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Mentoring Experience:

 The Climb Together
      By: Jeremiah Rivera
           HTM 480
   My Mentor Partner
   Meeting and Communicating
   Support and Goal Setting
   Making Progress
   Reflecting
   Celebrating
   Connections to the Cycle
   Final Thoughts
Meet Judy Nguyen

               My mentor partner was Judy
               She is currently working as a
                server at a Japanese restaurant
                while she goes to school part time.
               Her emphasis is in hotel

My Mentor Partner
•   Judy and I have met with
    each other several times
    throughout the semester and
    have also kept in contact
    through emails and Facebook.

•   I first contacted Judy through

•    In our emails we were able to
    schedule a meeting date so
    that we could get to know
    each other.
Making contact: Our 1st Meeting
              I wanted our first meeting to be very casual and
               comfortable, so we decided to get together at the Starbucks
               on campus. I treated Judy to an iced caramel macchiato and
               we went outside to talk.
              During our first meeting we introduced ourselves and talked
               about our classes and involvement in HTM.
              I learned that Judy had already finished all of her upper
               division business courses and only needed to complete the
               HTM courses to graduate. She also told me how she used to
               be very involve in NSMH but she didn’t participate in their
               activities as much anymore because she wanted to focus on
               finishing school.
              I wanted to use my previous experience in HTM 301 as a
               way to connect with Judy, so I showed her my personal slide
               assignment that I had saved. This also allowed me to share
               my strengths and weaknesses with Judy and create an open
               climate and a supportive foundation for our relationship.
              From our conversation we learned that we both struggle with
               interpersonal communication and that in group situations we
               have difficulties voicing our opinions.
              I told Judy it’s always good when you share ideas with your
               group because it gets everyone thinking and can even
               enhance other ideas.
Create a
                           Shared Vision

                                            Dev. Service
                                            Climate and


                  Motivate and       Teach and
                   Inspire for        Train for
                 Service Quality   Service Quality

Connections to the Cycle
   Developing a Relationship: In order
    I feel that Developing a Service
                                                to build a good relationship I knew
     Climate and Developing a
                                                that it was important to establish a
     Relationship are two aspects of
                                                solid foundation with Judy during our
     the Cycle that apply most to our 1st
                                                first meeting. I was able to this by
                                                learning about Judy through our
                                                conversations, telling her about my
    Developing a Service Climate: I            strengths and weaknesses, and
     wanted to create an open and               sharing my past experiences with
     supportive climate so that Judy            her. This allowed us to build trust and
     would know that I was there to             find ways that we related with each
     encourage her and be a resource            other. For example. we discovered
     for her, but that I wasn’t “better”        that we have similar difficulties with
     then her just because I was her            interpersonal communication and
     mentor. I did this by meeting at a         group interactions. After making that
     casual place, setting an informal          connection I was then able to share
     tone, and sharing the story of how         some of the things that I have done
     I first got into HTM with her.             to improve my interpersonal
                                                communication skills with Judy. so
                                                that she could try them and develop
Connections to the Cycle                        her skills as well.
Support and Goal Setting: Our 2nd Meeting
   Before our second meeting I asked Judy to come
    up with some short term goals and long term goals
    for herself so that we could discuss them and come
    up with ways to achieve them.
   This allowed me to create a productive climate and
    defined a common objective for Judy and I to strive
    for together.
   I also told Judy about the St. Patrick's day mixer
    NSMH was having and encouraged her attend it
    with me.
   We met up again for another Starbucks on campus
    to catch up with each other and talk about her
   Judy came up with the following goals:

    o Short term goals:
       Pass all courses with As and Bs

    o Long term goals:
      • Obtain a hotel job by the Fall semester in order
        to complete the HTM 398 Internship requirement

