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Marketing strategy is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving the marketing objectives of
the organization. It provides a blueprint for attaining these marketing objectives. It is the building block of a
marketing plan. It is designed after detailed marketing research . A marketing strategy helps an organization to
concentrate it scarce resources on the best possible opportunities so as to increase the sales.
Defining the strategy should happen before the marketing team begins the more tactical work. At the highest
level, the CMO or VP of marketing typically drives the marketing strategy, but this depend on the organization.
Team member may also help with market research, data analysis, and other work that informs the strategy.
Today, many teams use purpose-built ,marketing planning software define their long_ term goals and capture
information on customers and the marketing. This creates a more agile approach to marketing and saves you
time updating your strategy as market and business conditions change. It also ensures that your marketing
activities stay closely aligned with the company overall objectives. It you are not yet ready to use a web-based
tool to collaborate on your marketing plans in real time, this guide provides a useful library of free marketing
strategy templates.
A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning
them into customers of their products or services. A marketing strategy contains the company’s value
proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements.
The marketing strategy is outlined in the marketing plan—a document that details the specific types of
marketing activities that a company conducts and contains timetables for rolling out various marketing
Marketing strategies should ideally have longer life spans than individual marketing plans because they
contain value propositions and other key elements of a company’s brand, which generally hold constant over
the long haul. In other words, marketing strategies cover big-picture messaging, while marketing plans
delineate the logistical details of specific campaigns.
A marketing strategy is designed by:
1. Choosing the target market: By target market we mean to whom the organization wants to sell its
products. Not all the market segments are fruitful to an organization.
There are certain market segments which guarantee quick profits, there are certain segments which may be having
great potential but there may be high barriers to entry. A careful choice has to be made by the organization.
An indepth marketing research has to be done of the traits of the buyers and the particular needs of the buyers in
the target market.
2. Gathering the marketing mix: By marketing mix we mean how the organization proposes to sell its products.
The organization has to gather the four P’s of marketing in appropriate combination. Gathering the marketing mix is
a crucial part of marketing task. Various decisions have to be made such as -
1. What is the most appropriate mix of the four P’s in a given situation
2. What distribution channels are available and which one should be used
3. What developmental strategy should be used in the target market
4. How should the price structure be designed
Importance of Marketing Strategy
 Marketing strategy provides an organization an edge over it’s competitors.
 Strategy helps in developing goods and services with best profit making potential.
 Marketing strategy helps in discovering the areas affected by organizational growth and thereby helps in creating
an organizational plan to cater to the customer needs.
 It helps in fixing the right price for organization’s goods and services based on information collected by market
 Strategy ensures effective departmental co-ordination.
 It helps an organization to make optimum utilization of its resources so as to provide a sales message to it’s target
 A marketing strategy helps to fix the advertising budget in advance, and it also develops a method which
determines the scope of the plan, i.e., it determines the revenue generated by the advertising plan.
In short, a marketing strategy clearly explains how an organization reaches it’s predetermined objectives.
Components Of A Marketing Strategy
Even though there are numerous types of marketing strategies, all of them consists of these six components.
 Target Market: It is the customer segment to whom all the marketing activities are directed.
 Business Offering: The product or service offered by the business.
 Competitive Advantage: The value proposition that separates the company from the competition.
 Goal: A milestone that decides whether the marketing strategy was successful or not.
 Communication strategy: How the company plans to communicate the marketing message to the target market. It
includes communication channels and tactics to get more traction and conversion.
 KPI: Key performance indicators measure the business’s performance and progress in the strategic marketing areas
associated with its success.
Marketing Strategy Vs Marketing Plan Vs Marketing Tactic
Marketing strategy is a subset of a marketing plan that defines marketing goals and objectives and elaborates on how
the business intends to achieve them.
Marketing strategy outlines the roadmap of how to achieve the goals and objectives defined by the marketing plan
Marketing tactic, on the other hand, constitutes the actions taken to support the strategy.
That is, if getting 10,000 followers on Instagram is a marketing goal defined in the marketing plan, the marketing
strategy will define the set of steps a brand will take to achieve this goal. The steps may include one post and two posts
a day. However, a marketing tactic would be the content of posts and stories that the brand will use to support the
Process of Strategic Marketing Planning
Now that we've learned what strategic marketing planning is and why it is essential, let's take a look at
how to create one:
Sections of a strategic marketing plan
While strategic marketing plans vary from one company to another, they tend to include the following sections:
Sections Details
Brief summary of goals and recommendations
SWOT analysis
Analysis of the company's current marketing situation along with
opportunities and threats it might face.
Specification of the marketing objectives following the overall strategic
Strategies for the target market, positioning, marketing mix, and
Action program Specification of steps to implement the marketing strategies.
Budgets Estimation of marketing costs and expected revenue.
Controls Description of how the monitoring process will be carried out.
Table 1. Sections of a strategic marketing plan, StudySmarter Originals
1. Executive summary
The executive summary is the shortened version of the entire marketing plan. It outlines high-level objectives,
marketing goals, and activities of the company. The summary must be clear, concise, and easy to understand.
2. Market analysis
The next part of the strategic marketing plan is market analysis or SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis considers
the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and how it can exploit or tackle them.
3. Marketing plan
This is the central part of the strategy that specifies:
 Marketing goals: Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).
 Marketing strategy: Details on how to engage customers, create customer value, build customer
 relationships, etc. The company should develop strategies for each marketing mix element.
 Marketing budget: Estimate the costs for carrying out marketing activities.
4. Implementations and controls
This section outlines the specific steps for the marketing campaign to be carried out. It should also include
measures for progress and returns on marketing investment.
Steps to planning a marketing strategy
Strategic marketing planning includes five main steps:
1. Build buyer personas
The buyer persona is the fictional representation of a company's target customers. It may include their age,
income, location, job, challenges, hobbies, dreams, and goals.
2. Identify marketing goals
Marketers should create marketing goals based on the strategic objectives of the business. For example, if the
company aims to increase its sales by 10%, a marketing goal can be to generate 50% more leads from organic
search (SEO).
3. Survey existing marketing assets
The development of a new marketing campaign may require the adoption of new tools and marketing channels.
However, it doesn't mean the company should dismiss its existing marketing platforms and assets. Marketers
should look at the company's owned, earned, or paid media to audit the existing marketing resources.
The media through which companies
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More information
Swet Multispeciality Hospital in Korba has a supportive and friendly staff, and the latest medical know-how to help
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Research Methods | Definitions, Types, Examples
For qualitative data, you can use methods such as thematic analysis to interpret patterns and meanings in the data
Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Developing your research methods is an
integral part of your research design. When planning your methods, there are two key decisions you will make.
First, decide how you will collect data. Your methods depend on what type of data you need to answer your research
 Qualitative vs. quantitative: Will your data take the form of words or numbers?
 Primary vs. secondary: Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use data that has already been collected
by someone else?
 Descriptive vs. experimental: Will you take measurements of something as it is, or will you perform an
Second, decide how you will analyze the data.
 For quantitative data, you can use statistical analysis methods to test relationships between variables.
Table of contents
1. Methods for collecting data
2. Examples of data collection methods
3. Methods for analyzing data
4. Examples of data analysis methods
5. Frequently asked questions about research methods
Methods for collecting data
Data is the information that you collect for the purposes of answering your research question. The type of data you need
depends on the aims of your research.
Qualitative vs. quantitative data
Your choice of qualitative or quantitative data collection depends on the type of knowledge you want to develop.
For questions about ideas, experiences and meanings, or to study something that can’t be described numerically,
collect qualitative data.
If you want to develop a more mechanistic understanding of a topic, or your research involves hypothesis testing,
collect quantitative data.
.Pros  Cons
Qualitative  Flexible – you can often adjust
your methods as you go to
develop new knowledge.
 Can be conducted with small
 Can’t be analyzed statistically, and
not generalizable to broader
 Difficult to standardize research, at
.Pros  Cons
samples. higher risk for research bias.
Quantitative  Can be used to systematically
describe large collections of
 Generates reproducible
 Requires statistical training to
analyze data.
 Requires larger samples.
You can also take a mixed methods approach, where you use both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Primary vs. secondary data
Primary data is any original information that you collect for the purposes of answering your research question (e.g.
through surveys, observations and experiments). Secondary data is information that has already been collected by other
researchers (e.g. in a government census or previous scientific studies).
If you are exploring a novel research question, you’ll probably need to collect primary data. But if you want to synthesize
existing knowledge, analyze historical trends, or identify patterns on a large scale, secondary data might be a better
 Pros  Cons
Primary  Can be collected to answer your
specific research question.
 You have control over the sampling
and measurement methods.
 More expensive and time-
consuming to collect.
 Requires training in data
collection methods.
Secondary  Easier and faster to access.
 You can collect data that spans longer
timescales and broader geographical
 No control over how data was
 Requires extra processing to
make sure it works for your
Descriptive vs. experimental data
In descriptive research, you collect data about your study subject without intervening. The validity of your research will
depend on your sampling method.
In experimental research, you systematically intervene in a process and measure the outcome. The validity of your
research will depend on your experimental design.
To conduct an experiment, you need to be able to vary your independent variable, precisely measure your dependent
variable, and control for confounding variables. If it’s practically and ethically possible, this method is the best choice for
answering questions about cause and effect.
 Pros  Cons
 Pros  Cons
Descriptive  Allows you to describe your
research subject without
influencing it.
 Accessible – you can gather more
data on a larger scale.
 No control over confounding
 Can’t establish causality.
Experimental  More control over confounding
 Can establish causality.
 You might influence your research
subject in unexpected ways.
 Usually requires more expertise
and resources to collect data.
Examples of data collection methods
Primary or
Qualitative or
When to use
Experiment Primary Quantitative To test cause-and-effect relationships.
Survey Primary Quantitative To understand general characteristics
of a population.
Interview/focusPrimary Qualitative To gain more in-depth understanding
Primary or
Qualitative or
When to use
group of a topic.
Observation Primary Either To understand how something occurs
in its natural setting.
Secondary Either To situate your research in an existing
body of work, or to evaluate trends
within a research topic.
Case study Either Either To gain an in-depth understanding of a
specific group or context, or when you
don’t have the resources for a large
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Methods for analyzing data
Your data analysis methods will depend on the type of data you collect and how you prepare it for analysis.
Data can often be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. For example, survey responses could be analyzed
qualitatively by studying the meanings of responses or quantitatively by studying the frequencies of responses.
Qualitative analysis methods
Qualitative analysis is used to understand words, ideas, and experiences. You can use it to interpret data that was
 From open-ended surveys and interviews, literature reviews, case studies, ethnographies, and other sources that
use text rather than numbers.
 Using non-probability sampling methods.
Qualitative analysis tends to be quite flexible and relies on the researcher’s judgment, so you have to reflect carefully on
your choices and assumptions and be careful to avoid research bias.
Quantitative analysis methods
Quantitative analysis uses numbers and statistics to understand frequencies, averages and correlations (in descriptive
studies) or cause-and-effect relationships (in experiments).
You can use quantitative analysis to interpret data that was collected either:
 During an experiment.
 Using probability sampling methods.
Because the data is collected and analyzed in a statistically valid way, the results of quantitative analysis can be easily
standardized and shared among researchers.
Examples of data analysis methods
Research method Qualitative or quantitative ? When to use Statistical analysis Quantitative To analyze data collected in a
statistically valid manner (e.g. from experiments, surveys, and observations).Meta-analysis Quantitative To statistically
analyze the results of a large collection of studies.
Can only be applied to studies that collected data in a statistically valid manner.
Thematic analysis Qualitative To analyze data collected from interviews, focus groups, or textual sources.
To understand general themes in the data and how they are communicated.
Content analysis Either To analyze large volumes of textual or visual data collected from surveys, literature reviews, or
other sources.
Can be quantitative (i.e. frequencies of words) or qualitative (i.e. meanings of words).
Frequently asked questions about research methods
What’s the difference between quantitative and qualitative methods?
Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and
Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses. Qualitative methods allow you
to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.
what is mixed methods research?
In mixed methods research, you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer
your research question.
what is sampling?
A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population. Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually
collect data from in you r research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you
could survey a sample of 100 students.
In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population.
how do i decide which research methods to use?
The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question.
 If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis, use quantitative methods. If you want to explore ideas,
thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods.
 If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your
purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
 If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables, use experimental methods. If you want to
understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.
What’s the difference between method and methodology?
Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of your research project. It involves studying
the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches
your objectives.
Methods are the specific tools and procedures you use to collect and analyze data (for example, experiments, surveys,
and statistical tests).
In shorter scientific papers, where the aim is to report the findings of a specific study, you might simply describe what you
did in a methods section.
In a longer or more complex research project, such as a thesis or dissertation, you will probably include a methodology
section, where you explain your approach to answering the research questions and cite relevant sources to support your
choice of methods.
Human Resource Management
Most people think that a human resource department exists only to handle employee issues. In reality, the function of a
human resource department is more crucial than you may think. A human resource management (HRM) department or
team can contribute to a company's overall success in multiple ways. In the hospital industry, HRM is key when it comes to
maintaining effective services, attracting talented employees, and promoting a positive, professional atmosphere and
workplace safety.
HRM in the Hospital Industry
Human resource management is the process of hiring and developing employees so that they're more useful to both their
specific fields of work and the organization as a whole. This process includes recruiting, training, and evaluating
employees; analyzing jobs; communicating with staff members; and managing salaries.
Introduction HRM
INTRODUCTION Human Resources Management (MRM) plays a significant role in healthcare delivery system and a
systematic management is critical. The HRM not only implement an existing methodology, but focus on research, analysis
and implementation of new strategic plans for training and evaluation of the competency of both new and existing staff.
