
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Global Coach Training Faculty
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Awaken! to! the! simplicity! of! life,! after! three!
Best! Selling! Author! and! Motivational! Speaker!
Tony! Burroughs! says;! "Karen& Monteverdi& has&
experience.! We! are! feeling! deeper! than! ever!
before,! we! pick! up! information! from! others!
important! than! ever! to! understand! self! at! a!
• Identify#and#change#self/sabotaging!
• Recognize#and#overcome#patterns#and#
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• Discover#and#embody#purpose#and#
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Elaine! Lockard! is! a! BizRichmentTM
! Service!
Provider.! As! such,! we! stand! behind! her!
A! powerful! series! of! guidedEmeditation!
attunements;! they! help! to! facilitate! an!
acceleration! of! your! personal! and! spiritual!
From! the! Lightarian! Institute,! the! Ray!
Attunements! are! linked! to! the! energies! of!
She! will! share! to! answers! to! your!
why! is! it! such! an! underutilized! yet!
powerful! technique’! along! with! how!
I’ve! used! both! seeding! and! speaking!
to!expand!my!reach! to!the!tune!of!a!
multiEmillion! dollar! business! in! a! few!
• Assessments!
• Executive!Coaching!
• Planning!
• Result!Based!Solutions!
• Entrepreneurship!
• Provider!Programs!
• Product!University!
• Certifications!
• Leadership!and!Development!
• Life!Skills!Training!
• Living!Consciously!Education!
• Business!Building!Skills!
• Books!
• Signature!Program!!
• SelfPKnowledge!Is!SelfPPower!
• Leaderships!and!Development!
• Life!Skill!Training!
• Living!Consciously!Education!
• Lectures!&!Free!Teleclasses!
• R.I.V.A.!Assessments!
• SelfPKnowledge!Is!SelfPPower!
• Product!University!
• Sponsorship!Programs!
• Provider!Programs!
• Multiple!Streams!Of!Income!
• Result!Based!Solutions!
• Strategic!Planning!
• Team!Building!I!&!II!
• We!Speak!For!You!–!Company!
• Customize!Personnel!Training!
• Living!Consciously!Book!
• Deserving!With!Grace!–!
• Save!90k!on!Research!
• Article!Writing!With!A!Book!In!
• Communicating!Your!Authentic!
• How!To!Seduce!Your!Audience!
• How!To!Engage!Your!Audience!
• Power!TeleClass!Sign!Up!
• Reminders!With!Love!
• Time!Management!For!Project!
• Articles!
• Case!Studies!
• Provider!Programs!
• Lectures!&!Teleclasses!
• eBooks!
• Webinars!
• Slideshow!presentations!
BizRichment™ primary purpose is to enrich
the lives of business owners through business
systems and processes to create a powerful
mindset of self-support while making a
difference in the world through service-based
BizRichment™ was founded in 2009 from
the Healers Unite Lecture and further
developed by The Meeting Place and Healers
Unite Portland Movement and through the
Portland Peace Conference.
The wake up call:
It was a stark realization to the group that
80% of all new coaches failed to create a
self-sustaining income through coaching in
the first year. Further discovery proved that
65% of practitioners in the healing
community specifically alternative health
industry went out of business in the first year.
These statistics gave us pause, armed with
the knowledge we could assist our
community of healers, coaches and
practitioners, through coaching and
mentoring we began to see results. The
overall statistics have changed in the national
numbers. However, we noted that those
businesses that chose to create a relationship
with a coaching mastermind group, personal
or executive coaching, began to see results
right away. They increased their ability to
maintain their success in “staying afloat” in
the critical years.
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Healers Unite Magazine

  • 1. ! ! ! GEEC RAG Magazine | Volume XLVII | May 2013 INTENTION!!RESOURCE:!!INTRODUCING!!!C!Y!B!E!R!!!C!I!R!C!L!E!S,! INSPIRATION!!!F!O!R!!!L!I!F!E!:!SAY!YES!!!!!TO!!!WHAT!!YOU!WANT!! Stories of Inspiration Inside This Edition: Personal Mission Statement Professional Mission Statement Let Your Love Light Shine! Self-Care For Care-Takers Highest Light House Manifesting Outcomes Cyber Intention Circles Featured Article: To Strive, To Seek, To Find and Not Yield! ! P!E!R!S!O!N!A!L!!!!!!A!N!D!!!!!!P!R!O!F!E!S!S!I!O!N!A!L!!!!!M!I!S!S!I!O!N!!!! S!T!A!T!E!M!E!N!T!S!,!!!M!E!N!T!O!R!I!N!G!!!A!N!D!!!!C!O!A!C!H!I!N!G!
  • 2. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Inside This Edition 1 In The May Edition: Personal and Professional Mission Statements Coaching and Mentoring - Featured Article: * To Strive To Seek To Find and Not To Yield! by Elaine Lockard * Let You Love Shine by Love Coach Laura * Retrain Your Brain 10-minute Exercise Free class May 23rd by Karen Monteverdi, CPC 2 - Stories Of Inspiration * Highest Light House - Tools For Manifesting Your Dreams by Karen Monteverdi, CPC - Breakthroughs Resources for success Donna Jo Bergman Tony Burroughs Marie Ginga Kim Hughes Isabella Johnson Kim Lund Karen Monteverdi, CPC 3 - Self-Care For Healers Coaches and Spiritual Leaders * Manifesting Outcomes Cyber Intention Circles in proxy for Tony Burroughs Would you like free exposure for your practice? We’d love to see you here! Join us each month for insightful stories, perspectives and let us become your source as: HEALERS UNITE!
  • 3. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Personal & Professional Mission Statements: by Karen Monteverdi, CPC Action'Based,'' Forward'Focused' ! Imagine! having! the! confidence! to! stay! your! course! regardless! of! the! circumstances!in!your!life.! ! Have!you!ever!let!life!get!in! the!way!of!you!completing!a! task,! or! business! get! in! the! way! of! spending! time! with! your!family?! ! Have! you! ever! set! at! your! desk! on! a! Monday! morning! wondering!what!you!should! be!doing?! ! It!is!time!to!set!your!course.! Map! out! your! direction! in! life! and! with! each! step! see! your! direction! on! the! horizon.!! ! Imagine!having!navigational! landmarks! to! help! you! recognize!where!you!are,!no! matter! what! distractions! come!your!way.! ! Imagine!knowing!what!to!do! when!you!get!off!course,!and! how! to! enjoy! the! journey! with!each!step.!What!would! it! be! like! stay! your! course! regardless! of! what! other! people!think!or!say!or!do?! ! That! is! what! it! is! like! for! those! of! us! who! have! a! professional! and! personal! mission! statement.! It! creates!an!internal!compass! for! our! actions,! thoughts,! beliefs! and! behaviors.! We! learn! to! communicate! with! love! to! those! who! would! stay!us!from!our!course,!and! set! up! healthy! boundaries! for!our!selfBcare.!This!allows! us! to! create! peace! in! our! hearts.!! ! We! know! how! to! let! go! so! there!is!room!for!something! better!to!come!in.!We!intend! that!we!are!guided,!guarded,! protected!and!lined!up!with! the! Highest! Good! at! all! times.!! ! This! freedom! allows! our! business!to!focus!on!Higher! Truths.!!
  • 4. ! We! remain! open! to! receive! from! both! expected! and! unexpected! sources.! We! simplify! everything!we!do.!!!This!is!the!power!of!a!personal!mission!statement.!They!are!an!important! part!of!any!serviceBbased!business.!!There!are!many!tools!on!the!Internet!that!can!help!with! your!mission!statements.! ! We!recommend!the!Franklin!/!Covey!method.!You!can!build!yours!for!free!online!! The!main!focus!of!our!work! at!BizRichmentTM!is!to!work! specifically! with! Healers,! Coaches! and! Spiritual! Leaders.!! ! We!understand!the!heart!of! our! clients,! and! the! special! considerations! needed! to! fulfill!their!mission.!! ! We! have! taken! many! different!methodologies!and! customized! them! for! our! industry.! We! know! when! you! have! a! mission! statement! and! you! have! clearly! defined! your! values,! your! needs! and! you! know! your! purpose! it! is! easier! to! fill! yourself! up! so! you! have! enough!to!spare!and!enough! to!share!with!your!clients.!! The!method:! • Set!Your!Course! • Map!out!your!direction.! • Begin!each!step!with!your!destination!in!clear!view! • Learn!to!set!up!navigational!landmarks!! • What!to!do!when!you’re!off!course! • How!to!enjoy!the!journey!! • Let!Go!Of!Bright!Shiny!Object!Syndrome! • Build!forward!momentum! Learn! how! to! set! your! direction! in! life,! and! create! cohesion! in! your! mind/body/spirit! to! support! you! in! your!business!! This! program! includes! 2Bmonths! of! accountability! coaching!to!keep!you!onBtrack!and!Action!Based,!Forward! Focused!! Live! free! to! be! who! you! truly! are! the! most! important! creator! in! your! business! become! ACTION! BASED,! FORWARD!FOCUSED.!Next!class!begins!August!7th.!If!you! would! like! to! have! a! private! course! delivered! to! you! directly!please!contact!! !
