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Angie and Adam, are the
                                     main drivers of the
                                     Neongreen network,
                                     which focuses on raising
                                     awareness for ecological
                                     issues through green
                                     design and their event
     awlo                            series 'Erdgespräche’.
   mP                           ay   Their most successful
Ada                   e   R att      design product are the
                 A ngi               ‘Directions for use of the
                                     Planet Earth’.
Aleksandar is one of the
                          co-founders of FEI
                          (Forum Emancipatory
                          Islam) which aims to
                          educate the general
                          public on an alternative to
                          the predominating
           r Pr
                          conservative form of
                          Islam. He is also the head
Ale                       of Amnesty International
                          Youth in Austria.
Aleksandra's goal is to
                               make a student network
                          ko   running, which is about
                   ov bas      education and leadership
      an dra                   for sustainable
   ks                          development in the Baltic
Ale                            Sea Region.
Alex and Michl were the
                                        main designers of the
                                        Hub Vienna. They believe
                                        in the importance of
                                        physical infrastructure
            o   r                  er
    ae l St                  i egl
                                        and how it can positively
 ich                    x   R           influence people,
M                   Ale                 communication, and
                                        social processes.
Olivia and Ale are
                                             currently engaged in
                                             setting up the project
                                             'nRich' which aims to
                                             provide a platform for
                                             high-school drop-outs to
                                             provide them with cutting
                                             edge skills, new
                        a                e   perspectives and
                  in                  rgh
        ia C
             a                  G heo        practical experience in
O   liv
                       an dra                order for them to become
                    x                        leaders in their
                 Ale                         communities.
Lexy is currently building
                    up the sister project of
                    emersense in Romania,
                    RoPot - she is bringing
                    together a community of
                    changemakers and
             Pode   provides them with the
        d ra        necessary environment to
Ale                 foster their intention to
                    drive change.
Raga works on the
                      project wintheplanet,
                      which uses gaming
                      principles (lottery,
                      challenges, scavenger
                      hunts, ...) to motivate the
A lexa                general public to make a
                      positive impact!
After spending some time
             in Caritas Vienna, Alina is
             currently doing a
             specialized PhD
      Bra    combining ecological,
Alina        social and cultural
Andre is another member
                  of the Neongreen
                  network, in which he
                  focuses on the
                  managerial and logistical
                  aspect of organizing
         Karsa    'Erdgespräche', which
                  are events that create
An                awareness for ecological
                d       u
            hei     Schm nziata
       a Psc             idt-
An dre                        Chia

                                       Andrea, Annunziata,
                                       Hanno, Jennifer and Karl-
                                       Heinz Fellinger are part of
                                       the team building up
                                       good.bee, a bank
          Jennifer Rowe                focusing on social
                                       entrepreneurship and
Andreas has a strong
             kr  out   background in law and
       as De           migration and is now also
An dre                 exploring further
                       engagement possibilities.
Angelika does not only
                       enjoy the academic
                   a   perspective on social
                       entrepreneurship but also
       ika             enjoys telling the stories
An gel                 of these entrepreneurs
                       through videos.
Anita Frank is a life-
                   coach, she teaches 'city
                   development' at the
                   university, she is
                   passionate about
                   education and she is also
               k   one of the two presidents
         F ran     of the Society for
Ani                Organizational Learning
Anja is the CEO of
                      Austrian Institute for
                      Development. She
                      focuses on using science
         ist ane      to explore topics such as

    a Chr             poverty, energy, climate
Anj                   change and sustainable
                      life style.
Archibald is a passionate
                         banker. However, next to
                         this full-time employment
                   ser   he is currently developing
             Kr em       his projects for enabling
                         community engagement
Arch                     and the start-up of social
Barbara works for ICEP
                            which focuses on
                            fostering business
                            solutions for sustainable
                            development and works
                            at the intersection of
                            business and
                            development. Barbara
                            writes regulary for the
        a   C               corporAID Magazin about
 ar bar                     Social Entrepreneurship
B                           and global CSR.
Barbara is currently
                   working in Germany.
                   Parallel to that she is
                   engaged in the Jane
                   Goodall Institute in
                   Vienna and thinking
                   about starting of her own
          Inma     project which aims to
     ra            focus building a bridge
Barba              between the business
                   and the social sector.
Barbis is a cultural
                   innovation manager. With
                   her background of art
                   and innovative business
                   models she is currently
     ra            exploring several
Barba              opportunities of realizing
                   her passions.
Until recently, Cathrin
                        was engaged in team the
                        of 'Sandbox', a network
                        of young professionals.
                        Now she is looking for
                   er   ways to combine her
            l  hum      passions for people
      in Leß            development, group
Cathr                   coaching and driving
Cezar Neaga is a web
                   developer with the vision
                   to support social
                   innovators to express
                   their ideas better in order
               a   to create a movement.
         N eag     Furthermore, he is very
C eza              passionate about green
Charles has a
                   background in film
                   making. He is passionate
                   about education and
             rth   direct trade. He is
      e s Fü       currently working on a
Charl              social business to source
                   coffee from Ethiopia.
Chris' company focuses
                 on renewable energy,
                 LED technology,
                 transportation, and many
    i s Jo       other innovative
Chr              approaches to use
                 technology for change.
Christian is a political
                        activist, book writer and
                        speaker. His focus is the
              F elbe    development of
    i stia              alternatives to global
Chr                     capitalism. Besides, he is
                        a contemporary dancer.
Christine was one of the
                             team members of the
                       uer   Social Impact Award. She
                er  nba      is currently writing her
         n e Sp              thesis on using crowd
Chr                          funding for sourcing and
                             evaluating innovation.