There are three basic principles involved in HRM. Along with health system inputs, physical, capital and consumables
should also be looked into. HRM mainly focus on healthcare based on different kinds of clinical and non-clinical staff who
are directly involved in the management of Public and Individual health systems and intervention. The outcome of the
performance and benefits that HRM could achieve are largely based on knowledge, skills and motivation of those
individuals who forms the entire healthcare organization. [1] In a Hospital/Clinical Laboratory based healthcare
organization, it is important to assess the performance of all levels of staff at the beginning and the assessment should be
done at periodical time intervals. The main task of the HRM involves job analysis, man power requirement, organization of
workforce, measurement as well as appraisal of performance, reward implementation, professional development and
constant maintenance of workforce. HRM in every organization is essential for efficient delivery system, effective medical
services in order to achieve patient satisfaction. Many studies done in the past on HRM stress the importance of HRM to
achieve the goal of healthcare organization and emphasize the importance of training and development for all levels of
staff at periodic intervals to improve the quality of healthcare services. Well motivated and highly trained medical
professionals are critical for the success of national healthcare forum. If the existing practices associated with HRM are not
adequate, alternate approaches for practicing HRM should be designed and put to use for better outcome. All senior level
managers should chalk out new innovations and strategies to achieve better outcome in HRM. [2] Studies have shown that
in hospitals, HRM has achieved better performance among its staff if incentives and motivation to work, bonuses based on
performance rated competency of individuals make a significance difference in the overall improvement of the
organization.HRM should also focus on maintaining the mental health of its employees. Lacunae exist in the low and
middle income countries for effective management of its employees to prevent poor mental health of its staff. This may
lead to serious short fall in the performance of such staff unless effective strategies are followed at the primary healthcare
setup itself. [3] It has been well established that lacunae exists in low and middle income countries about HRM resources
to maintain mental health and new strategies are required to update them. It may reach a serious proportion unless
effective steps are taken to improve it. Better mental health could be delivered at primary health settings through
Community based programs employing lay workers, non- professional health care workers, caregiver‟s could play active
role with proper supervision will be able to detect, diagnose, treat and individual monitoring could improve the status of
all mentally affected people. Unless adequate funding by HRM is provided, a wide range of mentally ill staff will increase.
An effective feasible approach, investment, innovative thinking and effective leadership are the need of the hour to
improve mental health status of staff. [4] For a better management of HRM, it is important to work out the size,
composition and proper management and distribution of health care workforce, training based on the need of economic
development, socio-demographic and cultural factors. In a case study done in a midsized private hospital in New York, it
was observed that examining the shape of the organizations corporate culture plays a significant role for overall health
delivery. Steps were taken to define values, behaviors and competence of the existing culture with a set of goals prefixed.
Training was imparted to HRM professional to empower employees with training goals to make them more creative and
innovative. Nursing staff were trained on team based approach to patient care and several nursing stations were setup in
the hospital premises for easy access to patients need. Training was also given to employees to prepare themselves for
marketing of internal resources as well as encouraging employment opportunities outside the organization. [5] [6] For
developing countries, accessing good quality healthcare services will be an arduous job and it‟s equally prevalent in rural
areas also. At times medical personnel and resources may not be available for much rural residents and for migrant
workers, the situation will still be worse as they migrate from one country to another since such migrants are based every
HRM to improve the standard of overall healthcare of the patients. Three basic trends identified by HRM are efficiency,
equity and quality objectives. There are many HRM initiatives available to increase the efficiency, one of which is
outsourcing of services to convert fixed labor into various costs as a means of improving efficiency. The other goals that
may be followed by HRM are contracting out, performance contracts, as well as internal contract. [8] HRM is considered
as the epicenter of healthcare Industry. India has become a Medical Tourism due to the emergence of many innovative
healthcare organizations and the role of HRM is critical in achieving organizational goal and success. Human capital
investment has been recognized as the organizations life blood and it needs to be developed continuously keeping in pace
with its demand. The Human Capital Investment should be based on sound knowledgeable work force, skilled in the area
of occupation with flexible altitude and HRM plays a crucial role in the aspect. Both quantity and quality should be an
integral part. [9] A study done in Mozambique, it has been found out that Performance Based Financing (PBF) has shown
improvements in institutional arrangements accountability and overall improvement in income. Under this protocol,
employee‟s motivation, reinforcement of Internal and external factors, self efficiency, goal settings, health competition
and job satisfaction have all shown positive results. Such PBF program helped staff to get recognition from management
committees and colleagues due to enhanced accountability and governance. Hence PBF could kick start the feedback loop,
responsibility, achievement and recognition. It is recommended that policy makers should devise their own PBF protocol
based on their company‟s need. *10+ It has been observed that healthcare workers may strike to work due to poor staff
welfare, salary, leadership management and failure to implement agreements between staff and management. Such
strikes may disrupt service delivery, training program, increased morbidity and mortality of patients, loss of public
confidence in the organization. This could be overcome by recognizing staff wage agreement, its implementation
necessitating that only properly trained managers should be appointed as head of health care organizations. [11]
Behavioral changes of workers should be periodically monitored and Community Health Volunteers (CHV) role may be
useful to achieve this. A study done in Kenya, under Ministry Of Health has revealed that, while the role of CHV‟s may be
effective in rural healthcare systems, such CHV‟s may not be effective in urban based health delivery organization. The
main role of those CHV‟s is to induce behavioral changes in healthcare workers. Lack of compensation for CHV‟s was
noted as the demotivating factor along with challenges faced by social environment were observed as the main reason for
less motivation to encourage behavior changes in local communities. Similar trends were also observed in urban
environments. In order to achieve optimal performance by CHV‟s, it is important to allot more resources, better co-
ordination and additional training in modern methods of inducing behavioral changes are required to implement health
care programs. [12] Global consensuses are increasing about the education of healthcare professionals to keep pace with
scientific, social and economic changes that are constantly transforming the healthcare environment. Best healthcare
professional could be produced through cooperative, comparative and by health professional educational methods based
on the nation‟s need. A national assessment bound to be setup to serve as resources centre for countries like India,
Bangladesh, China, Thailand and Vietnam to plan HRM related future actions. *13+ A study undertaken in Sierra Leones‟s
health outcome has predicted the on incentives offered by other countries. [7] HRM plays a significant role in global
healthcare systems. Specific healthcare reforms should be in place inworst type of HRM system in the world. High rate of
attrition was cited as the reason for the shortage of Healthcare Workers (HCW). All HCW‟s lacked accurate information
about entitlements, policies and procedures laid down by HRM department. This has driven rural HCW‟s towards job
dissatisfaction and attrition. A system oriented, low cost initiative by HRM may address these concerns among HCW‟s. The
outcome of this study could be applied by other countries facing HCW‟s retention challenges and could be considered as a
model for developing global HCW retention strategies. *14+ It has been widely accepted the role of line manager‟s in
implementing HRM policies. A study done in two trust hospitals have observed that positioning line managers in HRM
services decision making bodies have shown improvements in the changing process. With increasing workloads and high
expectations, tensions may mount which may have been a role conflict inherent to their position. This is due to under
resourced line managers who may find lack of time to manage their staff effectively. The changing nature of staff may be a
problem to manage them effectively by HRM. [15] A study has suggested the method of tailoring of HRM practices to suit
local circumstances the impact of certain HRM policies, motivation, and Job satisfaction to assess the performance of staff
working in healthcare organizations. HRM should encourage health researchers, managers and policy makers among their
staff. HRM should also study the relationship between the range of HRM practices, policies, system to performance of
staff. A study has found out failure in the outcome of resources even when the hospital has prepared quality plans,
organizational structure based on scientific method. This was later attributed to lack of motivation of hospital Director and
various categories of workers such as Doctors, Technicians and Administrators. [16] [17] HRM also could not be accounted
for the failure of an organization in achieving desired results, but agents inside and outside also should be monitored. It is
the responsibility of companies to choose its best model of HRM department based on corporate choice, its
responsibilities in achieving the desired results. A large number of organizations have proved very useful in identifying a
wide range of behavior in the distribution of HRM responsibilities. [18] HRM services are more concerned with the
development of both health workers in private and public health services. HRM professional‟s roles are to carryout
fundamental activities in monitoring daily routine activities of healthcare workers as well as regulate and implement staff
recruitment performance and appraisal. They should be competent to assess complex skills, motivations of their staff
through evolving training and development workshops on staff engagement and performance. The crucial elements in
promoting healthcare quality services and safety of patients entirely depend on an effective HRM management. Hence
HRM should find qualified candidates for various positions in healthcare institutions and working closely with them,
training them on their responsibilities to achieve the desired results. [19] [20] A study done in Nigeria for a health care
system has recommended that the measure of the duties and responsibilities of HRM head will bear a direct relationship
on the outcome of achieving the best results. The HRM managers should engage healthcare workers in the higher practical
responsibilities in order to motivate them with confidence in their daily discharge of duties. The HRM manager should also
address health workers annual increment in remuneration, and performance incentives. Further research is required to
propose more strategies for effective HR services delivery in healthcare settings. Time and again it has been stressed that
HRM is responsible for the alteration, selection, training, assessment and rewarding employees as well as overseeing
organizational leadership, culture and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. HRM should be responsible
to set overall strategies and goals, design work systems, produce goods and services, monitor quality, allocate financial
resources and then market the product and services. The HRM could certainly make every employee as a resource for the
organization. *22+ A study done in “Gaza” has found out that Institutions do not engage workers in HR planning process
and lack clarity as well as professional experience in man power planning and top management support. The study
recommended preparing plans, clear vision in professional and systematic approach to develop human resources, to
create a separate department for personal affairs, involve employees as part of it as well as using external expertise for
determining the HR needs in health Institutions. [23] HRM could certainly impact healthcare services by recruiting staff
based on certain guidelines training them to fit into the organizations culture and demand, regular competency
evaluation, contributing to learning initiatives and focusing on retention. All these activities if given due importance will
certainly bring out rewards to the organization as well as customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring of patients safety,
their feed backs based on facilities and services provided will focus the organization to limit complaints in order to get
more funds for expanding the facilities. Employee‟s disputes must be solved at the earliest by a redressal committee. *24+
The new economic policy brought out by the Government of India in 1991 has enabled Health care organizations to make
some sweeping changes in its functions and responsibilities. It has stressed the restrictions of employing superannuated
staff, but such implications have affected many HR organizations man power crunch and efficient functioning has become
a major challenge. Some of the terms and conditions of employment have brought out some legal issues. Some conflict of
interest may arise if some employees start working in other organizations also due to low salary. The stability of a
healthcare organization is directly related to employing experienced staff on a long term basis with good terms and
conditions of employment. The three lacunae is healthcare organizations function identified are compensation and career
growth, disparity in the organization and human resources. Discontent was found among the contractual healthcare
providers due to discriminating, disparities and anomalies in job leave provisions, delay in bill reimbursements and
compensations associated with job. [25] The major drawback identified in health care organizations is the failure to make
room for issues of human resources. The lacunae observed are, a reactive, ad hoc attitude towards problems of human
resources, dispersal of accountability in their HRM sphere, limited notion of personnel administration and short term
perspectives. Such lacunae could be overcome by realizing the central role of work force in healthcare, studying the
challenges posed by the healthcare systems, and the need to correct them with proactive policies and procedures. The
move from traditional approach to global concept, more weight for integration, independent and systemic nature of
different components, preparing and implementing good and acceptable policies, equal commitment to all professionals
will certainly make a good HRM department in a Healthcare system. [26] Insufficient workforce may hamper the
development of healthcare system. Many researchers have reported shortages of man power are not shown by evidence.
Newspapers, journals and newsletter have been writing about the shortage of workforce as the reason for the stagnation
in the growth of healthcare industries. Thesefindings have been reported in the field of nursing. However, imbalances are
of different types and their impact on the healthcare system varies. There is a general need to critically review imbalances
in healthcare organizations. [27] Some studies have focused to estimate the impact of economic factors on the demand
for healthcare. Studies done in USA have attempted to estimate price and income elasticity‟s for medical services.
Estimation of income and expenditure may change the impact on the demand for healthcare. [28] A strong understanding
between HRM department and the customers are very important for better services delivery and this will ensure success
for the healthcare providers. Extensive research should be conducted to bring about new human resource policies and
practices to benefit individuals and the world, although such practices are complex particularly when examined from a
global perspective. [29] Health of a nation depends much on the comprehensiveness of its health systems. It should be
firmly established with harmonious interconnection among its building blocks. The factors that bring much success of such
interconnection are governance, HR, Information system, medicine, laboratory services, pharmacies, financing and speed
of service delivery. Out of these factors called building blocks, HRM is the central and cross cutting block to all other
building blocks. HRM only unite and ignite fire in the entire operation of healthcare systems. [30] A study has indicated
that correlation between HRM and client satisfaction is generally rather low. HRM function does indeed affect job and
client satisfaction. Employee satisfaction with their organization is directly related to client satisfaction. While job related
training showed no relation with job satisfaction, but a clean relation with the client satisfaction. However, leadership
style in HR had a significant job satisfaction, but showed only limited client satisfaction. Regular performance review by
HRM are important for both job and client satisfaction. While more regular schedule increase employee satisfaction, but
decrease client satisfaction. [31] Health care organizations face competition with market and organizations with long term
strategies and objectives invest in HRM to challenge competition. Effective HRM will serve as the catalysts to induce
better employee performance which may improve the image of the organization in the competitive world. Available
literature cites three steps for reliable assessments for staff viz the analysis of required job positions, the results and the
method of measuring achievements. Personnel performance should also be analyzed along with the advantage and
purpose of evaluation. Hence, a well organized and structured system which meets the special conditions and goals of
every business model play a significant role so that the performance of staff will improve and the organizations productive
based work. [32] Human resources and human capital are traits that man power brings to the work place such as
knowledge, intelligence, enthusiasm and ability to learn under these situations, employees will be considered as strategic
resource providing an organization with competitive advantage. Generally human resources are expensive in terms of
management than other factors of production. HRM should ensure that employees work as per organizational goals,
maximize their productivity and remain motivated. It is always a challenge to motivate employees to contribute as
humans are complex and emotional creatures. [33] After recruiting a staff for an organization, the HRM department
should give clear job description, the organizations expectations, employee obligations and scope of their tasks in
Whenever a dispute arises between the employees and the management, HRM should act as a consultant and mediator to
offer solutions for the dispute. HRM also should build up relationship with other business sectors for the organizations
survival and future growth. The public image of an organization will further improve if business meetings, seminars and
various official gatherings are held periodically on behalf of the company. Further, maintaining favorable working
conditions is vital part of HRM. The company should also provide a safe working environment which will foster
productivity and job satisfaction of their employees. [34] CONCLUSION The HRM plays an essential role in motivating the
employee, improving the interpersonal skill, communicating skills, heeding, interacting and escalating the issues. Indeed
they act as a bridge between the Management & Employee. Periodic assessment, reviews, addressing deficiencies,
choosing criteria for employee appraisal/rewards are effective measures in helping out. The HRM needs to design and
develop simplified standards. The challenges such as workforce shortages and lack of effective communication, lack of
teamwork are to be overlooked by HRM for quality healthcare. Conflicts of Interest: There is no conflict of interest of any
of the authors. REFERENCES 1. Stefane M Kabene,Carole Orchard,John M Ho ward,Mark A Sorianoan.The importance of
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Nirmal Ravishankar. Performance based financing kick-starts motivational „feedback loop‟: findings from a process
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What Is HRM?
