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How to :
Find God and the
true religion
And to make sure you are not
following a schizophrenic / bipolar/
mental illness personDec 2017
0:11 1
• Slide speed : 1 word = 0.5 second
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the next slide in 2 seconds
• The slide after current slide will show at this
minute of this video
0:29 2
0:39 3
My story
• Somewhere 7 years ago, I met an intelligent
person and turned out he was an agnostic
• He said
– FAITH means “not thinking and following
something without questioning”
– The less you think, the more faithful you are
• Those statements were deep for me and left
me pondering hard
0:54 4
• Then he asked me to go read the scriptures (Bible,
Torah, Quran, etc) and ask those so called “faithful”,
about those scriptures and you will be amazed that
– there are many people who are just following, without
knowing much about their religions.
– Some of them never read the scriptures of their religions
from cover to cover, but when you questioned their
beliefs, they get mad and can even turn hostile (for
something they know little of)
– A large number of them don’t know the history and
journey of the scriptures, when and by who they were
written down until we get the one we have today
– And you will noticed that when they can’t give answers to
your questions, they will say “you have small faith” or “the
devil is provoking you” (blame the devil)
2:02 5
• I did that.. I asked a lot of my friends and
other people and….
• what he said was true, and I was amazed that
many people are ignorant of their own religion
(moreover other religions) and they seem….
merely following without understanding what
they are doing….
• Including me :p
2:26 6
• Then the person told me, “I am not forcing you to believe in
what I believe, but I want you to take this thing seriously.
• If you believe in God, this is about eternal heaven and hell.
Much more important than your career, examination,
family etc.
• Think seriously - as you only live once in this life, one
chance to think about:
– the existence of God
– the true religion if you believe He exists
– And if you don’t believe in God, be peaceful and respect others”
3:10 7
• So the quest began
– I read a lot of articles, arguments on existence of
– And read a lot on religions
3:21 8
• After years of exploration, and came into a personal
conclusion (which I am not going to tell to prevent
• I noticed that the steps / concept of finding God and
His true religion, is not hard after all.
• And I can write it on a piece of paper
• Thus, I made this youtube video to tell you guys the
concept that I formulated after years of investigating,
and I hope that it will make your quest easy, faster,
logical and make sense.
• Mind you that I am writing down the concept. You still
need to do you own research and readings.
4:12 9
Why am I doing this?
• I have never seen anyone write this concept before. And
even if they are close, their explanations are lengthy and
sometimes, confusing.
• I want to share and contribute something to this world
before I die, and not wasting my knowledge
• Besides I am tired of hearing this version of the definition
of faith - believing something without questioning and
thinking, and based on emotions
• I want to have faith based on trust (based on evidence) and
based on my logical thinking. As God gave me this brain to
4:58 10
• So are you ready?
• Here we go!
5:06 11
5:28 12
5:30 13
• Compare humans with other animals, trees,
insects etc
•What make us unique from
5:37 14
• ANSWER - the ability to :
5:40 15
•Thus the explanation of
God and His religion
must be : LOGICAL
5:46 16
•And must not based on
•And we can explicitly
5:52 17
• So can we ‘find and see’ God?
• Using our own eyes?
5:58 18
6:00 19
• Some might disagree because they told they
saw Him/Her/Them in their dreams etc
• But seriously, dream is not even a logical
• Just because I dreamt of Susan and she said in
the dream that she loved me, doesn’t make
her feel so in reality
• Point is : dream is a weak evidence
6:28 20
• Besides, humans have been asking to see God
with their own eyes for thousands of years,
but no one can tell us, one universal and exact
way to see Him with our own eyes.
6:45 21
• How about hearing voices or seeing figures that other
people can’t see?
• For me, hallucinatory like experiences… and for normal
human being like us – I fell it is still a weak evidence
because most of the times the experiences are due to
psychiatric illnesses rather than God speaking to you.
• We want something more persistent that we can
access everyday, everywhere, at anytime, by every
human beings on earth.
7:20 22
• So how to find God?
7:23 23
• Well, let us think…
• God gave us this logical brain thus….
• Our logical brain is the only bridge/ way to
‘find’ him….
• So what I am trying to say is….
7:38 24
• Just like wifi/electomagnetic waves… we cant
see them but we know they are there….