Social entrepreneur, city
                            planner, newspaper
                            columnist, blogger,
                            politician... Christoph
                            Chorherr has a multitude
                            of roles. He is the initiator
                            of Ithuba, a sustainable
                            school project in South-
                            Africa, supported the
                            visualization of the UN
                        r   Declaration of Human
                  r her
                            Rights and started th
         ph                 Waltz project in Vienna,
Chr                         where he is shaping new
                            ways of education.
Christoph is passionate
                          about and engaged with
              Ki ndl      new ways of doing
   i stop                 business such as learning
Chr                       organizations or porous
                          network organizations.
Clara Reiner loves art.
                     Amongst others, she was
                er   involved in the 'Dance of
          R ein      Tolerance'-project and
C lar                the 'Human Rights Film
Claudia was one of the
                      winners of the Social
                      Impact Award 2009 with
                      her project 'Kunterbunt'
                      which aims to translate
                      2D art into 3D models to
                      be 'visible' for blind
                      people. Currently she is
                      scaling her innovation
                      company 'Frink' which
            K äfe     focuses on sourcing
       ia             innovation from
Cl aud                ethnographic
Claudia and Monika are
                                      working for SOMA, a
                                      social market project in
                                      Lower Austria. Social
                                      Markets take food and
                                      beverages from super
                                      markets which are close
                er                l   to shelve date and
           hurn            Zw ing
          T            a              provide them for a social
     ka              di
Moni           C lau                  price to people in
             de sch
       io T            Claudio is a driving force
Cl aud                 of innovation in Caritas
Clemens is a specialized
                            in micro-technologies.
                  rm eier   Next to this he wants to
      en s Os               raise the public interest
Cle                         for science with his
                            project 'ScienceClip'
Corina loves using
                   marketing as a tool to
                   better communicate to
          Enach    people - she now wants
      a            to explore the potential of
C orin             using this expertise for
                   social projects.
Daniel works on the first
                   'Open Source Movie'.
                   Similar to Wikipedia, he
             ler   uses the open source
      el Kof       methodology to create a
D ani              cinema movie, from the
                   script to post-production!
Doris main focus is to
                    grow her green-travel
                    booking platform
                    - an online hotel booking
                l   tool for sustainable hotels
         Mo ehs     - for this she also uses a
D oris              green travel certification
                    that she developed.
Ute and Elisabeth want to
                     develop a clearing house
      Har            for conflict resolution, so
Ute                  that people find the best
                     possible support for their
                     conflicts to be resolved.
Lisi was very much
                            involved in the AIDS
                      ser   Conference 2010
                 r mo       coordinating the youth
          h   Roh
        et                  activities. Now she is
Eli sab                     finishing her thesis of
                            non-violent writing.
After her studies, Elise
                   started her own
                   ordination as a doctor.
                   She also gained
                   experience helping rural
                   people in Mexico. Now
                   she wants to explore
                   opportunities to use her
               n   expertise aside from her
        N ord      job as a practitioner and
Elis               drive change in the health
Eva loves writing and
                   wants to use this skill to
                   support social innovators
                   in expressing their ideas
    Kra            better. She is currently
Eva                running a project to
                   support Ute Bock.
Eva is working in the field
                        of human rights for an EU
                        institution based in
                    a   Vienna. In her work, she
      S   o bot         is responsible for
Eva                     networking and
                        stakeholder relations.
      Evelina and Michael are
                                     starting up ‘the good
                                     tribe’ where they are
                                     focusing on the new
                             a       practice of social
                         elin uist
Michael               Ev     q       entrepreneurship.
        eeb            L und         Currently they are
                                     working on a master’s
                                     thesis where they look at
                                     the connection of social
                                     entrepreneurs and
                                     business angels.
Since 3 years Ewa works
            as a production manager
            and editor at CastYourArt,
            which provides a platform
    Ster    for people that are
Ewa         passionate about and
            fascinated by art.
Florian is the innovation
                     responsible from Caritas
                     Vienna. One of his main
                     areas is the
                     Brunnenpassage, which
                     is a cultural center in the
                     middle of the 16th
               per   district, applying
       n   Pom       innovative approaches to
Fl oria              connect people from
                     diverse backgrounds.
Gabi is a freelance
                  journalist, writing for
                  DiePresse, Format, Kleine
                  Zeitung,... with the main
                  focus on CSR and
           Rabl   Furthermore, she
    r iele        supports Tom in his
Gab               'happiness economics'
Geetha has a technical
                        background and is
                        currently doing a PhD at
                        the TU. She is working
               n dra    together with Ksenya on
           acha         a project around the
      a Ram             topics of sustainability,
Ge eth                  child, labour, cotton and
Georg is currently starting
                    d   his PR agency for the civil
           er nfe       sector. Next to this he is
    rg Bau              performing as a
Geo                     comedian with the focus
                        on ethical issues.
Georg is working as an
                   educated trainer for non-
                   violent communication.
               e   He is getting increasingly
         T arn     motivated to launch a
Geo                series of ethical
                   consumer products.
Gerda combines classical
                   music and arts to work
                   with children and sick
                   elderly people. She has
                   achieved significant
                   results with people that
     a   Lin       are normally
Ger                disconnected from their
Gerda has a strong
                       knowledge in the area of
                       human trafficking,
                       migration and inclusion.
             er ma     She is now in the process
      a The            of starting a social
G erd                  business in the field of
                       fashion and migration.