Human resource management (HRM) is the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing
policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them. As a field, HRM has undergone many changes over the
last twenty years, giving it an even more important role in today’s organizations. In the past, HRM meant processing
payroll, sending birthday gifts to employees, arranging company outings, and making sure forms were filled out correctly—
in other words, more of an administrative role rather than a strategic role crucial to the success of the organization. Jack
Welch, former CEO of General Electric and management guru, sums up the new role of HRM: “Get out of the parties and
birthdays and enrollment forms.… Remember, HR is important in good times, HR is defined in hard times” (Frasch, et. al.,
It’s necessary to point out here, at the very beginning of this text, that every manager has some role relating to human
resource management. Just because we do not have the title of HR manager doesn’t mean we won’t perform all or at least
some of the HRM tasks. For example, most managers deal with compensation, motivation, and retention of employees—
making these aspects not only part of HRM but also part of management. As a result, this book is equally important to
someone who wants to be an HR manager and to someone who will manage a business.
Human Resource Recall
Have you ever had to work with a human resource department at your job? What was the interaction like? What was the department’s role
in that specific organization?
The Role of HRM
Keep in mind that many functions of HRM are also tasks other department managers perform, which is what makes this
information important, despite the career path taken. Most experts agree on seven main roles that HRM plays in
organizations. These are described in the following sections.
a proper service contract. The first priority of HRM is to train the employees as it will sharpen their existing skills develop a
new role
SCOPE OF HRM The Scope of Human Resource management into the following aspects
1. The Personnel Aspect : This aspect of HRM is concerned with the manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, induction, transfer, promotion, demotion, termination, training & development, layoff & retrenchment, wage
& salary administration, incentives, productivity etc.
2. The Welfare Aspect:- The welfare aspect is concerned with working conditions & amenities such as canteens,
crèches, rest rooms, lunch rooms, housing, transport, education, medical help, health & safety, washing facilities
recreation & cultural activities etc.
3. The Industrial Aspect:- This aspect is concerned with employees. It includes union management relations, joint
consultation, negotiating collective bargaining, grievance handling, disciplinary actions, settlement of industrial disputes
1. Importance for the Organisation:- HRM is important for the organisation to the following: Good human
resource practices help in attracting
 & retaining the best people in the organisation. In order to make use of latest technology the
appointment of right type
 of persons is essential. The right people can be fitted into new jobs properly only if the management
performs its HR function satisfactorily. Globalisation has increased the size of the organisation who employ
 thousands of employees in different countries. The performance of the company depends upon the
qualities of the people employed. This has further increased the importance of HRM HR planning alerts the
organisation to the types of people it will need in
 the short , medium & long run. HR development is essential for meeting the challenges of future. The
 importance of HRM has increased because of the shortage of really managerial talent in the country.
2. Importance for the employees : HRM stress on the motivation of employees by providing them
 financial & non-financial incentives. Right organisational climate is also stressed upon so that the
employees can
 contribute their maximum to the achievement of the organisational objectives. Effective management of
HR promotes team wok
 & team spirit among employees. It offers excellent growth opportunities to people who have the
potential to rise.
 It also encourages people to work with diligence & commitment.
3. Importance for the society:- Good HR efforts lead to productivity gains (ration of output to input)
to the society, since it enables the managers to reduce costs, save scarce resources, enhance profits & offer
better pay, benefits & working conditions to employees.
Managerial function includes
a) Planning:- It is pre-determined course of action. Planning pertain to formulating strategies of personnel
programmes & changes in advance that will contribute to the organisational goals. In other words it involves
planning of HR, requirements, selection, training etc
b) . b) Organising:- an organisation is a means to an end. It is essential to carry out the determined course of
action. Acc. to J.C Massie, an organisation is a structure & a process by which a co-operative group of human
beings allocates its task among its members, identifies relationship & integrates its activities towards a
common objective
c) c) Directing:- activating employees at different level & making them contribute maximum to the
organisation is possible through proper direction & motivation. Taping the maximum potentialities of the
employees is possible through motivation & command.
d) d) Controlling:- after planning, organizing, & directing the actual performance of employees is checked,
verified & compared with the plans. It the actual performance is found deviated from the plan, control
measures are required to be taken.
Human Resource Development:-
It is the process of improving, moulding & changing the skills, knowledge,
creative ability, aptitude, values, commitment etc based on present & future job
organisational requirements. It includes.
i) Performance Appraisal:- it is the systematic evaluation of individuals with respect to their
performance on the job & their potential for development.
ii) Training:- it is the process of imparting to the employees technical & operating skills & knowledge.
iii) Managerial Development:- it is the process of designing & conducting suitable executive
development programmes so as to develop the managerial & human relations skill of employees.
iv) Career Planning & Development:- it is the planning of one’s career & implementation career plans
by means of education, training, job search & acquisition of work experience. It includes internal mobility
& external mobility.
v) Transfer:- it is process of placing employees in the same level jobs where they can be utilised more
effectively in consistence with their potentialities & needs of the employees & the organisation.
vi) vi) Promotion:- it deals with upward reassignment given to an employee in the organisation occupy
higher position which commands better status or pay keeping in view in human resources of the
employees & the job requirements.
vii) Demotion:- it deals with downward reassignment to an employee in the organisation.
what is Human Resource Planning?
Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization
and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organization can be utilized to fulfill these
requirements. It, thus, focuses on the basic economic concept of demand and supply in context to the human resource
capacity of the organization.
It is the HRP process which helps the management of the organization in meeting the future demand of human resource in
the organization with the supply of the appropriate people in appropriate numbers at the appropriate time and place.
Further, it is only after proper analysis of the HR requirements can the process of recruitment and selection be initiated by
the management. Also, HRP is essential in successfully achieving the strategies and objectives of organization.
In fact, with the element of strategies and long term objectives of the organization being widely associated with human
resource planning these days, HR Planning has now became Strategic HR Planning.
Though, HR Planning may sound quite simple a process of managing the numbers in terms of human resource
requirement of the organization, yet, the actual activity may involve the HR manager to face many roadblocks owing to
the effect of the current workforce in the organization, pressure to meet the business objectives and prevailing workforce
market condition. HR Planning, thus, help the organization in many ways as follows:
 HR managers are in a stage of anticipating the workforce requirements rather than getting surprised by the change
of events
 Prevent the business from falling into the trap of shifting workforce market, a common concern among all
industries and sectors
 Work proactively as the expansion in the workforce market is not always in conjunction with the workforce
requirement of the organization in terms of professional experience, talent needs, skills, etc.
 Organizations in growth phase may face the challenge of meeting the need for critical set of skills, competencies and
talent to meet their strategic objectives so they can stand well-prepared to meet the HR needs
 Considering the organizational goals, HR Planning allows the identification, selection and development of required
talent or competency within the organization.
It is, therefore, suitable on the part of the organization to opt for HR Planning to prevent any unnecessary hurdles in its
workforce needs. An HR Consulting Firm can provide the organization with a comprehensive HR assessment and planning
to meet its future requirements in the most cost-effective and timely manner.
An HR Planning process simply involves the following four broad steps:
 Current HR Supply: Assessment of the current human resource availability in the organization is the foremost step in
HR Planning.
It includes a comprehensive study of the human resource strength of the organization in terms of numbers, skills,
talents, competencies, qualifications, experience, age, tenures, performance ratings, designations, grades,
compensations, benefits, etc.
At this stage, the consultants may conduct extensive interviews with the managers to understand the critical HR
issues they face and workforce capabilities they consider basic or crucial for various business processes.
 Future HR Demand: Analysis of the future workforce requirements of the business is the second step in HR Planning.
All the known HR variables like attrition, lay-offs, foreseeable vacancies, retirements, promotions, pre-set transfers,
etc. are taken into consideration while determining future HR demand. Further, certain unknown workforce variables
like competitive factors, resignations, abrupt transfers or dismissals are also included in the scope of analysis.
 Demand Forecast: Next step is to match the current supply with the future demand of HR, and create a demand
forecast. Here, it is also essential to understand the business strategy and objectives in the long run so that the
workforce demand forecast is such that it is aligned to the organizational goals.
 HR Sourcing Strategy and Implementation: After reviewing the gaps in the HR supply and demand, the HR
Consulting Firm develops plans to meet these gaps as per the demand forecast created by them.
This may include conducting communication programs with employees, relocation, talent acquisition, recruitment
and outsourcing, talent management, training and coaching, and revision of policies. The plans are, then,
implemented taking into confidence the mangers so as to make the process of execution smooth and efficient.
Here, it is important to note that all the regulatory and legal compliances are being followed by the consultants to
prevent any untoward situation coming from the employees.
The seven HR basics
When we talk about Human Resource Management, several elements are considered cornerstones for effective HRM
policies. These cornerstones are:
1. Recruitment & selection
2. Performance management
3. Learning & development
4. Succession planning
5. Compensation and benefits
6. Human Resources Information Systems
7. HR data and analytics
In the following section, we will cover these HR basics one by one.
1. Recruitment & selection
Recruitment and selection are arguably the most visible elements of HR. We all remember our first interview, right?
Recruiting candidates and selecting the best ones to come and work for the company is a key HR responsibility. People are the
lifeblood of the organization and finding the best fits is a key task.
The request for new hires usually starts when a new job is created or an existing job opens up. The direct manager then sends the
job description to HR and HR starts recruiting candidates. In this process, HR can use different selection instruments to find the
best person to do the work. These include interviews, different assessments, reference checks, and other recruitment methods.
Sometimes, when there are a lot of candidates, HR may deploy preselection tools. These tools help to separate the wheat from the
chaff when it comes to suitable candidates. The successful candidates then continue to the next round, where they are interviewed
and receive a more in-depth assessment.
2. Performance management
Once employees are on board, performance management becomes important. Performance management is the second HR basic.
It involves helping people to become their best selves at work, boosting the company’s bottom line.
Usually, employees have a defined set of responsibilities that they need to take care of. Performance management is a structure
that enables employees to get feedback on their performance – to reach their best performance.
Examples are formal one-on-one performance reviews, 360-degree feedback instruments that also take into account the evaluation
of peers, clients, and other relations, and more informal feedback.
Usually, companies work with an annual performance management cycle, which involves planning, monitoring, reviewing, and
rewarding employee performance. The outcome of this process enables the categorization of employees in high vs. low performers
and high vs. low potentials.
Successful performance management is very much a shared responsibility between HR and management, where usually the direct
manager is in the lead and HR supports. Good performance management is crucial. Employees who are empowered to their full
potential, improve the efficiency, sustainability, and profit margin of a business. Employees which consistently underperform may
not be a good fit for their role, or the company culture. These employees may need to be let go.
This is also one of the basic responsibilities of HR.
3. Learning & development
People are the product of life experiences, the country and era they grow up in, and a range of cultural influences. Within
HR, learning and development ensure that employees adapt to changes in processes, technology, and societal or legal shifts.
Learning and development helps employees to reskill and upskill. Learning & Development (L&D) is led by HR and good policies
can be very helpful in advancing the organization toward its long-term goals. One of the HR trends for 2023 is bringing learning into
day-to-day work and helping employees develop soft and hard skills that are aligned with organizational goals.
Many organizations have pre-defined budgets for L&D efforts. This budget is then distributed amongst employees, with trainees,
future leaders, and other high potentials often receiving more training opportunities than others. Individuals may arrive at a
company with vastly different knowledge and experience. L&D provides employees with a way in which to bridge skill gaps and
develop into leaders. A well-known framework that connects performance management with L&D activities is the 9-Box grid. Based
on people’s performance and potential ratings, HR department, together with managers, can advise different development plans.
4. Succession planning
Succession planning is the process of planning contingencies in case of key employees leaving the company. If, for example, a
crucial senior manager quits his/her job, having a replacement ready will guarantee continuity and can save the company
significant money.
Succession planning is often based on performance ratings and L&D efforts. This results in the creation of a talent pipeline. This is
a pool of candidates who are qualified and ready to fill (senior) positions in case of someone leaving. Building and nurturing this
pipeline is key to good people management.
5. Compensation and benefits
Another one of the HR basics is compensation and benefits. Fair compensation is key in motivating and retaining employees. One
of the fundamentals of human resource management concerning pay is ensuring equity and fairness.
Making the right offer of pay is a key part of attracting the best talent. This must be balanced with the budget and profit margins of
the company. HR should monitor pay increases, and set standards of merit. HR may also carry out a pay audit on occasion.
Compensation comprises primary compensation and secondary compensation. Primary compensation involves directly paid money
for work, which often is a monthly salary and sometimes performance-based pay.
Secondary benefits are all non-monetary rewards. This can include extra holidays, flexible working times, day-care, pensions, a
company car and laptop, and much more.
The goal here is to reward people in ways that motivate them.
6. Human Resource Information System
The last two HR basics are not HR practices but tools to do HR better. The first is the Human Resource Information System, or
HRIS. An HRIS supports all the cornerstones we discussed above. For example, for recruitment and selection, HR professionals
often use an Applicant Tracking System, or ATS, to keep track of applicants and hires.
For performance management, a performance management system is used to keep track of individual goals and put in
performance ratings.
In L&D, a Learning Management System (LMS) is used for the distribution of content internally, and other HR systems are used to
keep track of budgets and training approvals.
Compensation specialists often use a payroll system, and there are also digital tools that enable effective succession planning.
All these functionalities can often be done in one single system – the HRIS. Sometimes, however, the management of these
functionalities is split up into different HR systems.
The bottom line here is that there is a significant digital element to working in HR, that’s why we need to mention HRIS when talking
about the HR basics.
7. HR data and analytics
The last of the HR fundamentals revolves around data and analytics. In the last half-decade, HR has made a major leap towards
becoming more data-driven.
The Human Resource Information Systems we just discussed is essentially a data-entry system. The data in these systems can be
used to make better and more informed decisions.
An easy way to keep track of critical data is through HR metrics or HR KPIs. These are specific measurements that answer how a
company is doing on a given measurement. This is referred to as HR reporting.
This reporting focuses on the current and past state of the organization. Using HR analytics, HR can also make predictions.
Examples include workforce needs, employee turnover intention, the impact of the (recruitment) candidate experience on customer
satisfaction, and many others.
By actively measuring and looking at this data, HR can make more data-driven decisions. These decisions are often more
objective, which makes it easier to find management support for these decisions.