  • 5. ! ! ! To#Strive,#To#Seek,#To#Find#and#Not#To#Yield! by Elaine Lockard, BA, CMEC, CTACC, CHP, CM In! a! movie! I! recently! watched!called,!"One!Week",! this!title!was!a!quote!at!the! end!of!the!film,!which!meant! to! the! male! lead! character,! to! not! give! in! to! a! terminal! medical!diagnosis.!! ! It! also! meant! to! handle! the! news!in!his!own!way,!on!his! own! terms! and! in! his! own! time.! ! Through! the! writer's! brilliant! use! of! multiple! layers! of! metaphors,! the! male! lead! traveled! across! Canada,! on! a! motorcycle,! during! a! week,! which! represented!one’s!individual! travel!through!life.!! ! He! encountered! many! struggles,! experiences,! and! revelations! along! the! way,! which!finally!brought!him!to! his! selfErealization,! to! his! point! of! finally! “finding! himself”.!! ! His!trip!allowed!him!to!find! his!“heart’s!desire”.! ! ! ! What! was! really! important! to! him! in! his! life,! and! to! know! clearly! what! to! do! to! live!a!life!he!truly!wanted!to! continue!to!live.!! ! Each! mile! he! traveled! had! allowed! reflection! so! this! heart,! mind! and! soul! could! sift! through! what! was! meaningful! and! distinguish! it! from! "window! dressing",! the!false!perceptions!he!had! been!living!under.! ! How! much! "stuff"! do! we! allow! into! our! lives! as! “window! dressing”! which! cloud! or! hide! what! is! most! important?! ! Ask!yourself,!if!you!had!one! day,!one!week!or!one!month! to! live,! what! would! be! important! to! you?! How! would! you! choose! to! live! that!remaining!time?! ! If! you! are! unsure! or! can't! answer! this,! is! there! too! much!“stuff”!in!your!life?! !! Do! you! really! know! your!
  • 6. heart’s!desire?!!! ! Can! you! even! tell! the! difference!between!the!two?! ! Remember&the&quote!!! ! Sometimes! you! just! know! but!other!times,!you!have!to! seek! it! out.! The! point! is! to! NEVER& give& up& looking,& NEVER& give& up& the& quest& to& KNOW& and& then& LIVE& your& desire;&LIVE&what&is&right&for& YOU!& & The! knowledge! you! gain! through! your! search! fills! your! spirit! and! enriches! your! life.! You! have! confidence! and! unshakable! clarity,! like! never! before,! of! what! you! want! and! how! to! accomplish! it! and! are! at! peace! with! all! your! decisions.! ! This! knowledge! is! the! foundation! to! shaping! what! can!be!called!your!Personal! Life! Mission! Statement! or! that! personal! mantra! or! creed! you! live! your! life! by! every!day.! Having!this!personal,!sacred! knowledge! is! all! the! power! you! need! to! make! the! decisions!about!what!is!best! for!you!in!every!part!of!your! life.! Along! the! way,! uncertainly! and! indecision! is! natural! because!it’s!nature’s!way!of! allowing! you! to! learn! from! the!process.!! ! For!me,!I!found!by!obtaining! an! outside! source! of! additional,! objective! information,!I!was!given!the! means!to!take!a!deeper!look! at! my! life! to! choose! for! myself! what! was! best! and! important.!! ! One! such! source! I! used!! was! an! ! “Intuitive( Consultation”.!! ! It!provided!information!and! inspiration,! in! a! manner! I! would! never! have! thought! of,! which! helped! me! to! see! through! my! “window! dressing”.! ! So! today,! as! you! read! this,! ask! yourself! what! are! you! searching!for!in!your!life?! ! Have!you!possibly!given!up! your! search! and! yielded! to! others! controlling! and! dictating! your! life! rather! than! following! your! own! heartEled!life!mission?!! ! What!one!step!can!you!take! to! learn! more! about! yourself!and!your!heart!and! soul's!desire?! ! Then! an! Intuitive! Consultation! can! assist! you! too!!! ! Request(yours(TODAY!!! !
  • 7. ! About Elaine Lockard Elaine is and always has been a healer. She heals:•
 intellectually, emotionally,
• through providing YOU the tools and processes to heal yourself and your business physically and through the and transfer of information, and She firmly believes that all healing, change, success and occurrences in your life and business begin with YOU! And by having the courage to know, understand and develop those parts of yourself and your business as necessary, you can achieve whatever you desire. Read More ! Elaine! Lockard! is! a! Trusted& Business& Enrichment& Provider! Badge! for! Excellence! and! is! approval! by! the! BizRichment! Committee. As#a#BizRichmentTM #trusted#business#provider,#Elaine#Lockard,#offers#5#programs#we#know#can#serve#you#well.## 4D( Life( Assessment( :( Put#your#higher#self#in#charge#of#you#income.#Make#sense#of#the#tools#and#assets#you# have#so#you#live#in#the#life,#career#or#business#you#were#meant#to#have#and#cherish.# Intuitive(Consultation(:(Explore#the#depths,#which#you#previously#overlooked#or#unrealized.# Angel(Links(Attunement(:(Link#and#infuse#your#energy#patterns#to#Angelic#Virtues.( Lightarian™(Ray(Attunement(:(Connecting#you#to#universal#energies#for#the#highest#good.# Numerology(Soul(Chart:!Aligning#you#with#your#Soul#to#travel#Life#with#ease#by#knowing#your#Life#Purpose,# Direction#and#Potential# ( Each#program#you#buy#helps#fund#this#magazine.#This#is#a#win#for#us;#a#win#for#Elaine#and#a#big#win#for#you.#You# continue#to#receive#great#information#each#month.#Have#access#to#fantastic#business#and#professional#services# that#change#the#“mindPset”#of#your#inner#game.# Elaine#Lockard:#New#Path#For#Life,#LLC#
  • 8. ! ! ! Let$Your$Love$Light$Shine! by Love Coach Laura (AKA: Laura Wilson, CPC) Today!I!went!to!pick!up!the! children! from! school.! When! I!arrived!I!waited!as!always,! outside! of! our! little! girl’s! classroom.! The! bell! rang;! a! moment! later! my! son! walked!right!past!me!saying! “hi”!and!kept!on!going.! I!turned!to!watch!as!he!went! up! to! a! lovely! woman! who! works!playground!duty!and! gave!her!a!hug.!! As! I! stood! there! watching,! this! woman! was! suddenly! surrounded,!by!a!small!mob! of! children! all! eagerly! moving! in! to! give! and! receive!her!warm!embrace.!! I! was! so! deeply! moved! by! this!simple!moment!in!time,! watching! the! exchange! of! love,!that!I!too!found!my!feet! moving!toward!her.! She!turned!to!politely!greet! me,! and! reached! out! to! shake!my!hand.!! I!felt!compelled!to!speak!the! truth! of! what! I! had! witnessed.! “I! want! to! thank! you”! I! said! “for! your! beautiful!heart.”!! Clearly!she!had!no!idea!what! I! was! talking! about,! she! looked!at!me!questioningly.!! Perhaps! she! thought! I’d! mistaken! her! for! someone! else?!! We! had! not! met! previously! and! she! had! not! given! me! anything,!so!why!would!I!be! standing! there! thanking! her?!! Even!as!we!stood!there,!her! looking! at! me! wondering! what! I! was! talking! about,! more!children!came!flocking! to! her! to! give! and! receive! the! love! she! clearly! offered! so! generously.! “It’s! so! beautiful,!to!see!your!loving! heart”! I! said,! indicating! the! children! who! were! practically! knocking! me! over!to!get!to!her.!! “Thank!you!for!the!love!you! share”!I!explained.!!