Gerhard recently
                       transitioned from his role
                       as the CEO from a major
                       Austrian company into his
                       newest adventure as a
            B arc      consultant and coach for
                       change processes, social
Ger                    responsibility and
Gundula was the founder
                     of the Waldzell Meetings
                     where she brought
                     together influential people
                     from business, politics
                     and religion. She is
           S cha     currently developing her
   dul               'school of life' project and
Gun                  fosters her 'Architects of
                     the Future' program.
Bettina recently started
                       working for the future-
                       forum Windhaag in Upper
                lein   Austria. Furthermore, she
        a   Hel        is in the executive board
B etti                 of the eco-social student
In the past, Ira
             transitioned from
             influential roles in
             banking, to business
             consulting, to being the
    Molla    CEO of Greenpeace, to
Ira          now applying her
             expertise in coaching.
Jakob works and drives
                            initiatives for Cisco,
                            believing in the power of
                   ö   ck   technology to improve
         K   i blb          how we communicate,
Jako                        interact and share
Jeanette has a multitude
                    of projects such as "Wien
                    ist anders, ich auch!" a
                    diversity map for Vienna;
             ller   or 'science graffiti' using
       te Mü
                    new channels to bring
Jea                 science closer to young
                    people and prisoners.
Jenny uses theatre and
                             cabaret to raise
                    i   tz
                now          awareness on topics
     y   S   ima             such as equality, gender
Jenn                         issues and ethical
Joachim is currently
                  involved in projects with
                  the UN in Africa, writing
       m     in
    chi enwe      academic papers with Ivy
Joa end
    w             League universities, and
 Sch              still a bit more!
After his work in KPMG
                        he decided to become
                    r   self employed as a
            Kr ain      sustainability consultant,
                        currently focusing on
Joh                     renewable energy and
                        recycled housing
Josef is the initiator of
                        Get Active - a platform
                        for civil engagement and
                        entrepreneurship. He was
                        awarded for his efforts in
                        creating momentum for
                        the third sector. He
                        recently joined
              tm aye a plattform
         rei            for financing social
Jos ef K                projects and civic
Judith is working in green
              arter   design - designing
   i th E             products that are locally
Jud                   sourced and ethically
Jürgen specialized in
                       creative techniques. He is
                       currently exploring
                       possibilities of bringing
                       ISN (Innovation Service
            hroe       Network) which is well
      n   Sc           known for Braintwisters
Jürge                  and Neurovation, to
Katharina started the
                           er   Austrian Social Business
                     b erg
                  en            Day - an event series
          a   Lieb              where for-profit
 at har                         organizations are linked
K                               to compatible NGOs.
Kathi is currently finishing
                       her studies in
                       'International Relations',
                       she will write her masters
                       thesis on comparing
                       international aid and
                       'social entrepreneurship'.
                       Furthermore, she is
                       involved in Vorlaut, the
         a   Nor       initiative which is
    ari                replicating El-Sistema
Kath                   (from Venezuela) in
Katharina is currently in
                      ger   an organization dealing
              up  pin       with water-reprocessing.
         n aW
                            She is passionate about
Kat                         Africa and frequently
                            travels there.
Katja is working for the
                       Umweltbundesamt and is
                       a member of SOL Austria
             pr ech    to fuel her interest in
    atj aL             innovative change
K                      processes such as
                       Theory U.
Klaus is working for
                   Cropster - an idea
                   platform which makes the
                   supply chain from of the
                   coffee production
            ma     transparent and thereby
       Kirch       leads to higher income
Kl aus             from the coffee
Laurent is a
                       photographer. He is using
                       his gift for capturing the
                       beauty of change and
                 ler   especially applies it
       t   Z ieg
      n                within social and cultural
Laure                  initiatives around the
Lisa is working as a
                      media pedagogic. She is
                      using the power of media
                      in order to revitalise
           H ilge     education. At the moment
     von              she is in Ithuba working
Lisa                  on Christoph Chorherr's
                      Skills College Project.
Lucas is a serial social
               entrepreneur from Brazil.
               In the age of 19 he
               started his first
               consultancy for
               sustainable housing,
               afterwards set up a
               microfinance fund, and is
               currently developing a
           o   website which is
      Pint     combining micro lending
Lucas          with sustainable
Luisa is one of the main
                   drivers of 'made-in-
                   made-by' - a social
                   business capitalizing on
             e     the advantages of
          rad de
       And zen
                   diversity as she is
Lui de Re
                   producing fashion with
     o             women that have a
 Lob               migration background.
Lydia has a strong
                   interest in law, specifically
                   human rights. She joined
                   us for our Solution
               e   Conference in Romania
      a   Gen      and decided to use the
L ydi              Hub to further crystallize
                   her intention.
ele   Manfred is a coach
     red             working with individuals
Manf                 and groups to help them
                     realize their dreams.
Marcella is a true creative
                           spirit - she wants to help
              senb         others to unleash their
      lla                  creative potential. She is
Ma                         currently working for the
                           Belvedere Association.
Marek addresses issues
                   where others look away:
                   He is pointing out the
                   imminent danger of a
                   second market crash and
              ta   how to deal with it,
         K uch     furthermore he helps to
Mare               prepare for a post-carbon
Marie recently ended her
                    active career as a
                    politician of the green
                    party. She is now the
              ler   head of Ashoka Austria,
         Ring       looking for outstanding
Mari                social entrepreneurs
                    ready to scale their ideas.
Martin is passionate
                        about creating enabling
                        spaces for personal and
              tsc   h
         uchi           societal change. He is
     i nM               exploring this topic in
Mart                    detail with his current
                        PhD studies.