 For her second goal, to obtain a hotel
  During our second meeting Judy                job by the Fall semester in order to
   shared her goals with me and told me          complete the HTM 398 Internship
   that she had finished her Industry            requirement, I suggested that she
   assignment for HTM 301 early.                 constantly keep a look out in her emails
  Together Judy and I came up with ideas        and check on hotel websites every 2
   about how to achieve her goals.               weeks for any job postings or internship
  For her first goal, to pass all courses       opportunities that may come up.
   with As and Bs, we decided that                I told her that I had found my hotel
   everyday she should dedicate 2 hours               internship by replying to one of the
   to study.                                          emails that Brian Blake had sent to
    ◦ We agreed that trying to balance                the students and that it would be a
       school, work, and a social life was            very helpful source for her as well.
       challenging and that we could both       She also said that she was feeling a
       benefit from having more                  little anxious about the Conquest Air
       organization in our lives. Being          assignment .
       organized would help us set              She was nervous because she was
       priorities and encourage us to            having difficulty speaking up in her
       engage in activities that would bring     group and she felt that she could not
       us closer to our goals.                   come up with ideas as fast as other
                                                 people, Judy prefers to take the time to
                                                 think about ideas before sharing them.

Our 2nd Meeting
 My advice to Judy in regards to
                    sharing her ideas was that she
                    should write them down as she
                    comes up with them and then share
                    them with her group, that way she
                    has time to think and can still
                    contribute them to the group.
                   In order to be more organized and
                    get good grades I suggested that
                    she try using a planner or lists to set
                    small goals for herself throughout the
                    week or month. I also said that she
                    should take the time to recognize her
                    accomplishments and reward herself
                    when she had achieve a goal or
                    completed a task.
                   For our 3rd meeting I wanted us to
                    talk about the progress she had
                    made in reaching her goals and any
                    difficulties she may have
Our 2nd Meeting     encountered.
Create a
                           Shared Vision

                                            Dev. Service
                                            Climate and


                  Motivate and       Teach and
                   Inspire for        Train for
                 Service Quality   Service Quality

Connections to the Cycle
   Teaching and Training: I was able to
 Creating a Shared Vision, Developing            implement Teaching and Training by giving
                                                  Judy advice on how to reach her goals and
  Expectations, Teaching and
                                                  voice her opinions in group settings. For
  Training, Assessing Performance, and
                                                  example, I advised Judy to get a planner so
  Providing Feedback were all the aspects         that she could organize her priorities and
  of the Cycle that applied to our second         dedicate time towards studying in order to
  meeting.                                        achieve her goal of passing her classes with
 Creating a Shared Vision: We were able          As and Bs. When in a group setting I
  to create a shared vision by establishing       suggested that she take the initiative to
  short term goals and long term goals for        come up with ideas ahead of time and write
  Judy.                                           them down along with any other ideas that
 Developing Expectations: I was able to          the group comes up with, that way she
  set expectations for Judy by assigning          would be able to share her ideas and keep
  her tasks to complete before each of our        everyone in the group on the same page.
  meetings. For example before our
  second meeting I had Judy come up with         Assessing Performance/ Providing
  short term goals and long term goals she        Feedback: I was able to assess Judy’s
                                                  performance and provide her feedback when
  had for the semester as well as some
                                                  she told me about completing her Industry
  possible solutions and difficulties
                                                  assignment early. She told me that at the
  associated with those goals so that we          event she recognized one of the
  could discuss them.                             professionals but was too shy to address
                                                  him. I praised her for getting the assignment
                                                  done early and told her that she should not
                                                  let her worries hold her back.
Connections to the Cycle
 Our 3rd meeting took place right after Spring Break.
 We talked about what we had done over the break and
  Judy vented to me about some of the things that had
  happened at her job.
 She also told me that, although she was nervous about
  her Conquest Air simulation, she had done great during
  her group’s presentation. We discussed how she felt
  about the simulation and why she did so well in the
 Judy said that being prepared for the presentation
  boosted her confidence and helped her succeed.
 I congratulated her and let her know I was glad that she
  was doing well in class.

Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
   For the rest of our third meeting we            I was able to use my 4-the-Fam
    talked about the progress she was               simulation experience to help give Judy
    making on attaining her goals and the 4-        an idea of what would happened during
    the-Fam simulations.                            hers.
   Judy and I both had gotten planners to         My advice to her was to be
    help us organize our priorities and focus       prepared, stay calm, and have fun.
    on school.
                                                   Because Judy prefers to take the time to
    Judy told me that using a planner and          think and develop her ideas before
    setting aside 2 hours a day to study was        sharing them, I advised her to read the
    helping her reach her goal to do well in        project descriptions ahead of time and
    her classes.                                    brainstorm ideas early on so that during
   She explained to me that she was not            the simulation she would be ready to
    too sure about where she wanted to do           share her ideas with her group.
    her internship at because she wasn’t           I also told her that it was important to
    very familiar with the different hotels.        have a solid game plan and well defined
   I encouraged her to search through the          roles for the simulation because it helps
    different hotel brands and learn more           everyone stay on the same page and
    about the different company cultures            can minimize confusion.
    there are. That way if she found one
    interesting she could try to pursue an
    internship there and experience it herself.

                             Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
•During our third meeting is when I learned that
Judy was more interested in positions in hotels
that involved more employee interactions
rather than guests interactions. For example
positions in the HR department .

•I told Judy she should explore her interest and
consider looking into which hotels offer training
programs within human resources.

• Afterthe meeting I emailed her several links to
hotel job sites and hotel training programs to
help her search for a hotel internship.

Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
Create a
                           Shared Vision

                                            Dev. Service
                                            Climate and


                  Motivate and       Teach and
                   Inspire for        Train for
                 Service Quality   Service Quality

Connections to the Cycle
   The aspects of the Cycle that            Motivate and Inspire for Service
    apply the most to our third               Quality: By sharing my previous
    meeting are Teach and Train for           experience with the 4-the-Fam
    Service Quality and Motivate and          simulation I was able to motivate
    Inspire for Service Quality.              and inspire Judy to perform
   Teach and Train for Service               successfully during her group’s
    Quality: I was able to teach Judy         simulation. I also gave her
    how to find internships. I was            several suggestions about how to
    also able to teach her that               prepare for her group’s
    different companies offer different       brainstorming session and how
    management programs. I told her           to organize her group during the
    that learning about management            actual simulation.
    programs would help her see the
    long term benefits of working for
    a particular company.

Connections to the Cycle
   She shared with me that the
     Judy and I had our 4th
                                           evaluator commented that
      meeting in mid April
                                           Judy had good ideas but that
     During this meeting we talked        she needed to deliver them
      about the 4-the Family               with confidence in order to
      simulation, our Print                get other people interested in
      numbers, and Judy’s final            them.
                                          I told Judy that one way to
     Judy told me how she had             get people interested in her
      taken my advice to read the 4-       ideas is to write them
      the-Family description ahead         down, repeat them and
      of time and came up with             elaborate on them.
      ideas that she was able to
                                          Judy found out that her Print
      share with her group. She
                                           number was #9.
      said that her group decided to
      choose a Mexican theme for          People with the Print #9 are
      the kick off event.                  motivated by having peace
                                           and harmony and seek to
                                           avoid conflict, discord and
Reflecting: Our 4th Meeting                discomfort.
   I asked Judy how accurate she               For Judy’s last presentation I
    felt her print was. She explained            advised her to look over her
    to me that she thought it                    print report and the
    described her well and that she              evaluations that she had
    felt that it related to her difficulty       received through the to
    communicating her                            semester to come up with her
    ideas, because she prefers to                strengths and areas of
    keep peace in a group rather than            improvement. By utilizing the
    force her ideas onto people.                 feedback she received from
   We were also able to relate one              the simulations and group
    of her shadow                                activities she would be able to
    traits, procrastination, to the              identify how the Kaleidoscope
    short-term goal she came up with             Competencies apply to her
    for the semester.                            personal development.
   Avoiding procrastination would
    help her achieve her goal to pass
    her classes with As and Bs. I told
    her that she could avoid
    procrastination by using her
    planner to set dead lines for
    herself and keep her priorities
                                   Reflecting: Our 4th Meeting
Create a
                           Shared Vision

