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Ekkehard Gentz, Independent Software Architect

 HowTo Build an OSGI EJB3 Server
 OSGI Experts Day 2009-05-24

 (c) 2009 ekkehard gentz, eclipse public license EPL
Who am I

 ekke
   Ekkehard Gentz, Rosenheim
   Freelancer, Software Architect, ERP Consultant
   Business Developer (ERP Solutions)
     Assembler, Cobol, Pascal,4GL, Java

     Domains: Apple Dealer, Paper Manufacturer, Waste &
      Recycling, ...

Why this session

 So many articles and guidelines about OSGI:
   how to do it the right way
 Is this reality for OSGI Enterprise Apps ?
 you have to...
   ... live with existing code
   ... use 3rd party bundles
   ... integrate different OSGI products, frameworks etc

Business Project Overview

 Project built from scratch
 Business Processes and Rules change 'daily'
 Short time-frame
 Small Project Ressources
 Possible to make it run ?

Business Project Requirements

 Easy to use for business users
 Server 24*7 online
 Rich Clients with great UI comfort
 Processes and Rules change heavy and often
 Has to run on different OS (XP, Vista, OSX)

Project Decisions

 Frameworks
 Tools
 Technology

Design and Modeling Tools

 UML (MagicDraw)
   MD DSL Customization Engine
   MD Customized Domain-Specific Editors
   MD Reader available
   Eclipse - Integration
 Why not EMF - only ?
 Combine UML and EMF
   oAW as Generatorframework

Eclipse RCP (SWT) as Rich Client

 Eclipse RCP Platform
 plus Riena UI
   Ridgets
   Markers
   Validators
 plus Riena Navigation
 plus redView dynamic Views for Business Apps
 CDO distributed view models

OSGI (Equinox) as Server

  modular, dynamic updates
  flexible server architecture
 Why Equinox as OSGI Framework ?
  its Eclipse ;-)
  Riena uses Buddy Policy
    so I‘m bound to Equinox

Services and Persistence: EJB3, JPA

 Easybeans choosen
   pure OSGI bundle implementation
     vs WSAD, Glassfish or other OSGI-based JEE Server:
       integrate Easybeans into your OSGI Enterprise app

       all is under your control, no deploy to Appserver

 Hibernate as JPA provider
   my knowledge of Hibernate
   already bundled with EasyBeans OSGI

Drools Business Rules and Process Flow

 First decision: jBPM + Drools
   jBPM as BusinessProcess Engine
   Drools as Rules Engine + Decision Nodes in jBPM
 Drools 5 supports both:
   Business Process Flow
   Business Rules

RDBMS: IBM DB2 Express

 Relational data and xml data can be mixed
 low costs for small companies
 scales well if company grows
 I know it

BIRT as Reporting Engine

 Perfect Integration into Eclipse world
 Reports direct from DB2 RDBMS
 Reports directly using Hibernate Pojos

Why OSGI and EJB3

 EJB3 Standard
 Out of the box directly from EJB3 Container
   services
   persistence
   transactions
 OSGI goes Enterprise
 Easybeans OSGI JPA Container

Why not CDO to persist Business Models

 Pros:
   all stored in EMF Models, EMF Databinding
   no lazy exceptions from hibernate at client side
   scales very well, persistence (Teneo, Hibernate)
 Cons:
   model evolution not supported, no data-migration
   no reporting tools like BIRT to use CDO repositories
   future: could be an alternate way

OSGI Server

 Bundles
  entity
  ejb, interfaces
  enumerations
 Fragments
  icons, fonts, OS-dependent-styles
  Logging Utils, Logging Configuration

OSGI Server (Bundles)
  Bundles
                                          Business - Interface Bundles

    entity

                    EJB Bundles
    ejb

    interfaces

                                   uses            @Entity,

    enumerations                                @Embeddable

                                                                          PersistenceContext Bundles

                         Entity Bundles

                                  Enumeration Bundles

Entity Bundles
  Bundles
    unlimited                                         @Embeddable

    per Subapplication

    per Subdomain                    Entity Bundles

    Productfamilies

  Tip:
    used at Client and Server

    Server-only Dependencies should be optional

Enumeration Bundles
  Bundles
    per Subapplication

    per Subdomain              Enumeration Bundles

    per Customer / Product

  Why separate Bundles ?
    Enumeration Literals different per Customers

    Easy to change / enhance

    Also used by Business Processes, Rules

PersistenceContext Bundles
  Bundles                                         @PersistenceContext

    Stateless Beans
    implements BusinessInterfaces      PersistenceContext Bundles

    contains PersistenceContext (EntityManager)

    only used at Server

  Tip:
    JIRA EZB-294 all EJB‘s of PersistenceContext = 1 Bundle

    All @Entity and @Embeddable must be listed inside
     persistence.xml because of a Bug

Persistence (in a PersistenceContext Bundle)