• Just like we don’t know who made our
smartphones or our cars.. But we know
someone must have made them and definitely
not by themselves
7:58 25
• So God wants us…
• By thinking on His creations… humans,
animals, planets…
• to acknowledge His existence and understand
He is there
8:09 26
Example what to think of :
• Look at electricity… humans only discovered
(not invented) it around year 1800+ (*200
years ++ ago)
• And we generally move electrons on pathway
made of irons
• But look at our nervous system, animals and
even dinosaurs nervous system.
8:30 27
• Dinosours, Jurassic Period was 200 – 145 million
years ago
• Like ourselves and animals, dinosaurs nervous
system use electricity generated by protein atom
pumps (more advanced)
• My point is
– There is ‘something’ that has vast superior knowledge
about electricity earlier than humans
– And more advance/ knowledgeable than humans
8:54 28
• And this ‘something’ we acknowledge exists
and call as
9:00 29
• I mean think about this
• If I say my Iphone can create itself without
human input if I leave the irons, silica, plastic
together long enough- by just relying on luck,
then natural selection and billions of years of
evolution -> people will say I am crazy and
9:24 30
• But why when I apply the same question to
– animals, humans, trees…..
– how beautiful the world is compared to other
– And how the earth blessed with petroleum, fruits,
good temperature for humans
• Which are
times more complex than an Iphone9:50 31
• Some people will say I am crazy
if I believe all these are created
by something called God
• And say all these created by
themselves (evolution process)
• That’s not logical isn’t it?
10:06 32
• Besides theory of evolution, big bang theory
are all theories
• They are not laws
• They are not proven
10:15 33
Other questions you can ponder
• In Big Bang theory, how Big Bang exploded by itself?
• Energy can be transferred but cannot be destroyed or created. Thus how
energy exists in the first place?
• If you noticed, the sweetness of fruits, petroleum, iron, gold etc – seems
all of these are for us for our good life on earth. Why the earth so kind to
us? Is it coincidence?
• Why human bodies and faces are more beautiful and superior compared
to other animals? We can be worse than a gorilla / fish in appearance with
good brains though.
• How the womb know not to reject the baby (Another creature with
different genetic make up)? Who thought the womb?
• In humans, we have brains that control temperature, blood pressure,
energy etc – who taught them about temperature, blood pressure etc?
• Who taught the birds to develop wings and fly?
• Are all of these are coincidence?
11:23 34
11:34 35
11:45 36
• Almost all religions in this world – teach us to
be a good person and human beings
• No doubt about it
• But which has value in front of true God?
12:07 37
• Some people believe in a religion… solely based
on emotions or following their parents / elders…
they cant explain why this religion is right and
why that religion is wrong.. This is dangerous
(and I will explain why on the next slides)
• Some people believe in religion… based on critical
thinking / reasoning.. They can explain why this
religion is right and those religions are not. We
want this kind of believe and understanding.
12:43 38
Danger of using emotions to find the
true religion.
• As a child grows, he/she will associate emotions to things that
he/she being taught to do / follow
• So if his/her parents taught him/her to worship a rock /
mountain , as a child, he/she will follow (as normal kids will
• And later as an adult, he/she will feel uncomfortable if he/she
doesn’t do so (following the traditions of the family)
• This kind of children can turn to devoted adults but the
problem is – they can’t reason well why their religion is the
correct one when they are being asked why
example : they can’t justify why they need to worship a rock
13:40 39
• What if their elders are not smart and they
themselves do not know what are they doing
and why are they doing so?
• So these kids are metaphorically, following a
blind man or asking a person for a direction
which he himself hasn’t been there
• Unless they started to think and began asking
14:07 40
• On the other hand, some people say this X
religion is wrong because not compatible with
what they want (emotion)
– Eg: it has restrictions and rules, has concept of
hell, not compatible with so called modern
• But what if God really wants to impose that
and wants us to do so? He owns us btw.
14:30 41
• Just because our emotions don’t like some ideas* in a
particular religion, doesn’t mean God doesn’t want
that way.
• *As long the religion doesn’t go to the extreme, beyond human
nature, such as the need to sacrifice a baby to pray for a rain etc
• Remember : God is smarter than us. Sometimes, just like a teenager
couldn’t make sense the advices given by his parents until after 10
years later, perhaps we don’t understand at current moment but
they are good and the best for us.
• Thus, we need to remove our emotions in order to find
the right religion... And use our brain instead.