                                            Dev. Service
                                            Climate and


                  Motivate and       Teach and
                   Inspire for        Train for
                 Service Quality   Service Quality

Connections to the Cycle
   I feel that Motive and Inspire for      Assess service Performance
    Service Quality, Assess service          and Provide Feedback: I was
    Performance and Provide                  able to assess Judy’s
    Feedback are the portions of             performance when discussed
    the Cycle that most relate to our        how her 4-the-Fam
    fourth meeting.                          simulation went. I was also
                                             able to give her feedback
   Motive and Inspire for Service           when we talked about her
    Quality: I was able to inspire           Print number and revisited
    Judy’s final presentation by             her progress through out the
    giving her tips about how to             semester. Together we
    determine her strengths and              decided that Judy should
    areas of improvement. I was              focus on developing methods
    also able to motivate Judy to            to present her ideas with
    get more involved on campus.             confidence and optimism.
    She told me that the stories I
    shared with her, about my
    involvement in NSMH, made
    her feel that she would enjoy
    participating in the activities on

Connections to the Cycle
•Judy  and I met one
                                last time right before
                                finals. We decided to
                                get together for a
                                casual lunch and
                                celebrate the end of
                                the semester .

                                •During our lunch we
                                talked about plans for
                                the summer and
                                exchanged gifts that
                                we had gotten for
                                each other. I gave
                                Judy a poster
                                calendar and Judy
                                gave me a
                                personalized Buzz
Celebrating :Our 5th Meeting.   Lightyear mug.
   My mentoring experience was a wonderful opportunity to
    implement the Coaching Cycle first hand.
   My mentee and I made a great connection. I feel that because
    we had similar strengths and weaknesses we were able develop
    a strong level of understanding.
   I learned that it was really important to build trust with my
    mentee. Trust was the foundation of our relationship. To maintain
    the trust Judy had placed in me I needed to be
    reliable, understanding, and supportive.
   I feel that this mentoring activity allowed me to experience what
    it is like to be a leader and what it means to develop
    strong, healthy relationships with the people who depend on me.
   In the end Judy told me that I was a wonderful mentor and that
    she appreciated all of my help and support. I’m really glad that I
    was able contribute to her development and success.

Final Thoughts
The End

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Htm 480 Mentoring Experience