EJB Bundles
  Bundles                          EJB Bundles   @Stateful

    Stateless or Stateful
    only used at Server

    can inject other EJB‘s from PersistenceContext Bundles

    Productfamilies

  Tip:
    @EJB(mappedName) BusinessInterface
    JIRA EZB-322 can‘t found Interfaces from other Bundles

Business Interface Bundles
  Bundles                                                           @Local,
                                      Business - Interface Bundles

    Local or Remote
    unlimited Bundles

    structured per Subdomain, Product, ...

    used on Client and Server

OSGI Server (Fragments)
  Fragments
    Icons
    Fonttemplates

    OS-dependent-styles

    Logging - Utilities


 openArchitectureWare (oAW)
  perfect integrated into eclipse
  working with UML and EMF models side-by-side
  generating:
    Entity, EJB, Business Interfaces

    BusinessProcess /-rules Integration

    EMF View models from Entity

    configuration files and more

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Eclipse Workspaces and Installations

 Overview
 Different Eclipse Installations for different Roles
   Architect and Modeler
   Client-Server-Platform Developer
   UI Designer (Development)
   UI Design and Prototyping (Business User)

Eclipse Workspaces and Installations

                           Eclipse Installations       Eclipse Workspaces

                            Eclipse Modeling        my oAW         ejb
                                                   Cartridges      services

                          openArchitectureWare           uses
                          - XPand
                          - XTend
                          - Workflow
                                                    Project        foo
                                                   Workflows        sample


                                                           Project code
                                                          Project quot;fooquot;
                            Eclipse Runtime

                          Target Platform
                                                                    ejb - beans
                                                                    ejb - api

Problems to solve

 Integrate 3rd Party
 Bundle Start Order
 Services, ServiceTracker or DS ?
 Logging Frameworks and OSGI
 Dependency Cycles
 Classloader used by 3rdParty
 How to configure Target Platform
 Problems solved using oAW

HowTo integrate 3rdParty Bundles (1)

 Are they all brave OSGI citizens ?
   1 jar == 1 bundle
   import package instead of required bundles ?
   always Versioning Bundles and Dependencies ?

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HowTo integrate 3rdParty Bundles (2)

 Are there any Monsters ?
   look inside EasyBeans core bundle

 Are there dependency - cycles ?
   SLF4J + Logback, Easybeans

Bundle Start Order (1)

 Goal: Try to avoid Start-Levels needed
   but 3rdParty:
     Agents like EasyBeans Agent

   Logging first if using Log Bridges from OSGI
     start first to avoid black holes

Bundle Start Order (2)

 To make a System run:
   try using Start-Levels
   then Iterations:
     Add OSGI Services
     Add ServiceTracker to start Bundles
     Add DeclarativeServices to reduce ServiceTracker Complexity

Bundle Start
Order (3)

Bundle Start
Order (3)

Bundle Start Order (4)

 ServerAgent
   tracks Services from EasyBeans using a
   registers @Remote Interfaces for Riena
   registers a Service if all is done

Bundle Start Order (4)

 ServerAgent
   tracks Services from EasyBeans using a
   registers @Remote Interfaces for Riena
   registers a Service if all is done

Bundle Start Order (5)

 MyServer
 waits for the ServerAgent - Service
 registers a Service if all is ready
 registers this also as RienaRemote Service
   now the Clients know that the Domain Server runs

Bundle Start Order (5)

 MyServer
 waits for the ServerAgent - Service
 registers a Service if all is ready
 registers this also as RienaRemote Service
   now the Clients know that the Domain Server runs

Bundle Start
Order (6)
 Using Declarative
   replace
    Easybeans Agent
    by own
    using DS

Bundle Start
Order (6)
 Using Declarative
   replace
    Easybeans Agent
    by own
    using DS

Services, Services, Services...

 Riena Remote Services
 EasyBeans Services
 ServiceTracker
 Declarative Services (DS)
 ServiceTracker vs DS

Riena Remote Services (1)

Riena Remote Services (2)

 Publishing Service

Riena Remote Services (3)

 Injecting Service
   the Riena Way (fluent interfaces)

 I prefer DeclarativeServices

EasyBeans Services (1)

 EasyBeans registers Services for each Business
  Interface (@Local, @Remote)
   thanks to the EZB Team:
   changed to ManagedServices, so Properties can easy
     in Filters of ServiceTrackers

     or DeclarativeServices (DS)

EasyBeans Services (2)

 EasyBeans registers:
   ManagedServiceFactory Services for each EasyBeans
    components:Transactions, Mail, JDBCPool, JMS, etc
   EZBContainer Services
    EJB3Container ready
    PersistenceContext: Hibernate Mapping, Binding
   JDBCPoolComponent
     the DataSource is available

Service Tracker (1)

 start EJB Bundles ?               ManagedServiceFactory registered

                                                              all EZB
                              Component ?
                                                            registered ?