Martina is working for the
            uster   Federal Ministry of
       a Sch        Agriculture, Forestry,
Ma                  Environment and Water
Michael and Moriz
                                  decided to quit their
                                  careers in marketing and
                                  start their own label for
                                  locally produced, fair-
Moriz                             trade and customized
      Piffl                  er
                                  jeans: ‘Gebrüder Stitch’
                  hael            They are one of the
              Mic                 shooting stars in Austria’s
                                  green fashion scene.
Michael is passionate
                        about photography,
                        technology, data security
                        and using all of that to
                        create change. He is
                        currently working on
        l   V
                        energy saving measures
Mic                     and on smart phone apps
                        for organic shopping
Michael loves to
                   empower people by
                   helping them to connect
                   to like-minded
                   individuals. He knows the
        l Raj      power of networks and
                   that individuals are more
     h             powerful together than
Sha                individually.
Milo is the founder of
                     Biorama, a magazine for
                     sustainable lifestyle.
                     When he passed it over it
                     had more than 40.000
                     readers in the German
                     speaking market. Now he
                     is developing new
                 r   projects in cooperation to
          sse laa
    o   Te           boost social innovations
Mil                  with fellow Hub Vienna
Nathalie wants to use
                       open-source technology
                       to tackle the monopolies
                       of large organisations.
               ffler   Her first project is to
    alie               provide a platform for
Nath                   multi-lingual children e-
Nikki is the driving force
                    of the Social Impact
                    Award, which awards
             xler   students with innovative
     le   Tra       ideas how to tackle
Nic                 social, cultural or
                    ecological challenges.
Nikolaus took the skills
              and knowledge he gained
              from his successful
              career as a Venture
   ola mann   Capital to now apply
Nik ker
     c        them as an impact
Spie          investment advisor.
Nina and Robert are
                                         currently building up
                                         IndyACT "The League of
                                         Independent Activists",
                                         an environmental, social
                                         and cultural advocacy
                                         and campaigning
                                         organization. Nina is
                                         furthermore engaged with
                                         the Climate Action
                 Rob                     Network within the UN
                    ert M
            al           arcu            climate negotiations and
       J am                   s Klu      she coordinates the EU
   a                                mp
Nin                                      campaigning for a global
                                         climate coalition.
Othmar is the founder of
                    the Social Business
                    department in a well
         Le hne     known Finish university.
     r              He continuously pushes
Oth                 the academic research on
                    social innovation.
Peter started the first
                 course on social
                 entrepreneurship in
                 Austria, which he
             r   currently teaches with
        ando     Reinhard. He is also the
    er V
Pet              founder of the Social
                 Impact Award.
Philippe is looking for the
                     framework for business
                     3.0, and on this quest he
                     is currently in Brazil
               ier   studying Semco - one of
         e Gre
                     the most unusual (and
Phi                  inspiring) workplaces in
                     the world.
Rainer and his colleague
                                 Sandra are both
                                 managing partner of
Sandra                           ‘youtopia’, a consulting
                 fer        us   group with focuses on
                   n er P        transformative change or
               Rai               large scale businesses.
Reinhard is advancing the
                     academic understanding
                     of social impact
                     measurement, the impact
                     of foundations and social
                     Together with Peter, he is
          Milln      currently teaching the
      ard            only course on Social
Re inh               Entrepreneurship in
Until recently, Roman was
                    the head of RespACT, the
                    largest Austrian platform
                    for Corporate Social
                    Responsibility. Now he is
                    part of the management
                    team of the new Enorm
     n   M          magazine, which is
Ro ma               focusing on social and
                    responsible business.
Sarah and Susanna hold
                                              a PhD in Biology. They
                                              are fascinated by nature
                                              and the principles,
                                              processes and inspiration
                                              we can get by observing
Sarah                               tsc   h   phenomena in nature.
        Duit                  s chi
                                              They will start a
                    a   K                     workshop series that will
              us ann                          spur inspiration and
Sava is the founding CEO
                    of good.bee the first bank
                    for social
                    entrepreneurship and
                    microfinance based in
          ok   ov   Austria. Now he wants to
     Dalb           transform a traditional
Sava                bank into a truly good
Seraina uses design to
                        enhance communication.
                        For example she
                        designed the marketing
                        for 'Dance of Tolerance'
                        where she managed to
                        create a campaign that
                        attracted women from
            Br ugg      various cultural
        a               backgrounds, by not
 er ain
S                       creating language
Stefan is a researcher at
                         the International Institute
                         for Applied Systems
                         Analysis, working on
                         vulnerability of societies
                     r   and adaptation to climate
              n ing      change. He is also
      n   Pfen           interested in renewable
S tefa                   energy and international
Stefan is passionate
              ts chn     about creating enabling
      n Wil              spaces, following this
S tefa                   field as a PhD scholar in
                         the EU.
Susanne is currently
              is  sler   working on building a
       n e Ge            sustainable eco-village
Su san                   on wasted soil in the
                         Niger region.
Sylke develops training
                and education concepts
                around sustainability,
                community living and
                awareness. She is in
                constant research for
                innovation and new
                insights about what kind
                of process humanity
                currently needs to
            e   transform into a more
       Iacon    meaningful, peaceful,
Sy lke          heartful and sustainable
Sylvia is working for
                      plenum, which focuses
                      on research for
                      sustainability. She is also
                      one of the driving forces
                      of the 'Pioneer of
                zel   Change' course - which
           Bren       supports young people
S ylvi                with the intention to drive
                      change in their society.