  • 9. Her! face! lit! up,! she! understood.!! I!had!just!acknowledged!her! for! who! she! was,! and! the! beauty! I! saw! her! sharing! with!the!children.!! She! reached! out! her! hand! again!“Thank!you”!she!said.! I! saw! her! love! shining! brightly! and! beautifully! on! everyone! around! her! and! couldn’t!help!but!be!touched! by!it.!! I!had!to!let!her!know!that!it! was! beautiful,! and! greatly! appreciated.! How! many! times! have! I! walked! by! someone,! felt! their! pain,! witnessed! their! sadness!and!not!gone!up!to! give!them!love?!! I! smile! at! people,! but! my! heart! wants! to! embrace! them,! I! want! to! reach! out! and!let!them!know!that!they! are!worthy!of!love.!! Just! as! all! the! children! on! the!playground!need!to!give! and! receive! love,! adults! need!it!too.!I!am!standing!in! this.!! ! I! am! standing! for! a! greater! purpose! in! the! world,! a! movement!that!is!far!greater! than! I! can! even! imagine,!to! Love%Consciously%in%an%Ego% Driven%Society.!!! ! I’d! like! to! invite! you! all! to! join!me!in!this!movement.! ! Shine!your!light!of!love!with! others!!! ! Open! yourself! up! to! allow! love!to!come!back!to!you!! ! ! To! further! this! mission! I! have! recently! created! a! program! that! guides! individuals! through! “Stepping(out(of(your(Ego( and(Into(Your(Heart”.( This! program! teaches! you! the! #1! cause! of! conflict! in! your!relationships!and!how! to! create! lasting! love! in! your!life.!!! For! those! of! you! who! are! feeling! frustrated! in! your! relationships,! and! have! a! longing! for! a! deeper! connection,! or! just! more! peace! and! satisfaction! at! home.!! Re1connect$with$Love$ Click$here$ Read$More$About$It!
  • 10. ed! Laura!Wilson,!CPC!also!known!as!“Love$Coach$Laura”!!! Meet!this!dynamic!and!heart!centered!Spiritual!Relationship!Coach.! Love% Coach% Laura! works! internationally! as! a! coach,! author,! guest! blogger,!speaker,!and!a!lover%of%love!!! You!can!experience!her!passion!as!she!inspires!her!audience!to!bring! their! uniqueness! to! the! world.! Beauty! and! gifts! begin! to! flourish! when!you!work!with!Love!Coach!Laura.!Her!knowledge!and!expertise! frees! you! as! she! shows! you! the% power% of% a% supportive% healthy% relationship,! and! how! it! is! the% foundation% of% what% we% as% humans% need.! Re-connect with Love Click here to get started now! With!this!Free!offer!you!will!receive…!! • A! clear! vision! of! what’s! possible! for! you!in!your!relationship! • A! powerful! connection! with! what’s! missing!for!you!now.! • Uncover!the!blocks!that!are!standing! in! the! way! of! the! intimacy! you’re! longing!for.! • And! most! importantly,! we’ll! define! the! actions! that! you! can! start! taking! today,!to!move!you!toward!your!ideal! scene.!
  • 11. ! ! Overview' This! 30(minute! course! teaches!you!the!technique!to! Retrain! Your! Brain,! we! use! in! the! Living! Consciously! Education!Program.!! For'Individuals' Tell!yourself,!“I#can#teach#my# subconscious# mind# to# work# with#me#in#creating#the#life#of# my#dreams.#I#can#live#in#this# life# free# to# seize# the# possibilities# &# opportunities# based#on#what#is#now.”! Do! you! ever! feel! like! your! subconscious! mind! is! living! with! a! different! set! of! instructions?! It! happens! when! your! soul! is! telling! you! go! left! and! then!you!go!right,!anyway.! Who! is! sabotaging! your! dreams!right!in!front!of!your! eyes?! Retrain'The'Brain'108Minute'Exercise by Karen Monteverdi Learn! to! retrain! your! brain! and! stand! that! your! subconscious!mind!supports! you! in! every! move,! as! well! as,!understanding!how!your! automatic! systems! support! you.!! Gain! access! to! your! mind,! body,! spirit! and! emotions! from! a! whole! new! perspective!to!support!your! dreams!and!desires.!! Our! program! helps! you! set! up!new!behaviors/beliefs!to! put!firmly!in!place.!! Illuminate!The!Dark!Corners! of!Your!Bright!Ideas©.!
  • 12. The'Conscious'Method:' √! Begin! the! process! to! set! specific! intentions! to! support!your!life! √! Discover! you! can! retrain! your! subconscious! mind! to! respond! automatically! for! your!desired!outcome! √!Learn!to!be!the!instructor! of!your!subconscious!mind! √! Understand! why! the! method!works!to!release!the! tapes!from!the!past! √!Understand!the!totality!of! the! instructions! you! offer! your!brain! √! Learn! that! you! can! implement! a! new! perspective! that! supports! your!desired!outcome! √!Understand!the!role!of!the! observer! √! Start! building! your! daily! operational!manual!to!stand! in!grace!and!gratitude! √! See! your! mind/body! and! emotions! from! the! viewpoint!of!your!spirit! √! Discover! techniques! available! to! put! your! directives!into!place! √! Receive! a! 10(minute! exercise! that! will! change! your!belief!about!change! √! How! to! use! !complimentary! care! through! light! therapy,! language,!and!music! √! Use! alternative! methods! of!self(programming! You! will! break! down! your! beliefs.!! Discover! the! hidden! messages!you!tell!yourself.! Begin! to! see! your! perspective!open!up!for!the! possibility! of! living! in! prosperity.!! Use!the!appropriate!laws!of! conscious! living! to! retrain! your!brain.!! “Live! free! to! be! who! you! truly!are!the!most!important! creator! in! your! reality! RETRAIN!YOUR!BRAIN.! Bookings:!! There!are!currently!40!seats! available.! This! free! introductory! course! will! share! the! concepts!to!the!4(week!class! called!Retrain!The!Brain.! Your%thoughts%create%your% reality.% Come% and% learn% a% 107minute% technique% to% begin% transform% your% belief%about%change.%!
  • 13. ! ! ! !Karen Monteverdi, CPC is! the! Owner! and! Program! Director! for! GreenMountain!Enrichment!and!Empowerment!Center.!Her!book!became!a!#1! best!seller!in!2012.!Karen!assembled!a!team!of!experts!who!can!assist!healers,! coaches!and!spiritual!leaders!establish!their!business.! Her!background!was!originally!in!structural!and!civil!engineering.!This!gives! her!a!unique!ability!to!understand!structures!and!technology.!Our!team!will! stand!by!you!throughout!this!journey!as!she!helps!you!understand!the!mindset! of!an!entrepreneur.!! Karen!teaches!Life!Skills!Training,!life!balance!&!Living!Consciously!Education! For!Individuals!are!for!those!who!aspire!to!own!a!30(100k!business!within!the! next! year.! Entrepreneurship+ is+ not+ for+ everyone.+ It+ takes+ self5motivation,+ self5 awareness,+and+let’s+face+it+a+lot+of+courage.+You+want+to+make+a+difference+in+the+ world.+ You+ have+ a+ product+ or+ service+ that+ if+ people+ knew+ about+ it,+ used+ it,+ it+ would+make+their+life+easier,+happier+and+more+fulfilled.! You’ve!taken!the!steps!to!gain!your!education;!you’re!ready!to!begin!your! practice.! Discover!How!We!Can!Save!You!Time!&!Money,!Provide!Stress!Relief!and! Grant!You!Sanity!! !