                             register JNDI for

                             all DataSources
                                registered ?          Yes


                                            Start EJB Bundles

Service Tracker (1)

 start EJB Bundles ?               ManagedServiceFactory registered

                                                              all EZB

                              Component ?
                                                            registered ?


                             register JNDI for


                             all DataSources
                                registered ?          Yes


                                            Start EJB Bundles

Service Tracker (2)

 EasyBeans                        ManagedServiceFactory registered

  Components ?
     carol, hsqldb,
                                                            all EZB
                                                          registered ?

      jotm, quartz,
      event, jmx,
      jdbcpool, joram
     Services named

Service Tracker (2)

 EasyBeans                        ManagedServiceFactory registered

  Components ?
     carol, hsqldb,
                                                            all EZB

                                                          registered ?

      jotm, quartz,
      event, jmx,
      jdbcpool, joram
     Services named

Service Tracker (3)

 DataSources                     ManagedServiceFactory registered

  registered ?
   easybeans.xml            JDBCPool
                            Component ?


                           register JNDI for

                           all DataSources
                              registered ?

Service Tracker (3)

 DataSources                     ManagedServiceFactory registered

  registered ?
   easybeans.xml            JDBCPool

                            Component ?


                           register JNDI for


                           all DataSources
                              registered ?

Service Tracker (4)

Service Tracker (5)

 start EJB Bundles:               ManagedServiceFactory registered

 EasyBeans creates                                          all EZB

  EJB3-Container              JDBCPool
                             Component ?
                                                           registered ?

  for each                        Yes

  PersistenceContext        register JNDI for

                            all DataSources
                               registered ?          Yes


                                           Start EJB Bundles

Service Tracker (5)

 start EJB Bundles:               ManagedServiceFactory registered

 EasyBeans creates                                          all EZB

  EJB3-Container              JDBCPool

                             Component ?
                                                           registered ?

  for each

  PersistenceContext                                                     it
                            register JNDI for


                            all DataSources
                               registered ?          Yes


                                           Start EJB Bundles

Service Tracker (6)

 EasyBeans registers:
                                                             registered by EasyBeans
                             ManagedService registered
                                                             for Business - Interfaces
                                                             implemented by
                                                             @Stateless or @Statefull Beans
                                                             from EJB - Bundles

 ManagedService for
                                 Remote Business
                                   - Interface ?

  @Local, @Remote                      Yes

                         register as Riena Remote Endpoint

 EZBContainer
                                                             EZB Container Service registered

  Service for each         EZBContainerServices                      Container for all
                                                                     EJB Bundles ?
                           registered by EasyBeans

                           for each EJB - Bundle



Service Tracker (7)

 ServiceTracker now tracks ManagedServices
 tests for some Properties from EasyBeans
 registers Services as RienaRemoteService

Service Tracker (7)                          er
 ServiceTracker now tracks ManagedServices
 tests for some Properties from EasyBeans
 registers Services as RienaRemoteService

Service Tracker (8)

 All logic around EasyBeans EJB3-Container at a
  central point
 Sounds good ?

 Difficult to maintain or to test

 What to do ?

Declarative Services (1)

 We can describe the same complex logic solved
  with ServiceTracker using
 DeclarativeServices (DS)
   let the OSGI Framework do the work
   easy to maintain
   lazy loading of Bundles
 Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede: edit XML files
 Eclipse 3.5 Galileo: PDE Tooling-Support

Declarative Services (1)                     so
 We can describe the same complex logic solved
  with ServiceTracker using
 DeclarativeServices (DS)
   let the OSGI Framework do the work
   easy to maintain
   lazy loading of Bundles
 Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede: edit XML files
 Eclipse 3.5 Galileo: PDE Tooling-Support

Declarative Services (2)

 Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“

Declarative Services (2)                so
 Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“

Declarative Services (3)

 Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“

Declarative Services (3)                so
 Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“

Declarative Services (3)

 OSGI Runtime with DeclarativeServices
   Wondering why a DS not started ?

   Tip:
   set debug-trace-log vm-parameters:

Declarative Services (4)

 Console Output:

Declarative Services (5)

 some more Properties:
   equinox.ds.print=true prints tracelogs to console

   equinox.ds.perf=true logs execution times in ms

   equinox.scr.waitTimeOnBlock=10000 how many ms
   should DS ait until a service component is ready

Service Tracker vs Declarative Services

 Are DS replacement for ServiceTracker (ST) ?
   ST has access to all methods of a Service
   DS only access to properties
 Missing graph visualization for some Dependencies

Service Tracker vs Declarative Services

 Over all my recommendation:

 Use Declarative Services where possible

 Equinox DS will do all the difficult work for you

Logging with OSGI and 3rdParty

 OSGI Logging
 'classic' Logging
 Compare LoggingFrameworks
 HowTo integrate them all

OSGI Logging

 LogService
 Equinox Extended LogService
  graduated soon

Classic Logging

 Log4J
 CommonsLogging
 JDK Logging (java.util)

Logging used by ...