You now know the 7 Human Resource Management basics. None of these HR fundamentals are isolated. They all interact and
affect each other. Think of these 7 basics as building blocks – strong management of each fundamental element contributes to the
strength of the next. Collectively, these HR fundamentals enable a workforce not only to perform better but to perform at its very
There is a lot more to learn when it comes to HR. For more advanced HR reading, check our articles on HR best practices, talent
management, employee experience, and HR innovation.
What is Human Resource Management?
Human Resource Management, or HRM, is the practice of managing people to achieve better performance. It’s about
optimizing company performance through better management of human resources.
What is a Human Resource?
Human Resources are all the people that in one capacity or another work for or contribute to an organization. These
people can be (full-time) employees, contractors, freelancers, or any other kind of contingent worker.
What are the basics of Human Resource Management?
Recruitment & selection, performance management, learning & development, succession planning, compensation and
benefits, Human Resources Information Systems, and HR data and analytics are considered cornerstones of effective
Type of
Sweta hospital X-rays?
Everyone on earth is exposed to some amount of radiation. Radioactive material can be found naturally in air, soil, water,
rocks, and vegetation. The greatest source of natural radiation for most people is radon. Moreover, the planet is
continuously bombarded by cosmic radiation, which includes X-rays. These rays are not completely harmless but they are
unescapable, and the radiation is at such low levels that its effects are virtually unnoticed.
German mechanical engineer and physicist Wilhelm Rontgen is credited with first producing and detecting
electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Rontgen rays. Just weeks after he discovered that
they could help visualize bones, X-rays were implemented in medical settings.
How does an X-ray machine work?
A minute amount of ionising radiation is passed through the patient’s body. Earlier, this went onto a sheet of special film.
Currently, X-ray examinations are more likely to use a device that captures transmitted x-rays to create an electronic
image. The calcium in the person’s bones blocks the passage of radiation, so healthy bones show up as white or grey.
Radiation passes easily through air spaces, so healthy lungs can appear black.
CT scan?
Computed tomography is commonly referred to as a CT scan. A CT scan is a diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a
combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce images of the inside of the body. It shows detailed images of
any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, organs and blood vessels.
CT scans are more detailed than standard X-rays. In standard X-rays, a beam of energy is aimed at the body part being
studied. A plate behind the body part captures the variations of the energy beam after it passes through skin, bone,
muscle and other tissue. While much information can be obtained from a regular X-ray, a lot of detail about internal
organs and other structures is not available.
In CT, the X-ray beam moves in a circle around the body. This allows many different views of the same organ or structure
and provides much greater detail. The X-ray information is sent to a computer that interprets the X-ray data and displays it
in two-dimensional form on a monitor. Newer technology and computer software makes three-dimensional images
CT scans may be performed to help diagnose tumors, investigate internal bleeding, or check for other internal injuries or
damage. CT can also be used for.
What Is Hospital Observation
When a patient is put into the hospital, they’re assigned a status. Inpatient status and observation status—which is
technically an outpatient designation—are the two most common.
When you're admitted to the hospital, it's not always easy to figure out if you've been admitted as an inpatient, or
considered an outpatient under hospital observation status.
This article will help you understand how and when observation status is used, and what the implications might be in
terms of your health coverage.
The Difference Between Inpatient Status & Observation Status
Inpatient status is what we typically think of as someone being admitted to the hospital. Observation status is a type of
outpatient status. However, someone in hospital observation status can spend multiple days and nights actually inside the
hospital, even though they're technically an outpatient. In fact, they might be in the very same type of hospital bed, right
next door to someone who is considered an inpatient.
Observation used to be a way to keep someone in the hospital for a short time while healthcare providers tried to decide
if they were sick enough to need inpatient treatment. Now, observation patients can sometimes be kept in the hospital for
days on observation status. It's easy to see how this can be confusing for patients since we don't tend to think of
"outpatient" as involving an overnight stay in the hospital.1
Why Does Inpatient vs. Observation Matter?
If you're sleeping in the same hospital ward and getting the medical treatment you need, why should you care whether
you're on inpatient status or observation status? You should care because the difference could cost you hundreds or
thousands of dollars.
For people on Medicare, the distinction between inpatient and observation status is crucial in terms of the out-of-pocket
costs for that care, but also for the coverage of care in a skilled nursing facility after the hospital stay. This is described in
more detail below.
Your health insurance company or Medicare won’t pay for your hospital stay as an observation patient in the same
manner it would have paid as an inpatient. Instead, they’ll pay for your hospital stay using the outpatient services part of
your health insurance benefit.2
With a commercial insurance plan, you might not notice much of a difference, especially if
you have a plan that counts both inpatient and outpatient care toward your deductible. But if you're enrolled in Original
Medicare (Part A and Part B), the difference could be very significant.
Your share of costs for outpatient services like observation status could be larger than your share of costs for inpatient
Although complex and confusing, there are rules, or at least guidelines, your healthcare provider and hospital follow when
deciding whether to assign you hospital observation status or inpatient status.
To understand how the observation guidelines work and why hospitals are assigning patients to observation status, see
why you’ll pay more.
Mr. Smith comes to the emergency room with chest pain. Unable to tell for sure whether or not Mr. Smith is having a
heart attack, the cardiologist, Dr. Jones, puts Mr. Smith into the hospital on observation status.
Mr. Smith spends the night in a hospital room attached to a heart monitor. Throughout the night, nurses check on him
regularly. He gets oxygen and has blood tests drawn every few hours. Dr. Jones may even have ordered more extensive
tests to determine the condition of Mr. Smith's heart.
Late the next evening, after two days and one night in the hospital, Dr. Jones has enough information to determine that
Mr. Smith didn't have a heart attack. Mr. Smith is sent home.
Mr. Smith's health insurance company pays for part of his hospital stay charges under Mr. Smith's outpatient services
benefit coverage. (If Mr. Smith has Medicare, Medicare Part B will cover 80% of the Medicare-approved cost of the
services Mr. Smith received during his observation stay, assuming he's already paid his Part B deductible for the year.)
In this case, let's say that Mr. Smith's health insurance policy has a 25% coinsurance for outpatient services. So Mr. Smith
pays for 25% of the charge for every blood test and X-ray. He also pays 25% of the charge for oxygen, heart monitoring,
and the hospital's hourly charges for outpatient observation services.
If Mr. Smith had received the same exact services as an inpatient rather than on observation status, depending on the
type of coverage he has, he may have owed a single hospitalization copayment and his health insurance would have
covered the rest of the charges.
But it's also common for health insurance plans to count hospitalization towards the plan's deductible, and then begin
assessing coinsurance charges. In that case, the total amount that Mr. Smith owed may have ended up roughly similar
either way.
Under Original Medicare, in 2022, Mr. Smith would pay $1,556 for his hospital stay if he were considered an
plus Part B costs for physician services that he received during his time in the hospital (that's a $2303 annual
deductible, plus 20% of the Medicare-approved amount of the physician services).4
But if he's considered an outpatient and his stay is classified as an observation stay, he'll owe the $233 Part B deductible
(assuming he hasn't already met it earlier in the year) plus 20% of all Medicare-approved costs associated with his
So his costs under observation would depend on how much care was provided to him, and how many tests were run
(many Medicare enrollees also have supplemental coverage, in the form of Medigap coverage, Medicaid, or coverage
from a current or former employer, which pick up some or all of the out-of-pocket costs under Medicare).
Inpatient vs. Observation and Medicare Coverage of Skilled Nursing Facility Care
Patients are sometimes well enough to leave the hospital, but not yet well enough to return home. Skilled nursing facilities
can be used to fill this gap. A patient who has a knee replacement, for example, might only need a few days in the
hospital, but may still need a stepped-down level of care at a skilled nursing facility before being able to return home.
Original Medicare only pays for care in a skilled nursing facility if it's preceded by at least a three-day inpatient hospital
stay. But Medicare Advantage plans can waive this requirement,5
and CMS has also waived it for "people who experience
dislocations, or are otherwise affected by COVID-19."6
The waiver continues until the end of the COVID public health
emergency period,7
which will continue at least through mid-July 2022.8
If you're in the hospital but under observation status rather than inpatient status, it doesn't count towards your three
days. In that case, once you're released, you won't be able to get Medicare coverage for a stay in a skilled nursing facility.
This is one of the reasons it's important for patients and their families to understand whether inpatient or observational
status is being used. This three-day inpatient requirement can be confusing for patients, especially if they don't
understand how a stay in the hospital can still be classified as outpatient care.
Consumer advocates, lawmakers, and even the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have indicated
that addressing this issue is a priority, so it remains to be seen whether the three-day rule will continue to apply in the
(and as noted above, it has been waived for people affected by COVID-19).
But for the time being, it's still important for patients, especially if they have Medicare, to understand whether their
hospital stay is classified as inpatient or observation.
There is an appeals process available, however, for patients with Medicare whose hospital stay was classified as
observation, and a subsequent skilled nursing facility stay was not covered. This stems from a court ruling that was issued
in 2020, and it applies to medical care dating back to 2009 (the lawsuit took several years to make its way through the
court system).10
When a person is kept overnight in the hospital, they are likely considered an inpatient. But that's not always the case.
Depending on the circumstances, they might be kept in the hospital under observation, which is an outpatient status. This
can affect how the patient's health insurance covers the cost, and whether or not Medicare will pay for skilled nursing
facility care after the patient leaves the hospital.
A Word From Verywell
There are guidelines that doctors follow when determining whether a patient should be classified as inpatient or
observation status, so this doesn't tend to be something that a doctor can change based on a patient request. But the
more you understand about this, the better you'll be able to prepare for how your health plan will cover the treatment. If
you or your loved one is covered by Medicare and it appears that skilled nursing facility care will be necessary before
returning home, it's wise to discuss this in advance with the doctor at the hospital, as well as the billing office at the skilled
nursing facility.
10 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.
Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and
1. American Medical Association. Payment and coverage for hospital admissions: Inpatient versus observation care.
2. Puri I. Observation versus inpatient status. The Hospitalist. September 17, 2019.
3. Medicare Costs at a Glance.
4. Are You a Hospital Inpatient or Outpatient? August 2018.
5. Managed Care. Medicare Advantage Takes On 3-Day Rule. September 13, 2015.
6. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers.
March 2020.
7. American Health Care Association, and National Center for Assisted Living. 3-Day Stay and Benefit-Period Waivers for
Medicare Part A SNF PPS.
8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. Renewal
of Determination That A Public Health Emergency Exists.
9. American Health Care Association. Observation Stays Updates.
10.Bunis, Dana. AARP. Judge Rules for Patients in Medicare "Observation Status" Lawsuit. April 1, 2020.
Recommendations for Hospitals
1. Turn caregivers into allies. Educate the staff to the importance of including caregivers in caring for patients both in
the hospital and at home. As partners, these individuals can be significant supporters to nurses’ efforts to provide quality
patient care.
2. Prepare the clinical staff to work with caregivers. Build an empathic clinical staff that can effectively deliver care to the
patient while also providing attention to the caregiver. More and more, the patient caregiver is becoming a key judge of
care quality.
3. Create a culture of shared accountability. A superior nursing team will help each other respond to patient needs, not
ignore a patient’s call because “he’s not my patient.”
4. Understand how caregivers impact hospital image and reimbursement. Every impression matters. Poor performance
by a member of the nursing team can degrade the entire team’s performance. Hospitals should recruit, train and retain
staff that understand the service side of the care experience.
5. Provide consistent quality patient care. Hard wire consistency into patient care. Ensure quality patient engagement is
replicated throughout the care team, measuring for effectiveness and tracking for improvement.
Ambulance management system
2. INTRODUCTION AMBULANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM will be designed to help any ambulance agency to auto- mate
its system . This system will maintain the details like :-
3. Status of available ambulance.Shifts available with staff. Patient admitted to hospital. Charges incurred by the
patient . Staff managing the ambulance. Facilities equipped within the ambulance .  NO. Of ambulances
available with the agency . PROBLEM STATMENT
SHIFTS PAY BILL GENRETED P_ID distance amountV_ID H_ID V_ID V_TYPE Company DOBP_ID P_NA ME Critical stage
E-r diagram of ambulance management system AMOUNT
5. Ambulance table
6. Table for tools - available in ambulance
7. Patient table
8. Tools used for patients IN AMBUANCE
9. Staff table
10. shift Table for staff
11. Table for staff – works in shifts
12.. Ambulance carries table
13. Table for tools used in ambulance
14.Hospital detail table
15. Table for generating bill
16.Relationship between tables
17.17. “Please give your suggestions to improve this system.

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  • 1. 1 MARKETING STRATEGY INTRODUCTION:- Marketing strategy is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving the marketing objectives of the organization. It provides a blueprint for attaining these marketing objectives. It is the building block of a marketing plan. It is designed after detailed marketing research . A marketing strategy helps an organization to concentrate it scarce resources on the best possible opportunities so as to increase the sales. Defining the strategy should happen before the marketing team begins the more tactical work. At the highest level, the CMO or VP of marketing typically drives the marketing strategy, but this depend on the organization. Team member may also help with market research, data analysis, and other work that informs the strategy. Today, many teams use purpose-built ,marketing planning software define their long_ term goals and capture information on customers and the marketing. This creates a more agile approach to marketing and saves you time updating your strategy as market and business conditions change. It also ensures that your marketing activities stay closely aligned with the company overall objectives. It you are not yet ready to use a web-based
  • 2. 2 tool to collaborate on your marketing plans in real time, this guide provides a useful library of free marketing strategy templates. MEANING OF MARKETING STRATEGY:- A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services. A marketing strategy contains the company’s value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements. The marketing strategy is outlined in the marketing plan—a document that details the specific types of marketing activities that a company conducts and contains timetables for rolling out various marketing initiatives. Marketing strategies should ideally have longer life spans than individual marketing plans because they contain value propositions and other key elements of a company’s brand, which generally hold constant over the long haul. In other words, marketing strategies cover big-picture messaging, while marketing plans delineate the logistical details of specific campaigns.