  • 14. ! ! ! ! ! Highest Light House: Tools For Manifesting Your Dreams by Karen Monteverdi, CPC Welcome!to!! Highest!Light!House! We! at! Highest! Light! House! are!honored!to!offer!you!the! finest!in!cutting6edge!Books,! CDs,! DVDs! and! Spiritual! Tools!specifically!created!to! brighten! your! life! at! this! most!significant!time!in!our! history.!! In! the! Spirit! of! bringing! people!together!we!are!also! especially! proud! of! our! growing! HLH! Network! of! Counselors! who! are! handpicked!from!among!the! most! respected! people! in! their!fields.!! They! are! ready! to! provide! you!with!the!best!in!one6on6 one! guidance! so! you! can! shine! your! Highest! Light! imaginable.! We! intend! that! your! experience! here! with! us! is! uplifting,! empowering! and!blessed!in!every!way.! This!is!the!headline!that!you! receive! when! you! enter! at! the! virtual! home! of! the! Highest!Light!House.! I!met!the!owner!and!founder! of! the! Highest! Light! House! in! 2009.! His! name! is! Tony! Burroughs! and! his! movement! has! swept! the! globe.!! Highest! Light! House! is! an! offshoot!of!The!Intenders!of! the! Highest! Good.! It! was! developed! because! we! realized! that! many! fine! authors!and!artists!out!there! are!not!being!recognized!for! their! good! works! for! two! primary!reasons.!First,!there! are! extremely! limited! sources! for! the! distribution! of! new! thought,! spiritual! and!metaphysical!materials;! and! second,! many! of! these! highly! dedicated! lightworkers! would! rather! use! their! time! cultivating! their! creativity! instead! of! pursuing!the!often!daunting! task! of! marketing.!! ! Thus,! Highest! Light! House! was! born! in! order! to! help! you! connect! with! some! of! the!most!creative!people!on! the!planet.!! We!are!positive!that!you!will! resonate! deeply! with! many! of!our!products!and!tools,!as! well! as! with! the! gentle! guidance! offered! by! our! Network!of!Counselors.! !Accordingly,! it! is! our! heartfelt! intention! that! we! are! bringing! you! the! most! forward! thinking,! helpful! information!available!at!this! time!of!great!change.!
  • 15. ! ! ! ! ! ! "Your+ joy+ walks+ with+ you+ every+ step+ of+ the+ way.+ You+ need+ look+ no+ further+ than+ that+which+is+your+own+being.+ The+ world+ would+ have+ you+ think+ otherwise,+ and+ yet,+ what+you+do,+how+you+think,+ and+what+you+feel+is+entirely+ up+ to+ you.+ You+ are+ truly+ a+ magnificent+ entity+ with+ powers+ lying+ dormant+ and+ feelings,+so+sublime,+ready+to+ burst+ forth+ like+ a+ young+ flower,+ which+ spreads+ its+ petals+ for+ the+ first+ time+ to+ greet+ the+ morning+ summer+ sun++ + How+ long+ will+ you+ wait+ before+ you+ see+ yourself+ in+ your+ highest+ light+ and+ do+ what+makes+you+truly+happy?+ What+ will+ it+ take+ for+ you+ to+ open+your+heart+and+radiate+ outward+ the+ ocean+ of+ love,+ which+ lies+ within+ you?+ You+ have+ been+ bound+ up+ too+ long,+ shackled+ to+ your+ fear,+ imprisoned+ by+ ghosts+ who+ are+ not+ real+ unless+ you+ make+ them+ so.+ The+ world+ needs+ you+ to+ be+ happy,+ to+ shine+ your+ light+ on+ all+ that+ you+ see,+ to+ laugh+ without+ limit,+ to+ touch+ the+ hearts+ and+ minds+ of+ every+ man,+ woman,+and+child+who+come+ your+ way.+ Take+ a+ chance+ now+and+live+life+like+you've+ always+ wanted.+ Envision+ yourself+ throwing+ off+ the+ fetters+ of+ fear,+ and+ calling+ unto+ you+ the+ glory+ that+ is+ yours+ by+ right+ of+ birth.+ Let+ your+ joy+ blaze+ like+ a+ fire+ in+ the+ night.+ That's+ what+ the+ world+ needs+ from+ you.+ + And,+ more+ than+ that,+ that's+ what+you+need+from+you.+"!! Tony&Burroughs! Highest(Light(House( Counseling(Network( In! our! travels! with! The! Intenders!over!the!years!we! have!been!fortunate!to!meet! some!of!the!most!competent! and! clear! spiritually! based! coaches! and! messengers! on! the!planet!today.!! Their! fields! of! expertise! range! from! personal! coaching! to! business! consulting! to! channeling! to! animal! communication! to! talented! card! readers! and! more.!! Each! one! is! unique! and! has! his/her! own! pricing! schedule.!! Please! use! the! Counseling! Network! drop! down! menu! above!to!choose!which!type! of!coach!or!guide!is!right!for! you.!! ! !
  • 16. ! ! Donna(Jo(Bergman( ( ( Rev. Donna Jo Bergman is an "Inner Peace Coach" and is one of only 400+ Ordained Peace Ministers Worldwide. She was ordained in June of 2006 at the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking in Ashland, OR. Her expertise as a Peace Coach is in helping others find the "Peace that passeth all understanding" that all of humanity seeks in one way or another. She knows how to guide, lead and show others how to achieve this state of Inner Peace and keep it sustained. She is sought after worldwide for her counsel. Rev. Donna Jo's skills include being a Peace Minister, Reiki Master/Instructor, Cellular Release Therapist, Behavior Kinesiology Therapist, Psych-K Practitioner, an ARCH* Master/Medical Intuitive, Consulting Hypnotist, Counseling Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Master Hypnotist. For More Information and How to Contact Rev. Donna Jo Bergman Tony(Burroughs( ( Tony Burroughs is a 9 time Author and Cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest Good. In setting up Intenders Circles across the country he has helped thousands of people get clearer on what they want out of life. More recently he is working one-on-one with people on the phone, on Skype, and in person in order to be of better service to his fellowmen and women. He is especially intuitive about showing others how to turn their adverse circumstances into opportunities. "I am here only to be truly helpful." For!More!Information!and!How! to!Contact!Tony!.!.!.! Marie(Ginga( ( If you would like to make changes in your life, then working with Marie Ginga is sure to give you the jump-start you need. Marie is the founder of Changing Life's Direction, a coaching and counseling agency located online and based in Albuquerque, NM. Her first book, Amazing Changes: How to Maximize the Inevitable, is expected to be available by the end of 2011. Drawing on her 17 years of counseling experience, Marie brings together a beautiful blend of the spiritual, the psychological and the practical aspects of life to support others in making Amazing Changes. For!More!Information!and!How! to!Contact!Marie!.!.!.!! !
  • 17. Kim(Hughes( Kim Hughes embodies the Sacred Self Living philosophy, which says that you are a spark of creation equal to and as precious as any other. Therefore it follows that you, your life, and your energies are sacred. It is your job and privilege to get clear on your Sacred Life Purpose in each incarnation, so you will be more focused, more relaxed, more able to attract the things you need and more fulfilled. Sacred Self Living does not teach; we help you to find your own daily guidance. By using sound principles of psychology, learning theory, brain research, strength-based coaching, and inner-directed spiritualties, Sacred Self Living helps each individual find and follow his or her own true path. "Kim has worked closely with me to change my life from the inside out. As a coach, she has supported me through major life changes. But the greatest impact she has had on my life is that she has been a true partner in my efforts to follow my dreams and listen to my heart. With her unwavering strength, clarity of insight, and commitment, I have learned new skills that support me every day. She is one of the strongest, most gifted people I know, and I give her my highest recommendation." ~Maura Fallon-Mcknight For More Information and How to Contact Kim . . .! Isabella(Johnson( Isabella Johnson specializes in helping people once again embrace their life as a wonderful co-creative journey. She has worked as an Intuitive Life Coach and Medium for over 20 years and is always delighted to get updates on clients as they regain and remember their worth, power and gain a sense of their place on this beautiful planet. She is able to blend her psychic abilities in order to gently guide fellow travelers to turn every experience into a learning and empowering life lesson. Isabella firmly believes that every situation we experience today comes from our past Intentions and she is here to help you INTEND a magnificent future! Isabella's modalities include Intuitive Medium, Energy Healing, Reiki, Clairaudience (She also has the ability to remote view, although this is typically used only when locating a Missing Person), Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and Telepathy. " I just got off the phone with Isabella. I like her. She told me a couple things that made me sit back...just things that will help me" ~Pam Baugh, The Intenders FB Founders Circle Administrator For!More!Information!and!How!to!Contact!Isabella!.!.!.!