 ...Easybeans
   Commons-Logging
   JDK Logging
 Riena
   Extended LogService
   Start Parameters, ExtensionPoint
 Hibernate
   switched from CommonsLogging to SLF4J

Compare LogFrameworks

HowTo integrate them all

 SLF4JoverOSGI Bridge
   SLF4J with logback implementation
     catches JCL, JDK, SLF4J, OSGI Log, ext. Log

   Marker and Bundles
   Fragments
 alternate Solution: PAX Logging
   Log4J
     catches JCL, JDK, SLF4J, Avalon

HowTo integrate them all

HowTo solve Dependency Cycles

 Eclipse 3.4
   PDE Export has Problems with Cycles
   Equinox Runtime works well

   Trick:
     put a „Fake“ Bundle without Dependencies into Workspace

HowTo solve Dependency Cycles

 Eclipse 3.5M6 PDE Tooling Support

   dont forget to set Compiler Warnings:

Classloader from 3rd party

 EasyBeans contains Hibernate
   Hibernate uses ContextClassLoader

 Try to avoid
   Dynamic Import *
   BuddyPolicy only if really needed

HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (1)

 Overview
 TargetPlatformDefinition Files
   to be portable: variable - string substitution
   PDE Tooling 3.5 easier
 Duplicates, Deltas
   Bugzilla Reports discuss better PDE Tooling support

HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (2)

 Locations

HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (3)

HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (3)

oAW - your little Helper

 EZB, Hibernate Bug Annotations
   generate classnames into persistence.xml
 Check JPA Persistence data
   length of indizes, tables, inheritance strategies
 EZB problems JNDI naming
   generate mapped Names into Interfaces
 Bridge between UML and EMF
   from UML to EMF - UI and back

oAW - solves Bug detecting Entity

 generate classnames into persistence.xml

oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (1)

 generate @EJB.mappedName

oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (2)

 generate @EJB.mappedName

oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (3)

 generate @EJB.mappedName

 now its easy to use:
 @EJB (mappedName = MyInterface.EZB_MAPPED_NAME)
 MyInterface mi = null;

 Server
    Equinox (OSGI Framework), Riena (OSGI RemoteServices)

    EasyBeans (OSGI EJB3 Container, JPA, Hibernate)

 Rich Client
    Eclipse RCP, Riena (UI Ridgets and Navigation)

    Riena (OSGI Remote Services, ObjectTransactions)

 ModelDriven Project
    Eclipse Modeling (EMF, UML, CDO)

    openArchitectureWare (oAW): Workflow, XPand, Xtend

    MagicDraw (UML, DSL, oAW Integration)

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Next Steps

 Other ways to persist ?
 More M2M Transformations
 Give Value back to Open Source Community

Alternate Ways to Persist Data

 EasyBeans and EclipseLink
   EasyBerans provides both: Hibernate + EclipseLink
 CDO with Teneo Hibernate
   re-use of JPA Annotations for Teneo
   EMF Databinding
   CDO remoting instead of RienaRemoteOSGI
   possible ????

Extra M2M transformation

 whole Business Model as EMF
  extra M2M transformation from UML
  pro:
    redView Drag‘n‘Drop for Databinding
    needed if CDO in the future becomes an alternative

97 (1)

 Open Source OSGI - EJB3 - Riena Server
  core equinox-EasyBeans OSGI-EJB3 server
  UML Profiles (Java, JPA, EJB3, Drools)
  oAW Templates and Cartridges
  MagicDraw DSL Customization + Editors
  Riena for Remote OSGI Services
  plus core ERP functionality (business modules)
  first beta published in june 2009

                            98 (2)

 slf4joverOSGI
   LoggingBridge
     could be used additional to SLF4J / LogBack Bridges

redView - Riena EMF Dynamic Views
 Open Source Dynamic Views for Business Applications
   EMF
   CDO

   Ridgets

   Prototyping
   WYSIWYG Editor for dynamic SWT Views

Question & Answer

 Blog: (en)
 Blog: (de)
 Video Podcasts:
 Twitter: @ekkescorner


Video Podcast

 you like to watch and hear this screencast as a
  Video Podcast ?

 visit:
 or search iTunes for „ekkes-corner“

 (c) 2009 ekkehard gentz, eclipse public license EPL


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HowTo Build an OSGI EJB3 Server