  • 3. 3 A marketing strategy is designed by: 1. Choosing the target market: By target market we mean to whom the organization wants to sell its products. Not all the market segments are fruitful to an organization. There are certain market segments which guarantee quick profits, there are certain segments which may be having great potential but there may be high barriers to entry. A careful choice has to be made by the organization. An indepth marketing research has to be done of the traits of the buyers and the particular needs of the buyers in the target market. 2. Gathering the marketing mix: By marketing mix we mean how the organization proposes to sell its products. The organization has to gather the four P’s of marketing in appropriate combination. Gathering the marketing mix is a crucial part of marketing task. Various decisions have to be made such as - 1. What is the most appropriate mix of the four P’s in a given situation 2. What distribution channels are available and which one should be used 3. What developmental strategy should be used in the target market 4. How should the price structure be designed
  • 4. 4 Importance of Marketing Strategy  Marketing strategy provides an organization an edge over it’s competitors.  Strategy helps in developing goods and services with best profit making potential.  Marketing strategy helps in discovering the areas affected by organizational growth and thereby helps in creating an organizational plan to cater to the customer needs.  It helps in fixing the right price for organization’s goods and services based on information collected by market research.  Strategy ensures effective departmental co-ordination.
  • 5. 5  It helps an organization to make optimum utilization of its resources so as to provide a sales message to it’s target market.  A marketing strategy helps to fix the advertising budget in advance, and it also develops a method which determines the scope of the plan, i.e., it determines the revenue generated by the advertising plan. In short, a marketing strategy clearly explains how an organization reaches it’s predetermined objectives. Components Of A Marketing Strategy Even though there are numerous types of marketing strategies, all of them consists of these six components.  Target Market: It is the customer segment to whom all the marketing activities are directed.  Business Offering: The product or service offered by the business.  Competitive Advantage: The value proposition that separates the company from the competition.  Goal: A milestone that decides whether the marketing strategy was successful or not.  Communication strategy: How the company plans to communicate the marketing message to the target market. It includes communication channels and tactics to get more traction and conversion.  KPI: Key performance indicators measure the business’s performance and progress in the strategic marketing areas associated with its success.
  • 6. 6 Marketing Strategy Vs Marketing Plan Vs Marketing Tactic Marketing strategy is a subset of a marketing plan that defines marketing goals and objectives and elaborates on how the business intends to achieve them. Marketing strategy outlines the roadmap of how to achieve the goals and objectives defined by the marketing plan Marketing tactic, on the other hand, constitutes the actions taken to support the strategy. That is, if getting 10,000 followers on Instagram is a marketing goal defined in the marketing plan, the marketing strategy will define the set of steps a brand will take to achieve this goal. The steps may include one post and two posts a day. However, a marketing tactic would be the content of posts and stories that the brand will use to support the strategy.
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 Process of Strategic Marketing Planning Now that we've learned what strategic marketing planning is and why it is essential, let's take a look at how to create one:
  • 9. 9 Sections of a strategic marketing plan While strategic marketing plans vary from one company to another, they tend to include the following sections: Sections Details Executive summary Brief summary of goals and recommendations SWOT analysis Analysis of the company's current marketing situation along with opportunities and threats it might face. Marketing objectives Specification of the marketing objectives following the overall strategic objectives Marketing strategies Strategies for the target market, positioning, marketing mix, and expenditures. Action program Specification of steps to implement the marketing strategies. Budgets Estimation of marketing costs and expected revenue. Controls Description of how the monitoring process will be carried out. Table 1. Sections of a strategic marketing plan, StudySmarter Originals
  • 10. 10 1. Executive summary The executive summary is the shortened version of the entire marketing plan. It outlines high-level objectives, marketing goals, and activities of the company. The summary must be clear, concise, and easy to understand. 2. Market analysis The next part of the strategic marketing plan is market analysis or SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis considers the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and how it can exploit or tackle them. 3. Marketing plan This is the central part of the strategy that specifies:  Marketing goals: Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).   Marketing strategy: Details on how to engage customers, create customer value, build customer   relationships, etc. The company should develop strategies for each marketing mix element.   Marketing budget: Estimate the costs for carrying out marketing activities.
  • 11. 11 4. Implementations and controls This section outlines the specific steps for the marketing campaign to be carried out. It should also include measures for progress and returns on marketing investment. Steps to planning a marketing strategy Strategic marketing planning includes five main steps: 1. Build buyer personas The buyer persona is the fictional representation of a company's target customers. It may include their age, income, location, job, challenges, hobbies, dreams, and goals. 2. Identify marketing goals Marketers should create marketing goals based on the strategic objectives of the business. For example, if the company aims to increase its sales by 10%, a marketing goal can be to generate 50% more leads from organic search (SEO).
  • 12. 12 3. Survey existing marketing assets The development of a new marketing campaign may require the adoption of new tools and marketing channels. However, it doesn't mean the company should dismiss its existing marketing platforms and assets. Marketers should look at the company's owned, earned, or paid media to audit the existing marketing resources. The media through which companies
  • 13. 13 Sweta Multispeciality Hospital Introduction:- Sweta Multispeciality Hospital listed under Hospitals in Risdi, Korba. Check Visiting Time, Fees, Address, Contact Number, Ratings & Reviews, Photos, Maps etc, on Justdial. Healthcare is something that can’t be compromised, can it? Hospitals have a huge role to play in developing the healthcare system of any country because, with a growing population, the healthcare demands too are growing and evolving. Providing the highest standard of care for both, minor and major health issues, hospitals create a safe space for the patients by offering end-to-end clinical, surgical, and diagnostic services. Hospitals have been making healthcare accessible to one and all and Sweta Multispeciality Hospital in Risdi, Korba is one such reliable hospital that is committed to providing expert medical care. Having established a firm presence as a trusted name in Hospitals, it is renowned for offering specialised services and treatments like Preventive Medicine, Treatment For
  • 14. 14 Location and overview Sweta Multispeciality Hospital in Risdi, Korba is one of the most renowned Hospitals in the area. Countless locals in Risdi have placed immense trust in the practitioner over the years. Sweta Multispeciality Hospital is situated at Rajgamar Road, Risdi-495683 which is easily accessible through various modes of transport. More information Swet Multispeciality Hospital in Korba has a supportive and friendly staff, and the latest medical know-how to help patients. The clinic abides by all the necessary safety protocols, including Covid-19 precautionary measures. The doctor and team offer world-class care and guidance, always putting their patients first. Services like Preventive Medicine, Treatment For Obstetrics Problems etc. are also offered here, so all your treatment needs are taken care of in one place. If you’re planning to visit Sweta Multispeciality Hospital in the near future, it’s advisable to book an appointment in advance to avoid waiting time. The hours of operation are 00:00 - 23:59. The clinic accepts payments through multiple modes of payment like Cash, making it easy and convenient for patients.
  • 15. 15 Research Methods | Definitions, Types, Examples For qualitative data, you can use methods such as thematic analysis to interpret patterns and meanings in the data Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Developing your research methods is an integral part of your research design. When planning your methods, there are two key decisions you will make. First, decide how you will collect data. Your methods depend on what type of data you need to answer your research question:  Qualitative vs. quantitative: Will your data take the form of words or numbers?  Primary vs. secondary: Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use data that has already been collected by someone else?  Descriptive vs. experimental: Will you take measurements of something as it is, or will you perform an experiment? Second, decide how you will analyze the data.  For quantitative data, you can use statistical analysis methods to test relationships between variables. Table of contents 1. Methods for collecting data 2. Examples of data collection methods 3. Methods for analyzing data 4. Examples of data analysis methods 5. Frequently asked questions about research methods
  • 16. 16 Methods for collecting data Data is the information that you collect for the purposes of answering your research question. The type of data you need depends on the aims of your research. Qualitative vs. quantitative data Your choice of qualitative or quantitative data collection depends on the type of knowledge you want to develop. For questions about ideas, experiences and meanings, or to study something that can’t be described numerically, collect qualitative data. If you want to develop a more mechanistic understanding of a topic, or your research involves hypothesis testing, collect quantitative data. .Pros  Cons Qualitative  Flexible – you can often adjust your methods as you go to develop new knowledge.  Can be conducted with small  Can’t be analyzed statistically, and not generalizable to broader populations.  Difficult to standardize research, at
  • 17. 17 .Pros  Cons samples. higher risk for research bias. Quantitative  Can be used to systematically describe large collections of things.  Generates reproducible knowledge.  Requires statistical training to analyze data.  Requires larger samples. You can also take a mixed methods approach, where you use both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Primary vs. secondary data Primary data is any original information that you collect for the purposes of answering your research question (e.g. through surveys, observations and experiments). Secondary data is information that has already been collected by other researchers (e.g. in a government census or previous scientific studies). If you are exploring a novel research question, you’ll probably need to collect primary data. But if you want to synthesize existing knowledge, analyze historical trends, or identify patterns on a large scale, secondary data might be a better choice.
  • 18. 18  Pros  Cons Primary  Can be collected to answer your specific research question.  You have control over the sampling and measurement methods.  More expensive and time- consuming to collect.  Requires training in data collection methods. Secondary  Easier and faster to access.  You can collect data that spans longer timescales and broader geographical locations.  No control over how data was generated.  Requires extra processing to make sure it works for your analysis. Descriptive vs. experimental data In descriptive research, you collect data about your study subject without intervening. The validity of your research will depend on your sampling method. In experimental research, you systematically intervene in a process and measure the outcome. The validity of your research will depend on your experimental design. To conduct an experiment, you need to be able to vary your independent variable, precisely measure your dependent variable, and control for confounding variables. If it’s practically and ethically possible, this method is the best choice for answering questions about cause and effect.  Pros  Cons
  • 19. 19  Pros  Cons Descriptive  Allows you to describe your research subject without influencing it.  Accessible – you can gather more data on a larger scale.  No control over confounding variables.  Can’t establish causality. Experimental  More control over confounding variables.  Can establish causality.  You might influence your research subject in unexpected ways.  Usually requires more expertise and resources to collect data. Examples of data collection methods Research method Primary or secondary? Qualitative or quantitative? When to use Experiment Primary Quantitative To test cause-and-effect relationships. Survey Primary Quantitative To understand general characteristics of a population. Interview/focusPrimary Qualitative To gain more in-depth understanding
  • 20. 20 Research method Primary or secondary? Qualitative or quantitative? When to use group of a topic. Observation Primary Either To understand how something occurs in its natural setting. Literature review Secondary Either To situate your research in an existing body of work, or to evaluate trends within a research topic. Case study Either Either To gain an in-depth understanding of a specific group or context, or when you don’t have the resources for a large study. What can proofreading do for your paper? Scriber editors not only correct grammar and spelling mistakes, but also strengthen your writing by making sure your paper is free of vague language, redundant words and awkward phrasing. Methods for analyzing data Your data analysis methods will depend on the type of data you collect and how you prepare it for analysis.
  • 21. 21 Data can often be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. For example, survey responses could be analyzed qualitatively by studying the meanings of responses or quantitatively by studying the frequencies of responses. Qualitative analysis methods Qualitative analysis is used to understand words, ideas, and experiences. You can use it to interpret data that was collected:  From open-ended surveys and interviews, literature reviews, case studies, ethnographies, and other sources that use text rather than numbers.  Using non-probability sampling methods. Qualitative analysis tends to be quite flexible and relies on the researcher’s judgment, so you have to reflect carefully on your choices and assumptions and be careful to avoid research bias. Quantitative analysis methods Quantitative analysis uses numbers and statistics to understand frequencies, averages and correlations (in descriptive studies) or cause-and-effect relationships (in experiments). You can use quantitative analysis to interpret data that was collected either:  During an experiment.  Using probability sampling methods. Because the data is collected and analyzed in a statistically valid way, the results of quantitative analysis can be easily standardized and shared among researchers.
  • 22. 22 Examples of data analysis methods Research method Qualitative or quantitative ? When to use Statistical analysis Quantitative To analyze data collected in a statistically valid manner (e.g. from experiments, surveys, and observations).Meta-analysis Quantitative To statistically analyze the results of a large collection of studies. Can only be applied to studies that collected data in a statistically valid manner. Thematic analysis Qualitative To analyze data collected from interviews, focus groups, or textual sources. To understand general themes in the data and how they are communicated. Content analysis Either To analyze large volumes of textual or visual data collected from surveys, literature reviews, or other sources. Can be quantitative (i.e. frequencies of words) or qualitative (i.e. meanings of words). Frequently asked questions about research methods What’s the difference between quantitative and qualitative methods? Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses. Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.
  • 23. 23 what is mixed methods research? In mixed methods research, you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question. what is sampling? A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population. Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in you r research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of 100 students. In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population. how do i decide which research methods to use? The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question.  If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis, use quantitative methods. If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods.  If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.  If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables, use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.
  • 24. 24 What’s the difference between method and methodology? Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of your research project. It involves studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches your objectives. Methods are the specific tools and procedures you use to collect and analyze data (for example, experiments, surveys, and statistical tests). In shorter scientific papers, where the aim is to report the findings of a specific study, you might simply describe what you did in a methods section. In a longer or more complex research project, such as a thesis or dissertation, you will probably include a methodology section, where you explain your approach to answering the research questions and cite relevant sources to support your choice of methods.