Sylvia's interests center
                         around technology, new
                         forms of education, data
      a Pu               security, and much more.
Sylvi                    She now looks for
Müll                     opportunities to combine
                         these passions.
Sylvie is developing a
                 smart phone app which
                 allows consumers to
                 scan the barcode in
                 supermarket to see how
                 ethically the product was
       e Chi     produced and if it
S ylvi           contains ingredients to
                 which one is allergic.
Tom is consultant and
           coach for major Austrian
           organizations. At the
           moment he is creating
           momentum for his
           'happiness economics'
           project and is also
           developing an innovative
    Bec    sustainability strategy for
Tom        a city development
Ulli holds a diploma from
                  The Kaospilots //
                  Denmark, a school for
                  social innovation and new
                  business solutions. For 3
                  years she has been the
                  project leader for the
                  Community Dance
                  Program 'Tanz die
    ik e Le       Toleranz' - and just now
Ulr               focused on new fields of
                  studies and impact.
Valentin is an expert in
                        sustainable finance and
                        advises his customers
                        how to best invest their
            H epp       money. He is also
      tin               currently developing a
Valen                   new project in the field of
                        financial literacy.
Vincent is passionate
                           about cycling. He wants
                           to shape this movement
                           as a life-style. He pushes
              co   m       green production of bikes
        t Sac              and initiatives that use
Vin                        cycling and skating that
                           lead to change.
Werner is the head of
                           Caritas and one of the
                           main drivers of innovation
                           in the social sector. One
                           of his projects is 'Vorlaut'
                      in   which aims to replicate
              ac hste      the phenomenal
      r      B
We rne stein               Venezuelan organisation
B inn                      'El Sistema' here in
Werner and Christine Reisinger

                                 Very proud parents (and
                                 immense supporters of
Anne Petersen-Hansen und Lutz    the Hub from the first
Hansen                           minute) :)

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Hub Vienna Members - Jan 2011

  • 1. r)   abe+cal  orde h (in  alp
  • 2. click here to see fullscreen (or  first  go  to  slideshare)    
  • 3. Angie and Adam, are the main drivers of the Neongreen network, which focuses on raising awareness for ecological issues through green design and their event ff awlo series 'Erdgespräche’. mP ay Their most successful Ada e R att design product are the A ngi ‘Directions for use of the Planet Earth’.
  • 4. Aleksandar is one of the co-founders of FEI (Forum Emancipatory Islam) which aims to educate the general public on an alternative to c lovi the predominating vu r Pr conservative form of a and Islam. He is also the head ks Ale of Amnesty International Youth in Austria.
  • 5. Aleksandra's goal is to make a student network called BrightClimateFuture ko running, which is about ov bas education and leadership K an dra for sustainable ks development in the Baltic Ale Sea Region.
  • 6. Alex and Michl were the main designers of the Hub Vienna. They believe in the importance of physical infrastructure o r er ae l St i egl and how it can positively ich x R influence people, M Ale communication, and social processes.
  • 7. Olivia and Ale are currently engaged in setting up the project 'nRich' which aims to provide a platform for high-school drop-outs to provide them with cutting edge skills, new a e perspectives and pat in rgh ia C a G heo practical experience in O liv an dra order for them to become x leaders in their Ale communities.
  • 8. Lexy is currently building up the sister project of emersense in Romania, RoPot - she is bringing together a community of changemakers and Pode provides them with the d ra necessary environment to xan Ale foster their intention to drive change.
  • 9. Raga works on the project wintheplanet, which uses gaming principles (lottery, alie Rag challenges, scavenger u ndr hunts, ...) to motivate the A lexa general public to make a positive impact!
  • 10. After spending some time in Caritas Vienna, Alina is currently doing a specialized PhD d Bra combining ecological, Alina social and cultural dimensions.
  • 11. Andre is another member of the Neongreen network, in which he focuses on the managerial and logistical aspect of organizing i Karsa 'Erdgespräche', which dre are events that create An awareness for ecological issues.
  • 12. Ann d u hei Schm nziata a Psc idt- An dre Chia ri Andrea, Annunziata, Hanno, Jennifer and Karl- Heinz Fellinger are part of the team building up good.bee, a bank Jennifer Rowe focusing on social entrepreneurship and microfinance.
  • 13. Andreas has a strong kr out background in law and as De migration and is now also An dre exploring further engagement possibilities.
  • 14. Angelika does not only enjoy the academic a perspective on social and Sch entrepreneurship but also ika enjoys telling the stories An gel of these entrepreneurs through videos.
  • 15. Anita Frank is a life- coach, she teaches 'city development' at the university, she is passionate about education and she is also k one of the two presidents F ran of the Society for ta Ani Organizational Learning Austria.
  • 16. Anja is the CEO of Austrian Institute for Sustainable Development. She focuses on using science ll ist ane to explore topics such as a Chr poverty, energy, climate Anj change and sustainable life style.
  • 17. Archibald is a passionate banker. However, next to this full-time employment ser he is currently developing Kr em his projects for enabling ld ibo community engagement Arch and the start-up of social enterprises.
  • 18. Barbara works for ICEP which focuses on fostering business solutions for sustainable development and works at the intersection of business and e hov development. Barbara en oud writes regulary for the a C corporAID Magazin about ar bar Social Entrepreneurship B and global CSR.
  • 19. Barbara is currently working in Germany. Parallel to that she is engaged in the Jane Goodall Institute in Vienna and thinking about starting of her own nn Inma project which aims to ra focus building a bridge Barba between the business and the social sector.