  • 1. Ekkehard Gentz, Independent Software Architect HowTo Build an OSGI EJB3 Server OSGI Experts Day 2009-05-24 1  (c) 2009 ekkehard gentz, eclipse public license EPL
  • 2.
  • 3. Who am I  ekke  Ekkehard Gentz, Rosenheim  Freelancer, Software Architect, ERP Consultant  Business Developer (ERP Solutions)  Assembler, Cobol, Pascal,4GL, Java  Domains: Apple Dealer, Paper Manufacturer, Waste & Recycling, ... 3
  • 4. Why this session  So many articles and guidelines about OSGI:  how to do it the right way  Is this reality for OSGI Enterprise Apps ? you have to...  ... live with existing code  ... use 3rd party bundles  ... integrate different OSGI products, frameworks etc 4
  • 5.
  • 6. Business Project Overview  Project built from scratch  Business Processes and Rules change 'daily'  Short time-frame  Small Project Ressources  Possible to make it run ? 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Business Project Requirements  Easy to use for business users  Server 24*7 online  Rich Clients with great UI comfort  Processes and Rules change heavy and often  Has to run on different OS (XP, Vista, OSX) 8
  • 9. Project Decisions  Frameworks  Tools  Technology 9
  • 10. Design and Modeling Tools  UML (MagicDraw)  MD DSL Customization Engine  MD Customized Domain-Specific Editors  MD Reader available  Eclipse - Integration  Why not EMF - only ?  Combine UML and EMF  oAW as Generatorframework 10
  • 11. Eclipse RCP (SWT) as Rich Client  Eclipse RCP Platform  plus Riena UI  Ridgets  Markers  Validators  plus Riena Navigation  plus redView dynamic Views for Business Apps  CDO distributed view models 11
  • 12. OSGI (Equinox) as Server  OSGI  modular, dynamic updates  flexible server architecture  Why Equinox as OSGI Framework ?  its Eclipse ;-)  Riena uses Buddy Policy  so I‘m bound to Equinox 12
  • 13. Services and Persistence: EJB3, JPA  Easybeans choosen  pure OSGI bundle implementation  vs WSAD, Glassfish or other OSGI-based JEE Server:  integrate Easybeans into your OSGI Enterprise app  all is under your control, no deploy to Appserver  Hibernate as JPA provider  my knowledge of Hibernate  already bundled with EasyBeans OSGI 13
  • 14. Drools Business Rules and Process Flow  First decision: jBPM + Drools  jBPM as BusinessProcess Engine  Drools as Rules Engine + Decision Nodes in jBPM  Drools 5 supports both:  Business Process Flow  Business Rules 14
  • 15. RDBMS: IBM DB2 Express  Relational data and xml data can be mixed  low costs for small companies  scales well if company grows  I know it 15
  • 16. BIRT as Reporting Engine  Perfect Integration into Eclipse world  Reports direct from DB2 RDBMS  Reports directly using Hibernate Pojos 16
  • 17. Why OSGI and EJB3  EJB3 Standard  Out of the box directly from EJB3 Container  services  persistence  transactions  OSGI goes Enterprise  Easybeans OSGI JPA Container 17
  • 18. Why not CDO to persist Business Models  Pros:  all stored in EMF Models, EMF Databinding  no lazy exceptions from hibernate at client side  scales very well, persistence (Teneo, Hibernate)  Cons:  model evolution not supported, no data-migration  no reporting tools like BIRT to use CDO repositories  future: could be an alternate way 18
  • 19. OSGI Server  Bundles  entity  ejb, interfaces  enumerations  Fragments  icons, fonts, OS-dependent-styles  Logging Utils, Logging Configuration 19
  • 20. OSGI Server (Bundles)  Bundles @Local, Business - Interface Bundles  entity @Remote @Stateless, EJB Bundles  ejb @Stateful @EJB implements implements  interfaces @Stateless @PersistenceContext injects uses @Entity,  enumerations @Embeddable uses PersistenceContext Bundles Entity Bundles Enum Enumeration Bundles 20
  • 21. Entity Bundles  Bundles @Entity,  unlimited @Embeddable  per Subapplication  per Subdomain Entity Bundles  Productfamilies  Tip:  used at Client and Server  Server-only Dependencies should be optional 21
  • 22. Enumeration Bundles  Bundles  per Subapplication Enum  per Subdomain Enumeration Bundles  per Customer / Product  Why separate Bundles ?  Enumeration Literals different per Customers  Easy to change / enhance  Also used by Business Processes, Rules 22
  • 23. PersistenceContext Bundles @Stateless  Bundles @PersistenceContext  Stateless Beans  implements BusinessInterfaces PersistenceContext Bundles  contains PersistenceContext (EntityManager)  only used at Server  Tip:  JIRA EZB-294 all EJB‘s of PersistenceContext = 1 Bundle  All @Entity and @Embeddable must be listed inside persistence.xml because of a Bug 23
  • 24. Persistence (in a PersistenceContext Bundle) Context Configuration META-INF/persistence.xml Datei config/easybeans.xml Datei 24