  • 18. ! Kim(Lund( Kim Lund is a Manifestation Coach who is committed to helping others manifest the life of their dreams. She is also the founder and president of the Heart Center of Love and Light. Kim received her training at The Coach Institute in 2006 and also became a Reiki Master Teacher that same year. She makes use of a number of modalities that include Life Coaching, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Color Therapy, Breathwork and more. "Sometimes you need the help of a friend, until you can move mountains again." For!More!Information!and!how!to!contact!Kim!.!.!.! Karen(Monteverdi,(CPC( Karen Monteverdi, CPC, received her certification through the International Coach Academy. Her training incorporates bodywork, biology, physics, quantum physics, meditation, centered relaxation, and exploration of beliefs to promote health, aliveness, empowerment and balance in life. Karen coaches locally, nationally and internationally. Her personal style of coaching has been greatly influenced by The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World. She is the author of Living Consciously in an Ego Driven Society, which is available here at Highest Light House. Over the last year, Karen has expanded her coaching to healers, coaches and spiritual leader to assist them in their business endeavors. Karen is the owner and publisher of this magazine. "Karen+has+been+an+amazing+positive+force+in+my+life.+Speaking+with+her+really+is+like+ holding+a+light+up+to+the+dark+corners+of+my+being+in+that+she+helps+me+to+see+what+resonates+ as+my+own+truth.+It+is+always+a+joy+to+be+in+her+presence.+She+has+powerful+medicine+and+I+ recommend+her+help+to+anyone+undertaking+the+great+and+beautiful+responsibility+of+ understanding+their+own+life."!~Marc!Bubar! For More Information and How to Contact Karen. . . !
  • 19. ! ! ! ! ! Manifesting Outcomes: Intention Circles by Karen Monteverdi, CPC for Tony Borroughs The!Intenders!of!the!Highest! Good! show! you! how! to! set! your! intention! to! have! that! which! you! desire! come! to! you!as!easily!and!effortlessly! as!possible.!! We! have! rediscovered! a! simple! method! of! empowerment! that! we! call! The! Intention! Process,! which! is! making! all! of! our! dreams!come!true.!! We! understand! that! our! desires! are! in! us! to! be! fulfilled! and! that! our! thoughts!create!our!world.! !We! support! and! help! one! another! to! become! as! clear! as!possible!in!our!words!and! our!thoughts!so!that!we!can! live! our! lives! to! the! fullest.! ! Anyone!can!do!it!!! Just! by! saying! your! intentions! each! day! and! gathering! together! on! a! regular! basis! with! your! friends! in! an! Intention! Circle,! you! can! change! your! life! for! the! better.!! ! These! Intention! Circles! are! designed! to! provide! you! with! a! unique! format! for! coming! together! with! your! friends!and!neighbors.!! You!do!not!have!to!live!near! one!another!in!order!to!use! the!Intention!Process.!! In! fact,! we! offer! several! ways!for!people!who!live!at! great! distances! from! each! other!to!take!part.!! Now,! you! can! easily! join! or! set! up! your! own! Intenders! Cybercircle!! ! The!Intenders!is!free:!!There! are! no! dues! to! pay,! no! memberships!to!join,!and!no! leadership! positions! to! occupy.!! You!do!not!even!have!to!call! yourselves!Intenders.!! You! can! create! your! own! conscious! community! by! following!our!guidelines!and! call! your! group! whatever! you! like.!! ! The!Intention!Process!is!for! those! who! want! to! use! the! Laws! of! Manifestation! in! their! daily! lives! and! have! a! lot!of!fun!while!they're!at!it!!! ! "The%Intenders%Handbook%%is% simple%and%empowering!%% This%is%one%of%the%best%books% on%the%planet."%L!Lee!Ching!
  • 20. ! ! ! ! ! ! After! crisscrossing! the! country! countless! times! over! the! last! decade! showing!people!in!cities!and! towns! alike! how! to! set! up! their! own! Intenders! Circle! we!realized!that!it!was!time! for! us! to! adapt! our! unique! Intenders! Circle! format! to! the!Internet.!! So! I! called! Pam! Baugh,! our! networking!director,!and!we! gathered!a!few!friends!with! the!intention!that!we!create! a! practical,! working! model! that! will! make! it! easy! (and! free)! for! anyone! to! set! up! their! own! Intenders! Cybercircle.!! ! We! began! by! exploring! the! wide! range! of! videoconferencing! venues! available!and!right!away!we! found! that! Google+! Hangouts! had! everything! we!needed.! • Accessible! through! gmail! • Has! space! for! up! to! 10! people! • Worked! beautifully! on! our! desktops! as! well! as! our!mobile!devices! And,!most!importantly,!! • It!is!free!! (Our%Intenders%Circles%have% always%been%free.)% The!only!challenge!we!had! happened!for!some!of!us!in! our! Beta! Cybercircle! because! we! didn't! have! enough! computer! capacity! or!the!proper!bandwidth!to! take! part! without! our! connectivity! being! interrupted!on!occasion.! !But,! for! most! of! us,! it! worked! perfectly,! even! on! our! notLsoLnew! computers.!! ! In!our!first!tests!we!were!all! a! bit! concerned! that! we! might! not! enjoy! the! same! high! energy,! uplifting! experience!in!our!Intenders! Cybercircle!as!we!get!in!real! life.!! Boy,!were!we!surprised!!! We!had!a!blast!right!away!!! We! were! each! able! to! say! our!! • Gratitudes! ("I'm! grateful!for!.!.!.")! • !Intentions! ("I! intend! that!.!.!.")!! • Visions! for! our! ideal! world! ("I! see! a! world! where!.!.!.")!!
  • 21. ! ! We! easily! and! comfortably,! knowing!we!had!the!support! of! everyone! else! in! the! Cybercircle! because! we! were! all! lined! up! with! the! Highest!Good.!! We! even! toned! by! singing! Ahhh! together! for! a! minute! and! it! felt! great.! Between! the! toning! and! all! of! our! simultaneous! aligning! we! felt! at! One! with! each! other! by!the!time!we!were!done.!! It!all!went!very!quickly!and! the! icing! on! the! cake! came! in! the! socializing! after! the! circle! when! Paul! put! on! a! pirate! hat! from! the! Google! Effects! section! and! we! all! laughed!like!crazy!! The! bottom! line! for! us! is! that! it! worked! well! beyond! our! expectations.! We! had! great! fun,! started! the! conscious! manifestation! process! rolling! by! stating! our! gratitudes! and! intentions,! made! several! new! friends,! and! came! together!as!One.!! I!can't!wait!until!next!week! when! we! Hangout! again!!! ! Thank%you%all%so%very%much!%% I'm% excited% to% be% a% part% of% this,% and% I% feel% that% we% are% laying%the%groundwork%for%so% many% others% who% are% isolated% to% connect% with% people%who%can%support%and% uplift%them.%Some%'awakened'% people% sort% of% just% accept% that% they% have% to% travel% a% solitary%road%C%but%that%really% need% not% be% the% case% anymore.% They% can% connect% with%the%encouragement%and% love% of% an% energetic% soul% family% that% they% need!% It's% amazing!% Can't% wait% until% next%week!%:)% Much% Love% &% Light% to% All,% Marina% Thank% you% all!% I% have% been% needing% to% reconnect% with% my%Intention%family,%as%I%have% been% rather% isolated% here% with% my% dad.% So% this% is% perfect%for%me%to%be%with%likeC minded% friends% to% help% push% my%restart%button!%% So% looking% forward% to% next% week%also,%it%will%be%Cinco%De% Mayo,%maybe%Paul%can%have%a% party%hat%for%the%rest%of%us!% %% So% be% it,% and% so% it% is!% In% the% Highest% Light~% Gail!! !