15:23 42
• God gave us these brains to think… thus we
need to think rather than feel… in finding the
true religion
15:33 43
• If you
– believe in God
– and you believe that He wants us to use our
• finding the right religion is not difficult
• In my opinion, you just need to follow these 5
steps / questions to ask
15:52 44
• STEP 1: Is the religion teaches you to believe in God?
• You will notice that some religions teach you nothing
about God and the books are just guidance for a good
• And the one that wrote or taught– didn’t consider
himself teaching a religion or claimed he is the
representative of God
• If you believe in God, this kind of religion is a NO and
you can skip it.
16:27 45
• STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture?
• Do you want to read a book on honest living
when the author himself is a thief?
• If you find a piece of paper saying you will get
USD1 million if you do so and so, but there is
no author / trusted source, will you do so and
16:55 46
• Ask,
– who he/she is ?
– why I think what he/she wrote/said is the truth?
– Are there any documentations from multiple
sources stating that he/she is trustworthy and
practicing what he/she preached?
17:11 47
• So study the background of the author first
before you read it -> you must able to reason:
I believe so and so exists because of this and
And I believe so and so is telling the truth
because of this and that..
And I believe so and so actually wrote this (and
not being altered by people after him) because of
this and that..
17:43 48
18:13 49
• This is important because we don’t want to
get scammed.
• How many cult leaders that appeared good in
front of their followers, but when their
followers stayed with them, thus able to see
their personal life, later noticed their real true
opposite personalities?
• How many scams promised you good return of
investment, but at the end, you lose all?
18:43 50
• How many people you know give a lot of good
advices but they themselves not practicing it?
• How many girls you know being cheated by
sweet words and promises by their exes?
– Sweets words and promises are good
– But only the integrity and moral character of the
person will make sure he will honor his words.
• Otherwise the sweet words and promises are blind
19:16 51
• People can behave angelic in front of the masses, but not
when it comes to personal life.
19:53 52
• Do your research and you will notice….
– Some religions are obviously men-made / altered by
men, written by multiple people (while passing from
generations to generations)
– How illogical some people able to believe / trust in
something written by someone they don’t even know
– Quite number of people claimed these and those
scriptures to be truth and from God but they cant
justify the ‘why’.
20:25 53
• STEP 3 : The book must be authentic
• To make sure the book / scripture is authentic
– 1) Make sure you can access to the original non
translated form : If xxx spoke chinese / japanese /
arabic / hebrew / russian, the original must be there
as you can never translate word by word with 100%
same original, culturally understandable and accurate
meaning (we want to prevent loss in translation)
– Besides : translated version = not word of God
– Original version = 100% pure word of God. We want to
read the God version aren’t we?
21:09 54
The book must be authentic
• 2) Must retain the same concept, no
contradictory concepts
– If the early part of the book says God is one, then it
must maintain the concept till the rest of the book
– If it contradicts / different messages compared from
the early section vs back section -> then we must be
– God is perfect and He is very intelligent. He must be
able to tell us the same major concept over and over
again, not contradicting himself, and make us
21:51 55
• STEP 4 : The religion must be universal for all
human beings
– Regardless black or white, rich or poor, all must have
the same opportunity to join and be part of the
– Must not exclusive for certain races as we didn’t
choose our race.
– Religion of God must be equal for all
– And everyone must have the same equal access to
worship to, pray to or ask help from God
22:26 56
• STEP 5: The stories, explanations, analogies in
the religion must be logical, clear, simple and
make sense
– The book / scripture must be able to speak by itself,
without middleman
– Basically, you can read and understand it by yourself
– Word of God = God is talking to you.
– It is a message for mankind, thus average Joe must be
able to understand it and doesn't require PhD or high
23:00 57
• Again, I want to emphasize that
• The book / scripture = words of God to you.
God is talking to you.
23:20 58
23:29 59
• Almost all religions, the persons that brought the
words of God, claimed got them from angel / God
himself via voices, seeing figures that they
uniquely entitled to hear / see. Not for the
average Joe.
• How to make sure, these persons were not sick or
suffering from mental illness such as bipolar
disorder or schizophrenia?
• And the words were not from their
24:03 60
• As someone works with mental health
institutions :
– I have seen thousands of people having
– Including those suffering chronic mental illness
such as schizophrenia and bipolar
– And multiple encounters with people claiming
they brought messages from God aka prophet /
24:22 61
• To solve this issue, and to make sure they are
not mentally sick….