  • 25. EJB Bundles @Stateless,  Bundles EJB Bundles @Stateful @EJB  Stateless or Stateful  only used at Server  can inject other EJB‘s from PersistenceContext Bundles  Productfamilies  Tip:  @EJB(mappedName) BusinessInterface  JIRA EZB-322 can‘t found Interfaces from other Bundles 25
  • 26. Business Interface Bundles  Bundles @Local, Business - Interface Bundles @Remote  Local or Remote  unlimited Bundles  structured per Subdomain, Product, ...  used on Client and Server 26
  • 27. OSGI Server (Fragments)  Fragments  Icons  Fonttemplates  OS-dependent-styles  Logging - Utilities 27
  • 28.
  • 29. MDSD  openArchitectureWare (oAW)  perfect integrated into eclipse  working with UML and EMF models side-by-side  generating:  Entity, EJB, Business Interfaces  BusinessProcess /-rules Integration  EMF View models from Entity  configuration files and more 29
  • 30. oAW mo )… e raw es … D ime icD lat ckt ag Qui (M mp Views) ram re) Te iag Wa mic D tity cture yna En -D hite ML MF U Arc iena - E pen (o (R iew edV r
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Eclipse Workspaces and Installations  Overview  Different Eclipse Installations for different Roles  Architect and Modeler  Client-Server-Platform Developer  UI Designer (Development)  UI Design and Prototyping (Business User) 32
  • 35. Eclipse Workspaces and Installations Eclipse Installations Eclipse Workspaces java entity Eclipse Modeling my oAW ejb Cartridges services processes Modeling EMF UML2 openArchitectureWare uses - XPand - XTend - Workflow abc Project foo Workflows sample generates Project code Project quot;fooquot; Eclipse Runtime Runtime Target Platform entity ejb - beans Equinox ejb - api Project RCP services Bundles Riena processes EasyBeans rules ui 33
  • 36. 34
  • 37. Problems to solve  Integrate 3rd Party  Bundle Start Order  Services, ServiceTracker or DS ?  Logging Frameworks and OSGI  Dependency Cycles  Classloader used by 3rdParty  How to configure Target Platform  Problems solved using oAW 35
  • 38. 36
  • 39. HowTo integrate 3rdParty Bundles (1)  Are they all brave OSGI citizens ?  1 jar == 1 bundle  import package instead of required bundles ?  always Versioning Bundles and Dependencies ? 37
  • 40.
  • 41. dle mo Bun -) De ime ter “; kt ns uic rs ? Mo GI Q ja S n O unt the ea sid co n you ki loo can …„ or …
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. HowTo integrate 3rdParty Bundles (2)  Are there any Monsters ?  look inside EasyBeans core bundle  Are there dependency - cycles ?  SLF4J + Logback, Easybeans 41
  • 46. 42
  • 47. Bundle Start Order (1)  Goal: Try to avoid Start-Levels needed  but 3rdParty:  Agents like EasyBeans Agent  Logging first if using Log Bridges from OSGI  start first to avoid black holes 43
  • 48. Bundle Start Order (2)  To make a System run:  try using Start-Levels  then Iterations:  Add OSGI Services  Add ServiceTracker to start Bundles  Add DeclarativeServices to reduce ServiceTracker Complexity 44
  • 50. Bundle Start Order (3) ns io at er it ly ar e 45
  • 51. Bundle Start Order (4)  ServerAgent  tracks Services from EasyBeans using a ServiceTracker  registers @Remote Interfaces for Riena  registers a Service if all is done 46
  • 52. Bundle Start Order (4) ns io at er it ly ar e  ServerAgent  tracks Services from EasyBeans using a ServiceTracker  registers @Remote Interfaces for Riena  registers a Service if all is done 46
  • 53. Bundle Start Order (5)  MyServer  waits for the ServerAgent - Service  registers a Service if all is ready  registers this also as RienaRemote Service  now the Clients know that the Domain Server runs 47
  • 54. Bundle Start Order (5) ns io at er it rly ea  MyServer  waits for the ServerAgent - Service  registers a Service if all is ready  registers this also as RienaRemote Service  now the Clients know that the Domain Server runs 47
  • 55. Bundle Start Order (6)  Using Declarative Services  TODO:  replace Easybeans Agent by own Implementation using DS 48
  • 56. Bundle Start Order (6)  Using Declarative Services  TODO:  replace Easybeans Agent by own Implementation using DS 48
  • 57. Services, Services, Services...  Riena Remote Services  EasyBeans Services  ServiceTracker  Declarative Services (DS)  ServiceTracker vs DS 49
  • 59. Riena Remote Services (2)  Publishing Service 51
  • 60. Riena Remote Services (3)  Injecting Service  the Riena Way (fluent interfaces)  I prefer DeclarativeServices 52
  • 61. EasyBeans Services (1)  EasyBeans registers Services for each Business Interface (@Local, @Remote)  thanks to the EZB Team:  changed to ManagedServices, so Properties can easy used  in Filters of ServiceTrackers  or DeclarativeServices (DS) 53
  • 62. EasyBeans Services (2)  EasyBeans registers:  ManagedServiceFactory Services for each EasyBeans components:Transactions, Mail, JDBCPool, JMS, etc  EZBContainer Services EJB3Container ready PersistenceContext: Hibernate Mapping, Binding  JDBCPoolComponent  the DataSource is available 54