  • 25. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. 27 Human Resource Management Most people think that a human resource department exists only to handle employee issues. In reality, the function of a human resource department is more crucial than you may think. A human resource management (HRM) department or team can contribute to a company's overall success in multiple ways. In the hospital industry, HRM is key when it comes to maintaining effective services, attracting talented employees, and promoting a positive, professional atmosphere and workplace safety. HRM in the Hospital Industry Human resource management is the process of hiring and developing employees so that they're more useful to both their specific fields of work and the organization as a whole. This process includes recruiting, training, and evaluating employees; analyzing jobs; communicating with staff members; and managing salaries. Introduction HRM INTRODUCTION Human Resources Management (MRM) plays a significant role in healthcare delivery system and a systematic management is critical. The HRM not only implement an existing methodology, but focus on research, analysis and implementation of new strategic plans for training and evaluation of the competency of both new and existing staff. There are three basic principles involved in HRM. Along with health system inputs, physical, capital and consumables should also be looked into. HRM mainly focus on healthcare based on different kinds of clinical and non-clinical staff who
  • 28. 28 are directly involved in the management of Public and Individual health systems and intervention. The outcome of the performance and benefits that HRM could achieve are largely based on knowledge, skills and motivation of those individuals who forms the entire healthcare organization. [1] In a Hospital/Clinical Laboratory based healthcare organization, it is important to assess the performance of all levels of staff at the beginning and the assessment should be done at periodical time intervals. The main task of the HRM involves job analysis, man power requirement, organization of workforce, measurement as well as appraisal of performance, reward implementation, professional development and constant maintenance of workforce. HRM in every organization is essential for efficient delivery system, effective medical services in order to achieve patient satisfaction. Many studies done in the past on HRM stress the importance of HRM to achieve the goal of healthcare organization and emphasize the importance of training and development for all levels of staff at periodic intervals to improve the quality of healthcare services. Well motivated and highly trained medical professionals are critical for the success of national healthcare forum. If the existing practices associated with HRM are not adequate, alternate approaches for practicing HRM should be designed and put to use for better outcome. All senior level managers should chalk out new innovations and strategies to achieve better outcome in HRM. [2] Studies have shown that in hospitals, HRM has achieved better performance among its staff if incentives and motivation to work, bonuses based on performance rated competency of individuals make a significance difference in the overall improvement of the organization.HRM should also focus on maintaining the mental health of its employees. Lacunae exist in the low and middle income countries for effective management of its employees to prevent poor mental health of its staff. This may lead to serious short fall in the performance of such staff unless effective strategies are followed at the primary healthcare setup itself. [3] It has been well established that lacunae exists in low and middle income countries about HRM resources
  • 29. 29 to maintain mental health and new strategies are required to update them. It may reach a serious proportion unless effective steps are taken to improve it. Better mental health could be delivered at primary health settings through Community based programs employing lay workers, non- professional health care workers, caregiver‟s could play active role with proper supervision will be able to detect, diagnose, treat and individual monitoring could improve the status of all mentally affected people. Unless adequate funding by HRM is provided, a wide range of mentally ill staff will increase. An effective feasible approach, investment, innovative thinking and effective leadership are the need of the hour to improve mental health status of staff. [4] For a better management of HRM, it is important to work out the size, composition and proper management and distribution of health care workforce, training based on the need of economic development, socio-demographic and cultural factors. In a case study done in a midsized private hospital in New York, it was observed that examining the shape of the organizations corporate culture plays a significant role for overall health delivery. Steps were taken to define values, behaviors and competence of the existing culture with a set of goals prefixed. Training was imparted to HRM professional to empower employees with training goals to make them more creative and innovative. Nursing staff were trained on team based approach to patient care and several nursing stations were setup in the hospital premises for easy access to patients need. Training was also given to employees to prepare themselves for marketing of internal resources as well as encouraging employment opportunities outside the organization. [5] [6] For developing countries, accessing good quality healthcare services will be an arduous job and it‟s equally prevalent in rural areas also. At times medical personnel and resources may not be available for much rural residents and for migrant workers, the situation will still be worse as they migrate from one country to another since such migrants are based every HRM to improve the standard of overall healthcare of the patients. Three basic trends identified by HRM are efficiency,
  • 30. 30 equity and quality objectives. There are many HRM initiatives available to increase the efficiency, one of which is outsourcing of services to convert fixed labor into various costs as a means of improving efficiency. The other goals that may be followed by HRM are contracting out, performance contracts, as well as internal contract. [8] HRM is considered as the epicenter of healthcare Industry. India has become a Medical Tourism due to the emergence of many innovative healthcare organizations and the role of HRM is critical in achieving organizational goal and success. Human capital investment has been recognized as the organizations life blood and it needs to be developed continuously keeping in pace with its demand. The Human Capital Investment should be based on sound knowledgeable work force, skilled in the area of occupation with flexible altitude and HRM plays a crucial role in the aspect. Both quantity and quality should be an integral part. [9] A study done in Mozambique, it has been found out that Performance Based Financing (PBF) has shown improvements in institutional arrangements accountability and overall improvement in income. Under this protocol, employee‟s motivation, reinforcement of Internal and external factors, self efficiency, goal settings, health competition and job satisfaction have all shown positive results. Such PBF program helped staff to get recognition from management committees and colleagues due to enhanced accountability and governance. Hence PBF could kick start the feedback loop, responsibility, achievement and recognition. It is recommended that policy makers should devise their own PBF protocol based on their company‟s need. *10+ It has been observed that healthcare workers may strike to work due to poor staff welfare, salary, leadership management and failure to implement agreements between staff and management. Such strikes may disrupt service delivery, training program, increased morbidity and mortality of patients, loss of public confidence in the organization. This could be overcome by recognizing staff wage agreement, its implementation necessitating that only properly trained managers should be appointed as head of health care organizations. [11]
  • 31. 31 Behavioral changes of workers should be periodically monitored and Community Health Volunteers (CHV) role may be useful to achieve this. A study done in Kenya, under Ministry Of Health has revealed that, while the role of CHV‟s may be effective in rural healthcare systems, such CHV‟s may not be effective in urban based health delivery organization. The main role of those CHV‟s is to induce behavioral changes in healthcare workers. Lack of compensation for CHV‟s was noted as the demotivating factor along with challenges faced by social environment were observed as the main reason for less motivation to encourage behavior changes in local communities. Similar trends were also observed in urban environments. In order to achieve optimal performance by CHV‟s, it is important to allot more resources, better co- ordination and additional training in modern methods of inducing behavioral changes are required to implement health care programs. [12] Global consensuses are increasing about the education of healthcare professionals to keep pace with scientific, social and economic changes that are constantly transforming the healthcare environment. Best healthcare professional could be produced through cooperative, comparative and by health professional educational methods based on the nation‟s need. A national assessment bound to be setup to serve as resources centre for countries like India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand and Vietnam to plan HRM related future actions. *13+ A study undertaken in Sierra Leones‟s health outcome has predicted the on incentives offered by other countries. [7] HRM plays a significant role in global healthcare systems. Specific healthcare reforms should be in place inworst type of HRM system in the world. High rate of attrition was cited as the reason for the shortage of Healthcare Workers (HCW). All HCW‟s lacked accurate information about entitlements, policies and procedures laid down by HRM department. This has driven rural HCW‟s towards job dissatisfaction and attrition. A system oriented, low cost initiative by HRM may address these concerns among HCW‟s. The outcome of this study could be applied by other countries facing HCW‟s retention challenges and could be considered as a
  • 32. 32 model for developing global HCW retention strategies. *14+ It has been widely accepted the role of line manager‟s in implementing HRM policies. A study done in two trust hospitals have observed that positioning line managers in HRM services decision making bodies have shown improvements in the changing process. With increasing workloads and high expectations, tensions may mount which may have been a role conflict inherent to their position. This is due to under resourced line managers who may find lack of time to manage their staff effectively. The changing nature of staff may be a problem to manage them effectively by HRM. [15] A study has suggested the method of tailoring of HRM practices to suit local circumstances the impact of certain HRM policies, motivation, and Job satisfaction to assess the performance of staff working in healthcare organizations. HRM should encourage health researchers, managers and policy makers among their staff. HRM should also study the relationship between the range of HRM practices, policies, system to performance of staff. A study has found out failure in the outcome of resources even when the hospital has prepared quality plans, organizational structure based on scientific method. This was later attributed to lack of motivation of hospital Director and various categories of workers such as Doctors, Technicians and Administrators. [16] [17] HRM also could not be accounted for the failure of an organization in achieving desired results, but agents inside and outside also should be monitored. It is the responsibility of companies to choose its best model of HRM department based on corporate choice, its responsibilities in achieving the desired results. A large number of organizations have proved very useful in identifying a wide range of behavior in the distribution of HRM responsibilities. [18] HRM services are more concerned with the development of both health workers in private and public health services. HRM professional‟s roles are to carryout fundamental activities in monitoring daily routine activities of healthcare workers as well as regulate and implement staff recruitment performance and appraisal. They should be competent to assess complex skills, motivations of their staff
  • 33. 33 through evolving training and development workshops on staff engagement and performance. The crucial elements in promoting healthcare quality services and safety of patients entirely depend on an effective HRM management. Hence HRM should find qualified candidates for various positions in healthcare institutions and working closely with them, training them on their responsibilities to achieve the desired results. [19] [20] A study done in Nigeria for a health care system has recommended that the measure of the duties and responsibilities of HRM head will bear a direct relationship on the outcome of achieving the best results. The HRM managers should engage healthcare workers in the higher practical responsibilities in order to motivate them with confidence in their daily discharge of duties. The HRM manager should also address health workers annual increment in remuneration, and performance incentives. Further research is required to propose more strategies for effective HR services delivery in healthcare settings. Time and again it has been stressed that HRM is responsible for the alteration, selection, training, assessment and rewarding employees as well as overseeing organizational leadership, culture and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. HRM should be responsible to set overall strategies and goals, design work systems, produce goods and services, monitor quality, allocate financial resources and then market the product and services. The HRM could certainly make every employee as a resource for the organization. *22+ A study done in “Gaza” has found out that Institutions do not engage workers in HR planning process and lack clarity as well as professional experience in man power planning and top management support. The study recommended preparing plans, clear vision in professional and systematic approach to develop human resources, to create a separate department for personal affairs, involve employees as part of it as well as using external expertise for determining the HR needs in health Institutions. [23] HRM could certainly impact healthcare services by recruiting staff based on certain guidelines training them to fit into the organizations culture and demand, regular competency
  • 34. 34 evaluation, contributing to learning initiatives and focusing on retention. All these activities if given due importance will certainly bring out rewards to the organization as well as customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring of patients safety, their feed backs based on facilities and services provided will focus the organization to limit complaints in order to get more funds for expanding the facilities. Employee‟s disputes must be solved at the earliest by a redressal committee. *24+ The new economic policy brought out by the Government of India in 1991 has enabled Health care organizations to make some sweeping changes in its functions and responsibilities. It has stressed the restrictions of employing superannuated staff, but such implications have affected many HR organizations man power crunch and efficient functioning has become a major challenge. Some of the terms and conditions of employment have brought out some legal issues. Some conflict of interest may arise if some employees start working in other organizations also due to low salary. The stability of a healthcare organization is directly related to employing experienced staff on a long term basis with good terms and conditions of employment. The three lacunae is healthcare organizations function identified are compensation and career growth, disparity in the organization and human resources. Discontent was found among the contractual healthcare providers due to discriminating, disparities and anomalies in job leave provisions, delay in bill reimbursements and compensations associated with job. [25] The major drawback identified in health care organizations is the failure to make room for issues of human resources. The lacunae observed are, a reactive, ad hoc attitude towards problems of human resources, dispersal of accountability in their HRM sphere, limited notion of personnel administration and short term perspectives. Such lacunae could be overcome by realizing the central role of work force in healthcare, studying the challenges posed by the healthcare systems, and the need to correct them with proactive policies and procedures. The move from traditional approach to global concept, more weight for integration, independent and systemic nature of
  • 35. 35 different components, preparing and implementing good and acceptable policies, equal commitment to all professionals will certainly make a good HRM department in a Healthcare system. [26] Insufficient workforce may hamper the development of healthcare system. Many researchers have reported shortages of man power are not shown by evidence. Newspapers, journals and newsletter have been writing about the shortage of workforce as the reason for the stagnation in the growth of healthcare industries. Thesefindings have been reported in the field of nursing. However, imbalances are of different types and their impact on the healthcare system varies. There is a general need to critically review imbalances in healthcare organizations. [27] Some studies have focused to estimate the impact of economic factors on the demand for healthcare. Studies done in USA have attempted to estimate price and income elasticity‟s for medical services. Estimation of income and expenditure may change the impact on the demand for healthcare. [28] A strong understanding between HRM department and the customers are very important for better services delivery and this will ensure success for the healthcare providers. Extensive research should be conducted to bring about new human resource policies and practices to benefit individuals and the world, although such practices are complex particularly when examined from a global perspective. [29] Health of a nation depends much on the comprehensiveness of its health systems. It should be firmly established with harmonious interconnection among its building blocks. The factors that bring much success of such interconnection are governance, HR, Information system, medicine, laboratory services, pharmacies, financing and speed of service delivery. Out of these factors called building blocks, HRM is the central and cross cutting block to all other building blocks. HRM only unite and ignite fire in the entire operation of healthcare systems. [30] A study has indicated that correlation between HRM and client satisfaction is generally rather low. HRM function does indeed affect job and client satisfaction. Employee satisfaction with their organization is directly related to client satisfaction. While job related
  • 36. 36 training showed no relation with job satisfaction, but a clean relation with the client satisfaction. However, leadership style in HR had a significant job satisfaction, but showed only limited client satisfaction. Regular performance review by HRM are important for both job and client satisfaction. While more regular schedule increase employee satisfaction, but decrease client satisfaction. [31] Health care organizations face competition with market and organizations with long term strategies and objectives invest in HRM to challenge competition. Effective HRM will serve as the catalysts to induce better employee performance which may improve the image of the organization in the competitive world. Available literature cites three steps for reliable assessments for staff viz the analysis of required job positions, the results and the method of measuring achievements. Personnel performance should also be analyzed along with the advantage and purpose of evaluation. Hence, a well organized and structured system which meets the special conditions and goals of every business model play a significant role so that the performance of staff will improve and the organizations productive based work. [32] Human resources and human capital are traits that man power brings to the work place such as knowledge, intelligence, enthusiasm and ability to learn under these situations, employees will be considered as strategic resource providing an organization with competitive advantage. Generally human resources are expensive in terms of management than other factors of production. HRM should ensure that employees work as per organizational goals, maximize their productivity and remain motivated. It is always a challenge to motivate employees to contribute as humans are complex and emotional creatures. [33] After recruiting a staff for an organization, the HRM department should give clear job description, the organizations expectations, employee obligations and scope of their tasks in Whenever a dispute arises between the employees and the management, HRM should act as a consultant and mediator to offer solutions for the dispute. HRM also should build up relationship with other business sectors for the organizations