  • 22. ! ! Tony%Burroughs% % Tony Burroughs is a 9 time Author and Cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest Good. In setting up Intenders Circles across the country he has helped thousands of people get clearer on what they want out of life. More recently he is working one-on-one with people on the phone, on Skype, and in person in order to be of better service to his fellowmen and women. He is especially intuitive about showing others how to turn their adverse circumstances into opportunities. "I am here only to be truly helpful." For!More!Information!and!How! to!Contact!Tony!.!.!.! If! you! would! like! to! start! your! own! Intenders! Cybercircle!and!put!the!Law! of! Attraction! /! Intention! Process! to! it's! highest! and! best!use.! Please! click! here! to! learn! about! your! computer! requirements! and! helpful! links!and!how!to!videos.!! ! By!clicking!on!the!link!above! you!also!receive!some!handy! YouTube! and! FAQ! links! for! learning!Google+!Hangouts!L! and! the! Template! we! created! which! you! can! follow!that!will!make!it!easy! for!you.!! ! !
  • 23. Deserving with Grace C O A C H I N G P R O G R A M By Karen Monteverdi, CPC & BizRichmentTM Providers Become the empowered heart-centered leader you were divinely created to be! The First One Year Program That Teaches You The Mindset Of Entrepreneurship, By Living Consciously: In An Ego Driven Society© INVITATION
  • 24. 2 Move From Dreaming To Doing! Welcome to the Deserving With Grace Coaching Program; specifically design to help you stop dreaming of opening your own business some day to beginning today! Deserving With Grace Coaching Program is the only business enrichment coaching program to help you create a conscious business by using the concepts from the best selling book: Living Consciously In An Ego Driven Society©. A conscious business is one that has a mission, clearly defined service, knows who it helps, and why. A conscious business is built to add light into the world for the greatest good of all mankind. Conscious business owners are leaders in their communities. They are empowered by a higher mission to bring about an evolution in business through holistic marketing, service oriented healthier ways to live sociologically from a community mindset beginning with self- empowerment. We have three little steps to complete before you are really ready: 1) Identify Your Abundance Blocks 2) Assess the keys to establish your business 3) Commitment to a deserving mindset This program is for those who aspire to own a business within the next year. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It takes self-motivation, self- awareness, and, face it, a lot of courage. You want to make a difference in the world. You know you have what it takes to help your clients. You’ve taken the steps to gain your education; you’ve been struggling to move your practice into a viable business. • Do you know where to start? • Do you have enough experience? • Do you have enough support with your energy, time and money? • Do you have business savvy? • Does what you do fulfill a passion in your heart and a need in the world? • How you deliver your product or service and maintain the level of integrity that you want? • Do you understand the difference between marketing, sales and advertising? • Have you done your research: who is your client, what do they need? • Do you want to know how to get known? • What about your back office, do you know Save Time & Money, Gain Stress Relief and Grant Youself Sanity as You Stop Dreaming… Step Into It Deserving With Grace! BizRichmentTM “Business Experience Worth Having” Call (503) 762-3118 Deserving With Grace Coaching Program
  • 25. 3 Deserving With Grace: Abundance Block Identifier The First Step To: Deserving With Grace! Based on a specific set of instructions, you receive a clearing for the health and wellbeing of you in your business. ! Discover hidden messages from far reaches of your mind ! Uncover the blocked energy and story behind what stops you Powerfully release the blocked energy through a creative visualization. ! Connect to your heart-center and, to your “Source” (“GOD”) ! Connect to your body ! Release blocked energy ! Recharge your mind, body and spirit with positive energy ! Notice the magnetic shift into abundance ! Create balance and a healthy mindset to grow personally BizRichmentTM “BusinessExperienceWorthHaving”Call(503)762-3118
  • 26. Deserving With Grace Deserving With Grace: Abundance Block Identifier! Think5 about5 your5 bank5 account5 right5 now.5 How5 does5 it5 feel?5 Are5 you5 happy?5 If5the5answer5is5no,5keep5reading!5 5 As5an5entrepreneur,5it5is5your5mission5to5establish5your5business.5The5first5five5years5of5 business5is5the5most5critical5time5of5all.5Statistically,5only535%5of5serviceFbased5business5 makes5it.5You5need5a5steady5flow5of5income5to5make5your5business5thrive.5We5are5here5to5 help5you5beat5the5odds.5 5 To5 succeed5 you5 must5 have5 a5 mindset5 that5 supports5 you5 completely.5 I5 designed5 this5 program5for5a5client5who5wanted5to5take5a5mastery5program5to5help5her5business,5but5 she5could5not5afford5it.5Not5only5did5she5create5abundance,5she5is5about5to5graduate5from5 the5mastery5program5in5June5of52013.5 5 You$can$do$it!$I$believe$in$you!5 Enjoy5a5Creative5Visualization5to5release,5and5attract5New!55 ! Experience5the5vastness5of5everything5our5planet5has5to5offer5 ! Connect5to5your5divine5truth5 ! Release5repelling5energy5 ! Recharge5the5with5positive5attractors5 ! Notice5the5magnetic5shift5into5Abundance5 ! Create5balance5and5a5healthy5mindset5to5grow5personally5
  • 27. 5 Sign$Up$Today$and$Receive$your$ Abundance$Block$Identifier:$Deserving$With$Grace5 ! ! 5 Receive! the! program! that! changes! your! blocks! into! attractors...!! Explore!this!powerful!eBook!&!MP3!today! Take5an5hour5to5learn5this5life5altering5process!5Hear5the5recorded5live5event,5experience5 the5transformation5while5you5listen5to5others5do5it5too.5 5 You5are5not5alone,5anymore.5Join5us5now!5 5 *To# receive# this# gift# you# must# fill# in# all# of# the# questions# below.# Your# answers# must# be# correct# and# true.# We# will# contact# you# please# white# list# the# email# address:#,#and#accept#the#phone#call#from#(503)#762H3118.#If#you#have#any# 5 (Bonus5Gift.5Receive5a59Fpoint5business5strategy5session5click5here5now5and5set5up5your5 time5slot5
  • 28. Chapter 7- Excerpt from the book LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO DRIVEN SOCIETY BY KAREN MONTEVERDI, CPC FORWARD BY LENAR BRAGG COPYRIGHT May 30, 2010 Portland, Oregon No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording electronic or otherwise, nor may it be stored in a retrievable system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission of the author. You may contact Karen Monteverdi, CPC at for authorization. First Printing June 14, 2010 Made in the Untied States Of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cover by RainWorld Interactive Sponsored by GreenMountain Enrichment and Empowerment Center
  • 29. 90 Chapter Seven Living Consciously In An Ego-Driven Life Understanding That What We Learned Can Be Unlearned One of the distinctions coaches make about self-defeating beliefs or behaviors is that at one time or another these things were survival mechanisms. For example: I learned as a child that if I talked badly about myself when I made a mistake, my family would give me encouragement. But if I did not say I was stupid or that an action was dumb, they would kindly oblige me by providing the negative talk from their end. Therefore, as a child I learned that if I quickly criticized myself, I received validation. When I started school, others were not so encouraging. Instead I was criticized for the negative self-talk. To me this was confusing. Since I still lived with my family and wanted their validation, I thought it was a good idea to keep my negative talk limited to my internal dialog when not at home. The predictable result was that I began to experience low self-esteem. In junior high school I was that kid who was stuffed into the locker, beaten up after school, or teased for the bully’s
  • 30. 91 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life enjoyment. I had made agreements first with my family and then with my peers, about how I fit into the world. The original idea was a survival mechanism. A consequence of that particular behavior was a new belief. The belief was that I knew less than others about how to live in the world. The key point here is that no one did this to me; I chose the path myself. Others only acted on what I perceived to be true. We can be grateful for the belief’s original inception and recognize that these beliefs and behaviors once served us. They become self-defeating, however, when the behavior or belief is no longer needed for survival and now impedes our evolutionary process. One way I am grateful for the original experience is that I was determined to find out about how life worked, about social interaction, and about how to navigate with others to create peace in my world. This book is a culmination of that driving force to fit in. I have learned so much about life and how we affect it because I wanted to understand why, if we are an expression of life, we can become so mixed up about the world. When we have a belief, it generates a thought, which brings on an action through an event. In a nano-second, we evaluate, and an emotion is formed. We act or react, creating a behavior. We evaluate the consequences, which lead to an evaluation of our original belief. Then we go out into the world and create additional evidentiary experience to prove our logic, regardless of whether or not the logic is flawed. We continue to repeat the process. Through consciousness, however, we can begin to realize that we have choices as to what we believe, feel, think and experience and also about how we behave. When we hold the evidence as the only truth, we are looking at the world from a single, limited perspective. We continue to produce the same results in our lives until we recognize the fact that we have another choice. We even create agreements with others, unconsciously of course, to help us identify behaviors, which either support our desires or become signposts showing us that we are going the wrong way.