  • 63. Service Tracker (1)  start EJB Bundles ? ManagedServiceFactory registered all EZB JDBCPool Components Component ? registered ? Yes register JNDI for DataSource all DataSources registered ? Yes Yes Start EJB Bundles 55
  • 64. Service Tracker (1)  start EJB Bundles ? ManagedServiceFactory registered all EZB JDBCPool Components ns Component ? registered ? io at Yes er it register JNDI for ly DataSource ar e all DataSources registered ? Yes Yes Start EJB Bundles 55
  • 65. Service Tracker (2)  EasyBeans ManagedServiceFactory registered Components ?  carol, hsqldb, all EZB Components registered ? jotm, quartz, event, jmx, jdbcpool, joram  Services named like carol-component-factory  56
  • 66. Service Tracker (2)  EasyBeans ManagedServiceFactory registered Components ?  carol, hsqldb, all EZB Components ns registered ? io jotm, quartz, at er event, jmx, it ly jdbcpool, joram ar e  Services named like carol-component-factory  56
  • 67. Service Tracker (3)  DataSources ManagedServiceFactory registered registered ?  easybeans.xml JDBCPool Component ? Yes register JNDI for DataSource all DataSources registered ? 57
  • 68. Service Tracker (3)  DataSources ManagedServiceFactory registered registered ?  easybeans.xml JDBCPool ns Component ? io at Yes er it register JNDI for ly DataSource ar e all DataSources registered ? 57
  • 70. Service Tracker (5)  start EJB Bundles: ManagedServiceFactory registered  EasyBeans creates all EZB EJB3-Container JDBCPool Components Component ? registered ? for each Yes PersistenceContext register JNDI for DataSource Bundle all DataSources registered ? Yes Yes Start EJB Bundles 59
  • 71. Service Tracker (5)  start EJB Bundles: ManagedServiceFactory registered  EasyBeans creates all EZB EJB3-Container JDBCPool Components ns Component ? registered ? io for each at Yes er PersistenceContext it register JNDI for ly DataSource ar Bundle e all DataSources registered ? Yes Yes Start EJB Bundles 59
  • 72. Service Tracker (6)  EasyBeans registers: ManagedServices registered by EasyBeans ManagedService registered for Business - Interfaces implemented by @Stateless or @Statefull Beans from EJB - Bundles  ManagedService for Remote Business - Interface ? @Local, @Remote Yes register as Riena Remote Endpoint  EZBContainer EZB Container Service registered Service for each EZBContainerServices Container for all EJB Bundles ? registered by EasyBeans EJB3-Container for each EJB - Bundle Yes register RienaEasyBeansServerService 60
  • 73. Service Tracker (7)  ServiceTracker now tracks ManagedServices  tests for some Properties from EasyBeans  registers Services as RienaRemoteService 61
  • 74. ns io at Service Tracker (7) er it ly ar e  ServiceTracker now tracks ManagedServices  tests for some Properties from EasyBeans  registers Services as RienaRemoteService 61
  • 75. Service Tracker (8)  All logic around EasyBeans EJB3-Container at a central point  Sounds good ?  Difficult to maintain or to test  What to do ? 62
  • 76. Declarative Services (1)  We can describe the same complex logic solved with ServiceTracker using  DeclarativeServices (DS)  let the OSGI Framework do the work  easy to maintain  lazy loading of Bundles  Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede: edit XML files  Eclipse 3.5 Galileo: PDE Tooling-Support 63
  • 77. ion lut Declarative Services (1) so al fin  We can describe the same complex logic solved with ServiceTracker using  DeclarativeServices (DS)  let the OSGI Framework do the work  easy to maintain  lazy loading of Bundles  Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede: edit XML files  Eclipse 3.5 Galileo: PDE Tooling-Support 63
  • 78. Declarative Services (2)  Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“ 64
  • 79. ion lut Declarative Services (2) so al fin  Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“ 64
  • 80. Declarative Services (3)  Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“ 65
  • 81. ion lut Declarative Services (3) so al fin  Example „EasyBeans Components started ?“ 65
  • 82. Declarative Services (3)  OSGI Runtime with DeclarativeServices  Wondering why a DS not started ?  Tip:  set debug-trace-log vm-parameters: -Dequinox.ds.debug=true 66
  • 83. Declarative Services (4)  Console Output: 67
  • 84. Declarative Services (5)  some more Properties:  equinox.ds.print=true prints tracelogs to console  equinox.ds.perf=true logs execution times in ms  equinox.scr.waitTimeOnBlock=10000 how many ms should DS ait until a service component is ready 68
  • 85. Service Tracker vs Declarative Services  Are DS replacement for ServiceTracker (ST) ?  ST has access to all methods of a Service  DS only access to properties  Missing graph visualization for some Dependencies 69