• It is important again to see / analyze the
– personal life of the one who claimed brought the
words of God
– And the scriptures as well
• *As in STEP 2 and STEP 3
24:46 62
• Why?
• Because
– Without medications, these people will get worse year
by year
– Their speech will become more and more irrelevant
– They will lose their cognitive ability : unable to think
well, unable to perform daily routine… and they cant
do complex tasks such as managing the people, family
25:10 63
• Their writings will become more and more
bizarre and detached from reality and don’t make
• They will lose their word construction ability
– Thus analyze the scriptures
• Look at the quality of writings
• Did the concepts keep changing?
• Can you / common man able to write better than him?
• Did he keep praising himself in the scriptures in grandiose
• Did he persistently mixing his personal issues in the
• Did / does he able to memorize his scriptures (to test his
cognitive function)
25:51 64
• Besides they will have episodes of doing funny stuff
such as self talking, dancing around like crazy,
aggression etc causing loss of respect
• And they will hear the voices everyday and most of the
times… causing distress
– Ask : how people around him, that have personal contact
with him, feel / describe about him?
26:30 65
• So ask
• 1) did / does this person able to lead his
people and how was his judgment?
• 2) when he had these episodes of hearing
voices from angels – did he talked funny,
illogical, irrelevant or incoherent – aka
detached from reality?
• 3) did / does he able to function as normal
human being?
26:54 66
• Again, untreated schizophrenia or bipolar will
not able to live like normal human being
• Will talk irrelevantly almost all the time and
not able to function as normal human being –
let alone guiding the people and receive
27:14 67
• If from your analysis that he / she didn’t show
any sign of mental illness…. then you can
proceed and investigate his honesty and
trustworthy (as I mentioned before in STEP 2)
• Why?
27:29 68
• Religion can be manipulated by certain people for personal
gains (like those having narcissistic personality disorder)
• Some people are smart and could lie to you… they will
claim that they heard this and that from God – where
actually they didn’t… and they just want material / status /
worldly / praises / validation gains
• Fear not, these people will fail when you study their
personal life / personalities, especially in crisis. You can :
– Find out if this person asking for money for passing those
– When in crisis, how did he behave?
– How was his behavior / attitude towards his enemies, family
members, other people – especially the weak and poor?
– How he used his money? Is he hoarding and hiding wealth?
– What’s the opinion of people surrounding him?
28:31 69
28:33 70
• Now I have layered all the steps I think required to find
the true religion. Let’s recap :
• STEP 1 : Is the religion teaches you to believe in God?
• STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture?
• STEP 3 : The book must be authentic
• STEP 4 : The religion must be universal for all human
• STEP 5: The stories, explanations, analogies in the
religion must be logical, clear, simple and make sense
29:10 71
• I hope these questions will be able to guide
you to find the true religion.
• Step 2 and step 3,
– STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture?
– STEP 3 : The book must be authentic
• Are the most vital questions and you need to
put weight on.
29:33 72
• A lot of people solely emphasized on the message of
the religion
• Frankly, almost all religions in the existence taught us
to be good human beings
• But which one has value in front of God?
• Thus that is why– we need to emphasize on the
personality of the person (X) who claimed he brought
the message of God.
– To make sure we are getting the truth
• and find out of the authenticity of the book / scriptures
(we don’t want to get scammed by persons who
altered the message of X and said this was from him)
– To make sure we get the exact, unaltered, unfiltered,
unmanipulated word of God
30:26 73
• We have nearly come to the end of the video
• I have put all my best efforts in this video, and
I hope this will help you with your quest.
30:41 74
• Finding God and his true religion might take
some time…
• but I believe you will reach the answer at the
• if you are genuine and put effort in it.
• God will guide those who seek for him.
31:00 75
• This video is free to share. Royalty free. With
one condition – do not alter this video or take
parts of it. It must be in one complete video.