  • 1. Mentoring Experience: The Climb Together By: Jeremiah Rivera HTM 480
  • 2. Overview  My Mentor Partner  Meeting and Communicating  Support and Goal Setting  Making Progress  Reflecting  Celebrating  Connections to the Cycle  Final Thoughts
  • 3. Meet Judy Nguyen  My mentor partner was Judy Nguyen.  She is currently working as a server at a Japanese restaurant while she goes to school part time.  Her emphasis is in hotel management. My Mentor Partner
  • 4. Communicating • Judy and I have met with each other several times throughout the semester and have also kept in contact through emails and Facebook. • I first contacted Judy through email. • In our emails we were able to schedule a meeting date so that we could get to know each other.
  • 5. Making contact: Our 1st Meeting  I wanted our first meeting to be very casual and comfortable, so we decided to get together at the Starbucks on campus. I treated Judy to an iced caramel macchiato and we went outside to talk.  During our first meeting we introduced ourselves and talked about our classes and involvement in HTM.  I learned that Judy had already finished all of her upper division business courses and only needed to complete the HTM courses to graduate. She also told me how she used to be very involve in NSMH but she didn’t participate in their activities as much anymore because she wanted to focus on finishing school.  I wanted to use my previous experience in HTM 301 as a way to connect with Judy, so I showed her my personal slide assignment that I had saved. This also allowed me to share my strengths and weaknesses with Judy and create an open climate and a supportive foundation for our relationship.  From our conversation we learned that we both struggle with interpersonal communication and that in group situations we have difficulties voicing our opinions.  I told Judy it’s always good when you share ideas with your group because it gets everyone thinking and can even enhance other ideas.
  • 6. Create a Shared Vision Dev. Service Provide Climate and Feedback Expectations Assess Develop Service Relationships Performance Motivate and Teach and Inspire for Train for Service Quality Service Quality Connections to the Cycle
  • 7. Developing a Relationship: In order  I feel that Developing a Service to build a good relationship I knew Climate and Developing a that it was important to establish a Relationship are two aspects of solid foundation with Judy during our the Cycle that apply most to our 1st first meeting. I was able to this by meeting. learning about Judy through our conversations, telling her about my  Developing a Service Climate: I strengths and weaknesses, and wanted to create an open and sharing my past experiences with supportive climate so that Judy her. This allowed us to build trust and would know that I was there to find ways that we related with each encourage her and be a resource other. For example. we discovered for her, but that I wasn’t “better” that we have similar difficulties with then her just because I was her interpersonal communication and mentor. I did this by meeting at a group interactions. After making that casual place, setting an informal connection I was then able to share tone, and sharing the story of how some of the things that I have done I first got into HTM with her. to improve my interpersonal communication skills with Judy. so that she could try them and develop Connections to the Cycle her skills as well.
  • 8. Support and Goal Setting: Our 2nd Meeting  Before our second meeting I asked Judy to come up with some short term goals and long term goals for herself so that we could discuss them and come up with ways to achieve them.  This allowed me to create a productive climate and defined a common objective for Judy and I to strive for together.  I also told Judy about the St. Patrick's day mixer NSMH was having and encouraged her attend it with me.  We met up again for another Starbucks on campus to catch up with each other and talk about her goals.
  • 9. Judy came up with the following goals: o Short term goals:  Pass all courses with As and Bs o Long term goals: • Obtain a hotel job by the Fall semester in order to complete the HTM 398 Internship requirement Goals
  • 10.  For her second goal, to obtain a hotel  During our second meeting Judy job by the Fall semester in order to shared her goals with me and told me complete the HTM 398 Internship that she had finished her Industry requirement, I suggested that she assignment for HTM 301 early. constantly keep a look out in her emails  Together Judy and I came up with ideas and check on hotel websites every 2 about how to achieve her goals. weeks for any job postings or internship  For her first goal, to pass all courses opportunities that may come up. with As and Bs, we decided that  I told her that I had found my hotel everyday she should dedicate 2 hours internship by replying to one of the to study. emails that Brian Blake had sent to ◦ We agreed that trying to balance the students and that it would be a school, work, and a social life was very helpful source for her as well. challenging and that we could both  She also said that she was feeling a benefit from having more little anxious about the Conquest Air organization in our lives. Being assignment . organized would help us set  She was nervous because she was priorities and encourage us to having difficulty speaking up in her engage in activities that would bring group and she felt that she could not us closer to our goals. come up with ideas as fast as other people, Judy prefers to take the time to think about ideas before sharing them. Our 2nd Meeting