  • 31. 92 LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO-DRIVEN SOCIETY If we recognize that we are not producing our desired results, we can begin to look for another perspective. We can create a course correction in our thoughts, look at the event from another viewpoint, review our evaluation and use our emotions as a gage of what we do and do not like. We can adjust our behavior and re-evaluate it, even though we are currently living in the consequences of our past experiences. This process affects our beliefs. We then go out and create new evidentiary experience based on a truth, which will produce the results we wish to create. By replacing the directives consciously into our subconscious mind, we begin to live in harmony and create cohesion and balance in our lives. We essentially become our own best friend. We gain strength and confidence, which our instincts, behaviors, beliefs and actions are completely supporting, so as to live an enriching and empowering life of our intentional design. To enable maximum efficiency, one can discover his/her personal method of learning. The practice of Neuro-Linguistic Programming can evaluate how we learn. Typically the process takes about 30-minutes and the categories are Audio, Visual, Kinetic, and Digital/Audio. Many tools are available on the web to assist in the evaluation of our particular mode of learning. Discover, if you haven’t already, your best method of absorbing new information at a subconscious level. To live consciously is to be aware of our subconscious beliefs. As we do so, we become aware our underlying automatic commitments for survival. Underlying automatic commitments (UAC) can be a positive tool for our conscious existence. For example if we have a UAC, which says we are capable, we show up capable in any situation. We know we can learn anything; be present in the moment. We know that our body and mind support our ability. Our greatest gifts are the
  • 32. 93 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life ability to adapt, learn, and create. We open up the doors to our experiences when we see how easily and effortlessly we can adapt to new situations. We can, for instance, take an old belief, which no longer serves us, see it with new eyes for what it is and replace it with the mental attitude of, say, competency. We thus begin to see ourselves as committed to serve in every situation and be what is needed. This knowledge penetrates every cell of our body and mind. Our spirit comes forth, and we connect with others in a way through which they instinctively know we are capable of supporting them. We can take on the management roll or be innovative and creative. This example is only one use of a UAC. We can do this for any experience we wish to have. If we want to embody love, hold a space for learning, be adventurous, etc… whatever experience we choose to have or want to be in life, we can create the directive for its manifestation. If you have a belief that change is hard, this might be a starting point for experimentation. Benefits of Living Consciously In the movie, The Matrix, the character Neo is aware that something else is going on in his world, something covert and secret. He digs and digs; opening doors to find the truth of what life is really about. He discovers a matrix built to live in a dream world. In the Four Agreements, the Toltec also see that the world is but a dream; waking up changes everything. Unlike the matrix though, the universe supports this freedom to create a reality, which is more beautiful than the dream world unconscious people tend to create. For me this has now become the absolute truth. I live in a world that is supportive, safe, loving, kind, open, and a playground for exploration of whatever my mind body and spirit are capable of creating. It is profoundly more rewarding than the dream I once lived in.
  • 33. 94 LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO-DRIVEN SOCIETY Most of us have times when our subconscious mind has undermined our relationships with self and others as well as our lifestyle (but never our spiritual progression; our spirit is always evolving-it is the observer in my opinion). The transformational life coaching process educates us to retrain the brain so as to support our goals, dreams, financial situations, health, social interactions, and the awareness of our instructions to mind, body and spirit. Through powerful questioning, we actually discover our unconscious desires. What are we truly committed to? One of the most powerful tools in our toolbox is our acceptance of transformation to discover our underlying automatic commitments. As we discussed in chapter three, we are always committed to something. In chapter five we explored a case study and learned how those commitments move us to seek out what we have lost in childhood and how these desires can trap us in dis- ease. Throughout the book we talked about forgiveness being a primary tool in letting go of the past. In chapter six we came to understand that our beliefs are easily transformed as we learn and grow throughout our life. When we get stuck in the past, we lose our vitality for life. These processes are part of human nature, and yet we can re-train the unconscious, starting with forgiveness, so that we are no longer operating on the outdated version of our operational code. It is an advantage to be consciously aware; our brain has the ability to process our experiences in life and is perfectly designed for the evolution of consciousness. Part of our social training is to propagate the feeling of blame, shame or guilt. My goal is to give you a perspective, which helps you understand that these are feelings based on beliefs that serve only to keep you entrapped in the dream. The truth achieved through letting go will indeed set you free to experience reality.
  • 34. 95 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life Sometimes negativity is essentially resistance to the unknown. From resistance we develop desires. We can choose to transform our perspectives so as to support our lives. Have you ever noticed that when you look at a problem as a big, scary issue, you sometimes see no way out? When you begin to look for options, the problem becomes smaller, and all of a sudden you become big enough to handle any challenges you face! Thoughts can be easily and effortlessly manageable. You can cancel any thought and replace it in the moment to create the movement of your progression. When you become consciously aware of your own self-talk and teach yourself to support your life, the retraining becomes a streamlined process. When we streamline our process through positive self-talk, we are much more effective and efficient in the retraining techniques, which create the outcome of our desires, dreams, relationships, health, etc. But do not be deceived. Positive self-talk is not the only tool you need in order to transform your life. In the American King James version of the Bible it is written “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Essentially I see this freedom as being knowledge and choice of the agreements we allowed into our operational code. We can evaluate whether or not the agreements are serving our highest good. For example if you tell yourself that you are smart, but you have not addressed the original opposing directive, the positive self-talk will feel inauthentic. This lack of authenticity was, I believe, the single most contributing factor for the failure of the movement in the 1980’s to promote positive thinking. This culprit has undoubtedly prevented other self-help techniques from working in our past. We cannot build new beliefs on top of the old ones any more than we can construct a new and beautiful home on quick sand. We must clear out the old beliefs and become self-expressed about our emotions. Talk therapy is often helpful in this area, along with coaching, child-regression therapy, somatic bodywork (such as Radix) or simply talking to someone who sees things differently.
  • 35. 96 LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO DRIVEN SOCIETY I often put a time limit on negative emotional release. For example when I see an expression of my own negative emotions, I pull from the past the string that connects all thoughts. I find the original offensive directive and begin the clearing out. I tell myself that today I will allow myself to feel upset for only one hour. After that, I will create a different set of directives to navigate the remainder of my day. If the emotion is not cleared out, I allow myself to continue for as many days as I need so as to complete the process. After we are self-expressed, it is much easier to release the ego’s need to be right. Ego creates separatism, which is essential for knowing that we, as individuals, view the world separately from how others perceive it. There is perfection in that separatism if we use it for our benefit as a gauge. When we let go of our identification of self as ego we can observe freely. The evidentiary experience is what we create out of our beliefs, thoughts and actions. If we are unhappy with the consequences of past relationships, we must “clean it up” with the other person involved. We need to employ forgiveness, especially if the other person doesn’t have the tools or knowledge to forgive in return. Or, as in my case with Chris, if the other person is no longer alive, or even if to make contact with the other person would be harmful to you or your loved ones, we can journal or use prayer and meditation, to clear out the pain of the past. In my case with my father I used all of the tools to help me heal. Forgiveness was never about my father it was about me. Knowing how to forgive, in no way condones activities such as of being a pedophile in anyway. Nor does it allow him access to my family or me. His actions are dangerous; my forgiveness does not change his behavior as dangerous man. I no longer set up scenarios in my life that attract people that would do me harm. I understanding how the anger, blame and fear kept me trapped in recreating scenarios so I could continue to feel anger, blame and fear. Those operational beliefs poisoned me against me it also affected my relationships. By healing my own belief about life I created amazing transformations for myself.