• Feel free to share as the one that receives this
video, might understand better than the one
who shares this video
31:24 76
• If you are asking, why I am not introducing
• Answer : I believe, remaining anonymous is
the best to deliver the message because
– To prevent bias and prejudgment by viewers
– Let the concept / formula speaks by itself
– This is not a religion and I believe, a normal
person with logical mind should be able to grasp
the concept
31:52 77
• Thanks for watching…
• And last but not least, please start to :
END 78

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How to find God and true religion

  • 1. How to : Find God and the true religion And to make sure you are not following a schizophrenic / bipolar/ mental illness personDec 2017 0:11 1
  • 2. • Slide speed : 1 word = 0.5 second • IF x slide contains 4 words = it will change to the next slide in 2 seconds • The slide after current slide will show at this minute of this video 0:29 2
  • 4. My story • Somewhere 7 years ago, I met an intelligent person and turned out he was an agnostic • He said – FAITH means “not thinking and following something without questioning” – The less you think, the more faithful you are • Those statements were deep for me and left me pondering hard 0:54 4
  • 5. • Then he asked me to go read the scriptures (Bible, Torah, Quran, etc) and ask those so called “faithful”, about those scriptures and you will be amazed that – there are many people who are just following, without knowing much about their religions. – Some of them never read the scriptures of their religions from cover to cover, but when you questioned their beliefs, they get mad and can even turn hostile (for something they know little of) – A large number of them don’t know the history and journey of the scriptures, when and by who they were written down until we get the one we have today – And you will noticed that when they can’t give answers to your questions, they will say “you have small faith” or “the devil is provoking you” (blame the devil) 2:02 5
  • 6. • I did that.. I asked a lot of my friends and other people and…. • what he said was true, and I was amazed that many people are ignorant of their own religion (moreover other religions) and they seem…. merely following without understanding what they are doing…. • Including me :p 2:26 6
  • 7. • Then the person told me, “I am not forcing you to believe in what I believe, but I want you to take this thing seriously. • If you believe in God, this is about eternal heaven and hell. Much more important than your career, examination, family etc. • Think seriously - as you only live once in this life, one chance to think about: – the existence of God – the true religion if you believe He exists – And if you don’t believe in God, be peaceful and respect others” 3:10 7
  • 8. • So the quest began – I read a lot of articles, arguments on existence of God – And read a lot on religions 3:21 8
  • 9. • After years of exploration, and came into a personal conclusion (which I am not going to tell to prevent bias) • I noticed that the steps / concept of finding God and His true religion, is not hard after all. • And I can write it on a piece of paper • Thus, I made this youtube video to tell you guys the concept that I formulated after years of investigating, and I hope that it will make your quest easy, faster, logical and make sense. • Mind you that I am writing down the concept. You still need to do you own research and readings. 4:12 9
  • 10. Why am I doing this? • I have never seen anyone write this concept before. And even if they are close, their explanations are lengthy and sometimes, confusing. • I want to share and contribute something to this world before I die, and not wasting my knowledge • Besides I am tired of hearing this version of the definition of faith - believing something without questioning and thinking, and based on emotions • I want to have faith based on trust (based on evidence) and based on my logical thinking. As God gave me this brain to think. 4:58 10
  • 11. • So are you ready? • Here we go! 5:06 11
  • 13. SECTION 1 : FINDING GOD 5:30 13
  • 14. • Compare humans with other animals, trees, insects etc •What make us unique from them? 5:37 14
  • 15. • ANSWER - the ability to : •THINK 5:40 15
  • 16. •Thus the explanation of God and His religion must be : LOGICAL 5:46 16
  • 17. •And must not based on emotion •And we can explicitly reason 5:52 17
  • 18. • So can we ‘find and see’ God? • Using our own eyes? 5:58 18
  • 20. • Some might disagree because they told they saw Him/Her/Them in their dreams etc • But seriously, dream is not even a logical explanation • Just because I dreamt of Susan and she said in the dream that she loved me, doesn’t make her feel so in reality • Point is : dream is a weak evidence 6:28 20
  • 21. • Besides, humans have been asking to see God with their own eyes for thousands of years, but no one can tell us, one universal and exact way to see Him with our own eyes. 6:45 21
  • 22. • How about hearing voices or seeing figures that other people can’t see? • For me, hallucinatory like experiences… and for normal human being like us – I fell it is still a weak evidence because most of the times the experiences are due to psychiatric illnesses rather than God speaking to you. • We want something more persistent that we can access everyday, everywhere, at anytime, by every human beings on earth. 7:20 22
  • 23. • So how to find God? 7:23 23