  • 20. Barbis is a cultural innovation manager. With her background of art and innovative business er Rud models she is currently ra exploring several Barba opportunities of realizing her passions.
  • 21. Until recently, Cathrin was engaged in team the of 'Sandbox', a network of young professionals. Now she is looking for er ways to combine her l hum passions for people in Leß development, group Cathr coaching and driving change.
  • 22. Cezar Neaga is a web developer with the vision to support social innovators to express their ideas better in order a to create a movement. N eag Furthermore, he is very r C eza passionate about green topics.
  • 23. Charles has a background in film making. He is passionate about education and rth direct trade. He is e s Fü currently working on a Charl social business to source coffee from Ethiopia.
  • 24. Chris' company focuses on renewable energy, LED technology, sustainable transportation, and many nes i s Jo other innovative Chr approaches to use technology for change.
  • 25. Christian is a political activist, book writer and speaker. His focus is the r F elbe development of n i stia alternatives to global Chr capitalism. Besides, he is a contemporary dancer.
  • 26. Christine was one of the team members of the uer Social Impact Award. She er nba is currently writing her n e Sp thesis on using crowd isti Chr funding for sourcing and evaluating innovation.
  • 27. Social entrepreneur, city planner, newspaper columnist, blogger, politician... Christoph Chorherr has a multitude of roles. He is the initiator of Ithuba, a sustainable school project in South- Africa, supported the visualization of the UN r Declaration of Human r her Cho Rights and started th ph Waltz project in Vienna, isto Chr where he is shaping new ways of education.
  • 28. Christoph is passionate about and engaged with er Ki ndl new ways of doing h i stop business such as learning Chr organizations or porous network organizations.
  • 29. Clara Reiner loves art. Amongst others, she was er involved in the 'Dance of R ein Tolerance'-project and a C lar the 'Human Rights Film Festival'.
  • 30. Claudia was one of the winners of the Social Impact Award 2009 with her project 'Kunterbunt' which aims to translate 2D art into 3D models to be 'visible' for blind people. Currently she is scaling her innovation company 'Frink' which r K äfe focuses on sourcing ia innovation from Cl aud ethnographic observations.
  • 31. Claudia and Monika are working for SOMA, a social market project in Lower Austria. Social Markets take food and beverages from super markets which are close er l to shelve date and hurn Zw ing T a provide them for a social ka di Moni C lau price to people in underprivileged situations.
  • 32. i de sch e io T Claudio is a driving force Cl aud of innovation in Caritas Vorarlberg.
  • 33. Clemens is a specialized in micro-technologies. rm eier Next to this he wants to te en s Os raise the public interest m Cle for science with his project 'ScienceClip'
  • 34. Corina loves using marketing as a tool to better communicate to e Enach people - she now wants a to explore the potential of C orin using this expertise for social projects.
  • 35. Daniel works on the first 'Open Source Movie'. Similar to Wikipedia, he ler uses the open source el Kof methodology to create a D ani cinema movie, from the script to post-production!
  • 36. Doris main focus is to grow her green-travel booking platform - an online hotel booking l tool for sustainable hotels Mo ehs - for this she also uses a D oris green travel certification that she developed.
  • 37. Ute and Elisabeth want to sner gas develop a clearing house Har for conflict resolution, so Ute that people find the best possible support for their conflicts to be resolved.
  • 38. Lisi was very much involved in the AIDS ser Conference 2010 r mo coordinating the youth h Roh et activities. Now she is Eli sab finishing her thesis of non-violent writing.
  • 39. After her studies, Elise started her own ordination as a doctor. She also gained experience helping rural people in Mexico. Now she wants to explore opportunities to use her n expertise aside from her e N ord job as a practitioner and e Elis drive change in the health sector.
  • 40. Eva loves writing and wants to use this skill to support social innovators er ing in expressing their ideas pp Kra better. She is currently Eva running a project to support Ute Bock.
  • 41. Eva is working in the field of human rights for an EU institution based in a Vienna. In her work, she k S o bot is responsible for Eva networking and stakeholder relations.
  • 42. Michael  Bauer-­‐Leeb   Evelina and Michael are starting up ‘the good tribe’ where they are focusing on the new a practice of social elin uist Michael Ev q entrepreneurship. Bauer-L eeb L und Currently they are working on a master’s thesis where they look at the connection of social entrepreneurs and business angels.
  • 43. Since 3 years Ewa works as a production manager and editor at CastYourArt, which provides a platform n Ster for people that are Ewa passionate about and fascinated by art.
  • 44. Florian is the innovation responsible from Caritas Vienna. One of his main areas is the Brunnenpassage, which is a cultural center in the middle of the 16th per district, applying n Pom innovative approaches to Fl oria connect people from diverse backgrounds.
  • 45. Gabi is a freelance journalist, writing for DiePresse, Format, Kleine Zeitung,... with the main focus on CSR and sustainability. Rabl Furthermore, she r iele supports Tom in his Gab 'happiness economics' project.
  • 46. Geetha has a technical background and is currently doing a PhD at the TU. She is working n n dra together with Ksenya on acha a project around the a Ram topics of sustainability, Ge eth child, labour, cotton and Uzbekistan!
  • 47. Georg is currently starting d his PR agency for the civil in er nfe sector. Next to this he is rg Bau performing as a Geo comedian with the focus on ethical issues.
  • 48. Georg is working as an educated trainer for non- violent communication. e He is getting increasingly T arn motivated to launch a rg Geo series of ethical consumer products.
  • 49. Gerda combines classical music and arts to work with children and sick elderly people. She has achieved significant coln results with people that a Lin are normally d Ger disconnected from their environment.