  • 37. 37 survival and future growth. The public image of an organization will further improve if business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings are held periodically on behalf of the company. Further, maintaining favorable working conditions is vital part of HRM. The company should also provide a safe working environment which will foster productivity and job satisfaction of their employees. [34] CONCLUSION The HRM plays an essential role in motivating the employee, improving the interpersonal skill, communicating skills, heeding, interacting and escalating the issues. Indeed they act as a bridge between the Management & Employee. Periodic assessment, reviews, addressing deficiencies, choosing criteria for employee appraisal/rewards are effective measures in helping out. The HRM needs to design and develop simplified standards. The challenges such as workforce shortages and lack of effective communication, lack of teamwork are to be overlooked by HRM for quality healthcare. Conflicts of Interest: There is no conflict of interest of any of the authors. REFERENCES 1. Stefane M Kabene,Carole Orchard,John M Ho ward,Mark A Sorianoan.The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. Human Resources for Health.2006; 4:20. 4491-4-20 2. Hassan Mohamed Elarabi, FuadahJohari. The Impact of Human Resources Management on Healthcare Quality.Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education. 2014; 3(1): 13-22. 3. Fiona, E. &Geare, A. HRM practice and employee attitudes: different measures – different results, Department of Management, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2005; 34(5): 534-549. 4. RitsukoKakuma, Harry Minas, Nadja Van Ginneken, Mario R Dal Poz, Keshav Desiraju, Jodi E Morris et al. Human resources for mental health care: current situation and strategies for action, Lancet 2011; 378: 1654– 63. 5. Zurn P, Dal Poz MR, Stilwell B, Adams O. Imbalance in Health Care services. Hum Resoure Health. 2004 Sep 17; 2(1) 6. Anson BR. Taking charge in a volatile health care marketplace. Human Resource Planning. 2003; 23:21-34. 7. Marko Vujicic
  • 38. 38 M, Zurn P, Diallo K, Adams O, Dal Poz MR. The role of wages in the migration of health care professionals from developing countries. Hum Resour Health. 2004 Apr 28; 2(1):3. 3. 8. StefaneM Kabene, Carole Orchard, John M Howard, Mark A Soriano and Raymondleduc. The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. The international hospital federation reference book. 2006. 9. Harris, C., Cortvriend, P. & Hyde, P. Human resource management and performance in health care organizations, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2007; 21 (4-5):449-59. 10. Jessica Gergen, YogesRajkotia, Junia Lohmann and Nirmal Ravishankar. Performance based financing kick-starts motivational „feedback loop‟: findings from a process evaluation in Mozambique. Human Resources for Health.2018; 16(55):1.doi.10.1186/s12960-018-0320x. 11. Obianna Ositadimma Olerbe, Deborah Udofia, Olabisi Oladipo, TemitopeArikeOshola and Simm D, TayorRabinson. Healthcare workers Industrial action in Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey of Nigerian Physians. Human Resources for Health.2018; 16: 54. 12. Robert Dreibelbis. Realities and experience of Community health Volunteers as agents for behavior change: evidence from an informal urban settle. Human Resources for Health.2018; 16(1): 53. 13. Sanjay Zodpey, PisakeLumbiganon, Tim Evans, Keyang, Bui Thi Thu Ha, Himanshu Negandlis et al., Assessment of Health order to get What Is HRM? Human resource management (HRM) is the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them. As a field, HRM has undergone many changes over the last twenty years, giving it an even more important role in today’s organizations. In the past, HRM meant processing payroll, sending birthday gifts to employees, arranging company outings, and making sure forms were filled out correctly—
  • 39. 39 in other words, more of an administrative role rather than a strategic role crucial to the success of the organization. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric and management guru, sums up the new role of HRM: “Get out of the parties and birthdays and enrollment forms.… Remember, HR is important in good times, HR is defined in hard times” (Frasch, et. al., 2010). It’s necessary to point out here, at the very beginning of this text, that every manager has some role relating to human resource management. Just because we do not have the title of HR manager doesn’t mean we won’t perform all or at least some of the HRM tasks. For example, most managers deal with compensation, motivation, and retention of employees— making these aspects not only part of HRM but also part of management. As a result, this book is equally important to someone who wants to be an HR manager and to someone who will manage a business. Human Resource Recall Have you ever had to work with a human resource department at your job? What was the interaction like? What was the department’s role in that specific organization? The Role of HRM Keep in mind that many functions of HRM are also tasks other department managers perform, which is what makes this information important, despite the career path taken. Most experts agree on seven main roles that HRM plays in organizations. These are described in the following sections. a proper service contract. The first priority of HRM is to train the employees as it will sharpen their existing skills develop a new role SCOPE OF HRM The Scope of Human Resource management into the following aspects 1. The Personnel Aspect : This aspect of HRM is concerned with the manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
  • 40. 40 placement, induction, transfer, promotion, demotion, termination, training & development, layoff & retrenchment, wage & salary administration, incentives, productivity etc. 2. The Welfare Aspect:- The welfare aspect is concerned with working conditions & amenities such as canteens, crèches, rest rooms, lunch rooms, housing, transport, education, medical help, health & safety, washing facilities recreation & cultural activities etc. 3. The Industrial Aspect:- This aspect is concerned with employees. It includes union management relations, joint consultation, negotiating collective bargaining, grievance handling, disciplinary actions, settlement of industrial disputes etc. IMPORTANCE OF HRM 1. Importance for the Organisation:- HRM is important for the organisation to the following: Good human resource practices help in attracting  & retaining the best people in the organisation. In order to make use of latest technology the appointment of right type  of persons is essential. The right people can be fitted into new jobs properly only if the management performs its HR function satisfactorily. Globalisation has increased the size of the organisation who employ
  • 41. 41  thousands of employees in different countries. The performance of the company depends upon the qualities of the people employed. This has further increased the importance of HRM HR planning alerts the organisation to the types of people it will need in  the short , medium & long run. HR development is essential for meeting the challenges of future. The  importance of HRM has increased because of the shortage of really managerial talent in the country. 2. Importance for the employees : HRM stress on the motivation of employees by providing them various  financial & non-financial incentives. Right organisational climate is also stressed upon so that the employees can  contribute their maximum to the achievement of the organisational objectives. Effective management of HR promotes team wok  & team spirit among employees. It offers excellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise.  It also encourages people to work with diligence & commitment. 3. Importance for the society:- Good HR efforts lead to productivity gains (ration of output to input) to the society, since it enables the managers to reduce costs, save scarce resources, enhance profits & offer better pay, benefits & working conditions to employees.
  • 42. 42 . MANAGERIAL FUNCTION Managerial function includes a) Planning:- It is pre-determined course of action. Planning pertain to formulating strategies of personnel programmes & changes in advance that will contribute to the organisational goals. In other words it involves planning of HR, requirements, selection, training etc b) . b) Organising:- an organisation is a means to an end. It is essential to carry out the determined course of action. Acc. to J.C Massie, an organisation is a structure & a process by which a co-operative group of human beings allocates its task among its members, identifies relationship & integrates its activities towards a common objective c) c) Directing:- activating employees at different level & making them contribute maximum to the organisation is possible through proper direction & motivation. Taping the maximum potentialities of the employees is possible through motivation & command. d) d) Controlling:- after planning, organizing, & directing the actual performance of employees is checked, verified & compared with the plans. It the actual performance is found deviated from the plan, control measures are required to be taken.
  • 43. 43 Human Resource Development:- It is the process of improving, moulding & changing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, values, commitment etc based on present & future job organisational requirements. It includes. i) Performance Appraisal:- it is the systematic evaluation of individuals with respect to their performance on the job & their potential for development. ii) Training:- it is the process of imparting to the employees technical & operating skills & knowledge. iii) Managerial Development:- it is the process of designing & conducting suitable executive development programmes so as to develop the managerial & human relations skill of employees. iv) Career Planning & Development:- it is the planning of one’s career & implementation career plans by means of education, training, job search & acquisition of work experience. It includes internal mobility & external mobility. v) Transfer:- it is process of placing employees in the same level jobs where they can be utilised more effectively in consistence with their potentialities & needs of the employees & the organisation. vi) vi) Promotion:- it deals with upward reassignment given to an employee in the organisation occupy higher position which commands better status or pay keeping in view in human resources of the employees & the job requirements.
  • 44. 44 vii) Demotion:- it deals with downward reassignment to an employee in the organisation. what is Human Resource Planning? Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organization can be utilized to fulfill these requirements. It, thus, focuses on the basic economic concept of demand and supply in context to the human resource capacity of the organization. It is the HRP process which helps the management of the organization in meeting the future demand of human resource in the organization with the supply of the appropriate people in appropriate numbers at the appropriate time and place. Further, it is only after proper analysis of the HR requirements can the process of recruitment and selection be initiated by the management. Also, HRP is essential in successfully achieving the strategies and objectives of organization. In fact, with the element of strategies and long term objectives of the organization being widely associated with human resource planning these days, HR Planning has now became Strategic HR Planning. Though, HR Planning may sound quite simple a process of managing the numbers in terms of human resource requirement of the organization, yet, the actual activity may involve the HR manager to face many roadblocks owing to the effect of the current workforce in the organization, pressure to meet the business objectives and prevailing workforce market condition. HR Planning, thus, help the organization in many ways as follows:  HR managers are in a stage of anticipating the workforce requirements rather than getting surprised by the change of events  Prevent the business from falling into the trap of shifting workforce market, a common concern among all industries and sectors
  • 45. 45  Work proactively as the expansion in the workforce market is not always in conjunction with the workforce requirement of the organization in terms of professional experience, talent needs, skills, etc.  Organizations in growth phase may face the challenge of meeting the need for critical set of skills, competencies and talent to meet their strategic objectives so they can stand well-prepared to meet the HR needs  Considering the organizational goals, HR Planning allows the identification, selection and development of required talent or competency within the organization. It is, therefore, suitable on the part of the organization to opt for HR Planning to prevent any unnecessary hurdles in its workforce needs. An HR Consulting Firm can provide the organization with a comprehensive HR assessment and planning to meet its future requirements in the most cost-effective and timely manner. An HR Planning process simply involves the following four broad steps:  Current HR Supply: Assessment of the current human resource availability in the organization is the foremost step in HR Planning. It includes a comprehensive study of the human resource strength of the organization in terms of numbers, skills, talents, competencies, qualifications, experience, age, tenures, performance ratings, designations, grades, compensations, benefits, etc.
  • 46. 46 At this stage, the consultants may conduct extensive interviews with the managers to understand the critical HR issues they face and workforce capabilities they consider basic or crucial for various business processes.  Future HR Demand: Analysis of the future workforce requirements of the business is the second step in HR Planning. All the known HR variables like attrition, lay-offs, foreseeable vacancies, retirements, promotions, pre-set transfers, etc. are taken into consideration while determining future HR demand. Further, certain unknown workforce variables like competitive factors, resignations, abrupt transfers or dismissals are also included in the scope of analysis.  Demand Forecast: Next step is to match the current supply with the future demand of HR, and create a demand forecast. Here, it is also essential to understand the business strategy and objectives in the long run so that the workforce demand forecast is such that it is aligned to the organizational goals.  HR Sourcing Strategy and Implementation: After reviewing the gaps in the HR supply and demand, the HR Consulting Firm develops plans to meet these gaps as per the demand forecast created by them. This may include conducting communication programs with employees, relocation, talent acquisition, recruitment and outsourcing, talent management, training and coaching, and revision of policies. The plans are, then, implemented taking into confidence the mangers so as to make the process of execution smooth and efficient. Here, it is important to note that all the regulatory and legal compliances are being followed by the consultants to prevent any untoward situation coming from the employees. The seven HR basics When we talk about Human Resource Management, several elements are considered cornerstones for effective HRM policies. These cornerstones are:
  • 47. 47 1. Recruitment & selection 2. Performance management 3. Learning & development 4. Succession planning 5. Compensation and benefits 6. Human Resources Information Systems 7. HR data and analytics
  • 48. 48
  • 49. 49 In the following section, we will cover these HR basics one by one. 1. Recruitment & selection Recruitment and selection are arguably the most visible elements of HR. We all remember our first interview, right? Recruiting candidates and selecting the best ones to come and work for the company is a key HR responsibility. People are the lifeblood of the organization and finding the best fits is a key task. The request for new hires usually starts when a new job is created or an existing job opens up. The direct manager then sends the job description to HR and HR starts recruiting candidates. In this process, HR can use different selection instruments to find the best person to do the work. These include interviews, different assessments, reference checks, and other recruitment methods. Sometimes, when there are a lot of candidates, HR may deploy preselection tools. These tools help to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to suitable candidates. The successful candidates then continue to the next round, where they are interviewed and receive a more in-depth assessment. 2. Performance management
  • 50. 50 Once employees are on board, performance management becomes important. Performance management is the second HR basic. It involves helping people to become their best selves at work, boosting the company’s bottom line. Usually, employees have a defined set of responsibilities that they need to take care of. Performance management is a structure that enables employees to get feedback on their performance – to reach their best performance. Examples are formal one-on-one performance reviews, 360-degree feedback instruments that also take into account the evaluation of peers, clients, and other relations, and more informal feedback. Usually, companies work with an annual performance management cycle, which involves planning, monitoring, reviewing, and rewarding employee performance. The outcome of this process enables the categorization of employees in high vs. low performers and high vs. low potentials. Successful performance management is very much a shared responsibility between HR and management, where usually the direct manager is in the lead and HR supports. Good performance management is crucial. Employees who are empowered to their full potential, improve the efficiency, sustainability, and profit margin of a business. Employees which consistently underperform may not be a good fit for their role, or the company culture. These employees may need to be let go. This is also one of the basic responsibilities of HR.
  • 51. 51 3. Learning & development People are the product of life experiences, the country and era they grow up in, and a range of cultural influences. Within HR, learning and development ensure that employees adapt to changes in processes, technology, and societal or legal shifts. Learning and development helps employees to reskill and upskill. Learning & Development (L&D) is led by HR and good policies can be very helpful in advancing the organization toward its long-term goals. One of the HR trends for 2023 is bringing learning into day-to-day work and helping employees develop soft and hard skills that are aligned with organizational goals. Many organizations have pre-defined budgets for L&D efforts. This budget is then distributed amongst employees, with trainees, future leaders, and other high potentials often receiving more training opportunities than others. Individuals may arrive at a company with vastly different knowledge and experience. L&D provides employees with a way in which to bridge skill gaps and develop into leaders. A well-known framework that connects performance management with L&D activities is the 9-Box grid. Based on people’s performance and potential ratings, HR department, together with managers, can advise different development plans.
  • 52. 52 4. Succession planning Succession planning is the process of planning contingencies in case of key employees leaving the company. If, for example, a crucial senior manager quits his/her job, having a replacement ready will guarantee continuity and can save the company significant money. Succession planning is often based on performance ratings and L&D efforts. This results in the creation of a talent pipeline. This is a pool of candidates who are qualified and ready to fill (senior) positions in case of someone leaving. Building and nurturing this pipeline is key to good people management. 5. Compensation and benefits
  • 53. 53 Another one of the HR basics is compensation and benefits. Fair compensation is key in motivating and retaining employees. One of the fundamentals of human resource management concerning pay is ensuring equity and fairness. Making the right offer of pay is a key part of attracting the best talent. This must be balanced with the budget and profit margins of the company. HR should monitor pay increases, and set standards of merit. HR may also carry out a pay audit on occasion. Compensation comprises primary compensation and secondary compensation. Primary compensation involves directly paid money for work, which often is a monthly salary and sometimes performance-based pay. Secondary benefits are all non-monetary rewards. This can include extra holidays, flexible working times, day-care, pensions, a company car and laptop, and much more. The goal here is to reward people in ways that motivate them. 6. Human Resource Information System
  • 54. 54 The last two HR basics are not HR practices but tools to do HR better. The first is the Human Resource Information System, or HRIS. An HRIS supports all the cornerstones we discussed above. For example, for recruitment and selection, HR professionals often use an Applicant Tracking System, or ATS, to keep track of applicants and hires. For performance management, a performance management system is used to keep track of individual goals and put in performance ratings. In L&D, a Learning Management System (LMS) is used for the distribution of content internally, and other HR systems are used to keep track of budgets and training approvals. Compensation specialists often use a payroll system, and there are also digital tools that enable effective succession planning. All these functionalities can often be done in one single system – the HRIS. Sometimes, however, the management of these functionalities is split up into different HR systems. The bottom line here is that there is a significant digital element to working in HR, that’s why we need to mention HRIS when talking about the HR basics.