  • 24. • Well, let us think… • God gave us this logical brain thus…. • Our logical brain is the only bridge/ way to ‘find’ him…. • So what I am trying to say is…. 7:38 24
  • 25. • Just like wifi/electomagnetic waves… we cant see them but we know they are there…. • Just like we don’t know who made our smartphones or our cars.. But we know someone must have made them and definitely not by themselves 7:58 25
  • 26. • So God wants us… • By thinking on His creations… humans, animals, planets… • to acknowledge His existence and understand He is there 8:09 26
  • 27. Example what to think of : • Look at electricity… humans only discovered (not invented) it around year 1800+ (*200 years ++ ago) • And we generally move electrons on pathway made of irons • But look at our nervous system, animals and even dinosaurs nervous system. 8:30 27
  • 28. • Dinosours, Jurassic Period was 200 – 145 million years ago • Like ourselves and animals, dinosaurs nervous system use electricity generated by protein atom pumps (more advanced) • My point is – There is ‘something’ that has vast superior knowledge about electricity earlier than humans – And more advance/ knowledgeable than humans 8:54 28
  • 29. • And this ‘something’ we acknowledge exists and call as 9:00 29
  • 30. • I mean think about this • If I say my Iphone can create itself without human input if I leave the irons, silica, plastic together long enough- by just relying on luck, then natural selection and billions of years of evolution -> people will say I am crazy and stupid 9:24 30
  • 31. • But why when I apply the same question to – animals, humans, trees….. – how beautiful the world is compared to other planets – And how the earth blessed with petroleum, fruits, good temperature for humans • Which are 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 times more complex than an Iphone9:50 31
  • 32. • Some people will say I am crazy if I believe all these are created by something called God • And say all these created by themselves (evolution process) • That’s not logical isn’t it? 10:06 32
  • 33. • Besides theory of evolution, big bang theory are all theories • They are not laws • They are not proven 10:15 33
  • 34. Other questions you can ponder • In Big Bang theory, how Big Bang exploded by itself? • Energy can be transferred but cannot be destroyed or created. Thus how energy exists in the first place? • If you noticed, the sweetness of fruits, petroleum, iron, gold etc – seems all of these are for us for our good life on earth. Why the earth so kind to us? Is it coincidence? • Why human bodies and faces are more beautiful and superior compared to other animals? We can be worse than a gorilla / fish in appearance with good brains though. • How the womb know not to reject the baby (Another creature with different genetic make up)? Who thought the womb? • In humans, we have brains that control temperature, blood pressure, energy etc – who taught them about temperature, blood pressure etc? • Who taught the birds to develop wings and fly? • Are all of these are coincidence? 11:23 34
  • 37. • Almost all religions in this world – teach us to be a good person and human beings • No doubt about it • But which has value in front of true God? 12:07 37
  • 38. • Some people believe in a religion… solely based on emotions or following their parents / elders… they cant explain why this religion is right and why that religion is wrong.. This is dangerous (and I will explain why on the next slides) • Some people believe in religion… based on critical thinking / reasoning.. They can explain why this religion is right and those religions are not. We want this kind of believe and understanding. 12:43 38
  • 39. Danger of using emotions to find the true religion. • As a child grows, he/she will associate emotions to things that he/she being taught to do / follow • So if his/her parents taught him/her to worship a rock / mountain , as a child, he/she will follow (as normal kids will do) • And later as an adult, he/she will feel uncomfortable if he/she doesn’t do so (following the traditions of the family) • This kind of children can turn to devoted adults but the problem is – they can’t reason well why their religion is the correct one when they are being asked why example : they can’t justify why they need to worship a rock 13:40 39
  • 40. • What if their elders are not smart and they themselves do not know what are they doing and why are they doing so? • So these kids are metaphorically, following a blind man or asking a person for a direction which he himself hasn’t been there • Unless they started to think and began asking questions 14:07 40
  • 41. • On the other hand, some people say this X religion is wrong because not compatible with what they want (emotion) – Eg: it has restrictions and rules, has concept of hell, not compatible with so called modern lifestyle… • But what if God really wants to impose that and wants us to do so? He owns us btw. 14:30 41
  • 42. • Just because our emotions don’t like some ideas* in a particular religion, doesn’t mean God doesn’t want that way. • *As long the religion doesn’t go to the extreme, beyond human nature, such as the need to sacrifice a baby to pray for a rain etc • Remember : God is smarter than us. Sometimes, just like a teenager couldn’t make sense the advices given by his parents until after 10 years later, perhaps we don’t understand at current moment but they are good and the best for us. • Thus, we need to remove our emotions in order to find the right religion... And use our brain instead. 15:23 42