  • 86. Service Tracker vs Declarative Services  Over all my recommendation:  Use Declarative Services where possible  Equinox DS will do all the difficult work for you 70
  • 87. Logging with OSGI and 3rdParty  OSGI Logging  'classic' Logging  Compare LoggingFrameworks  HowTo integrate them all 71
  • 88. OSGI Logging  LogService  Equinox Extended LogService  graduated soon 72
  • 89. Classic Logging  Log4J  CommonsLogging  SLF4J  JDK Logging (java.util) 73
  • 90. Logging used by ...  ...Easybeans  Commons-Logging  JDK Logging  Riena  Extended LogService  Start Parameters, ExtensionPoint  Hibernate  switched from CommonsLogging to SLF4J 74
  • 92. HowTo integrate them all  SLF4JoverOSGI Bridge  SLF4J with logback implementation  catches JCL, JDK, SLF4J, OSGI Log, ext. Log  Marker and Bundles  Fragments  alternate Solution: PAX Logging  Log4J  catches JCL, JDK, SLF4J, Avalon 76
  • 94. HowTo solve Dependency Cycles  Eclipse 3.4  PDE Export has Problems with Cycles  Equinox Runtime works well  Trick:  put a „Fake“ Bundle without Dependencies into Workspace 78
  • 95. HowTo solve Dependency Cycles  Eclipse 3.5M6 PDE Tooling Support  dont forget to set Compiler Warnings: 79
  • 96. Classloader from 3rd party  EasyBeans contains Hibernate  Hibernate uses ContextClassLoader  Try to avoid  Dynamic Import *  BuddyPolicy only if really needed 80
  • 97.
  • 98. HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (1)  Overview  TargetPlatformDefinition Files  to be portable: variable - string substitution  PDE Tooling 3.5 easier  Duplicates, Deltas  Bugzilla Reports discuss better PDE Tooling support 82
  • 99. HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (2)  Locations 83
  • 100. HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (3) 84
  • 101. HowTo configure the TargetPlatform (3) 84
  • 102. oAW - your little Helper  EZB, Hibernate Bug Annotations  generate classnames into persistence.xml  Check JPA Persistence data  length of indizes, tables, inheritance strategies  EZB problems JNDI naming  generate mapped Names into Interfaces  Bridge between UML and EMF  from UML to EMF - UI and back 85
  • 103. oAW - solves Bug detecting Entity  generate classnames into persistence.xml 86
  • 104. oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (1)  generate @EJB.mappedName 87
  • 105. oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (2)  generate @EJB.mappedName 88
  • 106. oAW - solves Bug injecting @EJB (3)  generate @EJB.mappedName  now its easy to use: @EJB (mappedName = MyInterface.EZB_MAPPED_NAME) MyInterface mi = null; 89
  • 107. Summary  Server  Equinox (OSGI Framework), Riena (OSGI RemoteServices)  EasyBeans (OSGI EJB3 Container, JPA, Hibernate)  Rich Client  Eclipse RCP, Riena (UI Ridgets and Navigation)  Riena (OSGI Remote Services, ObjectTransactions)  ModelDriven Project  Eclipse Modeling (EMF, UML, CDO)  openArchitectureWare (oAW): Workflow, XPand, Xtend  MagicDraw (UML, DSL, oAW Integration) 90
  • 108. mo na, db De rie ata to me ox, e d kti uic uin som ith Q q r: e rite es w rve … w fil log se the EJB3 ck) ba art ans log st 4J/ e syb h (SLF ea tc wa … h… lilit
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112.
  • 113. Next Steps  Other ways to persist ?  More M2M Transformations  Give Value back to Open Source Community 94
  • 114. Alternate Ways to Persist Data  EasyBeans and EclipseLink  EasyBerans provides both: Hibernate + EclipseLink  CDO with Teneo Hibernate  re-use of JPA Annotations for Teneo  EMF Databinding  CDO remoting instead of RienaRemoteOSGI  possible ???? 95
  • 115. Extra M2M transformation  whole Business Model as EMF  extra M2M transformation from UML  pro:  redView Drag‘n‘Drop for Databinding  needed if CDO in the future becomes an alternative 96
  • 116. 97
  • 117. (1)  Open Source OSGI - EJB3 - Riena Server  core equinox-EasyBeans OSGI-EJB3 server  UML Profiles (Java, JPA, EJB3, Drools)  oAW Templates and Cartridges  MagicDraw DSL Customization + Editors  Riena for Remote OSGI Services  plus core ERP functionality (business modules)  first beta published in june 2009 98
  • 118. (2)  slf4joverOSGI  LoggingBridge  could be used additional to SLF4J / LogBack Bridges 99
  • 119. redView - Riena EMF Dynamic Views  Open Source Dynamic Views for Business Applications  EMF  CDO  Ridgets  Prototyping  WYSIWYG Editor for dynamic SWT Views 100
  • 120. Question & Answer   Blog: (en)  Blog: (de)  Video Podcasts:  Twitter: @ekkescorner   101
  • 121. Video Podcast  you like to watch and hear this screencast as a Video Podcast ?  visit:  or search iTunes for „ekkes-corner“  (c) 2009 ekkehard gentz, eclipse public license EPL 102