  • 11.  My advice to Judy in regards to sharing her ideas was that she should write them down as she comes up with them and then share them with her group, that way she has time to think and can still contribute them to the group.  In order to be more organized and get good grades I suggested that she try using a planner or lists to set small goals for herself throughout the week or month. I also said that she should take the time to recognize her accomplishments and reward herself when she had achieve a goal or completed a task.  For our 3rd meeting I wanted us to talk about the progress she had made in reaching her goals and any difficulties she may have Our 2nd Meeting encountered.
  • 12. Create a Shared Vision Dev. Service Provide Climate and Feedback Expectations Assess Develop Service Relationships Performance Motivate and Teach and Inspire for Train for Service Quality Service Quality Connections to the Cycle
  • 13. Teaching and Training: I was able to  Creating a Shared Vision, Developing implement Teaching and Training by giving Judy advice on how to reach her goals and Expectations, Teaching and voice her opinions in group settings. For Training, Assessing Performance, and example, I advised Judy to get a planner so Providing Feedback were all the aspects that she could organize her priorities and of the Cycle that applied to our second dedicate time towards studying in order to meeting. achieve her goal of passing her classes with  Creating a Shared Vision: We were able As and Bs. When in a group setting I to create a shared vision by establishing suggested that she take the initiative to short term goals and long term goals for come up with ideas ahead of time and write Judy. them down along with any other ideas that  Developing Expectations: I was able to the group comes up with, that way she set expectations for Judy by assigning would be able to share her ideas and keep her tasks to complete before each of our everyone in the group on the same page. meetings. For example before our second meeting I had Judy come up with  Assessing Performance/ Providing short term goals and long term goals she Feedback: I was able to assess Judy’s performance and provide her feedback when had for the semester as well as some she told me about completing her Industry possible solutions and difficulties assignment early. She told me that at the associated with those goals so that we event she recognized one of the could discuss them. professionals but was too shy to address him. I praised her for getting the assignment done early and told her that she should not let her worries hold her back. Connections to the Cycle
  • 14.  Our 3rd meeting took place right after Spring Break.  We talked about what we had done over the break and Judy vented to me about some of the things that had happened at her job.  She also told me that, although she was nervous about her Conquest Air simulation, she had done great during her group’s presentation. We discussed how she felt about the simulation and why she did so well in the presentation.  Judy said that being prepared for the presentation boosted her confidence and helped her succeed.  I congratulated her and let her know I was glad that she was doing well in class. Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
  • 15. For the rest of our third meeting we  I was able to use my 4-the-Fam talked about the progress she was simulation experience to help give Judy making on attaining her goals and the 4- an idea of what would happened during the-Fam simulations. hers.  Judy and I both had gotten planners to  My advice to her was to be help us organize our priorities and focus prepared, stay calm, and have fun. on school.  Because Judy prefers to take the time to  Judy told me that using a planner and think and develop her ideas before setting aside 2 hours a day to study was sharing them, I advised her to read the helping her reach her goal to do well in project descriptions ahead of time and her classes. brainstorm ideas early on so that during  She explained to me that she was not the simulation she would be ready to too sure about where she wanted to do share her ideas with her group. her internship at because she wasn’t  I also told her that it was important to very familiar with the different hotels. have a solid game plan and well defined  I encouraged her to search through the roles for the simulation because it helps different hotel brands and learn more everyone stay on the same page and about the different company cultures can minimize confusion. there are. That way if she found one interesting she could try to pursue an internship there and experience it herself. Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
  • 16. •During our third meeting is when I learned that Judy was more interested in positions in hotels that involved more employee interactions rather than guests interactions. For example positions in the HR department . •I told Judy she should explore her interest and consider looking into which hotels offer training programs within human resources. • Afterthe meeting I emailed her several links to hotel job sites and hotel training programs to help her search for a hotel internship. Making Progress: Our 3rd Meeting