  • 50. Gerda has a strong knowledge in the area of human trafficking, migration and inclusion. nn er ma She is now in the process u a The of starting a social G erd business in the field of fashion and migration.
  • 51. Gerhard recently transitioned from his role as the CEO from a major Austrian company into his newest adventure as a us B arc consultant and coach for d har change processes, social Ger responsibility and innovation.
  • 52. Gundula was the founder of the Waldzell Meetings where she brought together influential people from business, politics and religion. She is tz S cha currently developing her a dul 'school of life' project and Gun fosters her 'Architects of the Future' program.
  • 53. Bettina recently started working for the future- forum Windhaag in Upper lein Austria. Furthermore, she a Hel is in the executive board n B etti of the eco-social student forum.
  • 54. In the past, Ira transitioned from influential roles in banking, to business consulting, to being the y Molla CEO of Greenpeace, to Ira now applying her expertise in coaching.
  • 55. Jakob works and drives initiatives for Cisco, believing in the power of ö ck technology to improve K i blb how we communicate, b Jako interact and share knowledge!
  • 56. Jeanette has a multitude of projects such as "Wien ist anders, ich auch!" a diversity map for Vienna; ller or 'science graffiti' using te Mü net new channels to bring Jea science closer to young people and prisoners.
  • 57. Jenny uses theatre and cabaret to raise i tz now awareness on topics y S ima such as equality, gender Jenn issues and ethical business.
  • 58. Joachim is currently involved in projects with the UN in Africa, writing m in chi enwe academic papers with Ivy Joa end w League universities, and Sch still a bit more!
  • 59. After his work in KPMG he decided to become r self employed as a e Kr ain sustainability consultant, es ann currently focusing on Joh renewable energy and recycled housing
  • 60. Josef is the initiator of Get Active - a platform for civil engagement and entrepreneurship. He was awarded for his efforts in creating momentum for the third sector. He recently joined r tm aye a plattform rei for financing social Jos ef K projects and civic engagement.
  • 61. Judith is working in green arter design - designing berh i th E products that are locally Jud sourced and ethically produced.
  • 62. Jürgen specialized in creative techniques. He is currently exploring possibilities of bringing ISN (Innovation Service der hroe Network) which is well n Sc known for Braintwisters Jürge and Neurovation, to Vienna.
  • 63. Katharina started the er Austrian Social Business b erg en Day - an event series a Lieb where for-profit in at har organizations are linked K to compatible NGOs.
  • 64. Kathi is currently finishing her studies in 'International Relations', she will write her masters thesis on comparing international aid and 'social entrepreneurship'. Furthermore, she is involved in Vorlaut, the den a Nor initiative which is n ari replicating El-Sistema Kath (from Venezuela) in Austria.
  • 65. Katharina is currently in ger an organization dealing up pin with water-reprocessing. n aW ari She is passionate about h Kat Africa and frequently travels there.
  • 66. Katja is working for the Umweltbundesamt and is a member of SOL Austria t pr ech to fuel her interest in am atj aL innovative change K processes such as Theory U.
  • 67. Klaus is working for Cropster - an idea platform which makes the supply chain from of the coffee production yr ma transparent and thereby Kirch leads to higher income Kl aus from the coffee producers.
  • 68. Laurent is a photographer. He is using his gift for capturing the beauty of change and ler especially applies it t Z ieg n within social and cultural Laure initiatives around the world.
  • 69. Lisa is working as a media pedagogic. She is using the power of media in order to revitalise rs H ilge education. At the moment von she is in Ithuba working Lisa on Christoph Chorherr's Skills College Project.
  • 70. Lucas is a serial social entrepreneur from Brazil. In the age of 19 he started his first consultancy for sustainable housing, afterwards set up a microfinance fund, and is currently developing a o website which is Pint combining micro lending Lucas with sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • 71. Luisa is one of the main drivers of 'made-in- made-by' - a social business capitalizing on e the advantages of rad de And zen diversity as she is sa Lui de Re producing fashion with o women that have a Lob migration background.
  • 72. Lydia has a strong interest in law, specifically human rights. She joined us for our Solution e Conference in Romania g a Gen and decided to use the L ydi Hub to further crystallize her intention.
  • 73. ele Manfred is a coach Jan red working with individuals Manf and groups to help them realize their dreams.
  • 74. Marcella is a true creative r aue spirit - she wants to help senb others to unleash their Gas lla creative potential. She is rce Ma currently working for the Belvedere Association.
  • 75. Marek addresses issues where others look away: He is pointing out the imminent danger of a second market crash and ta how to deal with it, K uch furthermore he helps to k Mare prepare for a post-carbon society.
  • 76. Marie recently ended her active career as a politician of the green party. She is now the ler head of Ashoka Austria, Ring looking for outstanding e Mari social entrepreneurs ready to scale their ideas.
  • 77. Martin is passionate about creating enabling spaces for personal and tsc h uchi societal change. He is i nM exploring this topic in Mart detail with his current PhD studies.
  • 78. Martina is working for the uster Federal Ministry of a Sch Agriculture, Forestry, rtin Ma Environment and Water Management.
  • 79. Michael and Moriz decided to quit their careers in marketing and start their own label for locally produced, fair- Moriz trade and customized Piffl er ann jeans: ‘Gebrüder Stitch’ L hael They are one of the Mic shooting stars in Austria’s green fashion scene.