  • 55. 55 7. HR data and analytics The last of the HR fundamentals revolves around data and analytics. In the last half-decade, HR has made a major leap towards becoming more data-driven. The Human Resource Information Systems we just discussed is essentially a data-entry system. The data in these systems can be used to make better and more informed decisions. An easy way to keep track of critical data is through HR metrics or HR KPIs. These are specific measurements that answer how a company is doing on a given measurement. This is referred to as HR reporting. This reporting focuses on the current and past state of the organization. Using HR analytics, HR can also make predictions. Examples include workforce needs, employee turnover intention, the impact of the (recruitment) candidate experience on customer satisfaction, and many others. By actively measuring and looking at this data, HR can make more data-driven decisions. These decisions are often more objective, which makes it easier to find management support for these decisions.
  • 56. 56 Conclusion You now know the 7 Human Resource Management basics. None of these HR fundamentals are isolated. They all interact and affect each other. Think of these 7 basics as building blocks – strong management of each fundamental element contributes to the strength of the next. Collectively, these HR fundamentals enable a workforce not only to perform better but to perform at its very best. There is a lot more to learn when it comes to HR. For more advanced HR reading, check our articles on HR best practices, talent management, employee experience, and HR innovation. FAQ What is Human Resource Management? Human Resource Management, or HRM, is the practice of managing people to achieve better performance. It’s about optimizing company performance through better management of human resources.
  • 57. 57 What is a Human Resource? Human Resources are all the people that in one capacity or another work for or contribute to an organization. These people can be (full-time) employees, contractors, freelancers, or any other kind of contingent worker. What are the basics of Human Resource Management? Recruitment & selection, performance management, learning & development, succession planning, compensation and benefits, Human Resources Information Systems, and HR data and analytics are considered cornerstones of effective HRM.
  • 59. 59 Sweta hospital X-rays? Everyone on earth is exposed to some amount of radiation. Radioactive material can be found naturally in air, soil, water, rocks, and vegetation. The greatest source of natural radiation for most people is radon. Moreover, the planet is continuously bombarded by cosmic radiation, which includes X-rays. These rays are not completely harmless but they are unescapable, and the radiation is at such low levels that its effects are virtually unnoticed. German mechanical engineer and physicist Wilhelm Rontgen is credited with first producing and detecting electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Rontgen rays. Just weeks after he discovered that they could help visualize bones, X-rays were implemented in medical settings. How does an X-ray machine work? A minute amount of ionising radiation is passed through the patient’s body. Earlier, this went onto a sheet of special film. Currently, X-ray examinations are more likely to use a device that captures transmitted x-rays to create an electronic image. The calcium in the person’s bones blocks the passage of radiation, so healthy bones show up as white or grey. Radiation passes easily through air spaces, so healthy lungs can appear black.
  • 60. 60
  • 61. 61 CT scan? Computed tomography is commonly referred to as a CT scan. A CT scan is a diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce images of the inside of the body. It shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, organs and blood vessels. CT scans are more detailed than standard X-rays. In standard X-rays, a beam of energy is aimed at the body part being studied. A plate behind the body part captures the variations of the energy beam after it passes through skin, bone, muscle and other tissue. While much information can be obtained from a regular X-ray, a lot of detail about internal organs and other structures is not available. In CT, the X-ray beam moves in a circle around the body. This allows many different views of the same organ or structure and provides much greater detail. The X-ray information is sent to a computer that interprets the X-ray data and displays it in two-dimensional form on a monitor. Newer technology and computer software makes three-dimensional images possible. CT scans may be performed to help diagnose tumors, investigate internal bleeding, or check for other internal injuries or damage. CT can also be used for.
  • 62. 62 What Is Hospital Observation When a patient is put into the hospital, they’re assigned a status. Inpatient status and observation status—which is technically an outpatient designation—are the two most common. When you're admitted to the hospital, it's not always easy to figure out if you've been admitted as an inpatient, or considered an outpatient under hospital observation status.
  • 63. 63 This article will help you understand how and when observation status is used, and what the implications might be in terms of your health coverage. The Difference Between Inpatient Status & Observation Status Inpatient status is what we typically think of as someone being admitted to the hospital. Observation status is a type of outpatient status. However, someone in hospital observation status can spend multiple days and nights actually inside the hospital, even though they're technically an outpatient. In fact, they might be in the very same type of hospital bed, right next door to someone who is considered an inpatient. Observation used to be a way to keep someone in the hospital for a short time while healthcare providers tried to decide if they were sick enough to need inpatient treatment. Now, observation patients can sometimes be kept in the hospital for days on observation status. It's easy to see how this can be confusing for patients since we don't tend to think of "outpatient" as involving an overnight stay in the hospital.1 Why Does Inpatient vs. Observation Matter? If you're sleeping in the same hospital ward and getting the medical treatment you need, why should you care whether you're on inpatient status or observation status? You should care because the difference could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. For people on Medicare, the distinction between inpatient and observation status is crucial in terms of the out-of-pocket costs for that care, but also for the coverage of care in a skilled nursing facility after the hospital stay. This is described in more detail below. Your health insurance company or Medicare won’t pay for your hospital stay as an observation patient in the same manner it would have paid as an inpatient. Instead, they’ll pay for your hospital stay using the outpatient services part of your health insurance benefit.2 With a commercial insurance plan, you might not notice much of a difference, especially if
  • 64. 64 you have a plan that counts both inpatient and outpatient care toward your deductible. But if you're enrolled in Original Medicare (Part A and Part B), the difference could be very significant. Your share of costs for outpatient services like observation status could be larger than your share of costs for inpatient hospitalization. Although complex and confusing, there are rules, or at least guidelines, your healthcare provider and hospital follow when deciding whether to assign you hospital observation status or inpatient status. To understand how the observation guidelines work and why hospitals are assigning patients to observation status, see why you’ll pay more. Example Mr. Smith comes to the emergency room with chest pain. Unable to tell for sure whether or not Mr. Smith is having a heart attack, the cardiologist, Dr. Jones, puts Mr. Smith into the hospital on observation status. Mr. Smith spends the night in a hospital room attached to a heart monitor. Throughout the night, nurses check on him regularly. He gets oxygen and has blood tests drawn every few hours. Dr. Jones may even have ordered more extensive tests to determine the condition of Mr. Smith's heart. Late the next evening, after two days and one night in the hospital, Dr. Jones has enough information to determine that Mr. Smith didn't have a heart attack. Mr. Smith is sent home. Mr. Smith's health insurance company pays for part of his hospital stay charges under Mr. Smith's outpatient services benefit coverage. (If Mr. Smith has Medicare, Medicare Part B will cover 80% of the Medicare-approved cost of the services Mr. Smith received during his observation stay, assuming he's already paid his Part B deductible for the year.)
  • 65. 65 In this case, let's say that Mr. Smith's health insurance policy has a 25% coinsurance for outpatient services. So Mr. Smith pays for 25% of the charge for every blood test and X-ray. He also pays 25% of the charge for oxygen, heart monitoring, and the hospital's hourly charges for outpatient observation services. If Mr. Smith had received the same exact services as an inpatient rather than on observation status, depending on the type of coverage he has, he may have owed a single hospitalization copayment and his health insurance would have covered the rest of the charges. But it's also common for health insurance plans to count hospitalization towards the plan's deductible, and then begin assessing coinsurance charges. In that case, the total amount that Mr. Smith owed may have ended up roughly similar either way. Under Original Medicare, in 2022, Mr. Smith would pay $1,556 for his hospital stay if he were considered an inpatient,3 plus Part B costs for physician services that he received during his time in the hospital (that's a $2303 annual deductible, plus 20% of the Medicare-approved amount of the physician services).4 But if he's considered an outpatient and his stay is classified as an observation stay, he'll owe the $233 Part B deductible (assuming he hasn't already met it earlier in the year) plus 20% of all Medicare-approved costs associated with his stay.4 So his costs under observation would depend on how much care was provided to him, and how many tests were run (many Medicare enrollees also have supplemental coverage, in the form of Medigap coverage, Medicaid, or coverage from a current or former employer, which pick up some or all of the out-of-pocket costs under Medicare). Inpatient vs. Observation and Medicare Coverage of Skilled Nursing Facility Care Patients are sometimes well enough to leave the hospital, but not yet well enough to return home. Skilled nursing facilities can be used to fill this gap. A patient who has a knee replacement, for example, might only need a few days in the hospital, but may still need a stepped-down level of care at a skilled nursing facility before being able to return home.
  • 66. 66 Original Medicare only pays for care in a skilled nursing facility if it's preceded by at least a three-day inpatient hospital stay. But Medicare Advantage plans can waive this requirement,5 and CMS has also waived it for "people who experience dislocations, or are otherwise affected by COVID-19."6 The waiver continues until the end of the COVID public health emergency period,7 which will continue at least through mid-July 2022.8 If you're in the hospital but under observation status rather than inpatient status, it doesn't count towards your three days. In that case, once you're released, you won't be able to get Medicare coverage for a stay in a skilled nursing facility. This is one of the reasons it's important for patients and their families to understand whether inpatient or observational status is being used. This three-day inpatient requirement can be confusing for patients, especially if they don't understand how a stay in the hospital can still be classified as outpatient care. Consumer advocates, lawmakers, and even the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have indicated that addressing this issue is a priority, so it remains to be seen whether the three-day rule will continue to apply in the future9 (and as noted above, it has been waived for people affected by COVID-19). But for the time being, it's still important for patients, especially if they have Medicare, to understand whether their hospital stay is classified as inpatient or observation. There is an appeals process available, however, for patients with Medicare whose hospital stay was classified as observation, and a subsequent skilled nursing facility stay was not covered. This stems from a court ruling that was issued in 2020, and it applies to medical care dating back to 2009 (the lawsuit took several years to make its way through the court system).10 Summary When a person is kept overnight in the hospital, they are likely considered an inpatient. But that's not always the case. Depending on the circumstances, they might be kept in the hospital under observation, which is an outpatient status. This
  • 67. 67 can affect how the patient's health insurance covers the cost, and whether or not Medicare will pay for skilled nursing facility care after the patient leaves the hospital. A Word From Verywell There are guidelines that doctors follow when determining whether a patient should be classified as inpatient or observation status, so this doesn't tend to be something that a doctor can change based on a patient request. But the more you understand about this, the better you'll be able to prepare for how your health plan will cover the treatment. If you or your loved one is covered by Medicare and it appears that skilled nursing facility care will be necessary before returning home, it's wise to discuss this in advance with the doctor at the hospital, as well as the billing office at the skilled nursing facility. 10 Sources Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. 1. American Medical Association. Payment and coverage for hospital admissions: Inpatient versus observation care. 2. Puri I. Observation versus inpatient status. The Hospitalist. September 17, 2019. 3. Medicare Costs at a Glance. 4. Are You a Hospital Inpatient or Outpatient? August 2018. 5. Managed Care. Medicare Advantage Takes On 3-Day Rule. September 13, 2015. 6. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers. March 2020.
  • 68. 68 7. American Health Care Association, and National Center for Assisted Living. 3-Day Stay and Benefit-Period Waivers for Medicare Part A SNF PPS. 8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. Renewal of Determination That A Public Health Emergency Exists. 9. American Health Care Association. Observation Stays Updates. 10.Bunis, Dana. AARP. Judge Rules for Patients in Medicare "Observation Status" Lawsuit. April 1, 2020. Recommendations for Hospitals 1. Turn caregivers into allies. Educate the staff to the importance of including caregivers in caring for patients both in the hospital and at home. As partners, these individuals can be significant supporters to nurses’ efforts to provide quality patient care. 2. Prepare the clinical staff to work with caregivers. Build an empathic clinical staff that can effectively deliver care to the patient while also providing attention to the caregiver. More and more, the patient caregiver is becoming a key judge of care quality. 3. Create a culture of shared accountability. A superior nursing team will help each other respond to patient needs, not ignore a patient’s call because “he’s not my patient.” 4. Understand how caregivers impact hospital image and reimbursement. Every impression matters. Poor performance by a member of the nursing team can degrade the entire team’s performance. Hospitals should recruit, train and retain staff that understand the service side of the care experience.
  • 69. 69 5. Provide consistent quality patient care. Hard wire consistency into patient care. Ensure quality patient engagement is replicated throughout the care team, measuring for effectiveness and tracking for improvement. Ambulance management system 1. GUIDED BY- PROF. VANI AGRAWAL PRESENTED BY- HARI OM SHARMA CHETAN PARYA & SAURABH SINGH 2. INTRODUCTION AMBULANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM will be designed to help any ambulance agency to auto- mate its system . This system will maintain the details like :- 3. Status of available ambulance.Shifts available with staff. Patient admitted to hospital. Charges incurred by the patient . Staff managing the ambulance. Facilities equipped within the ambulance .  NO. Of ambulances available with the agency . PROBLEM STATMENT 4. AMBULANCE CARRIES PATIENT HOSPITAL ADMITTE D EQUIPED TOOLS USES CHARGES R U N STAFF WORKS IN SHIFTS PAY BILL GENRETED P_ID distance amountV_ID H_ID V_ID V_TYPE Company DOBP_ID P_NA ME Critical stage H _name address DISCRIP TION T_IDRATE C_ID SHIFT _NO SHIFT _ID SCHEDU LE DATE B_ID P_ID DISCRIPTION S_ID E-r diagram of ambulance management system AMOUNT 5. Ambulance table 6. Table for tools - available in ambulance 7. Patient table 8. Tools used for patients IN AMBUANCE 9. Staff table 10. shift Table for staff 11. Table for staff – works in shifts 12.. Ambulance carries table 13. Table for tools used in ambulance 14.Hospital detail table 15. Table for generating bill
  • 70. 70 16.Relationship between tables 17.17. “Please give your suggestions to improve this system.