  • 17. Create a Shared Vision Dev. Service Provide Climate and Feedback Expectations Assess Develop Service Relationships Performance Motivate and Teach and Inspire for Train for Service Quality Service Quality Connections to the Cycle
  • 18. The aspects of the Cycle that  Motivate and Inspire for Service apply the most to our third Quality: By sharing my previous meeting are Teach and Train for experience with the 4-the-Fam Service Quality and Motivate and simulation I was able to motivate Inspire for Service Quality. and inspire Judy to perform  Teach and Train for Service successfully during her group’s Quality: I was able to teach Judy simulation. I also gave her how to find internships. I was several suggestions about how to also able to teach her that prepare for her group’s different companies offer different brainstorming session and how management programs. I told her to organize her group during the that learning about management actual simulation. programs would help her see the long term benefits of working for a particular company. Connections to the Cycle
  • 19. She shared with me that the  Judy and I had our 4th evaluator commented that meeting in mid April Judy had good ideas but that  During this meeting we talked she needed to deliver them about the 4-the Family with confidence in order to simulation, our Print get other people interested in numbers, and Judy’s final them. presentation.  I told Judy that one way to  Judy told me how she had get people interested in her taken my advice to read the 4- ideas is to write them the-Family description ahead down, repeat them and of time and came up with elaborate on them. ideas that she was able to  Judy found out that her Print share with her group. She number was #9. said that her group decided to choose a Mexican theme for  People with the Print #9 are the kick off event. motivated by having peace and harmony and seek to avoid conflict, discord and Reflecting: Our 4th Meeting discomfort.
  • 20. I asked Judy how accurate she  For Judy’s last presentation I felt her print was. She explained advised her to look over her to me that she thought it print report and the described her well and that she evaluations that she had felt that it related to her difficulty received through the to communicating her semester to come up with her ideas, because she prefers to strengths and areas of keep peace in a group rather than improvement. By utilizing the force her ideas onto people. feedback she received from  We were also able to relate one the simulations and group of her shadow activities she would be able to traits, procrastination, to the identify how the Kaleidoscope short-term goal she came up with Competencies apply to her for the semester. personal development.  Avoiding procrastination would help her achieve her goal to pass her classes with As and Bs. I told her that she could avoid procrastination by using her planner to set dead lines for herself and keep her priorities organized. Reflecting: Our 4th Meeting
  • 21. Create a Shared Vision Dev. Service Provide Climate and Feedback Expectations Assess Develop Service Relationships Performance Motivate and Teach and Inspire for Train for Service Quality Service Quality Connections to the Cycle
  • 22. I feel that Motive and Inspire for  Assess service Performance Service Quality, Assess service and Provide Feedback: I was Performance and Provide able to assess Judy’s Feedback are the portions of performance when discussed the Cycle that most relate to our how her 4-the-Fam fourth meeting. simulation went. I was also able to give her feedback  Motive and Inspire for Service when we talked about her Quality: I was able to inspire Print number and revisited Judy’s final presentation by her progress through out the giving her tips about how to semester. Together we determine her strengths and decided that Judy should areas of improvement. I was focus on developing methods also able to motivate Judy to to present her ideas with get more involved on campus. confidence and optimism. She told me that the stories I shared with her, about my involvement in NSMH, made her feel that she would enjoy participating in the activities on campus. Connections to the Cycle
  • 23. •Judy and I met one last time right before finals. We decided to get together for a casual lunch and celebrate the end of the semester . •During our lunch we talked about plans for the summer and exchanged gifts that we had gotten for each other. I gave Judy a poster calendar and Judy gave me a personalized Buzz Celebrating :Our 5th Meeting. Lightyear mug.
  • 24. My mentoring experience was a wonderful opportunity to implement the Coaching Cycle first hand.  My mentee and I made a great connection. I feel that because we had similar strengths and weaknesses we were able develop a strong level of understanding.  I learned that it was really important to build trust with my mentee. Trust was the foundation of our relationship. To maintain the trust Judy had placed in me I needed to be reliable, understanding, and supportive.  I feel that this mentoring activity allowed me to experience what it is like to be a leader and what it means to develop strong, healthy relationships with the people who depend on me.  In the end Judy told me that I was a wonderful mentor and that she appreciated all of my help and support. I’m really glad that I was able contribute to her development and success. Final Thoughts