  • 43. • God gave us these brains to think… thus we need to think rather than feel… in finding the true religion 15:33 43
  • 44. • If you – believe in God – and you believe that He wants us to use our brains…. • finding the right religion is not difficult • In my opinion, you just need to follow these 5 steps / questions to ask 15:52 44
  • 45. • STEP 1: Is the religion teaches you to believe in God? • You will notice that some religions teach you nothing about God and the books are just guidance for a good life. • And the one that wrote or taught– didn’t consider himself teaching a religion or claimed he is the representative of God • If you believe in God, this kind of religion is a NO and you can skip it. 16:27 45
  • 46. • STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture? • Do you want to read a book on honest living when the author himself is a thief? • If you find a piece of paper saying you will get USD1 million if you do so and so, but there is no author / trusted source, will you do so and so? 16:55 46
  • 47. • Ask, – who he/she is ? – why I think what he/she wrote/said is the truth? – Are there any documentations from multiple sources stating that he/she is trustworthy and practicing what he/she preached? 17:11 47
  • 48. • So study the background of the author first before you read it -> you must able to reason: I believe so and so exists because of this and that.. And I believe so and so is telling the truth because of this and that.. And I believe so and so actually wrote this (and not being altered by people after him) because of this and that.. 17:43 48
  • 50. • This is important because we don’t want to get scammed. • How many cult leaders that appeared good in front of their followers, but when their followers stayed with them, thus able to see their personal life, later noticed their real true opposite personalities? • How many scams promised you good return of investment, but at the end, you lose all? 18:43 50
  • 51. • How many people you know give a lot of good advices but they themselves not practicing it? • How many girls you know being cheated by sweet words and promises by their exes? – Sweets words and promises are good – But only the integrity and moral character of the person will make sure he will honor his words. • Otherwise the sweet words and promises are blind cheques 19:16 51
  • 53. • Do your research and you will notice…. – Some religions are obviously men-made / altered by men, written by multiple people (while passing from generations to generations) – How illogical some people able to believe / trust in something written by someone they don’t even know – Quite number of people claimed these and those scriptures to be truth and from God but they cant justify the ‘why’. 20:25 53
  • 54. • STEP 3 : The book must be authentic • To make sure the book / scripture is authentic – 1) Make sure you can access to the original non translated form : If xxx spoke chinese / japanese / arabic / hebrew / russian, the original must be there as you can never translate word by word with 100% same original, culturally understandable and accurate meaning (we want to prevent loss in translation) – Besides : translated version = not word of God – Original version = 100% pure word of God. We want to read the God version aren’t we? 21:09 54
  • 55. The book must be authentic • 2) Must retain the same concept, no contradictory concepts – If the early part of the book says God is one, then it must maintain the concept till the rest of the book – If it contradicts / different messages compared from the early section vs back section -> then we must be cautious – God is perfect and He is very intelligent. He must be able to tell us the same major concept over and over again, not contradicting himself, and make us confused 21:51 55
  • 56. • STEP 4 : The religion must be universal for all human beings – Regardless black or white, rich or poor, all must have the same opportunity to join and be part of the religion – Must not exclusive for certain races as we didn’t choose our race. – Religion of God must be equal for all – And everyone must have the same equal access to worship to, pray to or ask help from God 22:26 56
  • 57. • STEP 5: The stories, explanations, analogies in the religion must be logical, clear, simple and make sense – The book / scripture must be able to speak by itself, without middleman – Basically, you can read and understand it by yourself – Word of God = God is talking to you. – It is a message for mankind, thus average Joe must be able to understand it and doesn't require PhD or high IQ. 23:00 57
  • 58. • Again, I want to emphasize that • The book / scripture = words of God to you. God is talking to you. 23:20 58
  • 60. • Almost all religions, the persons that brought the words of God, claimed got them from angel / God himself via voices, seeing figures that they uniquely entitled to hear / see. Not for the average Joe. • How to make sure, these persons were not sick or suffering from mental illness such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia? • And the words were not from their hallucinations? 24:03 60
  • 61. • As someone works with mental health institutions : – I have seen thousands of people having hallucinations – Including those suffering chronic mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar – And multiple encounters with people claiming they brought messages from God aka prophet / messiah 24:22 61