  • 36. 97 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life Another process that works is learning through the experiences evident in our society. By learning from people’s mistakes or triumphs, we can see evidence, and therefore avoid personally experiencing those follies or achievements in order to understand them. That is one reason we read books, watch movies, go to school, make friends etc. Now that we understand what the ego does and does not do effectively, we can recognize the signs of how the ego is being used in each moment. We easily step out of ego to choose wisely in order to create a course correction or continue on the original course, based on the life we want to create and how we want to exist and feel in each moment. How to be is the question. The only choice for me in creating the experience I want to live, is the method of being open to the possibilities Understanding the deep, unfaltering connection with all that exists is the stage of evolution gives us the wherewithal to take the sort of action, belief, behavior and thought, which shares a common interest with the collective consciousness. Through the process of creating an experience, which is beneficial for all of mankind, the planet, solar system, universe and all that is; our behavior is, by necessity, incredibly impacted. We create a gauge through our emotions, ego, and evidentiary experience. With reality, we decipher a way of being. This directive can become the most effective way to create our desired outcome. Upon this directive, we base our mode of existence, our behavior and our physical reality concerning who and what we want to affect. We, who are working for the greatest good, keep all aspects of our creation in check with how we will consequentially affect internal and external reality. In the next chapter we will discuss the laws of conscious living. The following information is a holistic point of view for the simple evolution of our consciousness. I say simple because we as humans make tasks too complicated
  • 37. 98 LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO DRIVEN SOCIETY at times. This viewpoint is a compilation from a myriad of sources, which I have discovered for my own use and the use of my clients. It demonstrates effective ways to see the realities of the universal knowledge. Many scientist, theologians and philosophers talk about the unity consciousness. This is also known as the collective consciousness as we will discuss on page 112. We have learned about the idea of projection, which is what we see in others as an expression of the internal workings of our selves. We understand that today we are living in the consequences of our past expressions, and yet we are in the moment creating the consequences we will or will not continue to live by. We can decide to create new consequences and develop a new experience of life. We have learned that the only moment of creation is in the present moment. Let’s jazz it up a bit. As the population of this world; we are our expression of self through the outer experience of our existence, which again is a reflection of self. Live in joy, and you will discover so many joyful things about living! Deepak Chopra talks about the 5 levels of consciousness. Aristotle talks about knowing one’s self. I present the idea that you are connected to your own higher self. My personal belief is that if we are consciously aware, we experience the world through our ego, our 6 senses, brain waves, electronic impulses, feelings, emotions, magnetic fields, soulful connection. We are inspired and affected by the forces of nature, creativity of the universe, universal knowledge and a deep vastness of nothing. All of this is translated to the whole of our experiences, and from our viewpoint, it is unique beyond belief. With approximately 6.8 billion people on the planet, our experience is so amazingly defined by all of the forces of nature and our own perspective; not one experience is exactly the same.
  • 38. 99 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life Can you imagine being a consciousness, which wants to experience everything? You’ve seen it. Kids have this joy, and it shows up when it’s time to go to bed. They don’t want to miss anything; they want a drink of water so they can come out to see what you’re doing, or they beg for one more story. They don’t want this experience of life to stop. They love it, and I believe that is what is meant by the biblical saying of be ye like little children. This is the adventure, the curious nature, the lack of any expectation other than a knowing that there is another experience coming right up. If you go to sleep for one minute, you will miss something really important. What if you were the whole of the universe and you wanted to know every corner of existence? If you were the consciousness of this universe, wouldn’t you want to experience everything from a different point of view? The nature of our experience is that we all have unique pathways of information coming to our subconscious, which I believe has a direct connection to our higher self. Our higher self is then connected through an unseen dimension I call the all that is. The all that is connects all things, all that have existed, all that exist now, and the numerous possibilities, which could exist. This is the place of infinite wisdom, knowledge and expression… the experience some people call GOD, or the ether stream, the vortex of all knowledge of all that exists in the universe. What you call this awareness is not important. What is important is that in this space you will find total acceptance, love, joy, bliss, inspiration, truth, trust, confidence, harmony, insight, and creativity. This unseen dimension, I believe, is the all that is experiencing its own consciousness and awareness; being able to experience everything at once through the awareness of other points of consciousness. This phenomenon - this universal wisdom is there for us to tap into anytime we wish, like a magic flowing river. The difference is… it is real. I know; I have been there. It is where the great vastness of information came together for me in writing this book.
  • 39. 100 LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN EGO-DRIVEN SOCIETY How do you get there? Like our personal experiences, it is a personal process. Again, Deepak gives a 5-step process, which for me is one way of attaining this expression of the all that is. You can read his book the Third Jesus or pick up his DVD called Secrets of Enlightenment. I rented it from Netfix. For me, the connection with the all that is comes when I am working with my clients, talking about life, understanding how we affect our reality, experiencing the luscious multitude of layers life has to offer. I begin to allow my mind to drift, and forms begin to shape. I see the world not as it is, but as my consciousness wishes to experience it. I drink in the space and, as the observer, I begin to hear sounds, see pictures, and taste the flavors of life. The beauty and joy, the pain and sorrow, the creativity of the universe, the oneness where all exists, is all present. The other day I was eating a piece of albacore tuna brought in by my nephew, who is a commercial fisherman. In that first bite it was as if an alternate reality was present. I saw the tuna in the ocean swimming free in its school. I saw what it saw in the ocean; the travels far and wide. My experience in that moment was life and the abundance that is present for the tuna. I felt the hook as the tuna was being caught. I felt the excitement and the joy of my nephew; I felt the waves and the boat as if I was the water crashing onto the side of the ship. I was the ship being held together, flowing naturally in the water. I experienced the tuna stopping his struggle and giving up his life for the fisherman. I experienced the flash of light move into the flow of the all that is. I felt gratitude as the fish nourished my body and began to digest and be processed as my flesh. I recognized the great gift that I had received this day from the simple process of eating a meal. Was it real? To me my experience was as real as your experience of reading this text. Was this life expression available to me to experience? Yes, because it was my experience. Do you need to believe that this really happened to me to make it real? No. All that matters is that you now have an idea of what it was like for me to lavish in that moment in the joy of life.
  • 40. 101 Living Consciously In an Ego Driven Life Above you can see a depiction of a moment in time and space in which reality was captured through the lens of a camera. I then created a painting to express the moment. My representation of this moment is not a perfect depiction of the actual scene. However, it gives the viewer a representation of the reality I experienced; the calmness and irregularity of the bridge, the peace I felt in that moment. This visualization is how I experienced life in the presence of being in this space. It is not the actual experience, nor is it the actual place. All of my senses, seen and unseen are expressed in the painting. For me, this painting represents the holistic view of this delicious moment in time.
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  • 42. Living(Consciously(Book:( The!guidebook!that!started!it!all!! Living!Consciously:!In!An!Ego!Driven!Society! ! ! Living&Consciously&In&An&Ego&Driven&Society&is&a& guide!to!creating!conscious!awareness!of! your! own!experience!of!life.!Karen!Monteverdi!uses! her! unique! story! to! guide& the& reader& through& the&resources&that&support&awakening&to&your& true& nature.& The& Living& Consciously& Book& became&a&#1&best&seller&in&June&2012.&& Awaken! to! the! simplicity! of! life,! after! three! years!the!book!is!rapidly!gaining!popularity.!As! Best! Selling! Author! and! Motivational! Speaker! Tony! Burroughs! says;! "Karen& Monteverdi& has& given&us&a&book&that&is&as&wise&as&it&is&timely."& Today!we!are!seeing!a!great!shift!in!the!human! experience.! We! are! feeling! deeper! than! ever! before,! we! pick! up! information! from! others! through!our!sensory!perceptions.!It!seems!more! important! than! ever! to! understand! self! at! a! much!deeper!level.!The(deep(understanding(of( self(allows(us(to(know!what!is!important!to!care! for,!and!what!is!a!distraction!that!pulls!us!away! from!the(focus(on(our(true(nature.!Learn&more& at:& & & 1 Boosting(Your(Personal(and( Professional(Mojo( ( Instantly(Downloadable(Audio( Course,(Plus(Worksheets( 2 • Identify#and#change#self/sabotaging! • Recognize#and#overcome#patterns#and# habits! • Practicing#body#centered#protocols#! • Energize#your#life#force.! • Learn#how#to#relax#more#and#react#less#! • Trust#and#make#choices#that#are# grounded! • Identify#and#release#blocks! • Learn#how#to#manage#stress! • Discover#and#embody#purpose#and# passion! • Boost#your#manifestation#power#! Steve!Sisgold!E!Personal!&!Professional! Growth! Boosting!Your!Personal!and!Professional! Mojo!
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