  • 80. Michael is passionate about photography, technology, data security and using all of that to create change. He is ey esel currently working on l V hae energy saving measures Mic and on smart phone apps for organic shopping
  • 81. Michael loves to empower people by helping them to connect to like-minded individuals. He knows the iv l Raj power of networks and hae Mic that individuals are more h powerful together than Sha individually.
  • 82. Milo is the founder of Biorama, a magazine for sustainable lifestyle. When he passed it over it had more than 40.000 readers in the German speaking market. Now he is developing new r projects in cooperation to sse laa o Te boost social innovations Mil with fellow Hub Vienna members.
  • 83. Nathalie wants to use open-source technology to tackle the monopolies of large organisations. ffler Her first project is to Loe alie provide a platform for Nath multi-lingual children e- books.
  • 84. Nikki is the driving force of the Social Impact Award, which awards xler students with innovative le Tra ideas how to tackle o Nic social, cultural or ecological challenges.
  • 85. Nikolaus took the skills and knowledge he gained from his successful career as a Venture us ola mann Capital to now apply Nik ker c them as an impact Spie investment advisor.
  • 86. Nina and Robert are currently building up IndyACT "The League of Independent Activists", an environmental, social and cultural advocacy and campaigning organization. Nina is furthermore engaged with the Climate Action Rob Network within the UN ert M al arcu climate negotiations and J am s Klu she coordinates the EU a mp Nin campaigning for a global climate coalition.
  • 87. Othmar is the founder of the Social Business department in a well r Le hne known Finish university. r He continuously pushes ma Oth the academic research on social innovation.
  • 88. Peter started the first course on social entrepreneurship in Austria, which he r currently teaches with ando Reinhard. He is also the er V Pet founder of the Social Impact Award.
  • 89. Philippe is looking for the framework for business 3.0, and on this quest he is currently in Brazil ier studying Semco - one of e Gre lipp the most unusual (and Phi inspiring) workplaces in the world.
  • 90. Rainer and his colleague Sandra are both managing partner of Sandra ‘youtopia’, a consulting Eckersto fer us group with focuses on era n er P transformative change or Rai large scale businesses.
  • 91. Reinhard is advancing the academic understanding of social impact measurement, the impact of foundations and social entrepreneurship. Together with Peter, he is er Milln currently teaching the ard only course on Social Re inh Entrepreneurship in Austria.
  • 92. Until recently, Roman was the head of RespACT, the largest Austrian platform for Corporate Social Responsibility. Now he is part of the management ek esic team of the new Enorm n M magazine, which is Ro ma focusing on social and responsible business.
  • 93. Sarah and Susanna hold a PhD in Biology. They are fascinated by nature and the principles, processes and inspiration we can get by observing Sarah tsc h phenomena in nature. Duit s chi aut They will start a a K workshop series that will us ann spur inspiration and S creativity.
  • 94. Sava is the founding CEO of good.bee the first bank for social entrepreneurship and microfinance based in ok ov Austria. Now he wants to Dalb transform a traditional Sava bank into a truly good bank!
  • 95. Seraina uses design to enhance communication. For example she designed the marketing for 'Dance of Tolerance' where she managed to create a campaign that attracted women from er Br ugg various cultural a backgrounds, by not er ain S creating language barriers.
  • 96. Stefan is a researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, working on understanding vulnerability of societies r and adaptation to climate e n ing change. He is also n Pfen interested in renewable S tefa energy and international development.
  • 97. Stefan is passionate ig ts chn about creating enabling n Wil spaces, following this S tefa field as a PhD scholar in the EU.
  • 98. Susanne is currently is sler working on building a n e Ge sustainable eco-village Su san on wasted soil in the Niger region.
  • 99. Sylke develops training and education concepts around sustainability, community living and awareness. She is in constant research for innovation and new insights about what kind of process humanity currently needs to e transform into a more Iacon meaningful, peaceful, Sy lke heartful and sustainable society.
  • 100. Sylvia is working for plenum, which focuses on research for sustainability. She is also one of the driving forces of the 'Pioneer of zel Change' course - which Bren supports young people a S ylvi with the intention to drive change in their society.
  • 101. Sylvia's interests center around technology, new r- thofe forms of education, data rga a Pu security, and much more. Sylvi She now looks for er Müll opportunities to combine these passions.
  • 102. Sylvie is developing a smart phone app which allows consumers to scan the barcode in supermarket to see how ethically the product was n e Chi produced and if it S ylvi contains ingredients to which one is allergic.
  • 103. Tom is consultant and coach for major Austrian organizations. At the moment he is creating momentum for his 'happiness economics' project and is also developing an innovative k Bec sustainability strategy for Tom a city development project.
  • 104. Ulli holds a diploma from The Kaospilots // Denmark, a school for social innovation and new business solutions. For 3 years she has been the project leader for the Community Dance Program 'Tanz die vri ik e Le Toleranz' - and just now Ulr focused on new fields of studies and impact.
  • 105. Valentin is an expert in sustainable finance and advises his customers how to best invest their ner H epp money. He is also tin currently developing a Valen new project in the field of financial literacy.
  • 106. Vincent is passionate about cycling. He wants to shape this movement ani as a life-style. He pushes co m green production of bikes t Sac and initiatives that use cen Vin cycling and skating that lead to change.
  • 107. Werner is the head of Caritas and one of the main drivers of innovation in the social sector. One of his projects is 'Vorlaut' in which aims to replicate ac hste the phenomenal r B We rne stein Venezuelan organisation en B inn 'El Sistema' here in Austria.
  • 108. Werner and Christine Reisinger Very proud parents (and immense supporters of Anne Petersen-Hansen und Lutz the Hub from the first Hansen minute) :)