  • 62. • To solve this issue, and to make sure they are not mentally sick…. • It is important again to see / analyze the – personal life of the one who claimed brought the words of God – And the scriptures as well • *As in STEP 2 and STEP 3 24:46 62
  • 63. • Why? • Because – Without medications, these people will get worse year by year – Their speech will become more and more irrelevant – They will lose their cognitive ability : unable to think well, unable to perform daily routine… and they cant do complex tasks such as managing the people, family etc 25:10 63
  • 64. • Their writings will become more and more bizarre and detached from reality and don’t make sense • They will lose their word construction ability – Thus analyze the scriptures • Look at the quality of writings • Did the concepts keep changing? • Can you / common man able to write better than him? • Did he keep praising himself in the scriptures in grandiose way? • Did he persistently mixing his personal issues in the scriptures? • Did / does he able to memorize his scriptures (to test his cognitive function) 25:51 64
  • 65. • Besides they will have episodes of doing funny stuff such as self talking, dancing around like crazy, aggression etc causing loss of respect • And they will hear the voices everyday and most of the times… causing distress – Ask : how people around him, that have personal contact with him, feel / describe about him? • POINT IS : IF HE HAD/HAS MENTAL ILLNESS, HE WILL NOT ABLE TO FUNCTION AS NORMAL HUMAN BEING, LET ALONE BEING A LEADER AND EARN RESPECT 26:30 65
  • 66. • So ask • 1) did / does this person able to lead his people and how was his judgment? • 2) when he had these episodes of hearing voices from angels – did he talked funny, illogical, irrelevant or incoherent – aka detached from reality? • 3) did / does he able to function as normal human being? 26:54 66
  • 67. • Again, untreated schizophrenia or bipolar will not able to live like normal human being • Will talk irrelevantly almost all the time and not able to function as normal human being – let alone guiding the people and receive respect 27:14 67
  • 68. • If from your analysis that he / she didn’t show any sign of mental illness…. then you can proceed and investigate his honesty and trustworthy (as I mentioned before in STEP 2) • Why? 27:29 68
  • 69. • Religion can be manipulated by certain people for personal gains (like those having narcissistic personality disorder) • Some people are smart and could lie to you… they will claim that they heard this and that from God – where actually they didn’t… and they just want material / status / worldly / praises / validation gains • Fear not, these people will fail when you study their personal life / personalities, especially in crisis. You can : – Find out if this person asking for money for passing those messages – When in crisis, how did he behave? – How was his behavior / attitude towards his enemies, family members, other people – especially the weak and poor? – How he used his money? Is he hoarding and hiding wealth? – What’s the opinion of people surrounding him? 28:31 69
  • 71. • Now I have layered all the steps I think required to find the true religion. Let’s recap : • STEP 1 : Is the religion teaches you to believe in God? • STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture? • STEP 3 : The book must be authentic • STEP 4 : The religion must be universal for all human beings • STEP 5: The stories, explanations, analogies in the religion must be logical, clear, simple and make sense 29:10 71
  • 72. • I hope these questions will be able to guide you to find the true religion. • Step 2 and step 3, – STEP 2 : Who wrote the book / scripture? – STEP 3 : The book must be authentic • Are the most vital questions and you need to put weight on. 29:33 72
  • 73. • A lot of people solely emphasized on the message of the religion • Frankly, almost all religions in the existence taught us to be good human beings • But which one has value in front of God? • Thus that is why– we need to emphasize on the personality of the person (X) who claimed he brought the message of God. – To make sure we are getting the truth • and find out of the authenticity of the book / scriptures (we don’t want to get scammed by persons who altered the message of X and said this was from him) – To make sure we get the exact, unaltered, unfiltered, unmanipulated word of God 30:26 73
  • 74. • We have nearly come to the end of the video • I have put all my best efforts in this video, and I hope this will help you with your quest. 30:41 74
  • 75. • Finding God and his true religion might take some time… • but I believe you will reach the answer at the end… • if you are genuine and put effort in it. • God will guide those who seek for him. 31:00 75
  • 76. • This video is free to share. Royalty free. With one condition – do not alter this video or take parts of it. It must be in one complete video. • Feel free to share as the one that receives this video, might understand better than the one who shares this video 31:24 76
  • 77. • If you are asking, why I am not introducing myself? • Answer : I believe, remaining anonymous is the best to deliver the message because – To prevent bias and prejudgment by viewers – Let the concept / formula speaks by itself – This is not a religion and I believe, a normal person with logical mind should be able to grasp the concept 31:52 77
  • 78. • Thanks for watching… • And last but not least, please start to : •THINK AND READ •READ AND THINK END 78